-. - V--?, '.4- Oairaiteed BooaFUe, Every-uayx Circslatiog Ui?er Thto Thit J - Of Any Other DiUyNews- piper . Pabllsbed la 7 ; , - WUmioztoa. - OtiDRSTDlILT NBWSPAPBBa Three ZXoatlur, M 1.25 Tw 2IeBths,"i' : ! " 1.00 IN THE STATE. VOL. Lxvn. NO ,86: WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JJSTtTAilY 3, 1901. WHOLE Np;)l0,413 1 liiiiii4tia i.- K..., - J 1 j r I I r 1 8 - 1 '0$ flwrtt OUTLINES. Tha River and Harbor bill as com pleted will proYide'for preliminary surreyi to be mads of certain rrirera ia North Carolina.' The Senate U expected to giro the first few days of its time to the army reorgani zation bilL Two trainmen killed in a collision near Melton, Miss., British steamer Irydenej from .Hamburg for Wilmington, N. Q., wrecked on the coast of New Found land; crew escaped. Ten Ger mans killed and . nine wounded at Teia Tsin while firing a salute f Application made for a " receiver for American Building ' and Loan on of Georgia. Lord red in England from sv British steamer Tan- -iJa on fire, from r&l Jfalmoutn. - led at Wilson Yille,' ; Hermann Charleston, S. C, Bass, a 14-year- and killed by Wm. Columbus, "Qa. government guarantees per- the conditions.- imposed rErers. ' The capture of Sftfwe. the alleged abductor of iung3uy,is denied. Iron -y ik? Wjr. pa, have struck dral k in wages. Mar Vj.r' Maimed" in" sereral di- Cape. Colony. 1 waVfirm at ii10 per loan being at 4jf per duli,middling 'uplands No. 3 red .spot steady, ; $L75; spirits It 'REPORT. TUOULTtJKHL i iSATT, . IC, Jan. 2. ) !!., 46 degrees ; maximum, 50 de- riegrees; mean, 46 4 .e day. .72; rainfall 4 7 T nth up to date, .74. in the Cape Fear river N. a, at 8 AJ M., Q FOB TO-DAY. Jan. 3. For North ;esternt occasional flan Thursday; freah to fair, except ua-rx 8. 7.10 A.M. 5.01P.M. 9H.51 M. 5 49 A.M. 8.19 A.M. century in an has cor- iq extra session tip subsidy grab saion. That e&n stand it isryan I gomg w lgaute - going to ignore ""-Democrats in bis paper. .woman's depart- will be edited by woman who is suing for 'Tdivorce says "she suffered in silencer five years." "The re markSehing abont it is she wasn't du'mbiieithejO Ind UMople have a pull on the color rThey have lynched five colored'dnizens within the past two weeks, and they aaje comparatively t amateurs in that business. ; TheNew York Herald rises to ejacoiale: "Our troops should, get out ofuna. Their place is in the PhilipVnes." Their place isn't in the Philippines. It is at . home. Part of the cargo of vthe transport Grant arrived at San Francisco from Manila a few days ago consisted of 300 corpses of soldiers who . died in the Phillippines. Land-grabbing comes liigb, but we must grab. ' It ia said that Queen' Victoria is rapidly -breaking down and grieves constantly over the Boerwar re verses.. .We are sorry for the old lad, and we wonld be sorry for the British in South Africa if they were not projecting - around : where they rhave no bnnessV:': Among the causes alleged for the strike bj the -bakers ' of New -York is that the places ' where Ahey work !are dirty,' nnhealty, swarming with yermitt' aiid: charged ;i with; foul odora. Not very pleasant informa tion for : the1 people who eat ..the bread tnrned ont from those . holes.' : JTbere LianstJ snrplna oinen in.Indiana.i5tBoyden -near indiaiapolis isAVia6 w for the eighth time,' her eighth husband lollowinghe precedent, s$t; by two of his predecessors,' harin g just rowned himselfTx iTwo of the other seven died from natural causes and three were divorced. :. ' ;.,;'. . ; -. ; J J uthport. Mngton. new "e a LOCAL dots: Cotton advanced from 9i cents to 8 cents on tne local marfcet yes terday. . : : Messrs. D. 1 MV.McEachern and BH. Grant spent the. holidays in and around Mazton hunting birds. . The regular monthly meeting of the Dorcas .Society will be held in the Luther Memorial Building this afternoon at 4 o'clock. ' T "... -i . mere will be a special con vocation of Concord Chapter, No. 1, R. A. M., this evening, for work'in the Mark Master's degree. . - The Charlotte Observer of yes- says- that Capt. W. H. Day is being spoken of as a possible successor to the Chief Justice Faircloth. . - On account of the inclement weather the installation of officers by Orion Lodge of Odd Fellows was postponed from last sight until next Wednesday night. ;' : ' Ear. Dr. - Blackwell, who has been visiting .in' Norfolk, will get back to the city in time and will hold prayer meeting services to night. His subject will be "Begin." A new beach will be opened near Conway, S. C, next season. The town of Conway has .been connected with the site by a railroad and a hotel and cottages are being built. The case against Wees Od- hun, S. - Q. Watson, and Waller Bell, charging them with assaulting John Odam will be tried at 12 o'clock to 47: Ia Justice Fowler's court. Yesterday was one of the most disagreeable days of the season. A cold drizzling rain fell all day, con spiring to make life miserable indoors and travel very inconvenient on the streets. Wilmington Lodge, No. 139, O. O. F., will install officers to night Grand Master M. W. Jacobi will be present. A number of Odd Fellows from other lodges in the city will attend the installation. Mr.j Andre Fonrchy, assistant superintendent of construction of life saving stations, is here to get bids for material for the Cape Fear stations. The bids will be opened Saturday and the material is to be delivered by Jan uary 15tb. Friends of the 'State Baptist Female University will be interested in the announcement that the late Chief Justice Faircloth left that in- institution $30,000. It is presumed that this amount will be used, when available, toward the extin guishment of the $15,000 debt upon the buildings, etc The cold wave predicted by the Weather Bureau . for yesterday morning was about twelve hours late in arriving, but it is with us this morning in pretty good shape and will, be thrice welcome if it will put an end to the flood of rain with which a long suffering people have been afflicted for an extraordinarily extended period. NEW. AJJVKBTISEMENT8 A. Shrier Remember. N. F. Parker Surest way. . Masonic Meeting Concord Chapter. BtrSIHESS LOCALS. . For Sale House and lot. AN EXCELLENT ENTERTAINMENT. Brown University Boys Made a Big Hit at ;be Y, M. C. A. Last Evenisg. The Brown University Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Club appeared before a Very large audience at the Yi M. C A. last evening and it is the concensus of opinion that it was one of the best at tractions that ever appeared in the au ditorium, v'; f The-entire programme was. well se lected and every selection was strongly encored, to which the young men clev erly responded. The readings by Mr. Myron Powers Davis were splendid aad he was warmly applauded. The selecctions rendered - by the quartette composed of Messrs. Deacon, Paege, Ward and White, were also very pleasing. Mi Howard Joseph White rendered several beautiful selections on the 'cello. The entire programme was admirably presented, and everybody who attended was highly pleased with the 'excellence of the attraction.' i ; Wcdoltfg This Moraiag. 7f 17 : , This morning at 8:30 o'clock, at the residence of. the bride's uncle, Capt. W: R. Beery, will- be celebrated the marriage of Miss Lena Mints, of. this citv. and Mr. A. E.' McKeithan, of aMmuhoMl-The ceremony.; will be 1 -conducted by Bev. B. H. Herring, an uncle of . the bride. Miss Mittie Mc Keithan, of Town Creek, sister of " the groom, is here' for the jredding'. Miss Henrietta Mints, sister .of the bride, will be maid of honor, and Mr. Henry McKeithan, brother of the' groom,will be best man.- "The 1 bride and ; groom will leave on the 9 o'clock train over the; Ai" & Y. road -for Greensboro their future Wme.fT? fJ' McnaBlcs lasiaHed. Officers. .T . :; The following officers of Jeff . Davis Council Nov-.63, Jr."Tprder Uniied American' Mechanics, were . duly in stalled brrJr. P; a, ; jH.r Swinson . Ustni2ht: V":.:: XISt. V. 0. J B. Griffith, v. ' v C.1 Joe. F. Crai2. t'.'f- A: J. Hewlett. ' . - ai b. s.-i-w. 3. utt-ipzi Conductor F. P. EaldwinV- i - v Warden C. J. ITcSeithaa,:". ''I-S. -W. F.Uutler. J ' :rirv; v Ol S. D, J. Benson. T v V - CLa.pl2.in J. A. Eelly." -' Tr;st:3 J.P ' TAX EXAMINATION. Another Dull Day ia Standing Master Shepherd's Court Here Yesterday. NO RAILROAD 1 WITNESSES. Coast Line Officials Will Be Examined Later -New Hanover Citizens Were , - Introduced Also Some, from ... Brunswick and Colambas The evidence in the railway tax as sessment cases before Standing Mas ter Shepherd in the U. 8. court room here was again devoid of interest yes terday and the ginger that was ex pected to have been injected into the sessiops bnr reason of the . intro duction of Atlantic Coast line official as witnesses,' was lacking. Ifwas thought that Secretary and Treasurer James F. Post, General Auditor W. A. Biach" and others would be intro duced in the afternoon but it . was found by the attorneys of the Corporation Commission that the examination of other witnesses could not be completed in time. It is now hardly probable that the examination of the railroad officials will be reached today. It was hoped by the State's counsel to finish the hearing here this even ing, but it looks now as if this will not be done, and the' hearing at War saw tomorrow and Saturday may have to be postponed. Col. Hinsdale, when asked about the matter last night, said he was unprepared as yet to make any announcement regard ing the matter. To-day's session- will likely be taken up with the examina tion of New Hanover county assessors and others acquainted with real estate conditions here. The examination was resumed at 9.30 o'clock yesterday morning and Was conducted by Messrs. Hinsdale, Connor and Gore for the State and Messr. Bountree, Shaw and Busbee for the railroads. The first witnesss was Mr B. B. Davis, port warden of South port. He testified to a true and over valuation of a large number of lots in his to wn. Messrs. Minus Meares, A. A. Williams, T. E. Bardin, J.,M. Brown, S. W. Owen, M. W. Pridgen, Snowden Singletary and Charles Gore, assessors irom Colum bus county, were also introduced and testified to similar conditions in their county. ," In the afternoon New Hanover wit nesses were called, of which there are about fifteen or twenty, including the railroad officials, who have been sub poenal Only two of this number were. however, examined yesterday. They were Mr. J.,T. Kerr, of Cape .Fear township, and Mr. D. . McEachern, chairman of the Board of County Com missioners. Mr. Kerr was an assessor in 1899 and was also at one time a member of the General Assembly of North Caro lina. He testified aa to no uniform rule of undervaluation ar'l the pur pose of himself and his co-assessors to value real estate at its actual cashj valuation. Upon cross examination he gave instances of the sale of real estate at a much higher price than the tax valuation, but gave reasons, in his opinion; for the seemingly inflated purchase figures. Mr. McEachern testified that he was a member of the board of equalization in 1899 and aa assessor in 1895; that as an assessor then, he tried to assess property at its true valucin money; that in his . opinion the assessors in 1899 greatly increased a number of the valuations in Wilmington ; - that the board of equalization - greatly re duced the assessment on a great many tracts of real estate in Wilmington to nearer what the membsra of the board deemed an actual cash valu ation. He detailed a number of valua ble lota in Wilmington, which he con sidered now over-assessed. He said the purpose of the board in assess ing bank stock waa to place it at actual cash value and not to make an arbitrary underassessment; that he had no knowledge of any design or purpose by the assessors or. board of equalization to under-acsess property. Mr. McEachern waangidly cross- examined by the railroad attorneys and admitted that a number of Wil-, mington citizens had valued their per sonal property at a very low figure when considered in the light of cost price, but not with 'reference to what tit could T abld for at cash sale. He further stated that he thought there- was more cash on hand and on deposit than had been listed - for taxation in the county Some of the other witnesses from New Hanover county for examination are Deputy Begiater of Deeds Jncv Mo Laurin, Messrs. Andrew. Smith, Geo. Harris, A. D. Brown W, F. Alexan der, 0. H. Alexander, D. J.- Fergua and Capt. Jno. Barry.": MF't- The hearing will be; resumed. this morning at the usual hour. Realty Transfers, Deeds were filed at the Court House yesterday i folio wsi;'T;:fS"s..!ivi?3:-; W. G. Farmer and wire to loot. u. ITerritt and wife, property 68x55 feet on the southeast corner or Frincess MdV'J2ghth':5rtreeta ; consideration Camusl '- W. . Westtroci et at to Adam G. Laiio; ef New YcrSr, a tract land tltratel en the eastern Bids cf the : nolly Caelter rcaa wnere ice NX3 creek traced crcs:S3 e:9; con- I ' 3. Il-ry J. Bitch io Hi 3. JuLa A. TTnih. a tract cf rrrrsrtr ci uresa- T1..3 a r: rf'cf t - :t TO ATTEND INAUGURATION. Wllaiiostoa Ugbt Infantry Decided to Qo to Raleifb January 15th -Naval Reserves and Veterans'. The indications now are that Wil mington will be well represented at Governor Aycock's inauguration, in Raleigh on January 15th; It has been definitely decided by the Wilmington Light Infantry to accept, the invita tion to attend and participate in the ceremonies of the occasion; the Naval Reserves are also individually con sidering the matter of being present; the talk among qttite a large, number of Confederate Veterans is that it would be very appropriate, and pleas-; ing for Cape Fear Camp to attend in a body; and the general impression pre vails that a much larger delegation -of civilians will attend the exercises this term than evete.beiai- -i-. .s.s A meeting ot the W. L, I. was held last night at the armory and while all the members were not present, it was decided to go. The meeting was held after the usual drill by Capt. Adrian and was very enthusiastic? The com pany will likely go, on a special train. The Naval Reserves, as a division, have not yet met for a consideration of the invitation to them to attend, but; will meet Tuesday night after regular drill. Lieutenant Skelding, command ing, is quoted as. having expressed himself favorably incliued toward an acceptance. The question with the veterans of attending will likely come up at a special meeting, if it is seen that a desire to go is expressed by a majority of the memberj of Cape Fear Camp. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Callus Newell returned to Norfolk yesterday. Mr. A. J. Johnson, of Clear Bun, was here yesterday. Mr. K. M. Shepard has re turned from a visit to Charlotte. Miss May O'Hanlon has return ed from an extended visit North. Mr. Alva Smith, of Hallsboro, was among last evening's arrivals in the city. Misses Irene and Sallie Claire Bass, of Warsaw are here on a visit to Mrs. B. C- Moore. Miss Bena jQinson has return ed to Waynesboro, Va., after spend ing tbeholidays at home. Uol. K. M. Murchison came up from Orton plantation yesterday for a short stay in the city. Dr. J. Harry Honnet left last night for New! York, where he will resume his position in the Eye and Ear Hospital. Mr. Al. Smith and wife left last niclu for Baltimore, after a visit to the bf de's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Montgomery. Dr. Charles T. Harper, City Superintendent of Health, who has been spending his vacation in Balti more, returned home last evening. The Stab regrets to note that Dr. W. W. Lane, superintendent of the City Hospital, is very unwelL Dr. A , H. Harriss, is attending to the duties of superintendent in his ab sence. Mr. Will L. Miller, manager of the Acme Tea Chest Co., returned yes terday from a trip to his logging camp up Cape Fear river. ' He was accom panied on the trip by Mr. J. Etnmett Benton, who went on a bunting expe dition. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kirby, formerly of Southport, but now of St. Philips, N. C, are here for the mar riage tnls morning oi Airs, juroya brother, Mr.VA. E. McKeithan, of Greensboro, to Miss Lena Mintz, of this city. Among yesterday's Orton re gistrations were W. H. McMullen, Faison;! Paul Mattocks, Onslow county; H. C. McNair, Max ton; Post- office Inspector Jere Conelley, Wash ingtop, D. O. ; Senator J. A. Brown, Chadbourn. Mr. Murray Sullivan arrived last night from Washington, where he has been on a visit to his father, Senator W. V. Sullivan, of Missis si ppi. Me is the guest in the city of Mr. W. V. Sullivan, Jr., assistant en gineer on the Algonquin .Rer. E. . B. John, presiding elder of Wilmington district, N. O. Methodist - Conference, and his two little daughters, Margaret and Louise, have arrived in the city and are for the present at Mr. Allison Aldei man's, No". 813 North . Second street-i Later the family will occupy the parsonage' on Grace streets X- ' .'. -- Retnrntng. CeUe2lana.;s;g$ Among those who returned to their respective ' colleges yesterday. . were Misses Julia: Parsley and AcUUeay. lord, to St Mary'a, Raleigh Jlessra. Cortland Curtis, .' of . Southport, to Chapel Sill ; ; Edwin ;Wooten, . Fred Bonitz and Russell Foster to the A. & M., Raleigh; Milton Elliott, to the University of Virginia; Dr. Ed. J. Wood, to the University of Pennsyl vania.' - : : - ' - . .-, : ,': '': Fre: :sets'1a .TJvers. :.d'-t--:J On account of tha crtat. abundance of r&ia durirx the past Trees cr mere the water courses lsalls to 7uz:izz- ton are much swelled. nount'r'Et last accoant3 yei'.3r-iy t3 tlnc-t t"3 r- X.. :--rt:o-3 cf a fr: -ei. C y. in;r I!;::-, cf r.a i "? ;harriv:i l-:t n:'t i:zzi L..i :'-:'i"riT:r, report:!; that tt. CI v ry Lil'i L ' T7-t:r net jci c 1 cf NEW LINE OF STEAMERS. Qeortetown, Chsrleston and Wilmlogtoa Steamboat Co. la Process of Forma. . v tlon at First Named Place. ; .. Messrs. Mark Moses, J.-B. Steele and Abe Moses, corporators,- of Georgetown, S. G, have opened the books of subscription to the capital stock of the new steamship company for the operation of a line of boats between Wilmington, N. C, George town and Charleston', S.-C., reference to which was' made in these columns some time ago in connection with a notice of the purchase by Mr. Mcses of -four steamers in Charleston from the . South Carolina . Steamshi p Com pany at a cost of $17,500. ' The capital stock of the new cor poration is $30,000, and the principal office of the m pany will boat. OeorgetOWh. 'The Jbuautess : proposed to be carried on is the transportation of freight and passengerB along the line and towing. The four steamers purchased by Mr.' Moses are the Planter, which has often visited this' port; the Merchant, Jno. M Cole and Eutaio. It is learn ed that not only will the steamers operate between Charleston, George town and Wilmington, but also upon the Santee and Pee Dee rivers and other navigable inland water courses in the two States. CAUGHT AT THEIR GAME. Two Colored Yoatfas Arrested on Suspicion of Stealing from a Store. Yesterday morning about 2 o'clock Policeman E. R. Chadwick, while passing the store of Mr. J. W. EL Fuchs, corner of Front and Orange streets, saw a negro boy moving around in the back part of the store. The boy saw him and quickly disappeared. The officer immediately notified Capt John J. Furlong and Sergeants Davis and Williams at the City Hall of his discovery and they, with . Mr Chad-' wick, west to the rear of the building and effected an entrance into the oyster roasting place of Mr. Geo. B. Smith, which is in the basement There they found two colored boys about fourteen years of age lying dowiyjretending to be asleep. Their names are Albert Howe and William Spencer, and they are employed by Mr. Smith, who had given them permission to sleep there. It was found that one of the boys had climbed up into the store through a hole in the floor 7x12 inches, which is used as a kind of elevator for send ing oysters eta-, up stairs. The boys were taken to the City Hall and locked up. Their ca-e will come up before the Mayor this morn ing. Chiftf-Paroiele suggests to all mer chants thai they keep lights burning in their stores at night so that police men may be able to see any one mov ing around in them. POSSIBLE RAILROAD DEAL Interesting Rumor, from Greensboro Re garding Purchase of Property. Special to News db Observer. Grkebsbobo, N. C, Jan. 1. There is apparently some truth in the rumor ed sale of the Mt Airy and Sanford division of the Southern Railway to the Norfolk and Western, wired to the News and Observer from this place last night, though it is impossible to learn the details. A gentleman who is well up in railroad matters said to-day that in his opinion, the sale if there is such a thing, is the result of an understand ing or pooling arrangement said to have ' recently been entered into in New York between the Southern, the Seaboard Air. Line, the Atlantic Coast Line, the Pennsylvania, the Baltimore and Ohio, the Norfolk and Western, and probably other roads. In his-opinion, this particular division of the Southern is to be operated by the Norfolk and Western on account of the Ipeculiar construction of the road, convenience and economy com ing into consideration. The Chief Justiceship. Local politicians were amusing themselves yesterday with conjecture of Governor Russell's probable action in the appointment of a successor to the late Chief Justice Faircloth. The most interesting surmise was that Russell would resign as Governor and be appointed to fill the position, which lasts two years- longer, by the new Governor Reynolds. Other possibili ties mentioned in this connection are Chas. A. Cook, Robinson, Timberlake, Bynum, Linney, Furches and Judge A. : M. Moore,' of the 'Eastern District Criminal Court, whose term expires this month. ' J Governor Aycock Here. 1 1 - - Governor-elect Chas. B. Aycock, of Goldsboro, arrived in J the city Jast evening fronv his home and ia-being greeted by Orton,"where he is a gneat-Governor Aycock came down to consult with a number1 of the distinguished North Carolina attorneys,' who are in attend ance upon the railway tax assessment cases " before Judge Shepherd. The business u pon which.Gov. 'Aycock is here,5's of. a : private character! -; He will : probably ; return , to . Goldsboro this martins S:t:i,. CcsalHsJ'la ZHzzli cf tzzif-J:-; Jim Brock was tried ia Justice Uc- Gowaa's court Ve:!:ray on-a "psac3 warrant sworn out by Js.m3 NoUss, t.-l wss placed undsr a ?"0 jasilad tend tD L::? tla iss.es for six mont-3. ::r i to civs tc-i, te wes -::::itoiL r,C33 cr 1 1 1 r- ? Ift:, r z-J- 3 a HOUSE PARI Y NEAR WARSAW. Young People Delightfully Entertained at : Home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Peirce. ' Special Star Correspondence. Warsaw, N. C. January 8. Dur ing tffe Xmas holidays the beautiful home of Mr. - and Mrs. T. B., Peirce, near Warsaw, has been the scene or a delightful house party. The attrac tiveness of the young people who were entertained and the hospitality of the host and hostess, together with a series of gaieties, has rendered the occasion a most happy one. On Xmas day a beautiful dining was given by Mr. and Mrs. PeirO in honor of Miss Mar garet Peirce and her guests. Among the guests were Miss Eleanor Watson, of Salisbury; Miss Sethelle Boydyv Barium Springs ; Miss Susie Saunders, Washington; Miss Nellie DeVahe. Faison: Miss Mary Faison DeVane, Warsaw; Messrs. James C. McJUacmn, Wilmington ; J. U. uarr, Wilmington: George Matthis. Clinton ; Jamea- Watson, Salisbury : Gilchrist Norfolk, "Va. ; Ferdie Johnson, Clin " ton; John Lie vane, n ayettevme ; Moseley Faison, Warsaw, and Frank DeVane, Faison. To City Subscribers." . City subscriDera are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office 'every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases steps will be taken to insure promp and regular delivery. " .' For Whooping Cough use CHENEY'S EX PECTORANT. NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS. Concord CliaBterJfo. A. I. JOHPANIOKS. There will be a Special Con vocation Thursday evening. January 3d, for work In the Mark If aster's Degree. By order of the High Priest , jan 3 it w. A. MARTIN, Secretary. Something New. Nut Butter. Hvn von seen anv of this new table delicacy r If not, call at tne Unlucky Corner and try It. Manufactured by The Suburban mt rroauct uo. eoia Dy Jan.1 lw S. W. BANDERS. Don't Be A Fool. Go to R. R. Bellamy's and get a bottld of Qooee Grease Liniment. It cores croup and coughs like ma trie, andall pains,. novisem We beg to extend to the friends and patrons of Hall SB Pearsall i Our Best wshei for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Enteric ir the 20th Centnrv aa successors to that firm, we ask from old friends as well as new, a still more liberal patronage, which by diligence ana iair aeaungs we nope ro merib. Respectfully, HALL & PEABSALL, Incorporated. Jan 2 When Yonlend Prescription to my drug store, it has my personal attention; there is no one else to pnt it np but me. JAMES D. NUTT, The Druggist. seblttf FROM CHRISTMAS WILL BE SOLD AT COST PRICL BANANAS, ORANGES, MALAGA GRAPES, OF VERY FINE QUALITY ARE IN CLUDED IN THE LIST. - ANDREW MAVRONICHOLS, 119 Market street, 705 North Fourth street. deo88tf THE SUREST WAY! To please woman-kind Is to give them something to beautify tne home. To do this without much oost make a selection from my stock of. Bamboo and Oak Novelties soethlnff New. Novel, Useful and t Obnp. H. F. PARKER. Furniture and Furniture Novelties, '',v-"-V-?-iiiiiaietsteeeti Bell 'Phone 618; Inter-8tote42l. ; . - Open every evening this week, dec 19 tf One of the most , desirable offices ,1 K " " " Over Messrs. " Zoelters '-Jewelry store. . Sntrance from princess 7'l-A.ppljf SJ0- ""z ' SSSxKtu fir. ; deoiatf : '-T'Tig Market street. GRECIAN ESiiRCiairJG; in.ahcyv"tlloc2io and Cilvcr Xlovelticoi Y7iU cell at vcrycloi,jrpro ntz. Call nndvosamlno my lino cf coeds end cct iny prices, end cult rcurc olf "as to "Trhcro you buy. rilotico tlio rm r m For Rent tABG BEPTJt You can't buv them TH E Kl rJC C ROCE Fourth Street Bridge. - dee 27 tr . sattuth T- ! By the witn a larger combined canitai. Rumim atui ATLANTIC i North Carolina, and tbe Utrgest line f deposits 1b tha State, tha- Atlantis National ifS'S-'Sg . Bank has ample JDears to treat Ifbermlly customers , ottering satisfactory seeuritj. . . ; ; r '', J. "W. NORWOOD, . PBKS. ! X . '';." , ' V f 'i O. tt. GORSV "VIOPBRsV I : liV? P. J. HATWOOD, JR., ASST. OASBtKB. ,. ":'.'. - P. It. BEIDGEES, .4 D. U GOEK, j sJr. HCNAIB, ' " "-f Q. A. NORWOOD X ! " E. J. POWERS, -. H. B. 8HORTr :rH; WE. SMUNaKB, : - H. L. yOLLXB&. i1 : , ' ' - , ' a W. WORTH, J. W. NORWOOD.- . .i' - ; .V f t deoistf 1.--: - ... s ' ' O.,' f -. ' i ;-.. As' soft lb the feet as infants- nist Shoes. dee CO tf The Particu rvlan is . . . as to style, shape, salesroom and In transit tha sweUeet line of acd at prices that are sure to pleaee. : ;j. AN INSPECTION OF OUR SHOES V : VyiLL PROVE OUR ASSERTIONS v? Geo. R. French & Sons. ac 29 tr ANOTHER CARGO SALT, Sailed from New York on :8th Inst Assort eajsizee or bbcm. Rust Proof Oats for seed. nn&quallty N; C. Molasses Pure, straight goods. Grain, Hay, lame, Cement. CAJTNTJD GOODS. OHBESE AMD CEAOKBBS. ; Alt sorts of best quality.. Heavy Groceries. LOW FOR GASH. THE WORTH CO. novutf ' We desire To express Onr sincere thanks through your paper to Chfef of Fire Department Chas. Schnibben, Capt. W. P. Monroe, and - their efficient corps of assistant firemen, individually, for the' admirable way in which .they managed the fire whioh broke out in our Department Stores !at an early: hour yesterday mon Llercdr & Evans Cosw. janltf t Apples.- Evaporated Apples, . ? Baldwin Apples,. C. C. LNu!sf Mixed andlPenny Candyj; Full line of Heavy Grccerl23. ' SEND U8 TOTjit'OEDEtS., dec 8 tf NORTH WATSB STREET. At Tie-:- " ; t:-:-iinincky : Corner.1 , BIG PRUNES, 25 TO THEP0UND: t E& CRANBERRIES. " - - ' TURKEYS, DEAD AND ALIVE:-.' " .JELLY, K1SCE KEAT, RAISINS. : t-' CURRANTS, CITRON. - " ; -. -SMOKED EEEF,TCNGUES. l We can't bake your 'cake, but cair furnish M the test of evervthln to go in it. ' . Tec8ti - , . - - w w IZtal Estat a.;tx:T Si', I CM OilS 4 elflAwhnrn for lABfl tlitn M u.ti :-ro-'--' R Y CO., J. T. SH0LAR, ttanagerv MA 1IATI0KAL BA1IK. nmnta miui m. ntvxn- h.n in rutin WASHINGTON. i Our Latest for j:.. Evening Wear. m Hade of Patent Kid, which has the Bright! Finish the same a? Patut leather. SOLOMON'S SHOE STORE, 5 THE MAN VE DELIGHT m PLEASING m FOOTWEAIt I material and workmanship. We have la oar Hen's DressShoes ever shown in th city.' ,y . y:':.'-- "Cuban Blossom ' Cigars." V l ' . . ---' . ;: . Unexcelled unsurpassed by none. Yollers & Has&agen, Distributors. decsstf - v , ' For-'-." Christmas. ? . - Apples, Oranges, Nuts, C. . Nuts. . , t Candies . - j m Baskets B octets ana Boxes. j Raisins, - - and a roll Una or, . - Heavy Groceries. r - We also have a fewaelectel tfollota .' -" and Mullet Boe tefW , Williams Bros. 2- - Deo. 18, ltoo. aatflltf -S WLE OF Furniture Bedneed PrlcMi ' "-- ft , Tne after holiday clearance sale of odOa and , ; -FUliniTUI begins to-morrow and ' tbere ait rlcn prlzea. necessary to keep onr regular reenlar- dimensions baa been marked a ' flsnres. a tnlrd and a bait lesaa. than usual ; prices. Tneee Items rdoold prove Irreslstably - ' - attractive. i- . ; tr s IIUimOIIriillElLY .-A-. . r. in ft 1i ET mil ilwMiilt T - Ben Thone 115. - - 3 - Jitft, , Tot LU bsainesa orln2 X 900, ContLau wifh na If yon plMMM. k X7w customers bfi2jwes. . 1.:- . : -will call for j-ur orders. - . W A.' COLWKLli and I. V. COOP33- ; - wm wait oa y;a at keadqnarters,. rz,ri ti-i r.a mtt treet. ' : j utr icr- -.".c- . . 2 i L i wmm " - k- I i ''-

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