auce crWARE OF IMITATIONS adapted for every, variety of dish i all 01 wnicn u gives a lamous relish. JOHN1 DUNCAN'S SONS, Agents. N. Y. Weather Wearables. Warm We show an "unequaled" stock style and taste, but In quality and matchleea prices. Here the mtv isLtotf ij shnwn. no "ont of 1a.tA HtnfT hnt u fra.h VV77 XT 11)8 "'7 latest .v .. underwear By the way, we have about ten dozen InJinn' Dnlhuirfrfnn XTnnln .-JSC. very naturally you will - briSgan and not white. ings and House Furnishings. Matt Don : ttluk ot purchasing Mattings or House line w'.ik!; is second to nono. Nothing. Is offered metal'er. it it is cr.eap, siioauy siun. you wm ,tV iCim;1'. and prices.! o j-.' )l il 1 11JU,' .en- :or "Her Majesty's Corsets" and Butterlck's Patterns. UMve your order with us for The Delineator. AD. ;::::x:::: BUSINESS J LOCALS ' l!i "THE MORNING STAR" ifOST BUT fl CEtlT A WORD. r ! J-WANI I U BUY Un oLLL A UUW UK nUtldtr bo YOU WISH TO SELL A FARM? DO YOU WISH TO BUY A FARM? - V 1 1 DO YOU WANT A WIFE? P Do You Want Anyth i ng ? I A Cent a Word Is a Mere Trifle for An Mvertisement. I I The Price is so Low That You Can Afford to Detail Your i Needs in Print, and Save Correspondence. iTry "The Morning Star," t Guaranteed Circulation Larger - Than i I That of Any other Daily Newspaper , Published in Wilmington. MECHANICS' HOME ASSOCIATION j ;Sn!jsr-rii,tion te for Stock In the 1 8th Series is now open : ; iwr0 Secretary and Treasurer, to star miUe application, series limited to 500 l3U$?ents'wiil eminence Saturday, July o&fi!1ini? 1:lr,i'' an(1 ample capital, we are i tiiL or amJ sol'cit mortgage loans, and them prompt attention. I- ' t APpIy to -. ' - . XATilAXiEL JACOBI, -President. . fej'MMINO.Eec-tyandTreas. M The Unlucky Corner 8Prmgfield Hams Cheaper than anywhere In the State oiyou ij,Iy that doubtful r I BUTTER tprid tor a:t my FX RlTe'" c?over .fluff Said." f S. W. SANDERS. tnurISS: "TIIERE ARS OTHERS." ... any kind of GOOD SHOES Rail nn ilM WUH till . eu9tom,ln''ra!ly ult even the most fastidl- nd see the ''JEnnwrb nntT.T.v.-an P1 sure S3.50 I at ana. see the DUTTENHOFEES BeBarB S.OO b'tmJ'. I M . . 866 e DUTTENHOFEES UftS r w v "few. foFri&L??8 SHOES MADE, at the iue w tico wear. Trya'8 'ne Shoes are TOP i fresh lag, UPPH$B conitantlx arriw. ijHOEB & EVANS. mm The Original Worcestershire from Turtle to Beef, from Salmon of these goods. That Is a broad assertion AOTAVW (UIAU, . . WHEN WE SAY "SUMMER UNDER WEAK." WE MEAN THE THIN EST. ' Just the proper wing ror the Hot ask why toe reduction. We wM teuton! . :. Furnishings without looking at our here except reliable goods? So re we oon't nave it. It will be a pleasure uicuwui iur youvoco i come in, wrjte - NORTH FRONT STREET. RROWM amm tk. m. WW A W HAVE YOU LOST ANYTHING? HAVE YOU FOUND ANYTHING? WANT TO SELL A HOUSE? WANT TO RENT A HOUSE? NEED A COOK? WANT A NURSE? WANT TO BORROW MONEY? WANT TO LEND MONEY? WANT A SITUATION? WANT A BOOKKEEPER? S. P. HCllAIR, Wholesale Grocer, North Water Street. OFFERS FLOUR. I RIB SIDES, n. S. PLATES. PURE LARD. LARD COMPOUKD. STAR LYE. MENDELSON'S LYE. FOR SALE TOMSOW'S LiXti. CRACKERS. . PIC-NIC CHEESE. SUGAR :COFFEE. Riiftt Proof Oats. j September Mullets. Kai Hit- Seed Oats, all Kinds. Seed Potatoes. GENERAL STOCK . GROCERIES. At Wholesale. McNAIR & PEARSALL 83 9 tf RECEIVING TO-DAY. NEW CEOP POBTO EICO AND BAEBADOES ! MOLASSES. Lemons I Lemons I FRESH CHOICE STOCK FULL 360S. Portuondo's Chicos ABE PEOYIlia TO BE TEADE ClgarS WINNERS. HALL & PEARSALL, CLAWED BY A TIGER. A FEARFUL EXPERIENCE IN THE itU5 Uh BURMA. Btory of an EnsTisI Cn, Who " P?ireu iy the Native and Ued For Bait In i t- . v "ci for Mm Eitlug Monster. . B"'waB a most disturbed country from 1853 till 1856. I haU xny Z ot rough work, for I was dotailcd: to survey and explore the -country with a view to vauig n out by roads, ".'writes' Henry Stone in The Wide World Magazine. I was quite young and owed my posi tion to my knowledge of Rnrvivin civU engineering, which.I had earned at Buxias wooiwicn. I was surveying a line for a road between Prome and Ran cannot give dotaols, as I have not my diaries by mo, bat one day some vil lagers came to ask me to shoot some ele phants that were destroying their dhan (paddy fields). ; , 1 asked them if the herd was W inin. tne. They said yes, but that If the two srS ' wno looked Uk tns, were killed the rest would go back quietly into tho yoniahs. - , I Was not narticularlv 'hiis-ir t.nt. h.. 1 agreed to KO OUt. I had a lnnir and, sure enough, I came on the two in separables and accounted i f or, them both; But the day was overcast. We strayed erratically. Finally night came on, and our men acknowledged that they did not ' know their way out of the forest x ought to have mentioned that Moung Goung Gee, an independent warrior, half soldier and wholly a dacoit, was in arms at this time and aoTjearad hem n.nri v,i from time to time. Wherever he met out troops ho was defeated, of course, but as a rule he only attacked outlying towns, tor turing the people and levying blackmail wherever possible. His whereabouts, how ever, had not been heard of for some time, and as there was no hope of our getting back to my headquarters we lit fires and composed bursefves to sleep. ' , i i suppose it was between 2 a. m. and 3 a, m. when we were savaeelv awakened and before We knew for certain whether the whole thing was a fantastic dream or not we were securely bound and taken off to Goung Gee's headquarters, about six miles off. We had an interview with him next morning. Ho said he had long wanted to catch a sahib of the detested English and would mete out to me a punishment so ter rible that it would effectually prevent oth ers from wandering into his country. As lor xnose with me, ho said they had been warned what their fate would be if they assisted the kala-loguc. i I He ordered them off for instant torture and execution, but I cannot describe the horrors that followed. ; Their memory- is a horrid nightmare to this day. About 5 p. m. I was walked off a good six or eight miles through dense jungles, reviled and tortured more or less the whole way, and at length I fo.und myself stripped and thrust into a trap prepared for a tiger a bamboo arrangement of simple con struction. .My jailers were needlessly brutal and abused me in every way, hop ing I'd like the treatment I should meet from the man eating tiger which hovered about near whore tho trap had been spe cially laid. . J . j But previously, - while a prisoner and tied to a tree, a Karen girl had, at the risk of her life, given me a little water, ! and I begged of her to send some one hur riedly to Captain D'Qyly, who was camped a few miles off, to huirry to my rescue. The trap was one of those usually erect ed for tigers in Burma, fit was along,! rectangular, boxlike structure, made of, bamboos. The portion set aside for the bait was only just large enbugh for me. I crouched there dumbly, half dazed with horror and quite unable to realize my fearful position. j It was Christmas eve, and the weather very chilly for Burma. I offered large but they only scoffed at me. ' j How slowly did the hours pass. The cold was bitter, but I must have dozed off all the same, for I remember being awak ened by a clammy ' something crawling over me. My heart leaped into my mouth.! It was only a rock snake, however, creep- ing through tho "bars and seeking an exit somewhere. Oh, the ghastly loathsome ness of feeling that cold, creepy reptile gliding over my poor, palpitating body! I thanked God when the snake found an outlet somewhere and disappeared. But shortly afterward the crowning hor ror came. I heard soft footfalls first . and then something sniffing round the trap. There could be no doubt that it was the man eater.' My heart nearly burst. I was kept in agony for-ully ten minutes, and then the beast evidently found the aoor, for he entered, and I heard the door fall. There was a partition of bamboos between him and me, but I anticipated that he would soon demolish that and then tear me to pieces as I lay huddled up helplessly. It appeared afterward, however, that the Karen girl's brother had been forced to erect tho trap and had made the parti tion of male bamboos of great strength. In the darkness I oould see the great. luminous, wistful eyes of the man eater. The fearful brute, finding he eould not get in to me, began to insert hia paws' gently, but J, crept up to trie outer bars, and then he could barely reach me. He did succeed, however, in giving me a claw or two on my back and buttock. As he smelled the blood, he began to gnaw at the bars and would doubtless have made short work of. them, but there was a sudden glare of torches, a confused murmur, and then- I felt the worst had -passed. ! - ! j The Karen girl, with ten pi tne ausns out of the 20 which formed my bodyguara, came up and bayoneted the tiger, who was caucrht literally like a rat in a trap. Fire they dared not as they were only a couple of miles from tioung uee's camp, xney released me more dead than alive from my living tomb and then improvised a hammock out of a native blanket and car ried me to my camp. En route I met D'Uyly, who, witn a s iron bt force of regulars and irregulars, was hastening to my rescue. He was de lighted to see me free and hastened on in the hope of surprising tne aacoic leaner. The latter, however, was too well served and had decamped before my friends ar-j rived. ' I lav between life and death lor six weeks, for the shock to my system, as well as the exposure to tne coia cnius oi a TWmmher nieht. had brought on a severe attack of fever.' But I was truly tnanit-; ful for my seemingly miraculous escape from that man eater whom I met under such appalling conditions. - Tjvv.iiTnri what, ia a divine healert AJVVHAV ' ' j. Pana A female physician, my son.; Sn-mervllle .lonrnai. -. , . Tho African'! Endurance. ipioa notahlv illustrative of tho Af- of endurance are re- ported from the British Central Africa protectorate. In-each instance a man was draggea rroin ins uw uj jiuvv"- nnn Kitnn nimnst to a diiId. The . y.aA s Vw tulrfin Inner distances over-1 uicu iici w v . - , . , 1 a rtr, TwnVilncr Znrnna each had the UUIL V" O . 1 Kmh jitti nutated and QUicfcly re- covered, iff. uougias ura, 01, uu ti Aiir tiprf. remarks further in his report upon the growing confidence of the native in tjne ji.uropeau ummkb. ports of cures2 more -especially in relation to surgery spreau rapiujy auiuu mo w xi a t,a tho nun nld cure, a fiber band o Kmhannvntheseatof disease, liii ivtAAn " - ... is, he says, fast losing its reputation. London JJewa wmiam Black' XerTomnem. T am sure that the characters of his sto ries were more real-to him tnan moss 01 whom he encounter- ed in everyday life. They were so real that their fate attectea mm as u xv xu. iu. 4- -v,4o friends' For months after he finished "McLeod of Dare," with iii in ioixwa i.wwM . its trreat tragedy of baffled love, ne was so shaken In nerve tnat ne uiu nuuv to ride in a hansom cab. Sir Wemyss Beid in Speaker. ' . 1 i . " . ' i..niiueit. ! Mrs. Brown-1 was in the new drug store TOtmy. njui'""j r T -7'f-9 1 m r t -WVmj TV,ott haVfl filX rill- ferent shades of pills! Detroit Journai In the original deed for tho regulatito 1 jnnnmt nf TTarrOW school, dated D11U iiuiiiiw" - 1590, it is directed, 44 You shall allow your onlld at all times DOWS, uaiia, uuyy.- : v Y-OOUrt Dwarf a. Until about little ago dwarfs were frequently kept as court toys. Records of them might be multiplied almost Indefinitely. 1 ijeoe, the dwarf of Stanislaus, king "of Poland, lived to bo 90 years of age, dying m Paris in 1858. and as having measured 85 inches and 23 V1- " u1. piece 01 Augustus, had two dwarfs, each 23 inches in ttoinhf- -cr - , -v-Sx, OUU rietta Maria had two whose joint height naa i a mcnes. The Emperor Au gustus had a dwarf named Lucius whose height was 8 feet and weight 17 pounds. court awan in England was Cop pernin. who belonged s tKo v.;n C ' n w vuw AXUiVCODVl Wales, mother of George TIL - - May Come to Pass. J i' Immisrrant IiiKnef.tnrlw v,oa v r , 11 v '"i 1 mation that you camo over how nn tract. '.-.! - .1 - Lord Fitsmud fmdifirnantiv er-er why, you wudo, impudent fellah! I came ovah here to marry Miss Angelina Immieraiit Tnsnetra- ' ' L . HiAlit.ijU.ij j Well, what's the matter with you? Ain't mtu-fiago sue naraest mntt of a contract? j.u. i utivo 110 go uaciv.: jiariem Ldfe. NONE but a mother knows the pains, anguish and dread that a woman endures before and during chiMbirth. And still nearly all this suf- fering is unnecessary. The faithful use of MOTHER'S FRIEND will in great measure overcome every : distressing symptom, and labor itself will not be a very serious ordeaL Remember that MOTHER'S FRIEND is zn ex ternal liniment that softens and relaxes the muscles, and is not a dangerous $ compound of opiates to swallow. Ask your druggist for it or send price ($1) to THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. I Send for our free illustrate book, "Before Baby is Born." f til III in in 111 I "They fit the feet as nature intended." You'll Soon Realize : what genuine foot; comfort is if yoa try a pair of tne anatom ically .correct arid strictly . hygienic j JENNESS MILLER" a . : . i Shoes for Women. ' The only Shoes that fit all feet snugly at every point as nature intended. Hundreds of women in this city haye become emancipated from their; foot troubles by wearing these soft, easy, grace- ful Shoes. .; ; -i , As stylish as they are com fortable. ! 1 Only to be had of us in this 1 b " I' city. Si ; .! . . . Shoes S3.50 Pr. IT MERCER & EVANS, 115 Princess street. je24St tnth The MnrcWson National ! . Bank. Capital S200.000 Our Business Keeps on ..J- rtSr v.-; Growing, Bat We are Prepared for; All That Comes. WILL SERVE YOU Promptly j Accurately, Safely. Wn bn v and sell Foreizn Exchange, and f Ornish Letters of Credit available all over the world. . ; . . ; i. 1 , -; I ? - II. C. MCQUEEN, President. J. V. GBAINGEB, Casltler. . apr29tr I NOTICE. BEGINNING FRIDAY, JUNE 16TH, AND until RantflmhAr IRt.h. wfl Will discon tinue the delivery of Ice Friday after noons. 1 i! I tr i Our Ice Factories will be open jj for the accommodation 01 any one wno ; wishes to sena lor it. ; WM. E. WORTH & CO. CAROLINA ICE CO. j Jeistf I ' ij I - i -I Peace I Institute, RALEIGH, N. C. One of the best female schools in the South, and the cheapest for advantages given, bend tor catalogue, ; .; ; jeistf JAS. DINWIDDIE, M. A. A Nice, Clean, Cool Place To get a first class Shave or Hair-Cnt is at No. 15 iNOriu cecona sireec, uowbu b uiu ouu. Clean towels and polite attention is oar motto. uive ua a can. jueubnu r tu l uuumn. UlU TV A-CbX7 VX J XVI' CTUU i COBNELIUS 8 DAVIS, Je22 tf I. ' ' it ' Lessees HOTEL BRISTOL. Fifth Avenue and Forty-second street, "New York; : One block from Grand Central Depot. Offers rooms in suite or single for the Summe at reduced rates. The coolest location In the city, having 200 feet of unobstructed southern exposure. ,r imT, nn.t,,nr- mv7 2m sututh ; Proprietor.. Mother and Babe i57)BUHfl mt TO ALL POINTS North, South and Southwest. Schedule In flect Dec. 11, 1898. Train 41 Leaves WflTnlnctin s-on -o -u arrives Lumberton 6:15 P. M., Pembroke 5:85 p! M., Maiton 6:06 P. M.- Laurlnburc; 6:23 P M Hamlet- 6:53 P. M. nrninactn nt. Vmiot 'JTt'C trains for Monroe, Charlotte. AthenaTAtlanta auviau yuxuu Duuui aiiu wiui irains lor Ea lelen. Portsmouth. Richmond wnskiinrtnn poIht North. r r ? p - Train 41 Leaves Portsmouth 9:30 A. M., arrives M.,BalelehS:86P. M., Sanford 5:15 P. M., Hamlet 6:55 P. M., Wadesboro 8:10 ZJttiB&j&: 10:26 p- irain as leaves Atlanta 9:50 p. M. Leaves Charlotte 5:00 A. M ArrlTM Mnnmu k-ak a m Wadesboro 6:51 AM., Hamlet 7:i8 A. M.,8anfora 9:52 A.M., Balelgh 11:18 A. M., Weldon 2:50 P. 1 m. v. imuvuui u.u X . 111.. . Train 88 Leavas HamlAt R-9n i w i-Hrim Laorlnburg 8:46 A. M., Maxton 9.05 A. M., Pem broke 9:81 A. M., Lumberton 9:53 A. M., Wil mington 18.05 noon. i Train 403 Leaves Washington 6:00 P. M.. Blcamond 9:00 P. M., Portsmouth 8:45 P. M Weldon 11:10 P. M. Arrives Raleigh 2:14 A. M., Sanford 8:83 A H., Hamlet 5:07 A. M., Wadesboro 6:01 A M., Monroe 6:53 A. M., Charlotte 8:00 A. M.. Atlanta 2:50 P. M. 1 1 Traln;403 Leaves Charlotte 9:00 A. M.I Arrives Lincolton 10:20 A. M., Shelby 11:87 A . M., Shelby 11.37 A; M., Rutherfordton 12:60 noon. Train 402 Leaves Rutherfordton 4:80 P. M. Arrives Shelby 5:40 P. M. Lincolnton 6:56 P. M., Charlotte 8:18 P. M.. Monroe 9:10 P. M xrain wa leaves Atlanta 12:00 noon. Arrives Monroe 9:80 P. M., Wadesboro 10:30 P. M., Ham let 11:15 P. M.. Sanford 12:65 P. M.. Ralelorb 2:00 a. in., t eiuun :oo a., en., roramontn 7. a. m., aiuuiuuuu 0:10 a. m., wasmngron i:u noon. Train 18 Leaves Hamlet 7:15 P. M. Arrlvas Gibson 8:10 P. M. Returning, leaves Gibson 6:50 A. M. Arrives Hamlet 7.40 A. M. Train 17 Leaves Hamlet 8:40 A. M. Arrives Cheraw 10:00 A. M. Returning, leaves Cheraw 5:00 P. M. Arrives Hamlet 6:80 P. M. All trains daily ezcent Nos. 17 and 18. ' Trains make Immediate connections at At lanta for Montgomery. Mobile, New Orleans. Texas, uauiorma, Mexico, unananooza, asn- vuie, mempnis, jnacon, lonua. I r or Tic&ets, eieepers, etc., appiy w ; i TH08. D. ME ARES, 1 ! GenU Aeeat. WOmlacton. N. C. E ST. JOHN, ' ! Vice President and General Manager. H. W. B. LOVER, Traffic Manager V. E. McBEE, Genu Superintendent. ' L. s. ALLEN, Genu Pass Agent. General Offices Portsmouth Va. ; jalOtf ATLANTIC & YADKIN RAILWAY. Schedule lit Effect Iflarcli 26th, 1899. South North Bound Daily No. 53. Bound Dally MAIN LINE. No. 52 6 50 3 50 3 45 2 30 p m p m p m p m p m p m AT. LV. Ar. LV. Lv. Lv. Ar. LV. Lv. Lv. Lv. ....Wilmington...; ... Fayette vUle ... ...Fayette ville.... .....Sanford. ...... Climax ....Greensboro. .. ....Greensboro. .. ....Stokesdale.... .. .Walnut Cove. . . ....Rural Hall.... .....Mt. Airy .Lv! 9 00 a m 10 a m 28 p m 43 p m 44 p m 15 p m .Ar 13 ,Lv .Lv .Lv .Ar 12 42 12 13 11 55 11 07 10 86 10 09 a m a m a m a m a m ,LV .Lv LV .Lv .Ar 25 p m 44 p m 13 pm 8 45 South North Bound. Daily NO. 65. - Bound Dally BENNETTS VILLE. NO. 64. 8 00 am 0 07 & m 9 35 am Lv. LV. Lv. ..Bennettsville ... .. . . .Maxton ...Red Springs.... .. Hope Mills,.... ..Fayettevllle. ... Ar Lv 7 15 p m 6 15pm Lv 5 85 p m 4 52 p m 4 33pm 10 20 a m 10 40 a m LV. Ar. Lv Lv No 46 N047.- South North I Bound uouna Mixed Mixed MADISON BRANCH. Dally ex. Dally ex. canuay. sunaay. 5 30 D miAr.... ..Ramseur... ...Climax.... .Greensboro. .Greensboro. .Stokesdale.. ..Madison.... ...1.V1 6 40 a m, . .Ar 8 25 a m ...Art 0 17am ...l.-vj 0 35 am ...Lv,ll 07 a m ...Ar il 55 a m 3 50 p m Lv.... 8 40 p m Lv.... 2 so p m Ar.... II 15 n m,Lv...; 12-30 p m Lv.... Connections at Favettevllle with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with the Carolina Cen tral Railrord, at Bed Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with tne seaooara Air Lime, at uuir witn tne uurnam and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with the Boutnern Kauway uompany, at walnut cove wnu we nuriuiittuu nebwm ttauway j. R. kenly. General Manager. i T.. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. H. M. EMERSON, GenU Passenger Agt. mar 28tf j THE Clyde Steamship Go. i NEW YORK, 'i I...:-." i ; ' WILMINGTON, N. C, j; '-.. '' 'and '' GEORGETOWN. S C. Lines. New York tor Wilmington. GEO. W. CLYDE........... Saturday, June 24 ONEIDA ........ 1.... Saturday, July 1 : Wilmington for New York. ONEIDA .....................Saturday, June.24 GEO. W. CLYDlf. ........... .Saturday, July l Wilmington for Georgetown, S. C. GEO. W.CLYDE... .......... .Tuesday, June 24 ONEIDA Tuesday, July 4 Steamers do not carry passengers. : FThrousrh 1 Bills Tnilng and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in Mortn ana boutn Carolina. For Freight apply to , 1 I' : i , i j H. G. 8MALLBONES, Bupt., ! Wilmington. N. C. THEO. G. EGER, T. M., Bowling Green, N. Y. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agenta, Bowling ureen n. x. ... ;. ' : jeaiu J. W. NORWOOD, LEE H. BATTLE. President. Cashier. WILMINGTON. N. C. With resources or over $1,000,000 Ve guarantee safety. :M !;.-:;;, "tr-- Our large facilities afford every accommodation. Loans i made daily give promptness. ; A desire to please ensure courteous attention. With these facts before you we ask for your business. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. :-i n ii .- : "I " - ! aDrSOti WANTED. 5000 pound Wool, 5000 pounds Beeswax. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. Haye some rare bargains, in Fire Proof Safes. I SAMUEL BEAR, Sr., ! j ----- . 1 Atlantic National Bank, ; 19 Market street, mylStf Wilmington, N. O The University "of North Carolina. Widest patronage and fullest equipment In. Its mstory. acuiiy, so: ouuueiiKj, iva: inree Academic Courses: three Elective Courses: three Professional Schools, in Law, in Medicine ana m Jrxi niiity. now xunuiiiKt?, ty fcfcwsr wnrlra. Rnlandld Libraries. Laboratories, etc. Advanced Classes open to women. Tuition. 160 a year; Board, $8 a month. Ample oppor tunity for self-help. Scholarships ana loans for the needy. Free tuition for teachers. Summer School for teachers. Twenty-four Instructors, 147 stuaenis. louu euruumeub, oh. For catalogue, address i - l- i PRESIDENT ALDERMAN. jeS0 2w V - Chapel Hill, N.C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Schedule In Eflect June 12,- 1890. DirABxuu fboh wnjmraroii - nortr rmt-N-, DAILY So. 48 Passenger-Dn!- Saguolla 11.19 a. a, wareaw 11 ss A. M.. Goldsixsro A M. 18.20 p. M., Wilson 1.16 P. M'., RocSy Mount 1.53 P. M., Tarboro 2.31 Pj. M. Weldon 4.32 P. M.v Petersburg 6.21 P. M., Richmond 7-20'. H Norfolk 5.55 P. M., Washington 11.S0 P. M.,, Balti more 1.00 A. M., Philadelphia 3.53 A. M., New York 6.63 A. M., tBoston 3.00 p. m. ; . D AIL'S No. 40 Passenger Due Magnolia 8.S4 tr. m., warsaw 8.48 p. M., Goldsboro P. M. 9.45 P. M., ; Wilson 10.38 P. M., tTarboro 7.04 A., M., Rocky Mount 11.38 P. M. Weldon 1.00 A.M.,tNorfolk 10.25 A.U., Petersburg 2.85 A.M., Richmond 3.23 A. M., Washington 7.01 a.-M., Baltimore 8.23 A. M., Philadelphia 10.85 A,B,; New York IMP Rvatrm q nn t hi DAILY No. 50 Passenger Due Jacksonvill except 4 13 P. M., Newbern 5.40 P.M. Sunday - 2.25 ' P. M. SOUTH BOUND. No. 55 Passenger Due Lake Wacca maw 4.55 P. MChadbourn 5.28 P. M. Marlon 6.84 P.; M., Florence 7.15 P. M. Snmssr 8!7 P. M., Columbia 10.20 P. M., Denmark 8.12 A. M., Augusta 7.55 A. M. Macon 11.15 A. M., Atlanta 12.35 P. M. Charleston 10.50 P. M., Savannah 1.50 A M., Jacksonvlllft 7.S0 a. M , St. Au gnsane ipjo A. M Xampa 6.05 P. M. DAILY 3.45 P M ARaiVALS AT WILMINGTON FROM THE NORTH. DAILT No. 49 Passenger Leave Boston tl.OS 5.50 M., New York 9.00 p. M., Philadel- y 31. Phlal2.05-A. M.. Baltlmora 2.M A. M Washinsrton 4 30 A. M.. Blctmond 9.05 A M., Ptrsburg 10.00 A; M., Norfolk 9.00 A. M., Weldon 11.50 A. M., Tarboro -"li21 p:.m. Rocky Mount 12.53 P. M., ? Wilson 2.40 P. M-, Goldsboro 3.21 P. M- Warsaw 4.12 P. M., Magnolia 4.25 P. M. DAILY No. 41 Passenger Leave Boston 13 9.40 night. New York 9.30 A. M., Phlladel A M thla 12 09 P. M., Baltimore 2.25 P. M., Washington 3.46 P M., Richmond 7.30. P M., Petersburg 8.12 P. M., tNorfolk 2 20 P. M., Weldon 9.43 P. M., tTarboro- 6.00 P. H., Rocky Mount 5.40 A. M. Leave Wilson 6.20 A. M., Goldsboro 7.01 A. M., Warsaw 7.56 A. M., Magnolia 8.09 A. K. : ; DAILY. No. 51 Passenger Leave Newbern except 9.00 A. M . Jacksonville 10.26 A M, Sunday - - : 12.15 . '. - P. M. . - FROM THE SOUTH. . t DAILY N . 54 Passenger Leave Tampa 8.10 1.15 A. M., Sanford 3.07 P. M., Jacksonville Is. M. 8.00 P; M., Savannah 1.45 a: M., Charleston &S3 A. M., Atlanta 7.50 A. BL, Maoon 9.00 A. M., Au gusta 2.30 P. M., Denmark 4.17 P. Bf. Columbia 640 A. M., Sumter 8.10 P. M., Florence 9.50 A. M., Marion 10.30 A M.. Chadbourn 11.34 A. M., Lake Wac camaw 12.03 A. M. " tDaily except'Sunday. ! WIlTtilnoron and Wfildon Railroad. Vadbfn Division Main Line train leaves Wilnuneton. 9.00 A M., arrives Fayetteville 12.15 P. M., leaves Fayettevllle 12 25 P. M., arrives Sanford 1.43 P. M. Returning leaves Sanford 2 3J P. M., arrives Fayettevllle 3.45 v. m., leaves Fayette- vine 3.50 r. en., arrives wummgton ft m. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Bennetts ville Branch Train leaves Bennettsville 8.15 A. M. Maxton 9.20 A. M.. Rett BDrintrs 9 53 A. M.. Hope Mills 10.42 A. M., arrive Fayettevllle 10.55 A. SI. Keturnlng leaves Fayettevllle 4 40 P. M., Hope Mills 4.55 P. M., Rerfnrlng8 5.35 P. M., maxton, 6.1s r.a., arrives vBgnneiiavme 7.15 f. m.. . Trains on tie Scotland' Neck -Branch Road leave Weldon 3.55 P. M., Halifax 4.15 P. M.; ar rive Rcotland Neck 5.08 P. M Greenville 6 57 P. M., Kinston 7.55 P. M. Returning, leaves Kin ston 7.50 A. M., Greenville 8.52 A. M.; arriving tiauiax aL 11.15 a. in., vveiaon n.aa a. m. uauy excent Sunday. . .: Trains on Washington Branch leave Washing ton 8.10 ATM. and 2.30 P. M.; arrive, Parmele 9.10 A. M. ana 4.00". returning leaves Par mele 9.35 A. M. and 6.30 P. M.; arrives Washing ton 11.00 A. M. and 7.20 P. M. Daily except Sun day. i rrain leaves TarDoroi jm. u.. aauv exceDt sun- day, 5.30 P. M.; Sunday, 4.15 P. M.: arrives Ply mouth 7.40 P. M. and 6.10 P. m;. Returning, lnavna Plvmonth dallv exceDt Sundav. 7 SO A. M. and Sunday 9.00 A. H.; arrive Tarboro 10.05 A. M. and 11.00 A. M. ; . i Train on Midland n. C Branca leaves Golds boro, N. C, daily except Sunday, 7.05 A. M.: ar- leaves Smlthfield 9.00 A. M.; -arrives Goldsboro 10.25 A. M. 1 Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky V lllO 1V.1VA. JU.. A. . JUi UllLUg ..PU XV.WO. M., 4.55 P. M. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 11.00 A. M., 4.55 P. M., iNashviUe 1122 A. M.; . 1 1 n . I, .A . T A nO D lLAF ' Smlni, TJina 1A All A I 5.85 P. M., arrives at uocKy juount ji.s A. ai 6.00 P. M. Dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leave Warsaw for Clinton, dally except Sunday, at 8.10 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. Returning.ileave Clinton at 7.00 A. M. and 10.25 a. m . , . Florence Railroad leave Pee Dee 10.02 A. M.. ar rive Latta 10.24 A. M., Dillon 10.36 A. M., Rowland 10.54 A.M. Keturmng. leaves jtowianae.oo r. M.; arrives Dillon 6.20 P. M., Latta 6.35 P. M,, Pee Dee 7.00 P. M.. dallvi i Trains on Conway Branch leave Hub at 3.00 P. M., Chadbourn 5.35 P. M.; arrive Conway 7.40 P. M .; leave Conway 8.30 A. M., Chadbourn 11.20 A. M.; arrive Hub 13.25 P. M. DaUy except Sunday. i ? Central of South Carolina Railroad leave Sumter 5.13 P. M., Manning 5.41 p. M.; arrivt Lane's 6.17 P. M.: leave bane's 8.S4 A. M.. Man nln&r 9.09 A. M.: arrive Somter 9.40 A. M. Dallv. Georgetown and Western Railroad leave Lane's 9.30 A. M., 7.40 P. M.; arrive Georgetown 12.00 M., 9.00 P. M.t leave Georgetown 7.00 A. M.; 3.30 p. m..; arrive iane a a. m... a. so r. m Dallv exceDt Sunday, i S Trains on Cheraw and Darlington Railroad leave Florence dallv excent Snndav at 9.50 A M -arrive Darllneton 10.15 A. M.. Aartsvihe 9.15 P. BL , (jneraw a." mi, rvauetsuuro z.zo r. jh.; leave Florence dally except Sunday at 7.55 P.M.; arrive Darlington 8.20-P. M.. Bennettsville 9.17 P. M., Gibson 10.20 iP. M. . Leave Florence Sunday only 9.80 A. M., Arrive Darlington 10.05 A. M , . . . Lave liioson uauv excent csunaay at e.oo a. M Bennettsville 7.00 A. AL: arrive Darlinsrton 8.00 A. M. Leave Darlington 8.50 A. M.i arrive Florence 9.15 A. M. Leave Wadesboro dally ex Aflt RnndavS.OO P. Mi Cheraw 4.45 P. M.. Harts- vllle 7.00 A. M., DarUngton 6.29 P. M.; arrive Florence y.ou tr. a. ieave uariington euuaay only at 8.50 A. M., arrive Florence 9.16 A- M. - wuson ana Fayettevuif jtsrancn leave wnson I. 58 P. M., 11.14 P. M.,; arrive Selma 2.50 Pi M. II. 67 P. M.. Smlthfield 3.02 P. M.. Dunn 3.40 P. M., FayettevUle 4.25 P. M., 108 A. M Rowland 6.00 P. M.. returning leave (Rowland 10.54 A. M., FayettevUle 12.15 P. M., 9.40 P. M., Dunn 1.04 P. BL., snutnneia 1.43 tr. j. bvuiio. i.ou jr. m., iu.o r. M ..rimWIlsnnO IK P M 11 91 1 M UA . , A X 1, MBUlrt . ., " . Manchester & Augnsta a. k. trains leave Sumter 4.29 A. M.( Oregon 5.17 A. M., arrive Denmark 6.12 A. M. Returning, leave Denmark 4.17 P. M.. reston 5.13 Pi bl., bumter o.oa p. m. Dallv. ) m-esmans urancn tram leaves ureston Ar M.. arrives Pre (mails 9.15 A. M. Returning. leaves Pregnalls 10.00 A. M., arrives Creston 3.50 p.m. uauy except tsunaay. 'Blshopvule Branch trains leave Elliott 10.35 A. M. and arrive Lncknow 12.15 P. M. . Return- tog, leave Lucknow 2.10! P. M., arrive Elliotts S.50P. jb. uauy except tjunuay. , tDauy exceptsundayay i j Gen'l Passenger AgenQ J. R. KENLY. Gen'l Manager. i t. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. je ii tr . Atlantic aM Kortn Carolina Railroad Time Table No. 8. if To Tke Effect Sunday, Nov. 28, 1897,; l 12 M. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. s :' if.' 4 .- Pass'g'r Trains ' I Pass'g'r Trains STATIONS. Arrive Leave i' j Arrive Leave - 'r f P. M. P. M. i t A. M. A, M. 3 40 Goldsboe. 1105 ........ ........ 4 83 Klnston.,,....... 10 12 6 35 5 45 Newbern. 8 67 9 10 6 57 7 02 MOrehead City. 7 42 7 47 IP. M. P. M. I A. M. A. M. .-i i Train t connects with ! W. St W. train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.35 A. M.. and with Southern Railway train West leaving GolUSDoro 8.00 tr. bl., ana wiia w. ez . at new ham nr wilmlncrton and Intermediate nolnts. Tram s connects wun twumern ttauway m am, arrivmsr at Goldsboro 3.00 P. M.. and with W. & W. train from the NorMl at 8.05 P. M. No. 1 tndn also connects withi W. & N. for W liming ton ana intermediate points. 1an 1 tr ! i b. u. viuu, BUP't CURE YOURSELF! IJbb Big d for unnatural dischargeg, inflammation!, imitations or ulcerations o m neon b membranes. rainless, ana not aatnn- theEvassChemicaiCo. nt or poisonous, ! fiktld by Di-nniata, or sent in plain wrapper, liy express, prepaid, for il.flO, or 3 bottles, 92.75. Gfrcnlac. sent on reojieat- J Xlnlto6dji. Mmm not to unoHinv The C. W. "Ss?0i 9 orth Ladies' Cents' Bathing . Suits in -Jersey, Mohair, Duck and Flannette. . '- - Full line of Bathing Caps, I 15c to 75c. Hammofiks. "Rfifid Pnrt.ifirRS. Winrlow Rhafia. . Fifty styles of Matting to select lOc to 40c per yard. Just received. 500 Umbrellas and Parasols. Ladies' and Gent's ' Gloria; 36 inches, beautiful handles, SI. OO and upward. July Standard Patterns and Designers' now ready, ' The ClAf. Sole Agents for the W. B. Corsets. See our : VSVVVV T" y v y v v v v k v v v v v k v v rO O O-O O-O vv O O O O Ov" it is Strona enouah to be Made of heavy Galvanized Steel WRITE US FOR PRICES. ja 15 tf Price List for Summer Goods Twenty-two dozen fine white and colored Ladies1 Hats, sold first of sea son from $9.00 to $16.50 per dozen,; now my price on tne lot, 4tfc. each. Some of them worth $2.00 retail all nice up-to-date goods. One hundred and forty rolls of new Summer Ribbon, worth 35c and 50c per yard; your cnoice now at 255c.. Six pieces fine Silk Mohair in light and colors, 44 inches wide, worth wholesale $1.15, my price 63c. In light shades pink, light erreen, olive green, old rose and tan. The goods aro nearly three times as wide as Silk and much prettier at 63c less than half price. . . . ' A nice line of $1.00 Nursery Corsets for 50c a piece. . Warner's rust proof Caroline Cor sets, best Corset mad a. worth $1.25. my price 65c. A drive m line Kid Gloves, samples, at 75c and $1.00. .. . ; A big selection of Ladies' Chateline Bags and Furses at reduced prices, from 5c to 50c. . f Twentv nairs of fine rare Wol Blankets to close out, 10-4, five pound GEO. O. GAYLORD, Prop. je25tf 9 - TT O B PRINTING.! 1 BOOK BINDING 1 9 9 1 p t THE STAR JOB :book bindery 9 9 I ROOMS ARE THEIR APPOINTMENTS. In y y T 1 1 I 9a 1 IN 9.XJ; &Fa WILHXN6T6n, n. It -f a. a m ' ''!'- nuw is tne time To make your q Begin to draw FOUR PER CENT. kmy 27 tf RAGKEilF Ouri last brought buyers to pie old VonGlahn Shoe Store " who Daid their casnf and went away convinced that they had got in the SHOES purchased cents they spent, f. BEAR that the chance to'tjny a IN MIND 1 V . . , s CLASS price, is nojt going to last forever, lortnestocK is seu-t . ing faster "and fastfejr each day, and will soon bejrorie, and thenj you will have to wail until we can huy another Shoe house out at 25c on the dollar! before we can offer you the same bargain that; we offer you now. 1 j ; I I " . I t The most stylish and best qualities of this stock is the part that is ieit,j because the cheaper grades sold Jast and furious, and we had no chance tohow the finest goods. are going to sell this week a lot of Ladies j. File Shoes in Black and Tats, from $1.00 to $2.00 that have been selling!, from $3.00 to $5.0C. Thetje are fine, styUsh, up-to-date goofa, whose? quality and appearance will Convince you quicker than our words. v - . In Gent's Low-Quarter ihoes, both Black and Tan, we have that for, which every one is seeking-"Something for almost nothing' a $2.00; Shoe for 90 cents. - Is, ' , i Ladies and Misses Slippers at prices that wjll -make you buy, and; make you sorry when you have bought that you did not buy more. - I You want SHoes. we wait dollars, and we are I going to have your so; -else's, for the live bargains some-one- GEO. O. ? mv 28 tf Pol vogt Co. Front street; . . Children's from ' - . Polvogt Co. 60c Summer Corset I Je 11 tf - The Hartman Woyen Wire V Fencing I IS THE STRONGEST, . MOST DURABLE and CHAP I EST FENCE MADE. ! used withmit hnsn hnarric Wire. WM. E. SPRINGER & CO., 3 Purcell Building, Wilmington, N. C. Blankets, worth $4.00, now $2.99. Men's Summer Coats, well made, at 29c' Nice Serge Coats and Vests from $3.50 to $6.00. - Serge Suits at $7.00. Boys' Linen Crash Suits from 6 to 14 years old, for j $1.00. Twenty dozen Men's Silk Bosom fine dress Shirts, worth $1.00, my price 50 cenls. ' , : . Men's fine Underwear 50c,-shirts and pants, my price 39c. I will save" you'll cents on a garment. Big. line of sample Underwear at wholesale cost. Ladies', tape neck and sleeves Vest, full size, worth 10c,'my price 6c. Belt Buckles at reduced pricesfrom 5c to 50c. All styles represented. . Velvet Ribbon, all widths, fine trimming. Liberty Crenole Chiffon, extra wide and best quality, in colors only, for 49c, worth 75c. The best goods to be had. The Backet leads in low prices and everybody knows it. Join the band of cash buyers 'and come and trade at .the Backet, and get a Valuable present , free. - Near the Postoffice on Front street. 9 9 AND RULING. h - 9- - - : ' t -:V PRINTING OFFICE, and ruling complete in EVERY VARIETY OF PRINTING, RULING AND BINDING DONE r NEATLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY CHEAPLY. & 91 WM. H. BERNARD, Proprietor, jj c. eposits IN THE . . : -'' v r . 't . ' i - Wilmington Savings and Trust Co. JUNE FIRST IS THE BEGINNING OF OUR NEXT INTEREST PAYING QUARTER. ALL DEPOSITS MADE ON OR BEFORE THAT DATE interest at rate of STORE. week's Advertisement a dollar's worth of leather for every 33 J ''-: ' I FIRST - CLASS SHOE for a FOUitTH-; we offer are btrand to gather tne com , GAYLORD, Prop., HlBK'ET STREET NEAR FRONT. - i ! .'- ' ' I my 80tf WHOLSALE GBOCTBH. strlncts and bracer." , 1 -