TERMS QF SUBSCRIPTION, t - . t- 1 i i J. Pi outlines. MJw-mbl jvetrdLj; la Aa.i H-e the dy was t:i u.-ni"'''1 ... Vn.v u .Ifhitto on the nril aer r D-u fare notice that Vn r,h S-naie in execatire I!' . . ,i ,-.njuir the Hawaiian A crank, who ixudstvd r ,Kaler. wjm arrestrdat irM. to be examine a Hth tranche of : .-sjlatarr ljurnd until t ;.n t'for. BuhnU will be ,1 thf Ilaana combine ihfr wtll be no test f , Tin'lr; m th rnean- : 1 1.'! m rnn. are pnojkrini' for : -i:i.i: in th" intrrs of the , ..-,:,! v L. a Circuit ,-i ifu!-l rMrraat' sppjf- :... mtrtniucrtj err!2it- ; I S txni t be par- j.-;:.rt. There a ,-'.iutl thjit th situation .Li :h ;!Hpr'JC. An - :us bwn rachcnl be- -a.it i:ui l ma. tn cm- .a' t,.'W f r an ini!i V ii'.vviHui'nt tprt pro- .p.l:ty of enthramt. V. -. . fc?U to strike i-ii i(-ti-t rf Wil N r-v Jionr oo ; i in't with barth v i yt weak. No. S mi ii.C r.T. No. J WEATHER REPORT. v rjtss Bracer. ' n .:- D C. Jan 6 S il ii.it for rrterdj - v M .ltd.- iSP.M. i in. "i ar. . mm una an. ' - r:i- iLt. t, rainfall :;rt; up to 0). iuh barometer corfn vml cut (ulf States. :..Hirtlr cool weather .-. i'T il. ' low hartvnetrr extnd. s i Jutf north to otff the ltn prrrmilinr un- i :v! rwu faltinjf orer ;i'4i. MUu.uppi and v krmKr undr the low - xL TO SIC AST. r fallowed by inrrea- v vrruir. rat to south- v:.-r in th n Tier t Fy- v. M J 7 tt. i r 4m' V ".it .11: ic Jiiatrj 6. 7 10 A. M. 5 iXl P. C " 11 34 M -outiport 5 35 A. M. :innnrt.u t"5 A. M. in had ik enr nar- .:her day. lie 1 v 'f.re h-' n P."t.hur; man who nhi.l of a But in doing it .i. picked hi Philadelphia per l.tX. ', and there i- c l .iPCe number of r.on rolls, etth-r. '' ' i "i.i'i whi.-ii formed to 1,1 :; 1 '-.ir: tiu man who n'!'"" ' . -o-m-.y treasurer. 'u,1r "' " " vrr-n it discovered " '' l ! - :'i ; snd murdered "' : if I ' U'-ao go out ' ' "- V k p th-Mnlves rirr" ; f..r.pud4. They tun i i i . ' 1 t in trie dlgmg. ' X"" '' i -ltr-g -om- they "" '' others. Price. at ' ''1 t'lV W li ii'.dfrtaker who t'i-nc liartield t barv anv ut Hiir. ; ... an i,. x' i'VMt until he thousand dol- v. that occasion. low men who can ut -iraw the line xi horrible exam-i-.i.ia rmy did that -u n-.vntly, and now " 'laraaes on its I in,j rest ' 'krrrni:-fo remind outh that they 'Hilv their own i.4 their meat." dep?nd on the " ai thev do in '.i.-r, Hi. ., T-iMV ,,,, ' 'm'lr.".l H- r ir-, k , 'ii A. . The i new assistant dis f New York, is so 'f' that he says he hanged there than J. - iirli anywhere else. the Nw Yorkers t taffy then, because kt av. hanging people they one in that State and ! Richmond" cotinty, and u'm. VUL,. l;.YI. KO. 91. . WILMINGTO About 73,000 people are a5ec:ed. bj the cut in wares cf the Neir England cotton mill. Their erer vge vagee were about $3 a week- At a ten per cent, redaction this would be 'JO, 000 week leu paid in wages, necessitating economy to that extent, and that much leu money pent among merchant, grocers and other, for the neccs&ariee and com forts of life. That where others as well as the operatires are hurt. me genuemen in lexae who are casting wiitfnl gtauces in the direc tion of the U. S. Senate and aspire to Senator Mill' acnatori! brogaos hare dijcorered that he is not jet tired ofwearing them, and will tand aain. The Senator who gets tired of his job is a rery rare excep tion. Ther sometimes die but rerr few come out of the Senate rolun- tarilr alire. It is a very pleasant mutual admiration society. When some Kentucky men make up their miadi to go into Tolontary bondage there i no snch thing as penuading thm out of it. There was old General Cauius M. Clay, who made up, his mind to marrr a little girl who ha been running away from him erer since.and kept him on the ragged edge, and another has inn walketl thirtr miles to ?et a marriage license. NEW ADVinmSEXENTR I. B. RhoW Little Bo-Prep. (pra Housr "Trots Chapeau." W. Sanders Springfield hams. F T. Mill Kentucky bmJ horswjt. BCSI5ESS LOCaLS. Vntrd General Ajrent W. P. Oldham Jt Co. Applea WHJCDTOTOK D&A21ATIC CLXTB. Will Preeent a Pepular Plar Some Time Kezt Month. Our Theatre goers will hail with de light the announcement that the Wil mington Dramatic Club is now arrang ing for a performance to be giren the Utter part of the month. The Club, as is well known, is composed of Wil mington's best amateur talent, and the productions of "Charley's Aunt," and ' Gloriana" gnren by them last season were of such high order as would re dound to the credit of any professional companr ana our people sun Dear pleasant remembrances of them. The piece selected for this produc tion is "The bubetitute. a metropoli tan success, which has had long runs in all of the large cities, and no doubt will pro re errn more .popular than its predecori. The performance is to be given for that grand old organiza tion which is dear to the hearts of errrr true s ilmingtoman the . L. L and a picked squad of men will entertain the audience with an exhibi tion of fancy drilling during the inter mission. The date has not yet been definitely decided upon, but it is thought ererythiu will be in readi- nes between the 20th and 25th of this month, ss the rehearsals will soon commence. Death of Xxs. Catharine Fulton. Teleirranis recired here last rrrn- ing brought the tidings of the death of Mrs. Catherine Fulton. She passed wsj st the advanced age of 77 years at 3 3D P. )!. yesterday at the home of her son in-law. Mr. T. H. Wright. Auditor of the aboard Air Line, Portsmouth. Va. Mrs. Fulton had manv menus ana reiaures in uus city, baring lived here for many rears of her life. She was the daugh ter of the late v uiiara McKoy. a former merchant of this city. The late Dr. Wm. A. Berry was an uncle of the deceased. Mrs. Fulton s hus band. Mr. David Fulton, who preced ed her to the grave in was one of the founders of the Wilmington Jour nal, his associate being Mr. Alfred Mrs. Fulton's onljr child is Mrs. T. H. Wright, of Portsmouth. The remains will arrive here to-mor row snd the funeral will take place 3 P. M. from St Thomas' church. 7.500 DEER XIT.T.ET). Somethinar That wul Zntereet Our Local Hunters. What will "Squire John Wagner. old man Tom Burnett, Sol. Jones and George Penny think of the announce ment that for the game season that closed in Maine December 31st, it is estimated that there were killed 7,500 deer, besides several hundred moose and caribou f If those mighty hunters of the "an tiered monarch" could spend one season there with "Fletcher,". Driver." "Rover," Trailer," and the of the dogs "whose heads are hung with ears that sweep away the morn ing dew" they would forsake the '"Sunny South" and never more wind their horns in the forests of New Han over and Brunswick. FUMERAX, OT J. W. JtcWAXR. If amber Who Attended Ssti- mated at Two Thousand. The funeral of the late Mr. J. W. Mo Nsir. which took place at Laurinbrrrg, Monday, was one of the largest ever known in that section. The attend ance was estimated by a gentleman who was present at' a beat two thou sand, and there were fifty-five vehi cle in the procession. The people of the surrounding country turned out svt ssosee to show their respect for the memory of the lamented dead and for the stricken family: Mr. McNair was of the most popular young men of was urxiver- j sally loved and respected. LOCAL DOTS. . Epiphany serricea at St. John's church to-day at 11 o'clock. The Auditing Committee of the Board of County Commissioners will meet at 7.30 o'clock to-night lie ports irom I savannah say the cold snap did very little damage on the track farms in that section, The new flag staff from which "Old Glory floats to the breexe from the post office building was raised yes terday. Jacksonville Timet: "The Wil mington STan came out on New Year's Day in a new dress of typo. We wish it the success it so richly deserves." Mr. J. II. Arner, general agent; is at 28 North Front street ex hibiting 'Calkin's Electric Burners. He is looking for general agents. See his ad. the next Star course enter tainment at the Y. M. C. A. will be given by Mr. Charles T. Grilley. a well known entertainer. The Stab is glad to hear that Mr. E. L. McCormac and Mr. Augus tus McXair, of Max ton, who have been seriously sick, are both improv ing, though slowly. There will be a meeting of the board of directors of the Merchants' Association at 3.30 o'clock this after noon at their omce in the Seaboard Air Line building. Some Latter Day Saints held forth last night near the corner of Second and Market streets, but they were not able to draw a crowd and soon suspended their efforts. "For heaven's sake stop that advertisement of mine," says the mer chant who advertised in the Star for a bookkeeper. We don't blame him. He was almost overwhelmed with re sponses. Arrangements are being per fected that will secure an earlier de livery of the Star to city subscribers. and we shall be disappointed if there is not a material improvement on that line to-day. The pipe for the completion of the new attesian well arrived via the Atlantic Cos st Line yesterday and work will be resumed to-day and will be pushed forward with as much dispatch as possible. One o our leading attorneys informs us that the rules of the Su preme Court now require the "entire record" in all appeals (except pauper appeals) to be printed, and it is essen tial that the work be done before the call of tfte district to which the case belongs. - In the article in the Star yes terday on the meeting of the Manu facturers' Committee, the name of Col. F. W. KerchnsT appeared for that of Col. F. W. Foster. Both of these gentlemen have the manufac turing interests of Wilmington at heart, but it was CoL Foster who was added to the Manufacturers' Commit tee on Tuesday afternoon. The marriage of Miss Dina Bokelmann. of Charleston. S. C, to Mr. John II. Kuck, a well known business man of this city, is an nounced. The ceremony will be cele brated on Wednesday, January 19, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. Schroeder, Charleston, Reception at 8.30 P. M. Wednesday, January 26, Mr. Kuck's residence, 518 Grace street. BY RIVER AND RAIL Receipts of Kara! Stores and Cotton Yesterday. W. & W. Railroad 151 bales cot ton, 4 casks spirits turpentine, o obis tar. W., C. & A. Railroad 231 bales cotton, 23 casks spirits turpentine, 209 bbls rosin. 56 bbls tar. Carolina Central Railroad 21 bales cotton. 7 casks spirits turpentine, 117 bbls roam. 8 bbls tar. 8 bbls orude tur pen tine. C. F. & Y.V.Railroad 8 bales cot ton. 16 casks spirits turpentine, 34 bbls rosin, 18 bbls tar. ' W. & N. Railroad 42 bales cotton. 2 casks spirits turpentine, 4 bbls rosin. Steamer W. T. Daggett 7 casks spirits turpentine, 103 bbls rosin, 7 bbls tar. 9 bbls crude turpentine. Total Cotton 453 bales; spirits tur- oentine. 59 casks: rosin. 467 bbls. tar r 95 bbls ; crude turpentine, 17 bbls. "An Honor to the Profession." Lumberton Ilotxsoriian: "The Wn sturoTOX Star, the State's oldest daily, and an honor and ornament to the profession, celebrated the new year by putting on an -entirely new dress and appearing in brighter form. The Star is more prosperous than ever, having the best patronage in its history, rf fact that will be learned with pleasure by all its friends." An Enjoyable Evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rehder gave a progressive whist party at their resi dence, 107 North Seventh street, last evening. There were six tables, and suitable prises were awarded. After wards refreshments were served. The evening was a most delightful one to those participating. Clearencee for Foreign Porta. Three vessels cleared from this port yesterday, for foreign countries. Messrs. Alexander Sprunt and Son cleared the British steamer Yearby with cotton for Liverpool. The Brit ish steamship Lucerne with cotton, was cleared for Ghent by J. H. Sloan, and Paterson, Downing dC Co., sent out the Norwegian barque raicon with naval stores, -for London, Arrived To-day 50 bunches Ba nanas 5c and 10c doxen 50c and 75c bunch to the trade at Palace Bakery. N, N: THURSDAY, JANUARY IT IS WILLIAM'S PLUM. So They Say in "Washington Some Guesses As to Who Will Profit by the DeaL. "Chadbourn will be Postmaster, and everybody satisfied." . This is the tenor of several private telegrams received here yesterday from Washington This means, of course, that a trade or deal has been consummated that is satisfactory to those immediately con cerned, and all others will have to take the medicine whether it be pala table or not But there is something more than the agreement to withdraw all oppo sition to Mr. Chadbourn in this "deal. and the Star will undertake to do some guessing in this connection.. This is about the way it looks: Albright will be assistant Postmaster ' under Chadbourn. The salary of the Post master is about $2,800, and that of the assistant is $1,400. Chadbourn probably said to Albright: "I cannot give but a part of my time to the dii ties of this office. I have other impor tant engagements. - Withdraw from the race, and take the position of as sistant Do the work of the office1, and I will pay you $700 of my salary. This, with your own salary of $1,400, will make $2,100. This will fix yonnicely, you will receive just as much pay as I will" To this Albright must have said: "Agreed." Now the Hon. Filibuster Bonaparte- Rice must be considered. So, he lines up with Chadbourn. He will be deputy collector of the port under Dancy at a salary of $1,800. Dancy does not live here now, and will probably be absent most of his time, and Rice will be in charge of the office. The salary of the deputy now almost equals the salary and fees of the collector. When Rice resigns -his present posi tion as city clerk and treasurer John E. Taylor, now his deputy, will suc ceed Rice. So far. so good, to the Re publicans. But there is another fea ture of the game. It has been known for some time that Russell's hostility to Rice and his influence with the present Board of Aldermen would in all probability soon culminate in the decapitation of Rice as clerk and treasurer. It is known, too, that Rice has openly declared his in tention of being a candidate for sheriff at the next election. But by giving him a snug berth in the Custom House .he is made to feel that he never did wish to be a can didate for sheriff, and this leaves the field clear to our neighbor-in-Iaw Gee Zee, or to whoever he and his friends may name. This guess of the Star is made a good one by the fact that Rice yesterday telegraphed the news of the success of Chadbourn to Gee Zee, al though he and Gee Zee have been looking cross-eyed at each other for some time, lhat telegram was tne olive branch the handshake by wire, speaking after the manner of men. There is an encouraging feature in the situation to the business men of Wilmington. If the management of the post-office is turned over to Mr. Albright, the work will no doubt be well done. He has not only been an excellent postal clerk, but he has been assistant postmaster, under his father, at Durham, where the postal business is very large and necessarily requires a very capable man to conduct it. A NEW PUBLICATION. The Southern Willing and Lumber Journal. The first number of the Southern Milling and Lumber Journal, Z. W. Whitehead, editor, came out yester day. It is in every way a success. It starts out with a good advertising pat ronage, and with the progressive man agement which will characterize it with Mr. Whitehead as editor and publisher, the prospects for an in creased amount of advertising are very bright The contents are well arranged, consisting of editorials, ex tracts from other journals of similar kind, letters from special correspond ents at Baltimore, Norfolk, Washing ton, D. C, New York, St. Louis, At lanta, Savannah, Jacksonville, Fla., and Charleston, S. C. There are also different departments under heads ap propriate to the aims of the journal. Typographically, the journal is neat and attractive. The Star wishes it abundantsuccess. N. Y. Shipping List and Price Current. The first issue of "The Daily Ship- ping ana commercial rasi ana new York Price Current" has. reached the Star. It appears, however, that this title may not be the permanent one, as Messrs. D. 0. Haynes & Co., the pub lishers, intended at first to publish the new daily under the name of "The New York Commercial," and will do so yet unless "The Commercial Advertiser" wins a suit to prevent the new paper from using the title, 4 "The New York Commer cial." Whatever name, is decided upon, there is no doubt but that there is a big field before a daily containing sd extensive and varied an assortment of commercial and shipping news. Sold at $5,600. Mr. S. H. Fishblate's stock of gen tlemen's clothing and furnishing goods was sold at noon yesterday at public auction for the sum of $5,600 to Mr. A. L. Rosenaur, of the Baltimore Bargain House. The property was cried off by A. G. Ricaud, Esq., and the bidding opened at $2,500, To City Subscribers. City subscribers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such case steps will be taken to , insure prompt and regular delivery. IN THE CRIMINAL COURT. Trial of Giles Anderson for Murder to be Set To-day Cases Disposed i of Yesterday. Pursuant to adjournment the Crimi nal Court met at 10 o'clock yesterday morning.' During the day the follow ing cases were disposed of ; State vs. T. F. BelL larceny. Ver diet not guilty. State vs. John Sanders, larceny. Twelve months in the penitentiary. State ' vs. John Sanders, larceny, Submitted and judgment suspended. State vs. Wm. Wilkins, larceny Verdict, guilty. It appearing to the court that this was the second offence of larceny committed by the defend ant, the defendant was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. State vs. Wm. Wilkins, larceny. Guilty and judgment suspended. State vs. Geo. Williams, larceny, Guilty. Four months in county house of correction. State vs. Willie Harrison, larceny. Not guilty. State vs. Wm. Bolden, assault and battery with deadly weapon. Sub mitted and given six months in coun ty house of correction. The grand jury returned not a true bill found against David George, as sault and battery, and true bills against Son Clark, house breaking ; Son Clark, larceny; Amos Miller, larceny; John Faircloth, assault and battery with a deadly weapon ; Arthur Brown, assault and battery ; Richard Herring and William Harris, larceny; Sam Livingston, assault and battery with a deadly weapon ; Alex Rone, assault and battery with a deadly weapon ; not a true- bill against Caleb Herring, as sault and battery, and true bills against James Eddie, carrying con cealed weapons ; Moses Williams, lar ceny ; Edward Gause, larceny. The jury in the case against W. C. Hayes, colored, for abortion, were out all night, failing to agree on a verdict. The court ordered a juror withdrawn and a mistrial made. Solicitor Richard son took a nol pros in the case and also in a similar case against Geo. Peamon, the jury having failed to agree twice. Giles Anderson, charged with mur der, will be arraigned this morning and a day set for his trial. The case against E. F. Hanna, agent of the Immediate Benefit Life Insu ranee Company, will be tried this morning. He is charged with the lar ceny of an insurance policy from Alice and Lovy Faison, colored, on the 1 6th of June, 1897. Jno. D JBellamy, Esq., will appear for the defence and C. "P. Lockey, Esq., will assist in the prose cution. ORION LODGE NO. 67. Officers Installed at the Meeting Held Last Night. At the regular weekly meeting of Orion Lodge No. 67 I. O. 0. F. held last night the District Deputy Grand Master J. T. Ting assisted by Past Grands W. J. Reaves, J. E. Gordon, W. G. T. Keen, Geo. H. Howell, W. W. Yopp, installed the following- officers : S. P. G. J. S. Barnes. N. G. J. W. Cate. V. G. W. C. Moore. R. S. L. Tate Bowden. E. S. J. E. Silva. Treasurer H. O. Craig. Chaplain J. E. Gordon. Warden S. M. Guttenburg. Conductor- W. J. Reaves. R. S. to N. G. E. E. Ellsworth. L. S. to N. G.T. A. OrrelL R. S. to V. G. G. W. Smith. L. S. to V. G. P. T. Dixie. R. S. S. G. W. Branch. L. S. S. T. J. Ashley. I. G.J. B. Failes. O. G. W. E. Merritt. General Relief Committee. G. H. Howell. Widow's and Orphan's Fund Trus tees F. B. Rice, G. W. Smith, J. E. Silva. ORDER CHOSEN FRIENDS. Officers of Wilmington Council No. 19 Installed. The following officers of Wilming ton Council, No. 19, Order of Chosen Frtends, were installed at last night's meeting: . . P. C.-S. P. Wright. V. C. C. W: Polvogt. P. L. H. Kelly. Sec. H. C. Twining. Treas. P. V. Alderman. M. 5! K. Devaney. W. D. Goldman. G. M. F. "Croom. . . S. Geo. H. Heyer. Med. Ex'm. Dr. S. P. Wright. Trustees Wm. Struthers, Wm. Niestlie, Wm. Humphries. After the installation exercises the members of the order indulged in a Smoke. At this meeting the Supreme Coun cillor conferred on Mr. P. V. Alder man the degree of Past- Councillor. The Council regretted the absence of P. G. C, Rev. Dr. S. Mendelsohn, who is in Indianapolis, Ind., on a visit-to the Supreme Recorder of the Order. The meeting last night was a very enthusiastic one. There were sixty eight members in attendance. Death of Kiss Eliza Reston. Miss Eliza Reston, formerly of Wil at I mington, but recently living Swann's Station, died on Tuesday in her seventy-fifth year. She was the sister of Mr. "William Reston and Mr. John R. Reston, whcTmany years ago were prominent citizens of ; Wilmingt ton. Messjs. Clayton and Norwood Giles and Messrs. W. b. and J. D. Smith are nephews of Miss Reston. Arrived To-dav 50 bunches Ban anas 5c and 10c dozen 50c and 75c bunch to the trade at Palace Bakery. 6, 1898. personal pabagbaphs. Mr. L. Z. Iledgpeth, of Row land, was here yesterday. t Mr. 0. F. Justice of Snead's Ferry, was in the city yesterday. Mr. R. W. Rfyenbark, of South Washington, was here yesterday. Mayor S: P. Wright returned from Washington City last night. I Col. W. H. S. Burjrwvn. of Henderson, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Max Pincus, a. popular shoe salesman, of Norfolk, Va., is here. ' Mr. J. N. Carroll, of Duplin county, was a caller at this office last night. Mr. T. A. Norment, of Lum berton, N. C, was in the city on busi ness yesterday. Mr. E. J. Bxitt, of H,ub, was here yesterday, calling on the whole sale merchants. We regret to learn the condi tion of Mr. Lewis Rowell shows no improvement as yet. Mr. Chas. R. Lewis left yester day morning for Kerr, N. C, where he will spend a few days. Mrs. H. W. Hood and Mr. Theo. Coe and wife, oi Southport, ar rived in the city last evening. Mr. T. W. McBryde, of the Urton Jttotel, returned last evening from a visit to Jonesboro, his former home. - Mr. Dawson Latham will take a trip to the West Indies, leaving here on the schooner Fred. B. Belano in the latter part of the week. Messrs. D. Reid and Albert Sydney Williams, of New York, ar w rived in the city last, evening to spend some time. Their numerous friends will be glad to greet them. Miss N. M. Armstrong, a charm: ing belle of Dallas, Texas, who has been visiting Miss Martha Williams during the holidays, returned to Bos ton last evening to resume her musi cal studies at the Conservatory there. AT THE OPERA HOUSE. Accident to One Of the Performers in "Humpty Dumpty" Not Likely to be Serious. The Frank B.Rhodes "Merrymakers' again appeared before the footlights last night. The first part of the programme, the one act comedietta, "A Game of Cards," as a curtain raiser was pre sented and well received. Miss Ly lene Radcliffe as Rosa, still sustained her reputation in the portrayal of this character. The old and original pan tomine "Humpty Dumpty," was also slated, but unfortunately Mr. Rhodes, who is the leading male character, and who had made quite a hit as Hump ty, met with a painful but it is hoped, not serious accident. In making his parachute drop from the top of the scenery, about fifteen feet from the stage a block gave way and Mr. Rhoder landed on the stage with sufficient force to almost knock the breath out of him. He was assist ed off the stage and Doctors McMillan and Zachary were called. They said no bones were broken, but that he had received quite a considerable jar and that it will b two or three days before he will be able to appear again. While the audience were disappointed in not seeing the presentation of "Humpty Dumpty," it was announced, that on account of the accident the Company would give a vaudeville entertainment, and we think every one was pleased and got value received, as the speciali ties were good and new. Yesterday afternoon the company- gave a grand family matmeerWhicn concluded with "A Hot-Reception." As Mr. Rhodes , does not appear in any ot-the plays presented by the Merry Makers" except "Humpty Dumpty," which will not be given again until Saturday, the accident will in no way interefere with the plans of the company. Postponed Arrivals. It turns out that it will be the last of the week when Mr. A. H. Spears, of New York, who is to initiate the Wilmington firemen into the use of the chemical engine, will arrive. The representative of the South eastern Tariff Association, who is also expected here in connection with the paid fire department, will arrive by January 15th, if not before. DIED. FULTON At Portsmouth. Vlrsrinla. January 5th, Mrs. CATHARINE A. FULTON, of this city. Funeral from St. Thomas' Church, Friday, January 7th, at 8 o'clock. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Opera House. Frani B. BMes' Merrymalers. rrrD ATQ riTT A "DT71 A TT " a. mini iin. kj 9 ROARING FARCE COMEDY. SATURDAY MATINEE, "Humpty Dumpty." PRICES, 10, 20, 30 CENTS. jan 6 It At the DnluctT Comer Springfield Mild Cured Hams. The best of meat at a moderate price-. Fresh shipments just received. Special cut price on Webb's Cream Corn and Fresh Ginger Snaps. ' S. W. Sanders, Both Telephones No. 109. jan 6 WHpLE NO. 9,48i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LITTLE BO-PEEP HAS HER SHEEP, LOST and so nave many farmers whf have been fat tening them for the market.. She might find some of her choicest ones In our stock. We are receiving every day the finest meats that ever trotted on a hoof, and we will cut and prepare them for your table In an artistic manner, and sell them at lowest market -prices. I.B.RHODES. . jan 6 tf Front Street Market. TWO CAR LOADS OF THE FINEST KENTUCKY BRED HORSES expected this week. Call and examine them. R T. MILLS, 112 and 114 North Water St. jau 6 tf Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. NEW CROP JUST ARRIVED. All Varieties, Lowest Prices. TRUCKERS, COUNTRY MERCHANTS and GAR DENERS will save money by buying from Robert E. Bellamy, Wholesale Druggist and Seedsman, , jan 2 tf Wilmington, N. C. MERRY CHRISTMAS. Our Year's work has been' hard; but the results are very gjatifying. We sincerely thank our friends and the general public for their liberal patronage. AND Earnestly soliciting a continuation and increase of same, we wish you all the joy, happiness and pleasure the season brings; alsa, A HAPPY NEW YEAR! ' Respetfully, MERCER & EVANS. H. C Evans' old stands dec 26 tf IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS OF Goon, 0'Possum, Fox, MM, Otter and Other f nr. Highest Cash Priees Paid for Same No Commission or Freight charged. SAM'L BEAR, Sr.. de 18 tf 12 Market St., Wilmington, N. C- A HAPPY ANB PROSPEROUS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS. HALL & PEARS ALL, Wholesale 4rocrs, Nutt and Mulberry Streets, jam d&w tf You Can Grow Bulbs Just as good as the best of us. We have a few left, and with the instructions we give free,, you can succeed beyond your expectations. James D. Nutt, The Druggist. See the very latest in our window for to-day, only. jan 1 tf For Bent. HOUSE ON NINTH BETWEEN Church and Castle streets. Four rooms, water and good yard room In rear D. O'CONNOR, Real Estate Agent jam tf Holiday Presents TpOE GENTLEMEN. WHAT IS JHUKJS SJBr sirable than a nice stiff or soft Hat or an Cm-, brella? Then go to .HAMTtfE, THE HATTER. Latest Styles and Lowest Prices. v JftH X X rvU iivi wi ar a wuv k?va wv. i ' i Horse Ffesfi. .One Tear, by Mall, $5.00 2 . ,'. : Six ifwA' - i-:' jB.60 . , ; Three Months, .5 t-.V'" ; Two Months, , " : 1.00 ? DeUTered to fuberlbrs In the e City at 45 Cents pr Hloath. T NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "LOCK YOUR BARN DOOR" -gEFORK TOUR HORSE IS STOLEN. DONT wait till it la too late, but get your look, hinge and fittings In good order, at a reasonable ex pense, -by purchasing them from J. W. MUR CHISON, who always keeps a large assortment of aU kinds of STABLE HARDWARE, HINGES, LOCKS, -SHOVELS, SPADES, HAT KNIVES, CUTTING MACHINES, PITCHFORKS, etc. See our PENINSULAR STEEL RANGE, the best T8n earth. A full) line of Cooking and Heating Stoves always on hand. Our line of AGATE WARE is the largest and most varied in the city. Oive us a call and we will please you. J. W. MURCHIS0N, Jan 1 tf - ORTON BUILDING. " Pyt at the Head OF YOUR. New Year'S Resolutions that hereafter you will buy your Drugs and Toilet Articles From J. HICKS BUNTING, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Y. M. C. A. Building. jan 1 tf Vollers & Hashagen, - . Brokers and Manufacturers' DISTRIBUTING AGENTS. Provisions, Lard, Sugars, Flours, Grain, Hay. We Smith Ciffars are Sole Agents for Powell, & Co.'s celebrated brands of RENOWN, SMOKETTES, CUBAN BLOSSOM. We sell at Wholesale only and so licit inquiries as to prices in car lots and less. Office and warehouses A. C. Line tracks, Nutt St., Wilmington, N. C. deistf We Have on .Hand A Complete and Varied' Stock of Fresh Groceries. id Canned Goods, Grain, Hay, Lime, Cement, Nails, &c. Excellent Seed Oats. WORTH & WORTH. jan 1 tf Start the New Year Right SQUARE UP WITH YOUR GROCER AND THROW THE PASS-BOOK AWAY. Pay Cash For What You Get, And pay It where you can obtain the best results. It is only reasonable to suppose thaC that place is where they do no crediting. TRY IT FOR YOUR OWN SATISFACTION. The King Grocery Co., F. KINO, MANAGER, 'Phone 887. jan 1 tf Fourth Street Bridge. New and Fresh Groceries TO BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH. WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF Heavy Groceries. We are better able to supply the de mands of the Retail Merchants than at any time past. One pf our New Year resolutions to to buy close and thereby benefit those that are looking ror ThvO Beat Qualities ' . t the Lowest Prices. Remember that we keep up and respectfully solicit your orders for 18. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer and Commirlon Merchant, jan 1 tf Wllmlngtoa, . O. Assignee's Sale. QN WEDNESDAY, THE Sth OF JANUARY, 1897, 19 o'clock M., I will sell for cash at public auction, the entire stock of Goods and Merchan dise, consisting of Gentlemen's Clothing and Furnishing Goods assigned to me by 8. H. Fishblate, then remain, toji unsold. Sale will take place to the store where the Goods are altjaate. Until said ate aU Goods will be aisposea oi r.u j iw por cent, leas than cost. G. RIOAUD. desetf tuthi Assignee. i HOMt I 'il v : 1 If ft ...? . j - . 4 :. 2 1 Jt' B