lav i. i - .sr- -Rt. - -s i - - A. I ! . LK' I 1 XI - . Than That a, - mwvnV 1 .csT , ,' .ncnrffent Governor and men, sur- chorfeftv nas oeen T7 nW Russell, April - Zion elected Mayor of plurality oi . kby? !LalHo has taken the iJne. to the United States; ff M for the present, how- ! farther investigation. HfZ nlantat Chat i k fir. Mrs. Sger found dead in bed at Ansband is charged with Wu D-rtooHincrs have i iuvvv.s- rt at New intne u. o. ----- r,t the sailine from la "to prc'" . .t.ameh n with British in South Africa; Uitt are ordered to show " f A TV af1 af - A J0!begrantea. sMr Brewer, , ; the wma was lemuo. i, replied to Japan's protest ti,e Mancnurian wuvouu to enter u floes - LsijahatairdPowerrela- jet negotiations wnn vaina. Y markets: -Honey on can tt 2i3 P?r cent. ; cotton j I shade lower; um. fi" k 2 4Sis; oats spot weaker, It; rosin quiet; spirits lurpen- Hfip'T OK AGEUCULTURB. i Weather Bureau, jsgton. N. 0.. April . .j-Uures: 8 V M . 51 degrees; 63 degrees; maximum, 63 de n j , ras tl for the day, T. ; rainfall it of the month to dite, .04 I STORM WARSI2TG. lTather Bureau issued a storm it 9.30 P. M. The storm was central over Western North moving rapidly northeast. southeast winds prevailing heipected to shift to westerly moraiag. roUCAST FOR TO-DAY. ptGTOS, ip.-il 2. For North Fair Wednesday, except rain ration; colder par the VI t&&sterly winds, brisk to MCiast, shirting to westerly; fair, with probably warmer 3 ar.d centra! portions. i Almanac April 3. 5 44 A. M.. 6 23 P. M. 12 h 37 M. 6 42 A M. 9 12 A. M h i! at South port. ter WilaiiDgotn. lorgan 13 zoinz to EuroDe ttL He is Drobablv ffoinc x o n ting tour to see what mu are for the consoli- laness over there. a to the Philadelphia pyhaTeaome jnmlo berries Some of them are as watermelon. That mav hare seen watermelons no pa respectable berry ought RJ people ought to present MptaMon Smith with some wdsome dead head season His assault on Uncle m has resuscitated it and Rabigraam the North- '.Orleans diSDatnh aava a. in the Tulane Univeraitv jiug OiXa UO ? ra' Serial abundant Ife; but what is he going :J 11 'hen he turns it out l.Ueey sajs that much of P8 8trpnirK 1 : t- am iaj m ma ren le 13 smart fpllnw whn rPlay the reticent aJ a man has ranked hitrh mouth. Then little there was in Lib 1r n lork Trihuno rlA- ,ttat Mr. Carnegie pro- name as if it were laJ gj, with the accent hit 7 name is 8isned !n) make any dif- PitU pronounced. . -tt6 tens wmer w load of corn from "'"Chant, "fit u" a"U lelC 8 and that. IT . It.,. -uul-aoout wav crih l" never did it Uut,r?,adiBed M. , dt he couldn't in't JlQ0Be Western a w rw. a 1 Use more of it. He Ptobe haWareoftbefact L "ttlfj chiTnli- 5. Stay, UJL Bap r-f & a O I TT"T -w : - VOL. LXVni.-NO. 10. LOCAL DOTS. a. license nas been issued for the marriage of Mr. E. Harrison Scott ! , ana miss j alia T. Mulford. The meeting of the Carolina Central stockholders Was postponed yesieraay unUl April 10th. Jiyota Tribe No. 5, Improved uraer or aea Men, will have several pale faces for adoption Friday night. Jefferson Lodge No. 61, K. of jr., win confer the first and third ranks at its regular meeting in Castle Hall to-night. i . m ak JLhe luneral of the late Mrs. TT 4 1 tv - luawara xxorgard will be held this morning at lOo'dockfrom St. Thomas' Uatholic Church. - People at the City Hall yester uay were oecoming accustomed to saying "Chief Furlong," VCapt. Wil liams,". "Sergeant Ward," etc., etc William Holley, colored, was tried by the Mayor yesterday on the charge of ijtworderly -eoriducV nd was sent to the county roads for twenty days. The plant for the Schlitz Brew ing Company on Water street is Bear ing completion. A similar plant to the one here is being established at Ra leigh. In a game of juvenile base ball at Eleventh and Bed Cross streets yes terday afternoon the team I captained by Master Albert Beach was victorious in a score of 33 to 7. The British steamship Briar- dale was cleared yesterday by Messrs. Heide & Co., for Charleston for a cargo. Schooner Henry R. Tilton ar rived with fertilizer material for the Carolina Central. A rumor from Fort Caswell has it that the garrison at that post will likely go into temporary encampment at South port very soon. . The reason assigned is that there are trenches to be dug on the island, which it is feared may cause sickness among the men. BALL TEAM ARRIVALS. Poor Members of Wilmisgtoa's Aggrega tion Are Now Here Others Are Ex pected To-tfay League Notes. Wilmington's base ball team in the new league received three recruits yesterday, which, with Foreman, al ready here, makes four members of the team all told that have arrived for practice. The others are expected by this evening. Those that arrived yesterday were "Tacks" Allen, who came in at 9:45 A.. M. from his home at Williamsport, Pa , and Hollywood and DeLaney. who came in last evening from New York. They are all in good shape and anxious for the fray. Allen was last year a pitcher for Wilmington in the State League, and is a man with an enviable reputation. After leaving Wilmington last year he went with Jacksonville, in the Southern League, and has been since the close of the season at Williams- port. Hollywood was last year with Mil lionaire Fieischman's team, and like DeLaney has a national reputation. All are well pleased with Wilming ton, and Wilmington is none, the less well pleased with them. Those that are expected to day are Crockett and McOinnis, of Roanoke, Va ; Stafford, of Oak Ridge, N. C; Warren, of Newberry, S. C, and Tbackera, from the north. Members oCthe team will have In divid a al practice by direction of Man ager Peschau at the City Hall to-day. Work continues to go on at the park at Hilton and-the grounds will be in good shape very soon. Nothing definite was learned yes terday as to whether the Brooklyn team would accept the inducements to come to Wilmington for games next Tuesday and Wednesday. A re ply will perhaps be received to day. i Syrians In An Affray. Three Syrians were arrested yester day morning for fighting in the vicin ity of the Front street market. Tney were arraigned before Justice Fowler and case was continued until 4 o'clock. this afternoon. William Simon, one of the number, was. charged with car ryinga concealed. weapon and was sent to jail in default of a $25 bond to make his appearance before the mag istrate this afternoon. Ordered to Alaska. Second Assistant Engineer William. V. Sullivan. Jr., of the U. 8. revenue cutter service, has been detached from the Algonquin and ordered to the Rush, at Sitka, Alaska. He will jom the Rush at 8eattle. Lieutenant Sullivan is a very popular young officer and hU many friends here regret that he has been ordered to another station. He will leave to-day or to morrow. Soutbside Baptist Church. The baptismal services appointed for to night at Soutbside Baptist church have been postponed until Sunday evening at the usual hour for services. The congregation at 8oulhside is ob serving the "Week of Prayer" this week. Services leg by the pastor, Rev. R: H. Herring, are each evening at 8 o'clock. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Hall ScPearsaIl Canned goods. S. W. Sanders Whooping 'em up. Davis Livery Stables Fine horses. Busnraas iOCXLS. N.' L. Smith Bargains. 5, U ! BS A ff B I VVl 1 1 1 T B YM II W M M 1 1 II II TV SENATOR MORTON. Honored Last Evening by His bellow Citizens of New Hanover. HIS COURSE COMMENDED. Representatives Prom Several Wards la City Called at the Residence and Publicly Thanked Him for Ac tlon In Qeneral Assembly. An enthusiastic delegation of repre sentative citizens from the several wards in the city last evening called at the residence of State Senator Geo. ii. Morton, No. 724 North Fourth street, for the purpose of giving public expression of its approval of his course in the General Assembly, just ad journed, and for the further purpose of felicitating him upon the enviable re con "made- during the"Sas8t6fl,n&ol alone for himself but for his district The delegation was ushered into the drawing room of the residence and the members of the same were hospit ably received' by Senator Morton, who bade each one welcome, Mr. Timothy Dolan acted as spokes man on behalf of of the delega tion at large and addressed Senator Morton and the as semblage in a very happy speech of congratulation. He' referred to the loyal manner in which Senator Mor ton guarded the every interest of the city and felicitated him upon his suc cess in the State legislative body. After the speech by Mr. Donlan, Sheriff Frank H. Stedman, in re sponse to calls, spoke in behalf of the Second ward, extending to Mr. Mor ton his congratulations for the caps ble and manly way in which he al ways defended the people of Wil mington, as well as the citizens of New Hanover county, whenever their interests were in question. He said that Senator Morton had been always glad at Raleigh to greet a man from his district, whether he was high or low, rich or poor, showing that he was a representative of no particular class, but was there to serve the whole people. Capt. J. M. McQowan, representing the Fifth ward, responded in a very felicitous speech, extending to Senator Morton greetings from his section of the eity and assuring him of the hearty approval by the people of his ward of his course in the State Senate. Capt. John Barry and Mr. Reuben Grant,' representatives from Mr. Mor ton's own ward the First spoke in hearty favor of the spirit of the meet ing. Messrs. Daniel Quinlivan, John H. Sweeney and Martin Newman, of the Second ward, also responded in speeches which were very timely and congratulatory to Sentor Morton. Alderman George Harriss, of the Third ward, spoke in behalf his people and the commendable course of the Senator in the Geneal Assembly. Several others of those present also made speeches and were warmly ap plauded. When responses by members of the delegation were finished Senator Morton addressed his constituents in a well chosen spech, expressing his great gratification at the Man ifestation of friendly feeling to ward him and to the many com pi i mentarv references to himself and his course in thAssembly by represent atives of&he several wards present. He said that he would always remem ber the occasion with great pleasure and that be would continue to strive to maintain the good opinion of his fellow citizens in the the city, county and district, who were so near and dear to him. His speech was punc tuated throughout with warmest applause. Messages were received from ex- Mayor John J. Fowler, Mr. H. C. McQueen, Judge E. K. Bryan, Coun ty Treasurer tx. mcd. ureen ana others, expressing their regret at not being able to be present, but assuring Senator Morton of their sympathy in the ovation. HANOVER SEASIDE CLUB. Officers for Ensuing Year Elected at An nual Meeting Last Night The principal business of public in terest transacted at the annual meet ing of the Hanover Seaside Ulub, which was held in Germania Hall last night, was the election of officers for the ensuing year. All of them were re elections as follows: President Chas. F. VonKampen. Vice President M. G, Tiencken. Secretary and Treasurer J. G. L. Gieschen. Executive Committee M. Rathjen, D. McEachern, H L Vollers and J. W. Duls. Matters relative to the club's interest during the ensuing season were dis cussed, but nothing was given out for publication. The club expects to make this the most enjoyable and successful season in its history. - Some Very Pine Stock; Mr. M. MsKinnon, of Red Springs, N. C, an experienced stock man whose reputation for fine horses is far and wide, arrived in the city yester- " day and is with Mr. S. J. Davis, the Jewell known Marketstreet liveryman. Ir. McKinnon , brought with him a Car lOaU OI Very UUO icuiuvkj uwvom that he will offer for sale within the next few days for Mr. Davis. In the lot are two or three fine matched teams, which Mr. Davis invites his friends to call and see this week. The stock is all well bred and broken and is said to be' the finest lot seen in the city this season. WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, THE PRODUCE EXCHANGE. Vnesuon of Disorganlzstion WIU be Pro posed at Annual Meeting Tuesday. Institution Should Succeed. At the annual meeting of the mem bers of the Wilmington Produce K change next Tuesday at 11 A. M., the question) of continuance or disconS tmuanceof the organization will be considered. This is substantially the notice that the secretary of the Exchange was in structed to give members as coming irom the Board of Managers, which held its last regular monthly meeting for the fiscal year in the rooms of the organization yesterday morning. In conversation with OoL Jno. L. Oantwell, the veteran secretary of the Exchange, yesterday, he said that the present membership of the body is only 87, four resignations having been lately received, and that the least number with which the organization an comiuuutf exist wiWpreseift eV- penses is 34. For the past year or more this condition has been patent and it now proposed to take some definite action in regard to continued organization or disorganization. It is confidently believed, however, that the decision of the meeting Tues day will b9 to continue and that the business men of . Wilmington will rally to the support of an institution which has been of such manifest bene fit to them for more than twenty years. It is believed that each indi vidual member will put his shoulder to the wheel,-figuratively speaking, and begin the new year next Tuesday with a larger membership than ever. Other business before the meeting of managers vesterdav was ourftlv routine and of no interest to the gen eral public. NEW WILMINGTON STORE. New York Syndicate Will Onen Un-to. Date Establishment In the City About May 15th Masonic Temple. S. H. Kress & Co., of New York, a firm operating a chain of five and ten cent stores all over the South and having buying and general offices at No. 398 Broadway, have just en tered into a five year lease with the Masonic Temple Corporation, of this city, for the store in the Temole formerly occupied by Mr. H L. Fen- nell and will onQr about May 15th open business with a large stock of goods such as is usually carried in establdhments of this character. New and up to date fixtures will be put in. making it one of the most handsome stores in the city. Mr. S. H Kress, the senior member of the .firm, and his brother, the junior member, have been in the city for several days and yesterday closed the contract with Mr. J. C. Munds secretary of the Temple Corporation. The chain of stores now operated by the firm numbers thirteen, at the following places: Memphis, Nash ville, Knoxville and Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Montgomery, Birmingham and Mobile, Ala.; Augusta, Macon and Columbus, Ga.; Houston and Dallas, Tex., and Jacksonville, Fla. "QUO VADIS" ON EASTER MONDAY. This Great Production Will be Seen at Matinee and Night. Threatre goers will be transported back to the days of togas and tyrants next Monday, April 8th when E. J. Carpenter's great production of "Quo Vadis" will be presented. This drama has met with unqualified approval from clergy, press and public, and tells the story of the Dawn of Chris tianity in a beautiful and reverent manner. The manv widelv different characters ii&tbe play makes the dra malic interest exceptionally Strong, while the scenic surroundings are said to be of-unparalleled magnificence. "Lygia," the beautiful hostage to Rome issone of the most interesting characters in that most interesting of all dramas, "Quo Vadis." The role ss played by Miss Evelyn Archer, has at tracted much favorable mention. This young actress, the daughter of a prom inent attorney of Chicago, invests the part with a pathetic grace and tender ness which can emanate only from a sincere artist and bespeaks much for Miss Archer's future. Seats on sale Thursday morning atGerkensatu&ual prices. - City Health Reports. Dr. C. T. Harper, city superinten dent of health, has made his monthly report, which .shows the following facts : Number of deaths during March, forty three, of which twenty -three were white and twenty colored. Thirty four births were reported, ten white,, and twenty-four colored. The health officers made 2,072 inspections, and 96 lime and acid orders were is sued. There were only two fumiga tions. The trash carts collected and hauled 1,129 loads to the dump. Chsrged With Murderous assault, Robert Everett and Paul Jones, both colored, were brought before Justice J. J. Fowler yesterday to answer charges against (hem for mur derous assault upon Matthew Robin son, an old negro, on the turnpike on March 23rd. The old man was found ' " Ua.5 J in an unconscious . couuiuoa sua was carried to the City Hospital. The case was continued until 3 o'clock this afternoon by request of the counsel for the defendants. For Whooping? bough USe U.Ut2aCi.Ci X '0 ; Jaia." PEOTORANT. t Y. M. C. A. INTERESTS A Special Meeting of Directors Last Night With State Sec retary Knebel. NIGHT SCHOOL EXERCISES. Had Appropriste Closlog Programme, With Address by Rev. A. D. McClure. Canvass for Subscriptions for the New Fiscal Year. A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Y. M. C. A. was held yesterday evening at 6 o'clock for the purpose of hearing a report from State Secretary A. G. Knebel. Those present were Messrs. W. L. Latta, J. T. King, P. Pearsall, W. H Sproot, Jno. Frank, C. C. Brown, J. O. Carr, W. W. Turner, A. G. Knebel and N. most encouraging held in some time The plans for raising $1,500 for the Association by soliciting subscriptions from business men and others inter ested were freely discussed and all felt much encouraged over the report of Mr. Knebel, who stated that over $1,000 had already been subscribed in amounts of from $25 to $100. The directors decided to push the canvas under the direction of Secretary Tur ner, as Mr. Knebel will leave to-day for Rocky Mount Mr. Knebel spoke very gratifyingly of the high esteem in which the Asso ciation is held by so many business and the way in which they spoke of the good resulting from the work in the past year. The Wilmington As sociation is to be congratulated upon having at its head two such noble, faithful and intelligent young men as Secretary Turner and his assistant Dr. Wetzel. As alreadv stated in the Star, the Association contemplates the expendi ture of about $500 in improvements to the reading room and for the boys' gynasium apparatus, besides otner useful additions which will be made in the building. State Secretary Knebel has been of invaluable assistance to the local as sociation during his stay here and he has made many more warm friends. He is a young man of great personal influence and strong traits of charac ter and is an excellent worker. The Board thanxed him for his kind ser vices. ' TheY. M. C. A. Night School. The Y. M. C. A. night school closed its regular session April 1st and the pupils were given a very enjoyable informal reception last night on the third flour of the association building by MajA. J. Howell, Jr., the educa tional director. Refreshments were served during the evening and the occasion was a very happy one. Rev. A. D. McClure made a very timely talk to the young men and cited several instances where great men have come to the front through just such adverse circumstances as some of them have experienced. Maj How ell also made a talk. The night school has been running for six months and the session has been very successful. More different classes have been reached than ever before. Among them were three foreigners who took a course in Eng lish, and the students ranged in age from young boys to married men. The school was conducted under the careful and efficient supervision of Maj. How ell and his assistant, Capt. C. W. Durant AUDIT AND FINANCE BOARD. Board Organized Last Night by Election of Chairman and Clerk Bonds of City Officials Approved At the regular semi monthly meet ing of the city Board of Audit and Finance last night, the three members present, Messrs. H. C. McQueen, Jes sie Wilder and S. P. McNair, qualified by receiving the oath of office, which was administered by Mr. W. H. North rop, clerk to the board, acting as a justice of the peace. Their appoint ments with those of Messrs. W. A. Riach and O. W. Yates, who will be qualified later, were recently made by Governor Ay cock for the succeeding two years. After the qualification of the three members present, Mr. H. O. McQueen was re elected chairman and Mr. W. H. Northrop, Jr., clerk. Bids for painting the Fourth street bridge were opened and the contract awarded to the N. Jaoobi Hardware Co., at $185. The bond of Chief of Police Jno. J. Furlong in the sum of $1,000, - with Messrs. M. J. Corbett. and W. R. Kenan ss sureties, was presented and approved. . The bond of Mr. George T. Bland as cattle weigher in the sum of $200 with Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy, as surety was also presented and accepted. Other business before the meeting consisted in the auditing of bills for current expenses and the considera tion of routine matter. 9 mmm Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. The Grand Lodge of North Carolina Odd Fellows will meet this year in annual session at Asheville, N. O, on the second Tuesday in May. Gape Fear Lodge No. 2 of this city, at its meet ing last night selected as Grand Rep resentative to this meeting, Col. Walker Taylor with Mr. B. F. King as alternate. '."V Capt James H. Williams, the clever master of the steam tag Na vaua, is confined to his home by a se vere carbuncle. 1901. TRIAL OF W. H. MARTIN FOR EMBEZZLEMENT? New Disclosures Bring His Stealings Up to Thirteen Thousands Dollars. Other News Items. I Special Star Correspondence. Raleigh, N. C , April 2 The trial of Major W. H. Martin for the em bezzlement nf the State's prison fuiids while he was institutional clerk in the State Treasury is to begin to-morrow having been postponed from Monday on account of the failure of the court to dispose of the Mangum murder trial. The amount of the embezzle ment as stated in the bill of indict ment is 3.ouu, out i am informed on good autnoruy that testimony was given to the grand jury to the effect that the shortage in his books discov ered thus far amounts to $13,000. The witnesses examined before the grand jury were ex-State Treasurer Worth, State Treasurer B. R. Lacy and Mr. Joseph G.-JBrown. . president .of Citi zens Bank. Major Martin only ack nowledges the embezzlement of $3,800. The receipts of the Raleigh postoffice for the hscal year ending March 31st, amounts to $45,422, aa increase of $5 000 over the year previous Raleigh base ball enthusiasts are greatly elated over the second victory the Raleigh team won yesterday over Wake Forest. The score was 16 to 3 in Raleigh's favor. The team Raleigh "pitted" against Wake Forest is tne same they will put on the diamond as a member of the Virginia-North Car olina League. The new Board of Internal Im provement appointed under the authority of the recent Legislature, met yesterday and organized by the election of Col. P. M. Pearsall, secre tary. They have the election of the State's directors in the A. & N O. rail road. No business was transacted. Special Star Telegram. Democratic Primary. The Democratic primary held here to-day resulted in the renpmi nation of Hon. A. M. Powell as jnayor by 317 majority over Jos. E. Pogue, his only competitor. Ham Smith was renom inated city clerk by 310 majority, and C. F. Lumsden tax collector, by 342 majority. The nomintio- s s.r- equiv alent to an election The total vote cast was 1,049, against 1,662 cast for the constitutional amendment The falling off is owing to an incessant downpour of rain almost all day. The new board of five directors took the oath of office to day and as sumed charge of the penitentiary. It consists of E. L. Travis, Halifax, superintendent; J. A. Brown, Co lumbus; Nathan' O'Berry, Wayne; Julius Moore, Hyde, and W. J. Cros- well, Richmond. Te board spent the entire day inspecting the pri&on buildings, equipment, etc. No busi ness meeting was held. They prob ably will meet to morrow. It is doubtful if any changes at present will be made in officers or other em ployes. . W. H. Martin's Trial. Major W. H. Martin, the defaulting institutional clerk of the State Trea surer's office, saicLto night that he will submit to morrow in the Superior Court to the charge and beg the mercy of the court. He said he did not take more than $7,500 altogether; says no woman is responsible for any of it; nearly all was given away in charity. Slate Treasurer Lacy said to-day he had discovered that February 28th Martin had forged a check for $1,269. This is the latest and largest steal yet discovered. About twenty five members of the General .Assembly arrived here during to day fpr the purpose of meeting for final adjournment to-morrow. No business will be transacted. Neither Lieut Gov. Turner nor Speaker Moore of the House have arrived yet BRIGADE BOYS VICTORIOUS. Business Men Defeated in an Exciting Game of Basket Bsll. The Boys' Brigade was victorous over the Business Men in an exciting game of basket ball last night at the City Hall. The score was 26 to 14. The following composed the two teams: Boys' Brigade Dosher, W. (capt) ; Irving, DoscheV, A., Peck, Lough lin, J. Business Men Hawes (cant), Lit tle, Meeachy, .Boney, Williford. The sack race by the junior gym nasium class was mucn enjoyed. James Wade came out winner and was awarded a gymnasium shirt The next game in the cup series will be played Thursday, April 4th, between the Naval Reserves and Busi ness Men. . Atlantic Yacht Club. The annual meeting of the Atlantic Yacht Club was held last night in the Mayor's office at the City Hall. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Commodore James F. Post Vice Commodore A. H. Brenner. Secretary and Treasurer R. D. Oronly. Directors J. A. Arringdale, W. C. Crow and W. C. Yarborough. The other business incident to the annual meeting was postponed in deference to Mr. Post, the commodore, who is absent from the city. Dlscontlaaed Shsllotte Trips. " For the present her owners and agents, Messrs. Stone, Rourk & Co., have discontinued the schedule of the steamer Seabright to Shallotte, N. O. She . will be . engaged for several weeks in towing rock for the sea wall at Fort Caswell and after that time the regular trips may be resumed. The shipping to Shallotte is , now carried on by UessrsStone, Rourk & Co., by ' sail boats , plying regularly - be tween Wilmington and that port WHOLE NO. 10,490 .a 1 - ' i . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. . E. S. Battle, Esq., has return ed from Raleigh. ur. leo. U. Worth is in New York to spend some time. ' Mr. B. S. Moore, of Ivanhoe, N. C, was here yesterday. Mr. Emmet Levy, the well- known commercial traveller, arrived in the city yesterday. Corporal J. W. Ricks is here looking after recruits for the U. S. army. He is at the Bonitz House. n. u. Stevens, .Esq., senior member of the firm of Stevens, Beas- iey oc weeKS, attorneys, spent yes terday in his Wilmington office. Mr. Jno. W. Blomme went down to Southport yesterday to bill the town for "Quo Vadis." which will be seen at the Opera House Monday night. Mrs; S. T. Brice expects to leave to day to join er daughter and son, Miss Nettie Brice and Mr. W. R. Brice, who are now residing in Jack sonville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Land, Jr , of Chadbourn. were here vester- day en route to Warsaw to visit Mrs. Land's parents, Capt. and Mrs. Sey mour Johnson. Mrs. Annie Buissing and daugh ter. Miss Annie Buissing, after a visit to Mrs. J. H. Rehder, Mrs. Buissing's sister, have returned to their home in Brooklyn, N. Y. Herbert MfClammy, Esq., and Messrs. Bellamy and Peschau have been retained as counsel fur the de fendant in the damage suit recently begun by Mr. J. A. Perry against Mr. F. T. Mills. Mrs. Helen Sheetz and daugh ter. Miss Katie, left yesterday for Fayetteville, in which city they will reside in the future after a residence in Wilmington for several years. Their departure is regretted by many friends here. Registered at The Orton yester day were: W. J. Tnomas, and J, E. Farrar, Charlotte; O. L Clark, Clark tonj Ciarkton; A. B. Pearsall, Red Springs; J. A Singleton, Lumber Bridge ; H. G. Connor, Wilson, and W. M. Ward, Newbern. THE ALDERMEN DISSATISFIED. Express Themselves ss Wsntlng Change in Appointment of Standing Committees. It developed yesterday that there is much dissatisfaction on the part of the newly elected jrd of Aldermen at the appointment of standing com mittees by Mayor Waddell on Mon day night Several members of the Board are expressing their disapproval or tne action of the Mayor in very resentful terms, and it looks as if there will be an aftermath to the ap pointment as made Mo day night. It was learned yesterday that the Mayor would be asked to call a special meeting of the Board to night at which be would be asked to make some alterations in the appointments. The matter will be watched with interest To Celebrate Passover. The Hebrews of the city, and all over the world for that matter, will begin this evening at 6 o'clock to celeg brate the feast of the Passover. In Wilmington, there will beservices in the Temple of Israel to night and to morrow morning. On the last day of the Pdssover there will also be services in the Temple. Dog and Pony Show To day. Prof. Gentry's Dog and Pony show has arrived in the city from Fayette vifle. and will give an exhibition at Hilton Park to day. The street parade will take place at 10 o'clock this mornmg. ADVERTISEMENTS. Dried and Canned Fruits and Vegetables SXolasaea, Syrup, Salt and Canned Fish and Heats. AU ot which the Spring trade demands. Wf handln Plarca's Baketa. Truckers, a little higner than some others, oat your sins Drugs nest prices in tnem. We have a few barrels Honlton Bose Pota toes left at reduced prices to close out HALL & PEARSALL, WHOLESALE GROCERS. an 3 tf Nutt and Mulberry For Sale ! TWENTY BAGS FINE ALSO 10,000 bushels Grain. 300,000 pounds Hay, And a lot nice Smoked Shoulders. D. L. CORE CO., WHOLESALE mar so tf GROCERS wnmlnaton. K. C For Sale. S0O Case Pi Peaehea. lOO Oases TaMs Peaches. 300 Bsxes Star live. ' 300 Boxes Kendlison's Lye. 100 Bags Co fie. . , 100 Barrels mslassss. SS Barrels Vlaecar. . 50O Boxes WasTelMweoi Cigars, Cheroots, smoking Tobacco, Matches. and lots or other goods for sale at doee prices. - ;: --- ?.-t'-'- . ' SAIIUBL BEaAB, Sr. Wholesale roeer, 1 18 Karket street janistf Hon Yam Potato On Tear, bx Mall, $5.00 X Six Months, " 8.50 Three Months, T. 1.85 Two aoaths, 1.00 ieiiverea to subscribers In the r City at 45 Costs per month. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AT DAVIS' LIVERY STABLES 208-2 lO Market Street this Week Only. J ost received vesterdav car load of Vanrtv Drivers, double and B'ng'e. Also few - Fine Saddle Horses, all well bred and well broken. For tale next; few days at bargain prices. Included hi the consignment la a raw vrv select Match Teams that must be secured early. an S tt Of High Grade Soes. - As it Is near the end of the season and we do not wish to carry them over. On Mond-y morning we will place on onr count-rs a lot or high grade SHOES, which we will close ont at and below erst. These are not damaged stock but strictly Hlgn Grade Goods. We have only a few pairs of each kind for Gentlemen and Ladies, Misses and Boys. CALIa EARLY TO SECURE TOUR SIZE We have Jost received by Ball and Steamer new shipment of our famous Duttenhoerer line of Ladles' and Misses' Shoes and Ox fords. They are correct in style and Quality. Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas, Steel frame, 40s to $2.00. Ladies' Bummer Vest, Genie' Summer Underwear. Boys' and Men's Suits from 50c to 15 00, worth from 7fic to $10 oo. Ladies' Cambric Under wear, Gents' Shirts, &c, &c. 111 iiuu DEPARTMENT STORES, mar 24 tf. US and 117 Princess street. "STRICTLY IN IT." Last week we named a few fl'st class dealers using the "CUBAN BLOSSOM" 5 cDO-i3 0gaa? As the bast Cigar for the pries ever sold over the counter. ' None In this wide world excepted." - Here's a few more from ud town: . Wm. Niestlie, Druggist. Geo. Hever. Grocer. J. H. Brunjes, Grocer. C. P. B Mahler, Grocer. Thomas & Co., Grocers. F. P. Lamb. Grocer. J. F. Rulfs, Grocer. Geo. Schnibben, Grocer. Martin Schnibben, Grocer. Humphrey & Aman, Grocers. , J. B. J. Sandlin. Grocer. H. T. Duls, Grocer. P. Mohr. Grocer. B. B. Harr, Grocer. J. D. Steljes, Grocer. a. t. j. Ahrens, Grocer. s H. Litien. Grocer. J. C. Walton. Grocer. Capps & Bro., Grocer?. J. D. .Brown, Grocer. Vollers &. Hashageo, mar 81 tf BOLE 8ELLING AGENTS. One Car Load of. MATTRESSES just received. E. M. ANDREWS, The Furniture Dealer, 117 SOUTH FRONT STREET, mar 16 tf Opposite Market House. ICE CREAM, ICE CREAM. I am now prepared to serve my customers with the BEST CREAM. Give me your Order for Sunday. J. W. PLUMMER, Jr., Bell. 'Phone 680. Inter-State 132. ' mar 80 tf LIES. LOT ! WHEN YOU WANT KISSES, OYSTER PATTIES, M0RENGS, CHARLOTTE RUSSE, OR ANY KIND OF FANCY CAKES FOR BIRTHDAY OR CARD PARTIES,. CALL ON US AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE. WARREN'S STEAM BAKERY 22 North front street. Executors' Notice. TTftvinff ouallfled as Executors ef Jamas - persons holding claims against his estate to Dtesent the same to us on or before the soth Si. n Ilarxh A . IV 100. OV thlS BOttOS Will bO MT' LmI wtrvsljvA fa haraho MMUI tik 0.11 pleaded in bar ot their recovery. - - WILU AM GILCHB3BT. - -. Executors of James Walker, deceased. marsoet we S Special Clarence Sale HI i EVANS

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