.-- 4., to ta bcait o( pcotsi 3iM. or rtiAt pf f4 ri:io a? tit thr u Cx ad will aUAia ,! .4 eB444f.r A'chff W a)l Cft4if tTSf tf!4 Afit C t coa.iJsrt4 fctjft ta tie W :n tHr. 1i4 j3)- priTt 'a eaitfiaj fofttin ra.rkjt C!44 lltf ettf HlltU ta ... 1!.-. J. 4jJ tJ 1 WJtllH'li r t( BartvvJ4a cjaa'.f.ev T n4iJ t4r, 'dt tAt to( - . ... .,.1 uvin iiiftiinisK r . w y -w-- tf t 4'. 131 'a f,C ta lt tas tar J J:t:e ftc:at 4.4a pcjceutl3i. cas .-.aid raat euia u on! ta !iatli eat CjnaJt ta t! p .9 wiitafil ant i the ' ry 04:40; of tat ptotec oC ti tiaiocrtc oppoatau ol ?f J :cct!ja, 4 ta RspuaLcaa ti:eosa .1 . !m:j.).J tt. J.l eai c jateatt ja t 4iC4i.ttii 5y t 40CS oaf ta t J af4Ctarr la f jrrr a &T r Unth4f wta tl l4vla.i:n: x-roi j &a of tat V.ti:tc. l. tt wee Bi;Aoft M ri't ,?Ayf w (a n f-ic e ta Ujo.lia rW'- &r eu'ito-of CW .fr w. , )' i tat t4ft- eVd .4 aer it vi 4 i4 aa r a t of if , ; n.a iron a vi ct a ?". waica tltt til CM t Will 4 it f 4l I f iic4:ntl-! pw.iJ' a' ta ('i jf prte?t JT taitwt repf ' :ta entatnf portion ct it Ii . rutn ta? H'fisn" :r I 43 ! iMMU'im it f9'ir t4j tae ;u ,fct tatf ar ! o t- i!!f )uiia :eL tt Mtfi- f re4t Bnti, 4l(XJ go 5 iliwyiU U Uf t warttwi p UU 04 f .,t,t 54t. .:r :t ' 44 arxoM" iaf s u u. t f ia L'tt Sc 4 wraataiJ ( o eBrt iaiiiuln4! csj . t :i tf tl c 0 B4 A 4rn j.t MViMie aa aau r 4eJt a a TlBl BtV C4-BOO M CAS i i t3 .?' c a iitii1 4ie ; ja c-"aW etia jat it auawiBaut icialtB') it ac ot ta:ia do a ti.a ti- 't at I3 ' u.t i y a Aa4A:'.aria4 taatf rttcsl aa poiat rac caaHit4 e j c44 4oc ?i?rji Taa t''i it at jui A.! a . o at a t - .44 out rt c ncil. 1 jtaoi . k C44 riVAi. Qif witaia tt l44t - 14 f 4-t Aa4riC4a. r t vaooa 1 f..:i'l ia qteio tBi taa ptxata of am co-ia- t. m4 a4,aa- iaiad. a 4.aW li. a r.i(lt. ta f.t ta coaclatto t Ba4 ta coirr ate loac its acv aiaotai anil Utlf too (aA(iuoA. a ta ct49a if '-gr!xcti4 coaatt ia ta ! J 1 Bat pi4cal 94tor aae fliiar d(rt fl ct cirartt aVurt! ti4t Cwat Bfit4a Aao( J prjd4C itar pi m o tt'aiad Btaat caa?'v ia Ut'wJ S.4ta. t ami m c ! iI oT tt cov ..i.tiuoa M O-aa aW4av-1 toutc I 4 twtaia eviAi of ia tfx3 J tiooai - i tSa Utitadl Sialaa. aa IS rwm'l ot aav--tai ia taac CJU4try. aa ! o aaa 4't Ur a4 ara4?a aai:iid op3r t4A4i of Mt u prour ia tat e cat J a4a4J4CUfa4c.lad4auf. B4t Icoo eaa t e kXAiif i44'ti (or tia ajjrt wtttcft htrf AnaVK4 n4f4nart aa p.Vajl 6io aa aa tJ U ccm ci r xlMiioa tSMtr unmul Bol co omi tAlla3iaa(a, Taaaa ao en jH co4ara t to tae trata taa eraea taaxaaaMva wuaowa Wac) 4 J& C4; pX tie Jrr acu i jin.-. BitJAtioa tni b' 3 tTsi'ta-t 3.4ta T coat watawat4:ta4 Baaaomar 014. tro ia t aa my Uiaata uaxrrara a aa H emaatry Majj U" !ta t m " ifj3ii.I o com i u t O-ttAta. T aiifaaea i crac a( prcla;a( t is oX iii ia At iajai ovaa. J 14 u aMoaitv i caaaa ta Uaa'v 10 b I ;njcJ 0ai aaqra. t tur of caa aiart ia Uauv avaa a boa 0 MiSarta ! rdtataca aj v caat. ia taaa ikw ' )4 Uaor cox t aa ar ari oi ta i a cjaatry a'toJ4a taa rta 0 wi4i - ta Aaaaaaew ' .t ittataaiaa biav. J nia a t 3t ir jf th e vMt oa M!an 1 1 rr. a.panaoat .. ai c.-.A. aiaica taa eat sao of pAM4Ay iav 4Uai4 a oaka rarf lav au la. Aaa auokl 'Xlat Tj aiad Saaa in owr mat.t tcrV4 caaaat a.na ta aAata haal4atai a4- ii44o 94mmi4 A.iaa.tad iad 4 a.;ia fdbtT. coaatry ia BpaaanaBaa a ca,arf tfatc4f 'rtpBTCt tf rT5W iitUrtrtaEi oraa. aoMt taa aatMaaaJ 4.i ol &X ' mr" ta a coaAnltAa ata4ua af aaxiaev -i WyaaiU Wa 1,1 " ' o r Bfaaat (tabuia' taaBaatiaat. Aaax yosjaaara caa parcaaaaj t aaatattAla of ' ' TMrntia ' at a cra..2ataa4v Ua iaaa W mliiaMai ta taia ;aar, Ta . lc . - uuaiu tac All Biikii ata aaaf. Bai. s U toaa a1 Otaa tars ft 77.0 .11 U ( oe ol t. -oh .ocxi - oat l M'l I iarvai , wealed ..( Ai. -"af"-T"' 1 - . im liinaw" Stred to ct 01 ihre;io -r"' : ue3u la t? I "w' . . n mi. 1 1 4KI ! 4, gi4.Ui' . - . .. a. A .ia Mmiiw " " I ".. .m.iv1mvv i.nnini.nni inn ir ' lh. ctJ" v::.:Y".Y. r..rr "r, i ,ar r"7rf T...;.Atla4l CO-- .cc jol f t ai wre. no o tadted te aabitct w'c caul frocarJM rxMawofcotnarta- tbta la Bifla4 aa-1 W Ui:i S tA taa aa to,latare ot . k. J...l.tl BVt lt CWltf OIH ol o a ca4rr aad eahaaUlble ( tike raitanat tbef hot tfca aataotafa -ju9g- y i.k. Aaa ty paf ioatui aifher wiesj or j la-xx that it caaapr thaa. EaflUh tabr. owideruif the dallf otp? o coa. TaeapoJat haa baaa made to at tea to iha deb i let la Coireaa t-iit it read ne a a old itory now. ai f'. oa of tie mafo eoteatloi a fc:tafoaty oaet3laitlfyRqpab-.ff0(a death" aad other caasea the i..-.. r,,tia. 'laa twin tie plea rblla rro. aad keep growing. Ac- thu It pfoieeta1 bar miaofeiireri fra the eaeap "pae?er labjr of Auertcaa laho; U chtapet tiun Ea. roria laoTr. bc r.i wat aot anitwsr to aVAraaa- tcia c34tttaeacy of djacawiog thtae cai:ter to a5ect a psadfog Uriff bttl; ha 4 t4!iai 'b rll4gaatasa aad etxjiJ bva ao- aelath raaclte la mi 4,i tf aiaalasioQilait wtat .very caacb ajataat htj BrU" pud, for 1 asi oafv the M3rjr o4'.ai aJtiaaea of thla 1 cjaatry bat the a peri Jt skill a ad . tia J I ei:i:eacj o! Aasrtcaj woi otkm aa 3ip Aft I yet the protective pollcj will be aiaered t by the RefhUcan P4fty aJ its a jvjcates will caotlaot tpi4f tas pauper I bor bofy as a ;4UiAcjnoa of it BotantBstaediag tas fac. tat tht h beea C03Br ptttely eipoied by the socceas of V asrtcaa raaaaf sctarers lo casapct t3( agatast. tat "piapar .Uboe," aa aajwt by th taereate of oar maau f ac:'?J ea)fiv aid at attested by F.aropeta wntera lata Ur with waal tasy ante about, waa coakl have 00 3jcit ia aiifepfeseatatioo. aad are apparted b tae declaratioal aad p4?ituat of o'aaifai aaaaf actor exs ia vtroa loiaitnes. atkiaj tha iViVtrata itu tda saJliJliag to re live t!st diprctwoa aad atve theaj ttjra t33p 1 l:oc ri a. 11 1. Mrk H is na i oat of the )x!i ytt far t: i tatd that thasre ift aitMlaiaa ReibrTeaas' eaciag ekectaJ ta tae l.ia! stare walea. ansa tas vi.es of tae DeaiacratS, caa 4at hioa. .V praaa dtpttch ffori C-ibas atatts that the Hem ocratx pcorauena to vo".e soUd toe tVoveruov Baaaexii pravidtd b caa f-i tl5 otai4ry aaaaber af Re pabttCAS votes t elect hiat, ant with tae keowa cp5-itloo to Hanaa it "ja:i aot bt d:a!t lo aecore the Sty 8.H?aC4Q voae ied. j Gov. fraeJl eaigM ao fed at hb4rty to tales iato a cocaVsatiaa pi tbakiad afarf hit itrJtkmklty1 tetefraa to Hiaaja. ha: t( hra aaaae were pre seated aad he rccTcd VJtes eloogh Ko ti cJ h ea wi:hoa4 ihli tgadag ta ,t as ra rat CMiaiey u aaathet a ti ter aad ojt tee aay particalar reaaoa wayhatVoa'i refaeaaa tVai-.oial aiaaa aal toss it over to Halaa or aoTiaoee elra r.TV yaTal dl" 1 patch froa ClcveTall ii thl Va Yock UtraiJ shears that 11 an aa us very far froca feellag easy oVerttre tuaattoo: , , aata ILaaea ta aaarsstd dVaa hJa c ia4ia lo taa Jiiui AitaotcXtae KiOBicaaa att eractaa a najyrity cm (our aad poaary ffre la ta Ctayral As-' vaavW Ui. Haa-aa faw ttrsP oalS Dv taa aafilast w-tfk.vtil &ej aia to fta dot. Ha UaraC&artes aUrtaaaa beau fe( otacr Fovakafnaa. i "Tata aaf tae oppoa-stloa ia frb(a Re paJ caaa. Taa ralaaal ot. SJcsersjMaaoa. 3aaav aad Baa. of Lavahocf comb- it uio ot racotd aa to tow liar wtu woa oa ttaa SaaauarU q taaaoa fcas la craaaad Mr. Haaaaa aiares. aa pas tb dtCUrMna csajvU Forskar atceaaars ot taa LiaUiar Ibat Ibcv wiU Sot 0S lot Bias. ' -A cooartaca ot lb fchtaaaft Isapoev aca mt Bald ia L C Jiaaea oQca Bare lauday iliai taTWl to Mka pre 'toa.earv ttapa tBa caaapaiaTa !4,AioSv. Win. iii aBfeartaa 1haa at era praaaat Staatoe Haaaa. Goaal OssrVa praaaat )iaiw rt aaa. vooci oar aw Dck. JoaaR Hajloa. aT.trj oAh3 Scat sTakaiVva Gaol osiitea. A. d Viae. clan of the Siaate; Gtaeral BteiQia rtattsfwortb. wbO ia aeatoaad at. a p.iarQw oarO CSSMfSdSta foe Sa ator. aal fL Q. Ruaaa. of Uatlcr caaniv. . U j f H ' 'Tae caarcreaa aaraed that! It .. .,aii. b.a aha Siaate aal tloiM. Ii was deiad taaataa 3rtTe aaa h-a ortaa-Bid wita taa arS of the limi t : cjaitt faHOal RcodhifCaWV ' SvSfU C3 -it rati wil MCNd s4f afco. XI .K4H-Ui mer ft tS tea ociaaoa e4 taa Haaaa asea that Haaaa atepbU-. caaa saaat b aaaiaat at ooce. ua s)iaa Oiatacrau ia cloaa diitrtca to vatke taaaeaaha at oa:-aalat Haass aaaa a. A a a nnaaihla ' The newt fro a Ssaia ia referenc ua Cta. Wcytax ia laurestlasi aau aal ti htex ts taaV t eritacaly mar tha Gavcrnsieat pogrsaaasj aa to Caba. dasaoastratioa aa has tawor by seadaag pabKa aaaa aad army ofi - cere, sadet the cfrnmftaoxfeaamonaLS practically to a d,eSaaca oi1heGiv- eraaeot. aad saowsciaiU axta sivcly.tajJhe Cavernmtai ha, not .a Jo-UtrjaAiai iu lo4 aoiidi- ty is oa o the eaaaatiala to iaccesaf whiljsj-ijaglagly doabtiil evtn wttb thAL Th Soanlsh Govemmeat f araid of thVa aafftrtaila t wr wiwttt itwr ?o it ier;0( lhU gCtloo agX09 faoi is coafronterj trrH-ereta-eal wbis av.k bay aaa vet csvma frcsa Vlr$thia'or --vi. ijici aao Btapoiivj, (wt aaj denoot r.tio tot n.a u a mtoi of oi ------ UMt ot . - .W - J"th Iot41 element rnn mrn nicaanc m iuufci etnbrraMmeQL Ueo. UUOCO l . . 1. ki. r I b" lrxea 7 T"7 1B" Ki: L.V ,morr OldiCatOTT tttVt, bat Witlr I ' ' . .I'laaaiiuiw.u"""1! Tr r m r t t i ... ITOfe(l hoKHj:WiU.PPl . . t I . . 4 V in!ntt Willi I th; dominant daw In Havana, - v, ,Mi Hll.i. n3W ,oa cB.ac:' .r-.vT 'i W"" 0.bw; k) I ik. r.mnnnr I ' 7 ,mA,d Ataarl is taco tucittr ... iwi" ; i . mal. U W "W mmm-m - " I a.,v . , I have ao cooSdeooa, -aotl In wore 1 . .v V if I forma tner nave ao tia evc . j five It credit for hooeat and food lateatfooa. 'which they do not In- av - - a. . . . . a a . a. a vna n ni mn i Kc.uft wa. r 1 for Spain Jeems to be grovlog WDra.i.8li acreJ-of i10a. 'HfWm'W weyier may proTc a uii5..iiw.'- ,3aapcraoaaeSOiaouvAJTC.-- meatlhaa hadwl to the Cabann, I 'N'otwithataadta? the names that are dropped frsa the peoalod rolls Jcjrdiog to the Uat apart, of Com mimir Ei aoj fiO.IDl new nai have bean aided wiihi. tae past yaax, and .3.871 camea which' hid Oeeu dropped reatoted. Bitklog an'fn- trras of 54.072. The loues la the "same time froai' death "and othr ca'aiei were 41,151 The net increase over as a.w.mAXing mc "tjUs shjwat the ead of the fiscal ,r taae 3J 976.014 names. 13 at a raod maoy names bava been added jicc tbso,. eapcciaily from Ohio, coocerolog which the Republlcaas felt soaacwaat uaeasy. 10 election umu tbo Republican play the pensions pretty moca aa professional iaaa7 biers dj m irked cards walcb they halJ reidv for eaoerzeacle. Of t . i coarse this iocrease ia pensioa rolls caAas a larger expenditure than for Iba. preceding year, amoaoiieg to f 139.949.717 or $l,6S4.480more than (or 1890. BOOK HOTICja. lUrr't KfnJ 7VV for November preseata aa eo:eriaioiat litt of coateats. aiccif lUaauaied aad varied eaoogft ta fareiaa samttblog latereBtiof (or every oac. At a daflar a rear it la vary cheap reaJiag-. cooBidario the daas oStrcd. Pa J ia bed of Harper aad Brothers New YorB. la adiltioa to other mmer ia which tha free thioktaa reader w.li ba evpa ctallf latereated. the r Tkntkt Mx- jfnj for Naveaiber' prcteatB a bio ' auapbic aaesca-ol Siapaaa Otrard. The loaadav oi Garaad Co. lee a. 10 Philadel phia a aaica arf ova wis baiatcreated AUJraaafi. L. Grrga. Ellaof aad Pab liUw. No 111 ladiaaa sueet. CBica0. 1.1 TA OmJm aaeBly) lor Nevcober 6cB prcaaats a Urge aad iaa list ol COa- teacs. aaaoracrac bbbbv topics ao at tract is ( attcatiaa aaa Bketcbea of pforn- aai paaavMagaa. aaaoaw I hem Teehy- i sos. aad ttcary Geortv. whose Hct and Rft rc at oat I) taddealy. It also coo- Uias a caatiaaiuoe ot "The Ssory of G edeioee a L it. aa4 obv taatier. la vSnca tb-a dwcaraiaf reader wall flad caacb to latertrt bio or ber! PuhMibtd by Tae Oatlooa Coeapaaf. IS Avtor Ptaea. New Vosk. i m. .. . . . rVTINKLIMUb. HrrWnof It: Mattie (read- iai) 'What fta iaa 'paJa of' cutlln iioa ? " Hc.ea ; Oa. its some aew aied ol lace prwdtf I Bappiee.'- Ckc AVw In Half an Hoar or So --Tax ary artre oar several dars aad ibea lnad aoaarca." "Taat shows the loll r oi ataacailaa ara-a jarwol atoms would Ta aa diaaateed aaaca soeeex thaoj that. IWmi aa Prtu. Aootber Name: Rich Old Md -Oj yoa krve at, Alfred?' " Atfrcd (aethtrrBrttcaJly. but truth-lart)J- Lite yoa? War. ray darllag. trra laa't the aatae for W'Cku Aawu. 'sCeauag Theta " Wait is busl- acaa capacity. Uacle BiL? -Baataess capacity ts btviof taasa tif sq an tatty lock door w.ea tha paepia w"oVi ablWr a ring at the IroDl door. C4ra A Ar4, - Irs a Good TbiotjfTllo" true," i sated laayoaas: raS3Wibe sayieg. .-..-- - i... iaLL .. a 'Atoolaai bis moaev Jiejoaapirted.' ' rcasi -Yes. replied the old maa. atd it a a good tbiaa: tbifh hr tree.' I r about all ptevaau iaa I. (roca accaraaUtfee oa boos (or to sea.' Otff "ww'ay Put. Hie Wife MAod you are to de Ja4 that ahoplidei ? " Tae Lawyer "Mr dear, she Isa't a aboprtfter. Soa was lortterly. bat she saved ao nocb moaey la the laat tea riuataikAk. aaaV aaa- Muii a Bleolo I rj TJ" - 17. , -iZ . , lUU?W&W'f9tn Not Satisfactory: "Oar sex- taa doaaa't iika tha oear woaaao preach er." - -Waat are bis objectloci? riH aar acat iseft atroat eabaeb to keep tea doaa poaaded oat of the pal ae OTr-CArav Rttcrd. v first Son hrette I've got to rake tnaetbieg farray aervaa U.d you avar.uv BUtgar'a IkoasaaatI - Sacaed Soabeetta It ataYai good at WlXsta'iXaxalp ."Cdopoaad. Tha bro mide ptople oaiy -aaa a as all cats over itbetr rcrVjoormUJl ' afld' tb 'componad ,iUawiUpx tow pletara ia doable- coiacaa wvdtb. ' -1'Hortoa How kit tbatyoa klarBva nai oa aach a I aao. Lire aad talk so djiooxaaloJy wbea yoar wife bap- caaSa atr;ft'atistia s. inly boomers Ikaow ol. II a a Ia. f nmnluH her A w AW aloes' ijarapiiag mat a a gcx oct a a w sala sacoaa this Fall ( baslaesa1 pfcare-J p." C1U4 LtsMr. . i Zt i ' ' ! Preparation Hoaband (rush iaar'Hta the rooaa) -"Cooae oti oaick. Wtla -Whst's tha mauer?' j : ''TBa-hosalB oa are,aad w4 will be baraed to death U.W9 heslUta a no- meat. Ttaa." rna for yoaf life ! I . YtA ill bcu ia a. mutate: I va eot to tide ao the room a 'lutla ii that it ail loet dictsw aasa ki latctara get bare. Ckumt Stwu 4 Shelby sturt : On last Wed TiesavhM aaatloadtaof Virginia iarr.Fhw " 'the farasera iuj uwti oiitc SPIRITS TURPENTINE. I li'.Vr vV.TC.iVT. i.,r Mf(irifi in nanQizuua uiuuk i past twelTe monias m uJr fcOWU m thoSonth. There h?e Deeo many 1 .cV bonding, erected and .till the . 5 ,k.-.o .1 'VbA1 " r I -5tlCJTine anamarn; oa.i. ,t ii- i .. l.j'ijtl 111 1 1 I Stateatille Tnesdar. eTealac, n ;ais- tVer Tie had a pilfce of Decl It&U iihWt - .rfd 'hid been -ae(kef for fehH" - !bdf TOtfr. -He WU anaWe to twanBw'annBffliraod hi. suffer- i - ... .... Ur- Wftti cnBffht SOUgM Etll and- nz wu kth. - i tha - ricer of Dr.T.r JHHland. It 1 fI 1 . I ui,k- I r"; W TIIyI ""'"fc , -a 7 j, rv ' t " I Monday anu. oronant ,iorea .wa J 0 tfm largest, COCA which he raised, on hi. Jey tarm. I -fcTF r ii ii ii ii-i mm wi m w n - - a - - . . a a hundred bashels of thla corn ott of p5Qna 0 tdido mu n 1".Ut'" r.' . 'T'T'J aldTt bat. ITslip'p his. foot "wear, . lh-i down over'tlietapeiaMj4of the !. Llnwln -One't)t the Fred Canslerr For many, year ne I made a lirlng aa t'ge-DwenH i blacaadfl liqaot; aeaiaia au I costomera, and althongh.be .baat sola J t J 1 .4 K.t ker he never, d tank. a. .drop. ITbe.I weight of jeara, U beavj npv him now and Ae Connty Commissioner. I uu rr r. -r. j r t 1 , . ,: Vnikesbbro ChromlUe: One night last week 'dovh id Anflch bwashTrJ some one went to Uicar waron p, f-a!ed htn OP. and wner trr Camer tO' Sd"r"Sd a load of .bt latb hi. shoulder aud bre.su It waa a serlon. He la now gotttt3g iPJ. thought lor t. .while he wqnld nbt.re: cover. A warrant was Issued fox BUI Gray, Jr.,whoUls said did tnp snoot- n.knt h'e has kklbDed thercoantry The canse ra said 'to be ah dM grudge between them. 3 Salisbury Sun: It is trident that counterfeiters are at work in or near this city. And therr'SpuHons cjios" are' being'1 circulated quii-e freely. Saturday -night a "Dad" fifty cent piece waa passed upon a gentleman aad he has. turned the name of the man who gave it to blm over to a party who will try to wofk np a case. A numoer oi stnai cuius (bad five cent pieces) are being put in circulation by some one, and if they don't "lie low" they are going to be caught attheir work of making; money. One of the employes, at the Southern's freight depot here has broken the record in pw eating. For aocoe time Mr. T. R. Garner has noticed that this oae man eats a pie each day tor dinner, and he recently questioned him. about it. The old man replied that be had madeira rule to eat one, pie. each., day erer sioce he waa set free, .and . that a number of times be "haj eaten three a day. At the lowest calculation thia darkey has eaten about I3,(XX) pies not couatlng those btf ate before the war. CUKHtNT COMMENT - There is a knife In SbefEeld that his 1800 blades and ted blades are added every tea' years. ' It waa probably jnst auch a knrfe. only with more blades, that was osedrm Mark Hanna last Tuesd tj.CMco4 Newt, The Amerlco Rnsso Japanese seal treaty having been signed, the question suggests itsalfr " Well, what of H io lar aattw controv ersy over our" aea'a i. concerned the treaty leaves -everything Just where it waa before. fhikdelphia KtiorJ. Dem. General Estrada Pal ma. takes the view heretofore txptesse in these columns when he says: "They . . l r ' X . L. ao not anow loc mcaaing ua word autonomy iu Spain nbt Id ttnf jcTisethit they have It tn' Canada, as Anglo-Sat ons rroderttaad it." And that is the reascfn why-are dcubt tb intent of the new Ministry. Can Spaio give Cuba any better gdvern tneat than she has hersell? Brooi fym Citiu, Dem. APPOINTMENTS aTee VUtatUoat fr tha Baaho ai Xaak Cara I itaa. November NL1897. Wedaasday Eaa- caasael. raimvtUe, , ; November 14 Saaday 2i after Tria Ity. M P Holy 'IfldocenfB'. Leaoir eoaoty. Nat ember 14. Saaday Sad after Tro ily. E P S Mary's. Kioatoo, , Novaaaaaa- 4. Thursday DawaoaV School House. ....... - Novcmhcr 21. Sunday be lore AdveaU' M v b Johaa. fitt county. Njyember ' S3 Toeiday "3 r?au'ar Greeavtila. November i. Tharaday. M P-uTia ity. Cbocowinity.. . , Calvary Cbapel. Beaufort coo at y. Novalbe f Sdadaf lit in 'Advent. M P-Zo Booyaaf. Beaufort couaty E P S Petex's. Washiaptoa ' November 29. Monday. E P Chapel of the Croat. Aurora. j ' Norerflber 80: Taeday.""Cocaijjaoioo Chi pel of tbeCroia. Aarora. J .December a, Tbuisday, EP3 Mar tla'a. Haaamoa. Oaceaabae8. Friday. Coatcaodioa S Mama's. HamUtoo, . . ,,..( I December 5. Saoday second la Ad veet. M P S'MaifV Gatelvillet ' December 0. Sdoday Sd ta Advent, E P S Pater's. Gates couatv. , Dectmber 8, VVedaeaday. E P.b Bar nabas, Muifreeaboro. , December 9. Tburaday. Comtnanlon S Baroabas. Marfreesboro. t ' Decern aer 9.Thursday, E P SLJoha's. I.Wiatoa. .. . .. ... i .. ... Dece saber 10. Friday. Communion S Toba's. Wlntoo. DeceQlbcr If, Sunday 8iiaLAdtrent, M P Grace. WoodvilJe, , m : ntfnror It Ctrinila )M In A flaunt tr t e ba-..w'a' hA.Kh.i ; i ca a a as a aa vaw v.a i - . December 16 Thursday."' H P S Tboanss, Wiadsor. ...... ,Dfceoahr 17. Friday... Conss)4hrna- S Taomaa. Windsor. I n--" Deeember"ll. Sunday ftti'ln dtent Holy !trtCKcenfs;"Avoca. l Dseeoabar i Seta dar. Cknitinaa, I'M i.-Aflveot, wuutBaton,aiKlll Pfceaber.99. Sunday ..after Qsi4sa-4 .ui vices. The" children Dractiesbie ...iTaa Vestries will please, be prepare to mret tha Ruhnn I - " Offerings' to be for Dloctt4maiis.r attjefs'. ' i t-'t' . ....wv en T Qoae wtjbji ,cbto Tweb cured. Hc'eSlraaparlTapjoT '"trMtmbfB'WedWije. Get Coiy rieocrs. " - - ' t TBICEY BABY PETE. jvhwiijew IP";: ' I THEFTS FOR VrsA8 Discharged. 3 WHICH a Aisf nnu. . mmt - m mm. . . . . h " r . . I , w.oi t,k.i. . O, M r j f I : 1. - rt 1 t . s 1 .th h.br elephant .if onn nf " ' ' hi 1 if tne Dig cuct. j--- I .. II1 1 - 1 I- TWirin. Ma mn. I iw ' r" "l;tawrt hi ."- U" -mjzL :,4MmMt meoamn. wr rfr hA wndd eat a. "SeJTiejffaftTb o:LimK.i t- Vridrf iiifr Vma of tnthntn. me ejeDBimi uvum) v i &a htl Si nxr6 eve&'on of . . . "-:75i i :J I rWng ase. apptooau-g, f L th farther esdof the hefd, ..Ijisteaa I f wnlVinadown in iront pi . inrai bm, i .f-'Soilria'aiia feme in af She dtheir Hiding-' behind 'some "balea -rf , caMtioaary wsTto-whwe awA iiiiia rnanH aai pi m rniBuaou ausu - iamva v ixjwj au law u r , lhA caxefuUy lifting -iiis state I out 1 latgnaa.JL.jgi a.iMtianttbat'f fiesta uau yuo """ I op ahdlt eame"oat. -lie'sirppea ma iwi. 'aV - f . Tr m jAaoe, were iijed I iuckli 0f grain containing about .... - t - - J-V! 1.jliI.a'm "100 pounds eacn. naang up chtAa vetyareftillywitli hia-'trunk, ao the floor, ha egaa the ,moat dejibate,; j ,inWi u(ta that -eparated PT, phanf -eeflld get soqaieuy. aiatance or Uie sacJtea grain, 1 f bar-oaltt. 'it Shkln' wiut maklag a aoisel .fae rtt&dh held he "sack of grain j.-. in.hia trunk, and ' his inoath I b..wed when hathoagbtof k. fcABt hft. jvaa. BOina to uavc. reached the herd at last and went np to rmot hir Babrlon. who stood like r hronze,atatue ber maaaive sidea lbem inff an like the eidpa of a houee in the gloom. Pete "topped, and Babylon, whom 'Tf had Tmagined fast asleep, took tie Oat sT 'They got into the1 bag in a Jiffy- and then 'began a feast. Pete filled hat aaoath. bb manohed away Ska a man eatiug dry crackerj? .pn,. a. wager. He knew that his bigpqmpanidn in "cxlnie would get the moat of the oats if he lost any time.' Babylon put away al most half the oats at the first jump put .of tha box, and poor little Pete, with hia mouth full, looked at ber with 6 la watery little eyes, as much as to say, Oh, what a hog!' and gulped the oats down his little throat at the risk of choking to' death. "I thought it waa aboat time to make a noise, juat to diaooxwert them. I had seen enough to assure me that a hostler ki twvon Hiarharopid hadn't ' beea ""U r--- -O , Instrumental in the disappearance of .Mvomnd irftDdTV bacs of oatBV'aad, as I walked arootid toward the other end of the elephant bouse, I wondered what X shoald do to punish the thieves, j The big one hadt had a. painful operation performed a' few months before, land I thought that any,sight',of the iastru meata thirt had been ' used at that : tame would give her a good fright. - 'When I bad raacbed my own sleeping room, I purposely made a. poise and, heard the shuffling sounds of sly little Pete as he 'ahambled back to 'bis place. He picked blrstake up, put it tiownta the ground, and would have put It through tha ring in the chain if he bad had, time. When I came along,, he was leaniqg against the wall asleep. I gave him a gentle prod, and be awakened ' suddenly, with that sleepy stare that a person has when -awakened from alumber. - But he Boon anew that I waa on to him, tax, when I ordered. Jiioi. ia- open his mouth, he didn't want to do it He finally obeyed,- and-' there" were -the'data. His mouth was jammed full ofthem. I didn t do anything tb him, "but walked' over, to hiw"WhrW. Shewas his oartner in erlme; -bataha Was playing possum too. "I hHda good deal ol trouble to wake hej up and more j to make her open her mouth. Much to her cnagxm, i imagine, . 'nil of vAt'a ariA 'nhn harl the O to oer CflBgrui, 1 uf giao,-1 of oata. and 'she "had. the!, . . . ' j J 1 j I "wVMytT JLf rriflelr raTred uYTand packed 'in with then. ' She waa sheeplak and ashamed, I assure you, ii evex- an eie pbant put cai. that tvpreasioov Td pun'-' iah hex I ordered trr. .to sit , down and open . bes. month nd made amotion aa if to paaa a gmat pair of forceps, it to it, which,' had 4wen sued -during the bpera tfnn I r-ferral to.- She shnt her mouth 'and cried Hke a baby",' and waa sd thoi- oughry frigttaied 'that ahe' Deter treB passed ajrain. Butthht ely little Pete why," be ia more trouble than the entire berd,,auA be juss-gets loose -whenever be wants to. " 8f Loul KJlobe-Demo-erut " " Wamca aa SaidSsrSi 1 : : "I dd not see,1" safd & clerer wpman, i AV .(Lid t,MnM BVtllW f Mil OA,11m1 "dborl tb'pbke Tuflf at the" BeVlaW in Qol- Ji AUW TV Uvu yvaaAaAw he "state militia: " ' Htee" ' 6f battle woman is just 'as YnecessaH asj man. Jtut 'earing a uniform ana fiipqtraga gun are noi all thai cbnstirute a, Boldier,. i pitahi during time of war?, ',pqes it not require a brave brt and- a strpjpg nerve . to. wait on see wounqed or .pymgr ia iint a somui a. . . soldier who cad assist the surgeon as he amputates a: llnab-or . . . . . i . a. try J DUiaa a irciurea.Donef( rpju uo rvrxui nnrapa Rnfdiars? It seemsi to me tkof a nnmnnwill mnlrA -insh Aa bond a soldier as a man and always find her" piaoe in time oi war. ; . . (I. ... a.cbojAi."... , An Irishman, in France waa chal 'lenged by a Prenchman to fight a duel. io whibh Iwreadiry'ebnsented, aqd sug geaeedahillalahB. j 1 ' . . "That won't do, said the-aeeond.- ' A al ttKAt rIh sal 1 aawi crctA -naas-friy vnn iSSeasTaat rKa wa- paav; vwwaavajbj By VBWa Wtff JVVBiatTU V4IV right to choose the arms, but chivalry . , jr? W?, TW' nam anna thae w ciK 74 inn4wA wwnw VFeapon with hloh lchinen are fa- miliar." ' j ! iw... ... .. .a. - f - la-tttat eor'J retaraed the tostiman. Than, hoanm oMl fnWM mil. lotines. "-London TitlBita.,,,,. , i , ,.f, J -l ri - . ! ' tbb vaaupar waiaB I aa ftUaa KaKai aaaa Waa If aaa Ina aVsaSH artln. ya'abTobed woman "wlrrj' fbbtt ifier her bo raw, 'Will berth SrttiraeaTet-ruh dOWTi .laiheaUlx. iTbey-wiUiha troahldd with a. aaaa a ill a LI J toss oi.ppet.ue,.oeacuiCes.epicHBaaa, fainting or duay. spells. The most won- HHiit y-rtl-rl.rrrthB'wtrrlhll ia'fclr'. tYirBrttam TbAoawawr Baeeirs from I Larae Bacatiaiad )Weak.Kdna rtee bp icinaoor Nervona Mlivedby maei abowld aee.pjtuaj launuy tin paad to A LITTLE .J rs erad With ri-oe ' "517.1 . ii r.... efulofs irjE"-.lTjK nwimn hi vein oia tor wun uvj acrolulaon m. uj TLTr'" l-T.fr wuworitoBMsi4SBp", on ckeekll d nds Ti -rwxsnred in the form of red pimples I - " . A , t. h ,n "1 1" J flMAh ATAV. ATIfiT UilUUUauulft I wntildfealc jont ajrain. They c&xeae. dw ' i I fmm matching' the sores. We became wife's moUxer had scrofula anane Hc.p.-Wedecidedtd ge it to our boy and -we aofcedaa improve- . . . ittoour boy and-we aoeeoaa Wpr M M verv soon. Alter giTiftg tl-aw"ll blood and a aaa-never' la- WttUAaw", b,rth' Bend 7 Indiana. ' You' can tnrf Hooa ST8aparfll of aU , aruggista. Be sore to ge oaiy Hoo4'a- y a. i i i i i ii aw mi ibi-o. aw m r a a iui w ajuvi r . nOQQ S r-ui&m. cen"- .. ' ..... ,. . linTTlTTlISHlOQBJ: a 0Uv .HP""- 4tefc lorCinrt. Tvy virtijiof aoicue of,3-hb sup con,.iaiw'HBdvf aJ.i tfc ptoe3idiftgmioiiPfcm-ia !the matter f Xaotms A. HMe,-trf.w.encr H. Hle, A Court, wvt 3a rhnnday the 18th idatr Kovcmtxr, A O. 1897, t 12 o'clock M., tell at pablic.aii oop, 'BtrOTbomVfcBtfAWef tt.oa New Han- y- tAT:l..:.HAAM (n aawh thft' nit7fl- over.i-. ne yiy oi - -kw-, -)7 . art- KiHa4M all tH IOUOWU1E 1UI aaaaaa w I with iu moaaderiD-ts tow ami -pona, mKu..-. LdkttM liAX aloa the ran oi Mia orancn wi.n ua wow faw firanti aborc.tiolg 0e cre, more .n? tcinc theja (J escribed io a deed pt , ui Pg "5; ;WSmiriTSwV C. -3e; rAeala Book Alio, tnat lot in me am oiaic r Bcnbea M.toltewA eaawtf SJiUSS ' ern line ot eecona a reei ai a w. waaAAtlin9ccKTcCC Cw.Ucr.0. thence 7a:tl" waaaMiaa,taea-aTOowA.ri" T, .v.--. trie taia une oi scroau K)t '7t. T7. ajaa'aH, Daaravi wiui nuu auv - r . , fAet tntheatid line of 8ecMt4 street, thence with a a . i: as-il.: .LU AUU ' r. - 'lm? bl Second street 4f feet to "goy oct Sfl S0( Coramik)ner Focttrrt tlie BHlsi Fratieis W. Binl. the Saee of Wal- pol, ouce went ia see .Dr. G. Howe . and found him with msfcf:t swathed in flannels and extended on a chHr. "Howe, what is the matter?' 'Be adked. VI have got tba goat; "' said Howe., "Yoa have got tie gout rsuch a tem perance man as you." " Yes,TBird, my ancestors drank wine, aud I have to foot the bills.1" Boston Transcript. InJia IMalects. India tiis liuncli-etls of dialect, Which may nil btf classed under three gr.tat hands, the 3dii'icTit, Pracrit aud Magadiit The Soiiscrit is the f un "tamental languuge ' aild that of the Vedas; -Ui3 Pracrit, the: vernacular language? in. many, dia lects, and thdi Magadlu, pr Xisra is that of Ceylound the inlands, oiLsTOWXA.. Wholesale iMces viirrent -r. nnAzaT'aia aiwara aivea as acemterr a BoaiiBafatit Uif6TAJcwiU aot a .BjMHiH Byw anv ttW ictJ niarket prica of tha arBeiaa AaBAjAAaa . . " atjBMfa &yy sbots FiraYatiiBalap Bardan Ucher I pom? shut down at that poiat, and m oricea hATa wba cnajaed. I dications of a very heavy port move- BAGOINO S Tata c-. J . I WK8TBKN SMOKKD .... .tM- Ha. my SV ,ib--.wa 12 Oi g! It ,ldeaSa) 6 a 'i 'Sboalaers KralSers W... ....... 56: 8' 1 10 1 3 1 SO BARRKLS Spirits TarpeaUae : n: TMuiniI lianrt "rarr - 1 1 1 1 1 , New New York, each. . .... 1 00 o 1 NewCUy.eaea .............. bikswax a) S....., .......... BRICKS Wilmington W at ... Northern. .. Btrrran- ; ,, atoata Crollaa. f? ...... Northers CORN MBAir-!-"1 Per Bnahel. in sacks .. s 00. 9 00 -, w 18" 44' 4S i t oa 114 00 'in 26 45 45 85 to ' 10 o o o o o 3 s (Ov S CX?TTON TiaS bondle..,,.. CANDLX tmis-f s Sperm .,,....,,...... IS 8 Adamantine carsi:-rj aw v , -? - Northern Factory Dairy, Creaaai: :........---' State ............i. cofFaa i - q ganyxan.. ... - DOMsTiceXV " " ' " " " ' Sheeting. 4-4, yaxd,, " "-yams,-V bttnch.iV. ...to... KGGS Wdoxen ii 10 f .10.. 90 8 18 FISb . . . . Mackerelr barrel .... w MAei;NolT? half-barrel 11 00 Hackeral Sft-S,'trraft.,V r-I W ' MAcketel, No t, barM. . . . ."IS 00 , Uallats, R aref .,a .75 ! Molkts,fjrwk barrel...... Dry Cod, 9 ............... .5 CXTJV aataaiiBtsBttls w rJaPR-Wnel- " LOW BTAde....; Choice ..w. - Btralsht Ti rkafcPa Itsat-. d. ... . . umtt GLUB 1 nb . iu ) ...... . VAA&W . basbd . n Oats.i troa. B'ore:.,M,..M.L Oats, Rnst Proof...;.,.. . -Cow Peas BIDES, fJ S r rr ' Green ..... . .j.v.'.a.v.'. ...w..' HAY, 9 100 1 ; Clover Way. ....,,,,........ ! Rice Straw ri -aXaAtora'.tr.v.J. . ' , Weitern -1 North .';. -' "...'...i.. " ' HOOP IROkT.-SJku, 13 hrtLrn" ' V' North uarouna fittra. W barrel . :U...... a em IO t 15 ;fcl 85 ..MW'tisiair vi.oajaJ,lAak... ......... 15-00 a 1? 00. toioaliya ..f V.. . -.i..w.48-00 18 00 nll VWvrtntr vHinfil.. . 18 00 A 88 00 wen inaia cargua, bgcbkubs 1 ' niiOmtmtiH W O 15 00 I . mmvm ab 1 " Barbadoa, hi . ds...... 'in 1&l:a 88 88 88 a mt ua av 1 intiitii waw a a a . a. iL lvi. . f abba aa ' l 11J,M.A:'"" ta M ia I 1 : PfS-ISS?l'rt"Y. , W . xVt a1AI1M V saag. Wa wsm m i-aa a a a a BF a ni.liPORKbairel - r.,, ,!r,. fi.r ..si'J,- I City Mesa..., .....r. O 10 00 i uama ...H u:-.. ta 9 8S I Ftln .ukuiuu a 9 85. is?:r77.?7n io o s' . -AAk- Alam 110. I TJsrasrrsfl .-. --.j , ' 2S r 'm? I .hnn ItUlAU.. i..iS.:.r l: H awV aa' ajew4JBi4v .a iiiiaaaaaaa Conunon ou Cyyaai6pa;..,rttji-M. -S.SOs LOUUAA,y ay aniniwiu w." w . . . tanaWd'A.-l...U1,.i:t.a " dan:y: t.WrfQrm'r.::: rsxAsxasa9vi valrm40.ASreVnaij aaa rafaw ieo aao,: a as , a'w mm sw bV40,SM:08 S io oo 'a aoo, , ft 7 00 9 S 450 Dj O J0. S etr1 o & iooA, i4aa (ra 6 50 oia.so WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE. November 9 SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Maet tftAdv at 88 cents per gauon ior Sieaar . . Tr i r ,..t. tfnr ' ;.lr aoH 87U xeoti Hof "oiffltoxWW w tq$II-t-MarCA?B . ' inr sitrainea ana " . ' rl, ,lni,,T f 77 w . A Ajr tl tra ffea. w- - - a,.Ajwri hhl n A D . !KAeKr,".tat?1 j3PrsM"rrsr- of 880 H8. , : ...N foreflow aamaatodtAteOriin.i Ouotatioos same day lMt year, Sffrtts 1 ..j-iXiia5ilMtfroa-dolnfi. ronn'f firnta.15F tar iro. 1 00. cruB1 Arm at 40 a oo. l.uu... t Spirita Turpentine. Rosin Tar Crude Turpentine. - 94 558 818 ude Turpent ne.. j Receipta aame day last r-64 fkpirita:atWpeane,,.57 bbla roain, hhla tar. Ibbl crude turpentine. 84 87 b0lsrtar. DO craac wcuuus COTTOH " 'Market 'firm ' on Vbasia' of '58 16c 6tmiddling. Qadtationa: . Ordinary K i v;"' Good-Ordinary.,, vu. 4 1-16 Tw Middlincr .- . 4M " " Tdiddlirig ...... . . V . . . 5 8-16 " ' 3o8d Ididdlin.......-a 7-16 ? Same.,day last year, miaxumg v1' Receipts a 648 bales; aame day Ma..t COUNTRY PRODUCE. . PEANUrS-NorthCaroUna-Prtme, 4Qa45c oer bushel of 28 pounds; i H.xira fnme, ouc; rancy, uu njjiijia Extra Prime; aoauc: rancy. oac. ; . CORN Firm; 4760 cents per bushel- . - , : . ROUGH RICE 1.101 15 I per bushel.- ''"V,"' N. .CBA.CON Steady; Hams, 8 to 9c pef pound; Shoulders. B td 7c; Per thousand, five mch. hekita and saps, $1.60 tb 2.23; Bix toCh, a a a- . r srv. . $2.25 to 8 Mo; seven incn, ea.Du oo.?ur TIMBER Market steady at $3.Q0 to 8 50 per M. i FINANCIAL MARKETS. By TeleTapo to the Morning Star. - Niw York. Nov. 9Evening. Money on call easy at1 oer cent. a .m. i i a . as ABk C laat loan at and closed ofiered-atl2 I J" - . o.; ,..ani.,i. nor stlZtfh i am lcul. Prime mercantile naoer ShiUtk 4 per cent. Sterling exchange , was ... niit hniinMt in hAnkera bills tor sixiy aays. h ronca' . ratc8..-oo?i and 486. Commercial . bills 481. . . T-l J . . IQOi Silver certificatea 5759. Govern - tnemt bonds were steady; new lours, reg istered,, 127; new lours; coupon, i; fours, regiatered. 112: fours coupon, TIS4:' tarda? registered, 98; fives, reg istered, lia; nves, .coupon, aj.- State bonds dull: Wortn Carolina sixes . - .a - i -m ' jr re 122; iNortn oarouna iours ius. NAVAL STORES MARKETS. Bt TekxTaph to tha atoraiaz Star. Naw York. Nov. 9, Rosin steady, rf'rgin.il -rmmrin tn ormA ! 40711 45. Spirita turpentine Steady ' at 8031c. Cbarlsstor, Nov. 7. Sptrrtsi tur pentine ,hrm.- at ;27c; aalea r c& sks Rosin firm; sales barrels; quotations -unchanged. t ' y Savannah, Nov. .9. Sptrita turpen tine opened firm at 29c, witb sales oi 264 casks, and closed firm at 29Xc with oo further sales reoarted; receipts 05?A ' - taatra ' Rrtiiti ' ara fi rm : aalea 297 barrels: .-receipta, 6 034 barrels; a r nn in it it ai ik n ai an H $125. f $1 40. K $1 55, M $1 B0, N $2 15. W tr $2 40. W W.BJ 00. COTTON MARKETS. . By Telegrap'i to tha Morninf Star. - ton market opened steady at a declice Of 8 td 4 points; loltowing lower cables from .Liverpool,. .This, in con nee ion witb the talk of 5' to 10 per cent, reduc tion ia wages at ran Kiver or atem- ment. iea to scuiug prcaauro iiumcui a i ami o ' tAlf Asks? na t haw ea 1 1 H r TaVhich Catvaatya. a vi aw wwa was, wwb widened the decline before noon' to a iet loss of 5 to 5 potats - Then tollowed a sharp . rally, Jed ; by. Wall street and Greek houies. At noon the market Showed a coraplete recovery, with; buy ing still active and .well? tinctured; with investments on the reaction theory. In th. varlo afi.rnftAn the' 'rArrlret filled if I regular ana easier uuaer renewcu sen- iB'hdt'adatdcecr sharply' jast before regular and easier under renewed ell- Lh. rlruu as irtivi cower inff. Closed very steady at a net gain ot t to o points. Naw YORK. Nov. 8. Evening, Cotton quiet; middling $c. ' j rVittnn. ttittirea iktsed' verv.'sieadv: aalea 1S2 300 bales: Ian 5-65. Feb'v 5 69. March 5 U. April 5 78, May 5 88. June 5 87. July 5 91. August 5 95. October t sn-! November 5 60. December 5 60. Qmt irttt-n rJrnrl naitt middling TlO lands 556c: middling gulf 6c; sales 428 balea Ootton-iretrreepta balesi 'gross. 2,494 oaies; exports to- ,jrcai , ontam 4 614 bales: to France 1.679 bales; to the . Continent 1 623 bales; forwarded 1 KK at4. aaloa' 1 halea sales to spinners 428 bales; stock (actual) 69,448 bales. " 1 "'"'" " ' " 1 Tn.V : trwHatr Natl t&Mtts 82 298 bales; . exports? to.: Great Britain 29 01a balea; to frapce i,07 oaies; to tnq vpn tineat 25.835-bales; stock 806,685' balea. Consolidated Net receipts 217,189 bales; exports to Great Britain 58.187 hnlea! Txi"PTneer7.879 bales: to the Con- kinedtl6,S48 balesv 5 - ' ' Total since September 1 Net receipts aorta Vta tialMf eTivwn tit Gram Britain 605,829 bales; exports tfnce 227.148 bales; exports to the Co-Ataent 638,885 'bates.;;. t.-,;i r:..!.-i . i w. Nov. 9. Galyestpn, easy at b, net rwlni. 1KOKA Kol.- fj-vrf-1V n.it ot ,iaet recetptB 8.488 biles; Baltimore, nominal ai. ot net, receipts t-; oaies; Boston, steady at 5, net receipts 1 671 bales; Wilmingtdii.steady at 5 8-16, bet re- r.ln. 9 URthaln. Philadmlnhin liiit 9t 1,6, net receipts 539 baIes;Savannab,easy as 0, nex receipts oi.rju oatea; new Orleans, firmer at 53, net receipts 83. 191 bales; Mobile, quiet at 5. net re ceinta 8 522 bales: Memnhis. eaiv at I ntt-Tecetpt 4- -bilei; Aiiguru I quiet at. o o 10. net: recerpcs;Q4V oaies. vnarteston, quiet at o o 10, net receipt 2,865 bales. "" PRODTJCK MARKETS. By Telegraph. to tha Mopping Star. , . New.,.. York, Nov. , VV-JEyening. Flour weak and lower except in low I not as canwiuitu - orarl-a rf winter whirfi aV-'Wn'.r Min'.' I srifri ' AddreSS. ' 1 KU 1 ' naantaT nAbultii kK ,&(0tiH Aft- nintr I straighjfs $4 554 75, winter, extra $8 40 4 00; Minnesota bakers' $4 20tf&4 60. Wheat spot weak ;N0 2 red 97c sfloat; No.l Northern Mfrc afloat; No.1 North ern eNew; Ypr k vlJSC afloat; qptaoaa opened weak and declined under ;disap- itoilitlAaWahkAftKAlkA.llllf. Jkt K.o v. IpviH.Ha vhwi.., aviuu au w.a. .h home receipt news? sallied Ob cover i B awb a 1 a ing, qui nnaurga.way unQcr.jtenewea liquidation and closed lQlKc' nel lower-No.t redMaf92c46a 15-16,cloaed SaKciDetmber 94 95 3s:. closed 94. a"-. a. a,T n 001a I.A... i'"rrwt"ivtl'Tf. f?yr r I .nmr nmrt Ntato 1 1 m. tklma 84c. Cmton seed n,i T.S-' summer vellow 2las.ii,. Prna I Uo-r MigOJl Pf .e.rn da.fe " " cdav. MoU,. I nmtt. Cabbage nir inn e . 'Uti qo. caooaee, per raneeitwt Rfo weal dttll: Cprdpva flis ,air ref,0iUB 8 o l6c: refi, dull; Cprdpva 8Kl5c. Su:;m" lair renniug 8 o-lCc; refioe(J fUtr rj 1 t.. MottM :.cc"De ol Ik, . CHICAGO. Nov. 9 A 5c f JtAH. U J 4 ' . J i " -.7-.--. - .uK ,., wtleal -1TW "tuo'cecoll.-... vfsible increa.e. Com wa3 sustal,'" a; ood ch demand atd do., cnaneed. Jiti declined h,, visions were weak Irom . 1'fO. lotion,. riour me market n. ,, . WneatNo. Siprms 81VH5i. pnnR 8187c: No. 2 rVo i 9iCL??. B Corn- r0,r urfuN - .Wc; Na 2 white ro b .323JC.J06 ."h;a-- tb: 5ic; Mcu1 barrel. 7 457 50 Lard IDS v)& S3, bhort $4 8.' Drv salted 4 755 00. Short clear fltt $4 754 87- Whiskey 81 18 The leadinK futurei ranted at Iniu ODcniDg, highest, lowest aad rJ. ,: Wheat November 91 rw.u .3- 98 92. 91. iszc: m 91J.C; 89V.90 88M. 8bX&8U;. rZ. IVember aft, 26. 25 26c n fts' 80M.20i:BH, Mi, May 29i; ft 19. 19 May 21k 22 -KKWK. 814 Mes. p' I t-uiuci ii ui. t s. 745 anna. $8 55,8 55 8 40.8 40 Larri-DccS $4i. 4 22. 4 15 4 27. j" $4 37 4 87. 4 30. 4 30 Short December 4 40. 4 40. 4 32U iZ linnary $4 45 4 45, 4 85 4 U7U Baltimore. Nov. 9 Fiour u . 1. . 1 ITT I - nil i.i UDCDdDKCU. vv ucat iged. Wheat steadv at tht 2 spot and month 95c bid n. cline cember - - at " j SVT rt A n n . steamer xmo. rea auc bid. aouibr, wncat Dy sample auoaij;; do cn ,n. 91963. Com steady; pot ard 0K 8181c. December SBas.Jc: 2 vemOer or DiCember, new or oid 81ks 81c; January 8832c; steamer D2 2929c. Southern wlte corn 80fl 84c; do yellow 8132c. Oati firm No 2 white 2727c; No. a nil(d SSft 28c. B FOREIGN MARKETS Bt Cable to the Morning Sur. Liverpool Nov. 9.-4 p. Cotton Spot, good busirjeas dont itj pricrs lower, Amencao mir'niin. ,,. 8 17-S2d; gocd middling 3 5 IGd; Amen can middling 8 7 32d low middling j 8id: good ordinary 8 81 32J ordmin 2 25-82d. The lilcs c f tbe diy e 12.000 bales, of which 1 000 tre or speculation and export, and included 11,600" American. Receipia 84.000 balea, oi which 28 900 were Amencao. Fn lures opened easy witb a moderate de mand and closed ncsdv. Amencat middling (1 m c): November 3 8Wa 8 9 64d Siller; November and Deceit ber 8 6-43 7-64d valar Dectmbe and January S 6 6108 7 64 d seller. January and February 3 G 64 3 7 mj seller; februarv and Maicb 8 7dij 3 8 64d teller; March and April 3 8 8M buyer; April and May 3bOl310Md buyer; May aad June 3 10 613 11 eu buyer; June and July 3 11-043 12 Ui hllliri' Tllllf SpH Annul,! ') IQ.MiAlll 64 d barer: Aucust and Semembrr a 11 -643 14 64d seller. MARINE. ARRIVED. Steamabip Oneida. Staples, Net York, H G Sroallbones CLEARED. Steamship Oceida, Staplei, George town, H G Smallbonea. MARINE DIRECTORY. List of VeaaelB In the Port of !. atalngton, N. C, Nov 9, 1581 SCHOONERS. John C CottinRbam. 226 tons Tbcmai Geo HarriM. Sdo & Co Joel Cook 881 tona. Fraz er Geo Hir risa. Son A Co. f At Catwell 1 Hurnarock. S99 tons, Vcizie, Gto H ri.a finn A fn Mattie A Fratiklin, 496 tona, McDonaH Rtn Harriss. Snn & Co. Roger Moore. 277r tons, Miller, Jai , Rile; & Co. BARQUES. i . Vasa (Nor) 510 toes Fergeson, Jai Rilf-v A Co. Norden (Swed),413 tone, Hemberg, Riley & Co. STEAMSHIPS. Oceanic fB;), 1,863 tona. Marshal. He s Co. . Skidbv (Br). 2.421 tons, Pearson, Al Sprunt & Son. Aoiiaodale (Br), 2 538 tona, Milne, A Sprunt & Son. - ' " aaaflaVCMlltLaiUW HORSES AND MULES AT ALL f IB F. T. MILLS, 112 and lit N-orthW.15 iep 81 tt To Ait M-CatHolic in Norm on , " ONLY TEN CENTS PER ANNUH. To any non Catholic in H Carolina we will send lor - cents per annum, i ruui- - Tti matjazine aevoieu 6- explanations of the Catholic W that is of the Catholic Church i not as carita,iuitu H i . ann ui---. T.Ulnh N t.. m o TT PB1CI. Mu JVKV. A nvo. my PAW pombination Bicycl( . - FOR SALE A.Combination "Crusader" Ca. ut uift nr apntlemaD. I aires. ji"u .ddr9 Call In person, jt 1 Prempbrt'sjarber Shop, ,T. H ATO '11 ''south tront 51 - I iiiw r . . . Giv0" class Work at Reasonable rntc. i i.t i i ; : ReapectsuuT "ARTHUR ----- i ""K we c aw . LwbiU Mac; Urge colorea sll m irji,-ai flu jesoa rr; am ; i 'Trrel JeOOtt 1 .-a - ' " Va- II

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