iiiinuiMiiiiinmniHinHmimiiiwwiHiHwiwiiiiMiniiiiiB V ftUeetaMePrcparatioafor As similating dieTocdandBegula ling the Stomachs andBowcls of PromolesDigestion,Clieerful ness andRest.Centalns neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. EOT NARC OTIC. Jmpkm Scti' AbcSrniut EcduUtSJu- i I Anist Scett I JHrpcmunt - fiirm Seed - . I , Ctonfwd&vMr . -1 h'jntoyr! Afrncit I J a rrrfoct Remedy for Constipa tion . Sour StoiDach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions ,r evensn ncss andLosS OF SLEEP. TaeSimlie Signature of EXACT COPy OT 'WBAEPEB. Atlantic National Bank, I 1 (Z&tfft&Za'. NEW YOHK. l APITAL, Sl RPLtS AND PROFITS,... We vrant Your Business and WU1 Make It to Accuracy and Safety Guaranteed. J. Wi NORWOOD, D. L. GORE, Vlco President, I i rresiaent. DIRECTORS. L.1 BRIQGERS, Vlu GORE, P. McSAIR. I E. J. POWERS, I i H. L VOLLERS, tu.i it'- i C. W. If It's Worth Printing the Twice-a-Week Courier-Journal Print It. Ana Every Democrat, Every Republican, tvery Man, VToman or Child who can read will want xo read It. . THE TWICE-A-WEEK COURIER-JOURNAL . s'a Democratic paper, of six or eight pages. Is sued Wednesday and Saturday of each week. The Wednesday Issue prints all the Clean News, and the Saturday Issue prints Stories, Miscel any. Poetry, all matters of special interest in he home.! It is edited Jv Henry Watterson. Price Sl.bO a Year. You get 104 good pa; ot six or eight pages ONE CENT A PA ' each. PER ror si Liiusa USEFUL) PREMIUMS Are given Club Raisers, and good-paying com missions are aUowed agents. Datlj- Courier-JonrnrI, 1 ycar...$6.00 Daljr aud STundav. 1 vear. ........ S.OO Suudayi alone, 1 yea.... 3.00 1anl tf j . -: . : . ' The Murchison National Bank. I WILMINGTON, tf. C. Capital 8200,000. Opens Wednesday morning, March 1st. Bus! ness. solicited. Patrons can rely oh strict atten tion to their accounts, and . I As liberal methods a are consistent with safe banking. H. C. MCQUEEN, President. J. V, GRAINGER, Cashier. DIRECTORS:, K. M. MURCHISON. M. J. CORBTT, J. C. STEVENSON, i A. B. NIOBOLS, R. W. W LLACE, i H. O. MCQUEEN i J. A. SPRINGER, W. . WHITEHEAD T. M. EMERSOS, A. 8. WILUI4M8, FRED KID DEB, N. JA OBIr N B. RANKIN, -H. 8PRUNT. J. V. ORAINiiEtt, mal tf For any kind of GOOD SHOES 'i I : Caii on us. We can CAnnrn.ll v n It bvbti tha most fastidi ous customer. Be sure and sea the "JENNE8S MILLER" at $3.50 Be sure and see the DUTTENHOFERS at v S.OO Be sare and see the DUTTENHOFERS jat , 2.50 Be snre and see the DUTTENHOFERS at 2.00 These are the BEST SHOES MADE, at the PI'ei, for Ladles' wear. , , The w. l. Douglass Geht's Flno 8hoes are Beauties " Try them also. otT!?. hiv a limited number of beautiful season CALENDAR 4. call for one with your Purchase. Respectfully, MERCER4 & 1a 23 tf EVANS. CURE YOURSELF! . Cm Big O for unnatural discharges, inflammations, irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes. Painless, and not astrin gent or poisonous. Sold by Drnggists, or sent in plain wrapper. by express, prepaid, for tf.no, or 3 bottles, (2.75. Circular sent on reauest- " r- . .. - ,.- ;' I- If?" ' r-i'N ' jf f In 1 to fr d.7. I not to itrtetvre. "3PreTenu eonlaioa. alTHEEVA13 CHEUICtlCO. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Alwav Bought s sf Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have -mm Always Bought. HP II THC CENTAUR COMPANY, HCW YORK OITT. Wilmington, K. C. .$125,000.00 ..: 88,400.00 Your Interest to Deal With Us. Promptness, NO INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. LEE II. BATTLE, Cashier. J. W, NORWOOD, G. A. NORWOOD, H B. 8HORT, W. E. SPRINGES, WORTH, J. 8. WORTH. CITY'S NEW CHARTER Text of the Measure As It Fi nally Passed the General Assembly. LAW AS TO THE PRIMARIES. Mayor, Aldermen, Chief of Police and Ex ecntive Committeemen Only to be Voted For Other Offcers to be Chosen by Aldermen. An Act to be Entitled "An Act to Amend the Charter of the City of Wilmington." ' The General Assembly of North Caro lina Do Enact: Section 1. That an Act entitled "An Act to Amend the Charter of the City of Wilmington," ratified the 9th day of March, A. D., 1895, and also an Act entitled "An Act to Amend the Char ter of the City of Wilmington," rati fied the 5th day of March, A. L., 1897, be and they are hereby repealed, and all laws and clauses of laws concern ing the City .of Wilmington existing at the time of the ratification of the Act of March 9th, (1895, are hereby de clared to be in full force and effect, except so far as they are amended by this Act. Sec. 2. That the election o Alder men shall be held according to the Charter of the City of WilmiDgton and the Acts Amendatory -thereto, except that the registration books may be open for only ten days previous to the elec tion. Sec. 3. No member of the Board of Aldermen shall be eligible to the office of Mayor, or other city office or employment, until the expi ration of the term for which such Alderman may have been elected or appointed. Sec. 4. The Mayor of the City shall receive a salary in lieu of any and all other compensation, to be fixed by the Board of Audit and Finance, of not less than Twelve Hundred Dollars, nor more than Two Thousand Dollars per annum, which salary shall not be diminished during his termof office. Sec. 5. No person arrested by the City Police for a violation of the laws of North Carolina or the ordinances of the City shall be brought before any other person than the Mayor for trial or submission, except upon the usual affidavit for removal now pro vided by law.. Sec. 6. It shall be the' duty of the Mayor to have all persons who are tramps or vagrants, as defined by the laws of North Carolina, brought be fore him and to notify such tramps or vagrants to find employment within twenty-four hours or leave the city; and, upon failure or refusal to do so within said time, to arrest and put them to work on the streets or other city property for a period not exceed ing thirty days. Sec. 7. The terms of the City Attor ney and the City Clerk and Treasurer shall be for two years, beginning on the first Monday in April of each year in which the new Board of Aldermen are to be elected under existing laws, and shall not be removed except for CtUS0 Seo. 8. That Jesse Wilder, C. W. Yates, S. P. McNair, H. C. McQueen and W. A. Eiach be and they are here by appointed members of the Board of Audit and Finance, whose terms shall commence upon the expiration of the term of the members of the present Board, and shall continue for two years and until their successors are appointed. . "t primary elections. Seo. 9. That whenever the execu tive committee of any political party of citizens in the City of Wilmington decide to take by primary election the sense of the members' of the said uartv as to the nrooer person or per sons to be presented on behalf of that party to the voters of the city at an election Jo be held in the city, unde: the laws of this State, for the election of Aldermen in the several, wards of the city, and as to the proper 'persons to be presented to the Board of Alder men as the candidates of that party for the offices of , Mayor and Chief of Police, land: for the selection of the members of the city executive committee of such party, the said committee shall file a notice of the primary, with such rules for its conduct as it may adopt, not incon sistent with this act, with the City Clerk andTreasurer of said city, at least ten days before the time designated for trie holding of said primary. Such notice and rules shall be signed by the chairman or acting chairman and attested by the secretary of said executive committee, and by them certified under oath to be true and correct copies of the originals adopted by a majority of said commit tee. Said notice sball state the places where the voters belonging to that party are requested to cast their votes for the candidates as herein stated; and there shall be only one such place designated for each ward of the city; and the day on. which such primary election is to be held not Jess than ten days before the citv election and the hours within which it is fcfoe held and the names of the inspectors ap pointed to hold such primary election and receive the votes that may be cast thereat and make report and return thereof, and the time, when such, re turn and report shall be made to the committee directing1 such nrimarv election to be held; and, also, the date at which a second primary shall be held, as hereinafter provided, in cases where no one person voted for shall have received a majority vote of those cast at the first primary. On the filing of the said notice, and. if the said com mittee shall have adopted rules for the conduct of said primary, upon . the filing of said rules, as provided, with the city clerk and treasurer, the said onicer snail immediately cause the same to be copied in a book to be kept and preserved in his office for that purpose and the said notice and rules to be published in three issues each of at least two, or more in his discretion, oi tae daily newspapers published m said city, under his certificate that the same were filed in his office and the primary called pursuant thereto. Sec. 10. That no person can vote or take part in the proceedings of any primary election who is not by the laws of the State a lawful elector at the time such primary election is neid. Sec. 11. That the executive com mittee appointing the inspectors to hold such primary election mav de clare the terms and conditions on which legal electors offering to vote at such election shall be regarded and tanen as proper members of the Dartv at whose instance or in whose inter est such primary election has been called or may be held, and therefore entitled to vote at such election as a member of that party, and to provide rules, and regulations, not inconsistent witn this act, for the conduct of such primary. And upon the filing and publication of said rules and regula tions, as hereinbefore provided, any person who shall knowingly and will fully violate or attempt to violate the same shall be guilty of a misde meanor, - and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned in the discre tion of the court trying the same : pro vided, that the rule or regulation so violated or attempted to be violated be not inconsistent with the provi sions of this act or the law of the State. And the record of tho-' said rules and regulations in the office of the City Clerk and Treasurer shall be received in any court of thisHstate as the evidence of the primary rules and regulations adopted by said party. dec. lz. mat any recognized mem ber of the party in whose interest such election is held may challenge the. right of any person offering to vote at such election and the inspectors there authorized to hold, and holding, such election shall determine on the evidence then furnished whether the person so offering is entitled to . vote at such election, and shall receive or reject such votes so offered as to them the evidence for or against the' right of the persons so ottering to vote shall reasonably warrant. Sec. 13. That the polls shall be open for such primary elections from 7 A.M to 7 P. M., and all votes shall be by ballot. The report to the committee so directing such primary elections by the officers holding the same, shall be in writiner. with which the original ballots shall be returned and the poll list of the voters made at the time of the voting and the reasons on which any challenged vote was received or re jected. Said committee shall carefully examine the returns and reports so made and thereupon decide who are the persons that have been chosen by the majority vote cast in the primary election, and as candidates of the party fOr the office of aldermen at the ap proaching election ; and such of the executive offices of the city to be voted for by the aldermen then . to be elected as are mentioned in Section 9. The majority vote in a ward shall determine the result in that ward as to the persons to be the candidates of the party in that ward for aldermen and the committeemen from the ward to serve on the party's city executive committee. The majority of the ag gregate vote cast in all the .wards . 1 Vl J - A 1 - 1. .11 1 - il. . snail ueiermme wuo snail oe uie party's candidates for Mayor and such other of the officials as are mentioned in Section 9. The said committee shall without delay publish in at least one issue each of two daily news papers published in said city the tabu lated statement of the result of the primary and declare who shall have been nominated and for what office. and also for what offices by reason of no person having . received a ma jority of the vote- cast there has been a i failure to nominate. Thereupon, the second primary shall be held, as may be necessary because of the failure to nominate at the time designated in the first notice, and by the same inspectors appointed to hold the first primary, no other than the first notice being necessary; and at such primary only the two persons who shall have been voted for and re ceived the highest and next highest vote in the first primary for candidates for a particular office shall be voted for in the second primary for that office; unless, either, of those shall publicly withdraw by letter addressed to the said committee, in which event the third highest shall be then substi tuted for the person so withdrawing. or the fourth highest; and so on, if the persons voted for in the first and en titled to be voted for in the second pri marv shall in said manner withdraw. And the vote shall be canvassed and the result declared in the same manner as herein provided for the first pri mary. . I - Sec. 14. That except as herein pro vided all elections at primary elections under this act shall be regulated by the election law of the said city in force at the time such primary election is held as nearly as the same can be done. j Seo. 15. That if any person- who is not entitled to vote under this act shall vote at any primary election held here under, or vote more man once, or per sonate another person, or in any name other than his own legal name, or in any manner disturb the orderly pro ceedings of any such election, or in timidate; or in any manner attempt to intimidate, or to deter from votinsr. or .bribe or attempt to bribe, any lawful voter, or impose, or attempt to impose on any lawful voter, a ticket or ballot nth r than it anDears on its face to be. such person or persons shall be guilty if a misdemeanor, ana on conviction shall be fined not less than $10.00, or be sentenced to hard labor upon the streets of the city for not more than three months, one or both at the dis cretion I of .the court trying the case. SEC". 16. That the inspectors who mav hold such primary elections under this act. and return the votes. proceedings and. actions thereof, here- in provided, shall oeiore assuming me duties make oath before some officer authorized to administer an oath, that they will honestly, faithfully, and to the best of then ability, do and per form all the duties of their respective offices,: and any willful violation of said oath or of any other taken under the provisions of this act, shall be held to be perjury, and shall be punished as provided by the laws of the State for the crime of perjury. The Chief of Police and the Bhenlr of New Hanover County are required to see that good order is preserved at such election, and may arrest and pre- ent - Tor commitment to the nearest; officer clothed with the power of justice of the peace, all per sons who mav be guilty of any viola tion of; the provisions of this Act. 3 Sec.; 17. That the inspectors holding such primary election under the pro visions of this Act may of their own motion, or in case of the challenge of any person ottering to vote, if- they deem there- is any doubt of the pro priety i under the "provisions of this Act of the vote so offered, require of the person so offering to vote his oath as to : the fact which authorized the vote, and if the person so offering to vote declines to make the oath so de manded, his vote shall be rejected. Se& 18. That the costs and expenses of holding such primary election shall be borne by the city. The compensa tion of each of the inspectors shall be tnree dollars a day, and all charges and expenses shall be reasonable. Sec. la. That there shall be three inspectors of election appointed for each election precinct at such primary election, and in making the appoint ment of inspectors the executive com mittee! shall, so far as possible, select qualified voters from a list of names agreed upon by a majority of the can didates before a primary election; pro-, vided, such agreed list is riled with the committee on such days as may be designated by the committee. Sec.; 20. That the executive com mittee of the city, when they are peti tioned by one hundred qualified elec tors of the same political party the committee I belongs to, shall call and cause to be held a primary election as provided for in this act; and shomd the committee refuse to call or hold such primary election as petitioned for, they shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction be pun ished by imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty days or more than ninety days. . bEO. 21. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 22. This Act shall be m force from and after the ratification. Training the little Folks. - Many evils follow in the train of Vspiiit of intolerance, and it is this spirit into which the willfulness of a little , child of ten develops. The waywardness of a pret ty baby is at times amusing, and there ia a disposition to make light of Childish ebullitions of temper, but the lesson of self control cannot be taught too early, and none can deny that the parents who have bequeathed this inheritance to their chil dren have given them that which is of fax. I more value than all the wealth of Qol- conda. The attempt to keep your children In ignorance of stories about ghosts, fairies, giants and gypsies will certainly prove 'futile. If they are of nervous and imagin ative temperament, they will invent new terrors for themselves instead of the old traditional ones. A little girl of 6, who had been jealously guarded against any acquaintances with nursery bogies and superstitions, suffered from night terrors of a severe kind, in which she always screamed out that she was being chased by robbers. But, while it may be prac ticable to protect children from a knowl edge of . the supernatural and mysterious, it is inexcusable to frighten them with hideous stories or to leave them, a prey to the terrors of the solitude and darkness. Philadelphia Times. . The Easter Number of the HEW YORK HERALD Will Be Issued SUNDAY, MARCH 19. 24 Pages of Specialties in Color and Half Tone. STEPHEN CRANE contributes j the Best Story He, Ever Wrote. I love this story." he wrote, referrine to It in a letter. IT IS A STORY OF ...THE WAR IN CUBA. :. There is Other Fiction. . ! ALDEN Contributes a G-em. ARTISTICALLY THE EASTER HERALD WILL BE FAR ABOVE THE AVERAGE. Keller, Ashe, Graham, Qpper -AND MANY OTHERS HAVE DRAWN BEAUTIFUL THINGS IN COLOR. I The Latest Psxrls Fashions. I The Newest Novelties. SPRIGHTLY VERSE BY ! ALBERT BIGELOW PAINE. .Humorous Features., THE THE BEST IN EVERYTHING Easter Herald AND EVERYTHING NOVEL..., ma 10 3t MARCH 19. NEW LIVERY. I have received a new lot of Horses Buggies Ate and am here to do bnslness. When vou want to buy or hire give me a trial, a good supply on hand to select from at an times. F. T. MILLS. maStf EXECUTORS' NOTICE. The undersiened ha vine duly qualified as Executors of the last will and testament of Georcre w. Williams, late of the county of New Hanover, deceased, notice Is hereby given to all person havincr claims against the estate of the said George W. Williams, deceased, to present the same wltlfVouchers thereof to the sub scribers, at their place of transacting business. tnaomceoi wuiudb Bros.. 10 Kiurui vrauer street, Wilmington, N. C.,on or .before the 1st dav of of Feb'y. 19 w. Dated wumingtoo. n. u me 2nd day of f Fehruarv. 1899. Duncan m. wu- Uams and Fannie R. WUUams, executors of the last will and testament of George W. Williams, deceased. . a. b. williamb, i Attornev for Executors. ! 1 16 North Water street, Wilmington, N. C. ieo sow ir EPISCOPAL HIGH SCHOOL, - Near AlexandrlatVlrKlnlas For Boys. The 60th year opens Sept 28, 1898. Important additional Improvements In bulla ings ana equipment lustratea catalogue sent on appucanou. I,. M. Blaekfor ira, n&. ja., lY31tf wesu Principal. ifJTA EI H "-J?3i flM, Condensed TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE FOR THOUSANDS OF MOTHERS TESTIFY TO ITS SUPERIORITY. NFANr fEALTH sent FR. 9 9 f LOOK AT THESE Cane Seat Chairsr Oak Sideboards, . . Oak Beds, . . . . Oak Bedroom Suits, Woven Wire Springs, 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 And everything on our floors Come Early. TERMS CASH. THE SWEED CO. fe28tt J i VV V V VVW V V V V VV V V'j It is strong enough to he Made of heavy Galvanized Steel WiUTJfi US JfUK -FKIU-KS. WM. E. ja 15 tf Purcell 1 Spring Has We Are Opening Daily Spring Patterns ,: of . WMst Silks at 75c Evening Shades; Taffeta Silks at. . . 48c Zephyr Ginghanis at . ,il .......... . 10c French Percale at . .'. , U . . . 10c New Spring Styles Wool Silkoline Draperies at I. Curtain Swisses Sat;.. . j Infants' Soft Sole Shoes Best 50c Corset in the city. OUR BUYER, Mr; Rehder,;who for several weeks, will be pleased to J. H. REHDER &, CO., ! ! 617 AND 619 NORTH FOURTH STREET. P, 8. Car fare refunded to any one purchasing $2.00 worth or over. j ma 5 tf 1J OB PRINTINGI I o BOOK! BINDING 9 9 9 9 9 P R I T X the star job printing office, book bindery and ruling rooms are complete in their Appointments. 9 9 9 9 I Y V V T V Y Y Y V Y X Y Y Y Y X X X I Y Y IN 9 9 9 9 EVERY I N 9 & WILMINGTON, -jf. t 1 If 1 DO We sell large quantities of goods 'at a small prone we naoaie every thing in the Dry Croods line. ) , j; . We have a few special things we want to nush. and to nut low prices on big values is to move them quickly. Two hundred dozen .Laundered per cale Shirts, worth 50c, selling at 9c each. i One hundred Boy's Suits, worth $1.00, new goods, at 69c. i ifine liemstiched Sheets, auxau inches. 49c. I- 1 1 One hundred Ladies' Skirts at yyc, nice goods. JNice line ot bilk; Skirts from $5.00 Une hundred laaies' Capes, cheap at 1.00. for 69c. Twenty-five dozen Children's Tarn O'Shanter Caps from 5 to 20c. Forty rolls of Matting from 10 to 25c per yard. - - ll Sixty-two roils ot uarpet from nz to 50c. - . "T!J Spring Roller Window Shadesfrom 10 to 50c. Wilmington's Big Racket Store, j GEO. O. CAYLORD, Prop.. ma 5 tf OFFICE SUPPLIES. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF ALL KINDS OF Commercial Stationery Those merchants who are quick to give Grip" tnat urops m co snaxe nauas, trouDie to ass prices oi us. We will at least pay the freight. Try us. ! fe6tr: TPk t-M R. Bf " wSBHSafcv- -J Milk, & THE EAGLE BRAND' ' NewYook Condensed Milk Co. n.y. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 PRICES : 50c $7.00 2.00 1 1.00 Si 1.00 and up. 9 9 9 9 9 at a Sacrifice. . 9 The Hartman Woven Wire Fencing IS THE STRONGEST, MOST DURABLE and CHEAP EST FENCE MADE. used without base boards Wire. SPRINGER & CO., Building, Wilmington, N. C. Come Again. Our Hew .Spring Goods. per yard (no 2 alike) per yard per yard per yard per yard ' per yard per yard Dress Goods 25c ........... 7c .......... 10c at 25c will be in the Northern markets fill any orders for his customers. sV 9 9 AND RULING. 1 9 9 9 9 9 VARIETY OF PRINTING, RULING AND BINDING DONE NEATLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY & CHEAPLY. ! 9 9 WM. H. BERNARD, Proprietor. C. ' BUSINESS IS IS : Lace Curtains from 45c to $2.50. Three thousand pairs Shoes. Any thing you want in the Shoe line from Children's Sewed Shoes at 13c per pair. i . Job Women's Shoes at 45c per pair, and Men's Job Shoes at 75c per pair, to Fine Shoes at $2.00 and $2.50. In your Shoe trade we will be glad to have you give us aj look. We will save you money. W will guarantee a fit and give you satisfaction. REMNANT SALE OF SILK. BJprty-five pieces running from 1 to 15 yards, worth from 25 to 50c, we will now sell at 29c. 1 Silk will be put on sale Monday morning. Domestic Goods, Homespuns, Shirt ing, Flaids and Sheeting. White Sheeting at 2fc per yard. Pretty Spring Calico from Si to 5c per yard, I Yard wide Percale for" 5c. Bring your card with every cash purchase, and receive a present free of cost. j OPPOSITE THE ORTON. and Blank Books. an order, to every "Knight Cnleht oi the the save money if they will taKe O. W. YATES & CO. rSA. v T I IT TO ALL POINTS I North, South and Southwest. . ' Schedule In flect Dec. 11, 1888. ! Train 41 Leaves Wilmington 8:20 P. ' M , arrives Lumberton 5:15 P. M., Pembroke 5:85 pi H., Hazton 6:06 P. M.- Laurinburg 6:33 P. M. Hamlet 6:53 P. M. Connects at Hamlet with trains for Monroe, Charlotte, Athens, Atlanta and all points South: and with trains for Ra leigh, Portsmouth, Richmond, Washington and points North. Train 41 Leaves Portsmouth 9:20 A. M.,arrlv es tv eiaou u:4o a. m., uaieigh 8:86 P. M., Sanford M.. Wadesboro 8:10 P. M., Monroe 8:12 P. H., Charlotte 10:25 P. M., ana Atlanta 5:20 A. M. Train 88 Leaves Atlanta 9:50 P. M. Leaves Charlotte 5:00 A. M. Arrives Monroe 5:45A. M., Wadesboro 6:51 A.M., Hamlet 7:48 A. M., Sanford 9:52 A. M., Balelgh 11:18 A. M., Weldon 2:60 P. M., Portsmouth 5:20 P M. i Train 88 -Leaves Hamlet 8:20 A. M. Arrives Laurinburg 8:16 A. M., Maxton 9.05 A. M., Pem broke 9:81 A. M., Lumberton 9:53 A. M Wil mington 13.05 noon. - Tram 403 Leaves Washington 5:00 P. M., Richmond 9:00 P. M., Portsmouth 8:45 P. M.. Weldon 11:10 P. M. Arrives Raleigh 2:14 A. Sanford 8:33 A. M., Hamlet 5:07 A. M.,Wadesboro 6:01 A. M., Monroe 6:58 A. M., Charlotte 8iW A. M., Atlanta 2:50 P. M. Train 403 Leaves Charlotte 0:00 A M Arrlvoa Lincolton 10:20 A. M., Shelby 11:87 A . M., Shelby xi.oi a., ia., nuuienururon ix:ou noon. Train 402 Leaves Butherfordton 4:90 P. M. Arrives Shelby 5:40 P. M.Llncolnton6:56P. M Charlotte 8:18 P. M., Monroe 9:10 P. M. Train 402 Leaves Atlanta 12:00 noon. Arrives Monroe 9:80 P. M., Wadesboro 10:30 P. M., Ham let 11:15 P. M., Sanford 12:65 P. ML, Balelgh 2:00 a. to.., weiaon 4:oo a. jhu Portsmouth 7:25 A. M., Richmond 8:15 A. M., Washington 12:41 noon. Train 18 Leaves Hamlet 7:15 P. M. Arrives Gibson 8:10 P.M. Returning, leaves Gibson 6:50 A. M. Arrives Hamlet 7.1b A, M. Train 17 Leaves Hamlet 8:40 A. M. Arrivea. liiiomw iu:uu a., so., neturmng, leaves uneraw 5:00 P. M. Arrives Hamlet 6:20 P. M. All trains daily except Nos. 17 and 18. . Trains make Immediate connections at At lanta for Montgomery. Mobile: New Orleans, Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanooga,. Nash ville, Memphis. Macon, Florida. For Tickets, Sleepers, etc., apply to THOS. D. MEARES, Gen'l Agent, Wilmington, N. C. E ST. JOHN, - Vice President and General Manager. H. W. B. GLOVER, Traffic Manager. .. V. E. McBEE, Gen'l Superintendent. L. 8. ALLEN, Gen'l Pass. Agent. General Offices Portsmouth Va. Ja 10 tf ATLANTIC & YADKIN RAILWAY. i Schedule In Effect March 1st, 1899. South Bound Uaily No. 62 North -Bound ' Daily No. 53. MAIN LINE. 6 50 p m Ar...... Wilmington Lv 8 50. a m 3 55 p m Lv FayettevUle Ar,ll 59 a m 3 59 p m Ar..... FayettevUle.... ..Lv;i2 20 pm 2 30 pm Lv Sanford....... :Lv 1 143cm U 42 p m Lv Climax Lv 3 44 p m 12 13 p m Lv...... Greensboro Ar 4 15 p m 11 55 a m Ar Greensboro. ....I.v 4 25 pm 11 07 a mL.v.....8tokesdale......Lv 5 12 p m 10 36 a m Lv Walnut Cove..... Lv 6 41pm 10 09 a m Lv Rural Hall Lv 6 13 p m 8 45 a mlLv Mt. Airy .Ar'. 7 85 p m South Bound Dally No. 61 North Bound Daily NO. 63. BENNETTS VI LLE. 8 00am 9 07am 9 35 a m Lv. . . ..Bennettsville Ar Lv Maxton ..Lv Lv. . . .Red Springs. . . ..Lv Lv Hope Mills Lv Ar FayettevUle. ....Lv 7 15 p m 6 15 p m 5 85 p m 4 52 p m 4 83 p m No.,47. North Bound Mixed Dally ex. Sunday. 10 20 a m 1 10 40 a m No 40. South Bound Mixed Daily ex. Sunday. MADISON BRANCH. 5 80 n miAr ..Ramseur.......Lv 6 40 a m 8 25 a m 9 17am 9 85 a m 3 50 p mLv.. ...... Climax Ar 2 40 p m Lv Greensboro Ar 2 80 p m Ar....... Greensboro. ....Lv 1 15 p m Lv .Stokesdale......Lv tit vi a m 12 so p miLv.,,. .Madison... Ar il 55 a m Connections at FayettevUle with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with the Carolina Cen tral Railrord. at Red Springs with tide Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro -with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove wim me nonoicano- western uauway. i ' J. R. KENLY. General Manager. - H. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agt. mar7tf , ; THE Clyde Steamship Go. NEW YORK, WILMINGTON, N. P., AND GEORGETOWN . S C. Lines. New York tor Wilmington., ONEIDA Saturday, March 11 GEO. W. CLYDE....... Saturday, March 18 Wilmington for New Yorlt.j GEO.W. CLYDE. ...... ..Saturday, March 11 ONEIDA .'......Saturday, Marjch 18 I "Wilmington for Georgetown, S, C. GEO. W. CLYDE. Tuesday, March 7 ONEIDA Tuesday, March 14 Steamers do not carry passengers. ' I tar Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. - ' For Freight or Passage apply to . j. H. G. 8MALLBONES, Supt., Wilmington, N. C. THEO. G. EGER, T. M.. Bowling Green, N. Y. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, Bowling Green- N. Y. . maStf mm mm AND I LOAN ASSOCIATION Hazton H C. DIRECTOR8: J. D, GROOM, KHXton. ED. McRAE, Hazton. J. B. SELLERS, Maxtor. - G. B. PATTERSON. Maxton. ' R. W. LTVERMORE, Pates. WM. H. BERNARD, Wilmington ' E. F. McRAE. Raemont. The attention of Investors in WUmlngton caUed to the fact that the average profits of the Six Series of stock now in force in this Associa tion have been about Eleven Per Gent ' r Initiation Fee, 86 cents per Share. ' Subscriptions to stock payable In weekly In staunents of 25 cents per Share. The management is prudent and economical, as Is shown by the fact that the Association has sustained no losses, and its annual expenses, in cluding taxes, are only about Two Hundred Dol lars. ! r . J. b. ukuvib. rresnaenf. ; W. B HARKER. Secret lanltf For Sale. One Soda Water Fountain: - Tuft's- make, Boston, Mass., known as "Magnolia." i 1 Orlgmal cost, ...... .1.... .....soo Five charges, copper, original cost $40 each 200 Total cost. ........fl,600 Will sen the entire outfit at a sacrifice! Bare Bargain. All in Good Order.- i SAMUEL BEAR. Sr., Wumlngton, N. O. festf a "iwiti'Pi. , . rr.ii.u, j1""" . j .- ATLANTIC COASTLINE. Schedule In Effect Feb. 6, 1898. Departure from Wilmington North Bouxiv DAILY No. 4S Passenger Due Magnolia 11.19 9.45 A. 11., Warsaw 11.38 A. M.. Goldsbcro A. M. 12.26 P. M.. Wilson 1.16 P. M.Bti iy r Mount 1.53 P. M., Tarboro .9.81 P. S3., Weldon 132 P. M., Petersburg 6J V M., Richmond 7.20 P. M Norfolk iM ' P. M., Washirgton 11.30 P. M., Balil more 1.C0 A. M., PLiladelphia 3.5j A. M., New York 6.53 A. M., tBoston 8.00 P. M. DAILY No. 40 Passenger Due Magnolia 8.S4 T.CO P. M., Warsaw 8 43 P. M., Goldsboro P. M. 9.45 P. M., Wilson 10.38 P. M., tTarboro 7.04 A. M., Rocky Mount 11.85 P. M. Weldon 12J9 A. M., tNorfolk 10.25 A. M. Petersburg 8.35 A. M., Richmond 3.23 A. M., Washington 7 01 A M., Baltimore 8.23 A. M., PWladelphla 10.35 A. SI. New York 1.03 P. M., Boston 9.C0 P. K . DAILY No. 60 Passenger Due Jacksonville except 4.18 P. M., Newborn 5.40 P.M. Sunday 2.2 S . -P.M. . . .v SOUTH BOUND. DAILY ; No. 55 Passenger Due Lake Wacca 3.45 . maw 4.66 P. M.,Chadbourn 5.28 P. M. P. M. MaKOB 84P. M., Florence 7.15 P. M., ; Sumter 6JB7 P. M., Colombia 10.20 P. M Denmark 6.18 A. M., Augusta 7.55 A. M , - Macon 11.15 A. M., Atlanta 12.35 P. M. Charleston 10.50 P. M., Savannah 1.50 A.- M,, Jacksonville 7.30 A. M., 8t Au gustine 10.30 A. M.. Tampa 6.05 P. M. ARRIVALS AT WILMINGTON FROM THE " NORTH. DAILY No. 49 Passenger Leave Boston tl.03 UO P.M., New York 9.00 P. M., Phlladel-:' P. M.- phla 12.05 A. M., Baltimore 8.50 A. M., Washington 4 80 A. M., Richmond 9.05 a. M., Petersburg 10.00 A. M., Norfolk' 9.00 A. M., Weldon 11.50 A. M., Tarboro 12.21P.M., Rocky Mount 1.00 P. M , Wilcon 8.40 P. M., Goldsboro 3.21 P. M., Warsaw 4.13 P. M., Magnolia 4.25 P. M. DAILY No. 41 Passenger Leave Boston 12 ' 9.40 night. New York 9.80 A. M., Phlladel A. M. phla 18 09 P. M., Baltimore 2.25 P. M., Washington 3.48 P. M., Richmond 7.30 P. M., Petersburg 8.18 P. M.,' tNorfolk 2.20 P. M., weldon 9.43 P. M tTarboro 6.00 P. M., Rocky Mount 5.40 A. M. Leave Wilson 6.20 A. M., Goldsboro 7.01 A. M., Warsaw 7.56 A. M., Magnolia 8.09 A. M. No. 51 Passenger Leave Newborn. DAILY except 9.00 A. M., Jacksonville 10.86 A. V. Sunday .12.15 - P. M. FROM THE SOUTH. DAILY No. 64 Passenger Leave Tampa 8.10 1.35 A. M., Sanford 3.07 P. M., Jacksonville P. M. 8.00 P. M., Bavannah 1.45 A. M., Charleston 6.33 A. M., Atlanta ' 7.50 A. M., Macon 9.00 A. M., Au gusta 2.30 P. M., Denmark 4.17 P. M. . Columbia 6 50 A. M., Sumter 8.15 P. M., 1 Florence 10.00 A. M., Marlon 10.40 A M., Chadbourn 11.44 A. M., Lake Wa camaw 12.13 A. M. Datly except Sunday. - Trains on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldon 8.55 P. M., Halifax 4.15 P. M.; ar rive Scotland Neck 5.08 P. M., Greenville 6.57 P. M., Kinston 7.55 P. M. Returning, leaves Kln ston 7.50 A. M., Greenville 8.52 A. M.; arriving Halifax at 11.18 A. m., Weldon 11.83 A. M. Daily. -except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washing ton 8.20 A. M. and 2.80 P. M.; arrive Parmele 9.10 A. M. and 4.00 P. M.returning leaves Par mele 9.85 A, M. and 6.80 P. M.; arrives Washing ton 11.00 A. M. and 7.20 P. M. Daily except Sun day. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, daily except Sun day, 5.80 P. M.; Sunday, 4.15 P. M.: arrives Ply mouth 7.40 P. M. and 6.10 P. M. Returning, leaves Plymouth dallyexcept Sunday, 7 60 A. M. and Sunday 9.00 A. M.; arrive Taiboro 10.06 A. M. ana 11.00 a. m. Train on Midland N. C.Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C.i daily except Sunday, 7.05 A. M.; ar rives Smlthfleld, N. C., 8.10 A. M. Returning leaves Sinithfield 9.00 A. M.; arrives Goldsboro 10.25 A. M. . , Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 9 30 A. M., 8 40 P, M.; arrives Nash ville 10.10 A.M., 4.03 P.M., Spring Hope 10.40 A. M., 4.55 P. M. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 11 00 A. M., 4.55 P. M., Nashville 11 22 A. M.; 5.25 P. M., arrives at Rocky Mount 11.45 A. M 6.00 P, M. Dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leave Warsaw for Clinton, dally except Sunday, at 11.40 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. Returning, leave Clinton at 7.00 A. M. and 8.00 P. M, Florence Railroad leave Pee Dee 10.18 A. M., ar rive Latta 10.32 A. M., Dillon 10.44 A. M., Rowland 11.01A.M. Returning, leaves Rowland 6.00 P. M.; arrives Dillon 6.20 P. M., Latta 6.85 P. M PeeDee7.00P. M.,daUy. , Trains on Conway Branch leave Hub at 8.00 P. M., Ohadbourn 5.35 P. M.; arrive Conway 7.40 P. M. leave Conway 8.80 A. M., Chadbourn 11.20 A. M.; arrive Hub 12.25 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Central of South Carolina Railroad leave Sumter 5.18 P. M., Manning 6.41-P. M.; arrive Lane's 6.17 P. M.; leave Lane's 8.84 A. M., Man ning 9 09 A. M.; arrive Sumter 9.40 A. M. Dally. Georgetown and Western Railroad leave Lane's 9.80 A. M., 7.40 P. M.; arrive Georgetown 12.00 M., 9.00 P. M.j leave Georgetown 7.00 A. M.; 8.30 P. M.; arrive Lane's 8.25 A. M.: 6.55 -P. M rtnilv nxratnt, Hnndav. ' Trains on Cheraw and Darlington Railroad leave Florence dally except Sunday at 9.60 A. M.: arrive Darlington 10.15 A. M., Cheraw 11.80 A M.,Wade8boro8.26P. M.; leave Florence dally except Sunday at 7.65 P. M.: arrive Darlington 8.20 P. M., Hartsvllle P. M., Bennettsville 9.15 P. M., Gibson 9.45 P. M. Leave Florence Sunday only 9.E0 A. M., arrive Darlington 10.15 A. M. - Leave Gibson dally except Sunday at 6.45 A. M. Bennettsville 7.10 A. M.j arrive Darlington 8.02 A. M. Leave Darlington 8.50 A. M.i arrive Florence 9.15 A. M. Leave Wadesboro dally ex- cest Sunday 8.00 P. M., Cheraw 4.45 P. M Harts vllle 2.15 P. M., Darlington 6.29 P. M.; arrive Florence 7.00 P. M. Leave Darlington Sunday only at 8.60 A. M., arrive Florence 915 A. m. i Wilson and FayettevUle Branch leave Wilson ; 1.58 P. M., 11.15 P. M., arrive Selma 8J0 P. M. t 19 01 P. M . Smlthfleld 8.02 P. M.. Dunn 8.40 P. M.. FayettevUle 4.25 P. M., 1.10 A. M., Rowland 6.00 P. M.. returning leave Kowiana u.w a. m., FayettevUle 12.25 P. M., 9.40 P. M., Dunn 12.25. P, M., Smlthfleld 1.43 Pr M. Selma 1.69 P. M., 10.55 P. M.larrive WUson 1.05 P. M., 11.69 A. M. MonnhpRtAr AnDTista R. R. trains leave Sumter 4.29 A. M.. Creston 5.17 A. M., arrive Denmark 9.12 A. M. Returning, leave Denmark. 4.17 P. M., Creston 5.13 P. M., Sumter 6.08 P. M.! Daily. Pre emails Branch tram leaves Creston 5.45 A M., arrives PregnaUs 9.15 A. M. Returning, .; leaves PregnaUs 10.00 A. M., arrives Creston 8.50 P.M. Dally except Sunday. , Bishonvlfie Branch trains leave Elliott 10.85 A. M., and arrive Lucknow 12.25 P. M. Return ing, leave Lucknow 2.30 P. M., arrive 4.10 P. M Dally except Sunday. . tDanyexceptSunuay. SS, - Gen'l Passenger Agent J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. fe9 tf 'I- Atlantic aii Nortn Carolina Eailroai' Time Table No. 3. To.Ta.ko" Effect Sunday, Nov. 28 r 1897. at 18 M. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. - ::); 3 4 i Pass'tt'r Trains Pasa'g'r Trains STATIONS. Arrive Leave Arrive fceavej P. M. P. M. A.M. A, M. . 8 40 Goldsbore 1105 ..a 4 82 Kinston......... 10 12 ........ 5 86 6 45 Newborn 8 67 9 10 i 6 67 7 03 Morehead City. 7 42 7 47 1 P. M. P. M. ; A. M. A. M. . Train 4 connects with W. A W. train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.85 A. M., and withSouthern RaUway trahi West leaving Goldsboro 2.00 P. M and with W. & N. at New-, bern for Wilmington and Intermediate points. Tram 8 connects with Southern Railway ti aln, arrivlnz at Goldsboro 8.00 P. M., and with W. & w. train from the North at 8,05 p. M, No. 1 train also connects with W. & N. for Winning ton ana mtermeaiate points. - j lanltf ; S. L. DILL. Sunt, t Skin For the speedy and permanent care of tetter, salt rinom and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and SMn Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch; scald bead, sare nipples, Itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and -granulated lids. .. . . ' " Dr. Cadv's Condition -Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents . Sold by For sate by labltf IB B. BELLAMY) ! DrUTglst.

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