H)S FIVE DOLURS SUBSCRIFON RATES. Morning Star re?t HORNING STAB ;0S OME YEAR- tin ra un chape3 r- ot!x-t Diii ot tu cum la Sjrti OavrollOaV. REDUCED TO $5.00. BUT NO REDUCTION IN SIZE OF PAPER, OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF READING MATTER, VOL. LXI.-NO. 65. WILMINGTON, N. C. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1897. WHOLE NO. 9.455 The , rutW. lmi la .im Iimi. i A M 4(4 PM , ...n . MMa , Mi.fr Sots t a pant. tU AM , JV.- li WVniicto 1MAU H r -,,!r vol' l tf(? b 1 C. , . t 1 III! TlVKC)C)JH. ,i ' V. tu a ill ia Tl-i aa i r in i a f-l C w liO 0 : itrjt. M . t Sj lifiarT i i.i .3, " Pnnltit V4cfC :i 5 ;.4'l Anor.iy M v-i "i: o tilt i ttam o att if -; i i"--:3 ti on V r i ., J p"!JI IS CKf Cf :i i fiiam di rt Sen n intrtmr I i jmwij: t c' iH (or din . c : ! S StkiilK lt n ; ' i a I ict !- tints a-tit f f, r i ijj. 'i : n tat t i b4 . - r tan r- tr V -t . I) trrlf : , :. -tji it tt rt t a Urn I1 . i : i t sjjoiatil if -i.t.r -i -t' n? 5t 1 la i 1 ! . f )lrBUI -t i Vitf H i i try t&rtu i i t )' I tot at (SI io i i i t t e . t rtc j ii r i. j. e. t ' Jff. u ; t ; o -I S H t . ; tt : tr J. ltlltf it v !?.(' A : : f : ' I III lit Vj (. f ti t- ! t f f.ll t i i ic.3 I . f l.e.v-i if i .V m i: in. S ill G ti C44M C ! ' -: t :.t'iff !( Is it- : J i :i i t. f 4t J f ri .. i ' 4 1 1 S9 u- ! , i ) i C-"i i i H ).' 1 C) ' ' i 3 tit ir J i ci L r if i' .n.TrtJ V ill it'iiUl 11 c iici it ! 1 ' ir -1 i n ai - tr:-ir Cittfi ,i n iiit. m Ir c ni tx t; --1t! ( Tt) i I j .Tti'34 f :l . . - :1rftat hi (iti M at 3 CI I , )l c Kl q i t ' l" I i lit HIT i V . I r? J T m : . o.. 1 1 v i tt S a ii Sc 1 ! HMiJ COB- i i . I . . I'tS :!:'. j. i 3 tjf It ; 4 - i . -t mix ! m uti i ja 1 It tilt : ' f fit! "i ? : rn.jf !-i;!f1 iil! , " ! 5 t s -rf i ; : i i ii" V f 3 H t I i ! i ! r"f r " ; ; f :1 ., -vriiai !! . . . : " w : ?i tif - 4 I 1 C I J UOOvJ t : if if t i v . : no't f - a Lat !jcl f 1 ' on SiiaJ - 4 : r jf :"t ft - i n :.- tit c 1 . ' -f ! 1 i 1 :, : : 1 '';f-f-i4 an Ifticltaf : ; ) -. : 1 !04 . 1 : 4 1 ! f J i oijl of ' -. . f"i t" t -, -et ta K. ta il , "- in 3 1' aoctufil I 4 - !; : 3? --"T ion if -4 T" ' 4nrf He oiit iVs present "Jr-apt- 3a 43i 1 : 1 n f.tfi tj k 1-t P " -- T -ca hoa!J't ; 1 . ; . lr ! V. 4l ' ? r ?rty i ) climb ::. t11t fO3 ? .5 1 1 lit . j a WiV " u, .r, rl r , Al 1 " ! 3 i :.; 4?, 4a j e:ca bf "?ir t!i : toi of t'r in ml ci !if lir h U 1.1. jr : i't,i tS frcilvcf Dsao- ' f :,J'ViC44 - it '- M.- 3i.:43f taje cjatlaau to i ..i So'. MfOETAIT A3II0USCX11IST AttcQtloa U called to the follow lag Rsoucso RUrtj of Sobacrlptloa to Tn Moa.Mio Stak : to mail sxriscajac j Twl Moatbj $3.00 Sli - .b0 Tore - 1.35 Two - 1.00 Oa - so TO CITY rOMC&iatU. Tfc Sta will b dcllfered by carrier al any polat la the dty at 12 cea'j txr wek. or iS ceata pr raooth. The Wuc niif, F retry Coraau t-oa an 3ccevirJ la loJaoaj toe lnaf bi.'oJi h)ofn ttgc tracts ot ti abr liid to re?tat toe de aaJe-3 diftrlcta with treei a yeir old. aaj aop taa to retore tae for- nt.a. I'. i a li-.tle inj!tr tail tbi t i; d d i t occar to the laaober 0f'33l Vi old i3ld.tr ia ltirea worth K.43 4AA. jj hid receotiy cairrird i yoaaj wife. (a of the peaitoo ? fiatri) bec-iae to mac a dtMit UaevJ wt.h th dapf ctte arriar- otat thit he uap-eJ tat a Tat of ho: witer aal eoot-1 himelf to tlth. Sow the yoaoj womaa will prjced to rite ta the p-emt jo N o: wtthitaadta j the receat report that the Psittppme UUndi hare beta 'thjroah!y piciaed." the latett we h a tt i to the eJtct tajt tome prom- aeat rttxU had ; tt been killed ia ia tajifsant with the Spiatarda. Thsy ma ta be sna the Weyler hciad oi ?ciacati jq'" ia the Philip- ptaet a!o A tT sr paptr ay "ra'jaey l th! dTir " fcrhapi the editor h eaeer'itnt that op ooa ha a dTtt ot a tisa; jt'.tia it. Uat the deicnptt-a w.Ii oo! fit tbn c:ior. ! it they te l at t bat the deTtl l a l I'saad. ba: tasae ua'r. and it cas t ixe that ktad t a dt! n these prtj. A New York Jaije hit decided that a the hataad aiJ wife are, aider the lav of that Seate.oae the wife caaaot tae the hatbaad to: ii9iti wieo he caaalt her with ctub. That raty tx law. bat if he k lied her wald it b ca of ome thtaj Me tatcMe ' The itatemcat that tae keletoc of T S.TOO pert sal were foaad oa that o d battle fitld la ladna Tern-ory where that battle wat foaht 2).X0 yin io tnjicatet that the ladiaa Terru.sry fe .1 3 w tm pretty cooitd cable of a haitter ta a icncaaaje. Ch'.caito t Btt:o a moeeaeat f jf pare br Ai they can't eat the water, aot all of them txiaj food of hah. thty depead oo ber toqaeoch thir tVrit. aaJ thiak ther oajhl to hiee it pare, or thfreaboata. Daaiei Krtaae. of Sia Fraacco. thtati he hai ducoTtred hi fortaae ; a rauauetpata. aaJ mi pro.ccwcu ti di:arb the repo of that towa by clii3i3 a bi haak of laad riht ia tt midtc. W - J.J Nhii taiy b a oeit'itr. ai c 'aimed by nae, asd yet the orjaa -?-3dr ti aot at popalar at he might b. Ai Olio d tpieca if Haaoa bat "Vc ' ?d the oppontloa." bat it faili U ttate ho mach tt took. MEW ADVrtSEENTS ; C WuP-Bt -lea D 0 0'-o-Fi reat. iliMwt - Linn ttt kati Much A iw- ciri 5aACir R 4D -S:ala! J A Snt'H Co Co! vv. a o" l'-j cjdi Snr a S iaitf ai W4ri9 - Pict oi it AG Rtcaf r - a,traee'i eaJe. F T. Vfit.t.. H 5'itt iii ai it At ivti -L o4 Gn. R E Le A. D Bl)- IK'l'UM. Voum A Matxii'tw C'etrt- Kti'3 G :iir G -innnVt J H Rixoca A Co S,j'iie. Sitt'l Biia Sm. J tt: rinTi4 Oriii II c n MirtT Mmift i f H briow4-lnf w Wtc. Sr r lui-Oi iMHn? J W Mficwi! -Caiman nf f H Srtowiw-Fire ial taeaasa iara I. B RNJOII- EtfT 4t bit b'JlT. Wit. 8atr o Atui ? -l:e 40: ptr 100. WE VToarM Jk Co Taiae" diaaer. C vtr. Pl 3r Co MUit ft WtL SaiJi Tactr Ox 1 1 icreit paid oa dep-it IV )H4a A44 UXALJ. V AirrtO -Si'tioti W a r r 4 ini a. Corraat Fj tie. Vi7Arao Ac:it mt i) waeL BiiAao - Wn of jtbat loJjla. P H HTP-Onefii,4fii. a r1 tj r -Tie papir paicil anif:4rid 6t the HiiU Pi9r Piaol Co . VVnoi Jaic iio. PaiUSeipau. iofh t !of o the aitket. it ri?dir wioise in wit to poptUr fTr Tae p4acil it a taif tWpaaer. ltd it raadc a rajtf JJ (iri tttlaa aid coiot-' Tae irapbita ,m4iio( a bia grade. fre frjm tt Taa ia9ftaree mi'A aaiwer all ia q i.t id IU taad aampiet oa appii-cittoa. $Kiil m ol a Jit tar dariag tbit a t: tae C W Ptoi Co. Un Scul4.d "piif oid sr tbe C W PjiTOt Co. t LOCAL DOTS nama of Lntarwat CUtbarwd. ai JKl Tktrt aarl Brtatty Ifotad. See foarth page for other new adTTroteaeoia. Jadje Too. R. Paroell left for RiieUh Utt aiibt. where be boldt coart tbit week. The British steamship SkiMry, betce for Drcraia. arrieed reitcrdir at Dartffloatb. Ea(. The Board of Audit and Fi aaaca win meet ia rcalar tritioo Tuei- diT afttraooa at 3 80 o'clock The regular monthly meetlojj of tbe Board of Alderoea will be held to morrow oigbi at 8 SO o'clock I he regular, monthly mectiog of tie Board ol Coaatr Coamunooiri will ta held at 3 30 p ra. to-oiotrow Datiag the past week Register of Decdt Norwood maed muriige li ctiiti loose wbite nod two colored coaplea. ReT. Dr. W. S. Creaty, of Win too arrived io tbe cut FrdT eeeaieg aad will coed act let v cei at Grce M E Cbarcb ibit mroie ted veoie. The recoipts ol cotton yener dir wcte 3 JM tt ignei. 61 bi'ci oa Itt uai die of lut tr Rrceipn al ill tbe pom vciuriiT 3J1 Mm; diT la HH tae fiarci were 37 3? 4 ReT. P. R. Law, of Lumber Bridge. arriTid ta ibe ciif Ian eveoicg aad will preach a: Si. Aaircw'e PrtiDi icrtae cbaich tbit moraioc aad io eight, ia tbe aaeecc of tbe pi it or. Kcv A D McOore Ree. Will B. OIlTer will conduct tbe MTet lor triaiee la tbt Rcidiof K 3 of ibe Sea rat a ' Hone tbit alier- xi ai 3 o'clock A cordul loiiut oo it citeadad to all pertset leicrettcd to be pftieal. Rjujh rice is bsinj broujht to this aanket ia la'gc q aiaiinea A ncod dill of it it S aia Ciroliei (no tod it bailid to ibe cut ia ibirpiet Tbe cxicc ait lillea a Ittilc receoiir "d ra.ei aow at aaoai l 00 per baibel. A mceiioj of the Daughters of tbe CoalcderiCT w ll b bcid VVedaetdif itiiroo3. ibe 13. b ieai ia ibsatieaisly bill VV. L 1 n mart. At tbit neeiiee will b tbe lut held be'o-e ibe aoaaal aeetiog a loM aticadiace tt dct red. BY RIVtH and Hail twa C4 W.rtU o4 Tva. Wilealottoa A Wtldoo R. R. 1 339 haUl cottO 9 bh!t tar. 39 bb crude t jr- peatiac. '.V.iaiantoa. Colarabta k AuguiU R R 1 Ml ba!ct cottoo. SO caikt tpr it larpeonae. 149 bait roila. S3 bblt tar. 37 bbd erode larpcatiae. Caroliaa Ceatral R. R. 318 btl cotioa. 6 catkt ipinit larpeatine. 9 bh'i roiia It bh't tir. 60 bb'i era larpeaiiae. Cap Fear A Tadkia Vailcr K. R- 394 bt'rt crxmti. 49 citki ipiritt tor- paatiaa. US boi roaia. 80 bbt nr. Sdimtr W T Digiett 17 blet cot- io. 1 cnii tpmtt tarpeaiioc. it ocji roaa. 9 03. t tar. Scboo4cr Berra M T. 35 bilet ctt toa Vtoi flu 3 bilet coitoa . Total receipt Co-.too. 8.9T3 taiet. tptriti iarpaiiac. 9 ciiii roaia. sn boa tar. 9") bba crude larpcatiae. 107 bhJi. ;ji o. 0i ua'Ba una ut iimm A.fl.ai. I t rai mob wi rereivel ia tbe cut vci.crlir t-oax D Gx L K ibf tarr iauaJtat of ibe lanae Ail4-o at Ri leigb io tbe eStct tbit J 3li C Divt bil beea di:birge1 frcra tbe aiflara 14 lilt Oi m ptrlecilt nee aod there wit aa1ag tt ofb:ra (D ivn) hjrt leg b at eif or otaert. D: Kirbv recjm- eataltd (bit D.v be br jaght bi'tk to ta4 eti:r Tacreire a iiefOJi cjiet caargiac Iriai i itiadiat agatoit Die t ia tbe csartt of tan ciaotT. aod it it pro)ae tan be w .1 be ined lor tbe coraiMoa of iBeee aigel Iriadaieat iriatKtioaa Stwd .i 0mB .e-4 B "ki L, w . Tbe recoeJt ia tbe cmce ol D.-. W D M:Millaa laperiaieadeai of bcaltb. ii). tan dif o toi put week ibere were iweiee deitbt uvea wh tet aod nee color id ted I i'ii birtbt eight wauce aad hi coJoted. Oaitbt dar.aj ibi put wk s e eiatei by tae foioa d ttin. vs: Mtiirta I laa.ittjo I. coavaiioet I a a pstaaoa a l enpir. i. arais lever, i. tioerca oKi. l. o'a igt. . premnore 0rb I eripe l. oako-a 3 la Jif.ice Fjaler't oart Teferdar Wiiluea B eke co:otcd. wat tried aod adja 3ged aot gO'ltr of abtadoameat 0 if ore Jaitice Buaeaaaaa G.-orge Biraei. colored, wn arra gaed caarged wiih firiog a pittoi witn o tae cut eat. Hi wai adjidged gailtT. bat idgoaeat wit taipeaded opoa pirmeot of coats. ltu ( Coi o . Meeera Alei.Soraat A Son cleared oa yeattriar tbe Brutib tteanibip Cert- tkts Ciptna Robeitt for Gheat. B :l- gtaai. with S.8I4 bilet ol coitoa. valued at fill 34! Tne OrmtAr was cleared at S o'clock latt night bt toe tame firm lor n-eeaia. Gtrmaar. with a cargo of 9.833 ba: ol cottoa. valued at 374.799 lli.u wata. Tie Brooklvn Ufa latartace Com- DiBvof Ntw York, a regolar compaaT ol thirty years ttaadieg. during wbica tiaaeitbat pud oat baadredt of thoo- tiadt of dolUrt to beaeoctariet ia toe Sine oi Nonb Caroliaa alone, it about ta re-ope a at agcacy force ia tbat State. Tbit it aa ei-elleat cbaoce for a Maaiciae Giacril Aieat, alto for Dlt- UKt Special Aittii. rata of good re- pate aad ctperteace sboaid apply witb faU panicaiirt to Brooklyn Lile lota- riaca Coapaay. 31 L.bertr ttreet. New J te i .4Ua Yoek city. t LADIES' CLUAK3 STOLEN. Tb tea N'K-o Boy. Oharaea With Th.ft Oo. ot lb. Tttr.t Arrtltcd. foba SainJell. a negro dot about six teen years ol ae, was arretted bf the police Tetterday coarged with being im plicated in the larceny ot two ladies' cloaks. Thjridar afternoon lait, Mrs. Mott, wbo resides oa tbe corner of Sixth aad Grace ttreett, entrusted to three negro boy t tbe care of two cloaks, instructing tbem to carry tbe doaki to Mettrs. Jobnioo & Fore's store, but the articles neTer reached tbeir directed destination, at the three young tcanopt told tbem aad made off with the money. Mrt. Mott notified the police of the theft, and yesterday morning Informa tioa wat received at tbe Cut Hall tbit tbe tbree negro doti wbo ttole the cloakt were at t h it titns la a house in Schutte't alleT. wbich runt from Bladen io HaaoTer ttreett. between Stveoth aad Eighth. Chief of Police Melton and Policeman Koox weat to the hjuie and tucceeded in capturing one of the bot. John Svindell. but tae o'.her two made their escape. SariadeU acknowledged tbat he wat oae cl tbe bott to whom Mrt Mott five tbe cloaki. to be carried to Mettrt. John ion and Fjre't. bit ttated toat be bid notbiag to do witb the thslt. at oae of tbe otbrr boyi took both of the cljk to the cart home to Seeeatb ttreet. between Market and Dock, aod io!d tbem to a countryman, aod tbat be aod tbe other boy. wbo bad ooihicg to do with the sale of tbe cloakt received no psrtion of tbe mooey Saiodell it now confined in the guard boate. CITY MARKETS. tTft& M a , rub, Vb4, Tult, tod Paol'-rr, in Q od Sapplr. Tbe cur rairke't preaeated yesterday quite aa appei.x og array of vegeiabirt Irani, mean, poultry, etc Eggt told at 30cperd3S3a. Piiceiof otber ariiciet were at lollowi : Vegetah et Saeet pjtatoei. 15c per peck: Irish potatoes. 80: per peck; cib bages 3 to 10; earn tura pi 5' per bujcb; rjtabigt. "i: p:r buoch; punp k:ot. 3 to 30: ea:a; co'Urdi. 5; per bead, lettaci. to 5: per head; tp atca. 30: per peck. Meitt Loin tteak. lic per poised. roood. 10:; cbu:k beel. 6 to 7c; ttew. 6 io 6c: muttoa. 10 to 13Wc; Teal. 10 to lilt:; longae. 13S4 io 13:: fresh pork 10c. tiutige. 10:; vroison 13c. Of-sten New Riv:r. 1.00 per gal loa; S.aeop Souad. 83:; Mrrtle Grove, 60c. P.ialtry Growo fowlt. 35 to 85: each. youog chickens. 133 to a5:each; dressed Cbickeas. 63 to 70c per pur: dretted tar kev. li to 15c per pound. Fub Mallets. 10: per baocb; drums. 35c ptr plr. trou. 30: p?r bucch. LAID TO KEST. . BiauiQl ol i!ii I4tt 8 A. Ocale vlniusrd .1 0adtjt k - i ne uraorAi ui iuj it Criige. wao died at 11 noroiog wat coqducte derct. 711 Djck'eireet. ciocTCrrlciav rom the resi iterdar alter BO DP ' a i at 3 o'cl ock. Rev D W. S. Creas inttoo. iunciaung. atsitted or Kev. I. B Harrell. Onoa Lodge No 67. I O O F . attended In a bodr and there were representative! alto of the other' lodges of Odd Fellows. After ibe tervicet at tbe residence tbe vroceisoa m ove l Oikdale cemetery. Vre ta,e loatrrn-ot wis made. Toe barilTjJtaO'oT ol tbe O Jd Fellows wat co'ijiracte; Mr. Joo. S Birnet acting at Noble Grind, and Mr. James M Mc Gowio at Cbip'.ala Tne p ll-bsir ers. vb o were cooteo Irons O-ioa Lodge of Old Fellows, were Jao E Silva. Wo I J. Reaves. F. B Rice P T D ckser. Tnos Myers sad Joo E Gordoo OPtfl MOU3E sa.rrv at ' cui'.U ih Attraotioo Ta-morrow E v.oioe. Tb : attraction -t tbe Opera Home to morrow evemog wili beFieldtand Han too'i Merrf Miif.reli. Tney will pre teot a pror im ne o! refreshing r n ttrefsv. that it to sir. their perform itite it new. and it devoted lolelv to spc al features aad timely surprises. wble tbe eatertaiameat ta itteatiretT it swept by ocean breei;" of genaiae "1997" wit. A braal a: cirtiln raiser, tbe newett tbtog ib raiattre'tr. is called "Aa Even ing with tbe E is. ' ad serves to ia'ro djee the entire orgia.sicioa ia a tcrict ol toog ao j ttory of receat itue A re ceetlr added oauber. 'Tbe G ldea Saower." it a positive ooreltv. aid s de scribed it a romaoce ol tbe K oodike, termioatiog who "The Dmceol Dawton CiiT t 403 " Alvince tale of teats commenced yes terday morning at Gerkea's M'LLIE CHRISTINE. To OrxUi. Pro-da.i or NotiB Cirolti. Sa-otmd h. Ctrjlio Twlo. to Bi milo H nOn Wk Li iDfir A brie! description m'ght be of iater est to the subscribers to tbe Star Sae it a parsical woader or rather two wooden ia oae aod n aadoabtedly nval to the Ucdojs Sumets twins. Tbera it a total abtenca ol anytbiog tbat it va'gar or repulsive about ber whose loar bright eres and diiiiing rcwi of pearlv teetb ligbt op a fair Creole com pleaion with an animation tbat ia really attractive. Here is a womin with one body bat two sepirate hsidt thit are possessed with marvellous intelligence tbat predominate! in both braina. Some ol tbe iweeteit music ever aang by a high soprano aod a pure contralto it produced. Tne notet luae from two beadt. aod Tet but one trunk supplies tba nerve Some mar have an Idea tbat tbe or iheT are repulsive. If this preju dice should carry any so far as to avoid ber. they will be tbe loieri. It is de c'ared tbat no person ol ordinary intel ligence can be in ber company but a abort time without yielding to tbe charm ol ber manner, and tbe fascina tion ol ber doable tmilet. t If there is anytning yon want, ad vertise for it. Is there anything yoa doa't want? Advertise it In tha Business Locals of the Star. One cent a word. Bat no ad. taken for lest than 0 cent. tf &iawrvvajfmBoajwaV IN THE FEDERAL COURT. Ataamicti Cjaolad'd ia the Ce cf tbe United Bute v. Tho.;P. Dsverraox, Tiattae Othsr Ciei Dispaied Of. The Uoited States Court assembled at the nsual hour yesterday morning, 0 o'clock, and argument in tbe suit brought by the Uaited States vj Tbos. P. Deve reaux, trustee, et al , to obtain the own ership of Smith's Islmdfrom the heirs of the late Moj or John Walker, who are now in possession, was presumed. E. S. Martin. Esq., counsel for thejdefendanta, continued his argument commenced Friday afternoon. Upon the conclusion of Mr. Martin's speech, which was an able one. P. D. Walker. Eiq . and Junius Divis. Eiq , both counsel for tbe defence, fol'oored, and raide fine argu ments. E. K. Bryan, Esq.. counsel for tbe Government, wbo made the open leg address Friday afternoon, then made the concluding argument, which was a well constructed and terse one. Upon the conclusion of argument by counsel. Judge Poroell announced that he would reserve his decision in tbe case. Tbe cise against tbe pleasure yacht Rtpub'.ic. libelled Thursday night for wages ow;n to six of tbe crew, which wiges were alleged piid in advance ot labor performed to creditors of the sail ors, contrary to law, was taken up. Joo. D. Bellamy, Esq.. representing tbe plain tiffs and Taos. Evans, Eiq . the defend ants. Tne case wat decided In favor of tbe plaintiffs, and judgment against tbe yacht given to the aix seamea as follows, besides court costs, viz : obn Connor, 3. D. Match. $3; Waltet Grant. 20; Mike Ferro, 15, G:o. Martinson. $10; Constantine Darmick, $5. Tae Rtpublic sailed yesterday morn ing lor New York. Capt. A. H. Rand lette. the matter, having furnished bond to secure tbe libel and release tbe yacht. Mr. . W. Norwood, president of the Atlantic National Bank, of this city, wat Capt. Randlette't turety. hav ing signed a f 400 bond. Ocher cases disposed of daring the seition of tbe court yesterday were as follows: A G. Rxaud. receiver, vs. W. U. Woolen et al. Final decree. Chas. O'Dnnell Lee et al. vs. Pere goy Jenkins Co. Petition presented to recover taxes paid, and commissioner ordered to pay the amount. Tnot. A. Mclutyre vs. Geo. W Kidder. Continued. A. G. Riciud. receiver, vs. Ann Rob erts Taylor. Continued. A. G. Ricaud, receiver, vs. Geo. L Mortoo. Dismissed at defendant's costs. A. G. Ricaud. receiver, vs. Wilming ton Svini(saod Trust Company, admin istrators Jas. Dawson Nonsuit. A. G. R:ctud, receiver, vs. Wilming ton Savings and Trust Company, admin istrators M. S. Diwson. Non suit. A. G. Riciud. receiver, vs. Wilming ton Savings and Trust Company. Non suit. State Boird of Elucatioavs. the New Jersey and North Carolina Land and Lumber Company. Motion made to amend complaint aad ameadment al lowed filed, tbe Coart to pass upon it. Case set for trial on Tuesday the second week ol next term of Court. J. M Brown vs. Clyde Steamship Co. Set (or trial the second Thursday of next term. A. G Ricaud. receiver, vs L. Tainter. Alias tummont. A. G. R'caud receiver, vs. A.J. Per son. Alias summons. A. G Ricaud. receiver, vs. the City of Wilmington. Julgment for plaintiff. Notice ol appeal given and appeal bond fixed at 00. Court at 3 o'clock adjourned situ die Preparation! f j ibe.a)cli'l Bisnr. Tne "Doll's Buiar." to b: given Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings ol tbit week at tbiT Qfty rfall by the Youog People's Organ-Fund So ciety of Grace M. E ctja'crLroaffses to be a graod aacceta. EyerVnigu a mag- ficent programme. of spectacular fea- ei aodyfraawc wflf -ba rendered. partmeat where dolls will ered for sale will afford thers a rare opportunity to purchase Carittmat presents for tbe little ones Ia thit department can be found doll wardrobet and dolls of every variety. Oae ol the catchy features will be a doll wedding, embracing the groom, the bride and six bridesmaids, drested in the most fashionable manner. The admission to these entertain ments will be ten cents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We heartily thank tbe following friends for contributions to the Cathe rine Kennedy Home during the past month and call attention to Tuesday next at being cur regular visiting day: Five packages through Mrs. Oicar Pailyaw; Mrs. B. Solomon, Mrs. S Solo mon. Mrs. Harries Yopp, Mrs. Turney, Mrs. H F. Wilder, ten packages; Mrs. James Post. Jr. Mrs. Fennell. Mrs. Bridgers. Mist Maggie Hankint, Mrs T. E Divit. Mrs Pescbau. Mrs. C. W. DiVis; I- L. Croom & Co.. one tur key; six loads of wood, a friend, Mrt. Melton; Metsrs. S.& W. H. Northrop, a load of wood and bushel ol potatoes; Miss Puss Hancock, medicines and barrel of potatoes: Messrs. Rhodes and Hayes. Mr. J. F. Garret!. Mrs Roger Moore, Mrt. R J. Bunting, five packages. Ladies Benevolent Society a.v. Joaeph XT. Surr. Rev. Joseph N Starr, of Fayetteville. wbo accepted tbe rectorship of St.Panl's Episcopal church, this ctty, about tbree weeks ago, and wbo since has ably tilled tbe pulpit of tbat cburch. has accepted a call from St. Ann's cburch. Annapolis, Md.. much to tbe regret of tbe entire congregation of St. Paul's church. Rev. Mr. Starr will be assistant rector of St. Ann's church, and will leave for his new field of labor next Tuesday. He will, as sual. conduct the services at St. Paul's cburch to day. If In need of a Carpet or Window Shad visit tbe C. W. Polvogt Co. t ltt I 4 I T-T mi PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Pen men t Pararatai Partoinlnx Prlnel ,1!t to Pao9lo tol Pointedly Printed. Mr; W. B. Brice, of Wallace, was in the city yesterday, Dr. D; I. Watsorj, of Southport, came up to tbe city yesterday. Mr. John P. Banner, of Mount Airy, was a visitor to tbe city yesterda?. A. G. Ricaud, Esq., went to Soutbport, on a business trip yesterday afternoon. Mr. D. C. Venters, of Rocky Point, wat a welcome caller at the Star office yesterday. Mr. J. R. McPhail, of Clinton, was here yesterday, calling on the whole sale merchants. Mr. John E. McCraw, register ing from North Carolina, was registered at The Orion yesterday. Mr. K, C. Barrett, route, agent of the Southern Express Company, was registered here yesterday. Rev. Paul C. Morton returned last night from Burgaw and will fill his pulpit at Immanuel church to day as usual. Mr. B. A, Jones, of Roanoke, Va., the president of the Roanoke Cbemicai Company, recently removed here, has arrived in the city with his family and will reside at 114 South Third street. Mr. Jones is a business man of recognized ability and is a valuable ac quisition to the city. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Complete Ijlst of Fire, Maice, Qnaraotx and Aooideot Cimpiaiea Liosnaed in North Carolica. The "Star hat compiled from the records tbe following complete list of the Fire, Marine. Guaranty and Acci dent Insurance Companies licensed to do business in North Carolina, Decem ber 1st, the date of the latest report of tbe Secretary of State: yE:na; American Bonding and Trust Company; American of Pennsylvania; American Surety; Atlanta Accident As sociation; Atlanta Home; British America; Caledonian; Carolina; Com mercial Union; Connecticut; Con necticut Iademmtv Association; Con tinental; Delaware; Equitable; Fi delity and Casualty; Fidelity and Depont; Fire Association, of Phila delphia; Fireman's Fund; Georgia Howe;" German American; Giens Fails Insurance Company; Giobe Fire Iosur ance Company; Greenwich; Hamburg Bremen; Hanover; Hartford; Hartford S.eam Boiler; Home: Imperial; Insurance Company oi America; Lan cashire; Lion: Liverpool and London and Globe; London Assurance; Lon don and Lancashire ; Magdeburg Fire; Manchester; Manhattan Fire, tormerly Mutual; National; National Surety Company; Newbern Mutual Fire; Niagara; North British and Mercantile; North Carolina Home; Northern; Norwich Union; Nor wood; Orient; Pdiatine; Pamlico Insur ance and Banking; Pennsylvania; Pcce nix; Pcoeiix of Hartford, Pcce nix of London; Piedmont, formerly Carolina Mutual; Prelerred Accident; Bueen; Royal: Saint Paul; Scottish nion and National; Southern Stock Mutual; Southern: Springfield; Standard; San Insurance Office; San Mutual; Teu tonla; United States Fidelity and Guaranty; Uaited States Casualty Com pany; Uaited States Fire; Union Cas ualty and Surety Company; Union As surance Society; Virginia Fire and Ma rina; V.rginia State; Westchester; West ern; Williamsburgh City. SUNDAY SERVICES. St. Thomas' cburch First mass and Holy Commuaion. 7 a. m; last mass and sermon. 10.80 a. m ; Vespers, sermon on Faith, Heb. x, 7 45 p. m. Services in St. John's church to-day, second Sunday in Advent, bv the rector. Rev. Dr. Carmicbael. at 7.45 and 11 a. m. and 4 30 p m. Sunday school 3 80 p. m. St. Matthew's English Lutheran church. Fourth street above Bladen street, Rev. G. D. Bernheim pastor. Morning service at 11 o'clock; evening service at 7.80 o'clock; Sunday school at 9 30 a. m. All seats free, and every per son cordially irv ted. S'. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, corner of Market and Sixth streets. Rev. K. Boldc pastor English service and confirm ition at 11 a. m.; German service at 7.S0 p, m. Sunday school at 3 30 p. m. All seats free. Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Geo. M. Tolson. minister in charge. 11 a. m Morning Prayer, L.tany, Ante-Communion, Sermon; 7 30 p. m.. Evening Prayer and service; 3 30 p. m , Sunday school; 8 pm, Monday, Brotherhood of St. Andrew; 7.80 p, m., Tuesday, Boys Brigade. S:ati lree aad the public cor dially invited to ail the services Sunday COLORED CHURCH. St. Stephen's A. M. E. church, corner Fifth and Red Cross streets. Rev. I S. Lee, D. D , pastor. Preaching this day at 10 80 a. m. and 7 80 p. m by tbe pas tor. Sundav School at 1 80 p. m. Sacra ment of tbe Lord's Supper at 8 p. m. GOOD HUNTING AT ORTON. A Pox Cbaie in Whion ibe Hun ten Have Bare Bpcrt. For diversity of game the Orton vicin ity has hardly a rival. Tbat is what Mr. James Swann. o! Ioman, Swann & Co., of New York, who has been hunting with Col, Murchtton during the past week, savs. Wild turkeys, ducks, quail, and even an eagle these are some of the different varieties of game which Mr. Swann has bagged, but they are not the only ones.)nor those in the pursuit of wbich the most exhilarating sport is ex perienced. Last Thursday morning tbe hunters had a fox chase this was tbe very acme of their enjoyment. Tney had as fine fox bounds as could be pro cured, and after a six hours' chase suc ceeded in bringing down two fine red foxes. The participants report tbat the sport wjs extremely exciting. Ono Cent a Word. Hereafter advertisements to go in our Basinets Locals" department will be charged one cent per word for each in sertion ; but no advertisement, However short, will be taken for less than 80 cent This is a reduction from former rates and it is also a convenience to adver sers who can calculte the exact cost of their advertisements, which must be paid for always advance. THE MORNING STAR. Are you a subscriber to Thi Morning Star ? If not, why not? Do you want a first-class daily pa per at $5.00 per year, or $1.25 for three months ? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do you want a paper that prints the latest telegraphic news, the best local news, reliable market reports, excellent short stories, and the choicest miscellaneous matter ? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do not forget that The Morning Star is the cheapest daily of its clasr in North Carolina. Its price is $5.00, while the published price of others ranges from $7.00 to $8.00. At Br -rcklyn Baptist Cborob. Large crowds continue to attend every service of the reries o- meetings now in progress at Brooklyn Baptist Church. Tnis morning at 11 a m. Dr. Brunrr will preach on "The Master H33 Come and Calleth for The!" At3p m.ttrere will be a special service for parents, voung people and children. Tbe subject for tbe evening service, beginning at 7.80 p. m., wili be "The Wages of Sin is Death." The pastors of the various chorches are asked by the pastor ol Brooklyn Baptist Church to announce that the meeting will continue through this week. Another Oanae of Poot Ball. Arrangements have about been com pleted lor another battle between two local elevens, to take place on tbe grid Iron at the O A. N. Athletic park. Tbis announcement, coming as it does soon after the Thanksgiving day game be tween the O. A. N and Atlantic Coast Line elevens, which game is remem bered witb a keen sense of pleasure, will be hailed with delight by all lovers of foot ball in this city. For the North Carolina State Biptist Association, Oxford. N C. the Cape Fear & Yadkia Valley railroad will sell round trip tickets December 7ib, 8 h and 9th. with final limit Deer moer 15:b, as follows: Favetteville. via Sanford, 16 75; Maxton. via Fayetteville rr San ford. 87 65; Wilmington, via Fayette ville or Sanford. $9 10; Mount Airy, via Greensboro, $7 70 Full stock cf Standard Patterns on sale at the C. W. Poivogt & Co. t Feather Boas, ail prices, at the C. W. Polvogt Co. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hamme, The Hatter, pHE OLD RELIABLE. IN THE LEAD with Hati. Cips ind Umbrellas. Lateit Style an Lowest Prices. Don't forget him. dec i tf M Notii Tvotu Strea. OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 6. 1897. Fields and Hanson's MERRY MINSTRELS. 38 -HOT MEMBERS 38; Grand Concert Band and superb Symphony Orcheatre. Do not miss the grand mid-day parade, and tbe x hilirating band concert at 7 p. m. de 3 3c Seasonable and treasonable. Cleaned Currants, Seeded Raisins, Citron, Mixed Nuts, Walnuts. Brazils, Pecans, Filberts, Almonds. One price, spot cash. THE KING GROCERY CO., B. P. KING. Manager, Foarth Streetl Bridge. Bell Phone 387. no 27 tf Loolfc Here I Geese, .Turieys, CMcta, Pretzels, Saratoga I Chips, Poultry Seasoning. Cut price on FINE NORTON YAM POTATOES. Just received a fine lot Mountain Cabbages. S. W. Sanders, At the Unlucky Corper. nor 17 tf Horses and Rlules 25 Head of Horses. 25 Head of Mules Just received. Call and examine. You will cer tainly find one to please you. Don't louy until you have seen this fresh new lot of fine stock. F. T. MILLS. 112 and 114 North Water St. novas tf Frank H Stedman, WILMINGTOV N. C. Fire and Tornado Insurance. Your business is solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteedi OFFICE AT WOmmiton Sarins & Trust Company. Telephone No. 162. de 3 tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Your Christmas Turkey Sbou'd be tender and baked to a tune, your mince pie brown and flaky lor your Christmas feast. If you haven't a satisfactory oven pre pare before hand by getting one of our Christmas Steei Ranges, by far the handsomest and best Steel Range evtr exhibited in this city. They are superior bakeis, and you can depend upon your dinner being a success. It will save you more in fnel and spoiled victuals than jou will have to pay for one. Our Mag'c Air Tight is still lead ing all Sheet Iron Heaters Call and see our varied line o' Brass Andirons, Graniteware, Oil Heaters, and a complete line of nice cutlery for the holiday trade. J. W. Murchison, - Orton Building, Wilmington, N. C. de 5 tf Bristles Are all very well in their place. We have them and keep them In their places in our fine line of HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, CLOTHES BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, ETC., ETC. Our stock is made up of the best American, English and French goods, and will be sold at popu lar prices. Walk in and look around; you don't have to buy. JAME3 0. MUNDS, DRUGGIST, 104 North Front Street. Telephone 159. de 5 tf Yollers & Hashagen, Agents for Armour & Company, Chicago, Packers. Product sold on market prices of the day. You therefore buy on Rock Bottom no middle profit. We respectfully ask your orders. Vollers & Hashagen, Also agents for Powell, Smith 8c Company, New Yoik. We Sell "Renown'' Cigars, Cuban Cigars, Smokettes. Topical Twist Head. Union League Club The Cigars Notoriously Best on the market, and smokers these days de mand value for 5o Cigars. Warehouse and office A. C. Line tracks, Nutt street, near depot. nor 28 tt A CARD. NOV.MHIR SlNI). 1S07. MESSRS. MERCER A EVANS. City. Grmts: I m more than pleated with the Nlca Watch given me by your enterpriii- g firm. 1 art It to be an t xceilent time keeper. Beside, being well pleased with your nice and valnsble present, I am wellsatitfied with the Mioe. 1 have bougBt from you for mytelf and frind, and I cheerfully recom mend you to my friends, and the pub ic in general, especially to those needing and Intending to buy any thing in your line. Yonrs Ttry truly, (Signed) W. J. MERRIDITH. The time fur delivering Ue three presents ia postponed 'till January 31, 1808. A Nice Watch, a Fine Pir of Opera Glasses, aod a real Leather Travelling Caie, 91 io. 1 13)4 in. 6Vlo. Look in Our Window. MERGER & EVANS, decStf Assignee's Sale. Commencing to-day I offer for sale, at retail the entire stock of FIRE CLOTHING and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods assigned to me by Mr. S. H. JTish- blate. All goods will be sold at COST. A. G. RICAUD, de 4 2t Assignee. Money to Lend. THE 4JRST INSTALMENT OF THE EIGHTH SERIES OF THE N; C. Home Building Association is payable on SATURDAY, JANUARY 1st., and all who desire stock shonld secure it at once. Any one desiring to borrow money on easy terms shonld avail themselves of this opportunity. Money lent either on Stock of the Association or Real Istate. Frank H. Stedman, dec8tf Secretary and Treasurer. ScMiile on WiimiiiiloD Seacoast B. R AND AFTER SEPT. 87th TRAINS WILL ran as follows: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAV. 1mv Ubllminffton at 8.80 p. m. , 8.80 p. m Leave Ocean View at 8.00 a. and d.OO p. as. SUNDAY TRAINS. J Leave Wilmington at 8.80 p. m. and 6.00 p. a. Leave uceaa view bid. uv p. m OSCAR GRANT, S.periatradtai, MS 83 I 1