I II - - -- . - z I .lAWV ' r-! J. Every-DayX ... Rnna-riuc, Ration Urer Than IMi plper Pu''8he,, ,fl Wilmington. .rrKwsPAPEB OUTLINES. r AM;?1atiirA of Will . 20tb. Gen. Delarey s . t i.Phenburg on the 6th ; tuT " Hine reinforcements fcheers Qea Mac Arthur W?:,,-! inducements to .render their guns. Pi"01 ' " session of the Sanate 118 adjourn. Admiral Id $9,570 for destroy- ""ufltia -Manila bay. tbesrlsu";., tax on dogs in isi several other coun- the N C. Senate. ptf1"1 ' ordown. ashore U.T.7h.df and W8y W"f,.apd to extend the women: Poland will spend a the - A. rith of North Carolina. - Lv we came in contact r and killed fifty of voe have been . milieu i"'"- n: T.-Jn to RIlDDfeSS j Miss Minna G. Aus-ildtfe- .npd herself in tAtl.ntt,Ui., - Fjawhooehee river. prwaaitw- yesterday. Money on call florid, ieJ markets: it 22i per cent.; cuiwuuiui, Bb, uplands St-'; nour quiet; Mpot dull and easier, No. 2 red f n h flc'; curu " Uk.No.2lSi; at elevator; oats ptBM,lSo.8 5HC; rosin 4u10l; I nn,han?eu. o tnrpenulc - WEATHER REPORT. It a Dsp't or ageicultxjbe, i Uratures: S A. M., i aegrees ; 37 degrees; maximum, a uo- ; minimum, 21 degrees; mean, o liahU for the day, ; rainian Srilof the month to aate, . IQRKiST FOB TO DAY. iliu-Fiir Friday with rising ffiaessiod probably rain; fresh liesterly winds. prf Almaa- Jl&rch 8. ts. Lea 11 a. 39 ' ML. Wawr ySoaihoon. 9 OS A. Mll . M . Witer Wilm iiijton. 11 33 A. M again reported that Agnin dead. But the report ia not mpsnied by a coroner a certifi- hi united State3 Government king claim to the f'Wind Oave" KBth Dakota. With two houses ongres', this goTemment ought we wind ahop3 eaongh. allied powers seem to be play game of heads and tails with They are demanding 102 heads, and they all hava tails Homer it goes the Chi- m loses. said that Gen. Lee will go to Cuba a3 president of a laud pate which has secured options ke tracts of land around Ca- The syndicates have been I for everything in sight over ft e are in receiat of the first P Of Souther,, 7 ,,, a J Printed, sixteen-pi?e weeklr MeTotedtothe Soutn's indas- pabliahei at Xer Orlp.an n Cithern Inrt Harris 1 waw wited by Messrs. N. T. Thmn. MdJohnPCoifia. Jfyfive years ag0j ex-Chief ot Sioux Oity lived in roua ailvor kip i , uau uuuar auq. H n-- uau uui- "Om a fiih rr-ar, J U Jwt. 1ft ro. j -. . . . -"guiie'j u on 8ignt TaniaBpnf f,-,. . tlcfh 1UUIWU egi- nw military t0 participate , . Mnley inauguration na- rjeof them were pretty 2 J,? dl3rePabIe localities Wn. fntl, , il r vLuera were hurt. Ninnn .-snowing. -".in Uhio whereachUd .wen owned t , .. PUtot.1.:- . " 0y H8 . - i rn One ff tVio in.n Bu tne infor auer hmr, , . ,'a solution tJ - - V 4 were of alum and mey onlv. ,C1 "laaeiney ter. the , me inventor, xim, steel irar- er, and tho- u In , . "Uo '"6 i the PtPowerfn. rmet8' ft --Fisives. When TO atom k miC8 S bat- ft Nt"c" war will be a canon. ' : 1 : : : li VOL. LXVn. NO, 141. LOCAL DOTS. Ths meeting of Carolina Cen tral stockholders wag postponed yea terday until March Slit. The friends of Alderman John H. Hanby present his name for re election from the Fourth ward in a card in to-day's paper. Pilgrim Frank Draper, of the Millenial Dawn Circle, will be hereon Maroh 20th and will delirer a lecture on the "Chart of the Ages." Mr. Wm. Goodman ia nomin- atea oy a numDer or nts mends as a suitable person to be chosen as Alder man from the Third ward at the primaries next week. Messrs. Hugh MacRae &,Co., bankers, offer a desirable and safe in vestment in New Hanover county five per cent, bonds. See their adrer-, tiseooeht In to day's paper. S" The Naral Eeaervea and Boys Brigade will play a game of basket ball at the City Hall to-night. A high jumping and kicking exhibition will be giren after the game. The North Carolina SOrosis met yesterday afternoon at four o'clock. Only business of a routine nature was transacted. The usual tea was served at the conclusion of the meeting. An enjoyable sociable was giren last night . at the residence of Capt E. D. Williams on Sixth and Ann streets, for the benefit of Fifth 8treet Methodist Caurch. The attend ance was large. H. W. Carlin, a soldier from Fort Caswell, was arrested yesterday by Police Officer Barden on a charge of desertion. He was carried back to U15 fort in charge of Lieut. Landon, on the steamer Wilmington. Mr. J. H. Behder is risiting the Northern markets purchasing Spring goods for his mammoth em porium. He will meet his head mill iner, Miss Sarah : Qardaer, in New York, where she has been for two weeks, Capt. C. H. White, of this city, has been appointed by Governor Aycock assistant inspector general of small arms practice, N. C 8. Q., with the rank of Major. It is a compliment worthily bestowed and richly de served. The menhaden fisheries down. 6 01 P. Jf,-1 i 51 papers in tne name 01 tne A- HieFUheries Co.. of N. C. ;" capital tack $80,000. The incorporators are John W. Harper, Joseph Rosenthal and Henry Weill. The New York Journal, of March 6tb, presents a picture by Taylor of Harriet Bralford, the pretty little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Tarrentine, Jr., of this city, under the caption "three buds in the bouquet of pretty American babies." CAPTAIN McQOWAN HONORED. Wllailortoa Lodge, LO.O.F, dare Hiss a Birthday Presest Last Night. At a meeting of Wilmington Lodge No. 139. I O. O. F., last night Capt. Jas M. McGowan, the esteemed Past Grand of the lod-e, was presented with a complete outfit of wearing- ap parel. The. presentation was made by B. G. Empie, J2sq., in a few well chosen and eloquent remarks, ex pressing to Captain McGowan the high esteem in which he is held by the members of the lodge, and also as a remembrance of his 63rd birth day, which he celebrated yesterday. Captain McGowan responded very feelingly and thanked them from the bottom of his heart The committee which selected the outfit was com posed of Messrs. W. O. Smith, J. F. L ttleton and B. J. Jacobs. ! Wilmington Lodge conferred the initiatory degree on twenty-nine can didates last night. The ball was crowded and the meeting was full of enthusiasm. Organ Faad Society. ' Tae Young People's Qrgsn Fund Society of Grace M K. C lurch. South, met last night and elected the follow ing officers for the ensuing year: President Mrs. W. H. 8haw. First Vice President Mr. augene Fillyaw. Second Vice President Mrs. T. C. Graft. Secretary and Treasurer Mr. W. E. Perdew. Nothing definite was done in the matter of purchasing the organ, but more money was received. An enter tainment will be given next Thursday night at the residence of Mrs. W. H. Shaw, 314 North Fourth street, for the benefit of the fund. Left the City, In the Mayor's court yesterday morning the only cise on the docket was against Walter Branch for being drunk and down. The mayor gave him the choice of either serving on the county roads for SO days or of leaving the city. He chose the utter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Tax-Piyers Notice. 3t5mary. 8.SiacHcrBankrupt notice. Powers.. Gibv5-& Co. -Wanted. John H. Hanty For Alderman. Hugh MacRae & Co. Investment People's Savings Bank Do you care to save money? Busnrxss locus. - tsaaasaastaaw ' Lost Band gold ring. ' r . . ' 1 111 ' " 1 " BASE BALL PROSPECT secretary E. J. Doran, of the Virginia-Carolina League, . Is in the City. A MEETING TO-NIQHT, 8 P. M. Ceafereace Held Last Erenlng at Which Pitas for OrganUttloB Were Dealt With at LesrihPartber Csn sss WUI Be Made Te-diy. Secretary EL 3. Doran, of the Vir ginia-Noith Carolina Base Ball League, than whom there is no more ardent' promoter of sport -: in the- two States arrived ' in the city last evening from Raleigh and last night attheBlaV dub-fee had & conference with a. number of local enthusiasts relative to Wilmington's - proposed team in the new organization which, with the proper encouragement and actual support, seems now a certainty. Secretary Doran went carefully over each detail of the requirements of the new league and it is expressing it mildly to say that all present were highly elated with the business prin ciples Band withal equitable arran gementa that seem to govern the league. The season will open April 15ih and close September 14th, and will afford Wilmington about seventy games on the home grounds. Taere is no $500 forfeit for the guarantee of a teaar to stay in the league to the end- of the season as erro nously circulated in the city to the-detriment of the home team, but on the other hand only ten per cent of the gross receipts of each game goes into tne sinking fund as a guaranty, the same to revert to each team at the close of the season, if not forfeited by abandoning italranchise. Mr. Doran explained - that the League had availed itself of the ad. vantages of the national .agreement, which possesses many safeguards to the teams entering, and that he is now quite sure of having in the organisa tion teams from Richmond, Norfoik, Portsmouth, Newport News. Hamp ton, Raleigh and Wilmington and perhaps Charlotte, Greensboro and Winston-Salem, for which three last named places he will leave to morrow morning. In the meantime Wilmington will make her last supreme effort for sub subscriptions to day and the ean- vassers will be accompanied by Mr. Doran. If the amount raised is suffi cient, and the STajr has confidence in Wilmington to-believe that it will be, a meeting of subscribers will beheld at 8 o'clock to-night at the Elks' Club, for the purpose of organ izing bv the election of officers, etc. A meeting will be held in any event. whether the subscriptions warrant an organization or not, and it is earnestly desired to have all interested in base ball present. Tne subscribers especially are asked to be in attendance. Secre tary Doran will be present and explain minutely the plans for the season. JOHN H0LLOWAY DEAD. Well Known Colored Mas Serf fered Severe Stroke of Paralysis frost Which He Qalctly Died, John Holloway. one of the best known colored residents of the city and for the past seven or eight years a clerk at the Wilmington postoffice. died last nisrnt about 10:30 o'clock at his home, No. 810 North Seventh street, as the result of a paralytic strokej wjiich he suffered about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon as he was coming on Fourth near Walnut street from his home to repDrt for duty at the postoffice, where during recent years he has had night work to perform. ' The stroke was sudden and he im mediately fell prostrate to the street and was conscious but for a short time afterwards.- A colored funeral pro cession was passing at the time and several persons observed the trpuble and carried him to his home, where he passed away as stated. He was recognized as being kind hearted, respectful and withal a man of more 'then-' ordinary intelligence. He was a native of Robeson eounty and was always faithful to his every duty. Prior to his service in the post- office he was employed for four or five years as a railway mail clerk and al ways stood well with the department. He had amassed a competency ior his wants and besides owning several intB of real estate in the city he bad a farm in Columbus county near White ville. He leaves a wife and one child. THE ASSOCIATED CHARITIES. Report of Receipts and DlshRrsemeats for the Month of Febraary. The following is a statement by the secretary, Miss.Carrie L. Price, of the I receipts and disbursments of the Asso i ciated Charities' fund for the month of February: RMwinta New Hanover county, i 9K . ruh ts If ml James I. Metts, $10; cash, $5; Bladen Street Methodist rh..M.h Sis- cash. $5Mrs. W. L. Harlow, .25; Mr. ana nn. ..11 as - eah: $25: cash. $3; First R.fi..rhnMh ftl3.15:Mrs. H. Vol- lew, $1; B. F. flail. $5: aJ. Jones, . m. T.tieila Mnrchison. $10: Qisy- ma lilies, aiu: a. xx. u. ai Edward Ahrens, $5; Mrs. M. E. Bridgers.$35; Miss Emily Bridgers, $25; Mrs. T. M.. Emerson, $10. ToUl, 9QH IK Expenses Secretary's salary, $25; ruttiorfna Kennedv ttome, sis.ou; irroeeries. $150.75; cash help, $10.50; t fo thoaa :lri need. $9.50; railroad f.- ta.40: ianitor. $2; wood. $68.40; shoes, $0 76; for the wav POSt' Total, age ana nauoaw ' WILMINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1901. C0UNTVTREfR,s EP0R1: 1 Statement of Receipts sad Disbursements of Psblic Puds for the Month of Fcbrasry. County Treasurer H. McL. Green's statement of the receipts and disburse' ments or the public funds for the month of February, as approved yes terday afternoon by the auditing com mittee of the Board of County Com missioners, all members having been present, is as follows: Receipts Balance from January. $23,636.33; property tax, $1,280.03; special tax, $569 38; marriage li censes, $17,10; back taxes, $40.68; balance from January to special fund, $3,615.41. -Total, $27.15833. Disbursements Outdoor . poor, $393 90; public bunding $233.40 f per manent road improvement, $608 13; leads' and bridges'. $102 60; station ary and advertising, $16; Superior Court,' $195 $5; Criminal Court, $19: election, $3.63; City Hospital, $250; County Home, $164 85; jail, $128 50; magistrates, $3.42; refunded taxes. $33 57;' county commissioners, $82.40; superintendent of health, $100; coro ner, $5; attorney, $50. ; elerk, $50; janitor, $15; commissions on special fund, $7.12; commissions on general fund, $52.82. Total, $3,948 08. The balance on band to the Credit of the general fund is $21,033.17, and to the special found $3,177.67. THE STRAWBERRY YIELD. Mssy Growers Are Dtsposisg of Their Crop la the Acresge The Prospect. Dr. K. Porter, of Rocky Point, was here yesterday. Speaking of the strawberry crop. Dr. Porter said that the cold snap would have little if any ill effect up3n the plant; in fact, that while it would make the season per haps a few days later, it would cause the plants not to bloom too freely and would thereby contribute to the excellence of the yield and the good of the vines. Dr. Porter says that several growers in his section have already disposed of their crops, some ot them at as high as $125 per acre, the purchaser to pay all cost of gathering, marketing, etc. Dr. Porter himself has sixty acres Of very fine berries, which he says he would not dif pose of at that figure. The purchasers are chiefly Northern commission houses, acting through their local agents, who have been driven to this BtepVby the remarkable stiff competition so familiar to all planters in the trucking belt. SECOND WARD VOTERS Met Last Night and Recommended Caodi dates for the Forthcoming Primary More than a hundred representative voters of the Second Ward met last night in the Seaboard Air Line build ing and decided to recommend as suitable persons to be voted for as Al dermen from that division of the city in the primaries Monday week, Messrs. W. C. VonGlahn and H. P. West, and executive committfemen were named as follows: Messrs. Dan'l Quin livan and Uapt. T. C. James. CoL W. J. Woodward presided over the meeting and Mr. W. O. VonGlahn acted as secretary. Tae names pro posed for Aldermen and the vote re ceived by each are as follows: H P. West, 59; Jno. Sweeney, 89; W. C VonGlahn, 52; J. I. Metts, 21, and M. W. Jacobi, 7- All of the gentlemen nominated have signified their purpose of making the race and the ohairman stated at the beginning of the meeting that, all persons participating in the same were expected to abide its de cision. PENDER SUPERIOR COURT. a. Jadge Hoke Arrived ia City Last Evening. The Hsbess Corpas Proceeding. Judge W. A. Hoke arrived in the city last evening from Burgaw, where he has-been holding Pender Superior Court, which adjourned for the term yesterday afternoon. The Btb learns that he has not yet rendered his decision in the habeas Qorpu case of P. W. Young, but will likely do so before leaving the city this afternoon. .The McNeill damage suit against the Seaboard Air Line Cjmpany and a number of other iaV teresting matters were continued Sales of Real -Estate. The following sales of property were recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds yesterday : 8usan S. Herring to Roderick .Mac Rae, property 6,6x6.5 feet on Ann street between Fifth and Sixth; considera tion, $1,500. L J. Sternberger et al., to E. J. Pol lard, property on Anderson street be tween Rankin and Miller; considers tion, $250. E. J. Pollard to Rebecca Sternber ger et al., property on Anderson street between Rankin and Miller; considers tion, $30, and another tract of prop erty in the same block from Herbert McClammr. commissioner, to L J Sternberger ; consideration, $300. The Poisooiog Csse. The Coroner's jury of inquest in the . " . j case ot tae coiorea woman nninfM wnmin nimm Aiken will assemble this morning at 11 o'clock in the grand jury room at the Oaurt House and will probably make up its' verdict and not await an analysis of the stomach, which has been refused by the State cnexnistana which upon instructions of Dr. Stokes has been forwarded to Dr. Charles Baskerville at Chapel Hill. It may .L ' that tba result I w !.- -"JiV 'T7" ; "IT; I of an analsji p ur. uasxersvuio can iu tuiinmA timi anrmff 10-uav. ' v CHAMBER COMMERCE. Forty-eighth Annual Meeting Held Yesterday . Afternoon at 3:30 O'clock. THE ELECTION OP OFFICERS. Inland Water' Way Again Tsken Up and Referred to Special Committee Cor rection of Maritime Informs tion Other Mstters. The forty-eighth annual meeting of. the - Wilmington: . Chamber-' of , C w meroe was ' held" yesterday afternoon at 2:30-ro'clock in. its rooms in the Seaboard Air Line taUdfctfttlh piat: ters of basiness' traiisa4ed liAving been, chiefly' those inetdat to the closing of the old and the entering upo the new fiscal year, . 5 .- The selection of officers for the new year was unanimous in each instance, some one of the members present hav ing been instructed upon motion to east the entire ballot of the Caamber for the nominees as follows, all of them being re elections. ' President Marcus W. Jacobi. First Vice President Thomas D. Means. Second Vice President Geo. R. French. Secretary and Treasurer Jno. L. CantwelL Executive Council F. W. Kerch- ner, u. Lu Oore, T. D. Meares and W. L. DeRosset. The motions and seconds for re-elec tion were made as follows;' Presi dent, by Capt T. D. Meares and Mr. R M. Wescott; first vioe president by CoL Walker Taylor and Mr. Geo. R. French; second vice president y Mr. R M. Wescott and Mr. JoliaaStern berger; secretary and treasurer, by Mr. R. M. -Wescott and C jL T, W. Clawson; executive committee, by CoL Walker Taylor and Mr. Stern berger. " " Upon motion of Mr. B. F. Hall and second by Capt T. D. Meares, it was ordered that the salary of the secre tary and treasurer be made $120 per year instead of $75 as heretofore. The motion prevailed and CoL Cantwell tendered his thanks to the Chamber for the compliment embraced in its adoption. President Jacobi, upon his re elec tion to a second term, responded in expression of thanks and pledged his best endeavor to the work of the or ganisation. His annual report, which was read, is as follows: f To the Officers and Members of the Chamber of commerce: Gkhtlehkn I entered uoon the duties of president of your Caamber May 3rd, realising the responsibilities of the position and desirous to do everything for the interest of our Chamber and the city, county and State in which we are so deeply in terested, and anxious to serve. Other duties nave taken mucn of my time so that I have been unable to accomplish many things desired ; among them the printing and distribu tion of a suitable illustrated book showing the importance and possibili ties of our city, pointing out some or the manv natural and other advent ages of one the most favored cities of our great country. Tne books mat we have, served a good purpose and have proven a good investment but now that we have progressed and in; creased our opportunities in many lines the statistics given are out of date and should be revised, and atten tion called to other advantages. By arrangements made we will secure these books at a very reasonable price and they will be in such shape as to ho mailed at little cost and trouble. Taink that the cost . of seeding out such data does great good, and at the same time educates our own people and prepares them to talc up Wilmington at . every opportunity. Nothing is so necessary for the suh atantiel growth of a city, like ours, than a thorough knowledge of its advantages, patriotism and determina UOn OI its oiusens lu uuk iuu wura lur it. This we must do. and cry down any disloyal citizen who claims Wil mington as his noma and re ruses to sing her praises or assist in furthering her interests. Many things of vital impoatanoe and interest to our citizens have been in quired into, considered and discussed ih our Chamber during the past 3 ear, and I feel that in a number of cases, influence for good is wielded and our people made better acquainted witn these subjects by friendly discussion and investigation. We endeavored to secure tne en campment-last Summer and think that we would nave been successful, but for lack of funds it was not held. This year we shall renew: bur efforts and, also nope to secure tne meeting of the Teachers' Assembly, and from correspondence had, think we will do so. We endorsed bill of appro priation for Philadelphia' Museum which we think is aoing a great good, advertising the manufac turers or tnis country ana exmoiting the nrodacts of competitive markets. and the class of goods used and desir ed in the countries of the world, whose business we seek. I feel that any one interested in foreign business, and our State must be, to insure and maintain an outlet for its increasing cotton products, will find it well worth investigation. We endorsed and have worked for permanent road improvements, and it is gratifying .to see work of this nature being done in our city and county; this will en hance the value of property and make our city accessable and saves large amount of money to our citizens. We made efforts to secure the re moval of the Port Royal, (3. O..) dry dock to our waters, but owing to con ditions beyond our control were un successful. Cause of removal of buoys I from slue of Frying Pan Shoals I U...tin.)l TCMnltitinna . of vm- i . un,.. -- . thy for Galveston sufferers brwarded. together with a sum of money collected for reliet The Oullom Bill enlarging the powers of the Inter State C jmrnisaioners en dorsed. We are particularly interested in this as our city can never prosper and grow commercially until we are elassed and receive' (ha rites that we aie entitled to, and that our competitive cities receive. - We do not ask for lower rates, but feel that we have shown ourselves entitled to same con- sideration and should be put on equal I SxmvnSltVTrn '7 looting ,with cities thV r anoj FISUXOJttaUiT, . . t nearer the market than our selves. Tne settlement of this great injustice and the removal of this barrier to our progress can . be accomplished if . our citizens will unitedly stand for their rights and demand , the adjust ment of these discriminations. Our Chamber passed resolutions endorsing a State Reformany for youthful crimi nals, ewhich is sadly needed. - Through the efforts of our Congressmen, Jno. D. Bellamy, and upon the recommen dation of the officers in charge of our River and. Harbor Improvement we will scure mooring , dolphins which will prove of great value to the port The depth of our channel has been in creased and vessels drawing twenty feet of water can come to our docks in safety. - We find this port is misrepreseatece in some; - marine books published here and in England and snail take steps to call the atten -tion of the publishers to same, and have errors coiTectedJIe:;vetiai j eerore our Xiegisiature. was oiscussea very fully at a special meeting, called for this purpose, and a committee ap pointed 10 go to Raleigh end endeavor to get certain thanges made. The questions of stevedores and eompsw ory pilotage were discussed andjre ferred to committees to investigatejasd report :V-; The angel ot: death hss vteited?ur ranks and removed two of our most useful members. Col. Roger Moore and James S Worth. No truer?Jmeu; ever lived. Each left the profess legacy of a good name, which J Je cherished while we endeavor To emulate their example. Oar business community will also miss the form of Mrs.' Eliza Warren who showed, by her example; that a woman can suc ceed even in the commercial world and overcome many obstacles. Reso lutions were passed and forwarded to her family. Thanking each and all for the many courtesies shown, I remain, "" You' very respectfully, & . Makctjs W. Jaoobi, President; Col. Jno. L. Cantwell, secretary and treasurer, presented his annual report which was adopted and ordered 0n file. It shows a very healthy condign of the finances of the organization and shows that 106 members are now en rolled against 105 at the time of the annual meeting last year. Capt Edgar D. Williams, Mr. H. G. Smallbones and President Jacobi were appointed upon motion of CoL Walker Taylor to gather the necessary infor mation and forward a certified copy of the same for the correction of cer tain port statistics relating to Wil mington in a marine book published at London and Liverpool by George Philip. & Son, giving the dues and charges on shipping in foreign ports "a manual of reference for the use of ship owners, ship brokers, and ship masters." The incorrectness of information and the great damage to the shipping- of the city by reason of the Incorrect "publica tion in a book Jaf su$h ' high standing' in shfiping circles, was brought to the attention of the Cham ber by Capt Williams, who read from its pages that vessels of only 16 feet could pass from Wilmington to Smithville (now Southport) and from Smithville to sea, vessels of only 18 feet draft while under the head of "Charleston" it is stated that vessels of from 22 to 24 feet can pass ia and out with safety, aapt Williams ex plained that upon the information in the book all charters are made and it is readily seen that great injustice was being done this city. The port charges are also given at much in advance of the actual figures now in vogue here. Capt J. W. Harper was unani mously elected to membership in the Chamber. The question of long distance tele phone, the revenue bill, pilotage charges, etc., were brought up, but no reports from committees to which the matters were referred were in hand. The Island Wster Way. Capt? Williams again brought to the attention of the body the necessity of some action in regard to the inland water way from New Topsail Inlet to Wilmington, mention of which has been made at length in these columns several times. CoL Walker Taylor also spoke in favor of the project and recalled from personal investigation that the plan of Capt Williams was perfectly feasible. Capt Williams presented a letter from Mr. E. S. Burwell, treasurer of the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal Ox, showing that for the year ending Dec. 31st 1900, vessels that passed through that canal were as follows: 2,049 steamers, 899 sailing vessels, 730 barges and lighters making a total of 3,758 asels of a tonnage of 330,359 tons to say nothing of 272 rafts of mill logs and piling. He also presented a letter from Mr. W. B. Brooks, Jr. , president showing that through the Lake Drummond canal during the past six months there passed 525 steamers, 273 schooners, 360 barges, 12 lighters, 25 rafts, dredges and the revenue cutter BouUeelL It was clearly drawn from these figures that similiar canals for Wilmington would add materially to its commerce and a committee consisting of - Messrs. W. E." Worth, J. A. Arringdale, Capt Edgar D. Williams and the standing Committee on Harbor, Shipping and Commerce consisting of Messrs. H. G. Smallbones, James EL Chadbourn, Jr., and Capt E. W. VanC Lucas, was instructed to take up the matter at once and try to arrange through Con gressman Bellamy for an audience with the authorities of the War De partment looking to the securing of an order to begin a survey of the work. President Jacobi stated that there was every reason to believe that Wrights ville will get the Teachers' Assembly this year ; that Prof. Q. -U. Mebane would likely be here soon to look over the field. He also stated the State Guard Encampment would likely be held, at Wrights ville if the proper en couragement ia given. . .-; Fop Whooplngr Oouffh WHOLE NO. 10,468 DO YOU CARE TO SAYE HOMEY ? If so, call at the office of the People'a Savings Bank and ob tain one of our little Home Savings Banks, which we low you. Drop your spare change in it every day and at the end of the year you will be delighted to find how much you have accumulated. DEPOSITS solicited from all persons. Interest at 4 per cent per annum. Compounded quarterly. , The People's Savings Bank, Opposite the Postoffice. Frastasat. - mar 8 a .1 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. -: Mr. E. P. BaUey left las aight Mr B, W. Wallace -has re turned from Raleigh. . Mr. J.J. Mackay, of Raleigh, is here on a visit to the family of Mr. Bam S. Ashe. Mr. R. H. Padison," agent of the Atlantic Coast Line at Tillery, N. C , is home on siek leave. P-Mn Robert E. Townsend of Wilson, who was here on a visit to his uncle, Mr. A. 5. Heide, returned home last night Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Carroll are at home at the residence of Mrs. OrreH on Dock street and not at Mrs. "Quells"' as erroneously printed yes terday. Mr. J. Keener Westbrook ia at home and wilh solicit truck con signments for Ltppmann & Co. He has closed his theatrical engagement North until next season. A Small Blase. The alarm of fire at five o'clock yes- leraay afternoon from box 31 was occasioned by a small blase on the roof of the house at 509 North Seventh street occupied by James Dry, colored, and owned by Cornelius .Sampson. The damage amounted to about $10. m m j Left for Milwaakee.. Mrs. Frederick E. Owen and daugh ter left last night for Milwaukee, Wis., where they will join Mr. Owen, who was formerly chief engineer on the Algonquin, but who Is now stationed there. Their departure is a source of mueh regret to friends j here. A Sharpie Capsized. Southport Standard. March 7th: -TW. ilia f 11 ;itTiTf r Ii,iT i terday morning fixe miles from the bar and one mile mi the beach, on her way to Shallote. No one was drowned. Capt. Milliken lost $50 in money and a part of the cargo. Capt Robinson picked them up." s The Democratic Primaries. As will be seen from the advertising columns of to day's Stab, official no tice is given of the Democratic muni cipal primaries to be held Monday week, March 18th. In case a second primary is necessary, the date has been named as Thursday, March 21st To City Subscribers. City subscribers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab office every failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such cases steps will be taken to Insure promp and regular delivery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. : The name of William uoodman will be pre sented t) the Democratic primary for the nomi nation ot Alderman lrom the Third Ward. I bespeak for him the support of all good citizens. marStf TAXPAYER. WANTED. aoo ood toriee. laborera. Apply at our Fao- W NAVA3BA GUANO COMPANY. mar 8 St POWEBS. GIBBS ti COMPANY. Kir. John H. Hanby for Alderman. Tho mint fr1nrt of M- John E HaubVnOt unmludful of thegreat s-rvice rendered to the clt seus oc Wilmington as an Alder man (uaviug given hia arson 1 attention to public matters) again place bis name before the votars of the Fourth Ward for re-election. MANY FRIENDS. marStf FOR CITY ATTORNEY. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY , ANNOUNCES THAT HE IS A CANDI -DATE FOB ELECTION TO THE OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY. WILLIAM J. BELLAMY. marStf ; A hint to The wise ! SPRINGFIELD HAHS. SPRINGFIELD HAHS. SPRINGFIELD HAUS. YOU KNOW A GOOD THING. ON BALE AX THE - Unlucky Corner. S. W. SAW marltf D. O'CONNOR, BmI Eatata Aaeat WUnslBcteni n.c DWELLINSa, STOBES AND litl V Houses and Lots for nvnasa ros riht. terms. Beuta, Taxes and laauwaee attended toprompuy. Moiyioapea , en 1 KBprorea pruperky. eovltf : TERNS OF SUBSCRIPTION.! . Ose Tavr by Bail. $s.oox 8.60$ Six Kontluv Three Keaths, 1.85 1.00 Two. Heaths, DeIlTred 8abaertbers la tae City at 45 Cata per moata. JTira. S. ABBnTRO?r, vie Praatdemt. DICK, Cashier. . , of City Primary. .. aaawa -Ktftceishenbr ciren that a Primary Kleo- . Won wlU be held aa Vondsr. Xarca the 18tb, 1901, from 7 A. at. to 7 p. nr., at the places here- . iaalVr deelnated, fer the purpose of aomln&t tag candidates ot the Dfmocrmtto party, to be voted for at the ensuing eleo ton, March 38th, for two Aldermen from aachef the respective wards of the city, and for the candidates for Msyor, and a City Executive Committee of two from eaoh Ward. . POLUKa PLACBB.: First ward Hose Heel House Ko. 1, at Fourth Street Bridge. Second Ward Old Court House. ' Third Ward-lit QlWem Lodge, on Eighth and . Princess streets. Fdorth Ward Worth's Ioe Depot, on Dock, Between Front and water streets. Fifth ward-Old Track House, Fifth and Castle streets. SECOND PBIXABY. Ia esse a second Primary shall be found nec easary, said second Primary shall be held as herein provided for the first Primary.on Thurs day, Karen 81st. 1901. 3NBFE0TOBS OF ELECTION. Vim Ward w. a. Wright, w. B. emit, w. XbWast. Beoond Ward June Love, W. W. Hodges, P. Heuuberger. Third Ward I. H. Weill, . O. Morrison, I O. 8utk4sv , - Fourth Ward-W. H. LanefjrF. Parker, W. IbDeBotset. - i' Fifth Ward-B. H. McKoy, H. t. Hewett, T. a.f.andln. BULKS FOB THE ELECTION. At this Primary Election all white men Who are Qualified electors and whs will pledge them-' selves to support the Democratic nominees lu the oomlng City E ectton, shaU be eutlUed. toj -s. vote In the said Primary. . .?iSe Beportof Primary Election shall 6e made to present City Deinooratic Executive Committee . In writing at the City Hall, together with ballots, pan lists and names of persons challenged, cause of challenged votes, whether reoeiv d or rejected, to be examined by said committee. Be turns to be made as soon as possible after close of polls, and not later than 6 A. H, March the 19th, 1901. F. A. lobd, Chairman. J AS. D. KELLET, Secretary. OFFICE OF f-LTEBK AND TBEA8T7BEB 1 Wjuohotos, m. O, March Ttn, 1901 ( This is to certify that Oie above notice of Pri mary and rates governing same, with list ot poQlnR p'aoes and Inspectors of Election, are now on Ota In this omcs in accordance with act sr Assembly. s. f. aura, ; mar8a - fgrwpsu Clerk and Treasurer. YollM r ffasMgen, Grain Shippers and General Provision Dealers. Get our prices on Grain, Oats, J In car lots or less. Our facilities are un surpassed and we guar antee satisfaction. We solicit your favors. febltfi rf THE DI8TBICT DOUBT OF THE UNITED States for the Eastern District of North Caro lina In the matter of oeorge B. McLeod. bank rupt. In Bankruptcy. To the Honorable Thomas R. Purnell, Judeof the District Court of the United Stares for the Eastern District of North Carolina. Geonre B. McLeod. of Lumberton. In th county of Robeson, and state of North Ca-ollna, in said district, respectful ly represents that on the 89th day s tld party was duly so J ads rot j r January, last past, the idgea bankra the Acts of Congresa relatibg to bankruc rruDtcv: that he h is duly surrendered all his property and rights of property, and has fully complied with all the requirements of said Acts and of the orde8of the Court tonch nz his banKruDtcy. Wherefore, he prays that he may be decreed by the Court to have a full discharge from all deDts movable asalnst his estate uudar said Bank rupt Acts, exeaot such debts as are excepted by law from such discharge. Dated this 7th day of March. A. D. 1901. GEO. B. MCLEOD, Bankrupt. OBDEB OF NOTICE THEREON. Eastern District of North Caro'ina, as.: On this 7th day of March. A, D 1901. on reading he foregoing petn ion, it is ordered by the Court that a hearing te had "pon the same on the 18th aay or. aarco, a. u iwi, oeiore tne eara uonn, at the office of the under hraed referee, in Fay ettevBie, N. in the said district, at 1 o'clock ia . tne arterroon; ana tnat notice utereoi oe published In The o rhino stak, a newspap r pnntea mine Mta aisiiict, ua uunau mown ereditors and otherpersons in interest may ap pear at the said t me and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not oegrantd. Wi seas my hand at FayetteviHe, in the said district on the 7th day or m cn. a. u.iwi. Samuel h. maobae mar 8 It Referee in Bankruptcy. Desirable Investment. We offer for sale a few New Han over County five per cent bonds. Principal and interest payable in gold. Total debt of County less than 140,000. These bonds are attractive to Trustees, Guardians and others seeking a safe investment Price on application. HUGH MacRAE & CO., Bankers, mar 8 It Wilmington, N. CL FOB ALDEBHA2T. In deference to the wishes of many friends, I hereby announce my candi dacy for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, promising, if elected, to eare for the interests of every resident of my ward and the welfare of the' city as an entirety, to the best of my ability. Respectfully yours, : 4 mar 6 tf LOUIS H. SKINNER. There Is Nothing Just as Good nor anytidng taat wm cure La Grippe, Croup, Cough and Goats as quickly aa won uooee ur TiintraenW - Mce HOTJ li Wtk I! I $296.65. - - . ' mm