THE U0RGA1I" PATE11T B P4 a, I Especially If the soil be heavy repacked by :is Krk ouMvivj vfw u outers, wvr eqoais ib. s W1L E. SPEIITGER & CO., Pnrcell Building, Wilmington, H C. nov 16 tf The National Bank of Wilmington, Wilmington, N. C. JNO. S. ARMSTRONG, PRES. Tbe National Bank of WUmlnjrton was organised In June, ISM; has paid out fM.000.00 ia dividends, and passed JI9.CW.00 to surplus. Eighth dividend now payable. Capital and Surplus, $119,000.00. Total Assets, - - - - 625,000.00. In addition to tbe above it ia worthy of note that we own 1117.800.00 in TJ. 8. and otnr bonds, which we carry at pir all of which are at a handsome premium. ! i Tour Account Respectfully Solicited. Absolute Safety Assured. Polite and courteous attention extended to our customers. dec 88 tf ' - i . - $900 Worth. THX LOT COSS1ST3 OF all kinds of Hats. Plumes. Tips, Feathers, Ornaments, Infants Caps, Ac. -we Bought them reiy maeb below regular valoe. and we are eetllng them wonderfully chap. You are Invited to come and took over the tot and make selections It yon look yon will buy at . THE BEE HIVE. W. H. GAYLORD, Prop. JUST OPENED UP, EVERYTHING NEW. W. H. GA.YLORD8 New Clothing Department la the place to go to get anything that Men or Boys wear. We nave lost cotton in a fine new line of Men's and Boys' Salts, overcoats. Pants, Hats, Cape, Bnoes, Bhlrts, Neckwear, Underwear, Mo- Intosher, Umbrellas, &c Give ns a caiL We are at No. 115 Bonth Front street, two doors from The Bee Hive. nov 10 tf RHEUMACIDE CUBES T?.Tq h! I J 1NT A TTRVC I TO STAY CURED. All Druggists. Price $ 1. - For sale in Wilmington by R. B. BBLLAMT, nov 28 ly tutnsa Wholesale and Retail Druggist SAL mi j TO ALL POINTS North, South and Southwest. caedale la Effect Now. S, 189t. Train 41 Leaves Wilmington dally at 8r06 P. M . Lutnbertoa 5:14 P. at-, Pembroke S:46 P. BL, Milton 6:12 P. M iAurinburg 6:24 P. M .. arriv ing at aamlet t-JSi P. M., where onnection is made with trains, for Cnartocte, atbena. At lanta ind all points Sooth, Southeast and South west. Also with trains for Batelgn, Ports mouth. Norfolk. Old Point Comfort, Richmond. Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Tt rough sleeping cars from Hamlet to Wash ington ud Atlanta; also through sleeping car to Portsmouth. I Train U Leaves Portsmouth 9:20 A. M arrives : Welflon 11:43 A. ML, Raleigh 3:36 P. kL, Sanford !J:0SP. St., Hamlet 6:55 P. M., Wadesboro 8:10 ' P. M , Monroe 9:1 P. , Charlotte 10:25 P. Jt aad Atlanta 5: A. M. t Trim 38 Leaves Atlanta 8:50 P. M. Leaves C!iarlotte 5:00 A. M. Arrives Monroe 5:45 A. H Wadesboro 6:51 A.M., Hamlet 7:43 A. BL, Banford 3:52 A. &L, Oalelgh 11:13 A. Weldon S:50 P. St., Portsmouth 5:20 P M. Train 3S-Iaves Hamlet SdO A H. Arrives Laurlnburg S:4S A. Maxton 9.0b A. M, Pem broke 9:31 A. M, Lumberton 8:53 A. kL. WU minsrton 14.05 noon. Train 103 Leaves Washington 5:00 . BL, Richmond 9:00 P ML, Porteniooth 8:45 . kC, Weldon 11:10 P.. M. Arrives Raleigh 2:14 A. M Banford 5:33 a. Hamlet 5:07 A. kL,Wadesboro 5:01 A.-.. Monro. 6:53 A. JL, Charlotte 6-M A. M., Atlanta :50 P. bL Train 403-Leaves Charlotte 8:10 A. M. Arrives Llncolton 9:2a a. SL, Bhalby 10:10 A . at , Bather fordtoa 11:25 A. M. Train 40a Leaves Rutherford ton 4:40 P. M. Arrives Shelby 5:53 P. II. Lincolnton 6:56 P. Charlotte 8:) P. M., Monroe 9:10 P. M. train 403 Leaves Atlanta 13:00 noon. Arrives Monroe 9:30 P. 34 Wadesboro 10:30 P. JC, Ham let 11:10 P. Saaf ord :55 P. kt, Raleigh 2:00 A. M.. Weldon 4:55 A M PortsmouUl 75 A. kL. Richmond S:15 A. M, Washington 12:41 noon. Train 19 Leaves Hamlet 7:15 P. M. Arrives Gibson 8:10 P. tt. Returning,' leaves Gibson S:50 A. M Arrives Hamlet 7.40 A. M. Train 17- Leaves Hamlet 8.-40 A. JL , Arrives Citeraw 10M A. M. Returning, leaves. Cheraw 5:oo p. M Arrives Hamlet 8.-ae P. U. All trains dafly except Nos. 17 and 18. Trains make Immediate connections at At lanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans. Texas. California, Mexico, Chattanooga. Nash vllle, MemDhls. Macon. Florida. . For speed, safety and comfort travel byne Seabo rd air Line : For further information, keeping ear reser vaUon3, etc, apply to Thos. D. tfeares. General Agent, wumtngton, N. C, or to your neares Ticket Agent. j E 8T. JOHN. . t vice President and General Manager. V. E. McBEZ, Genl Buoertntendent. H. W. B. GLOVER, Trafflc Manglr. U B. ALLXN.Genl Pass. Agenk Qaral Offices Portsmouth Va. nov 7 ti - Vegetable Baskets. i A CAR-LOAD JUST IN. SfeED POTATOES. Time to cast about for BEST USED. WE HAVC THEM. ' i I Get our prices on MOLASSES AND SIHUPS before placing jour orders, HAIL S PEARSALL, WHOLESAltE GROCERS. dec SO tf A SKILLED TRIO. Can at Ha 7 Bonth Front street, where yon will find E. w. Guloa, Cornelius Davis and Henry Harris, three of the mo4 accompu&bed Earners in the ctty. Bend your children to us to have their haircut. Shave only IB certr Boys' haircut SO cents. oes 17 tf I OUIOH A DAVIS T i. Harried Women fr AL.L'.I. onapoiy meat prepares the body fortaestraia upon h, and prwnu tbe symmetry of bra. Motbm's Farawo also obvtetM all ti Anmrnr at cMkMrfrth. and carries the encetmt mother safely through this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest tilaaWsr. and tboasands gratefafly tell of rh great good it has done them. Sold by ail drngciau at Si oo per boUla. Oar little book, tailing all aboat this great remedy; win be sent free to any address by In Baasraw KaooxaToa Coatrairv, SPADIHG HARROW! v , - ; v. o rains, the Bpedln Harrow win show neep ana sue cultivation no other Harrow of D uarners' BfilUuery pies on sale t S THE BEE HIVE. W. H. GAYLORD. FOR THE HEW YEAR We will offer to the trade at the Lowest Prices, Selected brands of Flour, Water Ground Heal. Soap, Sugar, Starch, and other standard Groceries, including Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes ' Thanking our customers for their past favors, we shall by satisfactorily sur I plying their wants, endeavor to merit the.r continued support. RICE STRAW, WILLIAMS BROS,, dec 81 tf 18 and 18 North Water attest. Cswikea. " Jad finally," he urged proudly, "I am a self made man." The beautiful girl whose hand he sought in. marriage regarded him with scorn. "You cannot deceive me," " she ex claimed. "You wese made by a trust! What would you be, I ask you In all candor, but for consolidated pigs feetr He quailed under her accusing glance, and after a few commonplace remarks left her forever. Detroit Jour nal. ' Af Hat PaJr. - First Jockey Go ahead! I've bet 600 louls against my horse! Second. Jockey And I'm to gst 1,000 If I'm beaten. Pollchlnelle. Tli Coarse to Bmra. M. Jules Claretie is responsible for this storv of Erckmann and Chatrian. Those who have studied the works of these men in the original can appreci ate how conscientious they were. Int the height of their popularity they5 azreed to. supply the Journal des .ue- hftta with.a romance. It is said that the: skeleton of the story always came from one and the giving of flesh to it fro mi the other. When the work was con eluded, the joint authors sat in judg ment over it and read it all over. "What do you think of it T" asked' one of them. "It ia very bad." said the other. "Then , let us make a good fire witb It, ana so page oy page me manuscript was burned in a stove. The Debate had to wait In time, however, a fine novel was sent to the paper, and the fame of Erckmann and Chatrian increased. . -Kvery woman eovets a shapely. prettyjBjrore. many of them deplore the loaa of their rirQah fc FllliD he. baby thia s lini. HE FIO.ED THE BILL. . .;...--: s -i . ' i . f -r"r Sfai Ske rs Bdaemted. Sk -KeadUy 'Accepted HIJ T "Why.V he asked when they bad seat ed themselves alone-at'one'end of the porch; "do you suppose, is It that edu cated women; do not marry 7 j - "But " educated women do inarry,1 . he replied, -fi know of. three j or four educated women who have been mar rleu within the past month or two." Oh. yes, of course, some - of them marry. But why do so many of them remain single?". . ! "Perhaps It is because the educated woman's horizon is broader than that of the uneducated, because she . de mands more." ! . i "Then It Is not because she looks upon marriage itself as a bad thing?" "Oh, dear, no," "And you. ! have declined proposals because you demanded much?" - She tied and untied her dainty hand kerchief and looked down and blushed and faintly answered: : . "Yea. . One of them was only 5 feet 8 and the other couldn't have weighed more than 90 pounds." . j Being 6 feet tall In his socks, be! then spoke out and got her. Chicago Times Herald. 1 - Oaa Papa. - ! : Papa had been giving Tommy a pep pery lecture on the evils of careless handling of firecrackers, and Tommy, with one hand bandaged and hla head tied up, listened gravely. j When his father concluded and went out, the boy turned to his grandmother. "Grandma," he said, "how Sid papa get that funny twist in his mouth T "Blowing on a lighted firecracker when he was about your age," replied grandma. Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Qnestloa of Heredity. "Is there, after ail. such a thing as an inexorable law of heredity?" mused the lay figure. . F . The unconscious Imbecile felt 'assur ed that there was. 'For who.' he urged, "'having an an cestor drawn and quartered for steal ing sheep, could help but feel more or less cut up 7" The others were by no means con vinced, for mere subtlety Is not argu mentDetroit Journal. Distrustful. -No." said the Filipino, "we don't want any more civilization." "Why, you have never tried the real article." "We can't take any chances. Since Aguinaldo got to posing as a civilized person we ordinary peoplehave to hide every time we see a stranger, for fear he's another assessor." Washington Star. i Wot Ready to Accept. "Are the conditions for the proposed fight satisfactory TT asked the reporter. "Perfectly." "replied the pugilist. "Then you" will accept 7 "Not now.' We couldn't think of do ing It now. We wouldn't have any thing to talk about if we accepted the conditions right away." Chicago Post. A Valuable AUlmmee. "I know a Scotchman who says hs never played golf In his life." "Good; we can teach him the game. and he can teach us the dialect." Chi cago Record. So Fa sva Arpeoraa.e. Go. "Billy, do you think woman ought to smoker "Well, she wouldn't look much uglier than she does chewing gum." Detroit Free Press. ' A Heat Little Taraaat , Nuggets. Mr. Aster of Loadon. And must yon lear. us, Willie, dear, Asd doom as all to social wreck! You'll bi, in your selected sphere, A twa spot ia a euchre deck. We're doing what we can to bring An aristocracy about. The one to which you choose to cling, They say, is pretty near played out. Some day you'll notice, with a shock, Our rich men ruling, iar and near; Borne day a prodig-al you'll knock; Then you'll be sorry, WUlie, dear. Washington Star. Hot Bare of tbe Harne. ' "I have an awful pain In my back," said an old lady to her doctor In To peka. "Probably you have : rheuma tism," responded the doctor. "Mebby it is, doctor, but Sister Mary thinks I've got the llmburger." Kansas City Journal. f u Their Adylee Goes TJaheeded. . First High School Graduate This Is an unappreciatlve world. Second High School Graduate Yes; not one of s the suggestions we .Volun teered on managing the government has been followed. Ohio State Jour- J la Dos Days. 'Tis now the time when misery And moisture seem synonymous, When poor humanity (eels weak And tired and modlagious. Bat still tbe Ebeneser'U rise In any one who knows whaf s what, - lying bulletins declare Tis humid, but It isn't not. Though aick folk la the hospitals And crying babies in our block Proclaim the truth, the weather aharf At mortal anguish seems to mock, Abetted by thermometers Tbat one and all Join in the plot To girt the lie to fact, he says, - Tis b timid, but it isn't hot. j t - - I j Too parch, you burn inside and out. Toe stifle, dripping, all but drowned In your own perspiration; still, I Though by a dog day yon are downed, ! Tbat doesn't prove 'tis torrid. Hay, - While man pours out a polyglot . Cursing of beat, ofll dally Tis humid, but it isn't hot! Boston Globe, FreSh shipments of W. L Douglass SHOES formen and boys. ; . I i AndtheTnra eroarlncr more famona every day. - ; Also, for Ladles' and Hisses' wear.; the Dottenhofer and "Jenness. Miller." They are making new frfends every day. Get' in tha BUSH If yo wsvnt a pair for Zau or New Tear's. MERCER & EVANS. d stena east from corner Front. sSM west from corner second. deoiotf Clyde Steamship Co. I iNEW YOBS, WILMINGTON, N. O., ' AND ' GEORGETOWN. S. O. M Lines. From 'New York fer Wilmington. SAGINAW Saturday, Jan. it BI0HH0JTD ...Saturday, Jan. 90 v From rwtlmlngtosi for New York. RICHMOsTD Saturday, Jan. 18 8AGINAW ....Saturday, Jan. SO Froaa Wilmington for Georgetown. BICHaTOHD Tuesday, Jan. 9 BAQIKAW Tuesday, Jan. If 'M Throuirh Bills tiHg and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. For rrelght or Passage apply to i H. 8. H at A IiliBOKKS, Bunt, Wumbunon. n. a THECX 6. KG KB, T. a , Cowling Green, N. Y. WM. P. CLYDE ft CO., ticseralAgeutsBowttng ween. . . jan TTib Hnrchlson national 1 WILMINGTON, N. C. Capital, - - $ 200.000 17,000 377,182 net Profits, - Deposits, - Organised March 1st, 1899. People say this Is a good showing, but we are not satisfied, and if we said we wera nobody would believe it. We want more business and must have It. Careful attention to the wants of customers, large or amau. Foreign Exchange bought and told. i , H. ciffcQITEEN, President, i J. V.GRAINGER, C as hi. r. Ja 18 tf : NEWS AND OPINIONS of National Importance. TJLJi SUIT ! I ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Da ly, by', mail, - $ a year Dally and Sunday, by mall, $8 a year The Sunday Sun is the Greatest Sunday newspaper I IN THE WORLD. Price jc a copy. By mail, $2 a year. Address THE 8 ID IV, New York. dec 14 8t , STATEMENT OF Atlantic National Bank, WILMINGTON N. O. At tbe Close of Business Deo. tad,-1899, Con densed from Beport to Comptroller. Bisoxmcxs. Loans ...A S 8S8.971.M Overdrafts 8 79 U. 8. Bonds (at par) 06,600.00 Banking House and Fixtures 10,000.00 Due rrom app a ree've agt's riou.xa Dn from other banks...... 169.1M.M Cash on band 79,881.61 827,611 78 Total.... S19833.U j INABILITIES. Capital...: I 125,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 101,784.40 Circulation 41,010.00 Deposits U. B. Treas. s bo,ooq.ud Deposits from Banks. 207,693.65 rttuYMlta horn individuals 781.71b.16 Certificates of Deposit 86,000.00-1,081,408.71 Total 81,29288.11 . COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. ! " DM.LW. Deo. a. '98. Dec x.99 Total deposits.... 67,000 $874500 $1,024,000 Surplus and net , profit... 76J8O0 87JSO0 101,784 Dividends Paid 6 Per Cent. Per Annnm. gw Laat Instalment of Capital Paid In ctober 18H. aeosiz 200 Boxes Tobacco. 400 Boxes Iye. S40 Boxes k.aandrr Boa. SO Barrels BUee. , S5 Barrels Tlaegmr. ; SS jBalf Barrels Cider. SO Barrels molasses. 100. Boxes Potted nam. SO Boxes Corned Beef, loa Boxes Stare n. SO Boxes Bllxed Nats. 0 Base Coeeaaute.1 lAA Rirnli mallets. ' Tobacco; cigars, Cheroots and Quantities of outer kooub , .. ... .... . H, . . .- -j ;i SAOTJEL 33EAB, Sr., ovsstc Hall Market street. 1 it DIM East Carolina " ; Real Estate Agency. R. G. Grady & Co., Burgaw, N C 11 elaseee of desirable Reel Estate (city aad eeantry) bomslit . and eeld sa OeaeaalealeBU Spe cial attention to Fames and Hankered Lanes. ! We now offer tbe following valuable pro i aisiaoiag -auasr For gala, the timber on a tract of land near Bannermann's Bridge, Nortn-Bast river, on tide water, over one Million, tees ox nne oyprees Umber on this land. i Timbered Lands. Two Rnndred and Twentv-lx acres on Roan's Island on Cape Fear river. Some valu able Cypress and Gum tunber.j . - Eighty Acres Near trargaw. One flo-aere tract of Land within naif mile of Bnrgaw. None cleared, bat easily put in itate ox cuiuvauon. i falaable Vans near Greenville, W. c. A. Farm of d60 acres four miles from Green vllle, one nolle from Honse station on the At lantic Coast Line. One hundred and eighty-five acres cleared and in fine state of cultivation. One alee two-story dwelling with six rooms. One cook room and kitchen. One office-. One set two-story stables with eight stalls. Two Darns, i two tooaooo oarna. ; uu io-uotbo power engine, sin bouse, gin, press, etc All necessary machinery attached. All kinds of farming implements. Including wagons, carta, tools, etc. Also, four mules and one none. wui sen au togetner ox we lanu separaw. of 14S Acres . . in Ztntr Ornnir vUlacre. Pender county 26 acres cleared, balance weu timbered. Four acres in strawberries, 8 acres in apple trees. Fine grape vine. Large two-story house. One good New Store House. All necessary out bouses. Two tenant houses. Two miles from Montague, a station on AUantlo and Yadkin Bilroad; six teen miles from Wilmington. Fertile lana, in a high state of cultivation, bargain for some body, i ; 8,000 Acres of Land . In New Hanover county on navigable stream; borders tide water. Three clearings on place one of 86 acres with bouse and outbuildings on same: two of so acres each; balance well tim bered. 1 Twelve miles from Wilmington. Four miles from Castle Hayne, a station on the W. A W. B. R. The nearest point of the land to the Newbern railroad la two miles. ' Honse In Kenansvllle. One valuable six-room house In Kenansvllle, Duplin county, N. 0., just completed. Known as -'Blrchwood Cottage," with nice office on lot; also, garden and outbuildings. Located In a desirable part of the town. Kenansvllle la a pleasant town to uve in lameu ior iu pure nruut waier ana neaimy louuiiy. domes orunt Institute, one of the best schools in tbe State, is located Fifty Acres of Land One-naif mile from South Washington, on the W. 4 w. B. in Pender county. Borders on county roads. Very valuable for trucking. . Property In Borgaw. ronr orood Bnndins Lots in tbe town of Bur- gaw, consisting of one-half acre each. One neat three-room House in town of Bnr gaw, on lot consisting of one and one-half acres. All set out in strawberries except garden and yard. A desirable bonding lot In the town of Bnr gaw, consisting of one-fourth of an acre, front lag railroad, and It is a corner lot. at Bnrgaw. dMlrahle farm at Burrow. The residence and about one-third of the farm within the cor porate limits of the town. About twenty acres cleared; six acres in strawberries; one acre In fruit trees and grape vines. All necessary out buildings. A nice desirable six-room residence. Farm contains 100 acres. S Teeaeeo and Truck. Was Containing 866 acres, four miles from Magnolia, N. C, In the great truck belt. About seventy acres cleared; thirty acres of black branch land well timbered with curly yellow pine. Fine meadow land and best range tor bogs, sheep and cattle. Five-room dwelling, with barn, stables and other out-houses. Nearly a half- acre in proline grape vines, uot or appie ana Diuin trees. Beautiful oak and hickory grove surrounds dwelling. Good water. Admirably adapted to tobacco culture, and now has eight acres in cultivation. Also, two tobacco barns. Fences and ditches In good oondltlon. A Nice Fins. a amimms farm or one hundred and fifty acres. Fifty acres is within the corporate limits of the town of Bnrgaw, N. C. Twenty two acres cleared. There is one .nice, new three-room cottage, painted and plastered. Large stables and barns. A tenant's house, and strawberry packing honse. A well of very one unnxing water, a muo vrcuvu young truit trees, consisting of Japan plums, peaches, pears, apples and fins. A Seal Bargain. imImm. tum rT ova urM. three roil as east of Bose H11L Fifty acres cleared and In good state of cultivation, balance well tim Derea. soar-room aa uu iinuum. u s neighborhood. Will exchange for desirable bouse and lot in Wilmlnaton Near Asnton. . n,nn mllAo P'.in Pukmw Vnnp ArM cleared, most or which Is very fertile low land. Balance weU timbered for farming pnrpooes. 1 wo tenant nuura. For terms, &c, address, R. 0. GRADY & CO., Bnrgaw, N. 0. ATLANTIC & YADKIN RAILWAY. Bckednle in Effect march 88ta, 199. B Booth Bound Daily No. 52. North Bound Dally MAIN LINK. 6 60 8 60 8 46 9 80 IS 49 13 18 11 65 11 07 10 86 10 09 8 45 Ar, Wumington Ly Lv Favette vllle Ar S 00 a El a m p m p m p m p m p m p m p m p m p m P m P m P ni 19 10 12 28 Ar Fay ette vllle. Lv Ly Banford Ly Lv Climax.. ...... i.v Lv..;.. .Greensboro Ar Ar Greensboro.- ....Lv Lv Btokesdale Lv Lv Walnut Cove. . ...Lv Ly....MBnral HalU.....Lv Ly Mt. Airy Ar 1 48 a 44 4 IS 4 25 6 13 6 44 6 18 7 86 P ml p m a m a m am a m a m South Bound Dally No. 64. North Bound Dally No. 65. BKNNKTTBTILJjX. 8 oo a m 9 07 a m 9 86 a m 10 20 a m 10 40 a m Lv BennettsFllle. . . . . Ar Ly Maxton ...Lv Lv Red Springs Lv Ly. . . .Hope Mills Ly Ar.....Fayetteville. ....Lv 7 is p m 6 16 p m 6 85 p m 4 63 p m 4 88 p m NO. 47. NO. 46 Bonth Bound Mixed Dally ex. Sunday. North Bound Mixed MADISON BBANCH. Daily ex. Bunaay. C 80 p m 8 60 p m 8 40 d m Ar Bamseur.......Lv Lv........ Climax.. ......Ar Lv...... Greensboro Ar Ar..... .Greensboro Ly Ly .Btokesdale Ly Lv Madison.. ......Ar 6 40 a m 8 25 a m 9 17 a m 8 80 p m 9 85 a m 1 is p m 11 07 a m 18 80 p ml 11 66 a m Connections at Fayette vllle with AUantlo . . . . . r.wlfn. fan. tral Ballrord, at Bed Springs with the Bed Springs and Bowmore nilroad, at Banford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte BaUroad, at Greensboro with the Southern Bail way Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk and Western Railway, j. B. ksNLT. General Manager. . T. M. KMBBSON, Trafflc Manager. H. M. EMKBSON, Genl Passenger Agt mar 28 tf BARIUM ROCK SPRING WATER. OM Wvlann Anplnir fa no.fcni-AHl RlieClfiO for every form of aUn disease and blood poison. It aoes not, uxe soap ana omunenis iusmj ut stroy f or a time the external signs, but goes to the root of the evil and drives out the poison in the blood which causes the eruptions to appear. MJTHODIST PAHBOITAOX. . . : nntmmaaAtt K Ci . Oct 14. 1898. I can bear testimony to the great value of Barium Bock Spring water for Kcxema and other eruptive diseases of the skin. I have known sukt casks cttrxd, some of them or the most siuDDorn cnaracter. Truly, . JE8SK H. PAGK. For sale in Wilmington bv JAS. D. NUTT. novMtf CURE YOURSELF! USO Dig iwr uuuauiai di-charge. inflammations, 1 of mtveoaa meiaDranea. " anrl not aatrin I - in vklavin vniim. JT Wasw w t l by expTMS. jpresd. for 1.0O, or S bottles, S3.75. Oircolar sont on rqaast ' ycDRESV I G1N0WIUTU0 .1 . ATLANTIC COAST LINE.! Seaednla -In Ktreet Jan. 14, 19001 DxrAartrai noic WiLstneioK north somen DAILY No. 48 Passenger Due Masnolia 11. 1 8 9.4S A. M., Warsaw 11 10 A. M.. Goldsboro A M. 1U1F Wilson U6 P. M , Rocky Mount 1.53 P. M.. Tarboro 8.81 P.m. Weldon 4.83 P. M., Petersburg 6S8 p. M, KlohmondTJE5 P. M., Norfolk 6.65 P. M., Washington ll.t P. Balti more 1.03 A. M-, Philadelphia 8.50 A. M., NewTork 6.53 A. M., tBoston 8.00 : - P.M. ! daily No. 40 Passengeiv-Due Magnolia 8.20 6. SO P. 1L,. Warsaw 8.53 P. V, GoldBbor. P. M. tST P. M woaon 10.20 P. X, tTarboro 7.04 A. Rocky Mount 11.11 P. M. Weldon 1.04 A. M,, Petersburg t.87 A, M., Richmond 3.23 A. 1L, Washington 7.01 a. JL, Baltimore . 8JE0 A. M Philadelphia 10.35 A. M. New York 1.08 P. H Boston 9.00 P. M No. 6n Passenger Doe Jacksonyll's tis P. M Newbern 5.40 P. M. ' DAILY except Sunday 8.SSI P. M. SOUTH BOUND. DAILY No. 56 Passenger Due Lake Wacca 3.45 P. M maw 4.66 P. MMChadbourn 6JtS P. M. Marlon 6.34 P. M., Florence 7.15 P. M. Sumter 87 P. M., Columbia 10.20 p. M., On-idiAZt 5.13 A. M., Augusta 7.65 A.M. M -.-u u i: a. M., Atlanta 12.85 p. m. Oh ArKuii iu.50 p. M., Savannah 1.50 a. ."4., acEoOnvilts 7.30 A. M., Bt. An gtuiX'w :o.3o a. is... Tampa 6.06 P. a j WEST BOUND. DAILY .oo a. m; No. ts Passenger Due Faj ette vllle 13 05 P.M., leaves Kayette vllle 19 25 P. M., arrives Sanford l 3 P. M. ! aRHllLfi AT H-ILXINGTOS - R03i THi. KOBTH. i 1-AlLy No. S Passenger Leave Boawi 1.05 B OO P. M Sw York -9 87 P. &., Phiiadei P. M. phU12 2JA. tt., Baltimore 2.5 A. M. WashlEjtico 4 Sl A. M., Blc'fRicnd S.08 A. iL, pE4isinrg 0 43 A. Norfolk 3.00 A. M., Weldon 11.60 A. M., Tarboro 12.21 P. M. Rocky Mount 12.62 P. M , WUson 8.40 P. M., Goldsboro 8 80 P. M., Warsaw 4.81 P. M.. MaenoUa 4 85 P. M. DAILY No. 41 Passenger Leave Boston 12 9.40 ' night. New York 9.00 A. M., Phlladel A. M hla 11 83 A. M., Baltimore 1 46 P. M., Washington 8.07 P M., Richmond 6 49 P. M., Petersburg 7 XL P. MH tNortolk 120 P. M., Weldon 8.C8.P. M., tTarboro 6.00 P. 1L, Rocky Mount 6.40 A. M. Leave Wilson 6.90 A. M., Goldsboro 7.01 A. M., Warsaw 7.66 A. M., Magnolia 8.09 A. M. DAILY No. El Passenger Leave Newbern except 9.00 a. M Jacksonville 10.93 A M. Sunday p. M. FBOM THX SOUTH. DAILY N . 64 Passenger Leave Tampa 6.10 J .IS A. M Banford 8.07 P. M., JacksonvUla P. H. 8.00 F. H, savannah 1.45 A. M., Charleston 6.33 A. M.. Atlanta 7.50 A. kL, Maoon 9.00 A. m an gusta 2.80 p. M., Denmark 4.17 p. 31. Columbia 6-40 A. M., Bumter 8.10 p. M-., Florence 9.55 A. M., Marion 10.3c a M., Chadbourn 11.J5 A. M., Lake Wac camaw 13.03 A. H I EAST BOUND. ' DAILY 6.40 A. M. No. 52 Passenger Leave Sanford 2.80 P. M.. arrive Fayetteville 8.41 P. M., leave 1 ayetieviue r. bl. t Dally except Bunaay. " WUmington and Weldon BaUroad, Bennetts- yllle Branch Tram leaves Bennettsville &15 A. M. uaxton 9.20 a. n., uea Hpnngs ska. m., Hope Mills 10.43 A. M., arrive Fayette vllle 10.65 A. M. Returning leaves Fayette vllle 4 40 P. M Hope Mills 4.56 P. M., Bed Springs 5.85 P. M., Maxton 6. 15 P. M-, arrives Bennettsville 7.15 P.M. . 1 Connections at Fayettevltle with No. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Bed spiings witn tne uea epnngs ana wow more Bailroad. at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line and eoutbern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. 1 Train between Bocky Mount and Richmond leave Bocky Mount 7.00 A. M., arrive Weldon 8 06 A. M.j arrive Petersburg 10 A. M., arrive Blchmona 11.05 a. m. i Trains on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldon 8.55 P. M., Halifax 4.15 P M.; ar rive Scotland Neck 6.08 P. M., Greenville 6.57 p. M., Klnston 7.56 P. M. Betnrnlng, leaves Kin Bton 7.50 A. M., Greenville 8.58 A. M.; arriving Halifax at 11.18 A. m., Weldon 11.83 A. M. Daily except 8unday. 1 Trains on Washington srancn leave wasning ton 8.10 A. M. and 2.80 P. M.: arrive Parmele 9.10 A M. and 4.00 P. M.: returning leaves Par mele 9.85 A. M. and 6.80 P. M.; arrives Washing ton 11.00 A. M. and 7.80 P. M. Daily except Sun Train leaves Tarboro, N . C. dally except Sun day, 5.80 p. Si.; Sunday, 4.15 P. M.j arrives Ply month 7.40 P. M. and 6.10 P. m. Betunilng, leaves Plymouth dally except Sunday, 7 60 A. H. ana ennaay v.wa. in., arrive xarooro iu.iu A M. and 11.00 A. M. Trams leave Goldsboro, N. C daily except Sunday, 7.06 A M.: arrives Smithfleld, N. O., 8.10 A M. Beturning leaves Smithfleld 9.00 A M.: arrives Goldsboro 10.25 AM. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Bocky Mount at 10 00 A VL, 8.40 P. M.; arrives Nash vllle 11.10 A. M.. 4.08 P. M.. BprinK Hone 10.40 A M.. 4.55 P. M. Beturning, leaves Spring Hope 11.89 A M., 4.56 P. M., Nashville 1215 A H.; 5.25 P. M., arrives at Bocky Mount 11.45 A. M., 6.00 P.M. Dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leave Warsaw for Clinton, dally except Bunaay, at 11.40 a m. ana 4.15 P. M. Beturning, leave Clinton at 7.00 A M. and 2.50 P. M I Train leaves Pee Dee 10.08 A M., I ar rive Latta 10.24 A M., Dillon 10.86 A M., Rowland 10.64 A M. Beturning. leaves Rowland 6.00 P. M.; arrives Dillon 6.20 P. M., Latta 6.35 P. M Pee Dee 7.00 P M., dally. Trains on Conway Branch leave Boardman at 8.00 P. M., Chadbourn 5.85 P.- M.: arrive Conwav 7.40 P. M.: leave Conway 8.80 A ! M. Chadbourn 11.60 A M.; arrive Boardman 13.25 P.M. Dauy exoepr uunaay. 1 Trains leave Bumter 118 P. M.. Manning 6.41 P. M.; arrive Lane's 6.17 p. M.; leave Lane's 8.84 A a. Manning 9.09. A M.; arrive Sumter 9.40 AM. Dally. Georgetown and Western Railroad leave Lane's 9.80 A M., 7.40 P. M.; arrive Georgetown 12.00 BL, 9.00 P. M.j leave Georgetown 7.00 A M.; 8.80 P. M.: arrive Lane's 8.25 SL M.; 5.55 P. M rmflv flxrant Rnndav. Trains leave Florence dally except Sunday at vtlie 9.15 P. M , Cheraw 11.80 A H, Wadesboro 13.35 P. M ; leave Florence dally except Sunday at 7. 65 p.m.; arrive varungton f. au. uen nettsvUle 9.17 P. M.. Gibson 10.90 P. M. Leave Florence Sunday only 9.80 A 1L, arrive Dar- lington io.w a bl Leave Gibson daily except Sunday at 6.00 A M. Bennettsville 7.00 A M.; arrive Darlington 8.00 A M. Leave Darlington 8.50 a M.! arrive Florence 9.15 A. M. Leave Wadesboro dally ex AAnt flnndav 4.10 P. M.. Cheraw 5.15 P. M.. HartS- yille 7.00 A M.. Darlington 6.29 p. M.; arrive Florence 7.00 P. M. Leave Darlington Bunaay only at 8.50 A M arrive Florence 9.15 a M. Wilson and Fayette vllle Branch leave Wilson e m n ma en asc A X m wwlvte Qalmn Q Aft T UK I. OO XT. aHmm 4V.SO AT. ul.. aiiuo UBtauss a. II. 10 P. M8mlthfiela 8.03 P. M., Dunn 8.40 p. M., Fayette VUie 4.20 tr. M., i.n a. m, auwiauu o.uu p. M. returning leave Rowland 10.58 A. M., VayetteyOle 13.90 P. BL. 9.55 P. M Dunn 1.04 P. M., Smithfleld 1.43 P. M. Selma 1.60 P. M., 10.54 P. M .. arrive Wilson 9.85 P. M.. 11.81 A M. Trains leave Bumter 4.95 A M., Creeton 5.19 A M aTrlvetDenmark 6:18 A M. Beturning, leave Denmark 4.17 P. BL, Creston 5.15 P. BL, Bnmtnr 8.09 P M. DaOV. I Trains leave Creston 6.45 A M., arrives Preg nalls 9.15 A M. Betnrnlng, leaves Pregnaus 10.00 A M arrives Creston 8jP. M. Dally exj cent Sunday. Trains leave Elliott 10.86 A M and arrive Lncknow 12.15 P. M. Return ins. leave Luck now 8.10 P. BL, arrive Elliotts 8.50 P. M. Dally except Bunaay. ; tDaflyexceptSunday. fjgow; I Genl Passenger Agentl J. B. KENLY, Genl Manager. , T. M. emebson. Traffic Blanager. , i jaietf I i Atlantic ani Kortu Carolina Eailroai Tlaae Table No. 0. To TaJca Effeei Tneeday, Aug, 8, 1899. at 9 A. SX. GOrNG EAST. GOING WEST. Pass'g'r Trains Pass'g'r Trains STATIONS. f I Arrive Leave Pe He P It ........ 8 40 4 83 640 660 T 03 7 07 P.IM. P. M. Arrive Leave AM. 11 06 10 13 8 87 783 A M. A.M. Goldsbore...... Klnston......... Newbern Morehead City. 9 00 787 AM. Train 4 oonnectB wtth w. A W. train bound Worth. lAavlncr Goldsboro at 11.85 A BL. and with Southern BaUway tram West, leaving Goldsboro 2.00 p. BL and with W. ft a. at New bern for Wilmington and Intermediate points. Train 1 ivinnmlR with Bonthern Railway ttaln. arriving at Goldsboro 3.00 p. BL, and with W. A w. train from the North at 8,05 P. M. No. 1 tram also connects witn w. s, ft. ior winning ton and intermediate points. 1 awStf &(L. DILL. Bnpt. SUS FAVORITE -! RESCRIPIICrJ FOR WEAK WOMEN. have i i. ! 1 i i f I Just taken inventory down: a great many We are offering the GREATEST BARGAINS in CAPES, CLOAKS, 7 OYERCOATS, UNDERWEAR, &c. ' tiOYI is the time to GET a Bargain. ! J. H. REHDER Ot CO. NEXT j 14 tr WILMINGTON, N. C. Absolute security guaranteed to depositors. Four per cent, per annum paid on all amounts over S5.C0. ; Polite attention to all customers. ' Deposits received In amounts -of 25 cents r i J. W.NORWOOD, Pbesidbnt. ja 10 tf ; . JAS. S. Tniiiksv and Dress Suit Cases. CO f : f A1J bought before advance, and we gvte you the benefit I ' of our shrewdness. H Wholesale and 0 H. L. FENNELL, 6 b 1 Extra 'Low Prices on I HorselClothing THE: New Year ymm0ZiP Ultra shoes for women l Va their niirne implies are out of the sw " a j ordinary, latest and" best as to sje B . - ' ! style, quality, and comfort. They n J j r are always worthy, dependable , M 1 m shoes. A host of wearers indorse M (a f this claim. Each new wearer JBr "J means a new indorser. One price g r- 3-5 and -many styles. jfV THE SHOE i POy V FOR WOnEM I TV "-'J?A r THE BEST AT A FAIR PRICE. TSk RONE BETTER AT ART PRICE. - B'$ a5 !50?O & B. Solomon L j gaa Shoe Dep't. T New ideas must be advanced. We lay aside our record of 1899 as being the best we have ever made, and renew bur energy for 1900 During the coming year we expect to increase our business in every way. We have made great preparation for the Winter trade, and can offer some good values in Shoes of every kind. We have a line of lowest men's and boys' Brogans at 771c per pair. Hen's High-cut Creedmore, all solid, fl 00 per pair. ' t Women's solid-lined, Cable Screwed Shoes at 85c. Women's genu ine Dongola Shoes, ? button and lace, alt solid, at $1.00 per pair. We have all grades of ladies' Shoes at $1.25, $1.50 up to $3.00. - In our Dress Goods department we have a nice line of Winter Goods, i w6 hava Serges, Flannels, Cash meres, Outings Suitings and many novelties. ' We have Cashmere at 20c This is a good quality; 36 inches wide. ' )Ve have a very fine all Wool rough Serge, 38 inches wiJe at 60c, 42 inches wide at 60c, 54 inches wide at ,75c. This is the very best Cloth for You will find us ever ! i gains of every class at Wilmington's Big i Racket Store. GEO. 0. GAYLORD, Proprietor. FRONT STREET, NEAR fOSTOFFIOE. of our stock, and have marked goods LESS THAN COST. FOURTH STREET BRIDGE. IN SUNSHINE OR RAIN, SNOW OR SLEET. To be perfectly comfortable 'yon-want your ' feet well clad. These oo d, damp mornings when you go out with a light uppe. ed thln-soled 8hoe you can't be either warm or comfortable. But if you had on a wlr of our Popular Priced Shoes '; " I . 'or either - j ; . Ladies or Gentlemen, you would be roth'. Come in and inspect our stock or call us udv I Bell 'Phone 148. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS. ja 6 tf ' - - - to 110,000. . H. WALTERS, Vics-Pbbsidbwt. WORTH, Acnxo Cashieb. SPEAKING ABOUT SWELL, SNAPPY, STYLISH Shirts and Mm. ) I have everything that the moat ' - fastidious could desire. , My Shoes are - of proper shape and the kind that wear well. lit Sir, ttfs Wear. BeirPhoae 565. ja 13 tr !z k CD CO Retail. The Horse Milliner, Masonic Temple. Buggies this week. : : ' ' andlLap! Robes. Has Cornel ladies Skirts. . We have many fine Novelties and ladies' Dress Suitings, which we would like to close out cheap. We have a big line of Flannelette suitable for ladies' Underwear. Wide, Thick and good quality, worth 10c, which I will now sell' at 6c. I have a nice line of heavy-weight men's and boys' Pants Cloth which I will sell from lie to 40o per yard. We have a line of Undorwear for men, women and 'children 'which we are- closing out at low figures. , ; Women's and children's Union Suits at 25c each. - - , Children's Bibbed Vests at 10c each. Ladies' Bibbed - Wool Vests and Pants (non-shrinkable) 60c each. . We have quite a large stock of goods on hand which we are selling at less than old prices. Thanking yow for your last year a patronage, and trusting that you will continue the same, ready to serve with bar- Savings and Trust Co..

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