bt gjlornhifl tnr. I voxixaros. k. c Sarvaoav MotitM, Ac 14. IS37 IOIOCT 1U7XU For tome tiaae tae f aid oj sat of cjuttry aave be .sJaiftaf to kii Kic attars cea over te decline I tat pete -X ativ sr. as tt dacliae wuo'i tha a eatarat taiaj; la the worUJ etuler ta c(tiaaU(c. Ia l.iTJ a cou-pracf arai ve silvtr was f,M-aeJ by tafii p-awara wjk! caiaa'a-strd ta a atttc'.. of vvr. TUa On udiil a ta tata cms try wj wxta ant taaa g M It bafts to dtciue la prica tiaa-. bt a dacliaa was etay vi by t:a ;ui( of tbt Biaad-Al-liaoo act. (JlsvJ by tae Sierstae ace Tae rt pa al ol tae Unit left aI aar em!ijse aay lexIattve tscofa lioa aJ ta dtchaa bafts aftm. Taa c!'Mii of tae TaJU saints aarrowvi mora tie raof ai lia ti Jasa J (or sler J aaotat? Jaclia followed. Mart racaiclf t cMiJt la tie aaxsatary ifvia ol Jaa- far tier asrrawaJ tbw recof-jfUo eaj of ai'tar aJ aaocaar era of 4a cflaa Mt k a-:tl suiter as ixscetj tae Uar" aasri tast if Its eK ra,:fii S tatv putt t te mariec a J say ta tat frm It of l atr. "ii yxa a taa: " Pva aaJarvaatJ It r "Art va- Mtli .af (a tiara 14 J last Jailars ba a lit oat of tin f irty la j ccai ajtt:" Of c xsr we aaa It. Of cxik ws antlartcaa4 l. vi of ca? are tiU f ii O i uaae tiat dJIf b tavia ou: of tie v a coat I aaJ k tap oo taaittiif aittl tie fild wre.aippri lara oat HJM. Bat Oara ara oc!tr bastlaa taa (raa I atr aI'icta io a aavl aiJar cji.t it vi ta tba a lfia laaca u raftuta HUM fti fa?para f j tiair jca ta oataj a that tiara f aaft!a aura ttaa caiSt ba aipactrl ta taa !c it it taa pnc of ailaar. Taa WnSiaf.oo . coil t4aJfJ pitr aJ aa iV on. troa araica i baaa oaJ occaaioa to qnd otrttofif. tYat rtbakas aai aapaaaa taa abiarJitr of t5la Uiiotic yp- "Vaa ara feaa I tat mrm aaoktf ttata of laa a-ao aaiKa aitia of l)'C Wi aa tt la f itvxm paait ctia aattia loata iia Uci aal laa Ji:ao taa aratt I ft ta taa paica of aji!!.3- Ac3lf ta atl tat. aUaaa ia oa taa gra4t ! !! o chh ii tk a- taa racia asataia, as ara oi-t. ia a r tta loo 4tanf4l i oa dtacnaad la woata. in at aaaa U a lft J iat mt y aa i t lo Mill farther de ad, aa ta CXprt afo la, flat it qUc era." Coo troliaf taa (o!4 vita wblca aUref U boat aa4 oaca of tha Uaer sow at aiUWa far aaarkat ihtj pat it oat aaJ bar it la taastclret at a lover pnea taa a It b4 baa a coaamaadiaf. aJ taa a'aaya boJ4 cao(h of it tocoatrol tat nirkct a ad tba price. Waaa tar i aotaiaf to f aia bj pattiar it dowa tbT kap it whera it v bt vac tatf thiak tbcf aar a coxa t f ila by pottlaf it dava lata keapiaf it o? they pat It dava. Taitia praataty vbat they kaat brea do!a ataca taa faronh! rapKU bya bajaa to coae ia boat tba profTtaa vaieb tba ooae tary coat a two i U catklaf. Taay art vorktaf tbU racket to kill of taa lataraatt ja tl ra jaeoaat. If aacaaaar tbay vi!l raa ttlvcr still lof. for thay caa afford to lota a fav aatliiao of dallara If aacaaaary ta defeat iateraatioaal afreets eat. WHtaaloMof oaca lew they caa kaap taa e laer aairket (lattei fr loot tiae to c xae. ai loaf at eacaa ary. If tie atleer aiae ovocr attt tt:y-Srt ctau as oaact for hi ai ear. t ty vul oSar taetra at aiaty ccata aad taatv-il bi tba qaoted otrket prt:a. taaviaf a fall of tvo catta aa oaa:a Of coarta we aa dtrataaJ it aai taea Tbay art oot f'iaj iilatr ots a bit. dm foJ4rat -I ranttata at of tfea C4 of rt-t I. rtiui au taa uxc aad ati if o iaii aaar-u-a-lorYctaa Vf f oa aaa laa rrutaat atf of Btaan a't Ctcera aat tta (! m -pr4(ioa or ia N Tl S S'laar ia a ava kiVi iat it w taa aa ata x la tU an Taa taa 4 Ut mt a b t: cast tt a Nit oit it caa a." Ail 1 1 itt VMKitl 1 tfe pr jt f1 ifta oi ara rttaa tcva tl ki 4 . attiioaa ia o a i;ijt ifet aJ a ot a Pro"i c '-.t k it i(i co tiaaa '5 a dajraciatnty. tr a:r tia i na rjc'a o a a l'.ai!i (aaca. 'Taa ! ioaaa ki p trca tmi t-4 5a ' aaila aa3ar. Taa vaoia of taa aaoaaaUrat c!t xaa ?r-M:acta u aaaiaaaajoa aatU taa atea !' rtata, ' Om aaattataa to lataijtct taio tba laaaaa a'iaaio at to ataca aa a e atauoa of c )a ati a 4 raaaoa. I : a vcaJ ataca of bat to aaa tkaat rat fcat tatara aa alaa bta drpra ct wad la IM attrtat aad aaat bar l aoi4 vara aaliicted to aa Mat proem it vowida't loaa na etaa atarclat aJt la lk ra:Mk t ataacafa. taa proouattioa ra aaaf noaft. Taa m at of taa c itaad aattoaa ara c oaa-1 ta at aa tka aa'vo at'aia aa opaa tataa way tta ea'y ibaa taai aca at aaaa of a atatal rt a-oart aia iJ aad at a4 front !. Ia ta tr g-3l4 ctiatvao tctiK:a aa4 aruaoU vorth aao a) a r4a4 it a.aa14 ol it Ma.i tttiattt la tka ttata atr. vara taa paucaaa tara1 vara ta ataa ct'aa to go-4 aad ooaaa4 wvla to ttlaar voa'd lt dpactta aad ar aacoata atora atiaaa T I taa oviaaaacaiiai oratora a4 tditota. taa paaatraoaara 4 taa ktad iaa aa taaauata o aaaa4 a a tkarr tataaaata aad aaelarta at taiaa ra Bad taaad troat taa atrta 4 tka paupla kt-t tHlitf kh ata toOdar Caa aad p epock "It aaaota to aa taa at Mt lof ti rata't latatfiaaaia ial ttiaar. karaft ot Ita aaoaay axutaata. taoi daoraoata la ikt aitr feet, Lka gol4. H kae kt. a aaiaaS adaatattltty to taa aaa of ataakiai. It caaaot aa apoiiad to aar practteal pf . It la aoc anacapata a of coaaar atoa lato taspiaataata of hm4r. la to aKVtT. to tooia. ate. It ta at oai Ma oraaaiaat or lor c a lato etat. R aad a Waito of ita Uttar -tJ tty Karaaaa ot atifaiaaaa i tJ!a at roaad. Wi da ao ak taa aaoao aaataJiiat tar.r waa aoo d kacoata of od aar hka oraaataiaacaa. It wt-t ka oatt. Tkay da aat kaov " the Lxri or vuee fbe Life of Vaact." vrutea aad pa ; itaad by Maj r Cteaeat Dvd. of Caartotte. it aa eicaadiafly later eatiaf pabx(io aad a aalotblead d tioa to tha htttonc litcratare of tbia State Majar Iowi bad cicellcot adraatafce for lb a vork. for baviof baatfar ytr aatocialed vitb tbe ata of vbaa bs vnte-t be kacv bia vttl. aad aaderataod bio. per- btpa. at fev aalerttood btm. at veil kaava at be vas. Tat ttory at told by Major Dovd U at iaicreatia; at a rjatace a taoaa there u ao roaaacia( ia it. bo, vhta vt rsad tt we caa well ao- drrttaaj why :baloa Vaact bad taca a pa aerial bold ra the people of bit owe S:a(t aad vby he vat to aacb retpectel by the people of otttr 5:te vao case lato coa- ta-t with bist. Tbs yoooj aaa caty pran: by reajioi this bx far it w II gitt bia cour af e by lijwmj ba a ooble aabi tioa oir b achieved by oable ac uoa aad aaaatof oaea act! worthy of it, aaJ the older rata, alihojgh ba aay hire kaowa Vaoce ia tile. vill feel p'oaisr of bia at he reads tbtt recard of aibrokea derotisa to daty aad to bit peaple. A ta-3 tbitcaak is a treasure aad thoo'd be ia erery boatehatd ia Sonh Carom t, ml be read lelt orely by erery N'arta Caroliaiaa. It i prm'.ed la large clear type oo Sae paper, with illattratioas. neatly aaJ tabitiitin'y boaJ. mikn; a book tha: waalj d creJit to aiy pnn:laf hoata anj oae of which the oftre of the Ctirlatte 0tT', where it wit prtated aad oaitbeJ. aay well feel pool. A rcalew of the bok woald take cotaaa, ba: we rrprat that t: it to every way aa etcslieat prodactoa tot which tbe friaodt of the florioui Vaace. aod tae S ate thaatd b aader Utt of ob llf itioat to Mtjr Oaad KUOa MISTI05. "O ireraoeat by iojaactioo wtffli to tx cam to the froat these day. We bare bad soae Mmltt of it witbio tbe paat year or ao ia tats State, aad we are bar- tag toot mort taopiea of it aov lo a lor DiaieJ by tbe Cooventioa at Roaaoke, becaoaa vt refaxd aim aa oot of tba ablest men la tbe Senate, oat of taa truest to the people, aad by far tba ablest mta la public lift la Virtiol. lit ttaads vitb tbe people of tbat State, aod deservedly so, as oar ova Vaoce stood vitb the people of this Slate, aad for the same reatao, namely, tbat aside from bis brilliant Intellect and superb oratory, they bare onboaoded confidence is bin. Bat (although the opposition vas led by Senator Daniel) we do not think it shoved eqnal vis doa ia Totlnt; dovn tbe resolution proaldlof for the nomination of United State Senators by primaries, that la by the primaries eipressios; their preference for Senator and so lasiructlof tbe members-elect to tbe Legislature, vbo are pledged to stand by tbe actioa of the primaries. This is doot lo Illioois, in Sooth Carolina, aod la so favorably rt gardei tbat it will probably be adopted ia other States It is as aear aa approach to ao elec tion direct by tbe people as can be made viibont aa ameodment to the Constitution. Woite tbe con rcatioo voted dova this resolution. aicb bad carried lo tbe committee oo resolutions aod platform by a majority of one, it substantially adopted it la tbe case of Senator Daniel by a pledge to support only socb candidates for tbe legislature as voold pledge themselves to vote to return bim to tbe Senate. If tbe primary method vas a teeming "evasion of the Constitution," as caeteaded. vis not this practical in struction to the Democratic candi dates vbo may roa lor the Legtsla tart ao "evasioo of tbe Coostitn tioo" Senator Daoiel it the light mao, and the resolution to stand by bia and support only men for tbe Legislature vbo vill do likewise is all right, yet it vas glaringly mcon sisteot coming from men who bad jost voted down tbe primary resolution. SmiTS TURPENTINE, j fiddler WANTED.!. ' Night Sweats Wilketboro Ckrnult : Friday Jsmes Ho veil, colored, fell back Into tbe well which be bad jost com pleted for Mr. J. T. Wellborn, on Barracks HiIL and was killed. His sknll was broken on the back part of the bead and both legs were broken between the knee and ankle. He fell about fifty feet. HE WAS FAMED AND AT DANCE MUSIC DID VERY WELL. The gold poaers have cambtaed afaiasf silver aatil they have sac ctdd la cloaug aaarlf all tba aiats of tha world aaiatt it, that practl ciily coaavaf us attt aal its da maad to the artt, vaicb cannot coo an at aayihiag like taa prodsctiaa, aad therefore the price falls. Bat there is aaotber aad a panic alar rca aoa vby the price shoald be forced dova still I j wee thaa it bad beea. There la soa a oaaissioe ia H aropa teat aadar aathortty of oar Coagresa, tj cadtavor to promote ia:eraattoaai agrcaatat" for the opealagof the aaiatt to stiver. There baa bee toat talk atia: tht prob able saccess of ih's movemtat. ti Is fsvortd la Fraaca. Crraiayisii a pasaive cxal uoa. vaulag to taa bow other aa i3oa regard It, Eag taa j. vhSc-4 sceat to be the chief obatacta la the vty, is reported to be dlsposad to gia itsooss tteoarage taeat by aaklag coacessioas that woald opea tbt way the ate of a Urge unit of silver aa as ally. Tba ral J prwrra btuii alaraeJ at ths toii:ioas, aii bigta to Peoatylvaaia. where a Judge Puttborg his issued aa lejuoctioo restrain. ag the strikiog coal miners froca marchiag or caapiog ia the vlcioity of mice t where the work men have oot iaed la tbt strike. They had previos!y had ao ia J a act loo served oa Debt' month to prcveat bim from shootiog ol his cioqacact aaoag tbe oon striking tniorrt ia West Virginia. We are sot ap oo tbt lav la Penatylvania bat If there be lav ia that State which cia be so jadtcially interpret ed as to prevent men from marchlog aad caaplag. quietly aad peacefully vtikoat disturbing the peace of the com auatty, or lajarlag the property or iapertlllog tha aafety or lives of other, it b a daageroos lav aod oegbttobe viped c9 the statates. for its scratching capacity depends siapiy epoo the stretching iacllna tiooa of the jajge vho may be called oa to pass opoo iu It Is srgacd that these mtrchlogs aad campings are tatcaoed to lotimidate. to briag aadae prestare to bear opoo miners who art oot ia the strike, and that do lajary to the property or tbt miae owners by prevcaiiig then from getting out their coaL Bat as saaiag tbisto be so, oa the same groaad coolda't they gel oat at lajiaciaoo to prevent men from sinking, or from bold lag meetings aayvbert la tht vkiaity of vbert other mea may be at votk? Or coolda't they get oat aaiajtnctioa agsiast tht nevspa- peri pnblLshlag tbe proceedings or speeches made at such meetings as teodiag to create discontent aad to damoraiiie mea at votk and thus la jtrt the property of their employers? That's aboat tie vty it looks to os, for whea the lavs arc stretched tbat way, there Is eo tclilsf where the stretchlog process may ead, or bow maay rights the people will bave left whea the stretchers get throe g a the sxretciuag. a a I We coegtatatata tbe people of r. t iaia oa tbe eadotitmcnt given Sea BOOK If OTIC S3. 74r OmU4 Isr Aunt: 7. a. it aa ia- ttraat'aaaaoer. prettlaj a vtrled l it ofoaieats. iliot rtted I: cottaiat a coatieati'oa ol G jd none life, aad a pipar eatiticd Stalrta tbt S ia. w&icb It vtty laierat'.ta;. Tas retier w.ll alto fltd hht rtilia t j wk 1 1 a at; a le'iare b ar. Alirett Tee Oa.loik Coapiar. AttorP.acc. Ntw Yjr Ti S'rar Ttmt ab'CB i:c5di AVsp CKttti itdcoe1t) p-ojren aad di:aiti Iroa a proreitire t aad poiat ikMi tc a . p ) iticii ail eco aoatc toj Kit ia abicb ibe ps3?!e are lotarettej p-eteatio Iron raoatb papart br iaidiag pjiic mm aod riters aid eliioruli a'r aad laterett- lagl wriitra I: n oi-l 51 to lif tbtt It It oopttd to moiopi'iei. cjmDioet. clttt ltit t'.i3i aai l i a it t--( of tbtar. PjohtSe-5 Of CatrlerM Ksrr tt Col. 94 Filth on. Cvcijn Aner atfiout iiiettt Hooo't Sartapa- rilU btt woadeilal Cuilflioe up pjaer. I: ru t6-s ib dlood tad tenons perfect btalt 1 t CUHHtN r CDMMtNT Wbea the gold bug admits hat an increased dem rd lor silver routd be creited by rem jncteino? it h : concedes all there is in t,e arvu meat agaiost the coinage of silver oiosiaodaul monef. except the ratio. and biaaetalnst Usist that free coin age would make tbe commrrcial ratio lto 1. LsuitrilU Disfatik, Dtm. S nator Hinaa sars tbat a sil ver tei'iaatnt no loner exts s ia Ohio, and tbat be is certain of ec: lion by tbe oext Legts'atu e Mr. Hanoalsa shrewd campainer and undoubtedly knows the truth abojt the sttuaiioo. bat it Is just possible that bis little speech was made for campiigo effect and not nee.anlv to tell all he knows PkiUJttthi'a Tbe official report that R5 per ceat of the mea in the navy are Am ericans by birth or naturalization Is gratifying to national pride and. probably, a ganraotce of national sifciy. so far at It goes. It is oat aral lor men to fight better for their ova country than for another, atd. therefore, it is veil tbat battle ships shall be macced by there ova nat ionality. There voold be no d m catty ij filling the whole navy with Americans, If a proper effort were mads to do 3.Pkt!aJtIkl$ UJ(trt Imp Scotland Neck Commonwtalth: Some nights ago thieves entered Dr. D. B. Zollicoffers store at Garys bury and took $15io cash, a lot of shoes and clothing;, pistols, rsztrs, knives, etc He suspected three ex convicts at Roanoke Rapids, and vheo their houses were searched be found some ol the goods, bat the rogues made their escape. Alamance Gltatur; Mr. Thomas C Foust, about a mile south of this place, a few days ago housed seventy bushels of Irish potatoes from a plat of gTound 25x30 yards, after oaing from tbe patch since tbe po tatoes vere large enough. Tbe yield vas at tbe rate of 500 bushels to the acre. At the present price, 40 cents per buthel, aol acre of ground voold yield nearly $200 worth Mooroe Jtumal: Mr. Charles H. Aycoth died at bis home in Mon roe tovnsbip last Friday of fever. tie vas 28 years old. Col. Hotcbiss bas leased bis gold mine to a Northern firm, vbu bave pur chased machinery and vill, in aboat two week, begiu work Mr. H. F. Zachary, of Montgomery county, has been prospecting for tbe past tvo months aod shovs ns some valuablepecimens of ore, some, be says, vorth $2,000 a ton. Mount AirvAVwr: Bad Reeves. colored, and Jack Chandler, vhite, had a difficulty at Chandler's dis tillerr Saturday night last which re salted fatally to one of tbe parties to the affray. The distillery is near Rusk, Sorry county, and Reeves, So is known far and vide as a dangerous man, vas killed by Chan dler with a billet of wood. Chandler was promptly arrested and placed in jail at uoDton, our county seat. Reeves on more than one occasion gavt oor police trouble, and was shot several years ago by one of onr officers Wadesboro Aftitenger and Intel ligtnxer; Mr. R. D. Astxford died at bis borne near Peachland last Friday night, aged about 48 jears. The de ceased bad been sick for i"me time ar.d his death was not unexpected. He vas for maoy ycajs ia tbe employ or the Carolioa Central Railroad, as trestle bujlder. and vas well known along the line of the road. The preliminary hearing last Thursday in the case of Joe Bogeao, charged with assaulting Berta demons, a young colored woman of this place, resulted lo Joes beiog required to give a jus tified bond in the sum ol $500 in his appearance at the next term of the criminal court far Ansou county. He coul J not give the boo J and was sent to jail. Southport SianJarj : The death of Mr. D. B. Stanland, of Saalotte, occurred on Sunday morning. He passed away, after an illness of only a lew hours, although he vas able to work same and to walk over his farm Saturday evening. Mr. Fred Swain tells us that while pass ing along ia his voods, near the marsh, last week he broke into an alijfators nest. In a few days more 40 young "paters" would have alked into the a Ijacent creek. Last Tuesday afternoon, auring an electric storm, lightning struck a small tree in the yard of Mr. Way man Roberson, of Pr.enx, aod run ning dowa a wire clothes line fas tened to the tree, the bolt killed one of his children, about four years of age. and stunned two others, who are not expected to live rwiNiiN(ii. Ferguson ' What is the com pniuoa ol Reqatfoit cbeen ? ' Tipioo Rrq jefort cbeete it not a enmpotnioo. it ia a decomposition." Bottem Transcript Aa Old Maxim Revised First Tot -Mr tnimaia tayt. If tbe thoe fits, pot it oa ' " Second Tot Mr mamma tart. 'If Ibeibx S i. uk: iii.fl .i t too ti ' Putt. Tmm aad rrolla la Waahaot aa the Ore- gom Short LIm- Millionaire and I in ml. grauita Attend a Uaaet aad Esperienoo m atoaleol Sorprlae. On St. Patrick's day, 1894, five through trains, bound both to tbe east ward and westward of the Oregon Short Lfne of the Union Pacific, were tied tip at Glenns Ferry, Ida. They bad been canght between two aeriona washouts, oue at Pocatello and the other at Indian Creek, three dajs before, aud bad to wait at Olenns Ferry for track repairs along the line heioro they could proceed. GleuDt Ferry is a bleak little railroad and abeep herders' town of 300 or 400 inhabitants, situate on a sagebrush bluff overlooking tbe unspeakably dark aud dreary Snake river. Tbo five stalled trains carried 600 passengers of aa miscellaneous a charac ter as could be gotten together at a carefully selected congress of types. There were i-migranta and millionaires; soldiers ou the move; dainty women in palace cats and women bound for Creede and Cripple Creek in day coaches; min ers who killed time during the wait in shooting mugpies circling over tbe Snake river; Shoshone Indians travel ing to tbe limits of 1 heir reservation; well behaved an'l qniet people, noisy aud tumultuous people. But all were stu k alike, i.url they made the best of it. Lines tf tocial demarcation were for the tiruo crxsret. All liHuds mingled easily ou the little station platform and in the littlo station waiting room. The supply cf food on tbe dining cars gave out tbo first day of tbe bitch, aud every body was fed, nnd well fed, too, in the statjeu rating room. They sat down at tbe tables 1:1 relays and Dntientlv awailcil their turn. The r;ii!ro;i:l employees and their wivi wi re t j;ive a c'uiice at the little town bull on St. Patrick's night The Kwiicl:in!i v. ho bad been customarily rmplrvoLl to Luillo for them had been v. i;c!:nl to another division. Inaquan- !: ty, tbo cun'o toiumitrco toured tbe ir.:i;;s cud trillion to ascertain if any of t!;;' rtu! i:i.'-eugers happened to be curijiutf a vi&liu and was capable of rrudccinpT music on it. In one of the fbf piug cars they came ncrors an artistic lonliin;? man, with -very long hair, a seraphic, oleaginous countenance and exceedincly bai.'gy clothes. They were looking for a fidiiJcr. they said. Did be know cf any on tbo train? Well, ho diiln't know in o-jtraeou.'ly bad Eng lish); be played a little himfclf once in awhile, and bad rather a fair fiddle with him. The long buired man accent ed tbo "fiddle" rather curiously. But tho railroad men were overjoyed. Would he play for tbem to dauce with their wives anil sweethearts? Certainly! Did ho know (iaiico music? Well, some. All of the stalled passengers were in vited to tbo dauce, and they all went. A good mmiy of tbem could not gut in. Tbe baggily clothed fiddler turned up in good time. Tbe pianist was waiting for bim. S.i was the railroad daucc committee, cnerf tho members of which slipped 3 mono dollar bills into the fiddler'n hand :.s payment in advance for t li 3 evenings work. It was smiling ly nccepted. Tbe dance began. The fireman's wife, who played tbe piano, produced an old tetburnbed violin and piano tuun 1 onk and turned to tbe lan cers. She told tbe tiddler, at the end of the first dance, tbat lie did pretty well, oaly bo wi i:t too fast. Then there was a waltz. Tbo fiddlirwas informed by his accompanist that bo was getting along finely, and everybody in the room began to priclr np bis ears i.t l'.:c sweet ness c.f thn violin music, although the dances were common enough aud tawdry enough. Another waltz tbe "Beautiful Blue Danuln.'. " All cf tbe dancers on the floor stopped dead ut tho first bar, and the travelers with cultivated musical ears moved close to the piano. The pi anist ceased. She wished to listen. Tho violin music was miraculous. The play er swayed from aide to side as be phras ed. He appeared to be oblivious of bis surroundings, fie improvised variations of liispjring tenderness. He out-Strauss cd Strauss. His violin sang, throbbed with passion. When the last note died away, tho people in the ball appeared to bo m n dream all but one. "M. V; aye, "raid Charley Fair, the son of tbe late United States Senator Fair, stopping from tbe throng, "won't jou play that lively, rattling thing you gave us ct the Bohemian club- in San Francisco tho other night? It's been ruiinin;: in my hi ad ever since. " M. Vsayo played Berlioz's "Pizzi cato" as he perhaps never played it be fore. Washington Star. Boat Blood Purifier and ? Tonic Found In Hood's, " My husband suffered with pain in the back, night aweata and loss of appetite. Ea has been taking Hood's Sarsa par ilia and it has benefited him very much. It haa given him an excellent appetite and we believe it to ba the best blood purifier and tonic that can be obtained." Has. C. F. Dknwib, Macbeth, South Carolina. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tbe best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents. BARGAINS IH Slippers AND TanShoes FOR TtN DAYS ONLY. 25 Per Gent Off, 40c quality wtil be' 30c . 50i " " " 37c. 75c " " " 5ic. $1.00 " , " " 75c. 150 " ' " $1.12. 2 00 " ' " 1.50. Remember 10 Days Only And many other Bargains at J. H. REHOER & CO.'S, Near Fourth Street Bridge. Bell Phone 118. Inter-State 218. Car f jre paid on purchases of $2 and up. au 8 tf TURNIP SEED, Crop 1897, JUST ARRIVED ALL VARIETIES PLANTED IN THIS SECTION. The Largest Stock and the Lowest Prices. Write fot quotations. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, je 29 tf Wilmington, N. C. Wholesale Prices nrTent. Toe quota tioni aia always given as accurately as pmible, bot toe Stab will hot be responsible for any variations from tha actual market price of tba article! q noted. COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. v STAR OFFICE, August 13. SPIRI1S TURPENTINE Market steady at 25 cents per gallon for machine made casks, and 85 W cents lor country casks. ROSIN Market quiet at $1 20 per bbl for Strained and aU.25 lor Good Strained. aaa) a vara. - . marKet qatet at 91.15 per DDI oi sou ma. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market qniet; $1.80 per barrel for Hard, 1 80 tor Yellow Dip and 1.90 lor Virgin Quotations same day last year Spirits turpentine firm. 22J4, xukc; rosin firm SI 1 37Ji; tar firm, $1.05; crude turpentine steady, $1.20, 1.55, 1 65. RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine. 88 Rosin. 710 Tar 19 Crude Turpentine 67 Receipts same day last year 210 casks spirits turpentine, 857 bbls rosin, sv DDIs tar. 48 bbls crude turpentine. COTTON. Market quiet on a basis o( 7j,c lor middling. Quotations: Ordinary 6 eta $ lb tjooa urdtnary Q " ' Low Middling 7 " " Middling '.IK " " Good Middling 8 3-16 " " Same day last year, middling 7c. Keceipts 0 bales; same day. last year 2. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime 5560c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra rrime, Oic; fancy, 75c Virginia extra rrime.4550c; Fancy, 50c. kin rirm; a74 cents per nosnei ROUGH RICE 6570'cen:s per ousnei. N. C. BACON Steady; Hams. 8 to 9c per pound; Shoulders, 6 to 7c Sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five men hearts and sapa, $1 60 to 2 25; six inch. $2.25 to 3.25; seven inch $5 50 to 6 60 TIMBER Market steady at $5.00 to o.oo per M COTTON AND NA.VAL STORES. WEEKLY STATEMENT. RECEIPTS. J For week; ended Aogmt 13, 1B37. Stiritl. R.iin. Tar. l,56i 7,083 1,551 RECEIPTS. For week ended August 11, 1896 Sjiriti. gtuim. Tar. 1,959 6.093 8,9 EXPORTS. For week ended Auus. 13, 1897. Cctttm. Sfiritt. Rutin. Tar. Crmdi. Domestic., 617 1,-4)8 7 ) 804 539 foreign... 00J l,10j 4 9i3 COO 000 8 003,178 bales; exports to France 899 7 bales; exports to tha Continmt 2 144 bales; to tbe Channel 5.481 b3c, Aug. 13. Ualvtston, quiet at 7. rr, receipts 830 bale; Norlolk. firm i net receipts IS bales. Baltimore n ,f l nal at 8J. net receipts bales IJ.,sl r quiet at 8 net receipts so , . Wilmington, quiet at 7k. nn ., ceipu bales; Philadelphia nu c, , 84, net receipts 633 bales; Sav.,rr quiet at 7?4. net receipu 6 baki rw Urieans, easy at 7 11 16. net ir, , 459 bales; Mobile, dull at 7 receipts 8 bales; Memphis, iter', 7 13-16 net receipts 13 bale- A , , steady at 84, net receipts 11 ,. Charleston, nrm at 7, net rcc bales. 21 CttUn. ' 6 Crdr. 414 Crudt. 486 September Tiarcb $7 15 617 2,303 6 03 J EXPORTS. For week ended August 14, Cotton. Stiriti. Rutin. 8C4 539 1896. Tar. Crmdt. Domestic. 1,8 8 1,803 539 1,337 409 Foreign., , uOO oOJ 9,271 000 000 1.S23 2,40 i 9,810 1,?37 409 STOCKS. Ashore and Afloat, Aug. 13, 1897. Athort. AJltal. Total. Cotton 327 ii 429 Soirtts... 1,24 J 19 1,219 Rosm 3.-.W1 15 3i,t6J Tar ;i.371 2W S.tol Crnde 407 000 407 STOCKb. Ashore and Afloat, Aug. 14, 1896. CttUn. Sfiriti, Rutin. Tar. 2,0J7 2.593 15.404 6.156 FINANCIAL MARKETS. Crude. 558 The foilowiiig quota Dons represent Wholesale Prices generally. In making cp small orders higher prices nave to be charsed. Miraculous Benefit MtCCIVCD FHOM Dr. Milts' New Heart Cure. r' J, .. vft i III hV a EU F. BABCOCX. of Avoca. N. T, a ataaaa o tba ard K. T. LrUliary asd tor taOrtv yaaia of tha Babcaaek at Maaaal Caartaaa Ox. of Anbmra. aajat "I iftw ao Juraa aay rraUlad tor Utm Blrsvo loast bants raratvad tioca Dr. If Ilea Heart Cava. I aaarad for yvsvra.aa raaatt of rmj aeaaaac vhicai atactod mj ataart form, as UmUe awciud from ap. I bloalad aatO I waa aaabla ta aajatasa aay cJotkUgt ba4 aar paUtaa . haaarv aaacthaclaf apaila aad of braaaa. for tbtaa aaoatha I saamaaUaaotU dowa, aad ail Uta aim I to tM ta aa ana rfcadr. 1 traa trasuad by taa baa doraora ba fradaaily gra voraa. Aboat a rr a-o I coaaaaaacad tavklaf Dr. MiW Kwa IIsatS Car aad itaaaadmyUfa aa tf by a aUracJa. f tL aar. all l aar naasaaiai I v rw- ara aod by ail draa a yaatUaa a. tra bottla ar aaoaay ra cok oa dla The thDaghtful citizen looked crave. 'I have gone through this Oiagley bill from beginning to end." he said, "aad I mutt say tbat it is aery in complete ' Whaia wrong with it ? ' "Wny. here's co eaoort duty on heir ettes " HsusiholJ Words "Daes yoor wife take aay ioterest in correal p jlitica ? asked tbe earnest wo mao. "Nw." reo'ied Mr Sidfarm. "she doo t. Bat il ti' currant jelly or cur rant pie. wny i aiiow aoe could tell ycu mora thugs a 10 -at 'em 'a yoa ever dream pt ol." Boston Transcrpt "Do yon eat missionaries now?" tba tonriat atked ol the cannibal. Oa. yet!" responded tbe latter "Yon kill there first, don't you?" per sisted tba tourist. "We do now." sighed tbe urbane can aibal meaely. "We foaed quick lunches prodoced dispepsia." Boston Tra ixlltr. Ao Explanation : Ethel "I wonder why Gjod Friday is called Good Fnda,?- Fcddy Why. you a'prise me It's named alter Robipaoa Crusoe's faithful aeraaa. cl course." fudft "Here, you." said the officious cit's:o. grabbieg the scorcher. "Area's yon going to apolog'is to that man yon knrcted down ? ' 'Me? Nit, He'll get bis evens all right. Dit'i yoo kaow bt'a a trolley ra 04 or ma a ? Kansas City Star. "Did yon bear old Gotrox boastiag that bis life bad always been free sad npea to tbe observation ol all tbe worltf?" l did. Aad yet everybody knows that bia first big money was made la a coiner." Indianapolis f onr nal. The Da IMaarirr Women. In an article which the lato Mr. Dn Mfiurirr wrote souio years ugo for Tho Maguz'no of Art apropos of tho typical "pretty woman" cf his drawings, oc curs tho following qtirtint and character istic passage: "I clj hope the rpnder does not (lis lik. lirr that iB, if he knows her I am so fond of hor myself, or rather no foDd of wlint I wnut her to be. She is my piece tie resisAuce, aud I have often L; anl her cemuieuded, uud the praise of her lias sonuiied sweet iu mine ears and gone straight to usy heart, for she ba$ becomo to mo n a daughter. She is ratbtr tall, I atlmit, aud a trifle stiff bot English women are tall and FtirT just now aud 6ho is rather too serious, but that is ouly because. I find it so difficult with a rut re stroke iu black ink to indicate tho enchanting littlo curved lines that go from the nose to tbe mouth corners, causing the cheeks to tuuke a sin no. Father and Soa. In 1869 a Rev. Dr. Crane wroto a tract on popular amusements, in which he said that "novel reading has become the vice of the age" and warned his readers and listeners against so evil a habit, so soul de stroying a recreation as novel read ing. His son is Stephen Crane, who has been making considerable repu tation as a writer of novels. I - - k a HaaaVtj y fraav Addswaav I -l4- DB. at IXXB at OICAL uu, aUaaaaxiad. avy woaaaa faaada Dr. BtlW Fata PUla. taa awriasa a aaasai la Dr. tf Qsaa Paa rava Cnsatrsw IMM saw." Wm ava T aa Pistraa. Jataaatlv . as ta ih ' rasta mmmm rasaraaai Siaiita taa aaa. aaa is of taa Tata Traa Haaaedy. W. M. Raiaa. editor Tiakilwa. Ill , Chiel. ' says: "We won't keep bouse wi tb at Dr. K ng'a Near Discovery for Coniuaptton, Cougbs aad Cole's. Ei- peritDtated with maay others, bat never rot ths eras remedy until we esed Dr. King's Near Discovery. No other rem edy caa lake its place ia onr home, as in it we have a certain and sore cafe for Ccngbs. Colds. Whooping Cough, etc" 11 it Idle to csperlmeat wim other rem. ediea. even It taey ara ogei oa von aa test aa good as Dr. tuag'a New Discov ery. Tbey are aot as good. Because this remedy bas a record of caret aad besides It gnaraateed. It never falls to auiafv. Trial bottle free at R R.-BllXAirr'i Drag Store. , . - , ' All Seaaona For Ita On, "Ice is nu awfully ruinous thing.' sighed Cholly. "Iu wiuter whole towns aro bankrupted by ice gorges, nnd in tne rummer the young men ara bank rupted by ice cream gcrgea." Chicago xri uuDC. . Every man will find his own private anaira more nimcclt to tuanage aud routrol than any public affairs iu which be tuay be engaged. Lord Melbourne Fraa.riUa. Send yoor address to H E Backlen 4 Co . Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New L fe fills. A trial will coaviace yon of their merits. These pills are easy la actioa, and are particularly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headtche. . For Malaria and Liver tronblet tbey have been proved invalua ble. Tbey are guaranteed to be perfect ly free from every deleterious substance aad 10 be purely vegetable. Tbey do not weaken by their action, bnt by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly In vigorate tne system. Kegnlar sist 85 c per box. Sold by R. R. Bellamy. Drug gist.. ' -- f . BAGGING t t lute .- Standard ,.,. WESTERN SMOKED Hams t ides aj B Sbou'ders W . .....a.... DRY SALTED Sides W Shoulders SJ t BARRELS Spiri:s Turpentine Second-hAod, each - New New York, each.... New City, each BEESWAX V B BRICKS Wilmington W M...... ,. Northern BUTTEK North Carolina tf t, N'tthern . CORN MEAL Per Bushel, in sacks Virginia Meal COTTON TIES W bundle CANDLES W Sperm Adsmantine ,. CHEESE -aj So Northern factory Dairy, Cream ... State , COFFEE a) fc Lacarra.,...,..,......,..., Rio , DOMESTICS Sheetine. 4-t, V yard. Yams, V bunch. .., EGGS doien Flb Mackerel, No 1, V barrel .... Mackerel, No 1, half-barrel Mackerel, No S. f barrel... . Mackerel. No 2. a) half-barrel Mackerel. No S, W barrel Mullets, ) barrel Ma lets, y pork barrel N C. Roe Herring, B keg.. my l-od, WD,, latra.. rOUR - barrel Low grade. . Choce Straight First Patent HT IIP & W W --..... ...... GRAIN t) bnsbel Corn, froji store, bags White, Car load, ia bigs White., Ojts. from s ore....,.,...,.,. Oats, Rust Proof........ Cow reaa HIDES, a? Oreea Drr . HAY. 100 ti Clover Hay Kice Straw Kastera .......... Wasters ........ . North Hirer. HOOP IRON. ...... LARD, m 1 Norther a ,.,,.,,, ,,,, North Carolina LIME aj barrel LUMBaRla 18 00 Kongb-edgs Plank 15 00 West India cargoes, according to quality IS 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned... 18 00 Scant! BC and Board, common. 14 00 MOLASSES, W gallon sarbadca, in nnu,.,a in sola Porto Rico, in hhda is bbls 63 7 i2 a 14 t & 7 SO 654 1 OO 1 10 1 35 1 40 1 30 1 40 , 23 6 00 7 00 S 00 14 00 10 (3 IS 18 85 a 73 18 25 8 10 11 a i2vi 12 13 10 80 O 8a ii 18 O SO 10 litf By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, Aag. IS Evening Money on call was easy at ll4 Pr cent., last loan at 1 and closed ottered at 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 34M per cent. Sterling exchange wis wckk, actual business in Dankers bills at 485 for demand; 430 43334 lor sixty days. Posted rates481 and 486U487. Commercial bills 482. S;lver certificates . Gov ernment, bonds were easier; twos, reg istered, 97; iouis, registered. lllg lours, coupon, 113; near lours, regis tered, 125j; new louts, coupon, 125) fives, registered, fives, coupon 113.. State bonds duii; North Carolina s:xes 126; North Carolina fours 1034 Railroad bands strong. NAVAL STORES MARKETS. By Telegraph to tha Morning Stai. New York, Aug. 13 Rosin quiet, strained common to good $1 501 55 Spirits turpentine quiet at iS28. Charleston, Aug. 13 Spirits tur pentine firm at 21c bid: sales casks. Roslu firm; sales barrels; A. B. C, D 1 20. E $1 20. F $1 25, G ftl 30 H SI 45 I. SI 45, K Si 50. M SI 55. N SI 76. VV G SI 90; W W $3 20. SAVANNAH, Aug. 13. Spirits turf en tine firm at 26 bid;tales 620casks;receipts 985 casks. Rosin arm; sales 2 619 barrels; receipts 4 904 barrels; quo tations: A. B, CD SI 20, E SI 25. F Si 30, GS1 35. H SI 50.1 SI 50. K SI 60 M SI 69. N SI 95. W G S3 20. W ,VV 2 45 a HIHa.H taa a aaa a S2 00 11 00 i ro s oo 13 00 S 00 s eo S oo 6 8 85 39 00 15 00 18 00 00 14 00 a so 7 00 8 85 10 8 50 rv aawedl.W M feet ... . ' ' : amp stun, reaawed...... 8 ro 8 to 8 SO 4 01 4 S 4 0 O 5 00 TH 8 O 45 45 30 85 40 6J 65 O 6 8 0 85 & to 1 00 90 05 85 iHB ejBj 8 10 l is i as Ssooo IS 00 18 00 22 00 O 15 00 Suar-Hoase, ia hhda . " ia bbls ae as a e ii 9 I LLL. oyrap, in awsai NAILS, keg. Cat CM basis.... PORK, birrel City Mess Ramp Prime ' ROPE. Vft SALT, a sack Alma Lirerpool... ,...,..,,,,,,,,. Lasboa ..... AfTSlfScv- SHINGLES, T-inch, M. (00 I 00 Craresa Sana ... - a aa SUGAR, S Standard Grana'd wnita ca. ... . Extra C, Goldea U. Yellow at 28 6 12 14 14 IS 15 IS 1 EO 1 80 10 40 aet tAlD aa av xl a ' Jva-aar a v avngnneni......4t. TIMBtR, VMfoat- a i as saaaaaawawawa.sawawasjw-,,, SHINGLES, N. C. CrfeaV'sala v. m. ww swart c -..SMSH. TALLOW, c "' uir rr a- F"' a a aa --a KPTfh a.r..1aa wool v -uw.aiied aaa a a " COTTON MARKETS. By Telegrar-h to the Morning Star. New York. August 13 Tnecottcn market opened steady, with prices 1 to 6 points, the decline failing mainly on tte new crop pes noes August received special support in th: wa of buing or ders from Philadelphia Following the fii st csll the market further declined 1 to 3 pouts The weakness was the result ol ualsvori ble and disappointing foreign advices aad generally favorable crop accounts. About the only support tbe market had came in the way of buy ing against short contracts. During the afternoon tbe market was qu et and practically in tbe hands of the local con tingent, with a. we k undertone, ai.d finally quiet and steid at a net decline of 6 to 8 points, except on August. which showed a net gain ol 3 points on spinners buying. Total sales 10 000 bales. New York. August 13. The follow irg are the total net receipts of cotton at all ports since September 1st. 1896: Gt! vestcn, 1.848.465; New Or cans. 2.0 SO- 191; Mobilr, 303.295 Savannah. 810 677; Chariest- n, 899 469. W.Imingtor, V34 623; Norfok 704.330; Baltimore, 60 693, New York 108 981; Boston, 161.734; New port News. 9.707 Philadelphia 61 960; West Point, Va.. CO; B. una wick. Ii5 161; lezas tity. o 845; Pensacola. 67.892 Port Royal, 73.622. . Total, 6,624 932. Niw York. Aug. lS.-r-Evening. cotton steaay; middling 8c. Cotton lutures closed quiet and steady; tales 80 100 bales; Jan'v 6 96 Feo'v 6 99, March 7 OS. April 1 0 May 7 08. July . August 7 65. September 7 11. October 6 98. November 6 90. December 6 62. Spot cotton closed steady: middling nplands 8c; middling gulf 8Uc; sales 614 bales. Cotton- net receipts bales; gross 464 bales; exports to Great Britain bales; to France - bales; to the Continent 200 bales; forwarded 401 bales: talet 1614 bales; sales to spinners 1,144 bales; stock (actual) 47.119 bales. Weekly net receipts bales; gross 8.090 bales; exports to Great Britain 430 bales; to France 401 bales; to the Continent 8 906 bales: forwarded 9 478 bales; tales 6,749 bales; tales to spinners 8,005 bales. j Total , to-day -Net receipts LS32 bales; exports to Great Britain 229 bales; to France - bales; to tbe Con tinent 202 bales; rock 77,850 bales. Consolidated Net receipt! 3,718 bales; exports to Great Britain i 068 bales; to France 401 bales; to tbe Con tinent 8 849 bales. . ' . , Total since September 1 Net receipts 6,624,932 bales; exports to Great Britain PRODUCE MARKETS Br Talaarrapk to the Btoralni Sur New York. Aug. 13 Eve- . Flour opened steady but turned r oaing to tbe late decline in winter straights 4 254 45. W: spot weak; No. 2 red 92c ill j t York 94s afloat; No. 1 Nonhcrr, i afloat; options opened steady ar, : vanced oo local covering. jf;cr , collapied under disappoint; cat r lack of ball tupp ji t an 1 beivv jq ; , clt s-.d weak at l2c net dccl ne . inctuded; No. 2 red August clcie September 873C90c,c!oitd 83c Tic ber 8683gC, cloeed Wz C spot eav. No. 3. 8a,c at elevator , -33c afloat; options opened sied aavacced on gO:)d general buying h , cables and unfavorable crop news i eased off with wheat and c'oied net loaer; August cloted 8jc.b t ter 8233Wc. closed i2c. Deer 8bXS6Xc, closed at afii; spot fan ly active for export, N'. options were neglected zed easier. - ing c net lower; September iil : firmer; Wesiern steam closed at c ; ; nominal, cuv 4 80. lefined firm L nentS5 05. Sutb A mericac 5 c pound SI 50. Poik rnaiKrt I old mess 18 008 75. short c:eai , , 11 00 lamily 9 COaiO ( I!, verv firm: Western creamery 11451, lartory 7iailc; Elgins KiUc, irnaa,, creamery 9eHic; S:aic dany : 14W do crmery ll15U. Cheese 1 Slate Urfje. white 76t8.:; srrij , 7L8;; large, colored 8a8L,( - colored 8V48VsC;part skims 41''-, skims 2i4&Hc. Eegs firm; Si,. Pennsy vania 1215. Western frc . , 14c. Petroleum dull. Rice 6rrt,, lasses firm. Tallow s eadv. Cotton ie' ' oil steddv. Potatoes steady; Lone Iiian ) 2002 25; Jersey 82 C0Q3 SZ, sweets ti 002 50 Tomatoes, per crate or bcr. as to qaalitv 'i!t75c. Cabb3ge Long Is and r;d e sey per 109 12 S5a8 60. C ffce p tr5 red E.eadv and 10 points lower, ciosed steady and 10 poit net lower, sales i . 0 0 bacs, Iccludin. t id 75. December S7 C 5 May $7 25; ipot Rio week Coroova 10ai63:; sles 700 bair Mar2Ciirjo. P. 1. Sugar raw firm. Chicago, Auaust 13 Selling to cuie prfi.s cauied a set back in iu grain markets to-dav. Vvbeat fcr S. tember closed lc lower. Tbe cash -en ar.d fell off perceptibly and cL fai'ed to respond to yesterday's adva: -here. Cera advanced early, but c " : on a reaction aca uncuanged. ' lost Uc. Provisions were fairly ac;- Pork gained 10c, lard 5c acd r - Chicago. Aug. 13. Cash quout; Flour firm; demand mrdeiate. Wtev. No. 2 spring 82W84c, No 3 si . 788lc; No 2 red new 85085c. ( No. 2, 272-c. Oats No. 2 17-,,i 18; No 2 whue iQ21Kc: No. 3 do : - , 20c. Mess pork per barrel. 8 8 0. Lard, per 100 Ibi 4 87K ; bhort nfj sides, loose. 8-5 87UQ5 50 I salted shoulders, boxed, 1 0005 . Short clear sides, boxed, 5 12H05 -Whiskey SI 19 The leading futures ranged as follows opening, highest. ' lowest aod cloaint . Wheat-Srptembcr 823S2?, 83 80. 8060; December 81a82. b2nH 82. 8c. SOJgC. Corn AukusI 87, 28, 27. 2727i; September 2".. 29,. 2JJg. 27iJ28c; December S -j i9. 29 29; May 82. 32, Z : , Oatt No 2 September 17 18 17S ' , 17?grr: December 19 19? 18 May 2021 H. 21 j, 2(i3 . SO. tfl Mess porlt Septerr.Der S7 90 8 1" " S On Hrlrh.rt: Ol D 19 7 Q1 S Lard Stp'.emner $4 40 4 4V 4 b7 i; October fet 45. 4 50 4 45 4 45 : ribs-September 14 87. 4 92 4--. 4 90; October 4 92,4. 4 67.4 99 4 , Baltimore, Auzust 13 Fiou and uncbacged. Wbeat stead ' decline; spot and mcnth 91!. ; September 893c; steamer N red 3488c; Souihern wbes: sample 8893c: do on giale 'n Corn firm; spot 833c; month , 82c. September 82,a82gc stt., mixed 80ji30'c; Souttern white i; , 35c; do yellow 3535c. Oats ttcs No. 2 white, old, 27c: new. 24 No. 2 mixed, old. 23c; new. 2Hioi:: FOREIGN MARKETS Br Cable to the Morning Star. Liverpool. August 134 P. M Cotton Spot in moderate demand -prices easier. American middling i 32d. Sales ol the day were 8 (X f. of which 600 were for specula: export, aud included 7 600 A: Keceipts none. Futures cpect ; t witb a moderate demand and steady at tbe decline. Amen dung (I m c): August 4 7 6;: Angust and September 4 2 u,;: seller; September and October 8 60 64d buyer; October and N . 8 63-64364 641 buyer; Nove- December 3 51 64d seller P and January 8 49-61aS 50-R4J January aod February 3 49-04 value; Maich and April-3 V,' i . 61d buyer; Apnl and May f 3 62 84 1 seller; Mav and lune : ' - 53 64d seller; SeptemDer 4 . seller. MARINE. ' ARRIVED. Steamsh p Croatan. 823 tons O ter. G orgetown. H G bTiallaonrs Stmr A P Hurt, Rooeson I i ville. fames Madden. CLEARED. Scbr J tun e A Siubbs. ICS tor Port de Paix. Geo Hamas Soa .t Stmr A P Hurt, Robeson, Fa vil e, ames Madden. Kxronn, FOREIGN. Port de Paix Scbr Jem. Stobbs 117,075 leet lumber. 8 o t ; ' shingles, i bbls pitch. 3 do tar. 2d', tar. 25 cases lamo o.l toul , ST62184; vessel by Geo Hirnsa Co; cargo by master. MARINE DIRECTORY Utl of Teasels In tba Port of t t ns;t on, 1. C, a as;. 14, SCHOONERS. Marv J Russell, 854 tons, Smitb " Harrlss. Son & Co. Aldine, 816 tons, Limbert, JIK' Co. Aloert L Butler. 291 tons. Le'ar-' Harrirs, Son & Co. Rcger Moore. x77 tons. Miller. ' " 1 Riley or Co. BARQUES. Concettioa (Ital), 498 tons. ' Jas T Riley & Co. Nord America (Itai), 658 toes Chi"'' jas T Kiley a Co. M d- Holman "I hear that onh it reduced to extremltiei." Garter y 'There can be no qoistm about that. I left, bim at tbe rale i ' nosy. He had finished a course oi " soup snd bad begun npon a d sb ct feet," Boston Travtlltr.