r Morn J OLDEST DiliTHmSPArat TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.: IN THE STATE. H , One Tasvr, by Mail. $5.00 ! Six Montha, 8.80 Ctrleiai tVaa eeT i m4 yeAr ; Three Months, " l.CS ; Two Mentha, 1.00 r,iaJ Delivered ( Safescrlbera In la U t VOL. LXII.-NO. 15. "WILMINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1898. WH6LE NO. 9,560 City at 4f Coat, star Month. Star 2! he iTloniing tar. OUTLINES- aar war talk ra iada!?! v jWaU yteriy ; at 4 o'clock -nii aJjuursMMi a a til Xoadar Hcer f Lh eottoo crop In . ii the cI.wn ot Mtfch. 10. J u. roa ' i "xkr vmisCm pfv tarnation will uwui tod a lprtJ v.i-apon ara vlent in their atter , ouu( tha Unit! Suu . tha i : it r2rwi to tilhr to tta pr : iiH-uuoM without tooi iflcatioo. Vf, in tha ocuntoa o the J i.iria et v riia,rvn t in ..-. nv movement lo avert it . t i-io froa XaJrai and most n.-ea I. & aaimt. including aa it Spam liuwuaioa in CaU. 1 'q.uI General L will leave '.. SCurtIv. ani Mmartr Wood ; 'u4H arrangati foe Wvinx JLfcind. v r'airwk. a Snow Iltll. a Re- .i-iv. for peesudent of the A. A 0 R. R . to taccMHl Hancock. - ?ita aulaocttie hjT wrafil t: ri!rl fe Ir-tryjwvtalion ot .-.jopw to Ra.miC. , a k war is iM-itfnl, ria.tructioa f roan Wash ;n 1 market XM7oa tiMoJ t 1 t3 ) pwr cwu, Uet lot ; Mat . cotbrn TiuiJIin.f iix.tr w . waken! by the Who i a whl. wb.it .pot s i Xortnera It 0"i. en -.. So 3 . nwa tdv. WEATHER REPORT. - Pr'T or Aa:-vt.rra. t Vimn.jTO'. D C . prl 7 'ii:rtaf " A. M. .ISiirf . 4 P. SL. . - lutimj'n, M i , mi mm am. nwka, 44 4 Uiafall tite tha Jay. T . raiafall . - lit of tha tnoata 119 fc t 1 . ;i . Oixi r;;T al th lak r- ; with el? -Mtin'al eitd v w, .u-r prartiun iTf th .Kftjona 1 - ' ' l-ivci "tte t. th VtlaiUk- cnfct ?!.! .i n.-"n .lowly orvr .! tiio.a dtrtnf th pat v . ' nr r.ni- trp F!orl. It . i rrr or.r th rotrl :.'.f aoU thw lowr Ukn . ,-4 ent.ulirhlm nr)fy 1 m .llajin; nrth ot v (iutin fcMn.)c t' v I arvl nrax '! ''i fv-ly mt'iaUm -- rrtfm eunUa'K low ' - 'ttUn ne N'.Sr-i. nd Nnf ' N. J.rwy t:i.C Th wm.l. ; t. fiN? aurthorly !.m th At i .. vc u aihc. 1 i:tNna ioUa': a rwufjot. of 5r".iLy (nrma thrw.ia"&ou' . -; ri . N.irtk tarUita, South t aro : !, an4 twu-fn AtaSk.iva 1 ! 1.' t '.rui iethri ol. of 1 1; 1 - i," .( lr ia thi. rvr at y - c -4 V M St J ft fwwr r r ot . rtS ii!n Fr wihr ..mrly w ivt Pr AtM Aril . I Ivi " 1 Vte M S M V 4 i V . : 11 11 So.Uhrt 3:J V ' Wur Witmiarton 1') 4J A H '. ' triao that i. y ruling .'.! rLwr?" th fc thv will .. tterv. th .orpraie limit ; . to le the girl gt 1 -port that Knitand haa d- 1 r I ftina v .iiai- ei. a a .. "?.e to hr .-on-etion to 1 ;-di.ate that J B. 1 4"ng .vn fra.'sftinr. ti. it i a i? h.M. ; .1 rorn mal th I'nited vppd to ?.irop9 daring th uvr!y .).'). buhela n tt.-r-a' of 'ti. ).) w-r t pewviou year. They i-'H onto .-om over ther. nui who fainted pri4wRtal h:m with a.n-ru for new girl ' r..wi i that and th war i miilta.'ieoaily A Ten- :ian r 't w Ipnrtel to Itand day i"i'. V(ian.. 1 ipndl Uttr earner for king a happanad that it waan "t The duitnbator of hnuld never take im vrlwn with Chr peJpla eni city 11 ( hang 1 to Jon gr of to : nor- of h: jacketa. He U -I 'f h-ing bnbwii by Raaia, V' wouldn't b arprvei if m trtth in the a-caaatioa. i f-l'.iw haa alway had aa ' -:irn ilattag ta-r. He the day. -.- t. atpertation and pre ' "' lty--rapag tl baild ' a.i Fraaotaco tl the r- -"W.h'itake hak-p wtthoat !"' 'ill orlinary bnck aad 'l bil.Umnof ln .ril tfis !f ,tory war. conaidrah2y tt;. new THX COTIX KTUATIOJ. On the 8th of February, iut fifty-nine Aj since, the Stab maJe thia for.-at of the Cuban situation: "Cuban aSajr seem to bo rapidly approaching crisis, and all indica tion now warrant the conclusion that thr will bv (omi kind of in tervention by th United- Stat tthin tiity day. Intervention woaM probably hae o.vnrreJ to morrow it tne rret4nt a mruae hA-1 brn on time yetrday. Im- neduaMy following the aentenre qaoted above, came thia: "It ia not probable that the term of set Cement thia goTcrnment will pro poee will be aatiafactory to the Ca bana and theft millions of ympa- thifera in thia coantry." Thi fore- cii hold gol now. The outlook thia morning ia rrrj thrratening. At the moment it appar that the SpanUb cabinet cannot control their people. The Uinitter of War aaid jeaterday: "War the teaat of the evila. It U better to tight foreigner than Spaniard J. " Thi ia aigniflcant. flat Spain haJ aeTeral day more for rejection. When groat crue ar at haxul it ia not uncommon for great changr4 to come aaddenly and neiprctel!y. W believe the ober acood thought" will aart iulf. and that Spain will decide at the Ut moment that he ia too weak to engage in war with the L mttt Statt. A party of Frenchmen hate juat arrttred at N'aw York, with the in teatioa of going to the Klondike fr-m Vaacoaver, in an airhip. and after they hate taken Klondike in. f?Hnj m aearch of Andre. The ainhip waa hippl to Vancouver. It i ma4e of at I k and ao contructevl a to prevent e-ap of gaa. They mle aome experimental trips with it bfar leaving France, and are h.akin; on itJ filling the bill a an ir navigator. The iurgical inventor are getting rly for war emergenr One of thm h prfecte'i an X ray appa rtu whi-h will auicklv ihow fr turt m bjnea. bulleta in the ivh. A.-., anil another ha. cintnved ti eictncai bmi-aw. with which limha, in cae of neceaaity. can be nipped oS with neatne and dii ptch. Thcte may be honor among Spn- U. but talk of the honor of the Spith nation 14 rot. So nation ifcnrh would for one wk tolerate the avaery that tarved o many tho'iand of men. women and chil dren in I'uba. ahoald lay claim to ciViUjtion much I pra'e abiat 'honor." NtirrmVrg. Havana, u pretty wfil to make ita mark. There arw t wntv-thre leal pn-il fa-. torm- th"r- whu:h emplov !. worker and tarn oat t.A . pn- W aell tana-la ortr three tim aa mu:h c.l a- we bay from her and yt the coal taroa init on tan pfie-tion from Canada coal. KW ADVKRT13EME.VTH Pala.-- Market - flaater meat. S. A. L. -!Vda-ed rat ia May Atari McR. Van a - Sale city lota Kin; Orocery Treah Jeraey butter. Atlantic Natl Rank Your interest Vilmiatoa Savin- A Trut Co Save Something BCatBM LfCALM BikkMpwr PowUoa wanted. F'e Sala Ratail liquor btt.jneaa PERSOML PAR-QRAPHS- Mr. R. J. N"eton. of Colombia, S. C . wi ia tha city yesterday. - Flitor D. II. Harnly. of Chad- bwirn. pol laat nifht ia the city. - Mr. A. I. Newberry, of Fay- etaevill. waa ia the otr yeataruar. ife.r. W. Marchiaon and II. I. Gaqa. of Marioo. S, C . are in tha ty Mr. Henry S. Andera. of Bladen cxj aty. waa a rtaitor ta tba catj yeater- - Mr. Jacob Fowell. of Long Crrwk. waa a caller at thia offlca yea- terday Steven W. Ialer, Kaq., a well known attorney of Goldaborva, apent yaateeday aWrnooo ia tha city. Mr. J. C. Caddell. the popular travailing repreaantalive of tha DMi- IWvrvUr. ia in tha ritr for two or threw day a Prof. M. C. S. Noble, of the achoola. left laat night for Be lava riatt hi father. Cap. A. M. Noble. rUl return to-night. Solicitor M. C. Hichardaon ta in city an roqla hocna from attend- anew npo Ooelo-w coart at Jacko- Ttlie. lie will leave for Clmton to lUatVy Inlaw JUrthrf. Tha April tmaiaeaa mealing of the Wilmington Boron waa bald ia tha Y. M. C A. apartxaaata yaaUrday from 4 to 1 P. M. All tha department war represented, aad submitted qoita) rradi labia report of work aoooenp- Lahad daring tha past month. Two aMEAbara CHAMBER COMMERCE. Many Important Matters Con sidered in the Meeting Held Yesterday. THE TEACHERS ASSEMBLY. Rreort ec Arraixeareats far Meet lax ef S. A. L laisatrUl Ageata Tariff Aiaoclatlea Coaalttee Aipolat t4 ta Sec are a Fba tta U aery. The regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held yes terday afternoon at S.90 o'clock, with the Preaident, Mr. J. II. Chadboara. Jr., and the Secretary, Col. John L. CantweU, both preeant The minutea of the pre v km meeting were read and approved. A report from Mr. J. Allen Taylor, chairman of the committee appointed toco-operate with like committeea from otner commercial bodiee in the forma tion of a Tariff Association, waa read and. on motion of Mr. Geo R. French, wo accepted with thanks. The report ho wed that the Wilminjrton Tariff Aatociatioa had been organiied under competent management, and the work which it aimed to do had been aucceaa fully begun. A communication to Mr. V. H Worth, vice president, from Meaar. D C. Love, F. L. Huggina and Prof. M. C. 8. Noble, a committee appointed to confer with hotel and boarding' housea with regard to mteaor mem ber of tha Teacher' Aaaembly if it ahould come here, waa read, stating that a rale of $3.00 per day had been offered at the Orion and Seaahore hotela and $ I.CXI per day at private boarding bouaea. In the diacnvaion which followed the report Mr. W. E. Worth said that there would probably be about SO) teachers and their friend present wherever the aaaembly ia held and that thoae who attend are the very beat class of people in the State. Mr. D. C. Love u infested that board could be had in private families at 1 'X) per day, that would be perfectly ati factory to those of the teacher who would be unwilling to par more. Col r W. Foter and Messn. S. II Fiahblate, B. F. Keith. A. J. Howell. Jr.. and F. L. Huggina all favored the plan a outlined by Mr. Lore. The President reported for the com mittee entrusted with making arrange ment for the meeting of S. A. L. In dutrial Agent, and added that he thought the city would derive material a! vantage from the visit of the agents. He stated that the May number of S. A. L. Magnndi would be devoted to Wilmington and vicinity. Tha Preaident named as a committee to confer with fish dealers relative to securing a fish hatchery for Wilming ton waters Messrs. R. W. Hicks. B. F. Keith, and R. M. Wescott. Mr. D. C. Iove, on invitation of the Preaident eihibited to the members samples of souvenier cards to be used in advertising the city. The card will b-ar engraving of points of interest and pmtal rard can be uted. Mr. Ixve explained that the different firm. could u the postal cards in their business, thus advertising the city at little coat The matter was re fmxl to a committee consisting of Memra I. C. Ive. S. II Fishblate, and A. J. Howell, Jr. The President spoke of efforts in difj ferent citiea to lerur army post and uggeated that it would be a good idea to attempt to get one here. The matter waa freely discussed and Mr. B. F. Keith was added to a committea pre. vktusly appointed to take the necessary atepa. Meaar. Geo. L. Morton, Geo. R. French, and Col. F. W. Kerchner. are the rest of the committee. Meaar. F. L. Huggina. D T. Cronly, CoL John I.. Cantwell, and others poke upon the poMnbility of having the State troopa mobilized in Wilming ton, and Mr. D. T. Cronly, was in structed to write to Major K. M. Hayea, Assistant Adjutant General, inquire and if it waa finally decided that the troopa will encamp in aome other city. Col. Foster inquired if any active stepa had been taken by the commit tee appointed to attempt to secure a tone wharf in front of the Custom House. The chairman of the com mittee was not preaent, and the other members could not give the desired information. The committee, how aver, waa continued, with instructions to posh matters vigorously. Meaar. Geo. L. Morton. W. H. Chad boo ra,F. L. Huggina, and B. F. Keith form the committee. At 4 30 the Chamber adjourned. BY RIVEX AND RAIL. Receipts Naval Stores aad Cottoa Ycstrraay. W. Jt W. Railroad S3 bales cotton, S casks sptrita turpentine. W.. CAA. Railroad 51 bales cot ton. bbl roain, 33 bbla tar, S bbls crada turpentine. Carolina Central Railroad 10 bales cotton, 1 cask spirit turpentine. 7 bbla rosin. C. T.' A Y. V. RaUroad- bale cotton. 7caak spiriU turpentine, 193 bbla roain. It bbla tar. Steamer Driver 6 bale cotton, S cask spirit turpentine. IS bbla rosin, ti bbls tar. Total Cotton. 131 bale ; ptrit tar pen Una, 18 casks; roain. 231 bbla; tar. lie bbla. ; erode turpanuaa, 3 bbla Qo4 Friday. OwTka to-day at St J ante' Church a follows: At I A. H., morning prayer; IS M., Litany, anta-commanion, and sermon ; I P. JdL, evening prayer. Tba publia ia cordially ixtriud. THE WONDERFUL X-RAY. Uctare Next Taesday Night by Dr. Heary Leal Salts at the Y.M.C. A. Citizens of Wilmington will next Tuesday night, April 12th, hare an op portunity of teeing for themselves all there ia to aoe of the wonderful ',X- raT.' Dr. Henry Louis Smith, of Davidson College, one of the first in ve tigs tor in thia line in the South, and a gentleman well known in Wil tnington, will lecture on the X-ray at the Y. M. C. A. auditorium. He will hare with him his delicate and expen sive apparatus and will not only ex plain the workings of the ray in iiis simple Language, but will demonstrate it from the platform and in plain view of the entire audience. He will show coins inside of purses. nails in blocks of wood and bones in hi own or in the hand of any one who may choose to submit to the ray. An opportunity will be given any one in the audience to lake a look at his own bones, thiataking but a few seconds for each. One gentleman who had the misfortune to have a bullet shot into his hand, and who haa it there yet, has agreed to be present and let the "X-ray" show it. up. DAMAGE BY FROST. Be a as. Peas aad Irish Potatoes lajared Strawberries Bat Little Hart The frost of yesterday did consider able damage to beans, peas. Irish potato and other tender vegetables, while strawberries were hurt little if any, the most of them having been covered up in anticipation of the frost. CapL J. T. Foy, of Scott's Hill, stated yesterday that beans were badly damaged if not completely ruined. Mr. J. W. Sidbury, of Sloop Point, was here yesterday buying beans for replanting, a his crop was killed out right. Mr. W. II. Mills, of East Wilming ton, reported ice, frozen ground, and serious damage to beans, peas and Irish potatoes. Mr. D. W. Trask, of Mason bo ro Sound, made a similar report, and Mr. C. II. Eleide, of Cape Fear township, estimates his loss from the frost at 3X). Mr. C. W. Woodward, the agent of the C. F. T. Company, was at points along the W. At W. railroad yesterday and brought back an encouraging re port, though he thought that the damage could not well be estimated on the day of the frost Strawberries, he said, were well covered and were unharmed. Mr. C. N. Sparkman, of Rocky Point writes that all kinds of truck were damaged and most of the bean crop killed. Another frost is expected thia morning and the truckers are a little blue over the prospects. Sale of Real Estate. There was a good number of bidders at the court house door yesterday on the occasion of a sale of real estate for partition. The sale was by decree of the Superior Court and had been ad vertised in due form by the Commis sioner. Capt A. L. DeRosset who read a description of the property yes terday before it was cried off by Mr. Wilkes Morris. The first lot sold was on North Water street between Princess and Cheanut store formerly occupied by Mr. J. L. Croom, with a warehouse in the rear. This was knocked down to Morris Bear & Bro. for $1,750. Three building lot were then sold on the southwest corner of Fourth and Ann streets. The first lot num ber 3, on the extreme west and meas uring 50 feet on Ann street with a depth of 6i feet sold to Col. W. L. DeRosset for $375. The next lot, 50x66, was knocked down to A. G. Ricaud, Esq., for $750, the corner lot 66x65, falling to Mr. Dan (juinlivan for the sum of $1,100. The sale is subject to confirmation by the court. The Fire Yesterday Fore noon. There were two alarms of fire yester day before noon. The first was at 8:23 o'clock, from box 51. corner Twelfth and Market streets. The fire was at No. 1.023 Dock Street a small tene ment house owned by Mildred Fur guson and occupied by Jubal Evans, both colored. The damage was not more than $150. The second alarm was at 11:40 o'clock, from box 47. No 918 South Third street was the scene of this fire. The building was a small tenement house, owned by Charity Henry, col ored, and occupied by George Hall, colored. A spark from the chimney ignited the roof. The damage is esti mated at $150. BDOI9K.TfKT. The following valuable letter from CaDt A. L. DeRosset SDeaks for itself. Just as soon as Dr. Matthez orders now in course of construction are completed, he will announce the day of closing his office in Wilmington at the Orton and it will be soon. THE LETTER. WiuiisaTO!. N. C April 5. 1898. Dr. Louis H. Matthez, City: Dear Sir: I learn you contemplate soon "ahaking the dust of Wilmington from your footwear and seeking other field and pasture green." I hope your visit here haa heen both profit able and pleasant and that the ac quaintances you have formed may ripen into lasuag incnuauiu. Before you leave us, however, I must thanlc you for the great benefit your optical treatment has been to me, and to assure yon of my lasting gratitude for providing me with glaasea with which I can read and without pain for the first time in rears. It is due to you to say that oefore your examination and provid ing me with the glaasea, I now use in place of those I discarded, I could not read except under the moat brilliant light Now I can without pain or dis comfort read, and readily, too, by such light aa those use who are blessed with normal night Very truly yours, A. L. De Rosa IT. TO MINE THE HARBOR Arrival of a Detachment of the Engineer Corps of the U. S. Array. WILL GO TO FORT CASWELL The Government Rushing Work to Place the Entrance to the Cape Fear River in a Condition to Repel Hostile Warships. A detachment of U. S. army engi neers arrived here yesterday and will go to Fort Caswell to-day to mine the harbor. It was in charge of Corporal Wm. J. Cosiello, who was the only offioer along. The privates were J. Gargan, F. Farriss, James Morrisey, Francis Golden, William House may and DeBank. Than are a part of Company B, Engineer Corps. They arrived at 5.50 o'clock by the Atlantic Coast Line and hurried at once to the U. S. shipyard near the foot of Queen street where they boarded the II. C. Wright upon which they will go early this morning to Caswell. As an evidence of the "rush" methods which characterize the move ments of the government now-a-days, thia detachment left Willet s Point on seven minutes notice. One hundred and twenty others left at the same time, 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The Key West detail, consisting of two non-commissioned officers and seven privates, and the Pensacola de tail of the same strength, left the Cas well detail at Weldon. Upon being questioned about his plans. Corporal Costello said he was of course subject to the orders of his superior officers, but he did not hesitate to say that he did not think it would take long to get the mouth of the river so well de fended that a hostile ship would fare badly if she should attempt to pass up. After laying the mines the engineers will follow the army, build bridges, and lay out entrenchments. The engineers look very much like the regular troops, and carry the army rifle with bayonets at their sides. About the only difference between the artillery and "the engineers in appear ance is that the latter wear dark blue instead of light blue trousers and wear upon their caps emblems of a turreted castle. Corporal Costdllo expressed himself as being pleased at the prospect of get ting under Capt Craighiil again, whom he knew and learned to admire at Willdt's Point. Other War News. Capt' W. E. Craighiil returned yes terday from Beaufort, where he went to formulate plans for the protection of Fort Macon. He remained in the city only a short while, hastening to Fort Caswell, where he has spent a good part of his time recently. In a short while his office will be con nected with Caswell by wire. AN ARTILLERY DRILL. Naval Reserves Imparted a War-Like Aspect to the City Last Night The booming of cannon, the tramp of soldiery, the jarring rattle of field pieces moving over pavements and the loud commands of commanding officers imparted to Wilmington quite a warlike aspect last night. The oc casion was an artillery drill by the Wilmington Division Naval Reserves. The boys were out in very good force, and the drill was quite creditable. Lieut H. H. Mcllhenny was in com mand. The drill was executed on the green back of the postoffice. However, it is probable that drills of this kind will be held on some other grounds in the future. Application will be made for the use of the grounds of the O. A. N. club. The objection to the postoffice green is that there is not room to execute the manoeuvres. It is expected that an other drill of this character will be called for one day next week. Wilmington Presbytery. Rev. P. C. Morton returned last evening from Burgaw, where he has been attending the Wilmington Pres bytery. He was obliged to hasten home to conduct a funeral at 3 o'clock this afternoon. He gave a Star re porter a few points about the proceed ings yesterday which are herewith re produced. Rev. John Stanly Thomas at 11 o'clock yesterday preached his trial sermon preparatory to his ordination, which was to take place last night. The call of the Burgaw group of churches extended to Re . Mr. Thomas was approved by the Presby tery. Rev. A. D. McCIure, Rev. P. Morton and CoL Jno. D. Taylor, of Wilmington, were asked to conduct meetings at South port. Mr. Hewlett's Bad Lock. Mr. George Hewlett, salesman at Solomon's shoe store, was so unfortu nate as to have his bicycle stolen Wed nesday night However he got it back, minus lamp and bell and somewhat disfigured. He left his wheel for a few moments at the corner of Market and Tenth streets, and when he returned it waa gone. Thia was about 8 o'clock Wednesday night The theft was re ported to the police and yesterday morning Chief of Police Melton found the wheel in front of his house. Evi dently aome one had used it the even ing before and to save the polioe and Mr. Hewlett trouble had left it at the home of the Chief. There is no clue to the guilty party who still has . the lamp andbelL LOCAL DOTS. To-day being Good Friday the Produce Exchange will be closed. The committee on blunder busses has been granted further time to report Lore feast at Fifth Street Methodist Church to-night Service will begin at 7.45 o'clock. A handsome new United States flag has just been run up on the flag- staff at the Marine Hospital. Messrs. C. X. Sparkman and Son shipped the first crate of straw berries from Rocky Point yesterday. The ordinance of baptism was administered to a candidate by Pastor Oliver at the First Baptist Church last night after the prayer service. Tom .Robinson, colored, "was bound over to Court yesterday in Justice McGowan's Court in a bond of $50, on the charge of embezzling $2.00 from Sam Merritt, colored. The usual routine of bills ' against the county were audited for payment last night by the New Han over Audit Committee. The Hospital. Audit Committee will be in session to-night Fines of $5.00 and costs each were imposed upon Dora Weather spoon, Amelia James and Mamie Gray, all colored, by Mayor Wright yesterday. They were convicted of disorderly conduct. Dr. Joseph C. Shepard is having some material improvements made at his residence on Market street. One of the most notable is a bay winddw. A new coat of paint will be another. The lawn will be enclosed by a new fence. Don't forget the meeting of the County Democratic Executive Com mittee to-night at 8 o'clock at the office of W. B. McKoy, Esq. The meeting will be an important one, and all the members are urged to be present. Who Will Entertain Teachers. Reference to the report of the pro ceedings of the Chamber of Commerce which met yesterday afternoon will show that the Chamber contemplates entertaining the Teachers' Assembly, in case it is held here, somewhat as the Baptist Convention was enter tained; that isj by distributing them in private homes wherever they will be taken at $1.00 per day. All who will take teachers into their homts, either as guests or at the rate named above, are requested to com municate at once with any member of the following committee : Messrs. D. C. Love, F. L. Huggins and Prof. M. C. S. Noble. It will ber seen from the Chamber's proceedings how advantageous to the city it will be to have the teachers here. Phoenix Hose Reel Accident. As the Phoenix hose reel was being driven across the corner of Fourth and Red Cross streets yesterday morn -ing, in responding to the 11 :14 o'clock fire alarm, the black horse "Charlie" stumbled over the street car track and fell. They were going at such a high rate of speed that the animal was dragged several feet before the other horse could be reined in. The acci dent caused the breaking of "Charlie's" collar and a trace, and these parts of the harness were re placed from the old hose reel harness, and the run to the fire resumed. The horse is not badly hurt, having been only slightly bruised and skinned. Jailed for Stealing a Bicycle. Andrew Anderson, colored, was ar raigned before Justice G. W. Borne- mann yesterday at 10 o'clock charged with breaking open the office of Jus tice G. W. Price, colored, and steal ing a bicycle. The case had been trans ferred from Price's court to Squire Borneman's, but the case was tried in Price's office. The culprit was found guilty and in default of a fifty dollar bond was placed in jail toawait trial at the next term of the Criminal Court. Naval Battalion Appointments. Commander Geo. L. Morton, of the North Carolina Naval Battalion, an nounces the following battalion ap pointments: Dr. H. D. Harper, of Kinston, is commissioned chaplain, vice Right Rev. Bishop Joseph Cheshire ; Dr. R. S. Primrose, of New bern, and Dr. A. H. Harriss, of Wil mington, assistant surgeons; Mr. W. C. Jones, assistant paymaster, in place of Mr. W. A. Dick, resigned. Cheap Advertising. If you wish to advertise at the lowest rates try the department in the Star, on fourth page, headed "Business Locals." Situations or help wanted, articles lost or found, rooms or houses wanted or to rent, business opportuni ties, and many other short miscella neous advertisements are token for that department at one cent per word for each insertion. But no advertise ment taken for less than 20 cents for each insertion. A Dishonest Employe. Mr. John M. Wright, the bicycle dealer, reposed too much confidence in an unworthy employe and as a re sult his cash account has been dimin ished by $50, or perhaps more. One Charles Lewis, who has been in the employ of Mr. Wright for several months is the supposed guilty party. He left Sunday night and has not been heard from since. Mr. H. L. Fentress has " gone to Raleigh in response to a telegram announcing the death of a relative. THE STATE GUARD. Arrangements to Move Troops to Raleigh As Soon As War Is Declared. ! THE A. AND N. C. RAILROAD. Directors Appointed By Gov. Russell D. W. Patrick to Succeed Hancock. An Editor Sued for Libel The Shell-fish Commission. Special Star Correspondence. Raleigh, N. C, April 7. Ex-Judge W. R. Allen brings suit against Dr. Joyful Laughter Ramsey, edtor of the Progressive Farmer, charging him with criminal " libel. Sheriff Jones had a warrant for Ram sey this morning and is looking for him. The libellous article alleged is contained in the last issue of the jFVo gressive Farmer. It grows out of the Pamlico oyster claims. Shell-fish i Commissioner Theo. White left to-day for Newbern. He will escort State Geologist Holmes and Dr. Pratt through the sounds of East ern Carolina, using the State's man-of-war, the Lilly, where possible. Mr. White tells us that he has one large rifle aboard the Lilly. He thinks the vessel should be equipped with additional and heavier guns. Mr. White was a gunner in the late war, and expects to figure in the coming engagement if Spain doesn't crawfish. Mr. Ford Taylor, the head book keeper for E. B. Barbeo & Co., died suddenly this morning. Congressman White writes hero ac knowledging that he has violated the franking privilege. He puts the blame on the carelessness of Ms clerk, and asserts that every Congressman has, at times, been guilty of the same of fence. ' Mr. Jacob Allen, Jr., and Miss Nellie Shively were married this room ing at Eden ton Street Church. . There are applications every few days for the formation or new mili tary companies in the State. The pres ent enrollment of companies is all the law allows, and no new ones can be taken unless war is actually declared. The new Capitol Club building it rapidly assuming shape. Many people think it will be the handsomest struc ture in the city. The Populists are using much pres sure to make Governor Russell accept Chairman Caldwell's resignation. The Uovernor was not inclined to accept the resignation when Mr. Caldwell first tendered it. Special Star Telegram. The Governor names Frank Brown, of Jones county, and Lester Hoyt, of Onslow, to be directors of the A. 8c N. C. road, to fill existing vacancies. A meeting of the directors is called for Tuesday. D. W. Patrick, of Snow Hill, a Republican, will be elected presi dent to succeed Hancock. Governor Russell decided on Patrick to-day. The State authorities made arrange ments to-day with the Seaboard, Coast Line and Southern to move State troops to Raleigh as soon as war is de clared. Schedules and cost of trans portation are all arranged.. Troops will be drilled and equipped here and then "proceed to Chickamauga Park. Instructions from Washington are to this effect. All but four men stepped forward when the captain of the Governor's Guard asked all members willing to go to war to advance. REPRESENTATIVES CHOSEN. Odd Fellows Preparing for the Grand Lodge Deputy Grand Sire May Visit Wilmington. At a meeting of Wilmington Lodge No. 139 I. O., O. F., held last night, Past Grand J. J. Hopkins was elected representative for the Grand Lodge which is to convene in Raleigh, May 10th. Past Grand Robt. H. Northrop was chosen as alternate. Past Grand Henry E. Bonitz, of Hanover Lodge No. 145, was recommended for Deputy Grand Master. Hanover Lodge No. 145 will be re presented in the Grand Lodge by Past Grand E. F. Johnson, with Past Grand H. E. Bonitz as alternate. Past Grand W. L. Smith will represent Cape Fear Loda-e No. 2. with Past Grand M. W. Jacobi as alternate. Orion Lodge No. 67 is to be represented by Past Grand F. B. Rice. Past Grand George H Howell is the alternate. All the lodges of the city have en dorsed Past Grand Henry E. Bonitz f o r Deputy Grand Master, and a vigor ous effort will be made to accomplish his election. One of the most distinguished Odd Fellows who will be in attendance upon the coming session of the Grand Lodge will be Deputy Grand Sire Pinkerton of the Sovereign Grand Lodge. His home ' is in Massachu setts. A prominent Odd Fellow in timated to a Star reporter last night that it was probable that Deputy Grand Sire Pinkerton will visit Wil mington before he leaves the State. Mr. Pinkerton will deliver an ad- ss before the Grand Lodge at Ra leigh. Foremost Odd Fellows, Past Grands, from all parts of the State will be in attendance. In Honor of Dr. W. M. Huston. On the eve of Dr. W, M. Huston's departure for his home, a delightful reception was tendered him by his sis ter, Mrs. H. Burkheimer. About twenty-five friends were invited, re freshments were served and pleasure was added to the occasion by phono graph selections and hypnotic per formances by young Milton Brecken-ridge.- Te City Subscribers. City subscribers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Star' office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases steps will be taken to insure prompt and regular delivery. ' j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IF YOU WANT ICE CREAM FOR Good Friday " -AND IE-A-STIEjR, Don't forfet that wear Manu facturing every day. PALACE BAKERY apTtf IT Kontsi een4 Street. REDUCED RATES IN MAY The Seaboard Air Line avnnouneaa the following Reduced Rates for Special Occasions to take place in May. BALTIMORE. MD. Quadrennial Conference of the M. E. Church South. Rate of one fare for the round trip, tickets on sale May 8nd-4tb, with Anal limit May 3lsr NEW ORLEANS, LA. National Order of Elks. ' Rate of one fare for the round trln. tlckpta on ; sale May 7tb-9tn. with final limit of fifteen days. General Assembly of the PrHhvtrin Plmrrh of the U. 8. Rate of one fare for the round trip, ticket on sale May 17th -19th, with final limit to June 4th. I NORFOLK, VA ' Southern Baptist and Auxiliary C'onvontlonK, Rate of one fare for the round trln tickets on sale May 2nd 0th. with final limit of fifteen days. CHARLOTTE. N. C. Twentieth of May Celebration of the Mecklen arg Declaration of Independence. Rate of one fare for the round trip, tickets on ' sale May leth-lftth, and one cent per mile travelled from points within a radius of two hundred miles; tickets on sale lKth-ltith with final limit May 23rd. Reunion of Confederate Veteran. Rate of one cent per mile travelled, tickets on sale May 18th-19th with final limit May 3rd For full information in regard to these rst-H call on or address any Agent of the Seaboard Air line or write U J. T. ANDERSON- Oeneral Passenger Agent. apStf Portsmouth . Va There is Nothing Better Than CUBAN BLOSSOM CIGARS, RENOWN CIGARS, Topical Twist Head Cigars. s Every business place In town handles these goods. Prices cheerfully sent. We are packers of provisions and handle a complete fine of Meats of every kind. Including Armour t Co.. Chicago. Canned Meata, "Shield) Brand" Lard. Compound Lard. Plc-Nic Hams. Regular Hama. &c, Ac. WE SELL "Stocks" Best Flour, "Q" "Q" "Q" "Q." None better sold. Vollers & Hashagen, ap 3 tf WILMINGTON. N l Novelties -IN EASTER HATS, SHOES, TIES AND GENTS' -FOR- MEN AND BOYS. A. SHRIER, ap S tf 1H Markot street. Fresh Jersey Batter, (PINEVILLE, N. C. IN ONE POUND BLOCKS 25 Cents Each. THE KING GROCERY CO. 8. F. KINO. MANAGER, 'Phone 387. ape tf Fourth Street Bridge. Mortgagee's Sale City Lots. UNDER POWER OF SALE CONTAINED IN a mortgage deed to me executed on the atnd day of January. 18M. by U. F. Pinner and wife Mary McK. Pirroer.duly registered In the Regis ter' office of New Hanover county, in book ia. page 58. Ac, I will on Monday the tnd day of May, 1898, sell for cash at public auction, at the Court House door In the city of Wilmington, N. C, the following described real estate, situate In said city of Wilmington, vis.: Lot a in block 43; one-half of lots S and 4, block 43: east one half of lots 3, 4 and 5, block 7l ; east one-half of . lot 8, block 269, and lot 6. block soo. This 6th day April, 1898. .... ALICE McR. VANN. ap8 4w fr Mortgagee. Easter Meats. - The public are invited to call and select their meats for Easter from the following varie ties: Choice Spring Lamb, choice Mutton, Beef, Poultry, Celery, etc PALACE MARKET, Comer Second and Market. O. 8. TTT.T.EY. Manager. ap S tt Tie Report From tie "Maine" . . Haa been received and the committee re commend that the "Boy" get their hair cut short and their whisker amputated. We are fixed for you. Come down and let as ' tu you up according to the regulations. -, - Respectfully, A. PBEMPERT. Barber, martrtf It Sonta Front St. , 1

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