eed Booi-FIde, Ery-DiX iUaaranteed v . ircnlalion Larrer Thin That A Y ii V i)f Any Otfcer Dally News- pjper Published J I Wilmlagtoa. T'!' Dlil.1 .Mswsf i-titA I THE STATE, i ? M VOL. LXVH.--NO. 116. OKNIN i- -rw 1, Zl,m, LOCAL DOTS. OUTLINES. The mayov and other city officials of kvmort News. Va., are under arrest for bribery and corruption. - The Smperor of China pieaas wiia tne nricrn ministers ia Fefesn to spare the ife of Lung Fu Sin commander in Ihief of the Chinese armies. Lsree petroleum depot at Baku, Rus- L . . , L ' i: 6a. cestroyea oy ure; muj ma iui. A large vessel wrecked bn the nit of New Foundland. j- Con federate Veteracs Association or avannah passed resolutions against be invitation to resident Aicii.iniey attend the re-u&ion at Memphis. - British government decides to re- Ifcrce kitchener with 30 000 mounted ops. Queen Wilhelmina's arriase takes place to day. - Two aployes at the Norfolk navy yard ar- tcu for stealing government pro- rty. Two negroes cnarged Ith murder lynched at Dade, Fla. New York markets: Money on 1 steadier at 23 per cent ; last loan ag at 2 percent. ; cotton dull; mid- lng uplands 9Je; flour quiet aud ak ; wheat spot easy. No. 2 red : f. o. b. afloat; corn spot easy, 2 43c at elevator and 46c f. o. b. at; oats spo: dul!, No. 2 SOic; tin quiet strained common to good E5: spirits turpentine dull at 40 The regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will bs held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Some Western paper suggests that the Kansas saloon-smasher have ner name c&anged to Helen D. Nation. The British steamship Peturis. x.vao tons, uapt JHivans, cleared Poma ron, Italy, February 4th, for Wil mineton. The adjourned anpaal meeting of stockholders of the Carolina Cen trai Kailroad Company is appointed to be held here today. mi . xne rezwar monthly mftrinr of the Dorcss Society will ba held this afternoo at 3:30 o'clock, in the Luthewn Memorial Building. News has been received by Dr Wright Hall of the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. George Hail. whiVh currew &. oer nome near Clinton this week. The funeral was held yester-day. .INGTON, N. C, THURSDAY. FERRTTAPV 7 , ' . , lVl MAfflBH'S FRIENDS. TERMS 0FSU6SCRIPTI0N.! X One Y.. i .. A 1- wne Yeu. R w.n A Six Month, . X Three Month, Two Month., $5.00$ Forty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Society at Wilmington Tuesday Afternoon. ALL REPORTS ENC0URAGINQ. ately upon the &ainurnm - m.: , .. - " Ui me -wvcwuir OI LHa Sno ot. t-. Uf J. Carmichiipl in 'J -qdward'BecwtaV- The ""'"k umcers were elected - President Mr. James Sprunt. t j ive x-resiaent-Capt. Jas. I. Melts Secretary and Treasurer-Col. W. J. vvoodward. Rev. A. D. n nr-r. ;:r" V"F- waiter . -tivB ana jar. D. L,. Onr WflM THE SEATING OF MR. SIMMONS Ei-Mayor Fishblate Qatfaered Impressioos m Washington Favorable to t&e Democratic Senator, WHOLE NOj 10,443 Ex-Mayor S. H. Fishblate, who re turned yesterday from New York via Washington, and who stnmwH york His Been Most SitlsfictonT h. ted to consSr the 2? .tol .fo5 a ri while to feel Oflclala and cmml ' committee, with th .fUise nation," E0 to speak. 0flclala and Committees-Election i uincers by Board of Trns tees for Ensniog Year. The fortv-oivtitk - i nf (K o uuuai mtetiofir OI Ine SeamAn v: . . . Trr, . t ricuu oocieiy, or Wilmington, was held T.M -.iw.aoTO, Front ood Dock The meetins: was taken up almost exclus17ely in the hearing t "pons and the election ofoffleen for ine ensuinff year. Tha nrrv AO Air nn wo. . ... .vu.uga i ui H3U Was marfa -'Bev. Geo. H. Cox. of n "i.T" Her. ' the reading room committee to ' uita vjinniRnis t -r co oi c i;i . . j vjnurch. Kowan county, N. Q. i. in Metta h.w- 1 IJ - "mes "l llttWUn aQd and in the citv. the t r t ' A I ri xxr T " airman and " . XiD W T . a WW - W W . cwrjr, ThAMIUIat .n..i nuu LI1H HPAfilrlArf : president and secretary, and the fol lowing committees were named " I mm! fPai-Capt. James wM'VT- E' 8Pru"t and Capt. ..iorvjr. macKae. Public Worship-Col. W. J. wood ward, Capt. James I. j James McDougall. iveaaing Koom and Home Mr. .T r:ce, Mr. James Snnmt r . Igar Williams. AuditiDtrMr. N. Jacobi and Capt. James McDougail. An appropriation of 450 was made saia fast night in ah inteririw representaUve of this paper that he was satisfied that the F. M. Simmons in the next U. S. woum not be opposed by i'ritchard, as currently reported and believed in the State for R,.i - Mr. Fishblate took occasion while in wasnincton to iDti-ri a wu. of leading- men both in the House and The Old Court House in Wilmington. Morton's Substitute for Rountree'g Bill Emflowering tbe Commfe. sioners to Sell Property. I Special Star CorresnrmAor, i Raleigh, N. C. February 6.-The bill allowing the commissioners of New Hanover counts fr. . , CSX for and annH.n.;n.- . a . . uuuae uca i . -Ki"uuuai0 iu me Wll- o"" . , ; luus enat'eu to pretty I -"Kai infantry and the Wil- accurately delermin (K0 ,4V . I mington DiiR;r, w. V " .1 , . . mmuucut I xveserves. I hn tuere toucningr the unreasonable move 8U of i500 each annually, has now fcfcKAL ASSEMBLY. a ,, county toiMue bonds; to incorporate AycOCk'sText Book Bill Passed Washinto! o give thaH Governor .Both HOUSES nd Ic ! aPiDt di"Cto" the Blind for Ratification. counties to adjourn court in the ab or me judge to any ay of the TO REDNTDirT the tith or fom day to day during the 1U KCUlfRICT THE STAfE. Jerm until the judge comesjto extend v " w compromise and settle the 2.50 1.85 1 t A Delivered to Snb.crlber. In thef " vents per Itlontn. NEW; ADVEBTIMENTS. WEATHER REPORT i' JS, i 6$ 3. Dep't or Agriocltuee, VV EATHKK BUREAU, wiLMiSGTOS, . C, Feb. 6, mperatures: 8 A- M., 3) degrees: 1L, 41 degrees; maximum, 47 de ; minimum, 29 degrees; mean, 88 eei cfali for the day, U; rainfall 1st of the month up to date .71 ?0 RECAST rOS TO DAY. F.vSHiX0T03f. Eeb. 6. For Ne,rth Dlina IncreaOTg cloudiness acd iTharaday, with warmer in eastern lioaa. Friday crobablv rain fwh Iheasterly winds. i 'ort Alsanae rebrnarjr ?. Bernheim. He mill preach next Sun day morning in 8t. Matthew's Luth eran Church. Friends in the city will sympa thize with Rev. A. P. Tyer, formerly of WilmiDgton bat now of Durham, in the death of his sister, Mrs. Eliza Jackson, which occurred at her home in Greensboro on last Sunday. It is said in Washington that Claude Bernard will not be re ap pointed District Attorney for the East ern District of this 8tate, though he has been at the Capitol several days in the interest of his re-appointment. Ex-Governor Russell, it is said, has been mentioned as a candidate who will have strong backing for the place. Rises v . .. . Sets rs Length i water at South port. vV iter Wilmington. 6 57 A.M. 5.32 P.M. 10 B. 33 M. 9 41A.M. 13 11 P.M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS S. II. MacRae Bankrupt notice. S VJL MacRae Bankrupt notice. Upera House Moving Picture Co. Wil. Gas Light Co Is it right t PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. he cigarette figured ia a divorce in Oskoah. Wconsin, last when a woid sued for di- ie on the ground that her lms- wa3 a persistent and incorrigible rette smoker. The jadee con- Ired thi3 snffieient and p-rantPfl ivorce. Irof. Siaby, of Berlin, claims: to invented a contrivance bv h hundreds, or even thousands, .essages may be sent simultan-' over ocean cables. If ;3o. not over land, too ? This man bs to be getting in ahead of our :octemporary a.ks, ,;Doea it to be rich ?' Th,c aa. the use that is made of riol fellow is going to run his breath punning riches, live hard and his eves to the nice and sood gsoi tc-s world, he had 'better be and have some enjoyment. Irani james, the reformed nan. wnowns a candidate for door per of the Missouri Legislature wa3 aeleated. thinks tb twat1 r ".labciui. mill ot showing much disposition to Kurage reform. Mav be tha I an. were afraid that ha kiently reformed. t e present indications aro that ;ntish people will find "Edwai-d th a nrpi--o ovrnT.n:A He already wants an allow. of 3.000,000 a year, in addi r which Parliament will be 1 10 p.iv the $10,000,000 of tafi m Prince of Wales. ! 13 fnounced "on th hJrrLof or that Hon. Davirt R tr;n pot be a fandirUt-r. ti, t k r. i iEUl- i I'rpsi Innf :i --nm uammaxion next n have no doubt, bow lhat with reasonable nmarnta er;.. . . 1 - fUUiUIi L IB requue a 5aotgun to persuade :o c'aange his mind. ! cording) the eggologist oltho "iment station if you are me number, and At to the flavor of the eggs flora 1 m , or .nj, ieect them wheat 3; cotton seed meal nni ,; bQt if you want a nice flavor, out lare on cracked '6" CXK, corn and feed corn 0r lor Steilinr. O Lnminol . hnrri . 7 wur', under a .od by the MTft,;Bf.. r for vtpai;- . -i ..r ISfrnm I OOll OI Silk ouu" u) i store. fc tuber t 4r Ukuer ne2' lt ;. re oom- I 18 aeiault of bond. Miss Eliza Bellamy left last night for Washington. Mrs. Harry Boatwright, of Portsmouth, is visiting relatives here. Mrs. C. M. Bntler has returned home after a pleasant visit to Roanoke. Mr. F. Dickinson, of Char lotte, was an Orton arrival yesterday. Mrs. Preston L. Bridgera and children arrived home list night from Rileigh. ' Miss Marv Borden minrno (borne yesterday, after a delightful visit to Rockingham. Mrs. J. H. Gall, of Weldon. and Miss Belle Mann, of Richmond, arrived last evening to visit Mrs. W. A. Riach. f . Mrs. A. H. Gerhardt, of Balti more, is the guest of her sisters, Mrs. Q- W. Linder and Mrs. F. Meier, of this city. Mrs. J. H. Land, Jr., of Chadbourn, was in the city yesterday returning from a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seymonr Johnson, at Warsaw. Misa Octavia Boatwright re turned horn yesterday from Porta mouth, Va , whe gQe nas foea for some time, the gues. Gf her brother, Mr. Henry Boatwright. ANNUAL MEETING! LAST NIQnr Clarendon Savings & Loan Association In Yearly Session Directors Elected. The annual meeting of the Claren don Savings and Loan Association was held at the office of the associa tion, No. 17 Princess street, last night The secretary submitted his report, which showed the affairs of the asso ciation in a very flourishing condi tion. roe following gentlemen were elected to serve as directors for the ensuing year: W. S. Johnson, D. C. Love. J. L. Jordan. B. P. Keith. T. H. Wright, F. E. Hashagen, Charles Schnibben, Walker Taylor, J. EL Gore, Jr.. R. H. Pickett and B. P. Collier. The directors will meet later for the election of officers. Pr perty Transfers. The following transfers of realty were recorded at the Court House yes- terdav: . Adrian V. Howe and wife to Henry Hill and wife, property on Queen street between Third and Fourth ; considera tion, 142 86. Sallie B. Maffittto Stephen Sneeden. fifteen acres of land on Bradley's creek. in Harnett township; consideration, $230.25. Masonic Reception To.Nliht. All arrangements have been De fected for the reception in the Masonic Temple to-night by the Masonic fra ternity .to the ladies whoi lent their assistance in the Masonic Bazaar of 1899 and the chrysanthemum show of last Fall. An elaborate Drocramme. which has already appeared in these columns, will be observed, and an evening memorable for its pleasures is in store for those who attend. Appointed Private Secretary. The Stab learns that Mr. J. Bar grove Taylor has been appointed pri vate secretary to Congressman John D. Bellamy. Mr. Taylor was formerly a clerk in the auditor's officii of tha Atlantic Coast Line. f , J w. xne report of Cant xf .v. . - r .o.Mi, me presi dent, pays a merited tribute to the memory of the late Col. Roger Moore r-wull aoaujpi. John Cowan member of the Rrai nfT.,... . . -""uarers, WOO l m over the river and now " oors. The current U3CS or me year are shown to have been met and a balance on hand is left me new fiscal year. The generous donation of $i00 from me parent Eocintv ; xt. . through its treasurer, Mr W C Sturges, is gratefully acknowledged and is shown to have enabled the soci ety to have had services evarv Sun day. Tne report states that it is nec essary, in order to preserve the Bethel budding, that some exteVe repai,s wo uisue. The report of Col. W. J. Wood ward, treasurer, duly approveafay the auditing committee, which take, oc casion to compliment Col.", Wood ward for the neat and orderly manner in wmcn tne book is kept, shows that there was a balance on hand February 5th, 1901, of $13154, which with re ceipts of annual dues $82, American aeamen's Friend Society $400, rents $1,133.24 and interest $340, makes a total of $1,753.18. The expenditures were as follows: Chaplain, $35; vari ous ministers, $180; organist and soprano, $104; incidentals, $15.59; iiDrarian, $360; lights and fuel, $39 80; papers, periodicals, eta, $33 95; in Buraace, $m; repairs and improve ments to budding, $49.85; ship wrecked and distressed sailors, $13.72; sunury expenses, $48.40. Total, $1, 03L3L This leaves a balance to the new fiscal year of $721.78. ine report of Mr. H. G. Chriofn offersen, librarian, shows that during the year the visitors to the reading rooms and attendants upon divine ser vices numbered 8,902 seamen and fi49 citizens. For the same period last year the number was 7,743 sailors and old citizens. fPu . - . . i .... xuo report, oi me committee on Public Worship, composed of Col w. j, woodward, Capt James I. Metts and Mr. James McDougall, shows that services have been held at the Bethel every Sunday afternoon during the year. A tribute is paid to the faithful service of Rev. M. A. earner, tne regular chaplain, until October, 1900, when he resigned on account of his removal to Texas. since his resignation services have been held by ministers of the various denominations, for which kindness the committee expresses profound gratefulness. The organist. Miss Anna Sprunt, and soprano, Miss Car ne White, have by their regular at .enaance, aeep interest and ren dering of appropriate music made our services pleasing and interesting, and derTe the thanks of the 8ociety. Mr. James W. Price and Mr. James Sprunt, composing the committee on Reading Boom, report an increased of nn PeDSM- Xa PP"Pation of $300 was made for improvement o. the Home. The pay of organist and soprano was ordered made $5 00 each per month. Mr. Henry G. Chris- icnwsena appointment as librarian was confirmed. The nnmin.iin,.Mi.' -"unuu Ul IXJ.2SS ui.a opruot as organist and Miss Came White as .opraco was aIo an proved. v The secretarv waa diw.t.,i , - vu UU3U the churn against the government and as. early as practicable to visit Wahmeton in furtherance ih same. VALUABLE SERVICES RECALLED'. LCS3 of Workers In :...-.. . . ... cuiutus rrieods Society Cause for Regret. At the annual meeting r i,- o men s Friend Society, held at the S. m's Home on the nth ;ntt 2tol3?r.!i!.p9 -made I.0 refer- of two Mend. U ITTtZ-?0 Places had not benW'rS. "ork. wose Dr. Robert Strange, and VMlSl' v. uTWir several members r,," th9 fact that' rohon Iho .;fled Without liecuniary means and when a nam. Dr. 8wange united cordially With thtm in thu ronri)niT.I.'n. j support of the good work which has gone forward steadily ever since. The loss of Cnl Br. Cant. John Onwan K tcoih oni r the two clergymoMjamed. by removal, it is still -deeply Hit and it is hoped that the new mmhN tha T?.a nt Trustees will enter heartily into the workawhich has been so signally blessed in recent years. THE REV. J M. WELLS, PH. D. of the Republicans, prompted and in sweated by Butlai.. will retire in March and who wiil therefore not have an opportunity to register his protest, . Mr Fishblate had a talk with Mr. xcuara wmie at the capitol and giyes it as his opinion that the Senator will arraign the manner in which the election was held in th afo u not hold Mr. Simmons responsible for the conditions or oppose bis seating. HELD CON Q R EQ ATI ON AL MEETING. Annual Reports of Officers of Si. An3re's Presbyterian Church LaBt Mjtbt. The annual congregational meeting passed all its readings in both branches of the General Assembly, and is ready There is another bill, however, of great interest to the Naval Reserves int'tA8 h,a.via ch moo?h slu ing, but which it is hoped by Senator Morton will get through all right t for a bill w- n r eu&tor Morton ii J i 1 by Mr- Rauntrr e, which ha already passed its readings il the House. Thnrim'n.i u VT Jii IDe tree, empowthecoVnty comm?s" sioners to sell the old court hand fewSwH lot, Princess and . 'oow, wnen tne bill cam i. Pt u ??ered a substitute which ?h ltS bct a Provision by wh ch the old court house may be retained asan armory for the Nval Reserves vJnTaVt Pr?Pe. especially the State debt to 1903; to proteciicutters of mill logs in Hyde, Onslow -and Pam lico counties. - i Bills were introdced- fi!r. provide State banks of issue.!! By Mor ton, to protect mitwhont JL:u ' r rth Carolina. Bv Forsheef to trans it a section of Wake M Durham county. By Mcintosh, to prevent im position on clients by attorneys. The House and Senate wer invited to a reception by Governor aand Mrs Aycocfc, at the mansion Friday night. Committee Vleetiogg k A meeting of th Hnmin.. Propositions and Grievances .was held J X ttais afternoon to eonsidni. hnio 'n I ulate hours of labor and employment of children in cotton mills, it result ed man agreement with cotton mill operators, who had renrsWtnw- X V VVraOKwAAAAAAA . . - " - ' w T V V VVraWinKMMwAAA t T ' w t V V' A Clif jo Business.! ? i KINO GROCERY CO.. amd X o TIKE. NO DISCOUNT. X WO CREDIT. A Everything ma at be exactly t or money & rofonded.' We thank JoS $ very much for your liberal $ patronage to the old firm in t t-V conrteon. tret- ment nd prompt service to X J. I. MI00LET0N, I SUCCE330H TO f THE KING GROCER? CO. Fourth street Briage. X 'Pnonesss?. tntnsa jansatf - v OUOMouutu ana mill men adopt an iron-dad rule, with all mills a Party thereto, that' siity - six .a vauutute a week's work and no child under 12 years be employed The agreement will be drawn and signed within two weeks. it The Senate Committee on Privileges Bad Elections decided this afUfioon to report in favor of Strinofl. ocrat), the' sitting !membe in the nfm a j r wT meeting I V " property, especially the I wr, me sitting member In thft Has Bade Stannton Cocgreration Good bye Preparatory to Coming Here. The Staunton, Va., correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch said yes terday i i that paper: The l-v. J. M. Wells hnvino re signed tb pastorate of the Second i'resbyi'-rian church to go to Wil mington, N. C , has bidden the Staun ton Church ffOOd-bva. With his fimil. Mr. Wells is now in Buena Vista, en route to Jackson. Miss., i n visit. Ilia asred narents befnrA utimtnni han at Wilmington. During Mr. Well8' stay here there were 150 additions to the Second church in his four and a half vears' D&stor&tt TTniil a , r .ifmam can be bad the temporary vacancy at . V. A CI .1 1 .1, A., - - uo ocvudu cnurcn win De niied by the Rev. William L. Bailey, df Afton. Elders T. C. Morton. 8. Rrn B. A. Hughes, Deacons Allen M. Howison, Frank T. Hoit, J. W. Lore- grove, and Messrs. Marshall Fultz, Newton Argenbright and R. L. Floyd, frnm thn mnffiratinn at larco ant a special committee to secure a Das tor to succeed Mr. Wells." was neld lastnuhti ,i School, Board of Deacons, the session lue Pasior, Key. A. D. McClure were all very gratifying and showed every department of the church to be m, "er condl"n than ever before The treasurer's report was made and showed the following splendid finan cial condition which the church has JUja aunng the year fust closed: lne amount raised during the past arby the congregation was $7,022 07 by tbeCtamOUnt $5'325 37 was sd flT -Ow"gation andst301 72 by ine ?d.a.8cho-, the societies con- WhnilSwf'6 and ellaaeous -ere $920. for the year wc . The report of Mr. . v , secretary and treasurer of tu"n; D' school, was made. It showed 5 officeif. 23 teachers and 200 scholars enrolled. The average attendance for the year was 154. Rev. A. D. McClure, the beloved pastor, reviewed his work during the ytar, and it showed the good resulting from his labors and the co-operation of the entire congregation. He said 21 additions were made to the church du ring the year, and also, that out of the Al.Hw. , ' . "a l"fP RwTrs ? u?w. ienipie thereon. So Senator Morton's cKot;..4 x ou I power the eomme;v.o vacant lot. nnt ZT' tF L" lDe Naval ResBjTweB SZTLV to. V di tbe 33rd district. A joint pnmmilfo ii .. tougressionai istricts met to niht maJ . Plan of operation, and decided to meet February thirteenth at 3 PjjM. to hear argument on all bills alreidy or yet to be introduced for .At.&t ii,. mo vuunny within I . -.'unuwu iur reaisErictim con- All obligations thn ant K . lauucai.On Of iKwhiSfe?mM8,OM nnot sell rri.K . .luo Property. L-M,r Norton says, so --.. uMi ia8 disposition of the old SSI "OT-I- to aloan r." . """ig io ine teserves thA title must revert to the coSJfy thJ i110 saould at any time be dis lMW.S4l ,mch as ninety d7yS " of a8enate"co' in the hands Mr. Rountree is expecteh'p),r..whom the interest of the House bill this ar ternoon or to morrow. 280 resident members, 236 contribute regularly to the support of 'the church. lhe meeting was closed with a fer vent prayer by Mr. W. H. Sprunt. WILL NOT REPORT THE CASE. Funeral Yesterday Morning. The remains cf little Margaret Josie Kelly, the three-year old daughter of Mr. M. H. Kelly, arrived yesterday morning onflhe A. C. I train from Rocky Mount, accompanied by the grief stricken father, who went up Tuesday evening to Rocky Mount, tin I Vi a Kint now i' rt 1 a rwr If m TXT T kum aaita ui wuvi ai ia w uua. v v j nurnwr oi visitors, especially of the Traceyajt whose home the little girl ujr ui iurmgn ships, who have I passed r generally avaiiea themselves of its privileges and appreciated the same. inasmuch as they have remained by invitation to the Sunday afternoon services regularly held in the room The committee recommends that, while the holding of the usual services the. temporarily, has been in every respect quite satisfactory, and has served to make the Sunday services less formal, that the second story of the old Bethel, which was formerly used as a hospital ward, and which is nowed in emergencies for beds, be nronerl. prepared and used for Bethel services. Uapt. James I. Metts and Mr. James Sprunt, composing the committee on Rental and Repairs, stated that the two stores in the building had been rented for $430 per year each, and that the home had been let to Mr. Chrisvjf- fersen for $360. Tae Mt. Tirzih prop ertv has not been rented or leased. The repairs to all property during the past year amounted to $19. 85. All the reports upon motion of Mr. James Sprunt were adopted and or dered on file. The following named gentlemen were nominated and, upon motion of Mr. James Price, unanimously elected as trustees to serve the ensuing year: Messrs. James Sprunt, James I. Metts, W. J. Woodward, R. W. Hicks, Rey. A. D. McClure. T. E. Sorunt. James McDougall, N. Jacobi, James Price, W. B. Cooper, Rey. Dr. J. Carmichael, Edgar D. Williams. J. Hal Boat wright Walter G. McRae and D. L. Gore. The thanks of the Society were ten dered the American Seamen's Friend Society, of New York, the local news papers and the officers and committee' men. '. - Meetlai of Board of Traslees. The board of trustees met immedi- passed peacefully away Tuesday morning. The funeral services were held from the station by Rev. Father Marion and the remains tenderly borne to Oakdale cemetery, where they were laid to rest beside the grave of the child's sainted mother, who died a short time ago. Tbe pallbear ers were Masters George Bowdoin, Johnnie Rowan, James Bergen and Leo Lacy. m m m - Death of Mrs. E. C. Fowler. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Fowler, relict of the late Nathaniel R. Fowler, of this C1"s. died Tuesday night at 9 o'clock at the re:uence. 0f her step-son, Mr. P. a. a owler, on Masonboro Sound, at the advanced s&(re of 83 years. Mrs. Fowler leaves no children but ex Mayor John J. Fowler, or Wilming ton, Mr. P. R. Fowler, of Masonboro, and Mrs. J. D. Bell, of Rocky Point, aretep children. The bereaved friends -and relatives have the sympathy of many mends in their sorrow. The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the late residence of the deceased, No. 415 South Front street, and the interment will be in Oakdale cemetery. On Inspection Tonr. Messrs. E. D. Hotchkiss, general agent of the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad; Thornton Lewis, manager of the Kanawha Dispatch, and Robert L. French, general agent of the Kana wha Dispatch, arrived yesterday morn ing in a handsome Chesapeake and Ohio private car attached to A. O. L. train No. 41, which arrived at 9:20 o'clock. - A member of the party stated that they were here for no special busi ness, but stopped for a day or two while making an inspection tour of the two Carolinas. The party will go south to-night. " Committee Has Decided Unanimously Not to Report on Dockery Contest. The Stab learns authoritst'""- uat Election Cot Wo 2, before uien the Dockery-Be&lamy election contest was heard, has decided unani mously not to make any report on the case. This action leaves Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy in undisturbed possession of his seat in Congress from this district and vindicates the position that he took in his brief before the committee at the hearing. A Washington correspon dent says the fact that Dockery did not at any time allege that he (Dock ery) was elected had much weight with the committee in reaching a unanimous conclusion. The news of this disposition of the contest will be received with the ut most satisfaction by the numerous friends of Mr. Bellamy, not only in Wilmington but over the entire dis trict. Of course Dockery will not get the usual $2,000 usually allowed de feated candidates to make the contest. L'AQILE COTILLON CLUB ' Gave Its February German Last Nlgbt ia the Masonic Temple Ball Room. The following couples participated in the german giyffn last night in the Masonic Temple by L' Agile Cotillon Club: j Miss Webber, Mr. J. McRee Hatch; Miss Marie Peschau, Mr. R. H. Gwalt- ney ; Miss Elizabeth Payne, Mr. W. C. Crow; Miss Bryan, of Tarboro, Mr. Will Moore; Miss Ida Brown, Mr. H. G. Smallbonea. Jr. : Miss Lucile Mur- chison, Mr. H. M. Chase; MissNessie Cochett, Mr. Jas.Cotchett; Miss Olive Armstrong, Mr. John Peschau; Miss Randolph, Mr. M. C. Elliott; Miss Oc tavia Boatwright, Mr. E. A. Metts; Miss Mary Calder, Mr. George Crow; Miss Burton, of Durham, O. A Wig gins; Miss Sue McQueen, Mr. Wm. J. Bellamy; Miss Rena Johnson, Mr. FredBolles; Miss Jeanie Peck, Mr. ueorgeP. James; Miss Mildred Davis, Mr. Oscar Peck; Miss Lucy Latham, Mr. Nash DeRosset; Miss Emma West, Mr. Robert Nash; Miss Nora Angel, Mr. J. C. Angel; Miss Sarah Kenan. Mr. C. McD, Davis. Ladies' Night at the Opera House. The management of the Dunn Picture Machine Company have de cided to admit ladies free with every person holding a 30c ticket at the Opera House to-night. The celebrated Boer war pictures, taken at great risk by the company's representatives, are creating a good deal of interest and on the whole this company gives the clearest and best performance of its kind of any company that ever visited Wilmington. . , . To Redistrlct the State. Senator Arrington'sill to reduii.;c tationate as to Congressional represen for tendhtrlc." probably be RepublicSLf the counties so that New TEi.". would be in the third. ThA are, by the bill to be constituted as follows : lsfr. Beaufort, Bertie, Camden, Carteret. .Chownn nnmnir rn Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Northampton' i""", , "y.""' Perquimans, ijrreu aau vvasnington. 2nd. Edgecomie, Greene, Halifax. Lienoir, Martin, Pitt, Wayne and Wilson. 3rd. Rrima Wl'nlr Rlorlon rVilnmHiia Craven, Duplin, Jones, New Hanover, unsiow, renuer ana Sampson. . iMasn, vance, wane and warren. ham, Durham, Guilfow. orange, Per son ana kocki"""1"' , 1-1, AGSQn. numhAi-lanrl TTafnAf jaontgomery, Moore, Randolph, Rich mond, ttoaeson ana Scotland. 9th. Alexander flibwhi Rm.l. Caldwell, Cleveland, Gaston', Iredell', Lincoln and Rutherford. 10th. Buncombe, Cherbkee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson. Jack son McDowell, Madison, Polk, Swain, Macon and Transylvania. Judge Purnell has granted final discharge in bankruptcy to H. L. Fennell of Wilmington. The State Board of Education has postponed the election of a State En gineer of Swamp Land. Capt. Joe H. McRee, of Wilmington, is the only canoiaaie announced, but it is under stood that there will be one or two otner candidates, J. C Ellington, former State librarian among the number. The oflBce pays $1,000 and rcqui res very nine ume. ISp&cial Star Telegriim. Aycockfs Text Book Bill Passed Aycock's text book Dm passed its final reading in the House to day ,F and is now ready for ratification. No amendments were adopted in the House or Senate. It came up as the special order at 11 o'clock. There was nearly Riree hours discussion. The principal Sght was for exemption of various graded schools. Mr. Roun tree was the principal speaker against all the amendments. He said Wil mington has one of the finest, best managed graded school systems in the state, out ne wants tne AycocK law to apply there, just as elsewhere. The amendment exempting Statesville and requiring old text books to be ex changed far full value was voted. As soon as the bill passed, new bills were introduced, that schools in Asheville, Statesville. Charlotte, Kinston, Balis bury and Hot Springs be exempted from operation of the law. These were referred to the Education Committee The general impression is that all will receive unfavorable reports and fail to pass. The bill passed to extend the time for registration of land grants three years from January, 1901. The bill to pay State prison guards $20 instead of $15 per month was under discussion when the special order, the Aycock bill, was called up. No action was taken. Other bills introduced: By McLean. to appoint a cotton weighe at Lauria- bvirg. By Nicholson, to allow Beau fort county to levy a special tax. By Nash, to provide water works for Elizabeth City.' By Speaker Moore, to apportion congressional districts. In the Senate the following bills passed second reading: To amend the charter of Smithfield; to prevent stock running at large in Robeson county, Bills passed final reading:- To an thorize Brunswick county to lew a a special tax ; to allow' Wilson county tive session to consider bills and draft recommendations or a substitute bill as deemed best. It niED. ji Tear Funeral Thursdav. rwo.. .!;.. p m r-- , . .......... j, ab 0 spxjocK Front street; tHence to Oakdale Cemetery. - Jnannances invited, to aijtend For Wlioopiirg-xzjL w use OHEifeY tBX- PEOTOBANT. jl t NEW r.VgBQsEMEN?S. Remember we are selling only full weight sacks of Seed Pota. toes eleven pecks (not ten) and only the very best Eastern Maine Seed, not Western stock. You will try our seed if you see quality and get prices. Seed Oats, N. C. Rust Proof. Meal. Corn. Hay. Lime. Cement. Nails. Lowest cash prices." The Worth Co. AtfltfL J&er Af& TO-NISHT- Farmer" Dunn iviovinfl; Cloture Jtf. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME INCLUDING THE Prleea. feb ? tt BOER WAR, ETCj 10, 20, so cents. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE tTNITED States for theEastern Distrlc of Worth Caro lina. In tha m.rr.r r.t T V a .. ZJSX-LJVl In Bankru it cy. To t he Honorable Thomas B. Purnell, Jud .e ot the District Court of the United States for lhe Eastern District f North tbe county or Cumberland, and State of North Carolina, in said district, respectfully represents that on the 3rd day of January, last past, he was duly .ojudgea bankrupt under ih!AcJ1.of JponBreas reiatlog to baniruptcy; that he h is dnl v snrnni)ii oil hi. . ZZZZ' S.n.lrt?,n? 01 Property, and has fully oomplled with all the rtaulremeniRnf bum Ant J!Wn the orders of the court touch ne his bankruDtcv the Court to nave a full discharge f romMJ debts rupt Acts, except such debts as are excepted by vavoM wis m aay ot eDruary. A. D.;1901. u. fi.. AuiiiSY, Bankrupt. ORDER OF NOTICE THEBEO. Eastern nTHtrioh nf nnh ii.. . this 4th day of February, a. D 1901, on leading Ie loregotag petn ion, it is ordered by tie Court day of Ikbruary. A. D. 1901. betore the said conrt Sr5. inepcrhe .undersigned referee; in Fay S'ck'cyC: c" ,n said distri at h O CICCS 'Soon? Anil fhaf nnftn. .ku.. DabllshcBln nrtntAd iMrhn 7iiriV"1f'' BI- newspapr pnntea itne said uw,iWi ftt,rt iX.- creaitorsmna otner persOLJ intfnirv n. pear at tltsald t roe and placii II any they Jiave. why the rn-aver SPzL!1??! petitioner enbuld not be granted. T BW1U w i' iirra ifiv ii t ii I M.I. Haviirnivi i iu inT.nn onin aiBinct on we iia aay oi Feoruary, a. d. 1901. BAHUEIi H. HAOSsE, t it Referee In BankraDtcr. IN THE DISTRICT OOUotof THE ijNITED States for the Eastern District or North Caro- linn n.nn m . l - vm. v uimiuatuuuiaiqi, jncJM. irags. Jecse -. . i o9o r;so, pHTDuers, unaer tee firm name tit Ala-? Puira av Pm In bankruptcy. To the HonorahlA i Thnmu n. rurneii, jaags or tne uisirroc uotart or t&e United states for the Eastern District of North Carolina: Alex N. Pane, Jeseesr. Page and David Page, partners under the firm name ilex. Page & oro of Hoffman.!; In the of Alex county of Richmond, and state ot Carolina, in said district, respectfully nepresent mat on me xsaa aay oi uecemwr. North sent last past, the said partnership was (July ad j ucu&x up j uuuur uro avus kjl fili grees relating to bankruptcy; that it has duly surrendered all Its property and rights of A'.vpcxvjr, nuu ii Luuiy wiuyiteu w 1U1 oil tuu rea nlramnntn nf ao.M A ntaartr) rtf tYta nrrimm rf t la n .nnnklnn .s k..k...... wxt nnu.A. ..v. u . u u.. , .lull, ik iub .v iininir,, It prays that it may be decreea bv the Court w ua.o a a uu uiqvumko uvui am uouiotiuTnuia except such debts as are excepted by law from sucnaiscnarge. i u&ica ims aara aay or January, a. d iwn. Alex. McN. Papa. .Tessa W. Pace. Etavld A. Page, , j Bankrupts. ORDER OF NOTICE THEREOF. ' Eastern District of North Carolina. ss.r On this 4th day of February, A. ID. 1901, on reading the foregoing petition. It is ordered bv the Court that a hearnuc ba hid upon the same -on the 18th? day of February. A. D. 1901, before the said Court, at the "face of the undersigned referee: In Fy ettenlle, n. O., ia the said district, at a o'clock In tVia n.nil that. nntVA thnwtf h. published In Tmc Morning stab, a newspaper nWn.A Ir, .nn a .1 Hf..4n. .. that 1 bnnm. .nuTltAva a n I itYiAw iumaim In IntAMAt appear at the said time and place and show causa, if any they have, why .the pra Baia pensioner snouia not ne granted, ii niuicraiuv uauu ui, r ajretwsvuifj, ill. uilti ein district, on the 4th day of Kebmary, A. l. 1901, BaKUEIi h. macbae. feb 7 It Referee In Bankruptcy Press Boy Wanted. Jan 25 st A boy who has had; some experience in runnitg Job Presses, and who mnst be a resident of Wilmiazton. is wanted at the STAR OFFICE. Tollers & Hashagenr cain Shippers and Get our prices on Grain, Oats, Hay, In car lots or less. Our facilities are un surpassed and we guar aniee satisraction. We solicit your favors. feb3tf SPECIAL : BARGAINS in Fancy Clocks and Silver Novelties Will sell at verv gIosa rirn. fits. Gall and examinA my line of goods and get my prices, and suit yourself as to where you buy. Notice the Show Windows. J. T. BURKE, The Jeweler. aecir27 South pront Why Pay $200 Tor a fine . Bedroom Suit WHEN YOU CAN GET JUST AS FIN A SUIT L $180.00 E. M. ANDREWS, I The Furniture Dealer, jan 25 tf 117 SOUTH FRONT STREET? Fire Al. isuniiK una wees x wm uuwiuuw n uwv placard on which Is printed the location of Fire A'arms, Engine Houses and their Tele phone Connections, together witn other Inter esting matter. look for them and is tbe mean while kseD vour eyes on my Window Bargains. 17. F. PARKEE, " ; Furniture and Furniture Novelties, Beii 'Phone ell febotf ill Market BtmelL' lnter-etate42L NOTICE. I hereby notify an persona that under and or a wc tiv vlrtnA of the county ot Mina, ot Ne Hanover In the State of maae pnnnant to tne nanuea. I baye changed my name from LndTlg Hancen to ImoI Hanson, and from henceforth will be known and called Louie Hanson. Dated Feb ruary 5th, 1901 . . . .. L. HANSON. ' V