' - - -I - V - - I - 1 - - " - - - . .. r .1 RnflS-ri"' ' X ". Than That 1 C?' J.., fflormtffl man w - - a I I1H IIU1 f filing Jefferson nuici -i in i r. W,0B.U' ' -..ed by a de- nniva. A ,u. is SUD- b Dee":-T Issues .',nment and :the'' L i-rJ IT become more acute. Konthe University F .oat ftCtlVl DUHL ie in Yokahoma; possi- war ircci Line steamer ..j.tCrftinD'sshipjard. catu" m; for oil pth of 800 feet, me M8pi --. Wiinston a ' ! in the regular army. rsv loss 2u.- The British are clearing f everything; all crop3 fctton mills in Fall River Two Rus- at Chemulpo. A a XT UjpS im' I., and tWO children lost ijgtenemeni Receipts oi ni , Jnah for the pear closed show an mcrewo ared with the year pre- If ports tQeictreoan t2je2 per cmt jcotion- ilinu uplands 8 3-lbc ; nour Md moderately acuve iur us; wheal sp". corn -spot strong, no. spot steady. No 3 32c; spirits turpentine quiet. ATHER REPORT. De?t of Agriculture, i Weather bureau, Ures: 3 A. Mr, 51 degrees; 64 degrees: maximum, 57 de- imam, 40 degrees; mean, 64 I for the day, T, ; rainfall of the moath to date, d.ya SECA3T FOR TO DAY. taws, March 30. For North Occasional rain Sunday; brisk north to east winds. brobably fair. Alatn&c March 31. 5 43 A.. M 6 21 P. M 12 H. 30 M. i 40 A M 7 10 A. M bzth at Soaihport. bar Wilaiiiigotn 1300,000 cotton mill is to ,t Athens, Ga., to be run generated at Tallusee ight miles distant. anti-cigarette solon in the a Legislature who has in- ill punishing by a 50 one who sell3 or offers to pes any one a cigarette or paper, or anything out of igarette may be made, has it up with a clincher which sjo'j nne on any person . -r. ft poking a cigarette. St Loui3 principally objects pt matter of the Chicago Chicago sluicing her typhoid ber. As proof that this is sue a steady and large in- typhoid, cases is reported opening of the Chicaeo St Lonia doubtless thinks "er use to make of tha riTer water would be to Ofto sell it to the farmers pre. raMn't V. . ue surprising tnat a fing the distingniahedTiame Washington AH of est Virginia, has ar- ieat oi marrvme Pomen, before he reached 01 5 years, all of whom am one. Hp K within twelve vu& ait bUlB ft,4 .. .. f u 10 lt poor house. His a a girl of ?4 years. who died a f days X. Y.. had con- lupiea af?a not. story Q was therefore 3 in the Putting hpr monfiv and r'wnel and hanmcr it m . . . "Ttu on thp mK o . . r er wind a,j tutlb 111 Visitor l i i,jr uurgiars, Constant U 4 truthfully tell them 00 money or jewels in the aottetimp3 uj , M ii UttU Beerai .iji.i " "A iuem in 'onlent of the Atlanta vered a ilenbo! five-year-old Stir. -,Ilulueriora county, rn . . "no 13 nna.t. 11 1 i Lnp ffrATOm of the boy ia nothing Headland all m bon e. ,nt i8 said to be fio pounds. L "1 pound, for body, leg, a is l frail J pound head not sur- 8hould find it 1 i 10 -arry aronni j , . uupre- : ii ii in ia j n v m m mm mm am . : - imm.' arm mmi ibw mm mm m r. i a. A I - I A VOL. LXVHI. NO. 8. LOCAL DOTS. To-day is Palm Sunday, beginning of Holy Week. the Tne next attraction at the Opera House is Quo Vadis" on Mon day evening, April 8th. A new private car for General Manager John R. Kenly, of thevA. C. L., is being built in the shops here. . , As to-day is the last day of Winter cruising, the Algonquin will probably arrive in port this morning. During the month of Maroh marriage licenses were issued to seven white couples and seventeen colored eouples. -Secretary W. W. Turner, of the Y.M.O. A., will sneak at Immanuel fresbytenan church to-night at 8 o'clock. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the People's Saving Bank will be held Monday afternoon at 3:45 o'clock. Seven young ladies will be confirmed at St. Paul's Lutheran. church this morning- at the usual hour for services. The matter of securing a char ter for the organization will be taken up at Tuesday night's meeting of the Royal Grand Bouncers. State Secretary A.. G. Knebel will speak to men at the Y. M. C. A. at 5 o'clock this afternoon. All men are cordially invited to attend. There will be a meeting of the Board of Directors of the United Charities Association April 1st, at 3 P. &L, atChesnut Street Presbyterian church. The, union meeting of the Eastern Baptist Association is being held at Jacksonville, N. C. An invi tation will be extended for the next meeting to be held in Wilmington. Rev. u. W. Kegley, of Wythe ville, Va , writes that he is yet unde cided as to whether he will accept the call recently extended by St. Ma'S thew's Lutheran church, of this city. Rev. W. H. Tomlins, of Fay etteville, will preach this morning and evening at St. Paul's Episcopal church. Rev. Mr. Tomlins will con duct the services at 8L Paul's during the coming month. All arrangemennts are now complete for the Old Maids' Conven tion under the direction , of Alma L. Dunkel to be given at the Opera House Friday, April 19th, under the auspi ces of the Daughters of the Confed eracy. The annual meeting of Cape Fear Camp, No. 254, U. C. V., will be held Monday night at 8 o'clock at the W. L. L armory. The election of officers will take place and it is ear nestly desired that tffere shall be a large attendance. Mr. I. Shrier will have erected within the next few months a hand some modern residence on tne vacant lot which he has recently bought on Fourth street between Princess and Chesnut. The residence will be com pleted about September 1st. The question of eternal punish ment will be discussed by members of Berean Bible Society of the Second Advent Church on Monday night The speakers are J. E Smith and B. D. Bolden for the affirmative and W. F. Brittain and C. T. Green for the negative. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Y. M. C A Piano recital. Opera House "Quo Vadjs." LegaJL Administrator's notice. N. F. Parker Discount for cash. Government Proposals wanted. Jas. T. Riley & Co. Wall plaster. M. H. Curran Your Easier suit. Taylor's Bazaar Easter millinery. S. & B. Solomon. Lower prices. People's Savings Bank Reminded. Geo. O. Gaylord Spring shopping. Vollers & Hasbagen-"8trictly in it.' J. H. Rehder & Co.-Easter goods. Bell Telephone Co: -New subscribers. Meeting Stockholders Peoples' Sav ings Bank. Busnrsss locals Wanted Unfurnished rooms. H. Cronenberg Photographs. Meeting Hanover Seaside Club. P. H Hayden Buggies, harness. Wanted Services of reliable man. MR. DAVID STRUTHCRS VERY ILL. He Was Reported as Dylnj Yesterday. Members of Family Sammoaed. i Mr. William Struthers, Mrs. J. A. Springer and other members of the family are at the bddside of Mr. David Struthers, of Grists, N. 0., near Chad- bourn, who was reported as dying yesterday afternoon. I Mr. Struthers is in the 81st year of bis age and has been in very feeble health for several months. Members of the family, who left on yesterday afternoon's train, only hoped to reach his bedside before his death. m Here For Deserters Orderly Bergeant Thos. E. Lesesne, of Company A., 17th regiment United States Infantry, is in the city under special detail to look after a number of deserters and will remain in the city about ten days. Sergent Lesesne has sen service in the Philippines under General Mac Arthur and under Gen eral Law ton and speaks1 interestingly of his experiences there. He is a native of San Francisco, yjal. Them will be no delsv in delivery nf FUt nnrahased at the Polvogt Co. during this week. Extra force at i , . s : ; . : . 1 . i 82ND ANNIVERSARY. Wilmington Odd Fellows Pre paring for a Splendid Cele bration on April 26th. ADDRESS BY COL. BRUTON, A Distinguished Member from Wilson, N. C An Elaborate Musical Prof ramme The Com mittee of Arrangement. The annual anniversary celebra tions by the Odd Fellow fraternity of Wilmington are always events of im portance and pleasure in the lodge history of the city, and judging from the arrangements now being made by an enterprising joint committee from the four branches of the order In Wil mington the eighty-second anniver sary celebration this year will be no exception to the rule. The committee has -begun prepara tions a little earlier than usual, and for this- reason no detail of the ar rangements will be neglected. The exercises will be more elaborate than in former years, and will take place on the evening of April 26th in the fnAM TTonoo nrhtok nill lu decorated for the occasion. A feature of the exercises this year will be a splendid musical programme, which will call into service some of the very best talent in the city. Mr. J. W. Fleet has been named by the committee to look after this detail of the celebration and he 'informs the Stab that this feature of the event will engage the very best vocalists in the city. Mr, A. H. Yopp will furnish the piano accompaniment, and besides the odes of the order, which will be sung according to the ritual of the order by members in attendance. there will be six other nam bers. It is Mr. Fleet's present purpose to open with a chorus, followed by a selection by a mixed quartette of male and female , voices ; this followed by a selection by a male quartette and next in their order a duet, selection by mixed quartette and closing with a chorus. The definite programme of music will be published later. The joint committee has been fortu nate this year in securing Col. John 1 F. Bruton, of Wilson, N. C. to make the address. He is an Odd Fellow of State reputation and a speaker of very fine ability. Upon a similar occasion in Wilmington seven or eight years ago he spoke and the people of the city were charmed with his address. He has not yet announced his subject but it is given out that while it will relate specially to the growth and develop ment of Odd Fellowship in America, it will be of interest to the public at large and the six hundred odd mem bers of the order in Wilmington ex tend a warm welcome to their friends to be in attendance. The officers from the four lodges of the city, who will preside at the meet ing will be named later. - Mr. W. L. 8mith is chairman and Mr. J. A. Or rell, secretary of the joint committee of arrangements and are working in dustriously to make of the event a great success. The committee of ar rangements in its entirety is as follows : Cape Fear, No. 2; W. L. 8mitb, J.W. Fleet, David LeG win ; Orion Lodge, No. 67, H. O. Craig, J. A. -Orrell, B. R Penny; Wilmington Lodge, No. 1S9. J. J. Hopkins, B. J. Jacob, W. C. Smith ; Hanover Lodge, No. 145, J. E Wood, E. F. Johnson, E. N. Penny. Serious Accidest Narrowly Averted. A dreadful accident was very nar rowly averted yesterday afternoon by the presence of mind and thorough efficiency of Motorman E. R. Mc- Gowan, of the Wilmington Street Rail way Company. As a car was passing at a rapid rate of speed up Princess street in front of the old Court House a little girl very thoughtlessly ran on the track, not seeing the approaching car, wnicn, wnen orougnt 10 a siop, was right at the little girl. Mr. Mc Go wan is one of the best men on the line and he deserves much praise for his care and presence of mind. Will Uavefl Monument. Live Oak Camp, No. 6., Woodmen of the'.World, of this city, according to its long established custom, will erect a monument over the grave of its late sovereign J. B. McDaniel, who died in Wilmington and was interred at Nawhern. his old home. The shaft will be unveiled by a large delegation of Woodmen from Wilmington, who will go to Newborn on a special train on a Sunday during the.latter part of Mav. Avery low rate of fare is ex pected to be secured on tne special train and the Woodmen expect to taae Alaweoarty of their mends on tne trip with them. Accepted a Position la Anrnsta Mr. George E. Delano, who for some Ma TTT A time has been one oi tne nwwrn Union's most valued and efficient n-.tnr in this city, left last night ti.r Aumista. Ga.. where ne on cepted a more lucrative position with the Postal Telegraph uompany. mr. n.l.nn carries with him to his new t,w,A th. haat wishes of a host ot friends. . . Lots of new Millinery at Rehder's. t TCrira force of competent trimmers t. MiiHnwrv denartment of the Pol i -rt no. Work executed with de a U m& a - j r - .... - spatch, t ThAre will be no delay in delivery Tf ata nurchasea oi mo tw" m . ii n.i a vA during this wee. . 7. - work. ; - - i WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1901. QUO VADIS EASTER MONDAY. Dramatization of Popslar Novel by That Name Will Be Seen Here at Matinee aad NIxht on April 28th. No play within the history of the modern stage has met with a greater success than "Quo Vadis," a dramat ization of the immortal novel bv that name, and no organization has pro duced this play in a more magnificent manner than the E. J. Carpenter Company, which will be seen at the Opera House on Easter Monday, for matinee and night performances. The play is one that has stirred the hearts of the Christian world, ir des cribes in a graphic manner the life of gan Rome during the reign of Nero; the downfall of the Empire; the burning of the immortal city, and (he dawn of Christianity. It ia not ny a strong sermon u U I ur f uniting dramatic interest, but a su perb scenic spectacle as well. In presenting "Quo Vadis" Mr. Carpenter is not making an experi ment rn the dramatio field. His com pany made a most extraordinary suc cess in this play last season, and comes before the public this year with a strongly augmented cast, elegant cos tumes, new scenery and a play that bis been weighed in the balance of pub ic approval and found wanting in nothing. Seats will be on sale Thursday morn ing at Gerken's at usual prices. THE NATIONAL PIANIST Qreatest of American Piano Virtuosi at Y. M. C. A. Tuesday, April 29 th. The manifestations of art are said to be addressed only to two of the human senses sight and hearing; to the sight, painting, sculpture and architecture; to the hearing, music and poetry. The role of music, it is said, is to express witn incomparable xorce tne state of the soul. The only art that can transport one into an atmosphere purely ideal and intellectual is, with out doubt, music. Its bearings upon human happiness will induce many to hear the great Sherwood at the Y. M. , A. April the 9th. As a pianist he is said to be distin guished and a genius of the broadest wine. His work is said to be a colos sal, unique, inimitable movement, which must be contemplated with the most respectful admiration, his con ception vivid andyhis portrayal ade quate. The question) was asked in New Yorkfat the M. T. N. A. Convention: 'Where will this man Sherwood stop?" Delicacy, force, brilliancy or style and endurance-are said to ba-bis. One must hear Sherwood to appre ciate the intensity of emotion that this really great artist's playing produces. From a purely artistic point of view it is said to be ravishing to the supreme degree, and as he is the national or representative American pianist, the Piano Recital Association ventures to say that the seating capacity of the auditorium will be taxed to the ut most with the throng that is anxiouly awaiting the coming of the renowned artist. AN EXCITING. FOX CHASE. CoL Morchisoa aad Oaest asd the WII- mlsftoa Fox Clnb Oat Yesterday. Col. K. M. Murchison and his guest. Mr. James Swann, of New York, yes terday joined forces with Messrs. F. T. Mills, S. J. Davis and E. H. Sneed, of the Wilmington Fox Club, and en joyed an exciting chase on Col. John Wilder Atkinson's place in Brunswick county. With material reinforce ments from. CoL Murchison's and Mr. Swann's kennels, the party mustered a pack of about 30 hounds and suc ceeded in .capturing two very fine foxes. The start was made at 4 A. M. and the last chase ended about noon. Col. Murchison and Mr. Swann returned to Orton nlantation' and others of the party returned to Wilmington. Mr. Swann will likely return home on to morrow. Seacoast Railroad Salt. Yesterday afternoon's Fayetteville Observer says: "The case of Raynor. vs. the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad for 5. 000 damages was given to the jury at 4:30 o'clock yesterday after noon. The jury remained out all night, and it was not until noon to day that they announced they had reached a verdict This verdict gave the plaintiff five hundred dollars. The defendant took an appeal to the Su preme Court" Wis Elephants. The baby elephants, members of the Famous Gentry Doe and Pony Show this season, are said to be the brightest specimens of their sort ever exhibited, In fact it is said, they are capable of going through their performance without one word of command from therinc master. Their part of the programme lasts fifteen minutes and comprises some of . the most difficult acta ever attempted by dumb animals. In addition to their brightness, they are the most docile specimens -ever seen. Very fond of children and as playful as cats. They play many jokes upon the dog and pony metn bers of the Company, such as stealing their feed, pulling the dogs' tails, and things of that sort. They were im ported direct from India by Prof. Gentry, and nursed on bottles at his farm in Indiana, until they were strong enough to go on the road with the Know. t Millinery orders given the O. W. Polvoet Go this week Will be execu ted promptly. ". t Buy your Easter goods at Rehder's. Purchase your Easter bonnet of the FolVOgt UO. Leiiyeriea mauo prompt ly. . - -: I . ' t NEW CORPORATIONS. Farmers' National Fertilizer Co. Will Erect a Mammoth Plant in Raleigh. WORTH BAGLEY MONUMENT. The State Guard-Appointment of Jodf es. Penitentiary Convicts Pardoned-The Safe Crackers Will First Be Tried at Morven. Special Star Correspondence. Raleigh. N. C, March 30. The SecreUryof State to-day chartered - the Lenoir Cotton Mill Company with $75,000 capital stock. The incorpor ators are J. D. Moore, J. O. White, CI W TT.n. M ft T;.lilfc?in tf r . r r . mi i. h. ourtaeyr rv a. donnson; xae principal place of business will be Lenoir, Caldwell county. Tne promoters of Raleigh's latest stock company, the Farmers' National fertilizer Uompany, say that- they will begin within a few weeks the erection of a mammoth plant here. Tneir capital stock is $100, 000 with the privilege of in creasing to $1,000,000; the incorpora tors are Col. J no. S. Cunningham of Person county and Messrs. Jno.. C. Drewry and N. W. West, Raleigh. Dr. D. K. Everett, treasurer of the Worth Bagley Monument Fund has received a uonauon oi xuu irom ijieui. Jno. B. Bernadow of this U. 8. cruiser Dixie. This brings the amount now on hand for the erection of monument to the brave young ensign up to $2,- 830. Practically all the 8tate Senators have left for their homes. Chief Clerk Maxwell will be here for a week or more yet preparing the report of the impeachment trial for the printers. Adjutant General B. S. Royster is issuing to-day the following gen eral order which will be of interest to members of the Wilmington military companies: "Jol. T. xx. Bain. Inspector Gen eral will, at his convenience, make the usual annual inspections of the companies and divisions of the State uuard and Naval Brigade, as re quired by law. "Me will also inspect and audit the books and accounts of the Paymaster General, and inspect and make a careful inventory of the property in charge of the Quartermaster General and Ubief of Ordnance. "The inspections of the troops will be made in heavy marching order. Timely notice of sal inspections will be given to- commandicsr officers of regiments and the Naval Brigade." ISpecial Star Telegram. Raleigh, March 30. Governor Aycock announced to day that he will appoint the judge for the Six teenth judicial district from the ex treme West, Monday. This appoint ment will be effective April 28th; all the others July 1st It is officially ahnouncedlfiat Hon: Francis D. Win ston will be commissioned Monday judge of the Second district The Governor has pardoned William Cox, a young white man of Anson county, sentenced to five years in the penitentiary for larceny September 9th. The pardon is on recommends tion of Senators Leak and Morrison and Representative Robinson. Wm. Alexander, of Mecklenburg, a life prisoner for burglary, is also par doned. He has served twelve years and is 59 years old. Manager Poe, of the Raleigh Ex press office, identified one of the safe crackers in jail at Wadesboro as a man who shadowed him here several days before the raid on the Raleigh office. They will not be brought to Raleigh for trial, as they must first answer for safe-cracking in Morven, Clio and Red 8prings. If not convicted at the first place they will be tried for the others, in order. FIRE AT LONG CREEK. Destroyed Qla Hease, Grist Mill aod Two Stores Yesterday Afteraoon Tram Railway Belnf Bailt. Mr. 8. P. Taylor, timber agent of the Angola Lumber Company, who arrived in the city last evening on the A, Sr. Y. train, told of a destruc tive fire at Long Creek, Pender county, which occurred yesterday afternoon about 1 o'clock The gin house, grist mill and store of Mr. W. W. Larkins, Clerk of the Superior Court of Pender county, was de stroyed and a vacant store adjoining belonging to Mr. J. F Bell was also burned to the around. The loss of Mr. Larkins is about $1,500 on the gin house, grist mill and store room; about $300 on goods thst were not saved from the store, and about $250 on the vacant store belonging to Mr. Bell. None of the-property was in sured, policies on the same having been recently made invalid by reason of the insolvency of the Farmers' Mutual Fire insurance Association. The origin of the fire was the furnace of the boiler of the ginning and grist plant. Mr. Taylor also informs the Stab that the Angola Lumber Company is building a tram railway from Long Creek about eight miles in the di rection of Mr. A C. Ward's plantation in Pender. Timber will be freighted to Lone Creek and sept thence to Wilmington by raft on the river. Improved Telephone Directory. The Southern Bell Telephone Com pany is distributing to its sub acribera a new telephone directory which is a marked improvement over all previous issues. The most notable features of the book are a numerical list of telephones and a classified bus iness list Millinery orders given the C. W. Polvoct Co. this week will be execu ted promptly, t Purchase your Easter bonnet of the Pojvogt Uo. Deliveries made prompt' PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. S. S. Bachelor, of Raleigh, is at The Orton. Mr. Pembroke Jones left last night for New York. Miss Janie Horne left yester day afternoon for Columbia.. George Ro'untree, Esq., re turned last night from Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood re turned to Newberry, S.: C, yesterday. Mr. Joseph Armstrong, of Horner's school, is spending a few days at home. Mr. S. M,. Taylor, of Fayette ville, was in the city yesterday on a visit to friends. Miss Beula Armstrong arrived home yesterday from ,St Mary's Col lege, Raleigh. ' Mr James H. Taylor, Jr , re turned yesterday after a pleasant visit to friends in Charlotte, Miss Pepper, of Soutbport, passed through the city yesterday on her way to Columbia The British steamer Oahlands hence, arrived yesterday at Queen s- town and proceeded to Liverpool. Mrs. C. T. Harper left last night for Baltimore, where she was called by the illness of her mother. Mrs. Zimmerman. Two or three unfurnished rooms are wanted for light house keeping. See the business local col ' umn of the Stab to day. Friends of Mr. J. 0. Bowden, No. 306 Hanover street, are glad to see him convalescent from a recent severe attack of sickness. Messrs. John H. Thompson and Fred R. Mints, of South port came up to the city yesterday afternoon to at tend the theatre, and will return this afternoon. Capt. Ci P. Bolles left last evening, returning to Washington, after several weeks spent in the city with his family recuperating from a recent illness. Fayetteville Observer, 30th: Mr. .and Mras. A. W. Dunning, of Newton, Mass., are, registered at the Lafayette to day. Mrs. Dunning was Miss Georgie B. Atkins, of Wilming ton, a niece of Mrs. W. G. Hall, of this city, and her many friends here are glad to see her." THE BASE BALL SEASON. Advance Guard of WJImlntton's Team WHI Arrive TodsyMr To-morrow. Some General League Notes. Before the middle of the week the sturdy young fellows who will com pose Wilmington's team- in the Vir ginia-North Carolina Base Ball League, will be on the home diamond and ready for a hard practice two weeks before opening of the season at Rich-n mond with three games, beginning April 15th. Manager Peschau on yes terday forwarded transportation to the several members of the team and they are expected to report as soon after re ceiving the same as possible. War ren, of Newberry, S. C, will likely be the first to report and there is a probability that he may arrive this evening or to-morrow morning. Then will come Stafford, Foreman, Dent Radcliffe and the others in quick suc cession, so that it may be sai that the entire" team will be in by Tuesday evening. Manager Peschau is very much encouraged at having Richmond to "begin upon." Her star pitcher is Hooker, of last year's Wilmington team and that fact does not strike terrow to those who watched his record here last year; in other words Hooker is regarded as "easy fruit" by the locals, and if Wilmington doesn't get the three first games with Rich mond, Manager Peschau will want to know the reason why. Upon the whole, Wilmington feels feels encouraged. Accommodation for the team was being easily secured for the home team (yesterday at private boarding places and each member will be pleasantly situated while in Wilmington. Mr. -J. R. Davis, of Wilmington, yesterday received official notice of his appointment as one of the League umpires from President Cunningham, of Norfolk, who stated that he would write him later at what point to re port on April 15th. Sales of Property. The following sales of property were recorded yesterday by the Register of. Deeds; Thomas H. Wright and wife of Portsmouth, Va., to Chas. W. Yates, the vacant lot 88x205 feet on the eastern side of Fourth street between Princess and Chesnut; consideration, $2,500. . C. W, Yates and wife to Mrs. L Shrier, one half of the lot described above; consideration $1,250, Henry P. West to Jacob J. Mohr, the house and lot on the northeast corner of Ninth and. Chesnut streets; consideration $500. The Rev. Dr. Hofue. The Rev. Richard W. Hogue, of Alabama, who was recently called to the rectorship of St James' Episcopal church, of this city, is expected to ar rive about the middle of next week and to remain in the city about fifteen days. It is expected that soon after that time he will give an answer to the '. m . . m m mm . . vestry reiauve to ms acceptance or declination of the call. . - , Extra force of competent trimmers in MUlinerydepartment of the - Pol vogt Co. work executed with de WHOLE NO. 10,488 The Biggest Business Comes to the house that best deserves it. Again J. H. REHDER A CO. is at the head ef the pre' cession. EASTEE G-OODS. A trenmenstoas stock to select from. Before Justice Fowler. Lroy Perry, colored, was . tried yesterday by J. J. Fowler. JT. Pif for assault with a deadly weapon upon another negro named Nathan Walker. He was bound over to Criminal Court and in default of bond was committed to jail. . Nathan Walker was sent to the county roads for thirty days for being guilty of disorderly con duct. Piano Recital Yesterday. The following programme was on- served at the usual Saturday after noon piano recital in Schubrt Hall yesterday at 3;30 o'clock. "Valsein G," (Helmund) by Miss Bertie Hanson ; The Erl-King," (Schubert Liszt) ; by Mr. James a Craft, "Nocturne in E Fiat," (Chdpin) by Mhvs Irene Peter ton, "Polonaise in A Flat," by Miss Elizabeth D. Burtt. Memorial Services To-night. Special services in memory of the late Emanuel Garcia, the well known boat builder, who died recently, will be held at Fifth Street M. E. Church to night beginning at 8 o'clock. The meeting will be open for remarks by those who knew of the character and worth of the deceased, but of course the services will be led by Rev. Jno. H. Hall, the pastor. Will Investigate County Affairs. The County Commissioners will meet to morrow afternoon at Z:dU o'clock. It is learned that inquiry will be made into the circumstances of the case of the negro'ady, which was allowed to remain in Federal Point township for more than a week with out interment. Left for Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Symington and Mrs. Randolph, Mrs. Symington's mother, left last night for Baltimore, their future home. They have many warm friends in Wilmington who deeply regret their departure and who wish for them abuudant success and happiness in jtheir new home. Read J. H. Rehder & Co.'s ad. t For Whooping Cough use jirirax'o xii-a.- PECTORA.NT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice to Stockholders. The annual meeting ot the stock holders of the People's Savings Bank, of Wil mington, N.O., will be held Monday, April 1st, 1901, at 8.45 P. M. F. W. ICK, mar 81 It Cashier, Administrator's Notice. e this day Qualified before the clerk of nor uourt or ew junnovei ouuiy as itor, cam testamento annexo, oi ars. 6111, deceased, and I hereby notify i indebted to her estate to mate early and alt Dersons having claims aealntt said estate to present them to me, or to my at torneys, fjellamy & Bellamy, duly authenti cated, on me before the 1st day of April. 1902. or this notice will ba pleaded In bar of their re covery. This the 23ra day of March. 1901. THOS. E. DAVIS. Administrator C. T. A. of Mrs. Mickey B. GUI. marSiet su Wilmington, N. C , Office ot the Castodlan of Mm tt r nonrt Honse and Poeteffioa. March 29vb, 1901. Sealed proposals will be received at this building until 3 o'clock P. M.. Saturday, April 6th, 1901, ior rurnisnmg ruei, ngnw, water, la mtMAllaneons suddIIbs. washlne towels. hauling ashes, and sprinkling Btreets for this h"iiins ourinsr the fiscal vear ending Jane 80, 1908, or such portion of the year as may be deemed advisable. The ht to reject any and all bids is res e rved by the reasury Department. M. C. Darby, Castodlan. su en mar u a NOTICE. The regular annual meeting of the Stock holders or the Atlantic Yacht Club will be held at the City HaU building in the City of Wil mington, N. C, on Tuesday evening, April Snd, 1901, at 8.15 P.M., and notice Is hereby aiven that a change in tne price per snare or mem bershlp fee, will be proposed . R.D.CBONLY, mar 2 St su apr 2 Secretary Banter Monday Matinee and Night QUO VADIS, The famous story of the dawn of Christianity. - A grand scenic production by a grea company. su th su mar 31 3t J AS, T. RILEY & CO., Dealers in Hard Wall Plaster, Lime, Cement. Brick, Agri ealtnral XJnte, Land Plaster, Terra Cotta and lnv the sum admlnvirt Mlcketfft. A. 11 narfSnM n&vmenL ni CttiixiiiLey Flue Pipe martttf . , , . to fr su One Tear, by Mail, $5,003 I Six month. " 8.50 ; ThreW Months, 1.85 ' ; Two months, M 1.00 ' Delivers to Subscribers In tbS City at 45 Cents per month X MILLINERY. Grandest line of Trimmed Hats at almost any price. New Sailors and Walking Hate, beautl fnl Ribbons and Flowers, 6e and upwards. No extra charge for Trimming Hats, if all the ma terial Is purchased man ns. Everything for Kaster Drees, st ttsn. Suits, Hats, Drees Goods. Silks, Shoes and Slippers, Lawn Collars, Belts, Ch&nille Ties. Bosettes, with 8plkes, Neckwear (imperial 85c). and many other bsantifnk things. 1 Hell 'Pnone 11S. Intel-State 318. Car fare paid on all purchases of $3 00 and up. mar 31 tf .- "STRICTLY IH IT." Last week we named a few fl at class dealers using the "CUBAN BLOSSOM" 5 cent Cigao? As the bast Cigar for the pries ever sold over the counter. "None In this wide world excepted." Here's a few more from up town: Wm. Niestlie. Druggist. Geo. Heyer. Grocer. H. Brunjes, Grocer. C. P. B. Mahler, Grocer. Thomas & Co., Grocers. F. P. Lamb, Grocer. J. F. Ruifs, Grocer. Geo. Schnibben, Grocer. Martin Schnibben, Grocer. Humphrey & Aman, Grocers. J. B. J. Sandlin, Grocer, H. T. Duls, Grocer. P. Mohr, Grocer. E. B. Harr. Grocer. D. Steljes, Grocer. B. H. J. Ahrens, Grocer. H. Litjen, Grocer. J. C. Walton, Grocer. Capps & Bro., Grocers. J. D. Brown, Grocer. Yollers & Hashagen, mar 81 tf BOUE BELLIN3 AGINT8. New Subscribers To tie Bell Telenhone. Please cat this oat and paste In your new Southern Bell Telephone ana Teiegrapn uompany 's uireoioi?; loaro jl March 15U1. 1901: 68S-H. J. Bennett, ea'oon and restaurant, cor ner Market and Water streets. 68 Mrs L. B. DeBoeset, residence, 810 Orange street. 685 J. o. Hlggtns, residence, 5C8 South Front s'reetu 686 James C. Sbepard, Jr., residence, 817 South Second street. 687 M. w. Divine, residence, 409 Orange street. 688 Singer Manufacturing c., machines. 14 Market street. 6&9 D. & Beaoer.reeldenoo, 114 Market street. 690 Dr. w. T. Smith, dentist, 116 Market street 691 Mrs. EvaB. Register, residence, 907 Ches nut street. . 693 Geo. Haar. grocer, corner Seventh and Chesnut streets. 693 D. M. Beaidsley, residence, 606 Church street. S6t B. P. Bailey, residence, 313 Ann street. 385 Mrs. Ij. b. Button, residence, 909 Chesnut street. , mar si it More S< WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS, 10,000 SACKS. SEED POTATOES of the BEST quality. variety and Seed Oats, Seed Rye. Fertilizers of all makes and grades. Inquiries and orfiers solicited. The Worth Co. feb28tf 10 Per Gent. Discount For Cash. Fine Goods must go to make room for Summer needs. As the spot cash price is marked in plain figures on all my goods you can figure the discount your -self. Iron Beds $3.25. ' Porch Bookers $1 IT. F. PARKER, Furniture and Furniture Novelties, 111 Market street. Bell' Phone 618. - Inter-State 421. RENOVATE YOUB MATTRESS, repair your Chairs, upholster that old Lounge, mar 12 tf PIANO RECITAL, BY WILLIAM H SHERWOOD, One of the best living Pianist. T. M. (h A., Tuesday, April 9, 8.30 P.I. Admission 50 cents. ; ' Tickets and reserved seats without extra cost at O. w. Yates'. - Box sheet open Monday, -April 8th, 7 A. M. su tulrsutu mtrSl4t One Car Load of i MATTRESSES just received. E. VL ANDBEWB, The Furniture Dealer, Ut SOUTH FRONT STREET, : - Opposite Market House. -maris tt i . j i -"-''.Vvr'.f'i v. -V: - : we lying down. work. 1