The Jjttormng tnr. V WritAtaSI M. aaSa.VaSSaV. WXLMXWriTO. C COSTOI FACT! AID FIJCTEtk Mr. Htn'y O flrt. Secretary of t"i Vtt OfUm Cxto F.t clanf-i. ttJ Uttti?: ot the ''M.')7 W itve ax ta it. bat i:)r d 4 m:i o t froat Lie New O Vt V Tit jiJo a t.e . j tl dll eat .' f trti cr c ,?f'l wtsh ocSer yvir l l-.l V ! TIT Vt t UTS44 t Ul T Ml IT SMO Wl ttat tr Ut SM M fstcwd i it lH ItiM 4 I1tt ill J 11 I J 4i HJ 114 111 14.74 Stt IM..1M Til Tb crop ot "t 'J was the Urfvst m be! vi m val-it. aaoattiaf to aa x thaa th crop of t prsvtoai ytir. f:i' W Heater thtati taa crjj netted lar-aera oaore clear anoney biM it wt pc Juiced tit ca.ay eJ m rn fcoiat ai?'i were rtltJ. tbit vn.! i r. tie acetty ol sp i ie t asoaey side oa cxtoo for f Jeaf (ye-ntttf parc.4d from otSer Mttaa. Capered with tht year CxtOrt trt wti aa itcrves ol t.i)Ov-i.)rt w-ta iore ia vaiat ol J7.J-.4.4T Steatite ol t dprvsaiat to t) coc.j oatia factarmr, lajsttry Mufi -Mm 'il44iii ie srt a -a sHee for gvitt a, I- m-nm M tae Nfte aae rH aa a Cit.e. aad it.wt f taa tMti tiix i Ilia laat m tr It at svai rlH ia InM, .n j tte-W tittJ Ml ll l ' IM T CllMi OK pr-ili:ti ) . 04 tl i a a a v ia ia od4t xm '4' j ia Sowta. at iaa itolci?':jt t il IK Nonk TmImI aril M4 i cat. Ta aai a! uuii taa coaaiaai ! caaaM" i -ia tia jaut a . ia i . a-l ik ataiaaiaat a nfa a ;tto4l '. aa a o( taa i-f.t" itai ! tt fa lr c ata loll ! la I k t4 !. T C ol N ia nilla ( M au ilu ol 5m3r itani oa.-fia act. - Minima t M r'.aa al it 5a Vj Tt ! - ! Sa "! to k rc licail a.l ni ' Tat CMMna'ut Sr'.ara aa-t $Mt(ara m.nm k-tf Vna tU tar E mI'4 Am- i ',41 twi 1411 t 41M t4Wt t4M M jrtfa Mix H I rM ii4 in r I j I t I'M t 4T 4l I ft ITI I l4 t 414 j au m t 4.14 I-) S aaa Mxa )! 4 1 4it l Til 1-4 Tt 111 Ml Ml M Ml T4ias 4.-a tl Tit 111 4 ttHl "Of a fiM 4, ) ?.oa lit ar caai 1 4 aia ) ( i4 T') 0 esai. Mr' 1 ' i Dlit4' C:X)n4 orat):tu - t L't'l Sc a lttt.aaio Jl 9r caai Im tan C.mta'i i 1 cwiint "Taa 144 a jr-:i Sorta aa4 SouO txrti( t.4 aarhMl ia. aa atMiaia ragaativa. 1 44 11 T 10 04 caai. of jr fiati c )4aaaoa) el Aan:44 c Xki Sr. tit II 9r caa: V' a a tWT U ill oaa M rta 44 M t(l a Sol acta jr-l ia ia traf ta M jnaara ca aaiaotioa 44 M II to 1 aaaa la 4 4 i m to t V M a4ia o tfa aa x d if ia tHKI a4 la V ka i.Mta Taia ol co'a i4aa to A ': cixioa) omit Ta tajpuna turn ol fcjraia cuttua) .-ta I&4 taf 4 aai naata to it r.aai el I'M . Uw eatao ol Aaia cuti a f4 aa qiWaaa ol t II MM Laa aaaauo. A. of iat taa (aa taao cuaaoaiotMS N1 icj a( I MO t4. in aata I Mr. Mr ik ( idwa ttraa ol V'af .i:a ia) ooratio rt4 la pT ta. taatr loa-4 aa4 49a4:a. 4,a at M MM aaaa I 4V4K4 I .. t. 4 I. aM t tan m a taja It.M a4 4.a . Tii4 tM it oalf t54 atlU ia oporacloo. Bit tiara art. Va up a4 avtctar o fact i. 4 atiU aa ta Sot3. tan ol 0 3K3 arc aar mlla. 40 ? - aao aa4 aot yat coco plat t T)Ma O'-I tl tot 1 o( 3, lt.J't Jla. ala4( 474 atia a-xl 3,iJ JJ-l ipi-xl'.ra taat yaar $p4!af ol taa c xrji oiaafactar t4 taaatr ia iia at. Iti pro rao a-iJ l a propcta. Mt Hrattr ai -Fj ta itaia ha ia coaaoai aaai ol taa Sowaa aa paHi l lliaa-.aa.a? a4t ifea ra iaa Va4ra cmvm axia kw ia aa ! cioaaJ 4 aa iaa telU a a at oaf e ' t t4t ITI. aa lacraaaa ol 117 tM Til 14 laa ai vaarf gat aa444 a acre too ol I9w -Aa aa i444ioa) i4t laa iaal ol coatoa) aMiaciota fcaaeiry a A ia'a coatiaaaa aaraf-a 44 ataa4 r Sajaoat, tM MMii a soil graiif ia 4. ni)wii't 4 a-aaoo occnal ua taco ol au a laoa. "Taara i. . cootaiai ol I&4 aarma a4 lao ua rao taaia- a t a-t44rat an:ta. aa4. tm OMat . ia mUm aaa aVsoo Bui aa 4-. acsaaca a aaat tfoila to aa o t 4 -A awiat a 4.4 paaa raaa o fnx. tmgmf aaa aa c.anl.tta aoaia c a4o44; .. i - o .r,a44 ! H MrUa 1 unoa aaaiacis. era oi imSmi. a a.4w taa U4 taatoa iftao i -a nt ra aactiooe a aaaftais e' -r tliaia ikaa tmoitl li i'i ixt il taaia ato gaca) coaiaa u ' a aaaa aaaaj wtmUi B4a Haa at ktaot lM.Mil ftaiae cvaaiaa. Ia tacv IA aaeaaa aaiaiaa kaa aaMa to l ioo4ctJo ol mrm aootia aa4 oo ha wcreaaa ocuita al uaa oil ooaw taa ara cooaoijX'Oa) ar tp'a4: B4ag taa raw eoM'te Lt 44) feta arta'O ItiViwtia aUio of giv4l at to 4lmi . Su. M. flMTl ...... . .... .. U aMiMv , . 4 a 'Ua ..Utl m ar-dtw ... taa.' t aaoaantroe oncf a ia ! coatnttH oer. acctisa 4iKaa o atocKi l caaaad aaora or laaa tao". a aaoaciaUf am a aaiavol tte ittlf on''a aaltoaidi taa cioaa ol iaa aaao taare aoro aacao uoooJ cmii ol eutatl I .if p- io44 om ccoaal ol laa ac4rcta ol ra aaaiartal. An a4 taara ia ciim lor iif uoo ai iaa ti raae ol toe fi aota ll lKIIMIKaMil1Ha aoaa ol tra4 tfaoraaaioo aaJ a 44 i4jatr tfea c io4 iid ft o( UiSmiI 4a ' craa 1 a roa4 e4iMa t7V- )0 or aa tl oar caai. tao are c44 ol ika 4: coaaoaad ta graatar T 1 a xa to. UU oar caat; aa4 tae aaar to vtrd fartaar aaatariil locraiaa la m laa4ui (atara. No ia ar or oatiar i444t04 cmI4 04 at ir lad ol taa atotAaUaJ Dtaa ol ta k4aKrv Mr. IlcsttrU prtttr talc 010, a ralooo cii-Kr. aai (or tail r o a is aaraaara rf JcaJ ai rtlia- bt aaJ ai ttaictatasi,. tJta at to facia aaj proiyUiin tuirJ oa ta. tattclcvj to cooaJeace Tbt fact taat S jo there cattli hart acartj dafJ t3:ir oasaaapiio of cot to a ttact I'O). w b tl taa SxtStti enilU Uit fiar coataaeki bat li:tlc eajrt taaa ti JtJ ia H. aaj hart bo aarta( taf oat pat oaaafactariaf msi Tt4i oaa:a caore aaJ locae 7f aaaca kaa. ai'. the Sjaiacra eat'U aarc atta Iy aad ootiaaaoi! acr44J i prtttf cac atre proof taat taa Soacacro cauli are oa a prcttr ri fotadttioa ta4 taat tav aitc4't orercrop?J tbcm ale. Aixaar tKrt(ii( tia u that iila toco a of the Northern oallLt birtlf pitJ ttpcaaet, al toat Jti't di that. aaU o'.hcrt vcrc forcei 13 that doa oalil tbry erorkcxi ol their larptat itock. Sou taara eatlli at a fcacral thiag apt raaaiaf tad paU rcaiooabij wail aa4 oae of them baadaocacly. Boith.taoJiaf the iocrtaad coo aaaptioo 11J th (Jail tiasa, tctrcitj of eaoecy. Ac There is oat fcttare ihova by t3s narei of Sir. Heater worthy of orwertatioo, which it that the balk of the a tU it ia a haJf-doita Sta'.ca ia ihc pKdaoat belt. North CaroHaa laadiof with 161. At fael It cheap taroofhoat the Sooth, aod ail the other coajitioai favorable to t"e otaatactare of coiioa, thert it ao rtitoa why the iadanry thaald aot grow ia States like LoaisUaa. Mt4:atJ?p. Arkiatat aad Florida (ahch it credited with ao oailli). The ladaatry and will be more f tavra.'iy dt(riba:cd thaa It it, oa ti th States caa raike a rtspext abe ahowtng roaiparcd with those which arc ao lar la the IraJ. ItlOl MI1TI0X. The "eidow brfaomj to at tract ioa aiteadoa ia the laited States Featioa Bireaa There are two kad of wtdowt. ooe a booa 4ie widow, woo dtOa't catcrtaio aay wtdow atptntioot whea she fj cat tried, aad the wtdow who t .o aato herself a p 04100 drawtag & 344 3d. oa the a.440 apt too thil be woatd ao live very loof aad tbea 3e wooij become htt lega're at pt04 00 -drawer This is the kiod of widow to whoca Coaamioacr Kis4 cI 1 a'.teatioa ia lie follow- I0f t Itiafe Coaerata 1114 4 lake proaipt Kt n pre'vaaiiaa a aaainpixa'.KOO of saattoaa I aroa fe t V m uiuii ol o4 44 4' A el aster people is-ak ia Ike proajactiae p44aoa aa a a4oa ol a t i ta tae 10 caata aaaar vxe a e 1 art fo B ai ta or 4 a yi eatept 10 have pi 01 1 1 iaa ha-aaeto! lif lien It M4a 4 to ai4 thai taa practee la e -! 044 aa I I h)pt Cors will take il l atirer ia fetal aa5 paaa Irgisietioe a preaaai a paa4t oa aatag gtaea w4oa ol 4 art or tke U4 oar wko aatrrT tka 4 4s 14 tke later. I aataacaa aaee kaaa rrpnna4 to tke 844444 Ol Paaeaoee tl aaow taat woaaeo ka aarrtad pa 44100444 oa iaar 4eaih)a4e la order ai a ovd-o t P444o att ee c ared "" It fcso't easy to tell jatt bow ntay of this kiad of wi Jowl there are aow apoa the roHt taoof tbt TZ3.- ill wocara aow earollrd drawiof peisioos ai widawt. bat there are doabtless a rood aaay, aad will be axe aaleao s-oae steps b takeo to cowragt these tpecalatise oar rUgea. by the Uaa betweco the booa li aad the partly acrci- a try wtdo. who aarriet witb the hope oi tooe becocaiog a widow aad bat-tog a poll oa Uocle Saa tbe baiaace of her days. There are yet oa the Utte wuiowiof toldicrt of tbe Resofatloatry war. aad of tbe war of 1913. aad if this cocoartgemeot to yoaag wooea to become tbe wives of old peaiiooets cooiiaoca to be givea we will have widows of tbe tale war oa the peatioo roll ia 1997. Argaaeot la at ga seal, absurdity 14 absarday, bat tbu docs svoc prs seat tvoae papers that lay claia to saperior lateiligeocc from tryiog to pala oS absard'.ties at argaaeata. Tae folUowiag froa tbe New York tt'il. goid org 1 a. Is a tpedaea: "Taa atatioiica ol Ike cottoe croo for Ua year aaow m to have baea t TIT 144 aatlaa. Ii has beae aold toe ahowt U0. 00 OOe. or ao4B4hi aaoro ikao tae 044J vaiaate ol the rtvaakack carreecT. Thai at eaore tkae te uvea laa vales ol iaa) ee4i auvee aeadad ol the coeav try. What loUf la It I see tor cotiee graeara to laiaa that laee prosperttv dapooda aooa doaf toaaetbiad tat - va." viae ail the auver prodacad la the coeatry wowi4 aa awy 00 a la Iva of tfter cottoe beiear Tbe polat la tba la, rf there be any poial la ft. tltt becaose tbe cottoe crop of Uit year told for trvertl 1 1 sea aa aacb at tbe prod act of tbe til vet ataes was worth, therefore, it dosat ask a aay dlffcrtoce to tbe cottoe grower vb4tbecoeaa of til- vet. aad be aboaUa'l watte bU taoagU tbiaklag a boot lu Sap poae we tppty lb it taat tlae of rta tool a g to rees) backs aad gold aad ace how It wUl pea oat. Taa cot too tod vat worU eaore tbaa tbe toCtl votaae of the freeeback carreocy, aad tbarttore tbe cottoa grewtt thooida'l bother bit head about what becomes of the g reeobickt. It aold also for mora tlta five timet at aach ft tbe f aid pro J ace J ia tbe coastry wat worth, aod therefore the cottoa grower thoalda't give aay tboaght to watt becoatt of gold. At we tee It, accord. n to tbe Wtrlft ttyle of reaoaleg,tbe c oltoo grofer thoatda't givtbiatell any coicera at to what bscoati of the gretabacks, nlver or gold, for hit cottoa crop it worth more than aay of thea. Bat takiag aootber view of it there it a very large caaok of aoeieasc la tacb talk. a It it tbovo by tbe reports of tome of the gold catalog coapaaies ia Colorado that the coal of prodaciog oae doJUf't worth of gold It 37 caa u. They caa take thlt 37 cents worth of gold to the U. S. miat aad have it coiaed latoa 100 cent dollar, giving thcra a profit of 63 cents. We oever have beard of any com platot at the gold oioer'a reaplog tbit profit. Bat when It wat pro posed to let the silver miner take hit silver to tbe mint aad have it coined -thea there was a wild bowl against the profit which the s lrer miner woa!d make by having bis fifty cents worth of tilver converted into a 100 cent dollar. From a moral stand point is there aoy difference be tweeo patting a stamp on 37 cents worth of gold aad c tiling it 100 cents, and ta patting a stamp on 50 onii worth of stiver and calling it 100 cents' Tht ott of production or the price of tbe metal doesa't matter; tbe principle ii the tame If it It imaoral to ttaap low priced tilver, give it a miat vilae and the tilver miner the profit, it ti equilly immoral to ttaap gold, which ta at native ttate la worth lest than the coio, give it a miat vaiae and give the gold miner the profit. The tame law of ooralt that apphet to the white m:tal iieqitllr applicable to the yellow metal. BOOK If OTIC S. mjt!itm t st Stptiaber preseeti a Itet of cja tatt whica thi a:tiphrncil reader aad tht gaairji reider will fiod ietera:ic wacikar be areta with tbe en or ao. ra nisi ar t3e Mitioirrol Pali4kag Coapatr. 503 Fftb aveaae. Sea Yoik. Tk Ifrprtt Min f tt Siot?- bit (ffaeat! a ''i: o' c n.tvi wb c i t&e raalcr oT aa caa ira ta-aol sia 1. aod III pifiiC it ill oiiiCi t.uJ.-e: alio. ail t a! latareiitaf. Pj- niel b Tee Pcb c Pj''t! g Coapii?. CuciiO. I l. Ti'0i:jt f r S:o e a er 4 (e:li) coiimi it i4-.4'i ij miacr tae Tat S .' G ilitnt'i Life " (coetiaael) i ijrrittl i ti oi eiel ieai ptptr o i ill ' tlier L 'e -' Mii- eraKoae in i'l:ri;el. I 3Ji Moo lo iatt4 ikira ti ni t lattrettieg ad it o til aa i c atr.bite1 raittrr Pj"- liakef bv tSt Oj'loik Coapiar. IS Aiioc P.aca. New V t Wat liuot'a Siriprnia b doee lr cxeci ii aiil eiao do lor ?oa. Hood'a Sirtipir.lU ca-ca ti: lool d ii:a. t "When the girl of tbe period rtdae a waael ike lookt lice a qjcimoo lib aad wata tbe wi't tie lookt like aa etc inuoi ooln. rrmtrked Hi oMTTir of atta aa1 tbiojt. D "I piy my child to be good," declire 1 the flrac cool Uiee.-. 'Taat't eatircly wroaa." replied tbe aacoad eoo1 father. Mi child hi lo to e1 for ootsiaj." rutrMt Fut A Wue Lad Teacher Into hai eraad di noil n tae eirtb di vd4T Toaaaiv (bo reed tbe pipen) - Ci vil a4vtc4 rvloraicra aad oIB:aeck erv" Pkit. AVI Amrvm Yooog Bride "I didn t accept Tob the first tioaa he propoaed " Mea Kivu (.ifbJ eev oo ) I kas voo dida't " Yoog Brid How do yoa kio?' Mise Rival-Yoa wefca't there A Call for Help Bigger -W ar a ate ail taoae dapotv abends aad poiea40 goae ia aca a barrsr Fifiloa -Tbe bona teaaa I oat to day aad ib4 aip4re haa teiepaoeed that Be Beta lo go to hie hotel. ClrvUtmJ Toariit (in coantry qatrtert. apprebeaaiveii) 'How about tbe caoa qatioeir Dmi vow bad ibera prcttr vcioa crcatare f Native (tad fleraatlf) "Not at ail Not at a'U War. tbcrll eat right oat ol voar btad Btim Trvlirr Professor "Its bard to get aay kaoaleSee lato voar oei. toar saalt s bk Pspil Be?, refaeraher. profetaor. for the eiese reaiot it will he bud for ibe kaoatodea to ever act cot, PkiUd4l 4Ua AW- lodge (.ratty -Are yoa tare voar love lor m t dtaibtcr it the geaa lee ar kia. m? A' y oa tare voa arc aot aittakea ahoal I f Choitv Maibt It li bo, pottib'e f r aa to be enatakta aboot rt. nr. I bve esper4oced iaa atoie aeaiatioe a iboa saad lint. fmUf. '-Ybat kapet ye still to long. Oi'a areala' arid neaelf. "Ahoat wbair" "Oi ea tbrvla to coaviace ateaelf that it'l ao harder to paab a wheelbarrow oe tae level ibaa to paab roe rxexkie ap bUI. aa Oi caa 'I do iu Vikistem Sis. Avoiding Ritkt Gladya M Pa pa s go"C to give aa a check at ibe waddief taat cad ol a preeeat. Toes." Toes -AH rtghi; well have ibe cere- aaoey at bi-h aooe thea iaatead of at 4 o'ciock.- Gadrs "Whv. what for. dear? Toes -Biaks cloae at XTDttrmt Prtu ceta VI tiara. Eectrtc Buers ts a saedicise telted toe aav iiaaoa. bet pat ba pa eaore geaer. aliv aaeded whea the laagaid. eabaaeud leaflet prrvtlie, whea tba liver ia torpid aad KaerUb aad the seed of a toeic aad alterative ts lelt. A proeapt aae of this I Kia a baa oft a averted toe aad peebepe Utal bllioet icvara No osdi ciae wUl act aore rarely la cooatcr act- lag aad traeleg the trttca froa the at- Uriai poiaoe. Headache. ladlcasUoe. Coeasopatioe. Dtaziaeee viaid to Kiectrlc fiat era. to ceeta aad 1 0Q pet botue at R. R. BtLUtafT't Drac Store. t TV I aa SPIEIT3 TURPENTINE. Leiiagtoo DispaUhx Capt H.R. Gilhogham, a promloent mining man, re tamed Monday 'rom Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, where ta had been on important mining bo ti nets. He tells at that the Silver Valley Gold and Silver minet will go to work toon, and rna ia fall force; and that thlt will only be a beginning in the operation of minet la Davidson county. Lomtbarg Times : Turner Debnam aad Jotboa Wilder, aged 14 and 15 years, were placed in jtil yesterday, having been bound over to court by T. P..Tbarringtoo, lat tice of tbe Peace at Franklinton. They are both colored, and are charged witb committing a "name less" assaalt upon Mary Rove, col ored, aged 10 years. From what we cm learn the evidence is very ttrong agtintt the boyt. There wat no per ceptible feeling displayed at Frank liaton by the colored people. Lincoln Journal: A desperate aod bloody fight took place at Starr town, lo Catawba county, Satutday between Jim Murphy, a desperate character living In thartection, and a yooog man named Lester Conrad, or Conrad. Conrad accused Murphy of ttealing from him and this canted tbe fight. Conrad first cut Murphy, loflictiag t crions woandoa hit throat. Mnrphy then cat Conrad t throat, it it taid a'mcst from ear to ear. Mnr phy is in jail In Newton, and Conrad Is lying at tbe point of deitb, with bat tligbt chances of recovery. Biockkade liqaor it taid to be at the bottom of the trouble. Shelby Aurora: Mr. Haywood Hirmon lives on Benson't Creek, No. 4 township, within one fourth of a mile from where be wat born on tbe 3d of September, 1808. On last Thursday he gathered together about thirty (all that could come) of his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, when he celebrated hit 80th birthday. The old gentle man i hale and hearty, as lively as a tizteen year old boy. He was never tued but once, never gave a mortgage and never took but one dose of medicine from a doctor and tayt he regrets having taken that one dose Mr. Harmon is about the oldest citizen in the county. Charlotte Newt: The corru gated iron buildings located in the rear of the old cemetery on West Sixth street were burned to tbe ground Monday afternoon. Tbe bnildiogs were owned and occupied by Mr. E. M. Andrews as a mattress and spring factory. Tbe workmen had just resumed work after the dinner hour, when one of tbe men detected the odor of fire and before he had time to call for help a huge tTme swept through tbe buildiog. Both bouses were filled with shucks and other inflammable material, aad it was only a short while before all the contents were destroyed. Mr. Andrews had several organs in one of the building, but they were saved. The buildings and contents were insured for $1,100 Mr. R. E Holder, of No. 207 Sooth B street, is tbe champion tomato raiser. He sends tbe tVeu-s two enormous ciasters ot tomatoes gathered from tbe same plant. He tayt he has a pear tree in bit yard which bean pears that measure 12 inches around by 13 inches long. CUKHEN f COMMENT. Thtt "fifty per cent of flit" doei not seem to impair tbe stiver collart we own. This miy prove a valuab'e lesson after all. Augusta CkrtniiU. Dem, It will be observed that Pres ident McrCinley is appointing no ngroes to Federil office s In Ohio, but is reserving such favors for tbe Southern States. In the meantime. however, the Ohio negroes are kick op quite a dast because they are not faring as well asiheir African breth- ern in this section of tbe country. iS rw Orleans Mates. Dem If the temporary advance in the price of wheat on account of short crops is such a good thing for tbe business of tbit countrv whv oald it not be a still better thing toiettore tilver and gold as the money of tbe constitution like we had t prior to 1873, and make these con dition! of higher prices and greater activity permanent instead of tem porary? -Lauisx-ille Dispatch, Dem. The South wants Its resources developed; wants an Influx of desira b e immigration; wants to dispose of a large part of its farming lands, mi oca, aod water powersitei; but It does not desire to dispose of them by having them foreclosed at public auctio at about one-third or evea one-half of their real value because of liens payable ia gold. Richmond State, Dem. THE RETIRED BURGLAR. Caaekt T-hraneh a Cmrlnra Mxla Far Aothr Pnrpm,, "Why. -r." nM the rvtirf-d burglar, "I g"4 rausiht once In tho very simplest enrt of way. I stepped over a doors! 11 In to room ana night raising my foot rather high, as I always did. whether I had on rubber shoes or not. ao as not lo scrape my fo.4 on the d.xirsMl and set It down smooth and cn.y InxSile. But the Instant I bore my wHaht on that foot tbe floor under It gava Jtlut a little bit. lint it waa pk-nty. "I don't soppn-ie I think any quicker thnn rkrtrlolty. but I or-rtnlnly knew what was coming before I heard tbe sound of tbe bril. Still, the bell waa In the next room. and. of rotime. It took a little time, n-me small frnctlon of a second, for the sound to gut where I waa. There waa a bmad pUt n-t Into the floor just Inside tho dour and co-rcrr-d with the carpet. Hi-m-Miro on that plate oonnerted some rlrclrlo wires and set a bell ringing. "Will. I didn't stand there any longer than I could help. I jumped back and started alonx the hall on the way out. To gvt out I hud to go past the door of tho room where the hell waa ringing. Just aa I got to It tin-re waa a man on roe bounc ing out of thai room end turning In my direction, and be collared ma, and we whan a-rd and banged around -there In the hall for awhile, knocking down more or Um plaster and things, and finally I'm bk4 If he didn't get ibe bulge on me, and get a few ttirni of clothesline round me, thai soma of ika folka had brought up. "Of eooras the most Important thing about all Ibis waa tbe time 11 eoet me, but It waa Interesting about tba eJeotrloal ap paratus. You know, I'd been aarpriaad, evaa thea, to bear the ball ring In another roota Instead of In tbe aame room where the plate waa. I should have thought If a 07 body wanted a contraption of that aort In bla owo mnm he'd have wanted the bell there loo. Hut It seema It wasn't a bur glar alarm at all. They had a young atm there that waa a somnambulist; need to get np and walk around In bla sleep nlgbta. and they didn't always bear him, and they wanted to. Ho they pat this plant In, ao that be oouldnt get oat of bia roont without ringing a bell, aod they put the bell la tho old roan 'a room." Nsw York Hub. RETRIEVED. "Mr WUl la in i, one moment, please. "Whit la if, airf" "Sir. Willlama" with a alight oough "wo bate decided, owing to niattera ot wblcb you are probably aa well aware aa we, tbi.t are at ill not need you nny longer. Aa aoon ai you can eocure employment elsewhere we iliall expect you to resign your i-ciltlon with m." "I really don't don't understand yon." waa tbe reply. "Ha4e you discovered any errors In the booki?" "Kor.e at all none at all. Wt, would be perfectly willing to Indorse a certificate of your lionenty and proficiency na an ac countant. W bat I refer to U en entirely diffen t.t thing. "The fact in, we have found that you are heavily Indebted Invnrlons portaof the city, much more than wo titKire anyone in our employ to bo. Several flrmg where you havo considerable accounts standing for some tlma have applied to ua to aecure them. This we cannot do. "I think that this thing baa haa been exaggerated," stAuiinered the young inun "Hut as you may have other roa sons for tvi-hing to discharge ibe I will go at once. " - And then Paul Williams, feeling, as peti le alwuysi do who h;ive met with the penalty of their Indiscretion, that he bod been dealt with unjustly, walked away Almost unconsciously he bent bis steps toward a distant hill, whereon-lay the city cemetery, and hilf an hour later be wns walking up the hill with long, sweeping stride, totally Indifferent to tho fact that the dust of the road was destroying the. follfh of hi fhnply shoes, which that ery luomii'K Lo had put on witb so much can. 1 nul Williams wns a man of five and twenty, and fur four years had held the position from which hu bud now been so sudi nly dixmjssid. Though he had no habits which could havo Um ctillid really had,. ho unfortu nately jKJssefsed truitsuf character which k pt him frum succeeding as his friends hud just rcn : i:im to expect. Ho wns one of the members of n band of young men who, though not dissipated, had fvn;id the dar ai raus l:ul It f spendiDg money U3 fast us or faster than they earned it. Somo two years before, he lmd liegnn to pny his utti'iiiions to n young lady, who was now his betrothed, and wishing most of nil not to p. i pear mean in the eyes of the woman he luved he h;id often mado presents and si lit inone-y upon her when sho would huo respected him just as much, perhaps more, if ho had kept his purw cloned. The joung man might not havo come to grief had it not been for another habit more eeluctlve and infinitely mere dan gerous than all the others tho pructic-c of running into debt heedlessly and without thought. Ii hud always Iwu a failing with him, but within a year it had grown stronger than ever. All the-sc things prese nted themselves to Paul Williams in their true light for the first time as ho sat alonu in the silent cem etery. After a tiuio he cume to feel that the action of his employers, harsh us it might seem, was not without cause. Kirst of nil, ho would draw what money he had in the bunk and as far as possible pay what money he owed, und then ho would go away from -lohnsoit and try to Duel rook tiling to do whicii would enable him to iay the rest. Two h.mrs later Paul Williams sat in his room wiih a !H'kiip'nt bills, on cucli of which was tho ominous letters " Dr. :' on one hand and on thcotlxr it roll of Lank notes. All tehl, ho was in debt ?.in. i hi i: iio t.'i-ticd und count. d tim hills U foro htm. 1 here was k.-s than $4ll, u little more than In. if what lie owed. A ft r ii h::s y oinncr he oik e more sailed out n ilit- strict, ami visit ii.e- each of his eri diti rs ani what ei i;M, until not a dolh.r ri mail ed in his pocket. ' !'..t i." ii:d the ji.nicr member of the brm i." lie handed him a cluck, ' I'm con loii: .iai'y s.i ry nl out this thinr. It'sa I 'i..-iiiesH fn 111 Ix pini. i ng to e nd, uuii li 1 (.':. ii hae had my way a I :;iit it, oiil I y, i' would I. ot hae hap encd. 1 wireel a : ru i:d up in Wisconsin, who wrote n.e i :;.e l:i..c that lie waM-jtl a good ln.Lii ir, t.. .1 ii the plau w:.s net nl r y ! i . -1 1 could llt.d a e:i; ilal i.ian for Lit.:. 1 hue ji:-t neelviil i.r, i.nsw which .y. 'Ix l l.ii.i come at one . ' .-h if j oil v. :;.t lo go you are not out all arouuJ. V, i ; 1 w : prom; ! l'..i . to fl ail. M. .o at once tonight, "wus the la: 1 is t task still lay before him .li'.Icd wife aittl to till her niti: man told hio siory oreiilv i:i:d !ii.t.k;y. omitting nothing und con- 1 . . : nothit lie 1 1 j 1 1 tho opportunities that lay be fore 1 1 i 1 ; 1 and of the sjicriiiecs i.e was de- tet !..:!.; to mako until he had paid every cent. I ' '. tl i re wotil.l lea stain upon bis nana , ai.u if she wished shu was free to 1. 1... t.:e e ngagcu.elit 1 1 1 ween them ut Jl.-.. lilt if li lad thought that sho would t il.;' :. h a step he was elistiiad to be h.. pi.y oi-..pi 1 inted, lor her re ply was : "I'ai.l, iltl.ougb 1 have feu red for u long time tl at Minn thing liko this was goii.g to in,; pen, I don't wunt to be free Ireni yon, U cause because I love you. tin away, do thi best you can, und, come whut i..ay, L:.o,v that there is one who trusts you end is wailing for vou." V. h- ii a jc.r laid pass, d, he bad paid cv- ii-;.lMn; ; i.ei w ;..s Lcglnuiug to save-. lie- s:u. ' e .": 1: ero; j . cj i.M of li:s toolisli nirs aim hat. Its and I ceo:: c In every way mure maitly ami mot pt ndttit. Oik- day ncj.r the close of his second year the young tiook keeper and his em ploy! r were talking together when the lat ter "i.-t:;. I um thinking cf taking in a partri r. Vy business is prowlng so fas lli;it it noes two touttmc to It, and I wain bou.c ei.u taat luoroiifelily unuer-stani-s it. l.ave you Lcen ablo to save lnuib since you ci:iac cut hcruf You must, fur you huscn'c any expensive hab its." At hrst the young man blushed und eecilttu Migl.tly eoi.n-Ml, but iecoeTing li I ins II he told his employer in a few words how ho had nunc In 1. ave Jo!, asport and l:i v. r.i.t way the most of his money had been spent 1 nice that time. " This Is n surprise to inc." wus the re ply, "yet 1 din not Sony to hour it, le-r It shows that you have the ri"iit stulT in you. " Paul Williams Is now the master of pleusunt nome und far on toe road to wealth, but ho has not forgotten the bitter experience of tho past and often uforius that never, never again will ho be the debtor of any one. Kxchunge. Woman's iDhcruaoity For Woman. Madrc They say one's beauty sloep Is Def.tre inid:ilp!it. M.-irli I'm icrry for you, dear. In somnia's tt t. rrible thing, they tell me. cw ork Journal. At the llriKht or the Unsure I. "It's nhsurd and It's unfair, Maria, to accuse me or sweari tg. Vou never heard n:c utter a profane, word in vour life," lou ro swearing in your mind right now. jonn xiiiius, and you know it! I can ten it i:y the Plauk look In your face." Chicago Tribune. Every hearty laugh tends to prolong life, as It makes the blood How more raD- u.j sou kitcs a new ana oiuerent stimu lus to all tbe unrnnsof the body from what is in roroe at other times. The saying "Laugh and grow fat," has therefore a iounaation in lact. Ho only Is happy as well as great who needs neither to obey nor command in or- uer to ao something. Goethe. taaiTln"a Head. Aug I. Bogel, the leading dravgitt of Shreveport, La., aay s: "Dr. King's New Ulacovery ta tbe only thing tbat cures my couth, aad It Is the best teller I have. I. F. Campbell, merchant of Sat- ford. Aria, writes: Dr. King's New Discovery Is all that ia claimed for it; it ever fails aad is a tore core for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds. I cannot sav enough for its merits. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and colds is not an experiment. It htt been tried for a quarter of a cen torv. aad to-day standi at tbe bead. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at R R. Bellamy's Drne- Stnra. 4 fkefi in 144 vapa FREQUENT OCCURENCES Art Item of Special Interest to Ladles. "I waa troubled for many years with female weakness. I took three bottles of Hood's Sareaparllla and waa greatly benefited. I have also been relieved ot dyspepsia and sick headache. I bad bard spell of the grip which left me in a bad condition, bat Hood's Sanaparilla completely cured me. I am glad to recora mend Hood's to others." Mas. Mit.t.ib Moore, Stebbins, Virginia. Hf-kvrl'c Dillc cure Liver Ills; easy to IJUUU a I 1115 take. pjuv til niwnita. 9M. BEFOlvi MORSE'S MESSAGE. The first -Worklaor TelcjrrapU . Line Was at Princeton College. Tho "ea:;:; t::i wire,'' jis tbo stn.c'cnts callc-d It, wri'j th.- ; !:!iic whica c -cited tho most wonder,";. 1 ri.iculai i':i "when Henry was at I'm:- rrvi. Dr. r'! h'hippen of Philadv-i;;! i t the chis-j o'' '45, states that it r..n r.V r.;- from Piiiloro '-.ioal hall by the l:oi. of ?.'orl! cticgi. ; inong tho outer lr:;r-.' ; f f somo of Jino trees, and then i l ;.'-wi -i' r: end to Profess or Henry's !i;-- which vrr.s west of North roller.- a:: i '!i.;; of t'n' old library and ReoituUo-i ::;;!!. Thsi Avlro was the Urst In v. hi. Ii i ho cirrcnt was completed through fi .: t -iriii. It went into the well at the pn ;'. s r' house. i!;e ot;.' r end ije lng in tl. i.r. :i at Philosophical hall. 1 it i:ry cften uieu the campus wire' in t h-- j rosciice of l:io Etif.ients, al though hi' was not piven to sxiperlltious experime-U.-. Iio had tin urbitrr.ry code. If be wanted l is lui.chenn r.ctit over, ho worked his uriuuture a few times accord ing to tho code. Mrs. Henry received tho mts-;ic. Tho students waited, and prcs ently .Sam would appear bringing the pre cise articles ordered on u tray covered wit h a napkin. This simple exhibition of what is now an everyday transaction was then . source of wonder. This occurred again and again before Morse telegraphed between Balti more und Washington, which was in tho mont'i of May, i.Si-5. James V". Alexan der in Jucu Sciibm r's. Senator Hoar's Inapt Oaotation. S-sena'.or Hoar is reardi-d by younger senators us the ablest man in the senate, and some go so far as to add the- ioremost statesman now in public life. At uny rate Mr. Iie.:r is probably tho best read man in the senate, says u correspondent in tho New York Tribune. Jle is gifted with a marvelous memory and is able to quote at an instant's notice verse or prose-hich he holds to be fittin:; t-o the occ;:si an. Otre dav not l.ii'.a .:o when eulogizing Eng land Sena. r Hour t'.i livcred, with much elocutionary fervor, this verse: More threat than ever now and more auj-TLSt, Now f'lorifie 1 .--lie freri lie i- Crt s ee.h rise. Her wii'.i -ni iif- str-t ts oa new foun(ir.;io!i.s tnzst. Anl o", ea::.g into h r;;(T i-aris :-.lie flies. Now lik" u i;;;:id' n green she tiot'n lx-hold To her hiyh lurii-ts licurlv :iuit.;-.; ceiae. The e v.-itli i:vea-e an 1 :'.:o west w ith tol l Bhali stfiml iilto suopliants to re-eeive her doom. All this was charming ;ind mudo quite an lRjpri ssion, until Senator Ste wart, wlio had listened inteiuly. re.'.iarkcd savagely, 'That is so." Sei alor !ioar t anted for a moment und coiisiden tl what he had said, then quickly added, "Oh, f do not mean to havo the United Stales stand up and be counted in thiit compar.v. " Oi toiirso the laugh was at Mr Jli ar's ex;-ensc. and enator Stewart cnj iye l it ii.'.mc-sclv. A 'ov.l Souri-oir or Travels. A sathsfuriory way of making uji an nr- tistic gift booklet -f the scenery viewed in one's travels is by means of photographs. They may be neatly pasted on heavy paper of a creamy tint. To cmliellish the book the photographs might lie surrounded with a decoration of leaves and flowers drawn either in pen and ink or wash. The leaflets may be fastened together i y means of nar row ribbon passed through holes mado for the purpose and tied together with a bow- knot. Ladies' Home Journal. Cheering News For Lazy People. "What do you consider the hardest prob lem of a man's existence?" "Getting his own consent to crawl out if bed in the morning. " Chicago Record. Wholesale Prices current Tae qnotaaoas arc arwayi given ss aecorstely u Possible, bat the Stas will not be responsibla for any ? sriacioni from the actual market price of tba sraclei a net ad. Ef-TM rouowtns qnotanoni represent waoiesaie Prices renerally. In H"f ap small orders higher prices have to be cnareed. BAGGINO t t lute Standard WE8TKKN SMOKED Hams W B Mde W t Shon'ders W Tb DRY SALTED Sidei lb ' Shonlders W tb BARRELS Spirits Tnrpentine Second-hand, each - New New York, each.... .... New City, each BEESWAX j X BRICKS Wilmington S M , Northern BUTTE c North Carolina Ncrthern CORN MEAL Per Bushel, la sacks ,, Virginia Meal COTTON TIES" bundle,.,.., CANDLES f) ft Sperm .....,,. Adamantine CHEESE tt S Northern Factory ........ ... Dairy, Cre&m. State 653 7 13 O 14 s a 7 SO 44 6 1 00 1 10 I 35 1 40 1 30 & 1 40 23 23 6 00 7 00 9 00 14 00 10 O 16 18 O 47 4H 47 75 18 25 8 10 11 O 12 13 13 10 20 8 11 . KH IS 20 II li COFFEE ft Lagnyra... Rio DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, W yard Yarn, tt bancs..... EGGS tt dozen FISh Mackerel, No 1, W barrel .... Mackerel, No 1, V half-barrel Mackerel, No t, W barrel Mackerel, No 2, ? half-barrel Mackerel. No S, tt barrel Mallets, f barrel Mallets, Vpork barrel N C. Roe Herring, keg ry Cod, ft Extra S2 00 39 00 II 00 15 00 16 00 18 00 8 00 o 00 13 00 14 00 3 75 6 SO 7 00 I 00 3 25 5 10 3 35 3 SO FiAJUK 11 barrel Low grade, 3 ts Choice .,..,...,,...... Straight First Patent , 6 35 4 00 5 00 5 25 GLUE tt tb GRAIN ft bushel Corn, from store, bags white. Car load, in bags White,, Oats, from tore....,,,,.,,,,, Oats, Rnst Proof Cow Peas , 7W "H 3(1 ?5 60 65 6 8 0 85 50 1 00 90 95 85 ma s IH9 6 6 10 HIDES, tt ft Green ,.,,,... Dry HAY. tt 100 fta Clover Hay Kice straw Western North River... HOOP IRON, ...... LAKH, m B Nortoera North Carolina LIME, tt barrel 1 15 1 25 LUMBER(cry sawed). M feet amp btna, resawed. 18 00 Rough-edge Plank IS 00 West India cargoes, according to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned... 18 00 ScantPna" and Board, common. 14 00 2000 18 00 18 00 g 82 00 15 00 MOLASSES, gallon Barcaoos, ut noes , " " la bbls...... Porto Rico, In hhda.... , " ' in bbls O o 26 28 28 Bornr-Honsc, in hhds..,..., ' "in bbls Srrno. ia bbls 12 14 14 15 11 15 1 50 10 00 NAILS, tt ke. Cot. 60d basis.... PORK, V barrel City amcsa Ramp 9 5 O 10 00 O 6 75 O 8 ROPE. ttft. 10 SALT, u Altua Laboo ..... American ....-,...., On 125 ft Sacks 40 S 00 1 60 t 50 SHINGLES, 1-inch, tt M SUGAR, tt ft SbutdsVd Gtman'd staooara a................... White Ex. C " Extra C, Golden C. Yellow .. . SOAP, ft Northern STAVES, tt M-W. O. barrel.... R. O. Hocahaad .. .. 4 VO 4 S 00 14 00 TIMBER, ttat feet SUpmae.. " sa 10 00 Ss 00 r 00 50 A 450 00 O t 50 I 00 Mill, Prime ... ui, vair.,. Common Mm 6 50 t Inferior toOrdinar.. SHINGLES. N. C. Cyress sawed W at oxss neart...... 7 53 8 50 6 00 & 6 00 4 CO & 6 00 4 00 & 4 50 tCO 650 5 00 & I SO txSt Heart, Sao. 6x20 Hesit ..... ........ TALtUW, ... .. 4 WHI- KEY, fallow Northern, I SO S 00 North Carolina ... . 1 00 S as WOOL tt -b-Uawaihad 8 It COMMERCIAL. " WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE. September 7. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market firm at 87 cents per gaDon for machine-made caaks, and 27 cents for coantry casks. ROSIN Maraet iteady at (1 IS per bbl for Strained and $1.90 for Good Strained. i TAR. Market firm at $1.10 per bbl of 280 tbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market firm; $180 per barrel lor Hard. 1 80 for Yellow Dip and 1.93 for Virgin. Quotations same-day last year Spirits turpentine fiim, 21c; roeid firm, $135. 140; tar qatet, $l.CS: crude tui pentine quiet, $1.80, 1.65, 1 65. RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine S6 Rosin S9J Tar 178 Crude Turpentine. 17 Receipts same day last year 79 caqks spirits turpentine, 881 bbn rosin, 60 bbls tar. 83 bols crude turpentine. COTTON. Market ctaiet on a basil ol 6c (or middling. Quotations: Ordinary a cts ? ft Good Ordinary 5 " " Low Middling 6! " ' Middling 6Jg " " Good Middling 7 1S-I6 " " Same day last year, middling 7c. Receipts 1.583 bales; same day last year 2 36. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 5560c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra Prime, 65c; Fincy, 75a Virginia Extra Prime. 4550c: Fancy, 50c. CORN Firm; 47J'50 centi per bushel. ROUGH RICE 6570 cents per bushei. N. C. BACON Steady; Haras. 8 to 9c per pound; Shoulders, 6 to 7c; Sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps. $1 60 to 25; six inch. $2.25 to 3 25. seven inch $5.50 to 6 50. XIMdEK Market steady at 15.00 to 8.50 per M. FINANCIAL MARKETS By Telegraph to tbe Morning Siaf". New York, Sept. 7 Evening. Money on call r-teadv at per cent., last loan at lj4j aod closed ottered IMO'H Per r:ent. Prime mercattilc pa per3i4, rrceot Sterling exebacee was nrm; .c v business in bankers bills at 486'&.bu'4' for demand; 4S2 484 for sixty days. Posted rales 484 485 and 486i487i. Commercial bull itd,&ii. biiver certificates 53 i Government bonds fours.reg istered, 123; new fours, coupon, 180. fours, reentered. 111M: fouri, coupon. 113; twos, registered. 93, fives, registered 114 fives, coupon. 114 State bonds dull; North Carolina sixes 126; North Caro iina fours 103 Railroad bonds easy. NAVAL STORES MARKET . By Telegraph to ihe Morning r-ur New YORK, Sep:. 7 Rosin steady; jtrained common to good (1 45 2l 60. Spirits tuipectine firm at SOPH'S I SAVANNAH, Sept 7 Spirits turpen tine steady at 28. sales E22 caiks receipts (two davs) 1 995 casks. Rosid firm, sales 2 000 oirreis receip'(two 6a- t)7 344 barrel: A. B. C. D E. $1 20. F tl 25. G $1 30. H $1 40.1 $1 45, K $1 50 M 1 85, N tl 85. W G $3 10, W W (-2 30. Charleston, Sept 7. Spirits tur pentine was firm at 27;; Si!rs caster. Rosin firm; sales barrels; A B 8110; D $1 15; E $1 20 F 81 25. G 81 SO H $1 40 I. 81 45. K $1 45. M $1 50 N $1 70 W G $1 95; W W $i 20. COTTON MAKKKTi By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York September 7. Tee mar ket tor cotton tutures lacked special fea- ure to day and at no time could tradicg have been caiitd active. Liverpool cables indicated Utile cbacge in the sit uation aoroad since Saturday, with tbe (eelingsteadier.if anytbiog, on adj im provement in the demand (or f pot cot ton. Tbe maiket opened steady witb near months unchanged to oce pjict higher and the most remote portions 3 to 6 points lower. FoWowirg the call the decline was iccreased to 5 to 7 points, after which tbe maiket steadied to Saturday's closing prices on Southern buying started by a bullish weekly weather and crop repcrt. With the sat isfaction of these orders, however, tbe market again eased eg in the alternooo and closed quiet and steady at a cet lost of 1 to 4 points. New York. Sept. 7 Evening. Cotton quiet; middiiog 1c. Cotton futures closed quiet and steady , sales 61.100 bales; Jan'y 6 80, Feb'y 6 83, March 6 87. Aoril 6 90. May 6 93, July , August , September 7 08, Octobrr 6 88, November 6 74, December 6 76. Spot cotton closed quiet: middling uplands 7c; middling guif 7c; saies 891 bales. Cotton net receipts bales; gross 5,474 bales; exports to Great Britain bales; to trance 6S0 bales; to the Continent 32 bales: forwarded 8.614 bales; sales bales; sales to spinners 391 bales; stock (actual) 48 251 bales. Total to-day Net receipti 17 765 bales; exports to Great Britain bales; to France 2 793 biles: to the Con tinent Si bale?; tok 17,765 bales. Consolidated Net receipts 47 409 bales; exports to Great Britain 3 481 bales; to France 8,798 oales; to tbe Con tinent 984 bales. Total since September 1 Net receipts (4 ioi ) . ... r- . d.. ui.tfli uctica, vacuus tip uic.i Dtiidm 5,417 bales; exports to France 6 470 bales; I irnnrti tn the Ointment 1 100hali. I Sept. 7.-Galveston. holiday, cet re ceipts 811 bales; Norfolk, fiim tt 1, net receipti 225 bates; Ba.timoic nominal at 7, net receipts bales. Boston, holiday, net receipts bales: Wilmington, qjiet at 7, net receipts 1,586 bales; Pniladclpbia. quiet at 7 net receipts 105 bales; Savannah, quiet at 6 11 16. net receipts 8 733 bales; New Orleans, easy at 7, net receipts 7.008 bales; Mobile, quiet at 6, net re ceipts 778 bales; Memphis, dull at 7rf, net receipts 809 bales; Augusta, steady at 611 16, net receipts 2 410 bales; Charleston, steady at cet receipts 569 bales. PRODUCE MARKETS. By TsuMmnb to the MornJnj Star. New York. Sept. 7 Evening Flour firm and bigher.discoursgiog buy ers; Minnesota patents $5 405 90; win ter patents 15 852a5 70. Wheat soot strong; No. 8 red tl 04 afloat; No. 8 haid tl 04 delivered; options closed &c net higher; No. red May closed tl 00: September tl 01 1 OiM .closed 1 03; December 991 i)0)4. closed tl CO. Cora spot firm; No. 8. 87c at elevator and 88J4C afloat; options September 86K87Jc, closed 87c; December 88J,38c closed 88Kc. Oits-spot firm; No. 2, 2324c; options quiet but firm, with corn, closing unchanged; Sep tember 83V24c, closediat 84cOctobcr closed SSUci November 85U25Uc. Lard steady; Western steam , October closed t5 10. nominal; refined lard firm; Continent t5 S3; South Ameri can to 15; compound 14 754.5 00. Pork firm. Butter steady;Western cream ery 1818;; factory 8018c: Elgins 18c; imitation creamery 10O18; State dairy 10 aiihi; do. creamery 184.18. Cbeese quiet and ancbanged. Rice strong: do mestic fair to extra iKWMci Japan Af 04Jic. Molasses strong. Tallow nomi nal; city (13 00 per Dackage) 4x bldi country (packages free) 84c as to IM'I ,eo" Vitu ,Cod I y. wvu e jiiuui tioiea Heady ff.T at unchanged prices; tpot Rio quiei.Cot. nnvm ii&x tm ihl ta i nnn w. . - ww ungs Mara- caibo. Sugar raw fiimer; fair rtfioiro 8Jc: centriiugal S6 leit 8c; itattcrrn sales of centrifugal were rr.srit at r.'sr for 91 Itlt; icfinert finnir, m ,u d 5 6-16. standard A 4 15 16 c onlccti ,r.r , A4 15-16c;cui-loaf and cruihrd 5 1 1 . j Q posraereo 0 0 lg; granulated 5 5 16 1 ' Cliuis 5 5 16c. CHICAGO. Sepember 7Wne;:t 5 genu. Cioie to ihe ccIimi maik , O'Cemher rlneeri to ilaj it en 1 . k tl. advance ol 8"C since Saturday. aif , g cables and heavy export but ras, started the market siroo, and krp: ,n tbat cordition Corn scored a lc id' vance, not wuhitandiag encrmoui rc. ceipta aod denials oi damage re;. -,tti Ons shared in tbe prosperity to th'c t ,.' tent of a Jfc advioce. Prov.snrn . affected somewhat by the yellow ,v-r scare, but at fhe close showed t n.y ., , decline in pjrk aod 2c lo nbi. m' c lard adVdaccd.Sc. Chicago. Sept. 7. Cass quit.: rf Fiour the market was quoted . in Wheat No. 8 spring 9ic N , ; spnog 90c:. No. 8 red 9Uc ( ' No. 8. 315c. Oat No 2 1 No. 8 white 1. o. b 22Jc; No. u f, ;e f o. b 20Xc Meis p-jrk per ta -t t8 95. Lard, per 100 tbi 4 75 b . a rib sides, loote $5 50. Dry laiird id ders, box:d. $5 50 Short dear 1 rCi boxed, $3 00. Whiskey $1 22 Tbe leading futures raoged ai !o; U opening, highest, lowest and Cl , Wheat-September 96, W 91 1, D c:m,-er (nfB)95VJ 93ii 9H ' Mv 95.95. 94,?,. 6c Corn tember 31. 31. Ml. 81. Decr- -,'-33, 33. S2. 33X; Decembrr 83. 32. 88; May 36i 81 86c Oati No 2 September 19, . . 19. 19c; December J0. 20 . 20c; May 23. 28. 28 2c pore Octr b-r j8 87f 8 75 Btiis, Drcember $8 80. 8 85 8 70. 8 75 L ; ' October $4 4 80 4 78 4 cember 4 80 4 87, 4 80 4 - . , Sbort ribs September clcied ', Octobei $5 55. 6 65, 5 65 5 62 Baltimore, Sept. 7 Fiour : -atd utchaLg:d. Wbeat firmer and mcntb $1001.COL, '; 99Jc bid; Dttember l00i . iteamer No. 8 rtd 96 0 98,4c i j.r. wheat bv sample 95cl ul1v c grade 97c$101. Core firmrr 1 aod month 8ri88ic October i, ,.; SOjrfC. November aud D;cember r 1 old. 36c asaed; steamer mixed i,; 0414c. Oats steady; No. 8 white 24)c; No 2 mixed 21J82:. Mil FOREIGN MARKET: Bv Cable to the Morning St- Liverpool, Sept. 7 P Cotton Spot in (air demand snd ; -hardeoing American niirio-in .: Tbe sales ol tbe day were l(H"r of which 1 C00 were for loeeu t r export, and included d Guo A - Receipts 5 503 bale, cf which 2 Amertcan. Futurei opened r;j c. . a moderate demand and c v ' but sieady. American mirtoiiri. September 363-6l4d icl n. S". err and October 8 55 64a -'ii -1 ' October and November 3 4- i,, 64) buyer; November ar.d l; -r 3 45 641 seller; December .r .-; 8 43-643 44 64d bovrr. v , February 3 43 6408 44 64d sjlt- f ruary aod March 8 44 64d t , f ''. and April 3 45 D4d leiler. s. Mav 3 43 61d seller; May . 3 46 643 47 64d buvei; Jucc r.-. 3 47-64 8 48 64d fcuver. M AH INK. ARRIVED. Steamship Croatan, 826 tons. McKec New York, H G Smah'bonei. Scbr Cb?s C L iter 266 tons, Robin ton. New Y .rk. Geo Harris! Sin & Co. Steamer Driver. Robinson. Favette vilie. R R Lcve. CLEARED. Br schr Tc imi. 209 tons. MalhtSDrt Cape Hayti. Jas T Rilev & Co Steamer unver, Rojinion. Fayct'. -ville. R R Love. Stmr A P Hurt, Robeion, Fayr'"--viile. lames Madden. EXPOKTI, FOREIGN. Cape Hayti Scbr Tacoma feet lumter, va ued at $172 871. vcik Jas T Ri'ev & Cc; cargo by Chado Lumber Compacy. MARINE DIRECTORY .1st of Vessels In the Port of tt mint-ton, N. C, Si pi k, IViT SCHOONERS Cbas C Lister, 866 tons, Robir.s r . Harms. Son & Co Jennie HaM. 882 trni. Ltigkti r. 1. Harriss, Son & Co. R S Graham. 820 lens Out c- H-irnsi. S in & Co. Edear C Ron. 880 tons. (Jj : rr Harriss, Son & C""". Bayard Hopkins 212 tons Kkt,'i.M. Harriss. Son & Co (Di:..t :t Caiwell ) J C Cottinfcbim. 8i6 tors, Th. - Harriss. Soo & Co. Roger Moore. 277 tors, M ' ' Riley & Co. BARQUES. Nstd Am-fica (I'm) 55 tor? ' Jas T R.ley A C STEAMSHIPS Naparlma (Br) 1 013 ten A x ley. A'ex Spruot & Son. Hattkburit (Br). 1 538 tors V A'ex Sprunt & Co. I a. O P C C I Q I OtX Tk tl I " 5 ' C5 IN TOBACCO aDd CIGARS. BAM'L BEAU, Br., 12 Markei Strt. !, Wilmington. N au 3 tf At the DnlDCky Corcer "Beardsley's" Shredded Codfish, A most delightful breakfast tl -Reac'y for ihe table in 15 nri No soaking, no boiling, no c !vT The Genuine Cod. Try itonce andycu'll have no other S. W. Sanders. Telephone No. 109. a" v tf Combination Bicycle FOR SALE A Combination -'Crusader" Bicycle, for either lady or gentleman. Lush ion Tires. Brand new. Will be st-.a cheap. Call in person, or address M., at ap 7 tf Stas Ofc. r