AUDiniiw Rmi PMt, Every-DyJ w4TCalstlM I f II i Tfcae That TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.: : One Year, by Mail, fS.OO! I Six Months , 8.60 I ', Three Months, ' 1.86 Two Months, l.OO 01 Aay Other Di!y News- Pwfchete! is - ? '.OLDEST D 4 1 1, v vciriDiDDn r W IHB STATE. Delivered to Subscribers In the. 3K VOL. LXVIL-NO. 56. WILMINGTON, N. 0., TUESDAY, NOVEMBEK 27, 1900. City at 45 Cents per fflLontn. Y WHOLE NO. 10,383 Morning Slue ptoruxtxg jRar OUTLINES. clerk of the 3. A . L. said to have been arretted in Fernandina for em bezzliag funds of the company. Foreign ministers in Pekin said to have reached an agreement, bat it is doubtful if it receives the sanction of all the Powers. Indications are that it will be weeks before the mat ters in dispute with Turkey can be settled. A tornado near Union Point, Ga., did considerable damage. Physicians attending the Czar of Russia report his condition as satisfac tory ; reports as to his death are said to be the work of stock brokers. Senator Teller says the silver question is not dead. It is denied in Ber lin that Germany is seeking to acquire the island of Curacoa. Rivers in Kentucky and West Virginia have overflowed, doing immense damage to farju. The Standard Oil Co. has secured concessions in Rou- mania for sinking oil wells. Heavy storms in Virgin is. with tornado at West Point. New York markets: Money on call steady at 32 J per-cent , last loan being at 3 per cent; cotton quiet, middling uplands 10rc; flour was mod erately active and steady ; wheat spot easy. No. 2 red 78ie ; corn spot firm, No. 3 46js; oats spot firm. No. 3 36xs; rosin quiet; spirits turpentine dull. ! WEATHER REPORT. U. 3-JDep't of Agriculture, j Weather Bureau. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 86. ) Temperatures: 8 A M., 48 degrees; 8 P. M., 49 degrees; maximum, 74 de ?reea; minimum, 45 degrees; mean, 60 degrees. Rainfall for the day, J14; rainfall moos 1st of the month up to date, 3.53 inches. FORECAST FOB TO-DAY. Washing-tow, Nov. 26. For North Carolina Generally fair Tuesday and Wednesday ; fresh west to north winds. Port Almanac November 27. Pui Rises 6.48 A.M. Sun Sets 4.46 P.M. Dt's Length 9 H . 58 M. High Water at South port. 11 38 P. M. High Water Wilmington . 3 08 A M. The town of tytfik, Maaa., has a "haunted apple Vee.' That's all right, but what the South wants is the haunted watermelon patch. Indiana has a bachelor who is training for marriage, and hopes to be able to take care of a wife when he ge'a her. By persistent experiment aod practice he has reduced the cost of his bill of fare to six cents a day. A train in Canada, a few days ago, made a run of 112 miles in 110 min utes, including ten minutes stop pages and slow downs, which was doing pretty well for a Canadian railroad. A Rev. gentleman in Newark, N. J., says the game of football is mis named. It should be called a battle instead of a game. There are a good many who are of this Rev. gentleman's opinion. A Georgia paper tells of an old lady who lives within twelve miles of town, who visited the town the other day for the first time in twenty-five yean, accompanied by an 18-year-old daughter who had never been to town before. And yet both have managed to live pretty happily. A writer in the Philadelphia Times snggests that ex-Presidents and U. S. Senators when their terms expire be made Senators at large for life. That looks lik e discharg ing a fellow and hiring him over at better pay. If that was the rule wouldn't there be a scramble among the patriots? Minister Conger will never be sat isfied unless the offending Chinese officials are severely punished. Nothing less than thirty-nine lashes on the naked back will placate him. He never has gotten over Li Hung Chang's poking fun at him for losing fifty pounds of flesh while coralled in the English reservation in Pekin. Women in China have the privi lege of serving in the army in war times. In the racket of 1850 500. 000 women served as soldiers. Judging from the way tbej fight all the Chinese soldiers are women. The coons all look so much like oyer there that the outside soldier never knows whether he is fighting a man or a woman. The fool is not entirely extinct in Pennsylvania. pne of them, a rich one, had' an nptfr f nneral 0Ter a dead dog wtticnlSLu been a mem ber of his family for seventeen years. The "corpse" was laid out in a nobby coffin artistically decorated, a lawyer delivered the eulogy and a band played a requiem, while the rest of them played the fool. They neglected to have apiece of doggerel written and delivered for the occas ion. , LOCAL DOTS. The Naval Reserves will meet to night to decide on their Thanksgiv ing cruise. Thursday being a holiday, the various offices in the Court House will be closed. A force of carpenters, under Contractor A pp legate, are at work on the shed over the fish market. Clarendon Lodge, No. 2, K. of P., will confer the second rank upon two candidates at the regular meeting to night. Uateman . Piner. of the At lantic Coast Line, was able to be at his post yesterday for the first time since his recent severe sickness. Mr. Frank Shepard returned Sunday from Norfolk where he at tended the Virginia-Carolina game. He was much pleased with everything he saw except Carolina's defeat. While there was no change in the quotations on the local cotton market yesterday, the tone was quiet. in sympathy with New York's decline. The receipts yesterday were only 280 bales, most of which came in over the Newbern Railroad. Rey. R, F. Rumpaas, presid ing elder of the Wilmington District, M E. Church, preached two , excel lent sermons to the Grace congrega tion Sunday in the absence of Rev. J. N- Cole, who is at Oxford as a witness in the Gattis-KPgo trial. The Una Clayton Company, featuring Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. He w lette in their strong specialties, is playing a return engagement in the South, including Bristol, Nov. 26th; Charlotte, Dec. 3rd; Spartanburg, Dec 10th; Columbia, Dec 17th; Ashe ville, Dec 24th; Enoxville, Dec. Slst. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A. C. L. Schedule change S. H. MacRae Bankrupt notice. King Grocery Co. Watch prices. Blackjack Wood 60 cts. per load. Commissioners Invite proposals. Carolina Yacht Club Meet to-night Munroe & Kelley Colonial styles. Notice New. telephone subscriber?. WILL CONTINUE THIS WEEK. Or. BlackweU sad Dr. Rises Well Pleased With Success of Revival Meeting. Such a gracious work of edification is being done in me first tsapuai Church by the preaching and singing of Rev. Walter P. Hines that the meetings will continue, through this rry 1 n wees, ine services on ounaay were largely attended and uplifting. The children's meeting was tender and in structive i Last night the sermon was on "God Our Helper," and the solo, which was the best of the series, was entitled Some Time We'll Understand. " This afternoon at 3.30 o'clock the subject will be "Heaven Its Inhabi tants and Its Joys," and Mr. Hines will sing as an appropriate solo "Death Is Only a Dream." This will give those who cannot come out at night a chance to hear him sing. Spider sad Ply" Company. The "Spider and Fly" Company ap peared at the Opera House last night before a very large audience, composed chiefly of men. The attraction was generally heralded as a beauty show, but so far. as many things were con cerned the show missed the point fear fully. Scarcely one of the actresses, or rather chorus girls, could be called pretty, but then what was lost there was fairly well made up by the pretty scenic effects and costumes. Some of the singing was good and a few of the dances seemed to please. The clown and acrobatic features of the show re ceived much applause and these features well deserved it, as the work in that part was decidedly clever and entertaining. On the whole, the per formance was not as good as the public expected. The Police court. In the municipal court yesterday morning Cal. Jones, the colored dray man who ran over Mr. H. Yollers on Nutt street Friday afternoon, was ar raigned for fast driving. The case was continued until Wednesday when it is hoped Mr. Yollers will be able to at tend the investigation. Sam. Carter, colored, was given twenty days on the county chain gang for disorderly con duct and escape, he having jumped from the patrol wagon and ran, upon the occasion of his arrest several days ago. Target Practice. By order of Col. Walker Taylor, commanding, Corporal Lander has called the members of the First Bat talion Boys' Brigade of America to imble at Market street dock on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock for target practice across the river. The non-sommissioned officers are re quested to meet at the armoay on the same day at 10 A. M, for the purpose of arranging final detail of the event. Sbipplag Notes. The British steamship Eastry, hence for Bremen, passed out at Southport at noon Sunday. The British steamship Gladys, 509 tons, Capt. Edward, arrived at Southport at 3.50 P. M, yesterday and will proceed up to Wilmington. She has a cargo of kainit which is con signed to Messrs. Heide & Co. The Gladys sailed from Hamburg Nov. 2nd and Dartmouth, Nov. 7th. O res t harsrains at the Fiahblate Cloth ing Co.'s store this week to reduce 'TWAS CIRCUS DAY. Rhoda Royal Shows Delighted Young and Old at Hilton Yesterday. THE BIG STREET PARADE. Upon the Whole Exhibition Was Pally to Expectations aid Lacking la Objec tionable Feature, Rumors of Which Had Preceded It. Prohibitory special taxes as the re sult of what is characterized by the overscrupulous, r.erhaps, as a strong moral public opinion against such things, has well nigh relegated to the annals of the past in Wilmington the old fashioned show and menagerie of the childhood days of many people of the present generation, and it ap peared for a while that the State's metropolis would pass the season without having a visit from the half dozen and more big tented enterprises that have toured North Carolina dur ing the year. But it was reserved for the Rhoda Royal Shows, which gave two exhi bitions to large crowds at Hilton Park yesterday and last night, to break the monotony for the admirers of the ring and trapeze and revive interest in the now almost legendary red lemonade, chattering monkeys, funny clowns and daring riders. Upon the whole the performance as given by the Rhoda Royal people was quite creditable and though the Wil mington public had been led to be lieve that it was an aggregation of fakirs and gamblers, the people who visited the grounds, found it quite to the contrary and as orderly and as well conducted show as has visited the city in several years. True, it was not so large or so loudly heralded as others that have come this way, but the ex hibition was of a high order and there were few who expressed disappoint ment at the character of the entertain ment afforded. The grounds were conspicuous for the absence of the hum drum and clap trap that usually follows in the wake of a show of its kind and not the least untoward act marked the day's activities at Hilton. The show came in early Sunday morning from Wallace where an exhi bition was given on Saturday. There are eight cars in the special train which brought the property and people be longing to the enterprise. Sunday, as many of the tents as were necessary for the housing of the animals and em ployes were pitched, and in the after noon the street railway people were at their wits and to get out to Hilton and back the people who wanted to look about and see just what circus life is like. It is said there was even a larger crowd out to see the pitching of the tents Sunday afternoon than there was at the performances yesterday. Yesterday about 10 o'clock the usual parade, which was very creditable, was witnessed by large and good natured crowds, which gathered on every street corner and clamored for every point of vantage.' The tent was well filled for the opening performance at z tr. m. anu as stated before, the various features were fully up to the modest claims of the proprietors. The horse and pony specialties were pronounced the best ever seen here and the training was indeed marvelous. The sixty-two horse act was good and nothing like it has been seen here before. The per formance last night was also largely attended and up to the standard of the day exhibition. "Bag and baggage" was quickly bundled after the last performance and the show took its departure this morn ing for Fayetteville, where an exhibi- will be given to day. ARRESTED AT HAWES' MILL. Negro May Be Wasted la South Carolina for Stealing Cotton. Joe Rivers, colored, who answers the description of a negro wanted in Orangeburg county, for stealing two bales of cotton and the cotton seed from four bales from Mr. G. B. Kit trell, a big planter of that section, on Oct. 19th, was arrested yesterday at Hawea' Mill in Pender county by Mr Q. O. Sherman and brought to Wil mington yesterday afternoon. The prisoner was locked up in the city jail where he will be kept until Chief Parmele can hear from Mr. Kittrell, whom he wired yesterday afternoon. Rivers denies the charges, but says he came to Wilmington about a month ago from that part of South Carolina. Prisoners for Raleigh. Sheriff Walter Q. MacRae and Jailor George W. Mil lis will leave this morning for Raleigh with three prisoners sentenced laat week to terms the State penitentiary. James Wells, the negro who was convicted murder in the second degree, will be entered up for 15 years; Jim Mar ine, the sixteen-year-old white youth convicted of highway robbery, will go up for two years, and Andrew Hill, the negro who baa the world's record for stealing door mats and other front piazza accessories, will be confined at hard labor" for three years. Thomas Hawkins, a small colored boy, was originally sentenced to twelve months the penitentiary for maliciously un coupling an A. C. L. train in the yards here, but Judge Moore changed the sentence to one year on the county roads. Don't fail to get some of those special heming at the Fiahblate Clotnmg Co.'s Bargain Sale this week. t PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. Dan Benton is able to be out again after a prolonged illness. Mr. Dawson Latham came up from Florence Sunday to spend a day. Mr. Joe Cotton, of the U. S. mail service, was in the city yester day. Hon. Walter H. Xeal, of Laur inburg, is in the city on professional business. Mr. James Jones, of Southport, came up to the city last evening and spent the night at The Orton. Mr. W. F. Biddell, of the Na tional Hotel at Lumberton, was an arrival at The Orton yesterday. Dr. D. T. Tayloe, of Washing ton, N. C, and Mr. S. 8. Batch el or , of Raleigh, are guests at The Orton. Mr. J. N. Brand and bride re turned yesterday from their bridal tour North and a visit to Mr. Brand's relatives in Sumter, S. C. Mr. T. H. W. Mclntire, super intendent of public instruction in Pender county, was a visitor to the city yesterday. Rev. J. W. Gurganious is visit ing his son, Mr. R. F. Gurganious, at No. 413 Princess street, on his way to the N. C. Methodist Conference at New bern. Mr. Paul Stanley, of Golds boro, and Mr. J. R. McDanie), regis tering from North Carolina, were among last evening's arrivals in the city. Mr. J. C. Holiday, of Clinton, Mr. S. Parker, wife and child, of Pine Town, and Mr. B. B Anderson, of Fair Bluff, were among yesterday's arrivals at The Orton Mr. S. A. King, of Blarny, Ga , but formerly of Wilmington, has returned to the city and will reside here in the future. He has a position in the the A. C. L freight office. Mr. Dayton MacLean a very clever young man who for some time has been with Messrs. Morris Bear & Bro. , has accepted a position as travel ling salesman for Mr. W. B. Cooper and will enter upon his new duties very soon. Mr. R. W. Wallace and bride returned from their bridal tour Sun day night Mr. Wallace, as every body knows, is the genial proprietor of The Orton and his numerous friends showered him with congratulations yesterday. THANKSQIVINQ SERVICES SUNDAY. Jnnior Order of United American Me chanics Held Appropriate Meeting. Jeff Davis Council, No. 63, Junior Order of United American Mechanics, held thanksgiving services at Fifth Street Mr thodist Church Sunday night. The co. i cil met at its hall at 6.45 o'clock I'- M. and proceeded in a body to the church. The attendance was large. Mr.E.R. Robey.the church organist, opened the services with an instru mental solo. "Love Divine" was ren dered by the choir as an offertory. The choir consisted of Miss Kate Sholar, Miss Emma Cook, Miss MaryBatson, Miss Sudie Williams, Miss Mary Canady, Mrs. Annie Bowen, Mrs. J. D. Webster, Mrs. Carrie Gardner, Messrs. J. W. Fleet, C. E. Motte and W. H. Register. The sermon was preached by Rev, John H. Hall. It was strictly a thanks giving sermon and Rev. Mr. Hall took for his text, "They which builded on the wall, and they that bear bur dens, with those that laded, eyery one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held weapons. Blessed be Thy glorious name which is exalted above all bless ings and praise." His remarks were very appropriate to the occasion and forcible. THE CAPTAIN'S MATE" T0-NI0HT. Opening Bill of Five Nights' Engagement of Southern Stock Company. The Southern Stock Company, featuring "The Idol of the South," "Mabel Paige," begins a week's en gagement at the Opera House, com mencing to-night, and present ing a repertoire of scenic plays at popular prices. "The Captain's Mate" is announced as the opening bill. Matinee will be given on Thursday and Saturday. Miss Paige's managers have secured a number of plays this season that have never been presented before at popular prices and have invested, it is said, a large amount of money in special scenery and electrical apparatus for the proper presentation of each play. "The Captain's Mate" is the opening bill, and during the week the following plays will be presented. "Prisoner of Algiers," "The Country Girl," "Tom Sawyer," "Brand of Cain," "A Spanish Romance," "The Clipper," and the "Pearl of Savoy." Miss Paige has in her support a num ber of dramatic and vaudeville artists of recognized ability. A lady will be admitted at half price (15 cents) when ticket is pur chased before 6 P. M. Seats are now on sale. Banquet To-night. Oriental Conclave of Heptasophs, or Seven Wise Men, will give a ban quet in Red Men's Hall to-night to its members and a very pleasant tune is anticipated. The following com pose the committee of arrangements: Messrs. J. A. Kelly, J. A. Perry and C. E. McMillan. . On account of the extreme warm weather at this season of the year the Fiahblate Clothing Ob. will sell for one week their stock of goods at a great bargain, as they wish to reduce their immense stock. See their advertise ment. ' j. t A VERY ROUGH EXPERIENCE. Gasoline Launch, "Morning Star," Got lata a Squall Near Southport Sunday Night No Damage Done The Morning Star, the gasoline launch, in charge of Capt. Geo. War ren, narrowly averted serious injury Sunday night on the river just this aide of Southport. She had started up the river with- a party of young men, who were returning to Wil mington, and before she got any dis tance ran into a wind squall. The wind was blowing furiously and the rain was falling in torrents and mem bers of the party say it was impoosible to see ten yards ahead. Several waves broke clear over the top of the boat. It was about 10.30 o'clock and the captain decided to put back to the wharf. For a half hour it was all those on board could do to keep the boat from being torn to pieces against ahSMiank.. . After the wind abated, tha staunch little craft was beaded up the river again and arrived here at 3.30 o'clock yesterday morning. It was quite a rough and thrilling experience for the party for a few minutes and all speak in highest terms of the sterling quali ties of the launch and Capt. Warren's management of her. Among those who were on the Morning Star were Capt. Warren, Capt John Price, of the Seabright, Robt. Ruark, Esq., Messrs. M. B. Mintz, Leon Pinner, J. H. Thompson, Millard Windsor, Ike Pinner and Fred Doaher. PRETTY SUNDAY WEDDING. Miss Ada P. Peterson aod Mr. Bishop Pridgen United in Matrimony. Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Peterson, No. 523 J North Fourth street, was celebrated the marriage of Miss Ada Florence Peterson to Mr. Bishop Pridgen. The impressive ceremony was conducted by Rev. J. J. Payseur, pastor of Brook lyn Baptist Church. The house was tastily decorated and a number of friends of the couple were assembled to witness the wedding. The following couples attended upon the bride and groom : Miss Re t a Peter son and Mr. William Baggett; Miss Tina Pridgen, of Viola, and Mr. Hill Guthrie; Miss Fannie Moore, of Berta, and Mr. Arthur Kine: Miss Willaba Moore and Mr. Robert Glis- son. A reception was held immediately after the ceremony at the bride's resi dence and also at 214 North Fifth street where the couple will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Pridgen received the best wishes and congratulations of many friends. INTERSTATE BASE BALL. Plans on Foot to Organize a League of Carolina and Vlrgiaia Cities. Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. It is said if the plans of Mr. E. Harvey Cunningham, who was president of the Virginia League last season, make good, this city will next season again have a baseball team. For some time past Captain Cunning ham and Mr. E. J. Doran. the secre tary of the Norfolk Baseball Club, have been sending letters to parties interested in baseball in various parts of Virginia and North Carolina. It is proposed to organize a V lreinia- North Carolina League, and for this purpose a meeting of parties interested will be held at the Monticello Hotel next Thursday to, if possible, form the league. Letters have been written to base ball men in Raleigh, Durham, Wilson, Tarboro, Charlotte, Winston, Salem, Henderson, Wilmington, Rich mond, Lynchburg, Roanoke, Ports mouth, Newport News and Peters burg. Favorable replies have been received from many of these cities and it is now a safe guess that Norfolk, and in fact many other Virginia cities, will have base boll next season. For many seasons past Captain Cun ningham has placed winning teams in Norfolk, and perhaps has lost money, as several of the cities in the circuit did not "pay car fare." No doubt the many base ball enthusiasts would like to see the Norfolk team in a big league next season. Week of Prayer Being Observed. The "Week of Prayer" is being ob served for the seven days beginning yesterday by the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, of Grace M. E. church. Prayer service will be had each afternoon at 4 o'clock at the dis trict parsonage. The subject for this afternoon will be "The Year of Jubi leeOur Jubilee, 1900," and will be led by Mrs. J. N. Cole. The Lettuce Crop. Lettuce growers are now beginning to ship their stock in appreciable quantities to the Northern markets. The largest shipments by express for the season went forward Sunday morn ing. Prices usually are very satis factory, some sales having been made as high as $5 per barrel and $2.50 per basket or half barrel. Yacht Club Meet ine. Mr Henry R. Savage, purser, has called a meeting of Carolina Yacht Club to be held this evening at 8 o'clock in the rooms of the Merchants' Association in the S. A. L. building. The matter for consideration is the racing rulea of the club and every member interested is expected to be in attendance. Daoce Wednesday Night. An impromtu german participated in by members of both L' Arioso and L' Agile clubs will be given Wednes day night in the Masonic Temple in compliment to the visiting young ladies. Mr. George P. James will lead and music will be furnished by Miller's orchestra. TALK OF RAILROAD DEALS. Rumors About "Mutuality of Ownership" of the Atlantic Coast Liae, the Southern and S. A. L. Baltimore Sun, 26th. A report that created a stir on Sat urday among some of the inside in terests in railroad properties was that the "mutuality of ownership" feature which has lately come into promin ence in railroad management would soon appear in the relations of the Southern Railway, Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line. The scurrying around of several men prominent in some of these pro perties indicated that the plausibility of the story has made a deep impres sion. Denials did not dispose of the report. A financier clone to some of the in terests in these properties, in discuss ing the report, said : "There is a disposition just now to credit almost anything that savors of a deal, and with the public appetite ready to take in such reports there is ale ys louie -o - clever enough to start a plausible sor v. So far this re port about a mutuality of interests in the Southern railroad situation is largely guesswork. But there is some ground for expecting that this may eventually be the settlement of the Southern situation. It is a well-known fact that the Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Railway have been working harmoniously for several years. "Up to the time of the change of ownership the old Seaboard system was a thorn in the side of these two roads. The rate war of three years ago was an attempt to force the Seaboard into an agreement, but the latter made things so warm thai it was able to settle practically on its own terms. Now the Seaboard is a much more formidable rival. If it was not, the Eressure which has been brought to ear by opposing New York financial interests would have prevented the consummation of its scheme of consoli dation. Our local financiers remember the week before Christina of 1899, when such a determined effort was made to crush the Williams syndicate, an incident of which included closing the doors of a New York trust com pany that was supposed to be heavily interested in the Seaboard syndicate. The stocks of some of our local trust companies who had interests in the same syndicate were also subjected to a bear attack. Things looked ugly, but the clouds cleared away and the Seaboard consolidation became an accomplished fact. "The Seaboard property must now be reckoned with in any plan looking toward handliug the Southern busi ness, and the method applied to the trunk territory by the New York Central-Pennsylvania-Baltimore and Ohio deal is a logical, if a far-off, plan. This makes thetalk of a mutuality of ownership plausible." For Whooping Cough use CHENEY'S EX PECTORANT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 100 Cords Large Black Jack Wood. Only 6) cents per load. No. 615 Nutt street. Oar License Tax PAID. novi" lw Don't Be A Fool, Go to E. R. Bellamy's ana get a bottle of Goose Grease Liniment. It cures croup and coughs like magic, andall pains, nov IS 6m Carolina Yacht Glob. There will be a meeting of the Club this TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 27TH, at 8 o'clock at office Merchants' Association, to consider the racing rules. All members interested are requested to attend. H. R. SAVAGE, Purser. nov 27 It The County Commissioners of New Hanover County INVITE PROPOSALS For taking care or county prisoners, to include Food, Clothes, Shoes, Medicine and Guards. Also, for taking care County Home and ln matesto Include Food, Clothes, Shoes, Medi cine and Fuel with the use of county farm, and without the use of farm. Bids will be opened 3 30 o'clock P. M.. Mon day, December 3rd. Commissioners reserve right to reject any or all bids. d. mcEachebn. nov 27 st Chairman. New Telephone Subscribers. Patrons of the Southern Bell Telephone will please add the following to their lists: No. 45. Kerchner & iHarriss, groceries and liquors, 114 North Front street. No. 346. Mavronicbols, A., residence, T05 North Fourth street No. 471. Maffitt, C. D., ship chandlery and gro ceries, 105 North Water street. No. 28. Hansen, l , residence, 114 Nan street. No. 633. Kuca, J no. H., residence, 518 Grace street. The above are new subscribers to the South ern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company's Exchange in Wilmington, N. C, and are not In directory. nov 27 It IN GRANDFATHER'S TIME , the style of Furniture known as COLONIAL, was the vogue, ana the designers of that day builded better than they knew. FURNITURE of that style has never become a back cum ber, and is now amongst the most fashionable. We are showine a verv fine line of Colonial Centre Table of charming MTJNB0E & KELLY, Ho. io South Front street. Bell 'Phone lis. nov 27 tr WATCH OUR PRICES - Canned Corn, Shrewsbury Brand, sweet, tender, per can 15 eta. Trumpet Brand, none better for the money per can 10 eta. Extra Fancy Sifted Peas, a fine, delicious Pea. The taste and appearance U .e like the choice fresh Pea yon probably could not tell the difference if yon made a side-by-side comparison. Price 15. cts. can. Condensed Soups, prepared in a minute, very popular, assorted any way you wish. ' Price per can 10 eta. .' n. :- ' ,: " . ; . ,.v.W:' . ' THE KING GROCERY CO., Fourth Street Bridge. Born 'rnones asv. nov 27 tf sat tu th A Nice Dessert-:--:-Charlotte Rnsse, MA.DE ERESH TO OREEB. All Kinds of Cakes for Birthday Parties to order on short notice. WARREN'S Steam Bakery and Cafe. nov 95 tf Notice. On and after this date the sale of Rice Beer will be discontinued by The Home Brewing Co. NOV. 24, 1900. nov 25 3t Try Our Baker Before You Purchase YOUR SUPPLY OF SUNDAY BREAD AND CAKE. On: Candy Factory is in Fall Blast. Shipments of Fruit daily. Andrew Mavronichols. Palace Bakery. Candy Store. Bell 'Phone S46. Inter-State 'Phone 191. Bell 'Phone 281. Inter-8tate 'Phone 25 octl4tf SALT. 1 ,500 bags Salt. Orders In turn til! all gone. 960 Bushels B. P. Oats. 110 Bushels Seed Bye. 140 Boxes Firecrackers. 190 Boxes Smoked Herring. 910 Boxes Chewing Gum. 980 Boxes Iiombardy Cigars. 150 Boxes Old Va. Cheroots. 940 Doaen Oyeters. 160 Doaen Pie Peaches. 900 Dozen Table Peaches. W. B. COOPER, 308, 810 and 312 Nntt street, nov 24 ii Wilmington. N. o.. TORNADO INSURANCE. NOW 18 THE TIME TO GET ; TORNADO INSURANCE, BY APPLYING TO FRANK H. STEDMAN INSURANCE AGENT. set) 19 tf 25 Bushels Nice Yam Potatoes. also 100,000 War Eagle and Old Glory Cheroots. Car Hoop Iron. Car Wire Nails and Car Cut Nails. All sixes. Nice line Xmas Candies. Firecrackers, Raisins, p. C. Nuts. Nice Baldwin Apple. GET OUR PRICES. D. L. GORE COMPANY, WHOLESALE GROCERS, nov 22 tf Wilmington, w. o IN THE DISTRICT OOUBT OF THE UNITED States for the Eastern District of North Caro lina. In the matter of Zachary F. Long, hank rapt. In bankruptcy. To the Honorable Thomas R. Purnell, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina. Zachary F. Long, of BoeUngbam, in the county of Richmond, and State of north Carolina, in said district, respectfully represents that on the 25th day of Oct. A. u. 1900, last past, he was duly adjudged bankrupt under the Acts of Congress relating to bankruptcy; that be has duly surrendered all his property and rights of property, and has fully complied with all the requirements of said Acts and of the orders of the Court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore he prays that he may be decreed l y the Court to have a fell discharge from alt debts provable against his estate under said Bankrupt Acts, except such debts as are excepted by law from S TIC tl fl iBCll lMMb Dated this 28th day of November, A. D. 1K0. z. F. L0N9, Bankrupt. ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. Eastern District of North Carolina, ss.: On this 28th day of November, A. D. 1900, on reading the foregoing petition, it Is ordered by the. Court that a hearing be had upon the same on the loth day of De cember, A. D. 1900, before the said Court, at the office of the undersigned referee in Fay -etteyllle, N. C, In the said district, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon; and that notice thereof be published In The Morning Star, a newspaper printed in the said district, and that all known creditors, and other persons In interest may appear at the said time and place and show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. Witness my hand at Fayetteville, in the said district, on t he 26th day of November, A. D. 1 900. dAMXJEL H. MACRAE, nov 26 It Referee In Bankruptcy. For Sale. A Yearling Buck Deer. Very Gentle. Very Handsome. A lot of Band Instruments. One Cornet. Four Altos. Two Tenors Drum. Cymbals, etc Sua S. P. 8. My stock of Fancy Groceries. ABA we are beer. . x Good sign, yon know. i mo VHiuy j vornor i noviotf I rotate, Potato 1. T; SHOLAR, Manager. Vollers & Hashagen. First Hands for us. and Hog Products all kinds, mm Agent for Packers which guarantee Lowest fries 8 We have on consignment a choice lot of MULLETS. Packages good and Fish better. We solicit orders and inquiries on MOTT'S CIDER, MOTTO VINEGAR. Sole and Exclusive Agents for Cuban Blossom, Renown, santa nana, Topical Twist:pi Famous for their Quality and Price. We solicit your UUBlUOBBi . OCt28tf - ' Just to Remind Christmas is less than five weeks off, to say nothing of Intervening holidays. Whether one's list of gifts for the hell days be long or short, time and consid eration are needed for proper selection. Onr patrons are reminded of the Bear approach o r Christmas and of the facili ties NOW OFFERED for the deliberate examination of our stock. It is a pleasure to choose from a stock like ours, new and unique in Dinner Beta, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Salad Sets, Lamps, Jardiniere, Fern Dishes, Vase?, etc , to say nothing of our very pretty pieces In Libbey's Cut Glass. Will you let us Fill that order? 0. P. Gazanx & Co, nov 25 tf ti VIRGINIA WATER GROUND MEAL FLOUR, all grades in barrels and bags. LARD, SOAP, LYE, MULLET BARRELS. A full line of Tobacco, Cigars & Cigarettes. SALT in 100 lb., 125 lb. and 200 ib. bags. CAKES AND CRACKERS of all kinds. CANDY in Buckets and Boxes. SARDINES, MOLASSES AND CHEESE. WRAPPING PAPER, PAPER BAGS. TWINE, NAILS AND COTTON TIES. For sale by WILLIAMS BROTHERS Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants. seplStr DEWEY Calf&ft MIXED VaKe8' NOWS YOUB CHANCE TO BUY A STOCK FKESH CAKES CHEAP. Lemons, Ginger, Soda. Assorted Fennv and LXL. Challenge. Blue Ribbon and High Art CANDIES. New Mullets. Seal Skin Smoking TOBACCO. Tar Heel Piue. BUY SALABLE G00DS: THAT'S WHAT MAKES BUSINESS GOOD. I will handle all Country Produce. Spirits, Rosin, Cotton, cattle. Sheep, Chickens. Esrgs, Fruits, etc.. to the best advantage for tte shipper. T. D. LOVE. 114 North Water street. Steamers for Fayetteville. N. a and passengers. Monday and Thurw 2 o'clock P.M. T.D.I Freteht ursday. leave D. LOVE. nov tf General Manager 5 Nights, CSS? Nov. 27. Matinee Thursday and Saturday. Return of Wilmington's Favorite, Winsome Mabel Paige and the Southern Stock Company, Presenting Scenic Productions. TUESDAY NIGHT The Sensational Nautical Comedy Drama. The Captain's Hate, The same eld Pricee, 10, BO, SO. Ladles baying reserved teat tickets before 6 P. M. Tuesday night for the opening per romance, will secure them at halt rate. nov 84 st , , " IE Bell 'Phone 613. Inter State 'Phone 481. Ill Market Street. t. j Retail. Wholesale Upholstering, Repairing and Mattress Making BY EXPERTS. The Spot Cash Price is marked In Main fUmres on aU mjr foods, bat to rellabfe parties I will sell on "term b suited to their convenience. nov Si tf D. O'CONNOR. tteai Estate Agent, N.C. DWELLINGS, STORES AMD OFFICES FOB RENT. jnnsRents, Taxes and insurance on Improved property. novltf t m nam OlgQlO. His Own Catch STJ rata n Hirnmir I UUUIUI mum

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