ST:.- At- FOR FIVE DOLLARS SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 'Morning Star THE MORNLNQ STAR!" GOES OME TEAR F33I VJi T3 U!) CEI1PE3 ra OUM Pallia Ita CUa La sractA cvoum. VOL- LX-NO 1r WILMINGTON, N. C- SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1897. WHOLE NO. 9.357 nn-nm .Caa S.IT A M I PM tl I H H s wt at MU3rt. .. airx wrfi vrtrv m Wiato UUPM v. i. Dst oe Aoafcutrrraa. wwwu Btrtuo. 3TttJtro K.C.AM 14. 1 VI aor-0rCi 4U lOV WH4f, Ti nri4f A. au TT. I bw at. 50; ...; tot ta aa. .01 rsisUa at oca u tt.jnta J to djts. 4 Vi.j.iar cmMiMI to I"! aoajtt , 1 1 1 tt n A 1 Kb. fat"- If . v, Vti Bare odc v mi it t rorta is e astral a r n- S -J" lS Gtf std Al- , , t'WN StAtS. ps- , . , i9rU orr lb E . P - ) :acrai wast era vJlwa TtS 1 n -t 4S rsasatavsd SWA! r .! aactKiSS. HT '- , j -rt.t fij. I act to uj. FU.. toatcatr rot TO-OAT. V :r :rtl C4rjil Faif . BlXSthtS. r ii;- a en. art . j r jrt vulsd ft''1 OSS , , ,:t, 13. osi eaCpJ04j banag U , . n.:ar aiof lbs : Gail (r'f :1XS, W C. As- 11 Al S . n ' M i ( it IS Ctp Tt JU TLINtS R catrd L. 1 1 i ;J StAt 3i Lac15i- V. VI I 11 34 tnvtAwcutiv :m ia aocai B 4 114 a V 111 V L. V- am I :utt of Ti"' ea'l niKi Htjf o( 0-! .J &4l Tm !r o.j1a tntrfeat iao, J 'njctB(l I B :nt f f ' oinlt jr arc)41 M P llCt. U B,i,.i l4l 18 ? jrtu!AAf ot,i Trrr a1 ti P,r, ui S if9"J i a 5n t4, t M:r-3CC" e e-ll IB 4!TI1tit c-l t t'4.ttl SCAC f.4tl Vt jriecu. TS po c Aai . 8a, ?)!:, .,: 0 itf auua.. kur;tii( j.Jt. taf frtt , TMC, .. 41 M .40 It i f t3e t A onr A tl44't4, I : )1 J 0( tc ! )C KMI f 4M'-m . .-.. f ij n n t i t ! I 1 ilt 1t r : J4't .! 3 l 1 !r :( .V).jia 5' An Ct t f 1 ; . 4 n r :f nil r, ta - t. )iri 1 1 n tf- ; j. t iii:1jwO t1t :;n"! )t pit KJ9 ti : i n .-:. 14 t - a miar ) hi r !:iit trrci A'a a - t 411 1 ft! 1 4- ii-',:ai r(fjd 1 1 fon : i V n i tauoiilai ik'. 1 ;.j 4iirti(t tin'iai r 14 i : e!.:ln l-1'4. Vl Y jr Tli"t M O, C4 1 t c tQtl-i y caat . Iik loaa al : 1 1 ! : .:t'l etf tl al t 9t caat. co - ft riti.i iauttii4 V. 44r 094 ins ! jra 1 arAr. ota lots I" - 1 ,-141 .t 4 M U' ti ,lt . S) t tfKl 1 c -ira u aaat rxlSJe i: 1 n - 11 .1.1 1 1 , ; 1 c. n q j at. tt t ie! i.j (1 (5OtSl. to - t tirintia t; 1 at 44 li-QMSC 3 i ick K.:ood:kc oat. A . j t f jtrutd a waJ ya t ntrt jj aadt $-5.,0OO aaJ i I 4 5:f il of wbat. : x:4r .f fiTts ry !cr i ;ittu. cbarcb cau . 5a; wits n cjcnfi to pay )u i. :u: toatri oa at a. y :.-.evl Sra43 4Tt :i ( J Ja1 tooft ' ttt; a (3 taaa tay ara 5 V 1 tat jijt't bat aAf(y ! ai ptctartt to. citbr. t4 ; fiat 5tr,tAry S&traia'i ; :-: mi of ipc4 art caaitaj i'tt-.-.j la adsialttrAtlsa ' Tiey oU hke to c!o O : - ' i: i kOWbOW tO b,ta : ) fc c! wbich it 4.'iovl by CaiadiAa i a ICloadikc. t d-(fr : i tcrfct it fAt to aikt c.4 i After pytaf ea tt, ttMatasitts royAUti, ,t: ta of tba ait"bp tl waa ' ::f of Ltia WAaja-a, ia 1 lecticat. tc (Abroad apd Two 1 'Vr an a it. Tby wre ia ta )( ciu( 4." kohm. bat tba t tsn iit vtatara tay aad oa 4 ' ra.sor ta AfAla rtTit4 lor 4 ou- ta, JH-.a tista tbal Ataoclala : - s FiJ. of tia Uatiad State s;rt-se Court. "coatatapUtts aa .-'? rf,iraat. Br!y to tba aait estuary, pariape. if ba rttalaa ar !rAca taat toa. acretary Saaruaa U aald to bT n4e! mqi cod bioodad raoaarka ia coia.oaaciat" apa ta A4aaiAtioa of CAitovAA Mr. Sbernta H a vary "'d bioudtd fai:aia. ro coid biotxld tbat tbw parvpiratio drop (roai bus Uka UttXa aailatoaa. ii Sata r . t LaaartA . . . . . . Attcatloa U called to tb fotlov bf Xzovcxo ILatis of SabocrlpUoo to Tn Uoimso St : to m a rL rcsciustKJL TvJt Mootlu $5.00 5I - UO Tknm - LIS Two - 1.00 Ou " SO TO CTTT irnCIIIIU Tb Stab will b dcliTered bj carrier at aar poiat la tb city at 13 crats pr t, or i5 ccau pr Boata. To dtjof PhiUdctpaU ts to bava a aw to-ra clock aa4 tba qacstioa U tball tb clock hT fifmca oa tba tcn cr aoc Socaa of l papra cootrti tbat tba aTri deaisaa of tbt bar J baa 1st till ( aaoib to tell tba tltaa of daj vitboat tookiof t tba l(im oq tbt clock. Wn, tbr caa rtt aar taoatb to it to asftvtr all practice! parpoaca ia FbtladalpbU. vbkb acTtr crowd! tba cataoie. Aaacricaat fixar to klloadtka cocapiaia of tba blgb datle ti acted by tot Caeadlaa caatoaa oS:cfi oa tba atoJ tbey carry wltb tbea. Tba Caaadtaaa cocaplAla about tba bljb datlea wbkb Amer ica a coitoma otScera eiact from tbea oa ataS tbey brtof lato tbia coaatry. So tba jrowliot aeema to ba reciprocal. Tbat Georgia wAtcrmcloa wbicb waa aeat to Prevideai MclCialcy waa a pretty fair apecimea ot wbat Geor jma cao do ia tbt raeloa Hoe, bat tbe Fttigtrald coloay coat ia fitb aa SI pooader, wbic) je tbt Mc- Kuley otlaa foar or fire pbaaia better, aad it waa aeat to "na J. Bryaa. tbe oeit Presldeat of tbe laited StatcA." Tbe ATerafe da(ie oa wollea IxJ oadtr tbe Mck.laley tana wtre 50 S per ceat. Uader tbe Diif ley tAnS tbey Are M per cent. W.;i A3T hoaeit on Aert tbat tba wr.ea aA33f ACtarer oced mre pro'.ect;oi not tbaa tbey did aeveo yeAf ajj' If tbt Klloudike rata cootioaea there wtli' probabif be a herira of MAiaacbaaetia apiastera. A womaa wbo ArrtTed tbere a abort while ago bad fifty oefer of marriage wltbfo a week, aad refuted to capitolate aotil t'lt atrack a fellow wttb a $50,000 income. A Bxtoa paper, appropoa of the Treatary roliag a to calf akio. waata to kaow if a calf ia cattle why tta't as egg "poattry." If the editor took tat roaadt of tbe rettaaraata he might discover that Aa egg ia to:'j;tiati ajre p-iattry thaa egg. Some of the papers to Georgia are eterciaed to accsaat for thoic S.10 Acre of UaJ witch have diaappeared fr jo Ftil too coaaty. Tbey were oa the tat tiatj laat year, bat caa't be foaod tbia year. Per ha pa tbey were awallowed by AtUata tujr Aovaxriaaaf Btrrs, Mtacaa ft Ctawi TAe kida R. W. Htcaa Oeaaa ckeaaa. etc Ccvajjcwa Caroiiaa Bcrcia Qab PERSONAL PAKAQKAPHS tl rwwrt44 raat4Uma rriaaa xia m rMaiaiaava rtataiy ma tA. Col S. B. Taylor, of Catherine Ltba. ia tbt city. Mr. J. D. Black, of Maxtoo. btrt vetKtrdAV. Mrs. A. S, HjlJeo is sojooraiog at Cao.iaa Baaca. Prof. M. C. S. Noble came io froca Ca;al Mill vcattrdaf. Mr L B Rogers returned yes tardar from a boatataa trip ia Soatb Caioftaa. Messrs. F. G. Dosherand B. F. Ntwtoa. of SMtbpxt, wtrt la tha city yeattrdav. Prof. C IX Koooce, of Gibaon't Scaitoa. waa anoag tba ra tort la the ettv featatdar Mia Little Parker.of Headersoa , who ha bwa la the city naiUag frtaada rtaaraad aoaae taat a'tbL M as Sai Shaver, of Salt harv. wo haa btta la tht otv nattiag frtaada aad raiAtivea. haa rttaraad bxaa. Mr. Geo. O. Gaylord. ol tba wyjaaiagtoa Racket Store. bAa rttaraad aftte a v to ba lot taat hsait la Baaa fjrt coaaty. DiaJ ota- Tba Stab toaaaa of a daligbtfal trtp dowa iba Capa Faar Tbaradav af tavaooa ia iba Utt & It waa grata ay Mr. Jaaatt. S WiOlaai coatotiaatatAry lo Maa Aeeia M. Sbolar. ot Savaaaab. Gi. Taa partv. which coaataaed of aavaral roa bad aad gtatieaMW. laft bar at S IO o'clock. waa aa tar aa Fort Aader oa. tad raearaad W tht crtt by aaooa bgbi. arrive a m 19 e'eiock- Om Caaa WtH. Haraaitar avartiaaaaaata to go la oar 3 mane Lc:- dtoartaaaat ard ba caargad oaa caat par word far aac ta aaruoai t hat ao BdvartJaaiiitat. bowavar aaoav td ha lakaa lor Uaa tba a M caat Thla at a radactiow froaa ioraM aad as Jao a cotTaaiawca to art who caa cakalta tha) axact coat of thafr advart aaaiiata. hka ataat to paid tor al way ta LOCAL DOTS. of Xatoraat Oatfcarad Hara aad Taaew aad Brtafiy Votadw Tbey call Champ DatIa Champ loa Dtrta aow. A amart boy la wanted at tbe Stab offica 10 raa )b preatwa. Sea ia tbt commercial colama waakl? atateaiaat of cottoa aad aaval atorea Tbt boar for evening aervtce at Fdth Street M. IT. charch baa beta chAagad fro at 8 IS to S o'clock. Foar and foar it waa op to the tad of the eixth laaioi. aad it waa cloae eaoag h at the flaiab Bat oat woa. Tbe A, C L. boya woo the a;Bt yaataraav. bat ia the O A N. teaea ihrf mat a ' loeatAa of their ttaal." Tba gTATeyArd rabbit 'a left hlad-foot aavaJ tba dav aad tha caaa foe tht Atlaaiic Coaat L'aa plareta yrMdav Rev. J. B. If Aire! 1 will fill tbe palpft ai the Fim Btptitt charch to morrow. Moraiag aatvice at 11 o'clock tveaiag aemca at 8 IS. Tbe officers aad delegate of the Graad Lodge Kaihia of Honor cam, ap vaatardar froca Caroiioa Beach Aad retaraad to tbatr raapecUve homea. The O. A. N a made a gallant fttht veatardAy. Aad if tbey coald hive pirited thai Gtllowav frooa tbt A. C L'a tbav woald have woo. Tbat Gal'a a woatder. The Stab Mr. Gaortt L Mortoa. aad tht North Ciro- liaa Bitulioa of Nval Reaervta aa well oa hi aaaalaoaa clectioa to tbe poet- lioai of Comaiaadtr of tbAt fiat orgaatsa tioa. Yesterday Afternoon at Hilton a aatrro maa got psaaeaaloa of a vooaa wbite bov't bicrclt aad refaaed to give it a p. bat was afurwAdi compelltd to do ao br Policttaaa Woebae. who waa aear bv. Tbe first bale of new cotton Is a i pact cd to-day. Mr. A. H. Breooer 11 ba tht coatlgaea. To bales oi aaw cottoa cant la lAtt year on toe aaveata of Ate oat. iaat a week earlier baa tbe firat oat tbia aeaaoa Both the Coo cord and tbe Lex agtoa cicaratoaa were takea oat to aea veaterday. arrivtog at tht city la retara at So clock. Tbe uoacord part? leu at o'clock. At 11 o'clock tht Letlogtoa aicaratoaiats tok tbeir depart are. BASE BALL. TB Vaua4j LMM-aMil si Taatada Qmm mmd Otka lataraartoa TKSTXBOAY s OA mem. Stv York. 14. Boetoa. 6. Biliimart, 8. PhlladalpbU. 1. Otvtlaad. A. Sc Loaia. 5. Caieaxo. t. Qaciaaati. 0. Waabiagtoa. 7. Brooklfa. WHtlt TMIT PLAY TO DAV. Cbto at Ooctooatl. St Li at CleveUad Batoa at Ne Yjrk. Btlticaore at fbiladelphia. Loaiavtlla at Pittabnrg. Brooklyn at Waahiogtoa. TTAMDIMO Or THX CLUBS. Per Woa. Loet. Ceoi ea 99 699 fi 80 .641 88 81 .631 88 86 .093 44 43 .503 48 60 .473 44 39 419 49 09 .446 41 81 .443 88 63 .417 84 63 393 94 70 .976 tbe aiath veater- Boatoa BAltteaort Oaclaaati Ntw York Otvtlaad Cbtcago LoaiavUla PailadtipbU Pittaoarg Brooklva Waabtagtoa; Sc Loaia A aerate h doable day allowed PbUadtlphia to escape a ahat oaL Nape pitched great ball for Baltimore, aad tht Oriole recogaltiog that fact a Horded him faaltltee aapport. Ytatcrdar cartatalv mtat have beta tlfobtrdaaa'a dav ofl. for two-base hita hf tha Gfaata waa a frtqotat occor rtaca. "B.ll" Oark'a game was e pe els!! r fiae. Tba Colt a tralf covered themaelvea with glory, while Griffith, their crack ptubtr. ahaolattiy rtfaaed to let the Reda acor a. Tha Itdiaaa' victorr yeaterdav waa oa accoaet of their ability to baoch hita, UaJ ftatara Y. at. C a aTewa. Mr. F. P. Tartar. State Secrtury of tbt Yoaag Mta't Chrlauaa Aaacciatioa. baa rtaigaad to Uka a place with the Siadtatt' VoJeateer movemaet. Hit htadqaartars will ha la Ntw York citv. Mr. W. M. Lewie, ot Decator. Ga. formerlv State Secrttarv for botb Georgia aad Soath Caroiiaa. bat re caatlv ot Soath Caroiiaa aloaa, was alectad to taccaed Mr. Taraer. Mr. Ltwta will ba State Secretary for botb North sad Soath Ca roll a a. epeediag half ot hia time ia oat State aad half I the other. Utw Wrtekla. Tbaradav'a axcarsioalatt Uxed tbt capacltyot tha boardlag hoaata ao lit tie. A good aaaav who coald get ao pUca to aletp. had tuned oat to tpead tba alght eUUag ap la froat of tha Boaits boaaa. Oaa fiaally etrttchtd oat acrota tha flaor ot tha offica. while it other, thrta oa a aid, pillowed their head oa hi bod v. aad all slept adly till moraiag. 8UU ATstttave. Oaa of oar liberal hearted baaiatee maa txpreeee hia wUllagaeaa. It othtr wca'd do to. of obaerrteg tha weekly hAll-holiday throagh tht tttlr year. as. ho say, hi dark aead tha rest tad racrwaUoa aad ba woald gat better aer ate froaa that, while they, feeliag that Uett amptoyar war more tattrattad la Ueir trtlfar. woald ba bet tar satiaHcd aad woald Uk mor laiertat la 111 CHEI3TIAH XSUCATI0I. Dr. Kdaa'a Xaatar at Oreaa tf . K. Oaara Lai vsatea. Rev. Jao. C Kilgo. D. D.. President ol Trioltv College, aad oa of the champtoaa of Chrlatiao edacatloo (retted a large aadleoce at 8.15 o'clock laat eight from the roe tram of Grace M E. charch. Hia bear ere were ia the maia each aa coincided with him ia hie view, bat there were eomt not vert aaaav apoa whom the artillerr of the worth v Doctor'a logic aad the firea of hia eloquence were qaite aaeleaa. Thev held opioioaa altogether tbe reverae ot hia. and while ther granted hia eloquence tbey were aare that if hia logic waa good hia prtmiaea were wrong. The coagregatloa aaag "All Hall tba Power o( Jeiaa' Name." and Rev. G. L Flach led la praver. Tbe Rev. R A. Willie iauodtced Dr. Kilgo ai a recog a'aed leader la the movement for Cbria Uaa education. Dr. Kilgo aaid thit he waa gratified to be able to apeak to the aadience apoa a eabject tbat of "Cbriatiaa Edu cation" which moat occupy and will occupy the minda of many people until ibev come to a proper ealutioa of tbe qaettioa involved. Chnitiaaity ia not an ordinary reli gion, aad Cbrietlao faith ia cot aa ordi nary Impulse It ia tbe final religion. aad carries ia it every iesue of life. Thia makea it the awiulleat body of truth known to men, aad givea it tbe absolute claim apoa human thought. If Cbria tiaalty failt. the world ia doomed. Education ahould aim to elevate the human ract and fit It for all the rela tione poaalble toil. On tbia poaltion I thiak I will find aaiveraai agreement. But when it ia attempted to analyse tbe proposition. It ia apparent at once that it ia not a fundamental truth. By what meana ia the race to ba elevated ? What are tbe poaiible relatione ol man. and how ia he beat fitted for them ? Tbere ara thoee who claim that educa tion ia all important tbe primary fac tor in human development. It ia not. There ia always a doctrine of lile that ia mora (uodamental and which givea shape to all ed jcat:oaal aims and metboda. Be yond tbia idea no educition can go. and for it will all education exiau In Sparta tbe State was tbe eupreme idea; in Athene, art. in Rome, government; in America, cit xjnihip. in Scotland, reli gion. Tbere ia aomc.hing of truth in the idea that educatioa ie tbe primary factor in human development, but it ia a dan- geroua half truth. It faila to aettle any. thing. If education ia to elevate tbe race, wbat fundamental doctrine of the race la to determine ita method? Thia it and hat been thequeetion at iuae la the educational hiatory of the centuriee: it haa been, and la- atin. a atruggle between religion and human philosophic to fix thia primary doctrine of life. But to-night we are concerned about Cbriatiaa educatioa. or an educa tion tbat ia limited to tbe doc trine taught by Cbriet. Cartatlaa edu cation i etientiatly aad radically da tmct. If it i not ao. if tbere ia not ucb a thing aa Christian educatioa tbea there ia no Cbriitlan charch, no Cbrittiaa Sunday achool. no Chriatian Bible, and you might as well take your boy out of the Sunday achool and come out tbe church yourielf. It ia aecesairy to call attention to aome of tbe falae notion of Cbrutiaa educa tion. Tbere ia a clan of men who have little aympatby with it. but at the aame time are forced to patronixe It. and it ta not carprialng that they ahould interpret it aa a meaningless farce. Cbnetian educatioa ia not to be con- foanded with moral education. Morality movea on aa entirely different bails. Cbriatiaa education I not being edu cated ia tha neighborhood of piety or under Cbriatiaa icflaeoce. Nor mutt it be confounded with an occaaional compaaioaahip with members of tbe church. Companlonahip with Ptbagoraa or Newton would never have made a mathematician of a rain. The dooation ot a B.ble oa graduation day la not enough to meet the claims of Christ. There ia ao much of downright religioaa atupldity. For bow much are we indebted to Christianity t It baa redeemed tbe home ttd rtvealed tbe child life. Search Sbakeapeare for a trace of the child and yoa will look la vain, out loot into me Book ol hooka for tbe be it portrait of childhood. Wbat a calamity if tbia traaiurv of troth aad parity la snatched by the ratbleaa band of tbe acheming politician. Womaa owea all abe ia to Chriatiaaity. Compare the aituation of woman io Cbriatiaa couotiiee with her eituatioa in ladia. China. Persia: and what waa her itaatloa ia Sparta? Nine hundred and ninety-nine of tbe women of our land wbo hold college dlplomaa hold them from Cbriatiaa tchoola aad collegea. Tbe speaker had recently seen figures showing bow groaaly illiterate the peo ple ot North Caroiiaa are. Aad io they are. bat illiteracy ia not tbe aole or taa maia caa is ot crime. A negro is never ta Anarchist. It Is lb shrewd. weli-edncAted maa that wreck a bank or plota agamat hia government. Illit eracy ia aot the cauae ol crime nor edu cation ita care. Shall tha doctrlata of Christ ba tbe fundamental aim of aa educallot? Every period of oar hiatory tbat baa ruled revealed rellgloa oat ot educatioa haa beta deluged with Infidelity aad vice. Tha raaalaaaac had Ita birth la Italy. With tha revival of the etoryof the deeiica came a discouatof rellgioo aad aa aspalaioa of It from edacatloo. Italy waa dlagd ia aa tafidelity aad vice from which It his eever recovered. Ia Gtrmaav tht reaaltaiece was con trolled for religious tads, and oat of it grew tht Rtformatloa. Roaeteaa aad Voltaire waged war oa relictoaa tdocauoa ta Franca netil tbey bad datbroatd Christ, and ea throned raaaoa aad csitar st tba aim of adaca- tioav aad throagh tht cam tba filest Influences that have ever cursed a oa- tioa. Ara too ready to take Jesus Cbriit out of educatioa after yoa owe him for everything that elevates, ennoble and purifies ia education? People Ulk of a Chriatian State. If tbey mean a State ia which we are al lowed to pray without being bong, then China is ss good as America. If they mean a btate whoae ethica are the ethic of Chriat, then bar-rooma. Sabbath trains tad divorce laws diapata tbe profei- ion. Cbriatiaa educatioa la the inculcation of tbe doctrine of Chriat aa tbe final doctrine of life. A college that doea aot teach the Bible aa tbe aopremeat text bock does not give Chriation edu cation any more than a Sunday school tbal teacbea Hosteller's almanac gives Christian education. Tba foregoing aynopaia ia only a very feeble effjrt to ahow the line of thought puraued. Like all aynopaes. it doe tbe apeaker an injustice. Dr. Kilgo Is an elcquent speaker, bat the charm of his eloquence ia beat felt by thoae who ait under tbe aound of hia voice. Toere wai not quite so much of tbe humoroui in the addreas aa one might have expected from the Doc tor 'a well known ability a a mirth producer.bat tbe addreaa was enlivened here and tbere with flithesof humor and drollery that ere very delightful. Hia enncciatlon ia perfect and while hia voice is not pene trating except in highly wrought periods, it haa a volume that carnea it to every part of an auditorium. He received a moat cordial welcome here. The Methodiata here aa elaewhere in the State are very proud of him and the work he ia doing for Trinity College, and very many, though not all of them, endorie hia viewa on Chriatian educa tion. And he ia a fond of Methodiata aa they are of him. Towards the cloae of hia remarks he paid a moil glowing tribute to Methodiim. "If I hadn't been well grounded in the Methodist belief," be aaid. "I ahouldn't have mar ried a Biptiat wife." I a conversatioa with a STAR repre- aentative yesterday. Dr. Kilgo aaid that tbe proapecia before Trinity College and particularly in the coming aeasion, are very flittering. the principles ot Cbrittian education ate getting promul gated far and wide, he aays. A viiit to the weatern part ot the State revealed to him that tbe mountaineer are thinking about tbe different kinda of education, and are graapiog the distinctive princi pie which aett Christian education spart from all other systems of training. Aa alumni aisoclation of Cbria tiaa college men ia an organization tbat Dr. Kilgo would like to aee effected aad believe would be ol great service n working for tbe common end to hich sll the colleges are looking. Craduatea of Trinity, Wake Foreat, Dividaon. and other Cbrittian colleges could through an organixition join tbeir effort. Dr. Kilgo will leave on tbe 9.83 train over the W. & W. road thia morning. He goea to Beaufort, where he will preach tbe dedication aermon at a new church tbere. EXCURSION TO OCEAN VIEW. Zb Vanoe Dlrliion K. cf P. and tha Saeond Betimat t Bcd. The excuraion of Zsb Vance Division No. 1. Uniform Rank Kmgbts of Pytbiaa. and the Second Regiment Band to Wrigbttville Beach yeaterday waa in every retpect a aucceat, and ar tistically a triumph. Two of tbe after noon train on the Seacoait road were run under the auiplcea of theie two or gsnisition. and carried to the beach large crowds of people. Tbe member of Zeb Vance Diviaion met at Caatle Hall yeiterday afternoon at 4.80 o'clock, in full uniform, and were escorted thence by tbe band to the Seaoaat depot, where they embarked on the 5 o'clock train for Wrighta ville beach. Zeh Vance Diviaion waa In charge of Capt. W. F. Robertson and tbe band under the direction of Prea idect Jaa. W. Monroe. Djrlng tbe early part of the evening the band rendered one of their delightful concert, embra cing the following well known pieces, vix : -Belle of the Village" (overture) j -Black America'" (quick atop); ' Coach man" (polka); "Visions of the Pitt" rails): Gilmore'a triumphal march. "Merina" (villi); "Southern Plantatioa Song" ((elected medley). Oae of the moat enjoyable number waa the cornet duet, "Short and Sweet," by Prof. S. A Schlosiand Prof. Jaa. E. Willaon. The Committee of Arrangements, Mesirs. Jas. E. Willion, fas. W. Mon roe and W. F. Rsbertson, certainly de- aervea credit for the manner in whfch the large crowd waa handled, and the pleaiant time had by all. Cap fui and Tadk.a Valley. It waa announced in the Star recent ly that in the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway caie the New York bond holders bad given notice of an appeal from the decision of Judge Simonton or dering that the road be sold as a whole. Tbe application for an appeal haa been granted, aa ia ahowa by an order received here from Judge Simonton, yesterday, by Clerk Shaw, of the United State Circuit Court. Tbe appeal will be heard by the Circuit Court of Appeals, at Richmond, at the November term. Btarabaiu' Xxatr.:ona Aaaio. II lb Chamber of Commerce wiahes to do something of practical value let it Uk ap the question of merchanta ex cursion. aoggeated several time ia the Star. Many thouaanda of dollar that ought to be spent in Wilmington ara aweliiag tbe bank accounts ol busi ness men la Norfolk, Richmond, Balti more, Ntw York and other cities botb North and South of us. Cannot Wil mington secure good terms from our railroads as ara accorded otberi? At all event, it will not cost much to inquire. It U learned tbat a business school will ba opened here thit Fall aader tha management ol Meisr. Rew and HockJy, of Norfolk. BASE BALL AT HILTON. An Kxaltlnc Oama Betwesn the A. O. L 8Jand4 O. A. H. Teame Soore Nine to Bight In Favor of tbe Atlantis Coiat Line Boya. The battle ia o'er and a victory gained One tide acknowledge defeat, and the other revela in the thought of victory It was tbe Atlantic Coast Line and the O. A. N. bill teams that met. and with nine men pitted against nine battled as only the American youth can, until the end. when tbe former cluo manly and proudly bowed in submiislon before the nine of the latter, upon which victory hsd seen fit to cast ber lot. It was a hotly contested nine innings, and one that kept the "fan" on the verge of inianity all during the game. How the small boy did "root," and wbat a voice he haa wnn propelled by his entire lung power and then aent forth on its journey of inteoded destruction with a Yellow Kid vernacular twitt of tbe tongue completely unnerving tbe antithetic youth and his Summer girl, and putting tbe prosaic old gentleman into a aeries of spaamodic fuisy moods. The ladiea, too, the representation of both sides being a. p., cheered the boys and gayly waved the red and bine or the purple and orange. Another conspicu ous figure was the dead-game sport, with his stereotype expression "may the best club win," and yet be calmly sits and in a patriotic manner views things philoso phically. AS SIKK FROM THE GRAND STAND. Promptly at 4 80 o'clock Umpire Fred Pearaall ahouta "play ball," and tbe Coast Line boya take the field, leaving, the O. A. N. crew in, to have a try at (coring. Bagg, tbe invincible, ia atrut ting arouod in the box, coolly awaiting the aignal to commence to work hia puzzle, while Oldham la in hia uaual place, bedecked with all tbe instrument of war. Sweeney, the first man up. goes out, likewise Zsllers and Jackson, but Tate, afttr making a two bag hit scores. The Coast Line boys how come in and the O. A. N. take their places. Zel lers. he of the 95 95 fame, grabs Old ham's toys and gentlyjwaltze behind the pan, to await those deadly balls thrown by Johnnie Tate, the cool 'un. Schutte, Oldham and Gtllowav retire the side, while Sterenson. Bellamy and Myers do likewue for the opposing team, but Latta, Bagg and Motto fare no better. Sinclair scores n tbe third inning for the Coast Line, and Zsllers, of the O. A. N., tallies tn the fourth. I a tbe fifth Taylor tallica for tbe Coast Line, and O.-rell and Moore for tbe O. A. N. Things now look pretty gloomy for the Coait Line boys, but Oldham in the sixth manages to reach first, and then Galloway, with a deter mined look, walks calmly up to the pan and makea a long drive over left-field feace, thereby making the score even The O A. N. failed to score in tbe seventh, and upon taking the field aenda Sweeney to the box to relieve Tate. On Sweeney, after two men have been put out, Schulken, Schutte and Oldham gain and cover first, second and third base, respectively. Galloway strolls gently up to the plate and tbe most critical mo ment during the entire game arrives, as tbe hitting power of this "Sockalexis Jennings" is well known. Once, twice Sweeney shoots the ball over the plate and Galloway fans at wind, and tbe (upporters of tbe O. A. N. wish deep down in their hearts that this might be a repetition of the story told in DeWolf Hopper's famous recitation "Catey at the Bat." But for the third time Sweeney shoots tbe ball, and tbere follows a crash, and tbe ball goes on its merciless journey tar out in left field; actually hitting tbe fence in its anxiety to go over. Two men score on the hit, and aa a mighty roar goes up from the grand stand tbe O. A. N. team goes wild and permits Oidbam and Galloway to crots tbe pan on errors. In tbe eighth, tbe O. A. N.'s recover and then aa the Coat Line boys go to pieces score three runs, Jackson, Steven son and Bellamy. The O. A. N.'s again score in the ninth and the score is once more even. Bit in this same inning costly errors permit Lttta to score, and the story is told. Score, 9 to 8 in favor of Coast Line. SUMMARY OF THE GAME. O. A. N. Zellers. c; Tate and Sweeney, p; Orrell (captain). 1st b; Moore, Snd b; Jackson, 3rd b; Sweeney and Tate, s s; Stevenson, 1 f; Bellamy, c; f; Myers, r f. Coast Line Oldham, c: Baeg. p; Sinclair, lit b; Galloway, Snd b: Schutte, 8rd b; Schulken, s; Motte, 1 f; Taylor (captain), c f; Latta, r f. Struck oat by Bagg, six; by Tate, four by Sweeney, one. Hits off Bagg, nine singles, and one double by Tate and one double by Zellers; oS Tate, four singles and on home run by Galloway; off Sweeney, one (ingle, and one double by Galloway and one double by Sinclair. Base on balls, Bagg two, Tate two and Sweeney -two. Hit by Sweeney, two Schutte and Lttta. Errors by Coast Line, eight; by O. A. N., six.' Earned. runs, Coaat Line three; O. A. N.. two. Passed balls, Oldham three. Thrown oat at third, three by Oldham. Double plays. Schulken, assisted by Galloway and Sinclair Moore, assisted by Orrell. Tbe striking features of the game were the usual fine woik ot Galloway, the er rorless first base play of Sinclair, and tbe battery work of Oldham and Bagg for the Coast Line; Zellers' catching, Tate's hitting; Jackson's strong third bag play ing, and Sweeney' snappy abort stop portrayal for tbe.O. A. N's. AS OTHERS SAW. Ruiie" Bagg is having charts printed giving the fall particulars, with drawings. how to solve his pitching puzzles. He has already received several orders for copies. Tate was to the bat five times during tha game, and made four hits. Well. Johania should do better, but then he couldn't have done much better. Scotcby Sinclair give forth tha state ment that he will hereafter give vocal lesson to every maa who reaches tint. His first selection will be "He never cares to wander." etc., which will impoie upon the minds of the itinerant visitor at first that it is dangerous to wander too layoff that bag, when Bagg is look ing, and he generally is. Zellers suffers from ball kleptomania, as he keeps on stealing base. Manager Davis yesterday gave an ex act impersonation of Sandow. Ia hi glory he picked Manager Black up and proudly strutted everywhere. DROWNED IN THE RIVER. W. A. Hendrickr, a Faralytlo Vender of Teas and Slttohei. W. A. Hendricks, the paralytic vendor of tea and matches, who has been on the streets for several weeks, was drowned at the foot of Princess street yesterday between 2 and 3 o'clock. He waa seen sitting on the steps of the National Bank of Wilmington at 8 o'clock. A half hour afterward he was stretched out on a wood flat, drowned. It is very strange, but no one could be found who saw Hendricks fall in tbe river. There are usually teveral dray men collected about the foot of Princeia street, and how a man could have fallen into the river without being seen by any of them is a mystery. George Smith, a colored boy aged about ten years, was standing on a flat and saw a man's head come up out of tbe water, and gave the alarm. Help was soon at hand and tbe body drawn up on the flit. Efforts were made, though several minutes afterward, to bring the man to, ' but they were in vain. Coroner Jacobs viewed the body, but did not deem an Inquest necessary. The body was taken to Evans' undertaking establishment, and Coroner Jacobs tele graphed for information to Florence and Sumter, S. C. at which towns the deceased had been before coming to Wilmington. He received no reply to either telegram. Hendricks will be remembered as the almost helpless paralytic who earned bis living by selling tea and matches. He bought mainly of Mr. John L. Boat wright, who sold him goods at very low figures on account ot hissffl ction. He bad been in the city about tbree weeks. and came here from Sumter, it Is thoueht, as the entries in the book which he carried with him, just before those made in Wilmington, were made in Sumter. He boarded at different places, but was last boarding at the Sutton Home, getting lodging only. He had not been there since Sunday night. MAY HAVE BEEN SUICIDE. It was thought by some that Hen dricks committed suicide. This fay potbesis would explain partly tbe fact tbat no one saw him fall ia, as he could have let himself down from a point where he could not be seen. His ac tion, too, would favor the belief that be drowned himself. For a good while he was seen loitering around Princess and Water streets and at d.ffsrent times was seen sitting on the steps of stores near by. He had found it hard to dispose of his wares, and was no doubt very much discouraged. He usually bought his goods in the morning, went out and sold them and cime back in the afternoon to pay for them, but for the last week he had been getting behind until he owed $1.50 or more. He may have fallen in the river while under the influence of a fit, though he was not known to be subject to fits. Store Bobbsd. Burglars effected an entrance into tbe store of tbe B, F. King Grocery Com pany some time Thursday night. When Mr. W. H. Sbolar, one ot the salesmen, opened the store yesterday morning, he saw tbe back door wide open. Further investigation showed that the burglar or burglars had taken a slat from one of the window blinds large enough to al low him to put his hand through and unfasten tbe blind. After he was inside it was an easy matter to open the door and let his companion or companions in. Candy, cigarettes and tobacco were stolen to tbe amount of about ten dollars. The burglars also enjoyed a watermelon feast, as the rinds of sev eral were found in tbe middle of the floor. But the worst loss was from tbe damage they lofi cted upon Mr. King's cash register. Tbey evidently thought that'tbe money was secreted somewhere in tbe interior of the instrument, and they almost completely dissected it in tbeir efforts to get at tbe money. CAPE FEAR F. E. CO. NO. 1. Cape Fear engine, reel and horses re turned from Winston yesterday after noon, and brought back the long dis tance prize in the engine contest of the Colored Firemen's Association. The prise ia a silver medal valued at $10. There was no contest at tbe time the Cape Fear engine was on exhibition practice with the white engine company of Winston on Thursday evening, Au gust 12. h. The day for tbe contest.with enty pounds pressure only on hydrant. the Cape Fear engine threw water 918 feet 64 inches on 4 inch main pipe; on Thursday. August 12ib, on 10 inch main, we threw water 187 feet, with 20-pound pressure, while tbe Winston engine threw water 244 feet 8 inches with 70-pound water pressure on water gauge, bteam on our engine was 80 pounds; on Winston engine was 105 pounds. The irape fear Company wishes to return thanks for the kind treatment re ceived from friends and especially to the railroad authorities. N. C. NAVAL BATTALION. Crsores Ii. Morton Elected Oommtnder XUeeti9n or a Lrfcitenant Commander PoalponsrJ. Special Star TeUeram tot, a .,.. io ti.. I f h. Mnrlh r.rntlna Ninil R.ll.lln. I Ut su4 tvaa vhs w inu aiitvii't tvaiaiiwu( composed of tbe Newbern, Wilmington, Elixibeth City and Kiaston divisions. met to-day at Newbern and unani mously elected Mr. Geo. L. Morton, of Wilmington, commander. The election of a lieutenant commander was post poned. REDUCED TO 455.00. BUT NO REDUCTION IN SIZE OF PAPER, OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF READING MATTER. RALEIGH NEWS ITEMS. IZ3 Death cf Ex-Chief of Folio. Obaa. P. Haaul Board of Aldermen Shaw Ucireralty Pilot Mountain Baptlat asaoola tico Tha Wbltaatt Contreanv. Special Star Cort tspondtnet Raleigh, Auguat 18. Maj. Cbas. D. Heartt, for seventeen years chief of police of Raleigh, expired thia morning about 4 o'clock. Major Heartt had been in bad health for more than twelve months, and the end was looked for. He waa better yesterday, however. Major Heartt married a daughter of the late Governor Bragg. He was one of Raleigh's most popular citizens. The Board of Aldermen meets tbt evening to take action in the case of the suspension of Chief of Police Nor wood. Rev. A. W. Peguet and wife have been elected to tbe faculty of Shaw Universi ty. Prof. Peguet resigned tbe superln tendency of the Institntioo of the Deaf and Dumb tor tbe colored race a few days sivce. The Pilot Mountain Baptiat Aatocia tion ba requested tbe resignation of Dr. Whitsett. President of tbe Southern Bap. tist Theological Seminary. Tbe Whit sett controversy is causing a stir among the Baptists of this State. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Baeelpta of Karal stores and Cottoa Teatsrdar. Wilmington 4 Weldon R. R. 14 casks spirits turpentine, 10 bbls tsr, 16 bbls crude tutpeatine. Wilmington, Columbia ft Augusta R. R. 15 casks spirits turpentine, 158 bbls rosin, 14 bbls tar, 8 bbls crude tur pentine. Carolina Central R. R. 44 casks spirits turpentine, 109 bbls rosin, 17 bbls tar, 29 bbls crude turpentine. Cape Fear ft Yadkin Valley R. R. 16 casks ipirit turpentine.106 bbls rosin, 30 bbls tar. Wilmington & Newbern R. R. 59 casks spirits turpentine, 186 bbls rosin. Steamer A. P. Hurt 88 casks spirits turpentine, 151 bbls rosin, 185 bbls tar, 19 bbls crude turpentine. Total receipta Spirits turpentine, 188 casks; rosin, 710 bbls; tar, 198 bbls. crude turpentine. 67 bW. The Churonea. Grace Methodist E. Charch, South, northeast corner of Grace and Fourth streets. Rev. R. A. Willis, Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. mod 8 15 p. m. Sundar school at 4.30 p. m. Esperienc. meeting at 10 a. m. in the lecture room. Weekly Prayer meeting and lec'nre Wednesday emiuc at 8.15 o'clock. Stranfrers and visitors are :coriaily Invited to attend these services. Fifth Street M. E. Church South, sits. ted on Fifth street, between Nan and Charch, Rev. W. L. Canninggim, Pastor. Service, to-morrow at 11 a. a and 8.00 p.m. Sunday Schx) at 4 00 p. ra. The public cordially invited toall services. Market Street M. E. Charch. next to comer Ninth aad Market street. Rev. '1'. H. Sutton, partor. Ser vices every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. CUn meeting at 9 30 a. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting inursoiy mgnt at , ,9U n. m. First Presbyterian Church, Rev. P. H Hoge, pastor. Divine service at 11 a. m. and BOO p. m. Prayer m:etiog Ibursdayat 0 15 p. m. beau Ires. South Side Baptist Charch, corner Fifth and Woos- ter streets: Rv. F. H. Farrintoo, pastor. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. aad 7,30 p. m. Sunday School al 230pm. Weekly Prayer Meeting Wedncxlay night at 7.30. .Rev. Dr. Strange will hold Divine service at Leba non Chapsl. Wrivhtsville Sound, at 11 o'clock a. m. to-morrow (Sand.y) August 15th. Services at St. James Charch. ia this city, the same as uual, at 11 a. ra. and p. m. Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Sixth and Queen streets. There will be the usual services on Sunday at 11 a m and 8 pm. r,t tha Star Follow Too. Star subicribers who are going away for the Summer will receive tbe paper regularly by mail by leaving orders for it at this office. Addresses will be changed aa often as desired. If tbere is anything yoa want, ad vertise for It. Is there anything yoa don't want? Advertise it in the Business Locals of the Star. One cent a word. Bat no ad. taken for le than 20 cents. tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS The Carolina Bicycle Club w ILL GIVE AN EXCURSION TO CARO- Iina Beach August 17th. There will be Base Ball and Btcycie r,rei; also other amusements. Post leaves 9.30. 8.00. 5. IS and 8.00 p. m. I-ast boat leaves Reach 11 o'clock p. ra. aal34t W1LLIH Ltl IA, Mc r, Eyen tbe KIDS are working; bard to get the HANDSOME WATCH which it is certain will be GIVEN AWAY on October 1st, 1897, at 10 a. m. Dy MERGER & EVANS. 115 Princess Street, Where good cheap SHOES may be had at all times. aa 14 tf We Have Other Goods to offer besides ClOYer Hill Batter." Read oar list and find oat. 100 Boies Full Cream Cheese, Candles, Gun Caps. Drags of all kinds. Floor all srrades. including Pills- bury's Best, which is tbe Flour 'for good bread C. Fruits, Glue, ,ou -" Potted Ham, Cooked Ham. Car load choice Timothy Hay. Ink to suit all. Jellies in Glass and in Wood.1 R. W. HICKS, Wholesale Grocer. aa 14 DAW tl i . . . i '