... )r k- - . ; i- - J V '-- I -I - - - ' r-. Z, t - It M h i ' 1 ii-.' i l i : Waft tohlc PrtpjraticnLrAv- t kg uV Stamjcla andDowelicf ntrs and First-Contains ndar OriumJMorpliin nor iSacral NotNahcotic. f , Jm JJ- A L.-rft-ct Remedy for Constip- non . Sour SitoucA.I)tarTt)C)a. Worms .Cormibions Jevtnsh ; (W-S5 and Loss or Stzzr. NEW "YORK. IX ct corror vtAini. ss AH plants, cvtro In tropical cocm tn'!, mutrw a prioJ of rwt Som r'p)K iu th rainy. othr in th . Iry cl thr jjfjui La tho cwlj or tn th' hot jo. HTr J-hnan, a vS-an.ituavun. twhev ho can !'nIr this pru! bj tntt'OAfytzig tJif "I'p" wvh chiorofurm or .thr Bull) r bml vrpii to th v ij'nri of tbi atrtthtio rrstxino 'iafir ;-rxo! of activity wr than "hi not o tr'atcL It ha al.o obTvHi that th tuNrctjl . rrht.l pljrr! nt-ar warrum ; i ;". Jn.l thu mor cumpltly !.-:m1, Ixjh ti spring mjor.rr than jfhf-r ln-'pt m ta ar'Itnary wy. .Xr. tr-v t rwrww mr pr !xt -tujt '.un XIi-) Spot at that jui.rt'ur ;'tt!oriiiuti; Mr Hr-ay Sh' wwc'l m tho cn-t, Mr-. Uray No. shf m th t'.- at wt ati'l lookl a ttsouh b Mothers oasness, re- F. I licves the fISnfl Headache, I lUlIU Cramps and N.msea, and so prepares the svstem that the time of rccov c'rv ts shortened and many say "stronger after than before con rir.emcnt." It insures safctv to :c of both mother and child. A!! who have used "Mother Friend" ay they will never be w :h out it again. N'ootherrcm ed v robs confinement of its pain fw -r- tirtonrr MtynttK. miM Wh.-n N4poN"a w rv:rn to tr.. nU 6IxjU.tnt. b. -tH for th i '.,i;nt' of Albany, the wulow of 'harlr Blilward. ami, in a way. of "h ;)-t .VU':-r. say AnIrv Laag :n f. Mraft d'Albany waj i.ih.-ril into a tm( nalon of I know uot what pulu- aoi wa tft alono :L:t. SuiJuily a lnr opod. N'4poln i-ntfTil. walkil op to br vn.i uwl withoat era phmT! t or jay formula of pihtii M ulatn, had you vrrr m chikit" No, ;r r" Njpolmm bowrl aed withdrww v:thout anothi wonJ. Hu id Jo'iht Ii-" wd to ( up a of Mai- d' Albany on th thron of Kn;Ual tf h coniu?Tl owr coaiv ry But ot thr wi notio. This Id Maw d Albany htfTWf 111 in Blorn n to an En; tub nobt :!i.in a.ad hi. wf( vrhll tbi'tr Isttl I.i'iht.-r playwl aNut tb room. an old Udy. toUl tt to a rl ' : vx of b. TREATHEHT FOR WEAX HEH. TRIAL WITHOUT gXPEMSI. Ti (hmrMm Apollan o4 HmaaMtlM of tfia Kr Mwi i-Ki l'x sow (u tA OM f .)f-r. oitrut wttAmt aspaoaw ttourM man. X 4IUr t WmU r F i'wi tn Ota or Tatar. WaaacaiMt A pu oil" by Int of ttamtmj. v y f.jr jr r r ii mw tf en ia tu I FASHIONS CHANGE POZZONP5 Complexion POWDER vuiin ax w a tv tits bjukx o h4ii wmm tt f mail' nil tWrH4iTM C OTiail K. pozzorjrs it sold nmwiiiii. IS) Iff Ull Tho Kind You; Have Always Bought, Bears' tho Fao-sdmile Signatare Oi' 05 THE WRAPPER OF EYXRY BOTTLE. THE KIND YOU HAYE ALWAYS BOUGHT. 40WTME BEGGAR TAUGHT TM KINa w day kla la lrrtltl aaood Dnr arr M otiaiatMr of ata 4 AaU n"l ad ta way jtt rrtd ki cut Bl U UMUllB OM D TI. To nal tiua pudua on th 111 t-S kiaff. Pat ttafvuii. ta mu hi caijMi. k Biaai ttiM fi fry TUt at an atUkrp Ctaf. Tb i Tiry eixJmi hi Impar Vy thmliaai aa woo Trt afcovt th bow. Ttu . timt. lUmt nxaii rf ty. Aad tuuk ts ariiUaaT QuJM a aw Bat nral aul a aoowol lafaf ba Hm b9xi a bvn at th paiara r"- B oU. "" ha crUni. "aad d.m't yoo dara ai Ciaaa aava oc yva wUl nawt a aurry fatal TW Car atuiM. tat M4 aa a&ry mla A amila tnxm&erat him ai faca. Ta arvmatt. anRaaad. fat xi nwad availa Aad mar-T iml at tfta au'i furvi-rtac (raca. TS0 aarst tha m-rotary atUM-ply apKaka, T&a aar-raat wet aim la a btT nocd. Aad ta taa wt alary 'a braaa aw oka Tia najriMawai tkal aa waa karaa and roalak JLatt au la lorn ha aaawarwl picaaantlj HT-a aast tka misiatar laJ:Usd a aoaacr. Tia mlaiaCar h qaiVk ka faal to ara. A ad fraxtAly owaad It. Uka a acolo paar. And whaa tt kia. aoar lampavai aad mtlU nrmaii. Rabokaa car aaora tua tataiatar of ataXa. Tha Uitar'a aaofaodad bbb pawpaaaad Ami otarnl u5 l&a rnyai potaataaa. Ua thAakad t&a atataamaxi fo tCw U taaftrt Aad iwral Utat It aooJd taat Mat for awhU. Bat awitaar kia a. atataamaa avar thoockt Tbay'4 krakraml tAwir Wamia tkroaaxtl far 'a amiiM. ia B. Fiarry ta LMVtw-ixVot. Tlaa Jaekay aa tkwa f ! Frttierck Archer. England'a fa moiw j-ckey. wm eridently a wit at ocd tm. It w told that be went to a f imott "arjcjcal pcialit to be trtal for badly rtnashcil to, in Jnml by an ill ten'rtxl horrH?- The axeou ejiamimxl tb Injury, which bo pronoan-tfd tolwof a grave char adrr. and one n-xissitating n long period of drnplc' rest. "How long mut Mie op" naked Archer. The intrrvjew, it should le utated, took plac early in April. "Three mont ha rest, with careful treatment and proper diet, would b sufficient. " "Dot what about the Derby I"' asked the patient. "The Derby I" repeat nl the rurpH). "I must be t hero," aid Archer. "I absolutely mtwt., "Well, well," said the surgeon soothingly, "take great care of yoarwlf and if you make satisfac tory progTes- you might go. " "(rot Yew. Bat can I ndel" "Well." said the surgeon, "you bad better drive, I think. " He had read the name upon his patient's enrd. but it had meant to him nothing moro than a cuvine, "You rnuatnt think me rude, Mr. Archer." he mid. when hi guest had csplauxr-J hi identity and toca tion. "bot 1 tale no interest in any branch of sport, and I bad never heard your naroo." "Well," said Archer, "I hopo you won't think me rude, either, but till a friend advised me tu consult you I bad never h-oard your name either. And when I asked ray friend who you were be said. 'He i the Fred Archer of the surgical prof eseion. "New York Times. It i aid with regard to a "strange" minister who preached in a certain, village on SuDlay. and who intended leaving shortly after ward for hi own parish, that the beadle io the middle pf the discourse went np to the pulpit and put some question to him. The episode evok ed no httle interest among the wor shipers. Indeed, goesrip ran high a to tho why and wherefore of the Beadle interruption until the fol lowing Tuesday, when the wife let the oat oat of tho bag by making tho astounding revelation that her husband mTly "pel red the minister if he would like the egg for hi tea boiled hard or soft. Scottish Right. nta nuii a. Old Job waa taught to read by the minister's wife and proved a very apt scholar. Returning home after a prolonged absence, the lady met her old popil and aeked him how be wa getting on. ' I auppoete you can read your Bible now comfortably. Job!" "Lor blea you, ma'am t" cried Job. "IVe been out of the Bible and into the newspaper this long while. Household Word. A Ttaa "All tiling come to him who wait. " At the same time it i well to tip the waiter ocvaaiooally ; the thing will come quicker. New Or lean Times-Democrat. A man wa advertised to fly from a certain place and omo one asked Dr. By lea, the old Boston divine, if he were going to see the attempt raade. "Pooh, no!" so, id he, "I bare seen a hore fly. " HI ? I vABBR tVIATlONSj); hi I - oeaat iriatt.-":. . I .Oar 'lrabUo a-cboal ehildrtt.aue.Toer yond dobt taaght . ncrwaday xnnch that tatorrata - and btlpm them, all c which wa on known to their parent at tba aaaa age."";- " - . v .". And thi loatrootioa ia. given In manner to bgaU tha. little peoplo into the royal ' road to letrnibg. M that It ii m com mop occurrence -to have a child bcxrt into tear at the fear of rnlsaiug a day in school. Yet there ninat alway be a yt are they learnteg refinenieDt with the rest of tb desiccated knowl edge offered a their pabnlnmf t - In the very acientiflo algebra taught throng bout Kew York state and com piled by aa Instructor in the Normal chcol. "to ave time," the highest com mem divisor i spoken of a the "IL O. D.," and the least common nrol tiple 1 the "la CM.' What time is saved, and wfayf And iant such teach ing lnculcailng the vulgarity, later on In Ufa, which apeak of "photos" and "hikse" and btuca," if not of -pant" and "genta, If thi system of abbreviating every thing 1 taoght in oor schools, we, will slinply bava to stand the Jeer of the re fined foreigner at oar being in too great a hurry to make money to even peak the language properly. A great a we are. our fault lies in thi rushing frantically over everything. What the far seer are trying to teach Is repose a taking of time for all the refined thing of life, and yet, if thi principle of "chopping" the language is taught at the very baso of our life, the poblio school, what can be expected of these children when they grow up? Philadelphia Press. Caa of Parfnmaa Anything that will destroy tho i.ll powerful and ubiquitous microbe should be gladly welcomed, and when the agent comes in tho pleas ant form of per fa mo it is ccrtninly the mart acceptable. We now find from experiment that are uid to have been mado with tbo perfumes of flower that by rne-ms of them many specie of microbes are easily destroyed. The odor of cloves bad been known to destroy these minute creatnrea in 35 minutes, cinnamon will kill some species in 13 minute-, thyme in 25. In 45 minutes com mon wild verbena is foucd effective, while tho odor of somo geranium flower ha destroyed various forms of microbfej in 50 minutee. Th es nenco of cinnamon is twiid to destroy the typhoid feveT microbe in 13 minutes, and is recorded a the most effective of all odors as an antisep tic It is now belioved that flowers which are found in Egyptian mum mies were placed there more for their antiseptic properties than as mere ornaments or elements in sen timental work. If pert umee aro so singularly efficacious as this, then the flower farmer must be n fortu nate person and his life a healthy one. New York Ledger. I have been afflicted with rheu matism for fourteen years, and noth intr aocmcd to cive aov relief. I was able to be around all the time, but constantly suffering. I had tried everything I conld hear of, and at last was tola to irv tnamoeriain a Iain Balm, which-1 did. and was im mediately relieved and in a short time cured. I am happy to say that it has not since returned. Josh rxigar, uer mantown, Cal. For sale by R. R Bel lamy, druggist. t FRANK H. STEDMAN, WILMINGTON. N. C. Fife i Tornado Insurance YOUR BUSl.NKKS 13 SOLICITED ASD SATISFACTION GUARANTEE orncE at Soolhwmt romr of Front and Cbenot Sir. OmSlt Mortagee's Sale. HY VIRTUE OF A rOW EK OF SAUL tainml In a Mtrtfif tlT-n try 9. B. Uanxtll and wlf lo John IV Taylor. Rortw. and wib- mwiUt aaada-imd to J. H. ik. Jr. gnaraun of Laila O Mctilrt at aJ Uk undor-aaned will on SalanliT. Karrn ann. i-V a ix o ciw m. ottVr for aaia by pohik- six-Uon. tit raah. at the fYxirt lloaw dr tn Um Uw dty of WlUnlnrlon. Ua follow In O-arntW lut or parral of land, ly a. laa K jm. rlfV rf 'fata 1 1 VTI t VI IT Umk Afxl NarnVni aoa dwtibd a roilowm: B- l A tn iKat assist It llTaa tf VAfJtth muiug ' ' -- - - acroat alitrall fart auatharardlr from It Inter arvtiua wlta the aoothem line of Dawaon trwt. and running ther-e aoothwardly akma the aaiu eaatem Itna of F.iMh atreet imy il ferH, thenre imiT aiMl ISirBUBT-fl W 1 1, aa aawiUH " a iht y ta-o and ooe half fret to the arwtem line of f it- .ilv oarrai iMirtharanllr alonft the wnatera line of MUlaf alley and parallei atth nih mtrwm. aixtralx frvt. and thence iat- arardJy and parallel with Daarann atreet rlilhty- two ana a oaui w . laaieu tnpa ma a uj ' 1 . ' J H. UoaJU Ja-. frb "M Aaalnee Of th JtortfarfW F. T. IV1ILLS, WhaUaale and Retailer Dasvlai la HORSES AND MOLES. -.,-...! M Kaixl a fnll Una of mated teama. Roadter. saddler. parpoaa and Farm Fall LiiB tf Fan an. City Inlet rkrkaa Ia. laJafYI 4aVa loads reeeltred sverv ' All stock U traraaiajfd as rrvreaealed. 112 anflM North WaUr St. feb 19 IX FORAGE. Hay and Peanut Vines. . Corn, Oats. Peas. Don't bujr Molaases nntil yon ee our FINEST. HALL A FEAKSALL, feb 22 tf Wholesalo Grocers. lahed Cpualaad.arpfts.r.aoo Charles xEicliardsoii, Wholasala TTrait. OtJCERAL, PROPCCE COMalTSStO, BUrfALO. K. Y. J. TJ. NEWBURY. State Ageat. ISTt HOTEL STEWART. Balaa mm f 10 Par lr Arraralac le.geacleaw West OMrtra 81, rajrxarita R. R. TVrliat OfSoe. fab B If OoWiboro, H. C J ; : dtAmMrlaia'w CeacTa Beaaaay. - This remedr i intended eTerially for .oough, . cxldaT..cxoupill .wfiooping coach and influema,. - It ha become famous for it cures of these diseases orer A large part of the cdrilixed world; The most flattering; testimoriiftl hare been reoeived, givmg acocnmta of its good works,- of -the agjrrarsiin-and persistent cough it has cured; of se rere colds that hare yielded -promptly to its soothing effects, and of the dan geroos attack of croup it has carerL. often saving the life of the chfldVr The. extensire use of it for whooping cough has shown that it robs that disease of all dangerous ciJoi)noeB.(iSold by R. R. BcTJ.Airr, druggist,: . , r v . ' Fer Ovar Pirtr Yeairav Mrs. Wixslo w' Soothiko Syrup has been used for orer fifty years by mil lions of . mothers for their children while teething, . with perfect' success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, -and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imme diately. Sold by , Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing 8yrup," and take no other. - t Some send to Cammejrer's, others send else where tor what tbey need In SHOES, while all ran save tlienielv money hy buying at home. We have VaX DuUenbnfer Bona Ladles' Shoes at the uniform price of fci-00, la w and $3.00. This line Li unexcelled. Wacarry MundeH'sChUdreu Shorn at n.OO, $1.83 and fl.SO-. beaides many cheaper RTadea In all kinds. We sell a splendid line of Gent's Shoes also. We Invite you to in spect oar stock and WEAR OUR SHOES. Respectfully, MERGER & EViLNS. C34 steps east from corner Front and Prlnoesr atreeta. Jan 8 tf SUCCESSORS TO WORTH & WORTH, Wholesale Grocers, Factors --ANI COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Commence business this day and assnre their friends and customers of a continuance of the same busi ness principles and policy which characterized their predecessors. All business entrusted to. ua will have our careful attention. feb 1 tf AN UP-TO-DATE SHEPHERD nerer honied a primer lot of choice mutton on the hoof than you will And in our One stock, succulent, sweet and tender mutton and lamb In one of our specialties, and our fine Juicy marts of beef and steaks Is what we bank our rrputatlon on, n expert Judges of line meats. I. B. RHODES. mar IT tf Seed, Seed, Seed. NEW CROP JUST ARRIVED. All Varieties. Lowest Prices. Truckers, Country Merchants and Gardeners will save money . by buying from ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Wholesale Druggist and Seedsman, feb 90 tf Wilmington, N. C. Sugar, Molasses, Coffee. as 150 Barrels Granulated Sugar. 75 Barrels Soft Sugar. 50 Barrels Molasses. 25 Barrels Syrup. 175 Sacks Coffees. 25 Cases Peaches. 50 Cases Tomatoes. 50 Cases Sardines. 200 Cases Lye. Ask us for quotations before purchasing else where. ROBT. R. STOWE & CO., Wholesale Grocers, mar 3 tf Nos. 5 4 7 South Water street. The Very Latest Styles In Hair Cutting and tHe beet Shaving in the cltv inav be bad at Prempert a. Messrs. Hughes and CoweU nave not faped In a single instance to give satlflfacUon. Tbev are beyond a doubt as line Barbers isVer were in the city. If voa want proof try them and If their wort fa not satisfac tory It will cost you noting. Respectfully, 3 " a. PREMPERT, Barber, marUtf 11 8onti Front St. D. O'CONNOR. Ueal Batata A cent, TrilaatagtaB, N. '. STORES, OFFICES AND DWELL tags for rent. . , Houses and Lots for sale on easy termx. rtenuj, mt vi - r attended to promptly. Money loaned op tin proTed city real eatate. sestr CURE YOURSELF! Caa Bit i for onnatnrU diacharrtta, Inflamtnationa, Irritatioaa or aleoratioas of ma eo a a nMmbraDsa. ' PilalaL aad aot aatrlB' or asnt In alain wrsspar. br axareaa. piaaaJj. tor SJO, er S botUaa, fLTi. raalas saat oa raqneat. THE WORTH caal a I , flaamail- U la.f m a. aiMiai. VTalTaritaSS V- eaNraMn.t X 1 ' 1 ; Hotwlthstandlnaiwe sire movinri feiine -of ourvlce Ma J - 1; chines away'4rom here.;wd tilf have a .capacity to ? - ; V; T make 85 tons of f ce iierf day whictt is four times as mucli aihas ever been consume in Wilminatpn,- in- : cludirig jtbe Soundsr Peaches and SouthporiV in any V one dayv Until further notice we will self you Ice at :4he following, prices;, ; :j v In lots of 10 to 25 Pounds, 35c per 100. - ; ' In lots8 of 26 lbs and less than "a ton, 25c per 100 In one to two ton lots, 3i50 per ton. In lots of one ton or over at Factory, $2.50 ton. We respectfully BOlicit your patronage. Wm. E. Worth & mar 18 tf We hope to receive public Patronage. OWEN A. Ion K tf PLUMBING! ? i ' ' ! t 5; . AND WITH J rdODERATE PRICES AHD GOOD WORK, 1 v 5 t THE MAINE QUESTION To Consider When Sick Is How to Get Well. The Answer Is: Go to Jackson Springs For a month or two, or order a few crate3 of the water. Read the following letter from Judge Thos. H. Sutton: ifon. Thomcu It. StUton, of N. C, Judge of First N. C. Criminal Court, sajx; i i Tarboro, N. a, Nov. 3, 1897. II. E. THOMPSON, Prop. Jackson Springs, West End, V. C: M v Dxa Sra Tour letter of 81st nit. received. In reply I take pleasure in saying that I spent two weeks at Jackson Springs In August of the present year. I was very feeble when I arrived there, suffering from Dyspepsia, and was not able to go from the hotel to the Spring, but after two weeks at the Springs I received beneficial effects from the curative power of its waters, and verily believe that these waters, springing oat of the deep sand section of Moore County saved my lire, or at least prolonged It to this day. I have no hesitation In saying that I believe that the Jackson Springs Watar is a specific for Dyspepsia, and the best water on earth for this one universal complaint of mankind. You may use this letter as you may think is best for the benefit of mankind. Yo,JspMtfuUy( THOMAS H. S UTTOri . This Water is unsurpassed for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Insomnia, Ner vous Prostration, or any Kidney, Bladder or Stomach Trouble. For further particulars, address H. E. THOMPSON, Proprietor, mar 15 tf j West End, Moore County, N. C. When You Wish to Talk Stoves and Ranges Just Bear In Mind Buck Goods Are the Finest and Best Made In America This may sound extravagant, but we can make good every word of it. We ftlso have a large line of other STOVES from the cheapest up. Wm. E. Springer & Co-, Gen'l Agts. W. NORWOOD, President. H. WALTERS, i Vice-President. Besults, If jYou Deposit in The Wilmington Savings and Trust Company. .a week for 8 years ii w Iio in $i ta 8 15 HO 15 ! for 10 years STEP BY STEP Y.OU mar W tf Statement of Atlantic National Bank, Wilmington, N. C. At the close of Business Feb. 18th, 1838, RESOURCES. ' Loans.. 57SM03 10 OVOrtATaaftea .aaaa ...aa.aaaa fil OD U. 8. 4 per cent. Bonds (at par) 40,000 00 Banking House and Fixtures 10,000 00 Due from other Banks $100,167 71 i Cash on hand 67,274 65276,442 31 Total. ..$899,867 27 COMPARATIVE Total Deposits........ Bflls Payable and Re-dlscounta Dividends paid 6 Last Instalment of Capital paid In October, Special Cut on j , r No. I Sugar-Cured Hams, I 0c Per Lb. Can't Be Beat. . S. W. SANDERS, I. . mar 15 tf AT THE UNLUCKY CORNER. Co a fair share of the t F. LOVE & CO. GEO. SDOAN, Cashier. you will have. S 286 f 672 868 .......$1144 $1430 $4290 $637 $1274 $1911 $2548 $3185 $6370 $9555 GO A LONG WAY. Condensed from Report to Comptroller. ! LIABILITIES. Capital .$125,000 00 8urplus $60,000 00 Undivided profits 15,913 11 75,912 11 Circulation . 36,000 00 Total Deposits 662,455 16 Total $899,867 27 STATEMENT: t ! Feb. 18, 96. Feb. 18, 87. 1... $607,000 $650,000 64,800 64,500 Nam.. Nonk. Feb. 17, 98. $662,000 ,900 Nome per cent, per annnm. 1898. marOtf FOR SALE AT CLOSE PRICES. 1000 Caddies Damaged Tobacco. 500 Boxes Sound Tobacco. ' lOO Barrels Molasses all grades 60 Barrels Cider. . 100 Cases; Star Lye. 200 Bags Coffee. SAM'L BEAR. Sr., mar 16 tf 12 Market St.. Wilmington, N. C. I7C I t ScheaoJe In JEUTeet Jan. 2, 189S. I TO ALL POINTS ' . North, South and Southwest. Train : 41 Leaves Wilmington ' 8:90 p. m.', leaves Lumberton 5:26 p.m., Pembroke 5:46 p. m., Maxton 6:12 p. m., Laurinburg 6:28 p. m., Ham let 6.53 p. m. Connects at Hamlet with train 1 for Charlotte and Atlanta, and with train 402 for Portsmouth, Richmond, Washington and points North. ? - Train 41 Leaves Portsmouth 9 30 a. m., leaves Weldon 11:55' a.' nr., Raleigh 8:84 p. m., Sanford 6:03 p. m., Hamlet 6:53 p. m., Rocking ham 7:80 p. m., Wadesboro 8:11 p. in., Monroe 9U2 p. m., Charlotte 10:25 p. m Aliens 8:45 a; m., and Atlanta 6:20 a. m. Connects at Wel don with train from Richmond and all Northern txrtnts. Pullman sleeper, Portsmouth to Nash ville, Tenn. Train 403 Leaves Washington 4:40 p. m., Richmond 8:56 p. m., Poi-tsmouth 8:45 p. m. leaves Weldon U:28 p. m., Raleigh 2:16 a. m., Sanford 3:35 a. m., Hamlet. 5:10 a. m., Rocking, ham 5:23 a. m.. Wadesboro 5:54 a. m., Monroe 6:43 a. m., Charlotte 7:50 a. m , Lincolnton 10:20 a. m., Shelby 11:18 a. .m., Rutherfordton 12:30 noon, Athens 1:15 p. m., Atlanta 2:50 p. m. Connections at Atlanta for all points South and West. Pullman sleeper, Washington to Atlanta, and Portsmouth to CheBter. Train 38 Leaves Hamlet 8:15a. m. Arrives Laurinburg 8:46 a. m., Maxton 9.05 a. m., Pem broke 9:81 a. m , Lumberton 9:53 a. m., Wilming ton 12.05 noon. Connects at Hamlet with trains from Washington. Portsmouth, Charlotte and Atlanta. Train 408 Leaves Atlanta 12:00 Tn. leaves Athens 8:16 p, mv,"Monroe 9:40 p. in. Leaves Rutherfordton 4:35 p. m., arrives Shelby 5:56 p. m., Lincolnton 6:56 pr m., Charlotte 8:25 p. m., Monroe 9:40 p. m., Wadesboro 10:81 p. m.. Rock Ingham 11:05 p. m., Hamlet 11:23 p. m., Sanford 1:02 a. m., Raleigh 2:16 a. m., Weldon 4:55 a. m., Portsmouth 7:80 a. m., Richmond 8:80 a m., Washington 12:81 noon. Pullman sleepers, At lanta to Washington and Chester to Portsmouth .Train 18 Leaves Hamlet 7:15 p. m.. arrives Gibson 8:10 p: m. Returning, leaves Gibson 7:00 a. m.. arrives Hamlet 7:50 a. ni. Train 17 Leaves Hamlet 8:40 a. m., arrives Cheraw 10:00 a. m. Returning, leaves Cheraw 5:00 p. m., arrives Hamlet 6:20 p. m. All trains daily except Nos. 17 and 18. Trains make immediate connections at At lanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis, Macon, Florida. For Tickets, Sleepers, etc., apply to THOS. f. MEARES, Gen'l Agent, Wilmington, N. C. E. ST. JOHN, Vice President and General Manager. H. W. B. GLOVER, Traffic Manager. V. E. McBEE, Gen'l Superintendent. T. J. ANDERSON, Gen'l Pass. Agent. General Offices Portsmouth, Va. mar 17 tf Cape Fear &' Yadkin Valley R'y. JOHN GILL, Receiver. Condensed Schedule. Iu Effect January 23rd, 1898. No. 2 Daily. NORTH BOUND. Leave Wilmington Arrive Fayetteville Leave Fayetteville Leave Fayetteville Junction. Leave Sanford Leave Climax Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro Leave Stokesdale Leave Walnut Cove Leave Rural Hall.t Arrive Mt. Airy 9 00 A. M. 12 10 P. M. 12 18 " 12 25 ' 1 48 " 3 47 " 4 20 - " 4 30 ' 5 17 " 5 47 " .6 15 ' 7 45 " No. 1 Daily. SOUTH BOUND. Leave Mt. Airy Leave Rural Hall Leave Walnut Cove Leave tokesdale Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro Leave Climax Leave Sanford Leave Fayetteville Junction. Arrive Fayetteville Leave Fayetteville Arrive Wilmington. 8 40 A. M. 10 04 " 10 33 " 11 06 " 11 55 " 12 17 P. M 12 45 " 2 36 ' 3 55 " 4 00 " 4 10 " 7 20 " No. 4. Daily. 8 00 A. M 9 02 " 9 07 " 9 35 ' 10 20 " 10 40 " NORTH BOUND. Leave Bennetts vUle. Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Leave Red Springs Leave Hope Mills Arrive Fayetteville No. 3. Daily. SOUTH BOUND. Leave Fayetteville.., Leave HbDe Mills. Leave Red Springs. . , Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Arrive Bennettsvllle . 4 50 P. M. 5 07 " 5 43 " 6 11 " 6 15 " 7 15 " No 16. Mixed Daily Ex Sunday. NORTH BOUND. Leave Ramseur.... Leave Climax Arrive Greensboro. Leave Greensboro. . Leave Stokesdale. . . Arrive Madison 6 40 A. M. 8 30 " 9 17 " 9 35 " 11 07 " 11 55 " No. 15. Mixed Daily Ex. Sunday. SOUTH BOUND. Leave Madison Leave Stokesdale. . , Arrive Greensboro. Leave Greensboro. . Leave Climax Arrive Ramseur. . . . 12 35 P. M. 1 25 " 2 45 " 3 15 " 4 25 " 6 10 " CONNECTIONS At Fayetteville with the Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Sprmgs and Bowmore Railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroada t Greensboro with the Southern Rail way Company, at Walnut Cove with the Nor folk ana western Railway. J. W. FRY, W. E. KYLE, Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass. Agent. . jan 23 tf The Clyde Steamship Co. NEW YORK, WILMINGTON, N. C AND Georgetown, S. C, Lines. New York for Wilmington. CROATAN , Saturday, March 5 ONEIDA Saturday, March 12 Wilmington for New York, ONELDA.. Saturday, March 5 CROATAN ? Saturday, March 12 Wllmlngrton for Georgetown, H. C. CROATAN Tuesday, March 8 ONEIDA Tuesday, March 15 Steamship Oneida does not carry passengers. "Through Bills Lading and Lo west Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Supt.J Wilmington, N. C. THEO. G. EGER, T. M., Bowling Green, N. Y. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, Bowling Green N. Y . mar 1 tf Livery anfl Sales Stables Open All Day and All Night EVERT DAY IN THE WEEK. First-Class Equipment In Every Branch. Hacks and Baggage Line to and Froni All Trains. HOUSES BOARDED. Furniture Wagou with Careful - Drivers. S. P. COWAH & CO., Second between Princess and Chesnut Btreetei Telephones, both companies No. 15. 1an 1 tf ATLANTIC COAST LlIiE. ;ljsLjiaaar Scbednleln Cot Febrnary IT, 1S8 " Dkpaeture from wn.MrtTos North Bockd DAILY No. 48 Passenger Due Magnolia 11.08 9.35 -a. m., Warsaw 11.15 a. m., Goldsboro A. M. W:08 a. m., Wilson 18:65 p. -ta Rocky - Mount 1:40 p. m., Tarboro 1:31 p. m., Weldon 4.83 p.m., Petersburg 6.22 p. m., Richmond 7:18 p. nt, Norfolk e.06 p. m., Washington 11:80 p. m., Baltimore 1:06 a. m., Phlladelphla8:60a.m.,New York 6:68 a. m.,tBoston 8:00 p. m. DAILY No. 40 Passenger Due Magnolia 8:66 7.15 p. m., Warsaw 9:10 p. m., GoldHboro P. M. 10:10 p. m., Wilson 11.06 p. m., rrarboro 0:85 a.m., Rocky Mount 11:67 p. m., Weldon 1:42 a. m.,tNorfolk 10:80 a. m , Petersburg 8:14 a. m., Richmond 4 a. ui., Washington T:41 a. m.. Baltimore 9:08 a. m., Philadelphia 11:85 a. m.. New York 2.03 p. m., Boston 9:00 p. m. DAILY No. 50 Passenger Due Jacksonville except 4:18 p. m., Newbern 5:40 p. m. Sunday M. SOUTH BOUND. DAILY No. 55 Passenger Due Lake Wacea 4.00 maw 6:09 p. m., Chadbourn 8:41. p. m P. M. Marlon 6:43 p. m., Florence 7:26 p. m., Sumter 9:10 p. m., Columbia 10:30 p. m., Denmark 6:12 a. m., Augusta 7:65 a. in., Macon 11:15 a m., Atlanta 12:26 p. in., Charleston 10:60 p. m,. Savannah 1:60 a. jil, Jacksonville 7:30 a. m., St. Au gustine 10:30 a. m., Tampa 5:26 p. ra . ARRIALS AT WILMINGTON FROM THE NORTH. DAILY No. 49 Passenger Lea vo llo8ton 1 :0 5.50 p. m., New York 9:00 p. m., Phlladel-' . P. M. phla 12:05 a m., Baltimore 2:50 a. m.'. Washington 4:80 a. m., Richmond 9:0ft a. m., Petersburg 10:03 a. m., Norfolk 8:40 a. m., Weldon 11:52 a. m., Tarboro 12:12 p. m., Rocky Mount 1:47 p. m., Wilson 2:87 p. m., Goldsboro 8:20 p. m., Warsaw 4:11 p. m.. Magnolia 4.24 p. m. DAILY No. 41 Passenger Leave Boston 12 9.30 night, New York 9:80 a. m., PhlladSl A. M. phla 12:09 p. m., Baltimore 2:25 p. m., Washington 8:46 p. m., Richmond 7:80 p. m., Petersburg 8:12 p. m., tNorfolk 2:20 p. m., Weldon 9:48 p. m., tTarboro 0:01 p m, Rocky Mount 6:40 a. m. Leave Wilson 6:22 a. m., Goldsboro 7:01 a. m., Warsaw 7 53 a. m., Magnolia 8:05 a.m. DAILY No. 51 Passenger Leave Newbern except 9:00 a. m.. Jacksonville 10:20 a. m. Sunday 12.15 P. M. FROM THE SOUTH. DAILY No. 64 Passenger Leave Tampa 8:10 1.20 a. m., Sanford 8:27 p. m., Jacksonville P. M. 7:40 p. m., Savannah 1:45 a. m.. Charles ton 6:33 a. m , Columbia 6.46 a. m., At lanta 8:30 a. in., Macon 9:00 a. m., Au gusta 2:80 p. m, Denmark 4:25 p. m., Sumter 8:12 a. m.,' Florence 9:68 a. m., Marion 10:86 a. m.. Chadbourn 11:38 a m.. Lake Waccamaw 12:09 p. m. Daily except Sunday. Trains on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldon 8:66 p. m., Halifax 4:30 p. m.; ar rive Scotland Neck 5:20 p. m., Greenville 8:67 p. m.,Kinston 7:65 p. m. Returning, leaves Kln ston7:50 a. m., Greenville 8:62 a m.; Arriving Halifax at lr:18a m., Weldon 11:33a. m. Dally except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washing ton 8:20 a. m. and 2:80 p. m.; arrive Parmnle 9:10 a. m. and 4:00 p. m.; returning leaves Parmele 9:35 a. m. and 6.80 p. m.; arrives Washington 11:00 a. m. and 7:20 p.m. Dally except Sunday Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, dally except Sun day, 6:30 p. m.; Sunday. 4:15 p. m.; arrlveB Ply mouth 7:40 p. m. and 6:10 p. m. Returning, leaves Plymouth dally except Sunday, 7:50 a. m. and Sunday 9:00 a. m.; arrive Tarboro J0:05 a. m. and 11:00 a. m Trail on Midland N. C. Brunch leavem GoldH boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 7:10 a. m.; ar rive Smithfield, N. C, 8:80 a. m. Returning, leaves Smithfled 9:00 a. m.; arrive Goldsboro 10:25 a. m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 4.30 p. m.; arrives Nashville 6.03 p. m., bpiing Hope 5.30 p. m. Returning, leaves Spring Hoim 8.00 a. m., Nashville 8.85 a. m.; arrive Rocky Mount 9.06 a. m. Dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leave Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday, at 11.20 v. ta. and 4.15 p. m . Returning, leave Clinton at 7.00 a. m. and 8.00 p. m. Florence Railroad leave Pee Dee 10.88 a. m., arrive Latta 10.26 a. m., Dillon 10.80 a. m.. How land 10.64 a. m. Returning, leaves Rowland 6.18 p. m.; arrives Dillon 6.83 p. m., Latta 0.40 p. nh, pee Dee 7.10 p. m., dally. Trains on Conway Branch leave Hub at 8:80 a.m., Chadbourn 11:43 a. m.; arrive Conway 2:03 p. m.; leave Conway 2:46 p. m., Chadbourn 6:45 p. m.; arrive Hub 6:25 p. m. Dally except Sunday. Central of South Carolina Railroad leave Sum ter 6:27 p. m.. Manning 6:68 p. m.; arrive Lane'n 7:36 p. m.; leave Laners 8:84 a. m., Manning :0H a. m.; arrive Sumter 9:87 a. m. Dally. Georgetown and Western Railroad leave Lane's 9:80 a. m., 7: 66 p. m.; arrive Georgotown 12:00 m., 9:14 p. m.; leave Georgetown 7:00 a. in.; 3:00 p.m.; arrive Lane's 8:26 a. m.; 6:26 p. rn. Daily except Sunday. Trains on Cheraw and Darlington Railroad leave Florence dally except Sunday at9:6A a. m.; arrive Darlington 10:28 a.m., Cheraw 11:40 n. m., Wadesboro 12:35 p. m.; leave Florence daily except Sunday at 8:00 p. m.; arrive Darlington 8.25 p. m, Haltsville 9:20 p. m , Bennettsvllle 9:21 p. m., Gibson 9:45 p. m. Leave Florence Sunday only at 9:56 a. m.; arrive Darlington 10:27 a. m.. Hartsvllle 11:10 a. m. Leave Gibson dally except Sunday at 0:85 a. m., Bennettsvllle 6:59 a. m.; arrive Darlington 7:50 a. ra. Leave Hartsvllle dally except Sun day at 7:o0 a. m.; arrive Darlington 7:46 a. in.: leave Darlington 8:55 a. m.: arrive Florence 9:w a. m. Leave Wadesboro dally except .Sunday 4:25 p. m., Cheraw 6:16 p. m., Darlington 6:29 p. m.; arrive Florence 7:o0 p. m. Ieave Hartsvllle Sunday only at 8:15 a. m., Darlington 9.00 a. m.; arrive Florence 9:20 a. m. Wilson and Fayetteville Branch leave Wilson 2:20 p.m., 11:16 p. m.; arrive Selma 8.15 p. m., Smithfield 8:22 p. m., Dunn 4:00 p. m., Fayette ville 4:47 p. m., 1:14 a. m., Rowland 6:18 p. m.; returning leave Rowland 10.64 a. m., Fayette ville 12:18 p.m., 10:15 p. m., Dunn 1:01 p. in., Smithfield 1:89 p. m., Selma 1:47 p. m.; arrive Wilson 2:35 p. m., 12:09 a. m. Manchester & Augusta Railroad trains leave Sumter 4:29 a. m., Creston 6:17 a. m.; arrive Denmark 6:12 a. m. Returning leave Denmark ' 4:25 p. m., Creston 5:80 p.m., Sumter 6:26 p. tn. Dally. Pregnalls Branch train leaves Creston 5:45 a. m.; arrive Pregnalls 9:15 a. m. Returning, leaves Pregnalls 10:00 a. m.; arrives Creston 8:60 p. m. Dally except Sunday. Bishop-vine Branch trains leave Elliot 11:10 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.: arrive Lucknow 1:00 p. m and 8:60 p. m. Returning, leave Lucknow 0:06 a. m. and 2:00 p. i I p. m.; arrive Elliot 8:26 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. tDailv exceDt Sundav. 8undav only. H. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager feb 7 tf Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Time Table No. 8. To Take Effect Sunday, Nov. 28, 1897, at 12 M. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. 3 Pass'g'r Trains Pass'g'r Trains STATIONS. Arrive Leave Arrive Leave P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. 8 40 Goldsboro 11 06 4 83 Klnston 10 it 5 85 6 46 Newbern 8 57 9 10 6 67 7 02 Morehead City . . 7 42 7 47 P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. a AnnnAMa witti.w' W train tviii nd North, leaving' Goldsboro at 11.85 A. M., and with Southern Railway train West, leaving n i o AA H W .nrl wft.ll W JB- V at. Newborn tor Wilmington and Intermedial rrain S connects with Southern Railway train, arriving at Goldsboro 8.00 P. M., and with No. 1 train also connects with W. N. for Wilmington ana lniermeuiata uuujui. jan i ii o. aiuu. ui k Skill Diseases. For the speedy and permaoent care of tetter,- salt rheum and ec tenia. Cham berlaio's Eye and Skin Ointment Is without an equal. It relieves the itch- ' ' lng and smartiHg almost Instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's Itch, - scald head, sore nipples, itching piles. V . " cnappea nanas, coroiuo sore eyes ana , : . granulated lids.' " : - . . 'wCvC- Dr. Cadyg Cwdltlom Powileri tofS' horses are the best tonio, blood purifier - ', and rermifoge. Price, 25 cents v3oldby v i For sale by. , - IB. tt. BELLAMT, ,-" febltf ; .Druggist, -.'I 'V. . i ; r L. , 'j'- t w r w .... .,: -

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