"M;MMv .(fllraatMd, Bou-Flde, Eycry-Dtjl f Circulation Larxtr TUa Tfctl Of Any Otber Dally News-. paper PabiliW . la " WDmlixtoc. DAILT NBTT8PAFKU j IN THK 8T1TK. OUTLINES. 1 ' ! f - XheDuke of Marlborough! will, sail for Cape Town Saturday next. General "Warren is reported to hare ,med the Tugela river. Gen. 0:is reports encounter with insur ants by detachments of United States troops; many Spanish prisoners were rescued, and a number of the insurgents killed- Hi S. District Pourt Judge Waddell refused the in ijnciion prayed for by Thos. P. Byan against the consolidation of the rail mids of the S. A. L. system. The British forces are reported ! to have crossed both the Orange and Tusrela "rivers. Ten cases of smallpox at Roc'iinzham. Greensboro re ports eight cases in the city limits; over a hundred cases in the county. -New York markets: Money oh call to-day steady at 8i4 per cent, the list loan being: at 4 per; cent. ; cot ton quiet, middling uplands 7e; flour weak: and 510c lower, without much demand; wheat spot steady, No. 2 red T4J3; corn spot easy. No. 2 4Ue; oats spot quiet, No. 2 29ie; rosin steady; spirits turpentine steady at 53 weather Report. ! i 1 ! U. S. DKP'T OF A a RIOULTTJEJE, t Weather Bureau, Wilmington, N. d, Jan. 15. ) Temperatures: 8 A. M., 44 dejrreee;' 6 P. JI., 53 degrees; maximum, 68 de grees; minimum, 44 degrees; mean, 68 degrees. ! : Rainfall for the day, ; rainfall since 1st of the month up to date, 3.01 inches Sueof water. in the rirer at Fay-, etteville at 8 A. 11, 21.3 feet and risic?. FORECAST FOB TO-DAY. Washington, Jan. 15. For North Carolina: Fair Tuesday and probably Wednesday: variable winds. Port Almanae Jan. 16. Sua Rises ' 7.09A.M. Sua Sets... 5.13 P.M. Day's Length 10 H.03 M High Water at Southport. 8.15 A M. Hijh Water. Wilminjrloa. 11.45 A. M- The Philadelphia Times remarks that the Transvaal war is "not our fight," and,' we may be very glad it isn t. Tne value of the mineral output of this country last year I footed up - sl,424f0$2. Pig iron, coal and copper led gold in value, j The Xew York Tribune rises to remark that "the Boer invents little." He has invented a large amount of bother for John Boll. Sjme towns are hardjto Batisfy. Before she had them ; Nashville wasn't happy without factories, and eow she is howling on account of the. smoke they make. Brazil has "money toirarn." The piinister of finances has been or dered to burn $2,000,000 a day until he gets through the job of incine rating a pile of $50,000,000. It is said, that when Russell Sage was a child he swallowed a dollar, and that when given an emetic he -not only refused to give up the dol lar but held on to the emetic j Daring the past year nearly 2,000 people were reported "miB8ing,,irom the city of Philadelphia. In addi tion to that a good many; people left that burg who were neyer "missed." The superintendent of the Nor mal and Agricultural Institute at Hampton, Va., says that in spite of the schools, &c, one third of the negroes of the country are actually retrograding. Connecticut politics are almost as bad as Pennsylvania politics. A man recently arrested for burglary says he got along all right until he went into politics, and then the trouble began. j It is said that Gen. Methuen has Dutch blood in him. But the Dutch Boers failed to recognise the rela tionship at Modder Kirer, and wal loped him just as if there wasn't any Dutcll in him. f I -f : ! Spartanburg county, ;S. C.,! is a hummer. She has, twenty-two cot ton mills, with the twenty-third or rgaRizing.' The stock of these "amounts to something over $5,600, 000, which is doing pretty well for one county. I ! They had an unusual shower in a rural district of Pennsylvania one day last week. A man had a lot of dynamite in a smokehouse which was well filled with hams, sausage, etc. The dynamite exploded,1 and the result was a shower of meat. Kaiser Wilhelm der i Grosse, is a water splitter. . In her last trip last week from New York ta Cherbourg, she crossed in 5 days and 16 hours, lowering her best ran 2!honrs and 6 minutes.. She made an average speed of 22.63 knots per hour, her daily runs being from 470 to - 637 knots. VOL. LXV.-NO. 97. LOCAL DOTS. ':, Two-.: diphtheria quarantines were lifted j eaterdav, leaving only two now in lore in the city. . . . The Eobert " Portner Brewing w. nave issued a very pretty calen dar, and given it a liberal distribution. u Arioso German Club has postponed its regular January dance iroaa Wednesday night. 17th, to Wed nesday night, January 24th. - The. directors of the Wilming ton Merchants' Association will meet to-morrow at 3.50 P. M. at the a?soci ation's rooms in the Seaboard Air Line." The Clyde steamship Rich mond passed out at8outhr.ort for New York at 40 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The Sagninaw is expected in port this morning. Smallnoxis prevailing " at many points in the State, and it will be sure to reach Wilmington unless the utmost vigilance is exercised. "In time of peace prepare for. war." Mr. H. C. McQueen, commis sioner of the sinking fund-cf the city, publishes this morning his annual re port, which may be found in the ad vertising columns of the Stab. The tug Protector arrived yes terday morning with the barges Car rie L Tyler and Maria Dolores in tow fro or: Charleston with cargoes of fertiliser material for the Virginia Carolina Chemical Company. Wm, Bell, colored, who figured ia the police court yesterday morning, was sent to jail by Justice Fowler yes terday afternoon in default of bond to keep the peace. He will be given a hearing this morning at 10 o'cloek. Col. Jno. D. Taylor, Clerk of the Superior Court, gives notice this morning that jurors summoned for the firat week of the next term of the court need not attend until Tuesday of that rreek, it being the 23rd of Janu- uary. The Stab is indebted to Capt. Edgar D. Williams of the harbor tow ing tug Marion, for the "Marion" caU endar for 1900, giving time of high tides at Southport and Wilmington, the rising and setting of the sun and the moon's phases for each month. The steamboat Driver arrived at 1 P.'M. Sunday, clearing on the re turn trip late yesterday afternoon. Among her passengers were Mr. J. D. Bigford, of Green's Landing; Mr. D. C. Thompson, of Dawson's Landing and Mr. A. B. Pridgeon, of Kelly's Cove. - Several unimportant cases were disposed of in the municipal court j es terday. Wm. Walker, colored, for be ing drunk and down, was taxed with the costs; Major Dixon, colored, for disorderly conduct, had his case con tinued, and William Bell, colored, was fined $10 for disorderly conduct. Justice Bornemann yesterday sent John Morman, colored, to jail in default of bond for his appearance at Criminal Court. Morman engaged in a fight with Charlie Russell at Bath Hall one night last week and it is al leged that he used a razor.- Russell was fined $5 for disorderly conduct Several minor changes in the A. C. L. schedule went into effect January 14th. The only one which affects Wilmington travel is in the arrival of train No! 49 from the north. which has bt en arriving at 5.50 P. M. Under the new schedule the north bound train will come ia t 6 o'clock in the evening. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice To jurors. JD. L. Gore For sale. A. C. L. Schedule change. Masonic Meeting WiL Lodge. Sinking Fund Commission Report. Geo. Harriss, Son cfc Co. Oranges for sale. BUBinsa LOCAL. ELHauser Some men. John J. Kelly Please call. Dr. D. W. Bullock Office removal. Kaflroid Mea Here. The following officials of the Atlan tic Coast Line were here yesterday on railroad business. Mr. W. G. Childs, resident of the Columbia, Newbury & Laurens Railroad; Mr. J. A. Foun tain, assistant master of transportation at Norfolk; Mr. Spencer LeGrand. as sistant auditor at Norfolk; Mr. K. A. Williams, assistant auditor at Rich mond; Mr. R. A. Brand, general agent at Augusta, Ga., Mr. R. A. Scott, ageat at Augusta, and Mr. S. W. Anderson, assistant master of trans portation of the Charleston & Western Carolina. The Yacht fclsaa. A special to the Stab from its South- port correspondent says : "The pretty naphtha launch Diana, on her way to Florida, put n this morning at three o'clock for harbor on account of a high head-sea. She is owned by F, W. Hinman. of New Haven, Conn., who will join her at Charleston, & C. The Diana expects to proceed as soon as the weather permits" May Locate Here. - Mr. Ceburn Weeks, of Warsaw, has formed a legal co-partnership with H. L. Stevens, Esq., also of Wartaw. It is announced that Mr. Weeks, will orwm an office in Wilmington, Mr. Stevens remaining in the home office. Mr. Weeks, who has only recently re ceived his license, enters upon the practice of his profession with bright prospects. . ' '- U. a Ellis for Cabinet Photographs at cost $1. 60 per dozen," . ,-t, . Slop this week with The O. W. Pol vogt Co. Clarance sale week.- -, t V-':-.--'.- CITY AFFAIRS. Special Meeting ef Board of Aldersaea Hitch la Princess Street LnBreire- . meBt7-To Pay City Ughtlsg. In pursuance of the call of Mayor Waddell, the Board of Aldermen held a special meeting' last night There were in attendance Mayor Waddell and Aldermen Springer,. Woolard, Worth, Montgomery, : West, Hanby and Spencer. - f! ..''.. Mayor Waddell stated that the meet ing had been called to decide whether to pay the bill of the Wilmington Street Railway Company for lighting the city for the months of October, November and December. It will be remembered that the. Board held up the pay for the city lighting on com plaint that the Street Railway Com pany was not fulfilling its contract as to the quality and candle power of the arc lights. Mayor Waddell reminded the Board that at its last meeting Al derman Springer, of the lights com mittee, made report without recom mendation, and that no action was taken on the matter at that meeting. He said it was for this Board to say whether the lights should be paid for or shut off. J Upon request of the Mayor, Alder man Springer repeated his report, which was to the effect that the lights have been improved, the service is better, and that the Wilmington Street Railway Company shows every disposition to still improve the service. He said he was ready, to rote for a motion to rescind the former resolu tion holding up the pay for the lights. On motion.of Alderman West, sec onded by Alderman Worth, the former resolution was rescinded and the bill of the Street Railway Co. was ordered to be paid. The bill amounts to $385 for the three months, the contract being for $295 per month. j Upon request of the Mayor an ordi nance was adopted, to the effect that hereafter the Board of Aldermen only shall grant license to sell rice beer, and that applications for license must be sent in the handwriting of the ap plicants. ' Mayor Waddell stated that hereto fore the applications for license were made to the clerk who made them out upon payment of the license fee. This method, he explained, was unsatisfac tory, and objectionable parties could take out license. He said he was satisfied some of those who are licensed to sell rice beer sell liquor also. He stated that he had such a case before him in the'eity court yes terday. Upon the suggestion of Alderman' Hanbv. the Chief ' of Police was in structed, to use all possible diligence in arresting and bringing to punishment parties who injure personal property in the suburbs by breaking out win dow lights, damaging and destroying fences, etc. j 4ayor Waddell stated that he learn ed that three owners of property on Princess street between Front and Second streets, refused to sign the agreement to pay their proportion of the expense of paving the! block ith vitrified brick. He said this disposed of the paving of Princess street with vitrified brick He said so far as he was concerned he did not in tend to delay the matter any longer and suggested that the city harden the road way on Princess street between Front and Second streets in the best manner its means will allow. The season is now getting so far advanced thatmuch further delay will make it im possible for theimproments to be made this season. j After discussing other matters the Board sjdourned. , . tsrzoofOrssr.es. ' j The first of the season of what is known in wharf parlance as a. "fruit vessel" arrived yesterday. She is the British schooner Julia Elizabeth, 130 tons, Capt. A, Sweeting, and she comes from Dunmoretowa, Bahamas, with a careo of 150.000 oranges, fifty orates of tomatoes, 1,000 sappadilloes and a number ox cocoanuu, consign ea to Messrs. George Harriss, Son & Co. She will begin discharging to day at foot of Dock street Every year Wil mington is visited by half a dozen or more of this class of vessels with car goes of fruits from the Bahamas and West Indies, but this year they have been conspicuous for their absence at the wharves. The reason is that the West India hurricane in the early part of the Fall almost completely de stroyed the crop in the islands, and this branch of shipping ia thereby the sufferer. Messrs. Harriss & Co. this moraine advertise the sale of the cargo of oranges in quantities to suit purchasers. Families Movlai la. j SuDerintendent Jno. J. Blair, of the Wilsaine-ton public schools, says that he is now very much encouraged with the attendance at the various Institu tions. Yesterday there were enrolled coodlv number, of new students from families recently move4 to the city and the attendance upon the whole is now very much better than at any time in recent year. This should be very gratifying . to Wil- mingtonians "who are anxious about the educational welfare of the city and it is certainly indicative of a for ward move of .the city fa many other respects. ! :'"-:' Sneoiai sales week at The a W. Pol- TOgt Cals store. -1 -- - - ; . ' i BMSSsaasBBVBBsBsVsss""" TT fl "Ellis for Cabinet Photoeranhs at cost $1.50 per dozen. i t - sm'ss aw' " " - - r-. , f - OmikI tm-nf Mh Ia?s week with The n w. Polroct Co. They will save tim twenty ner cent. . t - T - VILMINGTONN; PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ; Mr. J. W. Old, of Charlotte, is here;, ;.::J-.' i : r:ys r'::- Dr. E. Porter, of Eocky Point, was on our streets yesterday. v Mr. J. GroescheV of Chester, 8.' C., is here calling on the trade.- - I Mr. S. Q. Middleton, of War saw, was in the city on business yes-" terday. ! Mr. J. P, Maloney, of Rich mond, was among Tuesday's arrivals in the city. ' Messrs. George D. Purdy and Paul R. Mattocks, of Verona, were here yesterday. Mr. J. J. Crosswell, of Fay etteville, route agent of the Southern Express Company, is in the city. . ! Mr. F. W. Bird, of Birds ville, was in the city -yesterday and made the Stab ofli.ee a very pleasant call. ; : 'Miss Bessie Stallknecht, of Chadbourn, is visiting in the city, the guest of her friends, Miss Annie Morton, No. Ilk South Third street Mr. L. H. Ehrick, a promi nent merchant and business man of Georgetown, 3. C, is in the city and is being greeted by his numerous friends. Mr. W. W. Shaw, of Durham, N. C, ia in the city for a few day's visit to his father, Mr, W. H. Shaw, Deputy Clerk of the UniUd States Court Mr. W. W. Vick, a very clever and popular young man, formerly of Wilmington, hut now of 'the Atlanta office of the Virginia Carolina Chemi cal Company, is in the city to spend a few days. - ; Mr. J. A. Cavenaugh, who travels for the Hilton Lumber Com pany, has decided to leave Wilming ton and will hereafter reside at Wal lace, where he oan be more in the midst of the timber belt i Mr. Cave naugh went up last night; his family ill go up thia morning. BOYS' BfJQADE INVITED. Asked to Participate la Lee Celebration. Officers Estertsiaed at Loach. The members of Col. Walker Tay- Ua-'a Boys' Brigade had a. very satis factory drill last night after which the officers of the company were ele gantly entertained at lunch at War ren's cafe by Corporal Fred Buss. The following letter was read, which is self-explanatory, and. employers of members of the, brigade are urged, to allow the boys an opportunity to ac cept the invitation embraced therein : Col. Walker Taylor, Commanding Boys' Brigade; Sib It ;is with pleasure I invite your brigade to participate with the Confederate Veterans in celebrating General Lee's birthday on the after noon of the 19th inst. The programme ia to leave the armory of the W. L. I. at S P. M. and march to the Opera House, where a short address will be delivered; thence to the City Hall, Where a lunch will be served by the ladies. Very respectfully. Jab. L Mitts, Commander. All Coafederatesj Invited. The Star is requested by the com mittee of Cape Fear Camp, No. 254, U. C. V., which is making arrange menta for the celebration of the birth day of Gen. R. E. Lee, next Friday, January 19th, i to state that all Con federates of the city, or Confed erate veterans who may be visiting the city at the time, are cordially in vited to join in the celebration. They are requested to call ' on Mr. R. F. Hamme or at the armory of the Wil mingtonXight Infantry and get badges which will entitle them to admission to the lunch to be served for the vet erans at the City Hall after the pro pramme shall have been carried out at the Opera House. Rebolldlax at CaroHaa Bench. Mr. Thad F. Tyler on yesterday be gan work , with a force of carpenters and hands at Carolina Beach, rebuild ing the cottage of Mr. N. M. Mc Eachern, recently bought by Mr. 8. W. Sanders. Eight others of the cot tages destroy ed by the storm will be rebuilt They will be built further back from the ocean. The pavilion f will be repaired this week and the waterworks are also to be rehabilitated. The railroad ; has been rebuilt the line up the beach having been setback further from the ocean. Mr. Sbepnrd's Isjnrles. Mr. Joseph C. Shepard, who was injured so badly when the southbound Atlantic Coast Line ran over and killed the horse! which was drawing the buggy in which he and his wife were driving last Friday afternoon, had a bad day of it Sunday. The Star is glad to ; learn, however, that he was some better yesterday, though his condition yet causes his friends some anxiety. Mrs. Shepard, who was also hurt, is recovering from the severe shock she received. . Stole Snusafe Casings. George Lewis, colored,-was com mitted to jail by Justice Fowler yes terday, awaiting a hearing before his court on a warrant charging the lar ceny of about ten pounds of sausage casings from Messrs. J. F. Garrell & Co. Lewis wan an employe of one of the markets belonging to Messrs. Gar rell & Co., and it is alleged that while about his duties an delivery man he "swiped", the sausage materials. He will be tried to day. r The a W. Polvogt Oa offer tremen dous cuts in prices this week. . -1 ' u: G. Ellis for Cabinet Photographs at cost $L 50 per dozen. . t -w--: " V'. , !. TBE BRIGHTEST AND PRETTIEST. So Ssys the New; York Htrald of the The brilliant London and New York musical success of last season, as ren dered by Augustin Daly's Musical Company, entitled "A Runaway Girl," gives "full measure and meas ure filled, with hilarity." Thus said the New York Herald on the - occasion of this opera's initial performance in New York, and in one sentence this not only hits off the truth of the mat ter, but does so in a more conclusive way than could possibly be furnished otherwise, as the New York Herald does not say such things unless they are so. The very flattering critique of thia paper headed their criticism of the new opera with the one convinc ing line, "The Brightiest and Prettiest of Them All." The scenes are laid in Corsica and Venice - and every opportunity for scenic effect and color scheme in cos taming is seized and made use of. : In the company are James T. Powers, well known and popular in our city, Mane Celeste, Van Rennsalaer Wheel er, Mae Baker, Miriam Lawrence and others equally popular and well known as talented and forceful entertainers now before the public. . The sale of reserved seats for the entertainment is now progressing at Gerken's. Mr. Caldwell's Resignation. . President W. L. Latta, of the Young Men's Christian Association, yester day made public the announcement that Mr. Howard Caldwell, who for the past twelve months has so faith fully labored with the Association, as general secretary, has resigned and would leave here' this week for Hop kins county, Kentucky, to take up a branch known in that State as Y. M. O. A., "count work" A successor to Mr. Caldwell has not yet been elec ted by the board of directors, but Mr. Robert E. Van Laer, a very capable and obliging.young man of Wilming ton, will temporarily act as secretary until a successor can be named. Elected sn Chairman. The Democratic Executive Committee of New Hanover county met last even ing at the office of W. B. McKoy, Esq., to fill the vacant chairmanship, and after an interchange of views unani mously . elected Mr. Duncan Mc Eachorn to fill the position. There being no further business, the com mittee adjourned, it being understood that another meeting would be called by the chairman before the expiration of the present week. In the election of Mr. McEachern the committee acted wisely. He is a man of excellent judgment, full of energy, and keenly alive to the im portance of the great issue that is to be decided in the coming election. White Man Insnne. j W. H. Clifford, a white man who has been in a ward at the City Hos pital for several days for treatment of injuries received as a result of a fall from the boiler frame of the Wil mington Street Railway a few nights since, became violently insane Sun day .and had to be sent to the county jail for safe keeping. Yesterday a commission de lunatico enquirendo was held and he was adjudged insane. Clifford says his home is at Charles ton, S. C, and CoL Taylor, Clerk of the Superior Court addressed a com munication to Governor McSweeney, askinc what disposition to make of the man. He was re committed to jail. Rev. Melton Clark ' Rev. Melton Clark, of Florence, S. C, . preached two interesting and able sermons to large congregations at the First Presbyterian Church Sun day. In the morning he spoke from Daniel 4:35, an instructive dis course relating to God's sovereignty. At night his text was Second Samuel 13 :13, and the special theme was "Sin." Sunday afternoon he spoke with much effect to a large gathering of young men at the afternoon prayer meeting service at the Y. M. C. A. Lce'n Birtndny. Capt James I. Metts, Commander of Cape Fear Camp No. 254 U. O. V., and chairman of the joint committee of arrangements for the Lee birthday celebration, says that preparations are going on apace for the event com memorative of the lamented Confed erate general. Employers are again urged to suspend business at 1 o'clock on the day of the celebration and give themselves and their em ployes a chance to participate in the ceremonies. ! ' School Apportionment. Capt Ed. Wilson Manning, county superintendent of, public instruction, furnishes the Star with the following apportionment of the county school fund to the several townships for the six montha ending June 30th, 1900: District No. 1 (city) $8,039. 65 District No. 2 (city) .......... 8,198.98 Country Schools,........... 3,633 21 Contingent fund. . . . . . . . . J.; 1,000 Total distribution . . . . . .$20,871.84 Important BnndMeetinx. The Second Regiment Band will re- sume its rehearsals to-mgnt as o o'clock at its band room at the City Hall. The band will also decide as to furnishing the music on the occasion of the celebration of General Lee's birthday by Cape Fear Camp next Friday afternoon at the Opera House. Every member of the band is therefore requested by Mr. James , W. Monroe, the president,1 to be in attendance.! ; ""Be sure and visit Polyogt's thin week. ." i - - : t Visit Polyogt's to-day. j 1 -.: - ::.:5-. fall NORTH CAROLINA R. R. CO. Directors. Declsre Dividend of Six and a Half Per Cent Snit Compromised. : - Sjpecial Star TelegranC . . ' i Ralkigh, N. CT, Jan. 15. The Di rectora of the North Carolina Railroad Company met here yesterday and ; de clared an annual dividend "of 6i .per cent, 3 per cent! payable on Febru ary 10th and 3 per cent payable on August 10th. The capital stock of, the company is $4,000,000jrtherefore, to pay the dividend this year will re quire $360,000 or $140,000 on Feb ruary 10th and - $120,000 on August 10th. Next year under terms of the lease of the road to the Southern Rail way Company, a dividend of 7 per cent or Si per cent semi annually will be paid. The suit brought ' against the com pany by Philip W. Averitt for $3,100 attorney's fees and expenses, was com' promised by the payment of $750. ft will be remembered that Mr. Averitt, who, ia now in the asylum, was paid $1,000 and on account of certain criti cisms went to the Governor and return ed the money to the State. Later, through his guardian, he brought suit for this amount and for other money he claimed was due him for services and expenses, amounting in all to $3, 100. ;- ' ' ' QUARANTINED AGAINST SMALLPOX. Lanrinbnrf nnd Mnztea Want No Visiters front Hnmlet, N. C. Special Star Telegram. Latjrinburo, Jan 15. Laurinburg quarantined against smallpox at Ham let No one remaining in Hamlet one hour allowed to stop. Trains are to be searched, i Maxtor, January 15. The Board of Commissioners of the town of Max ton, at a meeting here this evening, passed an ordinance quarantining against Hamlet N. C. Remains Arrived. The remains of the lamented Joel Hines, Esq., who died-at St Louis, Mo., on Thursday, arrived here Sun day night. Mr. E. A. Hawes, of At kinson, cousin of the deceased, was here to meet them, and yesterday morning left with them for Atkinson, Pender county, near which place the interment took place yesterday. - To City Subscribers. , City subscribers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. ; In all such cases steps will be taken, to insure promp and rearular delivery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ST. JOHN'S HALL, Jan. 163i, 1000. Wilmington Lodge No. 319, A. F. & A. I. REGULAR MONTHLY COMMUNICATION thia (Tuesday) evening at 7.30 o'clock. Work In F.C degree Visiting brethren welcome. -v THOS. T. BAGLET, jalSlt Secretary- FOR SALE. 150,000 Prime Oranges, ex Sctooner Jolla Elizabeth GEORGE HABEI88, SON ft CO. la 16 it REPORT OF. THE ; COMMISSIONER 07 THE SINKING FUND OP THE CTTr OF WILMINGTON. Two Oertlloatea of Indebtedness City of Wilmington... 930,000.00 Twenty-one Bonds City of Wilmington 81,000 00 Proof or Claim Bank oc New Hat over 30 o Cash In Bank.. 111.31 941,615.40 H. a MCQUEEN, Commissioner. Wilmington, v. V , January ism, 1900. ja 16 It : Notice ta Jurors. Jurors summoned for the first weak of the next Term of the Superior Court need not attend until Tuesday of that week (it being the 23rd day of January) at 10 o'clock A. M. By ardor Geo. H. Brown, Jr., Judge. JNO. D. TAYLOR, Clerk Superior Court. jal61t January 16th, 1900. 1 Mule, 1 Horse, 3 Road Wagons. 1,000 bbls Flour. 50,000 lbs Hoop Iron. 100 bbls Mullets. Corn, Meat, Meal, Grits, and any thing alas In the Grocery Una that one could wish for will be found at : D. Li. GORE CO , jais tf i. 120-14 North Water street. FOR THE HEW YEAR . We will offer to the trade at the Lowest rrloes, Selected brands of Flour, - Water Ground Meal, Soap, Sugar, Starch, and other Standard Groceries, , Including Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes. Thanking our customers for their past favors, we snail by satisfactorily sup plying their wants, endeavor to merit their continued support. . . : , ; .. RICE STRAW, wilOMbros., si tf is andJft North Water, street. ;iWHOLE NO. 10,113 BALANCE OF I FOB CASH. IE 1al4tf su tu IT IS A MISTAKE , As stated In yesterday's "Messengrer," that there are no Business Houses Fob RENT' one of the most desirable stores in the city, now occupied by Flshblate Clothing Company will be vacant from Opt 1st. epsstf tu th sa SATISFIED CUSTOMERS .-(.'. i , Have been the best investment I have made in bns neas. 6e ling nothing but well mad 4 goods from the best factories, 1 have had to sell close to meet the prices or shoddy stall, and sometimes have lost a sale; bnt I am now reaping my ewartx, and can justly claim, ''once a customer always a customer." ' Values are up, but on many lines I antici pated the advance by buying largely. That my customers get the benefit of my foresight you can ascertain by compiling prices . N. F. PARKER. Furniture andFurniture Novelties, No. 17 South Front Street. i ja M tf t FOR RENT CHEAPl A DESIBABLE- SEVEN-ROOa HOUSE On Third street, ; Between Cbesnut and Mulberry. I have some desirable Beat Estate for sale CUMMINGr, ; Beat Estate Agent decastf Special for Saturday at Warren's Steam Bakery. OYSTERS Stews, Raws and Frys. PORTER HOUSE -STEAK Serted in . five minutes. Call and see. WARREN'S CAFE, Opposite Masonic Temple. jaistf - ' - . The Particular Man I Is always careful where he buys bis furnishings. - He goes to a reliable hous. If you haven't succeeded in finding a reliable furnisher, come to us. we can give you satis faction. V0NGLAHN & GIBSON, MEN'S WEAR DEPOT. ja7tf ' No. 120 Market St. 1 TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS: !. WE WISH TOU A Happy; Kew Tear and solicit your orders for Groceries to help us to the same. Tours, truly, , & McEACHERN, I Wholesale GroceK jaStf : i ...J." I RfcvrlM for s&Ia. nmr flAcond-hand. from S8.00 to 148.00. Bicycles, Guns. Lock and Pistols re paired. All work guaranteed Sundries marked way down Hl W. Tires at 6.50 per pair. uuaran eea eingie x no. xuvb n wo.v. Tnnr Tih ii each Twentieth Centurv Lamps 92.00; others cheaper Foot Pumps 60c, Hand Pumps 20c, ' Bells 85c. Oils, Cements, Graphite Grips, Spokes, Bails, Valves: all cheap. The Benbow An om&tlc Gas Lamp for sale or rent Call and see tnem at -. Carolina Bicycle Shop. C. H.' O'BERRT, Prop. Ben 'Phone 4ot. . jafltr tuthsa , - -a ' DRIER APPLES. 8000 pounda Dried Apple. 1600 pvnda Dried Peehea. 28 Pieaie Cheeae. 850 bf E. R Potatoes (en route.) 110 tac Ohio Potatoes (en route.) 100 boxes Toilet Soap. r 125 bozos Borax Soap. . 50 boxes Boss Soap. ' , 60 boxes Woodehvek Soap. 26 barrels Glue. ff. B. COOPER ' V- . '. j Wholesala Oroear, j,- jsHtf I WOmlngton. BT. O. . Great Clearing ' :StfGk BE SOLD ID ML BE ; At Bmt "I"'-"- ' ' - ; -rU:-.-. nu CLOU Bicycl pSOFSUBSCRIPTIOa. One Year, by Kail. $5.00 Six Hstlus, t . 2.60 Tkre ZXeaitba, M l.SS Two HontJia, '. , 1.00 LUver. to Saacrlsn 1st tsi City 4S Cemts yerBKeaUku t 1 UU1IJ I Masonic Temple. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Honse Furnishing : Goods Our Motto, No Faitcy Prices. WE ABB ON THE JOBBEES' LI8T AND, WILL SELL TOIT GOODS BIGHT. Country Merchants would do well to ajet cur prices before placing; orders. 0. P. CAZAUX & CO. ! fa7tf - ' WHILE CROSSING THE STREAM." There is 'solid sense in the above. It is better to keep safe on solid around before trying something ntw and "ntrled. ' For many years smokers have smoked the un- matchable. - "Cuban Blossom" v Cigars. We cant convince you unlesf you give this Fine Cigar a trial, and then you will be con vinced without- doubt, and in rut ore be a friend of this famous Cigar. Thfs Cigar con tains the choicest selected Havana, being mild and a pleasure to smoke. We only sell our goods through dealers, aa is well understood. VOLLERS HASHAGEN Manufacturers' Agents. jactf RED RUST PROOF ! And WHITE SPRING OATS. We are doing our best to please our friends. FRESH GOODS, NICE STOCK and SMALL MARGIN. Send us your Spirits, Tar, Cotton, Rosin, Poultry, Timber, Cattle, etc. Quick sales, prompt returns. ' Alf orders filled the day received. ' T. D. LOVE. Bteamer for Fay etteville Mondays and Tbura- aays. rassengers, rreignt ana towage. For rates apply to T D. LOVX. ia(i General Agent. The Clarendon Plantation, 1,800 acres on the Cape Fear river, fire miles from Wilmington. - 240 ACBE8 OF RICE LAND. Has a good comfortable dwelling and several man houses for bands, a 40-HOB8S POWKB INGI8K with large Fumps, capable of pump ing ,0CO GALWJNB A KIETCTK. Three large Warehouses. . , , All In good order, . Is offered at a Bargain. Apply to D. O'CONNOR, Real Estate Agent, Wilmington, H. O. j 18 8t 215 JANUARY 17. The Brilliant Xustoal Sensation, "A Bunaway Qirl," Presented by the Famous Augulfin Daly EXusical Co. 65 Members 65 Including Jtx James J. Powers, from Daly's Theatre, H. T. City. , - - j. Seats on sale Konday morning at Gerken's. r TrXott, Sl.80, SI 00, 750 and 86C. 1 , jaisst isatuwe . - - D. O'CONNOR. BeaJ Estat Aamt'WUalKctoa W. C , .,, OFFICES FOB RENT. - - - -bill Houses and Lota for sale on eaa ferma. Rents, Taxes and Insurance Honey loaned . OB Sale - - 1 SOLD ranpmi ii nu ma i m f ! v . It ? ; ' r ) -3 ' i h 4 s