gORGAH PATENT SPADING HARROW. Q P i P rr CD CD o P m O o f tte soli beaTy or packed by rains, the Spading Barrow wilTahow is1-11- os',. y oVtf r au others. For deep and line cultivation no other Harrow 2V , WM. E. SPRINGER & CO., Puicell Building, Wilmington, N. C. 't : tr 1 .I. VDID OPPORTUNITY FOR AN Investment l,x;atios the ho6T kjgiblx in the TKCCK REGION OF NORTH ClSOLD(l. Xhe Entire Plant of the MISTRIAL MANDFACTDRING COMPANY, Wilmingrton, N. C, FOR SALE .Tins! -r t-.r; 'en:t Buildings, with all necessary adjuncts. One Hundred viT j. 7-cro ii tiers. oui.u:k, ruiKjs, euoor BT.ninerj uu pauef Crvo Michlnery and Shapes, AntomAUc saw Kin, Hip Saws, Also, a Brand new Planer, costing feoa. bet. aU n - c e ; ry machinery for th.m successful Hanafaetare of titttrftm Batter Dishes, Berry Baskets, Veretbl Crates, Bar and ?ctf e of erery kind. Modern Dry Ella ia connection ja, a Boston Blower. . This property has a river front and wharf of 100 feet, with rail road track running into the yard. Tut u a SI pi: Ttls 3a aost iexaaastible supply of gTss and raw materials for .,-. 3 tntniary to this factory, and to be had at a aomlual stun. r --r-jr-s cr win take stock in a company tor the operation of this ; r rt" valuable la many respects and is capable of bemg conTerted iZJ 1:-.; cf a manor actory. Freight rates to all commercial centres of an! eoa'rte clUee Tery farorabla to this point- Apply in person or by mail to THE MORNING STAR, Wilmington, N. O RHEUMACIDE CURES EHEUMATISM TO STAY CURED. AU Druggists. Price $1. For Si.- ir. W;i nlston by R. R BELLAMY. l-t?:t ;: 13 si Wnole at- and Betafl Druggist. tS43 dally at ?:C5 P. mv- 13 At-Ith- rona r.Tv 1-",r - u-r- unciectlon ... . Ctar-.:. Asnena, - i . ir 'if.-'' s ntieast an i south fci fTJ - ! - forw r-ilU.dF..L:Conil.l ., tu.uaj.-e. fa .iie ,:a ana ier KScTdTL". cr Hamlet to Wath fiawi " t-ruu11 f-ltjpiHg car Ilu? Poraa uutb 3: jo a. M arrive f f etr, ; " H- M Sanfonl - terf p0 a.. wa jboro 8:10 aVA ' Ciiriott 1:S5 P. M.. , : P. M. Leaves Ptejcr..;r.-r: .Vriv Monroe 5:45A. M. fjA I iT.'jt , 1 ::4-J A- M.,8anford Sif.1- H ' V-tt 2:50 R Peru Ftt t -r ; Hilton .a, A. M. n'-lfcnr. r rlJ" -:M A. M., WU !zfc?, 'Ys'ii''ton 5:00 . M.. . . r . . - iueaooro :0C TO ALL POINTS rU, South and Southwest. k4al la Crct t. i, 1899. tili ,irr:v- '-i?'.trh i:U A. il 1 I, i"1 A il .Widesbor 1 ,r: j-r. -.-.i-. t v r-i.. :o:i.M,UaUer Sr-P k1'14 ii;"i"OB. Arrives fS4 iu a v rtsmouth 7r35 A. M l-TU-I-n. .,- -fi'iifKm 12:41 noon HO FARMER fir.-"' . irr.vi Hiarn,.n' iees Cheraw P. M imna l;avej Qibeon i M. Arrives DVtwuh Com:rt travel by the fSaiaon -,s D- Mrts, General -t.. Or IO vrnip lu.fui fl 2a,S??at aai 0nral Manager L g., '-'.-'r'-EK TraffloMangT. -.u-ua v. novTtr pan's 'MIlllllllH IERr FX Afford to plant inferior seed. We have tested our North Carolina Roe-t Proof Oats, and now to the time to plant. We have a large stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, bat cant give exact number of each article. ias it is constantly changing. We have Bagging and Ties at prices that eult. LIME, CEMENT, GRAIN, HAT. NAILS, 40. THE WORTH CO. oct 7 tr Executor's Notice. Having qnalifl-d as Executor of the last will and tesiiuieni or 1 harle a. Foreman, de ceased late of New Hanow county. N. t!., this is to notify all pt-rsons bavUg claims against thi state of said dec aned to exhibit them o the undersigned on or btfor- theth dy of Nov-mtr. A D. iw, or this notice will be plead lnDr of their recovery. All perso n-dibtee- to s-ld eeta'e will please mske lmme dlatepayment. GEOKGal E. FhKHAN, ooTew tu Executor. A SKILLED TRIO. Call at No. 7 South Front street, where you win find B W. Gulon, Cornelius Dans and Henry Harris three f the mo t accomplished Barters In the city. Send your cnUdren to us to have their ha rcut Bhave only 10 cents, boys' haircut iO cento. oct 17 tf GUION ft DAVIS. WRITERS AND PAINTERS. "Finished work should show no trace of work." Thus says Mr. Whistler. Joel Chandler Harris has a horror of the theater. He has never In his life been known to enter the doors of one except to hear a reading by James Whit comb Riley. James Lane Allen lives most of the time in New York. Mr. Allen Is a tall, spectacled man, very retiring, who car ries his avoidance of personal publicity almost to the point of eccentricity. Before Frederick S. Church began to study art he was a soldier in the civil war and an express messenger. He re cently declared that he would be per fectly happy could he paint but one pic ture a year and destroy that if. when finished, he l"nl not approve of it. srf!?r,ethec . Mother's Fi No woman's happiness can be eompletewitbout fWldreii . it Ubcr nature to love and want them. The dreadf nl ordeal through which the expectant mother most pw, however, h so fraught with pain, Buffering and danger, that the very mougm 01 it mis ner wiin norror. Tnere is no necessity for the ordeal of child birth to be either painful or daneer- ous. The nse of i!WSh thu er. TT This liniment has carried thousand C2J2 n WWUhvoul "uSerm. and they declare MM ' MoTRaa's Faiairo daring fely passed . tT W . .rr on". cont.iuinB inforrostion of Co, Atlanta, Ca. AidroafiVi il ! " 11UU11UU 11UUUUU1 UUlltti WILMINGTON N. a Capital -----$ 125,000 surplus fit Profits 100,000 Deposits 1,084,000 Total Assets 1,353,000 Stands First 2?. Honor BoH of National Banks In Wil mington as to strength,' and Leads the State In Deposits and Assets, But We want more boaiiiees and accounts, no mat tot w uouiw laryo ur MffTIMI, J. W. NORWOOD, PRESIDENT. LEE H. BATTLE, CASHIER. nov5 tf . LOCATED IN GIBSON, IN THE NEW COUNTY OF SCOTLAND. On Railroad street, convenient 1 1 to" both rauroaas. LARGE AIRY AND WELL FUR NISHED ROOMS. Rates. S2.00 per day. Redaction for periods oi one wee, or longer. Mrs. IRVING ROBINSON. Proprietress, augl7tf DftW ' GIBSON. N. O. COLORED SUNS. Planets That Are Lighted by Bine, Green or Red Sans. We arc so familiar with the light of our slin, says Dorothy Leonard in the August St. Nicholas, that it is hard for us to realize that there are in the universe a number of suns which shine with blue, green, purple, yellow or red light. These colors are noticed when we examine them through the telescope. When we look at the heavens on a clear night we see a jrreat many stars, more than we can possibly count; and all these, except the planets, are great glori ous suns, some of them many times larger than our own. Most of them shine with white light, like outs; but yet there are n good many which, viewed through the telescope, are found to be of various brilliant hues. The most strik ing and beautiful effects in coloring are met with in what are called the double Stars. There are stars which appear single to us, on account of their extreme distance, but on examination, are found to consist of two br more stars compara tively near together; and when one or both of a pair are colored, they are, of course, exceedingly beautiful. In the constellation called the Southern Cross, one astronomer discovered a group, too far away or too small to be seen with the naked eve. which appeared to him like an elaborate piece of jewelry! For, among a number of ordinary stars, were five green, one greenish blue and two beautiful red ones. In one of our north ern constellations there is a large white star accompanied by one of a rich purple hue: in another a triple star consisting of an orange red sun, with two compan ions of a bright emerald green; while in another a double star has a large orange sun with a small blue mate. AmoDi the single stars, some of the brightest (which are famous enough Jo have old Arabian names giTen them before the Christian era) are of quite de cided color. For instance, Sirius'is bluish white; so also are Altair, Dencb and Vega: Arcturus is red: Capella is yel low: Rigel and several others are blue; and Aldebaran. Betelgeuse and Antares shine with bright red beams. If hit or all of these stars have plan ets circling around them, as the earth and other planets revolve around our sun, the coloring must be -brilliant in deed. In planets revolving around the double suns we can imagine almost any thing. One sun might rise in orange, green or blue, while anothor net in red or purple, and at times tne two suns uijuui mingle their beams, a red sun with a blue sun giving purple light for part of the day or a blue sun and a yellow sun giving green light. A SUMMER REFLECTION. have read about old Dante and the Journey which ha took To write the words that fill In for our parlor pic ture book, And It's many a time I've wondered how It was 1ia awas mleaai The fiercest, most emphatic style of torturo la the list. bate scanned those illustrations, and I see ao With the latest cut of clothing and a look of wild ji . ; Compelltd by Imps who stand around, unpitying and alert, . To wear a stand up collar and a hard boiled shirt. There Is nothing mora intense in the refinement of distress Than to take a man when weather's at one hun dred, mora or less, And starch him stiff and proper and then turn him down the street To share the grim discomfort of the other men each will smile, bo matter how his garb may mm anil pUn, Their grief knows not the comfort which eom nanionshlp might onng. Ton must keep Inanely Jolly and pretend It doesn't hurt When yon wear a stand up collar and a hard boiled aturt. Is It possible the ruler of that realm depicted there In the book which makes you shudder as yon nan. die it with care U. way down deep within his heart, a sympa thetic elf. Far more considerate of man than man Is of him self? There are costumes light and airy as. you glance the pages inrougn. And perhaps it is high time to let the devU have his due. Ee ne'er compelled a mortal who us tats coma not avert . . . wtu s stand np collar and a bard oouea shirt. WaaMagtoa Star. naible Goods: MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese. Martin's Gilt Edge Butter. Bagging ana Ties. SALT. A GENERAL LINK OF flARR nnnnfl TN UJSJLAMU AT TttlB BEABON. Sole agentsTor Rob Roy FLOUR. McNAIR rS PEARSALL. Sep 10 tf The ifii Hationa East Carolina Real Estate Agency. R. G. Grady Co., Burgaw. N. C ATLANTIC COAST LINE. $6010 Worth THE LOT CONSI8T3 OF . an WITH MASONIC TREATMENT We Greet You. WITH MASONIC DEALINGS We Treat You. Have just received freeh lots of ail kinds of ...SHOES.., Bought at old Prices, and which we will sell st uiu prices During the Fair. Look at oar window. MERCER & EVANS. es) steps east from cor. Front. nov 19 tf Wilmington, N. C. CAPITAL, - $200,000. Receives deposits eublect to check. Lends money. Makes collections anywhere. Buys and sells Foreign Exchange. Furnishes Letters of Credit, available all over the world. Polite attention, prompt service and liberal dealing guaranteed. H. C. McQUEEN, President. J. Y. GRAINGER, Cashier. noy 4 tf IlpPERRlNS SAUCE The Original WORCESTERSHIRE Beware of Imitations John Duncan's Sons, Agents, New York apr l tf tu Clyde Steamship Go. NEW YORK, WIXMINQTON, N. 0., ans ; GEORGETOWN. S. C Lines. For riImlngrton. SAGINAW Saturday, Dec. 2 RICHMOND Saturday, Dec. 0 From WllanlnKton. RICHMOND Saturday, Dec. 2 SAGINAW Saturday, Dec. 9 For Georgetown. RICHMOND. Tuesday, Nov. S8 SAGINAW Tuesday, Dec. 8 r Through Bills Ladlniz and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in worm ana bo am uarouna. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. 8MALLBONTE8, Supt., Wilmington. N. C. THXO. a. EGEB, T. M., Bowling Green, N. T. wh. f. uliiis x uj., ueuerai Agents, uowiing ttreen, . x. novu 200 Boxes Tobacco. 4flO Boxes Lye. 240 Boi't Lmnndry Soap. SO Barrela Hlce. 25 Barrels Vlneear. 25 Half Barrels Cider. 50 Barrels Molasses, 100 Boxes Potted Ham. SO Boxes Corned Beef. lOO Boxes Starch.. SO Boxes nixed Nats. 50 Bans Coeoannta. lOO Barrels mallets. Tovacc . Clears, Cheroots and quantities of other goods. SAMUEL BEAR, Sr., n"V 96 tf No. IS Market street. BARIUM ROCK SPRING WATER, mirf Pnlwn RnrlnorV is nature's specific for every form of eklnalaease and blood poison. It does not, like soap and o ntmeDt, merely de stroy for a tlnw the external signs, but goes to ne root or t oe tu ana unves uut uib yuisuu w the blood which causes the eruptions to appear: inrrHomsT Parsonage, Rockingham. N C . Oct 14 1898. T na.n hnar tnstimotiv to the orreat value Of n.Hnm Rock Hnrlntr wa?er for Eczema and other eruptive dlsea es of the skin. 1 have kDOWU MANY CASKS CURED, BOUlO Oi LI1BU1 Ol U1B most stubborn character. Truly, jtaani xi. riuis. For sale in Wilmington: by All classes of desirable Real Estate (elty and country) bought and sold on Commission. Spe cial attention to Farms and Timbered Lands. Schedule In Effect jov. 1, lt9. JAS. D. NUTT. nov 24 tf Merchants visiting the Masonic Temple Fair Will be warmly welcomed at our piac of business. And an Inspection of our stock of Staple and Fancy t Groceries may prove of additional Interest to them. HALL & PEARSALL, Wholsale Grocers, NuttandiMtUDerry bis. nov 21 tf NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned against har boring, or crediting on my account, a colored boy bound to me under the name of Willie Brewer, but commonly known as 'Winie Waener." He is short and thi k set in stature and about 13 years old, and has lost index finger of right hand. JOHN a WAGNER. We now offer the following valuable tro-' pnniv: stanaucTimMr For sale, the timber on a tract of land near Bannermann's Bridge, North-Est river, on tide water Over one Million feet of fine Oypreaa umuer uu uus laua. Timbered Lands. Two Hundred and Twentv-alx tion s iBianu on oape rear river. oie oyrese ana uum umoer. acres on Some valu- Elshty Acres Near Bnrcaw. One 80-acre tract of Land within half mile or uurgaw. None cleared, but' easily put in ui uuibivauoii. Valaable Farm near Greenville. If. C. A Farm Of 250 acres four milee from Green ville, one mile from House station on the At- lautic ooast Klne. One hundred and elirhtv-tlve acres cleared and In fine suite of cultivation. one nice two-story dwelling with six rooms one coos: room and kitchen. One ofuce. one net two-story stables with eight stalls. Two oarns. two tooacco Darns, one lo-iiorse power engine, sin house, eln. press, et -.. All necessary machinery attached. All kinds of rarmirja impiementa. lnciuainit wacons. carta. HVID, CbU OiDU. 1UUI U1U1W 1U1U OXH3 UUIW. Will sell all together or the land separate. Farm of 143 Acres In Long Creek village. Pender county- 85 acres cibarau. oaiance weu timoerea. oar acres in strawberries, acres in apple trees. Fine grape vine. Ldtrge two-story noose, one gooa wew Store House. All necessary out houses. Two tenant houses Two miles from Montague, a stauonon Atlantic ana x auxin ttauroaa; six teen miles from Wilmington. Fertile land, in a high state of cultivation. A bargain for some- ooay. 2,000 Acres of Land in New Hanover county on navigable stream: ooraers ttae water, rnree clearings on piace one of 25 acres with house and outouildlngs on same: two of 40 acres each; balanc well tim bered. Twelve miles from Wilmington. Four miles from castle Hayne, a station on the w. a w. R. R. The nearest DOlnt of the land to we aewDern raiiroaa is two mnes. Hoase In Kenanswllle. One valuable six-room house In Kenansville. Dn..lfn conntv. N. C! . 1nst coniDleted. Known as 'Blrchwood Cottage," with nice office on lot; also, garden and outbuildings. Located In a desirable part of the town. Kenansville is a pleasant town to live In famed for Its pure spring water ana neaitny locauty. j ames Sprunt Institute, one of the best schools in the state, is locatea mere. Fifty Acres of Land One-half mile from South Washington, on the . e w. a. it., in renoer county Borders on i county roaas. very vaiuaDie tor srucamg. Property In Borgaw. Four eood Bunding Lots in the town of Bur- gaw. consisting of one-half acre each. One neat three-room House In town of Bur law, on lot consisting of one and one-half acr s. All set out In strawberries except garden and yard. A desirable building lot In the town of Bur- gaw, consisting or one-rourtn or an acre, rront Ing raUroad, and it Is a corner lot. Farm at Borcaw, A desirable farm at Burgaw. The residence and about one-third of the farm within the cor porate limits of the town. About twenty acres cleared; six acres in strawberries; one acre In trait trees ana grape vines, au necessary out buildings. A nice desirable six-room residence. Farm contains 100 acres. Tobacco and Xrnekt Farm Containing 268 acres, four miles from Magnolia, N. C, In the great truck belt. About seventy acres cleared; thirty acres of black branch land well timbered with curly yellow pine. Fine meadow lana ana o8t range tor nogs, sneer and cattle Five-room dwelling, with barn. stablee and other out-houses. - Nearly a hail- acre in prolific grape vines. Lot of apple and p run trees. Beautirul oak and hickory grove surrounds dwelling. Good water. Admirably adapted to tobacco culture, and now has eight acres In cultivation. Also, two tobacco barns. Fences and ditches In good condition. A 'tTlce Farm. A desirable farm of one hundred and fifty acres. Fifty acres Is within the corporate nmiis or. tne town or isurgaw, a. o. twenty two acres cleared. There is one nice, new three-r.om cottage, painted and plastered. La'ge stables and barns. A tenant's house. and strawberry packing house, a weil of very nne annaing water, a moe orcn&ru ui nw young fruit trees, consisting of Japan plums. peacnea, pears, aopies ana ugs. A Real Bargain. A desirable farm of 873 acres, three miles east of Roee Hill. Fifty acree cleared and in firooa state or cultivation. Daiance weu um bared. Four-room house on n re mi see. In good neighborhood. Will exchange for desirable uouse ana lot m Wilmington. Farm Rear Ashton.' One hundred and flftv acres two miles from Ashton. four miles from Burgaw. Four acres cleared, most ot which Is very fertile low land. Balance well timoerea ior tanning purposes. Two tenant houses. For terms, &c, address, B. G. GRADY & CO., Burlaw. N. 0. 1e7 " ATLANTIC & YADKIN RAILWAY. Krhednle In BStwt march 26th. I a 99. c South Bound bally No. 68 MAIN LINK. North Bound Dally No. 63. 6 60 8 60 S 45 8 30 18 48 18 13 11 65 11 07 10 86 10 09 8 45 P ml p m P ml p m p m p m a m a m a m a m a m Wilmington.... .... Fayette ville ... . .... Fayette vllle Sanford , Climax Greensboro. ... Greensboro. ... Stokesdale ... .Walnut Cove. .. , Rural Hall Mt Airy ,LV ,Ar 18 ,LV .Lv Lv .Ar .LV LV .Lv LV .Arl 00 a in loan 28 p m 43 p m 44 p m 15 p m 88 p m 18 p m 44 p m 13 p m 86 p m South Bound Dally No. 64. BENNETTS VILLK. 8 00 am 907am 9 36 a m 10 80 a m 10 40 a m No 46 Lv Bennetts vllle. . . . . Ar Lv Maxton Lv Lv Red Springs Lv Lv Hope Mills Lv Ar Fayettevllle Lv North Bound Daily No 65. 7 16 p m 6 15 p m 6 35 p m 4 68 p m 493pm No. 47. South Bound Mixed Daily ex. eunaay. MADISON BRANCH. North Bound Mixed Daily ex Sunday. 6 30 p m 3 50 p m 8 40 p m 8 SO p m 1 15 p m 18 30 p m Ar. Lv. t.v. Ar. Lv. LV. ..Ramseur... ...Climax.... .Greensboro. .Greensboro. .Stokesdale.. ..Madison.... .Lv Ar .Ar .Lv Lv .Ar 6 40 a m 8 85 a m 9 17 a m 9 85 a m 11 07 a m 11,55 a m nnnnnctlona at Favettevllle with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with the Carolina Cen tral Rallrord, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove with tne NonoiK ano western itauway. , J. R KENLY. General Manager. T. M. EMERSON, 'frame manager. H. m. Emerson, uen'i passenger Agt. mar28tf Leading makes. Easy terms. N. L. SMITH, Bargains in New and Second Hand Pianos and Organs. No. 109 Dock street. Representing Lndden & Bates' Southern Music House, No. 137 Fifth Avenue, New York. Tuning, Repairing. CORRESPONDENCE solicited. augotf CURE YOURSELF! ii Di. Ai tn- sin natnrkl discharge-, inflammation, , : : a a : - na. rt lrrn.tlonfJ 'of mucous membranea. P.i in 1m-. and DOt MtriQ ItheEmnS CHEMIMlCO. gent or po.sonous. L cikC!inti,o m " 7 -T!.;rV , by express. prepid, for 41.00, or 3 bottles. 2.75. Oircnlar seat on reqnest. m amm OunateM fj fSj .ot to atrieture. V3 Dirumi nou Wujcih&tok Nohth botod DAILY No. 48 Passenger Due Magnolia 11.19 9.45 A. M., Wai'saw 11 S3 A. M.. Goldsboro A M. 12.36 P M Wilson 1.16 P. M., Rocky Mount 1.53 p. M., Tarboro 8.81 P. M. Weldon 4.32 p. M., Petersburg 6.21 P. M., Richmond 7.80 P. SI., Norfolk 5.55 P. M., Washington 11.80 P. M Baltl- mcra 1.00 A. &!., Philadelphia 8.5a A. M., New York 6.53 A. M., tBoston 3.00 P. M. DAILY No. 40 Passenger Due Magnolia 8.90 . SO p. M., Warsaw S.bt p. M., Goldsboro P.M. 9.87 P.M., Wilson 10.80 P. M., fTarboro 7.04 A. M., Rocky Mount 11.11 P..M. Weldon 1.00 A. M., tNorfolk 105 Alu., Petersburg 2.85 A. M., Richmond 8.83 A M., Washington 7.01 a. SL, Baltimore 8.83 A. M., Philadelphia 10.35 A. M. New, York 1.03 P. M., Boston 9.00 P. M DAILY No. 60 Passenger Due Jackeonvllie except 4.13 P. M., Newbern 5.40 P. M. Sunday 3.25 P. M. SOUTH BOUND. DAILY No. 55 Passenger Due Lake Wacca 3.45 maw 4.53 P. M.,Chadbourn 5.88 P. M. P. M. Marlon 6.34 P. M., Florence 7.15 P. M. Sumter 8.57 P. EL, Columbia 10.80 P. M., Denmark 6.13 A. M., Augusta 7.55 A. M. Macon 11.15 A. H., Atlanta 18.85 P. M. Charleston 10.50 P. M Savannah 1.50 A. M., Jacksonville 7.80 A. H., St. Au- gaEtine 10.S0 a. M.. Tampa 6.05 P. M. west wnrrvn DAILY 1 9.00 Passengers-Due Fayettevllle 1813 P. A. M. M., leaves Fayettevllle 18.85 P.' M., arrives Sanford US P. M. ARRIVALS AT WILMINGTON FROM THE NORTH. DAILY No. 49 Passenger Leave Boston tl.88 6.50 P. M., New York 9.oo P. M., Pnlladel- f m. piua 18.05 A. M., Baltimore 8.60 A. M. Waahlngton 4.30 A. M., Richmond 9.05 A HZ., Petersburg 10.00 A. M Norfolk W a. ST., Weldon 11.50 A. M., Tarboro 12.21 p. M. Rocky Mount 12.58 P. M, Wilson 8.40 P. M., Goldsboro 3.81 P. M., Warsaw 4.13 P. M., Magnolia 4.25 P. M. DAILY No. 41 Passenger Leave Boston" 18 9.40 night. New YorS 9.00 A. M., Phlladel A. M phla 11 33 A. M., Baltimore 1 46 P. M., Washington 8.06 P M., Richmond 7 JO P. M., Peteraburg;7.81 P. M., tNorfolk 2.80 P. M., Weldon 8.58..P. M., tTarboro 6.00 P. M., Rocky Mount 5.40 a. M. Leave Wilson 6.80 A. M., GolCsboro7.01 A. M., Warsaw 7.66 A. M., Magnolia 8.09 A. M. D AIL'S No. 51 Passenger Leave Newbern except 9.00 A. M., Jacksonville 10.88 A. M. Sunday 13.15 P. M.j FROM THE SOUTH. DAILY N . 54 Passenger Leave Tampa 8.10 1.15 A. M., Sanford 8.07 P. M., Jacksonville P. M. 8.00 P. M., Savannah 1.45 A. M. Charleston 6.33 . A. M., Atlanta 7.50 A. M., Macon 9.00 A. M., An gusta 8.80 P. M., Denmark 4.17 P. M. Colombia 6 40 A. M., Sumter 8.10 P. M., Florence 9.50 A. M., Marlon 10.30 A M.. Chadbourn 11.84 A, M., Lake Wac- camaw 12.08 A.M. EAST BOUND. DAILY 6.40 Fasserger Leave sanford 8.80 P. M.. A. M. arrive fayettevllle 8.41 P. M., leave Fayettevllle s.46 v. M. tDally except Sunday, Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Bennette- vllle Branch Train leaves Bennettsvllle 8.15 A. M. Maxton 9.80 A. M.. Bed Springs 9 63 A. M.. Hope Mills 10.42 A. M., arrive Fayettevllle 10.55 A. M. Keturmng leaves ayetteviue 4 40 r. M., uorje nms ..00 sr. m.. nea tsDnngB o.aa if. m.. Maxto n 6. 15 P. M., arrives Bennettsvllle 7.15 P.M. Connections at Fsyetteviue witfi no. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red fint Intra with the Red SDriucs and Bow- more naiiroaa, at oanxoru wim tne seaooara Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train between Rocky Mount and Richmond leave Rocky Mount i.OO A. M., arrive Weldon Richmond 11.05 A. M. Trains on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldon 8.56 P. M., Halifax 4.15 P. M; ar rive Scotland Neck 5.08 P. M., Greenville 6.57 P. M.. Kington 7.65 P. M. Returning, leaves Kin gton 7.50 A. M., Greenville 8.53 A. M.; arriving Halifax at 11.18 A. m., weiaon 11.83 A. MDaliv except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washing ton 8.10 a. M. and 8.80 P. M.: arrive Parmele 9.10 A M. and 4.00 P. M.: returning leaves Par mele 9.35 A. M. ana e.ao r. m..; arrives wasmng mn ll.oo A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Dally except Sun day. day, 6.30 P. M.; Sunday, 4.15 P. M.; arrives Ply mouth 7.40 P. M. and 6.10 P. M. Returning, leaves Plymouth dally except Sunday, 7 50 A. M. ana sunaay w.wa. m.; arrive xarooro iu.us A. M. and 11.00 A. M. 1 IClilO ItMVO UUlUOWIUf A1. UCfelAJ sjAUOUIl Sunday, 7.05 A. M.: arrives Braitlirleld, N. O., 3.10 A. M. Returning leaves Smlthflelct 9.00 A. M.: arrives Goiasnoro 10.25 A. sl. Train on Nasnvtue Branca leaves kockv ar a. . r cm A Jf 9 At T) W OMtiraa UmoV vllle 10 10 A. M., 4.03 P. M., Spring Hope 10.40 A. M., 4.65 P M. Returning, leaves ' Spring Hope 11 bo A. M.. 4.55 P. M. Nashville 1183 A. M.: 5.85 P. M., arrives at Rocky Mount 11.45 A. M., 6.00 P. M. Dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leave Warsaw for Clinton, dally except Sunday, at 11.40 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. Returning, leave Clinton at 7.00 A. M and 2.50 P. M Train leaves Pee Dee 10.02 A. M., ar rive Latta 10.84 A. M., Dillon 10.36 A M., Rowland 10.54 A. M. Returning, leaves Rowland 6.00 P. M.; arrives DUion e.a f. u., utcta e.as v. M Pee Dee 7.00 P M., daily. Trains on conway urancn leave Boaraman at 8.00 P. M.. Chadbourn 5.85 P. M.; arrive Conway 7.40 P. m.; leave oonway h.so a m., Chadbourn 11.80 A. M.; arrive Boardman 13.25 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Trains leave sumter .is i'. en., wanning s.4i P. M arrivt Lane's 6.17 P. M.: leave Lane's 8.34 A. M., Manning 9.09 A. M.; arrive Sumter 9.40 A. M. Dally. Georgetown ana western ttauroaa leave Lane's 9.80 A. M., 7.40 P. M.; arrive Georgetown i ne W A aa D M laavo diltvfcttzti'kTarn t flA A HAT i,t , . v,vv A . til., ivtvrv iwaswwvu s . w a iu. t 3.30 P. M.: arrive Lane's 8.25 A. M.: 5.55 P. M Dally except Sunday. Trains leave Florence dally except Sunday at 9.50 A M.: arrive Darlington 10.15 A. H., Harts vine 9 15 r. M , oneraw ii.su a. n., waaeeooro 18.35 P. M ; leave Florence dally except Sunday at7.55PM.: arrive Darling toe 8.30 P M., Ben nettsvllle 9.17 P. M., Gibson 10.20 P. M. Leave Florence Sunday only 9.80 A. M., arrive Dar Ungton 10.0 A. M .,. . ueave UIDSOU tuuiy es.ocubouiiuajr a. o.w a. M. Bennettsvllle 7.00 A M - arrive Darlington 3.00 A M. Leave Darlington 8.50 A. M.: arrive mnrance o.ifi A. M. Leave Wades boro daily ex- oest Sunday 4.10 P. M., Cheraw 5.15 P M., Harts- Vllie 7.00 A. m., lMiriingwm o.iat r. m,; arrive irinrenca 7.oo P. M. Leave DarUngtn Sunday only at 8.M A. M., arrive Florence 9 15 A. M. Wilson ana r ayetievme nraouu leave w uavu i icq d m in .K V M ja.rr1vfc AaIttia 2 4A P M 11.10 P. Smlthfleld 8.02 P. M Dunn 8.40 P. M., Fayettevllle 4.25 v. M.,i.8i sa. m., uowiana e.w P. M. returning leave Rowland 10.54 A- M Fayettevllle 12.80 P. M., 9.46 P. M., Dunn 1.04 P. M.. Smlthfleld 1.48 P. M. Senna 1.60 P. M., 10.68 P. M., arrive Wilson 2.85 P. M . 11.81 A. M. Trains leave Bum ten 4.25 A. M.. ureston 5.1 A. M., arrivf IDeumark 6.12 A. M. Retnrnina, leave Denmark 4.17 P. M Creston 5.15 P. M., Sumter 6.03 P M Dally. Trains leave creston 5.45 a. m., arnvee neg- nalls 9.15 A. M. Returning leaves Pregnalls 10.00 A. M.. arrives Creston 8.5CP. M. Daily ex cept Sunday, Bisnopvuie urancn trams leave ciuon iu.so l. M.. and arrive Lucknow 12.15 P. M. Return ing, leave Lncknow 2.10 P. M., arrive Elliotts 8.50 P. M. Dally except Sunday. tDally except Sunday. sunaayoniy. Gen'l Passenger Agent! J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. T M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. nov 19 tf Atlantic anil NortH Carolina1 Railroad Tim Table No. 9. To Take Effect Tuesday, Aug. 8, 1899. at 9 A. US. GOING EAST, GOING WEST. 8 4 Pass'g'r Trains Pass'g'r Trains STATIONS. Arrive Leave Arrive Leave P. M. P. M. .A. M. A, M. 8 40 Goldsbore 11 05 4 38 Klnston. ........ 10 13 5 40 6 60 Newbern 8 87 9 00 7 02 7 07 Morehead City. 7 88 7 87 P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. Train 4 connects with W. ft W. train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.85 A. M., and with southern Railway train WeeV leaving (aoidsooro 2.00 v. bl ana with w. & ir. at New bern for Wilmington and intermediate points. Train 8 connects with Southern Railway tialn, arriving at Goldsboro 3 00 P. H., and with W. ft W. train from the North at 8.05 P. M. No. 1 train also connects with W. ft N. for Wllming ton and intermeoiate points. mwitt B. L. DILL. Supt, of DrnmmerV Millinerw Samples on sale at THE BEE HIVE. wo Bn ilnl8 ofHat?. Plumes. Tips. Feathers. Ornaments. Infants' Caps, ftc. ?u1llt 'hem veiy mu. h lelow regular value, and we are sell! g thm wonderfully SSn Eh.ou ae Invited to come and 1,0k over the ot and make selections u you look you will buy at 1HB bEE HIVE. W. H. GATLORD, Prep. JUST OPENED UP, EVERYTHING NEW. ,w !, w H- gAYLORD'S New Clothing Department Is the place to go to get c&,tlm,tJor B8 wear- TOe have Just gotten m a fine t ew line or Men's and ffihiUnJorelSsc ' HatS' CaDB 8noes. Bbit Neckwear, Underwear, Mc Glve'uB a call. We are at No. 115 South Front street, two doors from The Bee Hive. W. H. CAYLORD. Whenever You Are In Doubt Abont the Best Place to Bny Your Dry Goods ' I would ask you to remember the Backet. We claim to have the largest, the cheapest and most up-to-date Dry Goods iu the State, and the reason is this: Why can I sell Goods cheaper than other dry goods merchants? For different reasons. First, I buy in large quantities, in car lots; second, I sell for cash and pay cash for my goods: third, J! sell so many different kinds of eroodsrand I sell them all at a small profit. We have many different depart ments, but we sell Dress Goods, For eign and Domestic, in every quality, Silks, Worsteds and Cottons. We handle a heavy line of Silks &t 65c, 75c and 90c per yard. Black Taf feta at 50c, 65c, 75c. 90c, $1 00 and $1 25 per yard. Black Satin at 50c, 75c aiid fl 00 per yard. Colored Silk from 15c to $1.00 per yard. We can save you money on your Silks and Satins and your Dress Goods. We claim to sell all good Wool Fin ish Serge at 5c; bright showey Twilled Flams at be; one-half Wool ' oerge. double fold, at 125c. A lot of very fine Silkaline, worth I2c, at 8c; a very Heavy .bast Colored tringnam in short lengths at 5c; one yard wide Bleach ing at 5c; seven-eighth yard wide White Homespun in short pieces at 4c ; lighter weight at 3c. 2.000 yards Of tine iSea Island Sheet ing this week at 5c per yard. Good Plaids this week at 4c. A lot of Dickey Kersev Par.ts Cloth, heavy and thick, worth 60c; my price 38c. A big lot of White and Red Flannel. Twilled Red Flannel at 15c up to 50c"; extra heavy and wide at- 22jc; White Flannel from 15c up to 45c; all Wool Ducking Flannels at 20c per yard. I have a very large stock of Dry Goods, and I caonot tell you what I can save Jou. I will give you the lowes possible price on every thing you need in the Dry Goods line. I am selling a big. lot of Men's Suits. We have a vey heavy stock of Men's Suits, and I am pleased at their sale. We sell a good Suit at $4 50 that will please every man that watts a got d Suit for service, and we have a line at $5.00, $6.00 and $7 50 We have a nice Serge Suit at $8 50, $10 00 and $12.50. We sell them at the very closest pessi sible price for the cold cash. I have just received a big stock of new Neckwear and ladies' and gents' Collars. We can show the newest' Goods, and we can sell you a good -four-ply Linen Collar, up-to-date style, at 10c. A fine line of Link Cuffs at 15ca pair. We have a big line of boys' Suits that we have had a splendid sale on. My line of bojs Suits that I sell at $1 50 you can't buy elsewhere for $2. 00. I ell a lot of ladies' Capes from 87c to $6.50. I have just received a lot of fine Sil ver Case Knives that are very "fine goods that I will give a set for a $25 00 card; a set of Blue French China Cups, Saucers and Plates for a $25 00 card; a fine Christmas Bronze Clock for a $25.00 card. At Wilmington's Big Racket Store. GEO. 0. GAYLORD, PROP. dec 3 tf JV-'f T' TV CI A Bright Christmas The main object and desire of all yuletide giving Is to convey REAL PLEASURE. To this end we ehould sehct with an object to EVERY D 4. Y us-fulness. The costliest presents often afford the least pleasure, bee- use not wisely choen There are hundreds of Pl8ter. Brother?, Fathers, others and Grandparents with dimmed and strained vlMon whose sisht could almost instantly be restored to normal c ndltlons by the ap plication or proper glasses "Why rot give TOURS new eyes for a Christmas present Conid you give them more pleasure or happiness? No wiser course could be pursued, unless It be the c urse that leads to us for the glasses. EASE AND COMFORT GUARANTEED. DINGELHOEF BROS., Scientific Opticians, Parlor No. 123 Market St- dec 3 tf The National Bank of Wilmington, Capital andlSurplus, $118,000, We offer you our services as Bankers. We use every effort In our power to serve the? Interests of our customers. Try us, and see if we do not please you In every way. JNO. S. AKMSTKONG, President. J. W. YATES, Acting Cashier. Principal Correspondents. oct ltf THE NATIONAL PARK BANK, NEW YORK. THE WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, NEW YORK. THF FOURTH STREET NATIONAL BANK, PHILADELPHIA. THE MERCHANTS' NATIONAL- BANK, BALTIMORE. . Between Holidays your supply of Groceries, plain and fancy, is likely to run low. What Thanksgiving didn't leave, you'd better order now for Christmas. It will pay you to deal with us because of qaallty and promptness in delivery, no less thin on account of prices We'll help you to make Xmas '99 the best. THE KING GROCERY CO.. B. F. KING, Manager. 'Phone 887. decStf Fourth Street Bridge. Now is the time to male a Deposit in 'THE WILMINGTON SAYINGS & TRUST CO." Deposits made on or before DECBM BER 1st. begin to bear Interest on that date, at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, compounded quarterly. J. W. NORWOOD, President. H. WALTERS, Vice-Pbesidemt. nov 26 tf JAS. S.WORTH, Acting Cashier. Xmas Gins of Funutare are always Joyfully received by piece, iu Gold OnalCabme Side- ChSrs8- CobeTa-nd Cnina Closed W."hav5 udSfhpTeces o choofromthe prices were never lower in our experience. ft SneGd-FulIer Co., decStf Second and Market streets. novWtf DW

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