" . ' - , ' :-.- I - - v --'- ? ""' V- ' V.- - -i- '.-' , ' :" v' " : -"'-.r-"''-'' "i.:.r :'-- tJ'- r Vx-;.: r .. - . i ..-...),.. V. ' East Carolina ! ' - : i ATIaANTIOCOMTIIaINa 3 I waVN: III III LJ II I I m A 7 -r , . to : - , -JHI WJ "T- , . T m .Bl H a ata mm. mm mm mrm W jr, w w . It w s VJ - . i V7 UvvvvvwxvxAMAxxxSOi.ikkVVVv.w v ww a I 1UUUV in n? hannnn, .I : f I f The Kind You Ha vo Always Bought, and hich has been i use for orer 30 years, has borne the slgnXre sTF ssr . and ben made under his per- CSt$fS&ti SaperTl5lon Infancy. AHow no one to deceire you In thlk 11 Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-frood" are but experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys TVorms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. C ASTORIA ALWAYS CENUINE Sears the S7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ' crew ewiwirr. tt umm mrmwrr. ww vmmi errr. THE MORGAN PATENT EdpclUy If the soli tw heiry or packed by rains, tee Bpadlng Harrow will show ;ta firrea( sapr:orlry OTtr all others. For deep and line colUraUon no other Harrow equals It. WE E. SPRINGES & CO., noT is tr PuTcell Building, Wilmington, N C. $900 Worth. THE LOT COS8IST3 OF U vtnds of Hats. Plumes. Tips. Feathers, Ornaments. Infanta Caps, Ac. We Roaeht them t. y ma b r-elow rvgular ralne, and we are seal g thm wonderfully cq ap Yoa are lnrlted to come and Kxjk ov-r the ot and make eelectloos It yon look yoa t11 Day at THE BEE HIVE. W. H. 6ATLORO, Prop. JUST OPENED UP, EVERYTHING NEW. W. H O kTL BD'3 New Clothing; Department Is tte place to go to get mythic that Men or B ys wear. We have just gotten in a fine Dew Una or Men's and jya" 6uit-. wTercoata, Pants, Hata, Cape, Shoes, Shirts, Neckwear, Underwear, Mo Inunhc , UmbrelUa, c uive as a caiL We are at No. 115 South Front street, two doors from The Bee Hire. no 'Of (Hi Clyde Steamship - Go. OTSW YORK, WILMINGTON, N. C, GEORGETOWN. S. C. Lines. From New' orls for UmlDiton. SaGISat -. 5atnraay, Jan. 27 SI jhmoxd 8tarday, Feb. 8 From Wilmington for New York.. Ri'.'HM d Saturday. Jan. 27 SaGI.n'a.w Saturday. Feb. S From VlllmlntoD for Georgetown. P.1 'HH td , Tuesday, Jan. 33 8agisac Toeeday, Jan. l'ajTjugfi Bills Uuling and Lowi Tij-oakrr fetce? (Oiaranteed to and from potnu !n North nd South Carolina. or Prucht or Passag- apply to H -LdALbBUSia, 8npt, Wllmlnsftoii. - O. T-isO. 'i EGSB, 1. a isowUng (Jreen, H. T. wi 'LTPB CO., (ieneral Agents, Bowling . T. Ja8ltf STATEMENT OP Atlantic National Bank, WILMINGTON R- a ' At the Close or Banmess Deo. snd. 1999, Con aensed from Repot to Comptroller. Loan S 858,971 M Overdrafts 8 T V. a. Bouls (at par) 96.600.06 Basking Hoose and Fixtures 10,000.00 Du. rrom app'd ree'reagt'sf 7. 160 i8 In from other banks 169160.99 Cash on hand 793i Jt 78 Total. LlJLBILITICS.l Capital $ 125,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 101,784 o ClrculaUon 41,040.01 , Deposits C. 8. Treas. $ 50.800.00 Deposits from Banks 807 093 66 Deposits from lndlvVtoals T81.TUU. , , CerUflcates of Deposit 86,000 00-1.CB 1,408.71 Total 11238.11 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. Dec. vr. Dees,w Dc. Total deposits.... $678,000 1874,500 f 1,034,000 Surplus .nd net profit 76.200 8700 101,784 Dividends Paid Per Cent. Per Annnm. W Last Instalment of Capital Paid In ctoUi 1698. aet 8 tr LISTEH'S GUAIiOS, PURE GERMAN KA1NIJ. 8KSD POTATOES White Bll, Early Hose Early Ob!os. SEED OATS White end Bast Proof. Vegetable Baskets for shipping. HAIL I PEARSAIL, t Nntt and Melberry StrOt. Jaaotf Signature of SPADING HARROW. Q P So P CD CD El o CQ i CD P o O a of Drnmnari' WHHnTf u Sample on ml m.t THE BEE HIVE. W. H. GAYLORD. J. W. MURCHISON & CO., i' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in I Hardware, Tinware, FINE CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, I ! 4 STOVES, &c. xWo carry largo stocks of orery ? thlofi: in our line, to which we Invito the special attention oi; I J. W. MURCHISON & CO , i Orton Balldinsr WILMINGTON, tN. C Holiday Mixed Nuts, Cocoanuts, Mixed Candy and Plain. Raisins of fine quality. Goods. Selling at Low Prices. We also have Seed Oats, Seed Wneat and a complete: line! of Heavy Groceries. Lowest Prices for IQuality. The Worth Company. dec7tf FOR THE NEW YEAR We will offer to the trade at the Lowest Prices, Selected brands of Flour, Water Ground Meal, Soap, Sugar, Starch, and other Ptandvd Groceries. Including Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes Thanking our customers for their rvart favors, we shall by 'hCS i lylng their wants, endeavor to merit their continued support. iRlCE STRAW, WILLIAMS BROS., dee 51 tf 10 and IS Worth water street. And He Litefally Made It Haaa Over . , . nt. - -"A funny thin? "happom-ti to me when I had charge of our branch office indwell, I guess I'd better not be too definite," said a New Orleans cotton man. "Our quarters were on the sec ond floor of a three story building, and the rooms above were rented by a yery pleasant, foreign looking chap who passed as a chemist "I used to be detained at my desk quite late, at-night, and I had my curiosity excited by a -singular noise In the laboratory overhead. It was a nonotonous click-clack, click-clack, like a .heavy machine. "One day l.met the chemist on the stairs anil asked him what the dickens he was doing that made such a racket ."'Oh, I'm making silver dollars up there.' he said laughingly, and passed on. "One night about a week later a city detective with whom I had struck up an acquaintance strolled In for a chat and a smoke. "'What's that queer noise up there? he asked presently, as the usual click-' clacking started. " 'Oh, nothing much,' I replied. 'It's a friend of mine making silver dollars.' "'Ha, har laughed the detective. Well, he's In a first rate business. Wonder If 4ie wants a partner? "Exactly two days later the agree able foreign looking gentleman skipped out and when the landlord broke open his door, lo and behold, there was as neat a little counterfeiting plant as you ever laid eyes on! The clicking came from a machine for 'reeding the coins. "The detective was mad as blazes, but I couldn't help it I had told him the truth." New Orleans Times Democrat BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts of Naval Stores and Cotton Yesterday. W fir. W. Railroad 86 bales cotton. C W. C. & A. Railroad 743 bales cot ton. 2 casks spirits turpentine, 3 bar r Is rosin. 94 barrels tar, 12 barrels crude turpentine.' A. & Y Railroad 76 bales cotton. 7 casks spirits turpentine, 92 barrels rosin, 14 barrels tar. Steamer Driver 1 bale cotton, 2 casks spirits turpentine. 255 barrels tar Steamer A. J. Johnson 3" casks spirits turpentine, 50 barrels rosin, 163 barrels tar. Steamer A. P Hurt 4 casks spirits turpentine, 288 barrels rosin, 64 barrels tar. Steamer E A. Hawes 260 barrels rosin. 38 barrels tar. Underwood's raft 212 barrels rosin. Gore's raft 492 barrels rosin. Total Cotton. 906 bales; spirits turpentine. 18 casks; rosin. 1.897 bar rels: tar. 628 barrels; crude turpen tine, 12 barrels. Received To-dayr FRESH CANDIES, SWEET ORANGES, FINE APPLES, CANDIED FRUITS, CHOCOLATE. LOW PRICES. J. W. PLUMMER, Jr., f eh 6 tf VM Princess street. YOUR HEALTH. That most precious of all gifts have yon lest It? -do joo vrlsb to regain it? Will you give Nature a chance to make you ell? I there not a peculiar saMs'actloa In the thought of a natural cure, and does lo. a cure bruu. ht about by ntural means carry wlih Is a sense of absolute security ? -itentlmf s th water-mains become fool from gradually deposited Impurities. In such cases the water In turned on full force. How dirty th water thai at first Issues from the hydrant I but, gradually cleaning. It be. o nea pure and clean. This Is but the flashing of the pipes with t i abundant supply of water, thus forcing out all Impurities. . There are times when the system Is all clogged up wlin impurities At such time, instead of dosing with medicines lor the purification of tie blood, flush the eystem with Barium Bock Bp ring w ater. Nature's Blood Purifier. Physicians p-eecrtb It for Eczema, Blood Poison, Breumal-m, Cancer, Liver and Stom ach Troubles, Falling Hair, &c. For aa e by JAS. 0. NUTT. fe4tf Wilmington, V. C. A Multitude of Defects caa be covered with a Quart cf varnish and a can of paint. Th nti.itT of nnr BTTQQII8 extends be neath the surface They are made for some thing besides show. We will save you money. H. L. FENNELL, The Horse Milliner, Masonic Temple. f eh 4 tf . -:-SEED - POTATOES-:- 126 Bags XL R. Potatoes. 100 B.gsOhio Potatoes. 900 BushelaBeat Corn. 800 Bushel Vsw fflesvl. 780 Bales Bstt Hay. 800 Grose Little Star Matches. 625 Gross Globe Matches. 340 Gross Coast Matches. 240 Gross B. & C. Matches. 176 Gross Yukon Matches. lOO Gross Safety Matches. W. B. COOPER. Wholesale Grocer, Wl'mlmtton. K. O. febltf A SKILLED TRIO. . m a. mw- m Ommn WWt srtrsaAtl WhAfA fill will find K. W. Gulon, Cornelius Davis and BenryHarrls. three of the mo-t accomplished Barbers in the city. Bend jour children ito us to have tneir nair b"i vj - w- Boys' haircut) cent. Qmow da VIS THE BEST EYES . Are those given the best care throngh- - i out all periods of one's life. "I used to i it have the best eyes," is a common ex pression. There people very j likely have bad eyes now because neglectful of the care' necessary to keep them . gool. LH us help keap yours, good.' IC you havent good ones let us assist lo making them good. Bight glass aid ttat's what we offer. ' - DINGELHOEF BROS., Scientific Opticians. feb 4tf : - GRAND NATIONAL PRIZE OF 16,600 FRANCS AT PARIS PuinalarockQ ' two rniENDS" , i Endorsed by the Medical Profession of tue woria as tne uesx ionic tor uonv- , lescents from Vellow I-ever, typhoid , Fever and All flalarlal Troubles ; it i increases the Appetite, strengthens the ' i Nerves and builds tip the entire System. ' Paris t 22 Rue Dronot ' Tougera & Co., ""SgJSJff Bt $ nov lily mass I RAIDS' TO ALL POINTS North, South and Southwest. Schedule In Effect Nov. 1899. Train 41 Leaves Wilmington dally at 8:08 P. St.. Lumberton 5:14 P. M., Pembroke 6:40 P. M., II ax ton 8:13 P. M., Laurlnburg 6:24 P M. arriv ing at Hamlet 6:58 P. M., where onnectlon Is nade with trains for Charlotte, Athens. At lanta and all points South, Southeast and South west. Also witn trains tor uateign, rorxe mouth. NorfoUc Old Point Comfort, Richmond. Washington. Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Ti rousrn sieepmir cars rrom Hamiet to Wash ington and Atlanta; also through sleeping car to Portsmouth. Train 41 Leaves portsmouui 9:30 A. M., arrives Weldon 11:48 A. M.. Balelzh 8:36 P. K-. Banford 5:06 P. M., Hamlet 6:66 P. M , Wadesboro 8:10 P. m., Monroe v. m., unarione iu:as r. m., nd Atlanta 5:20 A. M. Train 88 Leaves Atlanta :50 r. . Leaves Charlotte 5:00 A. M. Arrives Monroe 5:45A. M., Wadesboro 6:51 A.M., Hamlet 7:43 A. M., Banford :58 A. M.. Balelgh 11:13 A. M., Weldon 8:50 P. If.. Portemoutn 5:so r . Train 88 Ieaves Hamlet 8:20 a M. Arrives Lanrlnburg S:46 A. M., Max ton S.Ot A. M., Pem broke 9:81 A. M., Lumberton 9:63 A. M., wu mlntrton 19.05 noon. Train 403 Leaves wasnmgton o:uu . au, Rk-Jimond 9:00 P M.. Portsmouth 8:45 . M.. weldon 11:10 P. M. Arrlvee Ralelsh 2:14 A. M.. ganford 8:33 A. M-, Hamlet 5:07 A. M., Wadesboro 6:01 A. M., Monroe 6:58 A. M., Charlotte 8:00 . M., Atlanta s:so p. n. Train 408 Leaves Charlotte 8:10 A. H. Arrives Llncolton 9:2e A. Shelby 10:10 A.M. Bother ford ton 11:25 A. M. 1 Tram 402 Leaves untnertoraton :4u tr. . Arrlvee Saelbv 6:58 P. H. Lincoln ton 6:56 P. M.. Charlotte 8:80 P. M., Monroe 9:10 P. M. Train 4oa Leaves Atlanta 12:00 noon. Arrives Monroe 9:30 P. M., Wadesboro 10:80 P. M., Ham let 11:10 P. M., Baniora vr.oo tr. n., Kaieigns:w A. M., Weldon 4:55 A. M.. Portsmouth 75 A. M., Richmond 8:15 A. M., Washington 12:41 noon. Trais 18 Leaves Hamlet 7:15 P. M. Arrives Gibson 8:10 P. M. Returning, leaves Gibson 6:50 A. M. Arrives Hamlet 7.40 a. m. . Tram 17 Leaves uamiet a:u a. si. Amvea Cheraw 10:00 A. M. Returning, leaves Cheraw 6:00 P. M. Arrives Hamiet e:au r. m. AH trains daily except nob. 17 ana is. Trains make Immediate connections At At lanta for Montgomery. Mobile, New orleens, Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis. Macon. Florida. : For speed, safety and comfort travel byhe Seaboard Air Line. For further Information, sleeping car reser vations, etc., apply to Thos. D. Meares, General Atrent. Wilmington, h.u., or to your neww Ticket Agent. E BT. JOhLH, Vice President and General Manager. V. K. KoBEE, Gen'1 Superintendent. H. W. B. GLOVER, Traffic Mangr. L. 8. ALLEN. Gen'l Pass. Agnui. QniHtl fHW Portwnwwit.h wov 7 tf THE WILMINGTOW, XT. C. Organised March 1st. 1899. Liabilities - - $433,111.00 Assets consisting of Loar.s and d'sconnts $319 6 8 U d. and other bonds i29 500 cash in banks 2i3.7i0 Block liability 20u,eoo $852,828 00 We want business, and offer the above security as well as our best efforts to meet all reasonable requirements of the Business PnbMc. Forelzn Fxchange. Letters of Credit avail able anywhere H. C. McQUEEN, President. J. V. GRAINGER, Cashier. feb 8 tf Fresh shioments ofW. L. Douglass SHOES for men and boys. And they are growing more famous every oay. Also, for Ladies' and Misses' wear, the Duttenhorer ana "Jenness MiJIer." j " Thev are muMnir new friends every flay. Get in the RUSH if yon want a pair for'Xmas or Now Year's. MERCER & EVANS. 63M steps east from corner Front .6weBt trom corner eeeona. . rilnrchlson national Bank Real Estate - Agency R. G. Grady & Co.; Burgaw, N. C All elaaaea of dIral Keal Estate (city and eo entry) bench t and sold on commission. Spe cial attention : to Farms - and Timbered tsadi. We now offer the following valnablo pro perty: - Standing; Timber For sale, the timber on a tract of land near Bannermann's Bridge, North-East river, on tide water. Over one Million feet ot fine Cypress timber on this land. ' Timbered Lands. '; Two Hundred and .Twenty -alx acres on Roan's Island on Cape Fear river. Borne valu iole Cypress and Gum timber. ; Elgjbty acre near nurgaw. One 80-acre tract of Land within half mile ot Burgaw. None cleared, but eaeliy put In itate pi cultlvauon. Valuable Fun neat Greenville, N.C. ' A Farm or 850 acres four miles from Green ville, one mile rrom House station on the At lantic Coast Line. One nundrea ana elghty-nve acres cleared and In fine state of cultivation -One nice two-story dwelling with six rooms, one cook room and kitchen. One office, one set two-etory stables with eight stalls. Two barns. Two tobacco barns. One 16-uorse power engine, k!& house, gin, press, eto. All necessary machinery attached.- All kinds oi (arming Implements, including wagons, carts, toola.etc Also, four moles ana one burse. WU1 Bell all together or the land separate. ' . Farm of 143 Acres In Long Creek village. Pender county- M6 acres cleared, balance wed timbered. Four acres In strawberries, 8 acres in apple trees. Pine grape vine. Large two-story house. One good New Store House. All necessary out houses. Two tenant houses Two miles from Montague, a L-tatlon on Atlantic and Yadkin Railroad; six teen miles from Wilmington. Fertile land. In a high state of cultivation. A bargain for some body. 3,000 Acres or Land in New Hanover county on navigable stream; borders tide water. Three clearings on place one of 85 acres with house and outbuildings on same; twoot 80 acres each; balance well tim bered. Twelve miles from Wilmington. Four miles from tastle Hayne, a station on the w. & w. R B. The nearest point of the land to the Newbern railroad Is two miles. Heme in Kenans-rllle. One valuable six-room house in Renansvllle, Duplin county, N. C, Just completed. Known as "Birch wood Cottage," with nice office on lot; also, garden and outbuildings. Located In a desirable part of the town. Kenansvllle is a pleasant town to live In famed for its pure spring water and healthy locality. James Sprunt Institute, one of the best schools in the State, is located there. Fifty Acres of Land One-half mile from South Washington, on the W. & w. R. R., in Pendei county Borders on county roads. Very valuable for trucking. Property In Burgw. Four good Building Lots in the town of Bur gaw, consisting of one-hall acre each. One neat three-room Hoaue in town of Bur gaw, on lot consisting of one and one-half acr-s. All set out in strawberries except garden and yard. A desirable building lot in the town of Bur- Saw, consisting of one-fourth of an acre, front lg railroad, and it is a corner lot. at Borcaw. A desirable farm at Burgaw. The residence and about one-third vf the farm within the cor porate limits of the town. About twenty acres cleared; six acres In strawberries; one acre In truit trees ana grape vines, au necessary out buildings, a nice oeetrable six-room residence. Farm contains 100 acres. Tekeeeo and Truck Firm Containing 865 acres, four miles from Magnolia, ti. c, in tne great truca belt. About seventy acres Cleared; thirty acres oi otacs orancn iana ell timbered with curly vellow Dine. Fine meadow land and bst range tor hogs, sheep ana cattle Five-room dwelling, with barn, stables and other out-bouses. Nearly a half acre In prolific grape vines. Lot of apple and p.mn trees. Beaaurul oak and hickory grove surrounds dwelling. Good water. Admirably adapted to tobacco culture, and now has eight acres in cultivation, ajso, two tooaceu iwua. Fences and ditches In rood condition. A Nice Farm. a desirable farm of one hundred and fifty acres. Fifty acres is within the corporate limits of the town of Burgaw, N. C. Twenty two una cleared. There Is one nice, new three-rv om cottage, painted and plastered. Lai ge stables and bams A tenant's house. ana straw Derry pacKing noose, a wen ui One drinking water A nice orchard of 500 young fruit trees, consisting of Japan plums, peaches, pears, apples and figs. A Real Bargain. A iloalr&TilA farm nf 279 acres, three miles east of Rose H11L Fifty acres cleared and in good state oi cultivation, oaiance weu uia bered. Four-room house on premises. In good neighborhood. Will exchange sfor desirable bouse and lot In Wllmlmrton. Farm Rear Aihton. One hundred and fifty acres two miles from Aahtnn. fnnr mltaa from Bnrsraw. Four acres cleared, most or which is very fertile low land. Balance well nmoerea tor tanning pnrpoaeB. Two tenant houses. For terms, &c, address, I R. G. GBJlDY & CO., Burgaw, N. 0. ATLANTIC & YADKIN RAILWAY. Schedule In Bflneet inarch Sta, IS99. douth Bound Dally No. 53 North Bound Dally No. 63. MAIN LXKX. 6 50 8 50 8 45 a. so 18 42 18 18 11 55 11 07 10 36 10 00 8 45 P m p m Ar... Lv... Ar,.., LV... Lv... Lv... Ar... Lv... LV... Lv... ..wnmlngton... ,. Fayette vtlle... . Fayette vllle. . . . ....Banford...... Climax. ..... ...Greensboro. .. ..Greensboro. .. ...Stokesdale.... ..Walnut Cove... ...Rural Hall.... , ,Mt Airy .LV Ar .Lv .Lv .Lv .Ar .Lv .Lv .Lv .Lv oo an cs a m 85 p m 43 p m 44 p m 15 p m 9ft n m m m m m m 12 p m- a m 44 p m 13 p m 36 p m a m a ml 1..V., .ATI Satb Bound Dally iO. 64. North Bound i BKNNJCTTH VILLE. Dally No 65. 8 00 a ml 0 07 a m Lv Bennettsvllle.. . . . Ar Lv Max ton Lv 7 15 p m 6 15 p m 5 35 p OB 4 52 p m 4 33 p m SO. VtJ 0 35 a m Lv Red Springs Lv 10 20 a m 10 40 a m Lv .Hone Mil Is...... Lv at.... tFayettevllle Lv No. 46 South Bonnd Mixed Dally ex. Sunday. North . Bound Mixed ; MADISON BRANCH. Dally ex. ennaay. S SO 8 50 3 40 8 80 Ar.... .Ramseur.......Lv num. Aw 640am 8 25 a m 9 17 a m 9 35 a m 11 07 a m 11 65 a m LV Lv Greensboro Ar at Greensboro Lv Lv Stokesdale.. . . . .Lv Lv Madison Ar , . . . . . . viUUOAi a . . . . n 1 15 12 30 p m Connections at Fayettevflle with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with the Carolina Cen tral Railrord, at Red 8prtngs with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanf ord with the Seaboard Air Line, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk and Western Railway. J. R. KENLT. General Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. H. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agt. ' mar 28 tf 200 Boxes Tobacco. 400 Boxes Lye. ' 340 Boxes Laundry Soap. SO Barrels Bice. 25 Barrels Vinegar. 25 Hair Barrels Cider. 50 Barrels molasses. lOO Boxes Potted Ham. SO Boxes Corned Beef. 100 Boxes Staren. 50 Boxes nixed Nats. 50 Bscs Cocoanuts. 100 Barrels mullets. ' : Tobacco. Cigars, Cheroots and quantities of otner kooos SAMUEL BEAR, Sr., ov 26 tf - No. 13 Market street. CURE YOURSELF! UBO Dig 1UI UIAUStiaaa i discharges, inflammations, i i tnnH ab n li-vratinns 'of moconi meivDraneB. n-:!. anil nnt skstxrina Irnveata oat4Poa rwuiww, THEEU-.3CHE-m.tC0. "JTSSla!' 'or sent in plain wrapper, by expret. prepaid, fo si .oo, or a kkim, .a. ftroular sent on mooes f yinl tt&d.ym. M J - Oiurutoed U semciNMiiTi.o-- DKPAXT9K1 rBOX WlLMIKQTOir Koara BOONO DAILY. No. 48 Passenger Due Magnolia 11 J 6 9.45 A. M-, Warsaw 11 i A. M.. Goldsbon. jAM. 121 p. Wllsoh 1.16 P. M., Rocky Mount 1.68 PM., iTarboro -8.81 P.M. Weldon 4.83 P. X Petersburg 6jl8 P. M., Richmond 7.25 P. M., Norfolk 5 55 P. M., Washington 11.29 P. 1L, Balta mors 1.08 A. M., Philadelphia 3.50 a" M., New York 6.58 A. M., tBoston 3.0C P. M. ! DAILY No. 40 Passenger Due MagcoMa 8.80 6.50 P. M., Warsaw &38 P. M., Goldabor. : P. M. 9.37 P. M.4 Wilson 10.30 P. M., tTaroort I 7.04 A. M., Rocky i Mount 11.11 P. M. Weldon 1.0 A.Mi,tNorfolkltX35A.Iu Petersburg 2.87 A.' M., Slchmond 8.23 A M., Washington 7 01 a. M., Baltimore 8.20 A. M., Philadelphia 10.35 A. M New York 1.08 P. a., Boston 9.00 P. M DAILY No. 60 Passenger Due Jacksonvliie except 4.13 P. M-, Newbern 5.40 P. M. Sunday j 2.25. j P. M. SOUTH BOUND. DAILY No. 55 Passenger Dne Lake Wacca 8.45 maw 4.56 P. M.., Chadbourn 5.28 P. M. P. M. Marlon 6.84 P. M., Florence" 7.15 p. M. Sumtsr 8.67 P. M.,iOolnmbla 10.80 P. M . Denmark 6.18 A. m., Augusta 7.55 A. M Macon 11.15 A. M. Atlanta 12.85 P. M t Oharieston 10.50 P. M., Savannah 1.5i' A. M Jacksonville 7.80 A. M., St. An gustine 10.80 A. M.. Tamps 6.05 P. M.i . West Rnmm on DAILY O.oO No. 68 Passenger Due Fayettevllle A. M. 13.06 P.M., leaves Fayettevllle 18 26 P. M., arrives Sanford I.i3 P. M. ARRIVALS AT WILMINGTON FROM TEH WORTH. DAILY No. 49 Passenger Leave Boston ti.o? e.OO P. M., New York f9.80 Pi M., Phlladel P. M. phU12 )A. M., Baltimore 8.65 A. M. Washington 4.30 A. M., Eicfcmond 9.06 A. SI., Petersburg 9 43 A. M., Norfolk s on A. M., weldon n.50 A. M., Tarboro 18.31 P. M. Bocky Mount 12.53 P. M , Wilson 2.40 e. M.y Goldsboro 8.89 P. M., Warsaw 4.33 P. M., MagnoUa 4. 85 P. M. PaILY no. 41 Passenger Leave Boston 18 0.40 night. New York; 9.00 a. M., PhHadel A M nhla 11 83 A. M., Baltimore 1 46 P. M. Washington 3.07 P M., Richmond 6.48 P. M., Petersburg 7.21 P. M., tNorfois 2.30 P.i M., Weldon 88.P. M., Tarboro 6.00 P. M., Rocky Mount 6.40 A. M. Leave Wilson 6.20 A. M., Goldsboro 7.91 A. M., Warsaw 7.50 A. a.. Magnolia 8.09 A. M. - i DAILY No. 51 Passenger Leave Newborn except 9.00 A. M., JacksonvlUs 10.86 A. M. Sunday j 12.15 ! P. M. FROM THE SOUTH. DAILY N . 64 Passenger Leave Tampa 8.10 1.15 AM., Sanford 8.07 P. M., Jacksonville P. M 8.00 P. M., Savannah 1.45 A M., Charleston 6.88 A M., Atlanta 7.50 A. K., Macon 9.00 A M., Au gusta3.30P. M., Denmark 4.17 p. M. Columbia 6-40 A . M Bumter 8.10 P. M., Florence 9.55 Aj M., Marlon 10.30 A M.. Chadbourn H.35 A M Lake Wac camaw ia os a. m. EAST BOUND. DAILY 6.40 no. 5a Fasserger Leave Fanrord 8.30 A. M. P. Marrive ayetteviile 8.41 P. M., leave Fayettevllle 8.46 P. M. -IDally except Sunday I Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Bennetts vllle Branch Tram leaves Bennettsvllle 8.11 A M. Maxton 9.80 A. H., Red Springs 9 83 A M. Hope Mills 10.42 A JL, arrive Fayettevllle 10. 5f A. M. Ketnrnlng leaves Fayettevllle 4 40 P. M. Hope Mills 4.55 P. M., Red Springs 5.85 P. M. Maxto n 6. 15 P. M., arrives Bennetteville 7.15 P.M. Connections at Fsyetteviue with No 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central ttaiiroad, ai Red upimgb witn tne nea sprint a and Bov- tnore Railroad, at sanrora witn the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train between Rocky Mount and Richmond leave Rocky Mount '..00 A M., arrive Weldon 8 06 A m.. arrive Petersburg 10 A. M., arrive menmona ii.ua a m. i Trains on tie Scotland Neck Branch Roar leave Weldon 8.55 P. M., Halifax 4.15 P M; at rive Scotland Neck 5.08 P. M., areenville 6.57 P M., Klnston 7.55 P. M. Returning, leaves Kin ston 7.50 A M., Greenville 8.52 A. M.; arriving Halifax at 11.18 A m., Weldon 11.33 A M. Dallj except Sunday. i Trains On Washington Branch leave Washing ton 8.10 A. M. and 2.80 P. M.; arrive Parmel. 9.10 A. M. and 4.00 P. M.r returning leaves Par mele9.35A M. and 6.30 P. M.; arrives Washing 'on 11 00 A M. and 7.80 F, H. Daily except Sun day. l-rain leaves Tarboi o, N. C., dolly except Sun day, 5.80 P. a.; Sunday, 4.15 P. M. ; arrives Ply mouth 7.40 P. H. and ; 6.10 P. M. Returning laaves Plvmouth dally except Sunday. 7 50 a I. and Sunday 9.00 A H.; arrive Tarboro 10.10 A M. ana u.uu a. n. Trains leave Goldsboro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 7.05 A M.: arrives Smlthfleld, N. C , 8 10 A M. Returning leaves Smlthfleld 9.00 A M.: arrives Goldsboro 10JB5 A M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rock Mount at 16 00 A M., 8.40 P M.; arrives Nasi vllle 11.10 A. M., 4.08 P.M., 8pring Hope 10.40 A M. 4.65 P M. Returning, leaves Spring Hop 11 80 A M., 4.65 P. M. TJashville 12 15 AM: 5.26 P. M., arrives at Rocky Mount 11.45 A M., 6.00 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leave Warsaw foi Clinton, daily except Sunday, at 11.40 A M. and 4.15 P M. Returning, leave Clinton at 7.00 AM and 2.50 P. M . Train leaves Pee Dee 10.03 A M., ar rive Latta 10.24 A M., Dillon 10.86 A M., Rowland 10.54 A M. Returning, leaves Rowland 6M p. M.; arrives Dillon 6.20 P. BL, Latta 6.85 P. M Pee Dee 7.00 P M., dally. Trains on Conway Branch leave Board man at 3.00 P. M.i Chadbourn 5.85 P. M.: arrive Conway 7.40 P. M.; leave Conway 8.80 a M. Chadbourn 11.50 A M.; arrive Boardman 18.26 P. M. Daily except Sunday. , Trains leave Sumter 3.13 P. M., Manning 5.4 P. M.; arrivt Lane's 6.17 P. M.; leave Lane's S.84 a. M., Manning 9.09 A M.; arrive Sumter 9.40 AM. Dally. Georgetown and Western Railroad leave Lane's 9.80 A M., 7.40 P.; M.; arrive Georgetowi 12.00 M., 9.00 P. M leave Georgetown 7.00 A M.; 3.30 P. M.; arrive Lane's 8.25 A M.: 6.55 P. M Dally except 8unday. Trains leave Florence dally except Sunday at 9.50 A M.; arrive Darlington 10.15 A. M.. Harts vuie 9.15 P. M , Cheraw 11.80 A M., Wadesboro 13.85 P. M ; leave Florence dally except Sundaj at 7. 56 P M.; arrive Darlington 8.30 P M., Ben nettsvllle 9.17 P. M., Gibson 10.20 P. M. LeavV Florence Sunday only 9.80 A M., arrive Dar lington 10.P AM Leave Gibson dafly except Sunday at 6.00 A M. Bennetteville 7.00 A: M.; arrive DarUngtot 9.00 A M Leave Darlington 8.50 A M.i arrive Florence 9.15 A M. Leave Wadesboro dally ex cest Sunday 4.10 P. M., Cheravt 5.15 P M., Harte vlUe 7.00 A M., Darlington 6.28 P. M.; arrive Florence 7.00 P. M. Leave Darlington Snndaj only at 8.no A M., arrive Florence 9 16 A M. Wilson nd Fayettevllle Branch leave Wilsoir I. 58 P. U., 10 6 P S. arrive Be lms 8.4S P M II. 10 P - M., Smlthfleld 3.02 F M , Dunn 8.40 P. M. FayettevUle .3f P. M. 13.17 A St.. Rowland 6.0f P. M. returning leave Rowland 10.58 A M., FayettevlUe 12.80 P. M. 9.55 P M.. Dunn 1.04 P. V., Smlthfleld 1.48 P. M. 8elraa 1.50 P. M., 10.54 P. H .. arrive Wilson 8.85 P. M 11.81 VA M. Tralnf leavt Bumter 4.25 a M. Creston 5.19 A M.. arrivtsDenmark 6.12 A M. Returning, leave uenmars 4.1 tr. m., ureston a. 10 tr. m... 9nmter6.08P M Dally. TraiD8 leave Creston 5.45 A M., arrives Preg nalls 9.15 A M Returning leaves Pregnant. 10.00 a vi 4rrtves Creston 8.50P.M. Dally ex oeptBunaay,, Tnuk .xve Elliott ! 10. Si A M., and arrive Lnuknow 12.16 P. M Returning, leave Luck now 8.10 P. H., arrive, Elllotta 8.50 P. M. Daily except sunaay. tDally except Sunday. Sunday only. H. M EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agents J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. T M EMERSON, Traffic Manager. J16tf KortB Carolina Time Table No. 9. To Take ! Effect j Tuesday, Aug. 8, 1899. at 9 A. 81. UOING EAST. GOING WEST P&ss'g'r Trains Pass'gr Train Arrive Leave A M. A M. 11 06 10 18 8 87 9 00 7 88 7 87 A IsL. A Bis STATIONS. Arrive Leave P. M. 640" 7 08 P. M P. M. 8 40 4 88 6 60 7 97 P. M. ! Goldsbore. Klnston Newbern. ...... Morehead City. Train 4 connects with W. tt W. train bound North, leaving Goiasoorc at 11.S0 a. au, ana withBonthern Railway train West, leaving Goldsboro 8.00 p. m. ana witn w. a n. at New tarn for WUmlnston and Intermediate Dolnts. Train 3 connects with Southern Railway U aln, arriving at Goldsboro 8.00 P. M., and with W. A W. train from the North at 8,05 P. M. No. 1 cnln also connects with W. A N. for warning ton and mtermeoxate points, aw 6tf 8. L. DILL. Supt FAVORITE BESCRHPIiON AA FOR WEAK tVOMEN, ! I bee a A n ri r: ci i 1 -r - jzlioo osraa ursraner, 4,1 in the State, and who haB been with Taylor's 1 Bazaar for about ten years, has now charge of our Millinery . Department. She wilt leave in a few weeks for the North, and will remain there for Borne time; will visit all the leading houses and will bring out the latest de signs. .She will be pleased to attend to any special . orders entrusted to her ' ' We expect to show the finest and prettiest line of Millinery ever brought to the city, which'we shall offer at Special Prices. j . Very respectfully. 1 J. H. Rehder Co. BIG DEPARTMENT STORE. Bell Thone 118. 615. 617, 619 N. Fourth St. .fj Car fare paid on purchases of $2 and up. f eb 4 tf "I ' I -i 9 9 9 9 9 v 9 9 9 WILMINGTON, N. C. Absolute security guaranteed to depositors. Four per cent, per annhm paid on all amounts over I5.C0. Polite! attention to all customers. Deposits received in amounts of 25 cents J. W. NORWOOD, Pbbsidbot. ja 10 tf JAS. YOUR HORSE if suffering from an enlargement can be quickly put on his feet. No need to blister or fire. The enlargement will be quickly absorbed by Joan's Liniment. Nothing like it to cure a sore tendon, or to kill a spavin, curb or splint. This remedy is known to more driv ers and horsemen than any other lin iment, because it .does the work by its penetrating qualities. i Tnpnd by DA BASL B. BXOAR, Barton, Man, What's the Racket? ! IT'S'. A LAME DRi GOODS STORE Probably one of the largest in North Carolina.. It bas three large floors. and every floor and every shelf is cov ered with goods. In the store we carry many different lines of goods. Men's Hats. This department has been largely in creased this week. We have a nice line of Men's Hats, pretty styles, at 50c a piece. We have the celebrated Kossemore Hat. . Alpine and Stiff Hats, worth $1.25, we are now offering for $1.00. We have a nice line of Men's Sample Hats, which we are closing out at less than wholesale cost. We- have all grades of Hats. We have some fine Hats at $3 00 "a piece. If you are in need of a Hat we ask you to come and see our stock, as we can save you at least 25 per cent. We have just received twenty five dozen Men's, Boys' and Misses' Caps. We have all the new 'styles at 20c a piece. We have a line of good Caps at 10c a piece. A line of Fur bound Caps, formerly 50c, now 25c. Men's and Boys' Clothing. In this department we have just fin ished stock-taking and we find that we have upwards of $5,000 invested in this. ' We have every line of goods sold in Drv Goods and Notion Stores. Come and bring your cards and have them punched with all cash purchases. j I GEO. 0. GAYLORD, Proprietor. OPPOSITE THE ORTON. Jaastf LADIES' SHOES I (feoodyear Welt) same as Hand Sewed. 1.50 On Exhibition in Our window. SOLOMON'S w close at 7 P. M.. except Rata day. The Monal Bank of Wilmington, Wilmington, N. O 1 , . -M j JNO. S. ARMSTRONG-, PljtES. : The National Bank of Wilmington was organlzedm June, 18Mj has paid out 3i,00fl.0() ; In dividends, and passed SW.COO.OO to surplus. Eighth dividend now jjruio. I Capital and Surplus, $110,000.00. Total Assets, - - - - 525,000.00. in addition to the above it is worthy of other bonds, which wo carry at par-ail or Your Account Respectfully Solicited. , Ab-olute Safety Assured. Polite ana courteous aneativn oesisH o u n ce m e n i. f '- -' '.. it-:! i"m i - ' one 01 m ua j.timuiers 9 9 9 i too Savings and M Co., to $10,000. H. WALTERS,; Vice-Presidext S. WORTH, Acnsro Cashier. SCcand $1.00 a Bottle. among friends always turns upon the ex cellence of our Choice Teas and Coffees, the rare flavor of our genuine olive Oil, and the exqulsl'e 11 kief, Rellsbes, Jams and Pre serves tbat are so tempting to the fastidious taste S'erythlng procared from cur 1 ure and who esome foods Is always satisfactory. Our prices are lower for high grade than at any store In Wilmington. ' foods THE KING GROCERY CO.. B. F. KING. Manager 'Phone 887. feb 4 tf Fourth Street Bridge. In Men's Suits a nice Black Wors ted Finish Goods, at $3.50 per suit. Regular Line, All Wool Goods, r-icely made, $5 00 per suit. Good H-avy Beige Suit $8.00, regular price $10 00 In Boys' Suits, we have quite a va riety. Any price from $1.00 to $4.C0. Embroidery. ; - An importation of Spring Em broidery has just been received by us, and we have a fine line of Insertions, Edges and All-Over Embroidery, from 5c to $1.00 per yaid. All new Spring Patterns. j Thread. I have 500 dozen spools of J. O. King's New Thread, made for the ma-' chine. I will sell two spools for 6c, and warrant it to give satisfaction ; if not, money refunded. To every lady-1 who comes to the Backet Store be tween the hours of 10 A. M. ' and 4 P. M. we will present one spool of this new Sewing Thread as a sample, on Monday, 22nd. Toilet Articles, i We have a fine stock of Perfumery and Toilet Articles Cologne, Smell ing Salts, Almond Meal, Hair Brushes, Combs and Tooth Brushes. Tie! Fit Lie Clp It what all th- Ladles say when tby ha e b en fitted to a pair 1 of our glove flttlDg, FOR LADIES. we can flt; your purss ss well as your feet If your f-et have been hurting you and you will com- In -and le us fit y ur feet we will guar antee In future you will bave no o.her SHOE PHYSICIAN THAN .j GEO R. FRENCH & SONS. Mail orders receive prompt at cntlon. ja27t,f SHOE DEPABTMENT. JaS8tf note that we own 111700.00. in U. S. and wmcn are at a nanummi? yre-uu. '" 1 -Bottle. I mm Sold by Druggist, and U.B.A. Dealers generally. s&iS!!K2l TALK i,