1 1 1 - ' 1 lJ '- tfloarinteed Boni-FWe, Krery-uty I TERMS OFLSUBSCRIP ION J & One Year.' by Mail, $5 00 X Six Months, " .60 $ Circulation Urjer Thaa That 'Of Any Other Dally News paper Published la WilmlBXtoa. Th ee Montha, " 1.25 V Coldest daily nkwspapbb 3 'Two Months. " l.OO? IN THE 8XAXK. Delivered to So bacrlbers m the VOL. LXVI. NO. 14 WILMINGTON, Ni C, SATURDAY,1 APRIL 7, 1900. City at 45 Ceali per luoath. Y A i.i.ia - mm i - m . -v-a . i : n u i r . - i XI. i : 1 M I I 'VI JL V J I m r If J I I 111 A " VI - I I 'l ill LA. . M II M W 1111.;. I - - : - 1 I . , i: i WHOLE NO. 1ft 1ft.q Mi rr j- OUTLINES. Twin wrecked on the Durham & Charlotte railroad, neartulf,Uhatham county; seyeral passeDgers mjurea. two negroes hanged for the mur- j of Dan Mima, near Hazelhurst, rja The toUl British loss in the Boer ambush was 450. Boers Bur- bunded and captured fire companies rtf infantr near Reddersburg. 1 v - The Kentucky Court of Appeals de; cided ttie governorship case In favor f .ho Democrats. Two more hnHiiin? and loan associations at At lanta passed into the hands of receiv- muse, adverse decisions of courts 'imihe matter of taxation. Mem hJs of labor organizations on the sjuthern railway are on the eve of a cussed in the Senate, and the Spooner Philippine bill was then taken up. pn,. federate Memorial Day in T.,.!ii;idna was celebrated yesterday. G v. Jolmstoa, of Alabama, does not afiDorove ot iowey s canaiaacy, w-v j r J vew York markets: Money on call steady, actual transactions at 34 Dr cent . the last loan being at 3 per cenr. ; cotton quiet, middling uplands 9e; flour was inactive and lower to sell; wheat spot easy. No. 2 red803c; xT o ji cornspot esy, 6 rvsm quiet; spirits turpentine steady. WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Dkp't of Agriculturk, Weather Uureatj. WILMI.NQT05, N. C, April 6. Temperatures: 8 A. M., 51 degrees; P. M., 67 degrees; maximum, 73 de grees; minimum, 45 degrees; mean, 59 deerees. Rainfall for the day, ; rainfall Dee 1st of the month up to date, .08 ncnts. Stage of waier at 8 A. M. at Fayette- ilie 10 feet FORECAST FOR TO DAY. Washington, April 6. For North barolioa Cloudy Saturday; showers Kjudiiy; fresh westeriy winds, becom- ng variable. Port Almanac April 7. uu Rises 5 38 A. M. un Sets 6.27 P. M. lav's Length 12 H. 49 M. Biigh Water at Pouthport. 1.57 A. M. High water, wummjarion. i.zi A.. M. It i3 said that Col. Jack Chinn, of Kentucky, is goiog to lecture. If lis be so, Mr. Chinn must have ome cheek also. Webster Davis, who is going to alk in this" country for the Boers, is aid to be a strong -man, an able iwyer, and as an orator has been omparcd to Wm. J. Bryan. Ever since the Prince of Wales te that cheap dinner in SirsThomas Lipton s restaurant for working beople, there has been- such a rush f snobs thut the poor patrons have o wait a good while to be seryed. The Sultan of Turkey seems to pave a pr. jucfice agaiast the Ameri can hog. If he filled himself oftener kith American hog he might not be s mnch afraid of the' Russian bear M he is. The A. h. asserts himself. General Otis reports that the rebs n the Luzon are becoming gradual ly pacified. As a proof ' he Bays our koldiers have killed (assimilated) over ,-tOO of them since the beginning of he year. There 13 one very 'tail . man or ome very tall liar in St. Paul, which ias a denizen who is reported to taeaaure 8 feet' 11 J inches in height, nd weigh 364 pounds. And lie s a native, too. One of the fads of the Saltan of nrkey is horses. He has 2,000 torses in his stables, representing early every breed in the world, and mong them some of the most thor- ghbred Arabians. Recent events seem tn Viava i. hired the Mormons with the belief at rientucky is a good missionary Id. They propose bnildintr a hitr jmple in Louisville, which they u mase the base of onerationa in k btate. Un "Albemarle pippin" grower of hgmia says the only place in the rid where the real snnmilflnt. trpn- pe, thoroughbred pippin can be vu is on the slopes of the Blue Pge. and that these royal apples peumes bring $500 an acre in the uara. he prohibitionists of the town n? rora, Ind., have struck on an origi- pian ior solving the saloon prob- ior tneir town. The license tax Nnts to about $35,000 a vear. hr propose to pay this sum into my treasury on condition that icenses be issued. prong efforts have been made by km of the administration in Mhingtonto get Webster Davis wunaraw his resignation, and P mum on the Boers, but he in. ! on resigning and whooping it . vuo piucsy ieiiow8 who are king up against John Rnll .n LOCAL DOTS. Crude turpentine yesterday was very quiet on the local market at $2.003 25. Announcement has been made of the approaching marriage of Miss Elizabeth J. Buss to Mr. James T. Ezell, both of Delgado village. The Norwegian barque Chas. Loring, dapt Blatchford, with lum ber for Boston, passed out to sea from South port at 7 o'clock yesterday morn ing. The Rev. Dr. W. M. McPhee- ters, of Columbia, S. C, will preach in the First Presbyterian ' church to morrow morning and evening at the usual hours. In this morning's Stab Mayor Waddell advertises for sealed propo sal for certain labor and materials for the use of the city during the present fiscal year. Announcement was made in the city yesterday of the candidature of Hon. E. J. Justice for Attorney GeneraL He has a goodly number of active supporters here. All the river steamboats were here yesterday and cleared in the afternoon and evening for their re spective return trips. The Seabright came in from Little River, S. C, last night. - Suit was instituted yesterday in the Superior Court by Dr. J. EL Mask, colored, against the city for $10,000 damages on behalf of his mother, reference to which was made in the Star yesterday. Another false alarm of . fire came in last night from box 49, corner of Fifth and Castle streets. There is no clue to the identity of the culprits. who have begun the wicked practice of annoying the firemen again. There will be a meeting of the Wilmington bar at the office of Col. Jno. D. Taylor, Clerk of the Superior Court, this morning at 10.30 o'clock for the purpose of arranging the cal endar for the forthcoming term of court. - The Star acknowledges the receipt of an invitation to attend the second semi annual session of the Southern Industrial Convention, which will be held in Chattanooga, Tenn., May 15th-18tb, inclusive. An inter esting programme is announced. A mad dog was reported run ning amuck at Dalgado yesterday afternoon and some little excitement was caused among residents of the village. Deputy 8herLff W. W. King, who now resides there, killed the dog and also another canine that was re ported to have been bitten. Past Grand W. C. Snrth, as Grand Representative, and Past Grand B.J.Jacobs, as alternate, have been elected by Wilmington Lodge No. 139, I. O. O. F., to the Grand Lodge, which meets May 10th at Winston. Fast Grand J F. Littleton was recom mended as District Deputy Grand Master. Parties who arrived last night on the A. & Y. train from points north of Sanford brought news of the wreck of a train on the Durham and Char lotte railroad, near Gulf. The train was stopped there ten minutes to view the wreck and render any assist ance possible. An account of the wreck is published in the telegraphic columns of the Star. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. Shrier That hat. S H. MacRae Bankrupt notice. Notice Sealed proposals wanted. J. W. Plummer, Jr. Another lot. Vollers & Hashagen-t-What happe'd The Senatorial Controversy. Like Banquo's ghost, the Senatorial controversy will not down and yes terday found the local politicians lob bying about the street corners and dis cussing the mooted question as on the days before the convention and pri maries. Friends and supporters of Mr. Meare3 now contend that in the naming ot aeiegates Dy unairman Woodward to the Senatorial Conven tion he is entitled to a minority repre sentation in proportion to the vote received by him. In the meanwhile. Col.: Woodward is considering the matter and is consulting authorities on the same. No delegates have yet been selected nor are any steps being taken relative to the calling of the Senatori al Convention. The Little Toe Royal. Capt. J. H. Wiiliams arrived yester day at 4.30 o'clock in the afternoon with the little tug Royal, which was recently - purchased from parties in Jacksonville, N. C, by the Angola Lumber Company, of this city. She is a very substantial little boat and will be used in towing logs to the mill just above Hilton Bridgei Capt. Williams had with him on the trip around, En- gineer Jno. J. teu ana me stauncn little tug behaved herself nicely. He left New River Thursday corning and put in at Topsail inlet for harbor. The run I fro -n Topsail to Wilmington, a distance of 65 miles, was made in eleven hours. Front Street Property. There are ail sorts of reports now about deals in Front street real estate accelerated by the building boom on this popular thoroughfare and owners are busy, denying or confirming ru mors to ES&ious newspaper reporters, who don't want to be left in impor tant transactions. One report had it yesterday that the new saviags bank had acquired the lot just north of the Cape Fear Club building and would erect a handsome banking house there. ,l ' ' 1 T PENDER'S SMALLPOX CASE. Prompt Action Retards a Possible Coots glon Drs. McMillan and Lacas Re tamed to the City Yesterday. Dr..W. D. McMillan, superintend ent of health of New Hanover, and Dr, George F. Lucas, Pender county's wide-awake superintendent, returned yesterday from 81oop Point on the Pen der coast, .where they went Thursday to look into a reported case of small pox near there. , Dr. McMillan tells the Stab that he and Dr. Lucas .found a well defined case of the disease near Edgecombe, on the W. & N. railroad. James Clayton, a young colored man, is the patient. He was quarantined in Norfolk for the disease and after three attempts, it is said, he made his escape from the guards and came to his home near Edgecombe. Dr. McMillan, in his characteristic way of "getting on" to everything concerning health matters, heard of the presence of the disease at Edgecombe and reported the matter to Dr. Lucas, who came to Wilmington to secure Dr. McMillan's services in diag osing the case. The doctors saw the casa ten days after eruption, and the disease is very pronounced, so Dr. McMillan says. Dr. Lucas upon the diagnosis promptly took the matter in hand and quarantined Clayton's family of twelve persons and ten other "con tacts," placing them all under guard. He and Dr. McMillan vacinatedoin all about 133 residents of the neigh borhood and it is believed that the dis ease is now under control of Dr. Lucas, whom Dr. McMillan highly com mends for his prompt, active and ef fectual services in the matter. Dr. McMillan says that Dr. Lucas notified Dr. E. L. Cox, superintendent of health of Onslow county, of sever al exposures which escaped over into his territory. All of these were over hauled, vaccinated and quarantined. Dr. Cox speaks in very complimenta ry terms of the kindness to hisa in the matter by Drs. McMillan and Lucas. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT The Receipts and Disbursements of Pnblic Funds for the Month of March by Tressnrer Green. The auditing committee of the Board of County Commissioners yesterday afternoon received and approved the monthly report of County Treasurer H. McL. Green, which shows receipts and disbursements of public funds for the month of March as follows: Receipts Balance from February account, $10,145 16;; W. G MacRe, property tax. $950: back taxes, $359.48; marriage license, $23 75; forfeiture of road duty in Cape Fear township, $8. Total, $10,545 89. Disbursements Public buildings, $250 46; superior court, $17.90; crimi nal court, $3.80; military. $600.00; jail. $153.65; magistrates, $4 05; county home, $127.66; city hospital, $250 00; out door poor, $185 65; county fence, $15 61; road and bridges, .$335.23; register of deeds, $12 60; attorney. $25.00; superintendent of health, $75; coroner, $31,65; constable, $36 10; commissioners, $83 40; clerk, $50; jan itor, $15; Treasurer's commissions, $37.53. Total, $2,640.29. The balance to the general county fund is $7,905 63. and to the special fund $2,766.64. EXPOSITION OP M0RM0MSM. Excursion to Himpstead, Pender County, on Account of Religious Discussion. The joint debate between Elders J. P. King and J. W. S. Harvey, of the Second Advent church of this city, and a number of Mormon elders, which is announced to take place at Hampstead, Pender county, on to morrow morning, promises to be an interesting affair. A large crowd from Wilmington will attend the speaking and will leave on a special train! which the Atlantic Coast Line bas scheduled to depart over the -Wil mington and Newbern road at 9.05 o'clock A. M. Sunday. The 'fare for the round trip will be fifty cents, and the train returning will leave Hamp stead at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. As before announced in the Star, the dtbate will take place in a church erected by the Mormons there and a lively discussion is expected. Hss Porch ssed Locomobile. Wilmincton is to have a locomobile not an automobile and! Dr. E. 8. P.gford, it is said, will have the dis tinction of being the first in the city to introduce the "new fangeled con veyance.". The order was made sev eral days ago through Mr. C. M. Whitlock, but owing to the rush of orders at he factory it will be thirty days before th) new horseless carriage will ari ve. Mr. 8. P. McNair's friends say that in the event of Dr. Pigford's dissatisfaction with the machine after its arrival, Mr. McNair has agreed to "take it off bis hands." The propell ing power will be steam and the car riage "will be buiit for two." The r ck crusher, "which lives, moves. has its being and frightens horses un der its own steam," will be a back number upon the arrival of Dr. Pig ford's new vehicle. The Atlantic Coast Line will oper ate special train from Wilmington, N. C, to Hampstead and return Bandar, April 8th; leave Wilmington, N. C, 9 05 A. M., returning leave Hampstead 5 OOP. M. account of religious meeting. Fare for round trip from Wilmington, N. 0 , 50 cents, Scott's Hill, N. U. 25 cents. THE NEW ELKS' HOME. The Contract Will Be Let at Once for the Bollding by Messrs. Hook & Sawyer, the Chsrlotte Architects. It has now been practically decided by the building committee of the Elks Company, to adopt the specifications for the new Elks' Home as have been drawn by Messrs. Hook & Sawyer, of Charlotte. Only a sketch of the pro posed building has yet been exhibited, but it is learned that as a result of the conference of Mr. F. McM. Sawyer, with the building committee Thursday night, his firm was authorized to draw up the details of the plans and call for bids for construction at once. Char lotte contractors will likely do the work and ground will be broken within three weeks, so it is said. I Yesterday a deed was filed for regis tration formally conveying the prop erty upon which the new temple is to bejbuilt to the Elks corporation from Messrs. F. H Stedman, O. C. Chad bourn, M. W. Divine, Jno. 'H. Sweeney, William J. Bellamy and R. W. Wallace, who held the same in trust for the corporation until certain details of the transaction were ar ranged. Extended reference has already been made in these columns to the splendid edifice contemplated in the drawings by Messrs. Hook & Sawyer, which as stated have now been accepted. CITY HOSPITAL MANAGERS. In Regular Monthly Session Yesterday. Superintendent Lane's Interesting j Report for March. , The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Hospital Managers was held yesterday afternoon, but . besides the auditing of the bills for current ex penses and the receiving of the regular report of the superintendent, there was ery little done. Col. Roger Moore presided and those in attendance upon the meeting were Commissioner Holmes, Aldermen Springer and Spen cer. The report of Dr. W. W. Line, the superintendent, shows that 43 patients were treated during the month 20 white and 23 colored. Of this number. 21 were from the city, 6 from the county and 13 were pay patients. There were remaining in the hospital March 1st, 16 persons and 27 were ad mitted during the month. During March 29 patients were discharged, 4 died and 10 were left'remaining in the hospital April 1st. Pay patients were treated 165 days; charity patients 361, making a total of 526 days. Rations were furnished patients in the same proportion and to employes 376 days, making a total of 902 The average cost per capita per day was 12 cents. The receipts for the month were $589.59, of which $24 60 was from' prescriptions and $148 33 from pay pa tients. The receipts over expenditures were $125.72. The board adjourned, subject to call of the chairman. nvestlf ation in Jail. Justice Bornemann yesterday tried a case in jiil, which is probably the first instance of its character on record in the State. Moses Divine, colored. while a prisoner in the jail some time ago secured an amount of money from Archie Kinsauls, the condemned mur derer in the jail here from Sampson county for safe keeping, with which he was to purchase a number of articles for Kinsauls upon his (Divine's) re ease at the expiration of his term for court costs. The negro was subse quently released but failed to return with the articles wanted by Kinsauls. He was arrested and as the charge upon which ' Kinsauls is confined was so grave, Justice Bornemann decided not to take him from the jail.as a safe guard against possible escape, and the investieation was held in the office of the building. Divine was charged with embezzlement and William J. Bellamy, Esq., represented the plain tiff. The negro was kept in jail in de fault of $50 bond for his appearance at the Criminal Court. Relief Agents Examined. Quite .a number of applicants for position with the Atlantic Coast Line . . m . 1 a? reiiet station agents - were nere yesterday to stand examination and be a readiness for- service during the trucking season, which always calls for extra men at points around which truck is grown. Two examinations will be given this month, and at the one yesterday, which was conducted in the agency branch by Mr. W. G. Farmer, about a dozan young men from various points along the system were in attendance. Nutt Street Properly. A deed was yesterday filed at the court house conveying from W. B. McKoy, Esq., to the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company, a lot on Nutt street, beginning in the eastern ine of Nutt 115 feet south from the southeastern intersection of Nutt with Red Cros3 street; thence east and Darallel with Red Cross 801 feet; thence south and parallel with Nutt 26 feet and 5 inches, thence west and parallel witn uea uross out ieet; inence nwui along the east line of Nutt to the be ginning. The stipulation was $900. ' o City Subscribers. City subecriDers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such eases steps will be taken to insure promp and regular deliverv. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. V, W. Hoke, of Raleigh, is registered at The Orton. Mr. E. H. Gaines, of Winston, is registered at The Orton. Mr. I. M. I Bear returned yes terday from a business trip. Mr. E. J. Davis, of Greensboro, is registered at The Orton. Mr. J. L. Smathers, of Ashe ville, N. C, is at The Orton. Mr. N. H, Carter, of Wallaoe, is registered at The Orton. . . .Mr. Andrew; J. Flanner, of Clinton,4 was here yesterday. Mrs. H. M. Emerson left yes terday for a visit to Richmond, Ya. Mr. S. H. Tomlinson, of High Point, N. G, is registered at The Or ton. Mr. W . T. Kline, of Jackson ville, N. C, arrived in the city yester day. George Rountree and E. K. Bryan, Esqs., returned, yesterday from Charleston. Mr. W. I. Thompson, a popu lar travelling msn of Louisville, Ky., is registered at The Orton. Mr. Frank H. Cotton, a well known cotton mill man of Hope Mills, is registered at The Orton. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Love, of Willis' Creek, spent yesterday in the city with friends and relatives. Mr. L. A. Spell, of Autrey- ville, Sampson county, was among yesterday's callers at the Star office. Mrs. Oscar H. Wright and son, Oscar Herbert, Jr., arrived yesterday from Quemados, Pinar del Rio, Cuba, to visit her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Alderman. Mrs. A. J. Gray, of Richmond, who has been spending some time in the city on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Springer, returned yes terday to her home. Mr. Ben Marsh, of Salisbury, mentioned in the Star yesterday as . havinsr been stricken with pvalysis. died at his home in that city at 6 o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. J. W. Barnes, Jr , repre senting B. S. Jones & Co , commis sion merchants of New York, is in the city from a three wc ek's busfness trip over the trucking belt for his house. Maj. Jno.! D. Shaw and Cameron Morrison, Esq., of Rocking ham, N. C, were in the city yesterday returning from Charleston where they appeared before Judge Simonton in the railroad tax assessment matter. The work of building the new portico in front of the Opera House has been completed and the job for mally turned over by contractor L. H. VoWers to Alderman Hanby, chair man of the Public Building committee DOCKERY-BELLAMY CASE. Rumored That Election Committee Will Report In Favor of Bellamy Roa noke Island Monument. Special Star Telegram. Washington, D. C, April 6. Ac cording to a report circulated this af ternoon, Election Committee No. 2 of the House, which heard the Dockery- Bellamy contested election case, will report in favor of Bellamy. Major Graham Daves, of, Newbern, and Representative Small, jwere before the House Committee on Library to day and spoke in behalf of the bill in troduced by the latter, making an ap propriation for the erection of a mon ument on Roanoke island, the scene of the first settlement of the English speaking race in America. Mr. Small explained the purpose of the appropria tion and was followed by Major Daves, who gave the historical data of the several attempts at settlement on Roanoke Island. Washington, D. C; April 6. Sen ator Pritchard to-day introduced the following bills: Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to pay N. 8. McClure, Newton, N. C, $3,525 for cotton destroyed by the Federal troops during the civil war; to correct the military record and grant honorable discharge to William Pritchard, late of Company B, 13th Tennessee volun teers ; to grant a pension of $30 per month to Lovenia Childs, widow of A. F. Childs, late of Company D, 9th regiment. 4 Asssnlted a Syrlsn. The police had notification yester day that a negro boy had assaulted one of the Syrian shop keepers on Front street, near the market house. Investigation failed to find jthe negro and he was not arrested. It appears that the Syrian was making at the negro as if to catch him, and that he retaliated by hurling a stone which hit the Syrian in the stomach, pros trating him. Avpbysician was sent for and soon brought the injured shop-keeper to consciousness, but he was very-severely hurt. Surprise Party. An enjoyable surprise party was given Miss Julia Farrar last evening at her home on North Sixth; street by number of her friends. A musical programme was provided by Miss Far rar for her guests, after which she served delightful refreshments which were thoroughly enjoyed. jThe fea ture of the evening was an amusing contest in which the first prize was won by Miss Ellie White, i Read the advertisement of ihe Ban Carolina Real Estate Agency in this issue of the Stab. It offers for sale some very valuable farms. - . ' t Church: Notices. Bladen 8treet' Methodist Church: Rev. J. J Por er will prevjn at 11 A. M., ana at Hev u w. CartU will fill his regular Sunday yinnuiius' w ab urrenriue esuuau 11 ft. jm., Uast w tmlntrtoa at 3 00 P. M and Delgado Mill at 7 SJ P.M. i , Immanuel Church: Services at'lt A. M. and 7 80 P. M. by Rev. Edward E Lane. Pr.r meeting; Wednesday nUht at 78 . Sunday 8chool at 8.30 P. M. The Seamen's Bethel: Regular religious ser vices will be held to-morrow afternoon at 8 o'clock. Seamen and rivermen ar especially invited. All welcome. Chapel of the Good bnepherd. Sixth and Queen streets. There will be the usual services on Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Hey. Calvin 8. Black well, o i, pastor; It A. M., "i-trengthen rtie Things Which aemala." At 8 00 P. H.. "Heliglon and Business- Salesmen and Saleswomen" 'First Presbyterian Church: Divine STVioe at 11 a. M. l1 & 00 P M conduct, by By. or. McPbete i. tjnndb-y- retool at 4 P. M. Prayer j Hta.on Thorcdaya at e P. M. The pubuo cordia ls invited. Southsld- Bap&S. .Ckarch, corner Filth and Wooster streets, Key. u. H Herring, pastor. Service 11 o'clocs A. M. and 7 8 P. M. wui dav School t 8 P M Prayer mealing BervlceVory W edn-sday night t 8 o'clock. y Second Advent Baptl-t Church, between Cas tie and Church streets. Preaching by he pait jr. Eld r E. Fisher, at 1 A. M. a .d ft P. M.; Sunlay school at 4 P M. Frayr meetings Tuesday and Friday nikrbts at 8 Strangers and visitors cordia ly invited, treats frte St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, corner Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. Al.-x. D. Mo C i lire. Dttstor. tbbith service) at 11 A M. and 8 Oi P. A Sabbath -ctiool at 8 8 P. ftl Praver meeting ana lecture Wednesday a 8 P. M. The public cordially Invited, seats free. Firth Street H thodfct Church, situated on Fifth etrnet between Nun and Church. Hey.- John H. Hall pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A M. and 7 W P. M. Prayer meeting Wed- nesd iy eveii'nor at . 3 o'clock. Sunday school sunday a ternoi-n at 3 00 o'clock, a co.dial In vitation e t nded to all. Grace M. . E. Church, corner of Grace and Fourth streets. Pastor. Rev. J. N. C ie. Ser vices Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7 '0 v. m. Sunday School, J H Davis, supt . 8.30 p. m. weeKiy prayer meeting weanesaay at a uu p. m. A cordial welcome to all. Visitors to the city especially invited. Seats free. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BERRY CRATES The best for the shippers beyond a doubt, are those made by the Warsaw Crat Factory. The Cups contain Just 67 cubic Inches, and no more. They always give satisfaction. Also, Baskets for lettuce, peas, beans, grapes, eta ! THOS. B. PEIRCE, mar 20 to m 1 Warsaw, N. C. New Millinery Parlor Was open Thursday, March 22. No. ISO Market street, mar 18 lm MISS ANNIE 8TROTTPK. n Steam Bakery and Cafe . . . . i All kinds of Bread and Fancy Cakes. j Orders for WeddlDg Cakes promptly filled. ! ' i- Meals served on European Plan at all hours. i No. 82 North Front street 'Phone 246. Phone 346' mar iv it Sealed Proposals. Will bo received at the Mayor's office unfIl noon May 7th for furnishing the City of Wil mington with Labor and Materia as ppeclfled below for the year ending March 1 t, 1901. 1st. Feeding and shoeing mules and horses for such a number as the city may employ. Sad. Lightlrg the city with eiectrlc lights (specifications furnished on apollcit.on). 8rd. L'ghtl z the city wl h gas. 4th For lighting and reptirlne gas and oil lamps of the city and f urnish'ng oil for the latter. I 5th. Fcr lumber perl.0'0 feet, of merchant able quality and Id quantities as reqtired. Sth. For printing, stationery and advertising. 7th. For feeding prisone s per meal. . 8 b. For brick, lime and cement.. The right is reserved to rtjecl any and all bids A.M. WAED'LL, apr71t ! Mayor. I i ; Another lot of those Nice Apples, Pears, xt( Bananas, Oranges and Cocoanuts. Let me i have your order. I can serve you with the Best. I j J. W. PLUMMER, Jr., I 204 Princess St. Bell -Phone 91. Inter-State 'Phone 182: apr Stf ; Bicycles. RlnvRlaa for sale, new second-hand, from $8.00 to 148.00. Bicycles, Guns. Locks and Pistols re- pairea ah wore guarante-a ounuriea uu: uu wsy down M. & W. Tires at J6.90 per pair. Guaran eed Single Tube Tires at 5.oo. M. & W. Inner rnbe 11 85 each Twentieth Century Lamps $3.'0: others cheaper. ' Foot Pump- 50c, H-nil Pnmm 20c Bells 85c. Oils. Cements, Graphite Grips, spokes, Bails. Vaiv s; all cheap. The Benbov Au o marie Gas Lamp for sale or rent, ca.i at. a nee tnem at ; Carolina Bicycle Shop. C. H. O'BERRY, Prop. Bell 'Phone 468. tr sa Inaugurations come high, but we must have them. When we went Into business we in augurated a policy which h8 been re ceived with pleasure by parties of a 1 Solltlcal creed a polu-y of liberality in eallng, of selling goods for just what they are, of refunding money for un satisfactory goods, ot promptness and politeness and, most important of an, accuracy in filling prescript ons. There Is no change of admin latratlon at oar store ill la year. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist and Pharmaceutical Chemist. mar 30 tr FOR SALE. A $450.00 - House and Lot. a half block fromcorner Sixth and Castle, I - alas have others for ale on Eighth street. Ninth r-trwet, i rtiue street, on . Cues ut street, on Front street, &c.r &c ; ... - W. M. CUMMINC, BSAL ESTATE AGIST ASD NOTARY PUBLIC. maraotf I I I Young ui mat Hat A,J'n.ler;. No matter "how good it is you'll be all the better satl-fled ith a Nobby 8PRrG KTYI E. - nw ML i5me i0 i.ul "to st and come out in a deal bitter, Lli wl? 11X9 1681 of yonr a great Pair of onr celebrated $3.00 Shoes you"' be a better and different man. Take the matter up and conclude your deliberation at v f T V 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Most Bej Tired A. SHRIEK'S, Outfitter to Mankind, Bell 'Phone 565. ap47tf The Ellis Photand Enlarging Company . ir-now rerfdy for bu'lnefs. We solicit yur wo k W. be leve 25c thrt-e times he ter thn S0e once. h-i ce thn f. iluwintr lndncemon s ttegul SifO"er oze '-r oner ablnet ! -row ?ra ihs -3 50 barge J I CO 8 ze $3 00. Other z sin proportion Ir .n cn g-t ) etter atny prt ew will mkjoa i ozeu for it-llii g us where Investigate nnd see lor "ourself i -U.O 1 L.LI8. Manager, 114 Maiket streevW imlngtou. N. C. apr 1 if ! S. W. SANDERS, at 1 The Unlucky Corner." Grape Nuts, Postum Cereal. fcxtra ixle Corn heef. Whit Floriia Cabbage. Big Fat Hens dead and alie Nor h Cr Una Hams old and ntw. A barrel of New orieans Mo ses just tapped iiryLuuuccu wo r inesi let. Oranges, Dates, Big and Little Prunes. Agent for Tate Springs Water. 'Phone 109. -:- 4 Springfield ;Hams 15c, just a few more days. TAKE NOTICE. apr tf FOR RENT. Store No. 12 Market i Street. Immediate possession given, j Apply to SAMUEL BEAR, Sr., mar 18 tf; IS Market street. s 2000 lbs. Nice Smoked Shoulders. 5000 Lbs. Plates. 25000 Lbs. D. S. Sides! 100 Bbls. Pork. Also, some Seed Oats. Seed Pota toes and Groceries. Ask for prices. j Di L. SORE CO., WHOLESALE ORO EK8, Wilmington. N. O. mar 18 tf Seasonable i Gobds. i' MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese, Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties. SALT. A GENERAL LINE OF CASE GOODS IN DEMAND; AT THIS 8EASON. Sole agents for Rob Roy FLOUR. McNAIR & PEARSALL sepiotj rr THE! DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED RtAtHic for tbe Eastern I 'lstrict t f North Caro lina. Intfc matter of T.J Wescott & Co., Bank rupts. In Bankruptcy. To the Honorable Thomas R PurnalL, Jadge of the lstrict rourt of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina' T. J. Wescott and Delia Wescott trading In the name of T. J. Wescott & Co., of South port, in the o unty of Brunswick and State of North Carolina, In said district, re snectfully represents that on the ICth day of September. A. D. 1900 last pist, they were amy aajuugeu utuuruyus uuuer uie aus kjl Congress relating to Bankruptcy; that they, have duly surrendered ail th ir property arid) rights of 'property, and have fully compiled wjth all the rfeauir ments of said Acts andonfnS"or- d-rs of the Court touchi g their bankruptcy. Wherefore tney pray tnat tney may ee aecreea by the Court to have a full discharge from all debts provable against thter estate under said Rankmnt Acta exceDt such debts as ate ex cepted by law from such discharge. Dated trus etn aay or Apr u, a. u. ivu. j T. J. Wffi8COrT& CO., Bankrupts. OEDEB OF NOTICE THEREON. Eastern District of North Carolina, sa.: Oa this ethi day of April, A. D 1900 on reading the forgoing pel It Ion it is or ered by the court that a hearing be had upon th same on the 16th day of April, A. D. 190". before the eaid Court at the office of the undersigned reie ree, in; Fayette vllle, N. c, in the said district, at on - o'clock in the afttmoen; and that notice thereof (ie published 'n Thx Morning f-TAa, a new -paper p ln'ed n 81 1 o lstrict; a d that all kuown creditor atd other persons la ate est ma appear at tbes-ld time and place, and show cause lCan t- ei have wtv tne D urof the said pe it loners should not be granted. witne-smy nana a r ayeiu-vuie. in iuo iu districcjon the 6th day of April, . D, 190J. apr 7 It Referee in bankruptcy. Tar Heel. ! Red Wine, Uncle Isom, Ripe Apple, Square Gauge, Florimell, Long Leaf and Pach and Honey Tobaccos. We can please you in price and quality, iry tne Magic Durham Tobacco and War tagle tnej roots, f Porto Rico and Cuba Molasses, No. 1 Honey Drip Syrup, Flour, Meat, Meal, Lard, Rice, Sugar, Coffee, Corn, Hay, Oats, Cakes, Candied, Drugs, Paper Bags, Twine, Butter, Starch, Soaps, Snuff and all Groceries. I Close prices; best Goods; money talks. Yours for Business, j T. D. LOVE Steamer for FavettevlUe Mondays and Thurs days. Passenger, freight aad towage. ror rates appiy w u. uum, apratf General Agent, mm . . S You've Been Wearing g r4F 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 34 Front and Princess Streets. I Hand to Joe? . , . w ask your 1 vestlgat'on of our Ptock of goods usually crrt. d In a la ge Grocery establishment. W bile we t-ndeavt r to atiTMC and I't-lu ine f-.vnr or purch s-rs ' y liOt-rar dea'iag and court. ou treatmnt-we also strive to miki buying of us a pie-tsauc as we I as p ofliabie trunsHctlon to u -and asiw li known, our facl lnes re ui sarp-ssed fr the sreoessful banaluig of buslnebs en trusted to us. We sell Provisions, Corn and Oats, Meat, Kay, &c. , We have a consignment of I - MULLETS which will be closed but low. i Wholesale only. rapr J tf X Is It Satisfactorj ? jt. That's the! qnpstlon that gnes A with evey pnrcjas here It it's , not sat i t.ctory. bung it. back to- A dy- -to morrow nez' week--and . get your money It is this absoin e A assutance of fair dealing that rv- X tal s our trade ur cus omeis X knnw that 'm ney ba-k" is not a A cry s-t up to deceive the unwary. Into buying, followed by all sorts of nm ue excuses and qulbblinus to avoid' returning mony on dls pl asiug pnrcuuses ne of our max'ma rtads: "Fo- you to remain dissatisfied is to make us more dis satisfied " It isn't to-day's trade we're depending on H's tomor row's nfxt week's next mouth's next year's I we waiit ou to be so well pletsed with your treat ment here and with what you buv hem, that you'll come again nd araln. And we will remark riwht now that o ir efforts to please have been so uniformly sun-ess! ui that calls f r '-money back" are rareiy made. But it's h re Ju t th same, for any and all d-manas that may be made for purchaser returned ai undesirable. J. W. MURCHISON & CO., HARDWARE, &c, mar 9 tf WILMINGTON, N. C. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, House Furnishing Goods Our Motto, No Fancy Prices. WE ABB OIT THE JOBBERS' LIST AND WILL SELL TOU GOODS BIGHT. Country Merchants would do well to set our prieea before placing orders. 0. P. CAZADX & CO. CaTtf 1 iHson i i WILMINGTON. N. C. Capital, $200,000 00 Surplus, $ 21,000.00 Stock Liability, $200,000.00 WE OFFER THE PUBLIC UNSURPASSED BANKING FACILITIES. Deal in Foreign Exchange, and if you are going to Europe, will supply you with Let er of Credit, right here at home, on just as good terms as New York or anywhere. ; ' H. C. McQueen, President. J. V. Grainger, Cashier. mar 28 tf FOR RENT. The Two Desirable Stores Formerly occupied by Mr. VanLaer, corner Fourth and Walnut. APPLY TO J. G. WRIGHT & SON, RESTING AG NTS. BILL TOOKS 94SL marltf ttosa tn 1 Volte Hap ii Bank i j.-: