Guaranteed Booa-Fld, verf -OayJ r TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Circulation Lsrrer Thai That X -J..T f: ' i n -n Of Any Other Dally News4 . Yarw bj- Kail. S.OO!l si vtiM. - t.o : : Tw HaaUe. M l.OO ' paper ; Polished la Wilmington. -1 (oldest daily newspaebX llrr4 ( tikwriWrt la ta.X IN THB STATE. I A I ' VOL. XJJI.-N.O. 149. WILMTNQTON, N. G., SUNDAY, SEPTEMBERll 898. y i III at 4f Cel. mi Maatfc.. t WHOLE NO. 9,0!) ( T . ... . E Morn G TO THE PUBLIC. Friends of THE j MORNING STAR trill do ma a, favor !by In forming us of any fallara on the When General Miles r landed :he also landed a pretty heavy docu- inent ion the War Department, and contrary to Secretary Alger'a ' ex pectation he didn't take back any of those utterances attributed to him- ! Alger has a clear case now if he wishes to discipline Miles. THE SEASIDE SEASON AUGUST'S COUNTY EXPENSES. local; DOTS. Nearing Its Close Many of the Cottagers Moved Back to Town. ! New Hanover's Charity Purse for" the Month $719.17 Public Buildings, Salaries and Other Expenses. j part of newadeaJerav or newsboys on railroad drains, to meet the public demand for copies of this paper. j j OUTLINES, IGen. Coxey is campaigning for good roads. He found the roads pretty rough on his inarch to Wash ington. Bat this is about the most sensible campaigning " that Coxey eyer did. OPERA HOUSE ATTRACTIONS. Four cases and one death from yel low fever are reported anions-troops in Porto Rico. Transport Missouri arrived at CacJip Wikoff had 21 men on board when! she left Santiagq; thir teen died on the voyage, j Depart ment of Agriculture reports the aver atre condition of cotton as 79.8 on Sep tember 1st, as compared with 912 Au gust 1st; the decline in North Carolina was 6 points, South Carolina 8, Georgia 11; the average conditipn m North Carolina is 84. Gen. Gordon de c lines to serve on the commission to investigate the War Department, on account of ill-health. The Em press of Austria assassinated at Geneva, Switzerland, by an Italian anarchist, who stabbed her in the back, as she left her hotel; the assassin was ar rested ; under the laws of Switzerland the most severe penalty that can be imposed is life imprisonment, j Hobson has been promoted to naval instructor; Capt Hi?iason, of . the Massachusetts, to be commodore. Shafter had an hour's conference with the President on Santiago campaign. New York markets: Money or4 call was nrm at 6 per cent.; last (loan 'K in? at 3 -per cent; cotton quiet n.iddling- uplands 5 13-16c; flour jdull and fairly steady: wheat spot steady; Ex-Senator Sherman is quoted as saying that the United States will hold Cuba. We haven't -the slight est doubt of that, if a half -plausible excuse can be made or found. The Greater New York contains 885,000 residents of foreign birth, the Germans loading and the Irish coming next. more to say at present. He had the lastsay, and a pretty hefty one it was. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D. O'Connor For rent W. L. I. Special meeting;' Wilkes Morris Auctioneer. W. S. W. Self-inking stamps. J. G. Wright & Son. For rent. W. Catlett Cape Fear Academy. W. B. Cooper September mullets. Opera House Vaught Comedy Co. J. W. Murchison-A bitter warfare. BUSI2TC88 LOCALS. 2 red 69ic; c rn spot quiet,No. '!c: rosin steady; strained comjnon rood. $1 30gU 35; spirits turpentine ii at .'?U"i31ic. j WEATHER REPORT. t S DEP'T OF AGRlCrXTUBK, J Weather Bcrkac, Wilmehqtoh, N. C. Sept. 10. remperature: 8 AM.. 08 dee. : SPM. 72deg. ; maximum, 81 dee. micimtir., 64 deg. ; mean, 72 deg. j Rainfall for the day, .K; rainifall icce 1st of the month up to date.j .26 inches. j COTTOIC EEQIOS BULLKTI3T. ! For the twenty-four hours ended at i A. "it. yesterday: j Gener.illy warmer, partly cloudy to cloudy w-eather, has prevailed, with heavy showers, in the lower Missis sippi valley and light showers ! in nearly all other districts. Rain con tinues h Western Georgia, Alabama -and Southern Louisiana. : New Qr iH.iris r--orts 2 S3 inches tf rainfall Mni-e t sterday morning. ' "-'tajje of water. jn the river at Fay f.ville at 8 A M.ri3v2 feet " FORECAST FOB TO-TAY. F..- North Carolina Generally fair, t.i-i'.' J.-d by showers in Western continued low temperature; ."r'. i westerly winds. ! j ?j i Alnmaae Sept. 11. ii ;.-,e- ... : i3s a. ii. Sets 6.141P. M. Length 12: II. 36 M. Waterit Southport 4.36 P. M. i Water. Wilmineton 7.06 P. il v'.er thinks Spain neeas a miji di tator, and wouldnft object i mr the ilictator himself. ' says e blowiijg A returned Klondiker made l.".nu0 last winter the cornet. As the Westerners say. ew it in. Before Herman v buys any of those Philippines frum Spain she shonljd ;pain's abilitv to investigate as to give rood title. I The Prohibitionists in Northum berland county, Pa., are short on lawyers. They can't find one to ntn .'or county attorney. ' j That Cincinnati Populist conveij "U seems to have entirely lost sight ' Tom Watson of Georgia, who ii, " was. also a" middle-of-the-roadist. Notice To canvassers. W. E. Perdew For rent Walton Bargains in China ware. Mrs. II. Rehder Hyacinth seeds. P. H. Hayden Buggies, harness. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. -Paul Slocumb returned from Fayetteville yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Atkinson is visiting Mrs. A. B. Andrews, at Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Canady returned from Baltimore yesterday. Mr. Ben Solomon returned last night from a tour of Northern cities. Mrs. John McLaurin returned home yesterday afternoon from a visit to relatives at Durham. " Mr. A. Shrier will leave for New York City this morning: on the Croatiin to buy Fall eods. Mrs. Lizzie Moran, of Cronly, arrived yesterday to visit her mother, Mrs. Darby, on Church street. 31 r. .tranK ii. fttedman re turned yesterday after a sojourn of several weeks at Blowing Rock. Mr. W. H. Badon, who has been spending a couple of months in Charlotte, returned home yesterday. Sergeant W. J. Heizman, of Battery I, Fort Caswell, will leave for New York this morning on the Croa tan. Mrs. C. D. Gilbert returned yesterday from a trip to Cumberland county. Mr. L. B. Rogers, travelling salesman for Mr. D. . L. Gore, re turned yesterday after a week's ab sence. Miss Bertha Hunsucker, who has been visiting in the city for sev eral weeks, returned to her home in Salisbury yesterday. Mr. Albert Williams returned yesterday from Oxford where he went to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Kate Williams Horner. . Mr. Claude Gore returned yes terday, after several weeks spent at Mt. Airy, Ga. He will return to Wake Forest College next Saturday. Miss Fair Payne returned from Maxton yesterday. She Is one of the public school teachers and The Charles Vanebt Company , All this Week Much Talked, of Coming Events Benefit Concert Slo cumb McDaniel Wedding. . " ' " . i Another week distinguished for social lethargy has just closed. There has been but one function of especial note. That however, had crowded into the four short hours during which it was in progress enough of pleasure to make up for much of the social languor which characterized the week. The event referred to was the delightful reception and trolley party given j riday mgnt by miss ijettie Johnson, complimentary to her charm ing guest, Miss Fannie McRay, of Summerville. Special reference was made to the event in yesterday's Star. The occasion was graced by many of Wilmington's foremost society folk. The week has marked the close of the seaside season on Carolina Beach and also of the Seashore Hotel on Wrightsville Beach. Quite a number of the cottaeers on Carolina Beach have moved back to their town resi dences. Very few have, however, left Wrightsville Beach as yet The return of Wilmington s representa tives at distant resorts has commenced and within a week or two most all Wilmington society will be at home for the' Fall and Winter season, which promises much eaiety. I lie u'irU ought to make good use ap years while they can, for in i.t hundred years, according, tp : a'l.n computers, there will noit rn v more of them. ! in iie Zola is coming to this conn-t-' " lecture. He is going to-taljjc it himself and Dreyful. This :itrv has to stand a-good deal of iritis for the misfortunes of ' people. i '. Roosevelt on parting wit "rough riders" gave them somp i advice, and among other is told them not to f'pose.'T " who pose very often, expose r wi'okness. f "it r preachers are disputing over h converted Capt. Philip, of tha an. That doesn't seem to have ' ' i very difficult job, but; if thet v am to have j something that 'wil :if v a lively wrangle let them tH '-f.eir powers on Hon". John Sher4 man. j- v Northern contemporary ;re-j marks that for an old man who bad! to leave the Cabinet because of thet befogging effects of age, Mf. Sher man talks with' anrnrfainorl anirit. 1 - o -r spent part of the Summer m-t lit halin? Alaska. the invigorating, bir. of comes back ready for the Fall session. Mrs. D. E. Winstead and child, of Washington, D. C, who have been visiting the family of Mr. Chauncey G. Southerland, returned home yesterday morning.. Mrs. J. A. Montgomery and daughter, Miss Bessie Montgomery, returned yesterday after several weeks spent in Greensboro and Chat ham county. Mr. W. E. Kyle, the general passenger agent of the Cape Fear & Yadkin' Valley Railroad, is on the passenger list of the Croatan which clears for New York to-day. ; Mrs. E. C. Beaman and children returned yesterday from Roxboro, where they have been during the Summer visiting Mrs. Beaman's sister, Mrs. C. FL Hunter. Rev. Mr, Beaman joined his family at Goldsboro and came down with them, . j Capt. W. J. Davisjthe J white man's Democratic candidate for the Senate from New Hanover and Bruns wick, was in the city yesterday. He will begin a thorough- canvas of Brunswick county this week. Mr. W. P. Oldham, Jr., of the Atlantic Coast Line, left last night for New York on bis vacation.; He will come back by way of Raleigh, where his wife is visiting, and with her will take a trip to Western North Carolina. The Stab was very -glad to: have a call last night from Rev. J. D. Robertson, of Roek Hill, S.-C, a suc cessful young minister who is to preach at the First Baptist Church to day, and Rev. Archibald Johnson, editor of Charity and Children, a paper published at Thomasyille, N. C, in the interest of the Thomasville Baptist Orphanage. . - ' ' Probably the most talked 6f coming event yet announced is the Miss Norma Foster benefit concert and entertain ment. Star readers are familiar with the purpose and character of the event. It will be given in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium, somewhere about the 27th inst Miss Cannie Chasten who is in charge of the programme has interested some of Wilmington's most talented musicians as partici pants. Mrs. J. H. Watters will sing. The Munson Quartette Messrs. A- S. and H. K. Holden, Mr. Cooper and Mr. Fowler are to render one or two selections. Miss Foster will partici pate, rendering several violin selec tions. Master James Craft, as pianist, will contribute at least one num ber. Cecelia Quartette, remembered by the music loving public as especially talented vocalists, will sing. Then there is to be a mixed quartette composed of Miss Maie O'Connor, Mrs. James D. Smith, Mr. Banks and Mr. H. K. Holden, all of whom are vocalists of unusual talent and culture. Prof. Wilson and Mr. S. A. Schloss will di rect an orchestra company of a num ber of the best musicians. They will contribute much to the success of the evening. Refreshments are to be served at intervals both in the audi torium and in the refreshment rooms. Miss Chasten is delighted with the readiness with which the people are encouraging her commendable undertaking. A summary of bills audited for pay ment by the county finance committee covering the county's expenses for August will be of interest to the Star's readers who are interested in affairs of local government From the records of Clerk W. P. Oldham it is ascertained that during August the county paid out $454.87 in public charities. Of this amount $275 was distributed through the Associated Charities. The remaining $179.87 was paid to out door poor in monthly allowances and for medicines for char ity patients. In addition to this there was also.$167.70, expense of maintain-! ing the County Home which should also come under the head of public charities. Closely akin to this charity work of the county" and in fact ''part and parcel" with it is the expense of the City Hospital, which as before stated in the Star amounted during August to $462.03; the greater part of which ($264.30) is paid by the county. Thus making really a grand total of $719.17 which the New Hanover county government payed out in public charities during August, or rather this amount has been paid out since September 1st for August allowances and charity ex--pense. Summaries in other headings of county expense for August, as per: bills audited for payment last week, are as follows: Repairs, etc., on public buildings and grounds, $106.52; salaries and fees to county officers, $523.30; repairs, etc., on roads and bridges, $42.64; printing, $22.00; stationery,. $S.60, making a grand total of $1,607.78 county expenses, barring bills to the amount of about $100, which were considered incorrect, the auditing of which is therefore deferred. WOULD HAVE SWORN TO A LIE. Eeceipts of cotton yesterday were S98 bales, against 2,438 same day last year. i--- The steamer Wilmington will make her usual 10 A. M. and 2.30 P, M. trips to-day. ' I The Seaboard Air Line had; about 125 passengers yesterday on the ' a'. t . - il wees enu ucneus. There was an abundance of rice; birds on the market yesterday. One dealer sold forty dozen before eleven o'clock. I ; The Star is authorized to pa 25 cents each for 50 copies of the Wil mington Daily Record of Thursday, August 18th. , Pairing the week just -closed only three marriage licenses Wer4 issued. - One was for a white couple and two for colored. . l ' The regular, " bona fide circus lation of The Morning Star is much larger than that of any other daily newspaper published in Wilmington. The services at Brooklyn Bap tist Church will -begin at 11.30 o'clock this morning instead of 11, as usual. This is to allow the members to attend a funeral and get back to church. j The funeral of Lena Matthia Wiggs, daughter of Capt. J. O. Wiggsj will take place this morning from the residence, 214 Campbell street and the interment will be made at Oakdale. A special meeting of the lie serve and Veteran Corps of the Wil-i mington Light Infantry is called for to morrow night at 8 o'clock, by order of Capt W. R. Kenan, third president. Contractor John C. Stoutj signed a contract yesterday to build a! two-story seven-room house, with mod -: era improvements, on Third street be tween Red Cross and Walnut for Mrs. John F. GarrelL . Yesterday King Haman, col ored, ; was acquitted before 'Squire Robert Bunting of the charge of fail ing to Support his family. ROBESON COUNTY PRIMARIES. COLUMBUS COUNTY. Largely Attended and Enthusiastic Maay i Populists Uniting with Democrats. White Government Unions. t , ,. , Special Star Telegram. Lfmbertoic,! N. O., September 10. he primary meetings in this county tjrere the, mos$ largely attended and Enthusiastic io ' ten years. In somo yreciucts as many as thirty Populists jttended and acted with the Demo crats: No precinct heard from where &iere were not gains made from die Populists. ' The feeling on the (jart of many of the best Populist ft against the fusion ticket put up by tjie Populists add Republicans at their ijecent convention. The Populists ho are thinking see that their fusion with the Republicans is only helping tl put new life into the aecayed and r9tten negro party,, the worst enemy t. their principles, and they are re turning to their places with the Demo orats. We expect to carry Robeson br three'. hundred. We count on this frtom present gaiti. a White Government Unions were farmed in every precinct; in come pre ev'ncts are more enrolled than we had Democratic votes two years ago. PromlacBt Populists Attend Democratic Primaries Democrats aalolaf All Over the County. i Special Star Telegram.) Democratic primarie to day. Tlie largest attendance ever known. AiDBiig tne prominent 1'opulmUi at tending in Whitevill were II. It 11 . v? itr . . ... .L - vAjiuut it. v r ryar. j. ju vv lkr, A. Li rsellem. and qmtn M number 4f others, among whom was Owen Hol lers, son of the present Populist super intendent of instruction of Columbus county. iteporu ten oi iaree gains all over the county. SUNDAY SERVICES. NEW ADVEnTISKMENTS. WE HAVE Hot Made Peace. tfc (irary AT BUR0AW TO-MORROW. Colored Boys Make Agreement to Swear : to a Lie to Save a Partner. A; gentleman who has a place of business near the new market told a Star reporter yesterday of an inci dent that illustrates well the depravity of some of the colored element about the ity. With several others this gentlemen says Boy Mitchell, acolored boy, threw a stone at a white man, hit ting; him squarely in the face -: and struck with his fist the other white mani Then the infamous act in the whole affair was done. The same gentlemen saw five of Mitchell's accomplices about him and heard them; make a bargain to go befcre the magistrate in case Mitciiell should be arrested and swear that he was not the guilty party. As it was, the police man j got the wrong boy and the would-be perjurers were not called upon'to testify in the case. EXCITEMENT LAST NIGHT. The family of Mri A. H. Slocomb, Mrs. Slocomb and Miss Lillie, who are occupying Governor Russell's cottage ori Wrightsville beach, will return to Fayetteville about the 25th instant to prepare tor the Siocomb-McDaniel nuptials at Wilson, which will solem nize the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Slocomb's son, Mr. Paul R. Slocomb, and Miss Chandler McDaniel, of Wil son, Uctober 5th, There will be a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride, and then at the Slocomb home in Fayetteville an elaborate reception will be held during the evening of the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Slocomb will make a bridal tour of places of interest South. Drunken Negro Turned Out to be Very Active and Got Away. The crowds of people who throng the market Saturday nights were treated to an amusing spectacle last,, night v Sergeant Hewlett and Officer Woebse arrested a colored man who was apparently so drunk he couldn't walk.f, So they put him in a cart and were j preparing to have him hauled to the giard house. About the time they got fairly started, the prisoner sprang from the cart and "streaked" it down the alley south-of the market He disappeared i somewhere down on "Water street and couldn't be found again. The coming week will be of especial theatrical interest. The Charles Vaught Comedy Company entertains every evening of the week. The company has been rehearsing here the past two weeks. Monday night they will play "The Buckeye ;" Tuesday night, "Lady Audley's Secret;" Wednesday night, "A Hero in Rags;" I Thursday night "A Female Burglar," and "A Plain American Girl;" Friday night "East Lynne." Saturday's at traction and the matinee will be an nounced later in the week.- . The members of the troupe are all here. The following is the personnel : Miss Lillian Tucker and Mr. Charles Vaught Chicago Miss Eunice Good rich Chicago (serpentine, fire demon and sensational dancer) ; Dorothy Wal- cott, Boston ;The Sisters Mi liar, London England (singers, dancers and banjo players) ; Little . Theodore, Chicago, (child actress and singer) ; J. Francis Kirk, Wilmington, Del.; Thaddeus Gray, Boston; James Thayer, Boston ; William Hash, London ; William Pot tle Chicago, and A. B. Simkins; New York. All ladies are to be admitted free at the opening event to-morrow evening. There is every indication that the company will nightly play before large audiences. T City Snbscriners. . " City subscribers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every, failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases steps will be taken- to insure promp and regular delivery. Vail line of Dress Goods and Silks for Fall are shown at the store of The C. W. PolvogtCo. ,' - i t But new fresh stock just opened at The 0. W; Polvogt Co. Store, i f SOO" new pieces Matting at The C Robeson County In Earnest. The white men of Robeson county are aroused. Yesterday an order by telegraph for one thousand campaign buttons of - the White Government Union was received at the Star office from Mr. George B. McLeod, chair man of the County Executive Com ,mittee of that county. The order was turned over to Messrs. C. W. Yates & Co., who forwarded by express all the buttons they had in stock. They received another supply last night however. The Shipp Monument Fund. The! Association organized at Char lotte to rai e a fund to erect a monu-, ment to the late W. E. Shipp, who as killed at Santiago, has appointed the following committee to solicit sub scriptions in Wilmington: F. W. Kerchner, John D. Bellamy, T. W. Strange and Wm. H. Bernard. The committee organized yesterday with F, Wj Kerchner, Chairman, and Wm. H. Bernard, Secretary and Treasurer. Subscriptions may be handed to either member of the committee. . same negro who was tried and con victed of disorderly conduct last Mon day. The report of the superintend ent of health shows that during the week just closed therewere only seven deaths. Of these four were white and three colored. During the same period there were thirteen -births ; six white and seven colored. - Samuel Panuel, colored, was before Justice G. W. Bornemann yes terday charged with assault and bat tery. The evidence showed that Panuel had been cursed by a colored boy and had merely slapped him. So 'Squire Bornemann let Panuel off with the costs. , Mr.: Wilkes Morris, the well known auctioneer, has an" announce ment in the Stab this morning. He was for many years the junior mem ber of the firm of Cronly & Morris and is an excellent auctioneer. His office is on the south side of the old National Bank building. As noted in the Star several days ago. Dr. Robert Strange has re turned from his Summer outing and will conduct services at St James Church to-day. There will be the Litany sermon and the Holy Com munion at 11 A. M. and evening ser vice at 5 P. M. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. Peyton H. Hoge, D. D., who will occupy the pulpit of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York, to day, services will be conducted at the First Prebbyterian Church, this city, at 11 A. M., by one of the elders. The congregation, will assembly in Anni versary Hall. Cape Fear and Black River Boats. The steamer A. P. Hurt will be withdrawn from the river this week for repainting and repairs. The steamer Frank Sessoms, Captain Ward, on the Black river route, will take the place of the Hurt, and will leave Wilmington for Fayetteville Tuesday. The Sessonis has recently been overhauled and repainted, and is : in first class condition. Captain Black, with the steamer F. A. Howes, will take the place of the Sessoms on Black river, and will leave for Clear Run to-morrow. All these boats be long to the Cape Fear River Trans portation Company. ' , ' News from Company K. A letter received yesterday from Mr. James O. Reilly, . of Company K, Second regiment brought the news that the bovs are, jubilant at the thought of coming home. They sing and rejoice all day long and there never was . a set of men in better spirits. Mr. Reilly thas recently been made a corporal and also has been added to the hospital corps. Democrats Will Have a Big Rally in the ji County Seat of Pender. : ijThe toiwn of Burgaw has hardly ever hd a bigger day in its history than tomorrow will be. Such an aggrega tion of Democratic oratorical talent will be, present as seldom gathers at ope place in one j day. Jno. D. Bel lamy, Democratic candidate for Con- l gtapsS from the Sixth District (Japt. I . H. Kitchen, and R. B. Glenn will be among the speakers. A good delega tion of Democrats will go up from Wilmington. Bruce Williams, Esq., jt Burgaw, the secretary of the Dem- iOfatic Executive Committee of Pen- ;j& county, was here yesterday and He is the I 'tbgd the Stab that Capt. Kitchen was St. Thomas' Church; First Max t. A. M. Last Mass 0 A. M. There will be services at 11 A. M. ' . n : i . on ounaay morning in Anniversary Hall of the First Presbyterian Churt-Jh conducted by one of the Elders. St.. James, Fourteenth Sunday sf ter Trinity, 11 A. M., the Litany m-r mon. Holy Uommuruon; 5 1. M, Evening Prayer. Public cordially mviteo. id Kector will officiate. St. Planls' Lutheran Church. Sistfc anu Market street. A. G. Voigt, U. D., pastor. Oerman services this morning at 11 o'clock; English ser vices at 8 o'clock this evening. Comi muuion at both services BY RIYER AND RAIL. Alter Hi against high prices on Hardware and House Furnishings. Came what will, the fight ii going to b kept up as long as, we stay iti tin bunnrta, and this means that the PLACE TO HUY anything in the atpeaay at uurgaw, reauy to mane a ;bij effort Monday, Mr. J. A. Mont jgcrjmery returned from Burgaw yes dcty and said that a tremendous crowd jwls expected. The people will come iitit from Pender alone, but from ad jjb&iing counties also. Judge Robin- b will adjourn court soon enough to give the speakers plenty of time. Receiptsi of Naval Stores and Cotton Yesterday. W. A W. Railroad-11 hales cot ton, 3 cask spirits turpertine, 12 ban rels tar' 4 barrels crude turpentine. W. q. & A. Rail road -237bs)e cot ton, 15: casks spirits turpentine, Mi barrels rosin, 20 barrels tar, 5 barrels crude turpentine. Carolina Central Railroad 147 bslfa cotton, 12 casks -spirits turpentine, 5' barrels rosin. C. F.: & Y. V. Railroad-3 bales cotton 29 casks spirits turpentine. barrels rosin. 12 barrels tar. Steamier W. T. Daggett -14 bnrreU tar, 8 barrels crude turpentine. Total -Cotton, 31)8 bales; spirits ttir pentlne.j 59 casks; rtmin, 21 barrel: tar, 58 barrels; crude turpentine, 17 barrels. ; HARDWARE LINE at Rock Bottom Prices it at J. W. Mnrchison's, ')" OMTn ni II BIKU. J. G. Wright S Son. w MCNDXV LATK APvrRTIffrt) St ItoiSKK rvH RKKT We have rented 17 of this number since then, ami now t.rr.-f y.u rf u ilM IN intl ft Jii-t takrn Itarr- "4 MORAL Pat year prfrty ia Im the kssdi of rood Ral Estate Areata m,m4 fi jrear Ho.mi reated. tvtwn-n MartH 1M i THIRD VIRGINIA REGIMENT. ,V former Wjlmingtonian Who Joined the j j I Army from Another State. j private Augustus King, of the Third Virginia regiment, is! spending a fur oitgb in the city, his former home. tie, enlisted with a Virginia company frotn Fredericksburg, Va. His regi itCgit U now at Richmond, where it niaV either be mustered out or be sent tjd Cuba to do garrison duty. It was am3ng the regiments stationed at (pifip Alger, and Private King says fcheriife of a soldier at that camp was noe too pleasant. However, he is fa'iltly well satisfied and will return to Richmond on October 6th. I ! if . m ' Cap Fear Academy. jGape Fear Academy will open Sep tember 19th. It : will be under the? control of Prof. Washington daKett, as formerly. Every ad van tigo for preparation for business or ccxltfge is offered. Prof. Catlett has pre pajrd many boys for successful careers at college and in business life, and has ixiade a most enviable reputation as aja, ducator. Cape Fear Academy is aji (Institution of which Wilmington fel justly proud. The Stab hopes tAait will be well patronized during tiecoming session. ; Maj Northrop-McOeacby. Mr. J. A. McGeachy returned Fri day evening from St. Pauls, Ilobeson county, where he went to attend the marriage of his cousin, Miss Herts Mc Geachy.'to Dr. T. L. Northrop, both of whomi reside in the vicinity of St Pauls. The marriage wan in Ui- Kpis copal Church Thursday at 3 1. M and the ceremony was performed by lier. W. B. Arorwood. The bride ii the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno Me Geachjv nd the groom it :t U known (xhysiciaM, wlmw irrli-.- i in St. Pauls and Robeson county. Tbej will be at home in St. Pauls ftr Sep tember 12th. i Fire on Eagles' Island. The alarm of fire at 6. ft) o'clock yes terday morning was on account of line burning of a kettle of pitch at MeMrs. W. A. Martin ct Co.'s turfx-ntinc lit tillery, oh Eagles' Island. The boiled oyer and caught doing some thing like $50 damage. The lire de partment came down to the wharf, but inasmuch as it was evident that the the could not spread the apparatus was not carried across the river. ou- Imii on r.iifliU nn i , 4hi h4i- 'fi Hfil ainl Ann f -1 iiiIikwii Aim lttr.ti h. .,i..1 and Ttilr4 'Hw heu- on Ann ltr. n Imm kt4 o liouw on IfUi, tiM-i iWiiiiI a.n4 Htillrrj UTtli Muliim-y 1 n iKIiiar iti wmh tin MallHTT sua '.Vslllllt Trii I. ni. .11 .i;nui irlcoMi Fntirtli t4 Mr:h To houiMn 4 n r.-riiri f nflh Wlnnl I'll" h Mi in Sintli. IrlVM M ar trt and ! k ln.ijlfoi, IbiKiitli, H.avti Mull! 1 1 1 a ixl Wa'mit o.t I.- 4t W ii. IwtVfn aMtrtiri1 ril TIT. I 11. Iit 0IUit.l ii li rr4 llai v. luli Uf lmrir.) (! ac tual .4 til t .rtiriila Th(j regular, bona Jidf mail cir culation ;6f The Mormmi Stak is larger than the mail circulation of all other W LTi.r. atrra Imington Dailies combined. OHITI A. III. Iiarted thin life In th cltv uf Wllmlninoii on Sunday hmmtnir. Spti-mlir 4. ihun. F.iMi r. h : 1 yar. &r Wrlgit's Conrt. Vjiie Mayor's Court yesterday was hr$t brief. There i were only two caselt, George Robertson, the negro arraigned for trial ; Friday charged wall fighting near the new market Tpg,sday, and continued until yester day! for the defendant, was called again and the case dismissed. Email ui foseley, colored,' was convicted of beirwr drunk and disorderly and fined and costs. Palaster at Fort Caswell. !Mjor Goerge C. Stewart, paymas tier :t. the. United States army, arrived ini te city yesterday morning from Waington and went down to Fort Caswell in the afternoon to pay off thei gpldiers stationed there. He was accompanied by a clerk, and J. Q. A. Brjttj Six additional soldiers for Btftitllry I, arrived here ; from Boston yesterday morning and went down to I month and 4 dar. Uw tw loveil little boy of Kohnrt E. and Mr lai Williams. lTlio remalna Wrre rrrlwl Ut Htch laniln. In Onulow coanty, and df-poaiUl In the family rani of the Koonce family, on Ttieadar. September t, l, when and wlierr Uie fum-ral nun were aoiemnisea dt km v. mr. Aram, in the presence of a large numlx-r of mpathlalni; friends and kindred. May Uie rholi-t-xl flowr of earth blofaom and bloom with never fadlnif beauty,? and exhale their nwiwUwl fniif ran. around the tomb of the lovely and dmrly tw lored mild. h (Meeeentrrtr copy). J. G. Wright & Son. II II Hrl lAalr tpl1' YOUR OPPORTUNITY Occupying uniurpamed faCilitiei to pstk D. S. MEATS of all mh, it itidt to resion we khould vour trade or enquiriri, and we jhjll takf pieatur to RE.PLY PROMPTLY. W iarrr Ribs, Butts. Bellies. Lard, Grain, Flour. CIGARS. If you are PLACE to Hend the people. looking toi "he yogr money, RIGHT we are Vollers & Hashagen, Warrhmi' ku if A (' 1 .11- f. n1t ail N'EW I ADVERTISEMENTS. CAPE FEAR ACADEMY Opens Sept. 19th. Offers every Ivantif' for a preparatlim for mislneaa or Uolleire are expenae Young ipuplla can-fully Unght sell 1 w CATLKTT, rnncipiii. A SPECIAL MEETING ! oftbeRenerve and Veteran Corpe of WHminit ton Light Infantry Im railed for Monday nlutit. tort Fish Pry and Picnic. . There Ul be a grand rally of the white men of Harnett and other town ships at Middle Sound school house, near Shepard's store, Wednesday, September 14th at -11 o'clock A.,Mv jonn i. jBeuamy,- tne wnite mans Democratic candidate for Congress and other speakers will address the people; 3ral waters in the. "world is supeAt7to that of Jackson Springs for l9Siensia. Indigestion Insomnia NervouTProstration or Kidney. Blad der nd Stomach troubles. Read ad vertisement in the Stab. t W. Polvogt Co. New Embroideries and Yokeings are shown at The C W. Polvogt Co. t Furnish -Tour home with ! Carpets from The C. W. Polvogt Co. - t Colored Excursion Yesterday. Acolored excursion of three hun dred people arrived yesterday at 11 o'clock over the Atlantic Coast Line from Dillon, S. C, and Rowland, N. C. The 'cars, of which there were ive, were carried through to Wrights ville beach, returning to the city at 3 P. M., and leaving for home last night at 7 o'clock. C. Bethea, colored, was the manager, j : Lamberlim Fslr. The annual Fair of the Robeson County Fair Association will be held at Lumberton, November 2nd, 3rd and 4th. All space for exhibits free. Frank Gough, Secy, and Treas. f Window Shades and Lace Curtains at The C. W. Polvogt Co. t 'Jm, i "'' Vn.. -oiasaiaafj ps 'ii '-' . Goods, for school children's dresses are now shown at The CW. Polvogt ill Whit Men at Clarkton. A rporrespondent of; the Star, wri tinjgfironx Clarkton, Sept 10th, says: AiWfVhite Government Union was organized here last night with a mem bership of fifty-eight white men who are determined to see North Carolina TOvjsiCped by white men. Many Popu lists Were among those who joined. Mr, lp.-- M. McLean, the Democratic caiialate for solicitor in this district maidea very- enthusiastic address. It is hor,ed to get every white man in the towhfihip to join. Co. t Pike Cresbyterian Chnrch, I A'umber of Wilmington 'a musical yo men will go up to Pike Presby tedaChureh'near Ash ton to-day and assisittn the music. The party will coqsiii "of Messrs. IL K. Holden, C. H. Robinson,, Jr.,. C. H. i Cooper, R. F. jFejwler, Prof. A. H.I Yopp apd Jaiie? W. Monroe, the latter going as a musical director. . ) 1 1 ' " ! P ' - T Jjbsbsb gMJJI afMjiBssSs I i i W ' f $4 Fall Goods at Tb C. Pol vogt t4o, . 4j ,j . f BuVyour new Carpets at The aW. PolyjoftCo. - , ; t September I nth. at 8 o'rtuck. Hualnew of un portance. All memliera are requeeted to t- prneent. i By order of ClAPT W II KENAIC Prealllent JOHN D. WELLAMV. Ja Srii.. 8rretarr. Willi Wilkes Morris, Auctioneer! Offers his serrtoes for aalee of Ilouaehold and Kitchen Furniture at reeldenoi t ( Ooodii In Store, Renl EaUte, Mox-ka. B ind". Horses, Wrecked MaterLaL, ae. Office in old NaUonal Bank building on front street. Kntrasce on alley. touUi aide of building sell It 81si f the Red Flag. D. O'CONNOR. Real Kataiti Agtal, Wllamlwctasi, n. C, A . I DWKT.I.INOS, 8TOKES AND if sr.. Vowicn tor kEKT. Ii j n Houaea and Lota for sale on eaay I" I 'I' f erma. Rents, Taxes and I nu ranee asaWkKMal attended lo promptly. Money loaned on luuroTel ciu real .stata. aslU September Mallets. 8 BOO Posada New Mullet. 176 Plcaio Cbesia. BSO Biaara Pesvasit. 0OO Bttskela R. P. Oats. S40 Basra lOO Bait. 60O Bars 1S5 Salt. 800 Basra ISO 8aJt.v 750 Basra COO Salt. 10O Basra Dairy Salt. . 10O Bkrrals Poekai Salt. Write for; Prices. ' W. B. Cooper, tMlltf WholtS Oroees, W Itntiurtun. H. a Sair iaklasr Dating- 8taaa. Htl.r INKIN1 PAII' UtAMIH HKLF INK154J HEi'ClVKI Ir Cl.riHKINJ ANSWEHlUi WTAMm .SELF INKIN LINEN MA US. WIS Hand MrNaltj . Mapuf lbe,WirM. IU1 air r. fe-'t. WILMINGTON STAIP WOEES. Ben IS rnnreaa aire I. WIHiilnarton. P V. 'I "bone MO. as II U Opera House. OKE WEEK. (XMENCIK(a HOITDAT. SEPTEMBER ltTH. Entfa4reaent n( Ut. Chas. E. Vught Comedy Co., ;aPtrUua Miss Lilian Tucker. Monday Night, "The Buckeye." KeW and Moral SpeeialUea Cfiauir Of riaf sad SpeetalUea at Ea s I rrfiraanra LADIES rakK ailiMT. rrteM, 10, tP, ta. mtm wiimlorV iaJ)r, lar. H A. Hi sas ana 1 W r. Wilmingtoi Seacaast H'il, acsieaal la atiaar - j, aafs a aa a nil I. mnmAm. 10 IS A M i I SO a4 T it t Lmt vrmok a . .11 av;ai pupwn T aa and It a AMi a A. p and T. M Sender. IIW A. M sad SB P. M. rraitfril riu m earriM oa u n tm av. si. mmm P. M. trains enlr. leers wUkUrm and aaamia O. Lb A 0 A. M. We sl lil I I- 4 ea aoooanpaajeti rrj a if f t ana rrwcr- paid. O WO. R. ruiLSi M, I - - - f ' i i i i i '4 -it il - t J : i ii