. : 7v P tGuaraiteed Bon-FMe, Every-DaT.t V TERMS OF SUBSCR IPTI0N.I Circulation LarrerThu Teat Of Any Other Daily News- -L paper Published fa . Wilmiflttoa. ' -Ill -. 3" One Year, by .00 X Six Koalas. Tim Keetks, Two IBoatks, .0 1.1 1 M V livers to Sattovrifcor I iVOL.LXn.-NO. 136. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1898. it 7 Clly Cssts Mr RMk. T WHOLE NO. 9,681 I MORNING m fr -f. TO THE PUBLIC. Friends of THE MORHING cT4R will do ni a TOf by In forming- us of any fallaro oa Ike oart of newidler, or newsboys railroad trains, to meet the n.ihlic demand for copies of this r paper. OUTLINES. A of yellow fever is reported at t I ' . . tit I v UVOl u SvOMSU I t ! i v fur suspicious cases on a vs.-'''. .it "Tortugas, just arrived from, 1 laTAiu. Bradstreets report con- i;!:.;a::oe of favorable features in the trade .it nation. McKinley has a;.aow:etl the members of the peace , lr.vr. -sion to meet in Paris, Secretary ,i: S:.r.o Day, Senators Davis and Frye, Lrfaw Reid, and Justice White of S ipreroe Court Rear-Ad- !, r:ii Schley arrived in "Washington v--opJay and was received with d-A?vniig cheers by an immense vrwd of people. The Third Army ( will be sent, probably, from t'..:i'katnauga to A an is ton, AJa. ,! .'in Anderson, the sailor murderer, ...i not hanged at Norfolk yesterday, ji .ippeal to the U. S. Supreme Court granted. Gen. Shafter left - t::itar- for home yesterday. In u Lsi u-bance between natives and U. s i Jiers at Manila, four natives were aud .several wounded; of the A -lie ru-aus one man Traj killed and ::vf wounded, one mortally. -.v ork markets: Money on ..a'.! tinu at li21 per cent, last ;.ia:i b-iuir at 2 per cent; cotton 4 net -iiiiJJling uplands 5Jc; flour fairly active ami steady; wheat spot w,'ak; No2 red l;c;e rn spot easy; No. 2 :"; i': rosin steady; spirits tur pentine firm. .VlATNER REPORT. - 'icp't or AaarccLTUEK, i WkathSr Rcreau, IUMIN-OTGN, N. C, Aug. 25. ) : uperature: S A.M..75deg. ; 8P.M. ueg. ; maximum. 90 deg. ; minimum. 73 ile. ; mean, Sil deg. Rainfall for the day, .10; rainfall since 1st of the month up to date. 4 57 in.-h-. - -"t-ie of water in the river at Fav--u-vi;:.- at S A. M., .6 feet y ATHIR COXDITIONo. i'i.i iy and threateciing weather r, ! tm-K-s to-night in the South At-lanti'- and Gulf States, where moder j:e to heavy showers have occurred i ;r::t' tlie day. The weather is een- a..v clear in the central and -ri. districts. north Trie iiressure has increased consid abiy n-rr the lake region, with lower :si. ; -r 1 t-are eastward to the North At-!a::t.i- i-.wtst. A high pressure area is it ::tra' ,n the upper lake region and tii- :ur:nometer continues high in the S.. t!.tntic coast States. The bar-Ti'.i-'t-r is relatively low over the N. rui Atlantic coast States and thence south vesiward over the central val- i'-y- : ' Texas. ii'it wave continues in the mid M -sippi valley and the central Korriv Mountain region, although not hv. as during the past week.The f .i. ,.v. ,r maximum temperatures erc 4 ported: St Louis, Mo., 94; I -!,'. 1 ":tv. Kaiis., 92; Kansas City, M .-.' " 1TT0S REGIOy BULUCTI5. Kn- th- twenty-four hours ended at A 1 yesterday: Tii ' : -np-rature was slightly higher :a 1:1 ( harleston ant Wilmington 1: .s-.r:. - and much lower in the M. pi valley. Generally, heavy h '.re occurred in all directions, art 1 : . weatlier continues cloudy anil u -settled this morning. The foil v :n.-:i-N ' heavy precipitation (in as reported: Jackson. Miss., I-- 'rrreen. Ala.. 1.50; MacOn, ki: Gainesville, Ga., 1.74; 1 & . Wrt int. Ga.. 1.92: Columbia. S. r Palestine, Tex., 1.04; Lum- rjrr: :,. S. C, 1.27. K .HECAST FOR TO-DAY. r jr North Carolina Thunder '"A-erN . variable winds. , Port Almanac Aug, 27. - ' Rises 5.27 A. M. 1 " u 6.35 P. M. I y s Length ia II. 08 M. Is-'h Water at Southport 2.25 A. M. tliTi Wiujr. Wilmington 4.55 A. M. v. ral funny papers have recent o;!a)sed in New York. Run- r papers isn't as funny a business 01 ni- people think. 1 Atlanta board of education - decided to make the Spanish -ruae one of the studies in the lie schools of that city. far as we know Governor Rus ias not yet apologized to ex-Pen. h I t. Smith, although that report V-eii in his hands about a week. Auditor Ayer is quoted as saying t!at lie can see no difference be " weeii a Republican and a Populist. A:out the only difference between a Ke publican and a Populist of the Aytr stripe is that the Republican performs in his own to'ggery, and t he Ayer Pop masquerades in Popu- 1-1 disguise. h is said that the Spaniards in I''no Rico accept the situation with 1 Utter grace than the natives, who ;ire disposed to be somewhat gay, and rackety with the Spaniards. Per haps they don't exactly, know what the thing means yet and have some what as vague idea of TJ. S. control, as the emancipated darkeys in jthia country did when they thought free dom meant forty acres and a mule.' In speaking about battleships and about the long; run of the Oregon around the South. American conti nent, Jlr. Cramp, the ship-builder of Philadelphia, said that without desiring to detract from the inept of Captain Clark, he thought mote credit .was. due for that fine per-: formance to !the engineer than $oi the captain. ! The men between decks ia apt to be overlooked and not get his share of the glory in the war business. : He is out of sight and consequently does'nt get into the bulletins much. ' ; ?! It is hard for fWm. J. Bryan to please the Republican papers. Some time ago they were scolding him be cause he talked and now they are criticising him because he doesn't talk. He is just simply attending to his business, and it isn't his busi ness to talk while he is on duty as a soldier. ' There were more shameful scan dals 3 under the present adminis tration than there were in all the years that the Democrats controlled North Carolina. That's some of the reform" illustrated. General Shafter shocked pious General Howard with his cussing at the Cubans. But this was one of the few luxuries of which Shafter had an unlimited supply. j a. ieriin cioc&maKer nas mvencea ian instrument which can take 2,880 'photographs in a second. That is catching them on the fly. a Ti i 1 .- . i a ' " . ' l .1 NEW ADVEBTISEMKNTS. I. B. Rhodes Well-dressed beef. ! Palace Bakery Fine fruits to day. BtJBurrsa locals. Wanted A few ladies. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. B. M. Xewkirk returned from New York yesterday. Mr. Jackson Greer, of Crouly, was a Star visitor yesterday. Mr. H. E. Wells, of Columbia, S. C, arrived in the city yesterday. Mr. B. G. Worth has gone; to New York to visit his son, Mr, Archie Worth. . Jno. T. BlandEsq., of Bar- gaw, was among yesterday s visitors to the city. Mrs. G. M. Summerell re turned h yesterday from a visit to friends ia Marlville. Mr. G. J. Boney returned. yes- terday from a trip to New York? and other Northern cities. Mr. George Campbell, pro prietor of the Seashore Hotel, returned from Ra eigh yesterday. Mrs. J. B. Farrar and daugh ter. Miss Julia Farrar, have gone to Whiteville, to visit relatives. Mr. J. Ernest Niemyer, of Ra leigh, who has been here or several weeks returned home yesterday. Mr. James Howard, of the University of Virginia, was in ' Wil mington Thursday and yesterday. Mr. J)an Hester, of Chad bourn, representative of the compu ting scales, is in the city on business. Capt. J. L. Autry, . an; exten sive merchant and planter of Autry ville, was in the city on business yes terday. Miss Eva Brantly, a charming young lady of Cheraw, S. C, is in the city, visiting Misses Annie and Emma Clowe. Mr. H. MeD. Robinson, of Fay etteville, is spending several , days on Wrightsville beach, the guest of Sea shore Hotel. ';' Mr. C. H. Russell, of Jones boro, the clever manager of the Liberty excursion, paid the Stab office a pleasant visit yesterday. Mr. A. T. Crawford and wife, Miss Carrie and Master Henry Biggs, of Williamston, N. C, are guests at Seashore Hotel this week. Mrs." W. A. French and Mrs. Geo. R. French have gone to Maine and will spend the remainder of the heated term at that State's Summer re sorts. J ' Prof Thomas Wrighi, of the A. & M. College, was here yesterday on his way from his home in Samp son county to Raleigh for the Fall session. He teaches algebra and ge ometry. Bread from Company K. p Persons who' visited Mr. J. B. Hujf gins' store on Market street I yesterday were interested, to see on exhibition ... . . . - . . .. i" a greasy, dirty looking biscuit, onj a paper, on which was the inscription, "From Company K, St- Simon's Island." It was not calculated to in spire respect for the skill of Uncle Sam's cooks or for the grade of his flourj The soldier who sent it wrote that it required no little patriotism to digest such food. May Not be a Game. The uncertainty as to when . the Nantucket crew will get here makes it probable that there will be no game of base ball this afternoon at Hilton Park. If the -team comes, dodgers will be printed, and the game will also be ad vertised on the street cars. It is in tended, in case the boys come in time, to let the public know in this way that the game ia to be played, j; i- : 1 POLITICS IN ROBESON The General Outlook is Full of Hope for Democratic Sue- , cess This Fall. THE MEETING ! AT NEW HOPE. A Large Number of Croatans Present Speeches by Jn. 0. Bellamy, Esq., and OthersBellamy Made Fine Impression. I Special Star Telegram. MaXTON, N. Ci, August 26. The meeting at New Hope to-day was at tended by more ' than seven hundred people, of whom' more than three fourths were Croatans, the remainder being white Democrats and Populists. It was a picturesque, picnic with all the attractions of the peculiar people whose origin has given rise to so much speculation. j i ' The. meeting was opened by Rev. J. A. Blanks, an educated Croatan, who speaks with remarkable fluency and vigor. S. A. Edmond, clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson county, and bellwether of the Fusion gang, was the first speaker. His speech was an appeal to class prejudice and was full of reckless assertion. He was fol lowed by Col. N.' A. i McLean, better known as "Neil Archie," in an ex ceedingly strong effort He paid special attention to the demagogue Edmond, and gave him a most merciless exco riation, which the audience received with evident satisfaction! Dr. Nor ment, the Independent Republican candidate for Congress, followed in a speech of an hour. It was straight Republican stuff," with many loving -references to the negro and numerous well-timed thrusts at Oflice Hunter Dockery, who of course was not pres ent, although invited. Next came Jno. D. Bellamy, Esq., who is already a prime favorite with the Croatans, and who spoke for an hour and a half. He piled argument upon argument in favor of white rule in 'North Carolina. His speech was strong and compact and that portion addressed specially to, the Croatans was persuasive and convincing. He riddled Office Hunter Dockery with his rapid-fire guns, quoting his record on him with telling effect George B. McLeod made a short but very effective speech, which, was well received. George is a fine cam paigner, and will be the next sheriff of Robeson county Aaron Locklear, a young Croatan of good education, made a speech that at tracted much attention. His appeals to his people to stand by the Demo cratic party, which has always stood by them, were vigorous and striking. Rev. Cary Wilkins, one of the oldest and most influential of the Croatans, was speaking when I left about train time. I have made a very careful and conservative estimate of the present political status of the Croatans, based on diligent inquiry, and conversation with at least twenty of their leading men. At a low estimate they poll 600 votes in Robeson county. Of these not more than fifty have heretofore been Democratic." If the election were held to-day I feel assured that 275: to 300 of the Croatans would vote the whole Democratic ticket. Aud the defection from the Republican party is still . going on. Bellamy is very strong with them and some of them call the present movement the "Bel lamy Rising." The general outlook in Robeson county is full of hope for Democr atic success. The accessions from the Populist ranks have not been exag gerated, and there is no check to the movement. Wi H.' B. FOURTH WARD DEMOCRATS. First and Second Divisions Held Good , Meetings Last Night i The White Governments jUnion of the first and second divisions of the Fourth jWard held good meetings last night; the first division in the-rjffice of W. B. McKoy in ibe Smith build ing and the second division in the old National Bank , building qn- Front street ' . A setj; of by-laws : was adopted in both Unions, and both adopted meas ures looking to some! systematic and aggressive work in the campaign In the meeting of the first division, White Government Union buttons were dis tributed to all the members. , Republican State Committee. -The leading Republicans here got news yesterday that the Republican State Executive Committee has been called to meet at Raleigh on Thursday, September 1, at 5 P. M. John C. Dancy, the colored Collec tor of .Customs, is the Wilmington member of the committee. The sup porters of Lockey,' the Republican candidate for judge in the Sixth judi cial district await with interest the result of the meeting,' as the commit tee will probably decide who is to come down, Lockey or Loptin. Bought the Nixie. Y t Y , j The Nixie, a handsome little half rater, wai purchased yesterday by Mr. George Harriss, Jr.. from Lieut. J. C. Moore, of the United States revenue cutter Forodrd. ' The Nixie is one of the swiftest boat of they kind in these waters! In her and the Bert haf which was purchased a few months ago, Mr.' Harriss has two fine little boats. .' l.nbertn Fair,-""?'..;---! S'y " The annual Fair of i the ' Robeson County Fair Association will be held at Lumberton, November 2nd, 3rd and 4th. All space for exhibits free. ' Frank Gough, Secy, and Treas. t WHO' WON THE LAURELS? The Judges in The Juvenile Refay Race Yesterday Could Not Decide An other Race Arranged.' The bicycle relay racer yesterday I afternoon in which expert juvenile riders of the League fof r American Wheelmen and the Carolina Cyle . - T " Club were the contestants, resulted in i f victory for neither team, in that a misunderstanding as tp - the rules which iwere not understood alike by the' contending racers, caused the judges to rule that the races must be run oyer again. This did not prevent the races from beiog highly interest ing, and in fact being ini every other way successful. j ine nrst rider to reacn the tape on the home run was Joe Hill for the L. A. W. J that team having carried the message over the seven and a half mile course in 28 minutes and 13 sec onds. "Walter Morris for the Carolina Ccle-plub came in about four min utes later.' The judges j were' Messrs. A. P. Yopp, Ed. Heinsbferger and D. E Murphy. . Mr. Hardy Le Gwin served as starter, and Mr. Mat Taylor was timekeeper. The trouble which prevented the judges from ruling that either team was victorious was that at the three-mile post when the racers started, on the home runi the L- A. W. racer waiting to take, the message went I up the track I about one hundred yards to receive the package and start on the home run. This 'gave them about 200 yards ad vantage. Then there was a conten tion as to the rule governing the ad justment of delays ' occasioned by falls. The latter could however have been settled satisfactorily, as there were three falls on each side. The race will be run oyer again Fri day, September 9th. The same team will be on the track and a detailed agreement will be drawn up before the contest is entered udob. The racers and their order in the jrelay were as follows: ' j L. A. W., Capt Fisher Hill, Irvin, Cantwell, Prempert and Jewett. C. a O., Capt Morris W. Morris, Honnett C. Price, Rowell and J. Price, i j Gn Friday of next week the L. A. W, riders will have a test race to select the first and second racing teams. They will at once challenge the Caro lina Cycle Club for a race as soon as practicable. The second team is also open for a challenge. ! - DR. BR0UGHT0N CAN'T COME. His Lectnre Advertised for Monday Night Called Off Dr. Blackwell Will Preach To-morirew. Yesterday, evening about 6 o'clock a telegram was received? from Dr. L. G. Broughton, of Atlanta, saying that it will be impossible for; him to be here either Sunday or Monday. His engagement, therefore, to preach at the First Baptist churcjh on Sunday and deliver his famous lecture, "A Living Museum of Human Curiosi ties" at the Opera House on Monday night will not be filled,! much to the regret of a host of Wilmingtonians. A rare treat was in storei for them and it is hoped that Dr. Broughton may be able to visit the city on some future date and fill a similar engagement So far as the services at the First Baptist Church are concerned, Dr. Broughton will have ain able substi tute, not unknown to the Wilming ton congregation, in Rev, Dr. Black welL than whom there are few as able and eloquent preachers in the South ern Baptist Convention. He is cor responding secretary fqir the Baptist Young People's Union , of tha Southr ern Baptist Convention and visited this city in that capacity last Spring. Few addresses so eloquent and logical have been delivered ini Wilmington, as that by Dr. BlactcWell! on that occa sion. He will preach to-tnorrow morn ing and night. ; Drug Store Changes. Mr. John S. Bryan, brother" of E. K Bryan, Esq. , of this city, has accepted a position with Wm. H. Green & Co., as manager of their drug stprej at the cor ner of Fifth and Market streets. Mr. Bryan is from Georgia and is an ex pert pharmacist, registered in both Georgia and North Carolina, and withal be is a clever andj popular gen tleman. .The Star ; welcomes him; to Wilmington. As has been previously announced in the Star, Messrs. Green & Co.'s central drug stoi-e, now at .19 Market street, will be mjved Septenr ber 1st to the northeast comer of Front and Market streets. Signal Crew All Home Now. Mr. J. R. Caudle returned yesterday from Cape Henry, via Nprfolk. He is the last of the signal crew to return home. ': After the abandonment of the Cape Fear signal station,' he was transt f erred to Cape Henry as quartermaster second class and operator. This sta tion was abandoned, alfo, on August 15th. Since then Mr. Caudle has been in Norfolk, r He was before the war with the ''Sun Life Insurance Com-: pany, and will probably resume work in the same business. I ! Sailing Contest and Hop. in the Stab the last hop of the season by the Seashore Hotel will be given to-night and t everybody jis invited., The hotel will close for the season September the 1st' Ambther attrac-. tion on the beach to-day,provided the wind and tide are favorable, will be thej regular monthly canoe races by the Carolina Club. All boats must be entered by 3:30 o'clock- and the 'race ; will start a half hour later. 1 MS--SB? ! LOCAL DOTS. - Mrs. Eliza McDuffie, one of the nurses at the City Hospital, who has been quite sick, was much better yesterday. . . , ' -i- The Stab is authorized to pay 25 cents each for 50 copies of the Wil mington Daily Record of uThursday, August 18tb. j i'-.KY. Y. ' Mr. James Dickson Pois3on has returned ; jto . the city r af ter; a visit of several weeks duration at White Lake, Bladen ' county. i ,The hour for Sunday School and evening service, at Fifth Street M. E. Church has been changed to 3.30 and 8 P. M. respectively. ' The regular, bona fide mail cir culation of The Morxixg Stab is larger than the mail circulation of all other Wilmington 'Dailies-' combined. -The' torpedo boat Gitrin, which put in , at Southport Thursday night on account of stress of weather, will proceed to Hampton Roads this morn ing. iY j ' Y i '- , It ia represented thai the post masters at Ham and Hocut postoffices, in Bladen county,! this S4te, cannot read.and hence parties failrfget their mail very often. ft See ; ad. of Palace Bakery this morning. It is announced that .the bakery will have a big opening on the occasion of its removal to a new stand at 119 Market street. . The stork alighted at the dwelling of Joseph and Georgia Wil liams, colored, on Third street near Kidder's "Alley yesterday and left three babies, two boys and one girl. s Quite a number of Wilmington society folk went down to'pcean View beach last night to attend the weekly hop by the Atlantic Yacht iClub- The event was as usual a thorough sue cess. , ' M Eight bales of new cotton were received here yesterday, ix by Capt J. H. Sloan via theW.. OJ& A. R. R. and two bv Messrs.! AleM Sorunt & Son, via 'the Carolina Cental. Rev. . A. P. j Tyer, "the -pastor, being absent from the city there will be no services at Grace Sfethodist E Church to-morrow; exceptfthe Sunday School which will hold -its regular session at 4.30 P. M. i The fountain, - basito in the Court ; House lawn has been repaired and Mr. Branch, the efficient janitor, yesterday turned on the waiter and re placed the gold fish.' The are about iO of them, all in excelleri; condition. The Liberty excursionists left for home at 5 o'clock yestfrday after noon. They seemed to have enjoyed their trip. They spent less time in the city than excursionists usually do. Most of their time was i; pent at the beaches. i 3 " Mr. J, S. SneedenSone of the produce commission dealeg? at the new market, showed a Star porter yes terday something peculiar in an ear of corn. The shuck was of a rich purple color and Mr. Charles Watters, on whose farm at Middle Sound it-was grown, said that the whole stalk and all of the blades were of the same unusual -color. ' ' WHEN ARE THEY CINQ? Much Curiosity as to Wh the Naval Reserves Will Get iWre. xnere is stiii considerable uncer tainty as to when the Naval Reserves will get here. Some thought they would come yesterday and: there was quite a crowd, of ladies and children at the Carolina Central depot on the arrival of the train from Hamlet, ex pecting to see the boysi come in. Capt J. C. Morrison, chairman of the committee appointed to find out when thelNantuckef s crejj would get nere, sent numbers 01 teitrams mak ing inquiry into the matter, but has not received a single satisfactory re sponse. Are the boys going to take u by surprise? j Buried at Wrightsville Sound. !t i' The funeral of Miss iNora Mc Clammy, who died Wednesday night. took place yesterday morning at 9 o'clock from her father'! residence. No.' 619 South Seventh street The services were conducted big? Rev. W. L. Cuninggim, pastor of jfTifth Street Methodist Church. '3 The remains were ta;Jen to the family burying ground Wrights ville Sound for interment. The fol lowing gentlemen acted as pall bearers: Messrs. Henry Hewett, Frank Jarman, Daniel Bender and Willie Costin. . j Two Committed and One Released. The trial of the three negroes impli cated in the thefts from the warehouse and freight cars of Messrs. McNair & Pearsall was concluded yesterday soon after noon, and two of them committed to jail in default of a $100 bond for trial at the October term of the ircuit Crim inal Court The other ciae was dis charged, the prosecution giving failed A 1 A ' ' J . MM tu uiaso out m case againtwpum. xnoae jailed were J. D. Hooper and William Murphy. Louis Jarman was released. Bob Nixon, colored, who is believed to be the most guilty of all the gang, is still at large. ! New Telephone Directory. Manager F; L. Woodru.of the Bell Telephone Company, ywlerday sup plied their subscribers witfe a revised di rectory. It is in new ahajfte and much handsomer, than' the old list" Clever Ed. Burkhimer.who is Mil Woodrunna right hand man, !was n only kind enough to bring i the" nejs directory around, but ' even inserted a bright brass hook on the: 'phone for the book j. i.". ... 1 v- 1 - i - ..1 : ki uo uung; up py. THE COLOfeED ORGAN. - '.. t . a .. ' . Roasts Mr. Lockeyiand the Members si ' the Republican Executive Committee. : ' Negro Paper Negro Home. The Daily Recent, the negro organ, came out from 1 new quarters, on Seventh, betweeft. Church and Nun streets, yesterday Ifternoon. It claims now that it is a negro paper, edited in a building owned by negroes. xne oniy aruciej or interest is one which takes all tha point, out of the resolutions adoptM by the' Republican Executive Commytee, so far, at least, as these went to sfiow that the. senti ments of the negro editor were not those of the colorta people generally. The resolutions arip printed in full and there are angry j-refutations -of the charges made. . The editor inquires, if he was a Mmis- chief-making sin&Jleton," how was it that he was sent o Washington with Lockey not lon; since on a mission that was not essentially that of a sim pleton. He also ants to know where Lockey got the 'authority for saying that the Record WpUld suspend. Then he says some yharp things about Lockey 's candyacy for judicial honors, and sayC that his course in assembling the committee and dictat ing the action t be taken was from a hankering for populist votes, upon which he will depend in his race for she judgeship. , Ki! xne wnole animus Of the article in fact is directed against the Republican candidate for Judge. And the impres sion that the reler gain from it is that tho . actions of the Republican Executive Committee is' consid Mil . ' " ered by the Record a the bigest sort' of a farce und in no wav indi cation of the feel si g of the majority of the colored voterifc. ! Certainly, in view of this article, inr'tiew of the action of the colored ministers in upholding the Record, and injlyiew of the threat ening ' demonstration ' Wednesday nightwhen it wagthought 4he colored editor was in danger, the high sound ing resolutions of' the Republican Exe cutive vJommittSe snnnfe into very faulty insignificance indeed. There was no excitement about the Record office las night or yesterday afternoon. However, it was learned that there is a liberal supply of flre- arms about the btiilding. EHlERSALS EGIN MONDAY. i Hi Mrs. 'Lillian Tndker Vaurht and Mr. Vaught arrived' Last Night A . Strong!, Company. The Star announced last Sunday morning that pie Lillian Tucker Opera Com pany. ou Id begin in this rehearsals beforeJstarting out on their tour for thisseasija. Last night Lillian Tucker, Mrs. Lirfian Tucker Vaught as she is known n private life, and her husband, Jlir. C. C. Vaught arrived, here 'from Chicago and are registered-- at The Urton. Others of tbef twenty-two mem bers o the trdjp, will arrive dur ing to-morrow id Monday and re hearsals will begin Monday or Tues day in the Opera" House. Lillian Tucker is an actress of con siderable reputation and she has gath ered about her aifupport,the personnel of which gives abundant promise of 11 i . ? ci . iu uuunumiy strruiij compear, dub readers will remember that the com pany will open a jveek's public engag ment here SepteEgber 12th. NEW TRAyELUNQ A0ENT. Mrj Will. H. Rlrrison, who has so ac ceptably filled tlfe position of Travel! ing Agent and Correspondent -of Thk Morxinq Star tir nearly a year past has resigned thatmosition to engage in other business, aiid is succeeded by Mr. James Pearsall, if Dunn. Mr. Pear sall has travelled extensively the ter ritory in whichythe Star circulates so largely, anc is m every way thoroughly qualified for the work he has undertakeni We commend him to our friends, land will appreciate ; . - ft" any courtesies b- may receive at their nanus. In Squire FowletfS Court In Justice Fowler's court yesterday William Freeman, colored, was con victed of wilful: trespass, upon, the premises of James Smith, colored, and fined a penny afed costs, in default of which he was faent to jaiL Justice Fowler had one yther case in which a negro women jTwas arraigned for cruelty to animals. She lives in Cape Fear township1 land the charge was that she whipped; a cow unmercifully with a fence tail and also threw a hatchet at her. Inquire Fowler ruled that the charge as not sustained by the evidence mt oduced and dismissed the case, Herbert McClammy, Esq., jvas counsel for Zhe defence. 1-' ! - "Brothers PeiryttaaU Come. Secretary Digas of the Y. M. C. A., received notice; yesterday that the Star1 Course attvtction for October, as selected by thie committee, could not fill the engagement, and it will be necessary for the' Entertainment com mittee to meet and select a substitute. The attraction fis "Brothers Perry," a musical carnival company in which playing a variety of glass vessels is a specialty. s Wh9 this w a very j de sirable attraction there are others equally as good, which are available., No mineral waters m the world la superisr to thaS of Jackson Serines f or Dyspepsia. lAdhrestion. Insomnia Nervou Pfostratjon or Kidney, Blad der and Stomach troubles. Read ad- Terbsement in te Stab. t . N.C. VOLUNTEERS. ' . ----- " Ready te Doff their Uniforms aid Re- j lorn totbe0aiet Bat More Lucrative Walks of Civil Hie. 1 Savannah Morning Neica.) Even the North Carolina Volun teers at Tybee,with all the advan tages of a first-class seaside resort are desirous of quitting the military er- yice, ucuufiK voeir uniiorma and re turning to the quiet but more lucra tive walks of civil life. I There are too companies of volun teers from the old "Tar Heel State" down on the island, Company A, of ayette viile, commanded by Capt Huske, and Company E,. of Green- Vine, commanded by Capt Smith. There are 212 men, exclusive of offi- 1 A . t . uers, uu out 01 uus number it is doubtful if over twelve want to do police duty for the next eighteen momns at Santiago or Han Juan. i A namber of the North Carolinian have been in the city the past two days. Yesterday several of them were asked what was the desire of the privates as talked of anions- them selves. All said that the chief desire or the men now is to rtt back home. into their regular occupations, and make uo for lost time. CommnT A it is said, either has gotten up a peti tion to be mustered out or wia start one at once. ? "We have had all the soldiering we want unless there is an absolute neces sity for our stavine in the business.' said one or the men. "We do not want to become professional sokliera and follow the business for the bal ance or our : days. Some of the officers, I guess, wouldn't object to doing so, but the privates want to get back home just as soon as the irovcrn- ment can dispense with their services. That is the truth of the situation. The officers would doubtless feel tliu ume way if they were privates. But, of course, they won Idn t acknowledge it. i cave up a 100 mat paiu me si.ikri a year and expenses to tro into the armv and do not regret that I did so. At the same time, I do not want to be kept in because some men who perhaps did not make' as much sacrifice as I did think they have cot prettv crood iobs and are patriots enough to want to stick. You can put it down that we don t want eighteen months of garri son work. APPOINTMENTS FOR BELLAMY. He Is Now Making a Preliminary Caavasi of the Sixth District. Joan v. ceiiamy, Democratic can didate for Congress, is making a pre liminary canvass of the Sixth District and has accepted invitations to speak as follows: At Lock wood's Folly, Brunswick county, at the Democratic mass con vention to be held Thursday, Septem ber ist At Burgaw. Pender countv (Court week), Monday, September 12th. Church Notices. ChaDel of the Oood Hlirulwrtl. Hlrth ml Queen Htreots. There will le the usual wrvh-m on Sunday at 11 a. m. ami 8 v m. Bervlcesln St. John's C'hnrrh ti iuorrw. i-.-th onnuay arteriTiniti'. rv the rector. Rev Iir Carmlchael, at 45 and li A. M. Sunday Hrtioot a r. in. First PreHbvtoriau 'lmrch. Rev. iwton H . Hoe, D. D. Divine oerviro at 11 A. M ami 6 P. M. Prayer nieetlnir on ThuntdayB at 8 15 r m. seats rree. The Seamen' Bethl: Keirular reliiriou iwr- vices. with sermon ana sweet nlnglng. to mor row arternoon at S o clock. Seamen and river men are especially Invited. All welcome. South Side Bapttflt Church, corner Flff li and Wooster streets. Rev. F. H. Karrinmn. l'astr. Hervices Bundav at 11 a. m and 7 :tu n ni. Hun- day School at S. p.m. We!kly Prayer meet ing Wednesday nli;ht at 7.80. Fifth Street M. E. Church. South, situated on Firth street, between Nun and Church, Kev. w L. CunlnKKlio, Pastor. Ren lces to-nMrrow at 11 a. m. and 8.00 n. m. Snndar School at .1 i n m The public cordially invited to all nerrlceH. Bt. Andrew's Presbvterlan Clinrrh. corner Fourth and Campbell street, Kev. A. I) Mr Clnre, pastor. Preaching at 11 A M. and n r, P. M. Sabbath School at 4 P. M Prayer meet lnc Wednesday. 8.13 P. M. A cordial welcome to all. Immanuel Prebvteiian Church. Rev. I. c Morton, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. tn and 7.15 p. m. Sunday Sc1iik1 at 1 : p m Christian Endeavor Societv every Wednexdav niirht. Sewing School Tue-iday and Saturday at S.SB to 4.00 p. m. Brooklyn Baptist Church, comer Fourth and Brnnswick streets. Rev. J. W. Kramer. l'aitor. Services to-morrow at. .1 1 a. m. and " 30 p. m Sunday School at S.no p. tn Weekly Prayer and Praise meeting Wednesday at T.80 p m. Strangers and vtattors are cordially Invited to all: services. Grace Methodist K. Church, South, northeast corner of Grace and Fourth stteeta. Rev. A. P. Tyer, Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. lu. and 8.15 p. m. Sunday school at 4 SO p. m. Ex perience meeting at 10 a. ni. In the lecture room. Weekly Prayer meeting and lecture Wed new daiy evening at 8.1S o'clock. Strangers am) vlsl tors are cordially Invited to attend these ser vices. Bladen Street Methodist E. Church, Southwest corner of Bladen and Fifth streets. Rev. a I. Lanjrston, Pastor. Services to-morrow at II o'clock a. m. and 7.90 p. m. The sacrament of the Lord sapper will be admins te red at the morning services. Snnday School at 9 30 a. m. Class meeting 3 o'clock p. m. Weekly Prayer meeting and lecture Thursday evening at s on o'clock. Stranpttra and visitors are cordially Invited to theaa services. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. See Our Display of Fine Fruits To-day. BANANAS 12 and 15c dozen. NOTICE. On October 15th w will remov to th Store bow occupied by W. H. Green ft Co., Draggimt, No. 110 Market St. LOOK OUT FOR OUR BIG OPENING! PALACE BAKERY. u7tf Well Dressed Beef and Mutton, Lamb, Veal oV Pork, of the) finest quality and flavor, is always at your disposal, at the lowest prices, at this market. If you have Dot favored us with your patronage heretofore, a teat of oar high grade meats, cut In aa expert manner tor your table, will prove so Mtlsfactory Uurt yoa will always remain a customer. f X. B. RHODES. v an 7 tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , ' 1 . 1 1 1 1 r i i- WE HAVE l h f : 1 1 Not Made Peace. OB) IkS CSSirS Tf W srs Mill waclc Slid Varfare against high prices on ; Hardware and House Furnishings. ' ; Come what going to be as we stay will,' the fight is kobt1 up as long in Ithe bnainewi, and this meirfa PLACE TO BUY that the anything in the 4 HARDWARE LINE j at Rock Bottom Prices it at J. W. MnrcMson's, -t- Yotr Opportunity. Oi' upjing tirtxtiriitsc)! fjK'llltlt'H t iiCk II. . all Ikiudi, it Meats of stands to reason wc Should Have Your Trade or fno,uirii. nh take pleasure tri e shall (HKI'LV l'KOMITLY. : W srry RIBS, BUTTS, BEU.IES. LARD, GRAIN, FLOUR. CIGARS. j If yon arc lookihii for the right place to spend votir finrj, we art. the ieojlo. , ! j Vollers St Hashagen, Warehouse A C. I.lnfl tfatkag Now Bt All '.'I tf II INK PADS in all Colors and Sizes, i 1 Our Air hi. it IMS --" latest thing oat. ! Aluminum Pocket Seals, The nest KUl Pns on tlwj nulrVet, welKht II ounW I . A Font mt Hatler Tmi imh rtd mm Twmwm rr m-r Si. WILMINGTON STAP WOfiES, II Prince- strmt. alngton. K '. Bell 'Phone 2M it u Carolina Beach and Southport STEAMBOAf jLUTE. I Fullowlng Vkt4al. In KaW'l Aner l.s4tf, Jailk atlh. LoiavB WttmlnigVm. dally Mrei4 Kninlai . for i Carolina P-eacn. and SUA. If ; 1 and 1 1 P, M leave wumlnirUin every 4f. T r M . leave Beach. I SO P M. i I l-eawi Beach. 1 1 l ; I III t II ; I r M ; t os p. m. i : Loave Wllmlngt riinaar A M ; t siel ? P. M Uiic liearh. liiir m : ad P. M. ! J 9 IS A M. boat UirruirhrHt ffnithinrt lv,-a Southport. 1 o M I I Fare on t IS and 7 r. M fuata to 4et and return, li eent. j I d.W, litrptr. iv sb a LIVERPOOL SALT! COO Baft lOO'Salt. 300 Bff Kft Salt. tOO BCa 180 1 Salt. 70O Bare SOO'Salt. lOO Bars Tablet Salt. It Barrels Ploeket Salt. IS Barrels XXX Vleear. 6 BO Barrels roier. BOO Bars rieeri W. B. Cooper, 1 WboteMti1' Oraeer. 4W ice: as Itf auurtoa. Wilmington Seaccast R. R. gCBXDClJt IH KFTBCT jJCKK fTTIf. ISM Laavs wtlntlngtoa Oally, sawpt Pa I1SIS A. M i , i M and T It . is is A M . t a and r.is p. M. Sandaya, Mantl P. M. Sunday, Leave Otmh View dally. mitTA Siutdar. at T SO and 11 IN A M ; S4A. ts aa4 IS . M punaay. lint. I. s an iim r. OS Fridays (hi 10 and IISOV. M Os Fridays there will be lwe lata tratas sp. The Ralarday Stwrtal, k Inalr1g wrtmlngtna at 1 P. If , and lh 11 P. Mi View. Will be dlnnon timed. IftCi froaa Uwtt Frelglit will be carrted cn the It 1 A M arxf t P. M. trains only, ine-l vytabl and aaais oa Um t to A. M. No r-l ff fewivd -lees acoompanlnd by a way Hll aa4 rrwtgbt prm paid. JK K. FMUICU. rrsMderil U. O. ORAUT Suderinteaseak te tt tf St. Paul's Academy FOR BOYS JLKp GIRLS. Sixth and PHdcms streeta. wumingtoa. n a SleAsnts rt.afrsegt.ly Prar4 Cor i COLLEGE AND BUSINESS. Beasioe opens ania$il si TVnns ll.OO And 94.00 Dr ealendar mtath. or Huurmauao apply to i K. O. Co a eta, A. fslj, rrlaelrel, I tas HOria Sewl stre. or te A. Q. Volgt, O. Bt, K 1 Wi-nh nitta - mm ww i CAPE FEAR ACADEMY . - - i i Begins It twenty -i i tWbt. IS. A inorns scnoot. Utatvaglilf far Business or Col ! savtng mnrb wfth the lUlM- Young pspu tAt""- A4ts 7 It ece, rrwftki. tt tosnTIa rank nil ' ta - w. VW1. ' . M0 I ton fVlA IUt j " -' , I w. v Y ' ""i. Ml'.- : ) 1 ? ! vrx