inn.rmeedBoM.PMe, r I HE Morning TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Larfer Than That m Of A a y Other Dally News poser PsMehed la WUaiaftoa One Year, by Mall, Six Kanaka, ; Throe Months, " Two Months, M .OLDEST DAILY NBWSPAPFRJ ;. Delivered to Subscribers In th DT THE STATE. VOL. LXVEL NO. 60, WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1900. City at 45 Cents per Month. WHOLE NO. 10,3&7 06t0fr tft.00 2.60 1.86 1.00$ S f OUTLINES. Nicaragua has signed a treaty with the United States for the construction of the Nicaragua canal. The Sugar Trust has advanced the price of refined sugar. Battleship Ken- tacky will go from Smyrna to Tangier. Morocco. The shipping subsidy bill will be called up in the Senate next Tueaday. The river and harbor bill will ageregate about $85, 500,000. Bill for reorganization of the army will probably be presented to the House next Tuesday ; the Dem ocrats will offer as a substitute a bill to extend the provisional army bill. A great fight is reported in pro gress between the Boers and British in Orange River Colony. Mr. Krnger left Paris for Cologne: he is expected to arrive in Berlin Tueaday. Liieut. fclobson, U. S. N is in a hospital in New York city, threatened with typhoid fever. Difficulties with Turkey have been amicably ar ranged. Chinese ia Shanghai are alarmed and there is renewed activity on the defences. A beer poisoning epidemic at Manchester, Eng., creates a sensation. Duke and Dachesi of Manchester Arrived in New York. A corner in eggs in Chicago is engineered by Amour, Swift and other packers. Twenty business houses burned at Fulton, K v. N. Y. markets: Money on call was steady at Si per cent., prime mer cantile paper 4(54 J per cent. ; cotton quiet, middling uplands 102 ; flour waa easy and generally 5 15 points lower t sell, with the demand poor; wheat spot steady ; No. 9 red 77 jc ; corn spot firm; No. 9, 46)3 ; oats spot dull. No. 2. 2$i 2; rosin quiet; spirits turpen tine dull. WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Dsp't or Agriculture. weather Bureau, WiLXixa-roir, N. C, Dae Temperatures: 8 A. M , 36 degrees; 8 P. V., 46 degrees; maximum, 53 de greea; minimum, 31 degrees; mean, 44 degree. Rainfall for the day, .0; rainfall ince 1st of the month up to date, 3.66 inches. ro recast for to-day. Washington. Dsc. 1 For North Carolina 3eneratly fair Sunday and Moaday; ligh". ti froth easterly winds. Port Almiakc - Dec -mber 2. Sua Rises -V6.M. Sun Sets P. M. Day's Lengvn 2. 54 M High Water at South port . 3.49 A. M High Water Wilmiogton . 6.19 A. M. Brooklyn, N Y., is going to have the highest hotel in the world, a 23 story shack with 1,600 rooms, and apartments to accommodate 250 families. The cabbage growers of Michigan have entered into a combine and raised the price from $1 to $14 a ton. Even the cabbage-head fellows are catching on to the Trust plan. The looming savage so far report ed, not excepting the boss Boxers, is that Cattlesburg, Ky., fiend who killed his two-year-old step daughter by forcing a hot poker down her throat. It is said that the fend between the Rockefeller brothers has become so bitter that they will not attend same chnrch. If they keep on at that rate, they may both find them selves in the same hell. A Boston restaurant man has just died and left an estate worth 2,259,070. The bulk of the estate goes, on the death of a sister who survives him, to found a hospital in in Boston for incurables. A New York Tribune statistician has been figuring ont and finds that American ladies with fortunes ag gregating 205,253,000 have married titled chaps in Europe. That much money ought to buy a big stack of titles. The English torpedo boat chaser, the Viper, splits water at a speed of 43 miles an hour. . A big ship equipped with similar propelling ap paratus could cross the Atlantic in three and a half days. This will be done yet. An assistant of Marconi, the elec trician, says Marconi has solved the problem of extending the sound wares, and by Christmas of next year we can have wireless telegraphy with Europe. That would wind np the ocean cables. Wm. Rhodes, a brother-in-law of ex-Governor Pattison, of Pennsyl vania, and once very wealthy, ia in the Tombs in New York, charged with petty larceny. When some men begin to roll down hill they go clear to the bottom. Nathan Welle, who died in Wash ington a few dayi aV 10T years, said he managed to keep well and prolong his years with this for mula: "Say your prayers; keep cheer ful; eat heartily and take a bath daily." He was the champion globe trotter, having made the trip around twenty-nine times. LOCAL DOTS. Police Officer B. B. King had a valuable cow injured by recklei shooting on Thanksgiving Day. Fonr vessels laden with lumber and piling and consigned to Messrs. George Harrisa, Son & Co. , will clear Monday. Kingston is organizing a lodge of Elks. It is hoped this week to in stitute the order with twenty-five or thirty members. Six car loads of clams were shipped Noith on a single day last week. Business fell off towards the end of the week. Messrs. LeRoy and Allen Bat son have opened a grocery store at the stand on Market street formerly oc cupied by Mr. A. G. Hankias. Receipts of cotton on the Wil mington market yesterday were 8,286 bales, of which 2,156 bales were brought from up the Wilmington and Weldon railroad. The majority of Hon. John D. Bellamy for Congress in this district is 11,756 and not 1,756 as erroneously reported in yesterday's Associated Press dispatch from Raleigh. In the commercial columns of the Star this morning will be found a comparative statement of the receipts of cotton and naval stores at the port of Wilmington in November. Pastors of city churches are requested by the Elks' committee to announce from their pulpits this morning the Elks Memorial service at the Opera House this afternoon at 8 o'clock. - The creditors of Mr. B. J. Sunderlin, of Clarkton, at the ad journed meeting yesterday morning at 11 o'clock at The Orton. com pro mised their claims at 35 cents on the dollar. Dr. George C. Worth begins this afternoon at 5 o'clock at the Y. M..C. A. a series of talks on China.' An interesting and instructive service is expected. There will be the usual song service. Dr. W. D. McMillan, county physician, returned yesterday after noon from Castle Haynes where he went to inspect the county convict camp, lie said that there was no sick ness among the prisoners. 'Justice Fowler tried Gracie McNeil, colored, for disorderly con duct, yesterday afternoon, found her guilty and committed her for default ing the costs. She subsequently paid the bill and was discharged. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Warren Time saved. S. P. McNair Apples. N. F. Parker Furniture. Clyde Line Sailing days. M. H. Car ran X mas suits. New Savings Bank Security. Vollers & Haahagen The best. J. H. Render A; Co. Special sale. VonGlahn t Gibson Easy reach. C. W. Yates & Co. Latest books. Murchison National Bank Solicits. 8. P. Cowan Livery Co. Our stock. 8. & B. Solomon. Hu-man-ie shoe. Geo. O. Gay lord Big Racket Store Wilmington Savings & Trust Co. - Notice to depositors. BUSINESS LOCALS. Wanted Male help. Wanted Young lady. Meeting Cape Fear Camp. T. P. Sykes Cow taken up. P. H. Hayden Buggies, harness. Clyde Steamer Delayed. The Clyde steamship Oneida, Capt. Staples, did not get in from her George town trip until 11:30 o'clock last night She experienced a delay by head winds on her downward trip from New York last week and was also delayed in returning from George town. 8he usually clears for the re turn trip to Providence via New York on Saturday afternoon, but she will not get away this trip until to day or to-night. Spirt at Orton Plantation. Col. K. aL Murchison came up yes terday from Orton plantation where be had a week of fine sport On Fri day he killed 35 large mallards and bagged other game. CoL Murchison has recently added to his kennel two magnificent fox and deer hounds a special order from England which were brought over on the British steamship Oakland, which arrived in port last week. Col. Murchison will return to Orton this week. 0 Defend J. L. York. William J. Bellamy, Esq., counsel for J. L. York, who is to be tried in the United States Court at Raleigh next week on the charge of using the mails to defraud, will leave for Raleigh to-morrow night. The case does not come up until Thursday, but Mr. Bellamy will argue on Tuesday before Judge Purnell a motion to have the government pay the expenses of de fendant's witnesses, of whom there will be twelve or fifteen. Re.srr ested ssd Committed. Police Officer J. A Martin yester day afternoon at the Front street market arrested Alex. Mclntyre, the negro wanted for assaulting Charles Herring, a young white man, Friday night The negro was before the Mayor yesterday morning, but as there waa no evidence of significance against him he was dis charged. More evidence having been obtained, the negro was re arrested. Ha waa committed and will have a bearing Monday before Justice Fowler. THE ELKS' MEMORIAL Interesting Service That Will Be Observed This Afternoon in the Opera House. FINE PROGRAMME OF MUSIC. Will Be a Decided Feature Address by Rev. Or. Robert Strange aad Lodge Ceremosies The Ladles Are Especially Invited All arrangements are now complete for the very elaborate memorial ser vice which has been arranged by Wil mington Lodge No. 533, B. P. O. E., through its enterprising committee, consisting of Messrs. Jack Bellamy, J. Van B. Metis and Thosv W. Davis, and which will be observed this after noon, beginning at 3 o'clock in the Opera House. The public is cordially invited to be present, and the ladies especially are requested to attend the service. Fortunately, out of a membership of nearlv a hundred, the lodge has lost none of its members since the or gaoisation, but it is a custom to which the Elks everywhere adhere, and the Stab ventures the assertion that no where will the observance be more appropriately or reverently celebrated than in Wilmington. Members of the lodge are called to mble at 8 o'clock at the Elks Temple on North Front street this afternoon and march in a body to the Opera House where they will occupy the first four rows of seats in the par quet The choir and orchestra will be seated upon the stage. The music will be by a special ehoir, quartette and orchestra and as before announced, the address will be by the Rev. Dr. Robert Strange, rector of St James1 Episcopal Church, who will so shortly leave the city for a wider field of usefulness at Richmond, Va. This service will be among the last at which he will speak and for this reason a very large congregation is expected. The choir will be composed of Mrs. W. L. Latta. Miss Annie Bowden and Miss Mattie Home, sopranos; Mrs. Burkholder, Mrs. E. G. Woody and Miss Belle Anderson, altos; O. V. Motte, R. C. Banks and John Van B. Metts, tenors: H. K. Holden, E. G. Woodyjand C. S. Grainger, basses. The orchestra will be composed as follows: E. H. Munson. piano; S. A. Schloss, violin; James E. Willson, cornet; W. A. Martin, flute; Miss Alice 8 mall bones, second violin; Miss Elizabeth D. Burtt. cello; Robert Morris, trombone; Prof. Miller, vio lin ; Mr. Curtis, bass violin. The special quartette consists of Mrs. W. L. Latta, Mrs. E. G. Woody, Mr. C. V. Motte and Mr. Herbert K. Holden. This as well as the orchestra and choir embraces some of the best musical talent of the city. Handsomely gotten up programmes were yesterday distributed from which the following is gleaned: Prelude by Orchestra. "Ancient of Days,'' hymn by choir. Devotional Exercises. Anthem by Quartette, composed of Mrs. W. L. Latta, Mrs. E. G. Woody, C. V. Motte aad H. K, Holden. Lodge Ceremonies. Opening Ode. "Jerusalem the Golden," hymn by choir. Address by Rev. Robert Strange, D. D. Solo, "Forever With the Lord," by Mrs. W. L. Latta. "Ten Thousand Times Ten Thou sand," hymn by the choir. Closing Ceremonies by tbe LiOdge. Prayer. "Softly Now the Light of Day," hymn by choir. Benediction. Selection by Orchestra. Mr. H. J. Gerken is Exalted Ruler of the lodge and the ceremonies ap pertaining to the lodge proper will be led by him. MEETINQ OP CREDITORS. Msrsden Bellamy. Jr., Esq., Appointed Trus tee ia the Peaaell Bankruptcy . The first meeting of creditors in the matter of H. L Fennel 1, bankrupt was held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the U. S. court room. Re feree Samuel EL MacRae, of Fayette vilie, presiding. The usual routine business incident to such proceedings was conducted and Marsden Bellamy, Jr., Esq., waa appointed trustee. He will give bond, ake posseiou of tbe assets after tak- ng an inventory of same, and dispose of the property to the best advantage and interest of the creditors. The liabilities in the bankruptcy are $16,744 while the assets are given in the petition at $9,319.57. The stock in trade is valued at f7,000. There were a number of attorneys in attendance upon the meeting, in cluding Herbert McClammy, Esq., at torney for the bankrupt It required several hours for the transaction of the business. Referee MacRae is still in the city and attended to a number of matters of detail in the case at The Orton last night Veteran aad Seas of Veterans. At the regular monthly meeting of Cape Fear Camp, United Confederate Veterans, which will be held to mor row night at 8 o'clock at the W.L.I. armory, it ia hoped to have present as many as possible of the Sons of Con federate Veterans, a camp of which was organised here some time ago. There ia a concerted move all over the South by tbe veterans to infuse new life into the camps of the Sons of Vet erans and it is hoped the young men who belong to the organization in Wilmington will oome out in good number to-morrow night THE TRIAL OP THE POPULISTS. George Better and Others, Charted With Criminal Libel At Keoansvllle. At Duplin Superior Court, which convenes to morrow at Kenansville, the case against George Butler and other Populists for criminal libel will come up for trial. Ae preliminary hearing was before "Squire J. F. Woodward at Warsaw. He bound all the defendants over. The charge, as readers of the Stab know, is that George Butler wrote and the others publicly endorsed an article charging wholesale fraud by the Demo crats in the August election. Ex Judge W. R. Allen, of Golds boro, has lately been ' retained by the prosecution. It is liaely also that the attorneys who appeared at the pre hminary hearing will appear in this week's trial as well. They are Messrs Jno. E. Woodward, of Wilson, and E. W. Kerr and H. E. Faison, of Clin ton, for the State; H. L. Stevens, of Warsaw, and F. R. Cooper, of Clinton, for tbe defence. The defendants are : George Butler, C. H. Johnson, H. C. West, J. D. Butler, C. J. Williams, D. M. Korne gay, J. F. Westbrook, P. M. White, J. E Fowler, Walter Moore, L. K. Taylor, J. H. Packer, Giles Hall, C. E Shipp, Marion Cooper, H. J. Cooper and J. H. Parker. OCCUPIED NEW STORE. Monroe & Kelley, Enterprising Faroitore Men. Moved Their Stock Yesterday. Messrs. Munroe & Kelly, the enter prising furniture dealers, formerly located at No. 10 South Front street yesterday moved their stock to larger and more commodious quarters at No. 17 South Front street, where they are now in better position than ever to serve their large and increasing list of patrons. The new store is filled with all the standard grades in the furniture line and many new and attractive novelties which are sure to please the prospec tive purchaser. Messrs. Munroe & Kelly have a splendid salesroom on the first floor and on the second they have an ex cellent storage for the large stock which they carry all at sessons of the year. The Star predicts for the firm an increased measure of success at the new stand. VISITING NEW YORK YACHTS. The PrisciUa sad the Cleopatra Up for Coil aad Provisions. The steam yacht PrisciUa bound from New York to Havana, with he owner, Mr. Samuel Jarvis, of New York, and his wife and daughter aboard, arrived up yesterday for coal. The Princilla is a trim little vessel 100 feet luog and 16 feet beam. She has a tr-. ;e expansion engine which drives L r along at a uniform speed of twelve miles an hour. The boat left New York two weeks ago and re mained over at Norfolk several days awaiting the arrival of Mr. Jarvis and his party by train. Tbe crew com- sists Capt D. W. Piatt, Chief Engi neer Charles Bergen and eight others. The gasoline yacht Cleopatra bound from New York to the Bahamas also touched this port yesterday on her way South. "TOO RICH TO MARRY." This Comedy st Opera House To-morrow Night Osly Offering of the Week. The new theatrical offering, ' Too Rich To Marry," by Edward O wings Towne, is said to be so new in its character and structure that it is difficult to classify it It is called on the bill boards a farce comedy, but the name is hardly comprehensive enough to include the phases or tbe piece, which develops a real heart interest strong enough to place the piece in the list with serious dramas. Still it is too intensely funny and uproariously laughable to be de nominated a drama. If we were to be al lowed to coin a name to fit the surpris ing variety of matter to be found in the piece, says an exchange, we would call it a farce-comedy-drama. Seats are now on sale. Harbor Master's Report. The report of Capt Edgar D. Wil iams, Harbor Master, shows arrivals of vessels of 90 tons and over at the port of Wilmington during the month of November, as follows : Foreign Steamships, 3; tonnage. 4,186; barques, 2; tonnage, 1,024; schooners, 2; tonnage, 237. Total vessels, 7; total tonnage, 6,447. American Steamships, 4; tonnage, 6,040; brigs, 1; tonnage, 299; barges, J; tonnage, 2,138; schooners, 8; ton nage, 2,284. Total vessels, 16 ;. total tonnage, 9,761. Grand Totals Vessels, 22 ; tonnage, 15,208. Elks May Produce Play. It is rumored that the Elks will give a theatrical entertainment very soon. t will probably be given jointly with the St. Cecilia Circle, a ladies' organi sation of St James' Church. The play that is being talked of is a popu lar comedy that the amateur Thes pians of the city are already familiar with and that they can produce on short notice. It is likely that the play will be produced in the course of three or four weeks. Upholstering Department. Mr. N. F. Parker, the well-known furniture man on Market street, has recently added to his business a thoroughly up-to-date upholstering and repairing department where only first class work is 'turned out The department is in charge of a competent man and several large orders have already been filled. PERSONAL, PARAGRAPHS. Miss Delia Clark returned from Norfolk last night Mr. W. M. Ward, of Newbern, arrived in the city last night 2 Mr. J. A. Cavanaugh, of Ghin- quepin, was in the city yesterday. Mr. W. E. Davis left last even ing for Petersburg to spend Sunday. Miss Hettie Furpless returned from a visit to Charleston last night Mr. T. B. Gibson, of McColl, S. 0., was a guest at The Orton yes terday. Mr. William Struthers, Jr., left last evening for Washington to spend Sunday. Mr. Wash. Lamb, of Golds boro, arrived in tbe city last evening to visit relatives. Col. A. McLean, of Lum berton, was among yesterday's ar rivals at The Orton. Messrs. V. Sidbury, of Sloop Point, and W. E. Porter, of Conway, were here yesterday. Capt. W. R. Kenan, Miss Sa rah Kenan and Miss Anna Peck left last night for New York. Mrs. J. M. Lowell, of Golds boro, is in the city, visiting her brother, Mr. Ed. Taylor. Mr. W. H. M. Koch, steward at the Post Exchange, Fort Caswell, was up to the city yesterday. J. O. Carr, Esq, left last evening for Kenansville to at tend Duplin Superior Court. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacRae arrived in the city yesterday Imorning, returning from St Louis. Mrs. W. J. Croswell and Miss Sarah Cro3well arrived last evening returning from a Northern trip. - Messrs. T. D. Meares, Jr., and H. M. Emerson, Jr. , of Horner's School at Oxford, are at home for a few days. Capt. John Barry, superin tended of county roads, has recov ered from an illness of several weeks. Dr. George F.Lucas, of Currie, Pender, county, was here yesterday going home from a bank examining trip. Congressman Bellamy will leave to night for Washington to be at the opening of Congress to-morrow. Miss Cory Bland, of Teachey's, who has been visiting Miss Elise Ort mann and Miss Allie Morris, returned to 'her home last night Mr. Paul Humphrey, of the roadway department, Atlantic Coast Line, left last night to spend Sunday at his home in Golds boro Rev. A. D. McClure returned yesterday from New Hope Church, in Brunswick county, where he preached Thursday and Friday nights. Rev. A. T. King, who is prin cipal of Delta Academy and who also has charge of a large church in Vir ginia, left yesterday for his home. Misses Ivy and Jessie Nurney, two charming young ladies of Suffolk, Va., who have been visiting Mrs. J. H. Thomas, returned home yesterday. Mr. H. P. Springer, of Wash ington, D. C, who came down to at tend the Bryan O'Connor wedding, eft last night for home. Mrs. Springer will remain here a week longer. Dr. J no. R. Abercrombie. of Baltimore, and connected with the United States service, arrived y ester terday and is a guest at The Orton. George Rountree, Esq., re turned last night from Raleigh, where he has been to appear in the railroad tax assessment case and to act as one of the judges in the Trinity-Wake Forest debate. Miss Annabel Brazelton, of Morristown, Tenn., who was one of the bridesmaids at the Bryan O'Con nor wedding, left yesterday afternoon for Salisbury to visit friends. Bev. P. C. Morton returned yesterday from Nash and Wilson counties, where he has been conduct ing series of protracted meetings. He will fill his regular appointment at Delgado this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock in the Sunday School room of the church. Property to be Trsnsferred. It is learned that on next Saturday week the property of the Elks, now in the hands of the Elks Company, will be transferred to the Wilmington Lodge of Elks. A charter will be obtained for the latter organization which will in all respects take the place of the Elks Company. The old corporation will become defunct as soon as the new one is started and all the transfers are duly made. Had a Busy Day. Capt W. P. Oldham, clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, said that he had the biggest lot of work yesterday that he had had since he had been in office. That was because the end of the week, end of the month and end of the fiscal year all came at about the same time. Not only that, but he was bombarded with a large number of Criminal Court, witness tickets. The out-door poor and in quirers about back-taxes also paid their respects. Mortaary Resort, Tbe Beportof Dr. Charles T. Har per, city superintendent of health, shows that during November there were 66 deaths'in Wilmington; 26 of white people and 31 of colored people. There were 41 births; 16 of white in fants and 26 of colored infanta. THE GATTIS-KiLGO SUIT. Jury Awarded Defendant $20,000 Damages. Motion to Set Aside aad Appeal. Special Star Telegram. Oxford, N. C, Dec. 1. At 2 o'clock this afternoon after being out two and one half hours, the jury in the Gattis-Kilgo slander suit brought in a verdict in-favor of Mr. Gat t is on every issue and awarded him twenty thousand dollars damages. The defendant made a motion to set the verdict aside on the ground tbat the amount was excessive. Judge Hoke overruled this motion and de fendants gave notice of an appeal. Regular Meetings Monday, The regular monthly meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and Board of Aldermen will be held to morrow. At the meeting of the Com missioners the new county officers will be sworn in and another matter of im portance will be consideration of th proposed new rock quarry on the "Hermitage" plantation, near Castle Haynes, extended reference to which was made in these columns a few days ago. At the meeting of the Board of Aldermen the annual report of Chief Charles Schhibbeu, of the Fire De partment, will likely bereceived and other matters attended to. To City Subscribers. City subscrioers a- earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases steps' will be taken to insure prompt and reirular delivery. For Whooping: Cough USe ULENJJY'S EX PECTORANT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IF. Bell Inter State 'Phone 613. 'Phone 111 Market Street. Wholesale rill Willi h Retail. Upholstering, Repairing and Mattress Making BY EXPERT3. 1 he Spot Cash Price Is marked In plain Azures on all my goods, but to reliable parti-s I will sell on terms suitea to ineir convenience. nov X4 tr Trouble and Time Saved by sending your Fruit Cakes TO WARREN'S TO BE BAKED. WARREN'S Steam Bakery and Cafe. aec -i tr Apples. Evaporated Apples, Baldwin Apples, Raisins, C. C. Nuts, Mixed and Penny Candy, Full line of Heavy Groceries. SEND US YOUB ORDERS. S. P. McNair, dec 2 tr NORTH WATER STREET. Within Easy Reach. it isn't necessary to nay a high pries for your Linen in order to get really good Goods. It doesn't pay to buy names, whaeyou are looking for is Style and Service ability. We can give you the very latest Styles. rh a vrv hast Mats rials and the highest degree of durability, at prices that will save money for you iois oi it. VonGlahn & Gibson, doc 2 tf No. 5 North Front street. is "Cuban Blossom." Sold by all Drug Stores, Sold by all Saloons, Sold by all Grocers. The most popular Cigar ever put upon any market, because it is tbe beet knownf by alt smokers and univer sally accepted as far above the usual Nickel Cigar. Tbe great majority of people smoke them. It is usually safe to follow tbe majority. Con sumers are warned against substi tutes, as there are cheap imitations on tbe market. Tollers & Hashage.ii, Sola ag'ts for North Carolina. aecct Parker a tsiuui mm The Best 5c Cigar New Savings Bank. , . . , . We solicit your savings account and offer to yon tbe very best service, absolute security ana every legitimate accommodation. Deposits of 5 cents and over will be received and interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum allowed on amounts of five dollars and over, our rules are printed m each Deposit Book, but call and see us or write us for any information. The Guardian Security, Trust and Deposit Co DIRECTORS : H. C. M'QUEEN, J. S. ARMSTRONG. WM. 0 ALDER, E. C. HOLT, M. W. DIVINE, ISAAC BEAR. J. H. CHADBOUBN, JR., W. G. WHITEHEAD, M. J. CORBETT. H. C. IttcQUKEN, President. JTNO. 8. ARMSTRONG, Vice President. dccStf P. W. DICK, Cashier. The Latest Books. "A blessed companion Is a Book; A Book fitly chosen is a lifelong friend. ' ' Dr. North and His Friends, by Weir Mitchell. In the Palace of the King, by Marion Crawford . Eleanor, by Mrs. Humphrey Ward. The Master Christian, bv Marie Corelll. Tommy and urizel, by J. M. Barrle. lorajim, oy josepn uonraa. Tbe Maid of Maiden Lane, by Barr. All the a bove and many of the recent publications in stock and for sale at publishers' prices. C. W. YATES CO., Booksellers and Stationers. dec 2 tf ; TO DEPOSITORS Interest for tbe quarter ending December 1st Is now due and payable at the Wilmington savings and Trust Co. Depositors are requested to bring in their books and have the interest added New deposits received now, or before January 1st, will begin to bear interest from the NEW YEAB. Can you make a better New Century beginning than by starting a sav ings funl with us? Sayings 108 J. w. NORWOOD, President. C. E. TAYLOR, Wilmington Xmas Suits Are next in order and if you would have your Suit done in time you had best leave your measure at once, as our Tailoring- Department is crowded. We have a few Novelties in Imported Suitings to show you, and the price as well as the goods will catch you. Ascots, Puffs, Four-In-Hands, Club Ties in fact, all the latest fads in Neckwear. Men's Furnishing Goods of every description. dec 2 tf A part of our stock has arrived, and the remainder will come right along now. Let us show you that we can save you money. Sole agents for the Columbia Buggy Company. Livery and Boarding. Good service. The S. P. Cowan Livery Company, nov 20 lm Shoe SOLOMON'S dec2tf 100 Cords Large Black Jack Wood. Only 60 cants per load. No. 615 Nntt street. Oar License Tax PAID. nov 27 lw MONDAY, DECEMBER 3rd. The Laughing Success, Fln-de Slecle High Class Comedy of Amus ing Situations and Witty Dialogue. Seats will ba on sale Saturday morning. deci2t s 40 New Show Gases, 3 and 6 feet.. 25 New Iron Safes, various sizes and makes. Also, full line of Fancy and Heavy Groceries, at rock bottom prices. SAMUEL BEAR, Sr. 18 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. nov 17 tf SALT. 3,600 bags Salt, ALL SIZES. 25 Boxes California Peaches. 15 Boxes Prunes. 67 Barrels Apples. 211 Boxes L. lb Raisins. 110 Boxes Firecrackers. 2, 100 C. C. Nats. 79 Boxes Mixed Nuts. 41 Barrels Table Salt. 1,450 Gross Watches. 176 Boxes Evaporated Apples. 61 Bass Best Grit. W. B. COOPER, 308, 810 and 312 Nutt street, wusatc,H.a. H 1 Front Street, opposite PostofHce. Capital Stock $30,000. - - I The House of Egremont, by MolUe Seweli Elliot. Tbe Isle of Unrest, by Merrlman. a Royal Enchantress, by Disss r. The sky Pilot, by Connor. ; Sons of tbe Morning, by Phillpotts. i Mooswa, by Frassr. I Oliver Cromwell, by Moorley, etc., etc. and Trust Company, Princess street. . WALTERS, Vice Preside Cashier. dec H. CURRAN, 107 Princess Street. 108-110 NORTH SECOND STREET. SHOES FOR HEN, $4.00, Hade just tbe shape of your foot. Double Sole, Vlcl Kid and Box Calf. The very thing for Winter wear. Every pair warranted. SHOE STORE. We close at seven except Saturdays. TRADE AND TRAFFIC. THAT'S OUR BUSINESS. We nave around Pepper, Castor Oil, Lemon, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Nutmegs. Spices, Salts, Seal Skin Smoking To bacco, Fancy and Cheap Plug Tobacco and Snuff, cakes. Candles., Oranges, Apples, Flan, Heat, Flos. Sugar, Coffee, Bice, Molasses and other Gro ceries for sale. WE DON'T ASK POB THE CASH. Just send us your Cotton, Spirits, Rosin, Tar, Eggs, Chickens, Turkeys, Cattle, Timber, Potatoes, Peas, Pork, and all Country Produce. We have time to sell it and we keep up with markets, get your goods cheap aad sell your Produce for best prices. T. D. LOVE, 1M North Water street. Steamers for Fayetterille. N. 0. Freight and passengers. Monday and Thursday, leave 8 O'clock P7k T. D. LO VB, nor 88 tf General Manager lupins Reductions In Prices on Everything" is what the people say when they come In and look over our Extensive Departments, when compared to what they have been pay ing elsewhere for same goods. Aad people are finding out that we do Hstasawhat we say. See, Ladies' Hat Window, what prices: Bee our Dress Goods: See our long lists of Notions, Hen's Wear Books and Stationery. Sewing Machines, high grade, at $1 7.60, worth Bicycles, Ladies' and Men's, 914.75 to f 28.75, worth double tbe money. It Is extremely interesting to look through our large stock of Toys, Brlc-a-Brac, Crockery, Glassware, ic, and note our prices on all. Our Douglass and Duttenhof er Shoes are still the "Town Talk" and are rushing. We extend Thanksgiving Greetings to every body, with a cordial invitation to visit our stores. Respectfully, MERCER & EVANS COMPANY, Steps East from Corner Front. nov 26 Don't Be A Fool. Go to B, B. Bellamy's sad get s bottle of Goose Grease Ltnlmawt It oures croup and coughs Uke magic, sndSsQ pains, nov 1! 8m wmwm . v. : 9 '1 1

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