'tuu saw ss sua vast aw Tauasaav ttoatav Jet? t. 1ST? la rit!a a law ijo 04 tie ?rsk.'at'e tMiuft to Coo ft arftf is mufetaaaMMrt al a car raocy coatatawoo rssarkrdl thai it ara wH ta au( ws ta?J la tsa San-st. at Ua 14 al a c aa.'iog coacea?U(ev! was ao the ataxJel a cotaassaroa Ut Aarca peooisi a. vf ty want aay. aJ tWe at so evUfarxrt thu I17 Tie WsAiaft3 W coo racer:, l Coaatry on lae tails; ef ta aanijt fjr a aovt d f treat naaoa t.V that jwi by aaa. bat (or a vary food aac la favorably cona Mtttiaf aoa l rf asal el Ua Sea ate to use say aocica el ta ear. It up : Aaa wt i nuwryaoe k.1j oo taa lria'a cvec (MawtN U. WWa aa store ia St ana da atUl a u iaa acaaraaaj a fr i Ai.aaiiaj iaa mm mm tMMl naia aa 4mmtmm as! tJaoM raarrandr U 4a aaa taca raaawas iat aaar MMiv aaaa 1 at tea worse b-mv a4 ac antarwa UaJav a I taa ummm9m tmm Saaa 4kaa araJ to oasa? TM ita Put. aaraaia 4oa 1 as taaaa 4wv o ay iua ccKass4 eva. a Mf aaorttv save t cowiea- fUMdlaUi Cm,iiiim. Tgae us? ssxrxaai Gc" (a-a4a ad a-wry eiafc. aa4 mm aa vy. wswes'ervd b (! vaa Ot etaa aalrat4 taatca aaa ilma el ear aoyavajtisssa. Ucssf araaia to ! Ml ort, isasa aa ri4 aU a aataaa a a o w Jr4 teas taaaa 1 aU sat aft MKi'a po- artio sm traf al fa-: Acud to ia BaOuan0aa. tax aaapte aaoi4 IwrMiii to mmk lava ua vnuiwKut, Taa ajaagta fca mU taa aaxtiniaca aaa ta utauamt to ' bmm raiaaaaa.aia up) 4 t tioaj! aal toaaat U-i-. Taa aia aat m:a44 m4 ka(d t at a ttM-MaMhia al W4 atraat a4 IM R Inaaa O '- tiiit4 Mrtxi ol taa coaaaaa. Bmt a a awra iaa taa 5 Mia a ! a ia (. 4 aaa aaaaaaiwil ai aatuaM M m ai(Waa a4 aaw iaa44l a aiarta Mr. M:Kit'i aonniaa v aaa Caan m4 aa4 Mt taa a4 ad prrMM aiaaaaa la kra tUu Kk ad camMT araa. W m occ aoa loatlMaatrTa'aaaa4aawaoa-l4rv taorfa U taa Sacratar e( taa Traaa m a tttaaiifttiioai vita Catria M aoa aaa aat a4 wtciafUf ma ik ' taa aoa tof of g-rm-at "ia"t a4 Ka ttmibt a Waataa It taa Aaanoa pmaim caot taalaaa ttwaH taa a a fnil'J tr taa Cwwwio. tat a! atff aa4 ta taa MMa aa t ae aa aocra Aaataaaa ha aaaVa aa ajov . uaaia a4 atiaaaaaa. "Taa tact a taat x wJa la Um 9m taa auanf al taa aacioa av d a taoaaaia a cnaal o4 rioa aaXiwa a aiUa aaja a xfca aa taa wna t a Sci at dwori (C. aa aa aoa r taa arw w taaa ad aj(ti Ltaa trt4 a aaaaaaafa aa rmrVr aaa raaaaftaaa Jua aattMa aacapa tfcaw rtcl aaravwa ad aiaatfwwrty aa4 Mm aaioak aoa d-a hm taaa a rrt of aaaataa at tanata luaa(a4 a arafoaafeiaal laa aiaaa aaa4 am ta aovevtl aw fraaaa ptii mmitt oi v.a Taa oi4 taa prt d wmi&m la ivur14 taa rr cwrrtac taaaaMM raa. aoa tka V4 UI aaaAMa aa Mtitfa a4a4aa.' tl aaa aail an It a f ru ftaaa at l&at tla rrmiM coMtaoaptatati an4 c!t a aiasaaxa la Coa(re txu H vaal4 aot aaaat it laaof la IM Saoa: bacaaaa taa Irta ailtar Saaatara warnM 0990mm it aal 09901a 1 aadfaatioai taat aa aaaJa taat SUI ao Ioo4 la taa fra aJ aaMaa- toa4 ctaa al tilw. Mf. M;JCia- Urf kaa lata aVaa ba aaat ia bLa n wait yt a taa botr balorr Coa- gtaaa ailaart a l ba4 if raabaJ Uraaf'a taa ttaaMa. taa ootact baiaf to tula It a9r tbat ba aa4 bia party la Caafraaa sra la (aver el carrtney raxm. bat am prtrroJnJ (ra earr7a h aat by Iba Iraa aiU tav Saaatara. Tia aa (or aaa la cemiaf caatpaiaa aatt Th'X It ha eoqaaabat ramutabla tbal la atraltta tba aaaaaaa ba took far bta coaaaailara a4 actni mpo tba aaf gaaclaaa al tba r4 Danaoarrau bo baJ baa Ua aa el Uaxb llaaaa la tba l(ttttiat tba Democratic f mexf taat r ala ba aad tba Ra pabtiaaa ajaaaaaca ad tba tarif ar tarty Igaaraii aaarr a jaatloa tbay mXmSm aa Ua Uftl la vbfcb ba aa4 tbay ara aaacb aaa lataraatatl Uaa Uay r la canaacy rtlaraa. ItadUel aaa tacoaaait antb Ua if Kapabiicaaa at. aU avl ft foabJe aailratoo4 atb tbaia Uat ba boi4 taaa Uy lata) Ua baaJa al tba -iJ Dataa crata aa boai tbaaa nl bna paxty aa tbay am la Ua rraafaJaaiial a'ac Coaatu fvaaaa abka Ha blatk Haaaa aVabiaaa ba4 a bae4 far aa llarb la aaxUaa to ba rtaraa4 to tba Saaaa at aa aaapenaat Uat ba aacara aa aiaay aetaa el fsS4 Dat- crata aa pMa&fa. Tbat ' vbara Ua eoEttca ceaaaa la. Uuk aaaJa Ut. bUXtaWr rraaAfaat. aai Mr. Mo ICIalay uiaka It oaly (aid ta da vbat ba caa ta bafa Mart la bia poetical aairaUaaai la a-Uitioa ta Vcb Mart say ba a arry aaalal aaaa la bia la Ua (atara. Bat aa t Ua coaaiau Mf. b(c Ktalay tw!4 b'ava It cocapoard el "prelaaaioaal Saa cir oa tba Kara LtaJ tlaara by Ua lmilpoli suua nao, vbkb taaaaa ta Uara laid das by tba tsaaay aata'alatora el Wa Straat, vbo aoahl Uaa rtt Ua taoaay yatam ed ua caattry aor aba lataly la at t? T tt aoa. Tba poaar tsa; tu ba biaj tba Urooa la tbia nt:tr. wbkb wr aaiaf tba XtaUiaatpola faaackrt ta brtaf Uctr acbaaa ta tba frsat. aa4 Uroaf b Uaa vaa aaisf frrriaat McXlsUy. It Ut ! uaa povtr abtcb (or aeaxly ltoty. lr yara baa baaa dictatiac aad iaai;a?atia tba laaacial peUdrael U!a cooatry aa4 baa bfoabt at to Ua rtcba4 aaa a bra Uey tba ta aa Uaa dUaia on tba laparfectloaj of ear f aaadal tytttB tad art dtaor oat (or raloraw taora d stated by tbaas. IKia't tby rira as tba 7- taaa b!cb wa btva t Art tbry tbt aaa to rtlora It t I K art art to baat carrrocy rtfona Uat wUI ba ctntacj rtfora It bom ! com inm Ut paosia, it am taa paapla vba borrav aaoary aa wall aa trom tbt paopta bo makt tbeir proSu by laadltf aoaay. Sbylocbs art aot tba aaaa to tatUiota carrcacy raforaaifor Ut baaaflt ol Uapaoa Tby aa (or Utoatalfia aa4 Uaa talaaaoaly. Wa bava bad too oacb ol tbat (Via;, too aacb of tbt "pro (raaoaaJ taaadar." A lltt!a Icaaol bia aa4 a cood oaal mora ol Ua paooU la tttaf ap oar carrtocy U arxal Ut cotatry aatt bavt ba ort tM raiora la aadt rlfbt aad oa (a- dria Uaca. Wt baft bad aatiraty taa aacb jif-bxaUia f aaacial tataa- aaaabip azrtady. to tba coaatry aadoitf. xxxo xxxrrov. Tbara la a rood deal ol talk a boat aad dcoaadatloa ol Traiti tbaaa dtyi bat vitb all tbat they art gravtac tuotftr aai bolder trery dty. Tatrt ara to caltad aarl Trast lava bat Uert It 00 aacb lav tbat Ua Tratu ca't (tt aroaad or drift ttroafb. Daatal 0CoaaeQ stad to aay Uat Utrt tu ao ttatata ol tbt Bdtiab rartiaaeat tbat a gtatlrata with "a coacb aajoar" cmU t"t dma tbroafb, wbicb ataat tbat la Uat coaatry la tbaaa day vtaltb waa abort Ua la 9. la Ut coaatry tba Trasta do vbat to O'Cooaall'a Uaa tba (tatlaaaa vitb tbt "coacb aad fear did ia tbt Brit lab (ale. Bat tba Trati. povarfal at it la, la yet la tts lafaacy. aad Is plaaaltf far art power aad to aaka ItaaK aaffta. Taa latest acatat ia taia diractioa ia reported froca ChicafO, vbarv It ia aald tbera It a nove aaat 00 f xx (or Ua coaaotldaiisaol a!! tba 'eidltf Tratta la tba coaatry law eaa coloaral coabottioa aader oa ataaftaeat. by vbkb tbey vxsid bare tba batioets ol tbt oaatry aVaotataiy la tbeir power. A doaca or aaora btf Trasta, lad by Ua Staadard O l Trast, vhlcb ta said ta ba work to ap tba cbeaa, art aaatioaad aa partJca to U, repra aaatiai a capital ol fili.000.00a Addiaf to Uia tba (all valaa o( tba b-oada ol toaa ol Ursa Trasta, vkkb art awiy abort par, tbt cap ital repreaated vsatd ba aboat 1 1.0 1.000,000. TbU aiy ba ecrt ctcbat(t rMtip, bat Uert Is proof aeoagb tbat tba tcadeacy ol tbt tiaea Is to a Ma foraidabU cooa btaattoaa by tba Tratta lor aotaal prcactioa aai aataal arraioo. Tba aoftaaats iastitaied la tbt coarts aalast aoa a of tbea baft pcrbapa brotfbt Uea lotrtber. to pnol tbair tssaca aad aakt Com aoo caaaa vbea attacked. Tbey baaa receatly sbova UrJr power la tba Caerjeae ol tbt Uaited Scales la tbt aaaipalalioa of Ua aav taxtf. aad also la tbt coarts vbert Uey baft bca ar raigaad eedar tba Lav. aad It b aaadTasa to say taat if taca a coaba aatVoa vera affected as a staled ia tba apzc to vblcb vt refer. Uey vaald ba lacoapaxabty axa foral daNa taaa tbay art ao. Bat aacb a bold scbaaa aif bt aroasa tba 39I4 aad precipitate tba battle royal bet are a Uaa aad tba Treats. To tbat. froca past cipcrteace aad presaat la&caiioaa, ft asst coaa at taat. Tba gold adrocatea aakt Uea aalfca rulca'oas soactiaes la tbeir eljrts to scora apat ajalaat alleer. U baabeaa oauadad by ail ret aea tat Uara vaa a aataal ralatloa ba 1 wean tbt (oodataSt ol tba vorSd aad ail ear. aid Uat tba prka ol til ear vaa 4 fca jt, to to speak, ol Ua prkea ol foodttsSfc Of coarsa It It aot coa teoded tbat II ttlrer roaa ep oaa day aad dova aaotber Uat' Ua pricaa ol foadats! s anil ro ap aad dava laaadlattiy ta tyapaUy. Wbat la aaa at la Uat Ukiaj Ut Ttart la aad oapariaf Ua rtaa aad (all la pricaa tbara Is aa terra ft ra latioa batvaaa tba pricaa ol tbaaa tbien aad Ut petca of tilrer. vblcb as astaiaad by Ut coapartsoos lor a firaa aaabar ed years. Taa fold aaa are aav Jaaktaf aacb ado ba caaae ua prka el vbaat Is f oley. ap aad tba price o tUftr dova. W,U faaaiaa la lada aa J abort crope of vbaat ia eearty all tba vaaat-frov las; coeatrtte i la tbt world tt cape tba Uaited Sates, aad par baps Caaada. tbart It aa ttiraardlaary dea aad (or vbaat, aad edcaarttatlaoraaaa ia price, waiie oa tbt coouary snrtr is baadlcapped by leralailot vblcb oarrovt Ut aarkets aad decnaaea Iba dea aad (or It, vbacti eaSsieetJy accoaau (or Ua da va ward taa J racy. Rear Ucaa rtstrktl as, fift at I ear tba taat cbaeces la tba aarkcts olUt'vorld tbat vbaat baa, aad la prtce vow Id f ap lesteed el dova, aad ao voald Ua prka ol vbaat fa ap vitb it. Bat vbHa oat baa Irca access to tba oar beta el tba exit wiib ao aatraordl aary daaaad rtaaultf froca scarcity, aad tbeotbir Iscrovlsd oat of tbt Baxkcts by rrru'-ctlrt IrfislaUoa U b aot rtasoaabla to aipjct tbat tbry vill always keep tafttber la tbt Bai ter ol reiallf t vtlae m A VT asblaftoa dliparcb atates Uat Ua Prest Jeat U ocfroated by leral coaplicalioQS tbat taty'prerent send lay; soldiers to tba Alaska fold field. Tbera la at doabt as to tbt power to sod soldiers, bat it Is beJd tbat vbea Uert tbey ciaaot act vitboot ordera froa Ut President aad tbat ovitf to Ut d'utaace, aad tba difieolty la caaaaalcatiof. tbt troable. If any aboald trlsa, aif bt ba oyer before tbt aitaatloa cosld bt aadt koova to Ut ffti lent tad ordsrs recsi? ed. Possibly tbera aay bt aometbiif la tbia, for tbt laws art toaetiaet voa darfally1 aad aystartoasiy coaitrnct td. bat It teeas to as tbat Uey art Uktaf aa aaaecessartly strait-laced vie of Ut lav. Wau art soldiers aaat to tba frootkrs for? Ito't it to prtr eat troable by tbeir presence as veil as to cbeck It vbsa it caea t Tbert it alvayta ccrula aaoaat of diScrtUoaarr pver tested la tbt aea vbi uaa tad tbt troops aad la Ut otber ofirers vbo represent tbt Got eraaeal, vbo art preaoaed to ba aea of food sente aad food jaifaeat aad comptteot to decide as to vbat should be djie ta emer f eaciaa. If tbey could aot aoft vttboat orders froa Waabiaftoo tbey voatda't bs balf as aacb est atasqntdof police, formott of tbt Has, vbea actioa alg bt bt acces sary, would bt spent la waiting or der! froa sopcriors la coaaaod vbo koov bat little of tbt actotl aitaatloa. Wt tbiak tbey vill find a v'ayoat of Ibis difficulty, boverer, for if Ut rata be balf as freat to tbeae fold fitlds as represented aoat steps aast bt takea to keep tbt lav lass la cbeck aad preset ft the 11 res aad property of tbt lav abidlof oa til tba dfil authority becomes stronf to do Uat. Tbcre aay be some coca plication artsiof oat of tbe un certainty as to tbt boundary line, vblcb voald be aaotber matter en tirely aai a better r eat so for best tatiof tbaa tbt reason a fir en. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. I MILLIONS IN BUTTONS TWINHUNQS. of raos," obserred kaea m acored ear -Speak In f MttfeaaaUt. - aiatb caatarr." Aad aa cat aaotber e-otca ia hta atk. asd coaiiaaad to roil dowa tua aia " Ckic Tntm She "Why ts it I wonder, tbat Utile aa ao o'.ca amf tarf woaaa?" H ldt kao. aa'M It ia thai tfee luUe lallowt arc .Ira-d it hack oat ot tfea eataf emeaia." CbtUmJ Ltmder. A New Viev-"Wat a alee, kiad aaa Karowaif Hm? War. taa wretch flldlad while R Ma Bars 4 I -1 i. Ha'J BfiMr wined all hit lila lt a caaaca wbes be woalda't dtatare ear " 7Wi. First Farmer (at railroad ata tk) -tom'rt a Urr. too. tK Sacoad raiaier 'Yen ba faroala a cond aaaaf vera" Fire: Ftrmtt Tai ao?Gai to r Waere is ver larra ia the Im4 daUKt. the drouth acctlow. tba fhooo' fec3s or the crdoae bell f Temper: "Maoda batbaod bas aeaatel tetaper. Aot oac a wee a ba et craar as td aad tearaap b;r beat bat.' 'Oh. bow eicr -Na?' Oi cwrat, roa air thiac Dxea't ha baaa 10 gat bar a aew oaa eeetdatr I hada't taojtbi ol that." Ciaeim msrt Emfminr. Listen!" be btssed. N k" aha aaewcred.aad. laraiat opoa baa beat bratqaJv. sba left bin tbera aloaa For aaa wsa a telephone tlrl by peofaaaioa. aad It wt aot bar woat to becae to aertbtax aaWaa aaa waa tore 11 waa aoaa of her boeiaeea. Ditrmt r "I bare foaod oat at last," said thaaldl boAfder 'tba aew boarder la a bachelor." "Toe 9mt aeaaa to ear that yoa aakad hir 'Saoa. Bat Uat abt aa we au oa the rersada takiat a moke ba espreaaad taa opai m that woaaee raralr aaf wbat that resilr ibiak." Cimcimmi En fmtr. First Den tut "Tbe fact is, t'ea go teaUesess dows 10 rweb a fia polat tbat ml aay ptttcata go io7aleep while f'aa pw'liac leatb ' Sacowd Orauai Ttat a aotbiss! Mtaa are bciaaia to baaa tbair peoto- Caoaa laaaw whue I operate, becasea tbay aJwsta bave each oiaaaaet eapres soaa oa taair laces." SWi. Wilkesboro CJkrtmirft: T. E. Smoak aad J. T. Wellborn made a trip ap to tbe Rotriof Hirer conn try last week, prospectiof (or minerals. Tbey report a successful trip. The Indications art tbat a ricb Tela of fold baa been found up there oa tbt vest fork of Roaiinf River, on T. C Myers land. Tbt Tela appears larf e and rich, and we are sure that a fur ther toeestlgattoa vill prore It to be a rich find. Shelby Atrtrm-. There hare beta more tbaa fife thoasaad chickens shipped from ' Ellenboro this season. -la Thursday's issue ve fare aa account of a negro enteriof tbe residence of Phillip Baker, at King's Mountain, and assaulting Mrs. Baker. Her screams avokt tne children aad -tbeir cries aroused the neighbors.. Tbe negro fled, bat satpidoo soon pointed to Win Smsrr. He vasat once placed under arrest and bia guilt vat estab lished at the. magistrate's trial and be is aovia jaiL It vas vitb diffi culty tbat tbe cool beads prevented violence. Roxboro Crur Deputy Sheriff C T. Hams, accompanied by blr. W. R Mc Broom, vent out day last veek to arrest a negro by tbe name ot Wiley Webb. He locked himself ap stairs ia bit cabin and notified tbe officers that the first one tbat came op the stairway he voald kill. He bad vitb him three fans, ao axe and a scythe blade. Mr. Harris pat a ladder op to ao outside vindov, climbed ap to Ua top, knocked the vladov dova, covered the negro vitb bis pistol and held him vita it an til the others could go ap and tie bia. He vas tied and placed ia jail. Salisbury liVW: Sheriff R. L. Nichols, of KcDowell county, passed through this city this morninf an hia vay to Raleigh. He had ia his keeping Ab Long, a. negro, vho murdered a young vhite man at Marion aboat a month ago. The negro vas convicted of murder in the second degree and sentenced to thirty years in the penitentiary. We understand tbat there Is considerable feeling in McDovell 00 account of tbe sentence. Many believed that the prisoner should have been huog but tbe defence pleaded tbat there vas no premeditation; hence the verdict of murder in the second de gree. Carthage Slode : Mr. L. W. Muse, one of our oldest and bestcit liens, died at his home on tbe oat skirts of town 00 Thursday morning last of paralysis. He vas striken first about one month ago, and suffered a second stroke about a veek before hit death. Tbe dwelling house of Sandy Tyson, colored, of Ben salem tovnsnlp, vith its contents, vas destroyed by fire "on the 18th inst. Loss about $700. Indi cations are nov that tbe farmers of Moore county will make exception ally fine crops. Tbe vheat and oats vere food; cotton Is a little late but above tbe average ia size, and corn is very fine, vbile the sweet potatoe prospsct is the finest ve ever sav. Greensboro Jttecrd : Joseph W. Farrar, a veil knovn vhite man, vas arrested in Winston Monday after noon by Deputy Marshal Bailey, of Greensboro, on tne charge of send ing scurrilous letters and postal cards through the mails. Three of the cards and one letter are in the possession of Postoffice Inspector Dexter. Tbe postal cards are ad dressed to prominent young ladles. Farrar was carried before United States Commissioner Martin, but bis trial vas continued until 7.30 o'clock to night, oa account ol his lawyer being out of the city. Farrar, at tbe hearing Monday night, vas bound over to tbe October term of the Fed eral Court at Greensboro, his bond being fixed at $1,000. CATCH ES MADE OF COSTLY DIAMOND8 IN THE DAYS OF LOU!? XIV. km Iimtarr Thm Baavda XJka m Fairy Yala Tb ItldJavJoaa Kala Tor Glama- ; Ua DatUma la tba El;tataatb Caataty. Collaatora Pay Hlcfc Prima. . -The Republican a have thus sacccasfally dodged the financial prooiea, aad It will be more tbaa a year after tba election when tbat pro oiea vaa declared of tbe most pres slsf aad Immediate Imports nee, be fore It ts ef er takea ap for discus sloa. AVa OrbMi 71m4t-Dtm0crmJ, Vaa, Suffered 20 Years. MIaUftTLran.wtcrf paoaat aatawss4aabswww by ail "yT ym" 1 b 1 imb mm ttmommy UmLoZ a Thaa raais am arr awmioa vaa ilinaiiei taat laaaa anaaa ataU aaartta aad aaaaria aaa. I waa waatla aaaWaakbaaa aaaftbaaer aaaklae aaaUs aTa SakSM ia beaaiaa aahaaJthaaaax sad alovt aiaa Or. aad Uvaa flOa. Aatraa Tba coaSdeaca of tba oeoole ia Hood'a SaratparUU ia doe to lu oa eqaailad record of wjadetfal curca. t curkent Comment. Nov tbat the tariff bill is a lav, the country most accept the Inerlta ble and allov itself to be robbed vitb the best grace possible. New Or leans SttU, Drm, AJotof fussShasbeen made over the; fact tbat a couple of Uaited State van hips vent over to Morocco and by their presence en forced a proper respect for American dtlxens on the part of tbe 'Moorish officials. But voald there be any thing tenarkable about a second claaa featherweight qualing before Champion Bob rltzsimmons? 4f Yews. Dtm, It Is a French report that credits Emperor William vith an effort to stir op strife between Japan aad tbe United States, la revenge for Ihe rejection of overtures which be Is said to have made for tbe joint control of Havaii by tbe United Suua, Great Britain aad Germany. Therefore, It is not to be believed entll it la verified, aad It vill not matter, at aay rate, since Japaa bas steadfastly refused to start a quarrel with this country aad bas agreed to arbitrate ber difference vith Havaii, bat vbat ao Imp of mischief the Ger man Emperor most be If be is railty of half the malicious vork that is at tributed to h lro . PkiUdelfkU Ltd' ffr. fmd. am'M aa a KaTrty ValT Visiting tUter Why were yOu ao croajs toyoar buatandat breakfast f Wife I just couldn't help it. I felt aa if I mart ecold at somebody or burst. Jost physical irritability, you know and then everything went wrong. Breakfast waa late, the steak burned, the coffee thin and rakce hfttvy. "Then why didn't yoa ecold the cook?" "Oh, I couldn't she'd leave." New York Journal Recently at the Hotel Dronot there waa a sale of a enrioaa and interesting collection of ancient buttons, the proper ty of Baron Perignan of foria. Th ia col lection, which waa exhibited in 1889 at the exposition ef decorative arts,1 might rival any cue of those belonging to the most cnthusiastta bnttoniats- in the world. ' Clapisaon, the musician, col lected 7,750 different specimens.' In 1849 a collector in Ghent exhibited more than 80,000, and ,1L Maignien, tbe librarian of tba Grenoble library, gained a certain reputation in tbia branch of cariosities through his collec tion of buttons of liverie end of uni forms. The buttons of tbe eighteenth century bring high price in tbe market at the present time. There are acme of them that Fragonard, we are told, decorated with hia marvelous pencil. In bia time it waa fashionable to make presents of but tone aa big aa a crown piece, on which allegories and various subjects were carved. Bachaumost writes in hia "Secret Memoirs, " Nov. 18, 1780: "The mania for bul toes is today extremely ridicu lous. Tbry are not only of enormous aice, aome cf them as big as six pound crowns, but miniatures and pictures are mode upon them, and this ornamenta tion ia extremely costly. Some of them represent the medals of the 13 Clears, others autiqoe statues and still others the Metamorphoses of Ovid. " Iabey, in bis biographical notes, ays that when be came to Paris he worked for a livirig by making copies cf Vaolctfi and Bouchers on the lids of fuiufTboxcp, cud tbat for these medal lions be v. r.s paid from 6 to 8 francs each. "As it was still the fashion, " he said, "to vesr buttons as big as a 6 fraiio p:tce, vr-cu which Cupids, flowers aud lauufcupes were cut in cameo, I WFL't iulo thut business. I got 12 sous for curb. " Two years after this period in the life of Eacbaumont buttons abandoned erudition to take up edileship. All the fine monuments of Paris were carved cn thcin. Then came tbe patriotic but tons, representing the taking of the Bas tille, the emblem cf the three orders, tbe Phrygian cap, tbe portraits of Louis XVX, cf Mirabeau. Shortly afterward these ornaments were laid aside. The reign of tbe ar tistic but ten was over, and the mother of pearl button became general. The oldest buttons at present in the museums and among tbe collections are tbe gold buttons discovered at Mycenae, at the time cf tbe excavations undertak en by Dr. Schliemann, and also those found in tbe tomb of Childerio L The latter were exhibited at the Louvre in the Musee des Souverains. They are made of goI and cf colored glass, imi tating garnet Buttons detached from copes and religious garments of the middle ages and of the renaissance bare also been discovered. But the richest things of the kind, be yond a dcubt, ore these that were worn by Louis XIV. M. Maze-Sencier, in the "Register of Diamcnds and Presents to the King," at present preserved in the ministry of foreign affairs, gives on offi cial account of the buttons of that pomp ous sovereign. It is as follows: "Feb. 3, ieS5. Montarcy presented to the king 80 diamond buttons, valued at 180,030 livrCS. "May 7, 1686. Made and delivered by Sieur Bosc, 6 diamond buttons, 80, 000 livrea. "July 26, 1685. Handed over by Montarcy to tbe Marquis de Seignclay for the king 75 diamond buttons, 686, 703 lirres. "Aug. 1, 1685. Two diamond but tons, 67.8C6 livrea "Aug. 16, 1685. Three diamond but tons, 69,660 livres. "Dec 20, 1685. Four diamond but tons, 83.775 livres." Another item in the same year: "July 26, 1685. Furnished by Mon tarcy fcr the king's vest: Forty-eight gold buttons, each set with a diamond, and 06 chirps, 48 of vrbicb were com posed of five diamonds each and 48 of cue diamond each, 185.123 livres. "Also 384 clasps for tbe doublet of tbe king, 162 of which were formed cf five diamonds each and 162 of one dia mond each, 1,006.345 livres, "In addition there ucre seven orna mental claps of three diamonds each, 201,270 livrea "Sundry presents, 83 ornamented clasps. 574.36G livrn." Tbat footd up a tou.1 of about 8,000, 000 livres for the buttons of the "Great King" for the single year of 1685. Tbo preceding year Louis XIV received a lot of buttons that were valued at 1,071,000 livrea. In these etiumerations there ia no mention of the diamonds for the shoes, the garters, the cuCb and the bats of the monarch. We are obliged to ucmit, with our cents and overcoats garnished with mis erable little cloth and bone affairs, we cut a poor figure in the fancy button businers ccmpcrcd to the dudes of the daya of Louis XIV. Paris Figaro. Best to take after dinner;, f? ft prevent distress, aid dlgea-' I nil' "" tkm, rare constipation, li . M li ya rrrol7Tet&lW; do sot grip . SS ar arcaoaa pain. Sold by all dragglata. eanta. rraparad aoly by C L Hood Cow. IxnraU, Kaas. NOT EXACTLY A BABY. COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. Bow a Woman Flayed &.Trick; an a Cabia : v ' Car Conductor. '" "John, dear, some one ought to apeak to tbat woman. See. she's amoth" "I'm cot running this road- Besides, it'a probably her own kid. " - ' ' Well," 1 eball ? certainly inform the authorities. It's over 15, minutes that dear little thing hasn't had a breath of air. Won't you call the police?" Of course this dialogue was furnished by huEband and wife Scene- A cable car bound down town.. The character spoken cf as "that woman" Vas a fe male of uncertain age and decided stern ness. She boarded the car at Fifty ninth street. In her arms ehe carried tbe "it" referred to man .fashion as "the kid. Tenderly, almost to suffo cation, the woman bugged her charge. Not even the cud of its tiny nose nor a wisp of baby hair peeped out from the folds of the long cloafit Tne woman snuggled and cuddled tbe bundled child, and never an infantile waiFor a gasp for breath aroused the wondering pas sengers to acticn. When the car reach ed Thirty-fourth street, " that woman, " still hugging her bundle, left the car. The hufibsnd aud wife followed. Tbe car sped on. . Safe on the sidewalk, tho Womnu penecd, shook the fot!3 cf the baby's clcak, and deposited on the pavement a long eared, wet ncsed, watery eyed spaniel That was ail. "Well, JcLu, I'm boat, " eaid the wife. "So'b the cch due tor and the compa ny, " responded John. "She smuggled the Lea-t and got the best cf the compa ny. I was smart enough to mind my own business. Come on." New-York Son. Tunneling the Strait or Sleaabia. Engineering achievements and possi bilities, from the mcdrrn point of view, are receiving an additional illustration in the caso of the projected tunnel be tween the m&inlacd of Italy and the is land of Sicily, plans and details of which, in model, as executed by the Italian civil engineer De Johannis, have attracted much attention at the University of Pacua. After thorough and careful stuclies of the strait of Mes sina, its varying depths, the nature of the ground and of all other conditions which might assist cr interfere with such an undertaking, De Johannis de cided that the beginning of the tunnel should be near San Giovanni di Sani tello, at the foot of the Aspromonte mountain range, the month on tbe oth er side to be located on the degli Ingle si plain. The entire tunnel will te near ly two miles leng and will consist in tho main of two shafts cf about 10,000 feet each, defending at a grade not ex ceeding 32 feet in each 1,000. Such a tunnel is thought preferable to a bridge that would : involve such a great span and wind exposure. Harper's Round Tabla Tbe Japanese Bolooa. Business in tho Japanese parlia ment seems of rather a frivolous character. A whole sitting was de voted to considering whether a mem ber had not violated parliamentary etiquette by attending the opening in a frock coat instead of the regu lation dress, suit. Finally the offend ing member was solemnly warned of his "indiscretion," narrowly escaping being handed over to the disciplinary committee for punish ment Wholesale Prices vurreiit. STAR OFFICE, Joly 8. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market firm at 25 centa per .gallon for ma chine made caska, and U centa for conntrr caska.- ROSIN-Market firm at $1.89 per bbl for btrained and $1 25 tor Good Strained. .. -; - TAR. Market firm at $1.15 per bbl of 280 Iba. CRUDE TURPENTINE.-Market auiet: 11.80 per barret for Hard. 180 tor Dip and 1.90 for Virgin. Quotations same day laat vear Spirlta turpentine firm. SIX 203c; roain firm. $1.82. $187J; tar quiet. $105; crude turpentine ateady, $1 80, 1 00, 1.70. , ' . ' - KXCZIFTS. Spirita Turpentine......... ...... 128 Roain........ i...... 825 Tar 55 Crude Turpentine . 60 Receipts aame day last year 127 caaka spirits turpentine, 290 bbls roain, 61 bbls tar, 81 bbls crude turpentine. COTTON. Market firm on a basis middling. Quotations: Ordinary............ 53 Wood Ordinary.. 7 J, " Low Middlings. 1 - " Middling " " Good Middling . . 8 7-15 " " Same day last year, middling 7c. Receipts 7 bales; sam day I ait year, 0. COUNTRY PRODUCI. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime. 6065c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra Prime, 70c; Fancy, 80c. Virginia Extra Prime. 4550c; Fancy, 50c. CORN Firm; 42X45 cents per bnsbel. ROUGH RICE-65Q70 cents per bushel. N. C BACON Steady; Hams, 8 td9c per pound; Shoulders, 0 to 7cj Sides. 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $1.60 to 2.25; six inch, $3.25 to 8.35; seven inch. $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $5.00 to 8.50 per M. of ec for eta lb fairly active; No. 2 ltc at leatrr and 88 J4C afloat; options opened easier m.. der weak cablet aod better crop oewt rallied with nheat. but finally caaed ci uvua- real xiug cioaiog je lower; Jo cJoed 89J4-C; September 81X082 cloaed 82Xc: December closed 83 He' Oits-spctqoiet;No.2 22c; options euil and nominally easier, cloatug c net lower; September aic Lard eaiy Western ateam closed at $4 864 lo cur $3 54 00; September $4 40. nornma' refioed aaiet; Continent $4 60, Attsencni $5 00; compound $4 00Q4 25. Pork steady: old mess $3 00O8 60: new mr.. $8 75 60. Batter ateadr at quo. tat ions; Western creamery Hai5C. lacuiry lyivc; cigins IOC; imiutirn creamery i XOl2cj Sute dairy 10a 14c; do. creamery 11016c. Cbeeae qaiti Sute large, white IXWXc do. laccy large, colored 7c; small wntte 77 Uc Weatern part skims 405c. small col ored 7K7Xc; full skims Eggs were steady) Sute and Peansylyaaia 13c Western fresb 12c- Cotton seed oil wst' strong and decidedly mora active ru mored aaleaof 4 000 barrela ol prime yel low, P. T- for export; prime crude l.nb miiia; 16XQl?r; prime crude yellow 25 36c; cfi summer ellow 8435;; but ter grades 808ic; prime winter hnr market; refined New York $5 75. Phila delphia ard Baltimore $5 70; do. io bu k $3 20 Rice waa firm. Molatset firm Tomatoes, per crate or boa, aa to quality 30c$l 00. Cabbage Long Island pCr 100, $2 60a8 00. Potatoes ateadr; L-wg Island $2 0002 25; sweets $S50Qiro Coffee Spot Rio dull; Cordova WWa 16Xc; sales 600 bags Maracaibo; 800 o, , Central American. Sugar raw 6rm . fair refining 3c; centrifugal 66 ten 8 k refined firm. ColV FINANCIAL MARKETS. By Tatecrapb to tba ktonuac Stai. New YORK. July 28 Eyening. Money on call waa atead at 1 per cent., laat loan at 1 and cloaed offered at 1 per cent. Prima mercantile paper 84 per cent. Sterling exchange ateady with actual buainess in bankers' bills 4873rf487J for demand and 486 fcr sixty days. Posted rates 487 487 and 438&488. Commercial bills 4853 465Ji. Silver certificates 69 Gov ernment bonds were strong; twos, reg istered, 97; fours, registered. 111X; fours, coupon, llSjtf: new fours. rees tered, 112 j; new fours, coupon, 126; fives, registered. 113: fives, coupon, 114i State bonds quizt; North Carolina sixes 128; North Carolina fours 102 Rail road bonds strong. m NAV.4L STORES MARKETS. By T!eazapii to xi MoriHi Stmj. New YORK, July 28 Roain steady, strained common to good $1 5761 60. Spirits tarpentiae firm at 2728:. Charlkston, July 28. Spirits tur pentine firm at 24c: sales casks. Rosin firm; sales barrels; A.B.CD $1 15. E $t 20, F $1 80. G $1 85. H $1 45. I. K $1 55. M $1 65, N $1 75. W G $1 90; W W $2 00. SAVANNAH, July 28. Spirits turpen tine opened firm at &5ic aad closed firm at 26c; sales 933 caaka; after the close sales were made at 26c; receipt 1.188 casks. Rosin firm; sales of 2 049 bar rels; receipts 4 566 barrels; last quota tions: A. B. C. D $1 221 25. E $1 27 1 SO. F $1 32X&1 85, G $1 371 40 H $1 421 65 I $1 65. K $1 60 M $1 65, N $1 85. W G $2 05. W W (2 40 Chicago, July 98 Wheat was q j t. erratic to-day but kept within a ranKr ( X3ic lower lor September. Foreign markets failed to res pood to tbe itrer.gh in this market yesterday; bat private id Tices by cable confirmed icporti cl damage and a probable heavy ihorta in the Ejropeaa crop. Domeuic rei was rather favorable sad receipt at ; pointa tc-dav were 50 per cent, ovrr lst year. Corn was easy with wheat, ci. a tn HOJa'C- lowsr. Oiti wtr ana auauc wuiic. rrovitioot were closing at a decline of 3.5c. CHICAGO. July 88.-Cad quotations Flour tbe market wai qjoted dull but ateady. Wheat No i iprins 78J77 No. 8 spring 7274;; No 8 reri 76Ka 77 Corn-No 2.2627. OaM-No 2 17JJt75ic; No. went 21Q2Bc, No do. 19&21r. Mfi i irk per bane; 7 70 7 75. Lid. per loo n,i (4 104 U. Short rib sides, loce ) 2?5 37 ' ury sauea snouiacr, ot xtd f 4 7,55 00 Short clear sides, boxeJ 14 7r.at 871 Whiskey $119 ' The leading futum ranged at (cV'o opening, highest, lowrst acrt ri. Wheat July 77 78 75. 78-H'cSi. tember 78078. 785. 7i 72c. Ix cemter 74. 75. 78?. 7c Cum . July 27, 27. 28 26c. September 27 27. 27J:. 27; Decembrr, iu 28H. 28. 8tfc; May 80. 30Hfea. 80X.80X Oats No 8 July 17 4 7 -17. 17M; September 17017', 17 17. 11. 17017.Sc;May iv 20s 80. 20i;20X. iOH. Men ri Julv $ ; September. $7 70. 7 71. 7 fj 7 70 Lard Sep-em ber $4 15 4 17', 4 l4. 4 15. October 14 9K. 4 22 4 n 4 20 Shortrlbs- September 4 fteu 4 os. 4 SO; October 4 60 4 62 U 4 67. 4 62X BALTIMORK. July 28 Fl 11 r fi rr. but quiet and encbaoged. Wheat ur aettled and hither; apot and m. nib Z0Wc. Aocust and- Sep'emb c 7979c: steamer No. 2 red 7Ki 76c- Southern wheat by sample 7i 83ifc; do cn grade 7982c Com firmer; spot and month Augutt and September 81MQ31c ateamer mixed 28488it'c; Southern white 82c; do yellow 85c Oata firm No. 2 white 8K27c; No. 9 mixed 23X24c FOREIGN MARKETS KTen at acnuatelr ai ; rupoatible for aoy Too aaocaooe ara atwmn poadbla. bat tke Stab win aot variations froa tha actsal market orica of tba artlciai footed. BFTaa fonowtaf qootaoosi repmeot wnoleiala Pricaa general! jr. Ia mHnf ap small order higher pricat KaTa to ba eaaraed. COTTON MARKETS. BAGGING t E Intt.. Staadard WESTERN SMOKED uunfl idea Hams :9 Shonlders W S. ED ... Tliua to C Lance. It waa at table d'Lote dinucr at a hill atation in India tbat a very oung officer just up from tba plaina found bimaelf seated next to a lady 'whom he took for one of the grass widows corn men in those parts. He made himself agree a Mc but his neighbor seemed a good deal oat of spirita, ao he said sym pathetically : "I suppose you can't help thinking of your poor hatband grilling down be low?" But tbo lady was a real widew, and ay Lea l;o lerrrcd that be changed bia .-et. London Vanity Fair. DRY SALTS Sides ajt Shoulders t BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second-hand, each ., , New New York, each.... .... new dty, eaca BEESWAX W . DK1UK.5 Wilmington M.. BUTTE K North Carolina 9 W' rtoera CORN MEAL Per Bushel, ia sacks ......... Virginia Meal COTTON TIES 9 bundle...... CANDLES 9 operas , Adamaotsaa CHEESK-V Nortbera Factory Daily, Cream. state COFFEE 9 sV Lacarra...., Rio DOMESTICS SheetiasT. 4-4. Yarns, 9 bnnch. BUVra V dnatu FISH Mackerel, No 1. barrel..... Mackerel, No 1, $ half-baxrel Mackerel, No barrel..... Mackerel, NoS, f Ball-barrel Mackerel. No S, 6 barrel Mallets. W barrel MaHeta, 9 pork barrel.,.,. N C. Roe Herriag-, 9 kef. vtjm, mt s axtra , , FiOTTR-aj barret 1-ow trade,,. ....... ..... VOWCT ....a............ 13 S S o o o o o 1 00 1 85 1 30 SS S 00 S 00 O 1 7 14 7 34 6 10 1 40 1 40 S3 7 00 14 00 10 16 18 O 43 O 45 43 O 45 O 75 11 O 25 SO 10 11 o x 13 O IS a io so a ana ii a sk ia a so sua 9 S3 60 11 00 16 00 8 00 13 00 S 00 5 75 3 00 5 S 35 aso oo ais oo 18 00 ta 00 14 00 a a a e so 3SS a io a a so FiratPatent ! ... m. -i v ........ usain-B DBSnel Cora, froai store, bags Whits, Car load, ia bg White,. Oata. from s ore....,,,,..,,,, Oata, Rsot Proof....... Cow Peas , ,. HIDES, 9 ureea Drr .. RAY. W 100 Closer Hay.......... Rice Straw.... 8 00 3 60 asaa-as a 3 25 a 3 60 O a va a oo fxa m .t.. ....... ...... ilr. W. S. Gilbert was many years ago called to the bar. Hia first brief was from n Frenchman, who marked his satisfaction at winning his case by giving tbo verse epinner a kiss on both checks before the whole court. That was the only fee Gil bert got from him. a a a a a a a a a so a a ia 43 4 60 fO 45 43 30 40 65 6 8 85 SO 1 00 05 86 a s a 5x s a io i is at 85 Jlany persons bavo found relief from nervoas headache ' by wash' ing the hair thoroughly in weak soda water. ' - i -' tttara. rMBJcksXaavi mmd 1 rasadlv trtrm I aaa aa mmtly laaiutsa cat saj aa saay axpara, Oo4 t D JtUaaOtwrrtaas." I Or. KJW tii.tus vO Dr.a? aawanX ay sJ C aaaa aarfaar ajaau tMmZZmTiZ yfy aa a at la kamn aa4 ,vvTtVv avwaatsva. I CR WTI t HEDICALUUk, aUaAwXW U4. EJactric Bitters ts a otedicin suited for aav aaaaoa. bat perhSDS nor rcaer. allv nJcd whasj tba Uaruln. cxbaawrad letUac pewaiia. arbea tha liver Is torpid aad alunlab aad the need of a tonic aad aitarativa is felt. -A prompt nse of this snedlclaa has often averted loaf aad per ha pa fatal btlioaa fevers, No medicine wui act aaora rare If la counteract! an aad fraeiai tha srreta from the malarial potaoaw Headacbt, Iadfs;estlosi. Dixxt aasa vie Id io E actric Bitters, Soc and $L00 at R. R. Bexxamt'i Drag. Store, t Ste uriHii m its a aa P. Maal Paaw tprvw aa rm. uaa eaaa a awae. fm mm r aJ Dnaaaaa. faoa Ml aaat a taaa taaa In 1873 Japan suffered from a fire which destroyed 10,000 houses and left orer 1,000,000 persons homeless. , taatla mt site Bmmm. Ana:. J. Bocel, the leadiaa; drarcistoi Shreveport, La., aays : Dr. King's New U sxiverv is tbe oaly thing that curca mv conch, and ft lathe beat Belief I have." i J.. Y.t Campbell, merchant of Saflord. Aria, writes: Dr. Kma'a New Discover? is all tbat ia claimed for its it ntver fails, acd la a aure cure for Con- aumptioa, tongn ana ioa I caenot aay eaoocrb for itt merits.'' Dr. Kinc'a New t- Diacoverr , for . Consume ion. Coughs and Colds is not aa experiment. It baa been tried for a quirter of a cen tury, and to-day atands at tbe bead. It rever clieappoJata. Free trial bottles at R R.Bujjuct's Drug Store. - t ara,aia.aaa.a.. .......... HOOP iron, m XaiV&O. a-V rvertaera ,........... ' North Caroliaa... tlalE. barrel !t LUMBIRfd r sawed). M feet - Ship BtasT, lesawed ... 18 00 Roat-b-adga Plank 15 00 West Iadia cargoes, accoroHag o qnalirr ...13 00 Dressed Flooring, aassoaed... 18 09 Scantl ns aad .Board, coasssoa.14 00 MOLASSES, 9 galioB Barbadca, at hkds..,.., ; " ta bWa...... Porso Rico, ia hhda " - la bbls ogar-Hoeae, ia hhds......... ' 19 ia bbls........... 14 Svras. fcs bbls -1 1 hails, keg. cat Bod basis.,,. PORK, 9 turret City Mesa. S CO a f 50 Ramp ........... ...... f-: a 8 75 " Prisse ....,,....,..! a 8 75 SALT, a sack Atasm ... ... a 75 uvupoN.,,, ..MM, : - tk 60 a is oo a 18 08 a as oo a u oo a a a 8 a SB as 14 IB . IS tsa also s 00"j,,' t ao SUGAffT5 ldard Graa'i d H 5f?arJ A: ... W BIBS JSZ. i - Kstra C C Yellow w wnansn........ .barrel.... 8 80 ill e! SOAP, f Nortaera..., STAVES. M-W. ol barV IT fl lTniilia.il - uj, air ' Iaferior a (kdmn SHIN6LES, N. C Crrasa i , -. -9 stCM heart ti - 8x94 Heart,, - :."':. " Sao. .. . .. m awt i, r WHI KEY, J sallow Northern North CB'oriaa . . T WOOL 9 -Unwaged '".',., i a so a 50 as 50 a - eu - 19 .. O l so ts 10 00 a too-. a oo 8 60 a 4 50 a 3 60 a aoo By Telegraph to the Morning Star- New York, July 28 To-day's cot ton market opened steady, with price a lower by 4 to 7 points, following bear ing crop accounts, parilcularlv from Texas and very unsatisfactory English cables. Aftef a further decline of 1 to S points in the near months, under local and some Southern liquidation, tte market steadied on moderately good buying orders and closed firm for cesr months and steady on distant position?, witb prices 1 point higher to 5 points net lower. Sales 57 400 bales. Official as well as private crop advices showed the drought in central and southern Texas to be broken by good rains last night. Tbe ready response of the Liver pool market to this news led to con siderable sellintr of long cotton, held throughout yesterday's break in hopes of a reaction to-day. The market was vf r? small and narrow and sensitive during the afternoon, with arc all oideis either way. Buainess continued light and almoat entirely local, but a ateady undertone continued in eviderce oa tbe spot situation. Only a few notices of intended delivery of cotton on August contracts were issued, and they were stopped as soon as they were put in cir culation. - New York. Jaly 88 Evening. Cotton quiet; middling 7 15 18c Cotton futures closed firm on near months and steady on distant months; sales 87.400 bales: Jan'y 7 05. Feb'y 7 OS. March 7 18. April 7 15 May .July 7 47, August 7 45, September 7 85. October 7 0S. November 6 89, December 7 01. Spot cotton closed quiet; middling uplands 7 15-16c; middling gulf 8 8 16cj sales of 1,725 bales. Cotton net receipts bales; gross 180 bales; exports to Great Britain 613 balea; ' to France - bales; to tbe Continent bales; forwarded 84 bales sales 1.175 bales; sales to spinners 1,885 balea: stock (actual) 05.195 bales. Total to-day Net receipts 530 bales; exports to Great Britain 1 948 bales; to France bales; to tbe Con tinent 1.100 bales; a ock 107.756 balea. Consolidated Net receipts 8,187 bales; exports to Great Britain 8.071 balea; to France bales; to the Con tinent 4,433 bales. Total since September 1 Net receinta o,ou9.ift oaies; exports tu ureat Britain 8.000,688 bales; exports to France 699 155 bales; exports to the Continent 2.187 965 bales; to the Channel 6.481 bales, duly 28. Galveston quiet at 1. net receipts bales; Norfolk, firm at net receipts 78 balea:- Baltimore, nomi nal at 8f . net receipts bales; Boston, steady at 7 16-16. net receipts bales, Wilmineton. firm at 8H. net re ceipts 7 bales; Philadelphia, quiet at 8 8 16. net receipts 878 bales; Savannah, firm at 7, net receipts St bales; New Orleans, ateady at 74. net receipts 89 bales; Mobile, r dull at tJi. net re ceipts 6 balea; Memphis, steady at 7 18-16, aet receipts 63 bales; Augusta, firm at 8, net receipta 1 balej Charleston," firm at 7(, net receipta 6 bales. Bt Cable to the Morning Star. Liverpool, Joly 884 P. M -Cotton Spot in fa-r demand and rncti lower. American middling low middling 4L,d; good ordinary 4fl; ordi nary 3 13 16:1. Tbe sales ol the dav were 10,000 bales, of which 1 500 weic for speculation and export, and indui ng 8,900 American. Receipts 1 050 balea. none of which were Araencao Futures eperied easy .with a fair derrurrf and closed quiet at the decline. Amer can middling (i m c): July 4 10-C4Q4 11 64d sel.'er; July aod August 4 9 4d seller; August aril September 4 4 G4Q 5 ota Outer; September and Octobtr 8 62 Old sel'er; October and Novembr: Jt 56 64d s.l.er; November and December S53-64QS 64 B4d seller; Drcember ari January 8 61 64d buier; lanuarv aoi February 8 69 6d buyer: 'February and March 3 68 643 68 64d buyer; Matrri and April 3 53 64Q8 64 84 d feller. April and May 8 64 64d. MARINE. ARRIVED. Steamship Croatan. Bid tons. Chiches ter. New York. H G Smallbooes. CLEARED. Steamship Croatan, 896 tons,, Chiches ter. Georgetown. H G Smallbonea. Schr B I Haxud, in ballast, 873 toai Blatchford, Biuoswlck, Ga, Geo Harriti. Son & Co. . MARINE DIRECTORY. EJas of Teaaela ! ska Port or Ull BalnaTton, W. C, Jaly 80, 189 SCHOONERS. Roger Moore, 877 tooe. Miller, las T Riley & Co. BARQUES. Nord America (Ital). 558 tons. Caprrn. Jaa T Riley A Co. Hans (Swed). 680 tons Lenander. He de A Co. . , UAXTON BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Maxton, N. C. DIRECTORS. J. D. Croom, Maxton Ed. McRae, Maxton. J. B. Sellers, Maxton. G. B. Patterson, Maxton. R. W. Livennore, Pates. Win. H. Bernard, Wijmingtor, B. F. McRae, RaemonL a ao 00ajooa, T 50 5 60 4 tO 4 00 BOO BOO - 4 i as 1 CO 8 8 SO 8 60 too to 8 BO B 50 808. aaa 18 PRODUCE markets:. By Talasraph to the Hotalas Stat. Nsw York.-Joly 28 Evening. riour was dull and lower to eell at tbe close; Minnesota patents $4 8304 60; winter patents $4 804 70; do suaighu 4 00O( 25. Wheat spot fteady.-optlons opened easier; rallied on foreign but log. ruled irregular all day under cocflicting news, rallied late on large export sales, but finally broke under active unloading aad cloaed K3fe net lower; aalea ja cluded No. 8 red Inly 83JC85c closed 84c September ' 78 41 167 1116c. cloaed 785e; Deceatber 79X07Xc. t The attention of Investors in v il mingtoa Is called to the fact that i ayra-aze profits of the Six Series of Stock now in fores ia this Associa tion have been shoot Eleven Per Cent. Initiation Fee, Z5 cents per Share Subscriptions to Stock payalie weekly Instalments of 25 cents per Share. ' The manageuiwot Is prudent sad economical, as is shown by the foct that the Association has sustained no losses, and its annual expenses, in clndinjf taxes, are. only about Two Hundred Dollars. J. D. CROOM. President. W. B. HARKER, SeCreuryv la 1st o

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