... V" . :0R FIVE DOLLARS The Mornin SUBSCRIPTION RATES. lOHXlXQ 8TAK TAR. REDUCED TO 35.00. BUT NO REDUCTION IN SI2B OF PAPER, OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF READING MATTEF. osi f ear KM. W UU CHE1FEH ,j( Lxu t ita ua VOL. LXI.NO. 53. WILMINGTON, N. C SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1897. WHOaLB NO. 9.443 ,P1 PM 51 ' .. u..3 l 07 (B V. ar ;t ioutajiort. . 4 SP M i w r m uxrtjaa. i tJ. V Mjw 11. vurii tluati . Uu to tttt-ilf . r I'ti . ii' !t ii ata. 4. entta 51 ,r fte 1 flitUU VI! 1 13 U 1t. t 01 " ' a -- f f v if 4a $r j i )i iC a : i C Ft I , .... : :-i: t I it.c ii ia 1 I t Of. Is) I it- - : ill C I'.IIM ... , ! I M l 111 Clill .. t ;. Str i : . C t 1 , t -t - T It trtil o . ; a it it ,.3! ti t 1 I n : , ; ; 1 1 u i slur ftaf foaa 1 , : t ':t A l , . : t I C ' !;.!. v 1 1- : t it) Frtact t . 3 r: 1.4 4 ft di . t . j ft ttt 1 VI v t til llf C f 1 I ; : : i : -. t lliir Hi Itc ir.f ami. Tat . ; i x l vj t a4 p Jfl it j ? )-- 1 1 11 iftt t 1 . '"4 ."tin! 4 1 m o( - J .- t i. j 1 i r ; ; . ' i : c )i; ( Jo. Jtrt rt t ts 1 5 Ji :li c ).a4f. 115. 5 L)il!) trt 1 tit : j ttt i : 4 ji 1 f t. :;!! a mtt t : n t :-l 1 1 i 1 v t K j tl a th ; 1 ! ' I - T t I II r i I i'i - ' S !o i:t i 4 a- ai-t ir 1 :!!'. ' ! tj t - N X 1 ! 1 i t V t 4 u t of 1 ' -f t 4 1 r t;i 1.:. 7 . V 1 i J f 4 1 IMl). ,! ',!.: "1 i i t i ) ; V t i t 1 . v -i-i:i!:3;ial 1 f: It 1 . V 1 ; 1 ; , 1 c u ut'i t. . ! - j n if Hit .1 ' 1 . i ;i 1 I :( i ll ft 1 . ' II.) :l II 11 1 V. -Ill Vi c4 tJ 1 ! J 3 I If I V) ) J truv ' : ; : n ? 1 -1 V 7 I :!: ' : ' : t i - t t V tr 1 1 t : . ' t .1 it ji ;( i 1 : 1 : t t 1 i t- ; 1 t'.. I . ! ' 1 v i t r J :. ' I j V f i .rt ... t 4) ' I'Sil1 ' 1 ' 'ii li'ip: :! '' ) .: 6o.: 3e- ": ' f ttit 3Tt s 1 ' i '.: f " : 1 : ;. 1 i.J . v " 1 1 1 iti'i " 4 ? v tc at 4 . mi : cji Ex n"' t : 1 i: po-aavL 8; . 1 4 i 3 1 coa 11 "'' 1 ' u ; ; 1 Frtaca - I K IO till - i :to 'i:f llj 1 i f oft ' ! n: ti:.' t C v . i : tit : - i, -. t l 4 3ic? 1 ai?i f r JciSIS ' :. !"ert i ! f ) to I'iry. ,1- s : j' ( :oi 1 hi u o ea " J t: i tic i iC 1 T 3 33 t ttt Versa : C jft I. 11 ! ! 4 If) 1 1 v ' '.ft Ol 4t vv4 j j aoc : : i a c j b 1 fit " 3f ti bC bt 1 : " J i Taii'i .1 lit tic- ir "It )rt IT Mr "iftUl.,! i,J:' prtjcatr t?ao ii n !,jc bctae i fvc1! at (sit ' !!ttf : o itvi to trt ; -i atact o ":ra"i -nr -vml I ; H; ''1 i: ot 1 tit aJ ler ' ' 1 " it sri4 fv caaf- LUfOlTiJIT ASI0U5CXKIIT AttearJoa U called to th. folloi lag Kxdvcxd IUtm o( Subscription to Tat Uoajntto Sta : to mao. nncutiu tu uooias $J.0O SU " !Lo Tarw - To - 1.00 Oa " SO TO CTTT SUtSCKlltKJ. Tat Stae will be delivered by caxricx at Aay poiat la the dij at 13 ceau cxr week, or 43 cesti ocr aoota. Bob Llacola objecu to bli oew oa-ia Ut oa the rroaad thAt he lack sociaI poskioa. nd the joaog caaa t a boA bai ball olater. too. We jaie frooa thU that Bob Lla r s cola ii?a't dwell coach oo A0ce (rai reaiaisceaceA, lor taat toaor aa a bat aaach more social potiiloa tifi Bb' father ha 1 a: hit are. Bat Bjb't father waaa't a saob, aod tlcTatio aever rave hia the bir head is it aarj tj tattti into mea. - a. m Thtf oot oaly waat all the offices (oiaf. ti'. ssase of thesa want big cuuio! i1. eifii, too. A cosple o( theaa have taraed ap a claicoaatt f r T.i).0 acres of land oa: We- ejbract-jf the cities of St. Paal aod .Vdaaeapoti. AoybxJf bat ah Ohio asaa wzili t satishsa wish 2.000. or j.hw.iw acres wita oae Bice totra thfjwa in. Iadiana b3:t of a remarkable j as: tee ot the peac. io hat reached the aje of 94 yetr, aij hisroirned 3.1)7 c maples, as: oae of which has Cxto diejreed. aai dectJed fs776 cii. aot oae of wax hit beea reeersed br higher coarts. Aod fet ths s:oat tier aod wits )ad;: has atvtt Achieved cajre thaa T. P. faaie. Darraat's lawyers are said to base strack oa Aaocher scheoa: to rive bias a loafer leas; ot life. They are (oof to cajte to have hiaa tried for the caarter of Miaaie vVtlliaass. with which he it darned. Bat j Ji:tce will probably be sati.fi ed with baajtof bias oace, aad dispose with the secoad trial. Hoa Mirk ffaaaa etpresses the optatoa that the tarts aestioa is settled for at feat, a decade. Mark ts a pretty roatt eaacaiae eaaaipa Utor bat he hata't yet establtfbed i repatatioa at a prophet MEW AOVRTlSEESrS Cow I D'P-M D O'Coxwom For rev Mvi-Liti ttl ha.t HAtX A PlAA.t A Ll S E VLAta N p'taot S Vf Sawdui L wk hire. J A. S'iwii A Co. Coil itcor Road -S:at4a!? J SntrtiD Ctr?!. rat VT. B Coort -Oi to tc(. J H. Rmou A Co Move ile. Ki Gtixrtav Co Tarkctt F T. Wtt-tJ -Hki a4 inaltt A D BaiJtrt At i1actoti Wttv. Sr r Woaki lit pottutf Sam . Ocaa. Sa 10O 0M da-ait R.. c -Stjt Ret M'UitA Co R R Bciiamv Coap'tt ttok In C Mt'.o- V r d jcio ftAit MtAcaaJk E - Vljtdt.t aioe Wotrnl Woatk Fit mJ out. Wit Rttw n At to j -!:t 4: pf t(W VotttA.t A II a imii.t Pf ' mi Or t a a Moctt-AviJ-Wti;t Platen F Gttt A Co Palace af l Hatnitc -vltt'Mf Cj-4 Cap!er I. B Rm JOti Timti ttt larkttt . W WcACWtso W. ni Td-ktr W.E 'foti4 A Co-TattstV diaAtr. Aruirnc Satiojial Bawa -Ptj?:- M. KCJ'KI Wit Stttjiai A Ttr Cx bivt txnitl l ttf SW lndttM LOC A LA. S M Cfi.erH -Ontits t J ata H04t' uiciM d Rit B K b ktt co - oetJ. tt4tt ike irt t o iMtuir B4;tis: caca (eoloe4).si 6roilto tfcottr fil 30 stUff da. iri3 Friday ooMiic. Jat McOowtA ttsittdar aaovaiAt rt4tti a dcit j ia lvo ol tk piAiAt.B lioaa otcntoti d(1i ilraafh their coatttl. Ja D. Hel A9 Eaq- appaU4 to the Sf parlof Cort. Htrrxrt UtC ii Eq. coattti lor the piAiauS. w II obtaia a eiteauoa Ataiatt tat cbarcb proptttf io-otow aad ike dtftedastA wiu aivt 10 iiva i u ttav catiot. Tk coitio ol iat dtfetct is taat chaics prootrtv cat tot 6 satd fae d6- HtrWtee AJvtwtiatcatau to go la oar Oitiattt Lkii deaatoatat trill bt caarxd oat ctat par word for tad ia twrvioa ; hot to AoTertiAtoaat. Bowtrtr taoru wiU ba ukea lor leta thaa M ctat Tkia It a radactJoa froca former rate tad it It alto a coaveaiaact to adver mts waa caa calcaitt the ttACt cost ol their advartiMtataiAt wkich matt bt pli for alwar dvatca. Rer Joatp N. Sar. of FavettevilXt. arrived it the cite laat aUkt oa the 1 W ociock CriT. V. railroad uaia. Ha will taitr apoa hit damt aajeexor ol St. Paal a Episcopal CAtrch to dAf aad wtH cWan tht aori strttea. wbkh wUl cotaa at 11 ocloca. Mr. Scare Is stopoiag si taa reatdtavct ol Or. VT. D. McKillaa ataotf war da a ol lit vtttrf ol S. Paai'e charch LOCAL DOTS. llaooA of lauraat OaUiartd Htra aad Tfc era and Briefly ZfotaO. See fourth page for other new advertise taeots. Re?. F. A. DeRosset, of Cairo, M. will preach at (bt 11 o'clock service at St Joba's church to dar. There will b a apecial convo' CAtioa ot toacord Chaster No. 1. R. A. at 8 o'clock to morrow aigbt Register ol Deeds Norwood Is satd Dirriige hceases the pan week to foar white sad two colored couplet. The Krooberg Concert Com- pa? left seticrdav lor Charleston. S. C. where they will tive a recital to racrrov evtaiaf The Bell Telephone end Tele trapa Compact bave adopted tbe ate ol red flt(s to wra people ptsiieg ooder po'cs where repurt are oio made. ThAoksgivlog Day tbe Sea coast Riilvav trill rua ta etna traia lo Oceat View. Ieavi( tbe cut at 9 SO o'cicck a ra . aod itiuroiev at 1130 a. ta Those three-well known Angler, Cape Jot Bowdea aad Mrnrs. T. W. Wood aad Ed. Yopp. weot to tbe Hra- asocks tetterdar afteraooa aad ciagbt S Itf thctpbCAd. The next eotertainment of the Sur C:arst toked to appear at toe Yoaec Mea t Cbrlttuo Attociatna it tbt "Raters Grille? Rcciula." Tueada? tveai(. faaoarf Utb. orit Depaty Sheriff W. W. Ktog re- ttratd vcKeidar raoroioclrom Rileigb. wbere be carried Gio. ( jaotoo. coUr:d. aad p'tctd btra la tbe S.a-e pntoa to serve Pie ttcteoce. Rev. Sam P. Jones, the distio- Kanhcd evaeceiiM. o( Cartertville Ga , wat ia the city f or a than tiae yetter- day tm rW lor Manoo. S C. woere be it ctpectcd 10 preacb to day. Persoos who have promised packacts far Odd Fellowa' orpaaot Taaektiiviee are rrqart'.ed to leave ibtra Vloediy with r&e N lacoai Hard wart Corapaoy. It Saaib Froat s:reet. The most paiofol leatare of the hie 6re ta Lsadoa. wbica eotaid a loaa ol IISOOOOOO. it ibe aoooaocecaect that it will caate a beavr tdvaece la the cmi ol ostrich (eatbert R-liy. that's tao bad. L. Agile Cotilloo Clab will give fieir Taaaksjiviae Dit eercsaa Wtdactday evtaiae ia Gerotaia Hiii. Mr Warrea lobatoa win lead aai tbe Bmioo haliao ttnoi oaod w II luroisb tbe mat e. Note advertisement of Mr. J. J. oaepard. 19 Market street. He it pro prietor ol the big red front dry goods s o e. aed bis tooetbicg latereiticj to ny to parcbatert of cirpcts. rugs. biaakeit etc. Dr. Blue Mountain Joe aad his sho will arrive It tbe city to-day. aod the caevas will bt pitched oa a vacant lot oa Froat street, betwcea Cbarcb aad Cattle, wbere a pcrtotaaaace will tx giveo oubilt. cicept beoday. lor loar weca Mr. P. Heiasbsrzer has io his p-tt!t.aa. fjooi oa tbe ttreeit a te ctks tfO. several lettert writtea ia this cny dariag tbe war ta parties ia Cbarlet toa. S. C With tbe eictptioa of oae or twa ibe ea.ttles are ia a col state ol prctervatioa. Dr. N. M. Caloreth has opened Adtaiaio(3:t it N) I Njrta Froat street over tbe dry mjyli store of the C vV. Poivoft Co Ht it oo uraoer la Wlaiiagtoa. haviog practiced deaut'.ry atrt lea years a to. vita oe wai re garded at at eiceiieat dcotitt. BY IVtH A MO IL- TMMIttl. Wileaiagtoo A Weldoo R. R.- 539 hales cottoav al ba s tar. 11 obis crude tarptatiac. Wiltaiagioa. Colombia A Aueotta R. R. 1.144 bales cottoa. 19 CAtks ip r ts tarpeatiae. 119 bait rotio. 70 baa tar. S this erode tarpcotioe Carol I aa Ccotral R. R. S4 bales cct- toa. 14 casks spirits lorpcatiot. 190 bbs rotit. 31 bb.'s tar. 4 bb's crade tarpeo- tita Cta FcarAYadkla Valley R. R. Ul bales cottoa. 49 caakt tpirits tarpeo- ruae. 131 bhlt roan. 19 aa t tar. Siaaeaer A. P Hart 11 bilei cottoo. Dcasks tpiritt torotatioe. Ill bbtroue. 3bO'ttar. S easier Fraok Setiorai 4 bales mi-Mi 13 caakt toirm toroeatiae. 101 aala rot o. S3 bait tar. Staaatr W. T. Daggett 11 bales cot- lia 1 cask spirits tarpeatiae. io oJ'i rotit. S3 bbls tar. S:baaer Joseph 1J3 bbls rosia Wood flit 11 bolt cradt tarpeatiae. haoaer WillUrs 3 bales cottoa 33 casts spirits tarpeatiae. 183 bbls rotia. Total receipts Cottoa. 1.C39 bales; spirits tarpeatiae. 117 casks: rotlo. 1.134 bbls. tar. 131 bbls. cradt tarpeatiae. 41 bbls. Mr Wliuktr ot taa Hartia. Mr G. L Wbitakcr. of tbe New York IftrU. arrived ia the city last eveatag aai paid tbt Star offl:t a pleastat call. He is roakitg a toar of tbe Sjuib. look- lag after the circalatioa ol tbe HtrL. Tin ia the raaia parpott of bis tour. bat bt is gettiag aay iafortnatioa that cao btol potitbla ait, Ht CAtot here alter viaitlsg Wasbiagtoa. Rlchmood. Daavillt aad oat or two other cities. Ht will ga from bert to Caarlettoa. tbcact to Savaaaab. aad oa tbroagb tbt Soatbtra cooatrv. tiWAWaWA" taTa Haven atlaaSoa CirtUt. TbtWtaerrt Mistioa Circle will give .... . . f mi k aat a deiigbtiai etieriaiarneni Utcaorial baildlog oa the Bight ol tbt 14th. That a will bt aa iaterettlng pro gracaasa of reciutlots. vocal aai lotua catatai caatlc aod rtfreabmtata will bt served. Aa aatofraph qaUt with aearly 1 000 aarnet will bt txblblttd. PLEASURE YACHT REPUBLIC Tnwtd Icti Wilaalottoa la Dlimiailid Cooditloo. The pleasure yacht RpudUc,ont& by Mr. George Matthews, of New York, aod boood from Mobile. A1a to New Lac doo. Coon., was towed op to tbe city yes terday la a dismantled coaditioa. Cpt Rsadlette's account of tbt vessel's mis bap ia a very thrilling oae. The Republic sailed from Mobile oa the 8th. aad met fair winds until sbe reached tbe straits of Florida, where she lost ber forestays io a severe gale of wind. After necessary repairs sbe kept her coarse without further trouble until 4 o'clock oa tbe morning of the 18tb. whea she found herself off Frying Pan shoals io tbe teetb ot a strong northerly gale which cairied away bath bobitays. Tbe Cap tun tbontfbt but to veer arouad aad flr from tbe wiad. He patted inside of Fry ing Paa ligbt ship at lira Tne wind was still bloaing and tbe staysail was lost bere. All tbe afternoon And night tbe heavy gale kept blowing. Ai 1.30 p. m. oo iba 17ib Cape Fear light wat signted and tbe yacht came to aocbor ioeitht fathoms water. Sue lay tbsre tbat night aod neat day. At 10 p. m. Tnartday night the wiad had iacreaied to tucb v oleace that ererrthlntf went before it Tbe mtus were brokea o3 al most on a level with the oaek Tbe vestel was tpokea by tbe Ftortnet 6- Lillian, also bouad for New Lin don. wbo advis:d Opt. Randlette to abmdon bis ship He related to do so. siting that tbe mea might go. but be would ttay. Tbe men decided to itay aod an baada were put to work cutting away tbe wreck aod rigging jjry mailt. At dayiigbt oa the 19;b twojiry main were up. Tbe vesiel was towed leto Soaibport by tbe tag tatel. infor mation as to tbe yacht's condition being c irned into Soutbport by tbe Flortnct Lillian. Yesterday morning tbe Rtublic was towed up to tbe city by tbe steamer Wilmington and is now lying at Skin- net's ihip yard awaiting orders Irom her otniri Tne Ripuilu is 100 feet long and 11 toai register. bie it nindtomely eqaipped Iron eod to end. the main caain being esp:c a'Jy well furnished. Capt. Raodlette was la Wilmiogton in 1971 oa tbe U S steamship Ivty. He is a nrpaew of Mist Any Bradley, of this city. VESSEL; IN COLLISION. K9ivaia B.tqu V.a S jok-AtncriOin BaAooo.r Co.. H. optica. O.mtctd Ho XJvtt Lroat. Tbe Norwegian barque V'asa. which silled from Wilmington last Monday fcr Mancbetter. Eng.. with a cargo of rosin. collided with tbe schooner Cms. H. Sprout Georgetown to Boston sbot 9 miles (rem Frying Pan Llghtibip Wed- neiday at 13 15 p. ra. and auttained dam- ajes from which the tank during Wed nesday night. Tbe Spragu loit ber r g giog. bat otberwite wat not damaged. Captain Terjeaen, of the Vasa. and Captain Harper, of the Spraetu. were both up to the city yeaterday. but were uowillm? to talk about the accident. Tne Sprttctu it is claimed. bad tie ngnt of way aa abe wis moving oa a starboard track, and it is further C aimed tbat tbe Vasa would not re spond to the rudder, otberwite she would bave escaped disaster. Both captains filed their protests yesterday. Capt. Ter- jrson with the Norwegian Consul. Mr. A ci o Heide. aed Capt. Harper with Mr W N Harritt. Notary Public. The tug BUntkt of tbe Caps Fear Towing and Trtnaportaticn Company went yeiterday to try to Dad tbe rata ine Spragut is aadergoiag tempor.ry repairt and will probab'y paia oat from Soutbport some time Wednesday. Toe cargo of tbe I'jij consisted of 4 909 barrels of rotia. valued at 8.073.20 aod shipped by Mr. Matt. J. Heyer for tbe S P Sbotter Co. AD Uaraly Priaooar. D:paty Saenff Wm. Gaioo. colored. had A lively 6bt with a prlsoaer last aigbt. hot right caoqaered wroag. aod the pritoaer was laaded in jail, where be bow quietly reposes. For several days Depaty Guion had btea looking for Oacar Stamps, colored, wanted by tbe county authorities oa tbe charge of assault with a deadly weapon. List night about 8 o'clock At Front sireet market. Deputy Guioa came up with Svaraps and arretted him. bat be (Stampt) showed a ditpotition to renst arrest and tbe omcer summoned ta Smith, colored, to sunt him. Stamps drew a knife on Smith and threateaed tocat him bu: D;patr Gaioo dowaed Stamps aad d.sarmsd him. S:amps con tioaed to reiitt ia a most violent man ner, so much so tbat tbe officer bad toclabbim. Deputy Gjioo and Smith, nowever. managed to laad Sumps in fail, although be raised a disturbance dariagtbe entire dlstaoce travelled and attracted qaite a large crowd of people. Dr. Btwa ntnnlala Joe. Aaeat the performance! of the above show wbicb shortly begins an engage ment ia this city oa Front street be tween Church and Castle, the Raleigh Prtts Visiter says; ' One of the attractions in Raleigh daring tbe Fair week but independent of it aad not to be classed with any thing found oa "Tne Midway inside tbe fair grounds was tne Dr. tsioe Mountaia loe Combination. They held forth ia town and although the com pany gives a free show (in connection with tbt proprietor's baseness of adver tising aod selling bis medicines) it is one ol tbe best vaadeville entertainments going. There are some first rate actors sod tbeir work is both creditsble and eejiyable. The show throughout is cleao. decent and ap to date. They have a splendid band and one of the finest orchestra ia the Sooth. Tbe ma nc Is a great feature " t If there is anytniag you want, ad vertise for it. Is there anything yon don't want? Advertise it in tha Business Locals of the Sta. One cent a word. Bat no ad. ukea for less thaa 30 cents. tf THE BODY IDENTIFIED. Tfl Tonot Wh It AXaa Klllel N itNituu a Cltla.n ol Wilmlntton Mr. J. D. Mo Doffla Tba Bem.ina Brouiht to Wilnaloatoo aod Interred in Oak dale Cemi tery. The young white mao killed Friday morning by a freight train oa the W., C & A. railroad, near the eight mile post, or what is known as "Sasie curve." and being unknowa at that time was ia terred a few hours later not far from the scene of the sad accident, turned out yesterday to be Mr. J. Dillie Mc- Ddffie, of this city. Among those wha visited the acsneol the accident Friday morning, being transported to and from there on a spe cial train, was Dr. D. W. Bulluck. who examined the bod? of the uaknova man, and when he returned to the city brcught with him a portion of the cioth ing of the deceased and a ring, made out cf a horse-shoe nail, found on one of the fingers, to bj nssd. if possitVe, in Ideoti lying the body. A wise act it was, for yesterday morning Mrs. John Williams who resides oa McRis street, between Grace and Walnut, visited tbe office of Dr. Bulluclc and identified tbe clothing and ring aa that which hsr tr other. Mr I. Dallie McDuffis, wore when be left home Tbursdav night. Upon the identification ot the cloth ing and ring Mr. Ed. Borden. Superin tendent of Transportation of tbe Atlan tic Coast Line, sent a special train, in charge of Capt. Boa Branca, yard mister, and with Mrs. Williams and Mr. Henry Bishop, sister and half brother reiptctively of Mr McDuffie, on board, to tbe spot wbere tbe inter ment had taken place and tbe body was exhumed and at once recogniz:d by Mrs. Williams and Mr. Biibop as that of young McUume. Ai permltsion for tbe disinterment had previously been obtained from Ed. David, a colored magistrate at Navassa. tbe corpie was placed on board the special train and brought to this citv, reaching bere sbortly before 2 o'clock p. m. Tne body was carried out to Oakdale cemetery, waere the interment took place, and where services were con ducted by Rev. R. A. Willis, pastor of Grace M. E. church, and Rev. T. H. Sut ton, pastor of Market Street M. E. church. Tbe pall-bearers were Messrs. M. McGowan. A. J. Marshall, J. J. Toarp, A. J. Yopp, John Wnite and R B. Clowe. Tne deceased wat at oie time a mem ber of the police force and lately had been employed by Mr. R. B. Clowe Since tbe death of his mother, which oc curred about three weeks ago, he bad been very despondent. OUT OF POLITICS. Paid Fire Dspartmsni The Only Teat for Fireman to Be Efflolanoy. II a paid fire department is established in this city, ths men to fulfill the duties of firemen will have to be caoten strict ly on account ot their qualifications as firemen, and cannot be selected for polit ical reasons or on account of favoritism. Toe article of requirements necessary for the equipment of a full paid fire depart ment, aa submitted by the Southeastern Tariff Association, expresily states that the men employed as firemen must b; selected on account ot their qualifica tions as firemen, while the plan as laid down by Chief Jojrner. and wbicb Mayor S. W. Wright and Mr. W. H. Cbad oourn. chairman of the Board of Audit aod Finance, bat accspted. is also to the same effect. Cbief Jo mtt staled that no elec tioneering should be allowed around the engine bouses, and that the firemen should be kept entirely out of politics, except tbat the? be allowed to vote, and tbat the retaining of tbeir positions should depend upon them alone, ac cording to tbeir effic eocy. Mr. John Cnr.tt I-Jircd by Btone. About seven o'clock last night at Front street market Mr. John Cart rett was struck back of the ear with a stone thrown by Ed. Ruts, aged about 18 years. Tbe youth bad first been struck with a broom-handle and retali ated with tbe stone. Mr. Cartrett's in juries were quite serious and a physi cian bad to be called. A warrant was Issued for the arrest ol Kuts. but before it was served, be surrendered himself to Justice of tbe Peace A. J. Hewlett, wbo recognized him for appearance at trial at 3 p. m. Monday. root Ball Ttaokirias Day. Tnanksgiving day is being looked for ward to with a great deal of pleasure by the lovera of foot ball in this city. Tbe A. C. L. and O A. N. teams will meet in mighty combat for supremacy, and no doubt a large crowd will be out to cheer their favorites. Both teams were oat for secret signal practice last night, and the practice proved satisfactory, showing tbe men to oe in excellent form. The game will be played at tbe O. A. N. Athletic park, and tbe management has arranged ample seating accommodations for all. aTaneral of tha Lm Mra. Hinea. The faaeral of tbe late Mrs. M. A. Hines. wbo died last Thursday night, took place yesterday from the residence of Mr. G.J. Bsach, 933 North Fourth street. The solemn services were con ducted by Rev. J. W. Kramer, pastor of Brooklyn Baptist church. The iaterment was made at Oakdale cemetery ana tne pan Dearers were Messrs. Robert Merritt, Hill Terry, S. W. Holden. S. L. Smith, W. G. Craig and James D. Motte. Moitaary Boooid. The records in the office of Dr. W. D. McMillan, Superintendent of Health, for the past week show that there were ten deaths, one white and nine colored, and seven births, all colored. Deaths daring the past week were caused by the fol lowing disesses. viz: Pneumonia, two; consumption, one; old age, one; diar- rbostone; mfl immation of the bowels, one; apoplexy, one; entero colitis, oae; laryngitis, one; tuberculosis, oqe. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Pertinent Partrasn.. PertAinJoa Prlnc4 rHi to People tnl Pointedly Printed. Mr. Wm. V. Anderson, of Cronly, was here yesterday. - Mr. J. Hines, of Newbern, ar rived in the city yesterday. Captain W. B. Kendrick, of Raleigb, wts here yesterdav. Commissioner F. J, Dempsey was a caller at this office yesterday. H Mr. W. H. Howell and bride re turned yesterday from a pleasant trip South. Mr. D. M. Hodges, of Char lotte, was one of yesterday's hotel regis trations. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Strong re turned yesterday from a visit to friends Messrs. E. E. Gorham and L. A. Williams, of Fayetteville, arrived in the city last evening. Mr. Robert Lee, of Little Sugar Loaf, was among tne visitors at tbe Star office yesterday. Miss Martin left yesterday on tbe steamer Croatan for her home in New York, after spending quite a while with Mrs. A. M. Waddell, Jr this city. Mr. Geo. W. Thames, Jr., of Jacksonville, Fia, who has been in tbe city visiting bis cousin. Mrs. W. W. Roberts, left for home yesterday aftei noon. Among the arrivals in the city yesterday were: C. W. Sidbury, Hamp steid. Geo. A Graham, Warsaw; John Teachey, Teacbev's; C, H. Hopkins, Atheville. POLICEMAN ARRESTED. Bound Over to the Criminal Court fcr Altanlt With a Deadly Weapon. Policeman W. D George was arraigned before Justice John J. Fowler yestetday afternoon, charged with assaulting "Cbucky" Sampson, colored, with a deadly weapon, and was bound over to the next term of the Criminal Court in the sum of 850 for his appearance there. The time of the alleged assault dates back to last Sunday afternoon, when Po liceman George (as told in the Star) at tempted to arrest "Cbucky" Sampson, as Sampson was present when John Faircloth, colored, stabbed Walter Banks, alio colored, so seriously at tbe earner of Front and Princess streets about two weeks ago. Sampson, how ever, made his escape and Policeman George shot at him. Upon trial yesterday tbe Srate proved by different witnesses that last Sunday afternoon, near Front street market, tbat Policeman George caught Sampson, but let him loose, and that the policeman pointed a pistol at him; tbat policeman George made the remark that if he saw Sampson again tbat he would shoot him, and tbat later the policeman saw Sampson on Surry street. Sampson ran and tbe policeman shot directly at bim, the bullet from the pistol striking the ground near the two men and ahead of Sampson. Policeman George stated tbat he never tried to hit Sampson, but only shot to frighten bim. After hearing the evidence Justice Fowler announced his decision as above and adjourned court, wnereupon police man George at once arrested Sampson and carried him to tbe guard house and locked him up. The charge upon which Sampion is being held is for assaulting a countryman several weeks ago. A RARE MUSICAL TREAT. At the Opsra Honaa To mcrrcw alfbt Arnold-Wellt i-layera at Popular Price. The above company will open a week's engagement at the Opera House to morrow night, and from reports from other cities it is one of tbe best 10, 20 and 30 cent attractions on the road Each and every member ot the company has been carefully selected with especial re gard for his or her respective fitness for the parts entrusted them. Aside from the dramatic ability, special artists have been engaged to appear between the acts the principal one of whxb is the cele brated and only Miss Emma Wells, the world famous four voiced vocalist. Ladies will be admitted free to mor row night if accompanied by a person holding a paid 80 cent ticket which must be purchased before 7 p. ra. to morrow night. This is done to avoid the crush and confusion at the Opera House box office. Seats are now on sale at Gerken's, and any lady who has failed to receive a free ticket can secure one by applying at the place of sale. The play to-morrow night will be the very funny comedy "Hand and Giove,-' or "The Rural Detectives," it contains a heartv laugh in every line. SUNDAY SERVICES. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, corner of Market and Sixth streets. Rev. K Boldt pastor Edglish serv ce at 11 a. m.; German service at 7.80 p. m. Sunday school at 8.80 p. m. All seats free. St. Matthew's English Lutheran church, Fourth street, above Bladen, Rev. G. D Bernbeim pastor Morning service at 11 o'clock; evening service at 7 30 o'clock. Sunday school at 9 80 a. m. All seats free, and every person cor dially invited. St. John's church Services at 11 a. m. to day by Rev. F. A. DeRosset, of tbe Church of the Redeemer, Cairo, in. St. James', Sunday next before Ad vent: 7.45 a. m.. the Holy Communion; 11 a. m., Morning Piaer, Litany, .Ser mon; 5 p. m , Evening Prayer. Sunday school 8 45 p. m. Public cordially wel comed. Services at St. John's church to-day at 7.4.5 and 11 a. m. and 4.80 p. m. San day school 8 80 p. m. Cbapel of the Good Shepherd, Geo. M. Tolson, minister in charge.--ll a. m Morning Prayer. Litany, Ante-Communion, Sermon; 7.80 p. m Evening Prayer and service; 3 30 p. m., Sunday school; 8 p m. Monday, Brotherhood of St. Andrew; 7.80 p, m., Tuesday, Boys Brigade, beats tree and the public cor dially invited to all the services Sunday, THE MORNING STAR. Are yon a subscriber to Thi Morning Star ? If not, why not? Da yon want a first-class daily pa per at $5.00 per year, .or $1.25 foi three months ? If so, subscribe to Thi Morning Star. Do yon want a paper tbat prints the latest telegraphic news, the best local news, reliable market reports, excellent short stories, and tbe choicest miscellaneous matter ? If so, subscribe to Thi Morning Star. Do not forget that Thi Morning Star is the cheapest daily of Its class in North Carolina. Its price is $5.00, while the published price of other? ranees from $7.00 to $8.00. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Concord Chapter No. 1, R. A, M. COMPANIONS There will ba special Convo cation Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, for wotk in the Most ICzcell.it P-.sc Master's degree. By order of the High Priest. W. A. MARTIN, no 31 It Secretary. StyJishJBats ? JQO not forget when you want them, HAMME, THE HATTER, is the place to get them. Latest Styles and Lowest Prioe. norSl tf - 28 North Front Street. Entertainment. JMJTHER MEMORIAL BUILDING, WED nesday, November 34th, 1897, at 8 p m. Admis lion, 10 cents. tun wed nov 91 St Oh, So Sweet, 10 Barrels Candy, 28 sticks to lb. 90 Boxes Candy, " " " 50 Boxes Darby's Candy. 50 Boxes Quail Candy. 45 Tubs Darby's Bn.ken Candy. 100 Pails French Candy. 400 Boxes Penny Candy. 100 Rolls Manilla Paper. 50 Roller Stands. 150 Reams Manilla Paper. W. B. G00PEE. Wholesale Grocer, aov 31 DAW tf Wilmington. N. C OPERA HOUSE. ONE WEEK, COMMENC'G MONDAY. NOV. 22 The Southern Favorites, ARNOLD-WELLES PLAYERS. Entire change of play and specialties at every per formance. Monday Night, "HAND AND GLOVE," Or The Rival Detectives. You'll laugh, you can't help it. Prices -10, 20 and 30 cents. Ladies free Monday night if accompanied by a paid 8U cen: ticket Maticeis Thanksgiving and Saturday. no 10 3t IF YOU WANT A Horse or a Mule There is no better or cheaper place to buy one than at F. T. Mills' Stables. I carrv on hand ALL THE TIME a good assort ment of fine stock. New loads beiig teceived con stantly. If you think of bu.ingicwill pay you to come ana look, you wm oe pleased. F. T. MILLS, nov 17 tf 112 and 114 North Water Su SOLAR TIP V School ;D Shoes ii'Ai iv Children L Q.ET ALL KINDS, STYLES AND SIZES OF the above popular School Shoes of ni. Prices are uniform 68 all kinds. Boot aad Lace, at S1.01; 8-U at $126. and 11- .t $1.60. We have ordered a foil line of thesplendil "DUl'HiN BOFKR" C(CI.NAll LaUIEV SHOES, which we expect to ar ive within 10 or 13 days, o I which we will say more later. :, Our line of Gentlemen's Shoes are also strong -and rapid sellers and good wearers. The presents are waning lor yon. We cordially invite yoj to wear Our.Shs. Respectfully, MERGER & EVANS. nov 81 tf H. C Evans' old Hand. EASY SIGN MARKERS. Metal, Body Rubber Type, Solid Rubber Type, LINEN MARKERS, TIME STAMPS, SEVEN YEAR DATERS, AIR CUSHION BAND DATERS, STAMP PADS, all colors; INDELIBLE INK. Anything you want in the Stamp line. WilmintTton Stamp Works, Wilmington, N. C. Bell Phone 240. We bave a small Printing Press for sale at half price. no 17 tf PALACE MARKET. We have this day in connection with our other business opened a place to be known as The Palace Market, on the northwest corner of Market and Second streets for tbe SALE OF FRESH MEATS. We have secured tbe services of Mr. G. E. Tilley, who has bad sev eral years experience ia tbe fresh meat business, wbo will be tbe man ager thereof. We respecuuuy solicit your pa tronage. J. F. GARRELL & CO. oc 11 tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A War With Turkey Can be avoided this week by coming to our Store and preparing for the fray with a set of our fine Carvers. Our "Russell" Cutlery is made from the best high grade steel, and can slice the toughest gobbler. We have also in stock fine pecket and table cutlery. Scissors, Shears, etc , by the leading makers of this and for eign countries. Our lines of Hardware, Tinware. Granite Teaware, Heating and Cooking Stoves are complete in each department, at prices ttrit will catch the closest buyers. J. W. Murchison, Orton Building, WilmiDgton, N. C. BO st u Your Doctor Fights Disease with medicine. If the medicine is not right be can not conquer disease. If the druggist does bis duty the medicine will bs right, and your docor will stand a fair chance of winning the victory. You can help your doctor by having your prescriptions filled here. JAMES C. MTJNDS, Pharmacist, 104 North Front St. Telephone 159. no 21 It Yollers & Hasiiagen, Distributors of Provisions. v Manufacturers' Agents. We sell direct from packer to grocerymen at first cost. Heace we are the people. WE BELL SALTED MEATS, SMOKED MEATS, "SHIELD" BRAND LEAF LARD, CANNED MEATS. WE SELL Powell 'Smith & Co.'s "RE NOWN" CIGARS, CUBAN BLOSSOMS, SMOKETTB, TOPICAL TWIST HEAD. These Cigars Are Notoriously Good Try 'em once. Warebouse'and office foot ot N utt street, A. C. Line trackage. No expense in handling goods. nov 14 tl COPVRICHT urn TiTantsinyiDii Will Be Here Sood, And the national bird is now being gorged with rioa. corn, chestnuts, etc , according ro in. 1 c.litv la whicn he ia raised to grace your table with, and Mrva yon with a feast that wonld ta ke Luculm- greea with envy We have ord.red the choioMt earn led, grass hopper fancied stock Irom the best roulir? brt.dars in tb. country, tender, juicy and well Savored. L-ava your order early aad we will aav. you a Jim Dandy. I. B. RHODES, aoSltt Froat Street Market. We Started Out By selling Ice to the trade only, but we cannot refuse to respect the WISHES OF THE PUBLIC. We bave decided therefore to furnish Fare Crystal Ice, delivered AT YOUR DOOR at the rate of 40 cents per hundred pounds in lots of 5 pounds and upward. We can make it to your advantage to give us a shate of your trade. Kespecttuuy, The Wiliimton Brewing Association. t$ff Get Ice tickets from tbe wagon or at its faciorv. corner of Dock and Water streets. no 17 tf Combination Bicycle FOR SALEi A Combination "Crusader" Bicycle, for either lady or gentleman. Cush ion Tires. Brand new. Will be sold cheap. Call in person, or address M., at ap ? U Star Ornc. a ' i ?! V 1 m 1m i t ,1 t r i X i i ii : I'll 5: 1 ! I V it