UMBRELLAS. rybody Should Lay By Something, for a Rainy Dayif Only a I m a Good umoreua. tor Amas rresents, , .elect anything better, and we have a lot of them to select from. TOO coowni se . s. & b. soiLonvnoisr, Worth . . THE LOT CONSISTS OF $600 w i or Hats. Plumes, Tips, Feathers, Ornaments, Infantr Caps, Ac. H tem veiy much below regular value, and we are swliug them wonderfully t Boa?11 1 mvltd to come and look over the tot and make selections Ir yon look SVS " THE BEE HIVE. W. H. QAYLOrL. Prop. 0f ESED UP, EVERYTHING NEW. &3 r- p ga.tL0RD'3 New Clothing Department Is the place to go to get .v., vin or Beys wear. We haye Just gotten in a fine new line of Hen's and fcyJorooats. Pants, Hat, Caps, Shoes, Shirts, Neckwear, Underwear, Mo- BJa caaWeare at No. lis South Front street, two doors from The Bee Hire. jpORGAH PATENT &--:aUy If the soil be heavy or packed by rains, the Spading Harrow will show cit "superiority over all others.- For deep and fine cultivation no other Harrow WM. E. SPRINGER & CO., Purcell Building, Wilmington, N. C. I WILMINGTON SAVIHCS 4 TRUST CO." ' a?pi!d ?22,1 25.SO In interest to depositors within tie iatt year. DID YOU GET ANY OF, IT? If not, make t (Jen-sit la , rdlS BANK, THE STRONGEST SAYINGS BANK IN NORTH CAROLINA. Depositors ars requested to present their books to have lLtrrcst entered lor quarter ending December 1st, 1899. J. T. NORWOOD, Pbesident. dec-- J AS. S. 5 TO ALL P0NT3 lartt, South and Southwest. vataal. la Eject Nov. 3, 1899. !rvz c-UATia Wiiniiaicton dally at i:C5 P. I .UaSerxaJ H P. X.. Pembroke 3:0 P. M bUiat.sP X. Luariabur 6:24 P "A... unv ahfv p. ll.. where onnectlon Is Ce w.ta t.-a.L- :.-r Ctirlotte, Ataen.-v At aca isltitpj.'ii 3 uts, southeast and south- ia.5-rr-j:i o.d Po:at Comrort, Richmond. D4.v.aiore. ra ujeipnia ana .iew lit tntn s:e?:ii car from Ham'.et to Wat h fctfoa d ii.ii:; a:?o tiiruugn 'eepiBg car ta;i:OA i. ajue:a 4:J6. M.. Sanford M P X. iialet i.55 P. M . WadeDoro 8:10 ri.I.w-!i?. , coarlotte 10:25 P. XL, iciiUi-AVSa. 2f tkifr-LtaT Aiiaata 9 P. U. Leavn arjcJ.-ji a. K. Arrives Monro 5:43A. M., ?f Il::2 A. M . Weldoa :W P. - nraaoatt 5 a) P M. va 6-Isives Haalet- 3:J0 A M. Arrives fl't 5L. Laabenon J-.53 A. M., wa ika -WMhlogton 5:00 . M au;ll:10P. S. Arrives RilBlvrh -M A M . a-Xj lil a H.. Hamlet 5:07 A. M.. Wadeeboro A L itaiu i50 P. M ct-UjaT Charlotte 8:10 A. M. Arrives SSfiias1, SiieIby 10:10 J M ' BuUMSr Ratierfordton 4:40 P. M. i-st3;ip- M.Liacoicton6:5P. M., ?fj: P. M., Monroe 9: 10 P. M. iriS Jvr5'3 Atlanta 12:00 noon. Arrives -V ,M- W'ooro 10:33 P. M., Uam 11 ahtonl I2:5S P. M., Raleigh i:00 tilV?. 55 A M Portsmouth 7:25 A. M v1! A M "fashiugton 11 nooiZ i o 'IT5 Himlel 7:15 P- M. Arrives ISi"-?". . M- ReturnlnK. leaves UltMon fi. ,. VT Va Hamiet 7.40 A. H. ii?V . A H Heiurmng, leave cierawi J-aii imaIiate connectioai it .'tii;?'t"um,;ryi Mobile, New Orleans. Tl;w' McIlco- Chattanooga, NaaU-rSStIS-,3I'co,L Florida. 3iirureani1 com tort travel by the 'fen?'ir.11rintlon, s'eeplng car reeer-j-'PP'y to rboe D. Meares, General "S. 0Qi N c or 10 your nearest 1 T. J0HX. i 7 PreslieI1,- a-l Generai Micajer tE. Gen'l Suoertntendent. H. w. b GLOVER. Traffic MangT. r-.u 8ALXS.Oen'l Pasa. 4zn.u. -tT,ontn v r.ov 7 tf RHEUMACIDE CURES BHEUMATISM TO STAY CURED. All Di Keits. "wair For saIe tn wHmington by R. B. BELLAMY, tn th a& WhAiai and RAtAll Drmrirlst. Removal Sale. 1 8 F'ne Upright Pianos 5Unt,ard Hakeli FIFTEEN ORGANS. SUDDEN & R1TTC Ir orHERNMC8I0 HOUSE, -i, 109 D c street. s voice Ik-, . R? to t with indescribable fear. Every woman should know that i'sFi. horror of child-birth can be" entirely avoided by the use of Pffcd thi. 'yTV a scientific liniment. By its aid thousands of women have 2J to all orn CT131?, in Perfect safety and without pain. Our book of priceless A&egulator Co., Wholesale er BetaJl, efDrammart' Millinery Samples on sale at n6 DCEi 11 I V He W. H. GAYLORD. SPADING HARROW. Q P CD O G GQ OQ o O P ,H. WALTERS, ViCE-PBKaniMrr. WORTH, Acting Carhiek. Clyde Steamship Co. - NEW YORK, -WITaMINGTON, N. C, QEORQETOWN. S. C. Lines. From New York. RICHMOND Saturday. Dec 9 SAGINAW Bataroay. Dec. 16 RICHMOND Saturday. Dec S3 For New York. SAGINAW . Saturday, Dec 9 RICHMOND Saturday, Dec 18 SAGINAW Saturday, Dec. S3 For Georgetown. RICHMOND Tuesday.- Dec. IS SAGINAW Tuesday, Dec. 19 W Through Bills veiling and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. Q. bMAXLBONXS, Bupt WUmlnaton. N. O. IHiO. 9 EG SB, T. M , Bowling Green, N. Y. WM. P. CLYDE CO- General Agenta, Bowling Green, fc. x. tfec7U Administrator's Notice. Havlnir qualified as Administrator of Ann Roerts Taylor, notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said estate to make immedi ate ptymeDt, and all persons having claims agalusi said estate are notified to present them, duly v-rlnd. to George L Peechao. Esq.. Attor ney. on or before the 19th day of November, 1900. or this n"tlce will be plead in bar. Dated thli 18th November, 1899. GtORiK P. TAYLOR, Administrator Xstate of Ann Roberts Taylor. no 19 tw sn MERCE'S Price $1. As to Chinese Walla. Pennsylvania manufacturers have Just shipped 27 steel railway bridges to China, says the Kansas City Jour naL "Chinese walls," either at homo or abroad, do not seem to be Inter fering seriously with our foreign trade. The handsome English crapes manu factured wholly without dressing are soft, lusterless and entirely unlike the stiff, wiry weaves of other seasons. The new crapes are Tery pliable, and, though at first intended only for veils, they have come into use for entire costumes, parts of gowns and for crapes and accesso rio Is the joy of the household, for with out it no happiness can be complete. The ordeal through which the expec tant mother must pass, however, is full of danger ana sunsnng urn U FAVORITE Prescription II FOR WEAK WOMEN. : - Mtm Seasonable Goods. MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese, Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Baojing and Ties. nB-SfSS,!-!?1 OF CASB GOODS IN DEMAND AT THIS BKASON. Sole agents for Rob Roy FLOUR. McHAIR & PEARSALL sep 10 tf LOCATED IH GIBSON, IH THB NEW COUNTY OF SCOTLAND. On Railroad street, convenient Uto" both railroads. LARGE AIRY AND WELL FUR NISHED ROOMS. Rates, 82. OO per day. Reduction for periods of one week or longer. Mrs. IRVING ROBINSON. Proprietress, augntf DAW GIBSON. N. a Call this weet FOB SPECIAL PRICES ON Pianos & Organs. M. E. VANLAER, 402 and 404 North Fourth street nov si tf tu th sa 1 iriftn national Commenced Business March 1st, 18)9. Capital, Net Profits. - $200,000 15,0(10 Deposits Nov. 7th, J3-3.8S5.18, every dollar of which It secured by Two Dollars, as follows: ASSETS. Cash In vault and in other banks 168,830 SO Secured loans and discounts set 349.71 TJ. 8 bonds and other cash assets 16.8SO.00 Stockholders' liability 800.000.00 1768,030.28 Besides the security, we offer to patrons polite and careful attention, and all reasonable accommodation. Foreign Exchange bought and raid. H. C. McQUEEN, President. J. V. GRAINGER, Cashier. dec9tf -ORDERS SOLICITED- For Christmas Cools. Candles, Nuta, Raising, C. C. Nats, Apples, Cakes, Fireworks, &c. HALL & PEARSALL, WHOLESALE GROCERS. dec 8 tf Executor's Notice. Having qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Charles a. Foreman, de ceased, late of New Hanover county, N. C, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the f state of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the soth day of SVvember, A D. 1900, or this notice wUi be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons ln Sebted to said ihkviVn dlate payment GKORG K. FaJAN . nov8 6w tu Executor. CHINESE JUSTICE. A, Storx of Li Hang; Chus Hen Who Tried to Poison Him. Of Li Hung Chang numberless stories are told in Chinese society. On one oc The Literary Digest, , when the premier was having a bitter fight with some of the more conservator members of the tsung-li-ynmen he re ceived as a present a magnificent cake which he had reason to suspect contained poison. He put the cake aside and set all bis powerful machinery to. work to find out who was at the bottom of the plot. The investigation was partly successful, the crime being traced to three men, of whom one at least was absolutely guilty. Li had the trio arrested and brought to his yamen. When they ar rived, they were ushered into his pres ence and were received in his courtliest manner. The cake was produced with the remark that "politeness forbade his tasting it until the three generous do nors had bad an opportunity to enjoy its excellence." Li cut thecake, and one of his servitors handed it to the unwilling guests. Each took a piece and ate or pretended to eat it. One crumbled the pieces and let them fall upon the floor, but the other two ate calmly, without manifesting any emotion. Ten minutes and the two men began to show symp toms of suffering. Li smiled benignantly and said to the man who had not eaten, "Your wisdom is, so great that I am compelled to preserve your head as a souvenir to transcendent genius." The man was removed and promptly decapitated. To the other two the pre mier remarked: "The cake that you are eating is not the one you sent, but one which I had my cook imitate. The poi son from which you are suffering exists only In your imagination. I- know of no way to cure your present pain except by letting you share the same fate as your friend who has just left the room." As they were led away the statesman said to his retinue, "It is a pity that a man who can eat a deadly corrosive poison with an unmoved countenance should bo misapply the talent wherewith heaven has endowed him." Coffee and Egg. A cup of coffee may be made very nourishing for an invalid if a well beaten egg is stirred into it and a little cream added. Mix together the egg, sugar and cream, then pour in the hot coffee gradu ally, whipping it with a silver fork Tak en in this way, the coffee is almost as good as a meal for an invalid. u STATE ME ITT OF Atlantic National Bank, WILMINGTON N. O. At the Close of Business Dec. Snd, 1899, Con densed from Report to Comptroller. RESOURCES. Loan ,.i 868,971.54 Overdrafts 8 T9 V. 8. Bonds (at par) 98,800.00 Banking House ana Fixtures 10,000.00 Due rrom app'd rea've agt's $ 79,160.88 Due from other banks 169,160.99 Qash on hand 79,881.51 887,658 78 Total 819288.11 LIABILITIES. Capital 9 125,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 101,784.40 Circulation 41,040.00 Deposits U. 8. Treas. $ 50,000.00 Deposits from Banks 807 693.55 Deposits from Individuals 781,715.16 Certificates of Deposit 83,000 00-1,03 1,408.71 Total 7..... $1,293,238.11 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. D6C 9, 97 Total deposits. . . .9672,000 Surplus and net Dec. 9, "98. Dec. 8, "99. ' $874,500 11,021,000 Cproflt 73,200 87.600 101,784 Dividends Paid 6 Per Cent. Per Annum. OB" Last Instalment of Capital Paid In October 1892. dec 8 tf BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ThU slgiiatnr U on eT.ry bottle: John Duncan's Sons, Agents, New York aprltf tu Holiday Mixed Nuts, ii uuituaiiuis, ! Mivorl Hanrlv and Plain. Raisins of fine quality. Goods. Selling at Low Prices. we also have Seed Oats, Beed Wheat and a complete line of Heavy Groceries. Lowest Prices for Quality, The Worth Coipany. dec 7 tf t 12 1-lc Per quart For the Holiday Trade. J. W. PLUMMER, Jr., 904 Princess street. Inter-State 'phone 139. dec 14 tf Bagging & Ties. Nuts, Candies, Raisins, Cocoanuts and Apples, and a full line of HEAVY GROCERIES. For sale cheap by WILLIAMS BROS., WHOLESALE GROCERS. 16 and 18 North Water street. Write for Prices. We will have Rice Straw daring: this week. dec 10 tf Christmas Doubts For a suitable present can be Bettled by a visit to my store, where yon will find THK FINEST GOODS ever shown In this city from which to Eelect a stylish, useful, practical Present that will stamp you as an "up to-date" Inhabitant of a progres sive city. Prices to suit all site purses Terms to suit everybody's convenience. Open every evening till 8.80. N. F. PAEKER, 1 J Onn-s Vwvr Va 1 T OnnrK ITwnt arrAAt. decStf Fiornliure & Furniture Novelties. 200 Boxes Tobacco. 40O Boxes Lye. 240 Boxes Laundry Soap. 50 Barrels Bice. 25 Barrels Vinegar. 25 Half Barrels Cfder. SO Barrels Molasses. lOO Boxes Potted Ham. 50 Boxes Corned Beef.' lOO Boxes Starch. 50 Boxes mixed Nut. 50 Bags Coeoaantt. 1 100 Barrels Mullets. Tobacco. Cigars, Cheroots and quantities of other goods. SAMUEL BEAR, Sr., ov M tf No. 18 Market street. A SKILLED TRIO. Call at No. 7 South Front street, where you will find K. W. Onion, Cornelius Davis and Henry Harris, three of the most accomplished Barbers In the city. Send your children to us to have their haircut. Bhave only 10 cents Boys' haircut SO cents. . ocs 17 tf GUION & DAVIS. , New Meat Market. This is to Inform the many friends of Mr. Johnnie Hints that he has completed arrange ments to go Into the Meat Business under the firm name of J. H. Hints ACkx, on stalls No, and 8, north side of Market Houpo, formerly oc cupied by C. BV Garrell ft Co., where by polite attention and dispatch he hopes for a full share of the patronage of his old friends Interstate Thone 898,Bell 'Phone 198, MDMtf ! L01 S PEHUS ; ! SAUCE I THE ORIGINAL : WORCESTERSHIRE ' 111! East Catolina Real Estate Agency. R. G. Grady i Co., Burgaw, N. C All classes of desirable Ileal Estate (city and country) bought and sold on Commission. Spe cial attention to Farms end Timbered Lands. we now offer the following valuable pro perty: Standing Timber KFor sale, the timber on a tract of land near Bannermann's Bridge, North-Bast river, on tide water. Over One Million feet of fine Cypress timber on this land. Timbered Lands. Two - Hundred and Twenty-six acres on Roan's Island on Cape Fear river. Some valu able Cypress and Gum timber. Eighty Acres Near Burgaw. One 80-acre tract of Land within half mile of Burgaw. None cleared, but easily put In rtate of cultivation. Valuable Farm near Greenville, N. C. Farm of 250 acres four miles from Green vllle, one mile from House station on the At lantic Coast Line. One hundred and eighty-five acres cleared and In fine state of cultivation. One nice two-story dwelling with six rooms. One cook room and kitchen. One office, one set two-story stables with eight stalls. Two barns. Two tobacco barns. One 16-uorse power engine, sin house, gin, press, etc. All necessary machinery attached. All kinds of farming Implements, Including wagons, carts, tools, etc. Also, four mules and one norse. Will sell all together or the land separate. Farm of 14S Acres In Long Creek village. Pender county 85 acres cleared, balance well timbered. Four acres In strawberries, 8 acres in apple trees. Fine grape vine. Large two-story house. One good New Store House. All necessary out houses. Two tenant houses. Two miles from Montague, a station on Atlantic and Yadkin Railroad; six teen mues rrom Wilmington. enue iana, in a high state of cultivation. A bargain for some body. 2,000 Acres of Land In New Hanover county on navigable stream; borders tide water. Three clearings on nlace one of 25 acres with house and outbuildings on same: two of 80 acres each; balance well tlm- oerea. xweive mues irom wumingron. our miles from oastle Hayne, a station on the W. & W. R R. The nearest point of the land to the Newbern railroad is two miles. House In Kenans vllle. One valuable six-room house In Kenansvllle, Duplin county, N. C, Just completed. Known as "Birohwood Cottage," with nice office on lot; also, garden and outbuildings. Located In a desirable part of the town. Kenansvllle Is a pleasant town to live In famed for Its pure spring water and healthy locality. James Bpruut Institute, one of the best schools in the State, Is located there. Fifty Acres of Land One-half mile from South Washington, on the W. &. w. R. R., in Pender county. Borders on county roads. Very valuable for trucking: Property In Burgaw. Four good Building Lots In the town of Bur gaw, consisting of one-half acre each. One neat three-room House In town of Bur gaw, on lot consisting of one and one-half acres. All set out in strawberries except garden and yard. A desirable building lot In the town of Bur gaw, consisting of one-fourth of an acre, front uig railroad, and It Is a corner lot. Farm at Burgaw. A desirable farm at Burgaw. The residence and about one-third of the farm within the cor porate limits of the town. About twenty acres cleared; six acres In strawberries; one acre tn rruii trees ana grape vines. &u necessary out buildings. A nice desirable six-room residence; Farm contains 100 acres. Tebaeco and Truck Farm Containing 965 acres, four miles from-Hagnolia, N. C, In the great truck belt. About seventy acres cleared; thirty acres of black branch land well timbered with curly yellow pine. Fine meadow land and best range for hogs, sheep and cattle. Five-room dwelling, with barn, stables and other out-houses. Nearly a half acre In prolific grape vines. Lot of apple and plum trees. Beautiful oak and hickory grove surrounds dwelling. Good water. Admirably adapted to tobacco culture, and now has eight acres in cultivation. Also, two tobacco barns. Fences and ditches in rood condition. A Nice F A desirable farm of one hundred and fifty acres. Fifty acres Is within the corporate limits of the town of Burgaw, N. C. Twenty two acres cleared There Is one nice, new three-room cottage, painted and plastered. Large stables and barns. A tenant's house, and strawberry packing house. NA well of very fine drinking water, a nice orchard of BOO young fruit trees, consisting of Japan plums, peaches, pears, anplee and figs. A Beal Bargain. A desirable farm of 873 acres, three miles east of Rose Hill. Fifty acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, balance well tim be red. Four-room house on premises. In good neighborhood. Will exchange for desirable boose and lot In Wilmington. Farm Near Ashton. One hundred and fifty acres two miles from Afihtnn. fonr miles from Bnnraw. Four acres cleared, most of which is very fertile low land. Balance well timbered for farming pnrposes. Two tenant houses. For terms, &c, address, R. G. GRADY & CO., Burgaw, N. 0. ATLANTIC & YADKIN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect March 2Sth, I99. South Bound Dally No. 52 North Bound Dally No. 53. MAIN LINK. 6 50 8 50 8 45 8 80 18 48 18 13 11 65 11 07 10 86 10 09 8 45 p ml AS.. Lv.. AT.. LV.. Lv.. Lv.. Ar.. Lv.. Lv.. Lv.. LV.. ...Wilmington.... ,.. Fayette vllle... . ..Fayette vllle .....Sanford Climax ....Greensboro-. ... ...Greensboro. ... ....Stokesdale , . .Walnut Cove. . . . ....Rural Hall Mt. Airy Lv At .Lv Lv oo am 10 'a ra 88 p m 43 p m 44 p m 15 p m 25 p m 18 p m 44 p m 13 p m 85 p m p m p m p m p m p m a m a m a m a m a m ,Lv Ar .LV .Lv .Lv .Lv .Ar South Bound Dally No. 64. North Bound Daily No. 65. BENNETTS VI LLE. 8 00 am, 9 07am 9 85 a m 10 20 a m 10 40 a m No. 46. Lv Bennettsvllle. . Lv .Maxton Lv Red Springs. . Lv Hope Mills... Ar Fayettevllle. . .Ar .Lv ,.Lv .LV LV 7 15 p m 6 15 p m 6 85 p m 4 52 p m 4 88 p m No. 47. South Bound Mixed Daily ex, North Bound Mixed MADISON BRANCH. Dally ex. bunqay. pnnaay. 5 so p m 3 50 p m 2 40 p m 2 so p m 1 15 p m 12 80 p m Ar Ramseur Lv 6 40 am 8 25 a m 9 17 a m 9 85 a m 11 07 a m 11 65 a m Lv Climax Ar Lv Greensboro Ar Ar Greensboro Lv Lv Stokesdale Lv Lv Madison Ar Connections at Fayettevllle with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with the Carolina Cen tral Railrord. at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk and Western Railway. J. R. KENLY, General Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. H. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agt. mar 28 tf BARIUM ROCK SPRING WATER, (Old Poison Spring), Is nature's specific for every form of skin disease and blood poison. It does not, like soap and ointment, merely de stroy for a time the external signs, but goes to the root of the evil and drives out the poison in the blood which causes the eruptions to appear. MlTHODIST PAKSOHAOK, ' Rockingham, N. C , Oct. 14. 1898. I can bear testimony to the great value of Barium Rock Spring Water for Eczema and other eruptive diseases of the skin. I have known many cases cured, some of them of the most stubborn character. . Truly, JESSE H. PAGE. For sale In Wilmington by ' JAS. D. NUTT. nov 24 tf CURE YOURSELF! Use BigO for unnatural discharges, inflammations, irritations or ulcerations of m neons membranes. Painless, and not astrin- t CKE8 In 1 to S cUr. Qurtoteea o to ttrteun. IPrsnnt. eo&UhCioo. theEvams ChewmiCo. . -2 I or kw f""" by express, . prepaid, for 1.00, or 3 bottles, 82.75. Circular aent on request ATLANTIC COASTLINE. Schedule In Effect Nov. 19, 1899. DzrAKTF&E raoH Wilmington Noeth Bouhd DAILY No. 48 Passenger Due Magnolia 11.19 9.45 A. H., Warsaw 11 83 A. M.. Goldsboro A M. 12.28 P M., Wilson 1.16 P. M., Rocky Mount 1.53 P. M., Tarboro 2.31 P. M. Weldon 4.83 P. M., Petersburg 6.21 p. M Richmond 7.20 P. M., Norfolk 6.55 P. M., Washington 11.80 P. M., Balti more 1.00 A. M., Philadelphia 8.50 A. M., New York 6.53 A. M., tBostOn 8.00 P. M. DAILY .No. 40 Passenger Due Magnolia 8.80 6.50 P. M., Warsaw 8.88 P. M., Goldsboro P.M. 9.27 P.M., Wilson 10.30 P. M., tTarboro 7.04 A. M., Rocky Mount 11.11 P. M. Weldon 1.00 A. M., tNorfolk 10.25 A. U., Petersburg 2.35 A. M., Richmond 8.28 A M., Washington 7.01 a. M., Baltimore 8.23 A. M., Philadelphia 10.35 A. M. New York 1.08 P. M., Boston 9.00 P. M. DAILY No. 60 Passenger Due JacksonvlUe except 4.13 P. M., Newbern 5.40 P. M. Sunday 2.25 P. M. SOUTH BOUND. DAILY No. 55 Passenger Due Lake Wacca 3.45 maw 4.58 P. M.,Chadbourn 5.28 P. M. P. M. Mariou 6.34 P. M., Florence 7.16 P. M. 'Snmwr 8.67 P. M., Columbia 10.30 P. M., Denmark 6.18 A. M., Augusta 7.55 A. M. Macon 11.15 A. SC., Atlanta 12.85 P. M. Charleston 10.50 P. M., Savannah 1.50 A. M., Jacksonville 7.80 A. M., 8L Au ' gustlne 10.80 A. M.. Tampa 6.05 p. M. WEST BOTTNTV DAILY 9.oo Passenger Due Fayettevllle 1218 p. A. M. M., leaves Fayettevllle 13.25 P. M., arrives Sanford 1.48 P. M. ARRIVALS AT WILMINGTON FROM THE NORTH. DAILY No. 49 -Paoseuger-J-ave Rr.rrron 1.08 5.50 P. M., Naw York 9.00 P. M., Phlladel P. M. phU 12.05 A. K., Baltimore 2.50 A. M. Washington 4.39 A. M., Richmond 9.06 A M., Petersburg 10.00 A. M., Norfolk ?.0A. St., Weldon 11.50 A. M., Tarboro 12 21 p. M. Rocky Mount 12.52 P. M , WUson 3.40 P. M., Goldsboro 8.81 P. M., Warsaw 4.19 P. M., Magnolia 4.25 P. M. paILY no. 41 Passenger Leave Boston 13 , ,9.40 night. New York 9.00 A. M., Phlladel L M phla 11 33 A. M., Baltimore 1 46 P. M., Washington 8.06 P M., Richmond 7.80 P. M., Petersburg:7.21 P. M., tNorfolk 2.20 P. M., Weldon 8.58JP. M., tTarboro 8.00 P. M., Rocky Mount 5.40 A. M. Leave Wilson 6.20 A. M., Goldsboro 7.01 a. M., Warsaw 7.56 A. M., Magnolia 8.09 A. M. DAILY No. 51 Passenger Leave Newbern except 9.00 A. M., Jacksonville 10.96 A. M. Sunday 12.15 P. M i FROM TELE SOUTH. DAILY N . 54 Passenger Leave Tampa 8.10 1.15 A. M., Sanford 3.07 P. M., Jacksonville I M. 8.00 P. M., savannah 1.45 A. M., Charleston. 6.83 A. M., Atlanta 7.50 A. M., Macon 9.00 A. M., Au usta 2.80 P. M., Denmark 4.17 P. M. Columbia 6-40 A. M., Sumter 8J0 P. M., Florence 9.50 A. M., Marlon 10.80 A . 21., Chadboum 11.84 A. M., Lake Wac camaw 12.08 A. M. j EAST BOUND. DAILY 6.40 Passenger Leave sanrord 2.30 P. M., A. M. arrive Fayettevllle 8.41 P. M., leave Fayettevllle 8.46 P. M. tDally except Sunday. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Bennetts vllle Branch Train leaves Bennettsvllle 8.15 A. u. Biaxton a. m., ttea wrings v ss A. M., Hope Mills 10.42 A. M., arrive FayettevUle 10.55 A. M. Returning leaves Fayettevllle 4 40 P. M., Hope Mills 4.55 P. M., Red Springs 5.36 P. M., Maxto n 6, 15 P. M., arrives Bennettsvllle 7.15 p. M. Connections at Fayettevllle with No. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Bprings witn tne uea upringa and Bow- more Railroad, at saniord with the Seaboard Air Line and southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train between Rocky Mount and Richmond leave Rocky Mount 7.00 A, M., arrive Weldon 8 06 A. M.. arrive Petersburg 10 A. M., arrive Richmond 11.05 A. M. Trains on trie Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldon 8.55 P. M., Halifax 4.15 P. M.; ar rive Scotland Neck 5.08 P. M., Greenville 6.57 P. M., Klnston 7.55 P. M. Returning, leaves Kln ston 7.50 A. M., Greenville 8.53 A. M.; arriving Halifax at 11.18 A. m., Weldon 11.83 A. M. Dally except 8unday. Trains on Washington Branch leave washing- ton 8.10 A. M. and 8.30 P. M.; arrive ParmeTe 9.10-A. M. and 4.00 P. M.: returning leaves Par- mele 9.35 A. M. and r. m..; arrives Washing ton 11.00 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Dally excent Sun day, ; . . Train leaves Tarboro, n. c, daily except Sun day, 5.30 P. M.; Sunday, 4.15 P. M.: arrives Ply mouth 7.40 P. M. and 6.10 P. M. Returning, leaves Plymouth dally except Sunday, 7 50 A. M. ana tsunaay v.uua. ja.; arrive xarooro lu.uo A. M. and 11.00 A. M. . Alt 111 O V J VJVIUOW1 V, UOU QA3U Sunday, 7.05 A. M.: arrives. Smlthfield, N. 0 , 8.10 A. M. Returning leaves Smlthfield 9.00 A. M.: arrives Goldsboro 10.25 A. si. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky U . n . n OA A u . An T3 mj- . a4m. r f- vllle 10.10 A. M., 4.03 P. M., Spring Hope 10.40 A. M., 4.56 P. M. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 11.00 A. M., 4.55 P. M., Nashville 11.22 A. M; 6.2s P. M., arrives at Rocky Mount 11.45 A. M., 6.00 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leave Warsaw for Clinton, dallv except Sunday, at 11.40 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. Returning, leave Clinton at 7.00 A. M. and 2.50 P. M. Train leaves Pee Dee 10.03 A. M., ar rive Latta 10.24 A. M., DOlon 10.36 A. M., Rowland 10.54 A M. Returning, leaves Rowland 6.00 P. M.; arrives Dillon 6.20 P. M., Latta 6.85 P. M Pee Dee 7.00 P. H., dally. Trains on Conway Branch leave Boardman at 8.00 P. M., Chadbourn 5.85 P. M.; arrive Conway 7.40 P. M.; leave Conway 8.30 A M., Chadbourn 11.80 A. H.; arrive Boardman 12.85 P.M. Dally except Sunday. Trains leave Sumter 5.18 P. M., Manning 5.41 P. M.; arrive Lane's 6.17 P. M.; leave Lane's 8.34 A. SL, Manning 9.09 A. M.; arrive Sumter 9.40 A. M. Dally. Georgetown and Western Railroad leave Lane's 9.80 A. M., 7.40 P. M.; arrive Georgetown 12.00 M., 9.00 P. M.; leave Georgetown 7.00 A. M.; 3.30 P. M.: arrive Lane's 8.25 A. M.: 5.55 P. M Dally except Sunday. . Trains leave Florence dally except Sunday at 9.50 A M.; arrive Darlington 10.15 A. M., Harts vllle 9.15 P. M , Cheraw 11.80 A. M., Wadesboro 12.35 P.-M : leave Florence daily except Sunday atr .55 P.M.; arrive Darlington 8.20 P. M., Ben nettsvllle 9.17 P. M., Gibson 10.20 P. M. Leave Florence Sunday only 9.80 A. M., arrive Dar lington 10.05 A. M, ' Leave Gibson dally except Sunday at 6.00 A. M. Bennettsvllle 7.00 A. M.; arrive Darlington 8.00 A. M. Leave Darlington 8.50 A. M.l arrive Florence 9.15 A. M. Leave Wadesboro daily ex oest Sunday 4.10 P. M., Cheraw 6.15 P. M., Harte vUle 7.00 A. M., Darlington 6.29 P. M.; arrive Florence 7.00 P. M. Leave Darlington Sunday only at 8JS0 A. M., arrive Florence 9l15 A. M. Wilson and Fayettevllle Branch leave Wilson I. 58 P. M., 10.25 P. M., arrive Selma 9.48 P. M. II. 10 P. M., Smlthfield 8.08 P. M , Dunn 8.40 P. M., Fayettevllle 4.85 P. M.,1.21 5A. M., Rowland 6.00 p. M. returning leave Rowland 10.54 A. M., Fayettevllle 18.80 P. M., 9.45 P. M., Dunn 1.04 P. M., Smlthfield 1.48 P. M. Selma 1.50 P. M., 10.59 P. M arrive Wilson 8.85 P. M.. 11.81 A. M. Trains leave Sumter 14.25 A. M.. Creston 6.19 A. M., arrlveDenmark 6.12 A- M. Baturnlng, leave Denmark 4.17 P. M., Creston 5.16 P. if., Sumter 6.03 P M. Dally. Trains leave Creston 5.45 A. M., arrives Preg nallB 9.15 A. M. Returning, leaves Pregnane 10.00 A. M., arrives Creston 8.50P. M. Daily ex cept Sunday. BishopvUle Branch trains leave Elliott 10.35 A. M., and arrive Lucknow 18.15 P. H. Return ing, leave Lucknow 2.10 P. M., arrive Elliotts 3.50 P. M. Dally except Sunday. tDally except Sunday. Sunday only. H. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent! J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. T. 41. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. nov 19 tf Atlantic and Nortn Carolina Railroad Time Table No. 9. To Take Effect Tuesday', Aug. 8, 1899. at 9A.H. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. Pass'g'r Trains Pass'g'r Trains Arrive Leave A. M. A, M. 11 06 10 13 8 87 9 00 7 83 7 27 A H. A fif. STATIONS. Arrive Leave P. M. P. M. 3 40 4 33 6 50 7 07 P. M. Goldsbore....... Klnston 5 40 7 02 P.IM. Newbern Morehead City. Train 4 connects with W. ft W. train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11.85 A. M., and with Southern Railway train West, leaving Goldsboro 2.00 P. M., and with W. & N. at New bern for Wilmington and Intermediate points. Train 8 connects with Southern Railway ti aln, arriving at Goldsboro 8.00 P. M., and with W. A W. train from the North at 8,05 P. M. No. 1 train also connects with W. &- N. for wnmlag ton and intermediate points. u augtf S. L. DILL. Supt The C. W. Pol vogt Co Tie a Week before Christmas aud all through our Store you'll find just what you want, and a whole lot more. :f,:e"w Gloves, Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Capes, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Bugs, Open every THE C. dec 17 tf A word about My line of Neckwear For Xmas Trade. 1 There is nothing more acceptable or useful than one or two NICE NECKTIES. We have them for both Men, and Women, and if you see the NEW SHAPES, and color effects You will be sure to purchase. A. SHRIER, outfitter ueciott To Mankind. Bell 'fhone 565 Store Open Ml 9 O'H Every talk Goods delivered promptly or will lay them aside and deliver on Xmas eve. M We Have Twenty-six to Wait 'on Yon. Make your purchases at the largest Department Store. J.H. REHDER & CO., 615, dec 17 tf Taws Brai. 11s net street. A Ladies' Dollar Kid Glove, In white,' black or tan. with two clasns. only 75c per Dalr. Ten Dozen Ladies' Hats, stitched brim and Tarn O'Shanta crown, with aulll. onlv 50c. Long Quills, all colors, onlv 5c. Five dozen Trimmed black Felt Alpines. 25c. uougn onm straw Bailors, xrimmea ready to wear. 25c 900 Capes In all Btyles, In price upward from $1.00. Ten dozen Ladles' Muslin Gowns, with tucks, rail size and nicely made, only 50c.. DON'T FORGET our new Toy Department at 108 Market street. novSStf The National Bank of Wilmington. 6th December, 1899. ASSETS. TJ. 8. City and County Bonds (at par) .$117,808.00 Banking Bouse Furniture and Fix torts 28,000.00 Loans and discounts 223 340.21 Rcdempt on fund 4 SCO.iO Due from Bangs and cash on hand. . . . 130,513.78 $498,653.99 We submit the above for your fully study this statement we feel will note that we are making steady Weonly began business in June, in the city. Well, Christmas I A -rm G-lad of I-b3 Sars -blhi.e SoIbLpoX GH -KL- My father and mother go to town be fore then, and I shall put in my wants and tell them where I would go and get the nice things. My mamma has promised to buy me a nice Cloak, and I have seen one that from the Racket at $2 48, just like the one I want, and a Fur (Jollar ette at $1.75 and $2.00. Some very nice ones at $4.00 and $5.00, with the Capes and Fur and Heads and Tails on it. And if my mamma will, I shall ask her to buy me some good every day Dress Goods. .Nice pretty patterns in them. Plaid remnants in 10 to 20 yard pieces at 6c. A nice new one-nan Wool Dress Goods, Bough Finish, at 12ic and 15c. A splendid Plaid, bright and pretty, at 29c. Well, my School Shoes are wearing out, and they have worn well. My papa bought them at the Backet, and I will have him to get me a pair of Goodman's best Solid Leather, Fine Shoes at Gaylord's for $1.00 a pair. My School Shoes, solid and good, he can get at 85c; and the run is large sizes, from 3's to 6's. Look here, miss, you shan't have it alL How about that Suit I am to have at $1.50 or $2 00; and a pair of those Double-Seated Pants at 50c ; and a good Cap from 10c, 15c to 25c. . ! Well, I want some good Undershirts and Pants. I am going to get him to bring me some of those 29c Shirts that are worth 50c. A nice Laundered Shirt at 25c A Union Suit, a good one, at 25c; and a pair of fine Shoes at 75c or $1.00. Do you Know it aon t tas:e mucn They Have About Twenty-five PeoplejPush- in Out Dailv at Wilmington's Big Backet Store. GEO. 0. GAYLORD, PROP. deciotf items. Lace Ties Collar and Cuff Boxes, Pictures, . , Dolls, Games, Carriages, Go Carts. evening this week. W. POLYOGT CO., No. 9 North Front Street. FOR THE CHRISTMAS BAKING there is no flour on the market like Our Best Patent. It is made from the choicest wheat raised, and made by the best roller process. For bread, cakes and pastry It Is unexcelled, and is In demand by families who love white, light and delicious bread and bakestufls tht are always satisfactory. For the holidays we offer you this superior FloUrfor 9160 per bbl. Our Dried Fruits, Preserved Citron, Seeded Ritslns and urrants, and Shelled Almonds are choice THE KING GROCERY CO.. B. F. KING, Manager. Fourth Street Bridge. Phone 887. dec 14tf Salesmen and Salesladies 617 and 619 North Fourth Street. Just received a new lot of SPECIALS UFFERED Taylor's Bazaar. LIABILITIES. i " Capital and surplus $118 000. OO Circulation 90 000.00 Deposits ;. 287, 91 27 Net profits, Expenses and taxes paid.. 3.362.72 $498,653.99 consideration. If you will care sure that it will please you. Ton and healthy progress. 1894;therefore, the youngest Bank is Coming, and money to fit me up, as I do not haye any fandangles. There, is where you win ; they do not cost much when you buy them at the right place. Big miss, you shan't have it all. My papa says he is going to buy his baby a nice long Cloak at 75c, a pretty trimmed Hat, trimmed up to suit baby. Nice pretty Btyles at 75c, and a beauti ful Silk baby Cap at 25c. And those little soft Christmas Shoes, laced up with red strings for 25c; Fur all around the top for 35c and 50c. And the nicest little soft warm baby Mitts at 5c. Do you think papa can buy half of the things we want? Well, yes; they won't cost much. And he ' and mamma need some good Winter Cloth ing. I know where he trades, because he always does buy reliable, honest Goods, and gets them cheap at the Big Backet. . My mamma says she is going to buy a Carpet for her front room and her parlors, and says she can buy good Ingrain Carpet at 29c, and good Brus sels Carpet at 45c; a good Hemp Carpet for the dining room at 18c; a nice Mat ting for her spare room at 18c and 20c; and some Shades at 10c and 25c. Some Lace Curtains for the parlor at 98c a pair. And some nice Silkaline for a Lamberquin at 8c. And, just think, after buying these gooda so cheap, the Racket Store man will give my mamma a real nice, large Willow Rocking Chair for a $25.00 purchase, a set of fine China, six Cups, six Saucers, aix Plates and one large Bowl for a $25.00 purchase.