JcgetablePreparatioivfor As similating tfoToodandBegula ling the Stomachs andBcrwela of PromolesDicstioii,CIicctful aess andltestContains neither. Opium,Morpliin.e cor Mineral, KOT NAHC OTIC. i ter cfOldBrSiWEELEniMlt Junpl-ui SetZ" Jlx.Stnno Rot&iluSJu- r ftppermint t flam Seed 4 . Clarified Aigar - A ncrfect Remedy for Constipa- ilon. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, ortns convulsions ,r evensn ncss andlrOSS OF SlEER Tac Simile Signature of Jg. . rr. NEWiYOEK. Ixrr-rs:-: t EXACT COPT PrVWRAEEEB. i a - BUSINESS LOCALS IN '1HE MORNING STAR" COST BUT A CENT A WANT TO BUY OR SELL A DO YOU WISH TO SELL A FARM? DO YOU WISH TO BUY A FARM? DO YOU WAliT A WIFE? Do You Want Anything ? A Cent a Word is a Mere Trifle for An Advertisement. The Price is so Low That You Can Afford to Detail Your Needs in Print, and Save Correspondence. t Try "T le Morning Star." Guaranteed Circulation Larger Than Thatj of Any Other Daily Newspaper Published in Wilmington. A, i NEW LIVERY. i I have .received a new lot of Horses. Buggies etc., ana am here to fio business. When you want to buy or hire give me a trial. A good supply on hand to select from at all times. vfe MILLS. -ma5tri Seed Oats thia- year are generally mouldy, and . unsound. "We have North Carolina . Oats tested by Finest Quality BAGGING ! Groceries ourselves. and Low Price. i - . AND! STIES. Generally. The Worm Company. Ol2tf EPISCOPAL HIGH SCHOOL, Near Alexandria. Virginia, for Boya. The 80th tear opens Sept. 28. 1898. fuiwnam aaaitionai improyemenia in Duiia nportant additional lm; gs and equipment Illustrated catologud k sent on application. 1.. Blackford, 1ft, A., iv ai tf rrineipti. nior vniiDci rt W fib I UWIIULLI i Cm Big 1 for nnnstaral IscbargM, inflammations. vnuwous w uiwrationi of mncona membranes. iPriTCDU Conxion. LPainless, and not astrin ItheEvan8ChemiciCoJ ent or Inous. Hoia or uranuu, 'or scnt-in plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, for S1.D0, or 8 bottles, 2.75. Ocular sent on request' f inllaSd.jbXI M J Onmnacml ) V V u s. ciNfiiNNtTi.a .r - - - " - - f I -- -wue mail ". B A . . ' - . , - '-. ' - j- I -r ins mikUUI'O OUNU. .. 1 For Infants and Children. The KiiidiYuii! Have s Bears the Signature of . TH CCHTHUW eOHWHT. RCW VPRK CITY. I y y s: 1 WORD. Alway Bought M 1J Kind W Ydii Have Always Bought. HAVE YOU LOST ANYTHING? HAVE YOU FOUND ANYTHING? WANT TO SELL A HOUSE? WANT TO RENT A HOUSE? NEED A COOK? WANT A NURSE? WANT TO BORROW MONEY? WANT TO LEND MONEY? WANT A SITUATION? WANT A BOOKKEEPER? y t Y Y y y Y Y Y y Y I Y y y y i COW OR HORSE? Bow He Helped. The Philadelphia Record tells of a little woman and a big man who visited a den tist not long ago. "I just came along to help her keep-her courage up," explained the big man fondly. She sat through a long operation, the filling of several teeth, with scarcely a quiver. When it was dpne, she suggested that her husband ought to have his ,teeth examined. He said he knew there was - nothing the matter with his, but finally she had . her own? way. The dentist found one small cavity and said he might as well fix it at once, and the little woman agreed with him. When the boring machine was moved out from its corner; the big man seemed to shrink; when it began to buzz he shiv ered perceptibly, and even before the tool touched his tooth he gave a shout. After which it took all of the little woman's powers of persuasion to keep him in the chair until the job was completed. "And that's no exceptional case,'' said the den tist when the couple had gone. ' A Mind Healer'a Fee. " Some years ago a' young friend "of mine went to a mind healer for a lark. There was nothing in the world the matter with him, but he pretended to be. the victim qi terrible headaches. The wonderful header asked no questions as to the cause of the ailment. He did not care about that, for he had one panacea which sufficed for ev erv ilL Said he to the young investigator: "Go home, and whenever the headache comes on sit down quietly and put youi whole mind on it, thinking with all youi miarht that vou have not srot a headache. Then vou will not have it and will be cured." "That's easy," said my young friend. "What is your fee?" "Five dollars." - '; "WelL sir, you put your whole mind on It and think with all your might that you have that 1 5. Then you will Mve it and will bo paid." Leslie's Weekly. - NERVOUS WOMEN Do vou feel like screamine jusl before and dating the monthly sick ness? Are you easily irritated? Do you get the blues and wish some times you were dead ? If your answer is " Fes" to any of these questions, you should lose no time in taking BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR It will overcome and cure every form of irregular menses, leucor- rhoea. zalhnz . ot the womb and other uterine trouble. "- ' i 5 : $1 mi DmgtfmlUm TBI BSADFIBLD REGULATOR CO, Atlanta, 6a. Onoe she was dainty Dorothy, Dorothy of the Sweet as a thorny wfld ose that dews of even fait fill. - .- " - Now she folds tattered petalB around a wound ed heart, . . : . . . n And, oh, her Sister roses, Oiey shrink from her si- span .-a i . Do you remember, Dorothy, days that have flown away ; " .-. - With rose and lilae and hawthorn fled with a , parted MayT . r:::.-,- . , Do you remember Uasea an&tnhk tree. ' . . Vows that were made and broken Dorothv. " Dorothy? .. : . ., . Since you were sweet and twenty many a rose" 1I?aT !!i?8ebnd ken ber JeaTons sheatha oome. . . . - -. . And who was queen of roses ia easased and - paleof bTee. . Ho man now seeks Maid Marian; ai; men seek- AUan-a-Dale is singing tonight in Avalon, " And there's no horn ooold waken Scarlett or Little John. Only the miller wanders the silent ways ol Shere, ' Ana would that he were lying dead of thorns, my dear. your Nora Hopper in Black and White. NUKSE MORRISON. She waa rather a little worn an, with a great mass of yellow hair and a timid sort of way about her. She" looked after her cases, however, with a great deal of nerve, and Trafford, my senior, agreed with me that she knew Jier work. It was a email hospital, as hosmtala an nowadays, and Trafford and I, the only resident medical officers, could speculate on life and humanity and yet do our work, we thoughiwith credit To us she was just Nurse Morrison. Still, when the staff nurse told us that wild horses wouldn't drag Nurse Morrison's history out of her, we, the staff, felt sympathetic and interested. . 1" She doesn't wear a wedding ring anyway," Trafford said one night, j He had just been doing his round, and she was on night duty.- ! "That proves nothing, exoentin nov els," I said sagely. " "I never could make out what would bar a woman from get ting, or getting rid of, a wedding ring any time it suited her." - I ' 'She's plucky, " Trafford said, stretch ing on our sofa and staring up at the ceiling, "but I don't thinYmuch of her constitution, don't you know. She's rather neurotio, poor little soul. " ! You're right, I told him. "I've noticed it myself. . Sometimes, if one speaks to her suddenly, her eyes look quite tearful. " . ' j At this Trafford sat up, took his pipe out of his mouth and stared at me. i "What the devil have you to do with her eyes?" he asked sharply. "Remem ber, onoe lor all, I'm senior resident here." ' , - -I, , "Who said you weren't?" I asked. ' "I don't see what that has to do with it" "I do. I'm responsible for things in my department, and I won't have any humbugging flirtations going on." "Better talk to the matron and report me to the board," I said sulkily and took np the book that I had been read ing when he came in. I didn't read, though, and Trafford still smoked and stared at the ceiling. Presently he spoke again in a way that showed he had made a fool o himself. ! 'Well," he said, "neurology's not in my line, and I'd like your candid opin ion of her. As a psychologist, wouldn't you say that she's running a risk of overstrain? One can see that she takes things too seriously. " j I wasn't inclined to give Trafford an other chance of snubbing me, but when fellow apologizes practically I think one ought to be decent. Besides, the nervous system is a thing I've worked a good deal at, and Trafford doesn't know anything about it, so I put down, my book again and thought the thing over carefully. "There's no doubt," I said at last, but that she's inolined to be neurotic That very fine soft hair, of that particu lar shade, goes with What outsiders call a highly strung nature." - j "Oh, you've noticed her hair, have you?" Trafford asked, and I Bald that of course any man who was interested in physiology and psychology would pay particular attention to the hair. . These women are perfect brutes to one another," he went on. "She's top good to lose through a breakdown, and I'd like to ease her work a bit As sen ior resident I'm responsible for a thing like that, but if I speak to Buz (Miss Buzzard is our matron) she may turn rusty."- '-! ' I "Speak to the chief tomorrow morn ing when he comes around ; then hell look at her." I "Ue does that already, " Trafford said. But she's so plucky, she brightens np when he's about " ir I couldn't suggest anything more ex cept to kep an eye on her, and we agreed to make the poor little thing's work as light as possible. . 1 "Has she friends near?" Trafford asked me when I said "Good night " And I was able to- tell him that I thoughJLshe had, and that she always went to see them when off duty. Well, when I thought over his "in terest and responsibility as senior resi dent" I couldn't help laughing at Traf ford, for I. knew very well that Nurse Morrison wasn't Interested in him, but all the -same after keeping an eye on her, as I had promised, I began to feel that he was quite right in saying- that she needed to be looked after. She be gan to develop a set look about the mouth and a strained appearance of the eyes that I didn't like at all. She would jump if one spoke to her unexpectedly, and once when going round at night in my slippers I brushed against her, she) threw up her arm with a little cry as ir Axnofltine me to hit her.' I i , I was much hurt at this and spoke to! her, but only said vaguely that she was always expecting something to happen1 now, and of course I couldn't bother her. , Presently queer rumors got about the place, and one could see quite well, by the way that the other nurses put their heads together in the wards and scatter- Bd direotlv she went near them, that thev discussed her pretty often. She only made one friend among them all big, bouncing, red cheeked Nurse Core, whose laugh was a thunderclap and who was reported to take her holi-. days in August because of the grouse. It reminded me of the oak and the ivy and all that sort of thing to see them together. ' r ' One day Nurse Smiles, with whom nsed to have little chats before Nurse Morrison came, gave me a hint ( One has to be friendly with the nurses If one wishes to be thoroughly well up in the progress of patients, but I had rather dropped Nurse Smiles because she was sillv about Nurse Morrison; - That dav I went but of the ward for an instrument leaving Nurse Morrison there. When I came back, Norse Smiles was there in her place. ! "Where's nurse?" I said. "Do vou mean Mrs. Morrison?" she asks as cooj as you please and then; nh! wht have I saidtPlease don't notice it!" j ' "T wnn't." T told her and went on with mv business alone, but when I re; peated It to Trafford that night he got nnitoftxnited and ravedup and down i'knew itl" he told me. "They're all talking about it The poor little thina is the slave to some blackguard. She slips out to see fainvwheneyer she can. i Nurse Gore is the only one who Vnnwa flll. hut" ; And with that he Tinartorl ft sorarr-of BMer intcmyBJML: , w tmw i mp i" jiead that, " he said Meroely, ana Tretf) "Can't Have arranged to meet John. He has promised not to be Borough."' x starea alternately at the uaDer and at ..Trafford:-'iV'-rT;:-'- 5;::-: It's here," lao explained. Sou know.the poor, little thing is on night duty just now, and Nurse Gore's on by day. So they - don't-' meet muoh, and their plan is '. to leave cotes for one an- otner maden on their dressing tables.'. juow on earth" I began, but Traf ford held np a warning hand and stop ped me. ; -:' ; As senior resident" he said, and I shut up. " ;r.ff: .;-fry;,..:,Tfc.;,: i - "Nnrse Smiles brought me thisnote, r he went on, "and I didn't say what I thought of her, for I'm determined to help the poor- soul, and Buz mustn't' hear it That woman Smiles 'thought it should be known. It was in answer to a note from Nurse Gore saying to morrow morning is her day off and sug gesting a trip. You mark my words, 1 1 tuae gin is fettered for life. " With that he left me. to set the note smuesrled ' back by the conscientious Nurse Smiles, - and I wondered what would come next ; I had not to wait long. . , 7 . The next day he came to me with an other note from Nurse Gore's room. I have snapped the chain! John is furious. - Oh, what can I do? I could kill myself. I nearly did.. - We stared at one another iu silence. Then Trafford spoke. . v She's in her room crying," he said. Nurse Gore dropped the note in her' own room 'after reading it and went to her. I've promised to meet the chief! outside for an operation. Do you think she's safe? She has broken loose some how, you see, but still"- I'll see to that," I told him, and he went off. i . Then I sent word that I wanted to see Nurse Morrison abont one of the pa tients: Of course, as a psychologist, I' knew that a woman of a neurotic tem perament in such a frenzied condition might do anything. She came after some delay. I asked her to sit down, and I saw at onoe not only that she had been crying, but also that she had a large bruise oveisher left temporal region. .". What is that" I asked, pointing at it, and she burst into tears. . . I hold that a man may bo scientifio and yet have a soft heart I own that I waa moved. I rose, and going round the table knelt by her side. After all," I whispered, "I we all are- sorry for you. You are among friends. Why don't you trust us1 What does it matter so long as the chain is broken?" r. j Matter!" She dried her eyes and stared at me indignantly. "Matter! My bub-bub-bicycle's spoiled, and I shan't be able to use it for a month 1 John, the t-t-teachesy says sol" - Some time later, when I ask the staff what she had meant by saying that wild horses wouldn't drag Nurse Morrison's past history from her, she grinned and said, "No more they would. " Why not?" I persisted. ! Because I donjt know it," she told me. . . 1 I hate these sharp women. Westmin ster Budget, i ! An Obstacle. "Nc" he said with the air of a man who feels it his disagreeable duty to de- - ny a request,, "lt won't do to allow wo men to vote." "Why hot?" his wife inquired "They are quite as competent to understand political questions as men are." I don't deny that, but there are oth er more practical considerations. When ever there is an election, there are bound to be bets made. Now, when a man bets a hat it never costs more than f 6 or $8 if he loses. But if women got their sy m pathies aroused, there wouldn't be any thing for them to do except to precipi tate a panic by-wagering bonnets that in the nature of things can't cost less than 20 apiece." Washington Star. He Got tbe Post." ' . ,' . young candidate for a naval sur geon was before the examining board, and the question was put to him: - What would you do if a man was brought to you during action with - his arms and legs shot off? Now, sir, don't keep the board waiting. What would you do? Make haste."; . "By Jove, sir,' returned the young candidate, "I would pitch him over board and go to some one else I would be of more service to!" He got tbe post Scottish Nights. . i PURIFIER SentlFree ! To Prove the Wonderful Merits of Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) or three Bs, Every reader of THE STAR may have'a Sample Bottle sent ' Free by Mail. Get rid of the bad blood In you system and you get lid of the disease. Eatlag sores, persistent bleeding sores that won't heat, as in deadly cancer, mucous patches or sores in mouth or throat, falling hair, pimply skin, sore nose or running in the ear, as In blood poison, corrupt ulcers, scrofula (especially in children) the itching, scaly blistering skin of eczema, terrible, painful swellings, pimples, boils and sickly, bad feeling of malaria, blood olson are all due to bad, diseased, poisoned lood in the body, and they all demand a power ful, thoroughly tested blood remedy to drive the bad blood out of the body. That B. B. B. Bo. tanic Blood Balm Is such a remedy stands Srovea beyond all doubt. B. B. B. Botanic lood Balm Cures because it produces such an effect on the sweat glands and excretory organs ss to drive alt the poison, foreign matter and disease out of the blood, leaviog it pure and wholesome. And this is the only permanent cure, sarsaparmas. wasnes, saives maymaae you feel good for a while, but the sores, cancer, eczema, &c. are sure to come back again worse than ever, and so in the end yon must- take B. B. B Itls the only remedy powerful enough to remove the cause and thus cure. The treatment with B. B. B. is so simple, pleasant ana inexpensive ana so certain in lis Lhappy results that no excuse can be offered for iauure w ai least iry u. o. a. Blood Poison. For this monster of a disease in any form, contracted or inherited, 1st, 2nd or. 3rd stages producing ulcers, pimples, sores in mouth or throat, skin hot, hair falls out, etc.. B. B. B. cures tbe disease and drives the noison from the system never to return. ) , i.s - Spring Remedy. . If you have been in the habit of taking a Spring remedy suppose you try B. B. B. this Spring. It Is way and beyond superior to sar saparlllaB and mere tonics. B. B. B. cures to stay .cured all Spring Bipod Humors.- r - Cancer, Bleeding:. Eating Sores. . - Cancer of nose, lip, face,-ear or neck, exter nal or inienuu, cancer, Djeeamg, eaung or are au eurea dv is. a. ts.. me most doi blood Durifler made. All druggists sell B. B. BN at SI per large bottle. - For free trial bottle. address. BLOOD BALM CO.. 149 Mitchell I Atlanta, Ga. and sample bottle of B. B. B. and book will be sent by return mailT Describe your symptoms and -free- personal medical . ad rice will be given. r.L- we so ma:i5 lv BLOOD :ifillliiil An American- Scientist's GreA W Cdnstftnption Pnetmionia, La Grippe, Asthma Catarrh,' ! Bronchitis and All Lung and Bronchial Troubles j Can be Positively and Permanently Cured. . - Dr. Slocum's System of Treatment Has Revolutionize Old-Time Theories tTa A Frw "Course of Treatment for AH 8CEN&IN THE SLOCUM LABORATORIES, NEW YORK CITY. The Doctor Demonstrating to Medical Men, "Scientists, Statesmen and Stadentm the Value 6 the New Slocnm System of Treatment for the Permanent Curo of Lung Consumption, Catarrh and All Pulmonary and Wasting Diseases, Do you -cough? f , Do your lungs pain you? s 1 9 your throat sore and inflamed? :. Do you spit up phlegm? .. Does yourliead ache? I; your appetite bad? - Are your lungs delicate? Are you losing flesh? Are you pale and thin? Do you lack stamina? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous- malady that has ever devas tated the earth consumption.- . Consumption, the bane of those who have been brought up in the old-fasK-ioned beliefs that this disease was hered itary, that it was fatalrthat none could recover, who were once firmly clasped in its relentless grip. v But now known to be curable, made so by the world-stirring discoveries of that man '.whose name has been given to this new system of treatment. Now ! known to be preventable, and curable by following and practising his hygienic teachings. . The new system of treatment will cure - you- of consumption and of all diseases which can be traced back to weak lungs aaTi foundation. t is not a 4rug system, but a system cf gens destruction and body building. GETTING RICH IS EASY ENOUGH. IP YOU BEGIIT RIGHTLY. SAYE SOME PORTiOlT OP YOUR WAGE8 weekly; DEPOSIT AMOUNTS REGULARLY IN THE WILMINGTON SAVINGS AND TRUST CO., .WHERE IT WILL BE PERFECTLY SECURE AND CAN BE DRAWN -WHEN WANTED. IP LEFT THERE WILL ACCUMULATE BY EARNING IN- TEREST WITH SURPRISING RAPIDITY. INTEREST PAID ON ALL SUMS OF $5.00 OR MORE. SAYING ACCOUNTS CAN BE OPENED BY DEPOSITING TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. ma 23 tf v v y v v v'v v v v y v v v v v V V V V W V y W V S V y V It is strona enouah to Made of heavy Galvanized Steel Wire. - WBITE US FOB PRICES. ja 15 tf Atlantic national Bank, Wilmington, H. C. v uAPITAli, SURPLUS AND PROFITS,. We Want Your Business and Will Make it Accuracy and Safety Guaranteed. jr. r NORWOOD, President. D. I.. DIRECTORS. P. L. BRIDGERS, S. P. McNAIR ma4tf D. L. GORE, E. J. POWERS, VOLLERS, For any kind of GOOD SHOES Call on Us. We can generally suit even the most fastidi ous customer. ' Be surg and see the "JENNESS MILLER" ...3.6U Be sure and see the DUTTENH0FER8 at .uu Be sure and see the DUTTENHOFEBS . at , .ou Be sure and see the DtTTTENHOFEBS at 3.00 These are the BEST SHOES MADE, at .the prtceafo The w. for Ladies wear. - L. Douglass uent's sine Bnoes are TftAfMltina - Trv them also. - - We have a limited -number of beautiful SEASON CALENDARS. Call for one with your purchase. : . ; Respectfully, . . MERCER & EvTaNS. U-1K AiioaQOBi la mm I--". Strfferers for the Mere Asking. Not guesswork, but science. Not a step backward, but a stride ouil of the old ruts. k . -nr j u.. rnoA..a Virchow's, MetchnikofFs and Slocum'tJ latest discoveries! in bacteriology, hy giene and therapeutics. . In plain English, a system of modern! scientific disease curing. The System consists of Four Prep arations which act simultaneously an(J supplement each other's curative action You are invited to test what this sys tem will do for you, if you are sick, by writing for a free treatment to the Sic cum Laboratories, New York City. ! WRITE TO! THE DOCTOR. Send your name and full express an&A postoflice address to the blocum .Labor atories, 98 Pine street, New York, and! mentionthis paper, and the Four Free; Preparations of medicine will be for warded you. i The system is a positive cure for con sumption, that most insidious disease and for all lung troubles-and disorders complicated by toss of flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma.l Bronchitis, etc. Thin, pale, weak people become fat and hearty by its use The test is to try it . A Thorough Inspection of our large assortment ot delicious Crackers Biscuits, Wafers, Cakes, Preserves and Dried Fruit of all kinds will convince the most exact ing that we have the choicest and best assort ment of these dainty foods to select from, both in packages and loose. Notwithstanding the advance in the price of Sugar, we are still selling White Extra C at 5c per 11; and. 17 lbs of Fine Gran ulated Sugar for Sl.OO. Beat Table Butter 25c, and Pore I.eaf Lard 7c. Ton will find at all times the finest foods at the lowest prices at THE KING GROCERY CO.. BV.F. "KTNG, MANAGER. Fourth Street Bridga 'Phone 387. apr 8 tt The Hartman Woven Wire Fencing IS THlT STR0N6EST, MOST DURABLE and CHEAP- ti rtnuu mnui. be used without base boards WM. E, SPRINGER & CO., Purcell Building, Wilmington, N. 0. ........$125,000.00 . 88,400.00 to Your Interest to Deal With Us. .Promptness - NO interest paid on djcpusitb. COKE, Vice President, LEE H. BATTLE, - Cashier.1 J. W, NORWOOD, . H. B. SHORT, , W. WORTH. J. 8 G. A. NORWOOD; - W. E. SPRINGER, WUnT4 NEWS AND OPINIONS - of . Sational Importance. THE STTIN" ALONE CONTAJNS BOTH. Da ly, by mail, - -Daily and Sunday, by mall, fe a year 98 a year The Sunday Sun IS THE GREATEST SUNDAY NEWSPAPER " IN THE WORLD. Price 5c a copy. By mail, $2 a year - Address THE as tf SUN, New-York. Removal. jr. - E. COWELLY has removed his Barber Shop to Second street, -between Market and Princess, corner Purcell alley.V " '. ma 10 tf MWaJ- TO ALT, POINTS North; South and Southwest. Schedule 1b EfleetJPee. lg98. Train 41 IiBavaa WnmrnirtnnS Ji-so T M arrives Ltuaberton 5:15 P. M., Pembroke 5:85 P. M., Maxton6:06P. M.- Laurlnburg 6:83 P. M Hamlet 6:53 P. M. Connects at Hamlet with trains for Monroe, Charlotte Athens, Atlanta and all points South: and with trains-for Ba telsrh, Portsmouth, Richmond, Washington and points North. - .- , Train 41 Leaves Portsmouth 9:30 A. M., arrives Weldon 11:48 A. If., Raleigh 8:86 Pi M., baaford 6:05 P. Hamlet 6:55 P. M., Wadesboro 8:10 P. M., Monroe 9:12 P. M., Gfaarlotte 10:85 P. M., and Atlanta 5:80 A. M. Train 88 Leaves Atlanta 9:50 P. M. Leaves Charlotte 5:00 A. M. Arrives Monroe 5:45A. M.. Wadesboro 6:51 A.M., Hamlet 7:43 A. M., Sanford 9:52 A. M., Raleigh 11:18 A. M., Weldon 8:60 P. M., Portsmouth 6:20 P M. - ,r Train 88 -Leaves Hamlet 8:80 A, M. Arrivee Laurlnburg 8:46 A. M., Maxton 9.05 A. M., Pem broke 9:31 A. M., Lumberton 8:53 A. M WU Kilngtim 18.05 noon. i iTam 403 Leaves Washington 5:00 P; M., Rlchmbnd 9:00 P. M PnrtamnnCh R-dR P M Weldon il:io P. M. Arrives Raleigh 8:14 A, m!, Sanford 8:38 A. M.. Hamlet 5:07 A. M WariARhfim 6:01 A. M., Monroe 6:53 A. M.. Charlotte 8:00 A. M., Atlanta :50 P. M. i - . Traln.403 Leaves Charlotte 9:00 A.M. Arrivee .Inoolton 10:80 A. M.. Bhelbv 11:87 A . M fihnjr 11.87 A. M., Rntherfordton 18:60 noon. Train 402 Leaves Rntherfordton 4:80 P. M. Arrives Bhelbv 5:40 P. M. T.fnrilntnn k-m P M Charlotte 8:18 P. M., Monroe 9:10 P; M. Train 403 Leaves Atlanta 12-mnnnn irriva. ! Monroe 9:30 P. M.. Wadesboro 10:30 P. M.. Ham let 11:15 P. M., Bantord 12:55 P. M- Raleigh 9:00 A. M, Weldon 4:55 A. M Portsmouth 7:85 A. Richmond 8:15 A. M., Washington 12:41 noon. Train 18 Leaves Hamlet 7:16 R M. Arrives Gibson 8:10 P. M. Returning, leaves Gibson 6:50 A. M. Arrives Hamlet 7.40 A. M. Train 17 Leaves Hamlet 8:40 A. M. Arrives Cheraw 10:00 A. M. Returning, leaves Cheraw 5:00 P.M. Arrives Hamlet 6:80 P. M. All trains dally except Nos. 17 and 18. ' Trains make Immediate connnctinns at. At lanta fpr Montgomery. Mobile, New Orleans. Texas, California, Mexico. Chattanooga. Nash ville, Memphis. Macon, Florida. ! or-xicKeis, tsieeoers, etc., apply to - TnOH. D. MIABIr Gen'l A&rent. Wllmlnotnn. M CI E ST. JOHN, i Vice President and General Manager. H. W. B. GLOVER. Traffic Ma.nn.o-Ar' - V. E. McBEE. Gen'l SuDerintendent. L. 8. ALLEN, Gen'l Pass. Agent. General Offices Portsmouth Va. JalOtf ATLANTIC & YADKIN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect march 26th, 1899. r SOUth North Bound Dally No. 53. Bound bauv MAIN LINE. No. 68 6 60 p ml a 50 p m .Lv! 9 CO a m Ar Wilmington. Lv. . . . . Fayette vllle . Ar Fayette vllle.. Ar 12 10 a m Lv;12 28 p m a 4a p mi 8 30 D m Lv sanford ....... Lv Lv Cllmax.......Lv Lv Greensboro. ....Ar Ar...... Greensboro. .Lv Lv 8tokesdale... . . .Lv 1 43 p m 3 4lpm 4 15pm 4 85pm 5 12pm 5 44 p m 6 13 p m 7 85 p m 12 42 p m 12 18 n m 11 55 a m! 11 07 a m 10 86 a m 10 09 a m Lv. . . . .Walnut Cove Lv Lv. Rural Hall.,....Lv Lv.......Mt. A!ry.....i..Ar 8 45 a ml South North Bound 'Dally No. 65. Bound Dallv BENNETTS VILLE. No. 64. 8 00am 9 07 a-m 9 85 a m Lv Bennettsvllle.. . . . Ar Lv. Maxton Lv Lv Red Springs. . . ..Lv Lv Hope stills. .....Lv 7 15 p m 6 15pm 5 85 p m 452pm 4 83 p m N0;47. North" I : Bound Mixed Dally ex. Sunday. 10 20 a m 10 40 a m Ar Fayette vllle, ,.Lv No. 46 South Bound Mixed" MADISON BRANCH. Daily ex. Bunaay. 5 30 pm 8 60 pm 8 40 p m 2 80 D m Ar Lv..... Lv..... Ar..... LV.... LV.... ..Ramseur..., ..-.Climax..... Greensboro. .Greensboro. . .Stokesdale.., ..Madison.... ...Lvl 6 40 am 8 25am 9 17 a m 9 35am 11 07 a m 11 55 a m Ar ...Ar ...Lv ...Lv 1 15 d m 12 80 p m ..iAr! Connections at Favetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with the Carolina Cen tral Railrord. at Red Springs with tbe --Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove wiinine KonoiK ana western Kavway, J. R. KENLY. General Manager, i IT. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. 11. m. EMERguN, uen'i passenger ; Agt. -mar28tf . . , . j THE Clyde Steamship Co. 1 NEW YORK, WILMINGTON, N. AND GEORGETOWN. S. C. : Lines. New fork for 'Wilmington. ONEIDA Saturday, April 8 GEO. W. CLYDE....... Saturday, April 15 Wilmington for Hew .Tortt. GEO. W.CLYDE ..Saturday, April 8 ONEIDA ........Saturday.' April 15 Wilmington for Georgetown, S. O. ONEIDA .........Tuesday, -April 11 GEO. W.CLYDE.. ..Tuesday. April 18 Steamers do not carry passengers. : rw- Fhronsrh Bills Ladlne and ' Lowest Through Bates-guaranteed to and from points in maim ana uoucn (jarouna. - For Freight, or Passage apply to h. a 8MALLBONE8, Supt Wilmington, n. u. G. EGEB. T. M.. Bowling Green. N. Y. THKO, WM. p. CLYDE ft CO., General Agents, Bowling Green N. Y, . - apro u UAXTOir BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Haxton gl c. : DIREOTOBS: - J J. D. CROOM, ataxcon.' i ; ED. MOBAE, Haxton. t J. B. SELLERS, Maxton. G. B. PATTERSON. Haxton. . B. W. LIYERMORE. PatOS.- .: WM. H. BERNARD, Wilmington E. F. McRAE. Baemont. The attention of investors In Wilmington called to the tact that the average profits of the Six Series of Block, now In force In this Associa tion have been about Eleven 5 er Cent. . init.lat.inn Fee. SS cents ner Share. Subscriptions to Stock payable In weekly in talmnnta of 98 cents ner Share. xne management, is pruueii auu wmininut aa is shown dv tne lace snac tne asBociauon naa sustained no losses, and its annual expenses, in cluding taxes, are omy aDouiTwo uonurea ix tars. . . .. . i. ii. utHws, nesiaenB. r. B wTAMnan. Beereta - ' Ian 1 tf Gash Paid for Beeswax. If yon have some to sell, ship it to us, anoVra will allow yon r . 26 cents oer oound free on board cars or steamer at Wilmington, hi good Bound packages ' -. . .. .... . . .' Aw. Hi BOVSLEAB A CO.. ma 8 2m ' ' ' TBoaton Ha a. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Schedule In Efleet March 36, 1898. DipABit-iut noil Whjukcwoh North Bouni. DAILY No. 48 Passenger Due Maenolla 11.1a 9.45 : A. M., Warsaw 11.33 A. M.. Goldsboro A. MJ 12.26 P. M., Wilson' 1J6 P. M..; Bxckv mQuntl.BSP. M., Tarboro 181 P. M Weldon 4.38 P. M.,. Petersburg 6JM P. Richmond 7.80 P. H., Norfolk 6.55 P. M., Washington 11.80 P. M., ;Baltl morel.CO A. M., PbOadelphia 8.50 A M., New York 6.58 A. M., tBoston 8.00 P.M. ... I. 1 . DAILY No. 40 Paist ncer Due Mairnblia 8.W T.0O P. M., Warsaw 8 43 P. H Goidshoro P. M. 9.45 P.M.. WllBcn 10.88 P. M.. tTartorc 7.04 A. M., Rocky Mount 11.88 r. M. Weldon 18.59 A. M., tNorf oik 10 85-A. M. Petersburg 1.35 A. M., Richmond 8.23 A M., Wast ington TWA M Balgniorr 8.33 A. M., Philadelphia 10.3$ A. M. New York 1.03 P. M.. Bcston 9 00p. DAILY No. 50 Passenger Dae Jackstinvl i- except 4.13 P. M . Newbern 6 40 P. M. Sunday 3.25 P. M. SOUTH BOUNU uaiijX mo. 55 rassensrer Due Lake uu i 8.4 maw 4.66 P. M.,Chadbourn 5.28 IP. M r. n. narion6B4F. M.. F nmnm 7 IK P v Bnuiwr 8J57 P. M.. Columbia 10.80 P. M.. Denmark 6.18 A. M , Augusta 7.5TA! M . Manoo 11.15 A. M., Atlanta .18.85 (P. M. Charleston 10.60 P. M., Favannah .1.50 A. M., Jacksonville 7.80 A. M , Bt. Au gnstlne 10.80 A. M Tampa 6.05 P. M. ARRIVALS AT WILMINGTON FROM THR NORTH. f No. 49 Passenger-rLeave Boston tl.08 P. M., New York 9.00 P. M., Philadel phia 13.05 A. M., Baltimore 8.50 A. M. Washington 4 80 A. M., Richmond 9.06 A. M., Petersburg 10.00 A. M., Norfolk 9.00 A. M., Weldon 11.50 A. M.; Tarboro 12.81 P. M. Rocky Mount 1.00 P. M , Wilson 2.40 P. M Goldsboro 3.21 K M., Warsaw 4. 18 P. M.. Maenolla 4.2S P. M DAILY 5.50 P. M. DAILY No. 41 Passenger Leave Boeion 18 9.40 night. New York 9.80 A. M., Philadel A. M. phia 12 09 P. M., Baltimore 2.85 P. M.. Washington 8.46 P. M Richmond 7.80 P. M., Petersburg 8.12 P. M tNorfolk 8.20 P. M., Weldon 9.48 P. M., tTarboro 6.00 P. H, Rocky Mount 5.40 A. M. Leave Wilson 6.20 A. M., Goldsboro 7.01 . A. M., Warsaw 7.56 A. M., MagnoUa 8.09 A. M. ! DAILY No. 51 Passenger Leave Newbern except 9.00 A. M., Jacksonville 10.86 A. M. ' Sunday i;i5 P. M. . f - FROM THE SOUTH. DAILY , No. 64 Passenger Leave Tampa 8.10 1.25 A. M., Sanford 3.07 P. M., Jacksonville P.M. 8.00 P. M., Savannah 1.45 A. M Charleston 6.83 A. M., Atlanta 7.50 A. M., Macon 9.00 A. Mi, Au gusta 8.30P.M., Denmark 4.17' P.M. Columbia 6 60 A. M., Sumter 8.15 P. M., Florence 10.00 A. M., Marlon 10.40 A M., Chadbourn 11.44 A. M., Lake Wac camaw 12.13 A. M. tDally except Sunday. f Trains on the Scotland Neck Branch) Road leave Weldon 8.55 P. M., Halifax 4.15 P. M.; ar rive Scotland Neck 5.08 P. II., Greenville 6.57 P. M., Klnston 7.55 P. H. Returning, leaves Kin gton 7.50 A. M., Greenville 8.53 A. M.; arriving Halifax at 11.18 A. m., Weldon 11.33 A. U DaUy except Bunaay. - f 'lTains on wasmngron orancn leave wasnmg ton 8.20 A. H. and 8.30 P. M.; arrive Parmele 9.10 A. H. and 4.00 P. H.: returning leaves Par mele 9.85 A M. and 6.30 P. M.; arrives Washing ton 11.00 A. M. and 7.20 P. M. Daily except Sun day. 1 . " Tram leaves TarDoro, . u.. aauy except sun day, 6.30 P. M.; Sunday, 4.15 P. M.; arrives Ply. mouth 7.40 P. M. and 6.10 P. M. Returning, leaves Plymouth dally except Sunday, $ .60 A. M. ana bunaay .w a. to..; arrive rai dok iu.vs . m. ana n.uu a. bl. - f - Train on Midland N. O.Branch leaves! Golds boro, N. CL, dally except Sunday, 7.05 A.tM.; ar-, rives 8mlthfleld,N. C.. 8.10 A M. Returning leaves snuxnneia v.w a. bl.: arrives uotasooro jo.25 A. ja.. Tram on nasnviue Branch leaves tRockv . n - n m . jr a M., 3.40 P, M.; arrives Nash vllle 10.10 A. M., 4.03 P.., Spring Hose 10.40 A. M., 4.55 P. VL Returning, leaves spring Hope 11.00 A. M., 4.55 P. M., Nashville 11 22A. M.; 6.25 P. M., arrives at Rocky Mount 1 1.4K AM e.ou r. .bl. uaiiy except eunaay. ! Train on Clinton Branca leave Warsaw lor Clinton, daily except Sunday, at 11.40 A M. and 4.15 P. M. Returning, leave Clinton at 7.00 A. M and 3.00 P. M. i Florence Raiiroaa leave fee Dee 10.13 Ai m., ar rive Latta 10.88 A M., Dillon 10.44 A. M., Rowland 11.01 A. M. Returning, leaves Rowland. 6.00 P. M.: arrives Diuone.ai p. m., Lacta e.asip. m Pee Dee 7.00 P. M., daily. j Trains on uonway iirancn leave iiuD'ai 3.00 P. M., Chadbourn 5.35 P. M.; arrive Conway 7.40 P.M.: leave Conway 8.80 A M., Chadbourn 11.90 A. M.; arrive Hub 12.25 P. M. Dally except Sunday. m jl uentrai 01 tsoutn uarouna ttauroaa leave Sumter 5.13 P. M., Manning 6.41 P. M.: arrive Lane's 6.17 P. M.; leave Lane's 8.84 A M,, Man ning 9.09 A. M.; arrive sumter 9.40 a. m. Daily. Georgetown ana wesiern Kauroaa leave Lane's 9.80 A M., 7.40 P. M.; arrive Georgetown - 13.00 M.. 9.00 P. M.; leave Georgetown 7.00 a. m.; 8.80 P. M.: arrive Lane's 8.25 A M.: 6 55; P. M Dally except Sunday. 1 Trains on Cheraw and Darlington Railroad leave Florence daily except Sunday at -9.60 A. m.; arrive uarungion iu.10 a. xo., uuersw. 11.au a. M.. Wadesboro 8.26 P. M.: leave Florence daily except Sunday at 7.55 P. M.: arrive Darlington 8.80 P. M., Hartsvllle P. M., Bennettsvllle 9.15 P.- M.. Gibson 9.45 p. M. Leave Florence Sunday duly 9.60 A M., arrive Darlington 10.15 Leave Gibson aanv except sunaav at 6.00 a. ' M. Bennettsvllle 7.00 A M.; arrive Darlington 8.03 A M. Leave Darlington 8.50 A M.! arrive Florence 9.15 A. M. Leave Wadesboro daily ex- -cest Sunday 3.00 P. M., Cheraw 4.45 P. M., Harts vllle 3.15 P. M., Darlington 6.29 P. M.; arrive -Florence 7.00 P. M. Leave Darlington- Sunday only at 8.60 A M., arrive Florence 9.15 A. M. Wilson and Favetteville Brancn leaves wusoi 1.58 P. M.. 11.15 P. M., arrive Selma 8.50 P. M. 13.01 P. M.. Smithfleld 8.08 P. M.. Dunn 8.40 P. M.. Fayettevllle 4.25 P. M., 1.10 A M., Rowland e.oo P. M.. returning leave Rowland 11.01 A. H., Fayettevllle 12.25 p. m., .40 p. m., uunn i3.as r. M., Smithfleld 1.43 P. M. Selma 1.50 P. M., 10.66 P. M.. arrive Wilson 1.08 P.M., 11.69 AM. : Manchester ft Augusta k. b. trains leave Sumter 4.29 A M., Creston 6.17 A M., arrive Denmark 9.13 A M. Returning, leave Denmark 4.17 P. M., Creston 5.13 P. M., Sumter 6.03 P. M. Dally. Pregnalls Branch train leaves Creston 6.45 A M., arrives Pregnalls 9.16 A M. Returning, leaves Pregnalls 10.00 A M., arrives Creston 8.60 P.m. Daily except eunaay. . Bishopvuie Branch trains leave Elliott 10.85 A M., and arrive Luoknow 12.25 P. M. Return lng, leave Lucknow 2.30 P. M., arrive 4.10 P. M aiiy except Sunday. 1 tDaliy except Sunday. Sunday only. m v i h. M. EMERSON, . Gen'l Passenger Agent ! J.B, KENLY, Genl Manager. 1 i T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. mar 38 tt Atlantic an. Mil- Carolina HailroaJ Table No. 8. To Tsvke Effect SundAy.'NoT. 28, 1897. at 12 B. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. ... Time I 3 - : 4 Paas'g'r Trains Pass'g'r Trains - STATIONS. r Arrive Leave Arrive Leave P. M. P. M. AM. A, M. ........ 8 40 Goldsbore....... 11 05 .4 4 83 Klnston... ...... 10 19 6 85 5 45 Newbern 8 67 9 10 6 67 7 03 Morehead City. 7 42 7 47 P.IM. P. M. A M. A M. Train 4 connects with W. ft W. train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.85 A. KC, and with Southern Railway train West, leaving, Goldsboro 3.00 P. BL, and with W. ft N. at New bern for Wilmington and intermediate points. xrain s connects witn sontnern uauwav n am, arriving at Goldsboro 8.00 P. M and with w. ft W. train from the North at 8,05 P. Ml No. 1 train also connects with w. ft N. lor winning ton and intermediate points. ilanltf a L. DILL. Supt 1 For the speedy and permanent core of tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Cham ber Iain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting' almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent core. It also cures itch, barber's;itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped' hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. J" j Dr. CadyV Condnjfin Powders' for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents Sold by Tor sale - UB.IB; BELLAMTi - .1 . a ' " ! : v . "" j . . -t . -rr..-- -v :. ,:, 1