r'-v-. 5 i ?tia'aranleed Bona-Flde, Every-Dayl : TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. tirculatloo Larfer Tha Tfcit NIN Of Any Other Dally News paper Published in Wilmington. : One Yr, by Mail. : S.Oo ' Sl Manilla. . ' -50 , ' Threa Months. 1.85' $ Two Month. . " 1.00 tLKr DAILY NKWSPAPKRJ Delivered to Subaerlbera in thf ( iv THE STATE. VOL. LXVL NO. 143. City at 45 Cents per Montn. WILMINGTON, N. 0., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1900. WHOLE NO. 10,313 Mor HE i ' OUTLINES. Vrtiur Sewall, vice presidential finji(jate on the Democratic ticket jn lS$0t is dead. A Pittsburg firm ias contract for 75,000 tons of coal t be sent to England. New York i cotton futures market closed firm Testerday at a net advance of i,lTiv one to thirty-six points. r.mufcticut Republicans nominated a Stat ticket, with Geo. P. McLean for (ioYcrnor. Boers abandoned the ieo of Ladybrand. Mark Han ik. " refuses to speak out West Unit1 States transport Lawton will be stat to Nome City, Alaska, to back destitute American citi :Js"i. The third party met in i-VnvU':on at NeW York and nomi hite4 presidential candidates. Xtfvr; York markets: Money on call easy at 1H Pr cent.; cotton su-aiv. middling uplands 9c; flour a tr-l-K H-sier: wheat spot steady, No. rr 'c: corn spot easy, No. 2 4-.; nits spot weak, No. 2 25c; r.viiu steady; spirits turpentine steady. WEATHER REPORT. V S l)EP'TOF AGRICULTURE, i Weather Bureau, tWu.MisoTos, N. C, Sept. 5. ) Temperatures: 8 A. M., 74 degrees; s 1'. M . 7S decrees; maximum, 85 de- :v4: -ninin-ium, .63 degrees; mean, 76 Uifi'a'ii for the day, 00; rainfall , lit. ,.f the month up to date, T. $ 'age of water in the Cape Fear river ,t Kiyeiteville. N. C, at 8 A. M. yes-l-r.lir. 1 S feel COTTON REGION BULLETIN. Showers have fallen on. the Gulf si. iSo-!ih Atlantic coasts, and gener a:ij uir weather has prevailed in the ii.trrr -TORM WARNING. .'. A.-iiiN'JTON-, Sept. 5 Storm north . a.4 r:: isis, 3.45 P. M., Charleston, A'i si i ctoti, Morehead, Washington. Xrp:oii storm central near Key West aK';;u' northward. . Increasing north fi winds t night, gales by Thurs- ' FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. Wa:un".tox. Sept. 5. For North iri;na : Fair Thursday; Friday rain; coa!er n the interior; east to north f 1?. wi;ds, increasing in force and be c uiirsj hili by Thursday night. Po-t Almanac Septembers. i. H:-s 5.35 A.M. - in -is 6.21P.M. Div's l.neth 12 H. 47 M. IC-;h Water at South port. 4.50 A. M. IE'D Water Wilmington. 7.20 A.M. jl'miirman Ilolton is formulating pkr.s to tap IIanna'8 barrel. If Murk w.vulil take oar advice he will 5e his money, and not sink a lot more, as he did in August. ;Last week 18,000 bushels of Texas-grown wheat was shipped from lialveston to New York. That isiotnc what reversing the order of things, but it i3 a good reversal. A contemporary asks, "Does the withdrawal of troops from Pekin mean from China?" Not by a jag fill. It will take the troops a good leal longer to get out of China than it took them to get into it. The P.ritish Bteamer Queen, on her hist trip over, ran into a school a: whales and collided with one big fellow which didn't give her sea room enough. It was bad for the vhale. which was cut almost in two, "Owing to the pressure of public Iu3ines3 President McKinley will not te able to resume his Canton vaca tion." Public business has very seri U3 broken into the front-porch cam paign, and saved his lawn grass this year. lho New York Sun wants to know if a man whose income is nly v,000 a year can afford to P'ay poker with a fellow who pend3 twenty times that much. That depends altogether on how well he understands the game and ow well the other fellow doesn't. The difference between Wm. J. Bryan and hi3 supporters, and Wm. McKinley and his supporters is that ine former want to have the Ameri -can !la i0Ved and see it flying over a wining people while the latter want to have it feared and see. it fly- ng over unwilling people, subjects hoi citizens. The price of wheat is now 78 cents a huahel. But as we are entering on a 1-olitical campaign, in which the Prosperity racket will figure, more or leas, Secretary Wilson predicts that will climb to a dollar a bushel be- we the end of the year. It may be noted that this prediction tides over "ne election. ';ov. Pingree, of Michigan, who is - "epuoucan, says he may vote for ainiey, but will hold his hen he does. Holding the nose nose uuean would an't amount to anything. Hanna ireely grant every voter in thia -ountrv th T.i-;wii f v,i;i;t, J nose, if he threw in a ballot for "imam Mc. Hanna isn't running noae campaign. The nose isn't PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. D. K. Smith and wife are registered at The Orton. Miss Ida Bannerman is the guest of friends at Kinston. Ex-chief of Police R. B. Clowe is out again after recent illness. Miss Nora Midyette, of Golds- boro, is in the city on a visit to f rjend. Mr. D. Archie Bullock re turned last evening from Tarboro, N. C. Mr. Leslie B. Wiggs returned yesterday morning from Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Sholar, of Rocky Mount, are visiting Mrs. C. B. Allen. Mr. Wm. Stolter.of New York is at home on a visit to bit father, Mr. J. F. Stolter. Mr. J. A. Fountain, of Rich mond, came down to the city yester day morning. Mr. W. W. Weeks, of the firm ofPullen & Weeks, Southport, was here yesterday. Capt. V. V. Richardson and wife, of Whiteville, were visitors to the city yesterday. Mr. B. L. N. Wright, of Raleigh, was among yesterday's ar rivals at The Orton. Miss Norma Northam is the guest of Misses Julia and Ophelia Howell at Goldsboro. Capt. F. M. Fitts, of the Railway Mail Service, is taking his vacation at Mount Olive. Mr. H. McD. Wiggs returned yesterday from Norfolk, "Va , accom panied by his sister, Miss Cora. Mr. and Mrs. H. Witcorer and children came up from the beach yes terday and spent the day in the city. Miss Frankie Smith, a charm ing young lady of Charlotte, is the guest of Miss Bessie Tolar, on Red Cross street. Mr. J. H. Carter, and Mrs. C. EL Clark, of Clark ton and Mr. J. A. McLean, of Maxton, were registered at The Orton yesterday. Mr. T. D. Meares, who has been attending the Supreme Lodge, K. of P., at Detroit, is expected to re turn to the city to-morrow- Mr. Edwin Metts left yester day for Asheville and other points in the mountains to recuperate after his recent severe illness with fever. Messrs. Wm. J. Bellamy, Tom Alexander and E. K Foster left yesterday to attend the Elks' social session at Charlotte to morrow night. Rev. Dr. A. G. Voigt returned yesterday from China Grove, near Salisbury, where he attended a re union of the Lutherans of the State. Maj. W . H. Bernard, member of the State Democratic Executive Committee, left yesterday morning to attend the meeting in Raleigh or the arrangement of the Senatorial prim aries. Col. Walker Taylor returned yesterday morning from Milwaukee, where he attended, as a delegate from North Carolina, the annual meeting of the National Underwriters Fire In surance 'Association. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS D. L. Gore Co. Flour. Star Press boy wanted. Jos. H. Watters -Notice. Carolina Yacht Club Regatta. A. Shrier Do you wear shoes f Holmes & Watters Notice of disso lution of partnership. Busnrxss locals. Wanted A second-hand typewriter. Hanover Seaside Club-Closing social LOCAL DOTS. In the police court yesterday Martha Pierce, colored, was taxed np with the cost in a case which she brought against Bennie Gray, also colored, for assault and battery. In the municipal court yester day Clyde Kennedy was fined $10 for an assault upon a negro and disor derly conduct. The negro who was injured in the hold of tne German steamship StrahonT while unloading kainit at night, was reported as improving at the City Hospital yesterday Mrs. A. C. Wessell, in con sideration of the sum of $300, yester day conveyed " by deed to the "Sons and Daughters, Tribe of Benjamin, No. V colored order, the house and lot 45x27 feet in size on. Harnett near Eighth street Marriage This Afternoon. This afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Fifth Sereet Methodist Church, Miss Mariana Gillican, daughter of Mrs. Annie B. Gjllican, No. 113 North Seventh street, will be married to Mr. James K. Davis, a popular young pentleman of Jackson. Tenn. Last night at the residence '.of the bride a veryenjoyal reception was tendered those who are to participate in the marriage ceremonies to-day. Postal Branch Office. The Postal Telegraph Company's branch office on Water street, which will be maintained during the Fall and Winter season, was opened up yesterday in the same building as is occupied by Messrs. J. T. KUey & Uo., near corner of Chesnut and Water streets. Mr. A. EL Nash, of Salisbury, OPENING FUNCTION. Hammocks Boating and Fishing Association Unfurled Its Banner to Breeze. YACHT RACES YESTERDAY. he New Sporting Clan at the Beach Celebrated Completion of Handsome Club House With Appropriate Ceremonies The Prizes. The handsome new club house at Wrightaville of the Hammocks Boat ing and Fishing Association was for mally opened yesterday afternoon with ceremonies appropriate and highly enjoyable to the members of the organization and a few of their f rif nds, who were invited guests for the occasion. The ceremonies consisted of an ojster roast and a spread of splendid refreshments and skiff and yacht races over the club's course. In the skiff races, the Juniata, owned by Mr. Hardy Schulken and sailed by Mr. Frank Pinner, took first prize, a hand some silver waiter. In the yacht races, the Little Alice, owned by Mr. Percy Cowan and sailed by Mr. John VanB. Metts, took the second prize, a gold compass watch charm. The prizes were presented after the races in , happy terms by Mr. W. H. Nor throp, Jr. The entries in the races, the owners, captains and time made by each are as follow: 8kiff Delgado, Mr. K C. Holt owner and Mr. Willie Grant captain: Start, 4:05; out. Skiff Juniata, Mr. Hardy Schulken owner and Mr. F. N. Pinner captain: Start, 4:05.02; finish, 5:17.50. Skiff EUciona, Mr. Ike Solomon owner and Dr. A. H. Harriss captain: Start, 4:05.04; out Yacht Little Alice, Mr. Percy Cowan owner and Mr. J. Van B. Metts captain: Start, 4:07; finish, 5:14 45. Yacht Francis Marion, owned and sailed by Mr. W. N. Harriss: Start, 4:17.15; out. Yacht Lillian Florence, Dr. T. S. Burbank owner and Mr. S. P. . Cowan captain: Start, 4:08.15; finish, 5:1L24. Yacht Eugenia, owned and sailed by Mr. George Harriss: Start, 4:08.15; finish 5:16.44. There was a splendid quartering breeze from the southeast, the course being a six mile one from the southern end of the "hammocks" east around buoy opposite the Seashore Hotel; up Masonboro inlet; back to Seashore Hotel buoy; around Masonboro inlet again with finish at the club house. The judges of the race were Col. W. A. Johnson, Messrs. C. W. Yates and W. H. Northrop, Jr. The officers of the Association are as follows: President Capt R. O. Grant Vice President Mr. S. P. Cowan. Secretary and Treasurer Mr. John VanB. Metts. Regatta Committee Messrs. George Harries (chairman), J. VanB. Metts and Waller Williamson. Excursion Sept. 18th. Hatch Brothers' last excursion for the season will be run to Wilmington from Williamston, near Tarboro, on Tuesday, September 18th, arriving here about 11 o'clock A. M., and re turning leave the city at 8 P. M. of the same day. The train will go straight through to Wrightsville beach and will return in time to give the parly an opportunity of taking a thirty mile trip on the steamer Wil minaton for which the fare will be only fifteen cents. Clab Frolic To-morrow Night Interest at the toach is just now cen tered in the closing frolic to be given to morrow night by the Atlantic Yacht Club, which promises to surpass preced ing events of this character in a marked degree. Courtesies have been extended to the Carolina Yacht Club and it is confidently expected that the event will be very largely attended. Music will be by Prof. Miller's band and a late train will be provided for those who desire to return to the city. Hilton Ferry. The old Hilton Ferry across the Cape Fear river just above the plant of the Hilton Lumber Company, connecting with the "Negro head road" and lead ing up into Sampson county, has been put in operation recently by Mr. R. M. Murray, and he has a ferryman there each day in the week from sun rise until sun set for the accommoda- Haii rt natrons. Mr. Murrav has a new flat 10x30 feet in size for the trans portation of vehicles, etc., across the river. Arrested On Capias. C. EL Parker and Joe Parker, two young white men employed by Contrac tor Thad F. Tyler, of this city, were ar rested Tuesdav night by Deputy Sheriff Rowan on a canias from Pender county, where they are wanted on a warrant charging forcible trespass. Both of the young men gave cash bond in the sum of $50 each for their appearance at Burgaw Monday. Approachlaf Marriare. Mrs. Beta Glameyer has issued hand some invitations announcing the mar riage of her daughter, Miss Minnie Au crista, to Mr. John Theodore Runge, the clever and very popular Associated Press operator in this city. J.ne cere mony will be performed in St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church on Wednesday afternoon, September HOLMES GROCERY COMPANY. Dissolution of Firm of Holmes & Watters aires Wilmington Two Business Houses In Its Stead. Announcement was made yesterday of the dissolution of the firm of Holmes & Watters, one of the oldest and best known wholesale and retail grocery houses of the city, Mr. Gabriel Holmes purchasing the interest of Mr. Joseph H. Watters and becoming a member of the Holmes Grocery Company, a corporation recently formed, which will conduct the business at the old stand, and Mr. Watters retiring to go into the wholesale grocery business for himself at Nos. 220 and 222 North Water street, the store now occupied by Mr. S. P. McNair, who will move about October 1st into the building formerly occupied as the old C. F. & Y. V. passenger depot Application was made yesterday at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court for incorporation of the Holmes Grocery Company, the stockholders being named as Messrs. Gabriel Holmes, R. Lee Holmes and Jno. S. Armstrong. The company proposes to conduct the retail and wholesale grocery business and the principal place of business will be Wilmington, but othet places of business maybe established from time to time as to the incorporators may deem necessary and proper. The period of incorporation is asked for thirty years and the capi tal stock is $40,000 divided into 400 shares with privilege to increase to $100,000. The stockholders are not individually liable for contracts or obligations of the corporation and the stock is not assessible. Both new firms have the sincere wishes of a wide circle of friends and patrons for continued prosperity. Another instrument filed at the Court House yesterday gives further details of the change. Mr. Watters conveys by deed to Mr. Holmes the Front street store nd lot now occu pied by Holmes & Watters and also the lot at southeast corner of Tenth and Market streets 150x33 feet in size, subject to certain conditions in favor of Louis and Rachel Dry, the present tenants. The consideration for both properties is $6,000. JUSTICE FOWLER'S COURT. Negro Charged With Maliciously Uncou pling Cars of A. C. L. Freight Train. Thos. Hawkins, a colored youth aged about 19 years and employed by Mr. Wm. Niestlie, was arraigned in Justice Fowler's court yesterday, charged with a misdemeanor in un coupling cars without authority in an A. & Y. freight train, which was being backed toward the river on the A. C. L. yards in this city yesterday a week ago. It is contended that if the mis chief had not been promptly discov ered by one of the trainmen the result would have been that several of the cars would have been backed into the river. Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy ap peared for the railroad and Marsden Bellamy, Esq., for the defendant On account of the absence of one of the witnesses for the prosecution, the case was continued until Saturday morning and Hawkins gave bond in the sum of $50 with Mr. Niestlie as surety. Jeff MacDonald, of Delgado, was also before Justice Fowler yesterday, charged with going to the house of J. D. Langdon, with whom he had a dis pute, and threatening to shoot him with a gun which he carried. He gave bond, with Mr. R R. Bellamy as surety, for his appearance at the next term of Criminal Court. Back From Sad Mission. Mrs. M. U. Liittleton returned yes terday from Bladen bo ro, where she went to accompany for burial the re mains of her husband, Mr. M. C. Lit tleton, who died at his home in this city, corner of Eighth and Chesnut streets, Sunday night. The funeral took place at Bladenboro Tuesday morning. Deceased was 48 years of age, and, besides a sorrowing wife, he leaves to mourn their loss two brothers and one sister. ' His brothers are Messrs. Jas. O. Lit tleton and Volin? Littleton and his sister, Mrs. Mary Smith, all of Ons low county. Deceased was a native of Onslow but for the last two years had been employed in the A. C. L. shops here. Cake Walk at Seashore. The cake walk at the Seashore Hotel last night was witnessed by a very large crowd and the exhibition given by the children was indeed good and laugh provoking. The first prize, (a cake, of course, and one of the very b"t that Warren makes) was won by Sig fried Goodman and Miss Ray Solo mon. The second prize, a box of Huyler's candy, was awarded to Miss Bridgers and Master Gore. The music was by Prof. Miller's band and the contest was witnessed by nearly 300 persons. Property Transfer. Among the deeds filed for record at the Court House yesterday was one conveying from Mm. W. A. u. Gla meyer to Mrs. Beta Glameyer an un divided two-thirds share in the resi denoe and lot on south side of Ches nut near Sixth street The price named in the instrument is $1,352.43. On Sick Furlough. Mr. L. D. McCullum, of the clerical force in the Traffic department of the A. C. L., will leave thin afternoon for his home at Vineland, N. C, on a sick leave of ten days. He has an ear trouble which he fears may result seriously to his hearing. MARRIED LAST NIGHT. Miss Dora Bornemann Became the Bride of Mr. Owen Martindale, of Mason boro Township-Pleasing Affair. The home of Justice G. W. Borne. mann, No. 820 Queen street, was the scene last evening at 8 o'clock of a beautiful weddin? in the marriage of his eldest daughter, Miss Annie Borne mann, to Mr. Owen Martindale, one of Masonboro township's most suc cessful truck farmers and esteemed citizens. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. G. Voigt, D. D-, pastor of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, according to the beautiful rites of that denomination, and at the house were gathered a large assemblage of friends of the bride and groom and their families, who came to witness the marriage. The parlor of the residence was beautifully decorated and arilliantly lighted and the scene was indeed a pretty one. The bridal party entered the room in the following order: Groomsmen, Mr. J. IL Bornemann, Jr., and Mr. Hermann Off ermann ; bridesmaids, Miss Katie Fick and Miss Nettie Filers ; maid of honor, Miss Dora Bornemann; the groom, Mr. Owen Martindale accompanied by his best man, Mr. Henry Home ; the bride Miss Annie Bornemann leaning on the arm of her father, Mr. G. W. Borne mann. The bride was the recipent of many beautiful and costly presents and best wishes for a long and bright career through life. Mr. and Mrs. Martin dale will reside on Masonboro Sound. "McFADDEN'S ROW OF FLATS. Attraction at the Opera House To-night Will Be Liberally Patronized. "McFadden's row of Flats" has been entirely rewritten up to the minute, and the latest New York sensations of life on the east side are burlesqued in the most approved fashion. In this season's production the management has spared no expense in scenery, cos tumes and mechanical effects. The company consists of the following well known farce comedy and nign class vaudeville artists: Mc Waters & Tyson, Bobby Ralston, Jennie La mont Toon Price, Alonzo Lang, Charles Saunders. Jerry Sullivan, Harrv Watson, Frederick Brothers, Frank Cotton and his trained donkeys, Ima Thomas, E. M. Brown and others, not ovelooking a chorus of pretty ladies, daintly made-up in various uni forms and gowns of the most expen sive kind. Musically "McFadden's Flats" compares with any comic opera organization en tour. Reserved seats sale open at Gerkens cigar , store. A ERYAN PROPHECY. Captain Wise Thinks Bryan Will Carry New York and Be Elected. Richmond Times, 2d. Hon. George D. Wise is back from his vacation. He spent some time in Nova Scotia, where he met Bishop Jagger, who has often preached at St. Paul's, and Bishop Kipsolving, of Texas. Captain Wise spent some time in New York on his return home. He said to a Times reporter last night: "I firmly believe Bryan will be elect ed President Four years ago when I was in New York all the talk was in favor of McKinley. I was surprised to learn this week of the remarkable changes that have come about. It is Bryan now. The people realize that free silver is a dead issue. Probably 85 per cent of the gold Democrats in New York are for Bryan. I mixed a trood deal with the people. I talked with them on the street cars, in hotels and gathered information from my political and journal friends. Bryan, in my judgment, will carry New York State." Married at Goldsboro. Mr. E. 8. Herring, of the freight car department of the A. C. L. shops m this city, and Miss Ella Bryan, of Goldsboro, were married at the home of the bride's brother. Mr. T. C. Bryan, at Goldsboro yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the officiating minister being Rev. Dr. F. D. Swindell, air. and Mrs. Herring arrived last evening on the 6 o'clock train and are at home at No 419 Campbell street Among those who attended the wedding from Wil mington were Mr. E. T. Herring and Miss Mabel Herring. Excursion Last Evening. An excursion train from Morganton, Statesville and Winston Salem arrived last evening at 8 :30 o'clock over the A. C. L., and brought to the city for a two day's trip about 300 persons. The excursion was run by Sravelling Passenger Agent R. L. Vernon, of Charlotte, who is managing the excur sion for the Southern Railway Com pany. Capt McArthur was in charge. of the train from Goldsboro. About 100 of those who came registered at the Bonitz Hotel last night. Hanover SeaBide Club. The Hanover Seaside Club, at Caro lina Beach, will close the season on to morrow night with a social and dance. The club will also be open to members and their friends during the day. The steamer Wilmington will leave the city at 9.15 A. M. and 5.15 P. M. Those who desire to return to the city before night can do so on the 3 P. M. boat. W. D. C. Richardson Dead. The Goldsboro Headlight announces the death Tuesday in that city of Mr. W. D. C. Richardson, who formerly conducted a bicycle store here. Mr, Richardson died of consumption at the home of his father-in-law, Capt D. J. Broadhurst THE CITY HOSPITAL. Will Soon Give Way to the Well Equipped James Walker Memorial. MANAGERS MET YESTERDAY. Very Excellent Report Submitted by Superintendent Lane for Month of August New Hospital Rapidly Nearlng Completion. Very satisfactory progress is being made on the handsome and substantial James Walker Memorial Hospital which is being erected on the site of the present City Hospital building, and the convenient and well adapted structure will soon stand completed, a lasting witness to the generosity cf Mr. James Walker, the d mor, who has not only provided the means for its erection "but who is personally superintending the work of its con struction and seeing to it that not one piece of shoddy material enters its make up. At a meeting of the Board of Man agers of the City Hospital at the Court Hous9 yesterday afternoon' at which were present Chairman D. McEachern, Commissioners Montgomery and Holmeacnd . Alderman Springer, it was reported that the walls of the new edificeare up to the third floor and only one more story remains to be built i r At the meeting, the report of Dr. W. W. Lane, Superintendent of the City Hospital, was read and approved. It is the best report made since the found ing of the hospital, both with respect to the cost of maintenance, all things being considered, and the number of patients treated. The following is an abstract of the very comprehensive re port made: ; for last month by the superintendent: Patients treated 65, of which 37 were whites and 28 colored; 45 from city, 10 from country and 10 pay patients. There were remaining in the hospital July 31st, 21 patients and 44 were ad mitted during the month. Those dis charged in August numbered 39; died, 2; remaining August 31st, 24. Pay patients were treated 140 days and charity patients 577 days. Rations were furnished pay patients, 140; charity, 577; employes, 434. Total 1,151. The average cost per capita per day was 14 " cents. The cost of sub sistence for . the month was $170.81 and the general expenses were $144.44; pay roll $174.50 ; total $489.75. The re ceipts, were $45.42 from prescriptions; pay patients, $135.89; city, $166.66; county, $250; total $597.97. The re ceipts over expenditures were $108.22. J. L. YORK RELEASED. Prisoner Well Remembered in Wilmington. Released on Bond of His Father. Fayetteville Observer, 4th J. L. York walked out of jail at ex actly 11 o'clock to-day, dressed in the height of fashion. He wore a brand new $40 tailor-made grey suit, . patent leather shoes and other things to match. He was leaning on the arm of his father, smoking a fine cigar and chatting pleasantly. His father arrived here last night on the de layed tram from Greensboro, and this mor nine ;he appeared before United States Commissioner Morrisey and gave the $1,000 bond, proving the re a aired $3,000 property Qualification York and his father walked from the jail up Front street to the Atlantic Coast Line station, where they board ed a train for their home in Randolph county. York says he will be back here on the 12th to appear at the pre liminary j hearing, and that he will then establish his innocence. Attention, Democrats. Democrats should not forget the call of State Chairman Simmons, Wm. J, Bryan, Adlai E. Stevenson, Jas. K. Jones, Wm. R. Hearst, Josephus Daniels, 1 Julian S. Carr, B. C. Beck with and E. Chambers Smith for a thorough organization in all the States, For North Carolina the plan is for all the White Supremacy clubs of 1896 to be rC-organized as Bryan and Steven son clubs. The dates fixed are Sep tember 14th (at night) for clubs in the towns and cities and September 15th (day or night) for clubs in the county precincts. Off for Sfhool. The opening of the schools and col leges fori the Fall term call many of the young men and young ladies to their studies during the early part of September and each train carries a full contingent from Wilmington to Miss Louise Harper to Salem Female the various institutions. Yesterday Mr. E. Y. Wootenleft for the A. & M., at Raleigh; Messrs. Walter Sprunt and Thomas P. Bagley, for Davidson ; College Mr. Walter Boesch to Roan oke; Messrs. Pierre Holmes and Louis P. Davis to Horner's School at Oxford. Mr. Keith in Raleigh. Raleigh Post, 5th: "Mr. B. F. Keith, of Wilmington, spent last night in the city, returning from a sojourn of sey eral days at Panacea Springs. To a member: of the Post stair Mr. Keith said that he expected to vob the Brvan Stevenson ticket, but that Ste venson will be a bitter pill for him to swallow. He fears that quite a num ber of Populists in this State will not support the ticket on account of the Vice Presidential candidate. Mr. Keith expects! to revive his silver paper, the New Era, very soon." Yacht Club Regatta. A regular regatta of the Carolina Yacht Club will be sailed over the dab course on next Saturday at 4 :30 o'clock : Yachts are ordered to report at the club wharf promptly at 4 o'clock. RUFFLED MIT ....(HIS. 9 9 t 9 BEAUTIFUL LINE just-received. It will pay you to visit us before purchasing elsewhere. It is the MOST COMPLETE LINE ever shown in the city. Wo have the exclusive sale of the PRETTIEST PATTERNS shown thia season. Our prices are the lowest. f f 9' 9 9 9 BIG DEPARTMENT STORE, Bell 'Phone 118. auastf BLACKWELL-DURHAM COMPANY. Sale of Property Ordered by Judge Simon- ton Republican Nominations. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 5. The Re publicans of the Fifth district to-day nominated J. R. Joyce, of Reidsyille, for Congress, and R. D. Douglas for elector. Judge Simonton has rendered a de cision in the Blackwell-Durham To bacco Company case, ordering it to be sold on November 5th. No bids of less than $4,000,000 will be enter tained. To City Subscribers. City subscribers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases steps will be taken to insure prompt and regular delivery. Chamber of Commerce. The regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in its rooms in the Seaboard Air Line buildiDg. A full attendance is desired. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Carolina Yacht Club. A regular Begatta ot the Carolina Yacht Club will be sailed over the Clab Course on 8aturday, September 8th, at 4 30 o'clock "P. M. Yachts will report at-the club wharr prompt ly at 4.00 o'clock. By order of the Begatta committee. sep 6 It HENBY R. SAVAGE, Purser. A boy who has had! experience in running JOB PRESSES may secure employment svt the STAR office. Apply to Foreman to-day. sep 6 tt - - - NOTICE. - - - I wish to inform my fr"ends and the public that on or about the 1st of October, 1900, I will be located on the wharf at Nos. 220 and 222 North Water street, where I will offer for sale a full line of GROCERIES at wholesale, and invite their inspection. Very respectfully, JOS. H. WATTERS. sep 6 2 w th sa tu . W 4t FLOUR, FLOUR, FLOUR. 1 000 BarrelB Flonr '500 BUBhelB Va" VTi G" Mea1' 100 Bags Coarse Grits 20 000 Foimds EIb Sldes 5' 000 P0nna8 Fat Ba( Plate8- '600 BuBhels Qood MIxed Corn. 100 Boxes Smoked Herring. 1 Art AAA ' Cheroots, Cigarettes & Cigars. War Eagle and Old- Glory Cheroots are sellers. Get our prices. D. L. GORE CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, seoetf Wilmington. N. C. For Rent. Stores, Dwellings, and Offices. APPLY TO D. O'CONNOR, Beal Estate Agent. sep 2 tf Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. WILMINGTON, N. C, Sept. 5th, 1900. The copartnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned under the firm name of Holmes & wattebb has this aay been dis solved by mutual consent, Joseph H. Watters has sold and conveyed all of his Interest In the said copartnership to Gabriel Holmes, who has assumed and will pay all or tne aeDts ana uaDiiities ot tne nrm. GABRIEL HOLMES, JOB. H. WATTERS. , NOTICE. Wavfncr tvmirht nil the Interests Of JOB6Dh H, Watters in the firm and copartnership of Holmes & Watters, I hereby give notice that I win carry on me business of the old firm at their old stand on Front street, under the name and style of totp. nnr.wm RROCERT COMPANY. I respectfully solicit the eustom of our old patrons, and all the good people of the city and sep 6 lOt GABRIEL- HOLMES Press-Boy V anted 9 9 f 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 v 9 9 9 9 J. 1 REHDER 4 CO., FOURTH STREET BRIDGE. Inter-State 218. Take No Other ... Cuban Blossom' "Renown," "Topical Twist" CIGARS. Can't Be Approached.l Sold everywhere. Vollers & Hashagen, Sole Sales Agents. an 5tf Is Mai FOR MEN AND BOYS i AGENCY. I sells rapidly with us. vrru Vi a Tra a flna naanrt.mAnt. nn h ATI (1 and several large orders with the factory to j some soon. - - ii K i - of Duttenhofers' fine Ladles1 Lace and ; Button Just received. -ft tit Mb- on our Bummer Stock and Broken Sized lots are moving the gooos. ; Come earlv and eet your size. Much of this Is nice, fresh, new stock. Don't miss the chance to get your fit. 1 Respectfully. MERCER & EVANS. au 19 tf Now For i The Fall Trade. We are now prepared to fill all orders for goods In our line, whole- you. Quality, too, is a feature in which we ezceu Agicultural Implements, Fine Cutlery, Tinware, Saddles, Horse Collars, Guns, Pistols, . Ammunition of every kind, Stoves, Ranges- weii, It would require too much space to enu merate the thousand and one articles that make up one of the most complete stocks ever offered In the South . . Polite attention, prompt niung or oraers and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. ; J. W. Mnrchisonfi Co. Orton Bulldinc, j aep2t Wilmington, N. C. WILMINGTON SEA COAST R. R. On and after June 14, 1900, the schedule will be as follows: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington. 6 80 A. M 10.10 A. M 8.30 P. M. 5.00 P. M. 7.15 P. M. Leave Ocean view, 7.45 A. M. 11.30 A. M. 3.45 P. M.: 6.00 P. M. 10.00 P. M. SUNDAY TRAIN. I Leave Wilmington. Leave Ocean View ; 10.10 A. M. 11.30 A. M. i 8.30 P. M. 6.00 P. M. I 7.15 P. M. I 9.00 P. M. Every Friday and Saturday on account ot Club House dances the last train will leave the Beach at 11 P. M. Instead ot 10.00. Freight will be carried only on the 10.10 a. M. and 5 P. M. trains except fresh meats, ice and vegetables, which will be taken on the 6.80 train. No goods will be received unless accom panied by way bills and trsight prepaid. Freight must be received at our depot 15 mini utes before leaving time of train. No excep tions will be made to these rules. Jy 10 tf B. O. GRANT. Bupt. TAKE NOTICE. I have NOT sold my busi ness or any part of tt at The Unlucky Corner," and do not expect to, the ramor to the contrary notwithstanding;. X will run it an heretofore and take care of your inter . est. Iam able and will ing to give you as g;ood Groceries and as rood services as any house in the State. S. W. SANDERS au 83 tf Thursday, September 6. A True Happlnesb Producer Up-to-Date. UcFADDEtt'S Row of Flats. The One New Farce-Comedy Spectacular. Fun Born This Season, Famous Comedians. Famous Singers. Famous Dancers. X. Beoent Growth of Wit. - Nothing but the Title of Former Production. The Only Hew Thing Under the Bun. sepast sututh is operator in charge. 19th, at 5:30 o'clock. j