FOB FIY DOLLARS SUBSCRIPTION RATES.1 THE;; THK UOENLNQ STAR NING Star MOR REDUCED TO $5.00. BUT NO REDUCTION IN SIZE OF PAPER, OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY t)F READING MATTER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GOSS 051 TEAR mi tui n un cnuin rta oti nam mc ttm cu ta VOU LX.-NO. 137. WILMEfGTON, N.C SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1897. WHOLE NO. 9.369 8 a Saa Aaan 1 S4 MAM IMPN Dm Lt.. . lllMa H o wilVtUM... lit AM Waaaw m W tit AM L. Sb. DT or AoarcctTrtt. Wuri eVtraaav. WiuensoTow M.C Aa M ) Mcor9iocl .lata lb seseeeaaat Tsoapamtare: t a. a. Tl. aaaeiaaiafls. W; aaiiae. Mi bm, TV aUia)U4 to lw 44V V rUJ ases In el Mia e 10 4-Mai I 4-1 UTaauaaw (mI ikmi for I! BOi eviet al t aa. Aa. I?., rfia44 Sv I3 W 8rt oAct witft tt escsotioai of kocU iVia-iav dwi Fns4a m4 is w-aaf. Galf. I 14 tlt k4 C04)l4 U ov 4 1 actio T kro4i t am.4raiet I 4I 0 144 SMal&a: 4S tee S(k- fc. t.tif WlfttJ-y lio IS eoaaaaJ ,Sir lowaM OWWT Lk boar :4.t4 444 14 N.w C4jU4 S 4144V A tVl4ir 4HtH f44. 14) 44 41 ' lyitir F 4 M gS Upawalaree ore .! iar.! ttcsoa er lie S ?. 14 44l 444 444 144 14 41. roascatr eoa tq-dat. Fjr Sra Cj1 4 r; 40t44f !y '.4it4. CntT'it MM1 4VttTI Lj; Kttt.'ri'l tur fU at a ( P.)lt Oaf 144 C Ht 34 )4it. C4.'lV U f 4Jt44f 3ri.t t COC4 4iB tenvaritj'.a Ftrr:i.t. N C. As, tl At 4 t tit K44 f i:r t i Gap F44 rwr tl t .'441 our li xls Ti N Tjti df gKxl at4fict 11m .) 4'4 O 44444 tt49 cot t iii4 4 r-4(. prt44 r4rf Sr. iJr(4 r9ot yr444l i I-kJ. vita pr-c4 hsr 4i4BOt ail :.i4 M49i. Mf. Of44 Co it. if X4 Vjrt. o ai at. 144 VI 11 1 ir. itr ta t 4 Wl A riji.f lr Mil a (44 14 10 t4) p4l 01 04 ar PjrtUa.J (c 144 po. Inn af 11 ol tt4'4c44 Kk4- 441ft. r..l44i M:K ai4f VlIJ rUf t W4ai4t(41 iVlll 144 II t 57ia 4 T4 44 prtai 54i icU' 141 144 poiiCV Ol 144 t priir ( C440r) I C ! 44! f ).;.J4f. if ia t4i 4 l SC4(44 414f 44 f ti'n)artto Sji4 vMt'f d. fef ittr. $4 tor S44C4. I4 L 4ri i4t. a ia m l4 4 fi44 jfi:U't o t 144 i' J4Cl4l 4 (14144 4'XM 14 C$K 444 m: i4 C4r''44 4'4 prtjtr'4 4 tmrn U 4 SjH. S 41 il 44 C- .'44i 94 !t;o t l) It ir4:4 hit : T H D' 41 R C a I II . 4 pr-Jt444 ClC 414 Of Dtl!!. V. 4f iJf1 4 4 144441. TH (r4 A o( l4 R;)ti 4144ta ai: iit Ci4ct44jti v4 r- Ci44 pJtiJ n ; i 1 ij a 4ll49lp to ! ta f f of I Rf4i!i. M . 44t CJfl'Cr. ? tr't 4 Clt i 4 4C ra 41 C4l4. A .. I4 !4v:!4t 9f 4 oooO Coi ovrtor o 114 f tti'iu't f4ffl a. t.f f rr.-4n44(4 tj tcifi rirl ia m il (34 a 4 'ii4 cf (14 3 i f.jr.jt Wi.f eiiurtt .4.f 44 Ujv'itm el Wil t:it S C. -fft f i4 4lf4 !f 44St n ! i:isi.t It W11S1 cn( V4,. I5 . 4 M!ia 4 4 4 44 1 f4t.I mil'! Htl C.Ojf. Mt4 ifc 44 4 H Y . cniort 4j t'j J ! it lij ' llM Il att:4 i4 gift. 4 Cr o-t :l-t4- t. !4a S4 44ro. ' 4i ii k;.i4'l t1 i. '"' i' :l-f r-334 ol S44(OC ': f 41 J tlr ol WtaI C4 l N C i Uui. 4fO41 i itkt tl 4 lJr1,J b 44 f4g IO 4TT444 ic Clou.t M 3ro Grl44 th 444- ;rifo. IK4 44-1 fetlt4 b a 4p4. Ni V l aB4t4 M4t o caU 4 44 tO P C44I . I44C to-4 4 4l t II t C!?443 0(f tf 44 41 t O I P C44.. e )i -.34 4.T-ai4i:ia t t M: flo4 l I4 4 1 :.34- IO 44 U 14 11 p4(T 1 (.14 9rt4 14 4I k4l 4pOt -.. Mi t r44 t0lO 1t. c rn t.3- ti4i. Jx 11 tUrwr n! n: i1j4. roij t)44 tfaad c n n :n ) 4 d t 4-1 Oi I" toi'ita lar ; it .11 j "t MSOl: Hirjj snaked bis erasing oo : if i?t. C.suaa hJ re ftaaaa (e!s : ' ': itra(ed ta take a ? i; 4: Ml pontics. r-rt e 4id t b fear ml'.: 100 - ib n3d to oo I Fraac. r-ir-. 4-t 4 4 f jr paprs la Rog- ..4 3 jn- Fr sice, if aot mora. n-3 ai ta chaapioa mean : Ducber. wbo ia charged " rn 4 3otir on to tbrow -1 a w fe s face to spoil ber 3S 4 " . W M lull. v t.itt; r Ark . dtspatca says ?-' 41 Uu tb take sad :rs4B 3 si,-, s u: tba coaa- try 5.j?i 1 :.u J1. ta pl4f att. (4.t4C!Vj.c:. it pYplied wilt tl jnrura . c wbal sba will do ta TJ.tajo woaca sb h on a Xb4! Sattl aaaa give ar a aac. Fie ap ioom sbipa aad :am t AUiU "i Va!C44 btcycla like wis bas ffck ta trail of proapwrUy aad got nrt 5f jr mUMidUi. Oar byci t.v3f. iacre4.4d from fl.JlM.OtJ ia :a itcAl ytar of t)4 to T.0Od.JJJ H IT. aariy four fold lacre. S -or Crisp i, ol liafy. to bava tb ''t Joo to sa t bias, baa bad bis i aonaaat erected, aad had la- r od 04 It im?tf -Chtpt." Tbis '" cr1P eooQgV, bat yet thr ta a big d of egotiaai rot! ap la tbat br-f wecxtpiioo. Attotlo Is called to ta foHoi aUocao lUnjot SatMcrlptioo to Tat Moasrts-o Sraa : TO ma scsscatstas. TwsJv Moatas 00 sis - no Tkrt - IAS Two - 100 o " W TO CITT IVtlCtlltUk Ta Stab will bm dcilvcrcd by caxrWr at 187 po4at la tbdtj at IS cnu pr wk. or 13 cent pr aoata. Tbr art lo of craakt ia Rnn- Ta Latest (ScTtioooicatH a rctiftooa sct vakb teacaca tbat tb tool b- liof to Cod aoJ tb bod to the davil. Tbercforc tbj taka car ol tb ol a ad l tb body lakt cara o( KmK aad refaaa to vaab, comb tbtir itrr, cbaaga tbeir ftrnaeat or aartbtaf o( tbat klad. Tbty do aot (ail. bovcTtr. to ttaS aomt food ioto it aad baat a wiroocorotr wbeo tb acrcary drop. Tbat Cbkaco fflia bo was arretted os a cbarf t of batiof elg ht linn aad aadivoreed wives U drawiag a food salary as tbe lead- is j freak ia a dime maseom. Witb bis access lb prtsampiioa is tbtt b will fo ioto lb asrrytog batlocsa ttteasivety. if be doesa't go to tbe peaiteatlary. A Keatacky womaa bas bcea aatd $1S0 for ci'ai Dtf daogbur's bea toj warm a rtceptioo. Sae scalded bia Bat after all tt may aivt ba a lack y scald, for If bt bad oarned tbat girl bis matber-lo-law ta btee kept biaa ia bat water tbe rest of bis life. Keatocky Covcraors keep tbe peatteattary from Diog gorged by itsataf pardoas. Goveraor Backacr graatcd TW, Caveroor Browa W9 aad Goveraor Bradley op to date bas greeted 303. Keatacky jaries btve a babit of saitog malefactors to the peoitcatiary for tbe most trvAiOg oeaces. A Repabtkaa ctcbaage remarks tbat "Mr. McKtalcy t ootia bas txea of material benefit to bim." Aa ontlag at tbe cad of bit term, pro vided fre bt saccedd by W. J. Bryan or some otser good Demo crat, wui tx ol material oeocat to tbe coaa try. Tbere t a bg revival la progress aaoaf tbe colored dcatteas aroand M jatvti:e. S. C. aad t bey are so baay "toarylog Satan. " tbat they bavca't time to pick cottoa. Tbey woald ratber bary the devil any day thaa pck cx:oa A Jaew wtodjw g'ai Trait bat ; a it beea organurd ia Chicago to take tb place of tbe old Tratt. wjicb was somewhat fractered I be new Tratt proposes to moaopolite tb b -iiiaeat and a' 3 coatrol tbe rates of wages. aw avDvauTia .arm. F. W FcxrTia Not'c. No-Tics Bir for sal. W. E. Woatw a Co Trae ecoaocay- PSRSONAL PARAGRAPHS it t4a rwwitM Prtaaa- saOis rawtaaa-a rxa4ly mai41. Mr W. H. Pope, of Fayette- v9!. W44 bra yfd4y. Mtss A lie Pigfori retaraed horn New Yofc ye:erdiv. Mtsa Lena Powell, of Raleigh, H viaitiag M a Amy Merrlit. Mr. Freocb Mc2aa, of Lam bwtow. was ia lb city veaterdav. Messrs. T. K. Hiyes aad R. S. Fate ol Rxlr Poiai. wtr hf yes Mvdav. Mr. W. J. Jordan, of Oaioa P. O. Br4twk coweiy. was a call at tbi odic ytrdav. Mr. F. J. Dempsy. of Cap Fear towaeAypv waa a ar2o viaito at tb Sraa omc y4trdav Mr. H. 1- Fry. o( Greeotbaro, Cbl CiaHar ol til C F j T. V. R. R . arrvred I tbe city vtdiy. Mr C D. Bradhaaa. of New- b whs cast with tb bat ba'l play ws. rtr3 bxa yirday. Rev. Dr. James Carmichael re- tar 44 to tb cuy v(rdiy after aa aa a of siveral diys. put of wbc b spt m Fa wit en U Mr. W. R. Parker, et sbenS of Ways cowaty. aad lb lathe ol Mr. TaoM Part, tb wU kaywa Waya rpiatis. wi hr ytday. Mr. Robert R. Bellamy retaraed yvatardaf from a wwk's oUf at OH Swvwt SjrU Wane VirgtaU. whkb a dMcriawaa a mawt deiigbtfal Saatasr rewan. Mr. W. J. McDtarmid. of Spoat Sai, arrt4 a lb etf t-etray e Ha la loadiag tba luliaa barqa AW Ambits wUB lams lor 1 port. -1 ml ias ba . aV . BtaXiawwav. T f.4wml of tb lata Mr. R J- Mc- ! wa b coadact as 19 o'clock tb asoraiBi froea Sc Jaba'a IptacooaJ Cbarcb. Mrs. WcXlfceaay. wbo was away at lb) lias of bar bab4's awa tlaaaX srrrvad oa lb sVU UsJa yss atday LOCAL DOTS. I latatrwat Oatard Bat av4 Tabors) aad Brlafly Hotod. Sea ia tbe commercial colomos tbt aoatc tba aracklv staiaaacat of cuttoa aad savsl Mores. Tb boar for night services at Cki Mttboditt K Cbarcb bta beta cesMtd tnm & 15 to 8 o'clock. The Acme Maeafactating Com pia v adr4'ti44 a tO-bors po-er boiUr 1j4 44U. S ad. tot Ffticalar. Beglaaieg to morrow, Soaday evaia services at. lb First Biptist Caarcfe will b hld at 8 o'cloci iaatcad ol 811 Tbe Rev. Wo. Black will cjo- dactibaservicaa at Sl Aidre a Pret b ft arts a Cbarcb 10 morrow (S jadai) at It a. as. aad 8 p. m. Soatb Froat street is to be la proad by the addtoo or two acw aorta, to b erected bf Mr. A .P. Alriaa Jilt soaih of tbe store be iov occapMS Col F. W. Foster, chafraoaa of tbe B trd of Csaaty Coo mini oaert. ev4 aatice tbat a cooiaatltiva eitaias- iioe ol apptkcaats foe two Kbolarsbtpa ia lb Collets of Airicaliare aad Mecbaoic Ana. R&lelib. N. C. U1 be bid ia tbe oA: ol tb Coaatv Sapanriaor. at tb Con Ho4. at 10 a. es. Tuesday. Al ton list. BASE BALL. dr4 OtBM 44)4 OkD IUfHM TtSTtSDAV'S OAMU. CUvUd. 10. Bos-.oa. a. Nw York. 8. Catcaro . Ntw York Cbkago. 0. L-Misvilta. i. Brooklya. t. BUiiaore. 5; Oectaaiti. 0. BaUiraor. 8. Qociaaitt. 8. Watbtscto. S. St Loot. 0 Piusbarg .PbUad'pbla.5. WHUt TMST PLAT TO DAY. Oavalaad at Bo. 04. Cbicsco at New York. L-MKvtila at Bfooklra. Oactaeailat Bltiaore. St. L"i4 at VTibt4too. P.uar( at Poiladalpbii. STAMDIBO Of TMI CLUBS. Per Wo. 43 7 Loat n 84 8? 9 43 08 83 80 89 61 80 70 Oot. Baiumor. Uoaco New Yorb .831 879 .833 .610 Ci4Cl44tl C evelaad Cl40 .584 .457 PlUHtf .436 PaiUde'p&ia .433 .431 419 H.-ooklva Lmitiili Wjintjtoi 417 Lxata 151 rYesirday wit certainly a msvtog day HiUiotor stands ao ahead, with tbe Gnats bo'diag secoad place. Tat Ba;o44 droppsl atotber game ta Civclaad yencrdar aad tbtrear Ion firtt o'ace ia t Lticae rice for the firti tiaae 1 4C4 Jane ISi Nji a t'.nke oat bss dc bv either picber. BY HIVtH ANO RAIL- M4a 44 aval Sora and Co." Tvawrdar. Wilmiactoa 4 Weldoo R. 3 catki spirits terpentine. 'ilaiagtoa. Colamdla A Aogoita R R 4 ba'r cottoa. 13 catkt ipiriti tarotatiae 87 bbis roa. 16 bolt tar. It bb crade torptia. Caroliaa Ccatral R. R. 84 caikt toirtti iorpoM44. 43 bbls roam. 8 bait nr. Cao Fear A Tadkin Vally R. R. 3 cukt spirits tnrpeatia. 81 bbls rosin. 41 bbis tar. Wilmiaetoa A Newbem R, R 8 casks spirit tarpeatiae Steamer A. P. Hart 49 catkt spirits troatla. 48 bbls roaia. 63 bolt tar. 11 bots cred tarptia Total rcipts -Cotto. 8 blet; spirtu taroeatiae. 193 casks: rosle. 151 bbls. tar. 131 bb!s. erode tarpeatiae. S3 bbit. M 44 al Miraba 1. Aa iaforoaal meeting ol the retail merchaaie ol tbe city waa held laat algbt at 8 o'clock la tbe roomt of tbe Chimb ol Cocnaacrc. Tbe meeting. rbicb wat held for tbe parpote ol (ar- tberieg tb laterctts ol ths mtrcbaott was well atteaded. Two committees 04 o paaacat orgaaisitioa aad tbe other to caavas lor members were ap poiated by tb cbairmta. Tae otetlng adiooraed to meet oa Monday evseiog Stptember 8th. " III IMVtf. Tbr W4S aa eicitlag rnaaway oa the road to HUtoa yesterday afternoon. A spirited horse, drswlag a Doggy con- laiatag a lady aad a geatlema. became frightened at tbe aois ol tl bo 44 oa a paasiag street car aad broke iato a ran. Tbe baggy was dashed agaiast a tie aad tb occapaats tbrowa oat. very mocb frlghteaed bat aalajared. Ba-Saw 41 Traa. Rev. W. B.Olive, pastor ol the First Baptist cbarcb. oa Thursday aight laat st tb wi4kly cbarcb prayer metiag delivered the first of a srtc of short talks revMwiag critically the magasia -Trk." witb tb vtw most panico Urty of defedi4g tbe tratb ss held by Baptists Tbarsdsy eight's address was by way of lauod actio. PtS Mriim I art4 a waanit Tars if 4. Spirits tarpaatiae broagbt laacy pric rrdsy. Tba fi tares at which tba market closed Tbarsdsy. asmcly. tSsX aad 1JU. war tacraaswd by X of a cat pr gaUo) oa both grsd, tba market cJoaia? sitavdy at MV aad 84 casts. Not a cask wa sold yetrdy et tower petcasv If Lb era u anything yoa want, ad- TtrtiM (or IL La Lb era aaythlng yoa dool want? AdverUsa it la th Baaiacsa Locals of tba Stab. Oaa cast a word. Bat bo ad. Ulaa fo taa than SO casta. tl g ALMOST A SUICIDE. tllv , Hlt-D 4MM Mai. 0414 Hiaswir Wnk a Biair H14 Wood Sal BVrio4. B.Ilf Ames, a half-decaeeted wbite asaa abaat 89 retre old. aad liviag witb bia eaotber o Talrd street near H.r- aett. atari to killed bimteli last eveoloK btwa sia aad ecvea o'clock. He bad started to kiadl a fire (or bia eo:ber to cook; eapper witb. aad wbile apJluiag tbe kiadliag was aaaoved by water raaaiaa ioto tbe yard from a aetebbor e pamp. He told bis mo:ber tbat it was ao oh tryiag to it art a fire witb wet wood. Sba reproved bio. A lew fflOBiiu later Biily tried to stop op tbe hole tbroagb which tbe water was raaaiag. aad bis mother again scolded him. -Well. Hood bra." said Billy, aed taraed away. Hit mother thought ao mora a boat It, thlakien tbat be bsd oaly goaeoff (or a law mlaotea. Pretiy soon a aolsa la her sdo's room caated her to go aad iavestfgste. The door wat locked, aad be'p had to b called la. Tbe door vu tbea broken la. Billy bid ua dretaed. gottea a raxir aad dettberatcly set a boot tba work, ss be said afterwards, ol gettiag some blood from bis brain. He bad made oaa or two long bat not deep gisbee on bis throat snd another mora dangeroas cat across bis left wrist. He also cot bis leg palnfolly joit above the ankle. folic men Hozeins and Orr, who live aot (ar cfl were called in and with tbe help ol soms of tbe netghbars the mad man was prevented from doing himself farther damage. His feet were tied, and Dr. W. D McMillan. Superintendent of Health, ordered bim taken to the Cur Hospital. Ames said. In ezplaiaiog bis condact. that be was ss provoked that be knew he woold hive a fit aolcse he could get some blood from bis bead. He is snb itct to fits and when be bas gone several days without having one. bis mind gets deranged. He was in this . condition Ian night when be nearly killed him self. PU9UC MEETING- All thote wbo aided or aaotcribed to tbe Agricultural Fair Aiaociation lat Skimmer, and aii others wbo feel an in terett in tbe welfare aad fature bonnets proapecti of oar city and coonty, et peciallv oar Chamber of Commerce aod Produce Etchinge. are reqaeited to meet tbe committee at tbe City Ha Coart room Monday cveoiog. Augott 80. 1997. at 8 o'clcct. witb tbe objsci of compietine tbe orgamsnlon of tbit Atto cmtioo aod tecortog tbe eecetsiry ttcck to eoable ot to begia work. Tb i meetiag 11 called at tbe argent rrqjett of many of oor prominent mer cbints. farmsrs manofictorers and o ber vbo liel thai tbe citistna tboold do something to torn in oor direction at lent a pan of tbe stream of trades oca who are now taking advantage of tbe low pitteeger rates sad inducements held oat to them by ovr ciita both north snd sooth of ot. With tbe bountiful crops aod bright prospects of better timet abead we tboold tarely come la for oar tSirc ot bjtioeit L-t at get together and have tbe Fair Let es ditplsy oor goods, maaolactored articles aod oar farm orodu:tt. We bive bid 150000 eicarnonitts to til oar city tbit boomer. Wby not bave ia cqail aamber ol rnerchaatt aad Itroerttbii Fall aod Winter. H. A. Whiting. M. O Bnts. Wm H. Bernard. E J. Powers. Wm E Sprincer Marcus W Jacobi. J as. W Jackson, H P. West. Incorporator! of tbe Soaibera Eipoti ttoa sad Athletic Allocution. THE EXPOSITION MOVEMENT. Oall re Poblla Maaitna to Ba Hald Moo- dor Nlahi. Atteotioa It tovited to tbe call lor a pablic mee'.ieg by the Incorporators of tbe Soothero Espositloa aad Athletic Attociatioa for the parpoie of taking some action that will make tbe holding of aa Eipontion certain. Toe Star wat one of tbe original ad vocates ol the plao to bold annual Fairs here, believing tbey woold prove of mare sibrtsotial benefit to Wilming ton than tbe Welcome Weeks. Bat we do not favor an attempt to hold an Ex poeltioa daring tbe present year. Tbe time Is too short to make the prepara tions absolutely necettary to tuccets. The Star, however, does fsvor a deter mined effort to secure tufficieot sob- scriptioos to tbe capital stock of tbe Attocistioo to place it on a firm founda tion. This shonld be dooe during tbe coming Fall, making a beginning at once, aod tbera ia no donbt of the sac cett cf tbe movement if an energetic caevass is msde. Tbe faodi beiag se cured, work oa tbe groands and build ings sboa'd be began early next Spring. W coald tbea have borts races next Sammer. and both rac;i and aa Eipoel- tloa next Fall. Oat Caoi 4 Word. Hereafter advertisements to go la our Bislnett Lo:iIt" department will be charged on cent per word lor each in sertion 1 bat bo advertisement, however short, will b takes (or less tbsn M cent This Is a redaction from former rates aad It Is also a convenience to adver sers wbo can Calcutta the exact cost ol their advertisements, which must ba paid (or always in advance IMilbUal Ba4pttoa. Tba Stab learas of a moet dellgbtiol reception given oa Tbarsdsy aigbt by Miss Marioa Banks. North Fourth strawt. compllmaatary to Mrs. E. Powers. Ths gat greatly aajoyed tb evening. which was rand trad doably pleasant by soma excaiieat mu ileal selections ren dered by Mrs. Powers. I Uautd CS Tba metlags at Immtaasl cbarcb. coadacud by Evaagslist Morton, con tiaa every algbt with lacreased later cat. Tkere will ba preacbiag to-morrow, aad to-morrow Bight tbera will ba preacbiag sad com maaloa. (t WON BY A. C. L. TEAM. LAST OF THE 8ERIES OF THREE GAME3 PLAYED WITH NEWBERN. Tarasir ta Six - A Zrg BTambrr of 8pta-ori ea lh Oraaadt A. Baoqoal Oiraa tba Ii ivbn Turn Zjtat Victtt by tba A. C I. Clob. Again yesterday tbe Newbern boys met detest at tbe handa ol tbe Coast Line team, bat tbey took tbeir medi cine like men and gentlemen, which is truly characteristic of all wbo hail from tbe Athens of the State. Tbe crowd tbat witaessed the game waa by lar the largest of tbe season, aod waa just as great in enthusiasm, which is always welcome by any home team. Our boys were in good bitting trim, which, coupled with coatly errors on tbe pirt of tbe visitors, was responsible for tbe busy time had by scorer Monroe and the vic torious yells of tbe home folks after the game, as they gladly realized tbe fici that the Coast Line Club had been. fairly aod squarely declared winners by a score of twenty to six. as seen from the grand stand. "Play ball!' bowls the excited fan! What yoa given at? ' tbrieked the in- imitable small boy; "What means this unnecessary delay in tbe commencing of the nine innings!' poetically remarks the esthetic youth from Borton are a fe of the phrases being hurled forth from the bleachers, upon which sat the impatient mob who have been aoxiouily awaiting there thirty minutes for the game to be declared "on." At last tbe expectant time arrives and Umpire Prempcrt, as punctual as asual. struts forth aod calmly remarks "Piay bai:i' The Newbern boys walk forth and gracefully arrange themsjlves-on tbe diamond. Howland ia again tbe mortal behind the pan. while Weedon is tbe Chinese juggler, wbo pro poses to tool em ail. uwiitney, as in tbe two previous games, is the first gladiator up, bat uafortuaately Bob fiils to discover the ball, and as tbe bat comes aroand ia its third iourn;y of 'try to be destruction," Unpire Prem pcrt vec ferated ' three stiikes and oat! ' Now s;ands lortb "boclcaiex.a Jjnniags Gal oway. and, by way of amutemeat he mik;ia clean bate bit. Fenner follows, bat gets oat, wbich is sometbiog de cidedly aaataal for Billy. Beldeo hits a warm number to Foy, wbo erred, and Jos goes to first, wbile little Galloway trots sereoely home, having siolsn tbe rest of tbe bases. Oa Oldham's hit o;Idca, who bad moved around on errors, scores j ait in time, as Ztllers hit to Stub snd out. Tae visitors now have toeir first time at the bat, and their first time to play Christopher Columbus and discover the exact location of "Wonder" (Frank) Bigg's left-hand swings, which are being stopped in a skillful manner by Gvalt ney. "dat chap who sure do play ball.' Tbe visitors seem to realize tbat the home boys will be at tbeir best, which although ssd is trae, for as yoa glaoce in the directioa of short an i notice Ga! loway's grinning countenance, which translated means ' I got your eye." and tbe playful attitude of Feaner. the reli able, as he coolly pices oa first and awaits the ball, which alwayssofily horns wheoever it comes to Billy 'I never care to wander." is a sight which will make most any team uacomfortable, to say nothing about tbat tired feeling, Heme again starts for Newbern. but is settled upon a bit to little Galloway Person, however, uses tbe X rays and lines tbe ball for two bases, and is moved up a peg by a safe hit by Foy Ltft-hand aluger Simmons comes forth aad proves that he is right instead of left, as he lines out a doable, scoring Person and Foy. Stitb pops a fly to right field, which Sinclair, not out of any spirit of meanness, catches. Howland lines a hot grounder to Belden. wbo fails to connect with It. likewise Oidbam in cen tre, and Simmons scores. Clark then retires the side by three vein efforts to fi ad the sphere. From this time oa it is one continual re.iga of terror for tbe vis itors, aod a big hearty laujta oa the pirt of the town jiys. Ia the second inning Scbutte, the first 'an up. struck out. but Sinclair made a hit, likewise Bagg. and then tbey both score on errors. Gwalt nev tbea had a aecond go at tbe bat. and be did let her go for a dean base hit. Gal loway then aimlessly sboffl :d up to tbe pan, and, with simplicity plainly describ- able upon his face, swings tbe bat at the first ball up, and these two necessary in struments of war meet, wbich result in the bat retreating the ball over left field fence on a dead line. Tbe next two men. Feaner and Belden, fan out. In the third inning Gilloway, Bslien, Old ham, Fenner and Bigg tally, while Gwaltney just simply drops one over left field fence. In tbe fourth and fifth oniogt, Gwaltney, Oldham, Sinclair, Bigg, Zellers and. over again. Bagg, Sin clair and Gwaltney. I a the sixth Person steps into the box and for two innings keeps the Coast Line boys from scoring, although during the start he gels as wild as an Apache Indian and bas three men covering the bags at once, bat be proves himself in vincible. After the first inning the only ran tallied bv the visitors was one by Pinner. For covering ground and doing it well Billy Fenner deserves the button. Gal- loway's fine short stop portrayal and Gwaltney 'a clever catching ara two things yoa can always bet oa, although yoa will be ruled off the tart, as yoa woald b betting oa a certainty. last night's programme. Last alght the Newbern boys aad the Wilmington lads locked arms aad swore eternal friendship, which will never ba broken by ths Wilmington boys, as they fully appreciate those clever set of gen tlemen. The Coast Line boys tendered tbe visitors a banquet, which was a royal affair. .Both tba victors aad the vaa- qalshed gathered around the festive board and proceeded to make a Bight of it. . Speeches aad touts were bade 1 by Manager Clark, Simmons, Person aad Roberts, of the Neb;rn team Stuart Hill (who proved too much for Newbern Thursday), Manager Tbos. W. Davis, Assistant Manager Champ McD.-Davis, Fenner and Old- bam, of the Coait Line; Mr. Ben jamin Bell of the Messenger, and Mr. (as. H. Cowan of the Star.. After about two hoars spent amid a clever set of boys, the meeting adjourned, while everybody left well pleased. A A B Gwaltney, c.6 Galloway, s s. . 6 Feaner, lit b.. Belden. Id b..6 Oidbam. c. f. .5 Zellers, 1. (....5 Sckutte. 8d b..5 Sinclair, r. f. . .5 Bagg. p..:... 5 c L. R B H P O. A. E S O. 4 8 8 1 0 8 8 4 1 4 0 0 12 6 0 0 0 10 6 8 1 8 3 1 0 I 0 1110 0 0 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 110 0 8 4 1 0 3 0 0 NEWBERN. A B Herne. lstb...5 Person, Sb&o.S Foy. 8b & s. s..4 Simmons, r. f.4 Stith s. s &80.9 Howland. c. . .4 Clark. E.l. f..4 Weedon, p&l.f.4 Pmner, c. f- .3 Stevenson.Sdb.l R. BH. PO. A. E. SO. 0 17 0 10 8 4 8 4 5 0 3 10 13 0 18 10 10 0 8 0 8 8 0 0 1 10 11 0 0 8 1 0 3 1 0 10 7 10 1 1 0 0 0 8 0 10 0 10 Summary Earned runs, Newbern 4 A. C. L. 8. Two base hits, Fenner 2 Person 2. Simmons 8, Pinner 1. Stolen bases. Gwaltney 8, Galloway 1, Z sllers 8, bebutte 1. Sinclair 1 Base on balls by Bagg. 8; Weedon. 0; Person, 3.. Struck out by Bagg, 8; Weedon, 5; Person, 4 wna pitcn, weedon 1. Home runs. Galloway, Gwaltney, Fenner. Time of game, 815. Umpire. Albert Prempert. Official scorer, W. P. Mon roe. The Churonea. Grace Methodist E. Church. South, northeast enrner 01 orace and fonrta streets, Kev. K. A. Willis Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 8.00 p m. Sunday school at 4.30 p. m. Experience meeting at iu a. m. in the lecture room., weekly Prayer meeting: and lcc.ure Wednesday eveninz at 8.01 o'clock. Strangers and visitors are, coriially invited to attend these sernces. Fifth Street M. K. Church Sooth, situated on Fifth street, between Nun and Church. Rev. W. L. CnnninKgun, rastor. bervices to-morrow at 11 a. m an! 8.00 p.m. Sunday School at 4 00 p. m. Thr public cordially invited to all services. Market Street M. E. Church, next to corner Ninth and Market street!. Rev. T. ri. Sutton, pastor. vices every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Class meeting at 9 30 a. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7.30 p. m. South Side Baptist Church, corner Fifth and Woos- ter streets: Kev. r. M. rarnnjton. p later. Bervices Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School at S 90 p m. Weekly Prayer Meeting Wednesday night at i.M. Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Sixth and Queen streets. There will be tbe usual services on Sunday at nam ana o p ra . DIED. McILHENNY In this ci'v. Thursday evenine. aiLUAKu j. JiciLninni. The funeral will take place thif morning at 10 o'clock from Si. John's Episcopal Church. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS' Boiler for Sale. QNE 30 -HORSE POWER UPRIGHT BOILER FOR SALE. Beea used six mm ths only. Apply to ACME MANUFACTURING CO. aa 28 3t Cowan's .News Depot, JkO. 17 PRINCESS STREET, TWO DODRS west of tbe National Bank of WUmington. New York and other leading Daily Papers, latest Ma ga noes, Periodicals and other pob;ictions always on hand. Givi us your orders. For finest nickel and dime Cigavs in town, call at the Depot. an Z tf Notice. A competitive examination cf ap plicants for two scholarships in the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Raleigh, N. C , will be held in the office of the County Supervisor at the Court House at 10 a. m. Tues day, August 31st, 1897. F. W. FOSTER,' Chairman Board County Commis'rs. au SM It Cheese, Cheese. 25 Pic nic CHEESE. 1,700 Kegs NAILS 1,500 Barrels FLOUR. 5,000 Sacks Salt. Also Drugs, Peanuts, Crackers, Can Goods, Meat, Molasses and other goods. D. L. GORE, an So tf 1. 122 and 121 North Water St. THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD OR OUR SAVIOUR IN ART" Cost over $100,00) to publish. Contains nearly 300 foil-page engravings of our Savionr, by the great matters. Every picture is reporduced from some famous painting. A arcnts are talrine from three to twenty oroers per oay. ine dook Is so Deautilnl tnat when people see it they want it. "FIRST GLANCE AT THK PICTURES BROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYES," says one. "Cleared $1S9 first week's work witn tne Dooa." an another, "some hiah grade man or woman of good church standing should secure the agency here at once," says every editor, "as $500 can soot be made taking orders for it." Also a man or woman of good social position can secure position ot Manager ot this territory, to devote all their time to emDlovinc aad drilling- agents and corresponding with them. Address for full particu'ars A, P. T. ELDER, Publisher 278 Michigan Avenue, iueago. ill. au 4 tt For Bent. J V TWO-STORY DWELLING ON IS IS SI North-cast corner Tenth and Princes. IS 1,1 f elaaaMMMMM streets. Building aad fencing in good cooditon. Good water. Two hooaes, font rooms each, on Eighth between Church and Castle streets. Good water and plenty of yard room. D. O'CONNOR, au 1 tf Real Estate Agent. Liverpool and American SALT. Any weight sacks, coarse or fine, fresh packing. A large stock Banging and Ties. which we offer at lowest market prices. Groceries In quantities sufficient to fill orders promptly. Correspondence solicited. Hall & Pearsall, f Nutt and Mulberry streets. ' aa 10 DAW ll THE MORNING STAR. Are yoa a subscriber to Ths Morning Star? If not, why not? Do yon want a first-class daily pa per af$5.00 per year, or $1.25 for three months.? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do yoa want a paper tbat prints the latest telegraphic news, the best local news, reliable market reports, excellent short stories, and the choicest miscellaneous matter ? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do not forget that The Morning Star Is the cheapest daily of its class in North Carolina. Its price is $5.00, while the published price of others ranges from $7.00 to $8.00. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Johnson & Fore WILL OFFER TO MORROW, MONDAY, Ladies' Shirt Waists. ALL Millinery Goods, PRINTED Lawns, Organdies, &c AT ACTUAL COST. JN. ts. aii persons owing us ac counts are requested to make prompt payment of same. Respectfully, Johnson & Fore. au 21 tf We Have Other Goods to offer besides 'Clover Hill Batter." Read our list and find out. 100 Boies Fall Cream Cheese, Candles. Gun Cans. Druzs of all kinds. Flour all grades, inclujing Pills- bur's Best, which is the Flour for good bread. Fish, Fresh N. C. Fruits, Glue, Potted Ham, Cooked Ham. Car load choice Timothy Hay. Ink to suit all. Jellies in Glass and in Wood. B. W. HICKS, Wholesale Grocer. an It D4W tf TURNIP SEED, Crop 1897, JUST ABBIVED ALL VARIETIES PLANTED IN THIS SECTION. The Lareest Stock and the Lowest Prices. Write for quotations. ROBERT R. BELL4MY, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, je 29 tf Wilmington, N. P. Eyen the KIDS are working hard ' to get the HANDSOME WATCH which It is certain will be GIVEN AWAY onr October 1st, 1897, at 10 a. m. oy MERGER & EVANS, : r 115 Princess Street, Where good cheap SHOES may be had at all times, : . aa 14 tf J. W. Murcliison, Wholesale and Retail Hardware Dealer. AGENT FOR La ri in & Rand Powder, Howe Scales, Richmond Stoves aod CAPITOLA H r-H ID o H w cq w rrl H ; M f ? H tt V H O W oo O S5 Steel Ranges. J. W. Murchison, Orton Building, Wilmington, N. C. aa 15 tf We Are the People Here. WE SELL ON COMMISSION. "Shield" Brand leaf Lard. C. P. LARD. D. S. MEATS, all kinds. STOCK'S "BEST" FLOUR. FAMOUS "Q" BRAND. "FRANKLIN" SUGARS. Cotton Ts. We represent Iron Mills, Packers of Provisions, Sugar Refinery, Flour Mills. Correspondence Solicited. Vollers Sl Hasbagen, A. C. an 22. If L. Crossing, Nutt Street. Bargains. If you are not in need of the fol lowing i.ems at present, it will pay you to buy them and lay them away until next year. Dress Goods were 10c yard, only a small lot at 5c yard. A splendid White Lawn 5c yard. Few $1.00 Shirt Waists, well made and very neat patterns, only 56c. Different sizes In Tan Shoes and Slippers at cost and less than cost. Few Crash Suits at $2.00 and 3.50; were $5.00 and 6.50. Straw Hats at 25, 35 and 50c; were 50, 75c, $1 and 1.50. New line of best Percales just re ceived at 10c yard. Scrims, Pat Seam Drawers, regu lar price $1.V5, now 75c. New Arrivals. Pretty Percales, best grade 10c yard. NEW LACES Splendid line of Torchorn's Vallencines, and at special prices. New stock of Window Shades 10c and upward. Pretty new Lace Fringe 50 and 75 cents. Busts, Bugs, Bugs. Cheapest and prettiest line ever shown, and lots of other goods at J. H, REHDER & CO.'S, Near Fourth Street Bridge. Bell Phone 118. Inter-State 218. Car fare paid on purchases of $2 and up. au 22 tf We Are Off tiring THE VERY BEST PIANOS AND ORGANS At Eitremely .Low Fijiires. Take Advantage of Low Prices before the advance in price, which will be made in the next 30 days. E. VAN LAER, an 28 tf 411 and IG4 North Fourth Strati. Commissioner's Sale. Mary Swaia at al. va. Antonio Swaia at L Bv vlrtne of a decree of the Su-erior Court la tba abova entitled cansi to ma directed the aadaiaigaml Commiasioaer will expose lor sai. to tl a ghast bid der for cash, at pablic auction, oa Tuesday, tba 7th day of September, at IS o'cl ck M., ia front of tba Court Uo, m the city ot Wilmington, H. C., tba following de crlbed lot of Land: That lot In s-.d city begiaaiag at a point in the western Haa ol ruth At north of tbe norther. Una of Blade. street, rail tbenca notthwardly with tba said liae pi Fifth street OS reec ueac " y paraim Blades street US fact, tbaaca .out. para! al with Sixth stmt SS feet, tbaaca east 106 feet to tb. be gin ainc JU. W.IHIIUIH, I taPrJa.W I rassvv fA I .iwe - f t 1 - V

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