Hflo Guaranteed Boaa-FMe, Every-Dayf TERMS Of. SUBSCRIPTION. . 1 1 Pr Circulation UirerTha Thai Of Any Other Daily News -S 1 n i rr nm X Oa T.ar, by Mall, ft.00 Z i Bis Konika. f 1.(01 paper Published in Wilmington. i Tbroo Wo.tks. t l.tf T Two Moatka. - 1.00 1 EWIIv.rweT to trrlra la taA, oLDET daiw newspafkbX City at Cnte fr Moata. IS THE STATE. WILMINGTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, AUGUST -.4098. WHOLE NO. 9,680 VOL.XXn. NO. 135. ' Star KG Hi r 1 i i y i -; The gElortring jltar. TO THE PUBLIC. Friend, of THE MORNING STAR will do ua a fTr by la forming a. of wy failure on Xhm part of newadealera, or newbcyi on railroad train., to moot the public demand for copies of thie paper. . OUTLINES. jr- iary Day and Senators Davis .JU ; rw an? members of the peace , vl ., SN, )ii: the remaining two mem i haw been selected by the Presi je, ? .iu i be announced Saturday. There are 210 cases of typhoid fere- in '' hospital atMontauk Point; e'evt-:: deaths yesterday. Gen. M:!f 1 -I keen directed to send home :'r:.;;: irto Rico all troops not actually i -uei! French fishing schooner on the (irand Banks run down and . . by the steamer Norge; sixteen : il. -owned; nine were saved. i;. ,i Admiral Schley has recovered Y...U his indisposition and returned to ill-- Brooklyn, his flagship. A i : aiy session of the. Supreme Lodge K. of 1 resulted on report of the fiance t-ommittee; election of officers "iv,. -deferred. The American an- :.-v:it:ou movement in Jamaica is s;!--udiug rapidly. The Madrid is disgusted at the hasty sur-rt-ua-r of the Spanish forces t-; Santiago after hearing stories ::; 'y returning soldiers. New York markets: Money on oail !ir:n at 1J3 per cnt., last loan :eiug at 2i per cent; cotton .iiei -middling uplands 5ic; flour fairly active for spring wheat patents; wheat spoi quiet ; No 2 red4ic;c rn -spot firm; No. 2 3b'c; rosin dull;' spirits tarpeatiue quiet. VEATHER REPORT. DEP'T OF AOSICCi-TCIlE, rcnE, I ig. 25. ) Weather Bureau, .'.';;.,;!Sgtox, N. C. Aug. f- iperature: S A.M.. SO deg. ; 8 P.M.. r.'.i-. ; maximum. 90 deg. ; minimum. " ' Jet;. -. mean, S-l deg. ivUnfali for th Jay. .12; ran.fail '.cv 1st of the momh up u date, -1.36 :aehe. StAg of water in the river at Fav--;-ev:l!- at 8 A. M.. 10.3 feet. veaTHKH CONDITIONS. Tio' uarometric conditions remain il:.i-'-t i.'ielianged since last evening, r vrpi lii'1 Lake storm has moyed east--v;ini i i the Xew England coast. Liillii to moderate thunder showers ii.ive -curred generally in the east K -n ' -untain slopes and from the ..utrai ' ' ilf northeast over the At i i ii: - its States to Massachusetts. (.'!: 1. v, ather and rain continue in : .- . ::-ns to-night, excepting the iai:n-'.; .. i'oast of the Carolina. Fair ivt-afi- r prevails in trie Mates or me M;ssli i -j'..: .i'.iJ . i and Missouri valleys, with i high temperature. The if.- is slightly lorer in the the Atlantic coast States lie Lake regions. The fol 'h winds are reported; Nor- : i. "a . 31 S. W.; Augusta. Ga., 26 V W Washington, D C . 26.. N. W. );.; Ki.ls. La., 24 N. W. 'OTTOS' KEOIO-V BCL1.ETVN. Ko- twenty-four hours -uded at - A M. y.-iterday: I. ;;'. to moderate showers have oc- cirr-il I'liarl- teril i Little lllOll .ill districts but Atlanta and ; i , with continued high tem Showers were heavy in the ck and Memphis districts, rk . reporting a fall of 1.C8 F .ItKCVST FOR TO-DAY. Ti nuiiT vlimvers ; warmer in the iu-r:-.r -i iith t.) southwest winds. Almanac As, 26, 5.26 A. M. 6.36 P. M. :i'th 13 H. 10 M. "t at South port 5.05 A M. . Wilininerton 4.35 A. M. Iav- are s,000 U. S. pensioners in Kurope, but they have pull on Uncle Sam, all the Theodore Koosevelt is a com--ort of fellow, with Irish, ii. 1 hitch and Scotch blool in n. pretty equal part8. A:, ovt-r average of wheat is ex ' ! in nil the wheat growing . r 3 this year and this means v wheat in this country. war tax doesn't seem to be the beer industry of Mil much when the saloon gives two glasses and a lunch . k,-i. V'W that the war is over the fly nr ma- hine man i3 coming to the again. A Frederick, Mary ' I. man, proposes to take a "ii a machine of his own in- v-rition. . Ion. T. 1. Heed, of Maine, and ' W. Hailey, of Texas, don't sleep 'g- ther much, but they have got t"2ether pretty close on the "impe 'ialism" business. Neither of them is si:i.;k on expansion. paiu objects to Senator Davis a- one of the peace 'commis "lonei j, because of his pronounced "in-Spanish views. We have onr Jwn viewa a3 to the "propriety of U. - Senators going on such a commis sion, but how would editor Godkin, the New York Times suit herf There is nothing anti-Spanish about him. -t Col. John Jacob Aator haa created somewhat of a sensation in New York by objecting to the low valua tion of his ' property for taxation. He pays $300,000 in taxes and insists that this isn't enough. As Col. Jack never did anything like this before lie must as a citizen have im proved somewhat by his association with the rough-and-tumble fellows in th army. C.,'B. Swink, of Colorado, iaihe world champion watermelonist. He has produced one "which was five feet long, thirty-four inches thick and weighed ninety-eight pounds. If Colorado desires to increase her colored population let her keep this story duly advertised. The women are striking out in California. The latest illustration is the organization of a company comprised exclusively of women to build a sixty mile railroad which will cost a million dollars. They will, however, delegate the digging, &c, to the men. The Xew South Wales people have put up G32 miles of rabbit proof fencing, .but as a. general tiling the rabbits are proof against the fencing. About the only rabbit- proof safeguard is to catch him and kill him. Steamship managers in Xew York estimate that the war kept 50,- 000 people at. home this year who would have gone to Europe if there had been no war, and this also kept about $75,000,000 at home. Boston has a hotel waiter who has learned, all by himself, to speak nine languages. Think of that. A waiter who can serve hash in nine different tongues. What a barber that fellow would make. Midshipman Mores, of the Viz- caya that was, isn t so much dis tressed over the loss of the ship as he is about his nice collection of 2,500 postage Btamps that went down with her; Sagasta used to say that Spain would come out all right in the long run. So far Governor-General Au erusti seems to have been about the only one who came out in the long run. They are still inventing submarine boats in Spain. Spain is long on submarine boats. She has more of them now than any other nation. Ex-Senator Ingalls, of Kansas, is an expansionist. Mr. Ingalls, by the way, carries quite an expansive mouth. . N'KVV ADVERTISEMENTS. D. L. Gore Fine N. C. hams. S. W. Sanders Virginia hams. Opera House Lecture by Dr. L. G. Broughton. BUSINESS LOCALS. Wanted A young man. II. J. Bierman Sweet apple cider. LOCAL DOTS. Special policeman Louis Gor don, who hss been quite sick, has re covered The StAR is authorized to pay 25 cents each for 50 copies of the Wil mington Daily Record of Thursday, August 18th. It is learned that a party of twelve or fifteen young men in Rocky Mount will go to Porto Rico. They believe money can be made on the island. There will be a free dance at the public pavilion on Carolina Beach all day and to-night. The Liberty excursionists are expected to go down in large numbers to-day. Dick Bagdasarion, the Arme ian recruit who went to Caswell a short while ago, was here yesterday going, back to Worcester, Mass., hii old . home. He says he enlisted for forty days and they have expired. The alarm of fire at 4:55 o'clock Xhis morning was in Mr. Geo. Schnib&en's store, corner Seventh and Nixon streets. The damage was about $50 on stock and $50 on building. The latter is owned by Mr. Martin Schnib ben. The loss is covered by insurance. ( Hf T nnP,oant V.OO futon a position as State agent of the South ern Bell Telephone and Telegraph! Company. He is a young man of fine busi ness qualifications and will doubt less fill his new position withv marked ability. He will start out Septem ber 1st Carpenters have begun making; extensive repairs to the interior of thei store on the northeast eorner of Fourth and Market streets. It is to be occupied as a drug . store by Dr. W.; H. Green. Dr. Green's old stand haa been rented by Mr. W. A. Farriss. proprietor of the Palace Bakery-! A meetingof the Second Divis ion of the Fourth Ward will be held this evening at 8 o'clock in the old National . Bank building on Front street 1 between Market and Princess. All white men of the Second Division are earnestly requested to attend in the interest of law, order and, good government. 18 BARRELS OF FLOUR MISSING Testimony Brought . Oat i Yesterday the McNair & PearsaU Case Hear int Resumed To-day. id Yesterday the three negroes, Joe Hooper, Lewis Jarman and . William Murphy, charged with implication in the theft of goods from the warehouse of Messrs. McNair & PearsaU, were arraigned for trial in the Mayor's Court, but the hearing was not com pleted and will be resumed this morn ing at 10 o'clock. - The story of the arrest of the negroes and the charges made against them are familiar to the readers of the Star and would be a needless repetition in this connection. During the trial the negroes are represented 'by Messrs. Bellamy & Bellamy -and 'tlerbert Mc Clammy, Esq,, and Messrs. McNair &. PearsaU have employed Frank Mc Neill, Esq.i and George Peschau Esq , to direct the prosecution. The evidence introduced thus far in the trial shows that the parties im plicated have been conducting quite an extensive; system of steal ing, and ! the s indications are that the most guilty of all the gang is staU at large. The officers are especially anxious to, apprehend Bob Nixon colored, the store keeper on Nixon ; street, in whose place of business such a quantity of stolen goods was found a few days ago. Mr. Leftwich, shipping clerk for Messrs. McNair. & PearsaU, was put on the stand yesterday as a State's wit ness and testified that during the past month eighteen barrels of flour had been stolen from the firm. He could not make an estimate as to the amount of meat taken.: When the trial is resumed this morning the hearing of tne evidence will be completed and the argu ment by; counsel submitted and His Honor the Mayor will render his judgment The trial is attracting big crowds of colored people to the Oity Hall. The court lobby was crowded yesterday as were the adjacent apart ments and the front windows. No cases other than the three for larceny were docketed. A BIG PIC-NIC TO-DAY. The Croatins Meet at Hope Mills Ad dresses by Jno. D. Bellamy and Others. Major WUliam H. Bernard, of the Morning Star, left yesterday after noon to attend a big Croatan pic nic to be held to-day at New Hope, near Pates, Robeson county. There is every indication that it wiU be; one of the biggest gatherings of the kind ever held in that section. Certainly there is every promise of a dajLof great en joyment and profit for, aside from the usual pic nic pleasures, there will be some able speaking. John D, Bellamy, Esq., our present candidate and next Congressman from this district, will be there and deliver an address. Dr. R. M. Norment, independent Republican candidate for Congress, is also booked for a speech. And Col. O. H. Dockery, the regular Republican-Populist-Fusion nominee, has been invited and is expected. TORPEDO BOAT GWYN From Key West to Hampton Roads, Put in at Sootbport Yesterday. Special Star Telegram. Southport, N. C, August 25. ffhe Chvyn, Lieut WiUiams, from Key West to Hampton Roads, arrived here at 5 P. M. to-day. She left Charles ton this morning, but on account of stormy weather made this harbor. Lieut Williams saw the "torpedo boat Rogers, also bound to Hampton Roads. She was in company with the Givyn this afternoon, and when he headed for Southport he supposed the Rogers was following, but the Rogers had not arrived at 9 P. M. EIGHTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Democratic Convention Nominated Bryan of Craven and Suggs of Lenoir. Special Star Telegram. Newbkrn, N. C, August 25. The Eighth Senatorial Democratic conven tion, held here to-day, nominated James A. Bryan, of Craven, and Wm. Suggs, of Lenoir. The nominations are regarded as strong ones. Colored Boy to be Tried. John Mackie, a colored boy aged 13 years, after successfully evading arrestby Deputy Sheriff D. W. Teachy, yesterday morning, went to Justice G. W. Bornemann, of his own accord, yesterday afternoon to answer charges against him. The charge was assault and battery by striking a girl over the head with a rock, which he claims to have beeni accidental.. He gave bond for his appearance for trial at 10 o'clock this morning. ; Army Engineers. Corporal W. J. CosteUo and Privates Morrisey, Farris, Gaegan, DeBank and Smith, a detachment of army engineers who went to Fort Caswell to lay the submarine mines,' were here yesterday returning to WiUet's Point, N. Y., to rejoin their command. The torpedoes and cables have all been removed now and the services of the soldier engineers wiU not be needed again, except in the 'event of another war. , j . The tegular, bona Jide mail cir culation of Thk MoEirmo Stab ia larger than the mail circulation of aU other Wilmington' Dailies combined. NEXT VEARN WILMINGTON. Liquor Dealers; to) Meet Here! in Next Annual Session Names of ! Off I cers and Committees. Messrs. F. W. Ortmanb, T. E. Wal lace, F. Richter.'M. O'Brien arid James Elder Wilmington's delegation to the State Liquor ' Dealers' Association at Raleigh, returned yesterday afjternoon. AU the old officers anjd the; old ex ecutive committee were re-elected as follows: - Frank O'Donnell, President, Ashe ville. i . S. T. Smith, 1st Vice-Bresident, Ra leigh. 1 i T. H. Scoggins, 2nd Vice-President, Durham. j . F. W. Ortmann, Secretary and Treasurer, Wilmington. 1 J. G. Patterson, Corresponding Sec-, retary, Durham. j T. E. Wallace, State Organizer, Wil mington. ! S. T. Smith, Raleigh; L. Ni White, Raleigh; Ed. V. Denton, Raleigh, Ex ecutive Committee. . ' Secretary and Treasurer F. jW. Ort mann has been serving the association ever since its organization, fohr years ago- I . ! The following Board of Control was elected : R. B. Proctor, Durham; F. W. Hilker, Goldsboro; M. Dissosway, Newbern; J. B. Smith, Raleigh? J. G. L. Gieschen, Wilmington, chair man ; J. Lowenstein, Statesville ; R. S. Nelson, Kernersville; S. :E. Cunning ham, Asheville. ' ;i The committee on trade marks is also appointed by the president. It is as follows: i i M. ,0'Brien, Wilmington;) S. W. Johnson, Durham; James Elder, Wil mington ;.M. Maxwell, Raleigh; A. A. Featherstone Asheville.,1 i The following delegates were ap pointed to attend the national conven tion which meets in Asheville, .October 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15: S. T. Smith, Raleigh; T. H. Scog gins, Durham; J. G. L- Gieschen, Wilmington. I j The alternates named; were: J. J. Lowenstein, Statesville;1 W. B. Pate, Goldsboro; N. J. Burch, Wilmington. The association passed resolutions looking to (he . establishment of a brewing plant at some point in the State. ' . The local dealers gave the visitors a royal welcome. -A. big barbecue at Tucker ' Pond was greatly enjoyed. Wilmington was chosen as the next place of meeting. . The naming of the day upon which the association will meet is left to the president of the board of control, Mr. J. G. L. Gieschen. i WOULD-BE HOUSEBREAKERS. Three Negroes Attempted to Enter Justice J. J. Fowler's Residence Fired at the Keeper. Yesterday morning between 12 and 1 o'clock there was an attempt to break into the residence of Justice John J. Fowler on South Front street. How ever, the housebreakers were scared away before they effected an entrance. Bob Roberson, . the colored hoodoo doctor, lives in Justice Fowler's yard and looks after the place whUe the Fowler family are sum mering on Carolina peach. He heard a noise at the re.r entrance of the residence and went 6ut to inves tigate. He found three negroes with chisels and other implements prizing open the door. He caUed to them and ordered them off the premises, and one of them turned upon bim and fired a pistol at him. About that time Mr. W. M. Cumming and Mr. Slocumb, who had heard the disturbance, came over from neighboring residences and the would-be robbers escaped over the back fence. They left no blue to their identity. EXCURSION YESTERDAY From Liberty and Other Points Went to Sea on. the Wilmington. , The People's fourth annual excur sion from Liberty and other points in the central part of the State arrived yesterday at 12.50 P. M. over the C. F. & Y. V. railroad, under the manage ment of Mr. C. H. Russell, of Jones boro. There were about 225 passengers in four coaches and a baggage car. - Yesterday afternoon the excursion ists went to see on the steamer Wil mington. ( i - - I Most of the excursionists) spent yes terday afternoon on board the Wil mington, but enough were left to christen the Merchant's Association Park. Several eonld be seen resting themselves on the rustic benches. Mr. P. Heinsberger, Secretary jof tha Mer chant's Association, who' has taken so much interest in the opening of the park, is anxious that all visitors shall avaU themselves of the use of it, and invites managers of excuripnsj to call upon him at the Association pffice in the Seaboard Air Lone building for all information desired, i The tnn was greatly enjoyed aJ though the sea i was very hih. The Wilmington went beyond (the bell buov and returned to ' the city last night at 9.20-o'clock. To City Snbscnoers. City subscribers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases steps wiU be taken to insure promp and regular delivery i -yThe regular, bona map circu lation of Thk Morning ) Stars is much larger i than that of any other .daily newspaper published in i Wilmington. -PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. Edwin Moore left yester day for Boston to pursue bis studies. Mr. Sam Ferrell, wife and child, arrived in the city yesterday to vistt friends. ! ' ' ; ! Mr. George McKeithan, of Brunswick county, was a Star sitor yesterday. I Editor C. Ed. Taylor, of the Southport Leader, was a visitor to the city jpslerday. j Miss Emma Cook has returned home after several weeks delightfully spent at Tarboro. ' Miss Mary O'Hanlojp, of Cur rie, is the guest of Mr. B. p. Worth, on Second street. Miss Frances Smith, of Char lotte, who has been -visiting Miss Bessie Tolar, returned home yesterday. A. G. Ricaud, Esq., returned yesterday from a visit to New York Saratoga Springs and other places North. Mr. I. T. Alderman, of Toma hawk, but formerly of thisf city was a welcome visitor to the Star office: yesterday. Mr. J. C. Higgins, of Rocky Mount, A. C. L. assistant superintend ent of transportation, arrived in the city yesterday. Miss Fannie Reid MacKay, a popular young lady of Summerville, is on a visit to Miss Bettio Johnson at 716 Market street. , i Capt. J. L. Autry and Mr. A.s J. Johnson, two of Sampsdh county's; best citizens, were among yesterday's; visitors in the city. Misses Josephine arid Kathryne Smith, of Charlotte, who have been visiting the Misses Home on Red; Cross street, returned home yesterday. Charlotte Observer, August 25: Dr. A. M. Baldwin and " Mr. E. P. Bailey, of Wilmington, are at the Cen tral. They go to Cleveland Springs to-day. Mrs. A. M. Bowen returned yesterday from JacksonvUle, where she has been visiting relatives. She was accompanied by her errand- mother, Mrs. Humphrey. Misses Pearl and X'essie Wes cott came up from Southport yester day. Miss Pearl will stop over in the city and Miss Nessie will leave: this morning for Fayettville to visit the family of Capt. Albert Worth. Mr. C. W. Polvogt, of the C. W. Polvogt Company, is making a tour of the Northern markets buying goods for the Fall trade. The Polvogt store is already receiving invoices of goods daily in anticipation of lively times during the coming months RELAY RACE THIS AFTERNOON. People of the City Invited . to Attend. Start at 5 O'clock. i This afternoon at 5 o'clock is the time set for the relav race in which a number of our besf riders,; eighteen years of age and under, will be the participants. As has been previously announced, the racers will start from the corner of Market and Fifth streets at 5 o'clock? The run will be to the three-mile post on the shell road and back. The foUowing boys have en tered for the race: Capt. Morris' team rJames Place, Charles Place, George Honnett, Lewis Powell and Walter Morris. Capt Fisher Joe Hill, Alf. Jeweti, Paul Cantwell, Frank Irvin and Junius Prempert. The people of Wilmington are cor diaUy invited to witness the race which it is expected will be quite ex citing. ' " " " ., '- APPOINTMENTS FOR BELLAMY. He Is Now Making a Preliminary Canvass of the Sixth District. John D. ; Bellamy, Democratic can didate for Congress, is making a pre liminary canvass of the Sixth District, and has accepted invitations to speak as follows; , ' At the great Croatan basket dinner to be given at New Hope, near Pate's Station, Robeson county, Friday, Au gust 26th. j- At Lockwood's Folly, Brunswick county, at the Democratic 'mass conr vention to be held Thursday, Septem ber 1st ' At Burgawi Pender county (Court week), Monday, "September 12th. Died Last Night. - A telegram received here last night by Mr. L. W. McLaurin brought the sad news of the death of little Joe Coaey, son of Capt. Walter Coney, of Savannah, Ga. An account of the accident by which young Coney was fatally injured appeared in the Star of yesterday. He died last night at 7 o'clock and the funeral is to be held this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Capt Coney's family has hosts of. friends in Wilmington who are deeply grieved to hear of this sad accidenti A Dastardly Deed, i .v ,) Wednesday night, "wbilei'Mr. James O'Sullivan was sitting on the front piazza of his residence, corner Eighth and Orange streets, a party of negroes passed by land one of them threw a brickbat over the. fence,: across the piazza and struck the side of the house with a thud. Mr. O'Sullivan has no idea who the negro jwas. No mineral waters in the world is superior to that of Jackson Springs for Dyspepsia, Indigestion,' Insomnia Nervou Prostration or Kidney, Blad der and Stomach!; troubles. Read ad vertisement in the Stab. , t RALEIGH NEWS BUDGET. Liquor Dealers'- Association Infamous Article In the NefcVp Paper Repub- ' llcans Torn Udf in 8th District. ' Special Star Correspondence. ". Raleigh!, N. C, August 25. , The Liquor Dealers' Association have selected Wilmington as ' the next place forpjmeeting. Frank O'Donnell was A elected president, and J. G. Patterson, of "Durham, sec retary. S. T. Smith, of Kaleigh ; J. ;G. L. Gieschen, Wilmington, and J. H. Scoggins, !$f Durham, were elected delegates of the national con vention, which waJ meet in AsheviUe in October, j . j , The Republicans and Populists were very much exercised by the infamous' article in the Wilmington Record. Some fusionists &re so 'base as to charge that the Democrats wrote it Jule Mac Adams, a white brakeman, was found unconscious by the track yesterday near Method. His injuries are probably fataiy s Joe Perry.' colored., bad his foot cut ioff by a shifting engine yesterday. There is a banapji plant at the Sol 'dier's HomeJcultSfated bv J. C. Mc- Lendon, which m fifteen .-feet in height. Nearly this growth has i been attained sincef April 1st- He also has a caladium With leaves six feet long and about four j feet broad. The old soldiers spendJjiiuch of their time cultivating flowerand plants. Superintendent Mewborne left to day for the Itoanojj&i farms. He says thai according to reports the crops are -fine. igl The pupils of te Oxford Orphan Asylum cleared fe.OO by their con cert here last nighg Your correspondent learns from one who' knows, thai tUe fusion campaign books -will not onjgr slander the ad ministration of - farmer: officials but will t assail the r5prd of some of this ''year's candidates and accuse them of duplicity;in 1896. Col. Winston is meeting with marked success in organizing white clubs. '; i A gentleman f jpni the West ac knowieges that tara Republicans are torn to pieces in efety county in the Eighth district, fte concludes that the Republicans wl lose Rutherford county. t THE SHARPIE FROLIC. 1 t Built for Messrs. C..W. and J. S. Worth by Mr. Emanuel Garcia. e ffrolic, , a.; jnanasorne two- - lnast asted sharpie wiich Mr. Emanuel Garcia has built fop Messrs. C. W. and J. S. Worth was launched yesterday afternoon at North3p's miU with ap propriate ceremonjes. The Frolic is no-isi very large boat but her model is shapely and her ca pacity not at aU sniall. She is 45 feet in length and has $2$ feet breadth of beam with a depth of between 3 and 4 feet. The boat basf a nice large cabin and plenty of bertfcs, and other con veniences for passsiigers. Mr. Garcia has bvlen working on the Frolicior several ieeks and it will be a couple of .weeks): yet before she is ready for use. When she is finished, she will be one of-the finest sailing vessels on the' coasjf, , " ; NEW TRAVELLING AGENT. Mr. Will. H. Harrison, who has so ac ceptably fiUed the position of Travell ing Agent and Correspondent of The Morning Star for, nearly a year past has resigned that position to engage in other business, and is succeeded by Mr. James PearsaU, of Dunn. : Mr. Pear saU has travelled tensivly the ter ritory in which 01 Star circulates so largely, ana ys in every way thoroughly qualified for the work he has undertaken. We commend him to our friends, and will appreciate any courtesies he ;may receive at their hands. - '' Baseball Saturday. ; There wiU be another good game of baseball Saturday k ; It will be played at 4.30 P. M. at Hilton Park between the A. C. Le team and a team from the Nantucket. A postal card from Mr. James Sinclbi, received yester day, brought the information that the Nantucket boys .would probably get here to-day. This means the baseball team most likely, ! as the crew will hardly get here sq soon. The game promises to be a good one and ought to draw a good crowd on account of the " fact that one of the teams.wiU be composed of Wilming ton s soldier sanorsj ' New Cotton in Robeson. A correspondent of the Star writes from Red Spring,: Robeson county, that the first balebf new cotton was received there i Yesterday. It was brought in by MA W. R. Webster. Cotton, in that sectfpjn is opening very fast; the farmers :lre holding pickers down to 30 centspe- hundred pounds. M. and F. Steamboat Company. A meeting of the Merchants' and Farmers' Steamboat Company was held yesterday 6o?: board the steamer Driver. Mr. A. JJbeutt, of Waddell's Ferry, presided. ;The freight on tar was reduced to Msn cents per barrel. Mr. R. R. Love wa continued as man ager of the company- The White Croyernment Unions of. the Second Ward and the first di visions of the Third j Ward held meet ings last . night ;f the former at tne office of John Di. BeUamy and the latter at the Merchants' Association office. There was is very large atten dance with much Enthusiasm. At the meeting of the fit division of the Third Ward it was decided to invite Frank McNeiU, Esq., to address the union on next Thursday night Lambet4n Fair. - i The annual- Fair of the Robeson County Fair Association will be held it Lumberton, November 2nd, 3rd and 4th. All space fo exhibits free. Frank GouaH,ftecy. and Treaa. t DAILY RECORD ON THE MOVE. Editor Manly Folds His Teats And Silently Steals Away to a More. Congenial Locality. Yesterday's STau told of the demon strationmade by quite a large number of negroes Wednesday night in their zeal to protect the office and editor of the Daily Record, the negro daily, from the attacks of assailants who did not exist save in the healed brain and misguided imagination of the crowd. And how the office was garrisoned by Editor Manly and quite a number of his friends during the whole night. By early dawn yesterday drays were drawn up in j front o' the office and office furniture and compos ing room fittings were loaded on. and before noon the whole Record plant had been moved from the corner of Water and I Princess streets to a frame building on Seventh street be tween Ann and Nun. They had in tended to move into Ruth Hall but a movement to make the insurance rate considerably higher on account of the Record's occupancy of the building caused the trustees to reconsider their contract to rent to the Record people. No paper was issued yesferday on ac count of moving. There was talk around town yester day about the paer'a suspending, but Editor Manly fold u Stak reorter that the Rrconl would 'con tinue to do business in the same old way if not at the same old sland." The building tlie Record occupied, on Princess street is owned by Mr. M. J. Ileyer, who notified them to move several days ago. The viciuity in which the plant has been moved was very quiet last night. Manly ami his friends were of course on guard and the police thereabouts were more than usually alert. The Record hopes to resume publication to day. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Opera House. Monday, Aug. 29, 8.30 P. M. Lecture by Rev. L.. J. Broughton. ol Atlanta. Subject: "THE LIVINO MtSECM OF HUMAN CURIOSITIES." AdmluUn, 25 cents. Tickets on sale at Gerken's. au if 5t HAMS, HAMS. 600 Pounds Fine North Carolina Hams ON consignment; AND MUST HE SOU), COME AND BUY. ,D. L. Gore, No. 120, lis und 1-Jt North Water M. au 1 tr "OLE VIRCINNY NEVER TIRE" Is an Old Time Tune. and in this connection I wWi to cail your attention to a select lot of VIRGINIA HAMS. Small, Sweet, Sound as a Nut. and YOU'LL SEVER TIRE OF THEIR DELICIOUS FLAVOR S. W. SANDERS, an 2C tf At the Unlucky Corner. Butter, Cheese, Cakes. WE HAVE THK' FAMOUS JAMES TOWN BUTTER; STRAIGHT'S P. N CHEESE, aKD CAKES akd CRACK ERS OF. BEST MAKES. Receiving Fresh New Floor, a.nd Can fill all Orders Promptly Try a crata Swift's Winchester B.C. Hams. A Nice Lot N. C. Bacon on conMirnment Hall & Pearsall, au 11" Nutt and Mulberry utrwt. Lard ? TPu"'&.r . 7c per pound. Granulated fin nor nnlinrl Sugar Hvl C"""' tler 22 1-2 per piund. Table Bn Don't you want half barral of Fine Floor? Wo have It tn half barrels and guarantee you can buy no better, $2.76. THE KING GROCERY CO. B. r. KING, MANAGER, 'Phone J87. : Fourth Btreet Bridge! au IT tf I 1 " "Experience is a Dear Teacher." i We have hail our EXPERIENCE and bare paid fur It. , 8o In buying your Medicines ft Filling- Prescriptions from me, yoo ru no rtk whacerer It Is no EXPERIMF.!t with ua now We know exactly what we are doing and how to do It. Auk any doctor In Uhls town. TELEPHONE, Store ISO, and neel dene 809. Yours, for aomq of your bunt noes. James 0. Nutt The Druggist mvsatf Barbadoes Molasses i Of OurlOwn Importation Bow on' Hand and Hew Crop to Arrive. WE CARRY ALL. GRADES, The Worth Company. iTStf i 4. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. j WE HAVE Not Made Peace. On the Btrarf or. Mill wil( II Mil l : riiiervB against high firicoa or : Hardware and House Furnishings. Como what wilj, the fight it oing to bo ki'(ti up aa long as we ituj in the hniinoaa, unl tlii. mentis that th PLACE TO hp anythmg in the HARDWARE LINE at Rock Bottom Prices is at J. W. Murchison's, a.11 lb tr ITM HI I IB I Hi. Your Opportunity. Occupying nniMiriaaol facilititf ti yatU ). S. MMt- ut aU kinl. it Htari'ls ! rcnmini wo Should Have Your Trade or fit'iiiiric. iiint c kIi hi 1 take nlt-amirc tio! UV.VIA rKOMlTLY. Wo carry RIBS. BUTTS, BELLIES. LARD, GRAIN. FLOUR, CIGARS. If you ar- looking fur tho right pla-e to Rpeinl your rtK'in-y. aro the people. Voliers & Hashagen, War-hounp A C I.1n- trfcar. HoU at. au '.'1 tf I V' v V: INK PADS in all Colors and Sizes. ! Onr Air fatkloa Oat Ink lir- lat-a( (kins oat. Aluminum Pocket Seals, Tin' Bt H'al Prvn on tli pnarkr-i. wniKdt II ounce. , ronl af llalktr Type, red and Twrfirn fr anlk S(r. WILMINGTON STAMP WORKS, IS Prlnrww utreet. wiailnrti. W. f. IU11 'Phone M. ; H tf Carolina Beach and Southport STEAMBOAT LIKE. Following H4mt tn Ml lflf naaJar, Jl Silk. Lat Wllmlng-uin. rtai:jr ri'pt numlar, Carolina Bwh. and H A Hb and llP lyMtve Wllmlnrton very dajr TBI' a . Bwwh. 10 P. m la Hach. A M ; 1 D0Pj ; I 4ft P , 8 00 P M 1t Wllmlnjrum Sunday.! 1 A M ; a o and 7 )p. I-avB Ifa-arh. I If ; and P M 9 IS A.M. tt tfcn.uifh for fVaillitirirt ftrathport. 1 00 M I , FanonJISand 7 P M hoau U I-W and return. IS cent. J. W. Harptr. 1TU LIVERPOOL SALT. 00 Baa; lOO Bait. SOO Bar 16 Bait. SOO Baca ISO Bait. 700 Baca tOO Bait. lOO Baca TabU Bait. 26 Barrala Parkat Bait. SB BarralaXXX VU.Car. 560 Barrala nir. SOO Baca nr. W. B. Coopor, WbdiOTl flrnwf. a 19 U wiiralna-toa. R C Wilmington Seacoast R. R. gcHEDCL 15 tnnT jt-$n mi. tag iMn ailmlnrtoa 4Ur, an annlr. 0 and 10 1. A. M.; I at, I ( acJ 1 11 T. M flnndajr. I 10 A M . a ao awl J Y u Imv cjnHin Vtrw dally. nta a a alar, al T ao and 11 as A M : a o and l I . m Monday. II a A M . and at r lt. II m A .. aanai r . on Frtlr "r will im iprf laM iraia. ap. TUr Hatarday arrlal, kyfii Wllmlnium at 1 P M.. and tl II 0 P M. Irkln fnna raaa Vc. Willi t dlnrxinUnood I - t rn-ktht will hrarrvd oW IWH ! A. M amd S p. M. trains only,iH r-ab4 and trtMUa on ta I ao A. M No (U rrmrm4 an hwa acoomiianlWI t a way MM 4nd fr4KM pra paid UWl. R rRllHf H, PTwJot VLO. ORAJTT auiwrlntemdant toMU i St. Paul's Acadcmy TOR BOYS AKD blRLS. -i Blzta and Prinoaas atraata; Wl)mlii(Um. H C. l la4eal. raargal Prrara4 far j j COLLEGE AND BUSINESS. Branlon orwna afiurnbr ia j Tarsia ti.OO and $4.00 par naJandar muaui ' For Informal km apply la j j B. O. Caaala, A. M.i rrlarlpal, I S Kbflhi ayntH atra4, or I i. O. Tolt. D. D o.j aona aii trwat. i aallaw Ul II HI V M CAPE FEAR ACADEMY j I j i Boatna Ma twwnly-etMti a ton Mr, t. I A Com. acboul, prapajrlha thorvo1iiy tor Business or College! aaTtna murk arpaniwi. fta pnpOa rank ' with the boa, t'antf al 1 attaoUoa fc aaa rwi rl I V(Mii.miiyl. bill.. T v. ratlaaa. aaiaaw , im porai ruta i 'it? f 7 5-Ml.l I r . -; i- w

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