The Morning TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, by Mail. Sis Months, Three Months, " Two Montha, " (Delivered to Sn bar risers In thas VOL, LXIL NO. 66. City at 4 5 Cents par month. WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 1898. WHOLE NO. 9,610 oooae - Star $6.00: 2.60 Y 1.26 ;!; l.OO? 'fhc Blaming jSfetr. TO THE PUBLIC. OUTLINES 4 date W-r af IM a am HI tu- Ml ' , 4. -r-i ' u- i.. . t s All P i itt i iu . No. 3 t" 'vim. omi So 9 XN. urtsj turpautiaa dull at SH LEATHER REPORT 3. Imr t e Attk ur a , VtiTHM Rcaaac. Wiusxaruat. N . iw t rmpmiaft A.M. UW .OP at "' itf . aaaajaaawa. - i-x a n s&a. Tl . Staiafail for the dr r. i . I waca tt V taw aaoqta p Im .I JO rtahM, -tr water ia lb nw t Tar at 9 Ja X.. 1? fKt. nrrit iw tcujmt I" r :tx a.aty four S.xi eajn; at n.-ri r-4irn occucrad 0 the daatr the Miwaupp river nd eir ;i..r in the lawtam lttrtctm. T" '-tiipTtini choafea K bao aiix'' raac.T ra r- dt Foe North ( anatio Fair in tbe in r ain a ear the r Ala Ja a. i ! A. M. Vt 7 1J P. M. -y r-..fth it II MM tiuph VVui-f at .-Wuihprt 7 Sj A. M. I .V'vr V l iunton t y A M. . hleT ia U the U-r He ' u" anil hop ''..i wi 1 I'mtcd t."'4 1 loi'war rot '.-m if boot rvkira. h c a ' mtachivf. o - U.'v.l u.m -on,entc t- - ruI .' Ciona t ". a ;..m ? tlkWu " Who . ! not .: to ac- mrittxi.ktlBg ' lttl WoilT think thut mntry wwrw t war with n. 4 rat .'Uaaa puwen it might r m at &r.t. Sut tn the long i would whip an ivation m Km if thi of the According to an Waind paper, the !i e i4-.aait.-.l with Kialy. wh w, um. "tioeerajor of h 'ag. " nterview in kr or i erega fVvmdent rhen he At i the State al :' ' tngeti fl,-t t nere anil be than racket is over phonal. wh is now elf. The feetisiUee ung Mr f in Irfio "a pia i a Rjeh at en. Law a .tttieei I n ton f-gO". haUt Work at San in. -laco. and by great ran m. I the coa tinwata nw splendid adrerttsmg .tiii ish nunc. for that i;.ec rrwy. Treat report cornea Y . to the effect that who w : i s suffering way fht to he m tHS. un has offered MS.000 far the ! of Vgamaido. the Plultpptne f Hho ihawdaiaa pia far the ft of that Paanpaaawr. WhaA aae near is a head topekli of pall- X br oat of ' i ted The sr is the ''Aerial aerate with which the ia- ' ntoe ; -ihs ef to a big kT riee, Ac Iri4a mt TD OUIXO irta ? aSBSJS'Si W tW .bix aaaaaal mm SMSSBM sat Ifevia EUriaa says v bbK hare aWa Thats Mr. Bkta ikMld f try Mi a part? to rvpcal Um anti- X law which h MWWt anarine impoavtbia. TV haa her UU elactioo. a a Governor and ad a LafWsaaisj aiU h Th. wUl cbaoaa a Senator to i ator Miteaail. and that a the moat i a tare Una" thing about the election. the da haa.1 paas u an issue in W;ouiain j politic, too. They ere acrctnjc the tioemor of ktrm; a hre cow deadheaded by en el rreta company, from hta farm to " a MaUiaoo We napert the wicked malhmen are at the bottom of that KW ArVBTL-KKNTH Star Hoy wanted POg '"O.liT' I Opn tea horv Hotel K.iod Schedule I Boaey -Lota for eaie ILuamo -Spring felt beta. Semi Bear - Wool wmnted W O Ceoawr Hoop iron Waa. EL Worth A Co - lee Taaadaj family excursion Kia i racer 5 Co. Crockery D t'Caaiaor-Por mi or rant )eeaaic Hoiai -Carolina VoUare llaalmgen To Let -Pillar aa at Wrurhtarill N awe Cape Pear Camp U. C V. "" liiiaijaj aTnunliaht ifuni-n C W Potrogt 3t Co - Bargain. IU1I . iHiatmll -Hay. oam. corn. Tor t;ul pUcr furnihd at Wngbto-nBe Wdwunatoo Homeatead and Ian New stock ratvaaa borax. Wantod - ttoard in country I' II Harden -Jiugyw. hvnf Hiilnl aaa Wtte Rcat. Mar or W right yeeterday tried h Mband and wife for AgbUng Kwach dned B 00 and coata. They John and Alice LoretA The rtght occurred about ! oVlork ycate m.xmn mt tiveir home on Seraath atraeA batareao Otaag and Nun axh were right badtr cut during the light, the aaaahaad hariag been eat on the cheek and the wife It aeeeaa that John Lorett'a at a knife and Alice lorett uad a glam tumbler Dr Bellamy dromed the t wound and Dr W V McMilUn that of th wife. SrrrraJ Uad to ba taken in the Mr J lav IXManellr. aaieaman at H- ' . l'ta 'r-4:t and ronfrc Uor--ry med. near the Seacuoat depot. vvxxdrd in getUng up with ooe of tn fellowa who broke into the placv Eaat Thursday night and etole candy. 'igarvttM. Wkrdtnm. etc. The thief, a mall colored boy. coofeaaed to baring bti impiated in tha robbery and in coojuOmiion of the fa h pur for all meaun h. bewn taken to prneerute htm The Dag Oramamc. Mr W'm Southern, City Clerk and Trrj.ur r baa an ad :n the Stab this arnisr that will douhtieaa attract the attrotnoa of owners at doge. Accord ing to the ordinance now ia effort dog must N registered, aui lirtmail Dogs that a larntered anil be taken ap t Ue city carta, which start on rouade June 13th. The sale of haa) already The Cepardoaahl Stn" will form the sahjaet of Rer J. W. Kramer's ssrmoa to-night at Brooklyn Baptist Chorea. The rental ear tic are still in the mterwtt Thee- night, bat at Friday of correct. Now to work and ecroae the face. Mr. H W Pop, traoac saanagar Mr. Millar, eperml aguat sad Mr M. B, Spatr. dasarirt aspariata-osWot nil of the Soothers BUI Tatoakoas Com paay. amrad ia th aity jreaterday sftoraooa and aroat down to Wrights villa beach to seaad Sunday Meaere, Pops sad Miller are of New York aod Mr Snair of Charlotte. WB Prtack Ts-nay. Rsw. R H Gilbert who in to pa seel at the First Baptist march ikes morning aad to-night, arrived ia Ike city yesterday after aooasod m th guest of Mrs Joe MkrkiU on Booth Fourth atrast, Rer Mr. Oil hart haa reoaaaly resigned the sate iiiiI nam of Baptist churches at Oflnem Bathsl. Haw Bias? aad Coa TeCaty Sail 1 1 Mm. City subscribe are earaesly e qaaated lo report promptly at th Stab ooV erary mil are of th isli ii to is Ik ih nfiii In all aseh esasa Mo annual waters ia Ike world ia aupanor to that af Jackson Spring n.a taiiakn lassssnnia. Vma7 E3!J tertamnmntia th Sf aa. t LOCAL DOTS. The Board of Al.lermon will Met to nirht in regular aafthty The Stab s fashion plate to- foam, aaanaktaa; all ladiaa admire. Daring the past week limaa of thre- and two colored. Yaatarday Joatioe J. M. Mc Oowaa fined Sophia Lamb, colored. la.00 and eoaU for disorderly conduct Floar has declined S1.50 to tXOU per barrel in the New York market dorinr the peat tan daa teetenujr John riaher waa triad before Joatioe Bunting on the charge of alaader. The care waa dj Some of the Princess street people object to the prcaenc of an old iron water tank near the corner of Front and Princess Ilia eery much lo the way. J. A. Hannerman. colored, was tried before Justice Banting yeetenlay on the charge of disorderly conduct Judgment was suspended on the pay ntent of custa A grrnd family ctcnrsion to Carolina Beach will be gieea Tuesday. June U. for the benefit of St Thomas Church. Refreshments will be served at moderate prions. The Summer travel haa begun in earnest orer the Sea board Air Line. There were about 135 people who took advantage of the Saturday excursion rata yrsterday Then? will be an important a meeting of Wilmington Mu sscal Association to-morrow uight af ter their weekly practice in the Y. M C A. auditorium. Dr. Thoa. It. Mask, snrgeon to lieutenant A J. Walker's company of colored troops at Fort Macon, re unifii dome yesterday tie win go . . . . .. back in s day or two. This month t starting out well in the matter of real estate transfers in New Hanover county. Nine deeds wrre -ntrrssl in the Register of Deeds' office during the past four days. bos containing about fifteen uniforms was shipped to CapC Donald MacKae, at Raleigh, yesterday They had been left here by recruits who ware rejected or for other reasons re turned home. ( apt. John H. Hanby offers to rent for the season six elegant oot on WrighlsriUe Sound. He hss numerous improvements on the Bawad and now everything bi in ex osllont condition. See new schedule of steamer n'tlmtngtnn to go into effect after next Wesusadar June 8th, It is as conre- ntent as CapC Harpers long ex pen - i . eaee in arranging schedules can make il Look at it for any kind of trip you went down the river Cards have been issued announ cing the marriage of Mint Annie Troy (raster, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Wil liam D (raster, to Mr. James A. King. on Wedneaday evening. June 15th. at half past nine o'clock, in the Hay Street Methodut Church. Fayetteville. N C A pea.-e warrant was issued yos- tcelsT by Justice Jno J Fowler nst (feorge McKae. colored. He had threatened his wife. Mary Mcltae. and it was on affidavit made bv tier th. warrant waa drawn MclUe not able to give bond to keep th for 0 days, and waa aent to jail. In Justice Hunting's court yes leruay. Itecky t. hanty. colored, was tried for two offeocea The first waa for diaorderly conduct, and she to pay the costs. The other for asaau It with deadly weapon upon Roaa King, colored. The court held that the charge waa not proven, and the prisoner was dismissed. Jewell Conclnve o. -I of Hptaaophs or Serin Wise Men. will give a family and moonlight excur sion to Carolina Beach next Wednes day. There will be dancing and re freshments. Last boat for beach will leave at 9 P. M. Oriental Conclave No. 3 of the same order is invited to attend. The last boat will leave the at 11.30 P. M. SkelU of ib U. S. Nary. At th Clarendon Water Works Coniany's office yesterday there was displayed ooe of the neatest of numer ous lithographic effects that the ware has brought oot It shows the di- -natons of all the shells used in the U. . Nery from the one-pounder up to the big projectile weighing 1.100 pouna. The largest shell used by Dewey st Manila is indicated as being eight inches in diameter and weighing 50 pounds. Trie Osl is The up country excursion isU went out to ma yesterday on toe steamer Wtimumgttm. The host left here nt t. A. ML. with about 250 on board. touched st Carolina Beach, where about twenty Are of the passengers got off. Than aba proomded to ana. ping at South port, then going three mites beyond the ball buoy. She and the excumonisu left st o'clock. A m-YUng of Tape Camp U. C. V No 3S4 ia called to be held at the L. L night st a so o of the meet- ing w to a) to attend the , as? Confederate veterans to be hold ia Atlanta, Ga. during July. See in the BENSON VS. MELTON CASE. To be Broarbt Before the Board of Alder- sice Ts marrow Nifkt. Policeman R H. Benson ays that he will bring the matter of the charges gainst Chief of Police Jno. R. Mel ton before the Board of Aidermen at their regular monthly meeting to- lorrow night It will be remembered that the Po lice Committee had the charges up for investigation and through Mayor Wright dismissed the cam. At the time Officer Benson declared his inten tion to carry the matter to the Board of Aldermen and he now assures a Star reporter that he will carry out his ortgnal announcement in le ing no stone unturned in his efforts to have the chief reprimanded or pun ished for his alleged conduct The charge, it will be remembered by Stab aiders, is that Mr Melton, several weeks sinoe. behaved in a manner ry unbecoming his office as chief of polios in abusing Mr. Benson and challenging htm to fight a duel. MR. MARK FARMER DROWNED. Sad Fate of Ooe of Wilson's Yooog Men. Wtusox. N. C . June t The sad new of the drowning of Mr. Mark Farmer reached our town this morn ing at 10:30 o'clock. Mr. Farmer was out boat riding at Ha re foots Mill, three miles from tow n with his friend. itr. I liariie lownsend. A leak in tho boat caused it to sink and as Mr. Farmer could not swim, he was lost Mr. Towiispiid came near being drowned, but was rescued at the last moment. Mr. Farmer was IS years of age and had just returned from the I niversitv. He was a son of Mr. W. E. Farmer, for many years Coast Line Agent nt this place. Youu; Mr. Farmer was a brother of Mr (iraham Farmer of this city who received the news of the sad accident yesterday morniug by telegram and left last night for Wilson. The young man is well known here, having been a ines.4cuger boy at the 'Atlantic Coast Line, and that he was exceedingly popular was shown from the sincere grief which found expression on all sides yesterday when the news of his drowning reached the city. The Star sympathizes sincerely with the sorrowing family. N. C. VOLUNTEERS. Recruiting for Companies Forming in Wil mlogtoe Proceeding Satisfactorily. Recruiting of both the military companies proceeded satisfactorily yesterday. Capt W. N. Harries re ceived the following letter, which show that there is good prospect of his company being admitted, as it is understood that the battalion of white troops referred to will certainly be formed : Raleioh, N. C, June 2, 1898. H". ,V Harri. Wilminaton. N. C: Dear Sir -Your favor of the 2nd inst. is received. You will see from the papers that the Third regiment will not materialize, li we have a battalion of white troops the Governor will ad mit your company. A. V. (JOWLK8, Adjutant General. The Half Holiday. Many of the business hopsesare giv ing their employes half holidays. The real estate concerns, which take Friday afternoon off, began some time ago. Mo did the hardware nouses which take Saturday afternoon. The banks beginning yesterday closed at 12 o'clock so as to give the force of clerks and bookkeepers an afternoon for themselves. The Produce Ex change took its second half holiday yesterday afternoon. The dry goods houses are going to depart from what has been the custom with them hereto fore and for the present will not take the half holiday. The Embezzler Weirse. Mr. B F. KeUh received in due form yesterday the requisition papers upon which Paul Weirse the default ing dook Keeper now in jaii at .NorroiK is to be arrested and brought to this city for trial. There has been some delay owing to an error in the papers as they were first received. This time they are all right and Deputy Sheriff J. P. Flynn left last night for Richmond to get Governor Tyler to honor the requisi tion. Then he will go to Norfolk and get his man. MOVEMENT OF TRUCK. Large Shipments of Beans aad Potatoes from Newbern. The .on rnal says: "There is a heavy movement of potatoes and beans from here to Northern markets. Last night the steamer AVusr was unable to take away all that was offered, but took away a comfortable cargo of about six thousand packages of potatoes and beans Thursday, the A. & N. C. ran three truck train to accommodate the demand, and to-day will likely run the e number, as there waa heavy hauling last evening by truckers to the railroad. Dates for Epworth Leafses. The Epworth League and Sunday School Conference of the Methodist Church of North Carolina will meet in Morehead City June 22-26. On June 90th, at Whiteville, the District Conference, Epworth League and Sunday School Conference will be held. Correctioa. Messrs. Latham, Alexander & Co., New York, estimate the decrease in cotton acreage in toe United States tor 1896 st Si per cent or 1,335,000 a , not "1,338,000 bales" as it ap peared in the 8tab yesterday. ACCIDENTJON THE RIVER. Twe RowboaU io Collision Four Men Narrowly Escape Drowning An Exciting Episode. In the middle of the Cape Fear, off the foot of Dock street yesterday was enacted an exciting episode in which several men stood a lively chance of going to the bottom of the river, i 'apt . Eben Harker with a crew of fishermen was in a boat trying to get a tow from the tug Jacob Brandow which was pulling the British schooner Leonard Parker out to sea. Enoch Griffin, colored, and another colored man, were also trying to get the bene fit of an easy ride down the river. The two boats fouled each other with the result that Capt. Harker s boat was overturned and Griffin's was placed in such peril that its occupants were compelled to abandon it and seek safety oil the schooner by means of lines thrown them. Of the men in the overturned boat Capt. Harker and John Martin succeed in getting into the boat abandoned by Griffin. The others were hauled aboard the schooner and were carried down the river as far as Kidder's mill where they were overtaken by a skiff manned by William Allen and others and brought back to the city. Eight or ten dollars worth of provisions were lost from Capt. Harker's boat. CAPTURED BUT ESCAPED. Mr. Jake Solomon Has a Lively Tussle With a Negro Thief on Dock Street. A young colored buck who thought he would get a bicycle lamp without paying for it last night by stealing it from a wheel in front of S. & B. Solo mon's shoe store on Market street, got more than he bargained for. A little boy who works in the store saw the attempted theft and pave the informa tion to the owner of the wheel, Mr. Jake Solomon. Mr. Solomon gave chase to the negro and followed him into the alley just south of Poezolt's tailoring establishment. The negro halted, and, drawing a knife, threatened to cut his pursuer, who answered by knocking him down. Then the would-be-thief got himself together again and made another effort to get away. Mr. Solomon, like grim, fate was gaining on him, however, and again he showed fight only to get an other blow in the face that made him see stars. Finally, in front of Mr. T. J. Gore's store on Water and Dock streets, the negro was finally cornered and taken inside of the store where he was placed in charge of two colored men. These, while waiting for an officer, let the prisoner go and the last attempt to catch him was not so suc cessful as the first. In the scuffle Mr. Solomon had a gash three or four inches long cut in his vest and also a knife thrust made in one of his shoes. But he doesn't mind this as he has the satisfaction of knowing that the darkey was very thoroughly and deservingly thrashed. HEALTH REPORT FOR MAY. Record of Deaths, Births and Work Done in the Sanitary Department. Dr. W. D. McMillan, as Superin tendent of health, has prepared his re port for May. It shows that during the month there were 42 deaths in the county, 16 white and 26 colored. The record of births shows 33 whites li, colored 19. There were no quar- entines during the month. His re port for the sanitary department shows that during the month 4,888 inspections were made, of these 2,274 were in a fair condition, 1,232 in bad condition, 1'049 required imme diate attention and 204 were con demned but not cleaned. There were 119 special inspections made and 1,214 orders for lime and acid issued. A FITTING TRIBUTE. What the Tammany Times has to Say of the Late Sol C. Weill. The following tribute to the mem ory ot the late ool u. Weill accom panied by an excellent half tone illus tration, appears in a recent issue of the The Tammany Times: The death of Solomon C. Weill, the Democratic Assemblyman from the Nineteenth District is a loss, not alone to the Democracy of the city and State, but to the community at large. Mr. Weill was a prominent member of his party, a leading, able and widely respected practitioner at the bar, and a valuable citizen. His standing m the community was of the very highest and he enjoyed the esteem and respect of the best men of all parties. He was born in Charlotte, Mecklenburg county, N. C, on May 18th. 1864. He has. since 1886, been engaged in the practice of law, and was the senior member of the hrm of Weill & Mayer, of 40 Wall street. Revival Services. Rev. B. W. Sineath, of Summerville, 8. C the Second Advent Evan list arrived in the city yesterday and will commence to-day a series of meetings in the Lowery Hall, for merly used by the Market Street M. E. Church, on the corner of Eighth and Princess. Mr. Sineath is an elo quent and forcible speaker. He has just closed a series of meetings at Shiloh, S. C, st which much interest was manifested, with 22 additions to the (church. Mr. Sineath posseses a fine baas voice and will himself lead the song service. Seashore Hotel. The opening ball at the Seashore Hotel will be given next Wednesday night The management extends a cordial welcome to Wilmington people including cottagers and members of the different yacht clubs. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Gov Russell arrived in the city yesterday. Mr. W J. Matthews, of Golds- boro, is here. Mr. D. F. Foreman, of Char lotte, was here yesterday. Mr. Milton C. Elliott returned from Chapel Hill yesterday. Dr. E. Porter, of Rocky Point, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. H. A. Bland, of Burgaw, was here yesterday on business. Messrs. F. M. Wooten and A. McNair, of Max ton, were here yes terday. Newbern Journal: "Mrs. M. S. Willard, of Wilmington, is visiting in the city." Mr. E. F. Young, a prominent business man of Dunn, is registered at The Orton. Messrs. C. E. Beal and Robt. Nicholson, of Rockingham, spent last night in the city. Dr. L. W. Battle, of Durham, arrived in the city yesterday to visit his son, Mr. Lee II. Battle. Mrs. II. E. Bonitz returned yesterday from attending the A. & M. College commencement. Col. Thos. W. Strange left yes terday for New York on the Croatan. He goes North for his health. Lieut. J. P. Oakes, of Fort Caswell, was here yesterday and left on the Newbern train for Fort Macon. Mr. R. H. Merritt returned yesterday from attending the A. and M. College Commencement at Raleigh. Miss Nellie Ileiser left yester day for Sumter, S. C, to join her mother who is visiting relatives there. Miss Bessie Powell, of Raleigh, arrived in the city yesterday on a visit to Miss Amy Merritt, Fourth and Red Cross streets. Miss Julia Dismukea returned to the city yesterday from Chapel Hill where she has been to attend the com mencement. Mr. W. S. Siddell, wife and two children, of Charlotte, passed through the city yesterday en route to Wrightsville beach. It was rumored on the streets yesterday that r the Nantucket had sailed from Port Royal under sealed orders. Details weren ot obtainable. Mr. S. Weill, wife and daugh ter, of Rockingham, arrived in the city yesterday and went down to Wrightsville beach for a stay of sev eral weeks. Rev. Dr. Parker Holmes, wife and child, of Asheville, spent yester day and last night in the city and will go up to Council to-day to visit his brother. Miss Blanche L. Rueckert ar rived in the city yesterday afternoon and will sing at the 6 o'clock service this evening at St. James Episcopal Church. She is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Burkhimer. Mr. H. E. Thompson, pro prietor of Jackson Springs, which is rapidly becoming one of the most popular health resorts in North Caro lina, is in the city, and called at the Star office yesterday. Prof. Dred Peacock and wife, of Greensboro, were passengers on the Clyde steamship Croatan for New York yesterday. They will go to Northern Summer resorts for a while. NT Prof. Peacock is president of the Greensboro Female College. SUNDAY SERVICES. St. Matthew's English Lutheran Church. Fourth street above Bladen, Rev. G. D. Bernheim pastor. Morn ing service at 11 o'clock ; no service at night.1 Sunday school at a. m. All seats free and every person cor dially invited. Services in St. John's Church to day bv the nastor at 11 A. M. and 6 P. M. Sunday school 5 P. M. Rev. Mr. Voigt will preach his first sermon (in Oerman) this morning at St. Paul s Lutheran Church. At f. M. in English. It is understood Miss Rueckert will sing. Public invited. DEATH AT RED SPRINGS. Mrs. Eliza Street Robeson Dies at an Advanced Age. Star Correspondence. Red Springs, N C, June 3. Mrs. Eliza Street Robeson, relict of John A. Robeson, died at the residence of her son, David G. Robeson, Esq. , in Red Springs, June 2d, 1898, in the eighty ninth year of her age. Mrs. Robeson was born in Bladen county, N. C, January 28th, 1810, and was the daughter of Major David B. Gillespie, a distinguished engineer and officer in the United States army. Her grandfather, Hon. James Gillespie, died in Washington City in 1804, while renresentincr the Cape k ear district in the United States Congress. She was a devoted member of the Missionary Baptist Church for nearly fifty years. The funeral services at Red Springs were conducted by Rev. J. D. Moore, assisted by Rev. D. W. Fox, and the interment took place at uarver surees Church in Bladen county. A Card. To those who have been misinformed regarding my ice craam being manu factured in New York, and shipped to me. I desire to say that the cream re ceived by me comes from M. V. Mur- Dhev. of Jersey Uitv. IN. J. Mr. mur- phey has control of twenty large dai ries in that State, and any person or persons who will call at my factory I will take pleasure in showing them the pure cream, and will sell them any quantity. One gallon of the pure cream makes two, as any housekeeper knows that whipped cream will double itself. We will Tbe pleased to. have you call and see for yourself. We are selling on small margin. Price $1.00 per gallon, frozen, packed and de livered ; 50 cents per half gallon, 36c per quart. Palace Bakery. 30o 3 4&&&f&f o: - : - - : - ; - x: - ': - - - v V V y 9 9 V y y 9 X I y y y X I y y y y y '4 ! r do win THE LATEST HEWS ? DO TOD WAIT THE CHEAPEST SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MORNING LOOK IT THESE PRICES , Twelve Six Three Two One Other North Carolina Morning Dailies Are 20 to 60 per cent. Higher in Price. CIRCULATION MUCK LARGER THAN THAT OF ANY OTHER DAILY PUBLISHED IN WILMINGTON. THE MORNING STAB Gives the Very Latest News Up to 4.30 o'clock on the Morning of Publication. Try a subscription for Three Months to the Oldest Daily in North Carolina. This will cost you only $1.25, by Mail. City Subscribers 45 cents per Month, delivered by Carriers. You will find the WAR NEWS just now of special interest. Address, WM. H. BERNARD, Editor and Proprietor, WILMINGTON, N. 0. i I . ............................... ...:.: -...: .. .... .. .. .at .. .... .. .. ..... . .. .. " -a "a " 4 """"""""""a""a"a"aMaa"aTaay V,V HOOP IRON. 300 Bandies Hoop Iron. 50 Bundles Rivets. 40 Bags Java Rice. 25 Barrels Carolina Rlee. 10 Boxes Lemons. 50 Boxes Sardines. 40 Boxes Pint-Pickles. 75 Boxes Sardines. 45 Boxes Oysters. w. B. Cooper, 226 North Water street. je 5 tf DOG BADGES. Every owner or keeper of a Dog is notified that according to the Dog Ordinance of the City of Wilmington. Dogs are required tc be Registered. Numbered and Licensed, and the registered number to be worn at all times, or the owner of the Dog will be subject to a i fine. Badges are now ready and the Ordinance will be en forced on Monday, June 13th, WOT, STBITHEBS,,' ClerU and Treasurer. je 5 : COMMISSIONER'S SALE. University of North Carolina, vs. Silvia Jones et al By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, in the above entitled cause, the undersigned Commissioner will on Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1898, at 12 o'clock M., expose for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door, the following described lot of land, to-wlt: Beginning at a point In the western line of Sixth street 66 feet south of the southwestern intersection of Sixth and Brunswick streets, runs thence south with the western line of Sixth street 66 feet, thence west 165 feet, thence north 66 feet, thence east 165 feet to the begin ning, being the east half of Lot 2, Block 265. JAMES W. SNEEDEN. je 5 4t sun Commissioner. Carolina Beach and Southport STEAMBOAT LINE. Following Schedule In Eflect After Wednesday, June 8. Leave Wilmington, dally except Sunday, for Carolina Beach, 6 and 9.30 A. M.; 3 and 5 15 P. M. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Leave Wilmington, 7.30 P. M.; leave Beach, 8.30 P. M. Leave Beach. 7 A. M.; 1.15 P. M : 3.45 P. M.; 6.00 P. M. Leave Wilmington Sunday, 10 A. M; 2.30 P. M.: Leave Beach, 12.30 P. M. : 6 P. M. 9.80 A. M. boat through for Southport Leaves Southport, 12.15 P. M. Yacht Undine leaves Southport at 2 P. M Meets 3 P. M. boat from Wilmington. J. W. Harper. je 5 tf To Let for the Summer Season SIX ELEGANT COTTAGES at Atlantic View Hotel, Wrightsville Sound. One two-story six-room Cottage; two four-room one-story Cottages; one three-room one-story Cottage; two two room one-story Cottages. All neatly fur nished. For further information ap ply to John II. Hanby, WrlKhtsvtlle, N. C. je 5 3t su we sa Family Moonlight Excursion To Carolina Beaeu, Wednesday, June 8th, 1898, by Jewell Conclave No 3, Heptasophs or Seven Wise Men. Dancing and Refreshments. Last boat leaves for the B each at 8 o'clock P. M. Returning, leaves the Beach at 11.30 P. M. Fare 38 cents. Oriental Conclave No. 3 Is especially Invited to go with us. . NORTHROP, BRANCH. je 5 it Committee. Grand Family Excursion To Carolina Beach, TUESDAY, JUNE 14. for benefit of St. Thomas' Church. Refreshments at moderate prices. Je 5 it Gape Fear Camp 0. C. V. No. 254. A meeting of the Camp will be held at the W. L. I. Armory on Monday night. June (Sth inst., at 8.80 o'clock, to elect delegates to attend the Re-unlcm at At lanta, Ga., next month. By order of o . W. Hurtas, Com maator, je 5 It Adjutant. - - :X': - - x - - :: - - : - - - ; - i AID BEST DID,!? STAB. Months, " Bargain Offerings For Your Benefit this week, of which we can give bat a few hints here. The C. W. Polvogt Co., No. ;i North Front Street. Wilmington, N. ('. Something new-the Romero Leather Itelv No eyelets to tear out and has a,belt holder attached. The neatest and most con venlent Belt made Prices 2S and 80c. White India Linen, remnants, worth 12H for 8 cents. White India Linen, remnants, world 15 for 10 cents. White India Linen, remnants, worth 20 Tor 15 cents. Pique in White and Colored for Waists arid Skirts 15 to 40c per yard Large assortment of Ladles' ready made Shirt Waists, 50c to $1.50. FOR CHILDREN'S USE THE Sold at 19, 86 and 50 Cents. HOSIERY 50 dozen Ladies' Black I,Me and Gauze Cotton, 50 gauge line high spring heel and double soles.'both plain and mrneneu nitiieu Positively n. ftSc Article, sooclal sale price 85c. Wear W B. Corset and use nianuaru rai terns. Sold only by us. Carpets, Mattings, Floor Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Trunks. Mosquito Nets In large quanti ties on our second floor. The C. W. Polvogt Co. je '.If We Want Yoor Trade. We are not unreasonable in asking you to see to your in terest and trade with us. We certainly know to sell at car load prices, therefore save you all the go-between profit. We handle from first hands; acting as kinds of distributors of all. Provisions. Sentiment is humbug in business. Vigilance in keep ing ahead of the procession should force you to Duy of us. We will do our part. Wo only sell the famous Cuban Blossom Cigars. Renown Cigars. Topical Twist Cigars. Once used always used. Vollers & Hashagen, PRQYJSIONERS, Nutt Street, A. C. L. Croaalng. jeS tf WANTED. A young man who haa had experience running Job Preaasa, and who is a resident of Wilmington, Is wanted at the JeSSt STAR OFFICE S5.00 I 2.50 1.25 I.OO .50 I h affitii wm Waists. JL fjsjj 1 1