m ' ' 11 - Ml ! . I I II III. I II I..I.M M-.II...I ! .... - ....J. . .. - - - - - - - Guaranteed BonaHde, Every-Day I Circulation Larger Than That ' 1 Of Any Other Dally News paper Published la J TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIO.'J.: One YeaTr, by Sail, $5.00. , Wilmington. ? Three ZXoatW " " IM - i. "J'OLUEST DAII.T NBWSPAP IN THE STATB. DelWered to Babserlbera Is tfet xhw - VOL, LXIII. NO. 148; WILMINGTON, N. 0., THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 189, City at 45 Cemts per Vfnttu, WHOLE NO.; 953 - . . . , ,- .. J . - s . a . - a . v ..-.- , . -r w , .. m r s a a . - a a ... aav . v l . w . m . a .. - m . --.-.- - . - am - -- m a . , a r . k -.. . . . - -,.3 - . a i OUTLINES; Gen. Wheaton's flying column completely routed the Filipino forces, capturiae Pasig, Taguig and Pateroso; the American loss was slight; hundreds of the enemy were killed and about 350 surrendered. An American yacht reported in the Red Sea by a British cruiser, is"belieTed to be the racing schooner Noma which left New York in 1896 on a voyage around the world. - Washington authorities will not recognize the committee ap pointed by the Cuban military as sembly. Knit goods manufac turers met in New York yesterday to consider advisability of forming a combination. The Sixth immune regimelut, (white) was mustered out at Savannah yesterday on their return from Porto Rico. Smallpox threatens to become epidemic in North Caroliha ; it is reported in twenty counties; the State Board of Health has appointed an inspector to visit in fected districts; unless".'. ' speedily checked I compulsory . vaccination will be ordered all over the State. . New York markets: Money on call firm at 3 5 per cent, last loan being at 3 per cent. ; cotton quiet, middling uplands 6 7-16c; ' flour dull and easy; wheat spot and outports, No. 2 red 81ic; corn spot steady, No. 2 4143c; oats spot dull, No. 2 32Jc; rosin.firm; strained common to j,'ood 1.35; spirits turpentine steady at 47474c. " WEATHER REPORT. I 11. p.DEP'T OB- AGRIOULTtTRE, 1 , WEATHRB BUBKAT7, y ilmixoton, N. O., March 15. ) reasperature : 8 A.M.49 deg. ; 8 P.M., CI dcg. ; maximum, 69 deg. ; minimum, 4S deg. ; mean, 58 deg. . .. Rainfall for the day, T; rainfall iinca 1st' of the month up to date, .03. The information signal was dis j playejd at the Wilmington station yes terdav afternoon. A storm central over Lke Huron was moving north northeast. Southwest signals were f displayed from Washington, N. C, to West Point, Va. ffORKOAST FOB TO-DAY. Washington, March 15. For North Carolina Generally fair, fresh to brisk Westerly winds. . Fort Alsiaaac March 16. . -via Rises...-. 6.12 A.M. 3 n Sets 6.07 P. M. .Lv' Length.. 11H. 55 M. likh Water at Southpor. 11.46 P. M. Jliirh Water. Wilminzton" 3.16 A. M. Russiahaa now about 25,000 miles of railway, with 7,000 more under way. 1 - - Weyler announces himself opposed to'Silvela. Thi3 speaks pretty well for Silvela. Mr. McKinley is taking his iag. He is Hanna's guest . Hakna has the inning. out and The bill of the Boston aldermen for $20,000 carriage hire last year gives ground for the suspicion that some of the aldermen are silent part ners iijj one or more livery stables. " It is said that Japan is backing (phina against Italy. If this be so ! Japan doubtless has her -eye on a chunk of Chinese soil which she will expect as an equivalent for the backing. The war fever hasn't entirely cooled in-this country. There are 20,000 applicants for second lieuten ants in the reorganized army and about 19,900 of them will have to take something else. It is said that Russia backed down when she ran up against England in China. But it may be "incidentally i remarked that it will not take Russia long to get her back up when the opportune time comes. iJc-Gov. Hogg, of Texas, pre , sented a claim from for $10,000 ' commissions for collecting $101,000 due by the Federal Government to -.the State. The State Senate re-, garded it as a hoggish business and Bat, down on it by a vote of 22 to 4. The Chicago Times-Herald says, "on the authority of a member of the board," that the Court of In quiry will report that the charges of General Miles as to bad beef are unfounded. That will be a con founded whitewash, but -not alto gether unexpected. " . . Miss Ruby Gardener, a Texas girl, was so taken with Mr. Bryan that she asked him if he wouldn't kiss her. ne poiueiy miormea ner tuan he "wasn't Hobson." But she didn't need any assurance of that. ' And Ruby forgot that Mr. Bryan, is a I married man. ' - ..' . John D. Bockfeller saysVhe got rich ( by never investing in " any Bchetne unless he was sure it would pay. He wouldn't bet on a lorse j race unless he had a dead sure I thing. When a fellow gets tojbe worth two" or three hundred mil lions it isn't necessary for him to take many chances. ' " ' . LOCAL DOTS. GraceEpwortli league will i hold an important meeting to-night. - There was a 'conference meat ing at Grace M. S3. Church last nieht: Mr. Thos. H. Wright has been I appointed a notary public , for New Hanover county by Gov. Russell. . . - ur. vaiYiu o. xnaosweu, pastor I of the First Baptist Church, conducted services in Brooklyn Baptist Church last . night' -'-; .-"' ' -License was : issued yesterday for the marriage of Miss Eva C. Kodgers, of Wilmington, to Mr. John M. Jones, of Harnett township. "- The schooners Fred.B. Balano, Capt. Sawyer, and B. J. Hazard, Capt Blatohford, arrived yesterday to Messrs. Geo. Harriss, Son & Co., from New York. . - Frank W. Davis, a negro from Myrtle Grove Sound, will be tried by Justice Fowler to-day for an assault with a deadly weapon upon another negro, also living at Myrtle Grove - - "The Lancigs, Europe's Great Entertainers, have their.headquarters at No. 121 South TPront street, where they give daily entertainments in mind reading, hypnotism and palmistry. , The tug Imperial, with, the steamer .Driver's flat in tow, came down ' yesterday from Fayetteville. The Driver has been repaired and will leave on her regular trip this evening at 7 o'clock. .. v . There were no sales - of spirits turpentine yesterday en the local mar ket even at 43 to 44 cents, a decline of half-cent below Tuesday's quotations. The tone of the market yesterday was steady and the receipts were 31 casks. Policeman Jones, who attempted suicide at the City Hall-Tuesday night and who was subsequently removed to the City Hospital, was unconscious most of yesterday, but the attending physicians . think he is on the read to recovery.. ' ' "..l-V'- ''- ... Deputy Sheriff W. W. King re turned from Raleigh last night, where lie had been to enter Mr. S. Rosenthal into the. Eastern- Hospital 'for the Insane, he having been declared a fit subject for that institution by a com mission of inquiry a few days ago. The -fainting ' of -Policeman Woebse during the progress of the municipal court created rather a sensa tion yesterday. Mr. Woebse acts as hall officer during the day, and yester day, upon turning to obey an order of the court, he fell suddenly to the floor in a swoon, and restoratives had to be administered before he gained con- mm V sciousness. vertigo was assigned -as the cause. '' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hibernians Notice.! Primaries Official vote. Notice Hard woods wanted. - ; S. W. Sanders GeewhilikinsI Opera House The Highwayman. " S.H. MacRae Notice in bankruptcy. BUSINESS LO0AL8. Palmistry The Zancigs. T. D. Love N. C. hams. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. Ft W. Hargett, of Dick son ville, is registered at The Orton. Mr-Julius A. Boggs, of Per kins, S. C, is in the citron business, Sheriff, Walter 'Alderman of Pender county, was a welcome visitor to the city yesterday. Mr. A. L.-Koonee left yester day for Houston, Texas. He expects to spend some time and may locate there permanently., , Mr. JrH. Render has returned from his business trip, to New York. Mrs. Render, who has been visiting friends in Onslow, is 'also at home again. Bruce Williams Esq., was in the city yesterday returning to Bur gaw from Whiteville. Mrs. Wil liams will spend sometime in White ville the guest of relatives. . THE CAROLINA NORTHERN RAILWAY. Work Begun on Survey of Proposed Line ; from Lamberton to Marlon, S. C. Civil Eaeineers Joseph H. McBee and Henry Cumming returned yes terday from Lumberton, N. C, where they have been engaged in making a preliminary survey for the proposed new line of railway from Lumberton, to Marion, S. C; a bill allowing the construction of which was passed by the recent session of the General As sembly. :- : ' Mr. McRee has the general super vision of the survey and is being as sisted by Mr. Cumming and 'an en gineer from Greenville, - S. O. Both Mr. McBee and Mr. Cumming will return to-day-to Lumberton to resume work. '":-y'yy..:'- The proposed-line is about thifty miles in length and traverses the roost fertile sections of Eobeson county in I North Carolina and Marion in South i Carolina ana-wui no doubt - prove a valuable piece of property to the own ers when completed. v " St. Patrick's Day. To-morrow being St Patrick's Day, the members of Hibernian Society will meet at Hibernian Hall at 8 o'clock to attend divine services at St. Thomas' Pro-CathedraL The Society will sub sequently hold their annual meeting in their halL Recent deaths among the membership prevent the society from having as an elaborate St. Pat rick's Day observance as has been tneir custom. - CAPT: W. E. CRAIQHILL ; ; OFF FOR WASHINGTON. Officials of Wilmington's Commercial Or- ganizatfons - Commend Work Pone w DnrinjtHIs Admiaistration. r ; Capt. W. E. Oraighili; for Mr past twri VnttrSI Antn'muw . in itlnairtra nf (Via Wilmington District, United States Engineering : Department left last night for Washington, where he goes to become senior assistant engineer to the Commisioners of the District of Columbia. Stab readers will remem ber that on last Saturday Major EJW. Van - Court Lucas succeeded Capt CraighbH as engineer in charge of this district. yj. i.-S' w:V-3 The following" splendid and highly merited testimonial ' to the worth and excellent work of Capt. CraighiU dur ing his administration as engineer in charge of the Wilmington , District was presented to; him yesterday, to-wit r Wilmington, N. C, March 13, 1899. Capt W. E. CraighiU, Corps U. S. Jbingxneers, Wilmington, N. C: Deab Sib: We the: undersigned, presentatives of commercial inter ests in the port and city of Wilming ton, desire to convey to you, upon the eve of your departure from Wilming ton, under orders, to a responsible posi tion in Washington, a cordial expres sion of our high appreciation of your most acceptable, and effective engi neer work on our Cape Fear river and bar,, and of your rapid and skilful construction of the defences at Fort Caswell, " which should ever be asso ciated with your honored name. We are proud of your record as a soldier and a gentleman and our best wishes go with you to your new post where, we trust your superior qualifications may be duly recognized and rewarded. Yours, faithfully, Walker Taylob, First Vice President, Chamber of Com merce, - - - H. G. Smallbones, President Produce Exchange. W. A. Johnson, President Merchants1 Association, James Spbunt, President Champion Compress and Warehouse Co., W. G. Elliott, President Wilmington & WeldOn R. R. Co., , . . " Thomas Evans, Chairman Board of Commissioners of Navigation and Pilotage, , -.. J. R JKjenly, 1 General Manager Atlantic Coast Line Co. : - ' - ; - THE PLAN ABANDONED: Kercfaoer Residence Will Not be Used As a Sanitariam A Frame Building -May be Erected Elsewhere. The plan to convert the handsome residence of GoL F. W. Kerchner into a high-class sanitarium has been aban doned, so a Stab reporter was told yesterday byia lady who was one of the most active promoters of the scheme. ; '. i . . - ,It will te remembered Chat a few days ago it was given out that all op position to the opening of the sani tarium, on the part of the neighbors, had been withdrawn and that it would be opened for the reception of patients probably within a week. Subsequent ly the statement that opposition had ceased was denied, the resident prop erty owners in that vicinity signing a published card in" which the declara tion was nfade that the plan to open the sanitarium in their nudst would be fought to the fullest extent of4he law. The promoters of the proposed institution on the other hand claimed that they had the law on their side and would certainly carry out their plans--. - The reporter was, however, in formed yesterday that it is in defer ence to the wishes of the opposition that the purpose to open the sanita rium in the Kerchner residence is abandoned. The Stab's informant also says that the gentleman who was to advance the bulk of the money to es tablish the sanitarium there is now willing to furnish the mopey to pur chase a lot and erect a suitable frame building, if a satisfactory location can be furnished, i" MURDEROUS ASSAULT. ' Negro from Middle Sound Placed ia City Hospital With Fractured Skall. Constable Sheehan went" down to Middle Sound yesterday morning and arrested Iredell Loftin, a negro youth about 16 years of age, for a murderous assault committed Sunday afternoon upon another : negro boy about the same age, named Julius. Berry. Lof tin wasjjrought to the city , yesterday and committed ' to jail to await trial before Justice Fowler this morning "at 11 o'clock. . f- ; " Berry, the boy upon whom the as sault was committed, was also brought to the - city yesterday and placed in the ;. City Hospital, where an examination by Dr. Bolles dis closed the fact that his skull was crushed In and that blood had clotted upon : his brain. Ah - operation was performed and, the part of the skull found resting on the brain was re-1 moved. , j-- . Berry was struclc with a stick and it is possible that he may die from his wound; if so, the Loftin boy will be held for murder. Presented With a Cane; Mr. E. F. Johnson was the recipient Tuesday night of a handsome gold headed cane with his name engraved thereon, presented by a number of friends of Aldermen-elect Taylor and MacBae from the Third Ward, in token of their appreciation of valiant service rendered these gentlemen and their friends on Monday, the day of the primaries, at which they were nomina ted. The presentation was made at Mr. Johnson's home on Tuesday night in a suitably worded address, which was haimily responded to by Mr. John oiTi REVENUE CUTTER " ;- ALQONQIHN IN PORT. Capt. H. D. ' Smith in' Command Miss : , Smith and Mr. H. S. Smith Accom P8y Him Their Destination. . -The revenue cutter Algonquin, Cap- I tain H. D Smith, arrived in port yes terday afternoon and is, through the courtesy of Mr. James Sprunt made fast at the latter 's wharf , at the foot of Ann street A"Stab reporter was one of the ; first to go aboard and greet Capt ; Smith, who,: by the way, has a host of friends ; here, ; having spent J some time in. this port while in com- mand of the Morrill. : The Algonquin is bound up the coast from Havana, haying gone to that port to convoy th hospital ship Protector from Philadelphia. They-left Phila delphia oh January 28 th. TLe cutter will remain in thisjort probably a week. She will be repainted and other wise overhauled, rr 'i .-' ':rh i Stab readers will remember that since Capt Smith's last visit here he has seen some exciting service, haying commanded the Morrall during the blockade of Cuban ' ports established by the United States Navy during the Spanish American war and sustained heavy fire from the Spaniards on sev eral occasions. , ; : 'A :- i J, Mr. H. 8. Smith, son of Capt Smith, who was here last spring, is aboard the Algonquin as is also Capt Smith's daughter Miss Josephine. ' She is accompanying her father on authority of a special permit, granted by the secretary of the navy. . v - ; , THE POISONING CASE. Coroner's Jury Adjourned Yesterday AJ- teraoon Until This Morning. Autopsy Held.- . - The coroner's jury in the case of the Chavers woman, who was found dead under rather peculiar circumstances Tuesday morning, , adjourned at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon without returning' a 'verdict a decision as to the cause of death not having bean arrived at Anautopsy was held by Dr. McMil lan assisted byj)rs. Price and Zachary, yesterday morning, but without: an analysis of the contents of the stomach, they were unable to say as to whether death was .caused . by poisoning or some other means, and as chemical apparatus was not at hand for a proper analysis, the jury was adjournel un til such analysis can be made. Only two witnesses were examined yesterday the - Betencour t woman, upon whomsu spicion has rested, and a negro, who was in company with the deceased on Sunday and Monday . be fore her death. His evidence was en tirely immaterial. . , The Betencourt woman was repre sented by H. McClammy, Esq., and testified that she had never made threats toward the deceased, nor had she'ever seen the woman before the quarrel with her on Sunday before the death. Her evidence, however, is re butted by an ante-mortem statement of the deceased to the effect that she had been poisoned by the Betencourt woman and that if -she . died,' people would know the cause. This evidence is, however, weakened by the fact that the deceased before herdeath was in toxicated and in a maudlin state. r The jury will re-assemble this morn ing at 9.30 o'clock. In the meanwhile the Betencourt woman is held under a bond until an analysis of the stomach is made. ; THE MUNICIPAL COURT DOCKET. Two Offenders Sent to Criminal Court Yesterday Others Follow To-day. : Monroe. Cogdell, the negro arrested by Policeman Simmons late Tuesday afternoon for stealing a quantity of meat from the stalls of Messrs. J. F. Garrell & Co., and Hayes & McLaurin, at the New Market house, ! was bound over to the Criminal Court by Mayor Waddell yesterday at noon, he having been found guilty of the charge pre ferred. . The evidence was conclusive, and though the defendant set up the plea that he was drunk and not re sponsible for his actions, the Mayor sent him to jail in default of $100 bond7 ;;jf:;-;T":T-''.4 V"V::VV Two other cases for disorderly con duct and fighting were continued on account of witnesses. - i . - - Yesterday afternoon Policemen C. E. Wood and W. D. George arrested Robert James, colored, in Strauss' alley, for. stealing a pair of pants from another negro. : The pants stole were being worn by the defendant at the time of his arrest,' and were iden tified by. the prosecutor. The case will be heard jby Mayor Waddell to day. ' ':'- .--'r .r:.1": ' David Lique, colored, was also sent over to the Criminal Court yesterday from the municipal court for an as-, sault with a deadly weapon upon an other negro named Tyler.1 BY RIVER AND RAIL, Receipts of Naval . Stores and Cotton Yesterday." --. - " W. & W. Railroad 11 bales cotton, 3 casks Spirits turpentine, 4 barrels tar. W., O. & A. Railroad 58 bales cot ton, 15 casks spirits turpentine, 53 bar rels rosin, 84 barrels tar, 2 barrels crude turpentine., ; - , . -'v - - -. A. Sc Y. Railroad 4 casks spirits tur pentine, 134 barrels rosin, 13 barrels tar.' W. & N. Railroad 16 bales cotton, 9 casks spirits turpentine. -Steamer Driver's flat 10 barrels rosin, 112 barrels tar. - Steamer Seabright 13 barrels tar. Total Cotton, 85 bales; spirits tur nentine. - 31 casks : rosin. 177 barrels : I far, 226 Darrels; crude turpentine, z I barrels. PARKER AND MONTGOMERY. Nominated for Aldermen from Fifth Ward at Second Primary. Yesterday Vote t in the. Second Ward. as a result or tne second primary held yesterday, Messrs. F. Mont gomery and C. C. Parker were hom inated for Aldermen in the Fifth Ward and Messrs. Owen F. Love and J. G. Lu Gieschen were selected as' members of the City Executive Committee' from the Second Ward, thefirst; named by: majorities of about one hundred j and the committeemen from - the Second Ward by majorities of about twenty five of the total vote cast j IThe -official vote as .declared byU the City Executive Committee at a meet-, ing held at the City Hall last night Is as follows: x - SECOND 'WARD. j '.Executive - Committer Owen1 F.'. Love 90; J. G. L. Gieschen 89; W. J. Woodward 73; W. E. Worth 67j ffm. H. Sprunt 2; M. W. Jacobi 2, ' and James C. Munds 2. " i Committeemen elected Messrs. Love and Gieschen. Number of ballots cast 161. fifth wabd. j Aldermen F. A. Montgomery,! 319; C. C. Parker, 312; Jno. C. i. Walton, 217; Jno. J, Bell, 212. Nominees Messrs. Montgomery and Parker. " ; ! ' - '-!- Total votes cast 534. ' In this ward , two vote3 for Messrs. Wal.ton and Bell, which had been il legally cast, were thrown . out by the committee. The contest during the day was a lively one and supporters of both tickets' used every effort for the election of their candidates.; , The registration books were Open at all the precincts again yesterday, but as on Monday, the registration was very light Several negroes had their names - enrolled, on the books at dif ferent precincts yesterday. I - ' LIST OF LETTERS Remaining Uncalled For in the Wilming ton Postofflce March I5tb, I899J WOMEN'S list. Bessie Bertha. Anne Council, Har riet Council. Mary Cahill. Bertie Fitz patrick, C D Fulcher, Evalinai Far mer. Esther Gafford. Anna Herring, Alois Huske, Dollie Hansley, ) Emma Hill, Maria Herren, Sersia Haring. G W Jones. . Mrslslara. Gertie Lee, W R Lowis. "' Addie Anna Mathes, Carrie Meming, Josephine Moore, Mary Mc Kethan, Sue McMeller. H R Lister. Addie Perry, -i Lura Reynolds,' Julia Robinson," Virginia Riley, j Annie Smith, Effie Sabiston, Lizzig j Speres, Mary Saulter, Mary Smith. Maggie E waiter. HEN'S list. , W E Anderson. Jr.. S A Allen. M D. H H Bobbs. H L Brown,! J C Bordeaux, Jno W Brittingham, 'Capt ME Bloodgood, S R Bennett, Thos Blunt C R Curtis (2), G T Chadwick, George Clark, Cedar Grove Baptist Church, Mr Charles, W T Canady, W F Cox. Floyd Dees. Dr A E Frantz, CCFairell, ELFoy, WB Farrior, Willie Farington. Clifford Goon, Carney Gelespie, James Grady. Alonzo Howard, J W Hobgood? J R Hdee, K B.Hardee, Nathaniel Hanseley. Henry Johnson, Robert P Jennings. Henry L Murphy, John u McDowell, Loyd McCullough, Moses A Moore. EobtNihon. W D Palmer, Olive Branch Baptist Church, Joseph Penny-. Geo Smeleterry, J M Smith, J W Sloan. Dr& Mrs David Taylor, Eddie Thompson. Freince Tooller. Henry M Tyler, Wm Tucker W I Taylor. w -Jno Williams, Emmect Williams,; Weston, Oliver Weston. " - RETURN KD FROM DEAD LETTER OFFICE. Jane Davis, V T Farlo, L Oleo Guy, Owen Sums. i. . j Persons calling for above letters will please say advertised. If not called for in fifteen days they will be sent to the dead letter office. if ! . WM.H. Chadbotbn, i Postmaster. MAY ADJOURN FRIDAY. Work of Eastern Circuit Criminal Court Progressing Satisfactorily.! I JDuring yesterday's session of the Eastern District Criminal Court the following cases, all against were disposed-of, to-wit: -1;: legroes, -Joe Belden, larceny, three years in assault weapon, penitentiary; and : battery Martha Smith, with deadly judgment suspended on payment of costs; Tilly Taylor, keeping disorder ly house, not guilty; Bill Oldham, larceny, twelve months in peniten tiary ; Monroe Coghill, larceny, ' five years in penitentiary ; ' David jLique, assault and battery with deadly Weapon, six monthsin penitentiary. r As previously announced! the trial of Ed Haywood, colored, for Hs .life, on the charge of burglary! will be called at 9.30 o'clock this morning, and Brook Empie, Esq., -will be coun sel for the defendant. It is not ex pected that the trial will takes all of even to-day's session. : It is expected that the work of the court Willie completed: to-morrow, so that a session on Saturday will not be necessary. -! '"' - Solicitor-Rodolph Duffy returned from Pender j court yesterday and is now directing the prosecution-fcr the State is his usual vigorous manner. Married In Illinois Yesterday. Yesterday at the home of the brides' father, Rev. P. Slagle, at Clayton, IIL Mr. D. H. : Harnly. editor -Sof the Eastern Carolina Truck and Fruit Grower's Journal, was united in mar riage to Miss Nellie Slagle. . Mr. and Mrs. .Harnly iare expected; 16 j arrive here on the 23rd inst. and will be at home at the residence of Mrs; Mary Powell on Grace street. 1 The regular, bona fide circula tion of The Morning Stab 14 much larger than that of r any ' other daily newspaper published in Wilmington. BRITISH GUARDS BAND tSflS TO I ARRIVE TO-DAV. Will be Greeted by Tremendpos Audiences. 1 MFianigan's Bail" To-morrow Night ' "The'Highwayman" Monday. ; The peerless British Guards Band wilt arrive in this city from Charleston this afternoon at 1 O'clock and promptly at 2.30 o'clock their .matinee perform ance at the Opera .House will begin, the doors being open' at 2.30 . o'clock. The evening concert as is well known, will commence at 8.15 o'clock. - Theoreis every assurance, that tre mendous audiences 'will greet the band at; both perforniances. Large crowas iare expectea. irom -various neighboring towns on "all incoming trains to-day, the majority of them to attend the matinee. The advance sale of seats for the concert at night haa-been very large, so much so in fact that very few desirable seats are available. - ' j v - No definite arrangements have been made for a formal ; reception of the Britishers such as has been " given them at Atlanta and "other places, but it is expected that a big crowd will meet the Southern train and accord them a cordial informal welcome. 1 Ollie Mack, the humorous comedian, and Cale "';" Murray ; as' the cgntral figures, will play an engagement at the OperaTHouse to-morrow - night" Theatre-goers will have an oppor tunity of seeing what is said to be one of the most successful and laughable f all farce ' comedies, "Finnigan's Ball,". The cast embraces the names of representative people who have each been engaged for the sole pur pose of having a farce-comedy organi zation that defies adverse criticism. Special, scenery, ., electrical - and me chanical effects are carried. Regular prices will prevail and seats can be obtained At Gerken's. r The Opera House management has succeeded in booking an engagement j with the Broadway Theatre Opera I Company, New York, headed by Miss Camilla D'Arville, to present the im mensely successful comic opera, "The Highwayman" af the Opera House Monday night. , ! . " The organization presenting the new opera here is the permanent stock com pany of the Broadway Theatre, New York, and is spoken of as most capable I and brilliant including the names of some of the brightest lights in the lyric world. " Reserve seat tickets will be $1.50 and $1, obtainable at Gerken's on and after to-morrow. THE CRUISER HORNET. To be Off Dry Dock Saturday Will Have a Twenty-Knot Speed. The cruiser Hornet which has been undergoing repairs, repainting, etc., in Skinner's ship yard, -wiff probably be off , the dry dock Saturday. It is thought that; the . thorough scraping given her hull and the general over hauling of the -. machinery will give I her a speed of 20 knots an hour instead of IS knots which was her previous rating. It is probable that Commander Morton and a company of Wil mington and . Southport - Division Naval Reserves will ( take the Hor net on a' brief trip out to sea within a few -weeks. The pre sent overhauling being given the vessel is also in anticipation of the regular Summer cruise of the North Carolina NavalReserves, the time of which is not yet announced. ' Members of the Wilmington Divi ; sion Naval Reserves who did service during the late war are soon to receive an extra month's pay, in accordance with the act of Congress, making such provision for all Naval Reserves in the service. . C. F. & Y. V. Bonds. The BaltimoreiSiu says : The rate of distribution on the bonds of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Yallay Railroad lias been fixed and the money to pay off - these bonds has been deposited with the Mercantile Trust and Deposit . Company. Pay ments will be made to holders on the presentation of their certificates. The tayments will be made on the basis of 1,043.95 for each $1,000 "A" bond; $727.25 for each $1,000 "B" bond, and $661.33 for each $1,000 1 'O" bond. These payments will close the history: of the uape f ear and x action Valley Railroad, and the f investors in its bonds after having their money tied up by a. receivership and protracted litigation, will be paid. The Smallpox Patient ; Mr." Louis Warrock, the smallpox patient, who " is 'quarantined-at .the home of his uncle, Mr. W. S. War rock, on South Second street; is suc cessfully passing through all stages of the disease, and the attending phy- isician thmKS he will - recover m a short time. The quarantine is being rigidly maintained, day "and night, and no one is allowed to pass in or out of the house. ' ; . Nof urther ; cases have been discov ered, by the health authorities, though the utmost diligence .is exercised in ferreting . out all reports and looking after suspected cases. ' " " Prominent Onslow Cltixein Dead. Undertaker Walter K Yopp yester day shipped by the Newbern railroad a coffin to Edgecomb, Onslow county, : for the burial of Mr. D. J. Batson,' an aged and highly respected citizen .re siding near that place, .whose death occurred early yesterday morning. The deceased leaves four children and a host of relatives prominently - con nected in Onslow county. The fun- Ural will be held this morning at 11 o'clock, and- the interment will be made in the family burying ground near his residence. THE FORE AND FOSTER CO. I To Make Material Improvements in Their Factory Officers Elected at An- ..' nnal Meeting Held Tuesdays Decided improvements -are to be made in the equipment pf the Fore & i Foster CoV planing mill and sash door and blind factory, in the near future. " The company held, their an nual meeting 'recently and one of the principal features . of the business transacted was an order adopted in-, structing the Board of Directors, to en large the factory by the erection of an annex 30 x 100 feet and purchase two new .machines one improved chain mortiser and one ; double-headed ten enter. These improvements are to be made . without delay. The annual meeting ' washeld-on Tuesday Stock was represented - in person by Col. F.. W. Foster, Mr. H. A. De Cover and -Mr. V. W. Wharton and" other stock by Frank McNeill, Esq., as proxy. The 'following officers were elected. " - ; President and General Manager Col. F. W. Foster. . Secretary and Treasurer Mr. H. De Cover. . A. Auditor Mr. Henry Moore. Directors Col. F. W. Foster and Mr. H. A. De Cover. ; - It will be of interest to note also in this connection that Mr.- George Zeigler, who has in the past served so acceptably as foreman of the works. has been reappointed - to that respon sible position, and'Mr. J. W. Barnes, . Jr., continues with the company as collector. . ' The Stab is glad to note the con tinued and deserved, prosperity' of the Fore & Foster Company, which was abundantly evidenced by the annual reports of officials as submitted! to the annual meeting, and as further evi denced by the material improvements soon to be made. j , In another column the company ad vertises for hard woods, seasoned or green, wnicn iney aesire to puy in large or small quantities. THE LAST LECTURE. The last lecture of the combined Star and Lyceum Courses will be on Wed nesday evening, March 22d, by,Mr. F. R. Robeson, on Manila and the Philip pines. Mr. Robeson departed for Manila September 7th and returned December 3d with a series of superb illustrations which will be given with a steriopticon. Mr. Robeson has thus had uniaueon- portunities for studying what we all want to know, and whatever our views on expansion, we would be glad of the opportunity of hearing from one who has seen Dewey, Otis, Aguinaldo and Monti jo, and. who can give us an ac curate information both in the pictures and descriptions of the work of our army and navy, and the scenes of the great naval r battle and the country which is so much a subject of j discus sion at present. Peyton H. Hoge, x President. NEW AD VEETISEMENTS. HARD WOODS ' - i WANTED. Parties having on hand HARD WOODS, seasoned or green, either In small! or large quantities Hickory, Oak, Maple, Walnut, Pop- Jar, Birch, Beech, Curly Maple, Holly, Bay, etc. will please address the undersigned, stating quantity and quality of timber and price asked. " r THE FORE & FOSTER CO. ma 16 It WILMINGTON, N. J G ewhi I i ki ns, LOO It. Z ' - 1 -L-" dsz, Egss... 1-2 lb. C blpped Beef, ...... iiiiHHiinll Xm x . vaDle Batter " Table Batter... ;..SO ..11 1.2 3 ficE. prep. BncKwheat ..15 . FkTMU . 18 1 All for 69cJ 87 1-2 AND ONE CAKE BROOK'S CRYSTAL SOAP FREE Balance of this week or as long as the goods hold out. S. W. SANDERS, ma!16 tf AT THE UNLUCKY CORNER. HIBERNIANS. You are hereby notified to ai ar at vo your Han Frldav mornimr. March r Bt Patrick's Dav. at 8.S0 o'clock, for the purpose of attend ing divine services at St. Thomas' Pro-Cathe- orai. un return to tne nan toe annual Dull ness meeting will take place. By order of the President - ma Hit WM. FLANAGAN, Secretary. OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY NIGHT. MARCH SO. ." Event of the Season. s Broadway Theatre Opera Co., - CamiHe D'Arville, THE QUEEN OF COMIO OPEBA, -Presenting DeKoven and Smith's Masterpiece, ... . t :: ""--'.-.. .- .- - "The Highwayman." The entire original Cast, Scenery, Costumes, Staee Effects, etc:, as Dresented SOO nights In new tun. . th tr su ma 16 St Seed 60 - Jbbl. - Heulton Rose Potatoes. - 60 bags Houlten -Rose. Potatoes. . 25 bbls Bliss Tri umph Potatoes. - Potatoes. All Aroostoot Comty, Maine, Goois. D. L. GORE. ma9tf new advertisements. Heavy and Fancy, Groceries. I We have Just received a lance and select stock, which we offer 1 to tne trade at - ciose ngures: . moor, Salt. Molasses. urates, -rooacoo. Banff. Bacon. Lard. Soaps, Heal, Rice, Bagging, Ties, Nails, Oysters, Peaches, Cakes, Cheese, Corn Beef, Baking Powders, Teas, Cheroots, Cigarettes, Tomatoes, etc. in iact. Everything kept in a - First-class 6rocery Store. -SBJTEIFOBIQXTOTATIONS. - WILLIAMS BROS., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants.' fel8tt OFFICIAL YOTE. RESULT OF SECOND PRIMARIES HELD IN SECOND AND FIFTH WARDS, WED NESDAY, MARCH 1 5THr- 1899, AS DECLARED BY THE CITY DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. ' s Second Ward. , KEJIBIBS EXECUT1VK COMMITTEE. Owen F. Love J. O. I. Gieschen.................... 90 89 78. 07 vr. , ITIMlffltni mi . w. jc. worm w. H. Bprunt., 3 2- m. w. jacoDi James O. Munds.... , 8 Number oi votes cast Messrs. Owen F. declared elected. . Love and J. G, L. Gieschen Fifth Ward. ALPEBMEN. " F. A. Montgomery 819' O. O. Parker 818 Jno. C. Walton.. 817 Jno. J. Bell ........r. 818 Number of ballots cast 634 Messrs. F. A. Montgomery and C. C. declared nominees of the party. ;VThls March 15th," 1899. Farker (Signed) - THOS. W, STRANGE, Chairman. . ma IS It W. A. WRIGHT, Secretary. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the Eastern District of North Caro lina. In the matter of A. A. Williams and Minor T. Hinson, trading as Williams & Hinson, bankrupts. In binkmptcv. To the Honorable Thos. R. PurnelL, Judge of the District Court -of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina: The above named DanKrapts. individually and as partners, respectfully repre sent that a composition of $4,132.52. in addition to the amount of money now In the hands of W. E. Thomas, Trustee, $4,615.43, upon all unsecured aeDts not entiuea to a priority, in sausiaouon of their debts, has been proposed by said bank rupts to their creditors as provided by the Acts of Congress relating to bankruptcy; and they vemy Deuevetnatwesaia composition win u accepted by a majority lnnumDers anu in vaiue of their creditors whose claims are allowed. Wherefore they pray that a meeting of their creditors may be called to act upon - said pro posal ior a composition according w tne pro visions of said Acts and the rules of the Court. , Done at Rockingham, March 13th, 1899. -A.' A. WILLIAMS, M. T. HINSON, ! ; - , r .jsanKrupts. , Order of notice thereon Eastern District of North Carolina, Fourth -Division, in Bank ruptcy, es. On this 18th day of March, A. P. 1899, on reading the foregoing petition It is ordered by thff-Court. that a meeting of credi tors of Williams & Hinson, bankrupts, be had i on the 25th day of-March, A. D. 1899, before said ! Court, at Baleigh, In said district, at id o'clock noon in toe eaerai uourt duuuuik, to act upon a proposal for a composition as set out in above petition. - Witness my hand at Fayetteville, In said dis trict, on the nth day of March, A. D. 1899. 1 SAMUEL H. MACRAE, mar 16 It Referee in Bankruptcy, - German Kainit. 1500 bag Pure Kainit. 1000 bags Cotton Seed Meal. 1 1200 bags 13 Per Cent Add. I 1 100 bags Tobacco Fertiliser; 1900 bags Cotton Fertiliser, i -1800 bags Strawberry Fertiliser 300 bags Muriate Potash. ' 1 . ' -160 bag Nitrate Soda. I m w . W - W . .1 , 1 I du oag o. o. 0. x eriuueri i - 175 bags Bone MeaL 1 SO bags Dirty Salt. ! W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer, Wllmlnaton, N. C maStt I VI USICQI FCStiV&la OPERA HOUSE ONE XflOHTf - " ' - - i Thursday Night, March 16 British Guard Band ' (Royal Band oi England.) This is the best known Band m the world, and the finest In Europe. 1 - i s Lieutenant Dan Godfrey, its - director, is known the world over tor his musical genius. All the players are experts, selected from, the English army and navy. 1 I Seat, at Oerken'. $1.00 eacn. 4 mal3 3t " suwetn ' Florida, -Oranges, Brunswick County Yams, North Carolina Hams, -Shoulders and Sides . MUST BE CLOSED OUT. V HALIj & PEARS ALL, .m8tc Nutt and Mulberry streets. y N. F. PARKER. Furniture, Furniture Novelties No. 1 7 8. Front St. Mattresses of all kinds made and renovated Furniture renovated, reflnlshed, upholstered repaired, packed, hauled, stored and Insured. To accommodate those who cannot visit my store during the usual business hours, I will keen oven IIondayB and Thursdays till 8.SO o'clock P. M., and Baturaaya tnl 10 P. M Bell Thone 810. maWtf d. o'oorjrjoR- Beal Estate Agent, "irilBlnatoB, IT. i . DWKlXniGSjSTOBES ANI OFFICES FOB BENT. -.. Houses and Lots for sale on easy erms. Bents, Taxes and Insurance , attended to promptly. Money loaned onimsrovM . -. . maiuu - Removal. J. E. COWELL has removed his- Barber Shop to Second street, between Market and Princess, corner PnrceU alley. - . malOtt -- ; - j- . i -tr K X