She 2?torratxg kixr. WIXJatLKOTOH, H. C Satvroav Moftjnx. Ac. 14, 1937 REVIVAL IN TRADE, D AM9 OTMtft ftOOJCTS. ear t rON A mam I raaa ta St-erlr 411 MM e MSI. Niw -o.a. Agwasx tl 8r4rl to saoero srUl Mf : ttoacw of vstf. p-. rrwiw! l d4 rosr asercksn 4M a4 oca parol o bejeo s M9M M t3 COn Owl Al rsx- osrnittssav T"t piw tarfo. c d 4 tnsm : wfcataer ind rtwilf inajwosjwd or aoe, a4 mm4( IS ol NiiNii coa pared wtift pracadlaa; prV. A laottK of ImU4i sperJ au4 6orara a4 aailara ai Ni Tick Bitiaaor. Ckscncx 5. Lea Kaa mm 0. tMfi Maartoa- aaarcaaata aa laroetarad Ik . 114 Ua of baa ax a a a lb amnl roar, ta sartor aMtcfcMta ara beviesl rr food. cioskiag-. e&oata. troenrtwa ad fancy aroclaa tat eaos-a hmty lUa at ties sax 1ST C0 coditto fceTw ia prowwd a ta Soail aad Sa . aad acfcaaita tara art acoraal aia trw, haaaka sUIsj ara aot eoiei to ktw ap amk ordara. aad taaaaaraaa aaaail coa raatara oi iroa aad etaw4 tkrooa-eoet tka Cnsmsi Waatars Sutaa ara kia raar MHfW aa ia u act w ?. A aomiaai adaa of TV a lo lor ataat ailca kg tevor. Lkaa a faatara. aa it Ma a a ta coettJarevca of asakara l aa aart-r rr-l of lk oaaaaad for brosj aad aaaoi kaa kM to daiarad Waaal acorad aa adaa of Te om coa tiaaad -? assort a aad a to daejaaaai ratiaia-va of ik a of la do mrnmxx cro Wooi m k gkr ua apa ieMiv fessadiae; cotoa me kaa adaaad Hufaa aad Soaa laaikar art asw aa ara In. Ia- d cora aad oat aad Uat. ki ao laaat. priat ckxkai tkd aiarlat to lk ka km ao h dapaaad Praa lor aar. otfaa. Ur-I sad patroiai raaaaia aockMcaaV wkiia pewt ta aiaioaa tka oalv taaportaat product qactad lovar lk aa aak Tkara art It aaaaa UUaraa ra portad lkroakot lad Uaftad Sa'a ikia aa. roaioarad ama tt Uat ak, 1iM i iaa aacod aaat of Aaaaac Ht M i ta ttka paried a M. t33 in tad J0 i ik Oka awt of IS1 Tiara ara tkirtv-ea Iowm Uila rapnrv! from tka Dmm of CaS laia ak. aaat lorta oa U waak. iktrt ta i ik waak a f aar aad tvaajt-r-aiaa io aaara - ORYGOOOS MAHKtT. O ma mi aa tu L--. out Xt Yoa. Aaat; II Ta df food Bulrt itoai a acaadr aaat hraoi d da. Tka e'eaa oi ika waak aaaa a f a ia Mk qao iaiu:n. lui Mif ta a. I liaaa o coatoai fo iria kut i f-Toda aa U. To 4a tapnrt aaoa a ar(V-aiataiad aaarka ia ai ta c xioaa. ika daaaaai tor (OMda at jra' prict kaiaf vail aapgurtad. Satlara ara. fc J anaa wtM m ra 4'ai I ikti v4 tafaatay cifara ka aaarfMad t:-pe a 4 tad rata. B aackad cntwaa ajat- ia nk a kna rtaac. aad brevt ao ;f ara lo4 i Uir( ! qun iwaw Pnat c mlt ra loiif w.acat lurtka faotara f.-iaa art, atko laatara tipc ikat ik r acaadr at ail auataiaad pneaa. Wjoiaa roet ail fifai4 oaaa to attract kattra aod aaiaa kok o' cia pa' r t aad lk aaadiaai prcad Uaaa ara taportad lo k of tmxt i WOODMEN OF AMERICA. MERCHANTS' EXCURSIONS. A fntt HOMT MTWtXN MVAL all TBAKS 0 TNC OftOCA. TVa C Jtr kTw 4 ktaap Okaia Tml Tra U WHAT TMC.LOW RAILAOAO RATES. QOOO FOK PirriEN DAYS. ARE DOtNGI FOR NEW YORK. ik Ham A waaV T FCLTOtt. IlX, Aagaat 11 TVa loaj atadia likt batvaaa tkia loan aai Rock Iaiaad. 10, for tocatlo of tk kaaqMnari of tk mwUrn Woodattk Cf AaMrtca. raiaitaatad to-dtf kaad-o-kad tgkt bataaaa acoraa of partiaaaa of tka raapactnr towaa. la wkick a a a a) bar of paraoaa vara aarl oaaiy tajarad. Tka coa Mat batvaaa ika two toaa data kack aararaJ taara aad Ika coana kava baaa appaaltd to. Tad alow prociaa of U vat aot aaiia fsctory. ao ikT dawraiiaad to uka aMttara la ikair o kaada. To-dar a party vaa aadt ap la tka dT by ika Maaiaaipp. aad puaa vara aiada lor a raid oa ia Faltoa aaadqaartara. vitk ika ookci of forcibly uktag poaaaaatca of tka book, racorda. c of ika Ordar aad raaaoaiaa Ika oAca of aaad dark Ha to Rock taiaad. A trata araa ckamrad. coaaiat lac of tkraa coacaaa. a bactar car aad lao boa car, aad tka laaadart vara oa tfcair air to Faltoa. Tka taktb'taai of ika Uttar toara vara loravaraad. aovaaar. aad aaada raad to aa tkair aaiantad gaaata a cordial racap tioa. A Era aUraa vaa aoaadtd. aad llaaaof koaa vara laid to ika potaia vkara H vaa laoaxkt ika Rock lUaad ata voald ba aaoat !. to dtaaiabax k. Tka arrival of ika apaoal trata vaa ika al lor boatilnia to ba. Taara vaa lataaaa laaitag oa botk ii. aad a rat aaiaty of vaapoaa. Ika coaBbtaa uoa raaalttaa la ika folloalac cataaU iia : Will EVaaaitt. cut atartkai. of Fal to. kd cat aad baitaard to ba Utally fcatt; W p Fa4a. kad badly cat. lavaa Carriar. k4 cat. 1. Bat k1 aad araia lafarad. Carta. Wiihaia. Lyoaa. labaad cat. P M Caaay. M baa. I L. kaai badly la)ard. A acora of otkara vara aaora or Kaa braiaad aad ca. Tka frra Egbt taatad (or aa koar or ora. rocaa ciabt aad anaatlaa of tttif dacrptica) baia artaUSad tadaairtoaaly b ika oraasatio oacara. Tka r ai- toattaa Easily got tka batiar of tka fifkl aad Oaoaiv Skanfl Farlay tflxitd ika atraatof Mrad Anoraay Jokaaoa. of ika M jdra Woodaiaa. oaa of tka Rock ILad party, aad a a a a bar of fca corn paawaa. Taa rtJroad track oa aack tida of Ika car tkat broaakt ika Rock UUadara vaa lor a ap by ika Faitoaiiaa. ia Uttar aatdaaU aiaiiag lo cat cS ika ratraat of aaaaiia A Urg lorca of paaca offl:ea ka baaa ora ta. aad aa ia taradara. or aioat wf laai. ara Mi l ta FaUoa ifcara grtai dificall ta p a aaaoa t a ftttail of ika irea bia. varara tpaad r gU.0OO.0OO Tmm Waak vaytnOrdfriad Lmttm aVaaka. 5rrW U tkt BUimr, Smm Niw Yoik. Aagaat It. Tka acr ckaata Iroa oat of towa ara attil poar lag lato tkla dty to parckaaa tkaJr fail atocka, draw kara by tka labora of tba Mcrckaaia' AaaocUtioa. It ia balicrad tkat danag tka vaak at laaat 8 000 of tkaca will ba ta tka city. Tkoaa vho kara harctofora aaada tkair parcbatea ia Ckkago. Su Loam aad otkar citfaa fciva traaaJarrad tkair patroaaga to Nav York oa accoaat of iba ckaap railroad laraa aJIc wd tbcat. Tka oaioa ajpraaatd by iba oat-oN tova raarckaata ta practically eaaol aacoa tkat a great vara of proapsrlty ia rapid Ir approach i ag. Tka Weataracroca ara Urga. aad tba price, particularly tkoaa of vbaat. ara paiilag moeay lato ika pock at ol iba lamer Tka Ssatkeraera ara coov.oced that ika otto crop vill b aa aaaiatily fitt oaa. aad tkat taa prtca vill ba bigb Tba atilanaat of Iba lanfl qaaaiioa b. re tailed la a raa4l of co6deec. aad eaaiay vbick ka beta hoarded for rear I aov cotaiag to tba froat, lot kiag for lavaataiaat. Tea people arc baylag mora, aad caarcbaata vbo have beea fcatiag Lbctr vay ia iba pajl vill aov pat ia larger atock Ererytbiog iod.ctte iba ratara of g -od una ia tbc a aear fatara I. ia eat i an l ad that the 8 000 mtr chaaa vbo vill viau Nav Yok tbia veak vill tpaad U 000 000 for iba tockaiaey vill parcbata. Toeir hotel billa lor ire dart vill ataooei to 173.000. aad Ibay vOJ probably tpaad 100 GOO Tkatr pavaaata tor frtif bt oa toed parcbaaad vill a en oa a t to ftM.OOO aad lor railway Ura V0 000. eaakrag a graod total of eipaadnarea for tbc veck ol kS47S00O. The pUciag of tbi amoaot of eeoacy ia New York at tbi lime cao aot tail to bare a voadreialiy good elect oa tka rntieaae a flair of iba cay. New York meicbaai ara voadericg to ikaesaalres wby tber did aot orgaa a: raar ago, a tkty bare doee aov. to briag trade here. Tecir ituce tbia year ba uagbt ibtoa a Icttot which taeyaraoot likely to forget to tbefoture. OldPUTE WITH MOROCCO. Tka aeJtia Aaaadad ta tka Daaaaada of tka V. B. Oararaaaaau By Cable e taa ktoraiag Star. Takciu. Aagaat XI Tkt tpcciai coramlaaioa headed by Ualted Slates Vica Coaaal Carletoo baa retaraed here frora the dty of Morocco, with the be aver of the Salua to the demands of the Uatted State relative to the rights of Aaaericaa dtneaa ia Morocco, The aavcr ia aatiafactory aad American will heacefortk eajoy the same rights aa the dtlseaa of other countries. The Foreige Minister of Morocco aad Vice Coatal Carletoa will aow conclude the aeulemeat of the matter ia dispute. The report tbst the Moorish Government had proposed arbltrstioa ia untrue. Johnson & Fore,J.W. Murchison. goods we have i CASTORIA Pot Infanta and Children. tWbe- 0 ki inaa AFGHAN INTRIGUES IN INDIA. I BUSINESS LOCALS. CJBT Ifoncaa Tot Kcac or Sam. Ltom aad Food 'm, ui etker ibon wtI1imo idwnlienmi imnaf la tbia HvputaKai U .d.J NoaparvU type, a tn( at iowta p&;K. a t Pnblisbar't opuoa, lot 1 ml par vara aaca i-.-rk a-bat ao MMitiaaawat wkaa lot baa taa SO casta. Taraw poaitiTaiT caak vr Hamt Mo SIS Sooth Third wraat. Tea (10) Kooou. Hot, water beat. All coavesianeea. ronm:.. A. M. Waddcll. Jr. Mill. It daa't look bka it, bat roa would ba aorpriatd to kaow bow aar patroav. tba Adiatic Ta Co. aiaoa tbar bapa oeaad bouaaa. Itkaatora WUoitectoa baa loa aiadi J. Coaa jroonelf aad Mara tbt baaa ata. Hunham coraar Frcat aad blarkct luaatm. aa It it afelp roar Bcaf Catt.a, Milch Cowa, Sharp aod all liada Ptodac to bt. C BaaaoB. No. 5 Sooth Watar matt, (or boat pricn aad proa pt rctnma. aa t tl faa ba (oaad at U Market atreat, J J. Shcp ard. rropriator. Br rooay'a iteaaer 100 ladici' Wrappara, axa ronli. black aad colon. Motqaito Nata aad Caa piaa. Fiaao Table Cotci. Vbita Dacka, Lawaa, Ac , at bargafej. Come tut. aa 5 tf Vaalrd-Htaa-arada maa of go d ckorch ataaeiae to act aa Local Muifir aad Sta'a Cor laapiBodi'at bare, after ba-ac tborcafhlr laaroad oar baauane; aaUry SVOi if qoajiaed. Kaclote aelf aiahrnrd Maaip aavalope u A.T. Elder, Geaera Maurrr, can Oailt Stai. ao 4 tf STRIKING MINER. ANAHCMlaTS AHRtSTtCX I-aOao) y.liaa ftaaan Otaaa.y I aa I- 'wW at A' MS4 l,v S T naa aa a waa aiaa Saa.. U3!P43-. Asaa II A totCMi d a- patch fro an Vf.Ua t ifeM itrra Aaar ciiata vara arrtered ihare th e aaoaia aad that iba aoiace d a eeaier o' docaaaer & xaa aad sate a vaa. Tba tfooaaaaei c oaa red by ia pUKm. fan he. acaxad. iaciada lent era fVoaa Caa arka S tatoa. iba aaaaaa of Prta daat Caratas. aad Ptu Acctarttow w. t teasoaed to eaaaaaiaaia Kiag MaoaVart la) April bta. O aae artaara ara atpacttd to fcl Taa I taa eca ciaiaa taanr aaa poat uva (TMeaca of taa ea at awe a of aa ia trraaUioaai Ar:a a pioc COM PARA 1 1 Vt. STATfcMENT Ns-v Toa. Aaaraat I J Taa tbiv. rat a taa ctMparatirva cuctoa aaema tor Uka vaak eadutal A " 11 im ttBd N tcig at aU t'aitad ScAtaa pnru dtanaaj tba vaa . . T.J IT I J TV! TocaI race i pea to tba Uta lM.ert ir t Uporta ua iaa vwaft OUi ! ToAi eapnrta to ta:a data S VS 044 4 W, 1 4 Sxk ua aa t'aitad Scatao porta saoca a aa rrssd tit s.fe Stuck ba Li-rvrvix.. tVtruua rr ru taaoo Tt 44 t 1.000 4010 ae so) Tba Freace Wat Idiaa bavr pM, a tv wick ww lata elect May lltk iiaaa sdaWttiad aaaaa'wctarad toacco fraaa A'ra fraa of ltt bsaaifca aataada Taa w l ka a a taadaacv to cartawl tka laa wtaekaa) of iooecc atAa tactarad tka t'aitad Scale a A RjobO a taJagraai aaae tka taa jraa Wuai la arcw a tk tea Aaaear of Af a kaauataa ms coaa a a aa if aa actaauy aaaxatiaa ika r kal rvaea la lift Fm'DER Aaojafalafy rwra aaa a r Ca I J m l a -Xaeea-w B reaea eaataaa Troabl-- r a a a s b e a. a. Tn.a'.a iaa II ai aa rrrru a Aaat IS laiaactioa ky iaa Court h a re pal a .-? U ratrcht ka tka ainaieg osiaara agaiaat Iba New York aad Ge'vaUed ti Coal Coapee tor a ib at tee. Ba: ia iba eirco- lioa of iaa iaiaactwa tba tr3 aad ka tfroatx aarrowly escapad pre- CiptAiiag aertce troaV. A it ata. aa a rt kixid of tba trtke vs d fleery S'awarv oaa of Ik tartCe dapataea. attack iacoo Maat. dtaaaaaar of tka McDaad bead. witk tva aire of a brata bora aad cat a eaaere gak sbcaa bis aye Taa kt of ika kiood wroacki ap the I 000 d a ai ani i4ecb a prick thai a frtcxraia cor t ct waa taraeet Tka depot eo ware escued aa 1 eoiay Tb aanSer wr aad yeUiag aad argiag a larther a Jeat tb road. Ia tt croMtbare vers aaougk aejry aarikatt to aeeikiUte foar noaca tbe fire a of o(S:eraoa tba eroaad. Capt. BeUibeat. Skerttf Uiwry Ckiat Dapaty Jaoaea R ckarde aad iaparia lead eat Da Arm it i ware ike oaly cool tea ia taa aaaaaislara. Totbeaaalto Cap. BaiHagkaai kaloaf Ik credit of aaoadiag a not. Waaa Baiiiagkaea av t bare waa deafer of fcia maa getuag oc yoad ka coatrol. k coca seeded a ba.'t aad a4daad kiaiae.f to Ik leak of rr acraiaiag ika asore baUiarereat. Si wc'l waa kia (Sjrta directed laai ba ooa kaj raatoead coaparai:vf order. Skertif Lovry kad a d &ci l lai k to par lores, bat ka kaad.ed it veil aa4 by k cooiaeee aad good aatare did aaack to eaatreiiae tka Batiaraeat aad strife le aned ka te b Savior of fcie soord!aae. Tkt sr;ir leaiiy retired aad aaa.-cbad back lo ikeir caeap Tkere were several otkar kraakee v it k ika fepatxs bai ao actaai coUatoa. A 'tar tta eaiaara rataraad to cacao tbe oficers bald a c jafereace ant ibeir at toraey sad ka adataed Ikess lo tjait aaarckiag a a til iba coart bad beard tka argeareei east Moadey oa iba bul ia etja.ty hroaakt y tka Nev York aad Oe'vaiaed Oaa CoaJ Coaapaav. as It a gbi iajare ibeir csa tf tber vara kreagkt ap foe coat apt before ika coart. frradeat D-iaa tkaa laaaad orders t bet ao atarckaa saoa-d ba aaada oaa aa v of tka aateee of tka Nav York ad Cawaiaed Gaa Coal Coaaptay a awl for tker ordera. aitkoagk taarckee may aa ssada Sartla st otkar piecae. Ia piece of ika aarck!ag aatta saaatiags anil ka kad aad aoaexfcea assde aa a aacass of taepaag aaieere of lbs cora pa a r boat eoiag to voab. Two aseatiags vul ka bald at Pleas Creak lo-aaorrow al tera xa at vbk addrsaeae vtii ea aaada k Gaorga Hrna,of ikeceetral Pae rvraaia gefd. Mr. oaa. of Cbicaaa Wtilraaa War ear aad Caaaaree Miliar. Tka asiaare of ika Nav York aad Oeaafeei Coeapaey vtii be ergad to ba prveeac Tka feat are of tka sceae tbia eaoreleg vaa tka Uct tkat tka voaiee sisape- ik sera, to tka trat utoa ia ike autbe. eamiiptd la a dayiigkt derooaatra- toa aad tkay. Itba taer Bee area la tka i. kad taa ia iaectaoa raad to tkeaa aad vara ordered to cease aaaag the paaiac ksjkvsye (car a parade grow ad. Tbar a vara ao etgee of t roa tea t engbt. Tea arnkara ara vitkta ikr eaaacK ad vkua ika depauea we.e oa t a ad to day ikey kad bttia to do. I a order to saore ikoroakly fortJy fee aneiao Skart Lsvry svere la I aaat aidrtioaal depejuae to eiakt aad daaoatcaad tbeaa to Piaaa Creak. Corria. lLl4Aagat ! Brady 'a arasy af etnkied aaiaar still tbraatea Iba towa. H aataatioa vaa paid to tka rift proclaaaeaaoe. ordertaa ike etrikara to laaee Ike coaatf. aad Ike eaae are as delaat ta ver. Tae Aaaeer Bap ad aa B4r ta IVaod a atavaii a eaa i tbe Oo-vaaaaoi. P? Cabia aa taa Maraiaa Saa. Lomdom. Aegast IS. Tb aew of tka (eapccicd Afgkaa latneora i very rrtoatiy rrgaided beta. Tbe Etgliah eeaspapers pab4:bed la I ad ta bad ai re 4 diacaaaad Iba poaaibility of tbe A carer' coat pi Kit v. It waa reported soeae iieae ago that ba kad aeat those aad of copiee of kia book oa tbe JebaJ. or rellgicat war. to tbe aattve Iadtaa reglacat. while aaoayraoet letter ap peered la ibt ladiaa estiva pre, glotl Ivieg tbe Torh a vcioriea ' Islam rta eg star." sad dcclariag that tbe A rarer was readr ta corse, like tbe g!ortoet Mabmad Aabakiafie ol vore. to rid It'll of tbc tbraidoia of tbe Ckristiaa yoke, btddiec all tbe laitb fal lo ba prepared, aad asserting that ia Hats at Ckitpar were really a pre Itcaiaary trial of Mobaeacnedaa atreeeth. cerefaUy orgsaned by tbe highly cda csted real leaders of the coenmueitv While tbe authority of tbe Afgbae A racer ovrr tbe Iroiticr triors is very weab. it rasat be remembered that Ibe Algbae Geaerai. GboUaa Heldir. com otsadieg at Ataar. who vat la coastaat comraaatcatioa with tbe Mulish vho led tbc attack oe Fort Sbabkadr last Satar dav. is Ibe Ameer's cbiel sad moat trast e J co am tader. aad takiagiato coa aid -eratioo tbe armptoms of unrest near Prtbavar siacc tbe attack oa Camp Malabaad. tbe ladiaa Government will ba well edvised if it makes preparstloss to meet alt t vtataalitira taa waaa, Appl-e, fixa. Datea, Leawaa, Oraaeea. Iaaa. Cakaa aad Craeien, Nata, Caadica ol all kiade. Tbaaa an ae oi the ttioi I offer for aela. yncsa aan to plaaae. A. S. Wiaataad. 115 North Seroad atreat. jt t7 if Waated Hib-tTade amaaa cf good church ataadie la act aa Local Maaafer aod 8ate Cor - be-e, after bariag tborooably learaad our aatarr W If qaahWd. KecJoae aalf- aiiliaiaad auaped ra topa to A. T. Elder. Genera ataaafaa, can 0iit ira. aa 4 tf Hay TbMhT Hot. aaiaed Ocnr Kay. Prairie Her. kc-aa. Ctaa aad all kuaea oi aaixad feed for ad cartSa. Jao. S. McKacbera . til Mar Taarpboae aaar 13 U Haraa, r. te., aa ta Carta aad baraaea af all fcfaaa. nUaJ warl rei No. 1 1 1 Market Street Contemplating a change in their business are offering their Entire Elegant Stock OF DryGoods Millinery. Ac., at 'a ACTUAL COST For Cash. You can't afford to miss such an op portnnity to secure Great Bargains. No samples given. No goods sent on approval. an 1 tf WORTH & WORTH OFFER FOR SALE fur Summer Goods Must Go. 4,LiWiiiii!2 Freezm," liter Coolers, . Ice Sharers, Vapor StoTes. Will close oat tbe balance of season's supply at very low prices to make room for the' large stoc of Pistols and Ammunition NOW COMING IN. mONEY WE NEED! Bring Your Dollars and Yon Will Be Surprised at What Yon Can Get From Us For It During the Dull Month of August. Free storage to October 1st. Special attention to mall order?, THE SNEED CO.. aa 13 tf Wholesale and Retail Furniture and House Furnishings, 116 Market. Street, Wilmington, N. c The Improved Brown Cotton Gin SEE MY LINE OF STOVES AND RANGES. THEY ARE THE BEST AND AT Very Low Prices. J. W. Murchison, 4 Orton Building. jy 25 tf Wilmington, N. C. SUMMER RESORTS. you Claremont Summer Resort, HICKORY, N C. The 1 -cation ia a Doted health resort; chahbeate water; coal nights with mountain brctsf ;alutude 1200; elegant threc-storr brick building; twenty acre yard covered with native forest trees; a delightful resort with pare moantaia air and water. Rates reason able. Wnte for particulars. 8. P. HITTOS, Proprietor. je 29 26t Still Leads All Others No Doubt About This. T C MMaa M 4. a. a. r .It t a i yuu wdui d vunon w n mis season piace your oraers at once o may be delayed. WM. E. SPRINGER S CO., Agents "PURCELL" BUILDING, WILMINGTON. N. C. I au 11 tf FACTS I Special Bargains Best Quality, Full Weight Floor, Bacon, Sngar, e- I wneie Lard. Molasses, MEAL, SILT, LIME, CEMENT, A Palace in the Mountains. For beauty of architect ore and eleraoce of qnip- lne Alleghany at Oestiea tndge, vi baa riT. 1 among tbe summer resort hotels of menca. Located ia tbe heart of the Allegtanies, tbe climate it always cool and iDvieoratin, amidst scenes y of wondrous beanty, its advantages as a summer home are aneqoaled." ulpbar. Alum and Chalybeate Waters. ' j12 2ra J. C. S. TIMBERLAKE. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. IN Plaster, Hay, Corn, Hoop Iron, OATS, RIVETS, GLUE. Bagging and Ties AT Low Prices, aa 13 tf Wilmington, N. C. FOR SALE! TO FlGM T A DUcL. by rnavee Uay c OUaaa tta'leaaa tae Caatl a' Tea. Sf Cake aa Ike Via Scar. Rome Atfiti IS A Iccsl aeasps. par sais that iba Coast of Torio. arbo is oadtntood to bava cbaMeoged Piiecc Htar ol Orfcact to 6bt s tfuel oaiog to cnticisais ol tba lormcr oa tbe Italiaa hot, I ft Italy secret! lor tbst parcae. bis depsriorc freioa: uokooo ca to tba cotngaisooacr ol pa ice It is sdded thai tbc coaal ass sccoropaotcd 6f tba Marqua di Gtacri sed sn aide- dr-ap Swords sra reported to bsve eaea saiactcd ss ib wespoos 10 ba od ta lbs sacenstcr. It rs said tbst tbs dual will lake place tonofra raoraia ia tbe aictaitv ol Pa-na probaNf at Cbsodllv cr Foo tatablro Tbe coodmoos are severe. Tbe Coast ol Tana, it sppesrs. left lis;? vitboat tbt sotborlir oi bis sa pariors oe iba permiaaioa of tbe Mianter of War. Loxdom. Aataat 14 Tbe Roma ctvreepoadeet o4 tba Iyily itil aa y t : "Oa its bacoaiiaf kaoaa ibat iba Coa at el Tarta bad led I:al? to facet Pr.oce Htary o Or east, ibere eras s lirelv le irribaege of ieieraais betveca Kiag M a ai bar t. iba Majqta dl Radial, tba Italiaa Premier aad tbc Italiaa Eos base ia Parts It is feared ibst laier aaiaoaal coaip-Kailoas tnay srtas " TOBACCO and CIGARS. SAM'L BEAR, 8r.t 12 Markei Street, au 3 tf Wilmington, N. C. Horsford'sPowderLower 20 Cent Size $4 50 Case 10 " " 5.00 " 5 " " 5.50 " 20 Cents Case Rebate. 5 Case Lots. W. B. COOPER, aa II DAW t( WUairgtoa. N. C. CAROLIKA BEACH ARD SOQTHPORT The GeO. L. MOftOIl CO. Machine-Made Spirit Barrels. Made from the best thoroughly seasoned and selected White Oak Timber. Onr experience of thirty-ona years in mannfactur ing cooperage for tbe trade enables as to tain oat barrels oi correct ganta and guaranteed first class ia every particular. Yoar patronage sclxitcd. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE LEXINGTON, Vi. 53th Ytsr, State Military, Scientific and Technical School. 1 horoogh courses ia general aad applied Chemistry, a din Engineering. Degrees coittr ed in course: Grad: V. M. I., and Bachelor Science; in Post Grad coarses. Master ciecce. Civil angi neer. All exposes, including cloth. ng and inci dentals, p ovided at an a vera e rate of $36 50r per month exclusive of outfit. New Carets report Sep tember 1 Gkn. SCOTT SHI tf, ;rllJ 19t ta th aa Superintendent. Edgeworth Boarding and Say School For Girls. Re-opens September tS, 1S97. 35 hycar. Mrs. H. P. LKFEBVRfe;, Principal. Miss E. D. HUNTI.EY. Associate Princi;al. Ill and 121 W. Frankl n Street, talamcr-, Md. jy 34 Sm sa we NOTBE DAME OF MARYLAND Charles Street Ave., Baltimore. Md. College for Young Women aod Preparatory School for Girls. Regular and Elective Coarjes. azteasire Grounds. Location Unsurpassed. Suburb of Balti more. Spacious Bui Mings, completely Equipped jf 24 2m su we sa SALEffi y 4 Ids rHEDl'LE. C.Ttrax r Etaa ol Nrw Task hkM .raaud a rqi loa ol tka Covtraov o Loaaaaaa a Iaa rmwu4t ct lata Aaaoaso Meats. 'u laaa Mrtia a. u- rat ta Nta Yrl Iw wkta tla -Ooi4 MaU" gaava la Niw Or a. , Taa Craia Uooa oa Ika Dar- m4 Aitaua rrtaia kiTt 4aaa4c3 tba torn of ika RotftJ tbmi Attitt4tt. Tka nba.'a Ka kaariir. Tka Carta ti koaa Laat flatfal saa two ki ta aa4 a a a bar waadact. Mia ITS MaUs ayfct co4iUo ol iaa waota taam. Para blood l cv tatui to paWact kaaiih. Hood ' Sar Mpafil auttJ para oiood aad UN gtt kaaitk ta4 kapptaaaa. IlOOOt ritXt aU tka) Utorfta UmOf catartc a4 bvar caaddaa. fnca WAKM WlKtLETb Tka- local baak c'aaHaaa l br ftlfd S o ika pj wMk were H.1J1 v. 7i -8-U. P'f Cist I act. t Ut, iiJuiyi (XNia Yk iUM7l4?,p rciaL la. craaaa ITS. At Nia. LrcW coaalf. K?.. Caiak Liaa ako aad killad kia brotber 'lf. RoVrn Stalr. to docfiag koaa Laaa ltd to Virfia'a. bai waa caparcci aaa mo(m la w.a cooatf I ul Tatar Maacaa 74 taata of agt. wtt kad la B ItJaiora rrxcrdaT icr tka aaarrla oik awiia. Taa crltna waa coaa "inJ oa Mit tl k. ISrr. aad Hoaa kaa w coavtctad tad aaaicaed oa JaaalT.k Mr P-x ktui Sok. Prtaidtat ol iaa Pirr Coaactl ol ICoea. aad i Miaratano tka Uattad Siaua died at kia raai5e la Waskiaftoa. O. C. tta-ardaf. t(a waa 4S t a nid. aad kaa baaa la tof kcalik eatar Ttaia. Leare tor 'oa'hport at a.S' a. m. Laara foe Carotiaa Baach at 8.00 aad S 30 a. m. ; LOO aad 3.M a. as. Lea Vs bpon at U.39 p. m. La Baach at 700a. a.. 1.11, 3.15 aad 8 p. m 'ara oa t.13 Boat to piet and rem fa 13 cants. Lean Saalay far Carotiaa Beach oaly at 10 a. m. aad t sop. aa. Laaa Baach at It. 10 aad 4 p. as. Tie rat bt Uadiaa coaatcta ariih tba 3 o'clock aVaaa at taa rier foe So th port. ItT it The Best. If yoa have Dot been baying BOHEY Sl HARPER'S Choice White Meal. Don't rest ontfl 70a have given it a trial. YOU WILL WANT NO OTHER. aa 1 tf Dissolution ofCopirtnership. WH MB Of KOOKCt CAMADV HAV iaa tkasaay baaa daxaiatd by ssataaJ coaaeat, this ia a aatiiy aw auroaa that the taaiaia karattWora t v aa sril aataatee be c ad acted by Mr. D. P. r. an at a. AO persona avlaetad to said ara srill Liverpool and American SALT. Any weight sacks, coarse or fine, fresh packing. A large stock Bagging and Ties which we offer at lowest market prices. Groceries In quantities sufficient to fill orders promptly. Correspondence solicited. Hall & Pearsall, Academy and College, for Girls and Yourg Women. Best come care t aether with fall Col lege instruction . t pec ii lists in Music, Art, Elocu tion. Languages, Commercial and Industrial studies, lnaiitu ion foooded in 1502. The Register sbowi S2t last year. New term begins Thursday, Sept. if, 1897. Send foT Catalogue to Rkv, J. H. CLEWKLL, Principal, au 8 if fal em. North Carolina, The State Kormal end Industrial College Greenaboro, N, ., "VFKKRS THC YOUNG WOUIN Nutt and Mai berry itreet. a 10 DAW tt ScnedHlB on Wiimiiiiiton Seacoast B. R. QM AND AFTER JUNI 1st TRAINS WILL iaa aa follows: DAILY IXCKPT SUNDAY. Laava Wltssinftoa at 8.80 a. at., 10.10 a. IJUp aa.,0.Wp. a. -la-.l. aaa Iaa aaw (21asat to lb ct liylug maa wbaass pcxiilkal rsta-tlctM-a strrtrbea ba jcastl taat cj tba qn. Hia la tbm coa Tra 1ht ft a J-terr r-rkd thaa that cf tb smi baa SIM tba political taaax Tbal taa rrnarkabla pcaritioai for aa ratlta maa to ba(4. To all otiwTa taa oaa rrprrarttta knerw Wr, xpri ora aad tratotrg wbk-b oooa cf Lbna raa fnaadMy ptassraa. bba kaowa mora abraal x4lUr. faraooa, BtorwatrttU, roauaa. Ibaa any man who tsar ta coa c acr adviarra. Sh bryaa tj taarniac frcaa tba baat cat tbm; aba rods t tn- Mrartisc tbm all So ooe ktxms to macb cf Iba flTata himorj ct mrn aod of faaailira. aod ta all her Ufa tbara baa Ua. wlih tba rscrfKioa cf tba Lady sora uaauoira caav. of arbsrli wa ret know liltU or BotbiBc bo rxaznpla cf may miataka or todlarrtaajco oa tba part cf tbaqaara. ifba baa katnt n-to of bar sdtWrs, dtatrrwtrd aotaa. aod mertlr dUlikrd otkata. 1st nerr ooa of tbeta baa latifrrd to Ut frirxt faltbfaliwa to tbvra aa "Toka of ,tba Eropira.' by SL a Brett, - w -a r?iamt w Mr. Kaoaca. aad ai to taa aaaa lam ta laitrhtaH will inaaaai ttMm uss aa aaa) Is pay aaat. KOONCK CANADY Ha tkia mtf aaM all my ratataat ia taa tarn af s aa a I. aaiity ta ta, rra. Koowca. I barabr i tkat saw paasa asta4w kiaa ia aaasa paireai wtek kaa ao aaasa If kara basauaaa aaaa tka lata mrm- . M. k CAHaOT, aa tt la -BY- SPEOJAL SELECTION DIRtCT FROM THE FACTORY. Wkk ao assa t ia t bat lasartw Ptaatas oa taa asarkvt a earafal arlaaaioa la ALMOST A NEC US StTY. Wa has- lor yaara aaat faraliitl kaserads of laatiaaaata kf pataaaal aalactJea. "rw " ' ' ' " r " " t ts xaala. Yaa aaoaat mtlj aava as aaar ky aUract liaaaai linaa. But Get Better Inslrumentt. "l aaaVa .f.r.a.l , a.asa.aa.laaa. , M sVU aaat las laaat-Ctatt. E. VAN LAER, i.tltortk Feank akraat.' MM. . 7 18 a. as. Leaceaa View at 7.80 a. sa.. 11 30 a. m.,'8.48 p. as., 00 p. cm.. 10.00 p. aa. SUNDAY TRAINS Leaaa Wilminartoa at 10.10a. n.S.SO p.m. and T.80 p m Laaaa Ooeaa View at 11.80 a. m , 6.(0 p. m. aad au p. sa. Saturday"" spatial. Lcaa Wnmiaftoa at 1 CO p aa, arrirt at Ocean Viawat 1 80 p sa LaaOca Virwatl.tS p sa, artira at Wi'mlaa toi at t IS p sa. T T kia traia stops oaly at Wrif htarflla, Seasho a Ho al aad Ocaaa View. ja 80 tf OF THE State trorongh profcariooal, literaiy, cluneal. tcientific and iLdustrial edocatioo. Annual exuenses f90tol:O. Facnl-y of members. More t baa 400 regular students. Practice school of 126 papits for teachers, store than matticulates representing every coanty in the State except three. Corre spondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. To secure board in dormitories all free tuition applications roast be made before A ugnst 1st. For catalogue and information, address Presi dent, CHARLKiD. MclVXR. jy i tf The University. A 7 TIACHKRS, 3 STUDENTS, (SUMMER t Bchoo! 158), total M9, Board 98.00 a month, three Uriel coones, three fall Courses, Law and Medical Schools and School of Pharmacy. Graduate Coarses open t ) Womeo, Summer School for Teachers, Sckclarships and Loans for the Needy. Address, PRESIDENT ALDERMAN, je 8 ti Chapel Hill, N. C. N0R1H CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE m MECHANIC ARTS, Will Open Sept. 9tb 189T. Thorough academic adentific and technical coarses. Experienced Specialists in every department . xrExsas per skssioh, INCLUDING BOARD: We Copy Fro n the "Ury Goods Chronic'e" of July 24th, the Following ZEHgQzL z?cs for Carpets. "And talking of carpets and carpet people, are you fully aware of whs the new tariff means to the carpet buyer ? Under the McKinley bill the price of carpets was 10 cents higher than they are to-day. and the new duty, as provided by the Dingley bill, on raw materials that enter into the manufacture of carpets is higher than under the McKinley bill. Natura y prices have to go up. Present priceR can lait only until the present stck of raw material is exhausted. The stock of carpet wool on hand is vtiy light. The wise buyer will place his order without delay. Carpe's w: i never be so cheap again in the next three years." "High Prices for Ail Woollen Goods." "Nothing in the future can be more absolutely assured than higher prices for Woollen goods, and though it may be unduly delayed by trade cc : Vi rions, there can be no mistaKe made in purchases' on tbe present basis cf values." We have LADIES, CHILDREN'S and GENTLEMEN'S WOOLLEN UNDERWEAR at las: year's prices, and we believe it will be to your ad vantage to buy your winter supply now. . We purchased during last Spring $5,000 worth of CARPETS, and offer them until the 1st of September at last year's prices. We have a few BLANKETS which it will pay you to examine. A. D. BROWN, Successor to BROWN & RODDICK, ISTo. 20 ZEToirr-tlbL ZFozob Stj. au 1 tf Stencil Cutting. Stencil Cutting. We Make a Specialty of All Kinds of TIN AND COPPER STENCILS FOR- Markiog Cotton. Packing: Cases. Barrels, Ac- OWEN F. LOVE & CO jy 23 tf Statement of The National Bank of Wilmington. WILMINGTON, N. C. Condensed from Report to the Comptroller. FBI DAY, JULY 23, 1897. For County Stamen ta, For all Other Students, $ 93 00 123.00 ASSETS, Apply for Catal 'gtira to R Q. HOLLA DAY, LL. D., ALtXANfeK Ralkigh, tf. C. FaasTDaNT. Jy4tJ "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD OR OUR SAVIOUR IN ART" Coat rm 100 JO! to pabUah. Contain ararty 900 I TfieH TltA FOR YOUHG LADIES, .n.fra aa.ri.n of mr h. tK. . I -UO 1A tU IO RALEIGH, N, C. ia repardoctd fiota aaasa I Excellent bmldinn aad beautiful Errands in Healthful Location with splendid climate. STANDS AT THE VERY FRONT IN FEMALE EDUCATION. Thoroufh in i Cranes. High in its Standard. Unsurpassed in its high moral tone and in its Intel tactual aad social influences, . Twenty-one officers and teachers. Very reason able prices. Send for catUogne, je SO tf Loam aod Discounts. Bank Building Recempt on Fund wilh U. S, U. S. Bonds Preminm on U S. Bonds ttocks. Securities, etc VJver iratta Due from Banks ,. Cash and Reserve....... $181 844 34 2S.roo co Treasurer 2V0 00 fo.rooto , 5,437 50 , 4,903 00 88 14 S4,4?9 14 138,587 IS $530,668 17 LIABILITIES. Capital Ftcck Surplus Utdm.'ed Pn fits Dividends Unpaid C initiation L'epasits r : :j a $530.' sm stars. I vary picture ia repardoccd fasaoas paiatiag. Agents are takiag from three to twenty ordera par day. Tba book ta ao beaatifal that waea pop'e aeeit tbey want it. riHST GLANCE AT I H PICrUstES DROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYEs." eays one. "C'eared $15) first wrek'a work witk aba bosk." says another. "Some blah grssse maa or woman of good church standing abould aacsjt tba agaacy bare at once," says every editor, "aa $300 caa soot be made takiag ordera for it." Also a aaa or srawaa of rood eocial nceitJrn raa srewre ponrioa of Maaagar ol this lerrito y, to devota all tba-r oat ta empioying and dnllisa? areola and corrrspradiag with tbarn. Addiwa for fall partica ara A. P. T. ELDER. PnHlihar m bkkaaa. Caicago.111. an 4 if No Interest Paid on Deposits. Loans Made at the. Lowest Rates on Approved Security. Collections a Specialty, and Remitted for Promptly at Lowest Rates JOHN S, AB M STRONG, F. R. HAWES, jy 8 U Fubsidkvt. Cy-' w i j v w-r mm aa At ne uwflCKV uonier. greensboro PIMALE COLLEGE, NORTH CAROLINA. Gooseberries for Tarts. Small N. C. Hams for boiling, whole. Large N. c Hams for slicing. N. C Sides and Shoulder. Most excellent quality The rifty-eecond Seaaioo of this College begins Wedneadav. Seotamhw Pth too? College and Conaemtory offered at moderate cost. A Faculty of Specialists. Amp'e Equipment. A pleasant home. Catalogae on application. Fox River Butter. Jiil BRED PEACOCK President PRIKTINS COMPANY'S Directory ofWilmlngton, 1897. Containing a general business and street directory. "CloTer Hill- Brand Batter at the price that has proved so popu lar. Sale will continue until farther notice. S. W. Sanders, Telephone No. 109. aa 10 tf Prempbit's Barber Shop, JO. It SOUTH FRONT STREET, FIRST- cl Work at RfsMonahla Prlota. Give as call. Reapactlnlly, tnlOti -. ' - ARTHUR FREMPERT S3.00. For sale by C W. Yates & Co. J. L HILL PEINTIK& COMPANY, Owner and Publishers, my 81 tf Richmond, Va. SUGAR BAG BAGGING. 25,000 yards Sugar Bags lor Baling Cotton, 500 Rolls Tute Bag glng, 300 Bundles Ties; i,800 Bar rels Flour, either in barrels or satis. The sacks all sizes trom 1-16 oi barrel up to half batrel sacks. And piles of other goods. D. L. CORK, ' an 7 tf 120. 1U and 191 North Wairt St For Bent. it TWO-hTORY DWELLING Nonh eait comer Tenth and P"rt" mtrmmtm Itni'Minn ct ff DC1DS conditon. Good water. Two houses, fonr rooms each, on Eigh b bet" Church and Castle itreets. Good wa er aod V'"" of yard room. D. O'CONNOR. an 1 tf Seal Is su