I ill X if, t V n IV u m Iv 5V. .eh hi hi I T r an open let to MOTHERS. . OR SAMUEL PITCHER, of Bgmrnia, WmuUnth, mimmlor "CASTORIA," ttt mm fto 'Tf rs M var ru- tf-Mt s.jncture of rkzs isUmorxgiHcl "CASTORIA- fccft Am fern w tie- AMi IM Matkars of AmtHtm fat ooer thirty jptws. LOOK CAREFULLY mpr and e that it is MM Do Not Be l "ndangrr the life of your child by accepting i in stitute which some drugj;it may offer you he makes a few more 'peonies on it), the fo nt of which eve? Ve dors not know. ru. 17:., J Vv TJ LUt aaJUU aUU UaTO JUWtlVS JDUUIOIL BEARS THE Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed Toil ORDERS. We Ait fifcr Mm In Patent Flour, Straight Flour, Clear Flour, Meal, White Corn, rmoa cabs atr. r. rithaar f any . D McEACBTBRN Maw CroC AIVO AFTUI TAK IN. t. m. tioDCi FOR PICNIC HAMS, 01 Bellies. Com. Heal. Hay, Oats, Ptew Uses. 80QP mi, miff GUIS, ML! R R STONE 4 CO r t "Experience is a Dear Teacher." iit tr SEASHORE HOTEL, .fttCTSVtU MACK S C HOTEL STEWART. ' timr nig um. ' 4 m af nf tmaylmr. n ' : 4i 1 1 Ik, liMt witfc.n mil v ,.. mr Itrin n.l M VABi in vpxpi sf asar1 wbsssssB mm laaies 0 Nutt. The Druggist. Open for the leas on. IX THE OOtRTS Of BIGHT TT) OF TUB WOU "CAtTOJUA." AJtD ! wrup" bPrmdeni , 7. A 1 T La " SIGNATURE OF OMIU AMO MOTMCIA Ami fs-aaT!aS snMrs"sai!!l stoPlS" ay THE VOUNO RECRUIT i fallteaal can Wtl .wr or Utaa aaaa Her. la hta own Pri J toj .ug "J IT Zir Aw tojtotol lc UwS lloa TV AtoAatojlBMlin H aaay. aMMtolf r-Xfto? btouMMrto MiaawAAltoi. at In aUtol M i Doam la toa ate bay th. bowl urri. yaa aaA aa n tofteAaary or - boll doctor. " baa baaa dtraWias tba -- mj a II 1 la. I SatOO (t AsHaarHtABflf sVWtoa ttHO lssSa4NB(paNal efta'HBBSs) ttaaVtfi akflflaal aaa aaaaas.ll anaawsra h. aseaalaVltl at as aoauaaaa allfafBa ST aT . .... a a. .. a . . fcataa-as. Vjaaaa avrMrl Wt , BaaHaWaWfHAW aanWsVal, 9AMaW mm wi UaafaM ratpMs rwwWB mw, mmm' bms la tatrttW smb bmA pUK tftakle anst'u T9 wwh' r.wma' la to awsffsrhao Sjw" sfTi "jusssw tissTTl m tagjbto ata abtottoT torgto l YMnTuialar TajT auST aMasttaV oa Mi!l!j Ib falte'sBMWt or orar and to more ber op LX-lxiiltl1 LL'iUTr ff at '"Vtslrbg of tMs aw ahot rakwaa tha aay ts.it ni Aw, by tba aaartotoAMMeav JJJtoB 2j hTafcwato WT. ??1wTTiL . to at ullage or is loilsiw moob mora miitxTVtA ikTi 7-nAiTTrnh it?? aa v wnm!t y Bm aMiMk - KH " I TbsllTlyfator-" -L- wAH towamaXwaTaa bar saw toa?aepto wtohhahtost boy. " atos was i fill 1 1 as ilia tha beet of a la a asagkhiaknnil or a Mb sol tha large aaMkaa. rlutoVstotesa. boys rafts Mil aoatol optnioa aad sat tba " f stars -T t '" a--a ta. ata fash tea tor the rest, Always these la Bt teatty kss4S4sl afalf t aFMg. iwj w. -mm mm. -- togi of a mh aad bunt aabatorOod aawto ywa"' saaMBWtoaa asay be troatod to WARSHIP IN ACTION WORK THAT COMES AFTER THE FIRST MNAL It OIVEN. I sosstots W alwaya toft opaa for tba paaslDg as ready, tha officers i It tKn at. In la a bate bes are closed, and tba final command I nj patiently of tbe mag- m who form taadifforeat chalaa of scuttles begin to Tbe delivery of ammonlttoa la In charge of tb. gnaaar. Ia modern naval outflu the gnaaai la not, aa many laadlabbata aa moat asa to the prompt and iTrrr i isnrasa aoaua ana tila. So all tba HUM. Taa chtef oa tba berth, where be of tbe work. Ha In tb. main tba handing oat of gunner Is to charge op from tbe In wooden oases, which are with tha stos of callow and white tettaraon oat of tbe mag - to a man who ssode tbem op to tbe are paaaed through wbteh W la toa Jid to pro- tba poaWMUly of sparks reaching to From tola to thai they ara pssasd up to tbe to to eanaon i vSSPz la 1 V MM frtend of mine MB J$WtOm tkhavA hm old DO VtlM dj- Frw po wMti Aw Hill Mrrtea h'miiiMii. k U to QHtoi la loud l l l lMyMd tk mb tok. their vtato Mum to par of lb. work o AmHmj awjMa MM iwillaiillj to. fin ItdMfi aOtitoili'ifilZ Ty V 77 lUoa MMt mbi aiiMyiAtof ttoty la taatr jaTMTWA wy to MUmj taa turn toMkTaMA iaW"aMl 'aar AA bjato tha aato. TVa auraooaotora aad otfaar -TrTu. At Hi nlttawi - 1 mmtmmm u anal aaW baa Ml tONOON'8 ATMOSPHERE City I. tb. World. Only by toiM ara tba marrelooa tttea of oar London atmatpbare beoorniDg Many In tba world t paealtor lb. Inba of baro dally and nlabtty, without without prtos, to county oounoil. have yet attempted to tax toa air which we braatbe. that oar atmoapbare of practically nothing. Qnlto a mlrtake. It to both awat and drink. A paper contributed to tba "Transactions ' of tba BrlUab Inatltato of Prercntivo Med tela atotea that cron la a saborb aw 90,000 per cubic r la tba open air and 44,000 In a qatet roan, while In the olty O fortu natoa ntenlnm I tba total par cm bio cen timeter warn 600,000 when token from a roof. 800. OOA In eourt and a boat 400,000 In a room. In other words, the air of the square mil. la 900 per cent thicker than In the suburbs, which Is In accord with experience that fog are both frequent over the than In tbe outskirts. Bat what la specially Interesting Is to learn that al ls only ono of theee artl- atoms nf dust. Thus it to calculated a man could lira In tbe me- yeora and only into bra syato air. or about tbe same number aa badrtnk la half a plot of unboiled milk. Of course there ara other serious objections to dost, bat It Is something to know that there Is only one microbe to many millions of ran Ms Loodon Telegraph. Mr P. Ketcham. at Pike City. CaX, i: Uunng my- brothers late sick from sciatic rheumatism, Cham berlain's Pain Balm was the only rem edy thai gave him any relief." Many other bare tea ti Red to the prompt re lief from pain which tins liniment affords. For sale by R. R Bellamy, druggist. t Keller la Bis Boar.. Distressing- Kidney ami Bladder dis own relieved in six hours by the "New Oreat South American Kidney Cure," This new remedy u a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidney back and every pert of the urinary lwssagi i in male or female. It relieves re tension of water And pain. In pan ing it almost immediately. II you want quick relief and cure, this is you reined v Sold bv R. R. BaTXAJfY Drug-gUt. Wilmington, N. C, corner of r runt and Market streets. t For over Firt t Yeara. Mrs Wijfstw' Soothincj SYRCPhas been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething-, w ith perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Uiarrboaa. It will relieve the noor little sufferer imme diately. Sold by Druggists in every part of th world. Twenty-five cento a bottle, tie sure and ask tor jars. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take DO other. ,T tad Vos Haw Uwtjs BosfW Don't Go It Blind And Send Your Prescriptions to Any Druggist. When it Comes to Filling Prescriptions Raenernber any old thing will NOT do. Inquire If tbe man who nils your prescriptions a a BaMeril PUarsaactxt men axs jmuraeic If bs la careful, coasetanttous and paln.UilclDK when you bare nettled all this, you will send yonr pisacrlptlona to J. HICKS BUNTING, "mil ill it nil TT nr all Dniggtet, Y M c a. Ba tiding, my m tf wiimiiiffton. If. C BOTTOM FACTS la tha Maine investigation atartling News. 1a Mum raeu In eonnoetlon with our bard ware stock reveal tba largest assortment and lua eat prices tor quality to oa mono anywnere, Mmm llila. mni.laml In the term of "Hard ware.' ail or us oast qoamy ana uma m sraWi Mrs n admitting of no anrament. Dealers can gad the beet soaree of supply for their !.. . ,-KBu aHMMrf , .l.nnt. wlflwwit AT. pease, aad patron Interest carefully looked after OUR PENINSULAR STEEL RANGES est be aasa to be appreciated, ai run- for as to snow yon their aad management, a one and i and it wm be a Ir construction railed line of Cooking and Heating Stores constantly on hand at tow down prices. Try us and we wn qsbyIaoq yoo. Our tinea of general Hardware. Cutlery, Brass in eaco aeparunen J. W. MUBCHISON, aw SOU OKTON BUILDING. FRANK H. STEDMAN, WILMINGTON. N. C. TOUR BU8INX88 IB BOUCITXD AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. OFFICE AT awthwast coraer or Front and Cbssnnt Sts ieitf FOESAiE Desirable Tract of Land Situated aa tha Wllming ton Woldoa Railroad. N. C. con- wo are cleared and wfii BOO saw excellent Ipototoss. eie acne mwm wm uiuwnvu tucsory ana juniper, sagnt tow poles can be cut from by naTtgable water for s On the banks of tbe whteb one hundred oat- IWIgTl the winter. Fire i Tornado Insurance oaaaad nai haft saBa stream are roads anon tie can feed llnmiiltn TTTLA IS CUKAJL Fsr farther '"'0-Q 81V H mt " llHslriet' Bs When You Wish to Talk Stoves Mind Buck Goods Are the This may sound extravagant, but we can make good every word of it. mar m , , . . rimst TT-pfi . 1 1 . l iv c jiso nave a large line 01 omer Wm. E. Springer W. e JK. ,w,. JBi .W Jfa JB 4B The Morning Star. 9 V A 9 9 CHEAPEST DAILY OF ITS CLASS. Note the following Reduced j Bates of Subscription i V One DELIVERED, BY CARRIERS, TO CITY SUBSCRIBERS AT 45 CENTS PER MONTH. V A Address, I WM. Je. A Fresh Supply of All Kinds of Duttenhofer's and Mundell's FINE SHOES JUST RECEIVED. Look in Oar Show Window. We Invite the Ladies especially to try the BbOMi We keep at the same old place. 63H steps east from corner of Front and Princess streets. MERCER & EVANS. aplftf BARBADOES MOLASSES Of Our Own Importation Now on Hand and New Crop to AriiYe! We carry mod price all prt-des, style THE WORTH MIT Sp7tf If It's Worth Printing the Twice-a-Week Courier-Journal , Will Print It. And Every Democrat. Every Republican. k.very Man, Woman or Child who can read will want to read It. THE TWICE-A-WEEK COURIER JOURNAL la a Democratic naner. of six or eieht nacres. Is sued Wednesday and Saturday of each week. Tbe Wednesday Issue prints all the Clean News, and the Saturday Issue prints Stories, Miscel lany, Poetry, all matters of special Interest in the nome. It IS eaiteu ov neurv nawreuu. Price $1.00 a Year. You set lot of six or eight ONE CENT each, for 11 USEFUL PREMIUMS Are given Club Raisers, and good-pay missions are allowed agents. Dally courler-Journrl, 1 year. Dally aad Sunday, 1 year Sunday alone. 1 yea Janl tf mnh Raisers, and firood-oavlnz com .se.OO . 8.00 . S.OO D. O'CONNOR. eal Estate Agent, Wilmington, If. O. STORES, OFFICES AND DWELL s ror rent. onaaa and Lou for sale on easy aina Bants, Taxes and Insurance real estate, sett and Ranges Just Bear In Finest and Best Made In America. no irom ine cneapesi, up- A Co., Cen,l Agts. JB JBi tSU, I THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER I IN NORTH CAROLINA.! eteooAoeoA : unc x ear. Oy nan, Six Months, by Mail, Three Months, by Mail, Two Months, by Mail, $5.00 . 3.50 ' 1.2B '. 1.00 .50$ & month, by mail. H. BERNARD. Editor and Proprietor, WILMINGTON, N. C. Read Carefully what the Rev. Dr. C. S. Blackwcll, Corresponding Secretary of the Baptist Young People's Union of the South, says: Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 12, 1897. H. E. Thompson, West End, N. C: Dkar Sir: A month ago you sent me a box of the Jackson Springs Water twelve bottles. You know how fearfully I was suffering with an acute bladder trouble some weeks before. When I reached home I found the water await ing me. I have rested and drank that water. I am a'new man my old self practically; my ap petite restored; and the tenderness in the blad der has disappeared. I think It is a wonderful water. 1 had been using for weeks before all sorts of lithia water, but the Jackson Springs Water went to the spot. With profound gratitude, I am, , Yours. Respectfully, Ac, CALVIN S. BLACKWELL. The Doctor further says. It Is "the best, I think, God has let run out of the earth for afflicted humanity." This Water is unsurpassed for Dyspepsia, In digestion, Insomnia, Nervous Prostration, or any Kidney, Bladder or Stomach Trouble. Packed for Shipping. This valuable Water is packed for snipping purposes, one dozen half-gallon bottles to the case. It has permanently cured hundreds who have found it inconvenient to visit the Springs. For prises and farther particulars, address H. E. THOMPSON, my 12 tf West End. Moore Co.vN. C. Old Newspapers. YOU CAN BITS' OLD NEWS PAPERS, IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT, AT THE r Star Office. SUITABLE FOR " , WRAPPING PAPER AND EXCELLENT FOBS Placing Under Carpet. Jan 1 tf Wanted, 5,000 lbs. Wool. 3,000 lbs. Beeswax. WRITE FOR QUOTATIONS. SAM'L BEAR. Sr., jettf 12 Market St.. Wilmington, N. c. Mm Springs Hotel. mm SAL Schedule In Efiect ittay 29, 1808. TO ALL POINTS North, South and Southwest. Train 41 Leaves Wllmlneton 3:20 n. m . leaves Lumberton5:15 p.m.,Pemhroke 5:35 p. m., Maxton 6:12 D. m.. Laurlnbure 6:23 n. m.. flan.. let 6.S3 p. m., Wadesboro 8:11 p. m., Monroe 9:12 p. BL, Charlotte 10:25 p. m. Connects at Monroe with train 41 for Atlanta, and and at Hamlet with train 402 for Portsmouth. Rich- mond, Washington and pointsNorth. Train 41 Leaves Portsmouth 9 20 a. m leaves Weldon 11:50 a. m., Halelgh 3:40 p. m., Sanford 5:05 p. m., Hamlet 6:56 p. m., Athens 3:43 a. m., ana Atlanta 5:20 a. m. Train 408 Leaves Washlntrton 4:40 n. m.. Richmond 8:56 D. m.. Portsmouth 8:46 u. m. leaves Weldon 11:28 p.m., Raleigh 2J16 a. m., Sanford 3:33 a. m., Hamlet 5:07 a. m.. Rocking ham 5:23 a. m.. Wadesboro 5:53 a. m.. Monroe 6:43 a. m., Charlotte 7:50 a. m , Llncolnton 10:86 a. m., Shelby 11:87 a. m.. Rutherfordton 12:50 noon, Athens 1:13 p. m., Atlanta 2:50 p. m. Train 38 Leaves Atlanta 7:50 d. m.. Athens 11:19 p. m.. Monroe 6:05 a. m. Leaves Charlotte 5:10 a. m., Monroe 5:55 a. m., Wadesboro 7:01 a m.. Hamlet 8:00 a. m., Raleigh 11:25 a. m., Wei don 2:45 p. m.; arrive Portsmouth 5:20 p. m. Train 88 Leaves Hamlet 8:20 a. m. Arrives Laurlnburg 8:46 a. m., Maxton 9.05 a. m., Pem broke 9:31 a. m . Lumberton 9:53 a. m . Wllmlne ton 12.05 noon. Train 403 Leaves Atlanta 12:00 m. leaves Athens 3:13 p. m Monroe 9:40 p. m. Leaves Rutherfordton 4:35 p. m., arrives Shelby 5:56 p. m., Llncolnton 6:58 p. m Charlotte 8:28 n. m., Monroe 9:40 p. m., Wadesboro 10:81 p. m., Rock ingham 11:15 p. m., Hamlet 11:15 p. m., Sanford 1:02 a. m., Raleigh 2:16 a. m., Weldon 4:55 a. m., Portsmouth 7:25 a. m., Richmond 8:30 a. m., Washington 12:31 noon. Train 18 Leaves Hamlet 7:15 n. m . arrives Gibson 8:10 p. m. Returning, leaves Gibson 6:50 a. m.. arrives Hamlet 7:40 a. m. Train 17 Leaves Hamlet 8:40 a. m.. arrives Cheraw 10:00 a. m. Returnine. leaves Cheraw 5:00 p. m., arrives Hamlet 6:20 p. m. aii trains aany except hos. it ana is. Trains make immediate connections at At lanta for Montgomery. Mobile. New Orleans. Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis, Macon, Florida. For Tickets, Sleepers, etc., apply to THOS. D. MEARE8, Gen'l Aeent. Wllmlneton. N. C. E. ST. JOHN, v ice President and General Manager. H. W. B. GLOVER, Traffic Manager. V. E. McBEE. Gen'l Superintendent. T. J. ANDERSON, Gen'l Pass. Agent. General Offices Portsmouth Va. je 10 tf Cape Fear & Yadkin Va lley R y JOHN GILL, RscnvXR. Condensed Schedule. ' Iu Efiect May 26th, 160S. NORTH BOUND. Daily. Leave Wilmington Arrive Fayette vi lie Leave Fayette ville 4.. A. M. 10 55 l" M. 11 C8 ' 11 12 12 32 P. 2 29 ' 3 00 -3 10 3 58 ' 4 29 ' 4 57 6 25 ' Lave i ayettevuie junction. Leave Sanford. M. Leave Climax Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro Leave Stokesdale Leave Walnut Cove Leave Rural Hall Arrive Mt. Airy SOUTH BOUND. I No. 1 Daily. 8 15 A 1 Leave Mt. Airy Leave Rural Hall Leave Walnut Cove Leave tokesdale 10 04 10 33 " 11 06 " 11 55 " 12 13 P. 1 12 43 " Arrive Greensboro ... Leave Greensboro Leave Climax Leave Sanford 2 85 -8 50 " 3 63 " 4 05 " 7 10 " Leave Fayetteville Junction . Arrive Fayetteville Leave Fayetteville Arrive Wilmington NORTH BOUND No. 4. Daily Leave Bennettsville Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Leave Red Springs Leave Hope Mills Arrive Fayetteville 8 00 A. 9 03 ' 9 07 ' 9 35 10 80 ' 10 4 ' M SOUTH BOUND. No. 3. Daily. Leave Fayetteville Leave Hbne Mills Leave Red Springs Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton j Arrive Bennettsville . 4 33 P . 4 52 .! 5 35 . ! 6 09 .! 6 15 .i 7 15 M. I No 16. I Mixed j Daily Ex i Sunday. 6 40 A. M, 8 .30 " 9 17 ' 9 35 " !11 07 " 111 55 " NORTH BOUND Leave Ramseur Leave Climax Arrive Greensboro. Leave Greensboro. . Leave Stokesdale . . . Arrive Madison No. 15. Mixed Dally Ex Sunday 1230 P. M 1 15 " 2 30 " 3 00 " 3 50 " 5 30 " SOUTH BOUND. Leave Madison Leave Stokesdale. . Arrjve Greensboro -Leave Greensboro , Leave Climax Arrive Ramseur CONNECTIONS At Fayetteville with the Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red oprings with the Red Springs and Bowmore Line, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad at Greensboro with" the Southern Rail way Company, at Walnut Cove with the Nor folk and Western Railway. u U L.I.1..V.1 ,-1 IT 11.11 1111. uca WIU U 1111 J. W. ITK I, W. hi. A V l.E. GenT Manager. Gen'l Pass. Agent, my 27 tf Tbe Clyde Steamship Go. NEW YORK, WILMINGTON, N. C. AND Georgetown, S. C. Lines. New York for WUaUDgton, BENEFACTOR CROATAN .. Saturday, June 4th . . .Saturday, June nth for New York. , . . Saturday, June 4th Wilmington CROATAN BENEFACTOR Saturday, June llth Wilmington for Georgetown, S. C. CROATAN Tuesday, May 13 BENEFACTOR Tuesday, June 7 ssrrhroneh Bills Ladlne and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. Q. 8MALLBONES, Sunt.' Wilmington, N. C. THEO. G. EGER. T. M., Bowling Green, N. Y. WM. P. CLYDE a CO., General Agents, uowiing Green i. y my sa ti MAXTON BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Maxton N C. DIRECTORS: J. D. CROOM,! Maxton.! ED. moras, Maxton. J. B. SELLERS, Maxton. 3. B. PATTERSON, Maxton R. W. LIVERMORE, Pates. WM. H. BERNARD, Wilmington. E. F. McRAE. Raemont .. . . , - " - - ' ; The attention of Investors In Wllmlneton Is called to the fact that the average nrofita of the Six Series of Stock now In force in this Associa tion have been about Eleven Per Cent. Initiation Fee. SB cent ner Share. Subscriptions to Stock navable in weekly In stalments of 25 cents per Share, l tta The management is prudent and economical, as is shown by the fact that the Association has sustained no losses, and its annual expenses. In cluding taxes, are only about Two Hundred Dol lars. J. D. croom, Fresiaent. W. B HARKER, SecretarT. lanl tf ATLANTIC 00A8T LINE Schedule Id BSTee May 32, 188 DEPARTIRK KROM WILMlMiToN NORTH BOIISn DAILY No. 48 Passenger- Due Magnolia lo 0 9.3C a. in.. Warsaw 11.14 a. m . OoldsNn A. M. 12:03 a. m., Wilson 12:49 p. m tUntVy Mount 1:80 p. in., Tarboro S:S1 p. m , Weldon 8.35 p. m Petersburg 5.84 p. iu . Richmond 0:40 p. in . Norfolk 5.65 p. in . Washington 11:80 p. m., Baltimore I:im a. in.. Philadelphia 3:50 a. in . New York 6:58 a. m., tBoston 8:00 p. m. DAILY No. 40 Passenger Due Magnolia 8:6ft. T.1S p. m., Warsaw 9:10 p. m., Goidsboro P. M. 10:10 p. m., Wilson 11.08 p. m , ' Tarbori 6:45 a. m . Rocky Mount 11:67 p. m., Weldon 1:48 a. m., tNorfolk 10:16 a. ni , Petersburg 8:14 a m.. Richmond 4 am., Washington 7:41 a. m. BaltlmoreSIS a. m.. Philadelphia 11:35 a. m.. New York 3.03 p. m., Boston 9:00 p. m. DAILY No. 60 Passenger -Due Jacksonville except 4:18 p. m., Newbern 5:40 1. m. Sunday 2.25 P. M. 80UTH BOUND. DAILY No. 55 Passenger-- Due Lake Wacra 3.45 maw 4:68 p. m., Chad bourn 6:38. p. m P. M. Marlon 6:84 p. m., Florence 7:16 p. in Sumter 9:83 p. m., Columbia 10:60 p. m . Denmark 6:13 a. m., Augusta 7:66 a. m.. Macon 11:15 a. m, Atlanta 12:35 p. m . Charleston 10:60 p. m,. Havannali 1:60 a m Jacksonville 7:80 a.' m . gt. Ac gustine 10:30 a. m., Tampa 6:06 p. m. ABBIALS AT WILMINGTON FBOM THE NORTH. DAILY No. 49-Passenger Leave tBoston 1 :0. 5.40 p. m., New York 9:00 p. m., Philadel P. M. phla 12:06 a m.. Baltimore 3:60 a. m.. Washington 4:80 a m., Richmond 9:or, a m., Petersburg 10:00 a. m., Norfolk 9:10 a. m, Weldon 11:60 a. in . Tarbon 13:29 p. m.. Rocky Mount i:iop. m Wilson 2:90 p. m., Goldsboro 3:06 p. m , Warsaw 2:59 p. m., Magnolia 4.1t p. m. DAILY No. 41 Passenger Leave Boston 12 9.SO night. New York 9:80 a. in . Phlladcl A. M. phla 12:09 p. m., Baltimore 3:86 p. m., Washington 8:46 p. m., Richmond 7:80 p. m., Petersburg 8:12 p. m , tNorfolk 2:30 p. m , Weldon 9:48 p. m., tTarboro 6:00 p m.. Rocky Mount 6:40 a. m. Leave Wilson 6:22 a m , Goldsboro 7:01 a. m Warsaw 7 58 a. m , Magnolia 8:05 a. m. DAILY No. 51 Passenger Leave Newbern except 9:00 a m.. Jacksonville 10:30 a ni. Sunday 12.15 P. M. FROM THE SOUTH. DAILY No. 54 Passenger -Leave Tampa 8:10 12.20 a. m., Sanford 8:07 p. m., Jacksonville P. M 8:00 p. m.. Savannah 1:45 a. m.. Charles ton 6:38 a. m , Columbia 5.45 a in At lanta7:50a. m., Macon 9:00 a in , An gimta 2:80 p. m., Denmark 4:17 p. m , Sumter 6:06a. m . Florence (!:55 a m , Marlon 9:34 a. m..' Chadboiirn 10 3ti m in.. Lake Waccamaw 11:09 p ui tDally except Sunday. Trains on the St otland N- k lirancli Road leave Weldon 4:15 p. m., Halifax 4:30 p. ni ; ui -rive Scotland Neck 5:20 p. m., Greenville 6:67 p. m.,Kinston 7:5S p. m. Returning, leaven Kin ston 7:50 a. m., Greenville 8:52 a ni.; arriving Halifax at H:i8a m., Weldon 11:83 a. m. Dally except Snndav. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wanning ton 8:20 a. m. and 2:30 p. m.: arrive Parmele 910 a m. and 4:00 p. m.; returning leaves Pannelv .i m. and 6.80 p. m . arrives Waahlngton ll:00a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Daily except Kimllsy Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, dally except Son day, 5:30 p. m.; Sunday. 4:15 p. m; arrived Ply mouth 7:40 p, m. and 6:10 p. m. Ketunilni:. leaves Plymouth dally except Sunday, 7:50a. ni. and Sunday 9:00 a. m.; arrive Tarboro 10:05 a. m. and 11 :00 a. in Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Gold boro, N. C, daily except Sunday, 7:10 a. in ; ar rive SmlthHeld, N. C, 8:80 a. m. Returnine leaves Smlthfled 9:00 a. m.; arrive Goldnhoro 10:25 a. m Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 4.30 p. m.; arrives Nashville 5.09 p. m . bprltig Hope 5.30 p. m. Returning, leaves Spring IIojn 8.00 a. m., Nashville 8.35 a. m.; arrive Rocky Mount 9.05 a. m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leave Warsaw for Clinton, dally except Sunday, at 8.10a m. anil 4.15 p. m. Returning, leave Clinton at 7.00 a. ni. and 10.00 p. m. Florence Railroad leave 1'ee Dee 9.00 a. m . arrive Latta 9.24 a. m , Dillon 9.35 a: m , Row land 9.50 a. m. Returning, leaven Rowland 6.00 it. m.; arrives Dillon 6.80 p. m , Latta 6.35 p. nu Pee Dee 7.00 p. m., daily. Trains on Conway Branch leave Hub at 0:25 a. m., Chadbourn 10:43 a. m.; arrive Conway 12:40 p. m.; leave Conway 2:46 p. m, Chad bourn 5:30 p. 111 : arrive Hub 6:10 p.m. Dally axrepl Sunday. Central of South Carolina Railroad leave Sum ter 6:05 p. m., Manning 6:86 p. to.; arrive Lane'n 7:13 p. m.; leave Lane s 8:84 a. m., Manning 9:08 a. m.: arrive Sumter 9:87 a. m. Dally. Georgetown and Western Railroad leave Lane's 9:30 a. m., 7:40 p.m.; arrive Georgetown 12:00 m , 9:00p. m.; leave Georgetown 7:00 a. m.; 3:30 p.m.; arrive Lane's 8:25 a m.; 6:66 p. m Dally except Sunday. Trains on Cheraw and Darlington Railroad leave Florence dally except Sunday at 8:45 a. m. . arrive Darlington 9:18 a. m., Cheraw 10:30 a. m., Wadesboro 2:25 p. m. ; leave Florence dally except Sunday at 8:26p. m ; arrive Darlington 8.50 p. m , Hartsvllle p. m., Bennettnville 9:46 p. m., Gibson 10:10 p m. Leave Florence Sunday only 8.50 a. m., arrive Darlington 9.80 a. m. Leave Gibson. dally except Sunday at 6:36 a. m.. Bennettsville 6:49 a. in : arrive Darlington 7:40 a.m. Leave Darlington 7:46 a. in : arrive Florence 8:10 a. m. Leave Wadesboro dally ex cept Sunday 3:00 p. rn . Cheraw 6:16 p. in . Hartsvllle 2:15 a. m., Darlington 6.39 a. m.; arrive Florence 7:00 p. m. Leave Darlington Sunday only 7.50 a. m., arrive Florence 8.15 a. m. Wilson and Fayetteville Branch leave Wilson 2:17 p. m, 11:13 p. m ; arrive Selma 2.50 p. m., 11:58 p. m , Smlthfleld 3:03 p m, Dunn 8:60. p. m.. Fayetteville 4:86 p. m., 1:07 a. m., Rowland 6:00 p. m. ; returning leave Rowland 9.50 a m. Fayetteville 11:10 p. m., 10:35 p. m., Dunn 11:60 p. m., Smlthfleld 12:28 p. m , Selma 12:85 p. m. and 1:44 p. m., arrive Wilson 1:17 p. m., 12:19 a. m Manchester & Augusta Railroad trains leave Sumter 4:29 a. m., Creston 8:17 a. m.; arrive Denmark 6:12 a. m. Returning leave Denmark 4:17 p. m., Creston 5:18 p.m., Sumter 6:33 p. m. Dally. Pregnallu Branch train leaves Creston 5:45 a. m.; arrive Pregnane 9:15 a. m. Returning, leaves Pregnalls 10:00 a. m.; arrives Creston 8:50 p.m. Daily except Sunday. Blshqpville Branch tialns leave Elliot 11:10 a. m. and 7:30 n. in : arrive Lucknow 1:00 D. ra and 8:80 pf m. Returning, leave Lucknow 6:05 a. m. and 3:00 p. m.; arrive Elliot 8:25 a. m. ami 3:80 p. m. Tuauy except sunaay. -ounaay oniy . H. M. EMERSON. Gen'l Passenger AgenL J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON Traffic Manager my 33 tf Atlantic and Norm Carolina Railroad Time Table No. 3. To Take Effect Sunday, Nov. 28, 1897, at 18 M. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. S 4 Pass'gr Trains Pass'g'r Trains STATIONS mj Arrive Leave Arrive Laava J P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. 8 40 Goldsboro 11 06 4 S3 Klnston 10 IS 6 85 5 46 Newbern 8 57 9 10 6 67 7 08 MoreheadClty.. 7 43 7 47 P. M. PM. A. M. A. M. 1 s' ' Train 4 connects with W. a W. train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.86 A. M.. and with Southern Railway train West, leaving Goldsboro 2.00 p. m.. and with W. a N. at Newbern for Wilmington and Intermediate points. Train 8 connects with Southern Railway train, arriving at Goldsboro 8.60 P. M., and with W. ft W. train from the North at AOS P. M. No. 1 train 'also connects with W. a H. for Wilmington and Intermediate points. an 1 tf B. L. 1 1 L.U HUp-L Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent care of tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Cham ber Iain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects permanent core. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. CauVs Condition Po horses are the best tonic, bloc and vermifuge. Price, 25 cent For sale by R. R febl tf , i,r xs: TOUTS for It bnrifler fejldby BDuSit 1. I

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