oeooeoeoo0'&eeo tQaaruteci Boaa-Flir, Ertry-TJij limsm SUBSCRIPTION. UrcalaUaa Larrer Tin Tkat Of A17 Otlitr Balfy News ftftt PaattaiH la WHalajtaa, - - 4 Oae Year, by ZXaiL $5.00 LDKHTDlIIiT NXWIP1PBBI DeUYerea to Subscribers, la tlM IX TBI RITE. rCltr as Casts per Hoatau " T VOL. LXVH. NO. 89. WILMINGTON, N.,n SUNDAY, eJANUARY 6, 1901. J0TOap;41fX wfrSg0M0000Ow 0 M 009 H'li Ms , - . ae4 E YO vort. 8. tf r. BrisM Co. OUTLINES. p.n.t ear ahopa at Bristol, Tenn., boreed ; loaa orer $73,000. Debeio opoa the Reapportionment bill eon tin -oed ia House. Committee amend menu to the Army Boo'rxanlxation bill ware agreed to bj. the Baaata, ex oept the committee amendment that old a tear officer might be appointed to aeoond lieateaaaeiea ia the regular army. The Census Bureau aays the centre of population of the United Stales ia near Colombo 1, Ind. A number of arrests of makers of allail ver counterfeit eoina have been made in New York.; The gold In the U. d. treasury amoanU to S43C.709.005. break! 0 jr. all record. Boera are Oil active in Cape Colony. Con trolling Interest io thaw Jersey Central railroad haVTjeeo aold to the Raadio railroad. The tobacco r..i.rPji Ar Hah W I n.lnn N IBkWJV. W . Wm, - " " . E. waanrea or an laeeaoiary xoare ,y night; Mr. Cbarlea Cor. was at eked by the incendiary and ahot and stabbed; bis assailant ia unknown, L Xew York markets: Money on ctl waa steady at 4 per cent, cotton dull, middliaff nplanda lOJo; fl-ror was quiet bat firm; wheat spot firm, Not 2 red 831 c; corn pet strong. Nov. J; oats spot steady. No. 1 28rO; rosin steady, strained common to good $1.75; spirits turpentine firm at sens. WEATHER REPORT. U. a. Drrr or A.aRiotn.Ttran, t Wzathxb Btxbxau, WaxntOTOS, N. C, Jan. 5. ) Temperatures: 8 A. 1L, 33 degrees ; P. M.. 49 degrees; max imam, 5 de- Iroeea; minimum, S3 degrees; mean, S3 LVgrees. Rainfall for the day. .0; rainfall nee 1st of the month up to date, .97. Stage of water ia the Cape Fear river t trsyelienue, s.i . jx-, o 11 roaxoasT to-day. Washixqto. Jan. 5. For North Jirotios: Fair 8anday; winds gen rally northeaaterly, brisk on the ;iuL Monday probably fair. Pet !ua Riaee.....; 7.10A.M. . 5.03P.M. bar'a Leaurth 9H.5SM. Irh Water at South port. 8 11 A. M. MwtUrWumiarton. iu a.n. The allieknre closinz in on the orth Pole. Vhare we serer! exj 'erent directi&fc. lEi-UoverQorjrt;II. Brogden fcd, from a fingering illness and il age combined, at his home near bldaboro Friday, in his 85th year. kithat England distrusts regards America with And prooablj the Ciar erica recipr jrte as 10 x.og- Statistic show that there is a ntinnoos increase of suicides in lis country." Perhap-they can't land the extraordinary "prosperity" I e. . . . :e country ia cajojwg. There U entirely too much trifling ith Kentucky's good name. It was t-ported that there were 30 homi- tdea in that . State on Christmas ay, wfcen there were only 29. A beneTolent society in Chicago aa opened a ' 'penny" lunch house, here a "good, wholesome break Lst" can be had for 3 cents, and a spread" for 5 cents. . Patrona are 9t e pec ted to spend themseirei Inneces&arily. There is a denize of New Jersey ho has such a hankering for candy lat when he has not the money to ay it he can't resist the temptation steal it. That's what got him into ia calaboose. He should proceed : once to hire himself out to some ndy shop. , About 35,000 people, men, women d children-rushed to the Nome ild find last year, at a cost of about 0,000,000 for the lot, and the output of the mines was about ,000,000. . Erery dollar's -worth fobbed out cost more than three, lich is doubtless true of erery liar's worth of gold dug out of e earth. The creamery business is growing Georgia. A large creamery will n be in operation at Athens; the eat Sparta will 'be increased by addition of 150 cows. The first e was started at Griffin about two ago. Since that .time teTeral. to been established, and they are miog general throughout the ifaiorPond. the lecturer iteefer. is ringtrouble. He brought Win- r;Ca archill orer here to lecture at a lecture. 1 Winston Is striking er pay. - The Mai or Hid a lewtaat : timuar upcnsuvo " Til mire. He took himorer to ?land to lecture at $250 a night. e Doctor hd hadly swallowed ire than two or three moathf all of ados atmosphere before he struck ad for a raise, , sna Pond, tad .to 8 X& truer J (Td. LOCAL DOTS. Steamer Khio, from Hamburg, for Wilmington, N- C sailed from Bermuda, W. L, yesterday. A special meeting of the Wil mington Lodge of Elks will be held to-morrow night .to initiate ne w mem bers. Messrs. Zachary & Zachary are telling fine mantles at coaL Their ad. appears In another column of tbia issue. The Stab regrets to learn of the aiekaess of Mr. P. Heinaberger, the genial secretary of the Mercbanta Association. v The Knights and Ladies of Honor will install officers to-morrow night. Deputy Grand Protector' J. M. McGowan will" be the in tailing officer. The Chamber of Commerce at its meeting this month will hare the consideration of eereral matters of importance auggeated by 8 lata Geolo gist Holme. . ; A Motto meeting will be con- d acted at the Y. M. C A. this after noon by Bar. A. D. McClure. The merrtcm will begin at 5 o'clock. All men are' invited. Tho local cotton market was q noted at the closing yesterday by the Produce Exchange at 91 centa for middling an adrance of an eichth orer previous quotationa. The usual "first Monday" meetings will be held to morrow the County Commissioner in the after noon ; the Aldermen and Cape Fear Camp of Veterans in the evening. Messrs. Horace M. Emerson, Jr.. a 8. Heide, Irving Bear, Thomas D. Meares, Jr., and Pierre Holmes returned to Horner's School yesterday, and Mr. Benjamin Bell; Jr., to Chapel IIUL The Board of County Commis sioners will meet to-morrow afternoon. At the meeting a superintendent of roads will be elected, aa ia done annu ally. Capt. John Barry now holda he position. The Stab learns that in addi tion to the W. L. L and Naval Be- aervea. it ia very probable that CoL Walker Taylor's Boys Brigade will also attend the Inauguration exercises at Raleigh Tuesday week. Frank Wilkinson, colored, was arraigned before Justice Fowler yes terday for failure to work the county roads in Harnett townships. He waa adjadged guilty and fined $2 and coeta. Maggio GQligan, a white houa&keeper in a place of ill-repute at No. 309 Castle street, waa aeized with flu at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon and died within half aa hour., Coroner Stokes viewed the corpse and ordered iia buriaL Passed Assistant Surgeon C. P. Werlenbaker, who was formerly in charge of the Marioe Hospital here and who waa a few months ago or dered to New Orleans. La, haa now been ordered to proceed for special t- mporary duty at Shreveport, La. The Atlanta Daily Xetos of Friday, prints two excellent portraits of Miasea Nan and Susie Clark, of Tarboro, in whoae honor Miss Mabel Powers gave a delightfel cotillon Fri day evening at her home in Atlanta, and who are quite well known in Wilmington. 1 Zeb Vance Lodge, No. 140, Knights of the atyatio unain, oi uus city, baa surrendered its charter to the grand lodge. The membership de creased wUhin the first year of the establbhment of the lodge from 150 to 40. and on account of local dissatisfac tion it waa decided beat to disband. The police were unable yester day to fathom the mystery of the un known man reported to have been drowned at Market atreet dock early in the morning. Very little interest was manifested in the occurrence yester day, and the opinion ia expressed that the policeman who reported tne affair. waa probably mistaken aa to the object which fell overboard. . - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. V" Shriei -Em broideries. D. L, Gore Co. Seed rye. - A. D. Brown EmbroiderJea Zachary & Zachary Notice.' Vollers & Hashagen Cigars. -Geo. O. Gaylord New goods. Datia Livery Stabiee Speedy. 8. & B. Solomon. Carpet sale. J. H. Behder & Co. Elegance. Hall 3c Pearaall American Bait. Brsnrxsa local. TTmm TJ. GL Veterana Attention. .; ". Wanted Furnished rooms. . Wanted SbJpmeaU beef cattle. - : P. BL Hayden Buggiea, wagons.'. Notice Positions under government Port Parsgraphs. - , -' ' '- The. schooner 'AreZKeirIoyfi Capt. Neilsen, arrived yesterday from Kew York, with a cargo of salt for Hall 6c PamaIL Incorporated. ; - . , Yr Th schooner. Chcwlsa B. Spraguei Capt. Harper, arrived last evening from Lewes, DaL. vrith'a cargo of flsbv scrap for the Virginia Carolina Chem ical Company. I: ' " " -C The . achooner t Robert A." Snyder cleared yesterday with a cargo of lum ber from the Cape Fear Lumber Com pany for New York. ; - : 'V: . fPhone your order to F. P." Lamb, No. 415 (Bell.) for Focter'e celebrated 'TTnalthfaL refreshin? and tea- iverate. Endorsed by hundreds of pscpla Ia -WUBQlnglon. Le;iTerea to any part cf t-e city on sbortest nctloe. CHIEF JUSTICESHIP. Most Emphatic Protest by Co!. Waddeil Against Russell Reynolds Dicker.. HAS ISSUED A SIGNED CARD la Which He Desoences la Scalhlor 'Tersss Ay Eadorseneat by Demo crats ef the QeveraorPretesi frosi Members of the Bsr. The general belief that there is a systematic effort being made in the Btate to induce Governor Buasell to realm his office and be appointed Chief Justice by hie logical successor, Lieutenant Governor Remolds, to nmMvl th lat Indni W. T 1Talv cloth, has raised storm of indigna tion all orer' the State. Borne charge tbat for selfish motives the Southern Railwav is "behind '.the scheme and such procedure would be an-outraee upon the judiciary of the 8tate. OUiers cou tend that as Judge Fairclotb ia to be succeeded by a Republican from ihe East. Governor Buasell is the logical candidate, and his resignation and ap pointoient by Beynolda would not be out of place. For the past two days let ters of endorsement and protest ag ainat aueh Drooeedure have been pouring into Raleigh from both Democratic and Republican sou roes to such an ex tent tbat the atate of affairs haa indeed become perplexing and the outcome is awaited with interest In Wilmington thj situation was not regarded seriously until yes terday and aa nightfall approached, interest in the matter began t reach fever heat. The most significant utter- ancea anentthe aubject were by CoL A. M. WaddelL mayor of the city and a leading member of the New Hanover bar, wbolast night issued the following card which doea not mince - words and which, it ia said, gives voica to the sentiments ot many of the citizena of Wilmington and of the State: Mayer Waddeffs Card. Trk rnc Rtib- I wiah to record mv nmiMt mmnlMr of the Bar of Wil mington, and aa a citizen and Demo crat, against the action of abme Demo cratic lawyers In soliciting uovernor Pn.Mll in M1frn hi offiea and "ac cept" the office of Chief Justice of the Bute. It is soliciting nim to maze an infamous political bargain with the Lieutenant Governor. It ia condon ing a career of judicial outrage, and intense partisan malignity. It is gra tuitous slobbering over a Radical office-holder who haa been threatened with impeachment by Democrats, it ia repudiating decency and Democ- i mov it ia in ramus' ana ouirasnnsr the people of Wilmington, who were I forced into revolution oy r&usseuiam. What is the excuse given lorm i Whir Itia aimnlvthia: That unless Via Rip .ndnrtu RnnAll ha will an- i point some Radical who ia alleged to hainmmniiiMit! RnmioM he were to 1 threaten to appoint a negro or an idiot i would tnal jusuiy anyone, especially a Democrat, in endorsing him for the nit Won Id it not rather be a rea- aon for not doing itt Will the people of Wilmington countenance inia thing by remaining ailentf Did they mean anything by what they did two years ago? U, u so, nave iney iosi their self respect since that timet For one 1 moat earneauy protest. A H. Waddbxu PetltkssFromWUalsrtoa Bar. At ithad been given out by close friends of Governor Russell that his action in the matter would be largely directed by the opinion of the barof the 8tate, naturally members of the pro fession in Wilmington manifested greatest interest yesterday in the de velopments. Messrs. Marsden Bel lamy. R. G. Grady, Jno. D. Bellamy, Jr., H. L. 8tevens. O. D. Weeks and L. V. Grady, of the New Hanover bar, are accredited by the Raleigh newspa peraaa having joined in a petition favoring the arrangement to have Russell become Chief Justice in the manner indicated. Telegrams from Georee Rountree and Herbert Mc- Clammv. Etas., were also reported aa having been aent to the Governor stat ing tbat "if appointment ia Republi can, sentiment favors you." A counter petition waa drawn up laat night after dark and aigned as follows: "The undersigned members of the Bar of the City of Wilmington, aaton t.kt mA inHiff n.nt t tha nublication of telegrama and letters addressed to the Governor of the SUte. urging him to resign and take, the office of Chief Justice of the 8upreme Court, wish to enter our protest against aueh an inde cent and oatrageoua trafficking with the highest juoieiai omce xu tne ouno. "Alfred iioore WaddelL Iredell afearea, Robert Ruark, Ed- B. Battle, W. R McKoy, Geo. L. Peachau. . "Other members of the Bar coincide with these views, but their aignaturea to this protest cannot be obtained to night.'', . . Cesrreuaaa Beuamy's Vkwf. u . A Raleigh newspaper having pub? liahed the nameof Hon. Jna -D. Bel lamy in the list of those favoring Rus sell's appointment, "Mr. George L. Peachau, his law partner, laat night telegraphed him at Washington the following: -: : V : - v -, 'Certain newipapera publiah your endorsement of Ruaaell for Chief J us tloe. Wire me facta." , ' To this telegram Mr. . Peachau re celved the following reply:7' 4 ; George L. Peachfu, Esq., Wlllmlngt ton, N. C : . ' ;; ' . r : "It ia not true. He la the laat man In the 8Ute I would endorse. A Gov ernor who waa abou) to be Impeached is not the man for Chief J a it ice. -. . " r - VJKO. D. BTT.I.iaTT.' ; . Ksaor Aboat Aepolataest. ; ' V 'A report gained currency on' the streeU last night that the appointment had-been made by Basaell and had been famished exclusively y to the Morning Post, of .Ralalgn, whlchwaa favorable to his candidature, and to one or two Raleizh correspondenU of other papers.- The resinatiou and ap pointment act, it it said, did not take place, bat the plum w&s given toan-clher-rurchea.-- This, however, was act veriled. .. . S.. GENERAL LEE'S BIRTHDAY Will Be Elaborately Celebrated by Vet era ss and Uaothters of Coafederscy. The veterans of Cape Fear Camp, No. 254, U. O. V., of thia city,, are already making extensive preparations for the annual celebration of General Robert E. Lee's birthday, which falls this year on next Saturday week. The day -January 8th, is a legal holiday in North Carolina and it ia hoped to enlist the sympathies of the commu nity at large in the commendable move ment of observing each "year appropri ate nercisea in honor of the Confed erate Chieftain, who ia worshipped by every true Southerner.' The address will be by Eugene S. Martin, Esq., of this city, and will be' delivered at the Opera House. The Sogs of Veterana will be given a con spicuous place in the line of march from the armory to the place of apeak log and all veterans, irrespective of their places of residence, are expected to join heartily In the exercise. " : The Daughters of the Confederacy, aa usual, will have a bountiful 'spread of refreshments to which all veterans and aont of veterans are invited. NO CONTESTS FROM THIS STATE. North Csreiloitns ia Coseress Mr. Bel lamy ob Pespportionmeat. ' A special telegram from Washing ton, D. C, says: There will be, so far as known here, no Congressional contest from North Carolina in the next Congress. Neither of the Kitchina will have a contest on his bands as threatened at one time. Mr. Thomas ia in the State at present, but so far as heard from Mr. Fowler, has filed no notice of contest. The time for notice expired January 1. Mr. Claudius Docker y was circu lating about the House corridors to day endeavoring to inject some ginger into bis rather a contested ease against Bellamy. So far as can be learned he met with a chilly reception. There ia little likelihood that the case will ever again be heard from. Mr. Bellamy is ia favor of SS3 mem bers of the next House. This will give North Carolina ten members and leave Virginia and South Carolina undisturbed. It looka now that Mr. Kluti may stand alone in the delega tion in favor of the Hopkina bill, which fixes the House membership at S57. aa at present, and leaves North Carolina with nine members. MOORE'S CREEK BATTLE HELD. -fir Mr. Bellamy's BUI fsf Its Improvement Psssed the Seaste Yesterdsy. i The bftl introduced in Congress by Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy at the laat ses sion, appropriating $5,000 out of the public funda to enclose and beautify the Moore's Creek battle grounds in Pender county, waa yesterday passed by the Senate. It ia expected tbat thia amount of money will soon be available for the improvement. The grounds are al ready k pt in fair condition by the Moor?'. Creek Monument Associa tion, ai.d a beautiful monument has been erected on the spot where the famous revolutionary battle waa fought The appropriation secured by Mr. Bellamy will come aa a wel come service to his cons;ituents in Pender and New Hanover counties. The Naval Reserves. At an informal meeting of a large number of the members of Wilming ton Division, Naval Reserves, held last night, it waa definitely decided t" attend the inauguration Tuesday week, at Raleigh. Every member who can attend ia requested to give his name at once to Secretary C. E. Mc Millan in order that all arrangements for transporUtion, etc., may be made. Employers are also again urged to al low employes belonging to the divis ion to attend the exercises if they bo desire. A special drill of .the company will beheld Monday night, after which there will be a meeting at which time it will be officially decided to take the trip- i Prepariag for InaBgaratloi. In anticipation of ita trip to Raleigh upon jthe occasion of Governor Ay cock's inauguration, January 15th, the Wilmington Light Infantry will have special drills to-morrow -and Thursday nights, beginning at 8:15 o'clock. It is - especially desired by Captain Adrian that these drills shall be well attended, aa the success of the company's appearance in the Cap ital City will depend much upon the extra training given in this way. Will Work the Roads.- . In Mayor Waddell'a court yesterday John Waddill,: colored,' was sent to the countyroads for thirty ?daya for being drunk and down. , Son Carlton, colored, one of the vagrants who was ber of othersrin.tbe boiler room of the Wilmington Street Railway Co;, war aentanped to.thirty daya on the chain gang along with the other of his asso cutea7 ;v ;- Retimed to Text Home. : Dr. Jos. D. Hanby, wife, and child, who have been spending; ihe holiday with their parenta, Mr. and: Mrs. Jos. H.- Hanby, have returned - to Paris, Texaa.' Dr. Hanby ir president of the Parle Surgical Jand Hedical Institute, where chronic diseases and deformi ties of the human body are treated by the Phreno Pathic system. The Stab is glad to know DrJ Hanby is doing so welL :. - ' r"-,-r To vily Sabscrlbers.- " . "I ' n-:tv aufeacriDera are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab n.cM evrrv" failure of the carrien to dsHver their prTS. Ia all rich czzzi steps vfill latitsato Izire prp and regular delivery.-" . ... :.; r. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr; Will Atkinson arrived from Washington, D. C, yesterday. - Mrs. Dr. Robt. Jones, of New: bern, is here on a visit to Mrs. C. S. Grainger. j v Mr. J. B. Cooper returned yesterday from visit of several daya. to Faiso-, N.O. , Mr. H. Walters and Mr. Pem broke, Jones and family left last night for New York. 'Mr. Brooks French left last night for Macon, after a visit to rela tives in the city. Mr'. W. J. Thomas, of Char lotte, arrived in the city last evening and is a guest at The Or ton. Mr. T. C. Dickinson, who has been sick for the past two weeks ' with fever, is able to be out again. Miss Annie K. Harper" re turned to the Greensboro Female CqU lege yesterday,"TiTler spending the holidays at home. . :' . . Mrs. F. Rheinstein and sons, Messrs. Sydney and Alfred, left last night for New York, after visiting relatives in the city. Misa CimmieV Lord returned yesterday from Newbera and will re same her classes in dancing to morrow afternoon and evening. Mrs. Charles E. Borden, after apending some time in the city with relatives, returned to: Richmond yes terday accompanied by her sister. Miss Fannie Taylor. Capt. J, F. Bussells, of Vir ginia, manager of the company estab lishing the Menhaden fishery near South port, arrived in the city last evening to look after his interests here. These were registered at The Orton during yesterday:" Messrs. H. W. Hood, Southport; Z. M. Moore, Charlotte; C. L. Martin and wife, Newport News: Jno. H. D. Rowan, Trenton, N. C. FUNERAL OP DOROTHY MACRAE Held Yesterday Afteraoos) from Family Residence Interment at Oakdale. The funeral of Dorothy, the little daughter of Mr. and MrsfsHugh Mac- Rae, whose sad death occurred Fri day evening, was held yesterday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock from the family residence, No. 715 Market street. The service waa conducted by Rev. F. H. T. Horsfield, rector of St. James' Episcopal Church. The fun eral was attended by many friends of the bereaved family. The music was rendered by a choir composed "of the following: - Misses Mary Calder, Carrie White, L'zzie Waddell; Messrs. C. S. Grainger and J. Van B. Metts. There was' a pro fusion of beautiful floral offerings. The remains were tenderly laid to real in Oakdale Cemetery and the mound was covered with flowers. The following gentlemen acted as pall bearers: Dr. C. P. Bolles, Messrs. H. M. Chase, J. V. Grainger, and D. H. Lippitt. OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY NIQHT. My Dangbler-lo-Law," a Dainty and and Wholesome Drama. The attraction at the Opera House next Tuesday evening is one that will appeal strongly, it is said, to the theatre-goers who appreciate and lutmnizn thn daintv and wholesome in the drama. The company, which is beaded by Alias Marion uonvere, airs. Ida Jeffreys-Goodfriend and Mr. Dou glas J. Wood, are exponents of the best type of refined comedy. In their new play "aiy uaugnter in juaw, n ia said, they are seen at their very VtAdt Thia eomedv scored the most emphatic success of any play of ita kind laat year in ijonuon, ana wneu subsequently produced in New York City at Daniel Froham'a Lyceum Theatre it ran for over one hundred nichts. not onlv dunlicating but ex ceeding its London success. The play is a three act comedy.somewhat farce -deal in character, and-ia handled with a dexterity and tastefulness quite ex- m.! i i i .u: ceptionmi m pimym ui jr ira. The advance sale opens to morrow mnminirit Oerken'a and everv indi cation points to a heavy sale and an early rush, there oeing no increase in prices, - - WUI Work For Southern Railway. Mr Edgar R. Roby, who for some time has accepUbly filled the position OI private aecrvuu-j iu u T. IM. Emerson, of the' Atlantic Coast Line, will leave this morning for Washington, D. CL, where he haa accented a position with the Southern Railway. Mr. Roby ia a: very clever young man and his numerous inenus, though reluctant to give nim up, are delighted at his success. He haa been the organist at Fifth Street Methodist Charch for quite awhile and he will be much missed by that congrega tion, .'-v'''. '-:r:'--'a,;iv-; Chief Eaglieer Owea. Chief Engineer F. E. Owen, -of the TJ. 8. revenue eutter aervice, wno was recently , transferred from - the ST 8. Algonquin to Milwaukee, -Wis.;Vfter-spending a few days with.' relatives in the city, left last night for 1 Washing-, ton.4 He will report i.at hia nwr sta tion in a., few daya. Mrt:;Owen and ehUdrenwill -remain here with' rela tives a while lbnjrr before joining Mr. Owen in- their new heme. . Chief Owen is very popular Jn Wilming-: ton and he and his ; wife will be much missed by his many' friends here..-.;;--' asssnsl . Koved to Rlctooiiit'vC Mrs. C M. ; Ilarriss and daughters,; Misses Katie and llattie, left yesterday: for Richmond, where they- will make their future hoiae. Their departure fro3 V7iIait;loa ia .'deeply rcreilad ty cany frier Ulsi Louola Hints Vfill rs-zla here fsr a few days v:::t irj fr::-l3 ttfrre tcirj tJ RLincd. SONS OF VETERANS. Systematic Efforts to Reorgan ize George Davis Camp, ":" of This City. MEETING TO-MORROW NIQHT Appeal from Capf. James I. Metis and. Commander Blscoe Hiodman Asking -Them to Perpetnale Orfaniia tion ofhelr Father?. - The Stab mentioned some time ago the efforts that were being made in Wilmington for - a reorganization of the. local camp Sons of Veterans, and commended -the move to its young readers who were eligible to member ship in the organization. By request it now publishes a further appealiby Cap. James I. Metts, as-follows: rish to-calf the attention c f the George Davis Camp, United Sons of Confederate Veterans, and all sons of Confederate Veterans to the appeal printed below from their Commander in Chief Biscoe Hind man. j To further and perpetuate the or ganization, you are invited, and it ia earnestly desired tbat every Bon of a Confederate Veteran in tbe city will be present at the monthly meeting of Cape Fear Camp No. 254, U. C. V. at the WiJmington Light Infantry Armory, Monday at 8 P. M j and to participate in devising plans for the upbuilding and creating enthusiasm in their organization, which will make t it second to none' in the Southern States. There are many from 14 years old up, whose fathers were gallant, brave heroes in the war. They should feel honored at being the offspring of such grand men, and wish to perpet uate their noble deeds of daring and suffering. Other towns much smaller are well organized and doing good work. Respectfully, James I. Metts, Commander Cape Fear Camp, No. 254, U. C. V. Louisville, Ky., Oct 6. 1900. Mr. , James I. Metts, Commander, Confederate Camp, Wilmington, N. C. - My Dear Sir: As the Veterans have a successful Camp in your city. I am earnestly desirous that the sons follow at once in the lead of their fathers by organizing a camp. The valuable influence of yourself and camp are earnestly requested to aid the boys in their preliminary organiz ation. I shall be greatly obliged if you will kindly hand the enclosed circulars to some prominent son who will agree to take immediate action towards organizing a camp. It would held him materially if you would -arrange for veteran camp to meet with the Sons at this prelimttaary meeting so as to give them informal talks and suggestions. The glorious and un surpassed record of the Confederate Soldier should be kept alive in every possible manner by tbe Sons, and I, therefore,' feel sure that we can count on you to help us toward immediate organization. It will be my heartiest pleasure; as it is my official duty to give any information or render any service in my power. Awaiting your reply, I am, Very respectfully youra. BI8COE Hutdman, Qemmander in Chief. Commander George D. Crow of Camp No. 5, U. S. C. V., in another colnmn calls a meeting of that organ ization to be held to-morrow : night, as suggested in the card of Capt. i Metts and it is earnestly desired that there shall be a very large attendance. . DR. RICHARD J. PRICE Appointed Assistant Surgeon in the U. S. Army and Ordered to Manila. Dr. Richard J. Price, ones of Wil- mington'8 most popular and esteemed young men and a physician with a bright future who about three weeks ago was appointed assistant surgeon in the United States army, with rank of first lieutenant, has received orders from the War Department directing him to proceed at once to San Fran cisco and there embark for Manila to join the army in the Philippines. He will leave Monday for the Pacific coast and will take tbe "Sunset Limited" railroad via New Orleans. . Dr. Price stood an examination be fore the U. S. Board of Medical Ex aminers at Fortress Monroe, Va., early in September and was soon after notified that he had passed success fully and would receive his appoint m.nt in - Miriilar order. He has re- UAVU. . " ceived hicommission and is now in the regular service. .- . ' 1 Dr. Price has numerous friends m Wilmington who will be. delighted to learn of hia appointment, but will regret exceedingly that he will be stationed so far from. home. His de-. parture will be felt by all who know him. " - i Special School Appropriation. . - i The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is issuing the , warrants to the several eounty treasurers for their nro rata share of - the $100,000 special appropriation by the Legislature' to the schools of the State. The amounts to a number of the counties are as fpl . Iowart l New Hanover, f 1,153; Anson, $1204 28; Beaufort $1,176,155 Bladen, $996.54; Brunawick, . $689.78; Uolrnar ki. ' i ana j Oravan. r sL.150.52: Cumberland, : $1,739.84 ; Duplin, $1. 168.28; HarnetV $881.84; Mecklen burg, $0,737.74 ;YMborer; $1,242 6?; Onalow, $618.42; -Pender, v $735.84; R?ohmond, $1,540.66;-Eobeson,$V 988 84;' Sampsonyv $1.487.16; ;-Union, $1,539.29; Wake. $2,785.94; Wayne, $L16.75 ; Wilson." $1,220.69. y , f WCI Hunt at Little River, S. C - V Messrs. J. KL- Williams,' " A. a V7il- irama. D. R. .Williamr and George Harriss will form a party of successful hunters who will leave before day on the- ; steamer1 CompfoTi. toinorrow morning for; a i week's . sport around TJttla River. Horrv- county. B.. C. Gu3 13 said to te esrscully r!:-tifal ia tbs-t-aectioa th:3 Et-:3a -1 the pirty t-3 expcr'.Ir- a royal t:e. 9 v To the Ladles ofi Wilmingtori and the surrounding coontry ' 9 V f Vie are offeringsobie Bed SprtadSr-Don't t - jseBpecuuuy, A. D. f - Jan i tf Carpet New Goods Arriving ana scarcity ojrbsm tB a puizier for- anv We mast havefJoo! m. ' So fop this week we Our regnlai 'fifty-cent Oar regular doib Bmaaelfl Car set Our regolar sixty-cent Bruasels Cafyet Sale Begins Monday morning. S. 1k B, Solomon. Wholesale. lanStt Death of a Little Girl. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wolff have the aym- pathy of many friends in the death of their little daughter, Mary 8.- Wolff, which, occurred yesterday morning at. the family residence, N0.J8I8 Sduth Front street. Death was caused by nneumonia. The funeral will beheld at three o'clock this afternoon, With interment at Bellevue cemetery. For Whooping Cough USB UiliIMJiiI D Xi.' PECTORANT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Annuarkleeting. The Annual Meeting of the lot owners of oat (i lie Cemetery will be held at the com pany's office, 96g Prleeaa treet, on Monday, January 7th, at 8 0 clock. . -. . RICHABD J. JONES. Bee. ana xreas. Jannary 4th, leau r janfi2t Notice. Only 4 daya more that yon cubvy uy MANTLES AT COST. We have evferal niee oaei yet, and will aell them AT COST lea the freight w e hararee to aaaieign Remember we close January 10th, 1901. ZACHARY & ZACHARY. jane it , Manager WUmtngton office. Tuesday, January 8th. M 188 MA.BIOK CONVEEl, R3. IDA JEFF aETB GOODFB02n, Bnpportea oy . , Mr. boTJGUkJB J. WOOD r ; and a special company, presenting Ir. Lyceum Theatre, N. y., comefly Succees. The By IVrlce Carre aadPajd BHhana. Malaseinent of 8. Goodfrlend. t Prices.. II oo. 75 and BOc Bale opens' at Gerken's SJnday morning. jansot . Schr.f'HeBielPloyti ABBIVXD WITH v : . ' 459 .t6ns American Salt. U vine in White and BnrlaP afcoks. 100 pounds each.- J - - ;r .. RuiM whieb we have booked wUl be ruiea VrOOTB WUSIWU. . - . ' 4 HALL & PEARSALL, . (mCOBPOEArED.) . j In6tf I U- Seed Rye. 50 Bushels Rye. 85 Bushels Seed Wheat. j , ' 75 .Basra Hudaat Grit. " 1.000 Keare ZTallav- . : 4 CthV Xaoavda Hoop Iron. -, 9 Car iKMkde Flour. , 5 Car lHdanay t 800 Causes Caused Ooeda , ISO BanCoffeW, 'A i 700 Boxes Tobaeeo. Baaims.r ; 500 Basra Shot. ; ATeo, three Mules for sale Write or call and we will give low prises. l" , , -y ;b. t. core CO.; WHOLESALE GROCERS jane tf - wnminstoa. 9. 0 1 i : FROSI CHRISTMAS W1LC BE SOl t rnT PBir.F. BANANAS. ORANGES, MALAGA GRAPES OF VERY FINE ' QUALITY e Ant CLUDED IN THE Us I. r - t:::r;j" t.v;:::::::::is;' : deoSStf 'ip r'- i'" ''tuJ etreet - TV V YOU are icordially and; Respectfully invited to call and examine the most beantifnl ? selection --i'? of NEW j EMBROIDERIES we have ever O t';y-: shown in " Cambiic. Nainsook 1 and r Swiss. ' 't 1 Some of the match seta are just magnificent, .; and the All-Over Embroideries are all entirely .sf v V'--new patterns this season.' We have in stock ; ? ,r ' quite an extensive assortment of LACES and f -y . . V-i. i WHITE GOODS, but will receive many new V : ' ' ; things djaring the week, j.-- - - ' - ' , '"'. extra values in White : fail tr ee-then:r : - , c . merchant. This Is last oar fix tow will eeii- Ingrain darpet at 40c 400 ; ; Retail. . The annual meeting of the atoekholders of this Bank far the election ef Directors will be held on Taeeday, Jannary 8, at eleven o'clock. J. V GRAINGER, Cashier. jan4tf ae0 Choice and Exclusive. Naming a price without regard to quality does not make a ooatlaned Bocoeasrai bastnesa. Ton may put on the public an. inferior roods one time and maybe two times, but not all the i - time, - we are In the Cigar buainera to win; and knowing It Is only a qu" tlon of quality that counts wtth adls- orimlnaclng public, we have made it a qoestlon ot Quality flret. Quality last, a.d-Qualltr all tbe time. We poet tjuaut 7 nlain THAT iCiD AriAurn " Guban Bloooom" Cigars BROWN 1 : A . A X of Wilmington. , I ' ' I . r ? . .ABB THB BB8T V4I.m5 v: '0::4 : FOB THK MOHXV -. -si. K"vi sold on ahy market If your grocer , .v won't sell them because of the smalt ; : : margin ot profit to him, we can tejl -,..u you who does. ; VOLLERS & HASH ACER, iQlgar Manufacturers' AwntarifVfei! antf BirikJbUx . JU.il Data v tvnii Frm-aea and Vehicle for the iMumesa man er .nnniiaii Tmmrir f:m.rrtai7f) ;ee for pleasure . We' All oraew promptly and - aatlflfactorjly. Oharees ar moderate and the lerr ice excel tent. Try urn. Special attention to bbardei. A new lot of Honee aid Muiee tot eai i cowip. - ; ' - ,. BotiiTlmMB no. 124, No. 803 S10 Marketatrew. ..--..f i jan tt:.ig?i:.;yfi , -'. -fn y BARQAirJS OUvor Uoyolties. x i7"l ssOl o& vory iplouo i pro-; v tits - Oall and osaxnine : iiiyJiiiQ- of ITOOdfl ang ; got my prices, and suit yours alf .aatopttO' you- buy i IloticO tno Ohow WindoT7C. j? " r jT.-Dunno; 3 Ttri Csuth Trout tafV , decsstf ' Vji , i'l.'- K Urn -. ! m X yirX" ;7..-:':;-.f -:' ,o-y 4 . . - '

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