TFB'iC nc cii?cnrii!jTini t Of Abj Oder DaDy News paper PabUaled la ? WUaUzt NBWtPiPSU: IX TBI STATE. OUTLINES.4 New York 8tock Kuket excited; trtDncUons yeaterdaj axrex.ted 1; 837,900 sh&rf. Bttleahlp Illi- aoia at the Newport New thipjard will ba redf for her trial trip a boat the middle of February. House-of RspreeentatiTee had another struggle orer the Olmstead resolation; It was fioallj referred to the Ceaant oommit- tee, as the oppoaitlon deaired. Negotiations are ia profrreas for settle ment of the railroad tax cases. Generals Wheatoo and Bates reporf aaaay small captures and aeisort ot supplies, etc, in the Philippine The Bank of Berkeley, Ya., prirate affair, has failed; liabilities 115,000. The 8enate yesterday discussed the ArmyEgaphition fc JL EarthqaaXe shock in Mia- aoari at 9:1J P. If. Thorsday. Fie ia Baltimore "caused losses amoustiajcto $70,(X50. lOlasjrow Maoafacturioc Company, of Mass ehuaetts, is in the hands of a receiver. Claude Nordea stabbed to death by Ojear Mann at Hobile, Ala. Two necro men taken from jail at Madison. Fla.. and hanged by persons unknown. British will resort to force If Chinese ffuilty of massacres of .Christians at Chue Now are not be- eaded. J. Taylor EUyton says e will not be a candidate for nomina on for Governor of Virginia. ew'York markets: Money on call a tier at 3 C3 per cent., the last loan or at H per cent; cotton dull. viddlinc uplands 10Je.; flour was (uietand held with moe, confidence t old prices; wheat spot firm. No. 3 edSikc f. o. b. afloat; corn spot till; No. 2 45 c at eleTator; rosin toady ; strained common to good 9 1.7ft; riU turpentine firmer at aOQJOXe. WEATHERrREPORT. U.S-DcrTorf iioirLrcar, W CITHtwJ C SU U, WiiJfisaTOJr, N. C., Jan. 4. ) Temperatures: 8 A. M., S3 degrees; ll M., 45 decrees; maximum, 55 de fies; minimum, 34 degrees; mean, 40 agrees. Uainfkll for the day, .03; rainfall ,acelst fat see 1st of the month ub to data, .97. : of water ia the Cape Fear river tteville, N. a, at 8 A. M., 10 hctqtos; Jan. 4. For North vfat: Fair Saturday; west to north fresh to Sn the coast. day fair. lusear... 9u 10 A.M. 03 P.M. t's Leortb 9H.83 M. :h Water at South port, rh Water Wilminxton. 780 A.M. 10.00 A. M. rvti collector of the town WPa., is short tW.000 Jle hat 1 of si of sitting op pokered Mm Mark Hai.n0)vea of the SaJ- tion army. :rfhr&eing so the S. L may proceed with basin esa. It li;taVe something of that kind to kill STark through. A sUtitician figures ont that ngland'a coal aupplj - will hold vi for about aiity years. Bat if ebeb ales' herself and acts neigh- orly Xy will let her have enough o keep warm. Senator Proctor's company, which wns the marble quarries ' of Ver-. bont, has just bought the celebrated Carrara quarries of Italy, and thinks 1 wilsnow hare a dead sure thing the tombstone and monument hisineas. Helen Gould has f onnd partner, e ia a Polish tailor at Leadrille, lolorado. She ia not going into the kiloring buaineas) but will stake :e tailor to work some valuable Lining claims, for which he agrees b go halves with her. . Orer 80 juvenile criminals in the orth Carotins penitentiary ought p be a strong argument for a re brmatory. It is about time there as reformation in this business of ending young criminals to associate ith old and con firmed one's. The police department of Cin- innati, Ohio, felt so honored by sit from the Duke and Dncheas of lanchester that it presented the puke with, bob-tail bulldog and the Duchess with a bulldog pistol rith which a woman had given her insband an exit, as souvenirs. A practical joker got in his work b.Wftterford, -Ind., a ronple days ko. lie pulled a chair rrom nnaer young lady who was about to sit own, and enjoyed the joke until he 'onnd that his Tictim ras fatally in-' red and that he would-be. held egslly responsible for her death. ' That Bethlehem, Pa.; boy who .... . in . )ras reported to - cave oeen sua happedj wua't kidnapped at all. Ha Vanled to take a little ezcnrsion. nd invented that tale to escape, a Vhipping. Ha la a cigarette smoker. 3 at there is no " accounting forxthe pakaof a boy who amokes c!gar tea. j i rrhd It I . . : II II 'rXWJk 1 U 17 TV VJ VJ II IF K M -V ' T - J :S VOL. LXVIL NO. 88. LOCAL DOTS, The Algonquin went down the river yesterday and will cruise for some time. The sunshine yesterday came as a welcome friend after the rainy period for the past week. ..The condition of the young man John Odam at the City Hospital was somewhat improved yesterday. Mr. J. L. Fennell has opened a commission house ia the building next door north of Mr. W. J. Meredith oa North Water street. Mr. W. S. Wis hart, manager of Worth's ice depot on Dock street, reports having caught yesterday the first buck shad of the season. The annual meeting of the lot owners of OakdsJe Cemetery . will be held at the office of the company, No 305f Princess street, on - MoiidsTidght at 8 o'clock. a , Spirits ofturpenline went np with a bound yesterday on the 'local market.. The closing quotations were 1 firm at 36 to 37 dents, with receipts of 40 caska. Jt is expected that Rev. J.' M. Wells, who has recently been called to the pastorate of the First Presby terian Church, will preach to that congregation to-morrow week. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic National Bank and of the Mure bison National Bank will be held TueadayJanuary 8th, at their respective offices in this city. The Stae is under obligations to Mr. W. M. Camming. "Wllming ton's enterprising real estate agent. for a handsome calendar for the cur rent year. It is an-original design by Mr. Cumming and forms a useful and attractive advertisement for his well- known agency. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS J.W.Plummer. Jr. Tomatoes. S. H. MacRae Bankrupt notice. Opera House My Daughter in-Law. Meeting-Lot-owners Oakdale Cem'y. The Atlantic National Bank-Annuah meeting of stockholders. 8TOOT88 LOOH& Wanted Two active men Wanted Position Co travel. as Historic Cssrcs. A 8tax representative was told yes terday of the completion for the third time of a new house of worship for the congregation of Keith Presbyterian church, on Sampson road, ia Pender county near the residence of Mr. A. C. Ward. The church waa established 1S17 and is one of the oldest ia Pender county and this section of the Slate. A new house of worship was dedicated In the year of the founding of the church; another In 1848, and now still another at the beginning of the new year and century. Throuf h the instrumentality of Mrs. R. W. Collins, of Burgaw, a new Cornish organ has been installed for use in the church - and through her persistent work it has all been paid for. Bev. D. P. McOeaehy is pastor of the eon gregation. Mr. asd Mrs. MscRse Beresved. Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacRae- will sympathise ith them deeply in the irreparable loss they have sustained in the death of their little daughter, Dorothy, aged nine rears, which occurred at the family residence on Market street last evening, after an illness with typhoid fever covering a period of three weeks. The bereavement Is especially sad with Mrs. MacRae, who only a short time ero mourned the death of her father at his home In a Western city. The funeral will be conducted from the residence this afternoon at 8.30 o'clock by Rev. Frederick H- T. Hors- field, 'rector of St. James' Episcopal parish. - . sated ta Stow Away. Jain At the request of Captain Hill, of the British -steamship GhaXfleiO, Policemsn W. a Moore yesterday afternoon captured a Turkish' sailor, Messafa Cons tan tin, who had de serted his ship and who attempted to stow awsy on the revenue cutter Al gonquin, which sailed yesteraay afternoon. The cutter . officers dis covered their would be stow awsy before the ship sailed and turned him over to the officer. He will be kept at the station house until the Chat- field sails. Reports of City DepartBeais. The heads of the Tsrious depart ments in the city government are rushing work on their annual state ments for incorporation in the annual message, which will shortly be issued by Mayor Waddell for the Informa tion of the public Several Jof these hsve already been completed and handed in. among them being the fire report, city physician's report and several of the AMermanie committee reports.'1 ! ? . ; May Play la CHy Halt ; " H v The basket ball teams of the' T. M. C A. are trying to arrange for an ex hibition gams to be played -In the City Hall, provided the city , authori ties giveiheir consent for the use of the hall by them. They propose to play . the game at a date In the near future and will charge a small admis sion fee, which will be for the benefit of the gymnasium fund. The contest will no doubt be witnessed by a large audience, if it can be arranged. r Messrs, ; George and Ed Kidder and Miss Grace Kidder left last night for New York. . ... '- ASSESSMENT CASES. News of An Ajnicable Adjust ment Came from Raleigh 7: Last Night. ABOUT $200,000 IS INVOLVE?. Proposition Cane from the WUmlortoa & WeJdoa Railroad aad fierotiatlosa Are Now Pending Agreement As to Patwe Valsatloss, ' Special Star Tdegram. RaixiaH, If. a, January 4 Nego tiations are in progress for the settle ment of the railroad taxation cases which have been in the Federal Curt for the past two years and which in TOlTeQTryoahBAdred. thousand dollars.-' A proposition looking to the ami cable ; adjustment of the matter was made by the railroads at the hearing in Wilmington this week, and pending its consideration the taking of further testimony was postponed. The propo sition came from the Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Co., and as representa tives of the other roads were not pres ent. President Elliott hss undertaken to secure their endorsement It is expected that the result of his effort will be made known early next week. The terms of the proposed settlement are in effect as follows: 1st. That the full assessment, as made by the Corporation Commission, on all the railroads, shall be paid at once, with interest and all costs of the case, except attorneys' fees- Sad. That the Corporation Com mission shall recommend to the Legis lature a change in the assessment of railroad property, as follows: All real estate to be assessed for taxation onoe every four years, as private property now is, and all the roads' other property to be assessed annually as personal property now is. Governor-elect Ay cock was present in Wilmington when this proposition was made by Mr. Elliott, and agreed to by the counsel for the 8tate. It is understood that it meets his hearty approval and it is believed that it will be accepted by the Seaboard and Southern. Y DAUGHTER-IN-LAW." Mr. James K. Collier Now Maaager of This Popular Attraction. Mr. James K. Collier, having spent the holidays in this city with his par ents, left for the South yesterday, where he went to assume the manage ment of the Daniel FroEman Lyceum Theatre comedy success, "My Daugh- ter-in-Liaw ' Company, which is now en tour and which comes to the Wil mington Opera House next Tuesdsy evening, the 8th. The production is creating much enthusiasm among North Carolina's society people, and it is expected that one of the largest audiences that Wil mington has turned out will be on hand to witness it. A double source of interest attaches to the play this season to the people of the State, in asmuch as two former residents, who have made great successes in their profession, are with the organization Miss Marion Convere, formerly of Charlotte, and Wilmington's former townsman, Mr. James K. Collier, now associated with the management controlling the company. r Raising Up ef Chiefs. DenntT Hrand'8schem J. M. Mc- Gowan assisted by Past Bach ems J. R. Davis and Walker Taylor raised np the following chiefs to their respective stump at the regular kindling of the council fire of Eyota Tribe, No. 5, Im proved Order of Red Men, at the fourth sleep, cold moon, G. S. D. 410: Sachem J. A. Martin. Senior 82. am ore W. E. Mann. Junior Sagamore M. K- Eeathley. Prophet-Walker Taylor. Chief of Records J. M. McGowan. Keener of Wampum E. P. H. Strunck. Keeper of Wigwam J. R. Davis First San nap F. B. LeGwln. Second BannapH. W. Strickland. First Warrior J. Wannamaker. Second Warrior Frank Green. Third Warrior F. K. J. Fuchs. Fourth Warrior H. McL. Green. -First Brave R. D. Tucker. . Second Brave J. W. Strickland. Third Brave W. V. Hardin. Fourth Brave Geo. L. Morton. " Guard of the Wigwam J. R. Davis. Guard of the forest Geo. W. Penny; ; "': ' Reforslsg Ceflegtaas. - ; . AmABf the eollesriana who returned i th&ir atndies Yesterday on theoutH going trains from Wilmington were Messrs. D. Archie. BuIIuck, Adoipn Ahrens, William MV Bellamy, M. C. Gut thrie, Jr of Bouthport, Jf resion Cumming, Jr. and Milton Calder, to the University at Chapel Hill; Miss Nennle Borden to Greensboro Female College; Mr. James Craig, of South- port, to Trinity College ; Mr. Gilbert Weasell to Newberry College; Miss' Louise Harser to Salem Female Col' tr. Mr. Dick Dunn to the. YlrziniaJ Poly technic Institute at Blacksbur, Vialtel tba' Ek's Bomfc ' : : : :; : Quite a number of ladies visited the Elks' Temple upon the occasion of the first "Ladies' Day" - yesterday : after noon and all were pleased to find it so handsomely furrl&hed and - well ar- rarti The vLit ;rs were receivea by Hr. n. J. C:rtca, tls exalted rulerad ether me TnUrscf t-9 lpZ WILMINGTON, N. O.v; SATURDAY JANtFARY 5, 1 0PRA house NEXT WEEK. Notable Attraction Tnesdsv Eveainr la Which Miss Joses, of Charlotte, Will Appear Jo the Leadlog Role. Miss Marion Convere. Mrs. Ida Jef freys Good friend, Mr. Douglas J. Wood and an excellent company come to the Opera House next Tuesdsy night in a bright and new successful comedy farce, entitled "My Daughter in Law," which is an -adaptation from the ; French and was written by Mons: Carre and Bilhsud, two of the most accomplished and successful writers of comedy to-day. . A mother in-law for some unac- countable reason takes a Violent dislike to a young and pretty daughter-In law; she plots continuously to discover something against the young woman. onQccount ot which ahe might induce ber son io agree to a separation.: 'The latter, however,-is very much la love with bjs young .wife and stoutly de fends her, while at 'the same time he strives, to maintain a dutiful attitude tawardi his maternal' parent.- The daughter in-law is alert in mind, as well as young and pretty, and man aces to easily circumvent her arrogant relative in the end. This attraction will no doubt be greeted by the largest house of the season from the fact that Miss Con vere (Miss Connie Jones,, of Charlotte) appears in the leadine role. Miss Jones is a daughter of CoL' Hamilton U. Jones, of the Queen City, and be longs to one of the most distinguished families of the South and is, withal. , an actor possessing rare histrionic tal ent. By special arrangement there will be no increase in prices. The advance sale will open at Gerken's Mondsy morning. P00T BALL fJAME YESTERDAY. Cspe Pear. Academy Teem Defeated Wll- mlogton High School in Afternoon. In an interestiefc foot ball game yes terday afternoon at the O. A. N. grounds, the Cape Fea? Academy de feated the Wilmington High School in a score of 20 to 0. The line-up of the teams was as fol lows: C. F. A. W H. a .James . . . Vick .Kenan Rosenmann. a . R. G. L G. Meares Holmes Wessell. L . HIT. ...Reilly Daniels L. T. Payne 8rmth.. L. E Bellamy Register. . . . . E. , . : R. E. Hall . .Q B. .:..Hashagen . . F. B Webster R. ft B Duffy L.H B. Craft Crow...; ... Wescott Yopp.. Umpire Galloway. Linesman Hall Timekeeper Weasell, A. Referee Perchau, W. There were no special features of the game, but those who deserve spe cial mention for all wnrl grA were Yopp, WescoV:Orow" Smith and Pescbau of the Cape Fear team, and Craft, Duffy and Webster of the Wilmington High School eleven. LEiIN PRINTINQ COMPANY. Iscorporatloa Asked by the Stste for a New Wllmlagtoa Iadastry. Application was made yesterday. through the Clerk of th3 Superior Court for a charter for the LeGwln Printing Company, with a capital stock of $3,000 divided into twenty shares of the par value of 1100 each. The incorporators named in the- ap plication are L. M. LeGwin, Sarah C. LeGwin and T. T. Seeders, and the period of duration of the incorpora tion is asked for SO years. The new company, which is the prac tical successor to LeGwin Bros., will do all kinds of printing, book work, lithographing, etc. A Member of Lowry Gaog. The following story, which comes from Raleigh, will be read with in terest by maa Stab readers : "The oldest convict in tne peniten tiary, Andy Winecolf, colored, will depart in March. He was an office boy lor uovernor vance wnen tne latter practiced law in Charlotte, Andy committed a crime, ran away ana turned up in Robeson county with the Henry Berry Lowry outlaws, was tried and sentenced and was on the gallows with the rope around his neck, when Governor Vance com muted his sentence to life imprison-, ment Andy has always been a good Prisoner. Two years ago he was offered a pardon, but declined to accept it as long as Uapt. am v&j was super intendent, ' but would take it when CspU Day's term ended, which is in March." . Conaty Chain Gaig Reinforced. Police Sergeants Davis and Wil liams and Policemen W. B. Brown and Frank George rounded np a party of seven colored vagrant at the power - house of the Wilmington Street Railway Company yesterday morning and as they were arrayed before Mayor Waddell in the muni cipal court yesterday; he perceived In them excellent material for the county. chain gang. . - Accordingly he; sent five of them Robert Hennegan, Zed Sampson, Tom , Covington, - j, , a. Thompson and Needbanx Hall to Superintendent Chadwick, : who will guard their welfare lor thirty . days each, and Son Carlton and Illinois Bothea were requested to change uieir residence at once.-N ;.t Pcsder Superior CosrCy.f- 'M .-The jury in the case of the, Pender Lumber Company vs. the Wilmington: Iron Works for an alleged breach of contract yesterday returned a ; verdict in the Superior Court now in . special session at Burgaw allowing the plain- ffs $750 damages. : A suit in-which the Iron Torks Company Is plaintiff against the Lumber Cpmpany wui likely be concluded to-day. Attorneys in the case are Btevens, lieasiey ana Weeks and Joo. T. Kerr, Eiq:, for the Cop3ny and Iredell. Heares'and J. T. EIaeJ, Eiq., foe the Iron Worif. I PERSONAL paragraphs. Mrs T. F. Simmons is visiting atFaison '. - ' . Mrr J. K. Singletary, of Clark- ton, was here yesterday. . m.iaa maty rjuggina has re turned from Rocky Mount7" Mrs. C. L. Taylor and children returned last night from Fayetteville. Miss Mamie McGirt is visitiDg her sister, Mrs. T. A. Smoot, in Fay etteville. . . Mr. G. "B. D. Parker, of Chin- quepin, JLmpiin county, was a visitor to the city yesterday. Miss Mary Moore, of Burgaw, after a visit to Mrs. W. T. Banner man, returned home lasf night' Miss Myrtie Stevens - and Mas ter John ' Stevens,' of Clinton, passed through tfie city yesterday on their return from a visit to Charlotte. Miss Lillian Dean Caldwell, of Sweetwater, Tenn., arrived last even ing on a visit to Miss Katie Monroe. Miss Lou Smith, of McGall, S. C , is the guest of her brother, Mr. H. W. Smith, No. 818 North Fourth street Mrs. L. B. Pennington and Mrs. Joseph H. Hinton returned last night from Rocky Mount, accom panied by Miss Lizzie Snyder, of that town. Messrs. George W. Penny, Os-. car Edwards, Owen Fulford and W. F. Penny yesterday returned from a two day's gunning trip around Ab bottsburg, N. C. Misses Lillie Sandlin'and Eliz abeth Frank, of Richlands, Onslow county, passed through the city yes terday on their way to visit the fam ily of Dr. A. V. Goodman, of -Town Creek. Solicitor Bodolph Daffy, of Jacksonville, and Mr. R. B. Nixon and Dr. Franks, of New ber n, who have been on a hunting expedition at Little River, 8. C, returned yester day afternoon on the steamer Comp ton. Mr. J. A. Stone and sister, Miss Susie Stone, of Shallotte, N. C., arrived in the city yesterday and are guests of relatives in the city. Miss Stone will leave Monday to .resume her studies at Oxford Seminary, Ox ford, N. C. HAN0YER LODGE, I. 0. 0. P. Installed Officers Last Nliht and Had De Hghtfnl Social Session Afterward. The recentlyelected officers of Han- e LodffairoL 145. I.XJQ. ill- war kat night installed by Grand Master Marcus W. Jacob!, assisted by Past Grands A. Robertson, grand warden ; E. F. Johnson, grand secretary; N. Jacob!, grand treasurer; J. J. Hop kins, grand marshal; C. H. O'Berry, grand conductor; N. M. Hunt grand guard, and R. P. Johnson, grand herald: P. G. Ed. N. Penny. N. G. O. F. Williams. V. G; O. R. Spooner. R. a S. G. HalL F. S. B. W. Dunham. T. W. H. Howell. ' O. G. M. a Riynor. L G. O. A. Matthews. Warden Ed. F. Lewis. Conductor J. T. Burke. R. S. to N. G. Jno. E. Wood. L. S. to N. G. E. F. Johnson. .. R. S. to V. G. L. A. Hewlett L. S. to V. G.W. T. Butler. R. a a W. W. Thigpen. L. a S. R. T. Pickett Chaplain J. D. Webster. After the exercises there was a spread of refreshments and a delight ful season spent in . social intercourse and informal speech-making. The occasion, as it always is with Han over Lodge, was one full of good cheer and fellowship. THE TWO-STATE BASE BALL LEAGUE. Manager Asbenback Tonrjog North Caro tins in Its Interests Mr. Ed ("Money") Ashenback, to whom has been delegated by the pro moters of the . Virginia-Carolina Base Base League , the power to select the four North Carolina cities in which base ball will be a profitable game in connection with the four cities in Vir ginia, left Norfolk yesterday morning fora trip through thia State, durinsr which he will visit Wilmington and all the other cities . under considera tion.. He .will make, a report 'of his tour at the adjourned - meeting to be held at the Monticeilq HoteL Norfolk, on January 16th. The visit of Mr. Ashenback to Wil mington is expected to infuse new life in local base ball circles and upon the conditions he finds here upon his ar rival will - depend much the question whether the city will enjoy league bail next season or nofc';;.-v';i;VC'.; .: Mr." Ashenback has the franchise for the Newport Ne ws-Hampton Club and is quoted as having said that he is very anxious to have Wilmington join the league.; ('.xS- " asWsmlBmB'HBlaWBeM r ---x-'J Orgaa Will Be Ordered -V The fund raised by the Young Peo ple's Organ Fund Society of Grace M; E. Church now amounts to $3,137. It Is confidently expected that within the next two months "the . sum "will be I swelled to 13,500 and the new organ for which, the ladies of the church have worked so ? faithf ally and seal-; ously, will be ordered, v.: For V7hbof)inT Courrh 1901. TO SUCCEED FAIRCLOTH. Governor Russell's Endorsement for Chief Justice of the Snpreme Court of North Carolina. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 4. Governor Russell to-day received farther en dorsement from the Bar of the State for his appointment as Chief J ustice of the Supreme Court These endorse ments were from Wilmington; Win ston, Charlotte and Dobsbn. - Among the signers at ' vVJinston was Cyrus B. Watson, who' ran against him for Governor on the Democratic ticket. Beyond this there were no develop ments here to day, though Russell, Harris and Reynolds are now in Washington conferring with Pritchard and other leaders in regard to the mat ter. The best opinion here now is that the nex Chief Justice will be either Russell or Charles A. Cook. " DROWNED AT MARKET DOCK. Unknown Person Pell Overboard Early This Mornlor. An unknown white or colored man fell overboard this morning about 12:30 o'clock at Market street dock and was drowned. His body has not yet been recovered and his identity could not be established before day this morning. ' ' Policeman Frank George was com ing up Water street atthe hour indi cated and saw the man, as if intoxi cated reel and fall into the water in the dock about half or two thirds the length of the projection into the river. He hastened to the spot as soon as possible but was too late to save the man and only saw indications of the commotion of the water into which h'e had fallen. There was no hat or other floating ob jects by which the peison could be identified. Captain of Police Furlong visited the scene soon after the drowning and dragged for the body with improvised implements, but to no avail. A flat was tied up near the spot but inquiry revealed that none of the crew was missing. Policeman George could not tell whether the man was white or black, but was of ordinary height and wore a black suit A. C. L, Msv Oet Contract. - Salisbury Sun: "A fmrmer resident of Salisbury, but now living in Rocky Mount and who has been visiting in the city, told a Sun man last night that it is rumored at his present borne that the Atlantic Coast Line will get Uncle . Sam's big -mail contract this year for carrying the fast mail South. rne mail is now being carried by tne Southern. The Coast Line, he says. has bought two new engines and is making preparations for it according to the talk." The Chief Jnticeeship. Raleigh Post: "A telezram was re ceived by the Governor yesterday from Marsden Bellamy, Esq., stating that a petition had been signed by Wll - mincton lawyers requesting that he resign to make himself eligible for amxintment as Chief Justice. "some of tne Governor's close friends still think he will give the aooointment to CoL Charles A. Cook. That it will be Cook or Russell there seems to be little doubt" Will Entertain Miss Jones. - The Star learns that upon the c ces sion of Miss Connie rones' appearance here in "My Daughter-in-Law," which will be seen at the theatre' Tuesday evening, she will be entertained after the performance with a reception given in her honor-by Mrs. Broadnax, corner of Third and Chesnnt streets. Church Notices. Bladen Street' Methodist Chnrob: Bev. J. J. Porter wiu preach at 11 A. M., and at tne evening service. Rev. P. O. Morton will oreacb . at Delsrado Hills Sunday morning at neaal boor, and at J 8i) in tne arcernoon. , . Chaoel of the Good Shepherd, Sixth and Queen streets. There will be the osaarflervtoes on Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday eonooi at 4 o'ciock in tne aiternoan. Fti-Kt Rarittst Church, corner of Market and Finn streets, ttev. uaivm Biacxweu. v. v., pastor; 11 A. M., "Annual Boll Call, and Testi monies " 7.BU r. ja., "in toe raguuung. First Presbyterian Church: Divine service at 11 A. M. and 7 89 P. M,, conducted by Bev. John W. Paxton. Sunday School at 8.30 P. M. Prayer mourns on Thursdays ac s tr. m. Tne pumio cortBAuy invitea. Konthslde Baotlst Church, corner Fifth and Wooster streets. Bev. B. , H. Herring, pastor. Services ll o'ciock a. h. ana 7 tr. m.. eunusy School at 8 P. M. Prayer meeting service every Wednesday niant at s oxiocje. Rt Andrawte Presbyterian Church, corner Fourth and Campbell streets, Bev. Alex. D. Mo Clure pastor. Sabbath services at 11 A. M. and 7.80 P. M. Sabbath School at 8 81 P. M. Prayer mnAtlnor and lantnre Wednesday at 8 P. 1 The pubiio cordially ' Invited. Beats free. Brooklyn Baptist Church, corner Fourth and Brtmswicc streeus. nev. 4. 4. rayeeur. patuur. Services to-morrow at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School at 4.00 P. M. Weekly prayer and praise meeting weanesaay at r. n. Strangers and visitors are cordially Invited to auserriceB. " Fifth Street Methodist Churoh. situated on Fifth street between Nun and Church, Bev. John H. HalL pastor. Services on Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7.80 P. H. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at T.80 o'clock. Bonday School Sunday afternoon at 8.00 o'clock. .A cordial in vitation extended to all. - Grace M. E. Church, corner of Grace and Fourth streets. -Pastor, Bev. J. N. Cole. Ser vices Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. ana 7.45 p. m. Sunday School, W. B. Cooper, supfc, 8.80 p. m Weekly prayer meeting Wednesday at 8.00 p. m. A cordial welcome to all. visitors to the city especially invuea. seats rree. ., . - MACRAB DOROTHY, daughter of Hugh and Bona Jt. Macaae, ageu years. - - : Funeral from recldence at' 8.80 o'clock this 8atarday) afternoon. ; interment at Oakdale. Friends and acquaintances Invited to attend. ADVERTISEMENTS. 'IpHljAnnual testing, f 'i - The Annual Meettnir- of tne' tot' owners of oakdale Cemetery wIQ be held at the com pany's office, SOOi prlaeess street, on Monday, January 7th, at 8 o'clock. - - ; -; .BICHABD J. JONES. Bee and Treas. January 4th, 1901. y - Jansst :Dilo'corjnonr Baal Eaiase aceat rnasinaosu H ?. p f orFicr.3 toil T. - - -.- - t oruBr'j f"iliiA for p'on 9f 'frinfi. h - 'i a"-l i.--'r...-e . . 1 ' 1 :& - oq Lx; rota i.ciy. LvvltX WHOLE NO. 10,415 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Something New. Nut Butter, f Have von eeen.anv of thta new tahln delicacy? If not, call at tne Unlucky Corner and try It Manufactured by The Suburban Nut Product co. . Sola by - Tuesday; January ;8th! M IBS MABION. CONVBBC B9. IDA JEFFREY 8 QOODFBIERO,' " ;. : Supported by s t a t; Mr. DOUGLAS j. woorr and a roecial oomDanv. nraaanttnar The Lyceum Theatre,, if. jomedy success, a -m- By Fabrics Carre and Paul BUhand. r, Management of 6. Goortfrlaad. - TTIcnn. St 00. 75 and son. Mala niwna at Gerken's Monday morning. - : jaassipj T FROM CHRISTMAS WILL BE SOLD AT COST PRICE.- BANANAS, ORANGES, MALAGA GRAPES, OF VERY FINE QUALITY ARE IN, CLUDED IN THE LIST. '.r ANDREW MAVROftiCHOLS, 119 Market street. dec88tf 70s north Fourth street. THE'SUllEST WAY! To please woman-kind , 1 ' Is to give them something to beautify the home. To do this without much cost make a selection from my stock of Bamboo and Oak Novelties something Now, Novel, Useful and - uneap. H. F. PARKEE. Furniture and Fnrniture Novelties, 111 Market street. BeU 'Phone 613; Inter-State 431. Open every evening this week, dec 19 tt SPECIAL BARGAINS in ancy uiocks ana Silver Novelties Will sell at very close pro fits. Call and examine my line of goods and get my prices, ana salt yourself as to where you buy. i Notice the Show Windows. J. T. BURKE, The Jeweler. No. 27 South Front street dec83tf . - - I- TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED JL States In the Eastern Plstrlct cf North Caro lina In the matter o(LE adlev. Bankrunt. In bankruptcy. To the creditors of L. K. Adfoy.of vaveKevuie. in we county or uumosriana. in Bald district, bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given that on the 3rd flay of January A. D. 1901 the saia Li. il. Aaiev was auiy aajnagea a Dansxupt: ana that the first meetlnz or his creditors will be held on the 16th day of January. A. D. 1901, at lit o'clock M., at the office ot the referee In ayecievuie, a. j. as wuicn lime uie wiu creditors may attend. Drove their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bankrupt,. and transact such other business as may properly come Derore toe saia meeting. . Dated Fayetteville, n. c January 4, iwn. 8 AMTJAM. H. MACRAE, Jan 5 it Referee in Bankruptcy. N. C. Tomatoes Just Received. Fancy Yellow Bananas, ISo doc Florida Oranges......... SScdoz. Apples, pears, urapes, Cocoannts.1 kinds of fresh i Candies cheap. JMW. PLUXIIIER, Jr., sot Princess street, i Inter-State 'Phone 188l For hia Imsinosa dnrlna; 1000 Continue with nat if yon please.' New eastomers bstdly wanted. A. 1L RRnNSON. I A. F. PADBIOK.' I J. F. BUZZARD. 'F. D. McLBAN . wui cau lor your orders. . i W. A. COLWSJi and t. W. COO FEB will van on you at headquarters, 808, sis and Sis Hntt street. ? W. B. COOPER, ; Wholesale . Grocer, t ' T wilmlnsrton, ;tt; r. janltf o Ur.sxccllcd ur.surpzsssd cy Yollcr3'fi Easfiageni dec23tf S1A j?jtj rrtS My Dauglitei r u r 1an s tf - iii'nnnn, . t-. -4 uuuau , M0SS(M ' Cigars." : ';-?0;;:-,,,t"K. One Year, by Hall.. f&OO. Six ZXoBtlur,' - - ,2.60 Three XXoatas, ' -' -1.26 Two ZXeaths, - " ' lkOO k Dell ver e A to Beesertbera In th : City at 4S Cents eer 9tatM. NEW AD VEETISEMEirrS. The Atlantic .1-VV -t i national Bank 4 - t v of Wilminglon.1 B r The annual meeiirig of the stockholders of this Bank for the election of Directors will he held on Tuesday, January &Y at eleven o'clock. v AflDREV OORELAMD, f . i Cashier. janstf' . : am ANOTHER CARGO .SALT, Baited from New York On 8th Inst AasortedjBlzes of Backs. Bust iProof Oats or seed. 1 Very one "quality N. c. Molasses Pure, straight goods. Grain, Hay, Lime, Cement. CAJSrJSTKD eoODS. CHXESB ASD CBACESBS. All aorta of best quality. Heavy Groceries. LOW FOR GASH. THE WORTH GO. novistf " The aaaaal meeting of the stockholders of this Bank for the elecjiiga of Directors will ' fees held on. Taesdajr, Jaaaary 8, : at eleven o'clock. J. V. GRAINGER, Cashier. antf " . fWVt' Evaporated Apples, Baldwin Apples, Raisins, . i C. C. fluts ; Mixed andaPenny Candy, . . Full.line of Heavy Groceries. SKNO US TOUR OBSZB8. zrSi P- YlcrJair, dec s tt M noma .waxes 0TBXET. fi At Tie-:- r : -:-Dnlnck7 Corner. BIG PRUNES, 25 TO THE POUND. - RED CRANBERRIES, r i: TURKEYS,: DEAD AND ALIVE.' ? JELLY, MINCE MEAT, RAISINS. CURRANTS, CITRON. U v 'A I SMOKED BEEF TONGUES. We can't bake your; cake, but 'can furnish the best of everything to go In It. ".'Ociiu ,iiip your uncer. ' TRADE AND TRAFFIC. THAT'S OUR BUSINESS. ; -V We 'haW Oronnd Pewfter, Castor' Ofl. k - i Lemon, Vanilla, cinnamon. Nutmegs, . J"? BirfoML HabI Skin Rmcklnff To- i i-s t- naeeo, Ji-ancy ana uneap nu auuimw . , , and Bnuff, Cakes. Candles, Oranges, f t ? ; Apples, .Fish. Meat, JTour. Sugar, (. 1 -5 osElse tor sale. ouee, tuao, awiBimnn sou vuiv Wfi DOHT ASK FOB TXtB CASB liVM TJost "send as yonr Cotten, Bptrlts, Tar, Eggs, cmckena. Turkeys, Timber, Potatoes, Peas, Pork; t Conntrv Prodnoa. We have zs c-.' Cattle. Timber. Potatoaa. Peaa. ana all country Proanoe. we nave ttma to aell it and we keen nn wttb snartets. set your goods cheap andl .tseU yourxuce for best prtoe. ; : T. DtOVB, : v! ' U4 Horth Water street. fe eteamers tot ilfcyettBvllls. n. C.. Frrtw -and passengers. - Monday and TbnrsdwMeaTe l. BOTSStt QaosrallUnacer. Waao?lei'tfstseWci it'' to tao tMoada sd paroas )f , t HsOI PoarsaU "tjoot.nm wi fora Happy and Etfpspewis rntarfnvthii totli f Century of Wilaaiasrtoa. Apples, CeBtnry-ss'iracoessflrs- iaih:p!;6-'' ; that firm, we ask from w i rmnas as weu as'.- ,;, Dew. a svhl more UberAl j6rontre, wnlcb By , : -dUlgenoe and fair dea -iwi twpe io juab ;' - ha IjIj i :.XumiUUJbfy JanBtt . .1 r - 1 hi 1 ' ;

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