SUBSCRIPTION RATES. REDUCED TO C5.00, BUT NO REDUCTION IN SIZB OF PAPER, OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF RBADING MATTER. Sk .. d SB OHE YEAR 1 KM W UiJ CHUPE3 .... ,-.M5liaA- VOU LXl. NO. 24. WILMINGTON, N. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1897. jjr-j v WHOLE NO. .414 Ifiiiti ISM'' S.1T PU t! a 07 a UUAM IMAM J5 Jl-r .JJ-W :r C Oct. t p .4 ' X !.t- ! cr4-. . a . V" 9 ; ., r ni n. 11. .J. :i ! rtiafail ,,t for t ei fcoais )0tr tl fare led v j a f.'e drciitdly ,,)!! jf tie cuaatry vu 14 i - sjt IC 11 1 far S 3h ;. j . ..144 crilT it i)i)r(4, .4&iai i r r roort4 i " ;l V miliar : '' at St '"! I ! ' jwrr VC '' ' lt.)r C-ClM a i:3 j St O- -r T4tt (r44V tit 1 f . .-eBt. i !i 041 . n a a t J 4tt 5 3t& : ) .- (4if -M:r t) :atro ol tot --I!, (. ' ' 0fl ;!!.. m !" ; 1 Dili 1 !' S ' t tit nri4r t C O;:. IT.-Ai I r x t1 C4p F4 nt? ' : ''' " 19 )!;:! ' II .J I ri I ii j : B)Jt. G. i f ) Of tW I Ta 54t4a i f 4f p4ir ! 5 W 3. 14 L0l04U ; !i iar: Btft o i'ii-r!i in W443ta- - v i n r . ;ai L Wor , ni!H4 4 SO S fl ? Dttrioit ! : ill Itl.I C044C Of i i; )i tit ft3ntitj4j i i: Til it d4 . - Cl ti. N I. $ 4 i4. it :1 )f tl-l lltl. I3 w ir 24 lit I h:f 1 ti ait rata i i' i uta'n i ? r u V ; ii ! i 1 : l Bl Ml ! . L4 l. tit ' : ' ' ' n: (It S;t it !:. M in! -.n tt! i.'t li:ilMH( i :n ! i 1 1 1 :; ;l altu to :) I I,' ! 1! : .rt Titrt f IW9 mt(n.-Hf Hi- -1 ftilo ftt l VliB''.nn-' V ( it ? ft "t'ttp'CKMas ).M0 1 ! - It i Ml HiWll A;. frt(t i ;y it i ; - ,t jf iaciioa iml uff ! : ft uonv ui;rtaMl. T: si : n ta. I5rw it4ta 'fun it .; i ;r t .!r4tV M M . t . v 14 1. 1 : At St 1. -ttt-f tfif I3 W4 :;.trn to- tt:'''!! Itiftf 44i !& n in? ! at. Cot 4 an lu. . in ; 1 j- i-intj itattMoat- fimnr , X at4t c iJ! ;' "'! 43it-t 54i4V .it : i mi- ui. Fort ltt in 4 i itijKMlU S Y . 'rni ,-! m; ; , imf iot ft I4J iowr-l.:, :, . tt,S ck. Tin i jtt 1 .ij'rt ICC JM'J 0 0Bf -IH4 l: , :r-4 4 C4iC4T f:n iwi ! w , ,r, aula 1t "f t c: . i;c v? a rtmrMi a I 4'r : r, . t Cm.liiti,, m:,, t rr:)rr.f ola " " : " .:... T0 Jitrt 1 ,1 ;, . :r rij).j-tfl! 41 Fr4il ".-: iif 4 iM44 41 ?i:ort,:u Vf M. rTOrt4 :) It. , ,, , 1 ctt P44 Jan. n tii Tin t 1 ; t B tat of Sr- J"'t. i, r,.j. Nt nan, ,t 1; j. : 1: ij t: tota 41 ;.!..tJ 4: Jait 9 ! - a.U.'.a4 S tJ; nil in q to4iy :jiii 1. .4 I 141. H 4t " V(-- Mir.-.. , j city 4f tSere ,i,r ' i ; ; I'mii "io(jt txfsx. ...... f bat tb '-r e tj crt4te tbe V!i'i 1 -..,.. 'Our-, . . ' U.n'.i " -1 t 43 OlJ 4C- ' :i..i f Set Sn.47. 'ert4,:' " ' ' 41 4 0Ot 4t tb U;i: V- 'it t. -l Vlr s- pcoiUiiai 4.l:oinu:-,. ... . ,.. "' 7 C4a qo loafer Uy ''J4! ,;5' 4 , r-frtjlTt Sut. r'ri.Tt eucart.-' tot 4 pii. Atuntloa La calitd to tht follow- lax it-Eoccro IL&ns of Sabacrlptloa to T Uotxm Staji : TO M44X SnCUlStA. Tvlr UoQt&j t&OQ SU - 4UO Tart " UU Two - LOO Oa " M to crrr raicmissmju Ta Stas will t deliTtrtd by carrier at aaj polat la tb dty at LI ciati per wek. of 4S ceaU pr aoata. Tb Bsird of Health of Catcafo eajployt cbcaUu to lacaplt tbioft aaU fiaj ot wbat'a ia 'cm. Tby reccatlj 4opi4 a aaabr of braada of drettca wltboat fiadloj tbea doctored with aay daojeroai decoc tioo. Tbt ooly dang t r tbey said ia ia smokiaj too ea.ay of lbca. Bat tbat'a wbr tb d40jrr U. People, especially yoaa people wbo are oot orcntocted wttb teoae. wbo taaoke aay amott too maay. for tbe babit Crows aad a few a day aooa become 034 ay a day. Hoa. Abraa Hewitt, of New York, ays be "caa'l see bow Ceo. Tracy caa coosent to be cat's ptw to poll PUtt'a cbcataau oat of tbe fire." P34w. He cipects a big abara of all be palls oat. is too basy wrestltaf witb bis dyspepsia aad io soaasta to stady aptbese tbios, aad aaderuaad patrlou of tbe Tracy caake. Tbt catUlooaire at a prospective or avowal ctadidstc for Senatorial booor i aot popsUr la Oslo now. Caadtlates for tbe Legtslatare are pledgiag tbeaseives to voce afalast aatlliooatreiL We eipect M4rk Haaaa will be able to ciaTlace tbe Repab Itcjias wbo oatke sacb a pledge tbat be tt aot woctb coore tbaa $009,909. Tbe aia wqo at a P4fvt fair of f tt ed a f air girl 4). 000 frsacs for a ku got tbe kLst aad got fiei, too, tit tattetJ of kUtiag bis at be ei pected, tba grl preheated ber cbeek (wbicb wtt qaite cbeely. altboagb it wat tor a'cbiritaVe objtct) aad let bta do tbe ktttiag. Sbs yaakei la tbe 40.000 fraacs 4ll tbe saxe. Tbcy bive receatly aaeartbed ioa! rehes of a by gote race oa tbe Piae Itlaad K:jt ol FOrida, tbe vbeacsaest of wstci panics tbe ao trqatrtaat Froa tbe reseabUace of tbe copptr iapieatau aad weapoat, p x:ry. scalptare, Scz.. to tbote of tbe 4acieat Mttktat, tbe people wbo a ted tbea arc pretaatd to bve beea of tb4t atock. Tb grettett wiadow-glast trast ever forad ia tbit oaatry baa jost beea fiaally accoaptlabed. It eo braces aearly all tbe wiadow-giast rt:abhtbaeau ia tbe coaatry. wbicb arc poied at f3O.0OO.OOO. It ia said tbat tt does oo: latcai to rap ap prices bat It U easy to see tbroagb a gtats coacera like tast. A Drewert Tratt bas beea formed ia i'coasylvaoia. Tbe breweries ia it are aasesed at $300,000. bat la tbe Tratt tbey are capitalised at $10, COO.OOO. It looks aa if tbcre was ea- tirtly too maca water ia tbat beer. j. . . MEW AOVSRTISCMCSTS. Cltds List S4ilid4r . A. SraiJtoaa Co. Cot M4J3tc Mtetiaf W.L Lode. Kixo CaocmaT Co If sow have. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS rwntMi P4tr4vka rwuuiu rrtM- 4ui ri4 ui rm4ir rv44. Mr. Waiter Crooca. of Bargaw. w Im ta Oty .r(J4f. R S. Watte, Esq , of F.lsxa- vetbtoea. t. brc vctierdty. Rev. Joseph N. Starr, of Fay aucnlle. 44 t. ta.citr ycatcfi.y. Mr. C R. Ford, of Nicbols, a C. wat act act vcttrdi'a arTivala The Sra is glad to see Mr W. M. MoT oecc oorc cpoc tbe trcetav Miss Mamie To! too, wbo baa roiti M4M Setue Divu. of tkl. cay. av44 rvtaraed to ber aocac la Soaib port. Attorneys Walter H. Seal, of Ltartaaarf. aad O. H. Dxktry. fr. of Rackiat-aaaa. arrived Si.ity aad left ycaterday lot Soatbpott. Messrs. W. E. Kyle, general ptaeraftr aat of tke C F. A Y. V. r4iro4d. aal F. T. Ha. of Fjyittaville lit ia ta city yeMerday. Mr. W. R. Taylor left Sttarday for Sivtctvtb aad retarael yatrdtr. accoa94a(d by bt a:air. Him Aaale T4Vo. a hta beee na.ii.f rtUUvea. la S4V4t4. 4lMl L-IM CarM 4 It wa 4..o4c4 la tbe Cb4xVcto fpm raUv taat tb Bmlah t:taa laip Id' b4d rmcfeed ibtl port, aad taat aae woeld C4tv to BreoeatlOOO Dil of couow. Sba tvnA lor Bream Stterdty. as U Laaraed Iroaa tba S'rwt smJ Cmrir. witb I J 100 bale, nbc Uvct caf-3 of cottoc tb4t , Dl'4Kd ow o vtet la Cast tectot) bar rr Tela was TOO aoin aaon ck i pectatioaa. Wtlaalaftoa baa baataa tbat at 1404 eta tbe Omiab ataasablp 5UXar aariac cleared froca Ula port Onooer lb with a cargo of 1I.T00 baiaa LOCAL DOTS. nana of Iatereet Qatherwd Haxw Ad Thrw aad BrlaOx HotaxS. Tbe Bairdof Andlt and Fi- aac will meet la regaUr aattloa Ula aixeraoo. Ueatof Police D. S. Bender la oa a leave of abecaca aad Scrfeaat R F. Core ia actia ia bta atead. Policemen Orr aad Jones laat atfbi at a dhre oa Neu aueet arrtticd wbita aaxlor wbo wae raialag cuatidcra- tie of a distatbaaca. Two men comlag Irom the yel law fv diatrlct ware pat off tbe usla at Cattle Htyac ycaterdava ad prevented (roaa eatcriag tbe city.' There will be a meetiog of the teaacribera to tba faad for baililag tba aa c ab hoa i at Caroliaa Btacb. at tbe Oty Coert rooca Wcdaeaday Tbe loach of Aalama ia the wcathtr veatrd4V wat vers welcooas. It au beea aa aaatatllv warn Fail, bat the cooler wetthtr bat prooibif begaa a 39 for good. Tbe Board of Directors of tbe Mtrcaaaia Ataoclatioa will taeet to eaorrow aigbt at tba attoc aiioa 'a aew qaartcra la tba S A. L. baidiag oa Froat aueet. Ia tbe advertisement of special traiee for tba Mai;oa Fair aa error oc curred wbicb wt aow correct. latitad of leanag Wtloaiagtoa at 7.1S p. m.. they will leave at 7.15 a. m. Before lattice G. W. Borae oui ycatarday Mary Raaaell aad Aaaia (oaea i a battled to tbe char ere of aaiaat aad battery, aad jadgotat aa aatpaad ed apo payeaaat of coau Mr. Geo. C Dsot, the advance rcpreacetatjvc of Sca'cai Opera aad Coa- ccrt Coaaota?. wbo baa be laying off bare atvcral d4va to cbaaga the roa:e of hit c ap4ay oa accoaatof the yellow levrr scare, will Ie4va for Caarlettoa this after aooa. Mr. George Zeigler has received axica tht a legacy left biai by hit par- ttu ii i heir death la Gsrcntay soaa tioie ajo. is aow av4i'abie. He hat btea etpictiag the aaes for soras ttaae. so that it ta ao sarpnaa to biai; thoagb, of coarse, very velcoai. The Robinsoa Frtoklia people arc good advertisers. Last eight thy decked the electric light wires witb red aad Mas fltgs betrlagthe words "Freak lia Robiaaoa." Aad this eaoraiag tbe pcpaUtioa wtUawakaato fiad lbs city decorated froea oat cad to tbe other. This is the last week io which atw rata Mrs caa gst lato the Yoaag Mca'a Christiaa Atso:!atioa wltboat ptvragtac laitiatioa lee taaaaitioa to tac aaaatl daaa. So a good raaay are ttkaf advaatagt ol It aad five apolica tioas wtra recti ted yesterday. This raakts S3 so far. Mr. J. H. McRee, of this city. r reived a Ute yesterday alur aooa ieforeaiag hiaa of the serioat ill aas of bis sister. Mrs. Walter N. Hatch. of AtbeviUe. N. C Mrs. Hauh is a caothcr of Mr. McRte Hatch, also of this cuy. who will leave this eooraioc for Athe-ville to attcad bis mother's bad- si fie. Br RJVtH ANO RAIL. ta eT BT.raJ TMMteavr. Wllatagtoa A Weldoa R. R. 1.317 b!ta cottoa. Scaakt spirits tarpeauae. t) bolt tar. SI bbls crade tarpeatlea. vrilatlagtoa. Coiaraoia A Augusta K. R S Oil bates cottoa. IS casks spirits tarpeatiae. 160 bois rosia. S3 bbls tar, 14 bs crade tarpeatiae Caroliaa Ceatral R. R. 151 bales cot toa. Cape Fear 4 Tadkla Vallay R. R. 1M biles cottoa. t9 casks spirits turpea- Use. S0J bbls roa.a. 114 bbU tar. WUmiagtoa A Newbern R. R. 117 baits cottoa. 130 tb a rotia. 17 DDIs crade tarpeatiae. Steamer Fraac Sessomt 15 casks soirtts tarpeauae. 100 obis roaia. 04 bbls tar. bbls crade tarpeatiae. Steamer W. T. Daggett IS bale cot toa. 8 casks spirits tarpeatiae. S3 bbls roaie. 1 bbls tar. 9 bbls crade tarpea- ties. Total receipts Cottoa. S7SI bales; spirits tarpeatiae. S3 casks: rosia. 7S0 bola. ur. SSI bbls. crade larpeetioe. 80 bbls. Dt4 mi Bht ItjattM. Hssry Neal. tbe colored maa wbo was u'dtd by tba barstieg of a steam pipe oa the steamboat r. 6 r. last rriaay at ght, died at tbe Mariae Hospital early Saadav moralag. He waa baraed oa hi s face. Beck, arms aad aboat bis chest ad legs. He probably also inhaled a good deal of the hot steam, bat tbe iteraal lalahea alose were samcieot to prod ace death, especially wbea rain- forced bv tba discomforts of a loeg arecy la a wagoa. Wbea be was tkca to tbe hospital the skia was bang- la g dowa over bis baads like a pair of black gloves. It ia aaid taat persons bo are badly baraed do aot feel any pal a. aad tbia Is substantiated by Neat's ex i perieaco. He waa perfectly coascions ari.g bis last boara. aad said that be felt ao paia whatever. 0va Caau a Ware. Hereafter advertisemeats to go la oar Busiaese Locals" department wiu oe cJbargod oae ceat per word for each lav teruoa t bat no advertisement, however abort, will be take a for leee tbaa SO ceat To la ia a redactloa from former rates aad ft Is also a coaTeanence to aavex ers wbo caa caJcalte tbe exact cost of their advertiaemtata, which mast be paid for always ta advance. If there i aflythuig yoa want, ad- vertlse for It. Is there uiTthlng yoa dont want? AdTertlso It la tha Bosineaa Locals of the Stab. One ceat a word. Bat no ad. taken for . CISTSSSaUr 0 ACCIDSST. Sgt. Waltkr Aw rtauaw.y Baa Or.r br Saifitac ataolaa oo th W. W. BU ta4 aad WacaOlF Xcjw 4-DMd at tka Oat HoaatuO raaatal Tbit KataJeg at 1CXS0 Caloak. at a m . ser. waiter A. utuoway, a young white maa of this city, was run over aad fatally la j a red Saaday aiteraooa by shift ing eoglaa No. 14. oa tba Wilmlngtoa aad Weldoa Railroad; bat the dream- axaecet wnica led to bis deatb are aa deeply ahroaded ia mystery aa the acci deat wat fatal. Saaday aiteraooa aboat S o'clock, oa the aide-track of tbe Atlantic Coast Line under Fourth street bridge. Mr. Gallo way aaid good bye to two frlenda Messrs. Chas. Collins (aot ex-pollcemaa G E. CoUint). and Mr. Geo. Silvey. in whose company he bad Deea for several boars, aad walked ap the track. It Is e apposed to go to tbe retideace ol bis skater. Mrs. A. H. Croom. aear tbe Root. Portaer Brewing establish ment, where be was la tbe babit ol tak ing tea Saaday evenings. Wbea tbe aalorteaate youth parted with bit two frieada it waa aboat an boar before tbe accident, yet it ia aaid tbat he waa laat seen alive twenty minutes before the fa tal occurrence. Bat the facts ia the case aa ao far gathered are aa follows : Saaday afternoon aboat 7 o'clock en gine No. 4S waa oa a aide track shifting, aad awltcbed on to tbe Wilmington and Weldoa track, and on to a cross-track, aad then shifted on to the W CAA. Rulroad track, of coarse stopping each time to allow tbe switchman to tarn the different switches. After the engine bad catered opoo the main track of the W, C A A. Railroad. Engineer C D. Wootea moved the engine slowly back, bat it bad hardly gotten forty feet from the croat track, w&icb conn ecu the two mala tracka. before a yell from the aaitebman. a colored maa. who was standing oa tbe rear of the engine, made Mr. Wootea bring the locomotive to a suadstlll aad jamp from the cab to ascertain what was the matter. It was tbeo tbat the mingled aad bleeding form of yoaag Gtllovay waa taken from baaeath tbe wheels of tbe eagtae. His bead aad body were between tbe two rails aamjared. bat bis right leg was severed at tbe kaee. while oaly a thread of skia con nected the left leg with the body. A pbrslciaa waa rsat for, aad De. J. T. Schoawald responded, and administered chloroform to tbe aafortuaite youth Youag G illovar wis tbea removed to tbe city hospital, where D.-a. S:boawald. Ballack and Z icbary htld a consultaiioa sad decided that aa opratioa was oe cesaarv. which was later performed. At 10 S3 o'clock, however, young Galloway died, ia spite of all posiiole medical aid. There is no -telling how tbe acci dent happened, and theories In a matter of this Kind are perfectly noassnsical. Tbe scene ol tbe accident was oa the W . C A A. railroad track, running par allel with tbe W. A W. rai:road track, between Seventh and E ghth atreeta. about forty feet from a cross track coa aectiag tbe two liaea. aad at a point which, at tbe time of the accident, was ettremely dark not only on account of the eight, bat by sbadoes cast from high embankments, trees and houses. There were five persons on board tbe engine when tbe accident occurred, engi neer Wootea aad firemaa Axem (tbe lat ter colored), assistaat yard master T. A. Breach, a colored maa, a coupler oa tbe froat of the engine, and the switchman. also a colored maa. oa the rear of the engine. Tbe switchman states that he saw nothing whatever oa the track until he beard tbe cry of tbe unfortunate youog man. Mr. Charles Collins was seen by a Star representative last eight, and stated tbit be parted with tbe deceased as described above. Tba funeral services, which were held lait eight at 7.80 o'clock, were very aad. Toe uauiaal hoar eight when the gloom of tbe aurroundinga answered to th gloom in the hearts of tbe audience. tbe horrible manner in which death bad come, tbe solemn countenances of the Urge number of people who thronged tbe pittsa. the doorways and the ball in which tbe dead and maimed body lay, all combined to make the occasion one long to be remembered. Rev. J. W. Kramer. pastor of Brooklyn Baptist Church, officiated, and tbe hymns were rendered by a double quartet consisting of Charles Smith. Reilly Smith. Jacob Strickland. John T.Yates. Wo. Hawkins. Sam Bes- aant. Wo. Litgen. Joe. Lane. The remains will be sent to Soutbport this morning on tbe steamer Wilmmz- ton. Tbe pall-bearers, Meears. Amos Redd. Geo. Silvey. E A. Hagbes J is. Pa- drick. W. H. Hancammon and EJ. O Allen will meet at the residence at 8 a.m Ballettina Comratcta ApoMoul by Drao Hon ol fie Awotiittd Cbarltlas. A meeting of ths Board of Directors of tba Associated Charities was held yes terday at noon. The main business be fore the directors was tbe appointment of Soliciting Committees and to deter ae the territory to be canvassed by mil each committee. Appointments were made aa follows : Rev. W. B. Oliver. Col. Roger Moore, and Mr. Oicar Pear- sail, to canvass Water atreet and Inter sscting streets up to Front; Dr. S.Men delsohn. Mr. J. C. Stevenson, and Mr. Walter MacRae. to caavaaa Front and tersecting streets ap to second ; Rev Father G Deneea and Dr. S. P. Wright caevaes Fourth street and other bus- loess houses la the city aot la the terri tory of tbe other committees. Tha committees are going to canvaaa th eitt thoroaehlv and tbey hooe to re ceive liberal encouragement ia their ef forts la behalf .of thia most worthy ob ject. Accoaat a nana! aessloa State Grand Lodge I. Oof G.S. aad D. of S., States lia N (V tha Seaboard Air Line will sell tickets to tbat polat from Wilming- to a UCtODer aoto aaa qw. bi raic oi 10 79 lor the roan a trip, a icxets gooo return passage oa or before October for SOib, 1S97. to visit the holy land. ATrp CeatampUttd by Ber. Dr. Hogr, cf tha Viral Frabrtrtaa Cntrjh. At a congregational meeting of the First Presbyterian cbarcb. held Saaday after tbe regular morning service, tbe Church endorsed the action of the Session ia granting the pastor. Rev. Dr. P. H. Hoge, a leave of absence of four and a half months to gratify a long cherished desire tbat or editing the Holy Land. Dr. Hoge, In company with Rev. R. E. C aid well, of Winston, and others, will leave New York in the latter part of January on the steamship Kaiser Wil htlm Second, the trip being conducted by Henry Gizs A Son, of New York, tourist agenta. The vessel will Bail direct for the Mediterranean, touching at Gibraltar and landing at Naples. From Naplea and Pompeii the party will go to Brindisi. where they will take ship for Alexandria Up the Nile then to Cairo, getting a glimpse of the pyramids and other obi ecu of hiatoric interest in an cient Egypt and the tourists are on their way back to Alexandria and ready to sail to Joppa, whence they go to Jeru salem. Here and in neighboring places rendered interesting to tbe pilgrims from so many sacred associations a good part of the time will be spent. The next movement will be to the north tbroagb Samaria and Gallilee, with aide trips to tha Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley and excursions to Naza reth, the Sea of Gallilee and otbet places, and then to Damas cus, rrom Damascus the coarse ot the pirty will be westward across the ranges of Lebanon and Anti Lebanon, reaching tbe coast at Bey rut "after hav ing viaited the ancient rains at Baalbec. From Beyrat then by sea to Smyrna, Kphesus. Constantinople, and Athens and to Italy again, thia time to visit the Eternal City. Venice, Milan and Genoa. Here two waya are before tbe tourists, to take the same abip to New York, or go by rail through Switzerland to Paris, London, Southampton, and from the last named city to aail for America, the North Carolina contingent getting back. home abont June 1st. Braorwiok Bride, and Tarry Company. The Brunswick Bridge and Ferry Company is forging to the front. Yesterday afternoon a Star repre- senutive was invited by Mr. A. B. Cook, superintendent of the company, to take a trip across ths river and look at tbe new ferry boat, which tbe com pany bas just completed, at a cost of $100. Tbe boat is certainly a beauty in appearance, and ia named Virginia Tay lor, in honor of the daughter of Col. Walker Taylor, president of the com piny. It is tbe workmanship of Mr. E. J. Piver. of Soutbport, and will accommodate aboat twenty-five people. The boat is painted in two colors, green and white, and the fastenings are entirely of copper. Four different kinds of wood were used in its construction red bay for the sterna, hite oak for the ribs, jinlper for tbe planking and ceiling, and aah for tbe fendera. The bedding of the road of the com pany ia now in perlect condition, wnue the bridge known aa the Brunswick river bridge, connecting Branawick county with Eagles' Itlaad, has been thorough ly repaired and ia virtually a new bridge. INSURANCE WAR. BoatbtMtcrn Tariff Aaeooiatlon Aaainat tha Bonih.rn Steele M itaal a: Greens boro. The Southeastern Tariff Association haa issaed a new and reduced insurance tariff for Greensboro. They claim that this haa been made necessary to meet competition from the Southern Stock Mutual, a North Carolina company with headquarters at Greensboro, which, it ia aaid, allows its patrons a rebate of aboat SO per cent. Tbe Insurance Herald ex presses the opinion that reduced ta- r.ffs will be established in all North Carolina towns in which the home companlea offer lower ratea than those of the companies that are mem bers of the Southeastern Tariff Associa tion. This means, doubtless, all towna In which the Southern Stock Mutual is doing business. Well, "competition is the life of trade," but the question arises, is the object of tbe movement to drive the home company out of business; and if successful in this, will the reduced ratea be continued in force ? Tba Ssam.o'a B.adiac Boom. Sunday waa a day of note in tbe his tory of the Seamen's Friend Society of thia port. The new reading room, in tbe second atory of the Seamen's Home, waa formally opened by religions ser vices therein, conducted by Rev. A. D. McClure and Rev. J. Carmichael, D. D., assisted by a choir, composed of Col. W. J. Woodard, Mr. Alex Holden, Miss Cal loway and Mrs. Will Latta, who rendered beautiful music, which waa most thor oughly enjoyed by all present. The solo, "Consecration." sung by Mrs. Latta, with charming pathos and sweetness, pro duced a most profound impression upon tbe audience, which was very largely composed of sailors. The friends of the Seameo's Home, have good reasona to be thankful for thia auspicious reopening of the reading room, where the sailors in port are al ways welcome, and where tbey will find much to interest and amuse them. Btaam Toe Homer. The steam tag Homer, Capt. Lane, New York to Jacksonville, put in at this port yesterday to coal. She will go out aa aoon aa there ia promiae of favorable weather. The Homer belongs to the Wilson Cypreas Company, and ia bound south to tow raits for the com pany. mmmM Account District Conference and San day School Convention. Lamberton, N. C, October 85 80, 1897, the Seaboard Air Line will sell tlcketa to Lumberton ffom Wilmington at rate of $8.45 for tbe round trip. Ticketa on aale October 34th and 85th. Final limit October 81st, 1897. A SILVER WEDDING. CtUDittd In Brsntne by Mr. and Mrt. B. H. J. Ahrenr, cf Wilmington. Twenty-five years ago occurred the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. B. H.J Ahrens, Rev Dr. G. D. Bernheim officiating. Laat night Dr. Bernheim, assisted by Rev. K. Boldt, officiated again at a wed ding thia time tbe silver wedding of the same happy couple. The exact an niversary waa Sunday, bat the festivities were'pxrjosid--uciiUst night. Tbe residence, oa corner"6fSevosi- and Market, was ablaza with light and thronged with frieada of the family. The center of the party was of coarse Mr. and Mrs. Ahrens. Time has dealt very gently with both of them, and the congratulations tbat tbey received could well have been accompanied with confi dent expectations that they wonld live to celebrate their golden wedding. The bride wore black satin trimmed in white em broidered chiffon and on her brow rested a solid silver wreath, a gift brought from Germany by Mr. Ahrens on his last trip. A brother in Germany bad remembered the happy occaaion with a beautiful pearl breast-pin. In fact, all the presents, and they were a great many, were handsome and appropriate, especially so one given by tbe Evening Star Whist Club, a silver spoon-holder. Nothing was left undone that wonld contribute to the happiness of the guests, reporters included- Tnere was a table loaded with good things, fragrant Ha vanas for those who indulged, and danc ing for tbe younger people to music by Prof. P. Ctanclarulo's Italian string band. It was far in tbe night when the last happy guest took his departure. Tbrae Small Pi at. Two alarms of fire were sent in Sun day. At 3 30 o'clock in the morning two one story frame houses on Eighth street, between Brunswick and Hanover, owned and occupied by Noble Milton and Isaac Lane, both colored, were discovered on fire and an alarm was sent in from box 19, Eighth and Hanover streets. The fire department responded promptly and succeeded In suppressing tbe flames, not, however,"before considerable dam age was done to both houses and con- tenu. Milton carried a 8500 insurance policy on his bouse and contents, and the residence of Lane was insured for $200. During the high wind Sunday after noon an alarm of fire was sent in from box 48. Front and Orange streets, about b.30 o'clock, on account of a one-story frame dwelling in an alley, between Dock and Orange, Front and Second streets, being on fire, caused by a defective flue. The firemen, realizing the damage that would be accomplished it ths high wind prevailing at tbat time was to secure the master hand, worked manfully and suc ceeded in confining the flames to the building oa fire. The house was owned bv Mr. Alonzo Blake and occupied by Tillie Taylor, colored. A small fire, which, however, did not amount to much, was disovered yester day afternoon at 6 o'clock in a house on Dock street, between Third and Fourth. An alarm was sent in from box 48. Fifth and.Orange streets. . Charged witb Jjarceay. Saturday night about 7.80 o'clock Martha Hill, colored, accompanied by her husband, Robert Hill, while down the street shopping, stopped at a stand kept by an At syrian woman, Mary War- rock, near Front and Dock streets, to make a purchase. While examining some of the goods offered for tale Martha saw the Assyrian woman stoop down and pick up a ten-dollar bill, and upon looking into her pocket-book she discovered tbat a ten-dollar bill wbicb her husband bad given ber was missing. In the meantime tbe Assyrian woman went into a store close by, kept by some of her friends, and, although several by standers saw her pick up the ten-dollar bill, yet she would not part with the money. Yesterday a warrant was sworn out for tbe Assyrian woman, and she was arrested and brought for trial before Jus tice McGowan yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Herbert McClammy, Esq., appeared for the defendant and raised the point that the money picked up by the defendant was not identified (which bad oot been done),as the moneylcst by Martha Hill, and consequently, in ac cordance witb the ruling of the higher courts, Justice McGowan discharged the defendant. Boblnton and franklin Bros'. Olrens. Advertising Car No. 4, of the John Robinson and Franklin Bros.' Circus arrived in the city yesterday with nine men on board, who, by sundown yester day afternoon had every available space around tbe city covered with flaring bills announcing tbe coming of the show on the first of next month. Last-night two men, .'mounted on a high step-ladder, conveyed around town in a cart, "sniped" circus posters on the telephone and telegraph wires. Advertising Car No. 8, with fifteen men on board, will arrive next Monday, and a lorce of hands will be at once sent out to replace all posters that have been torn down, and if possible to post bills at new places. Juitlee Fowler'a Court. Justice Fowler disposed of the follow ing cases yesterday: Annie Graham, colored, charged with larceny, gave a $50 bond for her appear ance at tbe next term of the Criminal Court. James Anderson, colored, charged with assault witb a deadly weapon, was adjudged not guilty, and the prosecu tion was deemed malicious. Frank Robbins, colored, tbe prosecutor, was taxed with the costs of the action. The same defendant was found guilty of as sault and battery and disorderly conduct, but was let ol upon payment of costs. Braxton Fair. Tha Eighth Annual Fair of the Bor der Exposition of the Carolinas will be held at Maxton. N. C. Wednesday Thursday aad Friday, Oct. 87, 88, 89. W. a. HAJtKKJt, t Secretary and Treasurer. We also have a fine stock of the popular Jellico Lump Coal from Tennessee, which makes a very fine, open grate Coal. In baid Coals we have a very heavy stock in high grade RED ASH and WHITE ASH, egg stove, chestnut and furnace sizes. If you appre ciate good service, accurate weights and clean first-class Coal call np No. 242, either Bell or Inter State Phones. J. A. SPRINGER & CO cct 19 tf A Bioyola Baee. A most exciting bicycle race, which proved to be the event of tbe season, was run by two officers from aboard the steamer Kirkhill, now loading with cot ton at thia port. The contestants were W. Ewingr second engineer, and Robt. Steele, second officer. The run was from the first toll gate to the third and return to the second. The distance was nine miles and the race was won by W. Ewing in S3 minutes, but was followed closely by Mr. Steele. Fantrl of Walter L. Ztet. The funeral of the late Walter L Yates was conducted Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence, 615 Harnett street, Rev. Thomas Browning, pastor of Bladen Street M. E. Church, officiating. There was present to witness the last rites a number of friends and relatives. The Interment was made at Oakdale. The pall bearers were Messrs. H. A, Tucker, Nathan J. Williams, William Holloway, J. O. Ormsby. P. J. Gillerlain and Crolly. Hxouriioaa ta Natbvills CettjntiUl. Mr. G. McP. Batte, S. A. L. travelling passenger agent, was here yesterday. He informs the Star of two grand per sonally conducted excursions to be run over the Seaboard to tbe Nashville Cen tennial at rates lower by nearly five dol lars tban formerly. The first leaves this afternoon, and will be conducted b Mr. Manav Forbes, oi Portsmouth. Mr. Batte will be in charge of the second, which leaves on the after aooa of the 85th. btadams fioalehi'a Company. A telegram received by the STARsajs tbat the Madame Scalchi Operatic Com pany opened their tour in Norfolk, Va , last night at the Academy of Music be fore an immense auaience wbo were er. tained with a graad performance. The Mme, Scalchi Company will fill a oae night engagement at tbe Opera House on the evening of the 26th inst. Stcry cf aTiDdem Bioyole. A tandem bicycle was left leaning against one of the sycamore trees on Market street, between Second and Third, Saturday afternoon. It was still there at ten o'clock Saturday night, when tbe information was sent to the City Hall, and a policeman was sent to take it in charge. Yesterday one of the bicycle dealers claimed it, whereupon It was promptly surrendered. INDIANA BANK QUITS. Stockholder. Flrtt National Bank f f New Albaay Betlrfa from Bctlneat. New Albany, Ind .October 15. The board of directors oi the First National Bank have decided to wind up the affairs of the bank and retire from busi ness. Small demand for money and low rate of interest is given as tbe reason for cloting up the business. ' Tbe stockholders will act on the di rectors' decision at a meeting to be held October 26th. Since tbe bank was estab lished, in 1865, over $1,200,000 in divi dends has been paid. The bank has been carrying a reserve fund of 80 per cent, for tbe past year and all depositors will be paid on demand. Samuel A. Col bertson is president and Jesse f. Brown vice president. Mr. W. L. Jacobs, formerly of this city, now of New York, arrived in the city yesterday. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS? ST. JOHN'S HALL, Oct. 19, 1897. Wilmiiiiton Mp NU19, A. F. & A. H. TJBGULAR MONTHLY COMMUNICATION Xj this ( Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren welcome. ocl91t THOS. F. BAGLIY, Secretary. MEETING. ALL SUBSCRIBED MEMBERS TO THE new Club Hoise on Carolina Beach are re -qoettel to meet at the City Court room Wednesday evening, October 20th, 1897, for the pnrpoae of affecting- a permanent organization. ocl92t W. A. FRENCH, J. IF YOlJ HAVE Money to barn, then there is no speciil reason why yon should call on as to fill yonr orders for edibles. Bat unless you HAVE THERE 18 a reason aad all we desire ia an opportunity to demonstrate our ability to save yon AT LEAST 10 cents on the dollar you spend with as. One price to everybody; no credit to anybody. THE KING GROCERY CO , B. F. KING. Manager, Bell Phone 887. Fourth Street Bridge. ocl9 tf FOR RENT BOUSE CORNER GRACE AND i I III t Fourth streets. Modern improvements. SIBI Two houses on ranceta between Ninth and Tenth. House on Dock between Seventh and Eighth. House corner of Second and Nun. House oa Third between Walnut and Red Croat Also five rooms; modern Improvements; with a nice family. Apply to r D. O'CONNOR, oclTti Real Estate Agent. Goal! Coal I! We Are Exclusive Sales Agents in Wilmington for the Celebrated Pocahontas Goal, Which is Conceded to be the Best Coal Mined. CIGARS. Cuban Blossoms, Renown, Smoketts, Tropical Twist Head, Union League Club, El' Captain General, "Sly Coon" Cheroots. These goods , are having an im mense ran due to quality only, and we recommend them to the best trade, as not being equalled on the market. Yollers & Hasbagen, Manufacturers' Agents, oc 17 tf Wilmington, N. C. THE KODAK RUBBER Band Dating Stamp, the very thing tor receipting Bills, Railroad Agents, Postal Clerks and Banks. v O. n P. 5 Get our oricel on Self-inklne Sttmna. Seal Pre Wax Seals, Ticket Punches, Hand Stamps. Ac. Buy a Date Printe,, 80 cents by mail. (They have datea for seven years), and if not satisfied return it and get your money. JOB PRINTING -Get our prices lor Bill Uaada, Note and Letter Heads, Visiting Cards, Ac. WilmintTton Stamp Works, Wilmington, N. O. Bell Phone 240. oc 17 tf , yE ARE NOT IN THE SHOE BUSINESS for a few years. We are in it for life. We must sell the best to keep your tialer. WE DO SELL THE BEST, and get ing aew customers every day. Wbea you want a nice, strong, petty Shoe for a boy or girl, for school or for dress, call for the "John Monde u Shoe." We keep them in many styles. Respectfully, MERGER & EVANS, oc 17 tf 11S Priacesa Street. OUT PRICES THIS WEEK AT The "Dnlncky Corner" on Hecker's Celebrated Self Raising Buckwheat. Fresh Ginger Snaps. Also Duggin's Prepared Buckwheat. New goods. The price down to low water mark. Yours for Buckwheat Cakes. S. W. Sanders. oc 17 tf Office of tie Collector of Custom, PORT OF WILMINGTON, N. C. October 14th, 1897, SALE OF GOOUS SEIZED aud forfeited to the United States. At IS M on Friday, ihe S2nd inst., at the Custom House, I wJl sell by public auctioa, tan (10) bags Almonds (about 1,800 pounds) Ex. Italian Barque "Nord America." W. R. KENAN, Collector of Customs, oc 16 8t fr tu fr Sociable TJNDKR THE AUSPICES OF THE HIBER. nian Benevolent Society, Wednesday evening, Octo ber 39th. Dancing aad Refreshments. Ticket ad mitting lady and gentleman, $1.00. oc 17 tt Press Boy Wanted. BOY WHO HAS HAD EXPERIENCE in feeding Job Presses may secure employment, at well recommended, by applying at tha ocUSt STAR OFFICE, ess thaa SO cents. u of apUadcottow.