' ' '- ' ' - I'll". , " -" ' - , I ' ' grr?MMMM,M'' " : - ' " : - - ' - ' ' I . .... ' 1 1''' - . J '. , ",,;-, 1 - . "' .B D n Xuuara" - I- II: l - - l . J ' ' ' '' r jl ' '- t . N Ai Circulation Larger Than Thai Of Any Other Dally News ..nor PnhHshed In f'Sf - - Wilmington. $ I0I.PKST DAII-y NBWSPAPBBk ; OUTLINES. i The House yesterday passed the imitarv Academy appropriation bill, j about $600,000. - Mrs. fiordeliaBotkiii sentenced to impris onment for life in the California peni tentiary for the murder of Mrs. Jno. P Dunning of Dover, Del. The keel of the battleship Maine will be laid Feby 15th, the anniversary of the ; explosion in Havana harbor.- Tne hitch in executive session of the Senate on the Paris peace treaty con tinues; friends find themselves- still ' short of votes necessary to ratify. The ' deadlock " for the Pennsylvania .' Senatorship continues. , Agui naldo's represenative has sent another ! - communication to the State, Depart ment at Washington, asserting juris diction overall the Philippine islands'. . Arguments for and against the - ratification of the peace treaty were ' made in the Senate yesterday. Bill to amend the charter of Wilming ' ton introduced in the House at Raleigh. . . jas. H. Pierce, captain of police from Terre Haute- Ind., committed suicide in the Park Hotel, Pensacola, . Frank. Blair killed Edward Brovard and Mary Anderson near Lima, t)hio, and then committed sui cide; jealousy was the, cause of th 'tragedy. Mrs. .Martha Place, the Brooklyn murderess, will be electro cuted at Sing Sing in March. . 'Rumored in Atlanta that the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis R. R: . h narchased the Seaboard Air Line. Xe w York markets : Money on calf wa stead v at 2'A per cent; cotton quiet, middling uplands 6 5 -16c; flour ; dull and weaker; wheat spot steady; No. 2, red Slfc ; corn spot steady ; No. 2, 435c; rosin steady; strained com 5m0iv'to good$1.30$1.32i; spirits tur pentine steady at 4546. WEATHER REPORT. , D. S. DEP'T OF AGSICUIiTUBB, I W2ATHEB BUHKAU, Wilmington, -N. C, Feb. Temperature: 8 A.M.,62 deg. ; 8 P.M., 63 deg. ; maximum, 74 deg. ; miniTmnn, . 59 deg..: mean, 66 deg. ; ' x Rainfall for tha day, .00; rainfall iiaee 1st of the month up to date, .01. " 3iage of water in the -river at Fay. etteville at 8 A.M., 12.8 feet.'. FORECAST FOB TO-DAY. Washington, February . 4. For North Carolina Oloudy weather with rainia vestsrn portions; colder by night in western portions ; fresh to brisk winds.. '-. is - Local forecast Fair and colder Sun day: oriSK wesi wiuua, Pjrt Almanac Pab. 5. sun Rises ... .j . .... 7.00'A. M. Sun Sets , 5.29 P. M. Dav's Length. .... : . . . . . . 10 H. 29 M. aigh Water at Southpor! 3.10 p. M. iiizb. Water. Wiiminztoti 5.40 P. M. : i sHall Caine says he likes thia coun- t-. doubt. Hall hag made some pretty nice hauls of cash out of this . country. It is said that the Philadelp hia Record made $343,000 in 1897. ThefS" are lots of Southern newspapers that didn't make half of that. The latest show curiositv in Lon- - - - . don is Ha3sen Ali, an Egyptian, who claims to be eight feet five inches tall, and he says he isn't stretching it. 'Jerry Simpson has coined a new word, plutogogae. Jerry never could 'find language in the ready-made words to express himself after the Pop; lay-out last November. . German inspectors make rigid in spections, of American meat. If they, will investigate the American j sausage they msioja in solving one I of the standing mysteries in this I country. . " 1 Secretary Alger and a select party of friends are going to take a jaunt through Cuba, at the expense of Uncle Sam. Alger'and his friends are doubtless on the look for some-1 thing to gobble up. . Considering its late experience in electing a U. S. Senator, the House 'of Delegates in West- Virginia is n?in favor of letting the people elect Senators and has so declared JJ a vote of 57 to 4. A Delaware man who went to Philadelphia became so absenL minded that he forgot his name and couldn't identify himself until he gaw his picture. Philadelphia has a ineer effect on some people. .; There .were 457 cases of typhoid feyw in Philadelphia last week, the Tesult f bad drinking water, and Jet the average Philadelnhian takes interest in the pending Sena- eiectioiin that State than he aes in tho AAn-Li 4.- . . ;Tf. . , ... . : j - . " is said that Switzerland" takes " about 4,d0O,OOO a year for feed-' gand lodging tourists and $6,000,- ! WO from, the sale of souvenirs, and J Tery largef part of this is paid fiy Americans, who. have equally as ne lf nt finer scenery in their own country. "' . luZ!! yLou been waiting? Well, now at Thi nh?xnTce- Bargains of all kinds weft W' Polvo 0o- durin toia tT --I - - ' - v - ' - . -f . r ..... -.r - v-... - .1. v:j . ... .-.5 ...... r TwoM.tk..v-?Loo VOL. LXIII.-NO. 115. LOCAL DOTS. Mr. P. H. Hayden offers a house for sale on Wrightville Beach. The schooner Melissa Trask, Capt, French, arrived yesterday to Messrs. Harriss, Son & Co. ' Five marriage licenses were granted during last week; two to white and three to colored couples. , Superintendent Perry and his street force are now improving Fifth street between Princess and Market. Only one of the L expected ne gro troops arrived yesterday. The others are now looked for on Tuesday. . Frank Onslow and Tom Walk er, both colored, were arraigned in the police court yesterday for being drunk and disorderly. Onslow was fined 15, and Walker $10. Prof. John E. Oowell, the tonso rial artist, has cleared his ship from 11 South Front street and is now anchored at 125 Princess street, and invites his friends to come aboard. ! There were receipts yesterday of 285 bales of cotton against 337 on the corresponding day last year. Sixty-two or the number were brought by the Oneidd on her Georgetown trip. The County Commissioners will meet in regular monthly session at noon to-morrow. The ( board of managers of the City Hospital will meet at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The schooner B. I. Hazard, Capt. Blatchford, . was cleared yester day afternoon by Messrs. Geo. Harriss, Son & Co., for New York, with a ;o of 270,000 feet of lumber from the Cape Fear Lumber Col The Democratic caucus adopted the following resolution Friday night: "Eesolved, That this General Assem bly should finish its duties by the 25th of February, and on that day adjourn to a day hereafter to be agreed upon." A number of Wflmingtonians attended a 'unique entertainment at ooutnport Jmaay mgnt. it was a "Bellamy Ball," patented after the "Bellamy Ball" in which New Yodgs -zw n 01 o duo uai uu vau ba a ic n tv cvn9 ago. -'-The steamer Driver on her last trip to Fayetteville met with an accident to the spindle of her wheel and has been here several days for repairs. She will leave-for t Fayette- ville on her usual schedule to-morrow afternoon. Mr. U". F. Parker, the furni ture man, announces that inasmuch as he failed to get all the styles of chiffoniers in stock last week that he intended to have, he will continue the special cheff onier sale during the coming week. - The charming young ladies of the First Presbyterian church, with their winsome witcheries, will give a valentine entertainment at Abbie Chadbourn Memorial Hall,. Friday night, February 14th. It will b9 for the benefit of the Sunday School, and the Stab wishes the ladies; much success. ; ' : There were , no new develop ments in the small pox situation yes terday. The patient is closely con fined and there is no danger of a con tagion. Dr. McMillan is giving the matter the closest attention, and in company with Capt. Robert Green, made several visits to the pest house yesterday. - No question involving the issu ance of $50,000 in bonds should be sub mitted to the voters of New Hanover county before the suffrage amendment to the constitution is adopted. It would be an outrage to .have this ad ditional burden (or eight-ninths of it) placed on the people of Wilmington by the negro vote. . The old and well established house of A D. Brown will place on sale to-morrow morning a full line of white goods and embroideries, embrao- iner every stvle of the former, and the largest, newest and most exquisite I patterns of the latter. . When you see what Whitaker. the advertising editor, has to say in the Star you may bet "it is so." "He always doe3 thing3 up Brown." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Jno. H. Kuck Notice. J. E. Co well Removed. N. F. Parker Furniture. Clyde Line Sailing days. Sam'l Bear, Sr. For sale. John G. Wright Wanted. C. W. Polvogt Co. Big sale. MV H. Curran A Spring Buit. W. B. Cooper R. R. potatoes. King Grocery Co. A pleasure. Opera House Lee's hypnotists. -Johnson & Fore For this week. C. W. Yates & Co. Valentines. Entertainment Calico Carnival. a. M. Snmmerell To rent or lease. G.O.Gaylord Time waits for no man. J BUSINESS LOCALS. Valentine Entertainment ; P. H. Hayden House for sale. DuBrutz Cutlar, Jr. For sale. P. H. Ha vden Buggies, harness. Mrs. C. D. Jacobs Boarders wanted. Prominent Tobacco Mannfacturer. ht- w w Wnnd. of the firm of JIU. " J Bercer-Wood Tobacco Co., mannfac- twist tobaccos at ?Ai9 VfA, " ' ' " aaAnerwivi cTtAnf vftsterclav in uie J&VWUBWV mjwm J W ftitv. Mr. Wood was one 01, nioneer tobacco manufacturers of Winston and is recognized in tobacco circles as the highest authority on the best methods of manufacturing fine chewing tobacco. He leaves for Char leston to-day, . Clearing Sale this week at The C. W. "Polvogt Co, - T"! I ' ' - ; SHADOWS OF EVENTS OF COMING WEEK. The Approach of Lent Qnkkens Social Life Some of the Principal Fane tions Other Notes. - . Quite a number of social events of especial pleasurableness are' in store for Wilmingtonians during this the last week before Lent . Probably none are of more general interest than 'the two February Germans, the first on' Wednesday night, by L' Agile Cotillon Club and the second by-L'Arioso Ger man Club on Thursday. . The Wed nesday night german will be led by Mr. James H. Cowan and the one. on Thursday night by Mr. Warren John son. l. During the past week the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacBae received invitations to a reception to be ' given on Friday evening from nine until twelve o'clock at their home, No. 713 Market street. The reception will be a compliment to Captain and Mrs. Donald MacRae. : l! Two departments of the North Caro lina Sorosis will meet during the week. The Literary Departmentjwill meet on Thursday afternoon. Features Of the programme will be a paper entitled "Philosophers and Theologians of Locke's Time (1632-1704);." Prepared and read by a member of the ' Society ; a reading from 'Locke's! j.' ''Essay On Human Understanding,"tand a paper entitled "The Corrupt Drama." The Sorosis' rendezvous is in j.he S. A. L. building. The Art Department will meet on Saturday afternoon. The principal feature of study! will be "The Lesser Works of Da Vinci." Tuesday , evening the first of the Wilmington Lyceum course of lec tures as provided for under the united auspices of the Lyceum and the Y. M, C. A. Star Course will be' given. Mr. Hamilton H. Mabie, one of the most fluent speakers now on the American stage, will be the lecturer Every night this week " Lee, the famous hypnotist, will entertain at the Opera House. He brings a company of skilled assistants and announces many new and startling features which will doubtless -attract large crowds. Wherever Lee' has been this season the Press has pronounced his achievements in the exercise of the mysterious art of hypnotism as mar velous and oft-times mirth-provoking. -' ' Final arrangements I have been made for the famous French Opera Company, now playing in New Orleans, to entertain in the Wilming ton Opera House on the 18th inst." They will present "Madam Augot" by Lecocv at the matinee and "Pari sian Life" by Offenbach at night. Mr. HobBomain, the advance agent, has been in the city for several days. The ioilowing is a unique invita tion to all Stab readers to attend a very 'unusual sort of an entertain ment and one witnai 1 wnicn gives promise of lots of fun : f Consider yourself cordially invited to be nresent at tne correctiv con structed and considerately combined Calico CarmvaL to be held in the Lec ture Koom of the First Baptist Church, on Friday. February 10th. The price of admission will i be ten .cents. Collation Conspicuous courses served in contused compactness, one con glomerated compound circle, one 1 cup of communicative cordial (containing no chicory), one cup Uninese cneer, or one cup cnoica cnurnea cream. One cider-cured cucumber and one cup com comrort. uiner careruny concocted culinary conceits. Bules and Regulations All ladies are coun seled to wear a cauco dress or apron, and also to send a calico ; tie of corre sponding color combinations to the Lecture Boom of the First Bap tist Church . on Friday morning. Ladies are further counseled to care fully conceal ties in a sealed envelope. and are requested to bring four calico quilt squares correctly ;cut, 3x3. All gentlemen are urgently asked to come without a neck-tie. and to oring a thimble, in order to carefully com bine the correctly cut quilt squares. Conclusive nrosrram: Comical carols. and carols which are! not comical; also, recitations which correspond in comicality and in other conditions. Yesterday Manager Schloss closed a contract for the appearance of the British Guard Band at the Opera House on March 16th. j This is Eng land's erreatest military band "Her Maiestv's Grenadier Guarda" under the leadership of Lieut, i Dan Godfrey, R. A. M. Their first engagement m America will be at the White House on March 6th. They expect to sail from London on the 22d inst.,! and will spend ten weeks touring tho principal cities of the United. States. The band com prises forty people ' Mr. W. W. Powers, ereneral representative, was here yesterday. : :. The Wilmington Dramatic Club has decided to postpojjf the "Evening of Comedy" entertainment intended to be given on the 15th inst until after Easter. The reason for tnepost nnnement is that there has been such a delay in procuring the manuscripts fnr "nomedv and Traeedy." one of the features of event that there is not now time to" Dronerlv rehearse the plays before Easter. i Example of Negro Insolence. Jno. White and Harry Thomas, two vounff colored boys, were arrested late yesterday afternoon for making an at tack with rocks upon two little daugh-' ters of night jailor Branch at the City Hall, while they were playing about the yard near their home on Surry street One' of the little girls, who was rolling a baby carriage, was quite nainfully injured by one of the rocks, wifc atmck her in the mouth. The boys will be tried to-morrow morning. WILMINGTON, N. C., SUNDAY, FEBRUAjRY !5, 1899. ATLANTIC AND YADKIN RAILWAY COMPANY. First Meeting of Stockholders Held Yes terday Recess Taken Until Mon- ; day Organization Perfected. The first meeting of the stockhold ers of the Atlantic and Yadkin Rail way Company was held, according, to previous advertisement in the Stab, in the offices of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company on Front street yesterday at noon. All stock holders were represented and organi zation was perfected. However, the meeting took a recess until to-morrow (Monday) at 10 A. M, without trans acting any business pertaining to as suming management of the C. F. & Y. V. ; railroad, for the pur chase of which the Atlantic and Yad kin was organized. ! These matters were all deferred until the meeting to be held to-morrow. - ' The Stab has it from high authority that the Atlantic Coast Line, of which the Atlantic and - Yadkin is to be a part will assume the management of the C. F..& Y. V. early thiai week. However, no official announcement has yet been made. 1 " SUNDAY SERVICES. Dr. Blackwell's third talk to younsr people at the Baptist j Church to-night will be on "Our Besetting Sins." St. Thomas' Church : First mass and holy communion 7. A. M. High mass and sermon, 10.30. Vespers, 7.45 St. James' Church. Sexaeesima Sun day, services: 11 A. M litery sermon, the holy communion; 5 P. M., evening prayer. Sunday school at 3.45 P. M. Strangers cordially invited. Services at Grace M. E. Church. corner Grace and Fourth streets, Sun I day, at 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Sun day school at 3.30 r. M. Key. A. P. Tyer, pastor. , St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Sixth and Market streets, A. G. Voigt, D. D., pastor. - English services to-day at 11 A.. 11. : German services at 7.oP. M.' Sunday School at 3.30 P. M. St. Matthew's English Lutheran Church, N. Fourth street above Bla den, R9 v. G. D. Bernheim. pastor. Morning service at 11 o clock; evening service at 7 ;30; Sunday-school at 9:30 A. M. All seats free, and every per son welcome, i Services in St. John's Church to day, Sexagesima Sunday, by the rec tor, Key. Dr. Uarmichael. Litany, sermon and holy I communion, 11 A. M.; eveninsr, prayer, 5 o'clock. Sunday school, 4 P. M. , BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts of Naval Stores and 'Cotton j Yesterday. W. & W. Railroad 69 bales cot-! ton, 3 casks spirits turpentine, 2 rels crude turpentine. bar- W., U. & A. Kaiiroad 143 bales cotton, 2 casks spirits turpentine, 187) barrels tar, Z barrels crude turpentine. ' Uarolma Uentral Kaiiroad 9 bales: cotton, 1 cask spirits turpentine, 49 bar rels tar, 20 barrels crude turpentine. C. W. cfc x. V. Railroad 9 casks spirits .turpentine, 220 barrels rosin, 43 barrels tar. Steamer E. A. Hawes 475 barrels rosin. 143 barrels tar. Steamer A. Jr. Hurt 2 bales cotton,: 11 casks spirits turpentine, 158 barrels rosin, 231 barrels tar, 40 barrels crude turpentine. steamer W . 1. Daggett 27 barrels tar. ! Steamer Oneida 62 bales cotton. Schooner Gold Leaf 13 casks spirits turpentine. 14 barrels rosin. Total Uotton, 25 bales; spirits turpentine, 39 casks: rosin, 867 bar rels; tar, 680 barrels; crude turpentine, 64 barrels. Taken to Soutbport for Interment The remains of Mrs. Rebecca Daniels, wife of Mr. Joseph Daniels, whose death occurred at the residence of Mrs. St George, on Dock street between Front and Second, ' on Friday night were taken to Southport on the Wil mington yesterday afternoon for inter ment Mrs. Daniels came to Wil mington several weeks ago for treat ment but she gradually became worse and was unable to return before her death. She leaves two small children and a husband, a well known pilot of Southport,' who have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in their bereavement. The! funeral will be conducted at her home to-day. Sportsmen Homeward Bound.. Seven gentlemen from Chester, Pa., who have been in this- section the past several weeks on a hunting and fishing expedition,1 spent Friday in the city and left for their homes on the evening train. ! They seemed de lighted with their sojourn in this section. A cage containing a number of partridges was among the "curiosf which they carried back with them. The party consisted of Hon. Thos. Clayton, Mr. William Hughes, Mii Jno. Paul, , Mr. David B. McClure; Mr. Andrew McClure.. Mr. Chas. Longbotham and Mr. William H. Hall. Weekly Police Record. The weekly police records show that for the' week ending last night only 12 arrests were made, 4 of the number being white and 8 colored persons. The offences for which they were arrested are tabulated as follows: Disorderly conduct 4, drunk and dis orderly 3, drunk and down 2, false pretence 2, and vagrancy 1. It also appears from the records that $66.50 was paid into the treasury as pound fees for December, which exceeds the amount by several dollars paid in un der the Wright administration for a whole year. Just south of where the First Na tional Bank building used to be The C. W. Polvogt Co. will offer bargains for one week, commencing February 6th. Terms cash. ; t Annual Clearing Sale at The C. W. Polvogt Co. during this week. t PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. -CoL H. M. Drane, of Arnjipur, was in the city yesterday, i j k J 1 1 , .. 1 1 . ' Mr. I. Hogeland, bf j Vferona, . 1 was here on business yesterday. ' J ' - Mr. A. W. Prince; of Holly I Ridge, spent last night in the city. Mr. Henry Miller, ot IRaleigh, was registered at The Orton yesterday "Mrs. N. F. Parker ik spending some time with relatives in Southport j Mr. L. H. McClammy ! was down from Scott's Hill yesterday, : making-business calls. i ;. - Mr. W. B. "Walling, & prom- I inent mill man of Washington, N. C, is m the city on a business tripl Col. Walker TaylorJ wpnt up to Wilson last night to spend Sunday with Mrs.! Taylor, who is visiting rela tives there. ,,--Vi'- j j - Mrs, Haywood D. j White, of I Raleigh, is visiting in the j city, the guest of (her brother, Mrj W. W. Roberts, No. 207 Church street. 1 f Mr. J. A. Munu has jaccepted a position as travelling salesman for Messrs. Love & Flynn. and ilefll yes terday afternoon On his first jtrip! Mr. Leslie Mann, who has a position in the A. C. I). Auditor's office, left last night to spend Sunday with his parents in Sampson county. Mr. Claude Cauthornj a rising young business man of Sumter, S. C, is spending several days in Wilming ton, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. J. Fowler. . -Mrs. H. P. Wilder lefti last night for Charleston, which will be her future home, Mr: Wilder having oeen iransierrea irom tne A. u. Lt. offices here to that city, where he is train dispatcher. " i 1 Miss Ethel McLeoo, Of Cincin nati, Ohio, is in the city, the. guest of her. cousin, Miss Matid, McLeod. Miss McLeod is a daughtef of Mr. ' A. H. McLeod, traffic manager of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad, who is also spending a few days in the city. ri ) - ' - ! !' FITZSIMM0NS AND SHARKEY. Arrangements in Progress lor the Fight To be Twenty.five Rounds pr More. Winner to Take All. Grand Rapids, Mich., iFeb. 3. Ju-; lian and O'Rourke have settled the dis pute over the $2,500 check put up by Sharkey to cover Fitz3immons' forfeit. The check is to be cashed to morrow and the parties are to meet in Chicago ort New York next week to sign articles for the fight, which is to be twenty-hve rounds or morei winner to take all, and to take place before the club offering the best purse, barring: tne Lienox uiub, of New York, j Omaha, Neb., Feb. 3. J. H. Miles. 3resident , of the Fremont ! Hot formers Comnanv. of Wvorhiner. went East this morning to press his offer of $20,000 for the Sharkey-Fitzsimmons fight " He says he is fully able to de monstrate his ability to hold the fight 'without interference at that point and also to give any guarantee idesired as to the final end of the affair. . : Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 4. Before leaving for Milwaukee to-: night Fitzsimmons said; in reply to Sharkey's announcement that he will not light in less than a year:, "He will fight' now within a reasonable time, or not at all. Six weeks is time enousrh. If Sharkey will not asrree to that he will be dropped, and we will take on Jeffries." TO CONSOLIDATE ROADS. V The Seaboard Air Line to Become a Com- pact System, j News and Observer.' A bill has been prepared and will be introduced " in the General Assembly: to-day to amend the charter of the Ra-j leigh and Gaston Railroad Company: and authorize it to consolidate with the seaboard and Roanoke; and other; companies comnosinsr the Seaboard Air Line, the effect of which will be to consolidate all of these roads and do-; mesticate them as one corporation un der the charter of the Raleigh and Gaston Kaiiroad Uompanyi mi i. x . - r. , . 13 xne ngnis 01 minority siocKuoiuers seem to be fully protected.! by requir ing the payment to them,! if they do not desire to go into the new arrange ment, of the full value of 'their stock. Thus, the Kaleigb and Gaston Kail- road Company is to be made the one corporation all others to be merged into it. Pretty Decorative Work. Mr. George Miller, the skilled de corator who has decorated' a 'number of Wilmington's residences and busi ness houses and does that class of work for Mr. , Thos. A. j Mclntyre at his splendid county place. "Onslow Hall," near Jacksonville, is now de corating the retail salesroom of .Geo. R. French & Son's shoe establishment The design is thoroughly artistic as is' all work done by this gifted decorator. Beautiful pannels, lovely garlands'; of flowers, birds and other figures com bine to make a lovely fresco design for the ceiling. Schubert Hall Reeital. In Schubert Hall yesterday ; after noon tnere ' was tne usual recital dv pupils of Miss Cannie Chasten. Fea tures of the, programme were: "Pre lude and Fugue in (J Minor," Bach (from Well Tempered dajvichord), by Miss Fannie Corbett; ; 'fTarantelle," Dennee, by Miss May Muse ; "On the Mountains Op. 19 No. 1J" Grieg, by . Miss Henri Shepard; "Gondoliera," Liszt, by Miss Bessie D. Burtt; "Polo naise" (in E Major), Liszt, by Master James Craft Clearing Sale this week at The C. W. Polvogt Co. t Clearing Sale this week at The C- W. Polvogt CO. r ; i T YADKIN SALE. Purchase Adjusted Distribution to Bond holders As Soon As Costs and Ex penses Are Determined. Baltimore $un. Messrs. Henry Walters, B. F; New comer, Michael Jenkins and Warren G. Elliott, purchasers .of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad on account of the Atlantic Coast Line. yesterday turned- in as Dart navment about $1,000,000 of bonds which were controlled by the New York commit tee and they ; were cancelled bv Mr.- tu. a. Marun and Mr. Clement Maul v. the master commissioners annointed by Judge Simonton to make the sale and distribute the Droceeds. A cash payment of ; $1,000,000 was made, which will be used to nav off the bonds held in Baltimore. The purchasers have now fullv ad justed the purchase money with the commisssoners, who have been in Baltimore for a few days. The distribution to the bondholders will be made as soon as the costs and expenses have been determined by the United States Circuit Court. This will be done as soon as Judge Simonton is able to hear the case or designates an other judge to hear it. The matter is delayed by Judge ssimonton's illness, but he is reported to be convalescent The Baltimore committee are making every effort to expedite the distribution.- The decree of sale ordered the purchase money to be deposited in sol vent national banks in the State of North Carolina, to be selected by the commissioners. The Baltimore committee Of bond holders consists of Messrs. Wm. H. Blackford (chairman).. Wm. H. Perot. Jno. A. Tompkins. F. T. Redwood. Basil B. Gordon and J. W. Midden dorf. ' t RESOLUTIONS OP REGRET. Whbkkas, The tender relation of pastor and people is about to be dis solved by Elder J. P. King declining to serve this church for the year 1899, though unanimously elected as pastor in conference, held the 3rd February, 1899. We, the committee selected by the church to express our sorrow af his departure and to commend him to the people he is about to cast his lot with in Florida,do hereby, m this feeble manner, bid him a sorrowful farewell, and can testify that he has devoted his life for twenty-eight ears to the cause of the truth once handed down to the saints, "thus saith the Lord," always true, always faithful, always consecrated to the Master, and always ready to help his fellow man in eyery good word and work never thinking of self, ready to communicate and a workman worthy of his hisrh vocation. We heartily commend him to God's people every where he may go, and 11 there's a greater teacher and preacher in any otate anywhere, it has not been our lot (any of us) to hear him; and now farewell, our dear brother. "The will of the Liord be done, Acts xxi-14, if we shall see thy face no more until the Master be come we can testify that thy skirts are clear of the blood of every man in this city; that we believe will soon be in names (with the rest of the works therein). And be sure thy health, thy welfare and thy work will ever be a source of -solicitude and care to us. "And may thy body and spirit be preserved entire unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen. And may God be with thee (and thine) till we meet again. God bless you. ELDER J. W . . HARVEY, Elder W. E. Streeter, Preston1 Cummikg, J. W. Reaves, H. G. Saunders, Ch'm'n. Stolen Bicycle Recovered. Mr. J. M. Wright of the Carolina Bicycle Company yesterday received the' wheel which was stolen from him' Friday, particulars of which were pub lished in the Star yesterday. He noti fied the Chief of Police of Goldsboro of the supposed theft, and the Chief immediately replied that he thought he had recovered the machine. Mr. R. L.. Sellers went up to Goldsboro ; yesterday morning, identified the wheel and brought it back last night The wheel was found in front of one of the hotels at Goldsboro, and the supposition is that the thief, after rid ing it that far. boarded the train for I Raleigh and left it. A persistent ef fort, was made by the Goldsboro of ficers to arrest the thief, but he could hot be found. Contributions Acknowledged. -The Benevolent Society acknowK edges gifts to the Home during the past month from the following friends: Mrs. H. F. Wilder, Mrs. R. J. Bunt ine. Mrs. W;. S. Warrock, Mrs. Carl Mahler. Mrs. tsnasrers, Mrs. J. M. Brown. Mrs.;- W. H. Turlington, Mrs. E. A. Kin?, Miss Janie Home, Miss Louise HarlOwe, Mrs. A. G. Hankins, Miss Blanche Fentress. Mrs. W . s. Yopp, Mrs. B. F. Hall. Mrs. Roger Moore. Mrs. w. k. Jrencn. Mr. j. jb. Garrell, and Mr. W. M. Hayes beef weekly. Miss russ Mancock, Mr. J. Hicks Bunting. The regular monthly meeting of the I Society willl be 'held on Tuesday the 7th inst. at! 7 o'clock. All members are expected to attend. The San and the Star "Please leave off your Port Alma nac reports, which are generally 25 or 30 minutes in error between the rising of the sun and the going down of the same, and oblige, : The above, from JJ'ayetteville, was referred to our weather observer, who tells the Star that the sun "rises and sets," so far as "Wilmington is con cerned, at the time appointed therefor by Turner's Almanac and Capt, K D. Williams' commercial calendar. -Per haps the town clock in Fayetteville not the sunis in fault. Years ago it was dilatory, and the Observer on one occasion printed the following "It's a race,1 it's a race,' cried a wag as he passed, ' "Alrl Tlmo 1a m HT.fll an ft mon SO. "The race Is between the stopped watch of the town i "And the dumb one on Hardy's brick house Annual Clearinsr Sale at The U W. Polvogt Co. during this week. t Dry Goods, Carpets, Notions, etc. at Barerain Prices for one week:, com mencing February 6th, at The C. W. f oivogt UO. T CAPE FEAR & WHOLE NO. 9,820 NO-FENCE WW. The New Hanover Bin Has Not Yet Gone to the Senate.. , Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C February 4. The only amendment thus far -made to the bill for a stock or nofence law for New Hanover county, is a change of the date when the law is to go into effect. The change is from October 1st, 1898, to January 1st, 1900 The bill has not yet gone to the Senate, - m To City Sobscribers. City subscribers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure, of the carriers to deliver heir papers. In all such cases steps will be taken to insure promp and reeular delivery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Calico Carnival. An attractive and unique entertainment to be given at the Lecture Room of the First Baptist Church, on Friday, February 10th, 1899. An ad mirable musical and dramatic programme will be rendered. Refreshments of all kinds will be served at popular prices. ' Admission 10 eenti ieu o at WANTED. TTVERY MEMBER OP THE LABORERS' Aid Union to be Dresent at their meeting to morrow night at 7.30 o'clock at the Hibernian Hall, opposite City Hall, for the transaction of important Dusmess. - - ' feSlt Acting Secretary. Barber Shop Removed, j JOHN E. CO WELL has removed from 11 South Front street to 125 Princess street, be tween Front and Second, where be is pre pared to serve his friends in a style that cannot be surpassed in the art tonsortal. re a k . The Annual Meeting Of the Stockholders of the Wilmington Sea- coast Rail Road Company will be held in this city on Tuesday, the fth -February, at 11 o'clock A. M., at the rooms of the Merchants' Association, in Seaboard Air Line building. Front street. J. 8. WORTH, fe 4 8t secretary ana Treasurer. TO BENT OR LEASE. A farm at Armour, N. C, immediately on the C. C. R. R., twenty miles from Wilmington, W. C. The land is well adapted for a Dairy or Poultry Farm, or the culture of Strawberries, trucking, etc. A comfortable house containing seven rooms, including bath room, store, barn, stables and other necessary out houses. Exci tant water, healthy location. Kind neighbors. Postofflce on the nremises. For further informa tion apply to G. M. SUMMERELL, feb 5 It No. Ill North Fifth street For Sale. One Soda Water Fountain. Tuft's make. Boston. Mass., known' as 'Magnolia." .i. OHcinal cost. .11.800 Five charges, copper, original cost $40 each 800 Total cost $1,800 a sacrifice. WUl sell the entire outfit at Rare Bargain. All in Good Order. SAMUEL BEAR. Sr.. feStf Wilmington, N. O. E- R. POTATOES. 100 bags E. R. Potatoes. 75 bass Ohio Potatoes, 25 Picnic Cheese. 90 bsgs Java Rice. 60 barrels Carolina Rice. 1 5 boxes Peanut Candy. . 25 tabs Broken Candy. . 10 boxes Ball Candy.' 60 pails Mixed. Candy. 76 boxes Stick Candy. 90 bags Wheat Bran. -240 bales Hay. 700 bnshels Corn. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer. feStf Wllmlnston N. O. nOTICE. I wish to inform mv recrular customers. friends acd the nnhlic ai it large that I am now I nniA mrmt. tor North nju-ouna for the cele brated "RHINE WINE" In bulk, made of nothing but pure grapes "and guaranteed the purest and' oldest wine on the market, poel tlvfilv not adulterated. The finest Wine for either table use or cooking purposes In the State. - Delivered at your house for One Dollar per gallon. Our very best citizens are using it and will eladlv testify to ita merit. - samples iree as siore, or u you rwx up jjbu; 'Phone i i wiu ta&e pleasure in sending sam ple to your resiaence rree oi cnarge. i am also selling, wiioiosaio aou nuui, mo fruit, which is known by many as the Foster Cider and the only pure Cider sold on this market. Sole agent for city of Wilmington. TrnlT. vonra. No. 6 North Water street. Ben Thone 185. . feSlw and we thank, you for the trade given us. We re"nere ' to do business. and ask your patronage. Our Motto is to Please. ' fttf McNAlR & PEARSALl. $ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Tear, by XU $5.00 . Six Month. -..' 2.50 , X Three Months. 1.25 ' X Two Months, 1.00 ' IeUTered to Subscribers In tn X City at 45 Cents per Month. to the housewife when she to provldrd wltfc satisfactory baking material for her pies, cakes and bread. Ton will have rich light cakes and delicious pies when nslnsonr high grade Patent Pastry Flour, pure and flue flavoring Extracts, fine Lard at 7c, Batter at 200 and 85c, and Cot tolene. Our home-made Mince Meat, Canned Pineapple and Bhreddrd Cocoanut saves time and trouble. . . THE KING GROCERY CO., B. F. KING, UA.NAOEB, 'Phone m. feStf Fourth Street Bridge. Will offer the well known brands v Bleached Cotton at the following prices . FOR THIS WEEK: 16 incli Fruit of tie Loom SMrting 36 Lonsdale SMrtiM 36 36 " Hill Shirting . . . . " Wamsntta Shirting . . . Several pieces of Good Crash at 5c per yard. A. Beautiful Line of WASH FABRICS , ... . i -, 36 4 Y T 5! JL -in at. .1 John S Fore. re 5 tf t Y X i vueare the People" Who have for bushels Texas Proof sale 2000 Red Bust SEED OATS. We liave sold for ten years the well known brand of r Q" FLOUR, and guarantee the quality even and never changes and has given universal satisfaction Vollers & Hashagen,: Wholesale Grain, Provisions, &c. Ja 22 tf Nutt street, Wilmington, N. CL Seed Oats this year are generally mouldy and unsound. We have . North Carolina ! R. R. P. Oats tested by ourselves. Finest Quality .and Low Price. BAGGING AND TIES. Groceries Generally. , The Worth Company. O 13 tf HORSES AND MULES. Just received new load Horses and Mules. Among them some extra fine drivers, roadsters and mated teams. And a full line of general purpose and farm Horses and Mules. Can compete with any firm in ouality and price. I W R1TFQ Market street between Second and Third. Ja 88 tf . ' . . J ' OPERA HOUSET WEEK SSSSln.In FEB. 6. .. Return of the Beoord-Breaker, . And His Great Company of r - - HYPNOTISTS. A Hundred New and Startling Features. "Cataleptic Statues." Cake. Walk. Country ecnooi reacoer. HUMAN BBJDQK.. Prices SO. 35. 2S. II cent. : fe 8 8t Special for Saturday. GB-ABE OHEESE 12 1-2c po"d Macearonl at 7Kc per pound. S. W. SANDERS, : At The Unlucky Corner. Watch my aU Wednesday morn lug, February 8th. iaitt Baking Day is a Pleasure t 1 1 f, -if '..- i ! (i H" : ' 'i. .v. .. i II . r ; f, 1 - I i i I - tj v t'i -f- . i i 'I .-! V it - t i t ll t !

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