he SEIoruiug bac StV WUU H. M.14IB, WIUJI3r3T03i. It. c Tctioi Mocxtvo Av. IT. 117 AM OSJXCT LX3JOS. After rerat rft o ooitauxji J?rvtuo l theft ara tv!catlooa of a tara t t! nit. Wild ta n coa.aj froia' ,Hc ff jqa ia 1J am. ao frtxa t wittt !, a: Iroa D i ro cn ax (rva lit oiat'K torw tax froa ta (i)fti -ooc from or aii ( tte-. oat f roti taa f ar. t; it i tB fi scat crops ol t!a farsatra. tf Vela tre u a t!aaaai ia oor coaatriea, tSuat art so Uta fje tapoveatat la t.a cmJ lion tsa; a is bsa J loaf look e J f x aad a?UI b to gUly &-ftitil Bit taert t a)(Va i;ru(t ia tai. Tm potnty of tat coaa try t. s'wtf iitpnJii apoa ttt (afa. It B4 aevtr oroiprcU acs ttt laratra aAve ao pro4prei Tarc foirtia of it ei porta coo c of artcaltaral prod acts, aad it la a poo t!) txtt ic dpal to brtnf aaav tato cat oaatry aad aab a to ,iare a? accoaats rtj forttia creditors. Sj oaiv tais bit it us t.i Aatrfcaa lartntr la at f t taptovaaat to tat Asenc-aa rail era v. to ta tartt cbUIiois of people io txl Bpa aad cp tae tao:oi Ousf ama ta tire ailtu3 of p w?it e amoved bf taa. W.ta f! crop aad f J star lacs ama apau:i pcc tat faratr pr p;r a J every other iad4cry svsrrs v pr pntr Froca a rauaaal tcavipxtc Ji't it (tea taat am acaemjaaatatp oa!J J ail It coaid to toft tae tad jury apoa K it cooitrr maul v. t a: fat y ::ottatr. depeadeat f.c its pca-ap-truy ' W dot't oaeaa bf tan tat: it tioaU bt tattered by boaade. or 5r aa spo of tat a:ioh taat osi4 itf tribute apja otaer tainerieit for t beaeA:. for tat: policy w& catered apoa taet tit ftratr t 1 bt (ia to tooe apt taeatelre "varUa of tat aactoa" tajwoalj rtif nive apoi Cer.T atI care tlta pi t)."(oti clergy aaj ia ltry. jan . ta protect e1 ataa factarerm ikaee bees Joaj eetr ti 3cc tat fonteria. bia procectivc poiicv vaa eaternl apon. vve otn taat ta ttatrtaea aoa!J cea tatia taeir tnfeaai'.f to f:er t"e a noc iaJaurim bf !ta tnbate apoo tat farav aai a taj:cappa tie faraer ta l.?xiit of a: prxlacu abroi taat tie a aor taiattrtrt may htea aQjp3if of tat boat otrktt aaj atkc taeir pc jd t oa: of ta boae parch a ten of taeir fl tan IV B:a:ae protttttJ aai4t: tie MzKm'.tf tanf becaa I. opad to axe atrscu to Aaert caa wactt aaJ Aatncaa pofk. Jaaea G. B:aiae oaJ tac a (acitf to aajiritaaj waat iaee tiij oaatry lu popentr. opa waat tt aa". rtte fr it aaj ae kept oa proc:ii attil taef tacorpora:evl ae tor: of a tocaUev recipeootf ciaatc tato .ai MclCialry unl. Baiae tt oalf partially r'it. lie Jat i (: caiajV He waa a proectioait: aaj dui ooc reaiut taa: tiae 3oe protective tj- tea aa a oa lae A taertcaa faraer. beta u ataJicappevl bta ta bit traJe ontb otaer coaatrlet aai rriacevl tae deaaaJ for tie tarpiot waicik be cool J ooc ditpote of at borne. Tbi year b aa etceptiooal fear. Roro9 aat bate vacat aaJ the caa'l get it fro IiJ.t. froa Kuva, nor froa V.-ftat aa. (x i b crjp failarre tberc t aoa tbert to be bad. bat if taere trtrt tiere woatj be bat I'li deaaad for oar tarpaa, aa4 W3eat wit i b at to or lover tbaa it baa been for tuae feara. aad we woaU took ta eat a for that proa pentf on tae apparent approacb of vaica we are aow beit( coo ftaeaiatevl tf tbrrt wat a wxat auppJf ta Ratua. lai-a. or Area u ja. Karopeaa coaitne wa:cb aeed tt woa'U f tbere to baf brcaate tbef oaUi etcbaae taeir oea pro dacta. a tta.-a! or aaaafacared, for tt.wica tbef caaaa4Jo to tie uat et'.cotiataa ca aery, for It ta to praeeat tbta taat protective tanJt are fraaeJ aaj paaaed. tbe object beia to keep oat tie pro-ljction of otber coaotne aai pvt oar pro tecteJ taterwtt tbe aoa9lf of tae Boa market. Oar faratrt will ax t3r o aacb froa taia tb a year, becaatc, aa we save aai. Caropeaa cooautee will be coaptiWJ to bay froa at tae waeat Watca tbey eta (tt aowaerc elae. bat tappe tiey have gi crope oa tae otaer tuie aett fear, bow anil tt bt tbca Tbe probablt t!a are tbat tie (j prtcet gottta tbia fear wl! reaatt ta aa t acre at J acreage aett fear. aaJ witb favor -taf teaaoat a !ar(t crop. Taea, wtb fair cropa ta tbe coaatriea wbicb are aow baytaf oar wbeat, tbe Aaercaa faraer wtll btve a Urjt aarpiat ta J.pe of. vua a taa! I torus deaaaO. a ad tbea vatrt will bebe Aadwatrewll tbe ladat dastrlaa be tbat depai directly or ladirectif apoa tbe f a-mer Wd tbe bibest tarlS wt bat ever bad, bijaer tbaa tbt MclClaley tarl J. wbicb wat tbe !( we ever had ap to tbat tiae. oaf ei port trade will kave a xe to wetfit It dawa taaa ever. Foreia coaatriea will retail t:e wbea tber caa retaliate tad we wUl fee! tbe elect of It aa aooo aa tbey are ia a coad.uoa ta retaliate. We bar at leaat for yraxa to raa vita taia taril viiboat aay effaatxlaf are to bave foar fears of rrtat coatiaaoaa oemasa M M foe oar foodttaffa. Ia tbe eneaatlme we aay gtt oae valaable poiau bf etadrtaf tbe oOjrct leaaoa aa It ta preaeated w:b prcaeat aad proapec tJve gi pr!ct. w.tb tbe lotr prices tbat wtll loilow. atuox Xaornox. Tbe editor of tbe Aofatxa, Ga., CJmiU apeak t of bavtaf met Mr. J. (I. . -aaaiaf. of Little Rock. Ma noa coaatf. S. C. a practical farmer, wbo la twenty year baa never failed to make aoaef farmiaf. Mr. Maa aia( It foty yeart old aad baa apsat b a life oo tbe farm. Hj becaa wub a'ty acrea of cxtoo, aad oow plaata 3S0 acret tt cottoa aai 250 la or a, oa:a aad peaa fit caa make coda be tayt. oo & re-cent cot too aad aake aooey oa eevea ceot cot too. aad tbe reaaoa ia becaoae be raiaea aot oaly a!) tbe boae aappllca be ocedt. bat more tbto be oecds a d aoae to ae II. There are a good mtayoftbat ktai of farmers scat tered tbroagb tbe Soatb. Tbey are la Georf ua, Sxa:b Carolina, North Carohaa aad ta other States, and aaxif then are mea wbo started wttb aotbtaf bat braiot, nerve aad todaitry aot many years ago wbo are to-day iadepeodcat. Bat tbey jrmd. Tbey uted brains as well as aatclc. ttadicd tbctr battoesa. culti vated aa acquaintance with tbe land tbef workevJ aad tbe crops tbey grew aad tbat got tbe best resatts oat of bitb. T&ese mra ra se cropt aad while tbey are doing it improve the laao aad raise Urge and better cropt at comparatively lest etpense aad tbat get mare for their labor. Ratuag their owa tappiies tbey be c xae iadepeadeat an 1 caa carry oat their piaae aad grow tbctr crops wtthja: going into debt to 3o it. Tbat't tie secret of their toccess. Aay maa wbo pgr tart these caetbodt caa tacceed oo tbe farm. Tic repxt of Coatal General I.ee at to tbe etpeod-tsre of the mooey approprtated by Coogrest for the re lief of taScrtag Amcrvcaat ta Cabs, ttttet that ntncty-6ve percent, of the l.t-X) per oat to wnoa relief has bea ciccaded are oataralixed cut t?a. vt) have beea ,liviag in Caba for a loaf time, some of whoa bave never beea ta tit Uaited State, be tag tie wtves or cbUdrea of oataral- itrd citiaea. Thit it ruaatag the aatara iaatioa raciet pretty ttroag. a b3 i n rs ia wbicb tbe advantage seeat to be altogether oa tie tide of tbe aataralttrd. wbo tkip over to tits co a a try. get oat their "paper, aai tiea go back to Caba to live. Bat tbts basinesa it no: confined to Cuba for tbe saae thing it dooe by natives of other countries. It may be iac:denta!Iy reaarked that mos: of oar tr Jab e with other coaatnes arises froajcoaplicatioat growHg oa: of tic treatment of "Amencaa atti:ot" by foreign governments, these "citi eas being ia many cases persons wbo went tbroagb tbe form of get tug oat naturalisation papers, and then madt their hart ia other cwathes. at taese Cjbaat referred to diJ. or re a. led to take a baaJ in plottiaft. or aprltiagt. or aaarcbit tic deasattratioas Tbey are not cun tii 1 1 i xxi faith, aid tiap'y a: qjire ctu;atbip as a shield or pro tector, waiie tb?y reaJer o tervice. pretest or proipective. in return for tie protecttoa tbey claim aad re- enve. aad practically pay no alle g aace. In tbe granting of natorali tatioa papers there shoold be dit uacfoa drawn betweea tbe man wbo proposes to beoat a baa fiJe c.ti tto, and the oae wbo applies for nat araluatioa paptrs, iatendtag to be coac a resident of aoae other coon try It most be cooccded tbat tbe gold pwcrs of the world have carried on taeir caapa.'ga agatatt silver pretty shrewdly aai pretty laccestfaMy. Tbey have captared a boat all the leading n a tuns of tbe world. Japan betag their last captare. aod are now taratag their eaerglea oa Mcttco. tbe lau stronghold of silver oa this co tiaeat. tbe lateattoa being to de throne tilvcr there aad pot fold op as tbey bave tacceed ed ta doing In so maay other coaatnes. Part of their programme Is to raise tbe rate wf cicbaoge ia proponioo with the fall ia tbe price of silver boll loo. which we are told has very moch dts tarbed aad demoralised basinesa ia tbat coaatry. tbe mercbaate bay lag very tparingly ami! the mooey market becaaea mora settled aod tbey caa form tome opicoa aa to where tbey are. We arc a!so told that Cataa, another til res' coaatry. it very coach dmarbed froa the saae caase. Mcsko has been re markably prosperous, bat the fold mea are patting their heavy bands oa her aad she is said to be feeling the elect of it. La oar estimation this La oae of the strong eat argu ments la favor of bimetallism. If a coaatry wbicb was aniversaiiy coo eidered to be making marvellous profresa oa a silver basia caa be held ap ia her career aad be decnor aliaed by the aaaipalatJoo of the fold powers, tt seems to as that oo farther proof seed be asked of the daagsroat aai fatal results of pot ting tbe world oa a monometallic basis, wbea Ua currency caa ba con trolled by a few powerfat combines. Tm props wav so bwdd health la to esaia taw Wood ncfe aad pore bv Ukiar Hand't Saraapaarttia. tae owe tree bHod j pwrllar f 1 spmrrs turpentine. Darham Sum : Atthoogb tbe cropa of Graavtlle are ia a moat floor Lsbiaf coodiiioo, yet a complaint Is beard from the farmers oa accoant of tbe very serioas damage wbicb tbe tobacco worms are teflictiog oo the punts, tbos dimtoiabing verf coosiderablr tbe aaantity of wrap fers tbat wi'l be grown for tbe mar- et this season. , , ... Mfuu(oia j mr . n w who onsnrpaaaed regret tbat we annoance tbe death of Mrs. H. J. McDooald, wbtrb occurred at bcrbomeoo Stew art atreet yesterday. Mrs. Cath- er-oe Jeroigsn died oa tbe 5th lost. at Nichols, Ga. Mrs. Jernian was a native of this coooty and moved from near Gibson s Mills about a year ago. She wat 70 years old. Greensboro RterJ; Dr. Kim- broogb.ol Mocktvillc, pasted tbroagb Greeotboro tbia morninr with tbe stomach of D. B. Boyer, wbo died suddenly Thursday evening at his home ten miles from Wocksville. A note was foaod In hs pocket saying be took strychnine. Domestic trouble was the cause of tbe ratb act. Some think his wife administered tbe poison. Boyer attempted to hang himself a few yeart ago and bis father cat the rope. He tried to cat throat at another time. His stomach was sent to Raleigh for analysis. Greenville RtfUitrr- For some days corn aod meal bave been coo- inr to merchants here from other States. This looks like tbe home crop of corn is about to become ex- hautted before tbe new crop is ready for harvest. Mr. R. B. Bynum. near Farmvlle, sayt he bat 20 acres in cotton from which be expect! to father 2o bales of cotton, averaging 600 poonds, if ootbiog bappeos to Injure tbe crop between oow and harvest. Mr. Jack Baker, of the aame neighborhood, sayt he has 100 acres lo cotton from which under tbe same conditions he expects to get 100 bates. Fayetteville Oburrtr : Hope Mills bat bad a scandal and yester- eay it wa made public by a trial be fore 'Squires Smith aod Gardner, in the presence of a large and enriout audience. In coneouence a j oong white man named r,ll Cbasen wat bound over to court aod requested to give a f 100 bond for bis appear ance. He waa in charge ot a deputy tbenS. while be was trying to make op bit bond, when Cbasen s brother drove up rapidly. Cbasen jumped into tbe Doggy and away tbe two flew, leaving the "fRcer to" aaiird for utterance. Tbey made good their escape. Winttoa Sf.i'ms.' A car load of fiae poultry, cootivinf ot all klodt of chickens, turkey, duck, geees. etc. paed through Greeosbro this morning. Tbev were thipped by Mr. Bankt Holt, of Graham, to Maryland, for exhibition at tbe State fair. Deputy Revenue Collector! Haot and Chapman seis ed a one-horse team. 40 gallons of wbttkey. and a breach-loading gun. near Belew's creek, this county, last night. Tbe ootfit. it is said, belongs to a man named John Sprinkle, of a adkin county. Tbe horse, wagon. whiskey and gun were brought to Winston this morning and placed in the custody of the D;poty Collector Alspaugh. Red Springs Ctiiun: Oa Wedaes day evening last Mrs. Emeline Tolar and little daughter. Mary, were run over and instantly killed by a south bound train in charge ot Cooductor McLaughlin and Kogineer McGil- way. Just about the time tbe train was due Mrs. Tolar anJ her two daughters were crossing the trestle at the twamp about a half mile ncrth of Red Springs, but before tbey had gained the otaer side the train hove ia sight, and when the engineer first saw them be tappoted that tbey were across the trestle. Tne next instant be saw their peril. He re versed hit engine, applied the air brakes and gave the danger signal, and then tried to shut oat tbe dread tight, but it was too late. Little Mary waa crushed to atoms and Mrs. Tolar lay oo tbe ground Just to the right of tbe trestle a Needing and mangled corpse. The memory of Judge Hoi man. "the watchdg of the Treis ury." waa vindicated aod honored ia the elect ioo of Hon. Francis Martoo unm:n to succeed Dim to congress. Gnrnth is a straight De mocrat, ooe ot those wbo never wavered in aapport of the Iree coin age of silver at tbe old aod honest legal ratio of 16 to 1. aod be will up bold in congress the honor of the district which was made famous by Judge Hoi man's service. LauisxriUt Uft.k, Dtm. Suffered 20 Years MBA BUSY LSSns. sru. of a ptxwal. sol ttraMT. aa4 vtU kaovi ly ail old rwadrau aw Betiaoaa. K. wrttwi "Tm twry-rr yrn 1 bad a at umtwrt froca bottom prrmxn Utm. aad paid Urcvrasktof nootr Cor doc Suva u4 idnttM rvawdtas vttaoct bw t Ta WAT ao any coadltka waa alarwdac: hm hd mctm voafcl starUa aad awmaM, I waa swabi tb tep. aad a ate of stat lae apalas aad alovly grrw war. I Utmm t Dr. MU ' ioraaly Slrrta aad Krrr aad livae ruaa. At Iras aawaarHcf niBiiioatn ao atract. boa Ttae Saatae a frw boaalaa I baa to autlc acaaci I to d braaar aa aiabu any aptw ita ata to taaprwe aad I raaSdiy craw braare. aaAl aow I aas aa aaaxty r tord So aaaAa aa oo of U a aaay apacS. Ood Imm Pr-am -jtrm Dr. atJW B 11 areaoU ts ail drac ftrasaadae a poaittre tra boui aVanfccw da. K n. ..., i of takMafSaa4 m bra - DaV hUIJta MEDICAL ou, Kikaara. tad. SPINAL lTarZ IS ka Dr. MtWl aaa fUA JwUli atata twinkunqs. "Wbj do yoo laagh at bis )kc? It ea t ponibie f oa aaderstaad tbeta. ia it? "No. bat il I dMt't Uogh. he'd try to ecptaia ibcm " Brooklyn Lift Mrs Pace "Mercf. yoo let voar ei'l ofl everr afterDOoa!" Mrs MaoVf -Yea. aad it's aocb a aaviat! Tbe more abe it awav the fewer I diebee aac breaka." Bottom TVawUer I Eirht-Yeer-Old "Don't y you I kaow yet tbat the toe ia ever so couch Wearer than be earth?" Six Year-Old "Teea why doeaa't it keep tbe rain rtS?" Tbe Difference: "I don't know h3w too saoage to' break iff your eaagarta aad ttill keep tbem aa frieacs I coV Maude 'Bat I always make it a point tiretaraall tbeir preseata." Brooklyn Lift. Two Sorts of Exercise "My wife bat jnoed a ohviical ca It a re data. re tareed tbe judge "A'l tbe exercise or wile taket it to raa up dry good a and mtiliaerv bills." reolted tbe majx. Piittlmrx CkronuU- "Here, my little fellow," said a bene voieot old gentleman to a weeplog bo. "I would at crv tbat way if I were yoo. "How did you cry when von were a little boy?" atxed tbe weeper, daring a temporary cessatioa of tears. Miss Tarley Why do you in tead to go to tbe mouataioa Instead o( tbe teatbore this vear? I thought the doctor recommended tbe salt air tor you Miss Fiaodert He did. bat tbat fever I bad lelt me to tbia that really I should bate be to tee a in a bathing suit. Truth Equal to the Occasion "The trouble with your machine." said tbe scoffer ia tbe baggy, "probably it tbat it tired wbea you ttarted oat." Vet. tir." tatwered tbe cyclist by tbe loadSide. still plying bis airpamp vigor -cui; "bat tt t setting itt second wind." CkUafo TrUmn CUKKE.N F COMMfcNT. Mark this deadly fact: The lower silver falls in relative value, the higher gold rises in relative value. They are tbe two scales of the natural and only just monetary bal ance. Norfolk Pilot, Dtm. For a comparatively small outlay of money Mr. Hanna has placed the ridiculous Mr. Coxey at the head of tbe Ohio Populists, and turned their campaign into a choice bit of farce-comedy. Wnshincton Pat, Ind. Tbe most plausible pica of the protectionists is that a duty is necc sary to protect the American laborer against tbe pauper labor of Europe and insure him good wages. Iet us sec bow this works. The Ding ey tariff raifes the duty on coil from 40 to C7 ceits per ton. Toe miners are striking for an in crease ol nine cents per ton in their ware, iuston third of the increased tariff rate. Lynthburg .Yews, Dcm. A 10 CENT CUEEN. Onr Who la Ship-1 .411 Oirr Ihr World In ltt. !i:?pj;:i.' n t: n Hn ling aronnd the wcrld :i 1'iiiir..' Ir - ms prt post r- u. ri"l v. t it i.irt. Iner. is a cer tain in. n. : . re r- Tr t' the St. Ia uis Re- tnMif. wi.ci c!o this fcr any one wl o v ill fi !m. lr.::i .;n nri r. vh tlier it rrti:" t: in. i.i.;; ;.itii!. l:ii.a or any otli- r f r i icn renntry, and bf avs: '"lb. ie !p.j:.it iii ui.iiuU (rem ail part- f tb 'i,t:. leu M-e, I send tu . ijiii . si- f.'IlowM You will notice thai ii . r tun little circular itpart- n r.r- m t!i n val ci.rri.-"i, and he J r ii i !:; w mU ii Ioi, "cue in v.-lip I: tho :m- ti t ket t i.ikI tho other for :t -i.:t Tl:r Iitfli j !ng in th e u- t r if t:ie t i ;s Milniltied, cajiuied h r.ry. !. ! h v i ! ! fniiii-'i frtid to the rt " .1 ! I . " - i i.: li nrrivo at thrir cli -r ; i: .it 1- II. "71.. - r.ip::rti:; i:t r.n- rove u d with bi g.-iuzi' to prevent the tscapo 7 in x'. r frst cer:irrrt- r.u :r. thf i j, .... j , . v !i t !. : );e:'.r !y flniped, -v t : t 1 ti.i.f kitipf. is an ,i. . t -ti N o I'un: I:..li..n i;. ami sli ii valnd at v.. lunl all tlio wav f : I l- : ; in . te in t!i" m r nd crnipart- m nt. ; ii " suit it vrkir Uts, that an !:; r :i t!:" ttip. net only fer i t n:;m v. l i t : Isn fi r the heat they wi.l pnxluiT' i.i k p her comfortable on tho trrniy voyage over the gTcat, cold After wo have t!" N safely stow- f awav in their nreinr compartments. we switch tie littie liil around aud fasten it with a tiny screw at tho ends, and en it t p surf:ue tbe ndtiressof the -tiuine is writ 'in, tho stamp is affix rl. a:.d away r-im l:cr n.njesty, a queen fcbl into slavery for the trifling sum of ft ai d i nt to In r di-stiimliou on a 10 petit stamp. "1W cr.lt". ro I-- grown so rapidly in tl; Unitiil tat. s that then- are few f allium l iv .ho have not a snlistantial i.f ..uv ai d w l.o Io not net a haj.dsome inconio each vtar fr"ni t.' o honey the brv yield. ntnl N-s ides the furniers there aro ihonaatids of girth men and Iadiea who hip uparists pun ly from tho faj nnution tho h bbv afTrrrds. " A lv-aliar Accident. That t i.o r;u.::ct U tco rarrfnl in hai.cllinp axythiug ta ! niii to clcc tnral platitu 11 1 lucustrutod by the On thut r.acnil one of tbe power hotiara of tho t'nion Trartiou company in Philadelphia. At the hour of closing au employ rti awnng an (Diiranui crano to which u uttached a very bcavy chain. Tbe cbaiu ttt ruck a generator aod shiveivd it to froKmcnta. A terrific exploaion follrrwid every circuit, and all lb dynanios which were running wrrw hlrrwn orst. Fire iniuiediatcly fol loati iIk- cxpltwioii. uliil tho ciyuamos, of which there wi re ciht. were either dertroyed cr disahlcd, and tho entire in side of tho building waa cleared onL Tne Iom waa armiething like f 500,000, laxgrly on the rsluable machinery in the braiding. New York Ledger. Do Qninroy, who devotrd his life to tbe reading cf books, said tbat the great rat number of books any one man could hop to get tbroagb within man's al lotted time waa 8.600. Tb Trss Kaaway. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskliw. IlL. -Chief." says: "Wi woa't keep bouse witbent Dr. Keg's New Discovery for Coosu caption. Coughs aod Cold a. Ex- penraaoted witb maay others, bat never am the tra a remedy until we ased Dr. King N Discovery. No other rem dv caa uke iu place ia oar home, as ia It we have a certata aad sore care for Coaxes, Colds, Whooplog Coagb, etc" 1 Is idle to iperimeet with other rem edies, cvea If tber are orged oa von aa est as good as Dr. King's New Disco ry Thef are aot as good, because this remedy has a record of cares aad beatdca h gaaraateed. It aever falls to satlafv. Trial bottle free at R. R. Bellamy'i Drag Store. t or ' VT &&4itZ -fr HIRAM DART'S REFUSAL. tVbr Urn Old Kot Marry tha Ckamlat Widow Dnoe. Wbon old Hiram Dart was in bit seventy-fifth yenr, the faithful old wife wbo hail bcn his companion for a full half century, inckened and died, and, to the Furprifo and amusement of his rural neighbors, old Hiram set forth in I arch of another wife before Hannah, his first upoufie. bad been six weeks in her prave. He made no secret of the fact that he wan "in tbe market" and seemed sur prised tbat tbe bidders were so few. He attributed this fact to the pcneral lack of taste and judgment in tbe "wimmen folks" of the present day. "Tluy're a finicky let anyhow," said old Hiram, "an it comes o' this fool new wimmen idee." One dny old Hiram drove by a neigh bor's bouse nil "rigged up" in his Sun day best and with a bine satin necktie forming a marked contrast to the big red geranium in bis buttonhole. He tarrird for a moment :tais neighbor's gale ucd frankly confessed that be was "goin a Fparkiu. " The object of this amatory visitation was the Widow Breese, who lived "over Hebron way." and with whom old Hi ram was wholly unacquainted. Some rue had, in a spirit of either malice or mischief, nade old Hiram believe that the Widow Breese, a robust, well to do woniau cf about CO, would be inclined to look with favor cn Hiram's suit "An it wcu't bo no harm done to go an see her anyway." said Hiram, as he drove away. It was nearly dark when Hiram reap peared, far lusa buoyant than when he w ut away. His neighbor was on tbe lockout, und, hailing the old man, bo said: "Well, Uncle Hiram, did tho Widow Bree?e refuse yon?" "Not much she didn't," retorted Hi ram spiritedly. "I refused her." "Yen mused her? Why, what do you u.it:n. Undo Hiram?" - "3dan jets what I hay. I refused tbe old !(i rattyint.cnt !" "V!:v. Ui.de Iiiram. is that a re-i-t(l..i; v. ay to sj iak about a lady?" .i i.:uy: Humph, great lady old Ja::.- Kiii.-e j--! You call a woman a "lai.y'who Mills into a feller with a t:- i t:..:i k aii calls 'i:u 'an olo fool' an fcii ii ill..- names?" 'U.lI Mi.-. Hrtese.do that?" "fche jest did. 1 guess she'd got wind that I was ccniin, for I'd hardly iuter dcosod jnys If au began to state my biz ucss wIkii flio Hew at me with a broom stick an drenched liie with hot water an kicked lur dawg ou mo an jawed tho worst I ever hecrd. I jess waited till she got through, an then I up an told her p'int blank that I wouldn't have her if she was the lust woman cn top of tho earth. Ys, sir; I refused her jest that p'uit blan. " Detroit Free Press. GREAT GRAPE INDUSTRY. Tlir Shore of like hautanqtuk 8apply Half tlio f onntry. The management of tho vineyard is an iuterestiiig study and one which to be successful requires technical knowl edge. In tho large vineyards, as a rule, the owner himself gives personal super vision to i very detail, fc-ometimea a manager cr overseer performs these du ties. One of the largest growers in this section tells me that the most successful grower is tho foreigner, who, with his family cf eight or ten, comes and leases or buys i'i or 50 acres of laud, each member of the family having his or her part in tbe wcrk to perform from spring until picking time, wbilo the wiDter is devoted to the making of the baskets. Thus no outsido expenditure is incurred, and when the grapes are sold the pro ceeds return to the family as the profit on tho individual labor of each member, quite in contrast with the largo owner, who is compelled to hire help to do each little thing in addition to buying his baskets. Tho Concord grape is the only variety of any consequence raised in this region, and some idea of tho magnitude of the business carried on may bo had when it is kuown tbat tho shipments for one year from Chautauqua county alone will amount to 8,000 carloads, 8,000 baskets of 10 pounds each in each car. Those are taken from the grower by somo one of the numerous growers' as sociations, whose business it is to find a market. Strange ns it may seem, it is nevertheless true that three-fourths of them go to points west of Chicago, while tho other one-fourth travels eastward. The making of baskets is a:i impor tant item. Many factories are employed. Tho price ranges from 2 to 22 cents per basket. Thus the grower who would find bus business iu any way profitable must, in addition to the cost of tbe basket, realize at least 1 cent per pound for his grapes, while td'.y it is a common thing to find a tea jou;.J basket cn the retail market slow salo at 10 cents. Thus we find that the utmost care must be taken iu the management of a vine yard to make it profitable. Chautau quan. Her Trust la Sisn. An efficient but illiterate domestic servant was Lrought into serious but happily net fatal danger by her undue confidence in tho deductive system of reasoning. This woman, being unable to reud, had long been accustomed to discriminate between the different va rieties of canned vegetables which her employer supplied not by the names printed on tbe labels, bnt by tbe pic tures which they bore. This plan served well enough for kitchen needs, and it was only when she tried to combine it with ber belief in the homeopathic doc trine of like cures like thut trouble re sulted. The woman suffered from rheu matism, and one rainy day, when her aches were especially 6evere, she came across a bottle labeled with a few written words and a print of skull and cronsbonea. Immediately she rea soned ont that the bottlo contained a medicine for complaining bones, and she proceeded to take a heroic dose of its contents. Two doctors and a stom ach pomp saved the woman's life, bnt she no longer sees unity of design in the universe, and her trust in logic is gone forever. New York Times. A boat tbe "By the way, where is the major nowadays?" asked the nintoal friend. "He is in an institution for the treat ment of tbe feeble minded," said the colonel, with a trace of acrimony in bis voice. "You den't say!" "Well, sab, they don't call tho place by tbat name, sah. But yon can see for yo'svlf that it amonnta to the same thing. It is a water enre establishment, sah." Cincinnati Enquirer. Pras Ptlla. Send your address to H E. Bocklen & Co.. Chicago, aad get a free sample box of Dr. Kiag's New Life Pills. A trial wilt coo vi see yoo of their merits. These pills are easy la action, aod are particularly effective ia the care of Constipation aod Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles tbey have beea proved lovaloa bla. Tbey are gaaraateed to be perfect ly free from ever? deleterious substance sad to be purely vegetable. Tbey do aot wsskea by their action, bat by giviog tooe to stomach and bowels greatly in vigorate the system. Regular size 25c per box. Sold by R.R. Bellamy, Drag lt. ' ' t Inldoi; Best to take after dinner; fwjsavBI prevent distress, aid diges- I II 4" tioa. cure constipation. Sj ParelTTCKetable; do not gripe or cause pain. Sold by all draggtsta. 2 cent. Prepared only by C L Hood Oo, Lowell, Maa. WORTH & WORTH OFFER FOR SALE Best Quality, Full Weight Flonr, Bacon, Sugar, Lard. Molasses, HEAL, SALT, LIME, CEMENT, Plaster, Hay, Corn, Hoop Iron, OATS, RIVETS, GLUE. Bagging and Ties AT Low Prices, au 13 tf Wilmington, N. C. At tbe Unlucky Corner. Gooseberries for Tarts. Small N. C. Hams for boiling, whole. Large N. C. Hams for slicing. N. C. Sides and Shoulders. Most excellent quality Fox River Butter. "Clover Hill" Brand Butter at the price that has proved so popu lar. Sale will continue until further notice. S. W. Sanders. Telephone No. 109. an 10 tf FOR SALE! Machine-Made Spirit Barrels. Male from the best thoroughly seasoned aad selected White Oak Timber. Our experience of thirty -on a years in manu factor ing cooperage for the trade enables ns to tarn oat barrels of correct gaate and guaranteed first clan ia every particular. Your patronage solicited. Tne Geo. L. Morton Go. y4 lm Liverpool and American Any weight sacks, coarse or fine, fresh packing. A large stock Bagging and Ties, which we offer at lowest market prices. Groceries in quantities sufficient to fill orders promptly. Correspondence solicited. Hall & Pearsall, Nutt and Mulberry street, aa 10 nw . , Wholesale Prices current Tne quotations are arwajrt riven aa accurately as ponible, bnt the Sta will not be responsible tor any variations from th actual market pries of the articles QaOtcd. The toOowlns quotation! represent Wholesale Prices generally. In making cp small orders higher prices hare to be charted. BAGGING- 1 B Tote.... 6X9 Standard . WE8TEKN SMOKED Hams w b 12 6 8 14 7 5 Mdes tt 1 Shon'ders . DRY SALTEI ED Sides tt -. Shoalden tt S BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second-hand, each ., New New York, each. ... .... New City, each BEESWAX tt t BRICKS Wilmington M...,, Northern BUTTE North Carolina tt ft. Northern ....... ,..-.,.... CORN MEAL Per Bushel, in sacks Virginia Meal . COTTON TIES bnndle 1 00 1 10 1 35 1 40 1 30 1 40 22 23 6 00 7 00 9 00 14 00 10 16 18 25 O 45 4SX TS IS 25 8 10 11 I2ii 12 13 10 20 Stt 11 5H 18 W 10 12 CANDLES V I Sperm .,. Adamantine , CHEESE -tt Northern Factory Dairy, Cream State .. COFFEE 1 Lagnyra Rio DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, tt yard....,.,.. Yarns, tt bunch EGGS V dozen riSr. Mackerel, No 1, V barrel .... Mackerel, No 1, . half-barrel MackueL No S, $ barrel Mackerel. No 2, half-barrel Mackerel. No S, barrel Mallets, W barrel Mnilets. tt pork barrel H C. Roe Herring, keg.. Ory Cod, JB ft " Extra FiOUR tt barrel Low grade...... Choice Straight First Patent GLUE tt ft GRAIN ft barbel Com, from store, bags White. Car load, in bags White., Oats, from fore. Oat, Rnst Proof Cow Peas HIDES, ft Green ., S2 00 11 00 IS 00 8 00 13 00 2 00 6 50 S 00 5 S 35 3 00 3 50 4 25 39 00 15 00 18 00 00 14 00 3 50 7 00 8 25 10 3 50 3 50 4 01 4 60 TJ4 8H 45 45 30 35 40 60 65 e 8 CO 85 50 1 00 B0 95 85 1 2 S0 s 10 1 15 1 25 Dry .... , HAY. 100 Clover May Rice Straw.... Eastern Western ... . -. North River. .,. . ., HOOP IRON, tt LAKD, B 1. u iud a ..a................. North Carolina LIME, tt barrel LUMBlRla'r sawed), tt M feet- th Ship Start resawed 18 00 2000 Roogb-edge Plank 15 00 18 00 West India cargoes, according to quality 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned... 18 00 22 00 Scantier: and Board, common. 14 00 15 00 MOLASSES, tt eallon- Barbados, in hbds,,,,,. 28 28 28 28 18 14 14 15 12 15 1 SO 1 60 O 9 50 S 75 8 75 10 22 75 O 80 40 60 40 in bbls Porto Rico, is hhds. " in bbls Bagar-Honse, ia hhds.... ' , " ia bbta. Syrup, in bbls - NAILS, keg. Cat. 80d basis.... PORK, tt barrel City Mess Ramp Prime ROPE, ttft SALT, tt sack Alan ... Li er pool. .,.-.. 1AW .. American On 12S ft Sacks... isiajlia,, BH1NULEB, 1-mch, tt M S 00 6 50 Common , 1 SO S S5 Crprea. Saps 1 50 8 60 SUGAR, tt ft Sundard Grann'd 5 JL.IPI.IM ....,,,,..... nwte ax. v. . . . , Extra C, Golden. a 4 xo 8 00 14 00 10 00 SS 00 7 00 6 50 460 00 8 60 O 00 C. YeUow a SOAP, V ft Northern... STAVES, M-W. O. barrel.. R. Q. Honhead TIMBER, ttMieat 1tfm.'W.trrs11"" ..r, ....... mui, .... Common Mill...... Interior to Ordinary..... .. SHINGLES, K, C. Crass sawed tt M 8x24 heart,. 7 50 8 60 " Sap... 5 00 tH S 00 SxM Heart 4 60 5 00 " Sap....... 4 00. 4 50 8x10 Heart.. .......... S 00 6 60 WHI EEY, tt giLow Northern, 1 00 & 8 00 North Carolina ..... ... 1 M g as WOOL V aV-Uosrsabad ,.... 8 & Vt COMMERCIAL WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE. Aagost 18 SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market firm at 25 cents per gallon for machine made ctaka, and 25 cents lor country casks. ROSIN Market quiet at $1 20 per ooi ror strained and si 35 for Good btrained. mm An ari iak marKei qmei at $1.10 per DDI Ot SOU IDS. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet; $1.30 per o.irnri for Hard, $1 80 tor Yellow Dip ana l 0 tor Virgin. Quotations same da last year Spirits turpentine dull. 28 m. 21ttc: rosin firm, $1 82, 1 3?; tar firm, SI 05; crude turpentine steady, $1 SO. 1 55, 1 65 RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine 193 Rosin 671 Tar 224 Crade Turpentine 81 Receipts same day last year 259 casks spirits turpentine, 933 bbls rosin, 87 bbls tar, 53 bbls crude turpentine. COTTON. Market quie: on a oasts of TXz f. middling. Quotations: Ordinary 5)4 eta 9 lb liood Ordinary 6g ' Low Middling 7h Middling 1 Good Middlin. 3 3-16 ' Same day lasr year, middling 7c. Receipts 1 bale; same diy last year. 55. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina -Prime 55(50c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra Prime, 65c; Fancy, 75c. Virginia hitra Prime. 4550c: Fjncy, 50c. WKN-firm; 437 cents pe; Dushei Kuuua KiLa-od7U ceata per busbei. N. C. BACON Steady; Hams. 8 to 9c per pound. Snouiders. tf to 7c, Sides. 7 to 8-r SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps. $1.00 to 2 25; six men, 82.25 to 3 25; seven inch. 5 ' tr. 6.50 TIMBER Market steady at 5 Ou to 8.50 per M. FINANCIAL MARKETS. B Telegraph to the Morniox Suu. New York. Aug. 16 Evening. Money on call was easy at P'r cent., last loan at lbi and closed ottered at lJi per cent Prims mercantile paper 3X4 per cent. Sterling exchange was weaK: actual business in bankers bills ai 485f &48j2i; for demacd;483ii 4834 for sixty-days. Postedjrates 484J4 486 and 488W487. Commercial bills 482. Silver certificates 5555H Government bonds were weak; twos, reg iatered, 97; fcors. registered, 111 fours, coupon, 112; near lours, regis tered, 125; new fours, coupon, 125. fives, registered, 113; fives, coupon, 113. State bonds quiet. Nortn Carolina sixes 123, North Carolina fours 103 Railroad bonds firm. NAVAL STORES MARKETS. By Taiacrapl) to fat atorsiai Stai. NEW YORK, Aug. 16. Rosin quiet. strained common to good 1 50ffl 55. Spirits turpentine quiet at 2828. Charleston, Aug. 16. Spirits tur pentine firm at 24c bid: sales casks. Rosin firm; sales barrels; A. B, C. D 11 20. E 81 20. F 25. G 81 80 H $1 45, I. 1 45 K $1 50. M $1 05, N $1 75 W G $1 90; WWJJ 20. Savannah, Aug. 15. Spirits turpen tine steady at 26;sales 849 casks; receipts 1,173 casks. Rosin steady aod unchanged. sales - barrels: receipts 4 475 barrels quo tations; A. B. CD $1 80, E l 20. F 1 25. G gl 30, H 81 45. 1 81 50. K 81 80. M 81 65, N 81 95. W G 83 25 W W 2 45. COTTON MARKETS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York. August 16. The cotton market opened easy at a decline ol 39 points and further declined 38 poiots under very weak cables, showing a eet loss of 45 points at Liverpool, eea erally bearish crop accounts and Neill Bros.' estimate. The market was more or less unsettled throughout tbe session The failure of William Mxbael oa tbe Cotton Exchange and tbe Coffee Ex change was announced without apprec -able effect on tbe market. Beneficial rains in Texas were tbe leading features of tbe crop news. In the the afternoon tbe course of tbe market showed a more conservative feeling, through fears tbat tbe bears had oversold themselves. Prices reacted partially on covering and closed steady, wito the net decline re duced to 49 points. Total sales 128, 400 bales. New York. Aug. 16 Evening. Cotton quiet; middling 8c Cotton futures market closed steady: sales 128 400 bales, Jan v 6 78,Fcb'y 6 81, March 6 85, April 6 88. May , July . August 7 55, September 6 92. October 6 77, November 6 71, December 6 73. :Spot cotton closed quiet: middling uplands 8c; middling gulf 8J; sales bales. Cotton net receipts bales; gross 1,323 bales; exports to Great Britain bales: to France 162 bales; to the Continent bales: forwarded 900 bales; sales bales; sales to spinners bales; stock (actual) 44.686 bales. Total to-day Net receipts 4.168 bales; exports to Great Britain bales; to Francel.219 bales; to tbe Con tinent 187 bales; s ock 78;681 bales. Consolidated Net receipts 6 816 bales; exports to Great Britain 71 bales; to France 1,216 bales; to the Con tinent 187 bales. Total since September 1 Net receipts 6.633.184 bales; exports to Great Britain 3.005,168 bales; exports to France 700 972 bales; exports to-the Continent 2,144,845 bales; to tbe Channel 5.481 bales. Aug. 16. Galveston, quiet at 7 5-16.net receipts 677 bales; Norfolk, steady at net receipts 3) Dales; Baltimore, nomi nal at 8U, net receipts bales: Boston quiet at 8. net receipts 75 bales Wilmington, quiet at 1, net re ceipts 1 bale; fciudelpoia, quiet at 8a(. net receipts 39 bales; Savannah qtnet and easy at 73. net receipts 13 bales, New Urleans. nominal at 7 916. net receipts 8 bales; Mobile, dull at 1, net receipts 15 bales; Memphis, steady at 7j, net receipts 64 bales; Augusta, steady at SJ. net receipts 64 bale; Charleston, firm at 7, net receipts 208 bales. PRODUCE MARKETS. By Teleeraph to the Mornint Star. New York. Aug. 16 Evening. Flour strong and 1041115c higher, follow ing the rise id wbeat;winter patents $4 75 5 25;winter straights (4 404 60; Min nesota patents $4 755 25. Wheat spct stronger; No. 2 red in store and at eleva tor 953.Q96fc afloat; No. 2 hard 97c afloat; options opened very strong, ad vanced farther on higher cables, cov ering' and bullish spring wheat crop news, eased off under realiz ing, but finally recovered on export baying and the redactions in American and English stocks, closed unsettled at 2H2Kc net advance; sMes included; No. red August closed 93 c; Sep tember 9092Xc. closed 91c Cera spot firmer; No. 3, 83 at elevator aod 84c afloat;options opened strong aod higher on bullish cables and bad crop news, eased off with wheat, bat rallied slightly on covering and closed KXc net higher: August closed 82c; Septem ber 83KQ33X, doted 83Kc; December 859,86c, closed 85&c Oat spot steady; No 2 22Uc; options were inactive all day. closing net nigber; August a,HC, cioaea TOMc; September 22Kc Pork firm; old mess 13 258 75. Batter firm; Western creamer 1 1,. factory 710Xc: Elgin. I6c. imiStion creamery 9$$12c! State dairy 9 14; do. creamery 1116. Cheese firmer State large white 8:; fancy large, colored 88Jfc: Westrrn small white 8kc small colored 9c: part skims 45r lu ' skims 2Ji8c. Eggs were firm; Stat'r art1 Pennsylvania 18ai5J.WeBiero ltLSu j-, Petroleum quiet; United closed at 7 30 bid. R ce farm. Molasses firm. Taiiow steady. Cotton seed oil steady. Potatoci quiet; Long Island $1 752 00, Jercv $1 758 CO, aweets 1 752 00. Orte Spot Rio quiet; Cordova 10UjMii, uu i,uw uatcB ai vc , 5u raw nrm; rebned quiet. Chicago. August 16. There was a scare in September wheat to-day shor t jumping toe market to a point 2VC above Saturday's close and rendering t nervous and erratic all day. Ti.c close was at a ljc advance. H ,'1 Cicp news frjm rre Nortb.ist c . ticued a feature. Ocher marseti tar tlcipated in tbe wheat strengtn to a greater or less degree corn and oati -. vancicg about ic each, while provision closed 612ic nigber. Chicago. Aug. 16. Cash qujtat:or, Flour si r.oner; ;judrd syrm poteen held 525; hitber than Saiutday. Wr,t No. spring 86c; No 3 spring .(" 8iXc; No. 8 red new 88Jc. C - No. 2. 28?. Oats No 2 17. N ' jj white f. o. o 21itf2224c; Nu.3fc .e f. o. O 1920c. Mess pork per bar rel 8G58 10 Lard per 100 tbs ti r, 4 47i Short rib s:des, loose. i nnj 4 85. On salted shoulders, boxed ", , &H 25 Short clear sides, boxed. ; . 5 25 Whiskey tt IB ' Tbe leading futures ranged as loiicv.f opening, highest, lowtst aad clour. Wtieat-September 85. 86 81 -4, s;. Dec.-mcer 83. 82Jg83 Mc C -r. August 28. 28.28 2h.2,' -September 2gl, 2'Ji -a December 80 J. a9'. iyt 32. 3233. Oati-No i Septemoer 18. 18 173. 17Jc; rjecembr 18J..19H. 18. 1818c. M.vii:, 82) 2f. tc Mess pork Se-.-n. ber $8 10 8 lOtf. 8 02. 8 07. Oc; 8 12X. 8 8 07 8 10. L.v Sep.emDcr 4 45. 4 47 4 4 4 4?s O.tober 4 T 4 4 47. 4 r. Soon ribs-S-ptem ber ti 95. 4 '.", 4 92i4 4 5(5, OtuOci Hi 97.4 97 i : 4 97. Baltimore August 16. Flout n.t and firm; Western superfine 12 7'.s 3 00; do extra 3 25a3 80. do fam v 4 254 60, winter wheat patents $4 654 85; do spring (4 753 0(1 rpring wheat straight 4 604 r Wheat unsettled and higher; spot and taonih 94KftJ945,c; Septemh-r 93c bC, steamer No. 2 red 91Xtl '.c. South ern wheat hv sample 91c. do nn grade 9294c. Corn tumei, spot 83 4 6$33Kc; month 3333Wc September 82S3c; steamer miiei? 8031r Southern white 8435c, do yellow 85fi 38c. Oats steady. FOREIGN MARKETS Bt Cabte to the Moraias Star. Liverpool. August 16 4 P. M Cotton Spot in fair demand and cr 'e lower. American middling fair 4 15 good middling 4 9 S2d American rr. -diing 4Vtd. low middling id; good nary 8,d, ordinary 8 1115. The ta ei tbe day were 10,000 bales, of wn :; 1,600 were for specolation and eino- and included 9 300 American. Rece ; 1.000 bales, note cf which were Arr.c can. futures opened weak w i- moderate demand and closed fi.-v .: the decline. American middling a c August 4 1 644 2 64d seller; Aruu and September 3 60-643 61-64d tusn September sn1 October 3 54-64d tc f October and November 8 43 64d se: November and December 8 55 64d buvt: December and January 3 44-64d buye- lanuary and February 3 44 64d buvrr February and March 3 44 643 45-64d buyer; March and April 3 45 64d buyer. April and May 8 46 64 d buyer; May and lune 3 47 64d buyer; September 3 61- 64d buyer. MARINE. ARRIVED. A Steamer E A Hawes, Ward. C c.- Run, Jas Madden. Steamer Driver, Robinson. Favcf.r ville. R R Love. CLEARED. Steamer E A Hawes. Ward. C r Run. Jas Madden. Steamer Driver. Robinson. Favettr- ville, R R Love. MARINE DIRECTORY. List ot Veeeels In tbe Port of ivi1- Infton, C, auk 17, 18!7. SCHOONERS. Albert L Butler. 291 tons. Leland G:c Harriss. Son & Co. Rcger Moore, 277 tons, Miller, 1 as T Riley & Co. BARQUES. Concettina (Ita'), 493 tons, Garu ' Jas T Riley & Co Nord America (Ital). 558 tons, Capr-v Jas T Riley & Co. Tramp seed, Crop 1897 JUST AEBIVED ALL VARIETIES PLANTF.I IN THIS SECTION. The Largest Stock and the Lowest Prices. Write for quotations. ROBERT R. BELMK, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, je 29 tf Wilmington, N. C Special Bargains IN TOBACCO and CIGARS. SAM'L BEAR, Sr., 12 Markei Street, au 3 tf Wilmington. N lljWriMa cr If nY 18 HIGHLY RICOMUENDID AS A REMEDY FOR LONG DISEASES AND AS A Preventive for lyphoid, Malaria. And all klada ....a. Aftat K. rOfJOSBA A: CO., New a -J a r I -Sia- sept ly "w