F1 hpr Dally News- p.per OUTLINES. rejected the peace a him by the British. ofcredbttw tarned to y Russia denies that im.'-.j h Hamands respect- modified liv The Chinese Who"- r.. T,n? Fang delivered the F"tt ,j...t the University. L.tinn luuiv - P"" thousana ueorgia PS0, ... u anvernor of that ..rtfltion to ijioena. r Anlo-RussiaQ aispuw kin 15 May po at Chicago. inM87 -.,tom officers kill oldiersanu-- gunners Kinea oy i tt i 1 0f g howitzer shell. i:trn thnt TIMO- osioa L-flin asuis"- - .tPekinmaj 1B" " " ..-nt aree upon any ' T.an T-iin 13 Still 11Q- jijpute i ai - armed forces still confront Cnn rrfta tO the of 281 from w i.auo t"-" . i . vwinA hftVA Udowa m me o' """" i nd are auiuiujt .. hostages. Freight Lcked od the Georgia Central Uer and firemen P i -i , IrillaH Ttrtn.tr Roberts suo. ,r Elberton, Oa Ser- Ljterday in St. Pettrsburg; Ldents kiiled ana nguij oiucra Wao eS!; asrnans warships at ih Norfoltc .1 A yard are reporu. x. itrike of cioaSmaKers in imow in urn i DAndin?. buMtnus 1 ' y. markets: Money on caji at 2i2i pr cent. ; cotton middlicg uplands 8 9 16c. ; tt careiy sauj pot easy, No. 2 red 8uc f. o. b. corn spov sitauj, .1 no. Mt steady, o. 60 1 r a. nm sr. koiriia turpentine easy aiiuf VEATHE3 BEPOBT. rv An ooinri f TTI If WEATHER oURKAU, bostos, N. CM March 19. fcentnres: 8 A. Jfl., oo aegrees; , 59 degrees; maximum, 71 de- t i nr teDimum, &u aegrees; mean, w .'til for the day, 0. ; rainfall irst of the month to date, L47 ?0BECAST FOH TO UAY. laiiGTOX, March 19. For North la-Oecdsional rains Weda"1. (ssterly winds, Thursday raV rt Almanac Jlarch 20. 3 6 04 A.. M. is 6.13 P. M iLensth 12 U. 08 M. fater at Southpori . 7. 28 P. M Mjter Wilminstoa. H.56 P. M.. Teddy Roosevelt has Presi- i!a3piratioa3, the presumption he will not cavort much presiding over the Senate lest antic3 might spoil his military spirit is on top in the Xebraaka districts. Xot- Mding reports of hazing, are 400 applicants for West Bat there i3 no rush to in the U. S. Army a3 privates. t electric cab company which 'Oat a hundred vehicles on the of Chicago for the use of the had to take them oft because reeta were too rough. That TOion the company, which oneybythe venture. a said that when Mr. McKin- 8 his iannt tn tho Pomfin a he will take his Cabinet , and run hia part of the piment on wheels. A car will nP especially as a Cabinet Hanna will Dreanmahlv r?e of the train. rof Kansas beans exhibited 1 m position so captivated Jichman who bought and ate DC Wrote to thft Wn mftTi f he couldn't send him a ge of the seed, as he see how m France. they would -ae 57r.h r .. - ingress tne Kepub- f 1 Kepreseatatives to 151 P ad 8 free lances. Tn "they will Kara Kt on r.18' ! Populists, 1 Indeoen- and 2 "BHU"' Nn fiT be 7'000 aPPU ZQ1i file in Waal,!-.. Bi. ., ,to 1U the new tor k w"i " seem to be mi gw tutu the :uLU8e applicants might be for iconr ranks with a when vacan- prornot ion oteof t. ;ol u.-, " nas the largest world t ina in Je-W. , 13 builfc of Tessa 4 at ill feet high, 3,500 f.r,n . eiajj ' ---v"i out amn't 3,000,000 acres of land obaa dirt cheap. I HI ID II I II I Nf II AVI HI i I II I I I XX I II I XX I II U II f I V .umm, .v w.www v I - -a r 1 1 rfi r w ii VUl S 11 A. M rr II U JL IUa I VOL, LXVH. NO. 151. LOCAL DOTS. Mr. G. W. Britt has been ap pointed assistant baggage agent at the A. C. L. station. Cape Fear Lodge of Odd Fel lows conferred the second degree on thirteen candidates last night. In Mayor's court yesterday there were tried eight trivial cases of drunkenness and disorderly conduct. State Secretary A. G. Knebel, of the Y. M. C. A., arrived last night from Durham. He is here for the convention. Fred Johnson, colored, was arrested yesterday by Deputy Millis on a warrant charging him with re sisting an officer. Rev. J. A. B. Frye, of Con cord, N. C, has arrived in the city and is assisting with the protracted meeting at Market street M. E. church. Messrs. James Sprunt ( aud William Gilchrist, executors of the estate of the late James Walker have a notice in the advertising columns of the Stab to-day. A delightful entertainment was given last night at Fifth ward hook and ladder house by the ladies of Fifth street M. E. congregation for the benefit of the church fund. Ed. S. Battle, Esq., trustee, advertises that bids will be received until March 23rd, 1901, for the entire stock of jewelry, etc., of the late firm of Dingelhoef Bros., bankrupts, of this city . All veterans who have not re ceived crosses of honor are requested to apply at once to Capt. James I. Metts for blank applications in order that they may have them before Memorial Day. A recent Army and Navy order says "Lieutenant E. A. Anderson is detached from the American Ordnance Company's works, Bridgeport and ordered to the Solace, then to duty on Asiatic station." Attached to the northbound A. G. L. train last night were the private cars of Mr. EL. Walters and CoL Warren G. Elliott, the first named bound for Baltimore and the last named for Richmond. Auditing bills for current ex penses was the chief matter of business before last night's regular semi-monthly meeting of the city Board of Audit and Finance upon which there were in attendance Messrs. McQueen,' Biach, Wilder and McNair. An interesting game of basket ball between the "Wetzel Juniors" uedwarm; briskanW:. h J fth . . . director and secretary of the Y- M. C. A., respect ively, resulted yesterday afternoon in a victory for the "Wetzel Juniors" by a score of 12 to lO.t POLVOOFS MILLINERY 0FEN1NQ. Many Ladies Charmed Witb Superb Ex hibition of Fashion's Latest The first annual opening of Spring and Summer millinery at the store of the C. W. Polvogt Company took place yesterday and will continue from 9 o'clock this morning to o'clock this evening. This department of the Polvogt Company's mammoth establishment is in charge of Miss Minnie F. Cressler, an accomplished milliner of New York, and was thronged yesterday and last evening from 8 to 9 o clock with many Wilmington ladies who are profuse in their praise of the splendid exhibition of the new styles and fancies this season. Miss CressU r is able assisted in the millinery department by Misses Lena Styron, Macy Cox and Leila M elver. Whiskey Distillery Bankrupt. W. S. Jacksoo, whiskey distiller. Dunn.'N. C, yesterday through his ftttoruevs. McLean & Clifford, of Dunn, filed a petition in voluntary bankruDtcv in the United States Court here. The liabilities are $1,082. 80; assets $535 The creditors are: Harvey, Blair & Co, Richmond, $113. 39; F. W. Thornton, Fayetteville, $781 40; Gall-go Mills, Richmond, $96.19; Jas. D Fatton, Richmond, $91 82. Danzbters of the Confederacy. The Daughters of the Confederacy met in monthly session yesterday afternoon at the W. L. L armory Only business of a routine matter was transacted. Mrs. W. W. Parsley pre sided at the meeting and Mrs. Sarah S. James, the secretary, was also pres ent. Divine Plan of the Ares. Pilgrim Frank Draper, of the Watch tower Bible and Tract Society, of Alleghany, Pa., will deliver a lecture at the Fifth Ward hook and ladder house to night on the "Divine Plan of tho A (tab." No admission will be charged. All are invited. City Snbscribers. City subscriDers are earnestly re quested to report promptly at the Stab offlM ATerr failure of the carriers to deliver their papers. In all such case steps will be taken to Insure promp and regular aeuvery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS "ecutoe--Notice. frtiserf T-Notice. Seactrt- load Notice. Ed. 8. 5T ttle Bankrupt stock. S. H. MacRae Bankrupt notice. S. H. MacRae Bankrupt notice. 8 H. MacRae Bankrupt notice. S. J. Davis Good stock poultry. Opera House A Waif of New York, 1 irr'Trnfri I ' i 1 r, . I TERMS' OF SUBSCRIPTION.! 1 I II 11 111 fl , n Ail iV m. II V. K T II . K T M X V f,Wll "m J ri XV I & e 1 ; : ; I 1 - I A THE SECOND PRIMARY Contest Royal Between Mayor alty Candidates is Promised for the Morrow. A FIFTH WARD PROTEST. Decided Last Night Adversely to Contest antSaloons Will Close This Even. Inf at 7 O'clock Appointive Officers on the Qni Vive. If anything, interest centered about the municipal campaign is even more pronounced and intense just now than before the contest at the first primary on day before yesterday. Everybody confidently predicts that there will be a much more lively contest. though only a few officers to elect, than at the original primary on Mon day. There was no let up in the exercise of political finesse yesterday, and to day promises, even more interesting developments. The question yester day was regarding the per centage of ex Mayor Joo. J. Fowler's vote in the first primary that the two rem airi ng candidates in the field would be able to marshal at the polls to morrow. t is but fair to say that friends of each party to the mayoralty campaign were equally extravagant in claiming the strength of the body of voters in which is vested the balance of power and that the primary alone will decide it. The rules and regulations for the pri mary to-morrow are the same as on Monday and all the inspectors are re quired to be in attendance. The polls will open at 7 A. M. and close at 7 P. M, and returns will be made to the Executive Committee as before. There were many caucuses yester day between ' friends of the several candidates for subordinate offices to be chosen by the Board of Aldermen on the first Monday in April. Trading and trafficing is already being heard on the street and to those "behind the scenes" there appears to be 'as much nterest shrouding the first meeting of the "new board" as there was in the case or the primary. The average Aldermanic nominee was besieged yes terday with applicants for position and the undesirable features of the life of an Alderman began to assert them selves in fitting style. - - Pretest , Proa the Fifth. The Executive Committee last night had to deal with a protest from the Fifth ward in regard to the aldermanic nomination there. The protest was made by Mr. W. J. Reaves, who re 1 ceived in the ward SI 6 votes. He declared that Mr. W. E. Mann, the nominee declared elected by the Exec utive Committee, having received 3S0 votes, was not entitled to his seat, from the fact that half a dozen or more of the votes received by him were chal- enged, and that the challenges were duly sustained. He asked that a second primary be held to determine a choice between the two. His protest was read at the meeting, but Mr. Reaves was not present to represent his case and after waiting an hour, upon motion of Mr. J. G. L. Gieschen, the protest was dismissed. Mr. Mann was present with his attor ney, ueroert ALcuiammy, issq , out the esse was not gone into and the action above was unanimously taken, every member of the committee being present. Saloons Close This Evening. As will be seen in an official an nouncement in another column of the Stab, Mayor Waddell orders that all bar-rooms in the city must close at 7 o'clock this evening and remain closed until Friday morning at 7 o'clock, in accordance with the law governing such cases, which provides that all such places must be closed twelve hours prior to and after the holding of the primary. This law also applies to the election to-morrow WITH THE NAVAL RESERVES. Elected Lieutenant Chase Commander of Division and J. J. Blair to Vacancy Caused by Promotion. Pursuant to orders received y ester day from Capt. H. H. Mcllhenny, commanding the North Naval Brigade, the Wilmington Division of Reserves, after recular drill last night, held a meeting at which Lieut. H. M. Chase, Junior Grade, was chosen to succeed Lieut. A. B. Skelding, Senior Grade, commanding the division, and Mr. John Jay Blair, was chosen Lieuten ant. Junior Grade to succeed Mr. Chase promoted. Both elections were unanimous and upon announcement of the result by Secretary Charles . E. McMillan there were enthusiastic cheers for the new officers. The election of an Ensiarn was de- lftel in order but UDOn motion it was deferred to a subsequent meeting At the meeting Mr. S. K . DeVaney presided and Mr. McMillan wasjpresent in his official capacity. The Dlvisson had a very interesting competitive drill before the meeting conducted by Mr. Chase who is a geniiemen wen ersed in military affairs and emi nently popular wifh members of -the Division. Pettv officers will be announced next Tuesdav night when it is hoped ih.m will be a full attendance of members, Do you want to see a grand sight! Then go to Rehder's. Tnursday and Friday. ' For Whooping Cough use CHENEY'S EX PECTORANT. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, BRUNSWICK SUPERIOR COURT. Term Adjourned Yesterday AfternoonNo Suits of Importance Were Heard. Brunswick Superior Court adjourned yesterday after a two day's session. Judge Fred Moore presiding. Messrs. Herbert McClammy, L. V. Grady, R. Grady, A. J. Marshall and John H. Gore, Jr., Esqs., and Solicitor C. M McLean came up to the citv on the steamer Wilmington yesterday after noon. There were no important cases tried at this term, and the proceedings were totally devoid of interest. At the be ginning of the term there was not a single prisoner in the jail, and all portant civil suits were continued. Among the 'latter were the famous Green Swamp cases, involving about i,000 acres of real estate, and the case F. M. Moore vs. Navassa Guano Company, the continuance of which M heard in chambers here Saturdav night - ... Judge Moore and the Wilmington attorneys in attendance upon the' court are expected to come up to the city to day. THE JOINT MEETINQ OP PYTHIANS. Preparations Complete for Most Enjoyable Lodge Paection This Evening. Pythian interest in Wilmington is centered to day inx the joint meeting of the four lodges of the city as the special guests to-night of Jefferson Lodge, No. 61. This event will be the second of the series .of monthly meetings recently arranged and promises to be one fraught with much pleasure and overflowing with good fellowship. Mr. E. H. Munson will be master of ceremonies and Mr. G. W. Branch assistant. The committee of ar ran fire men ts consists of Capt J. C. Morri son, CoL W. J. Woodward, Dr. J. N. Johnson, Messrs. A. S. Holden. R. 8. Collins and H. E. Bonitz. The address of the evening will be delivered by Dr. J. N. Johnson and another feature of the occasion will be a visit to the lodge by Mr. J. Robert Jordan, State organizer and an imper sonator of splendid ability. He ar- ived last evening and will accompany Col. W. J. Woodward and his team for the institution of the new. lodge at Clarkton Thursday. N C TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY. Profs. C. H. MebaaQaud J. A. Holt Will Be Here To-day. Professors C. H. Mebane and J. A. Holt, both prominent officials and members of tbe executive committee of the North Carolina Teachers' As sembJy, which it is hoped will hold its annual meeting et Wrightsville Beach this Summer, will arrive in Wilmington on the Seaboard Air Line train to day at noon and will be taken to the beach to look over the Geld and and ascertain the relative desirability of the place for the convention with other points that are making efforts for the big gathering. Mr. Jos. H. Hinton, proprietor of the Seashore Hotel, which is now un dergoing enlargement and material improvement, will take the visitors in charge and will do all he can in tne way of influencing these prominent educators to bring the teachers here. In this effort he should have the heartiest support of every citizen in terested in Wilmington and its favor ite seaside resorts. CAPTAIN WILLEY HAS RETURNED. Arrived Last Evening and Will Qo in Com mand of His Ship To-day. Capt. Owen 8. WUley, in command Of the U. 8. revenue cutter Algonquin stationed at this port, arrived in the city last eviing from Washington, D. C, where he has been spending several months under treatment by specialists for an affection of the ear which gave him great trouble during the lajt weeks spent in Wilmington immediately preceding his departure. The friends of Capt Willey were re joiced to see him again much improved and in good spirits. He will go aboard his ship to-day and will ac company her on its cruise. Capt. Hiwison, of the revenue cut ter Boutwell stationed at Newbern, who has been in command of the Al gonquin during Capt. Willey's ab sence, will likely return to his regular post to day. He has made many friends here, who will note his depart ure with regret. THE LAST SAD RITES Performed Over the Remains of the Late Mrs. Oscar Pearaall Yesterday. The obsequies of the lamented Mrs. Oscar Pearsall, whose sad death oc curred Monday morning at her late home at Fernside, in East Wilming ton. were held yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock from St Andrew's Presby terian church, of which the deceased was- a faithful member. Rev. A D. McClure conducted the services. The remains were tenderly laid to rest in Oakdale cemetery and the mound was covered with beautiful flowers which bore testimony of the-high regard and esteem in which she was held by all who knew her. The following gentlemen were pall bearers: Honorary, Drs. D. W. Bulluck and W. J. Love, and Messrs. B. G. Worth and R. J. Jones; active, Capt R. W. Price, Messrs. G. . J. Boney, W. H. Price, R. W. Hicks, J. O. Stevenson and J. E. Crow. Beautiful hats, sweet music, lovely decorations at Rehder's Thursday and Friday. - IMPEACHMENT TRIAL. The Prolonged Cross Examination of Chief Justices Furches Concluded. JUDQE DOUGLAS ON THE STAND Number of Witness as to Cbaractor Testify Supreme Court Decisions. Tbe Martin Defalcation No Farther Discrepancies. Special Star Correspondence.' Raleigh, N. O, March 19. The examination of the books of the State treasurer and their comparison with the books of the State's prison with view to ascertaining the amount of the defalcations of Major W. H. Mar tin, institutional clerk under ex-State Tireajsure JKJEL Worth, .wijlcom menceAo-dayv The examination will y the special legislative commit tee consisting of Senator Arrington and Representees Winston and Shan nonhouse. State Treasurer Worth told me this morning that no further discrepancies in the books have been found since the arrest of Martin last week. Mr. Lacy and his clerks made some further in vestigation yesterday. He does not think the defalcation will amount to very much if any, more than has already been discovered, about $1,000 That is the difference apparent in he State's pruon accounts in the treasurer's office and those at the prison. Taere is no other institution that would offer tbe opportunity for tampering with accounts that the State's prison does, for the reason that no other institution has fluctuating accounts like the prison, there bein constant income from the institu tion as well as a standing appropria tion, thereby complicating accounts so that the clerk would have an oppor tunity to cover up his embezzlements until a careful and detailed investiga tion is made. None of the other institutions have fluctuating accounts, and the records show at a glance what the financial standing of the institu tions are as compared with the appro priations in tbe hands of the treasurer. iapectal star Telegram. The Impeachment Trial. Raleigh, N. C, March 19. During today's session of the Court of Im peachment the cross-examination of Chief Justice Furches was concluded and the testimony of Associate Justice Douglas was taken. The cross exami nation of Judge Furche$ as on yester day, was conducted by James H. Pou. It involved principally the course of tbe court in the famous office-holding cases anduhe soundness of the doctrine tbat a person appointed to office has a property right vested in both the office and tbe duties thereof, and could not be divested of the right as long as the office existed, except' for misconduct Chief Justice Furches had a ready an swer for every question, and cited pre cedents through a course of sixty years for justification of his position. At the conclusion of Judge Furches' testimony Major W. M. Bobbins, J. B. Hoi man, J. H. Hoffman and Dr. W. 8. Stephenson were introduced as witnesses to prove Judge Furches' character. All gave him the highest possible standing. Holman said Judge Furches was a strong partisan, but did not think that would sway him in judicial decisions. Major Bobbins shed tears in testifying; he had loved Furches all his life as. a man, and hated his politics. Watson was cross examining, and Robbins, in answer to a question, said Furches was no more a partisan in his politics than he (Robbins) and Watson were in theirs. Associate Justice Douglas' direct testimony was very similar to that of Furches. His cross examination by Watson was very rigid, involving all manner of questions of law. The only notable feature was that Douglas ad mitted that according to his ruling in White's case the Legislature could elect a. man to an office for forty years or life, and he would have a vested right that could only be annulled by abolishing the office and its duties. To morrow Associate Justice Mont gomery will take the witness stand. - . Supreme Court. - Cises in the Seventh district were disposed of by the Supreme Court to day : Koch vs. Porter, certiorari issued and case continued; Lehew vs. Hew ett, case to be submitted under rule 12, if counsel desire; Carter vs. W. & W. Railroad Company, continued; Barrett vs McCrimmen, argued by Seawell and Burns for plaintiff; Knight vs. Hatfield, continued; Broadfoot vs. Fayetteville (two ap peals), put at end of docket by consent; McDougald vs. Town of Lumberton, motion to affirm judgment argued; Dunham vs. Andrews, put at end jof docket EXHIBITION QAME SATURDAY. Delegates to Y. M. C. A. Convention Will Be Treated to Basket Ball Contest. The basket ball game at the City Hall last night between the Young Men's and Boys' Brigade teams resulted in a victory for the former by a score of 26 to 13. Following is a line up of the teams. Young Men's Davis, E., Davis, L , Sweeney. Hopkins and Gore. Boys' Brigade Dosher, A., Irving, Loughlin, Dosher, W., and Peck. The regular officials, with Dr. Wet zel as referee, were present. Saturday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the City Hall an exhibition game will be played between the Naval Reserves and Boys' Brigade. The game will be complimentary to the delegates to the Y. UL C. A. convention and no ad mission fee will be - charged. The public is cordially invited. . Don't fail to visit day and Friday. Rehder's Thurs- 1901. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. W. F. English, of Mount OJjjve, wsEs here yesterday. Mr. J. C. Nixon, of Topsail Sound, was in the city yesterday. The Star regrets to note the serionsjllness of Miss Jennie Bur- bank. Mr. A. E. White, of Lumber- ton, N. C, was an arrival at The Orton yesterday. - Mr. J. H. Currie, of Fayette ville, paid his respects to the Star sanctum yesterday. Mr. C. C,. Lyon, of Elizabeth- town, was here yesterday accompanied by his wife. They were guests at The Orton. Postoffice Inspector Jere Con nolly arrived in the city last even- ng from Washington where he tpsnt St Patrick's Day. - Mr JfuLypn, of Elizabeth- town, and H. L. Hinson, of Kenans- ville, were arrival at The Orton yes terday evening. Mr. W. J. Waren, one of the clever Southern Express Company route agents came down to the city from Fayetteville yesterday. Mr. Thos. H.' Goethe and wife, Mr. W. L. Harris and wife and Mr. Dow McLean, of Washington, D. C ,. were in the city yesterday en route South. Capt. C. C. Morse, of South- port was in the city yesterday. He has recently returned with his family to South port after a short residence in in Wilmington. S plendid Lecturer. Dr. William E. Hall deliehted a large and cultured audience at the Y. I. C. A. last night with bis lecture. The Travels of the Fool Killer." The lecture was in every way one of the strongest delivered by him since his arrival in the city and everybody present was highly pleased with his splendid effort. His closing remarks were on "lovp," and "scatter seeds of kindness." He thauked the people for the many courtesies shown him while here and said he would always cherish their memories. Hibernian Society Officers. The Hibernian Benevolent Society has elected officers for the ensuing year aa follows: President Thos. Quinlivan. Vice President Wm. Flanagan. Secretary F. P. Donlan. Treasurer James Allen. Standard Bearer Thos. Murrin. "A Waif of New York." The Una Clayton Company pre sented the comedy drama, "The Little Detective," to a very good audience at the Opera House last night. To night the sterling drama, "A Waif of New York," will be the bill. There will be a matinee Saturday at 3 o'clock P. M, when eacWchiiii will be given a present, and the prices will be 10 and 20 cents. Ten dollars in gold will be given away Saturday. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NO ICE. Until further notice tbe trains on the Wil mington Seacoast Railroad will not go to Ocean View, except on Sundays. R. O. GRAKT, mar SO it Superintendent. BERRY CRATES. BEST IN THE WORLD. BUY THEM AND TRY THEM CAR LOAD ORDERS FROM RESPONSIBLE PARTIES PROMPTLY FILLED A. F. JOHNSON & SON, mar 14 2 w Clinton, N. C. TO-NIGHT. UNA CLAYTON CO., in the sensational drama A WAIF OF NEW YORK. Prices 10, 20 and 0 cents. MATINEE SATURDAY at 3 P. M. Prices 10 and 30 cents. mar 80 It L WHEN YOU WANT KISSES, OYSTER PATTIES, M0RENGS, CHARLOTTE RUSSE, OR ANY KIND OF FANCY CAKES FOR BIRTHDAY OR CARD PARTIES, CALL ON US AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE. WARREN'S STEAM BAKERY 22 North Front street. P. R. MOLASSES. $491.46 ia Choice-P. R. Molasses. $810.10 in Good P. R. Molasses. $248.14 in Fair P. R. Molasses. $18? 00 in Good N. O. Molaases. $110,40 in Fair N. O. Molasses. $ 1 0 1.00 in Black Strap. $186 SO in D. D. Syrup. $110.11 ia Pecan Syrup. $141.00 in lOe Can Syrup. Tell as quantity and terms wanted. We do tne rest W. B.C00PER, Wholesale Grocer, 306, 810. 812 Natt street, Wilmington. N. O. mar 17 tf There Is Nothing Just as Good nor anvthlnir that will enre La Ortnne. Oronp, Oough and Colds as quickly as Bice's Goose Grease Liniment. No nov 18 0m BOIES WHOLE NO. 10,478 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For once just consider what these four words mean for you. They mean that we have no losses from bad accounts; no high priced bookkeeper to pay, and no expense for collecting. This ail means we do business with less expense than is possible with a credit business, and that we can and will save you from 20 to SO per cent on all Goods bought from us. New Spring Goods Just In. Piqaes, Organdies, Percales, Cnambrays. GlnKhams, Lawn, Dimities. SUks, Laces, Embroideries, Children, Youth's ana Men's Salts. Sailor Hats, Shoes, Oxfords, etc., etc. We cannot mention one-tenth the Goods we have, bat wHh you to ca'l and we will take pleasure in showing you cur stock. Bargains, Bargains, Bargains. mar 17 tf 115 and 117 Princess street. Old Glory and War Eagle CHEROOTS Are among the best Cheroots on the market ana we are agents ror wiimingtOD territory. rry mem. iso 1,656 Eegi Nails and more com ing. 450 Bag; Shot. 500 Boxes Soap. Several splendid deals on this article. Two thousand Ban els Flour. Fifty thousand Pounds Meat. Get oar prices. D. L. GORE CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS, mar 3 tf Wllmlntcton. N. C. REASONABLE GOODS MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese, MartiD's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties. SALT. A GENERAL LINE OF CASE GOOD8 IN DEMAND AT THIS 8EA80N. Sole agents for ROB ROY FLOUR. UcMIR & PEARSALL sen . TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED A" States for the Eastern District of North Caro lina. In the matter of B J. SaDderlln, bank rapt. In Bankruptcy. To the Honorable Thomas k. rumen, jucweonne uiainci tjoun oi m United States for tbe Eastern District of North Carolina. B. J. sanaerlln. of Clarkton In the county of Bladen, and State of North Carolina. In said district, res oect fully reoresents that on the 18th day of January, last pas,t, the sra party was amy nojaagea DanKrupinnaer ineACT-soi uonereea reiauoe to oanKrupicy; that he his duly surrendered all his Dronert.v ana runts oi property, ana nas ruuy compnea with all the requirements of said Acts and of the orders of the Court touch nz his bankruDtcv. Wherefore, he prays that he may be decreed by the Court to have a full discharge from all debts proyaoie against ms estate uoaer saia uanx- rupt acts, except sucn aeDts as are exceptea Dy law rrom sacn aiscnarge. Datea tnis ltftn aay oi narcn. a. v. iwi. B. J. 8ANDEBLIN, Bankrupt. ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. Eastern District of North Carolina, si On this 18th day of March. A. D. 1901. on readlne the foregoing petition, it is ordered by the Court that a bearing be had nrton the same on the 1st day of inril. A. D. 1901. before, tne saia court. at the office of the undersigned referee in Fay etteville, N. O., in the said district, at 1 o'clock in tne anernoon; ana taat notice tnereoi ue nuDiisnea in the morning btar. a newspaper printed in the said district, and that all known c realtors, ana oiner persons in interest may aDDeiT at tne saia time ana piace ana snow cus& any they have, why the prayer of the saia petitioner snoaiu not ue granteu. - witness my nana at ayettevme. in tne saia aistnciMn tneietnaayoi narcn, a. u. laut. BAHUEL H. HAGBAK, .mar 20 'Ar Referee in Bankruptcy, TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED X States for the Eastern District of north Caro lina, in the matter or w. u. xnom-fon. sank rupt. In Bankruptcy. To the Honorable Thomas R. Purnel), Jadge of the District Court of tbe unitea states ror tne nwiern uistnct oi norm Carolina: W. O. Thompson, of Lumberton, tn the conntv of Robason. and 8tate or North Carolina, in said district, respectfully repre sents that oi the 3 let day of January last pt, th said party was duly adjudged bankrupt uoaer tne Acts oi uongrres relating to oana ruptcy; tbat he has duly f urrendered all his nroriertv and rights of pronerty and has fullv complied with all the requirements of said Acts and of the Orders of tne Court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore, he prays that be may be decreed by the Court to have a full discharge from all debts orovable against bis estate un der 83id bankrupt Acts, except such debts as are exceptea oy law irom sncn aiscnarge. Dated this 14th day of March, A. D. 1901. w. o. THOMPSON, Bankrupt ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. Eastern District of North Carolina, ss : On this 18th day of March, A. D. 1901, on reaalng tne roregoing petition, it is oraereu oj tne uoart that a hearing li e had upon the same on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1901, before tbe eald Court, at tne omce oi tne uuueraucneu raieroe, iu r y- Attaviiia. K. O.. in the said district, at 1 o'clock In tbe afternoon; and that notice thereof be puDiisneam thk morning btab, a newspaptr printed tn the said olstrlct, and that all known creditors and other persons in Interest may ap pear at tne saia t me ana piace ana buow cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. Witness my hand at Fayetteville, in the said district on the istn aay or jnarcn, a. v. iwu. SAMUEL H. MACRAE, mar SO It Referee In Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States, ror the Eastern District or North Caro lina, in tne matter oi r rans uouga, oans rnnt. in Bankruptcy. To the creditors of Frank Gongh. of Lumberton. la the county of Bobeson, in said Dlstr'ct, bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on the 18th day of January, A. D 1901- the said Frank Goagh war dulv ad- Judged a bankrupt; and that the first meeting of i s creditors will be teld at the office of the un dersigned Reftree in Bankrnptry in Fayette ville, m said district, on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1901. at 1 o'clock In the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove theiry claims, appoint a trustee, examine tne dubh rupt and transact such other business as may properiy come neioretne saia meeting. SAMUaL H. MACRAE. Beteree in saoKrnptcy. Fayetteville, N. O .March 18th, 1901. mar 20 It The Barber Shop. ' It makes no difference whether the weather Is hot or cjld. Ton need a nice, clean, easy Shave all the same. we cut ban-, too, as wen as shampoo. . GtJION a DAVIS, 7 Boom Front street, p. 8. Brush tbe gentleman eavapu. WS8tf 17e Sell to Cash One Tear, by Mail, $6.00 Six Months " 8.60 i ! Three Month. 1.25 ' Twe Months, 1,00 Delivered, to Subscriber in the r mv m ft AH fl.nf. m O NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SECOND PRIMARY. NSPECTORS TAKE NOTICE. By order of the City Demo cratic Executive Committee, in ac cordance with Section 9 of the Act to amend the City Charter, a second primary "election is hereby called on THURSDAY, MARCH 21ST, 1901, for Mayor in each ward, one Alder man in Third Ward, one Executive Committeeman each in the Fourth and Fifth Wards. Polls open from 7 A. M. till 7 P. M. Candidates to be voted for: Mayor A. M. Waddell and W. E. Springer. Aldermen for Third Ward E. F. Johnson and W. E. Perdew. Executive Committee, Fourth; Ward N. F. Parker and W. A. French, Jr. , Executive Committee, Fifth Ward S. J. Bryant and J. P. Mont gomery. F. A. LORD, Chairman. J. D. KELLEY, Sec'y. mar 19 2t (Dispatch copy) Those Desiring Good Stoek of Poultry. will do well to call at Davis' Livery Stables and inspect his Poultry yards. We can furnish Eggs for setting, from the following different oreea oi d'owib. Buff Cochin, Barred Plymouth Bocks, Yellow and White, and Brown Leghorns, Black Minor ca, and White Plymouth Rcks. GAME War-Horse, Dock Wing Grays, Brown Hennles and Flurry-eyed. iu(J&.- macs: uaynga, wnite reKing ana White Muses ro. OB SB Poland Geese. pigeons or all kinds. PEAFOWLS. S. J. DAVIS, 803-810 Market street. mar 0 tf Both 'Phones 194. Yollers & Hashagen. PROVISIONS. WE HAVE A FEW CAR LOADS ' White and Mixed Corn and Oats. Bought below the present prices and buyers can get our prices to their advantage. Sold in car loads and less. You can buy trust goods from anybody but you can't buy Cuban Blossom, Reaoi n, Topical Twist from save us. We guarantee sale. We guarantee them the most popular Cigar, and if the goods are not all we say they are we take them back at retail prices. Sold in all kinds of stores, mariotf NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that, in ac cordance with the requirements of the law, all places wherein intoxicating liquor is sold must be closed for twelve hours prior to, and after the primary election to be held in this city on Thursday next, March 21st. -Such places, therefore, must be closea from t Wednesday night at 7 o'clock until Friday morning at 7 o'clock. A. M. WADDELL, mar 20 It Mayor. Toftfot Having been notified that a second primary is required in Third Ward for Aldermen, I respectfully solicit the support of the voters, promising to represent the interests of my constituents to the best of my ability if elected. . Respectfully, WM. E. PERDEW. mar 19 8t BANKRUPT STOCK. . Bids will be receivpd until March 23rd, 1901, on entire stock of Jewelry, Watches, &c, of Dingle hoef Bros., Bankrupts. For information or inspection of stock apply to ED. S. BATTLE, mar 20 It Trustee. Executors' Notice., Hvinv finalised as Executors of Ji Wa ker, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against his estate to present the same to us on or be'ore tne Stth day of March, A. D. 1902. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thlr recovery. . TtasMarch 19th, gpyrjKT WILLIAM GILCHRIST. - Executors of James Walker, aaceasea. ' - mar so M ire I 3 I 1 eisoWM 5. ; i

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