. . A.-V"" ' A rritaM.PMe. Every-uajA m-w Th.Tht Any Other Dally News paper PnbHshed in prCamperdown, ashore BritBfier:,t will probably be PtL0 17 Wilmington's """l- r-'nibe reported fav eharter ;th amendment !? 6y . of the people. lUbili'ies of Joho E. Searies, me n!matA4 fit York flakier, are orik jnnpr Edward H. 3"0-000'. , .7 Mw York from .j ot New Akrnvi. after a rough ofr; Pj4, G. S. Merritt iHoDer ..n hoftls. is eoine to 011 Rritish steamer Mobile is r . No Berious rL wn done to the peach jry. by the cold wave. 111 . ir.(t oharced with Per' Tn reDort that 'soVDurant was killed in a a"" , an invention of saa M fjje Dake of Maaches- 0D- on his bride was servea wun imericia of promise suit. of a breacu L" Mrtnv'on call I y. marKcw. j iL uplands 8 1516c; flour wheat-spot very dull r. I v 2 red SUe f. o. b. btoat; Barm,. -- No. 2 b. afloat; . J..H 0. S Die; ruoiu i rite turpenUaa easy aioao. K .on aOlll. WEATHER REPORT. . rr i DB-T or A.griotjltubic, 1 nrIr.Tos. N. C, March-6. peratures: 8 A. M., 24 degrees; 1LV S3 degree; taaximum, 49 de Li; minimum, sa QCKrc, Ell for the day, -; rainfall ,ce first of the moath to aate, . fORtCAST FOR TO DAY. teASHlSGTOSatf irc'i 6.-For Norm Un-Fir Thursday ana warmer tesrn portion; winds generally tester y, fresh on the coast. day fair. Port Almne -Jlarch Bises 6 23 A.. M. 6 01 P. 11. llfl.W, a Sets jhiur ai Support, m Wter Wi ! mi n jton 8 3 11 Qi Eenator Morgan is seventy-seven bold, but his tongue isn't more .in forty. I. Pierpont Morgan isn't manipu ling combines for fun. He raked ,500,000 for putting up the h steel job. The British warofice wants $429,- 10,000 for army expenses this year, wut $230,000,000 of which is for South African racket. The superintendent of public brb in Vineland, X. J., receives salary of one dollar a month. But 9 rich and holds the office for M honor of the thins. ibout one-eighth of the total paid penaioaa comes South, where seare, including Maryland and iHoari, 169,553 pensioners out of nearly 1,000,000 on the rolls. Nearly all the large cities East of Mississippi sent fcheir cleverest itectivesto Washington before in :guration day to help the local Jifcetospjt the crooks who were owdiog in. A Massachusetts politician is pos- -g as a curiosity by alleging that he & been offered a million dollar nbe and refused it. If so. "he dossi- f thought jhe other fellow was practical joker. &me of the Xorthern DaDers esti- Ptfi the COSt Of tho InonnfiAn Pat from 43,000,000 to $4,000,- r1 ihat a r-.,t.k ... t- , - p'ctLjr Bieep, qui we 'f be getting off cheap if that itciTinleycostus. -u uasota ha passed an act W a bountv ! Will n.nk0kl : that the wolf BnaiM P0tef wild dog scalns. Hi are sreat pine forests in at an . . zona, (w, Gievauou oi irom r aove 8ea level. cover an area of abcut eight aousaaj uare miles, and it is F'niited - AOOO.ooo fLt c , yieia iu,- i i umoer. s. - has good reason to rastron,,. ous tighter and British 13 80ns. KQn- l v!n i u,c uoeu Kinea e, hia w'.f. .! i . . . huf4r:'r:uaotKneiaQd anil u i. ueeu connscat , 1,11(1 hehaar0r m.i. , I w ' " :? 8the long Nalh : 7 ea wear seep the afe responsible for H ,; ," . a matter of a good deal women to wear wouldn't be iar , and hold up walkin OUTUNEs! ! I JIL, ' JLjLJJUa JLyJJL KJ' JLcdCJO ItwISSSi.. " lilt ; i wj. lvn.iNU. liU. LOCAL DOTS. The Norwegian barque Inver aruie arrived last night from London. The Young People's Organ Fund Society of - Grace M. K. Church will meet to night. The adjourned annual meeting of Carolina Central stockholders is expected to be held here this morning at 11 o'clock. Nothing has as yet been heard from Judge Hoke in the habeas corpus proceedings argued before him at Burgaw Tuesday. The regular monthly meeting of the Dorcas Society of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will be held at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. The barque Chas. Loring cleared yesterday for New York ; the schooner Abbie G. Cole arrived from St. Croix, West Indies. The North Carolina Sorosia will meet promptly this afternoon at 4 o'clock at its club rooms, corner Fifth and Orange streets. The barque Chas. Lorxng and schooners La'guna and Edgar C. Rom passed out at Soutbport for their respective voyages at noon yesterday. "Quo Vadis" will be presented one night at the theatre during the week beginning March 25th. Gorton's minstrels will be the attraction on the 15th inst The union meeting of the East ern Baptist Association will be held on the Fifth Sunday in March at Ivanhoe, Sampsort-coanty. The First Baptist Church, of this city has ex tended an invitation to the Associa tion to hold its next union meeting here. Fear Fires Yesterday. The department responded to four fire alarms yesterday up to 3 o'clock in the afternoon, but notwithstanding the' high winds, probably not oyer $10 loss in each instance was sustain ed. The location of the several fires, etc., was as follows: Box 18 at 7:38 A M., No. 913 North Eighth street, occupied by Mrs. Carolina Pickett, caused by sparks from chimney; box 16 at 10:23 A. M., No. 305 Brunswick street, occupied by B. EL Barnes and owned by Dr. W. J. B. Bellamy, cause unknown; telephone alarm about 1:30 P. M., No. 2.15 North Frfth -gpU?. rr U L " -gfAjderman. caused by spark. Iw p:himney;box53 about8P. IL.resi- street, occupied by. Mr. George F. den ce of Mr. A. J. Hanby. Orange between Seventh and Eighth streets, caused by sparks from chimney.' ProceeiUag is Baskmptcy. No answer was received yesterday by Mr. W. H. haw, Clerk of the United 8tates Courfin this city, to the petition recently filed by creditors of H. O. Covington, of -Laarinburg, ask ing that he be adjudged a, bankrupt and that a recent assignment to Walter H. NeaJ, Esq , be set aside. Yesterday was the last day set for filing or an ' answer to the petition but the law pro vides that in the absence of the Judge from the district and the answer not having been received by the clerk on the next day after the last day set for filing the answer it shall be-referred to the referee of the district, which will be done if the answer is not forth coming to-day. Sale of Laid. A deed was filed at the Court House yesterday transferring from Mary F; Litterloh to E. L TJiley, both of. Cumberland county, a tract of land containing 4S8 acres which is situated in New Hanover county on the east side of the Northeast branch of the Cape Fear river, and lies adjoining the "Rose Hill" plantation, formerly owned by the late Thos. T. Davisr The consideration was $1,350. Swore Off for Six Moaths. John Watson, who was arrested Tuesday for creating a disturbance in th vicinity of Eighth and Dawson streets, was tried at noon yesterday by Jnstica Barneman. The defendant avowed in open court that be would off" from drinking for six months! sod the justice, in considera tion of that fact, let him off upon pay ment oUhe costs in the case. A Pleasaat Eatertaiamest. The grab ba party given last night by the ladies of Letitia Lodge, Be hakah Decree. LO.O. F.. at the resi dence of Mrs. Lillie Harris, 410 South Fourth street, was a very pleasant affair, and there was a large attend ance. Ice cream, cake and other re freshments were served.' The proceeds th AntarUinment will go for a worthy cause. Many Cssdidatea to he Initiated. K Wilmington Lodge No. 139, I. O. O. F., will confer the initiatory degree on thirty-three candidates to-night The Past Grand's charge will be de livered by Capt. J. M. McGowan. Be- frAahmenta will be served after the ceremonies. Chamber of Commerce. TKj Chamber of Commerce will meet &Affnddn at 3:30 o'clock in its in the Seaboard Air Line build in. This is the time for the annual meeting of the body but it is possible that the business incident to the clos ing of the year's business may be de ferred until later, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meeting 8econdward. Louis H . Skinner Notice. 2f. B. Murrell For Alderman. -- . : a I WTT HOSPITAL MANAGERS MET Monthly Report of the Ssperiotesdeot Ap proved and Ordered on File-Electric Ujkta for New Bulldler. The Board of Managers of the Hos pital met Tuesday afternoon and pass ea upon the February report of Dr. A. H. Harries, acting superintendent of the institution since the death of Dr. W. W. Lane. Present at the meeting were Chair man McEachern, Commissioner Mont gomery and Alderman Spencer. The report showed the following statistics : Number of patients treated during the month, 61. Of that num ber there were 33 whites, 31 males and 18 females; 23 colored, 80 males and o females. There wrm 36 nation t remaining in the hospital on January 31st; admitted during February. 35; discharged, 29; died 8, and there were reaaaiaior February 28ih, 37 patients. The total number of , days pay patients were treated was 78, charity 'm A M . m paucais, o; rations lurmsnea pay patients, 694, employes, 420. The average cost, per capita per day was 13 cents. The expenditures were: For sub sistence, $16181; general expenses. $213 43; pay roll, $219.50. Total, $593 33. The receipts were: Cash for pre scriptions, $13.67; pay patients, $75; city, $166.66; county, $250. Total re ceipts, $534 33. On motion a committee, composed of. Chairman McEachern and Com missioner Montgomery, was appointed to make arrangements for furnishing electric lights to the James Walker Memorial Hospital. THE NBW CITY CHASTER AGAIN. Petition Flvoriaz Rejection by Legislstare or Adoptioa at the Polls. A very strong petition signed by more than a hundred representative business and professional men asking the General Assembly not to pass the city charter unless submitted to the people for ratification at the polls. was yesterday forwarded by tele graph to State Senator Morton and it serves as a substantial support to his contention all along that before a measure of so much moment and against which there is such a strong sentiment, should be put upon the I people, they should have the rights of L,,,, at Ug. It has shown that h wouid en. tail no further expense, time or trouble to have the people pass upon the measure at the pri maries ten days from date and as Senator Morton contemplates no fur ther amendments than submitting it to the people, this appears easily the best solution of a question which has been, widely discussed for the past two or three months. THE HOLLOWBUSH ORCHESTRA Has Beea Earsced to Play Thts Seasoa at tbe Seashore Hotel. The famous - Hollwbush Orchestra, of Baleigh, has been engaged for the eoming season by Mr. Joe H. Hiuton, manager of the Seashore Hotel, and this announeement will no doubt be received with much geuuine Interest not only in Wilmington but through out the entire State. The contract has been signed and the band will be here on June 1st and will remain to the end of the season. Mr. Hinton is alive to the wants of the neonle and he is determined to make the coming season at the Sea shore Hotel equal to that enjoyed by any Summer resort hotel on the South Atlantic coast Securing the Hollow bush Orchestra is another step in that direction as its. reputation reaches far and wide as being one of the best orchestras between Washington and Atlanta. The band is exceedingly papular in Wilmington. MARRIED LAST NIQHT. Mr. Harry P. Farrow Weds Miss Mary Francis Kelly at 9 O'clock. A quiet but very impressive mar riage ceremony was soiemmzsa iui night at 9 o'clock at the residence of , i A. the Rev. Jno. H. Ball, pastor of Fifth street M. E. Church, when Miss Mary Francis Kelly, daughter of Mr. James E. Kelly, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr. Harry F, Farrow, the nonular younar salesman at The Orton cigar and news stand. Tbe ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Hall in the presence of a few intimate friends of the bride and groom, after which the party was en-, tertalnedat a reception in another part of the city. SECOND WARD MEETING. Voters Called to Assemble To-Bii&t lor CoBslderatlsa of Primary. A meeting of the Second Ward voter, will be held at the office of the Merchants' Association in the Seaboard Air Line building this evening at 8 o'elock for the purpose of considering I -.n-iein-t matters, most probably the I ition of aldermen and executive I mmm;ltMm.a to be voted for at the primary Monday week. CaroUaa Yacht Clab. . The governing board ot Carolina Yacht Club has named the following officers and committees: Regatta Com mittee. Messrs. A. a 8kelding (chair man). R. A. Parsley and J. Yanlj. Melts: Mr. O. P.. Parsley, measurer; Mr. J. F. Gause, aupsrintendent of I dub. and Mr. J. P. Watson, Janitor. ATTNftTnN "M n TnnpcrkAv r AT?mr 7 lorn GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Justices Furches and Doudass Make Reply to the Articles 'of Impeachment. WILMINGTON PILOTAGE BILL. A Compromise Afreemeot The Reveaae Act Problbitioa for Cumberland Connty The General School Law A. ft M. College. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. O., March 6. The Senate, sitting as a court of impeach ment, at noon today received the answer on the part of Chief Justice Furches and Associate Justice Doug las, to the articles of impeachment by. he House of BepreaeoiatiTejL , The lobbies and galleries were crowded with spectators. Beading the answer' required nearly three hours, after which a recess was taken until Friday noon, when replication on the part of the House managers will be received. The defendant judges were present to day accompanied by the following counsel: Messrs. Jar vis. Cook. F. H. BuBbee, Patterson, Qiborne, Long, Bynum. Counsel associated with the House managers in the prosecution. Davidson, a M. Busbee. Guthrie. Watson, J. H. Pou. The answer as read before the court consists of fifty paes of typewritten manuscript. A bill was introduced in the Senate by Aycock to day, the object of which is to put the A. and M. College under control of the Agricultural DtDart- ment, so the oollege can get the sur plus income of the department. The movement is strongly opposed by friends of the Agricultural Denart- ment, as it will greatly hamper the work, cripple the museum and other departments in their work. Other bills introduced were: Bv Foushee, to repeal the charter of the - mS Soutbport, Wilmington and Western Railroad Co; to protect interests of infants and married women in corporations. By London, to pay witnesses attending the court of im peachment. By Warren, to require all sales of real estate and personal property to be made by an auctioneer. By Aycock, to provide funds by tax ing dogs to supply school books to certain children. By. Burroughs, for ies to. government of life insurance compan- and policy folders. By Morrison, allow Richmond county to issue bonds; also to amend the charter of Rockingham. Many local bills passed readings. The only ones, notable were to charter the Atlantic and Northwestern Rail road Company: to establish a stock law in parts of Pamlico. A bill passed the House this after noon providing prohibition for Fay etteville and Cumberland county. The discussion was very lively. Curtis said the Assembly had enough of this Cumberland fight and moved to table tbe bill.-- The motion was lost and the bill passed final reading 64 to 33. If the bill passes the Senate it will abolish the Fayetteville dispensary and establish prohibition throughout the county. The general school law passed the House, with amendments exempting Bladen, Gates and Lenoir counties from the operation of section 16, as to qualifications of superintendents. The bill incorporating the State's prison and providing for its govern ment by a board of five directors. passed without material amendment It provides that the. Qoverno? appoint the directors and the chairman be superintendent A great portion of the . morning ses sion of the House was devoted to con sideration of the revenue act Much of the time was consumed by discus sion of &e income, tax, and it was finally lett opan for further discussion later. Sections 49 to 70 were consid ered and nearly all passed upon. Sec tion 68 was reconsidered and referred to a committee. "Ae following among other bills passed the House to-night: To allow Sanford to issue bonds for water works; to allow tax collectors to carry concealed weapons; to prevent live stock running at large in Bladen county; to incorporate the Wayne and Sampson Railroad Company; to incor porate CJarkton) making certain sec tions of Pamlico, Perquimans and Chowan counties stock law territory; to incorporate certain churches in Robeson county U7 incorporate Car thenian Lodge of Masons, ' Rocky Mount The bill providing for courts for sixteen judicial districts was consid ered this afternoon and ty-night fin ally passed, with an amendment that L. L Moore is made solicitor in the Fourth district At 9:30 o'clock the House went into committee of the whole to consider the Revenue act, corrected clerical errors, etc., .and passed the bill on second reading, with the understand ing to consider the income tax and other clauses which are opposed, on third reading.- . . The Joint Committee .on Finance, - Annrooriations and Education conn aidered appropriations for various'edu- catlonal irstitutions to-nignt anu no dded upon the following : TJniver- j zity regular, $50,000 j extra,:$30,000i total $80,000. Normal regular, $50, 000; extrai $60,000, four years; . total. $10,000. . A; and M.; College regular $20.000 r extra, $40,000;. total,- $60,000. Grand total $250,000. The Committee bri?- Privileges and Elections decided to; report ,fatoral forlthe sitting memberr Wilcox B. Seawell in the election contest from Moore county; The case, is unique because the decision was not reached until tbe last week beforedjournment of the House. Advocates and opponents of the Wilmington Pilotage bill reached an agreement to-day by which the bill will pass the Senate to-morrow with ah amendment that vessels pay the in ward and outward pilotage fee once, and then have license for ayear at 25 cents per registered .ton. This is a concession on the part of advocates of the bill to the extent of paying the first outward fee. . Messrs. Arringdale, Parsley and Uapt Adkins left for their homes this afternoon. RIVER AND HARBOR WORK. Failure of the Bill io Coagresf Results Seriously to Cape Fear and Other Improvement It develops that the failure of the river and harbor biU to pass the Con gress of . jthe.Unite4; Stwi ..wia. b.i seriouslyfeltlocaliy anof that it will result in a practical cessation of the river and harbor work here and in the thro wine; .out of employment of 50 or 60 persons. . This will not only be the effect of the failure of the bill to pass but all . over North Carolina and the country at large the force engaged in this work will be largely reduced. All the dredges, tugs, scows, stump pullers and . other floating apparatus in the Cape Fear improvement will be called in and their crews discharged except only a few men to have charge of the boats while laid up in the yards, which - for this .section will likely be at Wilmington or Newborn, j Another appropriation to begin the work is not possible before March,' 1902. It is quite likely, also, that the clerical force in the several offices will be reduced. A number of the men laid off, however, can secure work at Fort Caswell, the improvement of which will not be hampered by the cutting; off Of the appropriation. It, of course, necessarily follows that the plans for the mooring dolphins, upper Cape Fear improvement, deep ening of Northeast river, an inland water-way, and other projects, have all been shattered, to say nothing of the very material improvements that have gone on in the lower Cape Fear for the past several years. ELECTED GRAND REPRESENTATIVE. Jefferson Lodge Held intbasiastlc Meet ing Last Night Joint Session. At last night's meeting of Jefferson Lodge No. 61, K. of P., Mr. R. a Col lins was unanimously elected to the office of Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of North Carolina for a period of two years, succeeding Mr. H. E. Bonitz, whose term bad expired The meeting wst- en enthusiastic and nine applications for membership were received and favorably reported. Jefferson Lodge is just now very much alive from -the fact that at its meeting on the night of March 30th it will be visited by the three sister lodges in the city in the second of the series of joint Pythian meetings for the year, and preparations are being made for an elaborate affair. As pre viously stated in these columns, Mr, E. H. Munson has been chosen mas ter of ceremonies and Mr. George W. Branch his assistant These gentle men have appointed a committee of arrangements, consisting of Capt J. C. Morrison, Col. W. J. Woodward, Dr. Jno. N. Johnson, Messrs. A. S. Holden, H. E. Bonitz and R. S. Col lins. There will be a number of speeches by different members,- including one by Dr. Johnson, who has chosen as his theme "Ppjy- WILMINQJON'S CITY CHARTER Will Be Favorably Reported to the Senate With Amendment to Snbmit It to a Vote of the People. Special Star Telegram. . Raleigh, N. C, March 6. The Senate Committee on Counties, Cities and Towna heard argument this after noon on Wilmington's new charter, and decided unanimously to report favorably, with amendment by Morton that the charter be submitted to a vote of the people. It was also agreed that some change should be made in the clause requiring that all who vote in city elections shall have paid a poll tax. Tbe present 'phraseology of the bill is not thought constitutional so far as the poll tax clause is concerned. The charter comes up in tbe Senate to morrow. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining Uncalled For io the Wilmiag tqn pnstofflce February 29, 1901. WOMKJJ'S LIST. Mrs John Adams Bailie Anderson, Annie Blane, Catherine Barney, M. M Outchell. Cornelia Hines. Lula J Hinson, Mary Jordan (9), Mrs. J B Kellev a). Mrs w w K.tnmer, jurs John Lucas, Mrs Ed McDonnaL Mrs Rachel Moore. Maria. Maaoy. iiucy Mayo. Gussie Paul, Bessie Smith, Mrs Clarrisa Scott. Carrie Saunders, Fan nie RcotL uiiaBmita.- aiarr owamn. Mrs 8achv. Carrie Thomas. Lula Tood. Mrs -Maareie This-pes, Minnie Wricht. Maeaie. Williams. Mrs 8 A Wright ; . ' - -'lira's tiST. - Henrr Anderson A T Blake, Ernest Brawn; John Buers, Wm Brown, Miles P Coaton John Elwood. Erastus rt TP.i ,.AjnAii n-itrtw. ; Vmenso Gendo ' A A llossK Joon urn dace Tat Ann1sh Martin. Bishop Mitch ell, Fred a aiuier; josepu noses, a w Marshall, vv Mcuuiorn. iurnesi sor ter. W A Bobbins. T J Rittenbank, M T, Ratenakev. J A Robinson. Bryan HhamwelLtfrank Bwann. J A Saye (Z), Levie Btanf ord. Milo o Biepnena, w Routherland. John Turner. Charles Williams, a W WriarhL T T Wright Persona calling for above letters will -please say advertised. If not called for i La fifteen days they will be sent to the dead letter offloe, ;-. m. v. aakt, . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. A. M. McNair, of Maxton, was here yesterday. - Mr. A. R. Stephens, of Char lotte, is at The Orton. Miss Clara Woodward arrived home from Raleigh yesterday evening. Mr. A. F. Powell, of Vineland, was an arrival in the city last even- ing. Mrs. tr rice, of soutbport, is the guest of Capt and-Jfrs. W. A. Sanders. Mr. Robert E. Townsend, of Wilson, is hire on a visit to his uncle; Mr. A. 8. Heide. .Herbert Mcuiammy, JKsq., is at Jacksonville, N. C, on profes sional business. Mr. S. F. Burbank, of the TJ;r8. Engineer's Department at Wash ington, N. C, Is at The Orton. Messrs. J. A. Taylor and C. Worth returned yesterday from Ral eigh where they went in the interest of the city charter. - Mr. and Mrs. L. Vernon Car roll formerly of Brunswick, Ga., are pleasantly located at Mrs. Quells' on Dock street. Mr. Carroll has recently bought half interest in the livery busi ness of Mr. R. O. Orrell. John H. Gore, Jr., Esq., left yesterday for Raleigh on professional business. He will return via Wake Forest and accompany Mrs. Gore who will return home from a visit to her parents there. Mr. Austin Randolph Norris, one of the operators in the Western Union office, this city, left yesterday for Lawrenceville, Ga , to appear as a witness in. an important railroad suit now in hearing- thre. NOTICE OP CITY PRIMARY. It Will Be Filed To-day With tbe Clerk and Treasurer Candidates. The notice of the calling of the democratic municipal primaries March 28th, will be filed with the City Clerk and Treasurer to day in con formity to the law requiring ten day's notice of , such purpose. The official notice of the primary will be made from that office to-morrow. Each of the three candidates for mayor have been allowed by the Executive Com mittee to select one of the three inspectors of the primary election and they will be named in this way. The polling places will be the same as for the regular election ten days later. By the provision of the special act passed by the House of Representa tives yesterday only the Mayor, Board ot Aldermen and City Executive Com mittee will be "elective- by the people, : the selection of a Chief of Police hav ing been left to the Aldermen. It may-, be possible that a bill will ie intro duced making the City Attorney elective at the primaries but it is now believed that this bill will not be pushed to a pfage. In this morning's paper new an nouncements for aldermen are: Mr. Z E. Murrell from First ward, and. Messrs Lonis H. Skinner and E. P. Bailey from Fourth ward, all of whom have consented to allow their names to be presented to the prima ries. For Whooping Cough use UJiJf5iJ4Y'S u- PECTORANT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. A number of taxpayers of the Fourth Ward after carefully owvaestuai the 1-ld beg to pre sent t tbe voters of the Ward the names of K P. BAILEY and LOUIS H SKINNER for Alder men, n be voted for at the coming primary. mr 7 it Second Ward. Meeting this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. in the rooms of the Merchants' Exchange, S. A. I Building. Municipal matters will be dis cussed, mar 7 It For Alderman. After the solicitation of my many friends, I hereby a an ounce myself a candidate for Alder- asst First Ward. Respectfully. mar 7 It Z. EL MURRELL. FOR CITY ATTORNEY. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT HE S A CANDI DATE FOB ELECTION TO THE OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY. WILLIAM J. BELLAMY, marstf ' FOR ALDERMAN, In deference to the wishes of many friends, I hereby announce my candi dacy for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, promising, if elected, to care for the interests of every resident of my ward and the welfare of the city as an entirety, to the best of my ability. Respectfully yours, mar 6 tf LOUIS H. SKINNER. BeachersanrJ Excursionists. Realizing that the time draveth near in whch I sbali have to live off of "Beacters" and "Excursionist," it becomes necrsary to reduce my stock in order to make room for their needs, and as an inducement for vou to belD m to -do this. I will sell all my nner grades ox uoeas at 10 per cpt. Biscomt for Spt M. Inasmuch as It Is my rule to mark the lowest root cash nrice in clain fiirortB on every article in my s ore, yon can see for Sourself that it is not a c e of mark op and ik off. tut a genuine offer made solely for - the purpose named. ' . 17. F. PABKEB, Furniture and Furniture Novelties, m Market snoot. Ben'PnonseiS. -ftterHBtweti WHOLE NO. 10,467 viBNSHHHHHIMIyNMIHrHkMMMMHNMv Our Spring Suitings 9 nave arrived and our a boom. 9 We are crowded with orders. Our line is the handsomest we have ever shown. You had best leave your order at once for your EASTER SUIT. We have for your in spection oyer 100 of tbe handsomest Imported Fancy Vesting you could wish to see. We have all the very latest styles in -9 & English, Scotch and French A This season finds us with a line worth from $16 00 up, and we guarantee a fit Should you wish anything of this kind you would do well to look over our samples. t 9 9 9 9 A Fall line of FarmUltlna Good a. BBj., JJ0 a'lBl mar 8tf 9999990999999999999900000 O ' COPTDlMT Buying Furniture in large quantities enables me to sell cheaper than ever before. I am now doing the buying for all six or my stores, thereby saving an extra discount of 10 per cent . My customers get the advant- age of this. 50 trunks just received. E. M. ANDREWS, 117 SOUTH FRONT STREET. Wilmington. N. C. febaotf REASONABLE GOODS. IfLTLLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese, Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties. SALT. A GEHEBAX LUTS 07 CASK GOODS IN DEMAND AT THIS 8BASOH. Sole agents for ROB ROY FLOUR. ; HcN AIR Sl PEARS ALL. 7;vf-RY & BOARDING CHECH UP the expenditure of money on LIVERY. We have out Drlcea where they oleas down. We hve for hire -verr stvle of veblcle that is fashionable, and can certainly suit you. ui us Know your wants in toe way oi HORSES OR CARRIAGES. We fhaU be pleased to meet them. We promise to uo ngnt. ana satisiy our promisee i by par performances. . i -, S. J DAVIS LIVERY STABLES, Both 'Phones No. No. 124. 803-210 Market street mar 5 tf - Hew River LInllets. $1,818 64 In selected Mullets. $1,564.00 in Bleats and Lard. $989.17 in Best: Com. $4aOQ in No. 1 Hay.. 4 $110.18 in R. P. Oats. ' $646 98 in Mixed Oats. $81 1.03 ii Virginia MeaL We are in Doeltlon to meet tout views as to prices and terms. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer, 5 s. Sis Nut street. multt - " Wilmington. N. C D. O'CO TJ N O R y Bern! Estate axent. ITllsninateu. If .C DWELLINQe, 8TOBXS AMD OSTIOKS FOB KENT. Houses and Lota for sale on easy terms. Bents, Taxes aad Insurance atteed to promptly. Money loard en ttuprored property, nov l tl . tWM IF M MmWT Tt. till $6.00$ 2.50 1 1.85 f 1.00 $ I .A. " - w mm - Dllvre4 to Subscriber In the x Cltr at 45 Cents per Meatlu 9 C4 Tailoring Department Is on o o o o o o - o o o Suitings and Trouserings. of Suiting: which we have made BWB o In the city, as well as tbe lady of leisure, can nave their orders promptly filled by calling op 69 on elther'Teiephone. We make a specialty ot. Office Supplies and Blank Books. We are 'showing the best thing on the market In the way of a Loose Sheet Ledger. It win pay yon to examine this system before placing roar order. "ebl7tt Can You Read FrencK ? Well, yon don't have to know that Geo. R. French A Sons fit more feet and srive more Shoe Leather for the money ; Than any other Shoe house In tha State. A. tryal will convince Ton. . - r, GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS. febHtf oeeeeoei I wish to Inform my friends and the public gen erally that I have bought , the entire business of THE KING GROCERY CO., and will continue it on the same principle that baa 'always characterised ita policy. SPOT CASH. NO TIME. NO DISCOUNTS . IIO CREDIT. Everything must, be exactly as represented or money ref ended. thank yon - very much for your liberal patronage to the old firm in the past and hop by fair dealing, courteous treat -mens and prompt service to merit a continuance of your support. J. L MIDDLETON, SUCCESSOR TO THE KING GROCERY CO. 1 Fourth Street Bridge. 'Phones 887. tu th sa jansstt BOWDLEAJTS 00R WAX PATENTED: If you yon cannot obtain this wax in your own town, we wur-, sena you prepara, uw quantity ; jon mayreqiire, uu iwxiv uiwuio. on mayreqiu per pound. Fayaue m Btampe. Pulverized. JPor Danelns; Fleora will not ba.Il entnefeet; will not oil tbe clothing;. All reedy. . Anybody can apply is. The -floor must be clean and free from oil.. Sprinkle, and tbe dancers will do the rest. Pat up in pound packages. One pound la aufflelen for a sleer pace of 10,090 square feet, and If net wasted will be found to o four tlasea aa far as anything; else on tbe snarhaS. - No Dust is Another Favorable Feature, Samples Sent on Request. W. H. B0WDLEAR & CO,, ' 149 Pearl Street. - - Boston; Mass," dec is em tutasa Yollers Grain Shippers andP; General Provision Dealers. Get our prices on Graift, Oats, 4 3 IHE BUSIEST Hill . . nmn A Change in Business. $ Bowdlea? b loor w y&tmt B Met- Hashagen Hay In car lots or less, i . Our facilities are un surpassed and we guar antee satisfactlsn. h .-.mm We solicit ..Cab-stf.: Myrs a?.;-ei J" - V- '.-I': v.. -v A 5

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