hV, p" ..Pide. EveryDajX Circulation Larrer id.b .u Of Any Other Dally News paper Published In Wilmiaftoo. U'"",:"", OUTLINES. ludeiied that the management of Lre control o J 1 g Lt-'" .... r.iH discoveries are I'60. Zvroce of Lepanto. afort. C . " atucked III force of Amer after to re- u t Chin Sll bsidy 0,jpaeai: .. ..mit a vote to be 1 taken will ooi k-""-- t s...inn hemeasareat the P"?Z ession ck- at rnress lUD ... -f nninlOQ Oet foreiifn cu j phi n 1 . ;- rwiiinati otticialiy ble U off yesterday. - ; sW.d-ntrep .riea m British Colam nt-s ibia. J v,b- marfects: Moaey on Lwady-t U3 Pf cenl5 coalton Jllinrr II III .cuve bat steadily held at jester- -hoatsoot dull. No. 2 K:;crn-spotdull,No 2 48Kc kicitorr Oits-spoi nrw, 2 rosia dull: spirits lurpenu ice WEATHER REPORT. U S. Dkp'tof ORICCLTUBE, I VXTo-iTHPR BtTRfcAC. Wilmisgtos, N. C, Feb. I5 peratures: 8 A. aegrees: 47 degrees; maximum, 54 de- . . an JnnWAAe. rr OUT! 49 t; minimum, ou ucsimai es. . linfaa for the day, .00; rainfall 1st of the month up to date, 1 68 i Leof water in the Cape Fear river lyetteville, at 8 A. M., 7.2 leeu rOrtECAST FOB TO DAY. Lshisgtos Feb. 15 For Nortn Jliua-FmrSgurday and probably liy; light to fresh southwesterly Is. jort Almnc Febrnavry 16. iRises P 43 A.M. U-ts 5 41 XL. ' Iib 10 h 52 It I vVaier at So nhoort. 5 28 P. M. vVit-'r Wilmington. 7 58 P. M.' areoni i3 making progre33 with wireles3 teleghy. He now 3 messages ioo - Ai said that several of the rned heads of Europe are large store in Americau secnrities. ij have these to fall, back on in of strikes over there that might It in lockouts. he npgroes ia the counties of ida bordering upon Alabama,pb- to the proposed annexation to pama because they have heard that part of Alabama isn't thy. ivine Healer Schlatter, who his recent'y peforming in Chicago, kvicg some experience with his While he was perambulating town the other day she skipped the accumulated cash. She a hteler, too. Pennsylvania man wants a di e because his wife carries cold to bed with her and makes his miserable. This looks like go- fa) the extremes. She probably eta to hia hot head a3 much as oes to her cold feet. he query ia Washington is -hat letter from Secretary of g to Senator Morgan got into ft. The Senator says it was through him. Secretary Lone pot voluntatred the Btatbment it wasn't through him. he foreign envoys say they are ming tired of Chinese chicane quibbling. When thev struck P Chinaman in diplomacy they an intricate number. He P how to say what he doesn't nd to mean what be doesn't f s well as any of them. Pme WOmen object so unreason- P gaiety of their husbands. An P man was so elated at inberit- W,000 that he celebrated the F'te on her, head fnr aov0rftl ftea in the presence of company. TLieat0 th wayof celebrat ed now wants a divorce. wtuckyas a sleep-walker who 3 the cake frnm fV, tii:: eQt'onei a short while ago. He R ofbed!ipa hotel, walked w his Other's house, sat tor half an hour with a 18ter wkJ'-back to the hotel gt back intr v. k. . wv WOle UD. K"ontn 1 , 18 'he genuine article. Missouri rTjUi :. .. . . of pl V ia trying to 2ecoictUor question by Diucine a bill ni.ftK,K.t. .1 jmentof penitentiary convicts ae Productinn r . hth other Ubor, but that - w worsea upon the pub Rhwavs. in r .. . bnl j ecmaiiou 01 Z fJll a the Prction I " institutions. I I frinr8! I r Hn- tr-ix ts'- k.liTr a -rr-iK i w - ts - - r r ,y 3 1 1 t - m w i n w uj m n i aw a X ; . II 1 31 G DJU Al 17 1. VJ II VJ VI IV 1 - II TV 3 a I - - ; - I I A I A . I . i - - I J -vl A VOL. LXVIL-NO. 124. LOCAL DOTS. They are saying some awful things about Mrs. Helen D. Nation. It is now reported that she will edit a newspaper. A deed was recorded yesterday transferring from Benj Motte and wife to-W. O. Moore, property 66xiS2 feet on Seventh and Dawson streets; consideration $500. "The Religion of the Wedding Ring" will be the subject of Dr. Black well's sermon Suoda night at the First Baptist Church, preached from the marriage altar as a pulpit Cotton receipts during the past week were 2.295 bales against t090 btles the same week last ye.r. The reekly and crop year r-ceipts of naval stores show a falling off from last year in all items except crude turpentine. Dr. Calvin S. Blaokwell and Mr. P Heinaberger have been " ap pointed delegates from the Interde nominational Sunday School confer ence of this city to a convention of Sunday School workers of the South at High Point next Wednesday. Vessel arrivals in port yester day were the schooner Edgar C Rosa from Baltimore with cargo of fertilizer material for interior points and the schooner Lagunq ia ballast from Mar tinique for a cargo of lumber. The schooner 5 B. Marts cleared light for Satilla River. Oa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Star Office Pulley wanted. A. Mavronichols Cake and caker. J. W. Plummer, Jr. Special offers. BUSOTESS LOCALS. Wil. Gaa Light Co. Don't grumble. Wanted P osition as stenographer. WILL PROBABLY NOT ACCEPT. Thought la Portsmoath Thit Rev. Edfir Carpenter Will Net Come Here. The Portsmouth correspondent of yesterday's Norfolk Landmark says: "The many friends of the Rev. Elgar Carpenter, assistant rectcr of Trinity P. E Church, will be pleased to learn that he will probably not accept the call extended him by the vestry of St. Paul's Church, Wilming ton, N C Mr. Carpenter has not yet definitely announced his decision in in the matter, but it is regarded as almost certain that he will remain here" : . Celebrated Too Freely. Four young white men, Fred Wil liams, Robt Anoaa, A L Mott and C. T. Williams, got themselves into trouble Tnui-sday niht by carrying their St Valentine daj celebration too far. They were makiirg doors in the vicinity of Grace and Water streets rattle with bricks and-Jstleks and Officer M. E. Guy arrestetTthem The Mayor fined them $10 each in the mu nicipal court yesterday morning, aod being unable to pay the fine, they were sent below. Wm Carter, colored. wassent to the county roads for 30 days for drunkenness and resisting an officer. a Ho' or of Miss Bartoa. The Misses Borden entertained yes terday afternoon aid evening at their home on North Third street in honor of Miss Burton, of Durham. The re ception 'was beautiful and it was a very pleasant social event. The par lors were prettily decorated in pink. Miss Mary Burden, Miss Alice Borden and Miss Burton received. The young ladies.who served were Misses Carrie Harris. Catherine Harriss, Mildred Davis. Elizs French, Annie Harlow and Jennie Burbank. losnraoce Adjusted. The matter o' insurance on the plant th Hamlin Ice Company, which hull itimiired br fire a few days ago, was yesterday adjusted between the companies carrying the policies through the agency of Messrs. Willard Giles and Mr. J. M. Solky. owner the nroDertv. The building was not fullv insured and $1,000 was the amount paid for this part of the loss. The machinery was fully covered and the amount of damaga agreea upon was $6,640.00. The Zcxller Cop. The "ZjelJer Cup" to be presented to the .winning team in the series of basket ball games which is being, slaved has arrived and is on exhibi tion in the show window of Messrs. Victor E ZoeUer&Co. The cup is very handsome and the ..am securing it will be fortunate. The n-xt game in the series will be ved Mondav night in Ine Uity nan by the business mens and young men's teams. Meogert Mission Circle. The sociable given by the Mengert iasion Circle yesterday afternoon in the Lutber Memorial building brought tMwther onite a number of the circle and its friends. The sum realized for the treasury is said to have been very encouraging, indeed. The hours of the sociable were from 2:30 to 6j30 M. Tne Mengert Mission Circle is composed of ladies of the Lutheran church and much is due them for their miring work towards the prosperity their church aud school. Tonraameat on Washington's Birthday. The Cape Fear Golf Club will give big tournmeni on Washington's birtbday, Friday, the 22nd, and the members' are looking forward to the occasion with much genuine pleasure. The improvements to the club house ill have been completed by luen. and the celebration will also be in the form of a homse warming. ; " , GENERAL ASSEMBLY. No Vote Yet Reached on Reso lution to Impeach Justices Furches and Douglass. THE DEBATE WAS CONTINUED Ten Speeches Were Made Six Por aod Poor Aralast Impeachment It is Probable a Vote on the Resolu tion Will Be Taken To day. Special Star Telegram. R A. letch, N. C, Feb. IK. No vote on the impeachment resolution has been reached yet. Ten speeches were made in lhe House , to-day six for impeachment and four against. Those favoring impeachment were Messrs. R rantree. Smith, 8painhour, Wins ton, Zichary and Hey; against im p achment and for the Connor reso lution of condemnation, Messrs Simms, McLean, Richardson and Duls. The Republican members have not yet spoken on their minority re port, completely exonerating the judges. The House took a recess at 6 o'clock P. M. to 10 u'alock to mor row. it is probable that a vote on the resolution will be taken shortly after noon. Rountree opened the discussion to day. He spoke for mora than two hours. He argued that -impeach ment was the proper course in the pending case, for misconduct in office. Every judge swears to obey the laws of the United States and the State. If in the conduct of his trust he does an act prohibited by the constitution, ha is guilty of per jury, and perjury is crime enough to render him impeachable. With me the decisive question is, "Did the Judges do an aot they knew was con trary tolaw?" It has been said Chief Justice Furches cannot be impeached for the acts of Justica Furches. Such contention is .not worthy of serious consideration; all authorities sustain this view. Oar system of govern-' ment requires that the legislative, ex eoufve and judicial branches remain distinct and our civilization demands it. I know nothing against the pri vate character of 'Judges Furches and Douglass; have always under stood them to be men of strong' robust partisanship. 8tnce 1897 par tisan bias in this State on both sides has been as high as was the theolog ical bias in primitive days. Party bias leads men to do all manner of wrong. These judges bare shown that they are not superior to oiher mortals in ancient or modern times During a term of constitutional office the Legislature cannot destroy its occupant. It is manifest that after the political revolutions of 1893 the Ra publican party was demoralized, lis governor paralized, and after the Leg islature'of 1899, it is apparent now that dependence was had oa the Sup reme Court. Rountree reviewed the Day State's prison and other eaes similar, brougtt to the Supreme Court, citing author ities to show that.tbe court over step-. ped the bounds of the constitution, especially in the White case. The doc trine always has-been that mandamus only compels an officer to obey the laws; never before could execution is sue against money in the treasury. The court was certainly advertant to these principles. Toe construction by which this court escapes the plain provision of the Legislature is too puerile for sensible men to consider for a mo ment. This was the capstone put up on the long list of office cases, begin ning with the Day case, in every one of which the legislative will was discredited, disobeyed and repealed. Simms, of Wake, made the speech of the day against impeachment. He said the judges had done wrong; but the case does not demand impeach ment. He said there is a way open to escape having impeachment. The law only says who are liable to im peaebment, and for what acts leaves the matter to our discretion. Acting alone, the House can do nothing but impeach; but it -can jin with the Senate in a resolution of pro test I believe they construed the Legislature out of existence under guise of the law, but I believe by this resolution of protest they un derstand our position, and it will deter them from future offences. Simms said he raised his voice for moderation and mercy, that there be no impeach ment. - McLean, of Scotland, said he had made up his mind to be on the side of mercy and so would support the "Con nor resolution. Other speeches were much along the line of these quoted. Th- galleries and lobbies were crowded with spectators all day. There will be an eriori maae to cut off debate tomorrow at 1 o'clock, and call the previous question. Mr. Craig is to close the speaking for im peachment, and Mr. Stubbs for the Connor resolution. A bill was introduced in the Senate by London to day to incorporate the Southport. Wilmington and, Durham Railroad Company. Among the bills that passed third reading were: To amend the act incor porating the Wrightsville and Onslow Navigation Co. so as to expunge lhe provision granting . exclusive right to certain water ways; to establish the stock law in Pamlico county; for a stock law in Wilson county; to estab lish a dispensary at Tarboro. The divorce bill, repealing all grounds for divorce except those of the Code, came up at 11 o'clock as the special order. The committee offered an amendment allowing divorce for three years abandonment of husband, or wife. There was a spirited debate from XI to 2 o'clock, without reaching WILMINGTON, N. 0., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY a vote. The discussion will be re sumed to morrow. Webb and Wood ard favored the amendment; Hender son and Morrison are against the amendment. The Senate Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns decided 4o night to report favorably a bill ordering an election in New Hanover county for the issuance of $50,000 in bonds for public road improvement. Mr. D. Mo Eachern, chairman of the board of commissioners, is here in behalf of the bilL A bill was introduced in the House to day by Nicholson, concerning the defunct Corporation Commission. It is d signed to deprive Dr. Abbott, Re publican member of the Commission, of salary and force bis retirement; the case being similar to that of White, hell fish commissioner, which brought about the pending impeach - ftient proceedings. . Abbott gained the suit by a decree of court and held office as White did. in spite of act of the Legislature forcing retirement. N chol son's bill provides that the State Treas urer pay no compensation to any per son claiming the same for service on the Corporation Commission unless such person is authorized to render service, by chapter 164, Public Laws, 18"' M SB SOLDIER ROBBED YESTERDAY. Private Edward., from Fort Caswell, Re lieved of $44 Arrests Made. Private Jacob Lee Edwards, from Fort Caswell, was in the city yester day and fell into the hands of several sharpers who relieved him of $46 in cash. Edwards, with a fisherman. was in Sneeden's saloon on Front street between Dock and Orange. and he pulled out a roll of 'bills and laid them on the counter to show the civilian what a pile of money he was making as an enlisted man in the U 8. army, when the money sudden ly disappeared. Edwards set about to 'find his money and A. A. Cumber, who was - in the store at the time was arrested on sus picion by Officer Geo. W. Smith. tie was carried to the City Hill and searched. Eleven one dollar bills were found - concealed in his pants leg. . He claims to have no knowl edge of where the money came from, and said either of two men who were in the bar at the tine must have put it there. The two men he named were arrested and searched, but no money was found on tbVn, and they vigor ously denied any knowledge of the theft, hence they were released. Tr$5 case against Cumber will be heard by the Mayor this morning. The soldier said he was glad to recover as much a $11 THE REV. J. M WELLS, PH. D Will Not Arrive in Time to Preach San day as Was Expected. It is much regretted by the congre gation that the Pev. J. M. Wells, the new pas.or, will not arrive in time to preach at the First Presbyterian church Smday, as was expected earlier in the week. The services both morn ing and evening will be coaduct-d at the usual hours by Rev. J. W. Pax ton, who has been supplying the pul pit for the past several months. Mr. B. F. Hall yesterday received a letter from Rev. Mr. Wells stating that he could not reach the city before the middle of next week so that his in augural sermon as pastor of the First church will not be preached until to morrow week, Feb. 24th. He is at present with bis family visiting rel atives in Mississippi and, though the letter did not state, it is supposed that he desired to extend his visit there a little longer than he at first supposed Prohlbltiorkio Ssmpson. i The Lsgnlative committee on Pro positions and Greivancea has decided to report favorably the petition of a delegation of Sampson county citizens askiog for total prohibition in that territory. A delegation of prominent Duplin citizens has asked the same favor of the committee and a hearing of both sides will be had on Tuesday night. The petitioners in both in stances set forth that their County Commissioners relieve them of the licensed bar-rooms and now they want a riddance of the government distillery. Horse Ran lato a Train. Passengers who arrived in the city last evening on the W. and W. train reported that a horse owned by Mr. O. T. Pickett, at Warsaw, ran away yesterday afternoon at that place and ran into a moving freight train. The engine ran over the horse and he was literally cut to pieces. The horse was running with a buggy attached to him and Mr. Pickett, who was driving, jumped just before the animal col lided with the locomotive. Will Return to Ralei.h. Miss Van Wagner and Mr. Good win, who took part in the concert at the Y. M. O. A. last night, will return to Raleigh today. The impression made by these two talented musicians fleets muci credit on Peace Insti tute, with which institution they are connected. Aviso. To the Democratic Voters of the Jst Ward a. t thA Thnrcdav niffht'a meeting mv name was used as a candidate for Al derman, without my coosent or .utnority. It is a wen Known iac uiai h-m n(nd mv friends for the nast six months the acceptance of a nomination. Thanking my numerous friends that would nave giaaiyanr ported me for tbe position, bad I been candidate. v erv resporwunjr. . M. Rathjks. I Dispatch Copy. v ; - ; : ii i - I J PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. James Kyle went to Goldsboro yesterday. ( Col. W. J. Woodward left laBt night for Washington, D. C? Mrs? George Rountree arrived home last night from Richmond. Mr. J. A. McUeachy, of this city, has been appointed a notary pub lic by Governor Ay cock. : Sergeant Jno. Salter and wife, of Fort Caswell, were here yesterday, returning fr m Newborn. Mr. David Huyck, of Winston Salem, after a pleasaut visit to Mr. J. J. Blair, returned yesterday. Sheriff D. R. Walker and bride and Miss8usie Walker,' of Brunswick county, spent yesterday in the city. Miss Stella Fountain returned to her home at Rocky Mount yester dy after a visit to Mn. L B. Pen nington. Mr. D. N. Oliver and Messrs. Henry and Percy McQueen, cf Row land, N. O , arrived in the city yester day and are guests at Tbe Orton. Misa Grace "0. Burkhead, who has been visiting Mrs. R C. Mer.ritt at 115 North Fifth street, returned to her homein Whiteville yesterday. Arrivals in the city yesterday were: Z. F. Long, Rockingham; Geo. Stephens, Charlotte; W. M. Ward, Newborn, and J. G. Blake, South Washington. Misses Sadie Newkirk, Laura Williams and Nannie Hawes, of New York, arrived in the city last evening on their way to Lake Waccamaw, to spend some time. Representative M. S. Willard, who has been in the oity for several days on some insurance business, will return to Raleigh to day to take up his work in the Legislature. Miss Annie Stroupe left yester day morning for the North to buy her stock of Spring millinery. She went via Winston-Salem, where she will spend a while at her old borne. CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Will Have Task of Arraoglog for the Maoiclpal Primary Very Soon. Members of the (Jity Democratic Executive' Committee are "collecting -themselves" preparatory to calling the municipal -primary for the choosing of Mayor and members of the Board of Aldermen from the several wards, the same to go before the regular election on the third Thursday in March-as the duly authorized candi dates of their parly... As the result of the primary by reason of no opposi tion ticket, will virtually be the same as in the regular election, much im portance ia attached to preparations for the same. The changes in the new charter do not materially affect the manner or time of holding the pri maries and it is expected that tbe date for the same will be announced very soon. Tbe following is a list or mem bers of the Executive Committee as chosen at tbe primary two years ago: First Ward J. D. Kelley and O. M Fillyaw. Second Ward O en F. Love and J G. L Gieschen. Third Ward L. M. LeGffinand D. C. Love. Fourth Ward Iredell Meares, and F. A Lord. Fifth Ward Fred W. Westermann and James H. Burris. A DELIGHTFUL CONCERT. Large Andleace Present at the Y. M. C. A. Last Night Excellent Programme. A large, - intelligent apd eager audi ence began in sympatny witn tne musicians and the reciters at the Y..M. O. A. last night, and the interest grew to the end. Mrs. W. L. Latta sang magnificently and even added to her reputation as a singer. Miss Taylor was as good in her recitation and both were generous and finein encores. Miss Caldwell made a fine impres sion. She sang sweetly, aisuncuy ana right to the heart of the audience. Mr. Goodwin, the pianist and Miss Van Wagner, the violinist, from Peace Institute, Raleigh, had the larger part of the programme and played with skill and precision and showed thorough mastery of their music and insUuments, and with great power, sweetness and brilliancy. The large audience was delighted with their playing, thinking each piece the best Tbe musicians or tnis city are already resolved to haye them come again. Church Notices. Rlmlnn fltnwt MethodtBt Chnrch: Bev. J. J. Porter vrlii Drech at 11 A. M.. And at tbe evening service. Bev P. C Hortoa will preaon at Deigaao Miiia fluaday morning at usual hoar, and at 3 tj in tne afternoon. rhnTwi nf tha Good hheDherd. Sixth and Queen streets. There will be the usual services on Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. bun day School at 4 o'clock In tbe afternoon. RAiioinnn wirTices will be conducted at tbe Seaoien's Bet,hel tm rrow (Saobub) after noon at S o'oock, by xev &. O. McOiure. tfeainenancrrlvermen are especially invited. Al. are welcome. First Presbyterian Church: Divine service at 11 A. M ana 7 81 P. M, o inducted by Bev. John w. faxton. ounay ocnooi at s.w jr. m. Prayer m eun on tnuraaays uir.o. ii public cordially Invited. ttoutbslde Baptist Church, corner Finn ana wnir Btnwta. Bev. K. H. Herring, pastor. Services 11 o'cloci A. M. and 7 8 P. U. Sunday Scbool at 8 P M Prayer meeting service every Wednesday nignt at a o-ciock. at. Andrnw's Presbvterlan Church, corner rourtb and Campbell streets, Bev. Alex. D. Mo- Olure pwttor. daboatb services at 11 A. m. ana 7 30 r. it. BaDDatn ecnooi ai o r. m rrajror nuri,. ainri W.Min Wednesday at 8 P. H. Tbe public, cordially invited. Seats free. Brooklyn Baptist Church, corner Fourth ana nmnisirk t.rm Bav. J. J. P&vsenr osstor. Services to-morrow at 11 A. M. and 8 P. Sunday rcbool at 4.00 P. M Weekly prayer and praise meeting Wednesday at 8 P. M. Btrangers and visitors are cordially Invited to all services. mm, atreAt Methodist Church, situated On Fifth street between Nun and Church, Bev. John B. Hau. pastor. Services on nunaay at ll A. m. ana 7.90 r. n. rrajrer umuiix nr immuI svnntmt aiv so o'clock. Sunday school Sunday a'ternoon at 8.00 o'clock, a coi dial ln- vitation eitnuaea to an. (3mm W - sl rrhnrpji- aorner of Grace and Fourth streets. . Pastor. Bev. J. N. Cole. Ser vices Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and 1 4 p. m. Sunday School, W B Cooper, supv. 8.80 p. m Weekly prayer meeting Wednesday at 8.00 p. m. Aoordla! welcome toaU. Visitors to the city especially Invited. Seats tree, t . . . -1 16, 1901. TBE NAVAL RESERVES . . i ; Much Exercised Over the Propo sition to Sell the Old Coun- ty Court House. MR. MORTON'S SUBSTITUTE. ! They Want to Retain their Armory sod Thiok the Senate Bill it Fqoitable aod FairPosition of tbe Coon ty Commissioners. j Membra of Wilmington Division. Naval Reserves, and tht-ir friends were much exercised yesterday over the publication in the 8tab yesterday morning of the position taken by tbe County Commissioners in reard to the bill pending in the Legislature with reference to the. sale of the old court hous, in which the armory of th company is located and possession of which they had hoped to retain by the ultimate passage of Morton's substi tute in tbe State Senate, which is still held up there awaiting a I hearing of both sides of the question, j The publication yesterday was the first intimation they had that the Board would enter any! decided or active opposition to the substitute as introduced by Senator Morton and naturally the sudden realization of a proposition to sell them "out of house and home" was, to say the least of it' disturbing in the extreme. The atti tude of the Naval Reserves towards the question is more plainly and cor rectly set forth in the following, which is a copy of Senate Bill No. 506. known as the "Morton substitute for House Bill No. 45:" Sec. 1. That if within three months from the ratification of tbis act. citi zens representing a majority of tbe taxable property, of nv Hanover county shall request in writing, by Detition or otherwise, that the old court house be given to the Wilming ton Division, North Carolina Naval Brigade, then the County Commis sionersof said county upon receipt of said petition are hereby author zd and instructed to deed to said Wil miogton Division, North Carolina Naval Brigade, the old court bouse. including ia said deed only that por tion of tbe lot west of a line ten feet east of the old court bouse building, and conditioning in tbe deed that tbe same is to revert to the county of iNew Hanover should the said organ: ization be disbanded by the State of North Carolina and not reorganized within ninety days; the said deed to be signi-d by the chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and sealed with its official seat Sec 2 That the llounty Commis sioners Bhall hve powtr to sell the lot east of the above described prem ises in said, county, atid that so much of section seven, chapter 128, of the public acts of 1891, not inconsistent with section one if this act, is hereby re enacted as refers to sale and dis position ot the funds derived from said sale. Sec. 3. That in the event that citi zens representing a maj nty of the taxable property of New Hanover county do not petition the County Commissionerskfif said county within tbe time prescribed by ih s act to d-ed tbe old court house to the said Wil mington Division of the North Caro lina Naval Brigade, then the said County Commiosione s may sell the whole property in tbe same manner and, uoder the same authority as granted in the second section of this act. Sec. 4. That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are here by repealed. Sec 5. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. It is contended by the Reserves from the above that this in no way provides for a "participation in tbe procetds of a 6ale," but merely a nominal owner ship sufficient to secure the possession of the present armory, and that, only when the consent of a majority of the tax payers has been obtained. . Failing to obtain this within the specified time, or having obtained it and the organi zation disbanding, the property reverts to the County Commissioners. Under these terms the title would not be suffi ¬ cient to give either a mortgage or deed. While there were only three of the five members of the Board : present at the meeting at which the resolution printed in yesterday's Stab was unan imously adopted, it is learned that the two absent members coincide in opin ion with those that were present, all supporting their contention; upon tbe grounds enunciated in the resolutions whicare based upon the provisions of Se ction 7 of an act ratified February 18th, 1891, entitled, "An act to em power the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover county to issue bonds for the erection of a court house and for other purposes," which section is as follows : ."The said Board of. Commissioners by and with the concurrence of a ma jority of the justices of the peace of said county sitting with said board at a meeting to be called fly the chairman of said board at any time' after the passage of this act upon ten days' notice, are authorized and empowered to purchase another site within the limits of tbe city or Wilmington upon which to build aod erect the said court house: but the selection of such Bite and the terms of tbe purchase of the same shall be determined by the said board, which is also hereby authorized and empowered to sell the building now nsd as a court bouse, and the lot of land on which it stands, in such wav and upon such terms as to tbe said board may seem best, and convey the same to the purchaser by deed signed by its chairman and sealed with its official seal; and in the event of such sale the moneys arising there from shall be converted into and form a part of the sinking fund provided for by this act." i The Order of Exalted Buffaloes' has been introduced in Wilmington and its membership is growing daily. It costs only 11 cents to join and there's a world of fun in the initiation for all except "he who hath joined." --m-sffaaaa-BBaai-anM-M For Whooping Cough lise GHErfk-TS EX- ' . .1 - , WHOLE NO. 10,451 To City Subscribers. 7 etujc CltV SUhscrirjArx .A -i..at! o a quested to report promptly a the Stab office every failure of the! carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases steps will be taken to insure proirip and regular d iverv. in A ft HI ED. DrVIJTTS Mc "HEB3.0N. In ta'fi city. Feb- i uov y itiu. at m r 'uei.c r t j n. tukrnin. y K-v rath r 'ennnu. Morrison; W. livine NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, j PULLEY WANTED. wanted, a sec md-naod eight-inch lro f st pulley f..T C'jnnterehrt About stx-lnch fare. Apjy at 'he t I-bl3 8c eTA OFFICE. CAKE AND CAKES Tnu pease tne ey ana twertrood, are UMialiy mateof th purest m trials aid b? exprt uiKers. we aiiaetvor to oem'-nscr-1 -th-e 'acta in : ur bake s-m bv nStna non hot hefho ci't Date l's and employ g men of uor ugh know edge cf the art and long, prac- uc i eto-rief ce. ta ' ' We make ady Ftngew, Macaroons. Farcy uaK's oc various Rinds Auei Bu d and Bai dLOi'c rfm: Birth lav. Annlver nrv ana Redoing C-fcen, p'aij ur ornam.nijed. In any ujsuu you witjn. it yfe 8Uigst mat yen send us a trial .order, i Andrew Mavronichols, 119 Market street, feb 16 t.r ' 70S North Fonrtli street.! Special Offers i ! in .CANDIES TO-DAY- TtTF F'NE8'r LINE EVER SHOWN IN BOXES. All kinds of Fruit. J. W. PLUMMER JP. feb 16 tt A WILLIAM GOAT 13 A GOOD Butter! BUT THE BE3T AND ONLY BEST! 18 THE "CLOVE tt HILL" BRAND FOX KIVER Butter! For reasons of my own, I am new Billing this Butter 30c lb. i 8ame price you pay O a? aT O for interior goods, w Km C ' I I 3, 30. 30, i 30, 30. 30, I 30, 3 . 30, 30, I r'o,80' ; . 3- S. W. SANDERS, Jn27tf AT THE UNLUCKY IGORNFR. i I LIVE PEOPLE who read the papers look In mv Windows ana snap ua gams: w. a Ron's- bought $5 60 brass trimmed Enact el B-d for. . WO Fred Dick oouht S3 25 I'di . S .4... 1.00 Fiui u. Taylor Dougm. -.tu voia unair for 660 L. G. Tll'ey bouKbb f? SO Monies C air for I... 5 60 Jack Bellamy boueh' $5 00 Reception Cta r tor sza B O Moore bouebt $7 60 Golo Cualr lor 8.45 J W. Atkinson bout t $6 00 .oldCaairfor 6 00 CiU for Fire Alarm Crds. i , N. F. PAEKEE, Furniture and Furniture Novelties, 111 Market street. Bell "Tione 613. f b 12 tf Inter-Btate 421. WHEN YOU WANT KISSES, OYSTER PATTIES, M0RENGS, CHARLOTTE RUSSE, OR ANY KIND OF f ANCY CAKES FOR BIRTHDAY OR CARD PARTIES, CALL ON US AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE, ! W ADEN'S STEAM BAKERY ttMBFE. feb Jfftr 22 North Front street. hite Oats. BOO Bushela just received. ALSO White Bliss. Early Ohles, Hoalto Early Roe. 1 All Genuine Seed Potatoes ALSO 15.000 Bags Fertilisers. Cai ship from Norfolk, Newborn, Wilming ton or unr:etton. And "A Tremendous Stock Groceries.' D. L. GORE CO.. WHOLESALE OROCERS, feb 14 tt Wilmlxurtoni N. O There's nothiisr slow about the horses or vehicles sent out from J THE S. J DAVIS LIVERY STABLES Our equipment la thoroughly up to date. we can please those who want a horse and buggy for a qufsk business trip or those who wot a carriage for pleasure, theatre or wed- mng. Ghari rgesi Hot nearly so high as thex might be. Stock fed and well cared for at reasonable prices. Particular at tention is given - to this branch nt bur . business. Mules and IJorsea always on hand at lowest priced.. Both 'Phones No. isi. Vo. 108-siO Market street. febStf 25c lb HUES UXIEII V . 11 X One Year, by Ka.il, , Six Months, ; Three Months, ' Two Months, i-veuverea so snssrrlbers In tae City at 45 Cents per Month. 7 3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yollers & Hashagen, Grain ShiDoers and General Provision Dealers. Get our prices on Grain, Oats, Hay, In car lots or less. Oar facilities are un surpassed and we guar antee satisfaction. We solicit your favors. ten a u ' For the past few weeks, not writ ing advertisements, BUT SELLING GOODS. We have so many good things that we haven't time nor space to tefl you of them, but cor dially invite you" to call and see them. Always "something new, and everything up to date, at LOWEST POSSIBLE CASH PRICES. We are still moving great numbers of Douglas and Duttenhoefer SHOES, but have new Ones coming every week. We can' always SUIT YOU IN STYLE, FIT AND PRICE. MERCER & EVANS COMPANY. Department Stores, reb 10 tt 115 ana 117 Prlncees street. i Why Pay $200 for a fine Bedroom Suit WHEH YOU CAN GET X JUST A8 X FINS A SUIT X f?-r $150.00 ?! i s tv ir i tTTATtrimn fi. uL. AttMUWi), The Furniture Dealer, . 117.B0UTH FBONT jtnS5tf - STREET? Remember we are selling only full weight sacks of Seed Pota toes eleven pecks (not ten) and only the very best Eastern Maine Seed, not Western stock. You will try our . seed if you . see quality and get prices. Seed Oats, N. C. Rust , Proof. Meal. Corn. Hay. Lime. Cement. Nails. Lowest cash prices. The Worth Co. febBtf I wish to inform mj frieds and the pnblie gen erally that Z have bona-ht the entir business of TBE Kltre GROCERY CO.. and will continue it on the same principle hat has always characterised its poller. SPOT CASH. IIO TIME. NO DISCOUNT. NO CREDIT. Everything- mast be exactly as represented or money refunded. We thank you very nmeh for your liberal -patronage to the old Arm ia the past and hope by fair dealing;,' courteous treat ment and prompt service to merit a continuance of your support. J. I. MIDDLETOW.; 8U0OK38OBTO THE KINO GROCERY CO. Fourth street Bridge. ' .Thones 837. tu th sa Jan 8S tf. White Spring: and Bust Proof Seed Potatoes. Fertilizers. Bait, nolasses, &c. HALL & PEAESAIL, I WHOI-ESAIaB cibocbrs; I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.: $5.00$ 2.60$ 1.26 1.00 I 2 Oats '"I

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