..in--- ZOnaraateed Booa-FIde. Everv-Davi Y T 1 . " ' . - ... - J Circniattoa LarrerTaaa- That NING Of Aiy Other Dally Nei S.OOZ paper - Pabli&hed ' la 8.S0 I.SSX 1.00 1 Wumlartoa. : O LDEST DAILY HKWIPAPXBi Deliver te erlare la tkro IN THB STATS.-. Ctlr at 41 real e per Meal a. T VOL. LXn: NO. 119. W II .l 1 Nl-r I I IN. N I ' IS 1 l 1 JA Y A i M 7. IHyM. 5 :; lnn A TTT : ; ; v ruM, n ii ii h i i m v t I - - 1 ' '.I I awe aiwui - i ' ' L: : - - I TO THJPUBUC. rrienda of THB MORNTNG STAR will do u a favor by forming as of avny failure on the part of mewedealera, or newsbeT on railroad train,' to moot the public demand for eopios of this paper. ".' OUTLINES. A dispatch from Madrid says the Spanish reply to the United States accepting the peace conditions has been completed, and is approved by tiie Queen Regent- CoL San Mar- the Spanish commander who evacuated Ponce, is reported to have Ven courtmartialed and shotand Col. Vaig, who e vacua ted Guaaica, com muted suicide. The American army is moving on San Juan in three columns; the Spaniards have been ad vised to surrender by the foreign con suls, but are resolved to fight. Gen. Miles reports; the capture of (ruayamo after a skirmish in which three men were wounded. Strained relations between Great Britain and Russia over the Eastern question .-arises activity in British naval circles. It is stated that the Spanish re ply to President McKinley will give no occasion for a further response from the United States. Gen. Shafter reports the total sick in the army at Santiago, Aug. 6th, 3,697; fever cases, 2,535.- - New England cotton mills have abandoned the move ment to curtail production and will continue in operation. A severe earthquake shock occurred at Messina, Sicily. Admiral Cervera declines an invitation from the people of Greensbora, Ala., to visit Lieut. Hob son's home X. Y. markets: Money on call steady at lli percent, last loan being at 1J per cent; cotton easy, middling uplands 6 l-16c; flour strong and held at higher figures fwheat spot strong No. 2 red 79c; corn spot s,tront:;No. :.' 39Jc; rosin quiet: spirits turpentine steadv at 24 fc. WEATHER REPORT. J. 8. Dcp't or AaaicuLTVRK, W.ittitp Rttptt WlLMINOTON, N. C. Aug. 5. Temperature : 8 A.M..76 deg. ; 8 P. M.. 73 deg. ; maximum. 87 dg. ; miniuau:n. 72 deg. ; mean, 80 deg.; Rainfall for thedayv.16, riinfall since 1st of the month up to date, 0.66 inches. - j ; Stage of water in .the river at Fy ef.eville at 8 A. M.. 5 feet cottow REQiox fetrmrrTN. For the twenty-four hours ended at 8 A. M. yesterday: i Heavy showers occurred in the lower Mississippi valley, and western Texas, and lighter showers in all other dis tr ts excepting Memphis. The tem perature changes have been slight The following heavy precipitation (in inches) was reported: Griffin, . Ga., 2.0O; New Orleans. La., 1.06; Port Eads. La., 1.20; Mobile, Ala., 1.04; Abilene, Tex., L12. ; FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. For North Carolina Partly cloudy weather; southerly winds. Port Almanac -Arte. 7, Sun Rises 5.11 A. M. Sun Sets 7.00 P.r M. Day s Length 13 H. 49 M. High Water at South port 11.14 A. M. High Water. Wilmington 1.44 P. M. It is s;iid that Gen. Shatter is not :i irooil penman. Bnt he penned Toral's crowd pretty effectually, u'.. the same. Nel rtikii varied the monotony iaat Tu. ?,l;ivjby having a midsummer sriort -f.iii. This kind of diversion is 'vh:i;ir;4tiug, if not as exciting as the - iinmer cvclonei. ' The macademized road from Ponce S in Juan, in Porto Rico, is a fine pie e of work and is said to have 'on $25,000, 000. -Gen. Miles is taking it in his excursion to San Juan. : - Ex-Gov. Hogg, of Texas, attires himself in a $4.50 suit of clqtb.es, and he is a pretty big Hogg, too. In clothes financiering he beats Kissell Sage, who thought he made a rrand stroke when he slid into a . ? ? suit. Amber shows within it about 200 kinds of embalmed things, such as insects, reptiles, fruits &c. A col tion in England, shows, among tiler things, a perfect lizard, eight niches long. The collection is .i'iied at half a million dollars. Mr. Lee, of Madison,' Wisconsin, 'reposes a little canoe excursion to Brazil. He has started, going by ay of rivers down the Mississippi, where he willtake the Gulf and pa. Idle and sail alongsHofe to his leitiaation, provided he doesn't .tip "er or get tired of the job. ! President Kruger may not put on much style, but he is thrifty enough t o have accumulated about $5,000,000 of lucre, and sharp enongh to hold on to his job which pays hini $40,000 a year. For a man of moderate indul gences, , with a wife' who hustles around-and does most of her house work, the old fellow jean manage to worry along without fear of the poor house. . ."' ' -, From Monday morninjr till Satur day night visit Polvogt'a for baxgains it is their Bargain Week. ' t The weak point in the Fusion campaign this year ia the. ,f act that the masses of the Populist party x:an no longer be i deceived i by ; their leaders. They!. see now that one more step will land them perma nently in the Bepublican party, whjehjs composed, in North : Caro lina, of 120,000 negroes and 30,000 white men. The best element of the Populists will stand this degrada tion no longer. 1 ; ' . i The Atlanta Journal remarks that Atlanta is a great' nursery for news paper men. luring the past eigh teen months about a dozen of them have, left the nursery, and eone to New York, which indicates that the ; young newspaper men either do not appreciate Atlanta or that Atlanta does not appreciate them. Probably the latter. "1 A Washington dispatch to the New York Herald says there will be work for the volunteers, andk-that 75,000 of them will be needed for garrison duty in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines. Croker calls his trip to Europe his "outing.". According to reports he is out about $500,000, blowed in' on the English races. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . Notice To liquor dealers. W. S. W. Dating stamps. ; Salem Academy and College, J. W. Murchison Hardware. C. W. Polvogt Bargain week. , Vollera & Hashagen Provisions. Masonic-rMeeting St John's Lodge. W. B. Cooper Paregoric, quinine. S. W. Sanders Advertising scheme. BU 813188 LOOAUL R. B. Moore Prosperous men. W. P. Oldham & Co. Just received. LOCAL DOTS: oeven ceil telephones were burned out in Wilmington during the thunder storm Friday. During the past week only two marriage licenses were issued; one each for white and colored. Mr. J. J. Crow and family and Misses Eva Shute and Odessa Browne, of Monroe, are spending a few weeks at Wrightsville Sound. The regular, bona fide circu lation of The Morning Star is much larger than that of any other daily newspaper published in Wilmington. Mr. JS. h. "Wallace, late tele graph operator at Fort Caswell, has accepted a position in the Wilming ton office of the Western Union Com pany.1 1 ' Dr. D. B. McNeill, chairman of the Democratic Executive Com mittee of Brunswick county, calls the County Convention for Thursday, Sept 1st, at 13 M. Disorderly conduct was the cnarge against Joe Mccariane, yas- terday at Justice G. W. Bornemann's tribunal. ' Judgment was suspended upon the payment of costs in this and in another case. Deputy Sheriff J. P. Flynn arrestea earn Mars nail yesterday, a colored man with an ugly record. He is charged with attacking his wife with an axe. The trial will be before Justice Jno. J. Fowler. Dr. Mask, the colored phy sician at Fort Macon, returned home yesterday, having resigned his position as assistant surgeon sometime ago. One colored corporal and one ' private came with him on a short furlough. Another robbery was perpe trated at Mr. C. W. Pol vogt's resi dence Friday night This .time a false key was used and the pantry was ransacked. The Star has already had an account of the first robbery at Mr. Polvogt's. . M - The Concord excursionists went to sea yesterday on the Wilmington, leaving here at 9:15 and returning at 5:00 The ocean- was unusually smooth and few, if any, of the pas sengers got sea-sick. The excursion left for home at 6 P. M. A colored . excursion left here yesterday for Charleston, 84 C, in cars attached to the regular train leav here at 3.41 P. M. There were - about seventy-five excursionists, who will leave Charleston returning to Wil mington early Tuesday morning. The next meeting to be held by the New Hanover County Com missioners will, as recently announced in- these columns, be for the purpose o? hearing complaints and changing tax valuations where property has been improved or suffered material decrease in value. The meeting is to be held August 15th. .- J !. On account of sickness in the neighborhood the bell at the First Baptist Church will not be rung to-' dayrbTrt "service will be held as usual. Reyi F. H. Martin, of Salem, Va., who is to conduct services this; morn ing, "arrived yesterday and is stopping with Dr. A. M. Baldwin, ,No S, South Fourth street -'.- , ! ' Three cases were docketed for trial yesterday before Mayor pro tern Hewlett Dick Richardson, colored, was 'convicted "of disorderly conduct and .' resisting officers and was fined $10 and costs. , W. J. Smith, colored, was fined $10 and costs for drunken ness. i Owen ? Stubhay colored, was called and failed to answer the charge of -, keeping an untagged : dog. The case will be heard Monday ' Bargain Week, beginning Monday, at The a W Polvogt Co. :- t A SUMMER RESORT. Another Week of Entertainment for Visitors and Wilraing- " ; j f tonians. - MANY ENJOYABLE EVENTS. Boating Parties en the River Entertain ments at the Seaside Hops at ; Carolina and Ocean View :. ' ' : Beaches. I ''. Another week of Wilmington's 1898 season as a Summer resort has taken its place in a most pleasantly remenv bered galaxy of similar periods in her social history, and there, have been a number of notable events- to distin guish the week" for pleasurableness, both for visitors and Wflmmgtonians. Last Monday night was made notable as the! evening on which the Organ Fuhd I Societv of Grace Methodist Church entertained at the cozy home of Mrl sad -Mrs. W. H. Shaw in honor of their first anniversary as a society, and it might well be said also in honor of the splendid progress they have made in accomplishing the purpose of their organization, for they have accu mulated more than $1,500. and ac corded the congregation delightful and novel entertainments every month of the year. Another pleasantly remembered event on this evening was the concert by the class of children from the - Ma Bnmc f jmnanafiTO at uxiuru. iueu i rf-v 1 Til there was the enjoyable illustrated lee ture on the Holv Land by Rev. J. T, Betts. 1 One of the most enjoyable events of the whole week was the delightful boating party Wednesday evening on board the sailboat Nautilus, given by Miss Annie Kidder and Mr.- C D. Maffltt complimentary to four of Wilmington's most charming and DODular4 visitors. Miss Grimes, of Grimesland; Miss Latta, of Ra leigh: Miss Settle, of Greensboro; and Miss Tayloe. of Washington. On the same evening Hanover Seaside Club, on Carolina Beach, gave a suc cessful hop. . . - Miss Anita DeRosset has on several occasions entertained Wilmington a society folk most delightfully and her sailing party on board the rfct- vassa Thursday evening and night was in every way well up to the stan dard of pleasurableness herteofore at tained. This event was complimentary to Miss Grimes, of Grimesland, and Miss Latta, of Raleigh. On the same eveninc. auite a company of Wil mington's most popular young people and visitors shared the; pleasures of a wagonette party which as a social success was the peer of any that has been given this season. It was j by Miss Eliza Metts, complimentary to her friends, who were driven from the city to the cozy Metts' cottage on Wrightsville sound, where a delight ful and unique entertainment was provided by the charming and accom plished hostess. It was past midnight when the guests returned to the city. Friday evening was distinguished by several notable functions. There were the hops at Carolina and Atlantic Clubs on Ocean. View beach, and the delightful complimentary reception in town by Miss Linnie Alderman in honor of Miss Herring, of Clinton. Each of them was in every way suc cessful. A club event, which was highly successful, was that by Sedge ley Hall Club, Carolina Beach, Thurs day night Last night there was the regular weekly hop at Seashore Hotel. It was well attended, and every one seems to have greatly enjoyed it There are still quite a number of visitors in the city. Three of our most popular visitors are ! now on Mason boro Sound. They are Miss Hanes, Of Winston, and. Miss Gunning and Miss Neville, of Ohio;! who are there as they were here, the guests of Miss Mary Lil McKoy, Jhe family having moved there early last week. Mrs. E. A. Anderson, wife of Lieut Anderson of the cruiser Marblehead, is also there, the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. McKoy. Anumber of pleasant features of entertainments are being planned for the coming week and it is probable that the second week! in August will be well up to the social record of its predecessors. - . ! T SHOT AT SQUIRE BORNEMANN. Dangerously Insane Negro With Winchester Rifle SOU at Large. Squire G. W.- Bornemann narrowly escaped being shot last night a little before : 12 o'clock by an evidently! insane negro by the name of Charles JXLCa.JUSlr, wao uvea uu uuus street . r . . , , i ri a between Eighth . and Ninth, It seems that McAllister came upon the street and fired upon a passing negro viUinnt nrovncktionJ nsinff a Win- whose store is nearby, wen out to arrest McAllister,: and he levelled his run noon ; Mm, fired twice and or- dered 'the 'Squire j back "to his store, j Mr. Bornemann- ran back and closed one door of his store, but before he could close the other the; negro dashed up and fired another shot, the ball passing- through the Squire's pants below the kneel The man then ran up Queen street 1 The police had suspected that McAllister was crazy during the day but he had eluded ; them. Thev were notified of the shoot ing' and several were on a special look-! out aunnr ino wmmnunr oi uigiuxubi At 4 o'clock this morn in sr Jae was still at large with a six teen-shot Winches-; ter in his nossession. There seems to be no doubt that he is a dangerous lunatic, . -t : ' ' "'! , ' - ; a McAllister has been under medical treatment several days with fever. T atkr McAlister was found in his house a little past 4 o'clock and lodged in iaiL Ue is apparenuy as -crazy as a March hare." PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS.; I Str. Ji Wr- Freeman returned to the eity yesterday." - : ; y Miss Mary Nash returned home frora Tarborq yesterday , ; j -4 MrjN. Frederick, of Lilesvme; was a Star visitor yesterday. '.. Mrj E. L. McCormick; ot Maxton, was here yesterday. - f Ex-Congressman B. F. Grady of Wallace was in the city yesterday, Master Julian Sontherland left yesterday for a pleasure trip to New York.: .'r. .! r 'f v,' '.. -4 Miss Nora Styron, of Durham, arrived vesterdav to visit Mrs. ' S. W, Sanders, j . , : - ; ' ';' Mr.! W. H. Badon . returned yesterday after v spending; amonth in Charlotte. ;' j - "" f Miss Etta FurplesS left yester day ito visit friends and relatives at Soutbport. i ; Misses Anne Taylor and Louise Oorhett left vesterdav for Faison to visit friends. ; Miss Mamie Gullev, of Golds- boro, is spending several days at Sea shore Hotel. . I ' -i- .Miss Clyde Ellington, of Ra Ieigh, arrived yesterday to visit Miss Leila McQirt , i - Col, Murdoch MacRae, of Rae--mont was among the visitors to the city yesterday. ; - Miss Marian Nettles, of Flo rence, S. C., is visiting Misses Annie and Emma Clowe. ' v Mr. J. A. Mattis, of the U. S, S. Nantucket, arrived yesterday on a seventy-two hours furlough. Miss Mattie Rigsbee, of Dur ham, arrived yesterday to visit her sister, Mrs. C. L Haywood. r Mrs. C. G. Terry and little son, Charlie -Love, are visiting relatives and friends in Rockingham. - Mr.! Aaron Smith and Mrs. T. T. Smith, of Charlotte, went to Wrightsville beach yesterday.- ? Miss Lilly ,. "Walker returned home yesterday after spending some time delightfully at Wadesboro. ' Mrs! H. F. Clowe has returned from a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs. James EL Claspy. in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. ; Jno. D. Bellamy, .Demo-. cratic candidate for Congress, returned yesterday from Columbus county. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Norwood, of Greenville, S. C, arrived yesterday to visit their son, Mr. J. W. Norwood, Mr. jW, C. Peterson,, of tjie firm of PetersoW & Riilfs, returned yester; day from a sojourn of several days at Cleveland Springs. Mrs" J. B. Mercer and children will leave to-morrow to spend a while at Mrs. Mercer's former home: Albe marle, Stanly county. The Stab had a very pleasant visitor last evening in the person of Dr. D. B. McNeill, Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Brunswick county. , !Mrsi Lucius L. Bultman and two children, of Columbia, S. C, came yesterday and are visiting Mrs, Bultman's sister-in-law, Mrs. Jno..-J. Fowler, j Miss Marv Coleman, of Mont gomery, Ala., and miss Annie ateeie, of Rockingham, were among yester day's arrivals. They are the guests of Miss Keith Covington Mrs, li. J. bpinks and son, Master John Spinks, and Master E. Hearne, of Albemarle, and Miss Coch rane, or unariotte, are visiung ine family of Mr. J. B. Mercer. j Mr. W. H. Williams, of Char lotte, who has been here the past week representing the Banker's Guar antee Life Assurance Co., of Atlanta, left the city yesterday afternoon. ' Mr. Levi McMillan, . formerly of our city but now of Baltimore, is here spending his vacation, and while here has decorated the windows of the C. W. Polvogt Co., for their bar gain week sale. Mr. F. B. Arendell, of the News and Observer's flying squadron, alighted in our city Thursday evening and has been having a little recreation, seaside and otherwise. The Stab was glad to have a call from him. Miss! Mary Johnson, Miss Rosa Mund, Miss Myrtle and Miss Annie Young and Mesdames W. A. Wilkin son . and R. F. Coble were among the ladies registered at Mrs. Mayo s popu lar Hotel on Ocean Viewrl beach yes terday.. . .j Mrs. Jno. J. Beasley, of Mon roe, arrived in the city yesterday to visit her brother, Mr. B. S. Montford, on Masonboro Sound. She was act companied by her son, Mr. Rowland F. Beasley, the talented editor of the Monroe Journal. Col. K. M. Murchison and family left New j York Friday for Asheville. They will be there for about two weeks at the Battery Park Hotel,; About the middle of the saonth they will go to Col. Murchison's .coun try place further West , 1- Mrs. Gaston Thurston and her sister Miss Maie Crawford," a charm ing and popular young lady of Ra leigh, i arrived in the city yesterday and will spend some time on Ocean view Beachl,; the' guests of their brother, Mr. R..E. Crawford, the popular manager of Seashore Hotel. tKir : . ..- ; Read The C. W. Polvogt Oo.a aL in this issue Bargain Week. t ; Tvr The C "W. Polvogt Co. for bargains dunng this weeJt. - : 5 vi :. T Barjrain Week, beginning Monday. at The C. W, Polvogt Co. t DEATH OF MR. 3. 0. B0WDEN. One of Wilmington's Oldest and Most I Highly Respected Citizens, After a Life of Usefulness and Honor. Wilmington lost one of its oldest and most highly respected citizens yesterday in the death of Mr. James Owen Bowden, who entee into rest;.' at twenty! minutes past one o'lclockj For nine days he had been critically ill and for the. last two or three days his death would! not have been a surprise at any moment Six years ago he was accidentaly burned ad since then he has been aonfined to his home. . J , ' jMr Bowden was in the eighty-third year of his age, having been born On August 24, 1815. His .childhood, youth . and early manhood were , spent at the place of his birth which was " near' Rocky Point i n what was then known' as New Hanover county. Oft February 29,. 1844, he was married a Miss Sarah A. Collins. In 1855 he me' to Wilmington to live and en gaged in the business of turpentine dijstilling.his stills being located where the Wilmington Compress now stands. Later - he moved his business across the river, behind Point Peter. He was burned out here, alter which be followed the business of a naval stores inspector until five or six years since when he retired, partly from his ad vancing age and partly from; injuries received in an accident' already re ferred to. Mr. Bowden joined the Second Pres byterian Church twenty years ago, when Rev. C. M. Payne was the pas tor, and until his death was a beloved member of - that church (afterwards St.; Andrews). He was an honorary member of St John's Lodge, A. F. & A M., and was probably the oldest Master' Mason in! the city, having been a Mason over fifty years. St John's Lodge is called out to attend the funeral. ' Surviving the deceased are his wife and two sons, Messrs. H. M. and L. Tate Bowden, and one daughter, Mrs. Martha King: He had nine grand children and eight j great grandchil-1 : dren. and some years ago many of these were gathered about him on the occasion of the celebration of his golden wedding. j The funeral will i take place at 5 o'clock this afternoon from St An drew's Presbyterian Church, and the interment will be made at Oakdale cemetery. It was first decided to have the funeral to-morrow morning, but afterwards it - was thought .best not to wait so long. Gardener's Offences Multiply. , weudie .Gardenerhci tnegro house- , " ' J '"1 " 1 Dreajter, unpruonea lor oreanuiK iuiu Mr. J..U. Watters residence, wastatcen from the county jail yesterday and carried before 'Squire Bunting to an swer the several .'additional charges, reported in yesterday's Star. He was put under an additional $100 bond for breaking into Capt R. B. Clowe's house. The hearing of the other cases was deferred to some future date. The dress skirt referred to ; yesterday has been proven to be the property of Miss Kenan, who resides on Fifth street, between Campbell street and the rail road. Deputy Sheriff Flynn has since gotten hold of a day worsted tailor made No. 36 coat, which he has reason to believe has been stolen from some one by Gardener. The rightful owner can get the coat by identifying the property. ; Presntation of Gavel. The meeting of St John's Lodge No. 1, F. and A. Masons, on next Tuesday night will be an interesting occasion to the craftsmen of the city and to the members of St. John's Lodge especially, as Eugene! S. Martin, Esq., 'I will address the Lodge and present a gavel, the handle of which at one point is rapped with silver plate, upon which is inscribed the following: ''Made in the City of Jerusalem of the cedar bf Lebanon, by order of Rev. 1JH. Hoee, D. D., at the request of Brother John C. Stout, P. M., and pre sented by him to St John's Lodge No. 1, a. F. & A. M.,' August 9, 1898." This gavel is now in the possession ofiMr. Wm.iL Poisson, the secretary of the Lodge. . " Visitors Yesterday. Saturday excursionists were here in great abundance yesterday. The Caro lina Central hadr 240 on board, of whom eight were going to Morehead City; The rest were divided among Wilmington and the two beacheai All the (Atlantic Coast Line trams had good crowds and the Saturday tickets 04 the C. F. & Y. V; didn't go beg- gang either.. , - Beach Party Friday nignu A beach party that was greatly en joyed was given Friday night compli mentary to soma visiting young ladies. Those present were Miss Bendheim, of Alexandria, Ya.; Miss Hattie Stern- bercei , c l'hiladelphia: Misses Shm Missl JiiTlor: .llessrs. M. W. Jacobi, Jj L. '.Luiomon, Julius Taylor, X H. Weil 1 i. U. .C Bear. '' x - No mineral waters in the world is sunerior to that of Jackson springs Tni'xsofz-kn Tnonmni ' Nervous Prostration or Kidney; Blad der and Stomach troubles. - Read ad Tertiseinent in the StJLh - ; i j M New stock caroets arrived and on display at The C. W. Polvogt Oo.'s,-1 Barirain Week, beginning Monday, at The O. W. Polvogt Co. - iy 1 1 Bareain Week, beginning Monday; at The C. W. Polvogt Co. t TI BODY FOUND YESTERDAY. Rent (Jus of Ed. For, Colored, taken Watery Orave at Market Street Dock.! 'ir i hi- Tii negro Geo. McKoy, referred to i in vi terdayl ?s Stab as very probably drov ed in (he Cape Fear river at the Mai Jet street dock, was fished out of ther water bV Heiry Howell, colored yesterday morning about 9 :30 o'clock. HiAody was turned over to Coroner Jaco who, not deeming an inquest neoefcary instructed Evans, the . col pren undertaker, to inter the remains at 3 county's expense. - T-O story bf the mishap in falling mbO.the river Friday, uight was told in esteruay'a Star. Early yesterday mowung several colored men were engaged for. several hours dreging for their missing frieud which finally resulted in the finding of the body i told above. It was several feet under the a ter about 20 feet from the dock st street. ! McKoy was aboW .35 years old and has a mother and,- jter lljiu? here... TOBACCO SALE DAY. the Larfest Openings Ever Seen , ia Eastern Carolina. (Special IStar Correspondence.) f ' La jGRANQB, N. C, Aug. 5: : Yiierday was a big day at the to bacco warehouses here, being the open ing file day for this season. About thirty-two thousand pounds were sold andjgt prictes highly satisfactory to everjifarmer who sold. Thti highest' grades sold at 70 cents per und. The average was about 7 centner poundas the first sale is gen eral! v. of the! lower irrades for the most par For several seasons past La Gra)e has been an excellent tobacco maAf and! this season will be far ahe of all nrevious seasons Mr, J. KJi Abbott formerly of Danville. Va.M ?ias charge of the warehouses her He is a tobacconist of 21 years expeince, being at Danville a num ber wearsj which is the largest leaf toba jo market in the country. J SUNDAY SERVICES. Stl y Matthews : English Luther u Chui-ch, Fourth street above Bladen, RevJ! Q. D. Bernheim pastor. Morning service at 11 o'clock, no service a) nighjj: Sunday school at 9 :30 A. M. Ail seats free, and every person cor dially" invited. Sfc' Paul's Lutheran Church, Sixth Sndl irket streets, A. G. Voigt, D. D., p Lot English services this morn incr ,11 o'clock. . Sunday School at 4.30 M. 5 T.rw. Iveyt, D. D.j of Greensboro, IN. C,V one of the editors of the Chris iianfdvocate -will preach this morn ing Jand to-night at Grace M. E. j Chuljh. t . ,1 i j g tW Parti. I' A pleasant boating party on the Wilmington (was enjoyed by a number of bys and jrirls Friday night They left 7.30 and got back at about a qatier to ten. Ice cream and cake were served and the evening was thpwfcjrbly en joyed. The party, which wasjyider the chaperonage of Miss AddMeares, was composed as fol- lowst'f Misses Beth Daggett, Mary Wgin8, Sulsie Bell La Mott, Kate Taylor, Bessie Bridgers, Beulah Arm strooer. Theodora LeGrand; Messrs. Jos. ' Armsti ong, Willie Gordon, Eu geniWiggins, Strudwick Nash, Hy maq: hillips Paul Cantwell, Norwood OrreAP Willie James. W. A. Dunn. Fisfaiaf FroUcl Next Wednesday morning several genCemen trill leave here for the "RoiJra" equipped for. a two weeks' fishirg froIicL . They will be Messrs. Eugie Beery, E. O. Toomer and son. EdwtToomer, W. P. Toomer, and a -ccolftr They Will go down in a yawl in ttftir of a tug and they will also have 'sharpie and a skiff to fish in. Abundant supplies, including five or six hundred pounds of ice, will be carrie i. Tents for camping out are alrear in hand. They will be spread on ZeL's island. Festivpes Next Wednesday, Hacjver Seaside Club will make the cocaine Wednesday a red letter day aft Carolina Beach. The mem bers 'Vfill participate in various con tests fend : suitable prizes : will be awanO to the winners. The list of nrizesmas not been completed, but they 11 all be very desirable, especi ally a Winchester rifle that is to be given the best shot At night the festivities will close with Hanover's weekldance. Left for Colamhia. i Mrf M. YfanValkenberg, of Cbi cagoiwho : has been here the past month;! taking the Associated 'Press aervioin the itead of Mr. J. T. Runge, who! 'TUfl .been off on a vacation, left yestetiiay afternoon for Columbia, S. C, wh?re he vHll relieve the regular operatorj in the office of the State. Mr. Runge resumed his duties as press operator at the bffioe here last night ater a very pleasant month's recrea tional I; - ". i .-'! , -ht nstonLsalem Sentinel: Capt. A. C-liieed will probably move to Wilmilrton and engage in the furni ture. Ljisineas with his brother. "we nt ere a few days ago! to consider a proposition. CaptiSneed is. a good citizen 'and Wiostonli loss will be WUniington'sgain. He has sold his interest in the Star WWehouse to Measraj!Tise dtiWebstor. ::-- ' : . Baj'tins in Ivery department--Car-ita, Franks, Press Goods, ? Notions,, enta furnishings, etc at the C. W. Polvf JfCo. Bargain Week.-4 t Ba? jflin Week, beginning -I - t ting Monday; 4c jnau tt warn,. wvgiMm at Th C. W. Polvogt Co. 0nel :i r f "'j 'I M8''0 a 90 I BUSINESS LOCALS IN "THE MORNING STAR" I COST BUT A CfT A WORD. NO AD. FOB LESS 111 20s. :". - ; " : 1 1 HAVE YOU LOST ANYTHING? HAVE YOU FOUND ANYTHING? WANT TO SELL A HOUSE? WANT TO RENT A HOUSE? NEED A COOK? WANT A NURSE? WANT TO BORROW MONEY? , WANT TO LEND MONEY? WANT A SITUATION? WANT A BOOKKEEPER? WANT TO BUY OR SELL A COW OR HORSE? DO YOU WISH TO SELL A FARM? DO YOU WISH TO BUY A FARM? DO YOU WANT A WIFE? Do You Warit Anything? A Cent a Word is a Mere Trifle for An Advertisement. The Price is so low That You Can Afford to Detail Your Needs in Print, and Save Correspondence. Try "The Morning Star." Guaranteed Circulation Larger Than That of Any Other Daily Newspaper J , Published in Wilmington. Wants Wilmington Wheelmen. Mr. Bray, of Florence, S. C, is in the city trying to interest some of our cyclists in a big meet which will be held in his town August Clh. They have just completed a very excellent track and the prizes which are offered for the coming races are said to be very expensive. Mr. Bray ia very anxious to get some of our best wheel men, to go down. Those who can arrange to go are urged to report to him or to Mr, M. P. Taylor, Jr., on Mar ket street, at whose place he will b Monday. Knocked Down and Robbed. Yesterday morning about 8 o'clock Mr. William Melton, a well known fish, dealer, was knocked down and robbed of $3 at the Front street mar ket. The dastardly deed was com mitted by two negroes, whose iden tity is not known. Mr. Melton was not seriously hurt. He, of course, re ported the matter to the police, but the lack of any special clue leaves very little hope for the apprehension of the robbers. Left for Anrssta, Mr. W. Q. Sale, who for some time has been chief operator at the West ern Union Telegraph office, left yes terday afternoon for Augusta, Ga., to take a position with the Postal Tele graph Company. Ilia wife and child and Mrs. Sale's sister left yesterday for Lynchburg, Va., to visit relatives. Later they will join Mr. Sale in Augusta. ' Mr. Preston G. White, who takes Mr. Sale's place at the Produce Ex change, began work there Friday. Secretary of State Here. ' Dr. Cyrua Thompson, Secretary of State, arrived in the city f yesterday and spent several hours op Ocean View beach. He left last night for Raleigh. Dr. Thompson had been on a visit of several days to his old home in Onslow county and seemed to have had quite a pleasant visit . The regular, bona fids mail .cir culation of thc MoRsiwo Stab is larger than the mail circulation of all other Wilmington, Dailies combined. I DIED. BOWDIN In this city at 1 r. M. Smtnrtar. Aornst ft, 1888, JAMES OWEN BOWD&N. In th 83rd year or his ago. Funeral at4 P. M. to-3y, August TUi, from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Frtonda and acquaintances Inrlted to attend. Interment at Oakdale Cemetery. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE, LIQUOR DEALERS. An Important meeting wQl be held at Adrian Hall, Monday, Ancnet Sih. et : P.M. All membere reqneeted to auead. By order of toe Preeldat. taTll i O. W. LIN DEB. Secretary. ST. JOHN'S HALL ! WaJtMOTOS, V. C Arocet 7, 18W. A meetlns of Bt John's Lodge No. 1, le ealled fori this (Sunday) afternoon at 00 o'clock, for tbe Durnose bf atteodlnc the faneral of oar deonaeed brother. Jamee O. Bowdea. M est- bere of etoter LodRee and 1aiUng breUireo are ooraiauy tunua to ai attend. By order or w. m. WM. Jt. POtSSON, Seoretarr. an Tit i SALE M Academy and College. for nearly 100 tears tour" tnrtltntlon for the higher education of yonng women has occupied the Terr front ratik. ana wee nerer awre an. onjuy attenoea tnaa now. it le wm voir rided with a alghrade Ooilece Ootiree, but hu oinitrtii In all ot Ita arwclal er.batM Of Huslo, Art, Elocution, Commercial and lndaa trlal Studlea . We wul be pleaeed to eoad cata logue oq application. Txrm hglna S-pt to. auTtf j , aalem, horta CaiWoa Mid-Summer Clearing Sale Bargain Week! the C. W. Polvogt Co. Wo. 9 Ifortta Treat Street. We are rl to itl pr0t makl( tor ov w k. Beginning MONDAY, AUGUST 8, aol Ineug-nrat tmr Oraad Dealing and Pamln wws. t. own rvr fvtiirj : htnM HferH to . no Job I pnrrliaa4 et le nn tkx dollar: IxK we nave Jet ise lerrnuirj nJ And Hhr Too Much Stock or Odds and Ends in Every Department, end do not pt ot mm to crry or 1 wm ran hrtp II. Tt urt rm h Imi lha tn"t mnT-nl te out ht wry We Ubnw 1 1 Iv'-Mmi 4 l to aomir Umn Ummw vulvae era kltlmet end U ruu In prhM qiuuied are viiKily a rf pintd Terms Cash. Terms Cash. Provisions. D. S. Ribs, Plates, Shoulders, Hams, Lards. We carry large stocks, sell at Itofk Bottom ; Pricea and solicit i your orders. We are sole agents for tho Famous Brands Cigars. Renowns. Cuban Blossom. Topical Twist-Heads. If your jobber can't we will. furnish you. Yollers & Hashagen, WklMlt Oaly, jyetr Wntt Street. A. O. L. Paregoric and Quinine. lift Deiea Paregrte. 160 Oaaees Qmlaia. T8 Deaea Extraet Lenaea. 4 Deseat Caaenee Claaaaaeav. 48 Dosea Eaaeaee Vaallla, t Deaaa Peppermlat. Doata Caster Oil. tS Deaea Jaaaaiea ategfer. IS Deaea OedtVey'a CaWlaX 18 Deaea SeetaJr 8jrrJ ' W. B. Cooper, Wnolaeaie 9rnrmr, aaU wumlngv, O. .aaBeMaaaeaaeaeaeeaaeaeaMaeaMaeaweat FOB RENT. 1 Tae CajatweU Deaee, Mil autii aa4 Market rtaereecDai aaodei 1 roa tea giTea October lev Apr'f It U . 'etaer, : -I; -

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