glrc 2Jlomitig jtar. WILMINGTON. N. C. SjkTvaoAT Moasixo, AratL 3) THE BUSINESS SITUATION. KOrftntSmt CeefieVscf TlUI After Tw pmrmry Ceerfltioes Have Paed It Win 8 Bttur. r TwUr-kob M tn Horma Star Niw You, Apnl Sl R O Dun A C' RTir of Trd wH mt U ntwrow HimuIiUm h-T not a jrt ehnfd Ut wk'i roJ;tioa. Thr U much pMtpoaaint of onlr by ain who io nt know wht thv an waitiof for aoJ much fntrvftioa of loan. by btnk which r bun4juiUj tron;. All thui chock' nw biuinrai and jrt th Toiutu of tro.ictio. throujn clr hou is pr cvnt !-rifr lhn o the m wk of lJ with no focrijf tj Mnr h-T bHa a.wrtjnf. about mrt f r th p.t tu thl th Wl tpn-uUd'H) hi eliminated, but th pr.- flu i it that tiw a.J ts r-eJ Sir" . within th fvt rmjiu J, rw.3 NihU th wmI thi wk. ax""' I.J-VJ-CS a yrr . al rrtinj S3i).'J'1 buhU p"r wk f.irJkauATT. KcbcuAry and Wrrh )ho n h.'i-Ua of suppli. wht'o trt in.uatm;to3,7'.T5 buhU frwt .V:Untio p-rt. Afntut i5-ll,t? Ut yTr and " iCH from I'jM-ttic port.' a-int tM?, 'JM Lt y.-ar. flour im-l'idml in ll ca1, ro.kepcU for th f..f ri HO'ja.7 from At Uatw and J.s-io.iV) fncn Pucirtc pct. and for th crop yir thu fr lO.S'Sl. -bu hU rukt 1 J?, 1 5-", d inn tht month nd writ of list yr tWn tprt for th wrk r 3.rrs.2o b hi. amt .! jp-w ut ir. and f.r four wk huv b--n t J ?t . O t bu.h r, n.t 13, Ji), JO? Uitt Tar Thi nutra abut 151. 0O, i Jin) for th crop yr No mrh forxin uVniAnti for fraui h nr brn known. nd it do not ru to S atbUii At U .yt. Con f t-!i Tunl. Sut th jjrl in i utri" i-.iiri. raw uirprM, m Ttw tit th- ritriict.rT inrtjnc 'f m inrurT tnnfrM-T curtIiof fiuny .lolfrn, hmi nlr by th (foT'fn mn( in :ivrjy bi"iii-(l And !I p-r T iding ci iirit-"tM- that ftcr trniporary condition hjr p4rrj bi-kiii--w v f mj u b b-ttir fh cin.Timption of iron l titl th irit'it "rr known, though nunt lructuritl cid contract. hrr bn tUfrrrxl Th" cotton nvnufcturr h bno hipHl by oeu fTmro'n cn trct mad a litti bttrr ouLtidr d nuotl, n4 th trnjporry tirur in rw cotton w tie. though the pric h- inc iJinii Afi n to 6 37c. Hup ph hiTa tnn Lryr tn m" prT mi jyr ttuka tby r now. yrt t'iT r mormoiii, ni th dsvnJ f r il m till hindrd by th (fTrat m iht or rrportJ Wonilrn m.n x( cturr Join; rathrr brttcr. Lu'vp p)Trnn),nt oricr hIptn oi HUtMinDf S'i! :ii for h4Ti wrt in th t'mtrd Hl:ch, A.faitKt ?37 jkl rr. nditrpn in I 'irU, Aint POTVaL S EVTR UTY. Km Offkl CWcrt LmkJ By Ike Gacr ! at Ua. my iM t .n WarTjiarf tr tjinf April "nil" . Ltl '' itt U d.y pubirth th rintr'itr ilT of rt:4,f! in th lf tn Hpa:n id the I'tuti State It ut iaii!i U tii dccr i i rI at th tiaw of th outbrtk ( thr Krnci-iV-t-wian war. and rotiUim tt rt-I Forbid th nuipm!nt ,f pnratcor in ortuf"" water;, forbid entry of prv r ieT mti) I'ortJ''" wtcr, permit. bi!i'r'nt. U mate a hort tay in Portuw pirt. dertne ti mate tr'vl . r--tnl bwliivrtit and for 6d trklin; tn which may t- couider"d rontr!vnd of war. warn lrtu and forinr tn I'ortujral amt action coitrary t. the terunlr o the a:e rf ae protection l any trirr:n,rr of trio J. COMP,I,TrVE COTTD- STATEMENT tU Week Eadini FrUiy. April Tuicrpft t ta v imm star Nw York. Apnl ?J The fol lowvnx i th com prtir -cotton tate ment f.r the ik endm Apnl T) isa7. Net receipt at ail I" S porta iljnn; the week Tot receipt to thu ilate III porta for week Total t porta to date Stjx-k in ail 1 S. ptrt. Stock t ail in tenor tiiwna Stock tn IjTerpl. Acnencan afloat for rt Bntotn i-.774 .172.747 55.57 J4.233 6.4I3.31 f5,533 ri 5.373.1-l 7i.M l.?4J.) U4.3W") 103. 0OU 83.0) Xit Ark Jttxto by what tiry do Si is H.Mxi S4rjpriua. and t(d great cures ha re prrn it a good tumirM wSere. I ia the ta Tnj HwJod Iu rir and Great N'err Tonic. !lD' to operate a-u. 23c I"!!.!. are ear to take, easy Cure tndi.featiou. btlioua t Pnti.h tea . -ner Vanbrrk. jul r red at St. John. N K . from Codu. Captain aw nothing of any warhipa ou hta Ttyarj. Vhn h lefl Cadi J Spaniard were moat octi rely prv pannf for war. declaring thy would iufr anything to cruh America. BteiyaJ mMmm ia ftiii Mrs POVDER Aatoolataty Pur SENATE AND HOUSE Am Arrtat m tk fUril AffrwptiMlimm BiU Tie Hmm P4 tk War RtrtaM BUL my TkTpa t!M Moraine Mar Waai5m9. April 20 At to-day raaioa of th Senate lh report of the conferee on the Naral Appropriation bill was presented and agreed to. Thia tneaaure as perfected carriea a little more than t57.0OO.0OO. N J other busi aeaa of general Importance waa trans acted. After Daoainr a cumber of unim portant bills the Senate, at 1 :S5 P. M wnt into ex ecu tire eaoion. and. at I 43, adjourned until Monday. nommm of RrprtseatatlTta. The House to-day pawed the ar Kereoue bU. with only the amend menu arreed upon br the liepublican member of the Wars and Meana Committee added. In order to ac- cooiDlish thu a parUamenUry nia n. er Tre waa aeceaiiary. aa the whole time for amendmenta waa exhausted br the minonlT in tryinz to amend the bond feature of the bill. Mr. Ihoirley otfered aa a subatituta an en tirely new bill, containing the amendments, after the bill had been reported to the House. This waa an old parliamentary trtck. fraudulently reported to yran ago. The Morrill Unrf law was paoard in this way in tU original form after it had -been loaded down with ameaidmenta in com mittee of the whole. Many amendnwnta we offered to the bond feature of the bill, rangin; from a proposition for the subUtuUon of an income Us Drorvtaon to an au thoniaiioo for an iaue of 11 30. WW. i greenback. But all were yoted down At the hut minute the Demo crat decided to otfer the motion to recommit, with instructions to report back the income las proportion as an amendment to the Dill, inaieau oi a a s ibntttate for the bond provision. Tins was due to the fact that a number of Democrat hod decided to rote to stnke out the bond pro ruion The action was defeated 134 to 173. Kour Republicans voted with th IVmocrata on thu rote but on the Anal paaare of the hill which was carried. 11 to 131 1 the IVimcrab and 1'opuliala, with ais ex ception. to ted solidly against the measure. The I Vmocrata who yotrd for the bill were Meoars. Cummin? fcCIennan and Gner of New York; FiUirald. Mooaachusetts ; McAlaer. lnnTlTania . and Wheeler Ala bamo. Two publicans. Measrs Lin ner. Nirth Carolina, and Thorp. Vi innia. rotnl with the oppoaition OuiU a number of Democrat declined to Tote. Mr Boutelie. Maine, chairman of the committee of naral affairs, pre vented the conference report on the naral bill Mr Cannon. Republican Illinois, made the point of order that the conferee hod exceeded thrtr jurisdiction, in that they had added orrr fj.i)i ahore the differences iwtween the two houc and had al ulUfM provisions which wrrr not tn conference. With the point of order pending he moved an adjournment which wa earned. THE FLYING SQUADRON. Al ike Skips Weatkcred tke Slocm Well Collier Witk Coal Sail lor key West. Bt Tfraph to tbe M.imln Star rr Fort M ir..e.Va.. April T) The squadron did not suffer at all front its expenence with the recent stom .o nore leave were granlcu tfus ranriin; and dnll were gone through with the copier ,alurn Ueiivereu one hundred a ud fifty tons of coul to the Massachusetts this mominir and then. lightened enough to go to sea. left port. The Mernmac. a still largrr crUier. that ha been tilting out at Newport New, was finished todav and will join the squadron either to day or to morrow morning with a full uppl? of coil The Brooklyn ami Teta rach Uk on coal today. I lie Mirwiuito Heet tug tltat went out early in the week have not i trimed at the entrance to the harbor 1 he reservation here is not closed at night and the hotel hare been noti ned that they will not have to clMe Just after the collier Saturn left, th i . - .... armoreu ut i.-agr leri lo art as escrt. The rsuvtu arrived here tday and ran into the navy yard at Ports mouth for some repairs. She had been out in the heavy storm of Tu day and N ednrsdav. but weathered it in splendid shape. The converted tug Windotn sailed this afternoon for Kev West, and will asaist in acting a convoy for the col Iter Saturn. THE CAPE VERDE FLEET. Fear S Craisers aa4 Several Tor pe4o BaaU Salted West. FYtsaaa My lor Cafca. 9j Ttitt to t&a If omlaa ttar. U5Dor. April 2J. The Evening .Vews, this afternoon, publishes a dis patch from St. Vincent, saying the panlsh cruisers Mana Teresa. Almi rante Oquendo. Vixcara and Cristobal Colon, accompanied bv the Spanish torpedo boat destroyer Pluton. Terror and Furor, had. at the hour the dis patch was filed (9 o'clock this morn in if' just sailed in a westerly direction, presumably ffoinjr toward Cuba. The dispatch adds that the Spanish torpedo buata Axor. Ray and Ariete and the Spanish transports San Fran cisco anu Cieudad de Cadu sailed at the same time io a northerly direc tion, probably ffoing to the Canary islands. St. Visvest. Cai-k de Yekdk IsLa.itx, Apnl 23. 7 P. M Two Span ish transport i probably the San Fran cisco and the Cieudad de Cad a I have just returned with three Spanish tor pedo boat i moat likely the Axor. liar and Anete. owing- to a collision. The Spaniards aay two of the torpedo boata have been slightly damajred. They olaim the boata will be able to put to sea agaia to-morrow. BASE BALL. Oaaes Played Yesterday y dabs af toe National LcafM. y TWpfa lo lb Hornlnc Star New York New York-Baltimore. postponed; wet grounds, W aahington Washing-ton, 4; Bos ion. 11. ihtuburr Pittsburg. 1: Cincinna ti. V Cleveland -Cleveland. 6; St. Lous... Chicago Chicago. 15; Louisville, fi Brooklyn Brooklvn-PhiladelDhia. postponed ; wet grounds. ! Iraki satv. The Bear Sat in the world for Cuts, Braise. Sore. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fevr Sore. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblain!. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, mad positively cure Pile or do pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price S3 cents per box. For aala by R. B. Bru.aJfT. t DEPARTMENT NEWS FROM WASHINGTON Day of Alarming Rumors That Happily Turned Out to Be Unfounded. ADMIRAL DEWEY'S SQUADRON Expected la Arrive at Ma ilia Saturday Monlof Great Pressure 0a tke War Departacat Harmlesi Growls of Newspapers, By TsWrapn to the Mumtnc Star. WASHtjroTis. April to. This was a day of alarming rumors, running- all the; way from the blowing- up of aa biff monitor to the detection and pun ishment of traitors, but fortunately all of them turned out oo inquiry to be without foundation. Actual events of importance were fe jr. The new of the day of moat interest was the de parture from the Cape de Verdes of the Spanish fleet, the stay of which at St incen t has been a source of anxiety on tho part of the officials here be cause it seemed to indicate that the sympathy of Portugal for Spain miht lead her to wink at a violation of the neutrality law in favor of Spain. Iste in the afternoon a cablejrrani came to uie niaie iepartmens irom Cape de Verde, bearing no signature, announcing that four battleships and three torpedo boats hail started north, and some of the transports for Cuba. ana tnat me nortnern iieei returned shortly, having been in collision. Be cause there was no signature attached the ofllcials did not know what impor tance to attach to this message. Captain Sampson sent a telegram relative to the tiring at the Matanzas forts, but it wa disappointing, lacking in detail The few words coutained in the dispatch went to confirm the official view that the affair was nothing more than a naval recon noisance . No news came to-day from Admiral Dewey's squadron now on its wav to the Philippines to do battle with the Sptnish rieet. One olUcer pointed out that if Admiral Dewey auroeeded in defeating the Spanish fleet, the Span ish officials who control the cable con necting the island with the rest of the world, in all probability may suppress the uew or distort the facts into a Spanish victory. Presuming that the Admiral is bound directly for Manila the calculation made at the Navy De partment show he will arrive about 2 o'clock Saturday morning, Manila time, which is about twelve hours earlier than our own. Tke MooUizatioa of Volunteers. The pressure continues tin abated on the War iVpartnient for changes in the plans already announced as to mobilization of the volunteer troops and very much against its will and judgment the department is making some concessions in this matter. A l.irge number of callers are bring ing forward candidates for the many plums within the gift of the President and Secretary Alger in the shape of appoint ments to grades above regi mental in the army, (tencral Ieeand leneral Dodge spent a good part of the day m conference with officials, giv ing color to the rcjiorts that they are among those selected for appointment as Major (renerals. The announcement that the blate of Texas, laden with supplies for the re- couccntradis. is destined for Sagiin has led to the surmise that it is pm!w hly thus port, instead of Matanzas, which has been selected for the land ing place o; the lirst atLiclc oi the I ni ted States troops. Ileganling the harmless growls that appear in the r.uropeati papers, ami threat to interfere to prevent the L niled states forces from blockading the Philippines, it mav lo stated that this was fully expected. During th civil war there were a great manv at tempt on the psirt of Kuropean na tions to disregard our blockade, and threat of interference, all of which came lo naught, from the linn atti tudr assumed 1V the Secretary f Stale In the present a.- the coiuli lion or the 1 uIkwi blockade are much more liberal toward the Kuropean ipn that ever imposed before. tscount de J-ianto-Thyrso. th Portugese minister, looked over the Associated Press cable dispatch from Lisbon, giving the substance of the neutrality decree gazetted there to day, and said it was evidently accurate and covered the entire subject. He had not. however, up to a late hour to-day received an official notification of the neutrality decree. The Vis count says that Article a, wnicii iier- mit belligerents lo make a short stop at I ortugese ports, proliably will be better understood by string that belligerents will not be permitted to make long stays at Portugese ports. Tke Teonare Tax. The British and French ambassa dors have received instructions rela live to the tonnage tax provision in the war tariff bill which passed the House of Representatives today. It is understood that the Oerman ambas sador win also receive instructions on the same subject. The nature of the instruction is not disclosed, but it doubtless relates to joint represents tions against the severity of the new tonnage tax. Leading diplomats are hopeful that their representations will lead to a modification of the clause be fore the new tariff bill becomes a law. as otherwise thev feel that the tonnage dues will be so burdensome on British, r rench and German shipping as to cause it io seek Canadian and Mexican porta. Aside from the expected otlicial representations of the foreign govern ments, the shipping interests in ion- don. Havre and Bremen and other ports are sapplementing the diplomatic negotiations with strong represen tations against the increased tonnage terns. The Republic of Havti is expected to maintain strict neutrality as between the United States and Spain and it is td that reports of exceptional privi leges riven to the United States war ships in Uaytian waters are erroneous. The Havtiaii minister, Mr. Ixgare. aid to-day that he had no official in structions concerning neutrality, but lie had no doubt an attitude of im partial neutrality will be maintained. The eleventh annual convention of the Southern Christian Church met in liaieign last night ueiegales are present from Virginia, Georgia, Ala bama, South Carolina, Mississippi and North Carolina. The London Standard't Moscow correspondent says Russia has received a severe blow in a suspected friendly agreement between the United States and England, charging America with ingratitude. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Till Kid Too Han Aliajs Bought Bar tha Senator of TROOPS ARE ; ON THE MOVE. The First Eorce to Invade Cuba Will Leave the Latter Part of Next Week. NOW ASSEMBLING AT TAMPA. Aa Amy of About 10,000 Will Land at Matauas dans aod Ammunition for tke Iflsurgeats Fleet Will Cover tke Laodinr. By TeJegmph to the Horning Star. New Orleans, April 29 The Firt regiment left here to-night for Tampa ine impression among army men is that the first army corps sent into Cuba will be for the purpose of co operating with the insurgents. Other regiments have not received orders to leave. The State troops will begin to mobilize Sunday. Mobile. April 29. The Tenth and Twenty-second regiments left camp here late last night for Tampa. A large crowd of citizen and soldiers gave them a rousing send off. Orders have been received to recruit several regiments to a war strength of Hn men. Jacksonville, April 29. A special to the Timen-Union and Citizen from Tampa says: Troops are on the move again. This morning batteries K and E. of the First artillery arrived from Chicka- inauga. This is the first installment of the artillery arm of the service to reach Tampa. The train load consisted of ninety-six officers and men with eight four inch guns. Other troops are on the way from Chickamauga. The troops here are in readiness to strike camp and all have a good supply of provisions on hand, lieutenant Kam aey, acting chief commissary offi cer, is buying immense quan tities of stores for his depart ment. not only for those now here. but for those who are to come. Colonel McArthur, General Wade Adjutant (.xeneral, has selected camps for both artillery and cavalry that may be on the wav. The govern ment has purchased several thousand tons of coal now at Port Tampa and wants thousands of tons more. This is one strong indication that Tampa has been decided upon as a permanent base or supplies. lue guns brought here this morning and taken to Port Tampa have been unloaded from the cars. This would indicate that they are to be used at Port Tampa to pro tect supplies. The six companies of the Fifth infantry now here are sta tioned at Picnic island, just by the terminal and the men of Colonel Cook's command do patrol duty in g-uarding the government property. Officers here are of the opinion that a few days will bring about great cuauges. my uo noi . look lor a movement looking to the embarkation of the troops in the next few days but thev do incline to the belief that the troops from Chickamauga will Ik? all here carlv next week, and the Cliicka mauga divisions now formed into brigades will be in the transiort ships and en route to Matanzas bv the latter part of next week. Accord ing io uie present ngures this army would consist of about t$,000 cava! ry. live hundred artillery and 6, 000 infantry. A dredge of great capacity is hard at work in the slips at 1 ort lam pa securing a greater depth of water, so vessels of the deepest urarican make fast to docks on which the tracks of the Plant system run. The government has wonderful facili ties here for rapid work. Colonel Emtio Nunez, the well known filibuster, arrived here this morning and was met at the depot by an immense crowd of Cubans. An officer from headquarters was at the li.-jxit with a carriage in waiting and conveyed him to the lamna Bav hotel, where he was soon closeted with General Wade. It is learned here lie is in the citv for the purpose of littingout, with the aid of the gov eminent, an expedition of Cubans. large lot of guns and ammunition was received at Port lampa last night. collected from the military schools. The guns are not the kind used now and they will be placed in the hands of (jromez s army. Koats will be sent to Cuban waters and the force will be lauded by an escort from Captain Sampson's fleet. A large body of trained soldiers will be earrieu irom here also, ihose peo ple who have been watting for some tims to make this trip are over joyed. this will be the first force to leave for Cuba. Colonel Nunez and General VN ade were closeted together a long time. J. K Carta ya and Gen eral Accosta and Colonel Lecret are here and will take part in the expedi tion. WARM VVIRELETS. The Spanish torpedo cruiser Teme- rario is still at anchor at Buenos Ayres. U. S. Cruiser Minneapolis sailed at .M V. M. irom Alachias. Me., bound west; destination unknown. A special dispatch from London says the Spanish government is going to expel all United States citizens frrm Spain. A special dispatch from London savs the Spanish government is coinc to expel all United States citizens from Spain. Frank Unando. a Spaniard, who has been hanging around vicksburg for a week past, was arrested on suspicion of being a Spanish spy. Prince Bismarck, according to a dispatch from Berlin, says Germany ought not to bind her hands by a neutrality declaration. dispatch from Rio de Janeiro savs the departure of the U. S. dvnamite cruiser Nictheroy has been delayed by a breakage in her machinery. The schooner Milton, from Fernan- dina to New York, laden with lumber, stranded April 27th on JBody s Island, N. C. The vessel is a total loss. It is announced that the Argentine Republic will publish a decree of neutrality, but the government will re serve absolute liberty of action in re- I gard to coal. Capt. F. A. Winter, assistant sur geon, U. . A., has been designated to examine the volunteer troops fur nished by North Carolina, as to ohvsi- cal qualifications for service. Mors ProoL O'Hoolahan Coontin the two tnin yesterday, there's been IS kilt so far on the noo bnildiu goiu np across the atreet O'CaUabau (impressively) Thot's another proof av the nnlackiuess bv the number 18. Brooklyn Eagle. Oyaters after they have been brought away from tbo sea know by instinct the exact hour when the tide is rising and approaching their beds, and so of their own accord open their shells to re ceive their food from ths sea, aa if they were still at home. SLOOP CAPTURED BY BLOCKADERS. Arrival of Troop Ship Panther With Marines on Board at Key West. A SENSATIONAL REPORT. No Foundation for Rumor That a Case of Treason Had Been Discovered on the Puritan No Bombard. ' ment of Cardenas. ( By Cable to the Morning Star. Key West, Fla., . April 29. day was one of wild rumor and To little action. The chief incident of the day was the arrival of the troop ship Panther with nearly 700 marines on board She comes from Hampton Roads in convoy of the Montgomery. Lieuten ant Colonel Huntington is in com mand of the marines. He said the only event of the trip was a squall on Tuesday night. The men stood it well. The Fern arrived from Tampa with ammunition for the fleet, and the An napolis returned after a brief .absence. Where she has been is not known ex cept to the authorities and those aboard. The Amphitrite is still coal ing1 here. A statement is made by Lieutenant McKinley, in charge of the harbor de fences, that Key West will be practi cally closed to vessels between 8 P. M. and 4 A. M"., beginning to-morrow night. The orders from the depart ment say: "Regnlationsr will be adopted governing the entry and de parture of friendly vessels during the continuance of the war." A load of anxiety was lifted from the naval men here by the arrival late this afternoon of the' little Spanish schooner Three Sisters, with Paymas ter George F. Simpson and three sail ors of the Terror aboard. The vessel had almost been given up for lost. The schooner, loaded with sugar, while bound from Havana for Cardenas, was captured off the latter place Sunday afternoon by the torpedo boat Foote, with the Terror and Alachias near-by. Paymaster Simpson and his compan ions were put aboard as a prize crew and started for Key West that night. The boat encountered heavy weather. The Mascotte arrived this afternoon, bringing Miss Clara Barton and a corps of Red Cross workers. The party did not come ashore, but were taken down stream to the Red Cross ship State of Texas, which had been awaiting their arrival. The State of Texas, under Captain Young, has four other Red Cross workers on board and 1,400 tons of provisions, clothing and medicines. She will await instructions from Washington before proceeding to Cuba. The State of Texas will prob ably serve as a hospital ship for the fleet and troops. lhe inquiry into the legal questions in vox yea in ine capture or the prizes is proceeding slowly. The commis siou now consists of Judge J. M Phipp3 and Julius Otto, of Kev West. and Commander Wynn. of the Navv (retired). Key West, April 29. A small Spanish sloop, the Engracia, captured Capt. B. F. Tiller, off Cabanas yester day, was brought in here this morning. She was in charge of a prize crew con sisting of a couple of blue-jackets. Only one blank shot was necessary to being the Engracia to. She had on board a crew of seven men and a cargo oi nsn. ine men on board fie Drize had been in the Spanish navy, and serve as a sort of naval reserve. The officers of the Newport say the capture is an important one, in view of the fact that the little vessel was at tempting to carry into Havana news of the movements of the United States Heet. Sensational Reports. There is absolutely no foundation for the sensational reports cabled from here to the effect that a case of treason has been discovered on board the U. b. monitor Puritan. The rumors arose from the strange actions of a fireman. with a Spanish sounding name, now uuder restraint on the warship, be cause of his eccentricities. The officers of the Puritan declare there is no thought of trying the 'man by court martial and that all the talk about treason is absurd. It appears that a few days ago the man in question was seen in one of the monitor's turrets and the man who saw him reported that he had his hand on the lock of the mae-azine. whereupon the first man was placed under restraint. The crew of the monitor immediately became excited and declared there was a Snanish traitor on board. Through this, the extravagant stories were concerted. lhe officers of the Puritan hplievfi the man, who is a fireman, is a Cuban, and they assert positively that he has never given evidence of anv sort of sympathy with Spain; but they add, on the contrary, when the Puritan was off Matadzas. the man was fre quently heard to say he would like to get ashore to join the insurgents. varitain s. t . Harrington, com mander of the U. S. monitor Puritan and the commanding officer of the Cardenas fleet, who has just come from there, emphatically denies the story of the alleged bombardment of that port by the monitor Terror and gunboat Machias. He says there are no Spanish batteries there, and that the entire story is untre. Key West Frightened. There are many nervous people in this semi-Cuban city, and apprehen sion is not confined to the less intelli gent class. The timid aver that Key West is sure to be the first point of attack by the Spanish fleet, and the whereabouts of the latter they place some ai rorto i4ico, omers on: .Ber muda, while some will almost certify that hostile cruisers are less than a hundred miles away. As reasons for their belief that Kev West will be selected many say Spain has an especial grudge against the place, as naving oeen lor many years a not-oea ot treason to the crown that -the coal and naval stores belonging to the United States and now here to supply the fleet, would be ot incalculable benefit to the Span iards, and the Vizcaya and Oquendo alone could capture the place in a few hours. Of course all this is regarded as begotten of fear and buttressed by bad judgment by those best posted in naval matters. None the less, not a few women have left Key West and others will soon follow. Because she neglected to fly the American flag at sea when called, upon to do so, the schooner Addie M. An derson, for Brunswick, Ga., was fired upon off Hatteras by the United States transport Panther. When Xravelllng;, Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of 8yrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. SPANISH FLEET AWAITING ATTACK. Naval Battle Expected to Take Place Sunday in the Bay at Manila. THE UNITED STATES FLEET. Reported Sighted North of Manila Spanish Warships Patrolling the ' Western Coast Reinforced by Large Auxiliary Cruiser. By Cable to the Morning Star. Madrid, April 29, 11 A. M. Dis patches received here to-day from Ma nila, capital of the Philippine islands, say the United States fleet is expected to arrive at Manila on Sunday. The Spanish fleet has been divided into two squadrons. Two cruisers, the Castilla and other vessels, remain near the front of Manila. The remaining Spanish warships, under Admiral Montejo, are patrolling the western coast, awaiting the arrival of the American warships. The Spanish fleet, it appears, has been reinforced by a large auxiliary cruiser, said to be capable of steaming twenty knots and armed as a warship. She is known as the Montevideo, but an examination of the maritime regis ters fails to establish her identity. 5 P. M. A great impression has been produced by the rumor that the German government has issued a note declaring that it will not oppose 'the landing of troops in the Philippines, but will not permit a bombardment, owing to important (jerman mercan tile interests in all the towns of the island. Germany's omission to declare neutrality is held to give color to this rumor. The Vox Espanola, of Manila, de scribes the port of Manila as impreg nable. It says six other of the princi pal ports in the Philippines bristle with guns, chiefly Krupp. London, April 30. A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Hong Kong dated a riday says : "War news is scarce. Nothing has Deen ncara or the American fleet or from Manila. Commodore Dewev considers that his duty will be done when the Spanish fleet is captured and safety has been secured for American trading vessels. Eleven of these ves sels are overdue and the Americans feel exceedingly anxious. The formation of the provisional government at Manila will be an nounced at the discretion of the Uni ted States Consul Williams. It is be lieved that there are not manv Span ish troops at Manila. They have gone into the interior. The American fleet carries in all 2,000 officers and men. The Concord is expected to return here for dispatches on Wednesday. A few weeks ago, before the Hong Kong Supreme Court attachio. the Minister of the Interior in the pro visional government applied for an injunction to restrain Aguinaldo (the insurgent leader) from parting with $400 000 that had been remitted here by the Spanish government for dis tribution among the leaders of the late insurrection. Other members of the council purpose issuing against the attachio's action and expressing con fidence in Aguinaldo. He and his colleagues have devised a plan of go ing to Manila iu their own vessel, and have a large supply of ammunition and arms. Many letters have been sent here from Manila opened.-" London, April 30. The Daily Tele graph's Hong Kong correspondent says the insurgent chief Aguinaldo is Sreparing to make a descent near anila. His supporters are plentifully supplied with arms and ammunition from the American squadron. London, April 29. The Daily Mail hears from Singapore that a naval bat tle is momentarily expected in Manila bay. London, April 29. The departure of the Spanish fleet from the Cape de Verdes is regarded as the first really important news of the war. No further information has been received here as to its desti nation, but it is considered not unlike ly that it will go to the j Canary islands to await rein forcement from Cadiz, without which it is considered a hopeless task to at tempt to attack Rear Admiral Sampson s fleet. It is also supposed that it may attempt to intercept the American cruiser Oregon. The idea that it will attempt to bombard the United States coast cities is not seri ously regarded here. liO.NDOs, April au. The Uadiz cor respondent of the Times says : "When the battleship Numancia arrives from Cartagena the squadron will be pre pared, consisting oi the I'elayo, the Vitoria, the Alfonso XIII, three tor pedo boat destroyers and three torpedo Hong Kong. April 29. It is report ed from Manila that the American squadron was sighted off Roli north ofiManila. but th wwith btormy ior ine neet to communicate with the insurgents. Hono Kong, April 29. The steamer Lsmt-ralda, chartered by the banking companies, has gone to Manila, capital of the Philippine islands, to bring away the specie there, as trouble is apprehended. It is understood she will be able to enter and leave Manila before the United States fleet attacks that port. She has a considerable quantity of coal on board and also has as a passenger the insurgent leader nipine. She is said to have sealed orders to join the United States fleet after her mission is accomplished. The caoie to manna has not been cut. A New Yorlc dispatch says the American liner Pans has just been sighted east of Fire Island. . The spring remedy that Is better than all others Is Paine's Celery Compound Thousands have been cured by it. physicians use and rec ommend It We Recommend It. We have It Try a bottls. J. H. HARDIN. 128 South Front St. mar 23 2m BUSINESS LOCALS. S3T Nonces For Rent or Sale, Lost or Fouiid, Wants, and other short Miscellaneous Adver tisements inserted In this Department, In solid Nonpareil Type, on first or fourth page, at Pub lisher's option, to 1 cent per word each Inser tion; but no advertisement taken for less than 20 eenta. Terms positively cash in advance. Salesmen Sell "Uncle Sam's Navy" to mer chants for advertising and premiums. Bit? weekly pay. Immense demand. Over SOO large Photos. Side line or exclusive. Write quick. Manufacturers, 3944 Market, Philadelphia. ap 30 at Wanted Everybody to try our Bartholomay Beer on Draught drawn by the latest and im proved method. Free lunch from 11 A. M. until 1 P. M. Globe Saloon, No. 22 Market street, ap87tf , ' : Having; Heard a report (hat I. lave quit the flower business I take this method of con tradicting It. Should I ever decide to do so, will publish It in the dailv papers. Miss F. Johnson, successor to Mrs. H. Webb, Florist, 702 Dock street. Bell Phone 424. tu th su ap8 3t J. W. Knott pays the highest cash pi for old CoDDer. Brass. Lead. Zinc, old K( rice ope. Cast and wrought Scrap Iron, Cotton, Rags, Canvas, old Rubber, at the corner Ann and Water streets, Wilmington, N. C. ap 23 lm li&l the Spaniards come, and dressed Turkeys and Chickens will be sold as low as ever. A choice lot on hand at all times. Also Strawberries and vegetables of all kinds. Call and leave your order. It win have our prompt and careful attention H. J. Bierman, 21S Mar ket street. Bell Phone No. 38. ap 23 tf J put Received a fresh lot of Fruit. Ap ples, 65 andTOc peck; Bananas, 15 and 20c dozen; Oranges, 15, 20 and 25c dozen; Cocoanuts, 5c each: Lemons, lc each. N Paul, Princess street. ap 20 tf Berry Crate Baskets for beans and peas, barrels for lettuce and potatoes,, hay. grain, flour, Prafts food, magic food, horse and cattle powders, chicken powders and all kinds of mixed food. Jno. S. McEachern, 211 Market street. Bell Phone 92. Inter-State Phone NO. 92. ap :4 tf For Sale A first-class retail Liquor Busi ness. The reason for selling bad health. Ad dress L. West, care Btar. ap8tf OT. C. Brniuin, 106 Dock street, solicits consignments of Chickens, Eggs, Hides. Wax, N. C. Bacon and all classes or produce. Beef Cattle and Milch Cows a specialty. April 2, '98. apr 3 tf Your Country v country produce to L. Tate Bowdcn, 6 Princess street, for good prlceB and prompt returns. nd prompt retur for the city trade Chickens, Eggs, Peas, etc reb 24 tr Lad lea Wanted to travel and appoint agents for old established house. Permanent position; $40 per month and all expenses. Z. box az, rmiaueipnia de 19 DtW tf a 11 f I , ( . II,, IUU 111 bhak EuggieK,iiutu Carts and Harness of all kinds. Repairing done by skillful workmen on short notice. Opposite new court Mouse no 25 tf ' Always Uellable. The best and freshest goods at lowest market prices. Cabbage, Ap ples, Butter, Bananas, Crackers. Candies, Lem ons, Potatoes, etc. Retailers will And It to theii advantage to aslc my prices before placing theii order A. S. w instead, ii secona street, fnone 208 sep 21 tf MEAT, LARD, FLOUR. 22,000 Lbls. D. S. Sides. 15,000 Ms. Plates. 60 BMs. Best City Mess Port. 1,500 Lbs. Pure Leaf Lard, r 1,000 Lis. Fairbanks' Comp. Lard. 500 Bbls. Best Straight Flour. 300 Bbls. Patent Flour. And everything in Groceries. ROBT. R. STONE & CO.. Wholesale Grocers. Nos. 54" South Water stree P. s.- Fli'ty cases assorted Pic-Nic Hams. ap 9tf CHEESE Is good if you buy good Cheese that's the secret of the whole business. We sell the good kind and at I V- per jx.und. Our terms are cash to everyludj;,. THE KING GROCERY CO. B. F. KINO, MAXAQER. Phone 387. Fourth Street Bridge. ap27 tf FOR SALE AT CLOSE PRICES. 1000 Caddies Tobacco. 500 Boxes Sound Tobacco. 100 Barrels Ololasses all grades 50 Barrels Cider. 100 Cases Star Lye. 200 Bags Coffee, SAM'L BEAR. Sr., marl6tf 12 Market St.. Wilmington, N C Cut Price This Week Black on a Nice Fat Prune 5c Pound. S. W. SANDERS, At the Unlucky Corner. P. S. I am Agent for the celebrated Jackson Springs Water. ap 2fi tf STRIKE NOW! . Don't wait for "Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday, or Friday." Io not let "them" get the advantage of you. If you alnt got 'em you MIGHT get "eon. Spring Cleaning is Pleasant when you use 'Corneau s" Bed Bug Intercepts. Most good Housekeepers use it ap tt Old Newspapers. YOU CAN BUY OLD NEWS PAPERS, IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT, AT THE S-bao? Office. 8UITABLE FOR WRAPPHfG PAPER ANt EXCELLENT FOR Placing Under Carpet. Jan t tf. w x The Report From tie Maise" Has been received and the committee re commend that the "Bovb" get their hair cut short and their whiskers amputated We are Axed for yon. Come down and let us ttx you up according to the regulations . Respectfully, , A. PHRMP1TRT B.rh. Greatest Stock of The PIA1lOS lo thi State To-day is in Our Warerooms. Will Have Instramenta Ran (Ting la Pric From $176 Upward. and can give you more fur your money tu," r.ny one else In the trade A visit to our warerooms will convince y,,,, , f this fact. E. VANLAER, Wt and 404 North Fourth wir t ap 26 tf tu th na - ( . PICTURES OF STARVATION IN CUBA show that it is gtxxl nniiri.sliini; i... ..; that makes stiviipth ami must . sides sustaining life. Well fci , and juicy leef or iiiuMum t- ... -! . . broiled or boiled, i ;i luninslu r i can't be excelled. OurdainU S.t : lamb, broilinpr chickens and ., . appetizing in llavor, and on a ) . . . a meal for a gourmet, i I. B. RHODES. ap27tf Livery and Sales Stables Open All Day and All Night- EVERY DAY Itt THE WF.EK First-Class Equipment In Every Branch. Hacks and Baggage Line to and From All Trains. HORSES BOARDED. Furniture Wagons with Careful Drivers. S. P. COWAN & CO.. Second betwewn PrlnreriH and die".? - Telephones both romtwuile No !' . Special Sale For One Week, Commencing April 22nd, in SHOES, HATS, CAPS '1 AM) ; KN'I'S" .Sole lc airi'ins ior t lie i cld'Hili Hawes' $3.00 Hat. If von waul t buv t Miit 1 1. timi'K-now is vuiir c -ham at A. SHRIER'S. ap tf 114 V . FRANK H. STEDMAN, WILMINGTON. N. C. Fire i Tornado Insurance YOUR BUSINESS IS Kol.K ITKI' AM SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. OFFICE AT Southwest corner of Front ami ctifn de 3 tf Winter Wheat Flour. 700 'Bbls Straight Flour. 100 Bbls Best Pat. Plour. 400 Bbls Clover Flour. 50 Bbls Sugar. 10000 Lbs D. S. Sides. 8000 Lbs D. S Plates. 5000 Lbs Butts. 100 Bbls City Mess Pork. W. B. COOPKK, ap 17 tf !SKorth Water tt rf ' F. T. MILLS, Wholesale and Retailer Dealer Id HORSES AND MULES. uonstantly on hand a full line of matixl tni roadsters, BAddlera. general I purpone and rar Horses. Full Line of Farm and City Males. One to two car loads received every week. All stock is guaranteed as represented. 112 and 114 North Water St. febl9 tf mar 87 tf 11 Ronth Front it.