-- D cq3 MVt uuLLAno :SS UORNINO STAB ,,3 01 TEAR j:Jj fj UJI CHilPQ rsa Tit AM tirru I a 44 en IMAM 1IMAM K tut 3 . it a a ail '"" .1 11- J M- T '" " " ,,r aa Ut . 0 )l - - ,,,r t ajraorrraan. . . . uu i urn. i mi 4.catiC COe. IM -rr,tri a n coaere tea .A - l j 5 . tioaa- tie MW BJ- ,,r. M aadv eoidev oata tie , a 0 LAe Si pa tot ' art 4 tt subtlv -,,1 J" : 4 l. (4fii4 M DDI nt yi..H. 1 U;t Kami, to rt 9t l i )4 !t l. wn -Ti i -! - U( j, .i Jin iia'4ce )aiui3i'"- - vcft R :B3 ;tt it t.:i Ktiif gula 1 J m lit I t Jl H V ... C.I... .1 1 ... , ,1 tM i 1.1 lit J Oi lii:l1Jli!-1'- XMC' tilt LMC i.jV.Ul , , i y. VI iw Fr k s, - v W r. r:i $i n. i A ct. cxto 1 1.1 4 4. T. -ay etnt oa ft ii :t:u f it it.jrsi t:t fof Browa l:anu. ' n M- 1 jut: )i jMii4.11 t 7:Ti fel art tbat tbt ! a 5iifer taaa thl. Tbt i tlat St I aad It 4tf. aiTay i'vm tjrr-aJtred aacoodl ":m4.;f :.j ' .H-f ".v.Uiaaa'a deoaaad. C'.iuu !; : t4.-T?aJr aacoodHioo -.f ' t rt.ti b-aad aad a drasa r : t t4 m: ooiy etbt oat of I ed Raituas caa read it -; 3 1: f. it.i't :r -: tit ii cay tbiog Rii.na U- t 1 : : iota of foolisb ir: r : nx letters of iy- V(-::a Tbjra. bos It la t)'tt-i Tojuvj rei, tbt letters ''1 -i Mailed t.j ill tat dccaiads J' -irnn ia.! lifted to fork over a vi ;. , vva Onatsaca get ": ji tsy !ae a babit if ao a i -lirr ti:1. v:r-.v;.3udac of tit Ne York ! ! 5i i j ofooja !'"' j mJi j take aocat iU. a -1 -a, f ir a tbey get tnri ".- m .. iij I! tbt f od ! t !. ji X.i9d Is la tba t-t ' 4 a.ic for ISW. aad t fn; ur j Ti:bt la 'rn.-: jt). mt ro.jvjjaatd aad coo- f 1 'ir : in.Hii Geraaaay rrport nose if !5tf ,ajr factoclet :et! :ou jtry ara ra a ot tbe co irf:.t ,,,4,, ,,4 taat la tba 3J"J ?4otor aow ta opiratioa aioat of 'Vi tj;a uni.j by oac gro trs. I ' fti.-i innate coatlaf toxlta I (Vturi, w Vaadarbilt baa bid b I itursd for tl.0OO.0CO. tba aa I 1 u; jrsrau a oa wac4 wtll b $33. L0,''J Ti more lasaraace tbaa ? ? ! tor -a tbt coaatry CArriea. Lag-slatara of GeorgiA baa P-it-n-ti a U rtaairiag tbat when t ..rt aai g cora witb wheat Soar. :ay a,m so eaark tt. Tbera la ao ai.t cuUr bAraa ta tba ealiiag. bat ..lay taoiaid ackaowUdft tbe cora. at - M BtfMM. . 11111)4 -..r it ; VOU LXI. NO. 71. ncroxTAjrr uivovi cixiit Anat!o4 U oU4 to (otlo-v tax Kjaccks Hiru of SobKiipcioa to Tmx Mourrro Sta : to ktAn. rawcjuamjL Ti? UoniU U-00 JU - 1M Tkrm m - UU Two " LOO Om M to crrr imciniu. Ta 3ta wIU bm diivnd by carrWr At aot potat la th dty At IS ccau mt vwl of IS caau pf EL -.. J A CakA(3 wasBAa bu beca ar ms t J la St York o tb cbart of caloroforcalag aa4 robblof bet baa- b4L S-trTcd hrr rltbi. Mott wo- troaUi bava bta coattat to wli aaul bt vtat to alcp ao4 tbto foot tbroaf b bU dotbea ia tba oioal f Tbt GaJa. N. J, polka bae ba rqMUti to dtsitt Iroa Itav (Ctb-r btau to fa to bd. Ibt tatrtaca (roca tan U tbat tba Caca dta polka art lattptritoccd a ad 04 Tt ao ytt raiftcrtd tba art ot a.p4a 00 tatr btt. Lactcrt. ol Caicaf a. o( tai fame, an tikca tbt Dabiic ao far tato bi cofidtaca as to cooftta tbat ba U aort oa load aad aak tbta to taka p a co(!cua to btp blca defray tbt etpai of bU coart accaaces. MEW ADVariS4tSTS, D OXowo For rtav. Wic Sr r Woacj St-i-'A Htxvi LatM attU Aa:a. Haxj. A Puuill Sue Much A Eajj A cr4 Siacoajt Road S:AtJl. J H. Rtxota & Co TjfA J. A. Srtata it Co CoL I J Sir4io-S4tiur u!. I B Rjou-Hif4 wiKJpi Kiwo G t:a r Co Ttrttfa. Wt)TTtO-P MtliOt A4 tL W. B Coorca Mjl4iTcoodA. A O RtCAOO Ait' tilt, f. T. Mills -Hjm a4 oia:A, Sam t. Biae. Sa. J'. rtciTt3. S VT. SAXOCAJ-Pjas crI A. D Baow-A ft ttcUMit. r. H. bTtt4AJ-Mt IO Itai VocLcaj t Hao 0ir MtidI LaM -X aoiHt Wotmt vroirt Fiat ttd oaia. C W. PotTvXiT Co-Oftiiwt talaet. J. W. McacitJO-CtfiaiiafAT. Wit. Baa o Aito x -lit 40: ptr NX W E. voT Co TaaAtia dta. Wiu Saio A Tvt CxIa ttraaa paid o dt 3 IV HHI1M LOCAL. Doc Lost R - Foa SALA-Ptl WcrtJ p H HTOW-DKe.ftnuim PERSONAL fAKAUKAPHS Bi4r ra I raratatir Fta. Mr. C F. B.-U Is scrloasly sick. CoL JL M. Draae, of Armoor. ta la tbt citr Dr. Locaj aad so a, of Wbite HiH. ttt la tbt citf retterdif. W. H. Pope. Bq, of Fayette. .U. irrird a tba clt ftraar. dpt. J. . Sloao. tbe well koa cMtom eipOTiar. w-mm ttfdaf. Mr. J. -- MUrer. of Jackson- rUla. wia Aoa Teatardat'i hoial reta tKtoaa Mr. R. BattA. Sr.. of Holly Ri-Jga. wit bart Taxtfdaf aaaklag baai aaaa caila. Mr. W- C Peteraoo, of tbe firm of Piters m k Rilf. bokia btta ef aicA. aa aoaae bttttr reeterdir. Aooof tba rUitors la tbe dty retard., wttt F. M Foy. baxt e H ll. J A. It.Ag. Aaaaadal: W. A. Broaa. Rock? Poiat. Scwbaro Jrml of tbt lltb : Mrs. F A. B aaoo oa tba W. A K. una faaeafdar aaortiat f J Wliaauc af aat vU iJi id a lta dare ba loa gtg to FAfta Ut. tMa rrr IVia aA C V- MfDafli. bt tegro aaaa bo wbila rid.at a bTCle la a recklaaa calf Frtdat alwaoo rat lao M-a Miada M.Joa.of RalaJgb. bCa aba aad Ma Rttb Hirrttv of tba citf. t crua tba ttreat at tba latarttctloa of S aib aid Market, aad bo aa Uur M,aaiad aad pUctd la d at Depatf Sun I Flfta. teaterdaf afteraooa la l.txa Bait'ae'a coart tabaaUttd to a cbart of aaaaalt aad balttrr. bb aa V miTt. Ua coart aed tbt pfoaacatoe .4ftd to. A lea of M aad coata sa iaipoaad apo MiDia. Ta racorda ta tba odea of Dr. W. D McMUUa. Saptriateedeet of Health, aaowtbai dartaa tba past ee vera tiaa daethe. three btta tad mi coioeed. aad aabta Wrtba, twelve w vtttaa AA4 r a cowto. Deatbt dartag tbe pate week were caaaad by tba loliowteg diaaaaat. r Coava'ato. 1; pieewoafca. I. dUrrkcai. t; bears dreeev 1; praaaatara birtb. I. ftccidaet. 1. parsiy. 1; coaueead fever. It aakaowe. 1. . . Heraaiiar advarliaaaaeata to go ia ot Baeieeee UjciU daoartmeet wiU be chArred oaeceat par word for aacb ta artjoai 1 not ao svwrtiaaaaaal, aowwvat .a-rt. win ba tAkea, for Uaa Uaa M caat Tbla la a redaction) trowa tormar rataa Bbb aw at T m,r ak aaaaaPlamJaTABTawaa' aw a r A AWT' who caa cakalta tba axact e4 tbeir advartJaaaMatA. " " aVt-.ab aa paid to alwaxa advaaca. 1 E LOCAL DOTS. 4 Zataraat Qlbrad Bart) mod Tiara aad Brlafix Voaad. Mr. 0. J. Carrol!, U. S. VI ar abal for UJa D strict, baa rtaif tad. Register of Drtdt Norwood latatd twrtaart licaaMt tba paat wk to ot coiortd aad tlrat hitt coapJta. A. O. RJcaad, Eiq, ass1g;flcf, taaoaacaa tbat tit aalt of daa dotbla am aal larataAtatt at cac la ml araaa; oau Tbcra will be bo arrcea at Soatkaida Baptitt cbarcb to dir. tba panot aaatat At tbt Biptiat Sutt Coartatioa. A meetiog of the Dioghtert of tbt Coaled in:? will 6 btld Wtdtta day aitaraooa at tftt Wdanottoa Lifct falaaur arcaxf . VIcstTA Alex. Spraat 8c So a 00 ymardi? clautl tftt Bduab ataaaiar 7iT. Cap. McCanbr. to Btatt. Ouaur, with a euro of 8 8l bale of CMioa. vaiaad at U9 ItO. Ueateaant Fraacla Wioilo. trail kaova aa bivltf ba protatttati? coaatatd vtta tai Nnb Carolioa ButAUoa of Nival Rntrvea. bit cant o Nicaaaaa. wbeft ba iU act at da tatitc efi:ar foe tbt Uaitad Statca UaraaataL Tba cam aja1"1 Willie Wilklo at aai Jt Jaaaioa. tba to otgro b)ft cairtad ub brtakiac lato aad r-a tbt boo aad aaot rapur abop of Ut. Jaba Bikar. u att to trial to aaxro aaoraiag at 10 o'clock bciot faatka Baatiag. Tbe facas of East Carolina as a proca ( Ai:d f u trait aad track grovtra ia gtult mart aad aaoit fjelf apraid. Tbtrt n a pAtt? of ptop'a btra yaattrdar froa bleak Wia atpag o tbelr ar to i4alba Saaar i Mkb coIoat at Cbadaoara. Ueurs. Myen & LewU ao aoaace la tba Staa ibn aaoraiag tbat tber bira aa titra largt nock of Can itaiia aoveltict tad Ioti oa baad Tbty bivt rccaailr rtaaoTtd (o tbe aoribem coraar of Froat aad Market uaata aad carrr a large aad complete acock. Tbe half tone portrait of tbe lata Dr. Araaaad J DiR:At. pnated la tat Staa of Fridir. elicited mock tavsriblt coaeat- It a a liltbfel likeatea of Dr. DiRotatt aa bt apccircd ta beAltb. A few eop4et of tbe eitra eaber prtaied of tbe Frldar ailttoa ar atlU bt bad at tbt Staa offica POSTMASTEa O WtLMINQTOH- tv. r It BMJiaa-Ta rnn Uiti rriti aa ajarigai. a Wnbiartaa eoacUl to tbe Cbar- lottt OHirw ears : -A Wilcaiactoa daU.atioa. beaded bv Qyl Dtd B Sitioa. a bare latbeta iar( of Jjt S. A b-Ubt e apat oiiAiAi p-Maiaatar ai Wilaiiatoa. Taa area of tba orceaat lacaabaat aspired Dicaaibar lit. Taa latp eaaioa ia tbat Aibrlcat Ui ba appoUud." Abl-CoL" DTd Stttoal Tbla ia aoaa otbtr tbia oar oat Saordaaiia Sattoa; aad. la alditloa to bie aiaii ar- atAt. be la udnit prodded wnb a ittLj-ASt of paderoaa proportloaa. a baralabed aieel t AlbrnbL ol oarar.bat cia It ba pwisi tbit be boots to vaqaiab oar vaiiaat atlfhbor la UwGaa Z t ? Perlib tbt tboaght. o.. 7u -t.mbl aa aa areas witb Maaers. Ht la backed by Ut Ho De oatbeat Lcarfaa Reiiell aad tbt Hot Manoa Roca? Maat Bnler Aad If tbt Hat. Japtter Corlolaati Prttcbard aad tbt Hit. D. Lfcargea caa "et toietbcr" Gm Zee U bae tba"bolt fli" Jaat -anca tbt pro tnmot." Ht'U dttl bla oppoteate a fair biad. bat bet it coaei to a jickpat GaaZta iU abo doaa oa tbret acts aad a kieg. ay RivtM nO rail- ml Mival Ate Wdmlagtoa A Waldoa R. R- 1.4U balee cot to. 4 cuke ep:nu tarptnuae, I bVe roela. 51 bbU ur. WUmiagtoa. Colombia dl Aagasti R. R. 1 804 bales cottoa. 15 caiki spirits tarpaauat. 115 b'Jle roiln. 108 bb'e tar. bbie crade tarpantine. Carollaa Ctatral R. R--3" balei cottoa. 4 caaks epinie tarpiatiat. 90 DXs roiia.1 bolster. U bbls erode tor pestles. Cape Fear A Tadklt Valley R. K. MS balet cottoa. 88 cuka eplriu tur paeuaa. II bb'e roeit. IS bbte tar. Steamer A. P. Hirt-51 bilea cotton. 17 ciaka epnu tarpenUne. IIS bbie roela. 14 bbia tar. Scaooaer Mmtit Ward II ciaka aplnu tarpttUat. M bbia rota. 40 bb!s tar. Scbooaer Gjld Ltif 4S bbls crade tarpeetiee. Total receipt Cottoa. tMJ balee; ipulta tarpaatiae. 141 casks; roain. tit aol. ur. til bbia. crade tarpeaUee. 151 bbU. BIi Hn' Oa aw Smith Doealdeoe. colored, wis sr- raigaed ta Janice BaaUag's coart yee . a 4tk aaaaall with a leraay deadly weipoe aad wie pliced onder 50 bold (ahb be gave) for his sp paaraaca at the neat term of tbe Crim inal Coaru Jamee Nbo!e tad Mary Nkbola (both colored), tbe former charged with raatat ieg aa offl And iba Utter with dieor- dertf coed eel. were ajso errs.ga to,, the same taigUtrata. bat both pre aaaud tfllavfts of removal aad the caeee war transf erred to Jeatlca Fowler, la wboee coart they were tried later, twt dedaloea la both cases were reserved aaul to morrow at aooa. We have Jast raeaivao twa. t --" ni taa tAJaDraico Ladiee Flaa Seoaa. battoa oc noee tow. Woa Id ba glad to slow taeea to every led la tba dtv. P'ea aa oo as so and 84 00. Mer cer it EraaA. lit Prtacaas street. t r Morning WILMINGTON, N. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12; TMI LATE OR. A. J. DE ROS3ET Xaipranlr. FiMtU artrM at a. J.onW CktAb-Xara.al a OtkA. Tbt lateral of tbt late Dr. At rated J. DcRwaet took place Yesterday eaoraieg at 11 o'clock it oca Su James' cbarcb. wblcb bt bid tarred to Ion and to fiiibfally. Tat cbarcb wat wall filicd witb rtlatirct of tba deceased aad frieada aad acqaiiatancea of tbe fam ily. It wat Jaat eleven o'clock wbta tbe Rrctor. Ret. Robart. Siraege. D. D.. fol lowed by tbt fall earpliced cboir of Su Jaaea' cbarcb. proceeded from tbt cboir rocm tad met tbt ftoeral proceieloa at tbt door, preceding It as it moved to tbt altar. Dr. Siraagt waa aiaisted b? Revs. Edward Wootea and O M. Tol eoa. tbt former reidiag tbe aeail aelec tioaa aad tba latter reading the leieon for tbe banal of tba dead. Tbt firat broa, rendered by tbe cboir. witb Mr. EH. Maaaoa aa orgaalat, waa "Tbe SJite ot Gjdl Tbeir Cottict kjtt,ad Llfe'e Long Bmle Woa at L- Ii was read ia fall by the Rec tor witb a great deal of feeling aad tbe eminent appropriateaeia ot tbe aelection coald not bat be felt by all. Tbe concluding byma began "O Motaer Dear. Jeruailem. Whea Saill I Cjmi to Tbet?' Walle eiagiag tbit tba cboir proceeded to tbe froat of the cbarcb. where it opened raaka for the procciaioa to paia throagb. afterwardi marching back to the choir in reversed order. Tne honorary pall bearera were W. G. Elliott. W A. Ruch. R. J Jonee. Jaa. H. Chtdboara. E. S. Martin. James Spraat, turf O P. Metrea and Col. Jas. G. Barr. Tbt following served as active pi.ll bearera: Jia F. Poit. Jr.. M. S. Willird. D. H L'ppitt. R D. Cronly. T. C fimee. Dr. W. E. S;orm. R. R. Bel lamy and Hagh McRie. Tne Prod ace Eicbanga and the Ves try of Su J amei' Charch attended the (antral in a b dy. The A. C. L. office ..il tha Prod a ce Eicaange were doaed from 10 a. m till II m. aa a mirk of r apecttothe deceaaed and to allow the offi:cra aad employee to attend tbe fa- neriL Tbe Interment wn made atOikiile Cemetery, where anfortanately a heavy raiacama op belore the eervtcea wc re Eaally concluded. There waa a hymn aad tbe committal, read by Dr. S range. The fluil dea gna were nameroos and beaatifoL B.Uetoaa Ii ratM. u Ur. Andrtw Blli At aoma religions eierc see recently at the rendence of Mra Andrew Blair. 115 Soath Fifth atreet, tbe following boya and girls participated: Tattle Wilson. Wilier Blair. Girrlaoa Farrow. O tear King. Rob Montgomery. Bennie Montgomery. Rafas Hodges and Aa d ew B air. lubl Newioa. Mimie B.air. Rowena Saano. Miry Smith. Aaale Smith. Jalia Barnett. Finale Froat and Gateie Cieteea. Rev; W. L. Cuminggim. pastor of the Fifib Street M. E. charch. waa present and ledjaiP tbe prayer which followed the opening hymn. All the parncipmn um well, puticolarly Tattle Wileoa. a little lid of five yeara. Maater Oacar King preaided at the piano qalte creditably. Mrs. Blair, who hid the entire manage- meat of tbe efliir. wie congratulated apoa the way ahe bad trained tbe little once who took part. Bur b ward Booad. Mr Geo. Z French left laat night .with bis eye fixed oa the Norta Stay He may have gone to Rocky Point; where ota etrawaerrlee bloom in tbe early Spring and bia lime-kilns burn both early aad late. Bat there is a eoipicion abroad (a the land that he is harrying loWiabtagton to meet the legions ol Saordemia Sattoa la battle array. There waa fire ia bis eye as he strode sturdily towarda the train, and the wires aUl sooo be burdened with the details of A fierce cocflict. Cpt VT aad Tdkla Bond. The B 1 imore Smh of yeeterday la its fiiancial rtvie saya: ' Pncea were aooet straly. the Cape Fear and Yadkin VJIer A's being the only issae to tho nay m irked advance. These sold op to 80. a gam of 11 psr cent, over pre vionadiv aed tbe boedi were apirieglv tfl red at the ebarp riae. Tbe C iaaora ol this road broujbt 53. while the B'l, which opened at 55. reac ed to 51 00 latrly litxr lcflerlegi. with a final recov erto51X." It Moat B Bupjid. I. goes without aay leg that something can it be aooe to preem from being roo dowa aad maimed or killed by the carelesineu ol negro wheel men. If. aa appeira. tbe bicycle ordl amce permaa a epeed ol eight milea per hoar the miaimam ihoald be redaced certainly on tbe principal streets. Scorcbere eboold be requited to cut their antics oa tha turnpike, or elaewhere oatildetbe city llmite Df. DiBoaiav' Lid. m ""' At the morning service of St. Jamee' Episcopal charch thia morning the Rrctor. Rev Robert Strange. D. D . will eoeakoa "Tae Le and Cairacter ot the Lut Dr. Armtnd J. ujk.oii. There will doaotleai be a largt attend ance, for many will be eager to hear tbe meed of praiie which the allied Rector of Sl Jamee will beeidw apoa the great bu whoie lefl lence hia been telt by to maty la tbla cooiramlty Wand.' ' Biaaloa. Tht Staa acknowledges the receipt of an leviutioa to attend the "Wan derers' Reeaioa.- to be held at Sooth era Piacs oa the Hi lei- la his aote exteadlag tbe tavlutloa. Gsaeral Ageat a 1 a Meares saya: -Some sort oi apaciai en Urtalement la to be provided tor newa , fo3i.,K,T tbe routing of some deliaqaent snbacriber). wnicn yaa saoaia be oa hand to en j ay." Wall, wall go. pro Tided wa are permitted to foralsh tbe eabjsct for tba roes. CHAMBER OF COMMc.nCt- I li&SX AiUAl D " Spteal Undoi-aaclon Takan la Bpaet o-tb. !! D-. A' oaa ad J. DaBoeatt. The Chamber of Commerce met ia special session yesterday afteraooa at 8 80 o'clock, to take suitable Action over the death ot Dr. A. J. DeRosset, one ot tbe charter members of that body. Col. Walker Taylor, first vice president, pre sided, ia the absence of President las, H. Chadbourn. Jr with CoL Job. L. Caatwell aecretary. CoL Taylor, ia calling tbe meeting to order, expreased beautifully Ita object, aad elated that a committee Col. Jas. G. Barr. Col. F. W. Kerch ner and Mr. Geo. Harries hid bee a appointed to draft suitable resolutions to be inscribed as a record of tbe Chamber, and be then in quired if the committee was ready to report. Col. F. W. Kerchner arose and pre sented the following resolutions, wblcb were read in a touching manner by CoL Cantwell, vix: Tbis community as well as the entire Stste have lost In Dr. A. . DeRosaet. one of its most useful and valued citl sens. one who waa pre eminent among tne best in every characteristics, that dignifies good ctiizenihip. N ot even tbe language of bereavement can easily ex aggerate bis claims opon private affec tion and public regard and reapect. He had in tbe bigheet degree all the in stincts which set men right and make tbem true, and all tbe courage and con science and unselfishness which kep them so. Hia aense of duty in every re lation was so blended witb an active tense of the obligation to discbarge it that no temptation coald swerve and no aierifice could hinder him. With all the kindly and gentle gifta which make men loved by thoee about tbem. he anited the sternest and most stalwart of the qualities oa wblcb communities may lean in times of crisis or ot peril. Only those who have seen htm tried could realize how largely the elements of leadership were mingled wiih the sim ple and tender traits of his quiet and modest life. The people among whom be lived so long, and of whom he de served eo well, will doubtless do largr i j nice totbis memory. It is only lor ua. a is atsocntea ana irienas. m g oaiMAOi taem nie uic-iong wm- panions-o bear sorrow! ai wunesi 10 their psraonal loas and tbeir painful in capacity to meaaare it. Jas. G. Burr. F W KXRCHNER. Gxo. Harrjss. Col. Taylor thea stated that tbe meet ing would be glad to hear from any of the members present. Col. is. G. Bjrr aroio and in a feel ing manner spoke of tbe high character of Dr. DiRosiet. who, he said, he had known Intimately for more than sixty yeara. and of the many people in the different walks of life who had loved and respected Dr. DeRoaaet. Mr. W. M. Comming spoke, as be said, as one of the young men, about the great icfljence the character of Dr. DeRosset bad had and would have over the preaent and coming generation of young men. and about the heritage the city had in the recollection of tbe char acters of Dr. DeRosset, Dr. W. G. Tbpmaa. Dr. T. F. Wood. Mr. David G. Worth. Mr. Goo. Chadbourn, Mr. John $. Jamee. Mr. N. N. Nixon and Mr. Ztbuloa Litimer, all deceased. Mr. Cor&aTtng also cited several instances illustrating Dr. DeRosset's high sense of honesty and right. Rev. P. H. Hoge. D. D.. paid a high tribute to Dr. DeRoaaet's character, and aaid that be epoke for oae who hid a Mr. Divid G. Worth. Dr. Hoge etated that a few weeka beforeMr. Worth's death be (Vfr. Worth) had re marked to him that be thonght Dr. Ds Rosaet was the best man be ever knew, and had thea. continaing, highly eulo gizsd Dr. DeRosset. s-'Mr. M. S. W.hard spoke about Dr. De Roiset's high character both in and out ol business, and cited aeveral instances tbat showed Dr. DeRosset's and Mr. Divid G. Worth's high, honest dealings in business. Mr. N. Jacobi, as one who had known Dr. DeRosset, spoke also about the life and character of Dr. D;Roaset. Col. Kerchner then arose and moved tbe adoption of the resolutions as pre sented by the committee. The motion was duly seconded and the resolutions were adopted by a nnanimona rising vote. The meeting then adjourned. Charged w.tb Highway Bobb;ry. Yesterday morning Dapaty Sheriff Flvnn arrested a negro boy. "Coiton Eye." alias Lavender, charged with high way robbery. Mr. John W. Piummer. Jr , who Keeps a store oa Princess street between Front end Second, has in his employ a small colored boy thirteen years old, David Bradford, and late Friday afternoon ne sent tbe boy after bii(Piummer'0 supper Bradford went to Mr. Piummer's resi dence, on Princess street, between E ghth and Ninth, and. after obtaining the sapper, nicely placed ia a basket, siarted back to the store. When he ar rived at the corner of S x.h and Princess streets tour half grown negro boys came up and commenced to plague end follow htm. At tho next corner wrec oi i boys svzsd Bradford and the fourth, who Bradford says he recognized as Lavender, wrested the basket contain- & a e: L..ila a4 s Has ing the supper out oi ma u.uu, boys then ran off. carrying tbe basket and contents. Lavender will be tried in Justice Bunting's coart to-morrow morn ing at 10 o'clock. Stbpnt Naral SetatTM Blae 0re. At a meeting of the Southport Divi .i of Nival Reserves held Friday icfht. officers were elected as follows : Mark Ferguson. Captain: rercy wu da First Lleatenant; Kred. uosner. ;-nnd Lieutenant. The meeting was well attended and 41 ..oaed for membership. Mr. Guy C Wiswell was chairman of the meeting and Mr. John Welgmao, secretarv. If there is anything yoa want, ad vertise for it. Is there anything yon don't want? Advertise It in tha Business Locals of the Star. One cent a nrd. But no ao. lax en leu than SO. cent. tf 1897. A Two-Story Trams JJ waiting on Dawson Straei Btuned-LoM Ootrered by Xnaoranoa Tiremsn Did Oood Work. Last night was a decidedly disagree able time for a fire, unless in a stove or a fireplace, bat destiny could not post pone an event of this kind on account of the inclement weather, And to at 10 80 o'clock an alarm toanded from box 59, Seventh and Qaeen streets, and the deoartment waa soon on ita way to the fire, the truck of Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 leaving Ua house as tbe fire bell commenced to ring the number of the box tbe second, time, although all tbe firemen, except one man who was on watch.were fast asleep in their re spective beds. The fire was located in a one-story frame dwelling on Dawson street between Seventh and Eighth, and the bouse wis one mass of fUmes when the department reached the scene, and offered tbe new department tbe first chance yet afforded toahow their worth, though many difficulties were presented, .mono which was the nearest hydrant being three blocks away. Chief Haney, although the building was wrapped in flames and the smoke decidedly dense in and about it, did not hesitate a moment, but ordered the firemen to enter the building, and then, nozzle in band, led the way, fol lowed unhesitatingly by the firemen; and as tbe fire was on the inside of the build ing the firemen were commanded to fight it from the inside, and in a remarkable short elapse of time had tbe fire under perfect control, owing to Chief Haney's cool jidgment and faithful performance of duty by tbe men, who never for one instance questioned whether an order was right or wrong, but obeyed every command. After tbe fire bad been entirely put out the hook and ladder boys took brooms and shovels, which are carried on the truck, aad cleared out all tbe debris inside the house. Oi coarse, the bouse was badly damaged, although tbe frame work is standing intact. Generally when a fire similar to this occurs in one of the remote districts of tbe city it means a loss of anywhere from three to six housss. Toe bouse was owned by policeman George Bell, colored, and was occupied by W. H. James and family, colored. Nearly all the contents of the home were saved. To a defective fl the fire is attributed. The alarm was sent in by Mr. fene Brown. The damage to the house was covered by insurance. THE FIB,E)"p"aRTMEST. Iftw FqafpmantA Beeeived acd Fat in SatTtea Tna Firemen Praeiieine on tha eiidioa-Polee. Chief of Fire Department Chas. Scbnibben did not return from Atlanta yesterday, as expected, but will probably arrive to-dav. The four shut-eft" nozales and flexible pipes, Callaban-maxe, which Mayor Wright ordered on tbe 3rd instant from the fire department supply house of F. H. Hay ward & Co , New York city, (as told at the time in tbe Star), arrived yesterday, and were examined by Chief Haney and pronounced all right. At the same time the nozzles were ordered a chemical engine, a two-horae hose wagon and two thousand feet of hose were ordered. The hose is expected to arrive during tbelatter part of this week and the en gine about Christmas, but the wagon not before the early part of February. The brass sliding poles were placed permanently in position in the bouse of Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 yes terday, and poles will be placed in the other houses to-morrow. Last night a Star reporter dropped into the Hook aod Ladder house to have a social chat wtlh Chief Haney and his men, and during his visit was induced to slide down one of the poies, whicb feat Chief Heney says he accomplished very gracefully (?) The fire lads have masteiea tne ui v- sliding already, and hardly touch the poie at tne top bottom ready to respond to an alarm. Foreman Monroe says after to-morrow visitors will be welcomed at the bouse .and shown around, between the boars ol 8 and 5 o'clock in the after noon. The boys at the truck bouse say that Fireman Peterson simply "scorches"' down the sliding poles, although Fire man Wannamaker says that he is confi dent that he (Wannamakei) is the quickest kid dat ever tackles de pole." Deitraotive 'ica Moatit Airy. News reached the city last night of a deatructlve conflagration that took place in Monnt Airv yesterday. The fire, which is thoueht to be of Incendiary origia. is reported as having started th liverv stable of Messrs. K. D. Jtiarnss & Bto. shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday morning and then quickly communi cated to buildings close by, until nearly a block of buildings was on. fire. The loss is said to be estimated in the neigh borhood of S 000. Btaatme a Brooklyn Bepiiat Chore Closes Tod lent. The last service of the series of meet ings whicb have been in progress at Brooklyn Baptist Church will be held to-night, when tbe pastor. Rev. J. w. Kramer, will preach a sermoa on "The Eternal Name of Christ.' Mr. Kramer will also preach tbis morning. Dr. Bra- ner. who has so ablr assisted ia tne - i meeting, ten iw . morning. Attempt at Hooac-brcaldn. Yesterday morning between the boors of 2 and 8 o'clock, some one attemptea to break Into tbe residence of Mr. A- J. u-wiett. oa Ann street, between Fifth and Sixth, but was discovered by Mr. n.itt'a mother while attemptiag to open the blinds of a window of house. Mrs. Hewlett onco caucu w her son and the bold would-be burglar hastily beat a retreat. ioi WHbLBNO. 9.461 THE MORNING STaR. Are yoa. a subscriber to Thi Morning Star? If not, why not? Do yon want a first-class daily pa per at $5.00 per year, or $1.25 for three months ? If so, subscribe to Thx Morning Star. Do yott want a paper that prints the latest telegraphic news, the best local news, reliable market reports, excellent short stories, and the hniMt mle11aneons matter ? If So, subscribe to Th Mornino Star. Do not forget that Thb Morning Star Is the cheapest daily of its class, in North Carolina. Its price is $5.00, while the published price of others I ranges from $7.00 to $8.00. SUNDAY SERVICES. Services in St. John's church to-day by the rector at 11 a. m. and 4 80 p. m. Sunday school at 8 80 p. m. ' Services in the reading room of the Seamen's Home to-day at 8 p. m., con ducted by Rev. Dr. Carmichael. Ail marine men are cordially Invited. Owing to the Absence of the paatcr. Rev. G D Bernheim preaching at New bern. there will be no services this day in St. Matthew's English Lutheran charch. Sunday school at 9.80 a. m. St. James', third Sunday in Advent. D.vine service at 745 a. m.. 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. Sunday achool at 8 45 p. m. Public cordially invited. There will be no services in the First Baptist church this morning: but there will be a prayer meeting . in the Lecture Room, at 11 a. m.. conducted by Mr. Jones. St. Thomas' Catholic Church : First Mass and Holy Communion, 7 a. m ; Last Mass. sermon, 10 80 a. m ; Vespers sermon, Romans x, 7 45 p. m. Services at SuPanl's Episcopal church to day, morning and night, will be con ducted by Rev. Edwin Wooten. at. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, corner of Market and Sixth streets. Rev. K Boldt pastor. German service and Holy Communion at 11 a. m.j English service and Holy Com munion at 7 80 p. m. Sunday School at 8 80 p. m. AH seats tree. Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Geo. M. Tolson. minister in charge. -11 a. m., Morning Prayer, Litany, Ante-Com-munion, Sermon; 7.80 p. m.. Evening Prayer and service; 8 SO.p. nv, Sunday school; 8 pm. Monday, Brotherhood of St. Andrew; 7 80 p. m.. Tuesday, Boys Brigade. Siats free and the public cor dially invited to all the services Sunday LI8T OF LETTERS Remaining in the Wilmington poet office December 11th, 1897: LADIES' list. Mrs Hattie Barrier, Miss Blanche M r Mi H C Cineleton, Miss Me- randa Harris. Mrs Dr Hill. Mrs Emj Jones. Mrs L Jenkins, Mrs J F King. Miss Annie Mallet, Mrs E iza Reval, MUsIRoxannoe Reid, Miss Lena Set soms. Miss Diney Swams, Miss Eioise Taylor. UEN'S list. inkn Rail Henrv Beaman, Dbmeni- j cangelo Capra. City EUl Poster, J a Claik, WIA Carder. W B Carhart (8). Thomas Daniel, Thos W Davis. L P Edge Ivv Foreman, Weslev Fort, John Ha. A E Hasbrobk, H T Johnson. Mr and Mrs W A King, W A King M L K renman. F J Lannant, Geo B McCjel lan, Richard Mayers, Oliver Plow Co. Robert O.to. G G P.ckett. J Riddy. T H Robbins. Giovanni Siegldis. Robert Spicer. C C Smtth. Joseph Splcer. Karl Starkenberg, R L Thorp Louis Tbor- t? Arms In A IslT son, wumingwju r -vrjigon, Westpott, John Williams. returned from dead letter office. John Kelly, George Lowrie. J J Perry. Persons calling for above letters i will please say advertised. If not called for in fifteen days, thev will be sent to the dead letter office. Geo. L. Morton. Postmaster. Fott Ball Obrutmaa. Hard practice from now on will alone determine the outcome of the great foot ball game to be played here Christmas between the A. C L and the O. A. N. teams. Both teams have been mate rially strengthened since' tha game Thanksgiving Day. Among the A. C. L. additions are John Moore, of Wilson, .. -m-i- known ana Df. BiBe Mountain Joe's Members of the A. C. L. team are re quested to meet at tbe postoffi:e to morrow night at 8 o'clock and proceed to some suitable practicing grounds. OPERA ABEN ALL The Mioistering Circle of the King Daughters have arranged with Prot. A. L. Baker. Of Chicago, for tbe production of the opera "Aben All," to be given January 27th. 88ih and 29th, for tbe ben efit of the "Shelter of the Silver Cross. The talent will be i entirely local, and every effort will be pat forth to make this entertainment a preat success. Tbe Professor wiU reach Wilmington imme diately after the holidays, to begin the work of training our young people for the opera. There are many in our city .ill doubtless remember this gen- in tleman a, a kindly and genial intraT lltSlAJCai taw. a aa.-. - r- -a, and will welcome his return herewith pleasure. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Assignee Sale OF FINE CLOTHING, HATS AND FURNISHINGS. Stock of S. H. mtlatB at Cost. A. G. RICAUD, de 12 2t Assignee. TURKEYS. A lot of fine ones just in. Dressed Ones on sale Saturday morning, live ones now, and also then. Ask the price and give your order to-day. THE KING GROCERY CO., tbe B. F. AUNO.1 Ban ... roerthSa eelOtf iff -r- . - . REDUCED TO 05.00. BUT NO HEDDCTION IN SIZE OF PAPER, OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF READING MATTER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HARD TO ESCAPE giving us an order for poultry and meats after you have seen tbe cleanli ness and order noticeable about our establishment and witnessed the care with whicb everything is handled. Just now we are recclviog fre6h daily poultry, game, country fed pork, sausages of the best manufac ture (our own) besides of course beef, mutton, bams and bacon. LB. RHODES, deiotf Front Street Market. Yollers & Hashageo, Agents for Armour & Company, Chicago, Packers. Product sold on market prices of the day. You therefore buy on Rock Bottom no middle profit. We respectfully ask your orders. Vollers & Hashagen, Also agents for Powell, Smith & Company, New Yoik. We Sell "Eenown" Cigars, Cuban Cigars, Smokettes. Topical Twist Head. " Union League Club The Cigars Notoriously Best on the market, and smokers these days de mand value for 5o Cigars. Warehouse and office A. C. Line tracks, Nutt street, near depot. nor 88 tt A CARD. November Snd, 1897. Messrs. Mercir & Evans, City. Gents: I am more than pleated with tbe Nice Watch given me by your enier prismg firm. I find it to be an excellent i.. k..rr Rairia hrinp well oleased IIU1 VVJM " orith mnr nice and valuable prrarnt. I am well satisfied with tbe SHOE I have bought trom you for myiell and friends, and I cheerfully recommend you to my friends and tbe public in gen eral, especislly to those needing and In- tendDg to DU, anything in your line. Yours verv truly, (Signed) W. J. MERRIDITH. On Monday, January 81. 1898. we will open the box and count up. Tbe per son having brought us tbe greatest amount ot trade in dollars and cents, will have tbe first choice of tbe THREE NICE PRESENTS, (a leal Leather Dreaaing Caae. HxUU inches; a Fine Pair of Opera Giasaea. and a Nice Gold-plated Watch), tbe next hiebest the next choice, and the third will cet "Hobson's Choice." OUR STOCK, weaaaert, Is now the Newest. Cleanest and Best we ever bad. Our trade ia ood and we thank our frienda. Respectfully. MERGER & EVANS. declOtf Frank H. Stedman, WILMINGTON, N. C. Fire and Tornado Insurance. Your business is solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed OFFICE AT WilMiton Saite & Trust coiiny. Telephone No. 162. de 3 tf HOLIDAY G00D3. 6,000 C C. Nuts. 1,500 Pounds Mixed Nats. 150 Boxes L. L. Raisins. 100 Boxes Loose Raisins. 200 Boxes Firecracker!. 400 Bags Peanuts. 100 Boxes Old Va. Cheroots. 240 Boxes Perfecto Cigars. 20 Barrels Apples. W. B. COOPER. Wholesale Grocer, aav 9S DAW tf WilaalnCMO. H. FOR KENT. STORE ON MARA i Batman- Front aad Water. Store on Sosth W.Mr (treat, ba- Mill l Market aod Dock. Store oa North Water ftreat between PrUoaw D. O'CONNOR, aoldtf Real EatAte A rest. ScbellEle on f ilMntoi Seacoast R. R QM AND AFTER SEPT. ftta TRAINS WILL ma aa foDowe: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Laa-i Wflmiagtoa at S.80 p. J- " Laa-l Ooaaa Vtewa 8.00 a. aa.. and .W p. - SUNDAY TRAINS. Wllmlnrton at S.80 p. m. and i.OO p. au 1m Ooaaa View at S.OO P- R. OSCAR GRANT. 4aeeriatadBl. aay SB t 1 .jmfs 1 - f

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