AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. we Aft t assixtxxt; tick cocxts era ucirr to ties cxcix-sxvi: ess or tmk wd C ASTORIA," and " PTTCIimVS CASTOR! A," AS OCK TRADE MAftX. . DR. SAMUEL PITCHER. E'janrJs, Massachusetts rJ the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA." the same r:' A.x. bern and dor noo srrl 0,1 f7 :r the fic-sinile si gnat n cf QGl&Z&UcJuU . trreppcr. ;v. i.i the original "PITCHER'S CASTORU, which has been .- d 't fA? Atwnj ?& Mjthcrs cf America for ever thirty . :r, LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that U is ?y rn,i yen cheert bought Jf tffi , 77 " "7 iji fA signature of CjtjCffl&lctt is rap- .v one has authority from me to use Big name ex - Centaur Company of ahkh Chas. H. Fletcher is Min:h S, IS97. . Do Not Be Deceived c m.lanr the life of your child by accepting substitute which tome druggist may o.Tcr you i . - he makr- a few more pennies on it), the in i i of which even he docs not know. The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-S1MILE SIGNATURE OF , Insist on Having The Kind -That Never Failed You. . .Va furtortfist ) w jju-ia.- . u -r b.u ii-tij, hr .1 rs. r bvit) i first. arul hi n .j i -i .'niiai hwly m.ii04 its 'i rri f we f aI-r !' ibniii8 ar" f tr ,-f tfc w -- oji a I?uf m.-xw -ur jus f Mi- . ;-n.abr ' ,,. S , i e (wl S . Y im 'i rt ' ... , ...... .-l:. 'V '1 :'! " . ! t ... yt "T . , V - -v w i'v r ' , i Hi:.- -jtt . .i-.l. . r ::i-v v-rT i .-r-l fh -r i--' ' rar-l th .r at nuu'kT-l lo t I i-i-h i r w i"l -!fi inf vry rj. rn:"' WJut ! FASHIONS C1LVNGE Complexion POWDER i am ram mM POZZONI'S )ti KtKKTWBKKX. HI frottl W W Alr SAUCE tW IM t tM4 J"MN DCNCA.V3 N- Y. Combination Bicycle FOR SALE v CoabBtioo "CrriT" Blcrcl. ' i Tlrx. BnwA at-m. Will b toU c -.ip Ctil la prtoa. or uZdrru Vt t J r S ;r OLD TH. 1 I ; - . n, ! im t " - i -i .e . t iu':rnfal i'JC v fc." J'. .1 A ' ' T M -t " l f n.J tffr...' Zr' i - . i f- ' r . ... -. ,1m i T LIGHTHOUSES. vt : :;-rtt, f s - ; . ; . n it n .e'.-l. Tl .ik-.ii TUaC t i V i;-M ... -' ftpnu tfarnrran -1' t;. . . ilwir psithr. i . - trt f(!- .i .. wlwo th ri'TO- j.u . .;.! tiwi : oikr. n Ic'fra . i h fc- '., tril light tu Ibr r'i,Tt i.. iHK, ami lii" rwtbC wtl rf - .f tw uo aii.l fat dit:u , j .r.l t...- rtul i !. tU' rl Wbfll. . f . e;- t tt u--ar ib t juJ. Hi f h ii ftx r m I iKjf!.nrnl ly .f t- th-cv K.-r 1 Iw to llwjr j .nh.. Btwa m lh Didbl, rr ( mod rrra.l oo.Vr it wlu itntll .otuI -wr.p th frjJ . . . r ! ti; .rl AicOK '!inri I'taul fur rutmt' trfi't a ;;.- li'J. Tiw rutl UJr r . r- b. I.i anl fkU riTT'. f tnja hj.f pirabn. b a-lJ4u . -au ! a rf tfc riurt. ahic hkb t itM. ami r oiU ot !- rt-t .u ;. , IiA: c atd lamluiark oo Ihtu h.vl Itrr 1 to k an. Tb fnd juom.-. IkfTi. ti a Tf-ti r f IiKhlmxura waa h-D carrvbAuta mU) w m ta tbr U narinrr frVJ !u thr jrk 6oiil tcarcca DM Ibo bartw doai hA u ral IN abtpa into port b j atwl It hu-J lra for Ibctr Kaw mi bibt. Aa rartt hart (QkW bl l b st laotlinark to tt dartltua acl tUbl ii(bl. l ai-o tek CO ac W1 b a tummt iu wbirb ccId t toiU a r-. ami aorb mlamrt w aa aal- lb ex-tmxi ci ridirc afclp into Iba pa whrh lby abl wa arair Jj irtjiituri bfi-r kiauii wrk"rra tnw'i l a a ma-aiat f.-r tb'if J. at ru.-tu n. H to. Im rf r ttn. C. aa Ury taua lo la raJlrO. " ' wnrrkrra. caUl twV i;sw(a i ar w brt DrT lh baTO cbl ty a rtity U-!-o asa. fN- cTVr:r I-1" trw kcrprrt. juaiU -f.n.anwj lb fcrarfU Ct no lb tl oo tirb lb Li? aj 5xctl. T u li"? ol I I i-l u. l Cf ls.u v-cj itartrca i"f. Tlx eat-r. aiai-t 4 tnfaiT l T-?-i !!: IjU lifi'. ot b u.t! C cse-tto t. Uka vf. trtf. B !! tttf bttlKl wcoUl flan.! tm- r. mk iMi luals CJ with lb b 7 Ui m mi n4 r. t la cf a atr Jtwa animal frVotJatii lfcl 7 i , r tnc . f Tb Wraamtf lia: tt- Ibc at or 7 w nui. A rr.'.iiS lo lb writt f. a lf-ur ItMl rr m krVt la raff In .x.;a;tUaU mUtnl m Va..i trrrut. TUta wrt antral UU ltrrf rpt Bf tba pi- brr abr a. a c-.rI 0'l ifm l !! r T1m. ata wt!JJ .ie!. tl tba p ifw mtODI bmmk. to lttr a oua that arviiMrtl lo ba Ibai (ml U1 ti tba tkjoeraa. fcf cg day hn bo a r (uac bmi tba c, laaav! rf tvmlwt. mtum alwrwij at(M fla-aMrav Tb rST w -roTacl. ml after biisltaal t- walkrj tai-llj tax, To tfca attrprtaw e tbw kaevf. bo mm spiiiaf to tb porpT qairkl kltktf. t&a Ittiaa-aai amtrtanl c at bar bo paiw ami fiy r-w tU- dnt lo. Tba UtUa tUo waoibtal vita bU itrttet. mad hm tmm&iU4 iata Uf warm for ami tu rcmaiord wtl bar r aiacav Tb CrM tklu U tbal UM IWsraat tU BOtDI IOOO IU lba ctker prV If 'tba-T om lo !! caar lo ke IbeiT brotbT la) Ktiutat ajesab aka gtvk at Uaau U Iuom au koaki aarf aa-ina; I bat lby ra fribtral C MwUW Ik xiitrd peprr i trtd fcr 11 0O- joat aa If ba wmtnbtfkrt OWB. Tka Vjaiitr W bus, kil r jxai ta tko pau!:mtiT7 fear Tba Oaataaava la 6trtpa CbUactla raaapa Tba Varitcr CbUartii aaBpr Wb?. kat la WTcaff la tbalr TV Ueetkaaaa 2a Efrtpra STclilfl; te 4V7 aakl I ckl to teck tb raoraknl tan tni Gaciasati Ocasa- latiijal Trtbi SHYNESS IS SERIOUS. MtOtC". tJtPRT3 SAY IT 13 A 8YMP- DM OF I EI.CMC-IA It Tak Al laa it baa b diaocrraml tbat Iba rrna (to jlrl mto rnts rxcrrdirr thy acU la tba faahioo aba doaa la tbal aba la naa9ld. TbU la tba rwoil ok aztroadra inrtarti- fatioa by Isaasltx aipnta on both aidaa caf Iba wtbt. scapk)oaJ baabfoloeaa. aa It U ealiao. ta raally abrsaas. It la a morbid eottdltioa of Iba mind, a certain aort of oatsratia. Oftaa la tba tjprraaioo bcaxd tbat a parano la pln folly ahr. Tat in rarb an loataacai no r!oabt baa bewn raiaed aa to tba BMntai enndition of tba obyct of tba remark. NrTartbalaaai. it la far mora tban probabla tbat tba individual refer red lo aa raferincj frocn inaanity jaat aa tnneb if not mora, tban many per- who are liriug 00 1 a tortured ntal too wilbin tba walla of a madbovae. It it a wail known fact that 00a of tba moat notabla aymptataa of inaanitj ia tbat wbfc-b caaam tb perano afBirted to aboa Ihe ronipany of otbera. Lameli neaa la an looeolire to fneauity. Ccuj- Covmajal in a at Hilary cell in a priaco cflan breeda madoraa. It ia al toother an nnoaiarai menial condiUon which irnpela a pereon to avoid the aociefy of bamaaity. no ona wboan coodiuon ia noraa) aver rooarnta to ancb an ejUat- J oat bow iba laaaoity ripert kwka at abyneaa ia abown by tbe followins; atale- mmt. mad by Dr. O. W. Kana of New Vork. wbrwa wide erperienr makra bia opialoo well wotib cwMiderlofr : "Sbyaaa ia aa Diwb a diavatae aa arar kt fe-rrr. It ta rrrrgainrd aa a aymplnot of dementia cr melaitebolla, joat aa an ratreancly atmnai willed perano, rr one wbo la wbat ia termed naaeoally aelf crtlee, ia rrgartVd by pbyaiciana aa a poanible eobjrvt fear arntat parwa. "Tbia ebyiMaaa take rarinna forma. aorh aa a aotloen feel inn of faliilut- and wrakoeaa on looking down from any estretna beixbk II ia pnarsl wlwn a woasan peraiata in looking nndrr the brd br fore retiring, altbuogb abc knnwa fall well tbal there ia no man there. I know of oua cas of a woman wbo. wbeo abe tarna oit tbe pM, invariably ligbta a tuatcb to are if aJe baa lornrd II eompietely off. and nine tttnra cat vt ten abn lifbla another malrb lo ana if aba threw the Aral match into Ihe real am ulecr Creplare. Tbat ti another form of what may ba termed abyneaa. "Tbia abyneaa ta doe lo a variety of can. 11 ia vrry orten tne raae loai a ayatem which la ran down leavJa to Ibia rrodiikm of mind. Tbercnticoal think ing epoo aoy anbjrct. or wbat ia teruird brordina; over a certain thine. Irwla to Ihv. If Dot checked iu lime, ueian- cholta raaslu. "Tbia abyneaa ia aa roamoo to iren aa to wotaen. seme man r. tu rnioar raewd and 111 at eaae when in tbe prr- nr cf VDOira, while, on th' other band, it ta rften noticed tbat Ihe j.rea- ecce of gentL-meu maira xmo v.-dsk o very ill a! ease. only, iu joatir-e to tho am. it moil t" atatni mat tnta very rarely happeua. ' "Tlwra are maor rvaaona lor t () -' far l. lot tbe moat rcmuion ot: ia III health. Pbcold a pcru ao iroobleil go to a phyaician. he or the would l re-irardi-d aa pomraaiDg njtuptcima lailirat- lug a lack of will power and approarh ing ioaaoity in form. There ore waaea of morbid aliTtuaa. Joat aa there am warra cf inaanitr. Tberr are warra of ecrtam kind of aoioicle. reaoltmg from inaautty. There are warea of bridgo jampiog. killing with rar or kciaea, ahra-ting ar.d death IT r:a o. Many antcidea arc doe to temporary toaanity. brooghl on ty a vani ty of raoae-e. Une or tne crl arnipu nia ia ahynean. IVranua afflicted with thia hTiw never take op any i f theacienrea or profaieua or teconj atuilent-a. Tbry lark the will power neeary to ilo an. Where the normal uiunl of man over romea dif&cnltiea and tnabli-a when thry come, tbe aby. retiring uuu aea ka r-h'f in aoicldi'. " lr. Henry Cain . bell, who ia tho phy aictan In charge cf the Nortbwrjt !n cioo hoapital. aaya that morbid abyi-a ia. like other mental dieortlera, an eiag itaralion of an unilateral phyaical atale. il ia among women, be declare, that thia armptom of mental diaorUer la moat often aeen. Lau klog the phraical atreugth rf man in Btt ioatanca-a. they are en able to witbatand lh' drpreeaion that atmetinea aetat a them. Tbat deprvMion glvea birth to a dealre tot cnobacrved. Here ia tbe beaxmning of tbe fit cf ahy Deaa wbicb reaulta iu cnbaiancmg the mind and rrealtr.g tbe Idea that the very eight of otbrra la ma affliction to be avoided. Several New York doctor wbo dla ruaaad tbe qocatioa at length aaid that they bad noticed particularly among yoong woenca whom they bad been call ed a poo to are tbat tboaa wbo bad ei bibited tbe grealeat rmbarraaaDneot in tbe praaaroca of yoong tneo were larking In tbat mental rqnlpetae necvaaary to the cormal Lrain. 3icdaiy la one thing. Ibey aatd. abyneaa qoite another. The cue r scare tbe yoatog wraman to refram frexn acttos that woald bring npon ber jot eriiK-iatn Tbe other la aim ply im pelled lo a conrae of artican fur which there ia neither rhyme nor rmaw. and oeta that' tly ream In in general diaoom f .jan. New Teak Journal. A WfaUMtMk llaaa bt raxU Rwaw la taking down tba at rr pie of tbe old Jiatbrdiat rhorrh in fatettown. which Iba Yoong Wen'a Ca incite aaanrtation la rniWluig for IU nan, tbo biatorio old weaJhercor k on top of tbe ataepla bad to be rvtnoved, Ua la fret bigb. with a pewter brdy and crpearr tail, and U aid to bava been madat by Paul lie vera w ben ebraat 30 year old. Il i aaid that lb weathercock waa originally placed, in ITiJ. cu lb old chore h Uiilding that waa rknanliabed in 193 There I naa diapajte aUaat bla ownerabin, tbe rnitatUne claiming tbat be waa simply Wuvd to the Alevbtaiiata when tba lat ter boilt thatr chnrrb ia IHAt, wbila th M. iba-diat claim tbat they boght blm frotn lh town H will probably be f rvamtrd la tba Watertown lliatortcaJ aartr ty. iloat en Tranarri pt Te Kaa t Uaaia mt BimmM A at. Yon may elterniinale black anta by ara keeping caal of tbelr reach all awreta. Stand J tor cake and eogar boxea in a pans cf water, then aroond Iba abe We rut either lavender, ground clove, or. better, cam pbor. LaaJiea' llama Jcarnal. Kaaaaaagtag CaaagUaaiata. "I a tbat yow are y oar own waaber w oca an," aaid Jira. to'pilaly, wbo waa leading bar poodle naat tba place. Yea," retorted Mr Bnaply. "Bat. . thank grHdneaa, I'm sot red need to tlaying oaraagtrl for a dog." Da troll i'rea ft tarn. There are a great many rpidera, aa pa ri al!y amocg tba tropical varietiea, which bava tbrea eyra, 00a on each aide cf Iba bead and tba third exactly ia tba center of tba "f cathead." Tbia middle or third tye U atwsya Iba largeat. Tbo took of Job, written about 1310 BL C, deect lb eery accurately eeveral procaaara cf amltlI petaJa. . ' Trying to be witty ia like trying te be vtty. rtlerenda JUatter. - aataaa 1 1 1 in. t-t 1 IlTmrUMj a rawnmt a4 Paa ata. A M TWi atkaaiM laa CwrWfcJly Trulil la Ttaaa Aa.aa Mam mm WaU aa Wiaiia. A PUZ2f-INQ PAR1S HOUSE- I Baa Taa Kplrml Mattrwaya Wlcai aVettk Like Oat at Ttaae, One of t!)Ot-'catcatrriori!iwof Taris ia tbe bouea :)i tbe !onl!2 atalnaae. It doea not figure in tl 3 gni;'ebool and ia not among tba pi act of interest tbat are photographed, hot, for all that, it ia of greater interest tban many of tbe thiuge tbat come within tbia clasa. This boose baa entrance at 85 Roe Radaivill and at 18 Rnede Valoia. It ia iu tbo quarter of tbe Palais Koyal that palace now given up largely to res tan ranta and cheap jewelry shop, and once the residence of the most licentious of French princee, tbo regent d 'Orleans. Tbe qnarter is one of tbe most central in Paris, and all Americans wbo bare been in Paris know it, bat the house. which is a few steps from tlx Palais Koyal, tbe Roede Hivoli and tbe Louvre, e?cnpt-e general attention bocnune it faces on durk and narrow streets. Each staircase begins on opposite sides of the central sptaoe of the bouao and is continued separate right np to the roof. They aro in a graceful spiral form. Tbe house is nine stones bigb, a very con aiderabla height fur oun so old. As yon lock np tbe wall yon can hardly realizo that there is more than one stairway. The result of this arrangement ia that one stairway lakes you to tbe first floor apartment on tbe right, the second floor on the left, and so on. Tbe other stair way takes yon to tho first floor on tbe left, tbe si-cond floor on tbe right, and on. ion mart bo very careful to cbocse the right stairway wbon you are going to an apartment, otherwise you may mount as far aa tbe sixth floor and find yourself on tbe wrong side of the hoc?. It is joat as well then to go to tbe top and come down by the other stairway. It is difficult to describe the puzzling effiart of this contrivance on tboee wbo 1 it for tbe first time. No moro in genious coutrivance for exciting pro fanity and causing -confusion was ever designed by architect. The beauty lies in Ita simplicity, which gires it an ad vantage over secret doors and such la borious drii-ea. Il la a f.ivi-rite trick vrjth thoso who know the Iioum' to late moderately in toxicated friend to eco it. The man who kin.wi trlla Ins friend to go up s'sira Then ! ko s up himself by the oj rw;t fairway. When he bus gone up atxiut tun arm', he lean over tin1 balustra-le and tilN bia frirud to join him. The inebriate endeavors to do sn, runimiK up mid ilnwn Mair. bnt never ahl to C!tcii the othrr. New York Journal. Barklaae Arnica Salve. The Best Salve to tne worio .or Cats. Braises, Sores, Ulcer. Sail Rhea a. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corn, sod all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles or eo pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded Price 85 cents pan box. For ale by R. R. Bellamy t far over Flftr Tea ra Mas Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor over fifty years by mil lions ol mothers for their children while tectbieg. with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best reoacdv (or Disrrbcea. It will relieve tbe poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of tbe world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask lor "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. t Rallef la Six Hoar. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved ia six hoars by tbe New Great South American kidney Cum" This new remedy is a great sur prise on account of its exceeding prompt nets to relieving pain in tbe bladder, kidney, back and every part of tbe nrioary passages in male or female it relieves retention ol water and pain le passing it almost immediately. If you rant quick relief and cure, this is your remedv. Sold by R. R. Bellamy. Drag- gist. Wilmington. N. C, corner ol Front sod Maiket streets. I Health and Recreation AT THE Summer Homes and'R e sorts Along the Seaboard Air Line. FINEST Lithia Springs in the World. Xicursion Tickets. TO LITTLETON. N. C. Panacea Springs Tbe analysis of the Panacea Water proves It to be a sore core for dyspepsia, chronic diarrhoea, kidney and liver troubles, eczema mod scrofula, and it is par ticularly efhcacloas In restoring weak men, delicate females and sickly children to health. TO LINCOLNTON, N. C Mioeral Springs, Lithia Arsenic and Alum. Tbe waters of the famons Lincoln Lithia Springs, are cele brated throughout tbe United States for their bealing qualities ia diseases of tbe kidney and bladder; also for gout, rheumatism, and tbe varied forms of dyspepsia. TO SHELBY, N. C Tbe famous Snlphur Springs at Cleveland sad Patterson, two and four miles respectively from town. Tbe Cleveland Springs are four in number, vis: White Salphur, Red Sulphur, Chalybeate and Pore Free stone. For half a century or more these springs bave been known to possess rare medicinal virtue, out it Is only duriog tbe last few years that an effort has been made to bring them before tbe public and place them wbere they now stand, in tbe front rank of well earned popu larity. TO HARRIS LITHIA SPRINGS, S. C. Tbe Lithia Water at these Springs Is noted for iu curative qualities for toroid liver, skin eruption, scroful ous diseases, kidney and bladder troubles of every kind, rheumatism and goot Tbe atmosphere all thronsb the summer is delightful, and tbe most fastidious can hardly rait to be satisfied with the even balmy climate. Large pools bave been provided for bathing, together with dsnclng pavilion, tennis court, bowling aJleys.croqnetgroands.etc, for the amusement of tbe pleasure seeker and Invalid. For fall information In regard to Rates. Schedules, etc, call on nearest S. A. L Ticket Agent. . .T. J. ANDERSON Gen 1 Passenger Agent, Portsmouth, Va. The Morning Oldest Daily Newspaper In North Carolina. CHEAPE8T DAILY OP ITS CLASS t NOTE THB FOLLOWING Reduced Rates of Subscription: ONE YEAR. BY MAIL SIX MONTHS, BY MAIL THREE MONTHS. BY MAIL TWO MONTHS, BY MAIL ONE MONTH, BY MAIL Delivered, by carriers, to City Subscribers at 45 cents per montn. ' Address "Wm. "FT- ZBDt?xi.4aarc3. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, WILMINGTON, N. C. Bowden CONTAINS MORE LITHIA Tomb Ar Other Nataral mineral Water la the Warld.S The Only Known Solvent of Stone in the Bladder and Kidneys. Dr. J. B. S. Holmes, ex-President Georgia State Medi ca ssociatlon, says: "Have used Bowden Lithia Water ex.cnsively in bladder and kidney troubles, and the re sults have been most gratifying." Lithia water From W. A. Wakely, Lithia Springs,Ga. obtained quick ropuiar trices. uneumausm auu unnui a xyiacuc BOWDEN LITHIA WATER la gaaraaleed to care all dlaeasas of tbe Kid neya aad Bladder, Rheamatiaia, Inaomnia, Gont aad Nervona Dyspepsia. Poata Card brinca Uluatrated pamphlet. Oar Sparkling Table Water Has no Equal. For Sale in Any Quantity By BOWDEN LITHIA SPRINGS CO., mar 8 D&W lv 174 Peachtree St,, Atlanta, Ga. ATLASTIC NATIONAL BANK, WILMINGTON, N. C. At the cloaa of Bosioeaa July 23rd, 1897, RESOURCES. S515.414 39 OreTdrmfta 51 " U. S. 4 per cent. Booda (at par) .u w Banking Honae and Fixtures 10A0 00 Dna from other Banks 127.SSI 61 Caah oa hand Oi.OBl :8B.B53 4 Total. .7;0,S95 SJ COMPARATIVE Deoosits Surplus and Net Profits Bills Payable and Re-discounts Dividends paid 6 per cent, per annum. Last Instalment of Capital paid in October, 1892. Now is the Time to Make Your Deposits ia The Wilmington Savings & Trust Company. All amounts deposited on or before August 1st begin to bear interest on that date. THE WILMINGTON SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Is the strongest strictly Savings Bank in North Carolina. Capital $25,000. J. W. NORWOOD, President. O0. SL0A9, Cashier. irWit . JOB .PRIITTIUG. BOOK BINDING The Star Job Printing Office, Are Complete In EVERY VARIETY OF PRINTING, NEATLY, "EXPEDITIOUSLY AND CHEAPLY. WM. H. BERNARD, Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C Fayetteville, N. C., A select home School Ifor Boys. States last session. Not a case of serious sickness since its foundation. Write for catalogue. . . , UP TO DATE Livery and Sales Stable. S. P. COWAN & OO. 108. 110 Second Street, between Princess and Chesnnt. o UE SERVICE IS FIRST.CLAS8 1H VRRV naitJcalBT. Flaeat Horaaa ia towa. rtraa-daae eg, nip paaca. Poata aueatloa. All caua aaa arocra oar aad aisat promptly attended to. RLEPHONE MO: 15. TELEPHONE NO. IB alepaoae cmlla anavcrad amy how day or nirht. aeoal attention aim to Boardinx Boraea. Boa Statla aad Caretnl Grooming (of S tallica; Horaaa. Hneka and Buiui Liaa to all traina soma aad coming, at aeaal pricea. Carriage foa Railroad Call 1.BO. Prices Uniform to All Comers. ttmm KKlnaraa to Whites SS.00. Caxriare fea fnaaral.rt.BO. Haarae lot Whita aad Cioral,lM 00. 1 Boggy ooa now. n.wt mwwwu. .w, Taaaa aad Driver ana hoar, SI. 00; aftaraooe BO. Hone and Sorry ooa boar, SI 00; afteraooa .00. Team aad Trap one boar. 11.00; aftaraooa. SS FaiaMaie wagoa am caraini anaman, . Open 365 days and 365 nights mar 29 tf n a year.- Tne Sampson Democrat PaaUaaeal Bvary Taaraxlay. L A. EETHUNE. Eiltor and Fnfr SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One Year $1; Six Months 50c It Davs business men to advertise n 11 Rates and sample copies fur nished upon application. ; i . Address k .' ' '-:,,.t:.'.i;C:iJt' Tha Sampson Democrat, ":r feblS tf ' . CLINTON. N. C . Star $5 00 2 50 1 25 1 00 50 M. D., Auburn, N. Y., says: "Have and satisfactory results in Chrom Condeoaed from Report to Comptroller. LIABILITIES. Capita $15,000 00 Snrplna SM.OOO 00 Undivided profits 14.438 09 69,438 09 Circulation 49.5X1 00 Total Deposits 526,457 23 Total 1770,395 STATEMENT. Jaly33rd, '96. July 33rd, '97 $449,000 $526,000 56,800 Nonk. 69,400 None. jy 28 tf Surplus $8,000. H. WALTERS, Vve President AND RULING. BaokSBinderv and Ruling Rooms Their Appointments. RULING AND BINDING DONE MffltaiyllAcademy. Highly indorsed. Boys from five UAXTON BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Maxtoii, N. C. DIRECTORS. J. D. Croom, Maxton Ed. McRae, Maxton. J. B. Sellers, Maxton. G. B. Patterson, Maxton. R. W. Ltvermore, Pates. Wm. H. Bernard, Wilmington, E. F. McRae, Raemont, The attention of Investors in Wilmington- Is called to the fact that the average profits of the Six Series of Stock now In force in this Associa tion have been about Eleven Per Cent. Initiation Fee, 25 cents per Share Subscriptions to Stock payable in weekly Instalments of 25 cents per Share. The managetiivnt Is prudent and economical, as is shown by the fact that the Association has sustained no losses, and Its annual expenses, in cluding taxes, are only about Two Hundred Dollars. J. D. CROOM, President W. B. HARKER, Secretary. It la - JIM CORE YOURSELF! dbwhargaa, inflammationa, lrritntiona or ulceration. ' of maoofla meaabranea. eVinlaaa, and not aatrin- lTHassCHEaieuCo.'B0.-0f0ou-. V -n n.a. 5 r eeot in plain wrapper. aa M SaVa. unrTiniiLrn &Taak ci tsvj naa.r ,1 vi xa v v. v a. JJUUKLtUAIU' SERVICE TO ATLANTA, CHARLOTTE. ATHEWS, WILMINGTON, NEW ORLEANS, CHATTANOOGA! AND, , NEW YOBK, PHILADELPHIA, WASHLNQTON, NOHFOLK, RICHMOND. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT May 30. 1897 WBSTWARD. No. 41. No. 403. I eave Wilmington 3 30 p m Leave Lnmberton 5 36 p m Leare Maxton ! l.'pm ........ Leaye Laurinbarg 8 28 p m Arrive Hamlet 6 65 p m Leaye Hamlet.... , 7 13pm 5 l"pm Leave Rockingham........... 7 80pm 5 23am Leave Wadraboro,,, 8 11pm 6 Mam Leave Marsh ville.. 8-48 p m 6 25am Arrive Monroe rl! pin 8 4Sim Leave Monroe.,.....,,,.,,,,. 9 So p m 7 00am Arrive Charlotte 10 3o p m 1 fiOao Arrive Mt. Holly S 20am Arrive Lincolotoo , , . , . 10 SOam Arrive Shelby , , il 18pm Arrive EUenboro 11 SSpa Arrive Rntherfordton 13 3upm 8 40 a m Leave Hamlet Arrive 6 20pm 10 00 am Arrive Cheraw. Leave tS 00pm Kmwiuo. No. 38 No.aOt. Leave Ratherfordtoa 4 SSpm Leave Eilenooro i S 15pm Leave Shelby 5 55 pm Leave Lincoln ten 6 56pm Leave Mt. Holly 7 Sipm Leave Charlotte........ 8 10am 8 8pm Arrive Monroe 6 55am 9 10pm Lsave Monroe.. 6 05 am 9 40pm Leave Marahville 6 25 am Leave Wadesboro . . 7 01 am 10 81pm Leave Rockingham 7 41 am 11 05pm Arrive Hamlet,...,, 7 55am 1120pm Leave Hamlet ,. 8 10 am Leave Laurinbarg 46 am Leave Maxton 9 f 5 am Leave Lnmberton 9 Si am Arrive Wilmington 18 05 pm NORTHWARD. Leave Hamlet 3 15 am 11 20pm Arrive Kaleigo 1130am 2 16am Arrive Portsmouth 5 50 pm 7 5am Arrive Richmond 6 50pm 8 15am Arrive Waahington 11 lu pm 1181pm Arrive New York 6 53 am fi 23pm SOUTH WARD. Leave Monroe u 48am 9 25rjm Arrive Abbeville 11 05 am 1 40am Arrive Athens ,. 1 16 pm" 8 45am Arrive Atlanta (Central Tirots) 2 50 pm 5 20are Daily. t Daily, except Snnday.J Beth trains make immediate connections at At lanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New irleans, Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nashville, Mem phis, Macon, Florida. For, Tickets, Sleepers, etc., apply to ,THOS. D. ME ARES, t Gen'l Agent, Wilmington, N F, B. A..NEWLAND, Gen. Agt. P. Dept. 6 Kimball Eonae. Atlanta, Ga, E. St. JOHN, Vice-freaident and Gen'l Manager. H. W. B. GLOVER, Traffic Manager. V. E. McBEE, Gen Snpt, T. i. ANDERSON, Gen'l Pan. Agt. General Officea, Portamooih, Va. feb 17 tt Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R'y v 111 "l ,-.-J-JJtl 3 Schedule in Effect May 30th, 1897. TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON. 14.15 P. M., Daily. Arives Fayetteville 8 35 p. m , Sanford 5.02 p. m , Ore Hill 5.S2 p. m., Greensbcro 7.25 p m Walnut Cove 9.03 p. m., Mt. Airy 11.00 p m. Con cects with Southern Railway at Greens boro, arriving Salisbury 8.50 p. m. Asheville 13.12 a. m., Kuoxrille 4.00 a. m., Chattanooga 7 40 a.m. Nash vil e 1.35 p. m., Clarlotte 10.00 p. m., Atlaita 6.10 a. m., Danville 12 CO night, Lynchburg 1 58 a. m.. Char. lotterville 3 35 a. m. , Washington 6 4J a m., Baltimore 8 00 a m , Philadel phia 10.15 a. m , New York 11 43 p. m. TRAINS ARRIVE WILMINGTON. 4.30 P. M., Daily, from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,- Wajhington, Charlottes ville, Lyuchburg, Danvil!e, Mt. Airy, Walnut Cove, Greensboro, Nashville, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Ashevi le, Salisbury, At'anta, Cha lotte and all points Ncrth, South and West. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN NO. 8. Leaves Wilmington 5 45 p. m , arrives Fsyereville 11.59 p. m. Passenger coach attached to this train J. W. FRY, W. B. KYLE, Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass. Agent. irltt Tbe Clyde Steamship Go, New York. Wilminsrton, N. 0 AND Georgetown, S. C, Lines. Raw TorK for Wllaaiuctoa CROATAN, PAWNEE. Satnriar, Aug. 7 Sator lay, Aog, 14 WlloalaartoB for If aw sTork. PAWNEE, CROATAN, Saturday, Acg. 7 Satmday, Aug. 14 -Wllaai start ob for Oairgsiewm s. O. CROATAN, r ToevJay, Aug. 10 PAWNEE, 1 neslay, Ang. 17 SJT Throegh Billi Lading and Lowest Thron h Rates guaranteed to and from points la North aid Sonta Carolina. For freight or paaatge apply to H. O. SMALLBUNES, Snpt., Wilmington, N. C. THI.O. O. EOER, T. M .Bowling Green, N. V. WM. P. CLYDE A CO. General Agents, Bowhni Qreea N. V. aa 4 ti To Any M-CatMic in NortH Carolina, ONLY TEN CENTS PER ANNUM. To any non Catholic in North Carolina we will send for only ten cents per annum, "Truth," a Catholic magazine devoted to giving true explanations of the Catholic Church, that is of the Catholic Church as it is, not as caricatured and misrepre sented. Address, "TRUTH," Raleigh, N. C. Rev. Thos. F. Price, Manager. mySri DAW Old Newspapers. ATOO CAN BUY OLD NEWSPAPERS, la qeas X ritiea to rait At Your Own Price, At the STAR Officea altabla for WRAPPWO PAPER, aad excellent tor Plactntr Under Carp, ts D. O'Connor, REAL ESTATE AGENT, WIL ailngtoa, N. C. Stores, OrEcea aad Dwellings tor lea. Hoaaea aad Lots for aale oa easy terms. Reata, taaat mA h-ni ta BnaaDfta oa has e a cttr real aetata, aan tf i s is i rr ti r y&y&&m?m? &Lmr ll I . GltfrtTtrm, 1aakaT J I JS. aaa laaea ATLANTIC 00AST LINE. i Eraser ArcvsT 1. 18S7, : DaaAaTuxa rsoat WtumtOToai Moaraaotnis DAILY No. 48-Pasatnger-Dae Magaolia IS M e. U s m. Warsaw 11 1 1 a m, Ooldsbore 11. M a au Wilson 11.41 p as. Rock; Moaal 1 .SJ p m, Tarborol.tS p n, Waldos I. S9 pas. Paters bmrg 5.64 p as, KichaHiad 1. 50 p aa, Norfolk 8.0b p a, Washingtoe 11.10 p ss. Baltimore 11.58a m, Philadalphia 1.46a m. New York 1.51 a m, tsMaooa 1.00 p ss. DAILY No, 40 Passenger-Doe Magaolia S.M 7.16 PM pm, Warsaw 9. 10 pm, GokUboroW. 10 p m, WUaoa 11.08 p as, 1TarboroS.46 a m. Rocky Moant 11.67 p m, Waidoa 1.44-a m,t Norfolk 10.80 a m, Petarabarg LSI a m, Richmond 4.10 a m, Waahingtoa 7.41 a m, Bauiaora 9.05 a as, Philadelphia 11,16 a m. New York 1.01 p at. Boatoa 9.00 t at. DAILY No. 60-Paaenger-Doe JackaatviUa 2 COpmS 59 pm,Nebcrn5 SO p a. 1 his train icjves irom walnut a reel. SOUTHBOUND; DAILi 4,00 P M No. 56 Paaaanger Das Lake Waeea duw 6.( 9 pm, Chadboarn 6.40 pm, Ma rion 6.41 p m, rioreaca 7,st p m. Sumter 6.42 p m, Colambia 10.06 p m, Denmark 6.1) a m, Angaata s.SVa m, Macon 11. SI a m, Atlanta 11.16 p as, Charleston 10.40 p m,Savaanaa 1 4!) a m, Jacksonville 8.20 a m. St. Aagtutiae 10.80 a m, Tampa 6.45 p m. ARRIVALS AT WILMINGTON PROM TUX NORTH. sJAILY No. 49 Paaaeagar Leave t Boatoa 1.01 n 5.46 P M m, New York 9.00 o m. Philwikl. 11.06 a m, Balumora 1.60 a as, Waahiag toa 4, SO a m, Richmond 9.06 a at. Patters burg 10,00 a m, Noftolk 8.40 a ai,Waklaa 11.50 a m, Tarbcre ll.ll p a, Rocky Mount 11.46 p m, Wilaoa I.U p a,Golda boro 8.10 pm, Warsaw 4.01 p m. Magnolia 4.16 pm. DAILY No. 41-Paaaengei-Laava Boatoa 11 9.13 a m night. New York 9. JO a m, Philadalphia . 12.09 p m, Baltimore 1. 29 p m, Waahing ton 1,46 p m, Richmond 7. 80 p m, Pateia bnrg 8.12 pm, t Norfolk 1.20 p m, Wal dos 9.43 p m, tTatboro 6.01 p m. Rock Mount 6.46 a m, leave Wilatr 6.20 a m. Goldaboro 7.01 a m, Warsaw 7.53 a m. Magnolia 8.06 a m. DAILY No. (1 raascDger-Ltave Newbara 13 40 am 9 20a m, JackaonviJe 19 42 a m. This train arrives a: Walnut street. fltUM THA aOUTH. DAILY No. 54 Paaaenger Leave Tampa 8.00 a UM p m as, Sanford l.fO p m, Jackaoavilla 8 16 p Savannah 11.60 aight,Charkeatoa 6A0 a m, Columbia 6.50 a m, Alkau 8 20 a m, Ma coa 9.30 a m. Augusta 8.05 p m, Denmark 4.55 pm, Sumter 8.46 a m lore oca tl. 66 a m. Mai ion 9.84 a m, Chadboars 10.16 a m. Lake Waccamaw ll:bta as. tDally except Sunday. Traina on Scotland Neck Breach Pad kasveWal don 4.10 p m, Haliiax 4.28 m, amva unij timet 6.20 p at, GrecsvUie 6.E7 p m, Kinetoa 7 66 p aa, Ra turning, laavaa KJnaton 7 50 a m. Greenville 8 52 a a. Arriving Halifax at 11 18a m.Wcldoa II S3 a ss, daily szcapt SbbcUt. Traina oa Waahington Branch leave Wathiagtra 8.20 a m and 1 00 p m, arrive Parmele 9.10 a m aad 2 40 p m;retnrning leave Parmele 9 85 a m aad 8 80 p. m, arrives Washington 11 00 a m and 7 JO p. m. Daily except Sunday. Train ieaveaTarboro. N. C. daily escept Sunday. 5.80 p m, Sunday, 4 06 p m, arrives PlTmonto l id p m and 6 pm. etotsio leav.s Plrncnth daliv except Sunday, 7 50 a m, and Sunday 9 am, Arrive lani- lO.Oo a tttndllam Tralc en Midland N C franca leaves Goldstore. N. ' M'""" Sunday, 7 10 a ra ; arrive Smlthfald C. 8 SO a m. Retnraing. leaves SmithfieM 9 00 a m, arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 10 15 a a Train oa Nashville branck laavaa Rocky Moaal al 4.10 p m, arrives Nashville 5.06 p m. Spring Hops 6.80 p m. Returning loaves Spring Hope 8 a in, Naafe. villa 15 a m; arrive Rocky Moant 9 06 a ta, daily axcept Sunday. ' Train oc Clinton Branch leave Waraaw for CUaroa Daily except Snadayat 11 16a m and 4.10p m- remis ing leave Clinton at 7.00 a m and 8.00 a m. Florence Railroad leave Pee Dee 9 10 a m, arrive ' Latta 9.80 a m, Dillon 9 42 a m. Rowland 10 Oil a m . returning leavea Rowland 610 pm. arrives Dillon 6 80 p ra, Latta 6.44 p m, Pae Dee 7.1 8 p m, daily. Traina on Conway Branch leave Hob at 8.80a m, Chadbonrn 10.40 i m, arrive Conway 1 00 p m, leave Conway 2 45 p m. Chadboora 6 40 p m, arrive Hub 8.20 p m. Daily except Bnnday. Central of South Carolina Railroad leave Sumter 6 42 pm, Manning 7.10 p m, arrive Lane's 7 48 pm, leave Ijinea 8.26 a m. Manning 9.06 a m. arrive Sumter 9.35a m. Daily. Georgetown and Western Railroad leave LanetS.tO a m, 7 55 p m, arrive Georgetown 11 m , 9 14 p m, leave Georgetown 7 a m, 8 p m, arrive Lane 8.16 a m,5.15 p m. Dally except Sunday. T rains on Cheraw and Darlington Pailroad leave Florence daily except Sunday 8 83 a m, arrive Dar lington 9 28 a m, CherawlO 40 a m. Wadeaboro 1 US p m, leave Florence daily except Sunday 8.10 p m, arrive Darlington 8.4c p m.. Hartavilie 9 16 p m, Benncttsville 9 86 pro. Gibson Dp m. cav Florence btaday only 9 a m, arrive Da ling toa 9.17 a m, Hartsvule 10 10 a m. Leave Gibson daily except Sooday t 15 a m, Ren aettsviile 6 41 a m, arrrve Darlias too 7 40 a m. Leave Hartavilie daily except Sunday 6 SO a m, ar rive Darlington 7 IS a m, leave Darliagtba 7 46 a m, arrive r lorance 8 16 a m. Leave Wadeaboro daily except Sunday 8 pm, Cheraw 5 16 p m, Darling ton 6 29 p m, arrive Florence 7 00 a m. Laava Hartavilie Sunday only 7 am, Darllngtoa T 46 a at, arrive Plorence 8 10 a m. Wilson aid Fayetteville Branch leave WUaoa 1.68 p m, 11.16 p m, arrive Belma 8.00 pm. SaalthSeld 8.08 pm, Dunn 8. CO p m, Fayetteville 4.40 pm, l.Haas, Rowland 6.10 p m. returning leave Rowland fDJM a m, Fayetteville 11.10 a m, 10.10 p m, Dana 1S.0T p a, Smithneld 12.48 p m, Salma 1.00 p a, arrive WBaoa ' 1.42 p m, 11.10 a m. '.. I Manchester & Augusta Railroad train leavea Sum ter 4 40 a m, Creston 5 Si a m, arrive DtaDsts. 6 SO a m. Returning leave Denmark 4 66 p a, "atea 6 47 p m, Sumter 6 40 p m. Daily. V Pregnalls Brsnch train leavea Creston 5 46 a as,' ar rive Piegnalls 9.16 a m. Ketnming lease Prernaila 10 p m( arrives Creston 8 50 p m. Daily excepf Bnnday. Bithopville Branch traina leave Elliott 11.10 a a and 7,45 p m, arrive Luckoow 1pm and 8.45 p a, Retnraing leave Lncknow 6 05 a m and 2.00 p m, ar rive Elliot 8.26 a m aad 8.80 p m. t Daily except Snaday. 'Sonday only. H. M. EMERSON. Gea'l Paaaenger Agt ml. f. R. EJINLY.OenT Manager; T. M. EMERSON. TrafSc Manavar. aa 1 tl Wttmirjgton & Newbern R. R. In Effect Sunday, August 1, 1897 Dajlv Excarr Sostsav. NORTH BOUND 6 jf8 A M P M 2 00 T 80 t 10 9 60 11 00 1 68 11 58 4 SO II 80 4 44 1 80 5 1 P M STATIONS. SOUTH BOUND , 15 WlUIIMGTOM P M P U Lv.. .Walnut street... A r 19 40 Lv... .Surry street .... At 12 80 I Bt Ar.. Jacxaoovilie Lv IS OS Lv " Ar 10 tl 10 S6 Lv..HayrviU Lv 10 09 9 18 Lv..Po!iocWvil Lv 9 66 8 60 Ar..Ntwbeia Lv 9 20 S 09 A M Nos, 5 and 6 mixed train No. 7 and 8 raueenger traina. Traina 8 a-.d 7pm make connection with trains oa A. A N. C. R. R. for Morehcad Citv and Beanfort. Connection with Steamer Nenae at Newbarn to aad from Elizabeth City and Norfolk Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Steamer Geo D. Purdy makes daily (rip betweea Jacksonville and New River point. 'Monday, Wednesday and Friday. rtTneaday, Thursday aad Saturday. tDaily except Snaday. J. R. KENLY, General M anager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. H M. EMERSON, Gen'l Paaaenger Agent, sultf Atlantic & Norlfi Carolina Eailroai" Tlana Table. In Eflect Wednesday, May 87th. 1890. GOING EAST, OOINO WEST. ' a Passecger Daily aaer uaur s.x Buaaay. Es Snaday. STATIONS. Arrive Leave Arrive P. M. HitrUi 6 IS S 87 P. M A.M. II 26 10 82 9 IT 8 02 A.M. A. at. "iii" s or A.M. Ootrisboro 4 12 5 15 6 42 P M XjlasatOO.... NeaJSSrB a see MoaaaeadClty, t:. m ..iHiHjMiie with W. A W. tsaia beaad North. leaving Goldaboro at 11 86 a m , and with Soawhera Sailwiy traia vYeat. leaving Goadabore S.00 b. m and wUa W. N. A N at rJewbera for Wuausajtaa iMijwmediara ecanta. arriving at Goldsboro S.00 a. a., aad with W. W. train from the North at 1.05 p. as. No. 1 tnta aha) Xraia a copuocta vns Suathara Ralrwae train. i with W. N. for W:mimgioa aad hsatf eoi a. a, vimj, Brap a, . aaSTU

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