2Hic JHonxiug JUkir, Satt M aatso. pc u. lis? WH1AI TH1 TIOUBLI II t, a. rp or: Secretary Gift sayt: -At u O nra ;! aoiriK l tat iIMI " 9 t& curraacv Of t ft itu-iet taaiaaa Of Itt Ol VT ntKuof tatMtO .tt - , i . fore at 9 rm rv -m -ana- .at i w ' w Tb New York Cj is Jxte the Troahl." d tt . oat th S-rcretary t pUi foe fttttaj ftd of tbe trouble aoc a jood oa. It la a deal warttthaa tbe trouble uLf. and wauli tai coaatry frnui tf tt Wtt tr.tJ. He ?fpo. to retire tie fnaQt ootet, lie crtaobickt 0t ta round- abr-aad ta do ton ! p4f hi l rsiJ cn ja' . . . x nt1t of wlu:i s ,fAi. Oi - j d c jotrc tis f tin cud i e r to tac tti ci(4l ucioo;'. fCo .nn'rtt t X1! DJJd of t) o J h 4tjrffj litJT .a "con. i". it ;ai:a tJ bt e-4 wit3r RepuVcn Hoao? R? ff'.t4ti- d ! f 'f ;cr54f f Gin t: e t!t tie S!1:. rt? 4r ! t i it for one 5tcri'.ry. M tAn t.j 1 it f . the ot.nr H d jm t ?f o rei! a i rt f t 1 tl;t i'o ...p ,r. : aacf. fjf 5e feL se ai ! f j'i.o. tj.i-J c in: f .::" of t: carrtoor. if unors i( tS , ... t t fall Jf of t 60I..J.4 JdJHIte-J. 4ld 5f '.-ti evi- h-tiosn: of b4 i : C4 if.ai of eomJ ieiM t1?;"f nf of :S c a fry t';irif c n:r o; t bi tkt xi: tf ?fo-tio 4t ta tie 1)14 04 of a t.i: 1 ' b kse i c!rct: -t.j.i of 4 1 f : vj x to prtti: .ln ffon cntrc-Hjf 5"e tmiu: tlnf o inn '':" C Jir4:i )'!' Jll ' C !i4'T to J ti'-. f caVu-ii Of 4 Cei:rt wou i d it. :5 -'T Jjim it Wt )fjf . in- CU. .-r! of MM 4-.i ot MJ tie f4lc of 4 : Jd v 'i:r .wtio j of tn oi4 ni o' Me ct-rtner. caifd by tae & "Sin n tiif aou-T 'oc at : a Ttj f ji:-d J : tvci :i- fv:u' -d 4d pfCV,::d bf f jil f t e !o : iT 4 J ? it '413'f J "i : r i r :i r m' it r i rt ic t tit u .ff ion! so r f t tVj tl l.J lie 34 nil' bl f 1 tit C "It. l of tit :)Cft, ! a t 4 t t c t .l f t Of ei Vr. f f tn n if i ii tie b ii n i $ i rtt i 4 t it f if b in att 4 i )t f if 'f-;rt i o f f jf tit I.:,:.! a a t :: t of tn ? io. Tit y w ! t tto t: t ; t 33 tf aotet at tity c ml I :eo out ''b pfoA: to HtawUii 44 1 a oa r. tier bia4; t.li4lfvof i: tie otaVt e;j bt. j!f j4 of coald f4 tbif tiJfi:: tlea t ittt a a i aler of aotst ei4 tif c a 4 4 id better lne?a:.-neat fjf aid aaore pfod: proportion ttctf ia t!i eaal'er aaax br. W isoe wl4t tie cuoditlon of tie Soati i. 4 to tn i at it at mj i circa' i o. 4 td l4t tie c a l -lioi of m )". of tie fjc 4t !it atcil tie u tie price of vleat 4 J.J oeier f j 1 af t icffaied tie )ua of oiitsf ia c:rc4'i4ioa Ii t1t it.i i, tit ft', tie ppr ta tit n itf ceittn efe:it b i bt 14 tft lv:i:t l . d : ninf tit pietior of aff. '4 tie bt tc;r aft co a l in t .( 4 i t: it ri tf 4 f i iii!i) nunajmtf tt ite i ! of to littlt. t' tl-f ld tlf.f f t.ley ml 1 conr ic: t.i nUaf at to create 4 Je a to. h it Licit td a o, 4 d it ma (tt ii oaore pr oa of it. tf tiy aid ftll cootf ji of tie D 4a: 1j lonj voafd taey compltn of a pctaora bafore carting tae roiaae dowa 4d ftttlaf rU of tie pietiort' w, w oa.'d hear a- aaore of tie pittlora tlea. bat food dtl aaore of tie tfetrth ia ctaer ecloo. 8:ii nftit!f4 t ii wltt tie Scrt4ff .tf iVi: tie c4 of tSe trouble. Tae federal Gjeera oaent aat at.!irt t t sata ll 1 1 1 ace of ti coa ttff !ti by a ft tern aoc ae a! eua Mctioo ta ed aid r d tjc.j to a coaatry d'-f r -T'f coattl '1 4u; t J vtrt it fa treci tie fitu Hi itd o te bttf eatirete aiia.ted to 4notlf. Tat'e wlere tie t.-oaiit teta tae G eeraaia: tetat by oJ it ltttiate f 4 lCMOrt. 44 J prpn ited ia tta of p4ce tie tfite-n tf3il ot f to oatet tae jBr2ace ia tijaee f f. Oae thief U certain tod that Is while he Governcaent of the United State has aoythint; to do Ub the Utator of ra aoiv or tbe represtata- live o( taoney ia the (or of note. or bu aavthtat: to da directly of 10 direct! v with the ooijeaoeot of the taka. or it ia aar wy responsible for then to Ijnf wilt the mooejr qtioa lo natiaaal politic adolf " t M autarotoi; factor ia the halt of the national leits: are- Tola U practically what Secretary Gi says la the eitract I qjjced above, and that is why he aote wtthdrawa aad the Goeero aasat c to iaas oite. The oaly tr he caa to do that U to iaae ,,tt hoaJt aai let the oatlooal . biaki da tae oote itsaioj. oroe o( ij nS-tioa to which we have tated aboee. There ta a way by watc it coold b dooe and by which thit qaes ioa coald b takea oot of politic aod oat of Coajre, aod that t to let the Goeerocaeat j back to where it took its eew departure to fiaaocier tag aad restore to the people of the respective State the riht to bate caetr owa btokt aod lae their owo 9)(it withoat toy Federal loterfer .- or taaertttioo. aad follow tht up by re cpeotog the tatot a they ete op to 1S73 aod coooae itself to i. conttttouooal faactioo of "coto iui" auaer. Thit woo'd ole thit w i4tf:i--o, aod folee it to the ooly f that it will eerr b atuf actorily nd Bftally toleed. la esew ol the fact that there will be aa i4creai of $lO.OOO.O or .aore ia peattoa etpeodttare there will be ca jf e or let talk ia Coijres of rtf jra. bat it wiil oa: a3aa. to -ftlia. for tie t-ateicoso of all ptrtiet oa tie other tide of thetioe, wai e C )i'M3! of the abatt. Itefi't the otref, U liey naa tae d.py tt ja. to attack tasa. oaae of the aesabtrt to the Hoaie tnde a pt at '.heaa Taanday. bat they ere aU Soathtra raeaber. who caijlt at we'l b tarowiaj toeir Pechea into the Potooj ic for all the f! tlry will dx Tae pret repjrt of tie proceeding iafoftot ot that the Northera Dfaucratt eie with Rrpabi:caa ta profettioot of frieod- 4ipfr tie titdiert," which raeaot tut tSMi Njf.Jtn Dsaaxratt oa- erttad tie eilae of the o!dier t oie. 41J 4.e a it cOia? to ia:ioiic :it. :r. of p tie-atiiest ia a pj j-i t eic jaater i:t oppo-t tioi by (i)f tci"ij ofl peatiaa abate. ri? fc: t there n at aaci or cove ?o t ci ti tie prntoa qjf.:oa tlaa tltre ft ia tl tans lot i. tt tecttoaai. ti tie ttrt m aid the the North fstpt tn oeiei. ot it at it , . . i. r it tit tt-f. if thtre be if btin: ia tit: i) tae ortt. rnSi'4'1 rcc-it n benrS: froa t tier bj". ii b ei J Do:i i: ptft tfOa'i to m N"r;hern benenctarte it the tinS. aid oie teatht of the -aittf pud 04: f jf panoai 11 pud j: it lie Sfth aad vVe . ahhoah Sitl cm:nba:et aboat ooe- tl rd of ih? iittl Tut fief, wnb it ii!i;ion: f:t tla: the itd er t ts u t ?w?riai factor ia pxr.ic on in otatf M! 01 tie uae. win . a ? It eep tie biilt of jrtBera aad ttttftaaen o? the peotioa b h j trtrer oa ich the indrpta dmt pfe of tltt tectioo raty ei 014 tlea or Sj9-.hefo Oraocratt 11 Cjnren ?rtett aaiatt theaa. : the tasa: ttoae tht thit pentioa t4 wtt oa in trie no ate. toe S 4 : e 11 ojc hiar raihed throah fo-tf a t p'i4e peatioa biilt, to re tpoott t the 4pp?it of Seoator Gl- tioftf. ch uruita cf the Peatioo C)oa sat te. .o be carefat 15 tee that tione bllt for private pxatioot were eafttof.o4t before they were iairo daced. " Of coarte all these bill wl cl are railed taroafa thit way ia jjb lot are "saertiorioat '" Mr. McK atey ht to far tacceed ed la dutppia'.la tvo eleaaeot whicl tapported hiai for the Prei deccy Oae of thet it the element witch it lotrjj; for the tpoilt of office it 4fe therefore ktckia; ajatatt the civil tervtce. They doot like wht he it 4boat tt ia hit aeatage. aod the d tp-itut oa h th )vi to ttaad by tt. Tt? o:ler e esaeat tt cooipjied of thea;j'd Oraacratt wh 3 whooped it ap far hi a ta the ctaap ilja aad cait tittr vo'.et (or hi a btcaate they tl ajh: hj wtt t aa id oaths aioaey leiti oa. Ttaey are qa'te at caoch d ttppoiated at the tpadtnta Oae of tvttr orftat the Chtttaaoo;a nt. that vjics tt iSttippoiot ota: .t 1 iNt -It? tit o? cea:y rt'orat if uiii(iooin1il 14 U:K ll41 II III R)4)i4l tflK I of rfo4t i n fit 4 mt'l be dt'titfl o f4r t 4iv cotl eitc el D cii of I t 444tnitt uto la 03 1 f be cat ctri. Ttt nt44e w.ii be a frtit 1 mj; HiiflMt tt nut til aroaod. i jeii j tit itJJii8. t -n t mwiiti, tin 1. dtaiajoic uiitcatai of tie carreacv qte t.uo. ttt: e wire p' toast J (of t "aiiii J 4C tt i:p d. tt ad frcet. at tait ih) it. We tatU tr ia tftiooit tt the rttio pr 04 mum ca'ioutf $n utot at if ik a Cof r Ji. m4tt taci !Ktvtai tt ! dxatttai c( cooaopi4 ivdcatte it w-H 4t la tae c. tttcttite. 43 aevtai( tt b i. we a tt ao 5tt tie H aae wU 4itti ! 4i tatcarrtacf j om Mfiu Qawatt. Tae taa tan ostn of tai c lvalue o te tatt t cotatfv wiii sot fla l( to a dfa:tit oatKcoattattc al d ao4T b Ike vtitMM of ih eai( t I'llllllltt ptlfWtlf 44 ltf0' of tie Laii4ie'a" Thf htve oar coiiaieace to their i p apv bat thea they oajht to have kaova btttcr thia to let thecoietvt be haa:oed by Repabfkcaa proaalie of piaifocaa decJaratioo. If there be truth in the cabled re sort ot the otterancs attr (bated to Premier Saaua. of Spain, la rster- eoce to Cabia aatoaony. it bsars oat the cia'eatloo of Mr. Htnaii Taylor, aad other. whhIJ thit theaatoioay offsreJ bf Sptio i fraod, aod that she hat ni iateati a of carryioir it oat la fcd faith. Th re-Hirkable thin aboat thl atteraace is thit it eainited from the statesoaaa who ha the credit of oriioatiog aod ioitlatlog the aatoi omy scheme, aod who wts sappossd to be eiertiog all hi Inflaence to pat It Into effect, aod yet he tells as that It is ia oppotitioa to the seatimeat aod to the solidarity of the nation. If this b: so, who expects the nttioa to abide by It after it ooce gets Cuba !oto it power agalo? Who etpects that it will give Cuba and her complaints any more consider! tion than It ha heretofore given them? Tns Cabaa woo ari struj- gllog to jet froa a jder the Spanish yoke, saowed their sigicitir, and that thev kaow what Spanish promises meat whea they rejicted thete hypscritical advinces of Spain. If there were any doabt of that it is removed by this reported utteraoce of the Ieadiof Spaoith aatoooraisr, who that coafesse the hypocrisy of the scheme. BOOK NOTICES. Tae Ettu St for D. -camber D'ci'iii ci mci lit: o' c tateatt frooi Siropeia omit ait is n-it it all. areio2 a wdi raje o! tabjectt. P.ised b E K P.I oa. 13 Fif h Atesaa Ne York. T it h a'sd if ooBiUr of Trn Topics it vary bioitame tod verr loieret iog. Ii tt p-mird oa 6ae piper beantifullv I Itiuitt d ta 1 fii cJ wiib loterettiee rttoNaz ranter. Addrrtt Town Topct PaVithm Co.uoinr 103 F.fih Aveooe. Sc Yore Tk Srm Tin ior Prcc-nbtr pre lie i a tu nber ol loirrjmeg artictet cn political aad ecoeoaaic tabj ?c:t. ia adJi- tiao to wiicb it aa tito tmeot ol rnlt- ceUjacoat ranter which the geotral rraler will fiad ec teriitolag. Pab'.ithed bt Cbarlet il. Ktrr A Co . 58 Filih Areaae. Cb cijo. M. Tae ra:tiplt cuo aod free thicker Ii Bad the cooteau ol tbe tnttUiftT n Oc:tnaber laterettieg. Woether the rtfltr turret nb tbe writert or oot be will te isieret ed it tbe eotertaiaiag k ia !i cl tbev pretest their view. Pjbotaed a Tbe Vlettpb? nctl Puilith ii ujflpiar aui riiia ireouc nei Yor CUHH: Writ N I COMMtNl wHI the Republican statetntn who so free'y aenouncea Presidtnt Cietelacd s Cuban policy hare to say now of Mr. Mckinley s acceptance an J indarseoieit of it. Such jineco as Lod?e and Krye hi tore pat!03 to tatters in behilf ot oieedia Cuba a rear ago. will roar you as gently a any sucking love DOW. istttttLt Courier tur Z. Htm Tie Rr Tnoaij J K'etb. vbants retar.ieJ alt ins pension raaaey totne i averauaent. explains to tbe V'-V to d y his motites of caotcience ard hjn y. Unhap- P It sach motives are less influen tial than tbey shoold be Mr K eih citet one cac. for eianaple, m which a Pfetbytcrian e'der is drawing $30 a month for deafnets while manag- tn a long-j stance teephooe. Vrar ilVry. Dem P.eideil McKloley s'.icks closely to hit piarforoa. He says he he hopes something wtil be done for b metail a He knows we'd enough that there is no sacith-og posiible. He knows that the Republican p irty Co n at want erea to tet the qjes tiaa wnettcr there is such a trim. His etpression of hope for its real- utioa like his seadiag of the bim- e alltc conaooisttoa to Europe a b'a3. MSu't Register, Dem lathe cae of an Illinois widow owning a hoae and aa nnen cambered farm of 51 acres who had app.ieJ lot a pensoi the Assistant Secretary of tbe Interior has rejeced the claim on the ground that "this appellant Is not without other means of support than her daily labor with in the oesniog and iatcnt of the pro visions of Section 3. Act of June 27. IS.0" Wtiai a-uy thl a princi ple so eqa table canaot beapp.ied as well to male as to fena'e recipients aid claimants of tbe Gorernmeat s boaoty' - PAu'JelkU Raord. Dem. At Four Score. Or. M.Utt' NrJr Rtttort Health. USCXC EZCKtlXOBEAR. kmhot tuwl colWtcv. Bswrtj. attM., wbo Ui r"d th tcth lit mile itoo. mjt Vt Kit' IUa4arUT Serrta hm doa a Vrl dl or rood. I a ?rd fjrj9rt treat ti plium 4 mrrcn mr troabU. Wold rl wt a4 imI ap ta la nc-n-tt bJ ao uabltioa aad bbt vxwk antd a b-Mi. A rniad rtcoca ol4 Dr. at 11m' Mrt. aa4 I pwctiwj a botU aa4r pro aa I aa4 tru-i o bit rvtaadlx oa-oc-cMafsIly. I Ua9bt It ao bm. Bat tt trn m rvatrml iW-p. a food apptn aad iMcrd M to errtic b Jib. It la a trraad food taadiclaa. aad I will fladly writ aayo laqnlrtnf. rail partlcatartof my at- lafarUara atpar1aa. ajra noli ty aU tfru tata aadav a Doaitl rvataatM trt botlla twaatia or awry ra raatd. Boott cm 4la m of taa aart aad Mtw fTM. Ad4raa. ANorvinol HcwJtJt 0 OB. MILES atEDICALCO Cikaan. lad K-AKilmi Aii &nulV wil m tor tBc. m m I e. atCat't Turn Fax l""l altll SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Scotland Neck Commonwealth : Mrs. Mary B. Whitehead, relict of the late lacoh Whitehead, died at ber home ia Scotland Neck, Dec 3. o .1.1 .k t, -. . Tk c. Treasurer has catered suit against the sheriffs of Ashe aad Htraett coaaties to secure payment of bal ance of taxes for 1807. Ashe county owes $456 aad Haraett $320. Salisbury Sum: There Is a hea oa Chestoot Hili that is doing some- thing oat of the ordinary, or rather, above the average. She lays two eggs every day ao1 three days in each week the eggs are doable ones. Wilson AJvaiue- The police ceosas, which has jat been comple ted shows that we have a population of 5,041. This, of coarse, aoes not cover the large floating population which has no fixed place of abode. If these coald be gotten at the total would doubtles reach 6,000 souls. As it is, we can show that the last census report (that of 1890) is far from correct; that report credited Wilson with a population of 2,900. Fayetteville Observer: The men who broke into Whaley's jewelry store last week have been captured, and are in custody in Hope Mills. Policeman Benton discovered that a white man was peddling spectacles on the streets, aod following this clae he caused their arrest Wednes day. The white man's name is Geo. W. Dorsey; the other man is a mu latto, name unknown. Officer Ben ton has gone to Hope Mills to bring them to this city. Weldon News: Some piople at rord in a field near Gaston last week made a horrible discovery. They saw a dog with something in Iti mouth, and on examination It proved to b: the leg of a whits ia fant. Investigation led to the dis covery of the mutilated remains of the infant. It bad uadoabtedlv been murdered, as its Utile skall was badly cruthed and there were other evidences of the horrible crime. The coroner was notified and an inquest ras held, but the investigation failed to famish a clae to the gadty party or parties. Greenville Reflector -. On last Saturday morning about 3 o'clock Mr J. J. Liughioghouse, near Grimesland, lost a doable barn aod 250 barrels of corn by fire. He says he has no idea whatever how the fire originated. The loss is about $900 ritb only $200 insurance on building and two hundred on the corn, which he carried in the Farmers' Mutual Fire Association. Mr. Laughing- house has been unfortunate in this direction, and everyone will sympa thize with bim ia this additional loss be has sustained. Ic was only last Winter thht his splendid dwelling bouse was burned. TWINKLINGS. "What made that trirl next door qalt bicuiaa; tbe piano so saddeoU ? ' Toe ne gbboritook upt subscription snibaJtatae- iOi a' ana " With a Reservatioo He "Do yoo oesn to tty that yoa have never loved bm one ? ' She I da; I aa:aa tb; tanas man ot coarte. Dtxoo "What are you doing no.' H a S'lioi lime ta contract art." U i io- H da ioi find biatinett?" Hiaco Sack." "I'm anxious to meet Mr. Hob bey. for tbe say be talkt jatt like a boo" Yrt h: rfo't l an like a blaok book." Detroit Frte Prist. Mrs. Jones "I wonder what it It that ratket baby to .k-lu ? Mr. ioeet (t v itteU ) ' Woy. it't he reditary oleaart ! tnt it wbat comet of our t tiiog op oirfbtt wa'ting (or rat'" Puek. "I asked the young woman in (root of rn to rem ve b:r D'i bat to I coo'd tee tbe tttse." Did sbe do it?" "So. tie eaii if the bell ber bit in ber lap tbe coaldo't s;e tne ttsge ber ielf." Druggist "That new toilet preparatioa yoa pat on tne maraet wata't a tuccrtt. eh ?" Dacmr Haw do yoa mean it rato't ? ' Drueg'tt Wb. there batn't been a tingle laaitauoa ofTered for tile." An Endleis View-Raggs Ail this la.k about tbe world corning to aa end it rank oont-ote." 1 istft Wny it i ?" Racgt - How can aoytbiog round Cimem ao end. I'd like to know r Those Dreadful Sores Tracy Continued to Spread In Spite of Treatment but Now They are Healed -A Wonderful Work. "For rnanjr ycart I hare in a ifreat tlfTertT with vtrlcxwo vrin- o:i oae of my tlmba. My foot and limb became dread fully twollcn. When I stood np I coula feci the blood ruthioc down the velna of thlallrnb. One day I accidentally nit my toot am!nt aorne object and a aorc broke oot which continued to spread aod waa exceedingly painfal. I concluded I BM-drd a blood puriner and I began taking Hood HamapartlU. In a short time thoae dreadful toira which bad caused me ao much aufTcrlng, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Saniapa- rilla. and In a thort time my limb wts completely healed and tbe tore gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for tha wonderful work Hood's Sarsa pa ri Ua, baa dona for me." Has. A. E. Qlljsojr, Ilartland, Vermont. Hood's5 parilla 1 the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills eure all ltTer int. ascents. Grandmamma "What are you doitf io tbe paotrv. Tosamyr Tosaaay Oa. I oa jatt patting a lew tbiegs away, gran ma. ' Tit Bits Eobbid tht Grave- A ttartliog iocideot of which Mr. John Oliver, of Poilade.'pbia, wai tbe tubject It narrated by him as follows: "I was in - . ... a a l I a matt dreaaiai condition, mv skid wtt tlmott yellow, eyes sanken. tongue coated, pain contieuallv in back and sides, oo appetite gradually growing weaker day by dtv. Tnree pbtsldaos bad given me op Fortunately, a friend advised trying -Electric Bitters.' and to nay treat lav and surorise. tbe first bot tle caade a decided Improvement. I cofltiooed their ose for three weeks, and am sow a well m ir. I know they saved my life, and roboed tbe grave of another victim Nf) one ahnnM fail tn trv tbem. Oaly 50 cents per bottle at R. R. Bxl- I LA Mars Drat! Store. t I TVs fi- I WASHINGTON 1 Some Unpublished Facts about His Xast Illness r Women of the It is not generally known that Gsneral Washlngtoo was killed in a moic cruel and barbarooi manner, bat it is, never theless. a fact. At the time of his death, Washington I was in bis sixty-eighth fear, a strong, robust man. Oa December 13 1799, he contracted a severe cold sod pneumonia threatened. Two doctors were sum moned, and, in accordance with the ab surd cuttom of those divs chef proceed ed to bleed their patieat. Nearly a qaart of blood was taken from bis veios, until at last he begged them to let him die in peace. Hs died that same day not from disease, bat actually from lost of blood. He wai killed by ignorance ! I a tbets difi, aa doctor who treated a patient as Washington was treated, woold be indicted ior manslaughter. Tbe wo ld was moved since then, aod there has been a coxp :te revo utioa in the practice of medicine. Instead of lowering tbe vital forces jby tbianing tbe bload, advanced pby:i:laoi now en daavor to build up the strength of their patients They employ oily tbe latest aad mar. s:ieatific remedies Aod yet, ia tplte of this fact, we fiad thousands of psop'e eadeavonog to im prove their health by takiag old-fash ioned medicines. Tbey forget that chemists and scientists have made great IMPALED HER BONNET. t falnral and Kxcitinj; Incident or a Nf York RaiDltoriu. Tboj1 were talking of the variety of quoer little incidents which the streotH of New York have to offer for the daily ontertainment of the idle but observing pedestrian. "Why, it'w a regular continuous performance, if you only keep your eyes open and look alxut you, " con cluded the man whose fund of "reiuinificeuces" had made him easily the star narrator of the party. "Indeed I believe you. " remarked the little wotnau in the corner, who up to that point had contented her lf with listening to the stories of the other.-. "I believe you. because I was in one act of it myself the other day on Twenty-third street. 1 assure you that I am not particular ly proud of the part I played, but, then. I did it purely from necessity, not choice. "When I started out to shop that afternoon, the sky was perfectly clear, but in about an hour it came on to rain very suddenly, and I was caught without an umbrella. I had a new bonnet on. too one of those tiny things, you know, made mostly of jet and lace, and barely resting on the top of 1113- head. It didn't even have strings to hold it on. Well. I was hurrying along as fast as possible, my sole idea being to get that bonnet under the sheltering roof of the nearest store, when, happening to glance a little distance ahcid of me, I saw something which fairly paralyzed me with astonish ment. I Htood stiil Tor a moment, unwilling to beliove my eyes. But there was no mistake. There waa my cherished bonnet, which I had lielieved to bo perched securely upon the top of my head, dangling from the rib of a man's umbrella, several yards away. Worst of all, the owner of the umbrella, blissfully uncon scious of his ridiculous 'catch,' was striding rapidly along through the rain, increasing nt every step the distance between me and my ill fated property. Thero was only one thing to be done, ami it was clear to mo that it must be do::e quickly too, Picking up my skirts. I ran after that man at top speed. I must have been an impressive object, in my bedraggled and hatless condition, but I had no time to think of that then. When I finally reached him, I caught at his sleeve and managed to gasp out : "' 'Oh, hir, excuse me, but you've got my bonnet !' "lie turned, and, judgingfrom tho expression on his face, I imagine he was quite as much surprised as I had lh'-n a minute or two before. H" was a dignified old gentleman, with kind looking blue eyes. " ' Your ion:K t, m.idam ? I have your - Inmnet :' he repeated .slow ly, emphasizing each word, as if to make sure that he had heard me right. " 'It's caught on your umbrella, ' I explained, feeling my face get red der every' moment. 'You must haVe picked it right up fi-om my head aa .von passed me. but I never felt it at all." "By this time we were both laugh ing heartily over the absurdity of j tne altair. hut I can tell you it will be a lesson to me. Never again will I go out until I have fastened my hat securely to my head by every means known to women." New York Tribune. KonueLh Ixx-oiuo nole king of Scotlaod in 854. From his time to tbe aocessioaa ot Jnmea VI Scotland had 44 klnja. Catarrh, like scrofala. is a disease of tfae blood and may be cwred by purify- ,n ne oiood witn Moods barta- pariua. f 1 1 . TWfx- TW fx. slania 111 WAS KILLED 1 Present Day. discovr nes In recent years, and do not go back to tbe antiquated remedies and concoctions that were used a hundred years ago. It will not do. Wiiat you, reader, need tb cure the headaches, d zziness, tired, worn out &nd Irritable feelings, constipation, and bear ing djwi sensitises is some modern d s covery based on scientific truths that will stMke at tbe root of tbe trouble. You ar? sick because your kidneys and liver are out of order, and rou should at once sae that they are put in order. "Yes," yoa say. "this is easy to assert, but what shall I dc? ' Take the best and most scientific discovery for these troubles yoa can - find. Ask any ad vancsd scientist wbat this is and be will tell you, Warner's Safe Cure. Tois dis covery stands alone, by itself, and far above all so-calied medicines of tbe past or present. I a speaking about it Or. William Eiwatd Robsoa. of London, says: "I conscientiously and emphatically state that I have been able to give more relief and effect more cures by the uie of Warner's Sife Cn-e than by any other medicine attainable to tbe profession.' Tnis is high pra.se. bu-. no higher than the t abject des:rv:i as yoa will r-adily ascertain upaa utiag tnis great, modern discovery. The Discovery of he Day. Aug. J Bogel. the Ica-iiag druga'S'. oi Shrcvtport, La., tay : "Dr. Kind's New Ditcovery is tfce only thinjj thst cu'es my cough, and it is the best teller I have." J. F Campbell, merchant of Safford, Af z . writes: Dr King's New Discovei is all tbat is cla med for it; it never fiils. aod is a sure cure for Con tamption. Coughs and Colds I cannot tav enough for its merits." D K nfc's New D.scovtrj for Consumption. Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. I: bas been tried for a quarter of a century, and to day stands at the head. It never dis appoints. Free trial bottles at R. R. Bellamy's drug store. . I Tit fie tlmllt ttgutort f ' tin era 17 VTafpt PIANOS. Testimonials, medals, loiiterrttory Sehoo), nd other i dorsements a e a thing of the put, as they have no val'e whatever, being in nearly every instance "manipulated. YOU J O JLY SAFS COUSC onder the so-called modern methods is to Go to a Reliable House That is Responsible for its Dealings. OUR PUf-OS are care'nlly selected; on can see them "right here," and we are here to protect yonr interests, wecinnot sttord to do otberwse. New Pianos received all tne time. E. VAN LAER. 408 North Fourth street. We offer Bargains la several nice Square Pianos. no 17 tf Liverpool and American .SALT. Any weight sacks, coarse or fine, fresh packing. A large stock Bagging and Ties, which we offer at lowest market prices. Groceries In quantities sufficient to fill orders promptly. Correspondence solicited. Hall & Pearsall, Nutt and Mulberry streett. an 10 0w . a i IOSTU ITI WCrcali I A toothsome and healthful bever age. Looks like ground coffee. When brewed it takes the beautiful deep seal brown color of Mocha and Java, cbaoging to a rich golden brown when cream is added. An honest product of the healthful grains given by all wis; nature for I . J I man a proper sustenance. It nour ishfs, strengthens and vitalizes. For sale at the USLU0KY CORNER. e7 tf Frank H. Stedmao, WILMINGTON, N. C. Fire and Tornado Insurance. Your business is solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed, OFFICE AT WiliiiutoD Saw & Trust CompanT. Telephone No. 162. de 3 tf COMMERCIAU WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE. D-eember 10. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market quiet at 80) cents per gallon for ma-cftine-made casks, and 89$ cents for country casks. ROSIN. Market doll at 1 IS per bbl for Strained and $1 20 for Good Strained. TAR Market steady at $1.05 per bbi of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market steady; $1 40 per barrel for Hard, 1 90 lor Yellow Dip aod 1 90 tor Virgin Quotations same day last year Spirits turpentine nothing doing; rosin firm, $1 45, 1 50, tar steady, 10. crude tur pentine quiet, $1 40. 1 90, 1 80. RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine .'. . 190 Rosin 408 Tar 848 Crude Turpentine 68 Receipts same day last year 145 casks spirits turpentine, 477 bbls rosin 287 bbls tar, 27 bbls crude turpentine COTTON. Market steady on a basis of 5c for middling. Uaotations: Ordinary 2 15-18 cts & (iood Ordinary 4J " " Low Middling 4 15-16 " " Middling b " " Good Middling: 5 " " Same day last year, middling 7. Receipts -2,885 bales; same day last year 2 C00. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 4045c per bushel of 28 pounds; Extra Prime, 60c; Fancy, 55c. Virginia bma Prime, 45c; Jf ancy, 50c. .CORN Firm; 4750 cents per bushel. KUUliH KIUE fl.001.05 per busbel, N. . BACON Steady; Hams to 9c "per pound; Shoulders, 6 to 7c; Sides. 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch. hearts ana saps, $1 60 to 2.25; six inch, $2.25 to 3.25; seven inch, $5 50 to 6 50 TIMBER Market steady at $3 00 to 8.50 per M. COTTON AND NAVAL STORES. WEEKLY STATEMENT. RECEIPTS. For week ended December 10, 1897. CMm. Writ. Retin. Tar. 23,483 901 3.432 1,951 RECEIPTS. For weekj ended December 11, 1894 Cstten. Sfteiti. . Rosin. Tar. 10,89 i 7W 2,934 1.176 Crnds 393 Crndt. 80S A EXPORTS. For week ended December 10, 1897. Cotton. SSiriti. Rosin. Tar. Crndt. Domestic. 275 574 OS 1,106 481 Foreign... 12,497 1,0.5 15,310 COO 000 8J,?7i 1,"589 ; 15,376 1,203 43J EXPORTS. For week ended December 11, 1896. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crndt Domestic. Foreign . . 1,704 1S.667 1,094 87 00 951 IKXJ 65T U0J 14 31 1,091 27 951 STOCKS. Ataora aod lAaoat, Dc. 1 1897. AsAori. AJtoat. Cotton..... , 15 89 15,491 Spirits ,. 8.V21 31 Rosin 40,i9 00 Tar 2,778 25S Crude .01 0 0 STOCKS. Ashore and Aaoit, Dsc. 11, 1396. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. 42,730 1.36) 36.434 1.604 587 Total. 81,583 S,S)S 40,970 8,03 i Crude" 427 FINANCIAL MARKETS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York. Dec. 10-Eyening. Money on call easy at percent, last loan S and closed offered at 1$Q 2 percent. Prime mercantile paper 8 per cent Sterling exchange was firmer, with actual business in bankers' bills at 485 for demand; 482J482 for sixty days. Posted rates 488$ 484 an J 488487. Commercial bills 481&- Silver certificates Bar silver 68. Mexican dollars 46U. Government bonds strong; new fours, registered, 139; new fours, coupon, 129. fours, registered. 112; fours, coupon, 114m; twos, registered, 99; fives, regis tered 114; fives, coupon, 114. State bonds duti; North Carolina sixes 150; North Carolina fours 103 NAVAL STORES MARKETS. Bt Telegraph to tbe Horning Stai- Nxw YORK, Dec. 10. Roin firm. Spir.ts turpentine steady at 3288Jtf! Charleston, Dec. 10. Spirits tur pentine was firm at 30c; sales caskr. Rosin firm; sales barrels; quotations unchanged. Savannah. Dec 10. Spirits turpen tine firm at 80c; sales 898 casks; receipts 616 casks. Rosin firm; sales 4 676 bar rel; receipts 4 099 barrels; quotations unchanged. COTTON MARKETS By Telegraph to the Morning Star. NEW xork, uecemoer 1U In re sponse of more favorable cablet frcm Liverpool than looked for the local cot ton market opened steady at an ad vance of 18 points, with some buying in evidesce Tbe better feelicg was shortly followed by a reaction under selling for Liverpool and domestic spir- ners account. The decline was ai rested by quite a number of limited buying or ders and belief that there has been a considerable short interest accumulating recently. Throughout tbe setsion the market was more or less nervous and irregular. Dunne the afternoon the mar feet was slow and quite featureless. closing steady, with prices unchanged to 2 points higher, as compared with yes terday's closing figures. New Yoik. December 10. The fol lowing are tbe total net receipts of cat- ton at all pens since September Is', 1896: Gveston. 1 179 018 New Or- leans, i,iuo iou; muoue, 110 201; oavac- i 4 .eo nan. II l i -t . . aa r nah, 709 432. Charleston, 808095; Wi - mington. 234 926 Norfolk. 343 648; Btl timore, 22 519; New Yotk. 4L949, Bos ton, 69 684; Newport News, 61,244; Pni! adelpbia, 81 869. Brunswick, 81 824; Port Rovsl. 40.463; Pensacola, 49 373. Total. 4 462 285 New York. Dec. 10. Evening. Cotton quiet; middling o?tc. Cotton futures closed steady; sales of 92 200 bale; January 6 69, Februarv a tare M s- mmtm A :1 s- rm at a- aj 572. March 5 76 April 6 81, May 5 86. June 5 90, Jtalv S 95 August 5 99. Sep. tember 5 99. October 6 O'i December 5 66 Spot cotton closed quiet; middling uplands 5Jic; middling gulf 6c; sales bales. Cotton net receipts 65 bales: gross 7.544 bales; exports to Great Britain hals- tn Vranrn . Ka1a- tn the Continent 1 821 bales; forwarded I 2,187 bales: sales bales: tales to soin- I ners bales; stock factual) 93 471 bales. Weekly net receipts 4.874 bales; gross 80 125 bales: exports to Great Britain 6 051 bales; to France 1,091 bales; to the Continent 7.516 bales; forwarded 22.784 bales; sales 146 bales; sales to spinners 46 bales. Total tO-dav Net rrinta K7 0011 bales; exports to Great Britain 19,954 I bales; to France 800 bales; to the Cor-I tlnent 82 885 bales; stock 1.069,178 bales. I Consolidated Net receipts 863 750 Dales; exports to Great Britain 135 756 bales; to France 84,771 bales; to the Con- tlnent 110 976 bales. Total since September 1 Net receipts 4,452.285 bales: exports to Great Britain 1,425,911 bales; exports to France 410 895 bales: exports to tbe.Contln.ent 1,107, 867 bales. Dec. 10. Galveston, stead? at 6 7 16c, n,et receipts. 7 .817 bales; Norfolk, steady at 5Jf.net receipts 4.474 bales; Baltimore, nominal at 6. net receipts 8 09$ bales; P,ton," d,an 5. net rece 'Pi S 881 uaiet; wiimmgion, steady at receipts 2.749 bales; PniladelD at 6f , net receipts 1,186 baler' Liu' onah. bales: New Orltans, quiet at bu . receipts 83S80 baits; Mobile, q."e 5 8-16. net receipts 981 bMes MVJ 1 steady at fifc, net recript. 7.14S ba j'1 PRODUCE MARKETS By Telegraph to the Morning Star N.w York, Dec. 10-EveniDp Flour less active but nominally,,-. Wbeat-tpot we gk; No. red 98 I o k pointioR cables, advanced tharDl r, . iquerze cf May tbortt. but collapsed Un the af ernoon oaiog to general U0oad ias and small export demand closint? V c net lower; No 9 red January c;o.h 97c; May closed 98; DeeeaibefSo?! 97&c Core spot tteady; No 8 4r afloat; options opened steady and sd vanced on bad weather lor tbe move ment. but finally reacted w.tb wheat ttd closed partly ic net loer: May cloard 33c; Decerooer doted 81 Ojts -potqu.ct. No -8708744c. opt.ons barely tctive and firmer on a demand from shorts, closing c ret h'gber Fr b ruary c'osrd 27c; May cloted iTKc December c osed 7 Lard tteady Wttil ern steam $4 65; December 4 65 nomi nal. Potk quiet. Butter wai Head. Western creamery 1424c. do. factor." llj$;14c: Elgms 24c; imitation cream ery 1317-; State dairy 1820- do creamery 1423c Chreae was tteady" large white Sspiember 8M58c, light Skirm 6c; part skims 4H5c I u I skims 8a4c. Petroleum noroiLal Uoittd cloted 655,c b d. Rice firm cotton seed oil ste-dv; prime crude 18; do vet low 23c. Coffre spot R o siady No 7 invoice 6; No 7 jobbirg 7c' mild quiet; Cora, va 8;15:; s.lts 1 000 d ci Santos N j 9 at .. c tt ai.d Ire gbt Sugar raw i r ng. (ar refiTirK 8 cen trifugal 98 ten 8 15 16c; itfired'a.mer; coDtectioners' A 4c; granulated 5 1 1. Chicago. December 10 Alter con. Siderable efforts the bull clique in i be wbeat market succeeded io Oav in c ct ing the lid on the boiling Dectmbir shorts and getting the price down to a point tbat Jos not so openly invite ail the con ract wheat in tbe tounirv to Chicago. December cloted at 1 08 a decline for the day ol 4:, while May showed about lc decline at tbe ekie. Corn and oats were governed by the trade in wbea, but showed very little change at tbe close. Provisions alio closed substantially uscbaned. Chicago. Dc. 10. Cam quotation: Flour market was firm. Wneat No. 2 spring 8989c; No. 8 uprmg 81 97c; No. 2 red $1 Olfifcl 08 Corn- No 8 86c. Oati No.2 22ic; No. 2 white I b 25jfc; No. 3 .hne i. o. b. 28024c. Rye Na 2. 46J4C Mess park per bar rel 7 857 40 Lard, per 100 Ibi t4 2H 4 80 Short rib sides, lcose. 14 KW ' t uuaer fli.o 4 50. Dry salted sbouldert, boxed (4 71 5 00. Sbort cler sides bnxed. 1 45 4 65. Wb.skev. dictillrrt' finnbid goods, per taiion. $1 19 The lecding futuret ranccd as Io'Iotv opening, bignest, lowest and cir.tiGt: Wheat December 1 07 1 08 1 08 1 Oil; January 9i. 93 94 USc; May 2M VISIM 9lc. Corn- Decetnber 25, 85, 25 5:02Sc; May 28V28K. 29029 28. 2bsc. Oau December 2234. 22VI. 22 22c May 2222X 2222 22192H:2. Mess porlt ptr brt Df crm brr 7 Januaiy f9 27 8 82. 8 25. 8 25. May 88 42 8 62 8 47 8 LztH. per 1C0 lbs December 4 17. 4 17. 1 17W. 4 17W. January t 82W. 4 33 4 HI, 4 32. May 84 60. 4 62. 4 47, 4 tO. Short ribs, per 100 lbs December 4 20, January $4 82U 4 23 4 20,4 22; May $4 82. 4 80 4 82 4 82 Baltimore. Dec. 10. Flour dull ard unchanged. Wheat dull; spot sod month 9898Mc; lanuary 9RJ 99c. May 93; steamer No. 2 red Mj4 93c; Southern wbeat by sample 99c; do on grade 9499c. Corn firm; spot 8333jc; mootb Bi 89c; December, new or old, 82 32ct January 81,82c; February 32(823c. stem r mixed 81031c. Soaibern wLite corn 8033c; n.) yel low 8183c Oats fi m; No. 2 wbuc 2980c; No. 2 mixed 27C27c. FOREIGN MARKETS By Cable to the Morning Star. Liverpool, Dec. 10. 4 P. M. Cotton Spot In lair drmaod ycd pr cn lower. American middling fair 8 17 32d, gocd middling 3 9-82d; Ameri can middling 8 3 lbd low miao'trf; 3 1 331: good ordinary 8 29 83d. ordinary 8 23-82d. Tbe sales of the dy were 12.000 bales, of which 1.000 were lor speculation anH export, and incljr'rd 11 800 American. Receipts 2 200 haiet. all cf wbicb were American. Futurtt opened quiet with a poor demard end closed steady. American middling (I m c): December 8 8 64d buyer December and January 8 8 64d buyer: January and February 8 8 64d seller; February and March 3 8 64a3 9 64d seller; March and April 8 9 61d buyer; April and May 3 10 64 d buyer; May and June 8 11 eft 3 12 64d seller; June acd July 3 12 64 8 13 64d buyer, July and August 8 14 64d seller; August and Sepiember 8 15 64d seller; September and October 8 16 64d seller: October and November 8 16 643 17 64d buyer. The tenders for delivery at to-oay s clearirgt were 2.900 bales new docket. MARINE. ARRIVED. Scbr Besie Brown. 220 tons. Smith. Delaware Breakwater, Geo Harriss. S n & Co. CLEARED. Steamer Driver, Robinson, Fayette ville. R R Love. MARINE DIRECTORY. List of Veaaela In the Port of Wll- mlntrton, W. C, Dec. 9, 1897. SCHOONERS. Bessie Brown, 220 tont, Smilb, Oeo Harrits, S in & Co. Roser Moore, 277 tons. Miller, Jas T Riley & Co. May Thompson, 60 tons, Cahoon Geo Harrlss, Son & Co. Silver Heels. 128 tons. Quinlan. Jat 1 Rt'ey & Co. Si Thomas 664 tons, Hammeit, Geo Harrits. Sin & Co. Samuel W Hall. 8C6 tons, Mumford.Geo Harriss, Son & Co. BARQUES. Hans (Swed), 680 tons, Ebbefson. HelCe & Co. Anitra inoi), 647 tons, Simonten. Paterson, Downing & Co. BRIGS. Gabrlelle, 482 tons Munday, Geo Har rits, Son & Co. STEAMSHIPS. Trunkby, 1668 tons, McGarlby. Alei Sprunt & Son. Vera (Br). 2.854 tons, Nicholson,! n Sloan. SANTAB.-r.1IDY Arrwrta dlacharKe from tha urinary organa tn either sex ha 48 boors. It It superior to Copaiba, Onbeb, or tne ttont, and free from aU bad tmaU or oUtav taoonyrntennes. S A N T AL-M I D Ytaff1(M Camulav which bear tb naa lo bUoktf'aV 'J trtiTrti irtftrrt Th i"M """"- - 1 II