AVotipfablcPrcparationrorAs- lU'Q promotes DigesHoaGheerM- ncss and Kest.wjniduo iiaua Opnim.Morphine norMineraL KotN.vhcotic. fSBKfJhm Set J' Mx Satnm ' JbJulUSJ- ffjm Sttd - 19 Accrfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions Jevensh aess andLOSSQF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature or. -3 4 4: XTVV "YORK. 4 3 HE MORGAN PATENT sou 1 hr-TTy jor packed :;tt uvtr all okliers. For 1 M I T -J I l m ll EXACT COPY" OT WRAPPEH. JJ 6 ... T WI. E. SPRINGER & CO., Pm cell Building, Wilmiiigrtoiit N C. TO ALL POINTS arth. Siuth and Siuthwest 1 !s KtTi t v. o. 19 Tram tive. tiaiinta dallv at 3:05 P tail ur7-n VM P. l!iibr 5:40 P M.. a 1 1 nt i: p m . wti -iv onnectioa Is 4in r.'.-.i for J,:iri-ri- tntn. vt- i' il l? ii'it -1 ati. Southeast -in ;Soutb- !St VNO - t': --I'-i- r-ir li-i.r'i Port ia-'i s-irtjik d Point Oo u'O't, Sicimiii: .'-:. .t 1 limore. Pn.laJe'o i!a ia.i Nt ork T na.'i-l-?'ii(cars;rva am'.et to Wa?h iu'i . u vtant-i iso carouifli :trepiBz ca- Fir"s-ri. .ii'h 15 p ! 4v'-t -i-V. P M 'A'l.lwhnrii -lr V. -l vr X- : p vi charlotte 10: P. M Tr:'j ; L-,t..- vr'ant-i 9:50 P. M iMm Port :--,ii-ir v i r i T , . 1 "-'.Sirs iAmli- ft A t LTrfv H Luao-ifO 4:3 A U." Wl) cau.:.; p m. PirTamoutl. 9:4$ " 1 -t l :V S- I !7VVt VM!)i;VI(' UticoUilou6:5tiP.'M w Uniord li:55 P. M. RateighJ: U. WHlfltm 1 a w x3a-a - - . . r?'lV1! 4 H WmntfWD 18:41 noo Jera 10:00 a rLT:,'-" " Tram-. ua. Aoooga. Mas- X iTi,8l,''Iy1 comron travel by. the FOr furthwr Infi.rm jtlnn o . SUl- m n j . Ft .-1 01. JOHN, p v JJi'-.tT?8ldeat ad Oeneral Manager. H. W. B GLOVER Tfiifflc MangT. WILMINGTON, N. C. Capital, - - $200,000 00 Surplus, . $ 21,000.00 Stock Liability, $200,000.00 F JP THE PUBLIC UNSURPASSED banking FACILITIES. J in Foreign Exchange, 'an if you are af 6-"6 10 mrope, will supply you with Let er of Credit, right here at home, on just as good terms as New York or anywhere. H C. WcQueen, -President. V. Grainier. Cashier- flares tf ' PUTHEASTERN RAILROAD COMPANY. ECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. 'ibo oS C B,P-cUi of tie , ,IBy u! m( ru. A u 1DC0. lie Murchison National Bant - Tot Infants and Children. " The Kind You Have . Always Bought Bears 1 Signati of For Over j. Thirty Years TMC muffl MMMITP, NIW TMII OITf. SPADING HARROW. by rains, the Spading Harrow will show cet-pend flue cultivation no. other Harrow .Clyde Steamship Co. NEW YORK, WILSHNGrTON, N. C, . w aBORQETOWN. S. C Lines. From New Topic tor mimlBKtan. OSKID 8tnrday. March St SAGINAW 4ataraay. April 7 From WUaUngtea for New York. 9GI.a.W ..Satardar, March 81 ONEIDA Satarday, aprU 7 Cro vrilmtncton for Oeor(etowa. AGIvw.v TaeMiay. March 87 iEID.... Taeaday, April S Steamship Oaeld does not carry paBMngero. ftirongb Ollls tAadlng and Lowest "arounfc Hav guaranteed to and Cram polnta i North and South Carolina. .Tor Prelsbt or Paaaag applr to B' U. BJtAL.L.dONEa, 8npt, WUmluirroa, N. O. TEO 9 EOER, T. M , BowKng Ireen, N. T. 7M H CI.Ttv OO., General Agent&TBowiing reei, N. T. . . marX7tf SEED POTATOES of several rarletlesand of; BEST QUALITY. Fertilizers or all klcos. Coffee bo tight at low prices. Heavy Qroverlee of bt-t quality. Distillers' 8appiles, G.U,l Rivets, I Hoopl Iron, Kails, Jtc . All our Goods are of Best Q jality and Low Prices, The Worth' Company, f eh s tr Wilmington, iff. a J eva. El WILLIAMS BROTHERS 16 and 18 North Water St. FLOUR IK BARBELS ajstd BAGS. Virginia Water Ground Meal. Lard, Soap, Lye. Saltcoarse and fine. Fresh Crack rs and Cakes. Baking Powders. -Sardines, Molasses, Cheese. ' A fall line of Tobacco and Choice Cigars, and Cigarettes. Wrapping Paper and Twine. PAPER BAGS, NAILS. WHOUSUE GROCERS- ti-b i6 tr A SKILLED TRIO. Call at No. 7 South Front street, where yoo will and C W. Galon, CO'tieHa Davis and Henry Harris three f the mo t accomplished Rartiers In the city Send jour children to u to have their hair cat. Shave ?nly 10 cefr Boy' haircut cent. - v oct 17 tf QUIOlff DAYIB "RAIN. " Ltk billon ot Inverted seat The grav cold cloodi hang1 low, The wiitbias boughs of trees wind 1 lilies' Tom malCly to and fro; j The drip and best of sulleo. rata la rhythmic cadence fall On mist blurred pane and lichened root. While load the wild winds call. The drip and beat of tilling rain The hoarae wind's moaning- call . . w iu. ie voices sweec s- , That pain and unrest thralL .t ' Afar the brown fields seerq to lie Beneath the tempest's beat. With patience mute that knows 'tis this ' Will make their blooming sweet. Afar the hills against the sky A misty, dark wall run; Their rain fringed crests seem reaching- np To find the hidden sun.: And faith and hope within my heart Look Mp jta do the hills To Snd their sun beyond the storm That all the present Oils. What though my fields seem waste and bi What though my skies seem drear ily heart has planted- precious seed In those fields brown and sere. And trusting God. who knoweth all, I patient bear the beat, Of present's storm that he hath sent To wake their blooming sweet. Boston Transcript. WrlWrlll-Hlllllll mi EE? I came 3L: . . By Kennedy Blna Vivid Sketch Ot a Girl Who Had Erred Returning . to Her Parents. . S A Vivid Sketch ot a Girl Who 5 4c 4s j IwWwIlwll!!!!!!!!-!-!! It was gloaming when Janet Goudle crept to the white gate leading to her father's farm. On the ridge between her and the west she saw the two long shafts of a tilted roller standing up dark, gaunt. The sight made her sud denly afraid. She thought of her fa ther. Was It he who had been work Ing with the roller who had left It there an hour since? She "paused with a beating heart. After a little she opened the gate and slipped quietly through, holding !t carefully in her band as she turned to fasten It. She remembered how It al ways swung to the post with a clap, and, though she was. far from the bouse, she shrank from making a noise. Then she turned up the hilly road. When she came out upon the bare uplands, they were flooded with un canny light. It dazzled Janet so that she could scarcely see the bouse lying straight before her. Her whole body felt how visible to the farm folk It must be. coming on Illumined in the yellow glare. She cowered so closely to the stunted hedge that the strag gling brambles tugged at her. A burst of terrible splendor came athwart the world, an awful dying gloom. Far and wide flamed the red and silent moors like altars lighted for the end of time. Janet crept on, feeling mean and little ln the great desolation. At last she stood within the long shadow that was cast toward her by the house. So dark and silent were the buildings that her heart stopped beating with a sudden dread. - But presently a familiar sound fell on her ear. and she oreatnea witn reuer u looking round. Over In the little croft the ducks were waddling home, lato ns usual, and clattering away to them selves. When tfce drake stood up and flapped his wings, the white round of his breast shone vividly. The farm road 4ed to the square close at the back of the dwelling house. The front was to the sunset. Janet stole to the corner of the barn and peered down through the shadows to the kitchen door. She was shaking with fear. Her father had threatened that if ever she came back he would hound the dog at her. She hoped it would not be a new dog. Baldy. she knew, would not bite her. The tall white wooned pump glimmered like a ghost In the gloom. She remembered every feature of the place as If It were yes terday she went away. Yet she felt she was looking at It athwart an eter nity. The double feeling of familiari ty and strangeness made her conscious of her physical abasement Every thing at home was the same. It was she who was different, different. A stall tied cow lowed loudly in the empty byre, and the mournful sound was echoed by the gaunt buildings. Janet shivered and drew her poor shawl about her shoulders. At last she ventured out, creeping down the close on her tiptoes tremblingly. When she reached the step of the back door, she stood and listened for a sound within. The bouse was silent as death. Twice she raised her hand to knock. and twice she let it fall in cowardice. Then self pity came over her with a burst in the throat, and ber lips whis pered In dull repetition: "Oh. It's a pity o me! It's a pity o' me! My God. ayel It's a gevan pity o' me!" She knocked faintly. There was no response. ' As she craned to listen she heard the old fashioned kitchen clock tick with a 'dreary loudness. She knocked again. The scrunt of a chair being pushed backward on the stone floor made the blood prick ber veins suddenly. A silence followed and then the shuffle of slippered feet coming slowly. Would it oe her fa ther? And would he curse her? Her tongue was dry In her mouth. A bolt clanked to the wall, the door creaked on Its hinges, and somebody peered out at ber. band over eyebrows, t "It's youT' said her mother at last. The woman stared at her daughter for awhile and then turned away with out a word. leaving the door open be hind her. Janet followed to the kitch en with a timorous foot that was ready to start backward. But her father was not in the kitchen. ! There was a strange stillness. The rich light came streaming through the bare 'window and fell full upon the dresser. The dishes shone weirdly against it. Thei? on Its old hook Janet's mug was still hanging, her name on it. With & sudden stab of memory she thought of the night her father had brought It home to her from the winter fair at garble, coming in from the wonderful darkness, with snowflakes on hisevoat. to his little girl by the great fire; how blithe hnu een his dark eye. how cheery and red the middle of his cheek. She could still feel his finger rough and cold beneath her chin and the benediction of his eyes looking down at her. But now ah, Christ! Mrs. Goudle had put away ln the window sill her great Bible and her heavy white rimmed spectacles a-top of it. Janet was still standing. 'Sit doun," said L ber mother care lessly. ! Janet sat down on the edge or a chair clqso to the door. Rab, the cat she had reared, was sitting near her in blank band of sunshine lying athwart the flags, his legs.propped in front of him like two furry little pil lars, his gray golden slits of eyes fixed n the window. Janet, feeling the con straint of the silence, put out her hand and, not daring to speak aloud, said 'Bab!' in a choking whisper. Bab turned and i looked at her carelessly through his half shut eyes. Then he rose and walked, with lazy stretchings of the hind, legs, away over to the hearth. There he sat down and stared ra at a blnewlsp of flame toUnklpgJn i u.e grate, x ue iAoiiotofl6iis CTck Ci de Clock joss the only sound Tn the wide kitchen. , . . j Mrs. Goudle' stcOtl wkU her band on the back cf a chair. At first her eyes gazed before -Lr with tl:c wide look of a proud anger, and . her mouth was hard. The glow fell upon her withered face and revealed its dark and stern nobility. Presently her eyes! narrowed anu went away, and she seemed to be musing. Then a , strange smile that was not pleasant to look at appeared about the corners of her mouth. But she did not speak. ' The light became more unearthly. I declare." said Mrs. Goudle sud denly, with a false shrillness of voice that made Janet wince; "I declare, it's like the day o judgment, t.iis." The smile never left her lips. . : Again was appalling silence. The clock seemed to be ticking E more and more loiTdly. As Janet listened to its slow metallic beat her heart sank low er In her breast., Where could her fa ther be? He was so seldom out of the kitchen at the gloaming. She turned her head to see what o'clock It was. The old yellow dial was shining with eerie vividness; - All this time her mother had given no sign either of pity or resentment But "Well," she said at last, always with that ironic edge on her voice; "well, we had better gang butt the boose, d'ye no think r Janet rose passively without Bpeak ing. Now that her ordeal had come she was too feeble t8 be sharply afraid, bne reit herself borne onward like a creature ln the clutch of fate. She was going to meet her father. A bare lobby with whitewashed walls ran from the front door between the kitch en and the parlor. A shaft of yellow light struck in through an oblong slit of glass above the door, falling straight upon a row of pegs. On one of these was the farmer's everyday hat, a square hard felt, green gilt at the sides with age. The level rays revealed a thick coating of dust on it. ; The mother opened the room door, which fell to the right, and then stop ped, speaking over her shoulder. "We've made changes here," she said shrilly, as if showing alterations to a stranger. She pointed to a bed, the curtained head of which was close to the door on the left. Janet had begun to tremble. She followed her mother Into the room. At first she could see nothing because of the invading glory. "There's your fether!" said Mrs. Goudle. Janet turned her eyes from the light, and there lay her father in his shroud beneath the full glow of sunset. The clock ticked loudly In the kitchen. A fringe of sandy whiskers stuck out from the tight Jaw bandage. There were vivid hairs in It, redly gleaming. Janet's knees were water below her. She sank by the bed. "Fether !" she panted, with open month and unstrung lips. "Fether!" and then with a shrill scream of an guish: "Oh, God; My fether! My fe tLer! My fether!" . "A-hey." said her mother, "that's what ye brocht your fether jtill!" On an April morning three and twenty years ago this woman bad felt a thou sand pulses leap and throb within ber when a feeble little cry told that from her body a living soul had come into the world ah, mystic wonder! a new born soul and from her body and the child of the man she loved. But that child had broken toe heart of the man she loved, and she was merciless. Suddenly a blatant low from the great empty byre echoed through the silence hollowly, and again there was silence. The somber radiance deepened In the room. The brass knobs at the head of the bed gleamed mournfully. "Speak to me, fether!" whispered Janet. "Speak to me. fether! Speak to me!" But he lay with closed : eyes in the lonely light, and it seemed to Janet that bis shut lips smiled smiled with the quiet irony of the dead, who know the secrets of all things and will tell us nothing. Speaker. Oaly Thins to Do. "Aunt Emellne. what would you do If you opened your eyes at 'night and saw the dark form of a burglar moving stealthily around Iu your room?" "I'd shut my eyes." Chicago Record. JUST RECEIVED ! 543 Pairs ALL STYLES AND ALL SIZES Duttenhofer's Shoes Call early. Ladles, and set ' your choice ln style and fit. Ladles' Lace and Button, $2.00, $2.60 and $3,00. Misses' Lace ard Button, spring heel, $2 00. Be sure to call for Coupons for Premium. MERCER & EVANS. mar 81 tf SAME OLD PLACE. To Repair Broken Arti cles use 1 ors (Cement Remember MAJOR'S RUBBER CEMENT, MAJOR'S LEATHER CEAIENT. rnarOly PAW LISTER'S CHIOS. PURE GERMAN KAINIT 8EXD POTATOES White Bliss, Early Bose Early- Ohlos. SEED OATS White and Bust Proof. Vegetable Baskets for shipping. HALL & PEARSALL, Zfatt and Hnlbttrrw Streets. jasotf IERCES FAVORITE BESCRIPTI0N FOR WEAK WOMEN r& MS Aaauaoi fi i r Mai ' m East Carolina Real Estate Agency. R. G. Grady I Co., Burgaw, H C .All claaaea or desirable EtesU Estate (elty ame constr?) eeeBlit and sold oi CobubImIod, Spe elaJ attention to Ifavrms) and Timbered l.anda. . We now oiler the following valuable pro- 8tnndlnjc Timber - For sale, the timber on a tract of land near Bannermann's Bridge. Nonh-Eaet river, on tide water. Over one Million feet of fine Cypress uiuMsr uu uiiB lauu. Timbered Amanda. . Two Hundred and Twenty-six acres on mwi uuuiu uu vijb e ear river, ooiua vain Mile Cypress and Oum timber. Eighty acres Aeatr ssnrgmw. One 80-acre tract of Land within half mile of Burgaw. None cleared, bat easily pat ln WW W UHlUTttUUtt, Valnaele Farat aiemr Ureenvllle, W. C. A Farm of io acreH fonr miles fmm RnwH rllle, one mile rrom House station on the At lantic Coast Une. One nundred ana eighty-ave cros cuxtreu ouu ixi iuie euro oi cultivation One nice two-story dwelling with nix rooms une cook room ana kltcnen. One office, one set two-story stabiee, with eight stails. Two uarita. iu bouacuo Darns, une le-norse power engine, lu house, gin, press, et . All necessary machinery attached. Ail kinds ot c arming Implements, lnciuOlng wagons, carte. worn. BiC. Also, ronr muiee ana one nurse. Will sell all together or th land separate. Farna or 143 Aerea In Long Creek village. Pender county 85 acres cleareu, balance weil timbered. Four acres ln strawberries, 2 aeres in apple trees. Fine grape vine. Large two-storj house. One good Mew Store House. All necessary out houses. Two wuaut nouses j. wo mues rrom Montague, a ciauonon Atlantic ana x auxin Kaiiroau; six teen miles rrom W ilium trior.. Fertile tandln a nign state oi curavai-.on.. a D&rgain ior some body. 2,000 Acre of Land in New Hanover county on navigable stream; one of as acres with house ana outuuilOinm on ooruers uae water, rnree cimiriiiirs on niaue aame: two ot acres each; balance well tlm oereu. i weive mues irom wuminirton. our miles from uastle Hayne, a station on the W. & W. R B. The nearest nolnt of the land to too newoern rauroauis two nuiee. Bonee iu taenauavtlle. One valuable six room house In KenansvUle. Dublin county. N. C. lust com Dieted. Known as "Blrchwood Cottage," with nice office on lot; also. &rarden and outbnllalnirs. Located ln a desirable part of the town. Kenans vllle is a pieasant town to live in lamea ior its pure spring water and healthy locality. James dprunt Institute, one- of the best schools ln the State, Is located therw. Fifty Acres of Land . One-half mile from South Washington, on the W. & W. K. R., ln Pender county Borders on county roads. Very valuable for tracking. Property in tturgaw. Fonr good Building Lots ln the town of Bur gaw, consisting of one-hair acre each. One n-at three-room Honne in town of Bur gaw, on lot consistine of one and one-half acres. au set out in strawberries except garden and yard. a aesiraDie nuuaing tot ra tne town or Bur aw, consist Ing of one-fourrb of an acre, front g ranroaa, ana in a motot lot. Farm ml Uursaw. A desirable farm at Bnreaw. The residence and about one-third of the farm within the cor porate limits of the town. About twenty acres cleared; six acres In strawberries; one acre ln fruit trees and grape vines. All necessary -out-baiidlnirs a nW ii-bl "ix room residence. Farm contains 100 acres. ? Tebaesu a uu .1 r u t- It Farm Containing 265 acres. Tour miles from Magnolia, N. C, ln the great truck belt. About seventy acres ciearea; ininy acres or oiacK branch land well timbered with .curl? vellow Dine. Fine meadow land and b"8t range tor bogs, shnwr ana cattle Five-room dwelling, with barn, stabiee aiid other out-bouse. Nearly a half acre In prolific grape vines. Lot of apple ann piuin trevs. Beautirul oak and hickory grove iurrounds dwelling. Good water. Admlr.My adapted to tobacco culture, and now has eight teres ln cultivation. Also, two tobacco barns Fences and dltcbee in rood condition. A Mice Par so. A desirable farm of one hundred and tlftv acres. Fifty acres la within the corporafe ilmlts of the town of Burgaw, N. C. Twenty two acres cl-aird Tbvre is one nice, new chree-r- om cottage, - painted and plastered La-ge stables and barns A tenant's house. nd strawberry packing house, a we 1 of very One drinking water A nice orchard of 50t young fruit trees, consisting of Japan plums, peaches, pears, anpiw and na A Beat Barcaln. A desirable farm of 878 acres, three miles last of Rose Hill. Fifty acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, balance well tlm oerea. ironr-room nonse on premises, in gooa neighborhood. Will exchange for desirable house and lot Id wnw.in Farm iear Aanton. One hundred and flftv acres two miles from Ashton, four miles from Burgaw. Four acres uearea, most or wnicn is very rertue tow tana. Balance well timbered for farming Dnrooses. wo tenant houses. For terms, &c, address, R. G. GRADY & CO., Burgaw, N. 0. Beautiful Woman and a Handsome Horse appeal to every Southerner's Heart. i?vh are better for the use of, and may be fcqj;t tree Irom illness, by Sloan'sLiniment! This Liniment is the best antiseptic known. It positively kills disease germs. It cures Rheumatism, Cramp and Colic Used gen erally in the stable with good results, where other Eniraents fail. In the family in prefer, ence to any known liniment on the market, externally or internally. Every Dottle is war ranted. Fanjijy size ,j cents. Horse si ze, 50 cents and $1 joo. NEWS AND' OPINIONS ot National Importance. the surnsTa ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Da ly, by maH, - - f a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun S THE GREATEST SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD. Price 5c a copy.v By mail, $2 a year. Address TUX TJlf, New York.! dec 14 8t j WILMINGTON &JWELD0N RAILROAD CO. SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. Rattaa fa herbv riven that the Board of Directors of the Wilmington and We'don Ball road Company have cabled a 8pe al Meeting of the stockholders of the said company, to be held at the company's office in the city of WUmlnirton. North Carolina. St 13 o'clock M. on Friday, the 20th day of April, A- D ,1900. JJLSOa T. post. Sacretary. mar 17 tin ATIiANHO COAST LINE, SeMedcUe in fitfeesaua. 14, lOU. DXPABTOTU.rBOal WHJOjreTOH Nokth Bocro DAILY No. 48 Passenger Due MagnoUal.18 9.45 A.! H-, Warsaw 11 SO A. H.. Qoldsboro A M. 12.21 p M Wilson 1.1S P. M., Rocky Mount 1.53 p. M., Tarboro 3.81 p. M. Weldon 4.83 P. M., Petersburg 6JE8 P. Ma, Richmond 7.25 P. M., Norfolk 6.55 P. M., Washington 11.80 P. Balti more 1.03 A M., Philadelphia 8.50 A MJ, New York 6.58 A. M., tBoston 8.09 .. P.iM. DAILY No. 40 Passenger Dae Magnolia 8.80 6.50 P. M., Warsaw 8.S8 P. M., Goldsbcr P. M. 9.87 P. M., Wilson 10.80 P. M., tTarooro 7.04 A M., Rocky Mount 11.11 P. M. w;eldonl.0i AMtNortoliio.25AU., Petersburg 2.87 a JL, aichmond 8.28 a JHi. Washington 7.01 a M Baltimore 8.20 A M., Philadelphia 10.36 A. M. New York 1.03 P. Mn Boston 9.00 p. M. DAHVY mo. 60 Passenger Due Jacksonville except 4.13 P. M., Newborn 6.40 P. M. iundayi ; a.asi i P. M - SOUTH BOUND. DAILY No. 55 Passenger Due Laie Wacca 3.45 maw 4.58 P. M.,Chadbourn 5.23 P. M. P. M. Marlon 6.34 P. M., .Florence 7.15 P. m! Bumt-ar 8.57 P. M., Columbia 10.20 P. M... Denmark 6.18 A M., Augusta 7.65 A M Macon ii.is a. M., Atlanta 18.85 P. M. Charleston 10.50 P. M., Bavannah 1.60 A 21-! Jacksonville 7.30 A K, St. Au- goettne 10.80 A M.. Tampa 6.05 P. M.i j DAILY 9.UO A. M. WJSST BOUND. No. 53 Passenger Due FajettevUle 18.05 P.M.. leaves FavettaviiiA i!t Pj. M., arrives Sanford 1.-8 P. M. ABB IV ALB AT WILMINGPION FBOM THE M NORTH. DAILY No. Passenger Leave Boston fl.ct 6.00 p;i. M.. York 9S0 P. M.. Philadsl T. M. plu t 18 3a. M., BaltfEJor:-. 'if A. M. .Washlngu-a 4.30 A. M.. stchmond 9.! 4. M.. PiT.-rsi.urg 9 48 A. M., Norfolk 9 W A. St, Weldon 11.50 A. M., Tarboro 18.21 P. M. Itocky Mosnt 18.52 P. M , VVUson 3.40 e. M., UolaabcrO3.80 P. M., Warsaw 4 2i P. M., Magnolia 4.85 P. M. OAILY No. 41 Passenger Leave Boston 12 9.40 night. New York 9 00 A M., Phlladel A -M 'xhla 11 83 A. M., Bajtlmore 1 46 P. Washington 3.07 P M., Richmond 6.48 P. M., Petersburg 7.21 P. M., tNorfoI i.20 P. M., Weldon 8.?SLP. M., fTarboro 6.00 P. M, Rocky Mount 6.40 a M. Leave Wilson 6.20 A. M., Golosboro7.8i A M., Warsaw 7.56 A. U- Magnolia 8.09 A M. D AIL'S No. 51 Passenger Leave Newbern 9.uo A. Jacksonville 10.86 a sl " - except Sunday ia.n p. MJ FROM TH2 BOUTS. N . 54 Passenger Leave Tampa ,8.10 A. M., Sanford 8.07 P. M., Jacksonvtllo 8.00; P. M., savannah 1.45 A M., Charleston 6.33 A M., Atlanta 7.59 A. M. Macon 9.00 A M Au gusta 2.30 P. M., Denmark 4.17 P. M. Columbia 6-40 A. M., Sumter 8.10 P. M., DAILY J.15 P. M e'lorsnce 8.55 a. m., Marlon 10.30 A M.. Chdbourn 11.85 A M., Lake Wtc- Ca&UW I3.1M A. LI lj EAST BOUND, i DAILY 0.4O A M. No. 52 Passer ger Leave Sanford 2.80 tr. ai.. arrive i- ayetcevuie 3.41 P. M . l&,ve Favettavllle a fi P M 5 nallv i ent rtnnrtav. Wllmingtn and Weldon Railroad. Bpnnntta. vllle Branch Train leaves Beuuettsvllle 8 15 A. H. Maxton 9.20 A M., Red dpringi 9 53 A M Hope Mills 10 42 A. M.. arrive FayettevUle 10.55 A 11. Keturnlug leaves Fayettevnie 4 40 P M Hope Mills 4.56 P. M Red Springs s.35 P M Haxton6.15 P. al., arrives Bennetts villa 7 is P.M Connections at FayettevlUe with No rs o.t Haxton with the Carolina Central ttaiiroad. at Bed Spilngt- with the Bed -Sprints aid Bow- more haliroad, at Sanford witn the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railwav. at Onif wir.h the Dorham and Charlotte haliroad Train between Rockx Moant and Rfchmnnri leave Rocky Mount '.00 a M.. arrive Weldon 8 06 A. al., arrive Petersburg 10 A M . arrive Richmond 11.05 A M. Trains on tie Scotland Neck Branch Rm,i iauva WAidnn I KK P M H.Hfu. A ikd . rive Scotland Seek 5.08 P. M., reenvtlle 6.57 p. H., Klnston 7.56 P. M. Returning, leaves Kin--iton 7.50 A M., Greenville 8.52 A. M.: arrivlns Halifax at 11.18 A. m., Weldon 11.83 a. m. nail? except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washing ton 8.10 A. M. and 2.80 P. M.; arrive ParmeTe 9.10 A. M, and 4.00 P. M.: returning leaves Par mele 9.85 A M. and 6.80 P. M.: arrives WiuhlniT ton 11 00 A M. and 7.30 P. M. Dallv exennt Rnn day. . . Tram leaves Tar 001 o,. u., dally except Bun day, 5.80 P. M.; Sunday, 4.16 P. M.j arrives Ply mouth 7.40 r. n. ana 0.10 p. at. Returning, leaves Plymouth dally except 8 on day, 7 50 A . and Sunday 9.00 A M.; arrive Tarboro 10.10 A M. and 11.00 A. M. Trains leave Goittsooro. N. C. dailv Ai-rant. Sunday. 7.05 A. M.: arrives Smithfleld, N C , 9 10 AM. Returning leaves Smithfleld 9.00 A. M.: arrtvft Qoldsboro 10.25 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rockv Mount at 16 00 A M.. 8.40 P M.: arrives Nash VlUe 11 10 A. M., 4.08 P. M., Spring Hone 10.40 A M.. 4.55 P M. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 11.30 A M.. 4.55 P. M. Nashville 12 is A ff- 5.26 P. M., arrives at Rocky Mount U.45 A M 6.00 P. Mi Dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leave Waraaw fnr Clinton, dally except Sunday, at 11.40 A M. and 4.15 P. M. Returning, leave Clinton at 7.00 A M. and 2.50 P. M Train leaves Pee Dee 10.02 A M . ar rive Latta 10.24 A. M., DtlloD 10.86 A M.. Rowland 10.54 A M. Returning, leaves Rowland 6.00 P. M.; arrives Dillon 6.20 P. M., Latta 6.35 P. M,, Pee Dee 7.00 P M., dally. Trains on Conwaj Branch leave Boardman at 3.00 P. M., Chadbonrn 5.3E P. M.; arrive Conway 7.40 P. M.; leave Conway 8.80 A M. Chadbonrn 11.50 a. M.; arrive Boardman 12.25 P. M. Dally excei Sunday" Trains leavr Sumter y.13 P. M., Mannlne 6.41 P. M.: arrlvt Lane's 6.17 P. M.: leave Lane's 8.34 A M., Manning 9.09 A. M.: arrive Sumter 9.40 AM. Daily. Georgetown and Western Railroad leave Lane's 9.30 A. M., 7.40 P. M.: arrive GeorsretowD 12.00 M.. 9.00 P. M.: leave Georgetown 7.00 a m 8.30 P. M.: arrive Lane's 8.25 A M.; 5.55 P. M Dally except Sunday. Trains leave Florence daily exceDt Sunday at 9.50 A H.; arrive Darlington 10.15A M.. Harts vine 9 15 P. M . Cheraw 11.30 A M. Watlesbon. 12.85 P. M ; leave Florence dally except Sundaj at 7. 55 P M.: arrive Darlington 8.20 P M., Ben nettsvttle 9.17 P. M., Gibson 10.20 P. M. Leave Flerenc- 8nndav only 9.30 A M.. arrive Dar lington 10.6 AH Leave Gibson dally excent Sunday at 6.00 a M. Bennetts vllle 7.00 A M ; arrive Darllntrtoi 8.00 A M. Leave Darlington 8.50 A M.I mt1v- Florence 9.16 A M. Leavr Wadesboro dallv ex- cest Sunday 4.10 P. M. Cherav. 5.15 P M., Harts- vme y.uu a. m., uarungion Q.r f . u.; arnv Florence 7.00 P. M. Leave Darllnirton 8unda only at 8.50 A. M., arrive Florence 9 15 A M. wtison and Fayettevuit- Branch leave Wilso? 1.68 P. H., 10. '6 P. U. arnvt Selma 3.48 P M 11.10 P. M., smithneid 8.02 p. M . Dunn 3.40 p. M FayettevlUe 4.2f P.H.. 12.17 A M.. Rowland 6.0f P. M. -returning leave Rowland 10.58 A M.. Fayetteville 12.20 P. M.. 0.56 p. M., Dunn 1.04 P. M.r8mithfleldl.43 P. M. Selnia 1.50 P. M., 10.54 P M.. arrlvt Wilson 2.86 P. M 11.81 A M. Tralm- leav- tiumter 4.25 a M. Creston 5.1P A M. -trrivr.Denmark 6.12 A M. Returnlna leave Denmark 4.17 P. M., Creston 5.15 P. M., Sumter 6.03-P H Dally. Trains leave Creston 6.45 A M.. arrives Pref nails 9.15 a M Returning leaves Pregnane 10.00 A M.. arrives Creston 3.50P. M. rj&ilv ez cept Sunday.; iraint- leave Elliott 10.S" a bi., ana arrive Lrcknow 12.15 P. M Returning, leave Luck now 2.10 P M.. arrive Eluotts 8.60 P. M. Dallx except Sunday. Tvauy except aunaay. vanaay oniy. ! H. M EMERSON, I Gen'l Passenger Agent J. R. RICHLY, Genl Manager . T. M EMER8ON, Traffic Manager. Ja 16 t,f Atlantic and Kortti Carolina Railroad Time Table Mo. 9. To Tke Effect Tuesday, Aug. 8, ! 1899. st 9 A. BI. bKJING EAST GU1NG WEST P&ss'g'r Trains ' Pass'g'r Train Arrive Leave 11 06 10 12 8 87 9 00 7 22. 7 87 A M A. M ' STATIONS. Arrive Leave P. M.i P. M. 8 40 4 83 5 60 7 07 P. M. Goldsbore....... Klnston......... Newbern, ...... Morehead City. 5 40 7 02 : P.IM.!'! Train connect with W. A W. train bounu North, leaving Golds bore at 1L8S A M, and with Southern Railway train West leavlns Goldsboro 2.00 p. M., and with W. N. at New bern for Wilmington and Intermediate points. Train a connects with Seuthera Railway tialn arriving at Goldsboro 8.00 P. M., and with W. A W. tracln rrom the North at SJB P. M. No. 1 train also connects with W. A N. for Wllmlng ton and intermediate points. aof 0 tT ts. La. uiUj. nnirx CURE YOURSELF! Cm Big for annatnral discharges, inflammation irritation, or ulcerations of ma co as membranes. Painless, and not aatriiiA ItheEtms CHEMiwtCo. en' r JX)'"''U8-, . b eisress. Drenaid. for fl.OO, or 8 bottles, 82.75. Oji-ctilar ssnt ob Maoess IdkesVl m r in 1 to 6 Iyfc X not to .trie tore. . a.Pi.tau oontmcioo. I7v V Vb.s.a.j- 1 i 1 vvVvyvvWvVVVvvWyv'W Old J ck H rher's shop at the corner ''He hlui a llVDfir .1 d mnrf 8li ttie BaMhB SV'to'swre than ho Now iftle Jack H .rrer can sit in a corner anu rat uu n istmas pie; He cn pa in his thumb au i pu'l oat a Dlum Ana.say, "w(hat a good boy am I." THE WILMINGTON SAYINGS & TRUST CO. J. W. NOaWOOD, President. 8p-4tf f SPRING OPENING -1 900.- -w.d..d April 4th 5th. PATTERN HATS and latest importations of Parisian Flowers and Millinery Novelties, Dress Goods, Silks, &c. J. H. Rehder $c Co. 615, 617 and 619 North Fourth Wilmington, N. C. COME AND BRING Apr 1 t' "Tuesday and Wednesday. G$AND OPENING." i . WUmmgton's Big Racket Store will have their Spring Opening on Tuesday and Wednes day, the I OnA Jil, om anu Miss Alma Brown has been North and trimmjed quite a large number of pattern Hats. We have a large variety of new Hats to bhow, both trimmed and untritiomtd, and a very Jarge stock of Bilk W aists, beautiful bty h, from $2 00 toil. 50. I have a large, quantity of lovely Silks, all prices, from 29c lo$l.00. Fine White Lawn 'Wsisis, made up to style, from 69c to $1 25. Nice Percale Waie.is from 33c to 48c; Embroidered Percale "Waists 75c; worth $1 25. I have ai treat in flowers to show at least 6ip dozen bunches; and Laces and Embroidery. Come and look at our Millinery de partment, land we will show you Hats of tl e highest art and style, and prices that are very low. Men's ad Boys' Easter Suits, Straw and Felt Hats Three hut drtd men's fino Sample Hats; the newest styles, and at wholesale cost; a Hat at half price. j Women's and Children's Hats from 10c up. j Send me your orders by mail. I will guarantee Hats to suit or money refunded at The Big Racket I GEO. 0. GAYLORD, Proprietor, OPPOSITE THE OETON apritr I am prepared for the Spring Business. i Having jnst returned from the Northern mart el a, I wish to ; say to my patronu and tt e public g nerally. I have epareo. to pa ns In ; both labor ai d cae in makli g an bone'-' effort to select and putcnate i th mo-t suitable goods lor m trhda Our New ah Goods In Per- i rxles Zephyrs, Ginghams and Ontings ha e-nevt-r been ?o hanrtome In ; nnlch and artls.lc ln patterns as this teason. To demonstrate this tact I Ask a Visit to my Counters and witness the quantity of goods daily cut and distributed. I . A fnll line cf Pnlley Belts and Pnlley Collars Inall the leading shades. In both not aud 8tln Onr line of 8 ock Co'lars In both Planes . and Chiffon arx np to oate. The very latest and band-tmeet line f Taffeta Bilks and Ton arcs for thirt vralMs. The palws fcr 8blit Walfta to tht thl rearon rarpass all pas records. Our line of White Goods, Dlmltieo. &c, ate conpiete and second to none. Oh our 2nd Floor i- t ji Toil hive a fall Tine of the latest effects In Denlm, Damask, ; Pilkallne. Bwltg. p. in -de-Sprit. Si-ilm and lrln Poiiit to eeiecttrom. aa well s Carpets, Mattii it and Ait l-qaaies. "in a f n'she I." I am folly I eqn pped for the Easier trade. Agent or Her Majesty Corset, Dowager Corset, American Lady Coi set, tuiterlck Patterns A. D. BROWN, Successor to Brown & Roddick, i Hi mar"87tf The National Bank of Wilmington, WUmington, N. O JNO. S. ARMSTRONG, PRES. The National Bank of Wilmington was ln dividends, and pateed J19.CO0.0O to surplus. Capital and Surplus, $119,000.00, Total Assets, - - - - 625,000.00. In addition to the above It Is worthy ot other bonds, which we carry at par all of which are at a handsome premium. Your' Account Respectfully Solicited. Absolute Safety Assured. Polite and courteous attention extended to our cnatoaaers. Atlantic National Bank, WILSllffeTON, N. C. Surplus, flOO OOO. Capital, $135,000. Strong, Safe PBOMPTITES8, ACCTJEACY, COUBXX8Y, 8ECTJK1TT SUABAJmXD. Tour Aeeonnte Solicited. . 1 DIBBCTOB8 1 F. Ia. BETDGERS, D. L. GOKK, B.P. MCNAIB, r Q. A. KORWOOD, -5. J. POWERS, H. B. SHORT, W. E. 8PBINGER, H. U VOLLKBS, r O. V.-WORTH, J. S. WORTH. 3. W. NORWOOD. morittf "COMING DOWN WITH THE or in plain Fnglleh, paying out your good . money for Interior foods till yon have tested the superior quality of our pare and "high grade Groceries at lower prices thtn you can secure inferior goods for, would be eheer folly. Housecleanlng time wilt sood be here, and you wta flud everj thing in Brnsh-s, 80 ps and Washing Powders here at prices to salt the economical. ' THE KING GROCERY CO., JOHN H. DAVIS, Manager, Fell 'Phone W. Fourth Street Bridtre. aprstf Inter--ta'e 88" The TVllmlugton having and Trust PT- of 4 per Pr mnnum eomponeded iar- terly, on all amonnta over $5.00. Begl a having now; 'twill eome In Begin Sarins e well ftome day. H. WALTERS, Vice President. C. K. TAYLOR, JTr , raanle. Street, 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. YOUR FRIENDS. ui nym. Men's Suits of nice Clothes at $1 98 up to $10 00. Nice flue SerjreSuiis ai $6 98 to $8.00. Fine Clay Suits at 12 50 to $10 00. E'gbiy fine boys' buits from $1.75 to $3.00. Beautiful Goods all sam ples. We lesd and the rest follow in Sum mer ard Spring Dress Goods. We have all the new styles, and White Gt ods a t lentv. Book Fold White India Linen at 5o and up. Ten-bar Lawn from 4c up. White Pique from 6c up. Best Calico at 5c. We need you to look us up and we will save you money. I have 140 rolls of new Mattine; all beet goods that I sell for 18c to 25c per yaid. I have 38 rolls of Sample Matting with 21 yards cut of each, leaving 87T yards in roll. I can sell these rolls at wholesale cost; -all fine gords. And good patron 8 come to our Opening of Tuesday and Wednesday and get your Spring Headwear. HOUSE, ON FRONT STREET. 29 North Front street. organized in June, 18M; has paid oat 194,00 Eighth dividend now payable.; note that we own 111700.00 tn V. 8. and Assets, Over 91,300,000. Successful, .'I: i " . - ' r

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