gbc Siorumfl jgtav. IT DEPENDS DPON GERMAN EMPEROR WILMINGTON, N. C. Thursday Morkixg, Sept. 7, 189!. SEABOARD RAILWAY CO. The Proposed Consolidation of Various Branches of the Seaboard Air Line in This State. Dreyfus' Case Hopeless and Con demnation Certain If He Will Not Intervene. ANXIETY IS VERY GREAT. By Telegraph to the Morning Star Raleigh, N. C, September 6. A general meeting of the stockholders of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company was held here this afternoon in the office of the company. It was decided to accept the amendments to the charter granted by the last Legis lature authorizing consolidation of the various branches of the Seaboard Air Line in this State. The consolidation of these roads is preliminary to the formation of the Seaboard Railway Company, which will include the Seaboard Air Line 'system, the Georgia and Alabama Railroad Company, the Florida Cen tral and Peninsula Railway Company. Consideration of other matters re ferred to in the call, terms and condi tions of the consolidation and increase of the capital stocks together with all nnpQt.irtne trmxtrincr mit nf tha wncnl- dation, was postponed till September 27th, when another meeting will be held here. A resolution was passed ratifying a subscription of about $250,000 which had been previously made to the Chesterfield and Kershaw railroad, and authorizing further subscriptions to the stock of this road, not to exceed 1,000,000. The financial plan was not discussed, and it is understood that it has not yet been definitely determined. The amount of stock and bonds to be issued it is certain will be smaller than any railroad system in the South. This is a detail that will be fixed at another meeting, to be held here on September 27th, as will also the scale of values of stock in the various roads to be con solidated: Each stockholder in any road now owned by the Seaboard will be given in exchange for his stock, stock in the consolidated road, the amount to be fixed by a scale of values yet to be adopted. Among the stockholders present at the meeting were President John Skelton Williams, Richmond; Vice President St. John, Portsmouth; J. William Middendorf, Baltimore; John M. Sherwood, Portsmouth; Legh R. Watts, Norfolk; Messrs. McGill and Leavenworth, Petersburg. The visitors came in on a special train, arriving here at 3.45. They left at 6 o'clock for Atlanta, where a meet ing of the stockholders of the Georgia, Carolina and North prn T?a 1 1 i-na ri will be held to-morrow. From there they will go to Augusta and thence to Charleston. A TRADES UNION MAN. President McKialey Elected a Member of the Bricklayers and Stone Masons' International Union of Chicago. Bt Telegraph to the Morning Star. Chicago, September 6. President McKinley is now a trades union man. He was to-day elected a member of the Brick-layers and Stone Mason's Inter national Union, No. 21, of Chicago. President Gubbins, of the union said that since the chief executive was ia.y me corner-stone of the new postoffice, it was necessary that the i1iesident Join tno uni0n before he is allowed to handle a trowel in Coke county. A card of honorary member ship was made out for the President to day, but it will not be forwarded to him until the matter has been further discussed. "We will have to take the card away from him," said Secretary Stamm to day, "if Mr. McKinley sets a stone prepared by non-union labor, which the stone intended for the corner of the new postoffice is. He will be de prived of all thn ViAnAfita nf , , j lug uiuuil and we, as a national organization, will strike on any building in any part of the United States at which he lays a corner-stone or does any construc tion work." Aatl-Dreyfnsards Exasperated Yester day's Proceedings in Court Martial. Three Important Episodes A Startling Incident. By Cable to the Morning Star. Rennes. September 6. The salva tion of Captain Dreyfus hangs on a word from Emperor William. This is the general opinion here to-night. If the Kaiser consents to allow Colonel Schwartskoppen, the German mili tary attache in Paris in 1894, to testify before the court martial or to send a deposition ; or, what is considered still 1 A . 11 . 1 1 ... more pro oa Die, to aiiow nis deposition to oe accompanied ty tbe actual docu ments mentioned in the bordereau, then Drevfus is saved. If the Emperor, however, decides mat it is not in tne interests of Germany for Colonel Schwartz koppen to intervene, then Dreyfus' case is nopeiess ana nis condemnation certain. To-night the eyes of France are iooKing across tne frontier to Stutt fart. wh(rA thA VaiEA!- ia ctauinT an1 anxiouslv awaitinjr his riW.iainn Ro is in the position of thi spectators of a giaaiatoriai comoatm tne coliseum in ancient Rome, with Dreyfus lying at ine loot or nis antagonist and watch ing whether the Emperor points his thumb up or down. At a late hour inis evening ne nad given no sign either way, and Frenchmen are wait in? with breathless interest th first indication oi nis will. The Arbiter of Peace. To all intents and purposes, Emperor William stands to-day the arbiter of tne international peace or France, for every one anticipates that King Humbert will follow his lead. This is proDaoiy tne explanation of the delay. Emneror William hn rrnn tn Wnii. temburg from Alsace-Lorraine and TT"i XX t . a mw - ojug numoen is at Turin. Uommu nication between thn twn mrm thereforfl. is and as they will undoubtedly agree upon identical measures m replying to M. Labori's &r)TVnl it is rwicai'hla that several days will elapse before meir decision is Known. The opinion generally neia nere is that Emperor Willi's T.': TT 1 j. Fit 1 m s.iufz u-ULuurcrt win al low Col. Soh warTlrnniwn n-nA PaU.I auv. VV1UUC1 Pamzzardl tn hn KTaminul Kxr o tary committee and their depositions to be sent to Rennes with supplemen tary evidence from the originals of Esterhazy's treasonable communica tion. Anti-Dreyfusards Exasperated. Court of Cassation. With regard to the DrvfllS men ih wifnuca Ho1qw1 that he was not connected with the discovery of the bordereau. , Du Patv dn dam uirl lliot th i,p der for the arrest nf CJantnin Drrvlns had been distinctly issued quite inde J A. . . I 1 . . pendent oi tne dictation test. in witness thpn HAsmMhoH iha fommu .In.. t&tion scene in the course of which he said Dreyfus displayed an emotion, refrardintr thA ranen nf urtiiih t Kcra - vuv MM W V. II 11 IV41 . LI 1 J might be differences of opinion, but the fact, witness asserted, was undeni able, that M. Hochpfort the nhipf H tective of the department, who was present, regarded the prisoner's agita tion as an indication of his guilt. With regard to the date of bordereau Du Pfltv nA ninm prnMesajl tViA Anin. ion that it must have been written be tween the 15th and the 30th of August 1894. Recardino' thA inlAriMAw iritH f!an. m . W 1 . WMf tain Drevfus. Dn Pat-v An ninm rfo. clared that he never said to Dreyfus: xne minister Knows you are inno cent." DrAvfiissair? "Ma-irn. T l-r your belief. I have never opposed it. I know you are an honest man, but I assure VOU. VOU havft mnrin a mietnko Seek what you call my accomplices ana wnat i can tne culprits and you wi'l find them." The prisoner's last word to him was "seek." The court martial adinurnpr! for tVin day at 11:50 o'clock. Germany's Policy Defined. BERLIN. Sentpmhpr 15 The. Tsl-nl Anzeraer nuhlishps nn inteniVw writli Colonel Schwartzkoppen, which is be vcu j ueuue urermany s policy to wards thA DrAvfiis nfFair Whon whether he would go to Rennes to de pose. Colonel Schwarf zlronnpn riirtl-o- replied: "No. I do not think the Emperor will permit me to make a statement. Have we not alrfiadv nrirmtarl a lino-Vif conduct in the matter. We have done so twice. First, our ambassador to France declared that we had had nothin? to do with th affair Thn Count von Buelow (German minister of foreign affairs) confirmed that state ment Plainly and distinctly in thn Reichstag. What was the result? One stuck to one's opinion. What good can be done by aturther assur ance that would have no other result?',' BOERS' REPLY TO BRITISH DEMANDS Regarded in London As a Posi tive Insult to the British Government. ADVICES FROM PHILIPPINES. The Iowa Regiment Ready to Depart for Home Insurgents Continue Demon strations at Imus. BUSINESS LOCALS. SUITS TO MEASURE ULTIMATUM WILL BE SENT. Government Advised to Convoke Parlia ment Immediately to Vote the Needed Supplies Cabinet Cornell Will Not Meet Until Friday. PASSENGER TRAIN WRECKED. Two Persons Killed and Twenty-eight In jured in An Accident On the Nor folk and Western Railroad. The anti-Drevfusard exasperated at what their Koaof izeasM. Labori's "trick." He had long been seeking an excuse to evoke the intervention of the German and Italian sovereigns, and seized the ap pearance of Cernuschi as his opportu tv. declaring that thA sHmininn the evidence of this foreigner justi fied his application regarding Schwartz- IrAnmAr. n - Ti i; It can be safely asserted that tbe admission of Cernuschi as a witness for the prosecution came as a veritable God-send to the defence, giving them almost at the last moment a more or less legitimate basis for M. Labori's application to summon the German and Italian attaches. The anti-Dreyfusards assert that the members of the court martial will ignore the affirmation nf rv-i,i. - - J v. wivucia bchwartzkoppen and Panizzardi, be cause they recognize that the testimony of these officers will be given by order, with a view to save their own spy but in less prejudiced circles it is believed that the cannot disregard the solemn declarations of the two attaches with out givinsr rise to a still mn graver situation in an internal trial sense than now prevails. By Telegraph to the Mornlnu Star. Roanoke, Va , Sept. 6. One of the most serious accidents in the history of the Norfolk and Western railroad occurred this morning near Narrows, a station on the Radford division. Two coaches of an east bound passenger train jumped the track and rolled down a thirty-foot embankment. Two persons were killed And twnti.A;hi more or less injured. The dead are A. B. Luck, a contractor, of Roanoke, and an infant, name unknown, of Bluefield, W. Va. All the injured will recover. Their wounds are mostly cuts and bruises. They were able to be moved, and some continued on their journey. A party or eight were brought to Roan oke to-night and received the neces sary medical attention. It is said the spreading of a rail .caused the accident. A wrecking.train with physicians from Roanoke was sent to the scene of the wreck this evening. Traffic was delayed only a few hours on account of the wreck. Another Fatal Disaster. Williamson-, W. Va., September 6. Seven persons were killed by a freight train wrecked to-day in Din gess tunnel, on the Norfolk and Western railway. The dead are: Frank R.Archer, brake man; Charles Booth, brakeman; John Chaffin, fire man; iour tramps, names unknown. TROUBLE IN VENEZUELA. By Cable to the Mornlna Star. London, September 6. To-day's news sheds no light upon the Trans vaal crisis. The signs which the English are accustomed to see just previous to a war continue, aad from these any number of sensational de -ductions may be drawn. General opinion tends to the belief that the cabinet council will result in an ultimatum, followed by an imme diate back-down of the Boers or the commencement of hostilities by Great Britain. Pretoria, September 6. The latest reply of the Transvaal republic to the British demands has been published. In this reply regret is expressed that the proposals of Great Britain are unac ceptable. The Transvaal government admits Great Britain's rights under the convention of international law to protect her subjects, but denies a claim of suzerainty. The reply agrees to a further conference regarding the fran chise and representation. Johannesburg, September 6. At a meeting of the war commission held at . i , , , inn rnrL tn-uav n mmn aia nonamek woe drafted, it is said, . for protecting and provisioning the town in the event of hostilities. Commander Viljoen, of the Trans vaal forces, says that martial law will be proclaimed immediately on the re ceipt of aa ultimatum from Great Britain. Regarded as an Insult. London, September 7. The Stan dard, referring to an abstract of the reply of the Transvaal government to Mr. Chambertain as given out by the xransvaai agent in .Brussels, says: "The dispatch is a positive insult to the British government. Clearly . we are within measurable distance of an ultimatum." London, September 7. 4 A. M. The Colonial Office officials were busy until after 3 o'clock- this mnrninff Dispatches have baen passing by special messenger between the Queen and Lord Salisbury for the last few days. The Ti tnes advises the government to convoke Parliament immediately, if necessary, to vote the needed sup plies, adding that a further loss of time may be dangerous and humiliat ing. Earlv this mnrnincr th of fice began to receive the reply of the Transvaal government direct. Mr. Chamberlain, on being requested to make a statement, declined to do so until after the cabinet council to morrow (Friday). The Times prints a dispatch from its Johannesburg correspondent, describ ing the steps which led to his flight. Commenting on the general situation he remarks: "Further negotiation will only make Great Britain ridicu lous and will be fatal. The only way to avoid war and to settle the affair is to demand disarm amont an1 m&lra o militarv demonstration to enforce it." By Cable to the Moraine Star. Manila, September 6. The Iowa regiment, the last of the volunteer organizations on duty in the island of Luzon, has been withdrawn from Calulut to barracks at Calucan, preparatory to departing for home. The number whn will sail ia RflK About seventy-five members of the regiment have re enlisted. Although the Iowans participated in some of the 1 1 a - r a r I.- . u&ruesi oi tne ngnung Detween Maio los and San Fernando, not one of them was killnrl in hattlA Thirtir. nine mpmhflrs nf thn rcorimont hnv. ever, were wounded and nine died of uisease. The insnrirAnta nnnti'nna tn malra demonstrations in the vicinity of imys. xne American outposts were obliged to fire vollevs the cast three UJgUlS. Mail nrtirii&a f rrm 7.a rr hnonn-n Port that the town has been nracHcal- i j. . . , r ly aeserteo. ine recent issue of Filipino paper money amounts to $3,000,000. The acceptance of this issue is made obli gatory, and the bills are made redeem able in three years. The insurcrnnta Vinvn called nrwvn orooertv owners in the interinr'tn suppiy grans lu me insurgent army raris, uurses aou came. YELLOW FEVER SITUATION. i Wants, and other shoct .Miscellaneous AdTer- MqAmantii 1ncarfAl fn tVhla TtekruLrtmnnf. In sillf) Nonpartel Type, on hrst or fourth page, at Fnb muier ts uyuuu, lor i vent yor wuiu qiku uitrai t.lrm Vint nn a rvart1aarnant. fjxlran far Iaoa than j 20 cents. Terms positively cash In advance. aroar nem nuuaes nuw Hearing uuiuyiebiuu Up-to-date modern Improvements. Everything new. Possession given September 20th. fll n.n1 n n r . . 1. a Of A, UlUUi. DU IfU IU ttUg U for sue or ntsui ray lata remueuce, xsu. 911 Princess street. Modern improvements. Flower, vegetable and fruit gardens. Posses sion given October 1. T. Donlan. iUg At LL JBU tU LU rnoiognpui fiauno paper, laruouei luiius, up-iu-aau) uusiraniuuu). lawsb myio U. C.'Eliis, Hi Market street. sep 1 tf also of other work. Come and see me when in need of Buggies and Harness. P. H. Hayden. aug a w . , srfr MBilmmtMit Mt. Alrv AdfiIph 1h to-day. Choice stock for quick sale. Bananas, Oranges, Lemons and Choice Confections. Best Up-country Butter always on hand. A. 8. Winstead, Second street, corner postoffice green. jy 20 tf IVti ntAtl .PASOhao Annlaa Tlnyria fZranaa and all kinds of Fruits". Also, all kinds of Pro- ML H aug 31 tf Our lines of Fall and Winter r , are now open, and we i m ?a? great pleasure in showino 4i.ake We have just tur10 market, where we seW T e handsomest lot of English v the Scotch and Domestic c'J-n'nch Cheviots, Worsteds it?11'. shown in this city. eT(,r Our line of "Vicunas" P,nTlnf surpassed by any one. be This season finds us win, to-date line of samples whiii' Up" have made North. LI 1 We look them over. The fatu!"'1 in Furni.hin& Goods. ldeaS CURRAN, 107 PRINCESS STRPfrr. THE NORTH CAROLINA duce. Good prices and prompt returns guaran- B. B. Moore, Commission Merchant, No. teed. R 5 Dock street. Fifty Cases and Six Deaths at Key West. Not Serious at New Orleans. By Telegraph to the Merning Star. Washington, September 6. A tele gram from Surgeon Carter, of the Marine Hospital service, to the sur geon general, states that to date there have been fifty cases of yellow fever .1 J . 1 . t r . uu bia ueaius ai rey W e8t. A disnatch has bnnn rprnivo1 frnm the commanding officer of the garrison at i ew uneans saying the situation there is not serious and unless the yel low fever becomes more of a menace than at present, he does not believe it is advisable to move the troops. Acting under this suggestion the order iur removal nas oeen neia in abeyance. WARM WIRELETS. FIFTY PERSONS INJURED. Another Revolutionary Movement The U. S. Warship Detroit to Proceed to La Guayara. Rear-ead Collision of Passenger Trains On tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Two Coaches Smashed. The Public Proceedings. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining Uncalled For in the Wilming. ton Postoffice September 6th, 1899. WOSKN'S LIST. .Laur Braxton, Martha Blackman. V jola Cox. Mary J Eron. -Bessie Foy k ie Florence HocuTIsa bella Hill, Charlotte Handen. Annie Jenkins. L A Koy. Patcy Long, M E Littleton. Hettie Moore, Slude Mur phev. Martha RTriith Xtor To .-.u Mary N Sellars, Eliza Slearting, Bertha Al Smith. MEN'S UST. CEBurleard, E A Boor, Hanche Blanton, John Brown, O F Boney. Lewis A Hatt rsiiK-tt. n i m Loleo Duckworth. Isaac Foster, Ford Bro. GeoS Hacker, GH Hayes. C Jackson. C F Jones. H H King. H S if- Joan McSween, Rachel Moore. David fcixon. Preston Roddick. J P Simpson J E Stanley (2), J 8 Smith. a '.v rn'n11 Smith, Harry N Smith, E S Shipp, O Skipper. Geo W n xti -J11 Yollers- J W Wilder, C M Whitfield, JWT Wingate. RETURNED FROM DEAD LETTER OFFICE. H Charley. Persons calling for above letters will say aaverusecu If not called for ui fifteen days they will be sent to the dead letter office. M. C. Darby, Postmaster. GEORGIA'S COTTON CROP. It Will be at Least Half a Millloa Bales Short This Year. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Atlanta, Ga., September 6. Com missioner of Agriculture O. B. Stevens, who returned to Atlanta to-day after that cotton will be at least halfa lion bales short, and that in order to realize seventy-five per cent of the crop of 1893, conditions will have to remain favorable for some time to THE LADIES. t-Ti?lea? and Perfect safe ty with which ladies may use Syrup ?C -F under all conditiona makes ft their favorite remedy. To get the true Ti.6 , arucie looJc lor the name of the California Fig Syrup Company printed near the bottom of the pack age. For, sale by all druggists. u mm The East (Carolina Real Estate Zfi7 exceUet facilities for selling farms and timbered lands. It advertises all property and makes J a nmmal charge unless a sale is TTJ' oXr ierms etc., address R. Q . Orady & Co., Burgaw, N. C. r To-day's public proceedings were marked by three important episodes. The first was General Zurlinden's ad mission that the erasure and restitu tion of Esterhazy's name in the petit Weu could not have been perpetrated by Colonel Picquart, and consequent ly must be attributed to some one in side the general staff. The second was the declaration by M. Paloleogue that the secret dossier contained a document which showed that CoL Schwartzkoppen admitted his relations with Esterhazy, and that unujjjre in me opinion of Paloleoeiie. sAnt tn siukn.. iu. . j 7 ------ uciuu liUO entical petit bleu for which Colonel Picquart was detained ten months on a charge of forgery. The third was General Billot's in sinuation that Esterhazy and Captain Dreyfus were accomplices, which led to an impassioned protestation on the part of the aocused and to a thrilling scene between M. Labori and Colonel Jouaust's treatment of him, a denun ciation tantamount to an accusation of open partiality. A Startling Incident. General Zurlinden's admission that Oolonel Picquart could have not per petrated the erasure in the petit bleu was a startling incident Then the Statement h nf PaliniA..i..i n.i. nel Schwartzkoppen had admitted that it was almost certain that the petit bleu was sent by him or caused to be sent by him to Esterhazy caused a sen sation, as being the first official testi mony to the treason nf F.cto !, a j it was certainly a strong point in favor of Dreyfus, the importance of which was immediately seen by the prosecu , shown subsequently in Gen eral Billot's broad insinuation of com plicity between Dreyfus and Esterhazy. From a spectacular point of view, however, the great event of the sitting was the battle royal between M. La bon and Colonel Jouaust over certain questions which the advocate wished pu vo general jBUlot M. Labori lOSt Control nf llimimlf .--J -L - --- - " uuuer mo ill- fluence of his deep feeling of indigna tion and his belief that Colonel Jou aust was deliberately gagging him in the interest of the military clique. His voice, which at first resounded through the court room, became choked with emotion. The spectators held their breath as he retorted, ' defiantly, to lolonel Jouaust's refusal to put the questions, his words drowning Jou aust s voice in an irresistible torrent, whose force was heightened by his passionate gestures. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington. September 6. After an unusually long period of peace, trouble. has again appeared in Vene zeula and a revolutionary movement is now in progress. The information has come to the State Department from an unofficial source, but one be lieved to be trustworthy. The extent of the movement is' not known here but as there have been for some time past rumors of serious discontent, it WOUld not be Slirni-iainn- if - - r uuio ictab manifestation should prove to be of large proportions. The Navy Department to-day sent orders to the Detroit, which has just arnvcu at -rnuaaeipma from New York, to proceed at once to La Gua yara, Venezuela. She will coal and start on the voyage in the course of two or three days. The Detroit should make the run to La Guayara inside of ten days. The presence of an Amer ican warship may have a good effect in maintaining th nnfifon. u resident Americans and other for eigners in their safety. The extent of the disaffection is not known here, though it is said that ever since the last election there have been mutter lngs on the part of the defeated candi date and his friends. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Connellsville, Pa., September 6. Probably fifty persons were injured in a rear-end collision on the Balti more and Ohio railroad to-niirht at Connellsville station. The presence of mind of Engineer John Haggerty saved the lives of many. Many of the injured continued on their journey and their names could not be learned. The first section of train No. 5 and an emigrant special of eight Wagner sleepers ran into the rear end of the Cumberland accommodation. Both trains were west bound. Engineer Murrav of the emioTftnt twiin trol of his engine, the air brakes re fusing to work, and crushed into the rear end of the aennrnmnstinn nrViioK was standing in front of the sta tion and Was nrnarAoA -aritX, passengers. Engineer Haggerty. who was oiling his engine, threw tne inrottie wide open upon seeing the runaway train coming. The ac commodation train lurched forward but not quite quick enough to escape a collision. The crash was terrific. Two coaches of the accommodation were wrecked, the rear end of the last one being crushed as though it bad been an egg-shell. None of the passengers on the through train was severely injured. President McKinley and party amveu in w asmngton rrom the G. A. R. Encampment at Philadelphia ji-sieruay evening, ins trm home was without incident. Fifteen thousand spectators were at ine empire Uity trotting track yester day to see the great race between the pacers, Star Pointer and Joe Patchen and John R. Gentry. Joe Patchen won. William J. Bryan at Woodward pavilion San Francisco, last night. inai ne am not taver the with drawal of our troops from the Philip pines before a stable government is established. An open switch caused a wreck on the Erie, railroad a short distance aoove Meadville, Pa., in which three Meadville men were killed and one injured. A tramp was also killed and another injured. The'United States tug Nazenscot, from Key West, reached Port Royal, S. C, Monday. She had twenty-one persons aboard, and although there was no sickness among the passengers, none of them was allowed to land and she was ordered to Sapolo imme diately. Richt Rpiv RJali ' m V fr AUWAC, JL mo diocese of St. Augustine, Fla., was stricken with paralysis Tuesday. The bishop has been in the Scran ton. Pa., diocese for the past month, soliciting funds for the rebuilding of his cathe dral in St. Augustine. The Eastern and Southern Trading Company chartered in Norfolk, Va., with a minimum capital of $500,000 and a maximum nf 1 nnn nnn tn i on general importing and exporting between the United States and foreign countries. A1H TV A-uramsa TiAfk fnr ra.1a Tyit tha Tinnf1ra.i at tha Qvid rtffla Vvrtallanf ?s nnrlaflotrln carpets, or for wrapping paper. oct 8 tf Bock Salt. Hay. Grain, fresh-ground Meal, Hominy, and all kinds of mixed Feed. John 8. McEachern. 211 MarkAt. strt. Tnlfinhonea ttfrs 92. myastf ' Tn rn.nttnA fittfll a n fl TrivtnfAa onmnlat. Jt - A u&ww. A SWIUXJ.W?. For sale low. The Worth Co. apr 7 tf Vnv Sal a At. Pn -rcra txt fn sysissf aWIa- it horse-power Engine and Boiler, one 50 saw Cotton Gin, one Brooks Press. Apply to The wonnuo. re 28 tr 'bagging and ties. Crackers and Cheese, Sugar, Flour, Meat, Molasses, Meal. BEST GRADE, LOWEST PRICE. THE WORTH CO- au2 23 tr College of AgriCDltare and Mm hit Offers a thorough practical education In ah oranches of Agri -uiture i n LUll ULIL Hi lUJL. i LI W 1 11 , UlCUllttlllUllJ V 11(1 I PP T TU' 1 T." i , -"L- Archltecture and In the Industrial Sciences, Chemistry. Biolctrv S t.nif' Reular courses, special courses, shore conrppa t,J lu riiyNion. Total annual expenses, including board, fuel, lights etc iirm One hundred and twenty scholarships carrying free 'tuition ami 'i , , are open to needy boys Appointments made by anv n, , K Legislature. osr of the ELEVENTH SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 6TH, 1899. College in Raleigh, 8eptembkr 6th 1899 oupenntendent, or at the For catalogue, address PRESIDENT GEO. T. WINSTON BROKEN GLASSES. Nothing so annoys the person who is compelled to rely on artiflriai ui.i for good vision, as to fiave a "break down." and not be TaWe tn L?x quickly remedied It brings one to a realization of the blessing bestowPrt upon mankind by the iuventlon of Spectacles. We aw prenarlrt prompt action in repairing broken glasses. Doesn't matter where to 1 yours, we can duplicate the most complicated lense or anv t&rtnr ,g.?I frame, on short notice-at low prices. y part of 11,8 Dingelhoef Bros., OCULO OPTICIANS. sep 3 tf ; PARLOR NO. 123. MARKET STREET. ReceiveD Yesterday. N EW COJTSIGITMEKT CHOICE NORTH CAROLINA BLACK GRAPES FOR QUICK SALE. QARPETQ TO WIVE 10- Df Choice Goods in CALIFORNIA PEACHES, CALIFORNIA GRAPES, CALIFORNIA PLUMS, FLORIDA PINEAPPLES, FRESH CANDIES MANUFACTURED DAILY. JNO. W. PLUMMER, Jr., Next to southeast corner Second and Princess streets. Inter-State 'Phone 132. aug 30 tf Maxton Building and Loan Association, MAXTON, N. 0. FISH, MEAL, FLOOR. 2000 LBS FRE3H MULLETS. 2000 BUSHELS WATEB GROUND MEAL. 400BBLS BE3T STKAIGHT FLOUR. 200 BBLS BEST PATENT FLOUR. 600FI8HKEQS- Of) BOXES MAHOGANY TWIST TO- QO BOXES 9 INCH 5"s TOBACCO. . g0 CADDIES G INCH 8's TOBACCO. ; gO CADDIES SCHNAPPS TOBACCO. 1 fi O CAJPES-. CELEBRATED HATCHET TOBACCO BEST 6 INCH 5s OF- WESC0TT & STONE, Wholesale Grnners Pt 8 No. 108 N. Water street. AxminsterSj j Tapestries, Extra Supers, Unions and Cotton Chains, -i-NEW RUGS,-- Art Squares and Mattings, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Portierres, Table Covers, Couch Covers, New line of Drapery, Silks, Silkalines. Art-Denims and Sateens All Carpets made and laid promptly by Competent Workmen, and satisfaction guaranteed. A lot of BEAUTIFUL SCEEEXS, both filled and not filled. Those having homes to furnish shouM sec all of the above goods before placing their orders. Asrent for Butterick'R Pftttflrna and TTor W ' WWWAAAW MTUU MV1 1wTaa.X'm ri a Juajegtys UOrsetS. A. D. BROWN, sep 3 tf DIRECTOES: J. D. CROOM, MAXTOR. ED. JtCRAE, MAXTON. A. J. MCKINNON, MAXTON. G. B. PATTERSON, MAXTON. R. W. LIVERMOBE, PATES. W. H. BERNARD, WILMINGTON. M. G. MCKENZIE, MAXTON. MARYLAND REPUBLICANS. Stale Convention Nominations Plat form McKinley and tbe Gold Standard Endorsed. By Telegraph to tne Moraine Star. Baltimore, Sept. 6. The Maryland State Republican Convention met at the Academy of Music to day and nominated the following State ticket: is or iovernor, Hon. Lloyd Lowndes ; Comptroller, Phillips Lee Goldsbor ough; Attorney General, ex-Congressman John V. L. Findlay. The platform endorses the present national administration, declares in favor of the gold standard, in favor of oppressing ine i) nipmo insurrection, the disposition of the Philippines to be made by Congress, and in favor of laws for the suppression of trusts which create monopoly. TEXAS COTTON CROP. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Has Secured Half Interest la the Georgia Railroad Lease. By Telegraph to the Homln Star. Atlanta, Ga., September 6. TheJ constitution to-morrow will say: Ihe Atlantic Coast Line has se cured a half interest in the Georeia "amuau yja xuesaay tne an nouncement was made at the di rectors' meeting of the Western Rail way of Alabama. President Harry Walters, of the Coast Line, was elect- cu a mrecror oi ine western Railway. He IS One Of the GAnrtria RoilvnaI resentatives on the board. M. H. Smith, president of the Louis ville and Nashville, retired from the board. The Louisville and Nashville una iwo representatives on the West ern Railway's board. A few week's ago it was reported that the Southern had secured a half interest in the lease of the Georgia, but it seemed more Mruuauie at mai ume mat the Coast Line was the new owner in the lease. BASE BALL BULLETIN. attention of investors In Wilmington la called to the fact that the Average Profits aI-I1.1 8ries of 8tock now In force In thlg Association have been about ' Eleven Per Cent. Initiation Fee, 25 cents per ehare. Subscriptions to stock payable In weeklv in. stalments of 25 cents per share weemy ln- oJ r, panagement is prudent and economical, "Jf nown I v the fact that the Association has .r jt , Lvaom, auu iuj auuuai expenses, in cluding taxes, are only about Two Hundred Dollars. J. D. CROOM. Presidoni September Mullets 9800 pounds Sept. Mulleta. 200 Picnic Cheese. 25 tubs G. E. Butter. 900 bushels Va. Meal, 840 bushels Corn. 960 bushels R. P. Oats. 240 cases G. Ia. Powder, 100 cases Rex Powder. Ill cases Blue Ribbon. 48 cases R. & M, Powder. 214 barrels Sugar. 100 bags Sugar. Prices cheerfully given. The C.W.PolvogtCo U. 9 J ORTH FRONT STREET. We have just received a quantity of Warner's Rust Proof Corsets, Price $1.00, and every pair warranted. 'JUT rvew t;arnr.a a-ra .vn'm t n , u . A , , : -r ' "iiius uaiiy, ana tne uusv season m una fi . . . . A u itto ill" I j ii- rpo rnt nr f- I i-.. I j I . I r . rA your purchases. J NEW FALL GOOTiS win j.- -, , .... Buyer is North, selecting our Fall and Winter stock. THE C. W. POLVOCT CO. Write for Samples. c I E S s D H E re th th mi cil de; ce: 8epl3tf sep3tf W. B. COOPER, Wnolesale Grocer, wiiiainKton. N. o. W. B HARKEB Secretary. le 10 tf At The Unlucky. SPEAKING of Tea. I am selling a blended Tea f or r that beats the world and can- oOC not be replaced for 40c. Try It. OLD NEWSPAPERS. We hn,u -JUS J?1"? Pickles? a uu" L Ly taste Rooa. water. 8o crisp and delicate J uuul My 'Phones are 109. 8, W. SANDERS. jy 10 u THE NIMBLE NICKEL Is what we are after; It sets around mucli quicker than the slow quarter, autl that is why we are selling our choice stcck of Groceri-s at such low price's. It keeps our stock iresb and up-to-date, and on the whole we find quick sales and small profits In our line Is best. Our pure and high grade foods are tbe best "D earth. THE KING GROCERY CO., B F. KING, Manager. Fourth Street Bridge. 'Phone 887. sap 3 tf J1 S I83 Dn Faty de Clam's Deposition. The evidnnra nt T.i Lu faty de Clam, which was taken on commission by Magistrate Lavenier. wasread. In his deposition, Du Paty de Clam complained that slanderous statements, unsupported by proof, had T!JVmade re&kngr him. fie denied T . 7 : icnuuua wna me late Lieutenant Colonel Henry, or that he was concerned with the publication of "t -Jr.' or W1UI furnish ing Esterhazy with the "document lib eratuer. The witness admitted that he had relations with vi 1 repeated the explanations with refer ence thereto which he gave before the A Decrease Indicated in the Yield of Over Thlrty-Six Per Cent. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Galveston, Texas, September 6. The hews will print to-morrow a re port of the cotton crop of Texas and the territories, made up of 385 reports of an average date of Septem ber 3rd, covering 134 Texas counties, and 236 points in Indian and Okla homa territories Tha ir. ; ,i : cate a decrease in the yield of Texas of 36.8 percent, and for Texas and the territories of 37.5 per cent Drought caused most of the loss. Read the advertisement of the East yaroiina teai instate Agency in this issue of the Stab. It offers for sale some very valuable farms. f Scores of the Games Played by the Clubs Yesterday. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, September 6. New York, 4; Brooklyn, 6. Pittsburg, 5 ; Chicago. 4. .oaiumore, 5; .Boston, 3. You Can Buv Old Newspapers In Quantities to Suit, at the STAR OFFICE Suitable for Wrapping Paner and Excellent for Placing Under Carpet D O'CONNOR. Peace Institute, RALEIGH, N. C. cJllif of he.LbestL fema,e schools in the ' c 1 a i e c?e?Pest Tr advantages el5tf JAS. DINWIDDIE, M. A. pu nnb jiesano oouiauoo pub uvo v, nifltii -H0 ssouj Majyj pue spooo M3 JO enji nnj qy pueia pio otjj jb ssauisnq 3u!Cl wv 6m About Razors and Things.. coTrfnT rjffJP"tor, but we Within the past thirty days our patfonaeehlS CaU at No. 7 South Front Rt.rt. ED. QUION eeP 5 tf .COSNEUUS' DAVIS. OO M3nnd-Q33NS 3Hj FINE Shoes. CRAWFORD'S The British steamer Hannah M. Bell. Catitain Rtnrm beptember 2d for Venice with a cargo of cotton, is reported ashore at Mar quesas Key, near Key West. The East Onrnlino Paol Agency will sell for cash, or will ex change for desirable house and lot in Wilmington, a farm of 272 acres, three miles from Rose Hill. Address R. G. Grady & Co., Burgaw, N. C. t TO THE BEAOHERS. It will save you time and money to ascertain i,re you move up where to get your wiuter tornlshlngs. In order to point out the place. I T111 Tesdar. August 22nd to August 26th InClUSlVA- AAll At. OKhi.l nr t. A.ZTLZ 1 nfl or t'nT.n noil Daam i-i i ..i n . falor Rockers ever shown In North Carolina. 1 ySuroreVtmC1Sb?ryirrer0m8' 8Ubj6Ct to N. F. PARKER, SonFrnet8?reaetFnrnItnre KWfl Real Estate Airent, Wilmington, N. . T,T,.2WELLINQ8, stokes ani offices fob rent Houses and Lpta for 8aleon eag liyii Mrs. W. E. Mayo has opened the New Ocean View Hotel ie 88 tf i ior lamuies. Best I W W Shoe V .AW Live and let live: deal fair and hon- estfto all, is our motto. Oar customers cannot understand how it s .ren can sell Bhoes so much cheaper than any one ei.e that Is easy explained: 1st. Our Shoes are bought close , 0f shoes. uu. tyo uu not mane two pronto u e ---. vaju 3rd. We give every customer one hundred m Boot fine 3rd. We give every customer one hundred re nt s In return for his Jl.OO. Thai is the whole tiling ' shall lace Shoes, latest style, from $1.01 to $2 00. Men S ShOeS. SJffi, IS "n Men's Tan Shoes, latest style toe S Shoes, a job, to closamffVISP fk85 to KS0- w naTe 300 Patr8 of QTentv8(? nnr Win dow as you pass baSd vnn7Si., T06 bSL?a ca8h bn7S Cheap Shoes. Look in our Bemlmber theiS JSSJS1. Aat jwfll astonfeh you. iu Hireet, TJCKMH uabh. i GEO. 0. GAYLORD'S NEW SHOE STORE. J Ban Q -sJu sel sto anc foo 1 ver He stej he him A hia reta thin Gfrei cord Dj as wi couh beef bat monc than A I disco cotto: calg. the 1 or the the lij can b An shot a man, hen i she w right hand a Bible ; anothc In R f hors ranawa or8e t fidence noo8e i neck, a Pall on md an

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